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' ... - . -~ ~G~/~--...... Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ,., ~, " CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY t;~. 1'hln mpteT101 coatalDS Info7mntlon Orrxtfng the Netlanel Defene0 Of Lho UniteO 8totes wlthln the menning o1 the FaDlonege LOW e, Tltte S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ,~ COUNTRY USSR ' SUBJECT English Translation of Soviet Manual DATE DISTR. ,3p August 1963 Entitled Type "R-670" First Class Radio Receiving Equipment, Description and NO. PAGES 1 . Instructions ~ DATE OF INFO. gill PLACE 8 DATE AC 1. A 110-page English translation of a Russian-language manual, entitled Type "R-670" First Class Radio Receiving Equipment, Description and Instructions SAC: DIA: NSA: Army: Army~FSTC: Navy: Navy~STIC: Air: Air~FTD: OEL: OSI: ORR: 00 FDD: 1 copy 1 copy 4 copies 3 copies 1 copy 2 copies 1 copy 6 copies 6 copies 1 copy 1 copy 2 copies $-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE DIA ARMY NAW AIR ' s? ? ?~? ?? ? ?.? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 .. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 50X1-HUM TYPE "R-670e FIIiST CLASS RADIO RECEI9IN0 EQbIPl~?NT ., ~ ~~ `.Deeoription and Inetruotione Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM I. Application and Tactical-Technical Data of the Receiver 50X1-HUM ` The first-classy type "R-670" short-wave radio receiver ~- ensures audible reception of telephone and telegraph radio ? transmissions in the frequency range of 1.5 to 25.5 Mc (200-11.75 m) and is intended for ships coastal radio centers and other military .and naval i~istallations. Provisions are made for combined telephone and telegraph reception with two or three diversity antennae, and for reception over the wire:llne. If an auxiliary terminal equipment is available the receiver can operate in con~uaction with the teletype (for either frequency. or amplitude modulatiot()~ undulator or facsimiles as well as i.n multiplex and multiple telegraph mode. High precision of calibration and high frequency stability of the receivers as well as its high sensitivity and selectivity ensure search=free communication. High selectivity of the IF and audio-Frequency channels of the receiver and the presence of pulse-interference limiter ensure noise-proof reception. ? The fundamental circuit peculiarity of this first-class short-wave superheteroQyne receiver is its crystal stabilized frequency of the first local oscillator for operation on continuous coverage of the whole frequency range, The receiver operates on the principle of double. conversion of frequency; the first local oscillator is crystal stabilized so that the first IF '.'varies, and changes on each receiver's subraage within the limits from 1.5 'to 3.5 Mc (the frequency oP the first local oscillator is'ewitched-over simultaneously with the .switching-over of the eubranges). The frequency of the second local oscillator changes continuously in such a'manner that the second lF is always maintained at 215 Mo.,~; The receiver camprisea2 two-circuit preaelector, one radio 3-E-C-R-E~l' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 frequency amplification stages first converter with separate local oscillatory one amplification stage of the first IF with e.two- 50X1-H U M local oscillator, three amplification stages oP the second 1F with two high-c~scriminstion filters, detector, three audio-frequency amplification stages with variable bandpasses, third loca`1 'oscillator, high-performance automatic sensitivity control (ASC) with two tubes, two=~yr pulse interference limiter of the audio. ?frequency?channel, crystal calibrator, sad a neon tyke plate-voltage ~' regulator ~ the second local oscillator. The block diagram of the receiver is shown on figturo 10. . Note: 1: During operation on the first subrange the receiver Crystal frequency=stabilization of the first local oscillator.. . 3ubrange I 1.5-3.5 Mc _ ~~ II " ' .Iii 5.5-7r,5"" " ~, 9,5_u.~5,~~ " VI':11.5-13.5 " Change Prom one'subrange to another ie done with the aid of a drum-type switch. The lrequehcy overlap on each?end of subrange ie is effected by the ad,acent subrangee. Input of the Receiver.' The input circuit of the receiver ie 'designed to operate with Your. types of eatenass:' ~. .. characteristic impedaace.in s range of 60-400 ohms (or .any balanced ?. antennas. having impedance equivalent of indicated range): having characteristic impedance in a range of 60-400 ohms (or nay ?;? H. Technical Data for Receiver: ~. The receiver operates in s, continuous frequency rangefrma 1.9 to 25.$ Mc (200-11.75 M). The whole frequency range of the receiver is divided Into 12.subraages as follows: ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' RO FOREIGN DISSEM c) "Slanting beam" antenna having capacitance is a range. of? 100-300 ~ cad resistance of the order .of 100 ohms. 50X1-HUM d) Pole antennae with capacitance of 50 ~~F' and greater. _ / For operation with other antennas having impedance different from indicated in paragraphs a,b,c, and d; a provision is made for ? matchi#ig the input circuit of the receiver. ? To decrrease the mismatch. of the receiver input while operating with balanced antennas having equivalent resistance of 200 ohms, an antenna balancing transformersis used. , Output of the Receiver. The receiver comprise s a) outlet for one low-resistance telephone headgear type TA-k (provision is made for two low-resistance telephones); rated voltage of a single te~ephone headgear is 1.5 v. ? b) outlet for operation with a 600-ohm transmission line; the -power in such line not less than 0.5 w. ? c) do outlet of automatic sensitivity control (ASC).intettded for combined operation of the receiver with diversity antennas. TY.e ASC outlet can also be used for half-duplex operation of the receiver. ` d) outlet of second IF from the lfuffer stage of the ASC; ,;' voltage at the 1F output is not less than O.l v for a capacitive load of 50 1z~zF if the voltage at the input is greater than 3' uv. i The half-duplex system outlet to the transmitter control desk or the radio-operator post (PRO) is located on the socket "vykhod" ("output") mounted on the back wall of the housing. Sensitivity of the Receiver. Sensitivity of the receiver operating.in telegraph mode for signal-to-noises ratio of 3 to 1, for IF bandpase of 3 Ke and for audio-frequency bandpass of 2.5 Ke ' ie sot less than 1.5 ~v relative to the antenna equivalent of 100 ohms. Sensitivity of the receiver operating in telephone mods ?? under the above mentioned conditions and for frequency modu?letion of 1,000 cps and for percentage modulation of 3C~ is not less than k~v. Exception being the second subrange in the region of ~-k Mc where ? `, under the same conditions the telegraph reception sensitivity is not i r Tars than 2 uv and the telephone reception sensitivity is not less than ,' ? Selectivity of the Receiver. For the second IF the receiver has four smlective bandpasses with nominal values of "12", "6", "3" ~ and "1" Kc. Actual values for the mentioned bandpasses are as ~ follows: for the bandpasa "12" the actual value is not less than 11Kc.Por attenuation factor of 2 sad not greater than 30 Ke for ? attenuation factor oP.1,000; for the bandpasa "6" the actual value is s_E_c-~_E-,p 3 . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ... than 20 Kc for attenuation factor of 1,000; for the bandpass "3" ~~ni-n u ror 2 and not greater than 12 ?Kc for attenuation factor. of 1,000; for :. . the bandp~es "1" the actual value ie o.7-1.5 Kc sad not greater -.than 6.5 Kc.for attenuation factor of 1,000. for attenuation factor of 2 and not greater than ,6, 500 cps for attenuation factor oP~10; the "2.5" bandpasa is limited by frequencies At audio.frequeacy the receiver has three selective bandpaeses. with nominal values of "5"~ "2.5" and "0.3" Kc. When the receiver,. operates on,/a 600-ohm line, then the "5" Kc bandpass is limited by ';.., ;attenuation factor of 2 and not greater than 4,000 cps for attenuation ' factor of 10; the "0.3" tandpass is a sound-frequency filter with middle frequency of ?900-1,>T00 cps and a bandpass oP 200-350 cps for attenuation factor of ~ ea8 not greater than 800 cps for attenuation Nonuniformity frequency-response factor of the?receiver when' ? operating oa 600-ohm line at percentage modulation of 30;~i in the range and for audio-frequency bandpasa "5" Kc): - Sensitivity attenuation for image channels of the.firat and' - second conversion is not'less than 3,000 times. ` Sensitivity attenuation ,for the first and seconfl IF is not less than 7,000 times. Auteanatlc sensitivity Control. When the ASC is in operation during either telephone or telegraph reception, the output voltage msy increase by a Pastor sot greater then 2 etlen if the input ? voltage increases by a factor of 1,000. ? receiver when operating on 600-ohm line is practica'Lly linear up to ?. ~ ~ '' 4 v when operating with a single headgear. Nonlinear Dietortidne. Non-linear distorsion factor of the receiver when operating; with 600-ohm lice at a maximum power of 0.5 v in telephone mode, .at modulation frequency of 1;000.cps and at~percentage; ? modulation of 306, or under similar conditions of operation with ,the telephoae~headgear~ does sot exceed 8~. ~ ' AC Background Noises. The ac background noises at the receiver output do not exceed 0.4~.of the nominal output voltage. ' Leakage of the Local Oscillator.Voltage into the Antenna Circuit. equivalent oT. 100 olm~~. ,does not exceed 10 uv (10 fixed points are ,. 4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2_0_13/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ! - ~ ~ NO FOREIGN DISSEM ,permissible with a level up~to 40 ~v). ? 50X1-HUM ' ' Internal Combined Noises. Certain points of the receiver range are teste8 for the cambine8 internal noises caused by the beats of harmoaics/1, 2 and 3 of the local oscillators (see the ,receiver Pam~hlet)? Their level does not exceed the level of telegraph sensitivity. ? (Presence of 2 points with a level up to 30 ~v, 3 points with' intensity upp to 20~v-and 5 points with int?asity up to 5~uv are 'i, permissibld.) Frequency Temperature Coefficient. Frequency departure .temperature coefficient of the receiver in ~he internal of temperature from {5 C to +50 C does sot exceed 20 X 10 on the I and II subranges, and 10 X 10-6 on all other subranges. Frequency 5tabili~y. Departure of the first, second and third local-oscillator frequ ncy at plate voltage fluctuation from .5o to -2c~,6 and at filament voltage fluctuation from +5o to -106 does not exceed 1,000 cps. Total frequency departure of the first, second and third local oscillators-due to internal heating during 2 hours of operation (beginning 30 minutes after switching oa) does sot exceed 1,000 cps and.remaina for the following 2 hours within the limits of ?300 cps if the ambient temperature, humidity and power supply voltage remain constant. Jatmaing Band Width Due to High-intensity Interference EMF in the Receiving Antenna. Jarmming band width due t6 Et+1F' of 30 v in the antenna in not greater than =loo for I, II and III eubrenges, and not greater than ,8'~, for all other aubranges. Jamming band width due to EMF of 3 v in the antenna ie not greater than .5o for,.2~ II and III subrangee, and not greater than .