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Pa...., y
? +6
)- ? ?50X1-HUM
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This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the met' mg or tile ramonage Laws, Title
18, U.S.C. Secs. 703 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.,
English Translation of Manual on
IS September
Soviet P-20 Radar, Entitled
Methods of Testing and Tuning the
P-20 Radar Installation
1 2
38-page English translation of a Russian-languagg a,50X1-HUM
manual entitled Methods of Testing and Tuning the P-20 Radar
Distribution of Attachments (For Retention):
Army: 6 copies
Army/FSTC: 6 copies
Navy: 2 copies
Navy/STIC: 2 copies
Air: 6 copies
Air/FTD: 6 copies
SAC: 1 copy
NSA: 6 copies
DIA: 6 copies
OSI: 4 copies
ORR: 2 copies
OEL: 1 copy
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Excluded from automatic
downgrading and
50X1 -HUM
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C?O?N?F? I ?D?E?N?T? I ?A--L
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/ Experience in the use of the P-26 radar has shown that, in
the majority of cases poor target visibility, particularly of
fighter aircraft flying at high altitudes is connected with
insufficient care in the testing and regulating of the transmitting
section and of all circuits involving the reflected signals.
The result of this has been that strong signals and
signals from large targets are sure to reach the display, but meek
Signals fall to arrive at the display. Thus a high-quality operation
of the radar is guaranteed only when both the transmitting section
and ail the circuits involving the reflected signal have been tested
and tuned with particular care.
The testing of the transceiver and?the path of the reflected
signals is done in the following order':
1. check the operation of the tranamitter;
2. :test and tune the receiver;
? 3. test the collector ring;
? 4. test and tune Biotic 52.42;
? 5. check the path of the reflected signals and the
NOTICE: All designations of parts and values encountered in
this text correspond to those given in. technical
? operations (manual) of the P620 radar.
- 1
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Checking the Operation of the Transmitter
/ 1. Setting the Phase of the Discharge
Before testing the operation of the transmitter section of the
radar, it is necessary to confirm the reliability of operation of .
the AR-2 discharge switch according to the phase of the discharge.
An indication of normal discharge phase is the absence of interference
pips on/the display, uniformly in a radius of 40-6o kilometers. If
the phase is not correct, it =at be corrected. The first setting
of the phase is done with the magnetron operating on reduced
power, and the final setting is made with the transmitter operating .
norapay. Both the testing and the correction of the phase of the.
discharge are done with the aid of an oscillograph with direct
scan. This requires: setting up the oscillograph on a rotating '
table; hooking the oscillograph; connecting the plug of the
shielded cable to the. vertical sweep amplifier input of the
oscillograph; plugging in the cord plub at the socket, marked "discharge"
phase: (faza razryada) on the panel of the ShehU-02 local-control
cabinet; and, by means of the oscillograph (oscilloscope) knobs
marked "gain: (usilenlye) and "scanning frequency" (chastota razvertki),
making sure that the image on the oscilloscope screen covers about
half the screen vertically and about two or three scan cycles.
When the discharge phase is correct, the oscillogramconfiguration
will be such that an abrupt drop will be evident in the center of the
plus side, and a alight rise above the zero line as it goes over into 7
the minus side. .0scillogram configurations are shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Oscillogramm of
Discharge Phase
Jilt' 1 .
1 si
1 r
phasephase to phase to the right
correct the le
/f the drop is not long enough to reach the center of the upper
part. of the positive half period, it is necessary to loosen the two
setscrews of the spark-discharge stator and, by turning the discharge
switch knob, set the desired discharge phase, then lode the discharge-
switch stator bygtightening the setscrews. .
2. Main Characteristics of the Magnetron Oscillators
The main characteristics of the magnetron oscillators, which
can be Checked psi, wartime conditions are the currents of the
=Octopus, the frequency and speCtrum of oscillations.
? The service life of a magnetron is determined primarily by its
C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L . .
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operating regime and extent of cathode emission. The eXtent of
. emission can be judged on the basis of the magnetron anode current,.,
even a alight reduction of which lengthens the service life of the
magnetron. For this reason it is well to keep the magnetron currents .
at 22-24 milliamperes,' when they are operating under. full power..
/n order to avoid the mutual interference of chAnnAls and
instability of operation of the transmitting section, the frequencies of
the magnetrons &pad lie within the following limits:
Tae No.-
Tube I (G)
Tube II (D)
Tube in (P/)
Tube IV (L)
Tube V (IC)
Frequency Wavelength -
? in Mc .- ' in an.
If the magnetron frequency lies outside the indicated limits,
it must be retuned to the ebspnel with the corresponding frequency
range, and the frequency'must again be measured with ;.the 1T-10
instrument (See Section 4 of this chapter).
The spectrum of oscillations of the magnetron is that combination
of sinusoidal oscillations at Which the high-frequency pulse, produced
by the magnetron is transmitted. The shape of the pulse and the '
continuity of the spectrum of oscillations of a magnetron has a
considerable influence on the operation of the radar. From the above
it is evident that an appraisal of the operation of the transmitting
section of the radar requires a check on the above-enumerated parameters.
The Instruments which can be used to judge the correctness of the
operation of the transmitting section of the radar, are the RT6?10 and
the E111-10. .
The RT-10 provides
The provides
magnetron oscillators.
a measurement of the frequency of the magnetron
information on the frequency spectrum of the.
3. Measuring the Frequency Spectrum of the Magnetron
Oscillators With the ER-10 Instrument
The frequency spectrum of a magnetron oscillator is measured
whenever a Magnetron is 'replaced, when the position ofthe magnetic
shunt is changed, and periodically as a precautionary measure. Before
. a measurement is Conducted, the apparatus must be heated up for 10-15
minutes in normal operation.
- 3 - .
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A measurement of the spectrum of frequencies requires: 50X1-HUM
1. connecting the ER-10 to the directional coupler (AP)
by means of the long cable;
2. connecting the micro-ammeter with the ER-10 chamber
by means/of the short cable;
3. setting the two way switch "MGN-EL4" (Fig 2.) on
position "MON";
4. setting the two-way switch "OSTSILL - PRES" on position
"PRIB; ? . ? ?
5. setting the handle "CHUVST" in the far left position
15. finding, according to the calibrated diagram (dependence
of da on C )1 the tuning position of the ER-10 corresponding to the
wavelength of the block to be measured;
7. finding, by turning the ER-10 tuning knob, the position
*corresponding to the maximum deviation of the instrument needle, which
may require a series of closely spaced adjustments; tuning is necessary
on a higher [larger] maximum.
NOTICE: The accuracy of the measurement depends to
a great extent on the magnitude of the coupling of th cavity circuit
? of the ER-10 with,the directional coupler of the antenna switch Al'.
In Checking the spectrum, it is necessary to regulate the coupling
in such a way that the indications of the micro-ammeter and the
maximum amplitude of the spectrum do not exceed one-.quarter of the ?
? scale; furthermore, such a regulation is necessary in order to avoid
burning the detector of the [ER-10] inatrument, if the couplingvalue
is too high (instrument indications larger than one-quarter of the
scale), the spectrum will be distorted by the control oscillator itself.
If the coupling is too weak (indication less than one-quarter of the
scale), the instrument reading becomes unreliable.
8.* loosening the set screw of the coupling loop between
the micro-ammeter and the chamber of the ER-10 and, by advancing or
backing off the coupler, obtaining the maximum.deviation of the
micro-ammeter pointer. .
9. loosening the set screw of the ER-10 coupling loop from
the directional Coupler of the Al' and, by advancing or backing off !
the coupler, obtain a micro-ammeter setting of 20..25 micro-amperes;
(Whenever the coupling loop is shifted, the ER-10 must, each
time be finetuned, with an attempt made each time to obtain the
mininann coupling value for the given values of the micro-armneter
10, by smoothly turning the control knob, passing through.
the entire frequency spectrum of the magnetron oscillator, which
can produce the following results:
? a) a smooth rise to the maximum and a smooth decrease
of the micro-ammeter indications; tunings away
.from the major maximum. are almost never observed;
? in this case the spectrum of the magnetron is
- 4 -
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. considered good;
b) a smooth rise to the maximum and. smooth decrease
of the micro-ammeter indications; to the side
at the main tuning is observed an additional
.rise of the indications of the micro-ammeter;
if the amplitude of the additional tuning does not
exceed 30-35 percent of the major timing, the '
spectrun can be considered satisfactory; -
c).a second tuning because of an amplitude greater.
than 35 percent of the major tuning makes the
spectrum unsatisfactory/3.