~o on all other subrangea. .."Hissing" type Noises. Throughout the whole frequency range of the receivers except Por frequencies within the damming band as indicated is the. Technical Specification, no "hissing" or "cracking" noises vril.l. be observed iP the voltage supplied to receiver input is equal to 30 v while operating on frequencies 3,5,10,15,21 and 22 Mc. i The Dial. Calibration of the receiver is done directly oa the dial. The receiver has acoarse-tuning and a fine-tuning dial'e^ ~':.1. ' ' On the coarse-tuning dial the graduation marks are placed every 0.1 Mc and numbers ere placed every 0.5 Mc. ? ' The fine-tuning dial is optical; here every: 100-kc section of the coarse dial ie,subdivide8 into 50 sections, i.e.y into 2 Xc.. S-E-C-R-E-T '? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-~RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 .. ~ ' ~ 1Q0 FOREIGN DISSEM ' " :~ Numbers on the fine-tuning dial are place8 every 10 Kc. ,The a.-_ 1_..-2~_ n. _. _____._ ~ ~ .. ._ The s~ubrange indicator is combined with the coarse-tuning dial. . end setting of the receiver frequency (when using the Optical dial) ? ~ csupply voyage fluctuation within t10~ does not exceed 2rICe at ? say , . . calibrator which forme part,of the receiver and with power supply;.. Frequency-setting error of the coarse-tuning dial does?not ' The error of the crystal calibrator do0s not exceed 15 X 10 6:: Calibration correction is carried out with the aid oP a ';triffining capacitor located iti the circuit of the second local Control Tlements,of the Receiver. -receiver aret 2. Subrange selector switch. 3? High-frequency~.gain control Imob. k. Audio-frequency gain control lmob, `': and 12 IGc.' i _ e... 8. Tuba;curreat and supply voltage control switch ' 6. ~ Frequency-control mob of the third. local' oscillator with ,a vernier: ' .7. Audio-frequency band-selector switch with three.lgpit3ons:'', ' ' ' s ..~, :.: . 0.3,.2.5, and .5 ~. The control e%ments.of the ~. 1. Main tuning 1mob.with two rtduction ratie~ of ] :.S ara Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 9. Fine tuning of input circuit 10. 2dechanical.corrector of the dial with the-'stop 11. );}lectrical corrector of the dial the receiver is obtained Prom either s 127 or 220 v (50 cps) ac .stabilization with the aid of a special socket; in such case the power line. A rectifier with Perroresonant stabilization of plate snd filament wlta~es is included with the receiver.. Such a rectifier ie designed to draw power from either 127 or 220 v ae power line. The receiver hen provision for disconnecting the ferroresonant output voltage is maintained'at those of the power line. To ensure a complete?pawer supply of the receiver Prom the reseiveremergeacy poirer, supply unite (plate and filament? storage batteries) a special cable is included with the power .supply eguipaeat. ,;?.; ~. . ~. Plate Voltage Fluctuation. Plate voltage fluctuation does not ^ 1 ,dower Data of. the Receiver. Rated plate voltage ie 160 v. '13. Axytenna switch for 3 positions Power supp],y toggle switch Third local. oscillator toggle switch Crystal calibrator toggle switch Noise limiter toggle switch $a1P-duplex toggle switch 2 tubes -- 6Zhk l0' -- 6RZ 2 -- 6A7 1 -- ~6P6s - ,~ -- 6>o,6s Poyrer Supply System of the Receiver. Generally power supply of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' AO FOREIGN DISBEM At the rated voltages. the current consumption does not .exceed 50X1-H U M '~ 100 miliemp for the .plate and 5 a for the filament. The power consumption of the receiver When supplied through a stabilized rectifier is 180 volt-amp. Overall Dimensions snd Weight of the Receiver. The?overaLl dimensions of the receiver with lid closed and including the protecting parts are: ~ width --650 mm, height --~50 ten, depth --160 mm; the ' overall dimensions of the receiver with shock absorbers are: 65o R 52o x 53o mm. ,? ? Weight of the receiver?in operating condition (with tubes sad ? shock absorbers) is 90 kg. ? The radio receiver is packed in two boxes. The dimensions of box No 1 are 1,100 X 750 mm (see fig. 61). ? This box holds: 1) ieceitrer with housing and shock absorbers 2) [text obliterated) The dimensions of~box No 2 are: 1050 R 700 mm and it holds: ? 1 rectifier 2 box with combat outfit ' 3 box `rith spare parts 2. General Description of the Design: of the Receiver The receiver consists of two units placed one above the other end enclosed in a common metal housing. (nee fig. 1) ? The lower section -??~the section comprising the radio-frequency and first intermediate frequency (see Fig. 2) - is mounted oa a rigid cast Bilumia (silicon-aluminum alloy) plate. On the right is the drum-type band switch, the segments of which contain stages of the radio- Prequency and first-local-oscillator circuits. In the center of the plate there arc three tubes: the radio- . ~ frequency amplifier tube, the first mixer tube aad?the first local ' '~ oscillator tube. The bottom of the plate'ie divided into segments ~ , containing the system of coirtaats, the wiring sad components of the ' various stages (Bee Fig 3). Underneath,'the segments are closed by the bottom. ' ? _' ~.. ~ 8 ?.. .. B-E-C-R-E~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO Ft~REZGN DZSSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 B-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DLSSEM T'nc. _^. iian~; m+:??nr. r ~;a.~un+. I:n t tn:p~~' Fig. 2. Radio-Frequency Section. Yiew From Above. 3-E-C-R-ESP Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T RO FOAEION DD3SEM Pwc. 3. Dior ~u:ocoll ~arroru. 8e.t ruun? Fig. 3. Rio-Frequency Section. View From Relw. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 .. ~ ~ RO FOREIGN DI38EM are rigidly attached to one another but electrically insulated from. each other and from the plate. The shafts of the cavscitor n_anas are' To the left of the tubes is a bank of gang capacitora,coneieting oP~four-gang sad three-gang variable capacitors (See ,Fig 2:).50X1-HUM Both gang capacitors are mounted in cast Silumin boxes. The gangs , Ia the ceater.af the plate ie the vernier which has tWO ratio specially mounted ~ glass disk on which a microphotoscale with two rows 1:5 and l:~j. Plsyfree gears are used in the vernier to avoid the ~ possibility oP slack. A flexible coupling connects the vernier with the waft axis of the lower capacitor bank. Ili backs on the shaft of the upper gang capacitor there is a 'The trimmers sad coils of the first intermediate-frequency circuits The ob~edtive lens pro,jecta (twelvefold magnification) the dial onto a ground glass oa the front panel. . e To the left (near the front 1) i th ane frequency atage~ aad,the second the first mixer and second local-v .~ osoillator. ' Oa the left wall of the box are two compartmentaD the,firet (from +s...a......+ ____~\ ___.._._.. .. _ _ ,',:: ?~~-~~~. p s e toggle switch marked o ial Premed in ~ o ~ plastic (bee Fig 1?)? .. . ac e o t e h plate by means of screWa. 'At the center of the front panel is the .coarse tuning dials and under it the ground glaas'of the i al d uen section is installed in the houa q cy ing~ the knife contacts fit into the . correspo:lding sockets of the adaptors oa the back wall of the housing (See Fig 5, adaptors 1 and 2). Underneath the plate (shelf) there are four rollers which~~`ro11 along angle-iroa?guides when the section is drawn out oY the housing. The front panel of 'the radio-frequency section is att h d t The housing contains Pour tube adaptors with receptacles which connect the lower section to the upper. When the radio-fre Under the' coarse tuning dial are the main 'nn,;?F,.n7 L....~.n. +.. +i._ -- ----- --~----o ,...~..~ . ~.. ~..o r~guL -cne imoo or the subband switch '? st. the center the antenna selector switch. wnA nnAn.. t+ ~~n..+......., m.._.-~tt1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 B-E-C-R-E-T NO FCREZCN DISSEN. puc. ~. fiaor ^w~w~~ MftTOfY. Rxi t~CpSV 40 CNtt K(~NIUKO~ r KaiienrnroPu6~ih 4.~owa pig L. Aedio-Frequeacy Section. Vimr Fram Above 56th Cover o? Capacitor Bask Removed. B-E-C-R-E-T RO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM i ~~ a~ -; fhtC. J. hpkt'S ^(HiC~Iit7K0 &-E-C-R-ESP NO FOfiEIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGS DISS'x.N S-E-C-R-Eff Ir0 Fbhr^.ICIi DISS..M Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' bUX'I-11UIVI On the left side of they panel, looking Prom the top down, are. the electrical dial corrector, the crystal calibrator toggle switch, sad the radio-Frequency gain control knob. ?. On t2~e right side.of the uanel are the trm nntenna ri;;n~ f..+ +h,. ? o ? ~ The upper?section, the output section, is attached to:a sheet steel chassi xith two horizontal panels (See Fig 6. ), one.Por the ?s high=selectivity Y?ilters and one for the components of the second On the.panel with the high-selectivity filters these are two .circuits (See Fig 6; Nos.l aad 2), and behind~them'tlie triacners (Ho 3) Por;tuniag the filter circuits. ntps of high-selectivity filter circuits is the ;oY_?the second intermediate.Freaueaov (tube ? ,~ '.. .. Declassified in Part, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ,: 5-E-~-R-E--: fi0 c'uR iv."' DISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20_13/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~. NO FOREIGN DZSSEM A selector switch is located below the panel (see Fig. 7). It has eight poles and .four directions (pos. 4), and makes it possible to change frequency bands. Two batiSca of contacts are located on the left, beneath the panel (pos. 5 and 6). They accommodate ten contact blades which close their respective contacts when the unit is inserted in the ? housing. (See Fig. 5, pos. 3 and 4). On the ?ECOnd IF panel of the output systems, located in front of the sharp-selection filter panel, the following tubes and circuits are located, (see Fig. 6): Second IF', second affil th1Pd stage amplifier tubes (tubes No. 8 and g), and their respective circuits (pos. 7 and 8); tube (No. 13) and circuit of the automatic sensitivity regulator (pos. 9); the automatic sensitivity control detector tube (tube No. 17); third lo- cal oscillator tube (No.~14) and its circuit (pos. 10); third de- tector tube (No. 15); noise-refection tube (No. 16); three audio- frequency amplifier tubes (Nos. 10, 11 and 12); audio-frequency filter (pos. 11~; and output transformer (pos. I2). The 'power-supply.filters poe. ~3 and a neon-type plate voltage stabilizer (No. 19) of the second local oscillator receiver circuit, are located on the left side of the panel. ? All circuits are hermetically sealed. The bulk of the assemb]y is mounted on a distributing frame, moat of the elements being first mounted ott individuals mounting frames. The front panel is attached to the chassis in Pront of the out- put systems assemb]y. All the control devices are concentrated here. Reading from left to right and from top to bottom, they. include the. following (See figure'1)i - Two power supply terminals; a double toggle switch for cutting in the power supply; a safety Puse; an audio-frequency band selector handle (for 5, 2.5, and 0.3 kc.); a "telephone-telegraph" toggle selector switch; a device for controlling plate current and voltage; the 7F band selector handle (for 12, (, 3 and 1 kc.); a noise-re- ,jection switch; a continuous-wave tone-control knob (with vernier de- vice); s current and voltage selector handle; the automatic settai- tivity regulator control handle; the IF output plug; and the auto- matic sensitivity regulator plug. Special handles are provided at the left and the right of the front panel to facilitate its removal from the output system hous- ing. Similar' handles are?provided on the front panel of the RF as- sembly. . ~ ~.i ? ` ~ S-E-C-R-E~ ?' ~ ,.. ,.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 B-E-C-R-E-T RO FOREIGN DISSEM $-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20_13/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' b0 FOREIGN DISSEM A five-terminal power-supply plug is installed in the housing. along the left wall (see Fig. 5). Along the rear inside wAll, 150X1-H U M are four contact panels, with plugs (pos. 1, 2, 3, 4) connecting the upper and lower assemblies, as well as afive-terminal plug (pos. 5) which duplicAtes the receiver's output channel to the line and the automatic sensitivity control. To the same wall is also connected a wire from the half-duplex. The power supply plug is connected to the banks of contact clips. ' / 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECTIFIER DESIGN The rectifier, provided with a ferro-resonance, voltage stabilizer,. is mounted on a steel chassis. (see Fig. 8). Located at the top of this chassis are two filter sections, as part of the wltage supply circuit (pos. 3 - 10 and 4 - ]1); tube 5 Ts4S (pos. 6); a plate filter choke (pos. 2); a ferro-transformer (pos. 1), and the plate filter .......,..~a....- /,..... A .,..a Al ~ B-E-C-R-ESP Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 I ? .. ~. , ' $0 FOREIGN DISSEM - - Fig. 10. Schemetio Dia _ __ of R-670 Receiver, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 . ..-u-..-n-n-y ? ' ~?HO FOREIGN DISSEM In the center of the chassis, a special voltage stabilizer switch panel la installed (pos. 16), while along the rear wall of `the chassis there is'a?three-clamp contact plate for connecting the plate and filament voltage of the rectifier (poet. 18). ' On the front panel, 'from the left,to the right, are .located (see fi ure 9)ta connector f l . g or c osing .the circuit, a circuit voltage selector knob, a toggle switch, two fuses for power supply line, and a five-contact connector for the main power supply of the receiver. ' A signal light with a demountable cap ie located in the middle of the panel. The rectifier chassis -- complete with its shock-absorbers.-- ie ' inserted in a steel housing and fixed in place by mesas of screws in- shock absorbers -- is as follows: width: 495 mm.; height: V265 mm.;. become,.: respectively, 49~ x?330 r, 340 mm. ~ - ~.; The weight of the rectifier is not more than 30 kilograms. ,III. THE ELECTRICiaL LAY-OUT OF THE RECEIVER AND PRINCIPiE OF ITS OPERATION " The receiver ie a superheterodyne with ,double frequency con- .;'version in all sub-ranges except the first (see Fig. 10). The first ' IF is variable, ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 mc. ' There ie only a single frequency conversion In the first sub- ' stage because, in this case, the range of the first IF is also the range'of the reception frequency. The entire frequency range of the receiver -=from 1.5 to 25.5 Mc. --.is divided `into 12 partial sub-ranges. One feature oP the R-670 receiver is the use of quartz frequency -. stabilization in the first local oscillator which provides for a smooth, uninterrupted coverage'rof frequency ranges and'ineures a high degree of frequency stability and considerable accuracy~ln calibra- tion; since the highest-frequency local oscil]atora --.in this case - are quartz-stabilizied. ~ " i ?. The gist of? the superheterodyne method of radio reception with quartz frequency stabilization of the first local oscillator, con- The entire range'of.'receivable frequencies is broken down'in ' such s way that an identical''number of .cycles is covered ia'each sub- range.; (In the present'esse,?this number is 2,000ikc:).:? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Since in all the sub-ranges -- because of the manner in which thev are subdivided -- an identical number of kilocycles is aovered,50X1-H U M follows that the change of the first IF in all sub-ranges will also be the same. In selecting the quartz-stabilized frequencies of the first local oscillator in such a way that the frequency in one sub-range dif- fers from the frequency in another suD-stage by the exact value of the frequency coverage (in this case, 2,000 kc.), we shall obtain limits of change in the first IF -- in all sub-ranges -- which will be iden- tical not on]y in terms of coverage, but in absolute values as well. Thus the ampl~.fier of the first IF becomes a wide-range amplifier (with -- in our 'ease -- limits of frequency variation _' from 1,500 kc. to 3,500 kc.) ~ The second local oscillator of the receiver is calculated for such a range as to make the difference between the frequency of the mid local oscillator and the first IF, constant after the second IF conversion. (In our case, the value of this constant would be 215 kC.) The rest of the superheterodyne receiver circuit follows the The input circuit of the receiver is a two-circuit selector, connected to the grid of the first tube. The receiver input is cal- culated for four typea,of'antennas: a) symmetrical -- with a wave resistance from 60 to 400 ohms; b) asymmetrical -- with wave resistance , ; from 60 to 400 ohms; c) the "inclined beam" type, with an equivalence of 100 to 300 uuf and 100 ohme~ active; d) rod antennas -- with an equivalence of 50 uuf or more. The switching over from one type of antenna to another is ac- complished by means of a selector switch (:pos. 28). In work with symmetrical or asymmetrical types of antennas, the coupling between the antenna and the receiver circuit is of the inductive type, while with the pole-type or open antennas it is of the capacitive type. ~. The first selector circuit features limited frequency trim which is carried out by means oP trimmer (pos. 31). This insures matching the input of the receiver in shifting from one type of antenna to another. , , To protect input circuits against excessive voltarge of high= Yrequency signals (in cases of proximity to a powerful transmitter),' ,a gas-type surge-voltage_suppressor is connected in parallel with the .~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FbRETGN DIS6EM ' first circuit ?(pos. 20). As voltage in the circuit approaches the threshold of ignition of this gas:filled safety device, i.e. 60 to 80 volts, a glowing discharge takes place in the tube, the conduc- tivity of the discharge medium causes the excess voltage to bypass the circuit,/and thus eliminates the possibility of further voltage increase is the subsequent links of the circuit. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? u . I - pI1C. ((. f3XOAH~9 IjCOb Il(IMCMIIIINe II(111 (1060TC OT CIIMMCTp114111dX ~711T1'llll ~F18..11. Input Circuit of Receiver Operating tirit2-_ Balanced_/Wtrrana _ To they grid ofbe I Xeamre , PIIC. 12. f3EONIaA IICOb JI(1)ICMIIIIK:I II(111 (18~lOTC OT fICCi1MfICT(111411NX 811TL'1111 'FiB-12,_Input~Cirouit_o~=Receiver Operating xith tTn "- --_r -...._, . -- ,._. - _ - - _ balsaced~AntoTU>a` Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 " 1P0 F'OREI(1N DISSEM ~ . At the input of the receiver there is an anti-radar filter, con- sieting of two choke coils (pos. 26 and 27). .~ The basic elements of each preselector circuit are: 'an induction coils a variable capacitor, and a gang capacitor (except in the case of the first stage, where the necessary coverage ie provided by the . 50X1-HUM ,.; main variable capacitor). 'In the primary circuits, the gang capacitors, . the preaelectbr.circuits is inductive. For instance,: for the third sub-range, the main elements of the primary circuit are:' the circuit :,coil (pos. 41), the ?variable:capacitor (pos?. 145)J and the gang ca-~. pacitor.(pos. 43~. The antenna?coupling coil (inserted in the circuit between ter- : miaala 1 and 2) -- which also connects with the secondary selector? circuit -- ie,positioned together with the circuit coil. capacitor. (pos.. 44) which is connected in parallel with the variable capacitor. The main elements .of the secondary circuit are: a circuit coil .(pos. 96), {crhich is positioned with the coupling coil of the primary coil of the selector, connected between terminals 1 and 4), variable capacitor (pos. 146); and a?gang capacitor (pos. 98). Additional elements are: ,a trim me^(pos. 97), and an additional capacitor (pos. 99) connected in parallel with the variable capacitor. A simplified diagram of the input circuits of the receiver (i.e.~ those of the preselector), while operating with symmetrical antennas, is.shown in Fig. 11.; The same circuits, with asymmetrical antennas,. are shown in Fig. 12~ and~vhile working with open or~pole antennas --. in Fig.- 13. .. , k. : . ?.r,:.