11. setting the ER-10 at maximum micro-ammeter deflection;
taking a reading according to the dial, checking, and entering the
obtained value (f);
12. detailing the instrument from one quarter from the maximum
value* taking a residing according to the dial, checking, and entering
the obtained value (ft );
13:. detuning the instrument from one quarter from the mixt=
value to [the other side] of the maximum, taking a reading according
to the dial, checking, and entering the obtained value (f2);
14. computing the difference between the two [side measurements]
f2 fl;
15. determining, according to the graphic attached to the
ER-10 instrument (dependence offon f2), the wavelengthAl corresponding
to the setting of the instrument at maximum according to the graphic
(dependence ofllonA), determining the coefficient fl; and computing
thewidth.of the frequency spectrum of the magnetron oscillator
according to the. formula
A ' ific/8027 = 1 5i7.
The width of the frequency spectrum of the magnetron, measured
with the ER-10 instrument, must not exceed 4 megacycles.
4. Measuring the Frequency of Magnetron Oscillators With the RT -10
Before any measurements are made, the transmitting device should
be heated up by 10-15 minutes of normal operation, after which the
instrument must be balanced as follows (Fig 3);
switchion the rower (220 volts); .
turn switch No. 1 to the position at NEZATUICHAYUSECH
turn switch No. 4 to position UMER MOSHCBN (measure power);
set switch No. 6 at position OTSCHET (indication), and,
by turning knob No. 9 marked USTAN. NUtYA (zero setting), set the
instrument pointer 14 at zero (on right side of the scale);
set switch No 6 at position PROB NULYA (test for zero). and,
by turning -knobs 3 and 5, marked GAUBO and TOCHNO (coarse and fine),
set the .instrument pointer 14 at zero (on right side of scale);
- 5 -
C-04-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? ?
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Fig 2. The ER-10 Echo-Box (Cavity Resonator)
2._ couple,
Fig 3. Front View of the RT-10 Tester
arking? illegib127
too 19
0 P.joota
- 6 -
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set switch No 6 in position UST BPL (balanced setting) 50X1-HUM
and, by turning knob 5 (TOMO), set the instrument pointer 14 on
the red line (on zero) on left side of the scale;
. connect one end of the RT-10 cable to the receptacle marked
and power meter) on the side wall of the instrument) and the other
end of the, directional coupler element on block AP (Fig 4).
When the RT-10 instrument is turned on the attenustor
of the frequency meter and the power meter should be
at the position of maximum attenuation (x 50) to
avoid turning out the thermistor in the frequency-meter.
Sequence of Operations in this Measurement of Frequency
With knob 13 (see Fig 3)) marked ATTENYUATOR 70LNOM I m?BimLtk
MCSBCHN (frequency-meter and power-meter attenuator) set the attenuation
. so that the radar-tester instrument needle 14 is at the ceater of
the scale.
Tura knob 15 of the frequency meter until the needle 14 reaches
minimum. It, during adjustment to minimum, the needle goes beyond the
limits of the scale: kneb 30 marked USTAN BALANCA-(balance setting),
must be manipulated in order to bring it back. '
NOTICE: /n finding the minimum) knob 13 must be turned slowly,
since the frequency meter has a certain lag.
Take a reading according to the scale and the frequency-meter
vernier 15 and) using Table (Fig 5) supplied, with theradar-tester$
determine the frequency of the magnetron and compare it with -Want-
on the name (rating) plate.
MsaMple:: reading from scale: [2 2]
-reading from vernier:
frequenay equal to:
? C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I.4-L
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5. Normal Test Instrument Readings For 'the Transmitter
Excitation voltage of the VE-12
according to the instrument-of the
. local control cabinet sbehn-ce
.50-90 volts
90-130 volts
Voltage /of the 350-cycle frequency
according to the instrument--of the
local control cabinet ShchU-02 150-170 vats 185-225 volts
Magnetron currents according to the -?
instruments ShchA-02 of all the high-
frequency sections and at the central
control panel TsU-02 1548 milliamps 22-24
NOTICE: The anbde currents of the magurtrons must not, be
increased beyond 28 milliamperes. - A '
1. Sequenee of Steps in testing and tuning the receiver.
1. Test, the operation of -the gas dischargers
2. Test and tune the automatic-fine-tuning (AYCh) channel and
tune the klystron oscillator.
3: Connect up the oscillator With the, eignal. mixers and the.
automatic fine-tuning (ATCh) of the frequency.
4. Check the gain of the UPCh.
5. Measure the receiver sensitivity.
6. Adjust the gas dischargers.
1 '
2. Testing the Operation of the Gas-Discharges
? t
. Testing Rectangular Dischargers
First, the iiminAscence of the disthargers must be checked; the
luminescence must be uniform and without sparks.
1. Measure the sensitivity of the receivers with transmitters
turned on (for precedure see No. 7 of this Chapter) and with the
switch marked APCh-RRCh on the front panel of the receiver set. at ,
position RRCh, while manipulating the knob of the potentInmoter
0,0-N-F-/-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ?
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RRCh to maintain maximum microi-ammeter deflection; the inicro-amcm50X1-HUM. 4:
being hooked up to the receptacle narked TOK KRISTALLA S/G4ALA..
(current, idgnal crystal). ? ::
. e
. . .
2. Measure the sensitivity of the receivers with transmitters -
turned.ch,'without touching the tuning knobscf the RT-10 and receiver,...,j
and with-the mode' switch and. the TB-switch on position PRO= '
.[PRODUV,-."air-blastn] on the ShchU-.02 [panel]. Ma the AT section,
olden the. Choke valve by pressing on its unfastened side and lock it.',
in this position. With the RT-10 oscillator attenuator, obtain the.
i same micro-ammeter indications as with the tranamitter turned on.
Read off the sensitivity. When the measurement has been completear:
close the choke valve.
.1f, wbenthe transtitters are turned off, the sensitivity is
. . . . ?
'..greater than with the transmitters turned on; for eXample by one
:decibel, then the dischargeris sparking.' If the difference of . ?
indicationi during a measurement is eater that theindicatedyaluel:
the discharger must be replaced.
It must be noted that, during these measurements/ the Cabidshould%
be turned in a direction from 'which the smallest possible reflections .?
from local objects in the area are observed, otherwise theresultsof
Smeasoreraerrts will be inaccurate:. .
BiOTICE: During receiver sensitivity MeasUrements the cockpit
should always be oriented in the same direction. ..
Atmospheric conditions: Sensitivity tests are not. ?
recommended unapt conditions of heayy rain or heavy,
cloud cover. . . .
3. Check leakage of high-frequency power through paeriaga.
Where the discharger joins the waveguide. For this the Alschargerr':
to-wameguidecoupling musi.be,locked tight. .[A loosening] of the
coupling indicates an escape of high-frequency energy... /12 this
case it idnecesiark to [tighter the ecrew four tins] or test,
[the stress, in the spring attachMent] otthe.discharger.
.Testing CirC1ular Dischargers
.Circular side.disdhargers are tested according to the'degree .*
? and nature Of their brightness or operating [current] of the ?
'transmitter: The luminosity should be a purple light without.siarking:
. If there is sparkinglor if the light is white, the discharger should.
:. be replaced.. ? ,
? ? . . ?
. The circular discharger of the signal mixer is tested by '
. measuring the discharger ignition current. This requires opening the
. ? ' . .
r 9 - .
? . ? C-0-N-F4I-D-E-17.1-I-A4. ? ?
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1 I
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? lower lefthand access batch in the front-door of the high-frequergE06
c. -block and hooking-up the plug of the 300-microampere:ammeter-tot. ., -. .
? receptacle receptacle marked TOK PODZIEGA (ignition current), on the front panel
: .