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~ B-E-C-R-E-T AO FOREIGN DD3SEM To tht grid of Tnb~ i reee~.er Pnc 13. Iisoaxin ncnu npucrnursa ?q.r; pa6rr rc rrr ~~ngrr.rna~ n?w nrrralxvua~ aurcun ~6. ~. Ianut Circuit of Receiver for Open or RoQ_Antenna I'nr.. 11. C~Exrn nisorrmo.ioeaiurntnruro ~rn:u,rpa Fig. 1~. Circuit rof Anti-Radar Filter Rrc. 1,5. IlpoTrmnruKaiurtnrnurir Qmsurp S-E-C-R-E1P NO FOREIGIr DISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T AO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 "~ AO FOREIGN DISSEM As can be seen from the schematic diagram, ell circuits of the various frequency sub-ranges (circuit coils, .coupling coils; ga50X1-H U M capacitors and parallel 'capacitances) are in the Porm of plug-in units. - The receiver also features a special anti-radar filter, which . suppresses UHF and decimeter vtave-bands. In case of radar inter- ference, the anti-radar filtei is connected to the input of the re- ceiver. Fig. 15 shoxa the outside appearance of the anti-radar Pil- fer, while its circuit diagram is shown on Fig. 14. Fig, 16 shows the coupling cB the single-line ,feeder t o the , anti-radar filter and the?manner in which the filter is con nected. After passing through the pre-selector, radio-frequency signals are amplified in a sing RF stage, using tube 6Zh4 (tube No. 1). .A simplified diagram of~is stage ie shown On Fig. 17 The stage ie designed on the transformer principle. In a number oP sub-ranges (the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th), an additional capacitive coupling is used between the plate of the tube and the circuit, which insures uniformity.of amplification in the stage, within the limits of the given sub-range. ?? ' Basic elements of the amplifier circuits are the following: ;'circuit coils (connected between terminals 4 and 6 in?all the sub- ranges except the first, where this coil is connected between ter- minals 4 and 5), anode coils (connected between terminals 1 and 2), a variable capacitor (217, connected between contacts 4 and 5), and gang . capacitors (connected between contacts 5 and 6). For instance, for the third sub-range such elements are: the plate sad circuit coils as shown at (167), the coupling capacitor (166), the gang capacitor (169), and the additional elements, trismner (pos. 168) and ea extra capaci- tor (pos. 170). In sub-ranges from. 5th to 12th, an additional capacitance is 'added, in parallel with the trimmer; , The sub-range circuits are of the plug~in, interchangeable type. (see schematic diagram). ; ~ i 3? FIRST MIXER After passing through the amplifier, the radio. frequency signals go to the grid of the first frequency mixers a function performed .by tube 6A7 (tube No. 2).. The circuit of this first frequency mixer is ?~shown on Fig:. 18._ The plate output oP the first frequency mixer ie loaded on the circuit of the fi.r,^t {ntexmediate frequency (by the method of auto-transformer?coupling), - r ., .. ,. .,-..-. ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Appr_ov_ed for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? ?~,NO FOREIGN DTSSEM Voltage from the first local oscillator is supplied through the 50X1-HUM ' 200 uuf capacitor (225) to the heterodyne grid of the'first?frequeacy ' mixer.? ~ .. :. , The plate circuit of the first freouency mixer works in a? ? ,? smoothly-changing frequency range oP from 1.5 to 3.5 Mc. While work- ing in the first sub-range, the first frequency mixer is shifted to an emp]lfier mode (with the first local oscillator disconnected) so .that in this sub-range oa]y.a single frequency-conversion takes?place. . Elements of t~1e plate circuit are: the coil (299) variable capaci- f /6pB '~~?.-. __r,.~,,F3R. 17..:. Circuit of the ASC SEage._... _ _ .- _. - .-": Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FOREZGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM Figs-18~-- Circuit of the First litxe7C; = _ ~ _ - --- _ _ !~l~xc_10? C;scaia ucpnrn'o rcrc~iognun _ -Fig. 19.'Cirauit of the First Local Ceoiugtor~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM 4. FIRST LOCAL OSCILIATOR 50X1-HUM The first local oscillator of the receiver (tube No. 3, a 62hk), ' operates in all sub-ranges, except the first, on crystal-- as shown on Fig. 19 ~ without aqy tuning circuit. In the first sub-range, the tube of the first local oscillator (No. 3) does not operate and its grid is grounded. Two crystals are used in the second sub-stage; one -- for a . frequency of 2.05 Mc (296), and the other -- for 1.95 Mc (297). The two crystals operate consecutively: first on one sector of the 2,+05 Mc. scale, then on'the other sector of the 1.95 Mc scale. ' The use of two crystals shifts the frequency of the first local oscillator upward with respect to the first IF, by a value of 'S0 kc (on the 3.5 to 4.0 Mc: sector), and shifts it dowmvaid?, by the same . amount in the sector from 4.0 to 5.5 Mc. Thiemakea it possible to exclude in the receiver~? the effected sector of the nub-range; ., such a sector would be present with the use of a single 2-Mc crystal. (This ie so because, in this case, the crystal Prequency would coin- cide with the 'first IF,which changes smoothly from 1.5 to 3.5 Mc.) The use of two crystals mal~a it possible to eliminate the effected sector and, at the same time, provide a?.coversge for the second sub-range so that there should be no dead frequency interval ` in the reception. - - The system of crystal selection in the second sub-range (nee schematic, diagram of the receiver), which is epupled with the tuning capacitor, is designed in such a way as to provide a scale up to 4 Mc. , when operating with one crystal, and a scale starting with 4 Mc and going upward when operating with the other crystal (at 'each point on the 4 1dc. level there is a frequency reserve of at least 20 kc.). ? On the coarse tuning dial and on the optical dial, there are marks to indicate the dead-frequency area in which the crystal switch-over takes place. This switch-over is accomplished by means of two contacts installed at the open end of the variable capacitor assembly. This also,?is the point where the crystals of the second ' sub-range are located. The schematic diagram'of the first heterodyne forworking in the second 'sub-range, is shown in Fig. 20. Ia the thir8 sub-range, the frequency oP the first local oscil- lator is 4 Mc ,'in the IVth -- 6 Mc., in the Vth -- 6 Mc .t in the 6th -- 10 Mc ., in the VIIth -- 12 Mc., in the VIIIth ~-- 14 Me.. (7-Mc. crystal, xJ.th theiuae of the second harmonic); in the IXth -- 16 Me ., (8-Me. crystal, with the second harmonic); is the Xth --~18 Me.' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' 1Q0 FOREIGN DL36EM To Zonal O~ Yv tu o , I ,. i6oB PHe. 18. CxeMa nepsoro CAICr1ITC:IH ~..... ,_ ~.. _ - --~ - CBs-18i- Circait of the First ?fixer; = ~`. Pnc. 19. Csc~ia uclrorn'o rcTCpoamro F`ig. 19.,Cirauit of the First Local O~aillator~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM 4. FIRST LOCAL OSCIISATOR The first local oscillator of the receiver (tube No. 3, a 6Zh4), operates in all sub-ranges, except the first, oa crystal-- as shown ~, on Fig. l9 ,~ without aRy tuning circuit. In the first sub-range, the tube of the first local oscillator (No. 3) does not operate and its grid is grounded. Two crystals are used in the second sub-stage; one -- for a . frequency of 2.05 Mc (296), and the other -- for 1.95 Me (297). The two crystals operate consecutive],y: first on one sector of the . 2,A5 Mc. scale, then on'the other sector of the 1.95 Mc scale. ' The use of two crystals shifts the frequency of the first local oscillator upward with respect to the first 7F, by a value of 50 kc r (on the 3.5 to 4.0 Mc: sector), and shifts it downward,, by the same amount in the sector `' from 4.0 to 5.5 Mc. Thismakea it possible to exclude is the receiver . the effected sector of the sub-range; .., such a sector would be present with the use of a single 2-Mc crystal. (This is so because, in this case, the crystal frequency would coin- cide with the'firat IF,which changes smoothly from 1.5 to 3.5 Mc.) The use of two crystals makes it possible to eliminate the effected sector and, at thB same time, provid0 a;~.coverage for the second sub-range so that there should be no dead frequency interval ` in the reception. ' The system of crystal selection in the second sub-range (see schematic, diagram of the receiver), which is cpupled with the tuning capacitor, is designed in such a way as to provide a scale up to 4 Mc. , when operating with one crystal, and a scale starting with 4 Mc and going~upWard when operating with the other crystal (at 'each point on the 4 1dc. level there is a frequency reserve of at least 20 kc.). On the coarse tuning dial and on the optical dial, there are marks to indicate the dead-frequency area in which the crystal switch-over takes place. This switch-over is accomplished by means of two contacts installed at the open end of the variable capacitor assembly. This also,?is the point where the crystals of the second sub-range are located. The schematic diagram'of the First heterodyne, forworking in the second sub-range, ie shown in Fig. 20. In the third sub-range, the frequency of the first local oscil- lator is 4 Mc ,'in the IVth -- 6 Mc ., in the Vth -- 6 Mc. in the 6th -- 10 Mc ., in the VIIth -- 12 Mc., in the VIIIth ~-- 1~- Me.., . (7-Mc. crystal, frith theiuae of the second harmonic); in the IXth -- 16 Mc ., (8-Mc. crystal, with the second harmonic); is the Xth --~19 Mc.' .? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' 140 FOREIGN DISSEM (9-Mc. crystal, second harmonic), in the XIth -- 20 ;Mc (10-Mc 50X1-H U M stal., second harmonic), and pia the XIIth -- the frequency of th.. first local oscillator'is 22 Mc., obtained with an'll-Mc: crystal as . a second harmonic. " ~ .. ' In this ws~y~ in arhown only as it applies to a single pass band. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' 50X1-HUM ,elements of the second 'stage amplification circuit, To'widen the pass- ' ,;,,band of the~etage,`~the circuit is shunted by a resistance.' : .' 'The hard amplification circuit for the second ,IF has a coil (No 529)? "' and a'capacitor (No 528) similar to the circuit of the preceding stage.. ::~.,: A diode detector on the principal channel (Tube No 15) renders shunting ' The s~cond.and,third amplification stages for the second IF affect but 'slightly the overall selectivity of the receiver and they bring about the' `.needed amplification for the second IF. The schematic'diagram'for these stages is shorin'in Fig. 26. ~ _~.r. Fig. 26s?