' ? of the Ignition rectifier. If the discharger and ignitiOn rectifier,
are in good order, the instrument should:ahow.a current of 90450 ?
. . . . .
Reasons for the Absence Of current:
- . ?
.failure of the RR-7 disdharger;
fuse blowout in block Ya2101; .
bot-cathode rectifier (tenotron) I out of order;
failure of the R = 3.9-megobm resistance in the connection
.? which feeds the Ignition voltage to the antenna switch.
? '?
The failure of. the RR-7 discharger of the Al' block or the absence.
' of the Ignition current causes a preliminary ionizatiOn Of theigas; :
which leads to-the condition where part of the magnetron./ower leaka
. through the 1tR-7 discharger and is fed to the crystal mixer, impairing:
its sensitivity. For this reason, the ignition 'current of the 1B-7.,
' discharger must be measured before the high voltage ipTed to the ?
magnetron. ?
. lf no ignition current is available, disconnect the single-contact
'connector located below the circular discharger of the signal mixer
antIcheck there for a DC current by using the 17-1 tester.(instruaient ?
.is.conneetedto the central pin in the case.of the high-voltage connector)..
. .
The'ignition Voltage should lie within the limits -700 to
. ??- F
.If no ignition-voltage is present, the hot-cathode tube must be:?
'repaAred or the YaP-61 rectifier repaired If there is ignition .
Voltage.but?no ingitionourient, the discharger Must be replaced. ,
NOTICE When'exehanging a type-RR-7 discharger, keep in mind.
that its flexible fasteners attach to the outside of
the chamber ribs. The discharger should be attached ?
about its axis. .so that-the flexible fasteners will.be
.parallel all around. Keep in mind also that the thin'
spring washers must have their arched' conical portion:
toward'the metallic fasteners when the discharger
being Stalled. ?
To insure stable mixer operation,. keep the .
ad4ustzaent springs of the RR-7 tight.
8. Testing and Tuning the Channel of the Automatic Frequency
Tuner (APCh). . ?
Tuning the Klystron Oscillator
?.Test the.Operation:of the .scanning stage with the transmitters. on.
. ? .
Switch 'on the mode switch, and set the tranamitzreceive device on
- 10 -
,?. ? ? . ? ?, . ?
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? :
' the ShdhU-02 at position PROS' (air blast). When the 100.4nicroamP . :( : ?
micro-ammeter is connected to the receptacle marked? TOK KRISTALLA ? ':,H
AXCh (crystal current, automatic frequency tuner) on the front panel
of the YeE-02 receiver,' the needle should oscillate rhythmically at
a frequency of about one. Per second. When the ATCh ( automatic
frequen4 tuner) ctUrrent is..off, the micro-ammeter" should. oscillate: '
?, smoothly. .The fr2quency. and .smoothness of the oscillations of the
? needle can bi controlled by means of. the potentiometer marked PlIA;
the !let of which is on the front panel of the receiver (Fig 6).
? . ? .
The tracking stage is tested ylt4 the transmitters: on. This
? stage is operating properly when the oscillations decay on the .
??? 100-microamp- micro-ammeter attadhed to the receptacle TOE: BRISTAIIA
Ah on the front 'panel of the receiver.
Whenever possible, the. gain. of the AiCh 'channel should be set ?
at =dn. ?
In 'certain cases when the gain of the APCh channel is tined UP ?
high, parasitic pulses will also .be amplified; which leads to a .
. cutoff ..of the Ah Operation, whereby the needle of the 100-mictioamp
. ammeter, which measures the crystal current of the, Althi drops
to zero and remains there.
In Such. a case,. the .gain must be reduced until, the instrument : . .
indicates normal ?APC h :crystal current. If it is not possible to reduce
the' gain,' then .the, tuning of the klystron oscillator must be Checked,. 4: ?
*or the magnetron must be replaced. ?
. .
The klystron oscillator is tuned whenever a klYstron or
, .magpetren is: replaced, or whenever the frequency of either , is changed'.
' appreciable. If the. automatic tuner channel in the receiver had
, been checked-out, and no appreciab)ellystron frequency change is
. required, then the klystron is adjusted without the use .of the.
frequency meter. In this case the procedure is as: follows:* ?
1. Set the EihchU-02 mode switch at 'PRCDUIT (air-blast).:- ?
? . 2. With the .100emicroapp: ammeter :connected to the TOX .
.XBISTALLA APCh jack: on the front panal of tbe. receiver, the ?
oscillationi-should be smooth. ? .
- 11 - ?
? ;?
C-0-N-F4T-D-E-N-124-A-L ?
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3. With the ARCh-RRCh switch on the RRCh position, manipulate. :
knob RRCh until the needle reaches maximum deflection, then manipulate'
the APChimixer coupling screw to get a current amplitude of about 6o-
80 microamps.
NOTICE: If, when the RRCh knob is turned slowly, the instrument,
indication rises and falls abruptly, or if the change of
? current of one mixer is down to the current of the other,
? tfien the resistance values of the mixer balancing disks must '
be checked, since they vary with the load on the cables run-
ning from the/oscillator to the mixers. The coupling-control.
screw of the mixer must be backed off until it is still on
the coupling rod but not touching the mixer housing; then
disconnect the cable between the tee and receptadle 1271
(signal mixer) or 1269 (APCh mixer) and measure the resistance.
between the central contact in the receptacle and the mixer
? housing, vhiCh should be about 40-60 ohms. The resistance
values can be changed by making grooves (with a needla file).
in the absorbing layer of the matching disks oPthe-signal ?
mixer and the APCh (frequency-tuner) mixer.
4: Switch on the transmitter (ShchU-02 modes switch on position. .
5. Switch the ARCh-RRCh switch on position ARCh.
6. With the screw-driver-key slowly rotate the plunger of the
klystron circuit until the instrument needle stops oscillating and the
maximum deviation is about 60-80 microamps. This tuning must be done
carefully; by rotating the klystron circuit plunger half a turn, and
each time tightening its nut: When the switch on the front panel of
the receiver is tuned from position ARdh to position RRCh, the instru-
ment needle should show approximately uniform indications.
The accuracy of the tuning of the klystroS oscillator can be checked
as follows:
Hook up the oscillograph with direct scan to the receiver receptacle
marked IMP APCh; connect the 100-microamp ammeter to the receptacle
marked TOK KRISTALLA APCh; put the ARCh-RRCh switch on position RRCh;
by rotating the RRCh potentiometer knob, obtain the position where the
negative pulse disappears from the oscilloscope screen, but the positive
does not yet appear, which will correspond to tuning the klystron
- 12 -
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? ????
0 ,....
C) 0' @
c) ,
Fig. 6. Front Panel of the YeE-02 Receiver (markings
?Fig. 7 Fig 8.
? 50X1-HUM
Oscillogram of APCh
? Oscillogram of ATCh
Positive Pulses
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precisely at a frequency which is 30 megacycles off that of the mag-
netron; read the micro4ammeter indication; throw the ARCh-RRCh switch
over to position ARCh, Which should cause no change in the indication
of the micro-ammeter; if the indication is different, adjust the
klystron by means of the plunger; after this adjustment, check once
more by the above-described method and obtain the same micro-ammeter
indication for both positions on the ARCh-RRCh switch on the receiver.
7. Check the reliability of the klystron setting.
The klystron frequency should be above the magnetron frequency '..
in channels 2, 3, and 5, and below the magnetron frequency in channels.
1 and 4.
? is
, ?
This check can also be made without using the frequency meter,
The oscillograph with direct scan is connected'to the receiver
receptacle marked Imp APCH, and the oscillograph control knobs are
'manipulated to get a clear image of the APCh pulses on the screen. s
(oscillograph gain control at maximum).
With the ARCh-HRCh receiver switch on position RRCh, rotate the '
RRCh potentiometer knob clockwise and observe the pulses on the ?
If the klystron is properly tuned, then, when the RRCh knob is .
rotated slowly in a clockwise direction, negative pulses (Fig 7), .
and then positive pulses (Fig 8), should be observed on the screen.
If the positive pulses are observed first, and then the negative,:
this mean& that the klystron is not properlystunedi i.e., in channels
2, 3, and 5, fu, is less than fmagn, and in channels 1 and 4, fkl
s NOTICE: 1. The absence of the thickening at the end of
the positive pulses is an indication that the
L-14 thyratron is out of order.
2. If, when the RRCh knob is rotated, the pulses
of similar polarity (positive or negative) appear
double, the APCh gain control on the front panel
? of the receiver must be turned down. If this
does not eliminate the doubling, the magnetron
? will have to be replaced.
? /f there is an appreciable difference between the frequencies of
the klystron and magnetron, the klystroth cannot be tuned by the method
described above. The tuning must be done with the RT-10 instrument,
as follows:
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50X1-HUM '
1. Transmit-receive equipment on normal operation;
2. Wasure the frequency of the magnetron oscillator with the
RT-10 instrument (See Section 4, Chapter I).
3. Measure the frequency of the klystron oseillator. For this,..
the 100-miproamp ammeter is hooked up to the connection TOK KRISTALL4,.
APCh, and. the ARCh-RRCh switch is on position RRCh. Manipulate the:
RRCh knot to get maximum APCh crystal current.
Connect the radar-tester cable to the tee (receptacle 1268) on
the AP section, and disconnect the APCh mixer cable leading to
receptacle 1268.
Further steps in the measurement of the klystron frequency are
analogous to those for measuring the frequency of the magnetron.
After taking a reading from the scale and the vernier of the
frequency meter, use the same tables to determine thekvalue of the
klystron frequency (See Fig 5).
4. Compare to ascertain the extent and direction of the difference
. between. the klystron and magnetron frequencies.
5. Using the screw-driver-key, either advance or back-off the
plunger of the klystron and again measure the -klystron frequency.
If a 30-megacycle difference cannot be obtained by manipulating
the plunger, the following steps are necessary: '
Place the klystron-circuit plunger, which extends through the
front panel of the receiver, in approximately the middle position.
Pull the receiver out of the section without touching the RRCh
'tuning knob or klystron circuit plunger which extends through the
panel; advance or back off one or several of the plungers along the
periphery of the klystron circuit and lock their nuts. After measuring
the frequency of the klystron, connect the Cable 'to receptacle 1268.-.
NOTICE: Advancing the plunger increases the frequency (shortens
the waveglength) of the klystron, whereas backing-off the.
plunger reduces the klystron frequency (increases the
6. Put the receiver back into position, hook up cable 1039 to
it, connect the voltage source to the receiver (receptacle 1605), and
once more measure the klystron frequency (See Fig 6).
? -15..
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This operation is repeated until the magnetron and klystron
frequencies are 30 megacycles apart in the desired direction (as
shown in7able 1). Then the fine-tuning is done as described above:
The klystron frequency in channel 4 can be measured with the/R-10
.instrumeni; the obtained klystron wavelength being converted into
, frequency. according to the following formula:,
i(kc) = 3 ? 107
/ Com]
Table I
Channel Receiver Magnetron Frqqency
Channel No. Marking Classification (Kilocycles)
' N 2905 - 2935 , .2935 -:2965 '
D B Din 2995.- 3025 ' 3025 - 3055
B [V4] V On] '2725 7 2755 2755 - 2785 ?.
. A N 2695 -.2725 2655 - 2685 .
B (VT] . B (Vfl 2815 2845 ' 2845 - 2875
Klystron Frequency
WARN/NG: ./n retuning the klystron plungers, Pay particular attention
tbat the klystrpn respnatpr Dousing shpws Plus 230 volts
with respect to receiver ground. This voltage must be remov.S.-:
by disconnecting receptacle 1604 on block VK-01 (voltage'
.supply block). After the klystron ia tuned, all the cables '
connecting the receiver with the AP must be hooked up again.
Complete Testing of the Operation of the Automatic Frequency
Tuner (APCh)
A complete teatihg Of the operation of the APCh system requiree
hooking up the receiver jack marked VYKBOID (output) to an oscillograph
(oscillospoPe) with slave sweep. '
- - 16
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50X1-HUM?? ?
Switch the ShchU-02 [local control] mode switch on position POLNOYE
VRIYUCRENIYE (full power). Turn the cockpit by hand until the oscillo-
scope sc5sen shows a clearly visible reflection of the local objects,
(selecting the most distant local objects is desirable). Switch the
NRU-DRU switch on the receiver panel to position NRU.
? Switch the ARCh-RRCh switch on the receiver panel to position RRCh,
and turn the potentiometer RRCh to tune the klystron until the amplitudes
of the lases from the local objects are maximum. Then throw the switch?
over to position ARCh, which should cause no change in the pulse
NOT/CE: The gain controls of the receiver and the oscilloscope]
must be set at such values where no limitation will be
set on the pulse amplitudes.
If there is a change of amplitudes of the pulses, a more precise-'
tuning of the klystron is required. 4.
Stable operatibi of the APCh indicates that the magnetron oscillators.. '
are functioning properly. Thus, if the APCh is not correctly tuned,
the magnetron must be replaced, and the entire test must be conducted
again from the beginning.
: 4. Connecting the Local Oscillator With the Signal- and APCh-Nixers
The connection between the local oicillator and the mixers is ? .
checked by means of the 100-mieroamp eumneter plugged in at the receiver-
panel position marked TOK KRISTALLA APCh (automatic frequency -tuner
crystal current) or TOK KRISTALLA SIGN= (signal crystal current).
These crystal currents are established by corresponding connections
l?he AP-block and should be within the following, ranges:
'signal crystal current:
APCh crystal current:
' 20-35 'graduations
60.-80 graduations'.
NOTICE:'. The Valuet of these graduations apply only for the
? 100-micfoamp instrument. Since the internal resistances .
? .of the 100-microamp and 300-microamp instruments are different,
?the obtained current values would be different also.
- -
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Keep in mind:
Before any connections are made, it is necessary to warm up the
radar for at least 20 minutes. Connections are made only when the
radar is On FULL POWER, i.e., only when the choke coils are off.
If the desired crystal currents cannot, be obtained, then a crystal
replacement must be made.
NOTIdE: ./f the'choke coils are on (closed), the.crystal
currents will be different from those indicated.
? If the'crystal currents of the signal mixers and the AFC are absent
(in both control connections), the klystron must be replaced, with ?
care exercised in order not be bend the coupling loop.
NOTICE: If the' high voltage is absent at the receiver, the micro,
ammeter needle will deviate; in such a case, the instru-
ment.reading will not give the value of the crystal
5. Testing the Crystal Detectors of the Signal Mixers
Receiver input noises are made up of noises fed from the antenna, .
and noises of the crystal detector, local oscillator and first UPCh
stages, and determine the sensitivity of receivers. The crystal
detector should be tested on the basis of the noises it eausee.. This.
is done by setting the ShchU-02 mode switch at position FRODUV, the
ARCh-RECh switch to position RRCh, and the !U-DRU switch to position
MRU,. connecting the 100-microamp ammeter into the test receptacle
marked DETEXTUR on the front panel of the receiver, and manipulating
the RRCh knob to get maximum needle deflection on the microammeter.
Turn the receiver gain all the way down and, with the instrument stop,
set 'the DC component of the detector at 10 or 20 scale graduations'
for the sake of convenience in reading. Set the receiver gain so
that the micro-ammeter will show readings about 50 graduations above
the original setting when indicating noise. Then loosen the nut on the
crystal-detector holder, and separate it from the holder. The crystal
detector can be considered satisfactory if the noise level drops no
more than 7-9 seaie4praduations as a result.
- 18
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If the reduction amounts to some 10-20 graduations, the detector,.
should be replaced, and the entire test conducted again from the be-
ginning./ Crystal detectors must not be quality-Checked on the basis :
of a test in any one channel. In addition to resistance, they also
have a certain reactance, the value of which can very appreciably in;
detectors of the same, type, which impairs the tuning .of the mixer.
For this reason, with certain detectors the desired mixer current
values are obtained only by increasing the coupling between mixer and L
local osdillator, which can lead to increased noises from the local '
'oscillator, since the crystal detector itself can have a low noise
level. In another channel, the same detector might be used with
better results. The ultimate choice of the crystal detectors for
signal mixers should be made on the basis of . receiver sensitivity.