`'Sohematio diagram of the second (third) 'stage'ior'the I-F: , amplifier....' , -- _~ . / ? The voltage of the second IF after the third amplification stage i.s fed ' ?.to the diode detector (which uses one diode oi,tube No 15 6Kh6s); the load .~ of. resistors. (No 54$,.549) and capacitors (5~+8, 550), to the grid of first-: The schematiq diagram of. the detector is shown ,in ~'ig:~27, , IThe other, halt of ,the diode (Tube':No 15) is use3?~to measure the fi]sment voltage (see Section 17.."Curren7;s and voltages control"). ? 11:. ` Audio frequency amplifier ~ ' . comprised 'of tube,6lfj?(Tube.No 10, triode connection). u -- :,, ,. ' :"~To the plate circui,t.i6 connected a audio irequency,filter witki change- f1VPY ~AnAa n{ Ii qtl ~t Ylrj 'q" ~?p Iln qll L!1-~.-_~~ __- ___ .. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO F'OREIdN DISSEM On the two bands"9"?and "2.5" Kc the audio frequency filter consists .' of two ~?-~sectiou.. The main elements of the filter are two chokes with taps (No 575 and 507) and fixed capacitors (Nos. 570, 574, 571, 576, rand 572)? When switching over from one band to another the inductance values change, while the capacitance values remain constant. The schematic of the first stage of audio frequency amplifier for the "5" and "2.5" Kc bands are given in Figs. 28 and 29.. The schematic of the first stage of audio frequency amplifier for Lhe "0.3" Kc band is given in Fig. 30. The resonant frequency of the filter, which is determined by the plate circuit characteristics, is between 9.)0-- 1100 cps. The audio filter band pass is of the order of 300 cps; for tenfold attenuation (from the resonance) the band width is not more than 800 cycle per second, This is attained by presence of: a) A negative feedback from the grid of the first stage to the grid, of second stage.through capacitor (No 565).and i ~ b) A;filber (choke No 577 and capacitors Ros 571, 574 and 572). Transition iron one band to another ie achieved by the audio frequency band, switchl(No 573). Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20_13/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 AO FOREIGN DISSEM / ~ 4 50X1-HUM The second stage of the audio frequency amplification consists of a ' rheostat circuit on tube 6K3 (Tube No 11, triode connection),. This stage provides the necessary audio frequency voltage for the operation of the final? stage of the receiver: The frequency response of the stage, which is determined by the parameter. of its plate circuit, does not affect appreciably The schematie'diagram for the second driver stage is shown in Fig. 31..' s The third final, tage of the audio amplifier ie.designed for: low impedence headphones of;type.TA-4 with e'rated ? line with a power output of at least 0.5 watts. The. tube 'operating mode is selected so that. the gain characteristic of the output,'stage, when operating with a pair of.headphones,'is almost linear up to 4 volts; and when operating-with the line; almost linear trp.', to 17 volts'. .. ., b) With a? 600-oh~ ~~ -input of 1.5"volts The nonlinear distortion factor of the entire receiver. is no greater than 8~ when operating with a 600-ohm line (at 0.5 r+atts) or when operating with a pair of headphones (at 1.5 volts) in the'headset'mode.- Maximum out- put of the output stage is,on the order of one watt. ~_.~Fig,..31;~2~nd_Stage Circuit_oi AF Amplifier _ _~ _---_-._.' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO F'OREION DISSEM ' 50X1-HUM The final audio stage utilizes a transformer network with a 6P6S tube (Tube Number 12). When operating with the line, the output of the stage'is taken off the entire secondary winding of the transformer (Number 601). For .connecting the line, there are two terminals with the inscription "Line" on/~he front panel of the receiver. To prevent possible overloading of headphbnea and to accentuate the frequency characteristics in the ?~igh? frequency range in the headset circuit, a voltage reflucing resistor and a compensating capacitor are connected (Numbers 373, 375, 372,?and 586). For connecting the headset, a special receptacle with four telephone ,jacks is provided. For operating the receiver with two headsets, the second pair 'of headgear is connected in parallel with the first. ' Telephone ,jacks Ind the "Line" terminal are' insulated from th_o receiver chassis (i.e.,'they are not groundefl).? The main circuit diagram of the third stage of the audio Bmplifier is shown in Figure 32, a ~+ .. Tens~o,+e, Lar~iar~edance. Headphones.---? n ,-`^"" ._~-?na~rav,~~' '~ __ .._....,, vim ~- -' ? ~, . 48 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 is applied to .the third (final) stage of the second IF amplifier through The ;third local oscillator of the receiver utilizes a tube of typr_ K6?(Tube dumber 14): A variable capacitor (Number 541) is connected to the third local ;oscillator network. making it possible, to a limited extent (-1.3'Kc), to change the frequency f the local oscillator. ?This also changes the ?tone of the beat sign~l of the second IF mixed' with the third local oscillator, The beat frequency may be set (with an accuracy of up'to? 100 c) on 'the dial linked with the control knob of~the third local oscillator variable capacitor and located on the receiver front panel. A toggle switch'(NUmber j44), which grounds out the local oscillator,_ screen grid circuit; .turns off the third local oscillator. ? .The main circuit diagram of the third local oscillator and its coupling: ,. ~ network with the final stage of the second i-f is_shoKn in Figure 33? .' ,'7av ns~vnrr~e. ~ _CW socket '(Number 674) is located?on.the rE OX1aH U Mf Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM 13? Noise Limiter ~ 50X1-H U M A tupe of type 6tm6S (Tube ;lumber 16) is used to limit pulse noit:c:? The use of a?circuit with a twin diode provides atop-bottom limiting of ' the amplitude of the signal pasing through the limiter. The circuit'func- tiona on the following principle: The voltage from the-input resistor (Number, 557) of?the limiter is applied to the cathode of the first diode, while the~load resistor (Number 560) is connected to the plate circuit of the diode'and is used to apply to the plate a small positive voltage to control the limiting threshold; the positive voltage appears across. the divider consisting of resistors, (Numbers 559 and 564), The circuit of diode I is completed through resiatore 557, 559, and 560; and of diode II, through resiatore 558, 559,?and 560.? When there is no pignal or .noise, becsuse.of the application.of positive voltage to the plates of the tube, the do component of the plate current, which creates a voltage drop in the resistor (Number 560)', will peas through both diodes, as shown in Figure?34. For convenience of. explanation,:the twin diode tube Number_16 is represented as two separate tubes.,. ' Un + t/60~ ?F 559 . ~ ~ _=~~Pnc. 1i. J?npoutcxuae cxc~ia orpasuvi+renn __ ? ~ ~ ~ Fig. 31. Simplified Circuit of the Idsdter _~^ _ ~ r _ _.._. --. - - - - -- - - ~ i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 P ~ ;RO FOREIGN DISSEM ... .j ' When a signal appears, in addition to the do voltage, an0 c1 oi~t~ge : component will appear in the circuit of diode I because of the drop i.n the audio frequency voltage ack~oss the resistor (Number 557)?' Under the effect of. this voltage, an ac.component will be superimposed on the do current '. ' the cathod~ 'of?diode',I will decrease, and the current thx'ough the diode will also decrease;?and, vice versa, during the. negative half-cycle, when? the voltage has a do component, the current through diode I will increase . ? and.will.change in relation to the change in the incoming voltage. component of. diode I.- During the positive half-cycle, over-all, voltage between 'the plate and , _ , , n current in the networ~y of diode II. Inversely, an. increase in the current in?the network of diode I corresponds to a decrease in the current in the -network of diode II. ` 'drop ,across the resistor (Number 560), i.e., it. produces a voltage increase in the plate of diode II which in turn produces an increase i the ' A decrease in the .current of diode I produces a decrease in 'the voltage Figure. 35-a shoWS.currents through the diodes and wave forms across fhc rn of e4 nr. ~N....S..... cC0.~ ?.... _____ __~__ _ _... ~ " S-E-C-R-E-T :,?,:.,. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 v-L-V-n-G-1' ' HO FbREICN DI66EM ~ [aaplitude_ot?iboo~ing-8,1~ .(:mid{. Jd,(MGNU~ IAbK?M/.~ MgL~~JTN ~~iws~a/ .v~3~~ nwduw- u toin~Jo.~f ro_l~rab~v .,4.ridl Fig. 35,(a). Die~z'sm explaining the operation of the limiter Current through .Mod I _ _ __ Tor vcoe! dual! L-- Ooltag~ between plate aad cathode of eaoh_diode-- -- 50X1-HUM S-E-C-R-E1P Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2_013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ~ ~ BO F'CREIGN DISSEM ?~, IL ~i ~ 7di olitude ~ ol.~rnA/~iv7fy'Ld signal -~~ 1" I--r- Udp 1~ Q~17uhe wwiipoi~Yw~uiv ' (~ Mej,cofY ovarM.w u J~ 'mot - Do}toga Forty between plate and Cathode o!-Diode II PNC. 3J. I'pAftI11NN, OOHCIIHN)I111IC pafiury OI pAIIH'IHrI?AH . _ _"'_ ~ Fig. 35 (b).', Diagram explaining the? operation of the limier 'P""~'?'d'r"Q^~' 9oltage Ao~ae Resistor 55a ~F-TM''^e.7uwMr 7de lu...n~,.F.~? ssaP) ' S-E-C-R-E-T ~.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ' . AO F`oREION DISSEM ? If the voltage at the limiter input 3s greater than the do vo1ta50X1-H U M itt the circuits of the diodes, then the current in the circuit of diode I .at fix~t gradually d~or~a~?e to zero, and then, with any inetnntaaeou,?. Current equal to. zero in the network of diode I will produce a constant ' voltage ate the plate .of diode II, and the current in the network of diode II, upon reaching maximum value, will remain unchanged until the current of diode I is equal to zero. , Constant current .in the diode II network will produce a constant voltage, drop across the resistor (Number 558), as long as diode I current is equal to zero. hie comprises the limiting action of~the network --.an increase in the incoming voltage exceeding the limiting threshold does not result in an increase Yn the outgoing voltage. ? voltage ySf the positive half-cycle exceeding the limiting threshold it will be equal to zero, because the voltage between the plate and cathode ' With a negative audib frequency half-cycle, the over-all potential' on .th plate of diode I increases in respect to the cathode, the current . through diode I increases, and, when under the effect of the incoming voltage it reaches a value when the voltage drop across the resistor (Number 560) from this. current is equal to the constant voltage in the , ~?network corresponding .to the limiting threshold, the potential of?the plate of diode II. in respect to its cathode will be equal to zero, the current through this diode will cease to flow, and, consequently, there will be no voltage across the resistor (Number 558). It will appear again after the instantaneous value of the incoming voltage drops sufficiently.to open diode II once again. Current change curves and wave:.forms for large values of outgoing voltage signals or of noise are shown in Figure 35-b. "" Thus, the negative half-wave taken off the resistor Number 557 passes without limiting through the first diode, and the positive half-wave is limited in the eventi that its amplitude exceeds the limiting threshold. ? The second?diode.of tube number 16 is connected in opposition to the first diode, and, on the same principle, limits the negative half-wave. As a result of limiter action, the signal, whose amplitude is less then or equal to the limiti~5g threshold, will .pass through both diodes ? practically unchanged '(See Figure 35-a), When signal amplitiude exceeds the limiting threshold, the positive ~ half-wave will be limited by the first diode; and the negative ha1S-; wave;. by the second diode (See Figure 35-b). As a result, the amplitude ?