6. Testing Amplification of the Intermediate-Frequency Stages (UPCh)
(testing the Noise Level at Detector Load)
The specific noise level at a detector load in the receiver reflects
the amplification factor, since the !anises of the electron tubes in
the first amplifier stages always have approximately the same level.
Testing is done as follows: Set the ShchU-02 mode switch on
PRODUV; into the DETERTOR receptacle on the front panel of the receiver
hook up the 300-Microamp ammeter (which is connected to the detector?
load through resistances 50 and 51 and, at the indicated value, acts
as a voltmeter with a 3-volt scale); set the ARCh-RRCh switch on RACh;,
the DRU-MRU switch on MU; and turn the MU potentiometer knob clock-
wise to the stop. This should cause the instrument to deflect no less
than $0-60 graduations (not counting the DC component (caused by the'
DC] current of the detector). Thus the noise level at the detector
load should be no less than 1.5 volt.
A reduction of the noise level below that indicated reflects an
emission loss by one of the intermediate-frequency amplifiers (most
frequently.responsible is the 6Zh3P tube, tube No 8). In this case,
a 62h3P tube known to be good should be tried successively in stages
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (but. not the second) of the intermediate-
frequency amplifier (UPCh).
, NOTICE: The seCond stage has a 6N152 tube. If this tube is
reaaced by a 6Zh3P tube, resistor 29 heats up, which
.reduces the receiver sensitivity by about 6-8 decibels.
- 19
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/ 4,1 n 1 0 ?I.\ WS 1" 0 141 If\ 0 ,.
? ? . 1
CI; 0 0 O'N 0 0 r-4
. a 1
ii ? ? i ". 44 N. O. i, g Ni ,
?-.1 el Pi 0'4 -4 el ? C: i
/ r-I N
V% UN )4\
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0
ri r4
0 0: 0
? ? tn
0 0 UN
)11 LEN
41 \ A
ws. te, 8 LA lel 0
gin girl g9 :el ' R
RD' 244 RP" Rni 122 trt RP. jP,D1 1) g ,`" (75,
t. ? . ? ? ? ? ?
? 9?1 N 01 "lb t" '40
t.co21 `4)
? C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L
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? Noise voltage at a detector load can be absent as a result of -the
failure of the followiag:
tube 16 (6N9S) of the MARU stage;
one of the tubes (1-8) of the IF amplifier
stages; tube 9 of the detector;
one of the resistors through which voltage
is fed to the plates of the IF amplifier tubes.
If the failure cannot be detected by external inspection, then the
tubes must be tested and checked with Table 2 (TT-1 tester used:with .
electron tubes).
: When readings are taken of the operation of the IF amplifier tubes,'
the control grid of tube 14, should be grounded in order to eliminate. .
interference from the exposed bar. The.plate voltages supplied to
the tubes from the plus 300-volt bus are measured at minimum noise '
voltage (MRU-DRU switch on position MRU, and the amplffier potentio-
meter all the way to the left).
7. Measuring the Sensitivity of the Receivers
Measuring the sensitivity of the receiver is done in two steps:
balancing the RT-10 instrument and measuring the sensitivity.
Balancing the RT-10 Instrument
Turn on the power (220 volts) and heat up the instrument for 10-
240 minutes.
Switch I (See Fig 3) at position NEZATUHHAYUSHCH. (undamped, or
continuous).; switch 4 at position MIK UROVNYA (indication of level);
switch 6 in position OTSCHET (read-off) and manipulate knob 9, USTAN
NULYA (zero setting) to set the needle of instrument 14 at zero (right-
side of scale); throw, switch 6 to position PROB NUIYA (test for zero),
and by manipulating knobs 3 and 5 (GRUB0- "coarse" and TOMO - "fine")
set needle of instrument 14 on zero (right side of scale); then set
-switch 6 at position 'UST. BAL (balance setting) and manipulate knob 5.
marked TOMO (fihe), to bring the needle of instrument 14 of the
RT-10 to the red line on.the left side of the scale; set switch 7 at
position IZNERZNrLE (measure) and manipulate knob In, USTAN UROVNYA.,
MO$HCHN tpower level setting), ?to bring the needle of instrument 14 '
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to the red line on the left side of the scale; set the attenuation of
the oscillator attenuator of instrument .RT-l0 at approximately 20 ? -
decibelsr connect the cable running from the receptacle ITYKBOD GENERATH
(oscillator output) on the side of the RT-10 to the control coupler. .
on block AP (See Fig y).
? Measuring the Sensitivity..
1.. Switch on the transceiver and heat. up for 10-20 minutes in normal .
' operation.
2. With. the 100-microamp ammeter, test the crystal current values and? .
the operational reliability of the APCh (automatic frequency control).
3. Set the ARCh-RRCh switch on t)osition ARCh.
4. Connect the micro-ammeter to the receiver connection marked DETEXTOR.
5. Set the MRU-DRU switch on position MRU and turn the MRU knob
(potentiometer) all the way to the left; the microammeter will show '
a low current (the current of detector. 12).
6.- With the instrument (100-microamp) stop, set the 'needle of the instru-
_tments on the closest multiple of five graduations on the micro-
ammeter scale, either to the right or to the left.. For example,.
with the MRUturned all the way, the needle points to 7. Set it
at 10.
7. With the MRU potentiometer knob set the noise at one volt (for
example, 30 graduations on the 100-microamp ammeter). Thus the
micro-ammeter needle will point to 40 (10 for ihe closest multiple
of 5, plus 30 = 40). ?
8. By turning knob 12, marked CBASTOTA GENERATORA (oscillator frequency),
obtain a fine-tuning of frequency by reaching maximum needle de-
flection on.the.100-microamp ammeter hooked up to the connection
marked DETEKTOR.
Do not let the needle go beyond the scale. To prevent this, change
the frequency: of the radar-tester slowly and, if the ammeter de-
flection is large, immediately increase the attenuation of the RT-10
by means of knob 11, marked ATTENYUATOR GENERATORA (oscillator '
attenuator). After this is done, knob 12, marked CBASTOTA GENERATORA
(oscillator frequency) must be manikulated to get a fine-tuning .
according to maximum micro-ammeter needle deflection.
- 22 -
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50)0-HUM ?
Obtain a signal from the RT-10 higher than the receiver noisee by '
a factor of about 1.5,:measured in volts. To do this, the RT-10
oscillatpr attenuator is set for an attenuation whereby the micro-
ammeter needle deflects another 15 graduations (10 plus 30 plus 15
-[for the RT-10] = 55 graduations).
9. To the scale indication of the AITENYUATOR GEBERATORA (oscillator '
a:?.attenUltor) must be added the attenuation value of the directional .%
coupling which controls it and of the cable running from the RT-10
to the directional coupler. The total sum of the attenuation of
:all these elements gives the receiver sensitivity value in decibels.
NOTICE: 1. The RT-10 instrument is calibrated with a cable [5.
? meters] long [ 6 words illegible ] during
? the calibration of the instrument. The standard '
Cable for the measurements is 3 meters long.
Consequently, in determining the sensitivity, it '
is necessary to add the attenuatiod for two meters
. of cable, which is 1.7 decibels.
-2. When a change of position is made with the knobs ?
and USTAN UROVNYA MOSHCHN (oscillator attenuator,
oscillator frequency, and power level setting),
indicator 14 of the RT-10 changes its position.
In order to get accurate measurements of sensitivity,
it is necessary that the indicator of the RT-10in-
strument at all times be set at the red line on the
left side of the scale or within the limits 0-5
graduations on the upper scale. Setting the needle
'odzero is done with the knob 2, marked USTAN
UROVNYA MOSHCHN (power level. setting).
If the sensitivity is below that on the rating plate, the gas dis-
chargers mut be tuned, .
Conducting sensitivity tests during a heavy cloud cover, fog, and
the like is not recommended. It must also be kept in mind, that, when
sensitivity measurements are made with a radar tester which is not pare
pf the equipment $f that particular radar, the indications will differ
from those given .in the logbook for that radar. An admissible
- 23 -
. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L
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sensitivity reading should not deviate from the data plate rating
more than plus-minus 1:5 decibels. In order to obtain correct data-it?
in sensitivity measurements, it is necessary to account for the ir-
regularity of the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the instru-
ment, as shown by the graph attached to the RT-10.
8. Tuning the Gas Dischargers
Connect up the traniceiver and the RT-10 just as for the measure-
ment of receiver sensitivity (Section 7 of this chapter). Perform all
the necessary operations and, after adjusting the attenuation of the,
RT-10, tune the gas dischargers according to a maximum indication of.
the 100-microamp ammeter by rotating successively the control screws'
of the two dischargers. When turning the control screw of the circular:
discharger of the signal mixer of the antenna switch, be sure to go
through its entire range. The discharger is tuned at the largest
When turning the control screw of the circular side (seCondaryW?
discharger of the 'antenna switch, be sure to go through its entire range,
whereby three :possible cases can be encountered:
1. in the tuning with the control screw, only one maximum is.
detected; the minimum is very far away from the maximum; .
2. in the tuning with tlle control screw, only a.minimum is
3. in the tuning with the control screw, a minimum is observed;
but on each side of it is.a maximum, one of, whichis-laiger.
than -the other.. '
In the first case, tune at the maximum; in the second case, tune
away from the minimum; and in the third case, tune at the larger of the
two maxima..
In tuning the dischargers, remember that the correct frequency
setting on the RT-10 must be obtained in order to avoid tuning the gas
dischargers to the frequency of the image channel. It must be remembered
that the image frequency for the receivers of blocks,B, y, and D (8,.5;
and 2) is higher than the -main frequency, and that the image frequency
for the receivers of blocks A.and G (4 and 1) is lower than the main.
frequency. ?
C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? ,
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NONCE': , Although the receiver sensitivities measured With :the .
. . RT-10 during a tuning of the gae:dischargerg o the ?mirrbr';
? frequency differ only slightly from the receiver sensitivj
ties. measured during a tuning of the, dischargers to the
fundamental: frequency) the -signals refledted from' the ?
target 1411..131as, through the dischargers with: greater ? ?.
*attenuation, .and:po target, pip will appear on the 'indicator
screens. ?' ''; ? ? ? ' tri ? ' .
, ? ? .?
? There are three methods ? of tuning the gas disCharger. to the .efunaal.
mental frequency.; .
23 E
48 2.6
2 L
C43 ?
?0 2
Fig. 9.
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Scale Graduations..
Table for Calibrating the Oscillator of the RT-10 Radar-Tester
20 22.
?? ' ' ?
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li"irM0114,44qfli'll?WisAsA,,la ?
? ? ?
First method: Using the 'graph- (Fig 9) supplied with .the RT-10i find '
the desired, scale graduation, of knob 12 ' (CHASTOTA?GENERATORA (asillator,
frequency)) correspopding '0 the frequency of the magnetron 'of .given '
Li tuning the frequency of the, oscillator, find the maximum deflec-: ?
tion of the needle of the 1007microamp ammeter, in the vicinity of this ?
scale graduation:- Then tune the dischargers. .
Second. method: By manipulating knob ATTENYIJATOR GENERATORA
(oscillator attenuator) set an attenuation of .approximately 10-20
dacibels and, i'otating ' knob 12 (CHART= ?GENERATORA) find two .
maximum tuning positions on the 100-microamp dial (if the 'needle de-
flections are. small or, absent) it will be necessary to: reduce gradually. ?
the' attenuation until the instrument. needle deflection is noticeable).
. , .
. .. , .
For example, . there, are . two 'maxima at graduations -4.5. and 24,.. thus .
two tuning points (See Fig:10). .
. .... .'..i
.. .
Fig 10. Graph_ For Tuning the RB-7 Discharger
. ? . '
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? ?._
At these scale points is a maximum deflection'of the 100-microacip
ammeter needle. The scale'graduation at which the RT-10 oscillator . :.
frequenc;;ii equal to the'klystron frequency is found between the
.graduations representing the maxima. .
. . . .
.Tune the RT-10 oscillatoe to the first maximum in channels 1 and,
4, and to the second maximum in channels 2, .3, and 5, to 'establish. . . .
?the conditions I- ? ? ''-' ?
f (Channels 1 and 4); or .
' 1 ,
f ( hahnels 2, 3, and 5):
magn ?
? '
Tune the dischargers.
A p.
NOTICE: On the scale of the RT-10 oscillator, a reduction'
in the number of graduations corresponds to an increase
in the oscillator frequency.. ?
Third Method: Hook up an oscilloscope with slave sweep to the
receptacle marked VYHHOD (output) on the front panel of the receiver.
With the oscilloscope knobs, CHATOTA (frequency) and ANPLITUDA
SINKHRON/ZATS// (synchronization amplitude), obtain a stable image
of local objects on the oscilloscope screen, and tune the diachargeri
for maximum, amplitude of the signals reflected from the local objeCts.
Once ,the gas. dischargers have been tuned, measure the.setsitivity
? of the receivers again. If the sensitivity is below. that given on
? tSe rating plate,
? A? ?
? r
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archeck should be made. Oft the crystal in the signal mixer;
the reliability of the gas dischargers;
the receiver input tube and
the tubes in the IF amplifier.
In tha majority of cases, the drop in sensitivity will be due to one
Of the above components.
No. Nature of Failure
Scanning stage dose not
AFC circuit not
? operating [8 1/2 lines
illegible) '
Probable Cause Remarks
a) Thyratron out of order
(tube 15; TT-1-0.1-0.2)
b) Faulty resistor! 4
a) If AFC pulses are obser-
ved on the oscilloscope
,(negatiVe and positive)
which [illegible] do not
have the characteristio.
thickening at the end,
? then tube 14 must be
(3 lines illeg-
? [13 lines illegible] Able)
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0 ;
. 50X1-HUM "
3. Resistor Ra heats up-- ' ? The klystron coupling ? :
kilohms (for radars ; loop tourches the cavity .1" ,
.." ?
up to the 1953 models) ' resonator of the klystron% ?
Ha) Noises at the detecl ?
4' Absence of noise at
receiver output When
? - lograph is hooked up
?, receiver jack marked
:1/1KROD ;(output).
5.? The level of detector
? ? noises is below normal.
to the
6. Positive pluses are
visible on the
oscilloscope, no matter what
? ' the position of dial
ERCh, when the APCh
. (automatic frecidency
? ' control crystal current
. is being tested -with
the 'transmitter on. '
tor when the 100-microamp
' instrument is connected
' to the jack marked ,
DETMKTOR. Check tube, ,
10 (Cth4) and tube 18
. ?
b) No noises at.detec- Good tubes re- .
? tor,, then replace .tube. ? main in their "
16 (6U95), and, check , plates during ?
? stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; testing.. ? 1/2:
? 6,7, and 8 in the ?
;UPCh(i-f amplifier);.
check- relay MARU. ? -
'Check tubes 1 through 4;4' .9
9 in the UPCh (i -f ? ' 1 . 7 o ?
amplifier); check '
voltage plus 105.v.
a) Reduce AFC
amplification with
potentiometer USU..
b) Replace magnetron ?
. ?
2, -
C -01-N -F4X-D -E -A-L
? .?
????? ? ,
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, .
? :1
For a successful [adjustment of components in the]Itranscei 50X1-HUM
Ver ? . ;.
channel, it is well in the [maintenance couses 7] to compilestables for,: ?
each [2 words illegible] frequency, to use them in the tuning and I
to enter on the graph all charges in parameters during an exchange of;
sensitivity. A sample fdrm is given in Table 3.
Checking the Path of Reflected Signals
1. Testing the TK-02 Slip Ring
From the outputs of the receivers, the voltages are fed to the indicator'
through the 1K-02 slip ring. A poor contact between the wipers and
rings of the slip ring can cause the target indications to disappear
from the displays. The slip ring is tested as follows:
1. Remove the feed voltage from the transceiver.
2. Disconnect Cable 1038 from the receiver and connect the neutral
wire of the cable to ground.
3., Disconnect the receiver output impedance cable from the PPK.
? cable box:
4... With the T2-1 tester, test the impedance between the nedtral
wire and 8round at the PIK cable box; when the cable is rotated
by hand, the impedande should remain 'constant .within the ? I .
limits of..1-2 ohms.. ,..?