- of both the poeitive?~nd negative sides of the signal at the output of the limiter across the resistor (Number 558) will be'limited.? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM With the use of a limiter, the amplification~of the useful signal should not exceed the limiting threshold. Then the pulse noise exceeding ': the limiting threshold will not pass through the limiter circuit, and thus, ' the noisy limiter will operate efficiently only when the pulse n6iae level is. greater than the amplitude of the useful signal. Limiting takes place in the audio frequency channel. The limiter is connected between the detector of the main channel and the first stage of the audi.o;irequency amplifier. The li//miter 16-turned on with a toggle switch (Number 555) located on the front panel of the receiver. 14. Automatic Sensitivity Control ' The automatic senbitivity control (ASC) consists of .an amplifier buffer stage and a detector (See Figure 36). ` r_ _ , ? ` _` _"- Figs ?+36T-Cirouit of the ,~ ? ~- - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ' ' HO 1:ORETGN DYSgEM f ? 50X1-HUM The buffer stage uees.a circuit similar to the circuit of the second or of the third stage of the second i-f amplifier and provides the necessary anpiifioetion of the esoond i-f before the ANC detector. ! , ~ ? The ASC buffer stage also serves as the i-f output stage. This is ~ ~ accomplished by applying the plate voltage from the Buffer stage netwu'rk .~ .through a capacitor (Number, 605) to the i-f output socket (Number 604). The AS~ detector operates at a doubled rectified voltage. Doubling is accomplished as follows: At the instant the positive half-wave is applied to the detector input, the voltage across the right diode charges the capacitor (Number 624). The left diode is shut, and there is no rectified voltage on the load (Number 623), At the instant of arrival of the negative half-wave, the voltage operates the ,eft diode where the voltage is nearly double (bl.cduse of the summing..of the applied and of the stored-in-the-capacotor 624 voltages); thus, the value of the ASC voltage rectified by the det~etor is also doubled. - Although the current flows through each diode only part of the tire, the ASG voltage applied'to the resistor?(Number 623)'is practically constant ' because of the presence, of the capacitor (Number 622) which cannot charge and discharge rapidly, ,This makes it possible to have normal ASC'opei?e~tion with ?relatively small 1-f voltages in the buffer stage network. ? A "delay" is effected in the cathode circuit of the ASC detector by applying a positive voltage to the cathode of the diode. This voltage , appears on the divider consisting of resistdrs (Numbers 629 and 630). The diode will be shut and?the ASC will not operate until"the network voltsgo exceeds the delay voltage. Thus, delay and amplification is introduced in the ASC system of the receiver. The rectified voltage is applied to the control grids of the regulator tubes through a variable time-constant network consisting of the resistor (Number 625) and capacitors (Numbers 620 and 621).' ? Switching these capaeitore varies the time-constant of operation of the ASC network (0.05 isec~, 0.1 sec., and 1, sec.). . ~ I~'or combining ASCUaction of several receivers (for double or triple reception with diversity (spaced antennas), the voltage from the load (Number 265) of the detector is fed to a,speciel ABC socket?(Number 6310) located on the. froat'iianel?of the receiver. ~? . 56 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1fA LNTfbYnat TTn~a? u n o re y g g u ,s s ors um ers 307, 1, and 505). ?'.Figu~e 36 shows the 'main ASC circuit dieQram,;rettulator tubes'. and 50X1-HUM ASC operation is turned off by breaking the ASC voltage supply circuit 'b ro ndi f i t (N b 44 '`' 15,?? Manual Gain Controls first amplifier of..,the second i-f (tube Number 7), and in the cathode cir- cuits of the second'and.:third amplifiers of the second i-f (tubes Numbers. 8 and 9) by means: of the. rheostat Number 360 (See the main circuit diagram R-f gSin may be~coritrolled manually in the cathode circuit of the ~~ IL_,Fig, 37~_:Ciroul0_for_Mam~al ills' chin control - - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ~ 140 ~DREIGN DISSEM ' 50X1-HUM ? During the operation of the half-duplex in the cathode circuits of tubes Numbers 4, 7; 8,, and 9, an additional resistor (Number 686) is connecte~?to shut off the receiver when the transmitter is on the 'air. A potentiometer (Number 564) in the grid circuit of the first audio amplifier tube is used to control volume. The schematic volume-control eircuit,diagram.ie shown in Figure 38. ~ .' _ Fig, 38~ Circuit for lSanual AF(}ain Co~rol 16. Power Supply Circuits The 160-volt plate voltage and the 12.6 volt filament voltage are ied to.the power supply outlet located on the common housing of the receiver. Through a systems of adapter plugs, the voltage is fed to the main ?power switch of the re~eiber (Numbers 646 and 647). ? , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 n aaLecy ruse ~Nwnoer ovy~ ana a filter consisting of chokes (Numbers 635 and 636) and capacitors (Numbers 637, 63?3, and'639),,are connected. in the plate voltage circuit; the voltage is then applied to the tubes of the 'receJ.ver. ' ,, ng o chokes. ,(Numbers 64 and'641)?and capacitors (numbers 644; 643, and .642), is ' connected ~b the:fil,ament circuit. . '' To reduce ac?background heard at the receiver', output, a double shield is used on supply filters: Tube filament circuits of?the receiver are connected in series by pairs,?except the r-f amplifier tube (tube Number 1) and the ' ^noise limiter tube'(Tube:Number 16) which have se;5arate additional resistors The screen grid voltage 'bf second local oscillator is. regulated with a neon voltage regulator (Tube Plumber 19) p filter consieti f ~} ' 6zh4 is --, w. .,_ ., .....,.,,..~. ( ) greater tha ,the filament current of tubes types 6D3 and 6A7; therefore, to equalize.the current in the series circuit of these tubes and to. provide proper filament heating, resistors (Numbers 653 and 374) 'are connected in parallel with .the filament of tube Number ll paired with tube Number ,l2 and in parallel with the filament of tube Number 2 paired with tube 3. For addl'tional filtring3chokes (Numbers 364, 365,~and 366) are installed in filament circuits of the r-f amplifier, first and second local oscillator; -first i-f j first and second mixer, and calibrator tubes'. ? Together,rrith plate and filament voltages, power supply cables ar., wired to the power supply receptacle (at terminals 1 and 2, see the main circuit diagram) and. are coniieated w~i7n the receiver power is turned on. This turns on and off the rectifier connected in series in the receiver. 17. Testing Currents and Volta es On the front panel of the receiver, there is meter to test the p]~~e and filament supply voltages and currents. For normal values of tube current and voltage, the meter should read in the red' section of the dial (wh~:n the r-f amplifier control knob is set at maximum, when the audio frequency amplifier control knob is set at minimum, and when the crystal calibr~rtor is turned~on). :~ ~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 . ? ? . _ ~ ~ NO FCRETGN DTSSEM . - . The meter. is connected through a test switch, (Number 656) to shunt: ? resistors in the pocter~supply circuit of the tubes to be. checked (or i.n the~'circuit of an; afldttional~resistor for measuring voltage). Numbers on?the dial of the test snitch correspond',~to receiver tubes' ;numbers in. the schemstic.cii~cuit diagram. ~ ~ ~ ,' Shuni;in~ resistors?ere.variable. This malfes',.it'poseible.to obtain the' ' i ' same meter~ reading. or all current and voltage measurements. Note: Additional??resistors'-are connected in parallel ?oT ~3n sera Aa wi r.h and, voltage`. This'? is done to facilitate the' setting'. of the proper~?. reading? onitha;:meter: : ' ~~ (+Nf.. 3`.l. r.%CMB KONTpOJbNgtO IIC(+C Kd h'la T+:d N~tlf+N N.1MC(+CIINN TpKe .1a Mf1 Fl ' ~ ---_-?,..-__-_. _.~... ... -... ._.- UKpNf:4NOfQ K0f K0.1.T {f. '1._- _- ; = ___ , -~~..+:. =% ' ~?; .(~ Fig X39.. Control=Ssiitah Circuit_for Current Meaegremrnt eY: -~ ?. `~ .?~-The 1jF Teradnal-Stage Tube _-- - --_.._._ ..__.._. __ S-E-C-R-E-T . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? '' RO FOREIGN DISSEM ? . . ~ ' 50X1-HUM For testing the filament, a 6Kh6S tube (the 'second diode of tube Number 15-) ie used se a half-wave rectifier. The.~porality of this rectifier, . the~addi~tional'resistor (Number 554), and the pulse-smoothing capacitor (Number 552) are selected to obtain identical reading on the test' meter for both .ac and dc, filamentesupply voltages of the receiver.' ? ' taken off ilhe filament circuit. Supplementary resistors (Numbers 361 - , and 362) i!owering the voltage applied to the dial'lampa sre connected in aeries with the ,lamps?to.prolong their life-time ;(by.operating them a't ' a lower volts e ~ -a rectifier with a Se~?'ro-resonant regulation'of voltage is ,used in the receiver. .The rectifier circuit consists of a voltage regulator and :3 rectifier, The assembly whiC)a.regulates the voltage of the rectifier consists of 'a Ferro-resonant transformer (Number 1) and a capacitor (Number 7') 'which is connected to one of the transformers xindings (Taps 30 and 36) .and,which'forme, together with the winding, a resonance circuit (See . the rectifier': circuit di'agram). The magnetic circuit of the Ferro-transformer has two cores of different cro'ss.seations: The supply line winding (Taps 21-9-10) and compensation windings (Tapq 22-25; 26-29; 1'-4; and 5-8) are located on the core xith the large cross section. The circuit xinding (Taps 30-3b) .and operating (output) windings (taps 31-35; 35-40; 11-14; and 15-20) /are located on the.coke,with the small cross section. /. ~ :. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ?NO FOREIGN DIS3EM ' The voltage across the capacitor (number 7) varies in proportion to 50X1-HUM ,the amount of current flowing throught it end is opposite in phase to the voltage across the circuit winding, which, together with the magnetic' '-- circuit, form the choke. ' When the circuit voltage rises, the voltage across the.chOke, up to saturation, varies direct~jr with the value of the current; however, after saturation, as, the current risasT..the wltage increase w111 be ,' small even though the current rise is significant. In. figure 110, curves are`shown for the relation of the change in voltage acmes the circuit winding (across the choke) end across the " capacitor (number 7~ to the amount of current flowing through the wind- ing. .. ' Inductive _ __ . . c/a'dyrnsyB~ve~ ' ~' ,. _ __.__._{hlc.. a0..('pa,~,!!s~ NONCNNhnlnfit paroTy ,I~~Pponc:lnnaucnoro CTa611A NJa TO~Ia Y, I i ` fig. h0 ~~ - u;~nne;!?~?nuy~ 4 ?raph:Illuetratia8'Perlormanoe of Ferrereeonanoi Voltage~Regnlawor~' ~_' .. -- _ - ,- ~- - ,f ...._.~ _ _.._ .. I_i~. .. The current in the unbiihrcated portion 'of the network is the?'~ geometric sum of the currents in both circuits as is shown is figure 1}0. The resultant curve shows that with small voltages, the over-all current is of a capacitive nature, and, as the voltage increases, the current increases also; then the current begins to decrease sad approach zero, . _ ,,. , . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? ~ ~ ~ ~ NO FOREIGN DI5SEM which is the resonance point of-the currents. At this poin , Curren s:: .? across the capacitor and across the choke are equal. and opposite in '"50X1-H U M As `the yoltage continues to rise, the current aGain beai.ns to ...,-o1~~uall:acw cuan~ea in the reactive current. ~?becomes too small to produce a. state of saturation in the choke with ':-'the small cross-section core, when the regulative process breakes down .. ahd'the outgoing, voltage drops sharply. ', -equal to zero, and the curve will shift soinerorhat to the right. The , All output 'windings are located on the small cross-section core g P 22-25) corresponds to taps..35-40. 'Tap 35 is the midpoint of the plate ' Operating winding I ,(the.plate winding). Compensating windinP TII (taps 26-29) corresponds?to taps 31-35. Compensating widdgin II (ta s ' ',~~(operating) winding is connected opposite in phase with its compensating '..winding of the plate rectifier, half of which (taps 31-35) is combined ' with .the circuit winding of'~?the regulator (taps 30-36).' Each output of the rectifier ferro-transformer; these are the rectifier kenotron .filament supply, receiver filament circuit supply, arri.the step-up w ? P g n nG Y~(taps 3-8) corresponds'to taps 15-20. Operating?winding'III (receiver tube filament) ~=Com ensatin i di _~.._._-.. _.....t.......o ......6. ..-....-..6 ... ' (taps 1-4) corresponds to .taps 11-14. ,,transformer (taps 21-9-10)!,.the resultant magnetic flux will bevinsuf-~- PP Y .. .'winding) will increase, because reactive power in the circuit rises. .As r 11 1L ____ ~ ~ .. 'when the 'power. supply''voltage changes, when it rises for example, . ~?magnetic flux and the wltage drop in winding I (the power su 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ~ .' . HO FOREIGN DTSSEbf . Besides, in as much as the output voltage is equal to the?differenae ~'r between voltages at the output of windings and the crorreaponding compen50X1-H U M sating winding (because these voltages are opposite in phase)? the .,F over-all volatage applied to the loads will vary even within smaller ?'?? `'' limit. ~ ./ . ` ~; , . . ' ' ~ '~ t . When the power supply voltage drops, small fluctuations of output i fty ?, / voltages are also compensated .by compensating winding voltages... ,., ' '. r Loads of the stabilizer are as follows: ~ ~ .. ; 1. The rectifier operating on a full-wave reatification?network, ~ il.. -.1.. ~~_~___L_ _n _i. _~ _~_ i~__ .____i_..._ wn ~.- / M .. 2'.? The kenotron filament circuit (number 6).~ 3. Receiver tube fiflament circuits. ., The rectifier supplies 'the receiver with a rated plate voltage of ~? 160 ~0 volts and a filament voltage of 13.1 ?0.5 volts (at the ' ? receiver input). '. The regulated rectifier provides stability of filament and plate ' volts es within ?3~ when the circuit power supply voltage fluctuates' ~~ ~at 50 cycles), i.e.', for a rated power supply line voltage of 127 volts, fluctuation limits are 108-146 volts; and for a rated power :,supply line voltage of 220 volts, fluctuation limits are 187-253 volts. . The power supply voltage is controlled with a switch (number 14). ' When operating from a regulator, the dependency of voltage stability on the power supply frequency must be taken into account. A one-present deviation in the power supply frequency produces a 1.5=2-percent fluctua- tion in the regulated voltage. When operating with a power supply with unregulated frequency, the regulator may be turned off by means of the regulator switch (number 16). Tn this case, the ferrite transformer will function as an ordinary ? transformer and'the output voltages are tapped, directly from the secondary " windings located on the core with the smaller cross section as follows:. -- Plate winding from winding I, taps 34, 35, and 37. ~- kenotron filamentifrom winding II, taps' 1.1 and 12; -~ . -- receiver tube filaments from winding III, taps 16 and 15; fihe power supply. wltage of the receiver plate and filament circuits are fed to the power supply socket (number 17) located on the front panet.of the rectifier, and to the terminal (number` 18) located on the ,._ ? ',. . back wall of the rectifier (for supplying power .to auxialiary equipment). ~~ 64 ~ '- ` Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' ~ FO FOREIGN DISSEM ? In addition, terminals of one pole of the power supply vo ge are connected in parallel to the circuit power switch (number 15) a50X1-H U M short circuited when receiver power is turned on. , , Aline filter consisting of two chokes (number 3~and 4) and two ' capacitors (numbers 10 and 11) is connected at the reotifier input. volt power supply to the rectifier. ? / 19. Antenna Matchina_ Transfo?~!?ar When operating tritll a symmetrical antenna with?an active equivalent of 200 ohms, and when antenna symmetry is disturbed because of mismatch in the input stage of the receiver, the antenna matching transformer may be used. ' The antenna matching transformer raises the degree of matching of theinput stage of the receiver. The mismatch factor when using the matching transformer is no greater than 3.3~ '., When using the matching transformer with an active antenna equivalent of 200 ohms, the sensitivity of the receiver is somewhat lower than the ' sensitivity of the receiver pperating on the same frequencies without the transformer but with an antenna equivalent of 100 ohms. The electrical circuit diagram of the antenna matohing transformer ' ` is shown in figure 41. The antenna matching transformer is built into a,aeparate util.t:, Figure 42 .shows the exterior view of the unit with the aide panel removedlto show the antenna transformer. ,_, f ~ E ~ 1 F ~ 1 { I 1 KoN~,~-.,.Nr I ~ II , , k ~~v/eMwuK ;. To antenna ~ To receiver "1 . ,P ? 2OOeM, j ? P-rc._ 41. Cxcwa_aorenxoro cliMMCr rr '~'~'"~ f~ -~e? 41 _Oironit P PYpPrcro rpascQlopMaroPe. ~t J, ot_ -_~lnta~nn Katehing Trnefateraer _ -~ ~1 j` 1 ...::_.. i.' 3-E-C-R-E1P ,1 t . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Snx1-HIM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DZSSEt3 Fig. 1F2 General View of the Adapter with the Antenna Matching !' Transformer with the Cover Removed LNumbere5l paragraphs 1-3 correspond to numbers on figure 42,] 1. Tuo-conductor socket for connecting the symmetrical antenna to the transformer to be used with the balanced cable RD-16 (if necessary, two nonbalanced cables of type RK-2 may be used). The primary winding of the transformer is connected to this socket. 2. Two single-conductor sockets for connecting the transformer to the receiver. The secondary transformer winding is connected to the sockets. 3. Antenna matching transformer shield. The transformer has a ferrite core. The. primary winding is grounded at midpoint. A copper foil shield is inserted between windings to eliminate stray capacitive coupling. The transformer itself is placed in a hermeti- cally sealed dopper shield. The antenna transformer may be connected to the receiver input with- out the use of au~d.liary cables. This makes St possiblo to .have uninter- rupted shielding of the receiver, transformers and antenna cable sheathing. When operating with the antenna matching transformer, the antenna selector switch rust be placed in the "Balanced Feeder" position. S-E-C-R-E~t' NO FOfiEZGN DLSSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T AO FOREIGN DISSEM A view o: the receiver to which the antenna transformer has b50X1-H U M connected is given in figure u3? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 IV. DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN OF TNR FfAIN SECTION AND COMP~aIiENTS OF THE . - .' ? .. ' fi ~' ? . One four=gang and one three-gang variable capacitors of similar ~? , ~: To achieve hiPh stability durine operation and a low temperature other is fastened to the frame with a flexible diaphragM which compensates r"? for the difference iri 'variations in the rotor shaft and the frame taken ' ' the/bronze current .pick-up contact spring. ' ?~~ think. The gap between plates is equal to 9.~ mm and.ie provided by aluminum spacers. Plates 'and spacers are alternately placed on a duralumin sleeve and are tigl}tened with a special nut. On the sleeve. of the rotor and the stator~is preserved during fluctuations in temperatlrre. The rotor and stator sections are made of alwmintfm?plates 0.7 mm ?? 