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5. If, When the cable is turned, the impedance drops in value5O2(1-HYM'
is necessary to remove the brushes from the brush (wiper) holder::
of the slip ring, and to check the smoothness of the copper
both the wipers (bruShes) and their contacts (voltage from the!p
ou)puts of the,receivers [fed] to the top of the ring of slip.!
rings 2,3,4,6, and 7).
. .
Poor contact can be due to obstructions from chips getting into,
the holder or the displacement of the brush off the ring and onto the '
? plastic spacer.
2. Ttsting Block/SB-02
The following steps are required in testing Block 83-02:
1. Set the SB-NS switch in block MS-[ 7 ] on position SB
(power supply/cut off).
2. Switch on power.
3. Open the lid on the left side of block 83-02 and throw the
switch marked MUSK (start) to the right.
4: At positions VERKEN (upper), SREDN (middIe):'and NIDE (lower)
of the central switch marked BLANKI (blanks), test the
? presence of the blanking pulses, NACHALO (beginning), KONETS'I-
(end one) and KONETS II (end two); with the. corresponding
slits on the lower left side of block 83-02, set the required.
durations Of these blanking pulses.,
- 31 -
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5. Set, the switch marked ZAPUSK (start) to the left.
6. Set the switch mprked PERKEKL.,KONIR.OSISILL. (oscilloscope
? control) to position VERT. (vertical). .
7. Set the central switch to position KAMER. (calibration): ,
8. With knob USIL.OSISILL. (oscilloscope gain). set the height
of the image of? the calibrated voltage on the order of 20
millimeters (two volts).
9. Switch on the freceiver.
10. In sequence, set the central switch tO positions RIM,
SREDN, and VERKEN, and manipulate the receiver knobs to
establish the noise level of each receiver at .apiauximately
? 1 volt, which will correspond.to half the height of the image :
of the calibrated voltage.
. U. Set switch PEREKL.KONTR.OSISILL. (oscilloscope sontrol) to :
position NAKL. (slant) and set the noise level of the
receivers of the slant channel also at one *volt:
12. Set the central switch to position BIKHOD SBU (SBU output).
13. Switch PEREKL. KONTR.OSTSILL. to position VERT. .
14. With the knob marked OBSBCHEYE USIL. VERT. (general vertical ?
amplification), set a noise amplitude equal to 0.7 - 1.0 volt.
15. Set. switch PEREKL.KOITIR.OSTSILL: to 'position. MAKL. (slant)
16. With :the' knob marked OBSHCBEYE USIL.MAKL. (general slant
amplification), set a noise amplitude equal to 0.7 - 1.0 volt.
1/4 NOTICE:? Knob OTSECBKA (cutoff) of the vertical and slant (controls?)
must be in the Tar left position;
- 32 -
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17. Switeh off the receivers. 50)6-HUM:.
18. Set switch PEREKL.KONIR.OSTSILL. to position VERT.
19. Switching the SB-02 receivers on in sequence, use the compensa.;
tos on the horizontal chassis inside the bloak to achieve
maximum receiver noise amplitudes on the oscilloscope screen;
turn the compensation potentiometer until the noise amplitude.
on the screen stops gaining.
20. Set the switch PEREKL.KONTR.OSISTLL. (oscilloscope control) on.
position EAU. (slant) and compensate the receivers of the
slant channel in the some order.
21. Regulate the block according to the operating instructions.'
3. Testing the Reflected Signal Channel on the Display
Testing is done in the following order:
1. Switch on the display.
2. .Set normal sweep (scan) brightness with the reflected-signal
and scale circuits off. The range scanning traces should be
'barely visible.
3. -Establish norMal amplification in the signal reflection Channels;
at normal amplification, thenoise backgrounds should slightly
-illuminate the screen. ?
NOTICE: 1.. Regulation of the amplification of the reflected-Signal
channel on the display is done 4fter normal scanning
?brightness on the oscilloscope screen has been set, and
the output noise of Block SB-02 has been set.
? 33 ?
? C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L
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. .
2. TO prevent signal cutoff, do not put the reflected-signal ' ?
amplification potentiometer in the far right position.
4. Test the equivalent impedances in the reflected-signal circuits
(2T-1 tester). The equivalent impedance values should be around:
' 75 ohms.
Matching and Tuning the:Synchronous-Transmiision System Elements
The tuning of all the bloeks of the indicator equipment is done in
accordance with the instructions. This seetion.gives.only the method .
for tuning the synchronous-transmission elements.
are done
4 ?
1. Switch on block GA-01 in the transceiver compartment, all the.:
panels of the indicator equipment, the remote indieator, and
armature switches SL-262 in the US-02 and the KhA-01.
2. Remove the neon lamps in blocks US-62 and 103A-01, and set the
slits in the recesses of blocks KhA-01 and US-02 as follows:
REG USTOICRIV (stability control) all.the way to the left;
USIL GRUBOGO.OTSCRETA (gain for fine and coarse indication) to
the far right
matching and tnning of synchronous-transmission system elements
as follows:
3. Switch the transceiver compartment rotation to three turns.
In bloaksKhA-01, P0-02 and P0-03, the scale and scan will begin to
rotate. If in any of the blocks the scan rotates counter-clockwise, and
the scale moves towards 1oWer graduations, then transpose Si and S2 in
the precision selsyn of the BSM servomotor section of the corresponding
cabinet. If in all the blocks used, P0-02, P0-03, KhA-01, the direction
of rotation of the scan and scale are opposite, then exchange terminals
R1 and R2 in the selsyn-transducer of the fine indication in Block FD-01.
4. If the rotation in correct according to the precision tracking
channel, plug in the neon lamps. If in one of the blocks, the
scan or the scale begins to rotate in the opposite direction,
exchange the positions of terminals S,and S2 in the coarse selsyn
of the corresponding BSM: If counterrotationtegins' in all,
blocks, exchange the positions of terminals Ri and R2 of the ? '
coarse selsyn-transducer in Block FD-01.
- 34. -
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5. LoOk'the transceiver. Loosen the locking device on the 61150X1-HUM
ential in Block FD-01, and by rqtating the FD-01 differential,
bring the KhA-01 dial.to'zero (signalling the moment of
concidence of scale and.graduation mark is possible with the
sina1 preventing the rotation of the (transceiver) compartment).*
6. Loosen the linkage of the stators of the coariie and precision
tracking selsyns in block KhA-01, unplug the neon lamp and, by
rotating the stator of the precision tracking selsyn in one .'
direction or the other, set the scale of the fine reading to
zero (scale of coarse reading also at zero) and tighten the
7. While controlling the voltage with the oscilloscope (or with the
tester at about 10 volts) in receptacle 115 of block KhA-01, turn
the selsyn of the coarsetradkipg in the direction of reduced.. : ?
voltage until a minimum reading is obtained. Tighten the selsyn
and replace the neon lamp.
8.. In blocks P0-02 and P0-03, loosen the stators of. the fine an
coarse-tracking selsyns.in the BSM. ? 4
If the scan line does not coincide with the North line (off by more
than 10 degrees), then, by turning the stator of the coarse-tracking selsyn,
transpose the scan and North line (first set the beginning of the scan
on the center of the graphic Scale).
9. . Remove the neon lamp from Block 1.15-02 and, by turning the statOr
? of the precision-tracking selsyn, set the scan on the North
? line....71ghteathe selsyn.
10; While controlling the voltage with the oscilloscope (or with the
tester At about 10 volts) in receptacle 115 of blodk-U5-02, turn
the selsyn (coarse tracking) in the direction of lower voltage. .
until a minimum reading is obtained. Lock the selsyn and
replace the neon lamp.
11. If the scan line is out of coincidence with the North line by
not more than plus-minus five degrees, correct as indicated
under No 8. 'above.
. 12. Release the transceiver cabinet from the Iodised position and
switch on rotation. If the blocks have been correctly
adjusted, the 'neon lamps should not light. If the adjustment'
is correct, and all of the lamps still light up, then the slit
(screw) narked USIL.GRUBOVO.OTSCBETA (coarse indication
amplification) should be rotated 1/4 turn to the left.
- 35 -
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13. Shut off transceiver-cabinet rotation and put it on lock. The
scale of block KhA-01 should be at zero, and, scan should be
? the Nbrth line. Remove the cover from block FD-01; loosen the,'
screws which hold theselsyn dials .0?' the'precision7and,coarse-,%
tracking transducers; set the dials at zero and tighten them; '
jeplace the pover'of the FD-01.
'14... Release the transceiver cabinet from the locked condition and
,switdh rotation on six revolutions per minute.??
. ? ?
15: .Setthe blodk.V0-01 indicator sector in such a way that the swap
.(sweep)-will traverse the screen of the.indicator?of that block
? at the instant the scan (sweep). of block P0-02 passeb through
the. North line..
Follow-the same procedure for the indicator of.170-02:-
17. Stop the rotation of block KhA-01 by means of.switdhlAKOR'SL-262
-A.a-t.the instant .the sweep traverses-indicators VO-01 and N0-4:12.
? ?
. 18. Pull out block KhA-01 and, by turning the reduction gear/behind .
?tbe drive sleeve, increase the scale indicati66 of Blodk. KhA-01
to five degrees.
? ?
19. .The sweep of indicators VO-Oland N0-02 should shift upward. If. '
? ..one'or both should shift downward, 'then the 'selsyn terminals 81:
and S2 of the. corresponding indicator (upper selsyn BST in
indicator N0-02) mustbe exchanged.
.20. If terminals &land S2 must be exchanged, then switch YAKOR'
(armature) SL-62 of Block KhA-01 must be turned on, and the
operatiOns.given under 15, 16, and 17, abdve, must be repeated..
21. Bylturning the reduction gear of block KhA-01, behind the drive
'sleeve, set the KhA-01 selsyn scalesto-zero.
,22. Looien the screws which hold the scale USTANOVKA SEKTORA sector
. ? .
adjustnnt) of the VQ?7.01 indicator. .
123. By slowly turning the USTANOVKA SEKTORA knob of indicator VO-011
? obtain minimum deviation of sweep when the knob MASSHTAB AUMUTA
(azimuth scale). is. turned.
24. With the.MASSETAB AZ1MUTA knob in this position, set the dial. at
zero and tighten'.
.257 Follow the same procedure for indicator N0-02. Instead of
? manipulating the dial MASSHTAB AZ1MUTA[ turn the knob marked
' MASSIMO VERITKALINOY RAZVERTKI (vertical sweep 'scale), and set
both the precision- and coarse-tracking dials to zero at the.
same time. The control narked SMESHCHLINII GOR (shift line
horizontal) 'superposes the NO-02 indicator sweep on the lower
exponential line on the graphic scale': (
- 36 -
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' .26. With the KhA-01 dial at zero, brighten up the lines on the
of the V0-01 and N0-02 indicators. 50X1
27.. Set the N0-02 indicator switch UGOL-AZIKUT '(angle-azimuth) on
? , position .AZIMUT. . .
. 28. -Bineans of sitch YAK011' SL-262, switch on the block KhA-01
r ? ' rotation.
Turn on. the Scale switches of 110-01 and N0-02. '
30. ' By 'turning the (preciously drawn out under the slit) axis of. the
rotor .TOCTINYY ST. (precision-[stabili zationn ) in block KhA-01,
duperpobe one ,of the five-degree narks on the earlier illuninatea
- .zero lines of 'the VO-OI and 1(0-02 indicator screens. Fasten the ''
hcilder of. slit %WHIM ST of block KhA-01. ' ?
- 31. By turning the (previously drawn out under the. slit) :axis of the..
? selsyn GR0131r ST (coarse-[stabilizationn ) of block: MA-01, '
' superpose the thirty-degree nark with the north .(zero) five-degree"
mark on the P0-02 indicator screen. Fasten the slit(screw) GRUM
'ST Of block KhA-01. ,?
. In block 1(0-02, set the switch on position 'UGOL (angle), and Wait
....until the scale marks on the screen are well illuminated (bright:. .
ness cati be turned up) .. ??
,33. awn the knob marked MOB SEICID.RA (sector selector) Of the NO-02'.
indicator one degree and notice whether the five-degree marks
shift vertically; if the shift is on the order of two degrees,. 1
then terminals S, and 82 of the N0-02 five-degree selsyn (lower ? :
.'selsyn of the block selsyn-transformers BST) must be exchanged. '
.?? 34. ?Set the coarse and precision scales of indicator No-02 on zero
and, during subsequent adjustments, 'make , sure that the zerob .do
..not move out of alignment..
Loosen the stator of the lower BST. selsyn of indicator NO-02.
36. By turning the stator knob of the lower BST selsyn of indicator
1(0-02 bring together the five-degree marks in both positions' of
the switch UGOL-AZIMUT! In this .aligning (matching) operation,
alternate the switch. positions UGOL and AZIMUT and observe the
five-degree narks on the indicator screen. After the matching,
put the swiltch on position. UGOL, ?
37. Follow this 'procedure whenever entire BSM blocks, or the selsyna
.within them, are exchanged.
? 38. When' exchanging blocks of the BEM or the selsyns ef block KhA-OI
? conduct the entire adjustment procedure 'and match blocks 110-01
and 1(0-02 with them as described above.
? 37 ? 1?
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Matching-the'SSP.during an eXchange of a block of main transdueato .
FD-01),in tato, or their selsyns, must be done as follows; . 50X1-HUM
: a) unplug the neon lamp in block KhA-01 and, rotate ihe transceiver
cabinet clockwise; if the scale of block KhA-01 begins to
retate in the'di,rection of lower graduations, it will be.necessaryt; .
to exchange the terminals R1 and R2 of the fine-selsyn-transducer
of block FD-01.
replace the neon lamp in block KhA-01 and switch the transceiver-
cabinet rotation to tix revolutions tei minute; if the scale of the
A-01 block begins to rotate in the direction of lower graduations.
then exchange the positions of the tertinals.R1 and R ?of the coarse.
?selsyn-tranSducer?of block FD-01.,
. .
v)' Stop the rotation of the transceiver cabinet; loosen the stator
of the coarse selsyn-transducer of block FD-01 and, while controlling'
/ thevoltage with'an oscilloscope '(or with tester. on A scale. of ? '
.about 10 volts). at receptacle 115 of block 1ChA-01, rotate the'
selsyn in the 'direction of lower voltage, reach a !minimum value, ?
and tighten the stator. ? . I
g) switch the transceiver rotation on six revolutions per minute,
? switch the UGOL-AZIMUT switch of indicator N0-02 on position .UGOL
and illuminate the scale of the azimuth marks. ?
d) ....turn the knob' USTANOVKA SEKTORA (adjustment of.sector)of,
? indicator 1(0-02 one degree and observe whether the five-degree mark
on the indicator screen shifts; if the, shift is as much as two
degrees froth its earliet?position, exchange the positions' of terminals'
Ri and R2 ofthe selsyn-transducer of the five-degree marks of
: blocks FD-01.?
zh) Loosen the stator attachment of theeelsyn-transducer of the five-
? . 'd gree marks of block FD-01 and, by rotating the stator, saperpose . .
.,??the five-degree marks of the indicator egreens on these illuminated'
?.earlier, then tighten the stator of the seisyn.
z) Set' ,the transceiver cabinet on lock; by .mean of the ? ? ? ,?
differential of block FD,.01, set the scale of block KhA-01 on 'zero;
loosen the battles of block FD-01 and set them at zero.
stop block KbA-01 at the instant its scale reaches zero and,, at '
this 'position illuminate the Sweeps on indicators VO-Oland N0-02; ,
set the UGOL-AEIMUT switch in NO-02 on the position UGOL (angle). 0 '
.Guaranteed normal military operation of the P-20 radar requires
that allparamenters be maintained as given in the logbook of the
radar set, plus 4 testing at least once a. month of 'the levelling and
the initial angles of image adjustments ( in accordance with the .
instructions for use). All work conducted must be entered in the
technical log. ?
? 38 ?
C-0-N-P4I-D-B-N-T-I-A-L 1 h ? , ?
? ?
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