2. Sub-ranee Switch ' The sub-range switch is in the form 6f a drum rotating on roller bearings. It consists of four sections (cast of silumin) mounted on a ? common abaft. .The sections are insulated from each other and from the ? A11 r-f coils are wound on frames of high frequency plastic with a tunable-inductance carborLyl core. ~~ ~ ,?~. ?? Trimmers used are of cylindrical air type on a ceramic base. %" Fpr sUb-range switehing~'~the drum is rotated about its shaft through the proper angle and"the desired sub-range is connected to the I' ~ ?? contact system attached to the ,plate of'the r-f unit. A?system of lift contacts is used in the device.,-. To ensure good contacts, gold wire is soldered to contact surfaces. ., J When switching from one sub-range to the adjacent sub-range, the ~1, 'drum is rotated through 30?. The sub-range is selected by rotating the. .1knob. ?When switching from one sub-range to another.~?.the;contact, springs which coils, trimmera~ small circuit components, and contacts are mounted. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~ ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM are raised by means of 1s12 reduction gear; then, the dr m'is ' released 50X1-H U M from the catch (at the same time, the spring is released and the drum turns freely); after the.drum has been turned through 30?, it is latched; 'the contacts are then loKered and tension is applied'(contact tension is ' 120-150 B). ,~ ~ ~ r,', ? - ~ 3. Dials . . As indicated earlier, the receivor has two dials-- a coarse tuning dial and an optical fine tuniti~ dial. Description of the construction of these di,als~A`ollorrs. ; . ~ ? A.': Coars T~ in Di~i ~. Thia dial?consists't0 two drums with a small diameter and~twe~ve~ ? faoe'ta. ~ '? ^ ' .Dial marking of~the coarse dial drum is on the aide facets made of :? clear .plastic. ~ . ~ / ~ . ~?. Framing of?the dial'ia such that when the coarse dial is turned ? only the operating sub-range~is seen in the opening of-the frame. .The movement of the dial is connected with sub-range switch by ? means of a 3oint,'sprocket, and asingle-thread worm gear disc. A 30? rotatiori?of the?suti-range (i.e., through one sub-range) will ..,rotate the coarse tuning dial also through 30?~ The coarse tuning dial pointer is moved by means of a cable which, when .the capacitor is rotated, is wound onto a disk connected to the variable capacitor. ? Two 6.3-volt, 0.28-ampere lamps illuminate the dial aryl are located direotly.under the.dial frame. The optical dial consists of the illumination Lamp A-2,~ (12X6), a ,two-lease condenser, the. glass disc of the dial itself a three-lease ? .,micro-ob~ectivo, and,a ground glass screen. :ne opcicai system is shown in figure 44. ,~!~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? f 9 ??~ ~; ; t+, ', ^`~ ~ ~. 8'F'"G"R'E'Y ?' ,~ s; `~~"y ??'r` .'a fia"~ ! r t j \ ... `', r. t i .. NV FVREIVN DISSEM :-'~".7~;,p ~`'' .;-~, ` f. `~ ~'~ , \!' '{rf ~'~'`r `~~r}I L~. ~i? . ,~tra~~, K~~l~rl'~l it' SI't~t rlti~n .j?~;, i ', r ; ~ 141+ ~ 4,~ ~? :e 's ,< ; 3 ~ F ! i ~, i ~r ' ~ ~ `~: 'k ' 4% ' f ~ ? , ,, . , ,,.- . ,o ,_,. ~ ~k ~ 50X1-HUM ,,1 i e. Ali 2" '. ~~r~. t ,. , ~, ??;r i~:~:..?..r ~ ; ~ (i r ~ f. ~:~ . ~, -Condenser ~ ! ( ; _ 1 ~, .i f ; ~.. :.; i :.I - ? -, ~ ,.\ t~t~?. ?..'2 i.I SS 111 ?. ?:.a ~F x511 _ ]amp and concentrates the light through the disc of the dial and through the objective. ~ the most advantageous pos tion for the illumination?of~the dial. ~ .. The two-lense condenser.is located directly by the illumination ? This syatem?makes it~ssible to place and to fast@n the bulb in ? The illumination lamp is mounted on a special cast base,~ttached to . chassis of the r-f unit. -The bu1B base is inserted. inside a ball socket Condenser senses are mounted in a rim to the base of which a bracket is .rigidly connected. ?The bracket is 'then fastened to the top of capacitor of,the second local oscillator of the receiver. The glass disc is made of polished optical glass on which ari optical .scale is imprinted by miorophotographic means. Before the optical scalp is imprinted the surface of the disc facing the objective is covered with ?a light sensitive colloidal emulsion on which numbers and dial divisions are then photographically reproduced. TFe disc is fastened by a removable coupling directly to the shaft of the capacitor of the second local oscillator. ?' The objective is mounted in a brass rim and is?fastened to the upper cover of the capacitor of the second local oscillator.. The screen onto ' which'numbers and divisions of the optical dial are projected has two main parts -- a microprismatic screen made of clear plastic and aground' glass screen. Tae microprismatic screen'has a surface cut into small prisms with a 22.5 attgle bf refraction. This screen refracts the direction of maximum illumination of the dial and makes it perpendicular to the front panel of the receiver, (the objective of the dial in the receiver is placed 22.5? to the perpendicular to the front panel of the receiver, thus, without the microprismatic s&reen, maximum illumination of the optical dial would. be shifted 22.5 to the left of the perpendicular to . viewing angle of the optical dial, i.e., maximum brightness of the optical scale would appear otllq if viewed from the right side). ,.? :;'? . ' ~ . ~ ~ ~~ S"E"C"E-E~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 1P0 FOREIGN DISSEM . ' '. :~ ? .50X1-HUM A fine grain ground glass screen, which increases image contrast, ~ ? is plsced on .the micropriematic screen. A reading hairline is located on the ground glass'"screen. r ? . a. ? The screen of .the optical dial may be moved to the. right or to tt~e ?. - left from the center position with a ratchet gear assembly connected to ' - it.. The screen may lie 'moved with the help of a slotted pin brought out - on'the front panel through~an opening in the frame .of the dial (with the inscri/ption "Dial Correction"). . To lock/ the?indicator hairline in a given position, a lock is provided" ` also in the form of a?slotted pin. The lock can'slso be controlled from .. '? the front panel through the frame opening (with the inscription "Lock"). The dial toarki'ngs of.all sub-ranges exactly ebincide with one another,: ? th f ? ' ere ore the fine reading dial becomes an electrical veier t th ,rnoe ? ~ coarse dial.and .is.~va d for all sub-ranges. The exception is the second sub-range, the reedinggmarks on which are exactly $0. Kc awaY from the sets of numbera,,aadca shutter is placed in front of.the pro3ective screen to mask. either the?.top or the bottom row.oL~numbers.. ' ., The shutter is..eynchronized with the eub-range eeleotor switch in ' ?, such a manner so thab the lower part of the dial is open?on all sub=ranges ' . except the second', "~ . , ~ , ?, ? ~ r ~. When the second ?eub=range is selected the shutter is lowered and the .?' upper row of.numbers?.{corresponding to the second eub-range ). are revealed . and the lower row .is concealed. ;; .. On the optical. dial of the second sub-range between two markings ? which correspond to #?Mc, there is a row of dots. ; This indicates the nonoperative part of the sub-range dial used for ? switching crystals of the first local oscillator of the receiver, A dead. ? si5ot in the receiver band is avoided because one section of the dial of .the second eub-range ends at 4 Mc, while the next begins with 4 Mc. ' Frequency overlap at each limit is at least 20 Mc. - ~` Several~examples'are,given below to illustrate tuning and reading the ?~irequency on the receiver.tuning dial. ~? ? 1. For reception on 5,000 Kc, proceed as follows: ra) Using the sub-range switch, select the second,sub-range ? b) By rotating the receiver tuning control'eet the coarse tuning dial"pbinter opposite the mark on the dial with the number 5.0 Declassified in Part , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? AO FOREIGN DISSEM ? c) With the same knob, make the fine setting f t e requency 50X1-HUM on the optical dial by making the 00 mark coincidc- rith the reading tnflicator on the grounQ glass screen. ' ~A view of the .dial' of a receiver tuned Figure 5.~? ._ ~ ~ ,~ ~ , II1~1111 IIII~iII 9~ ~ _. _Lr.~ ? /~.cuer~~vdr ars~r?,aapiy .~ c c~ci?a~ny .SODD?rar! ,. . ., - _. 2 ~ o a ~ ? o -~ ~_ .1 . .,I _ ,~ [Fig. ~-S~Vie~-~oftlu Receiver Dial Tuned to S~GOG_Ke~_`~ i -, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 . '' NO F`ORETGN DISSEM ? ~ 50X1-HUM 2. For reception. on 6,700 Kc proceed ae follows: a~ With the~sub-range stitch, select the,third.sub-range. r..'. ?. ~ ~ `~, ; ? ~ By rotating the receiver tuning contro].,set the,coars8 tuning , ' dial pointer opposite the mark on the dial aith.the number 6.7. ?' c) Stith the same 'knob, make the line setting'of the frequency on - the optical dial,liy makieg the 00 mark coincide with the reading indicator, 6 ???on the gr und.glaes?screen. ,. A view of the dial, of a?receiver tuned to 6,fi00.Kc?ie @hown in . rigors vo. '' , /7jG[il~~vt/.C ND!"Jf~~DOE'N NO VpCY7~LVS1{t~ 67DO~?t/. +, ?: i ~.. LL~~B? ?k~Vieir of~?the_ Receiver Dint Tuned to `600 Kc ~ .s, ._i ... fix- . ~ t ~ ~i ? ?~ _ T ~ a _ . - -~~ - ? ? -.1 J.~..y -- `1.r _..1r .1 1 I ? ~ ~ s.e eo e s to ~s r~ . 74_ S-E-C-R-E-T ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 \. ? 3. For reception oa 16,328 Kc proceed as follows: '? 50X1-HUM , ? a)? With the.sub=range switch, select the eighth sub-range. ? b~ By rotating the'receiver.tuning controliset the coarse tuning' pointer opposite the hark on the dial with the number 16.3. , ,. c) With the same knob, make the fine setting of.?the'frequency on ? the opt$c~dial by making the 28 mark coincide with the reading indicator on the gr d glass screen. A view of the'dial of a receiver tuned to 16s328 Kc is shown in ~ ? _Figure 47. __ - ~- - iii~~rri ~iiii~li 20 30 ~0 8, , ~~Fig. 47 View~of the Receiver Dial Tuned to_16,328-I{c~_1 ~;'~ i'g:'48-'view-ofthe Receiver Dial Tuned to 24~i gc 75' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 '--??~-. `covered with styrene varnish. After the coils are wound, they are tha-:~ roughly dried, then covered with styrene varnish and dried once more. Each coil is mounted .oti a special base under which circuit capacitors. are installed. The entire unit?is mounted on a red copper bottom into which glasa~~;~ ,. Br ceramic ..bushing insulators are bonded. Through the insulators go leads to which,.on the inside of the bottom, circuit. wiring (coils, ,capacitors) is run. The entire network is covered with a common red 'copper shield. which has a small opening in the upper corner. The shield and the bottom are hermetically soldered .at all seams. raC ^c~MVrs in Lnen Hessen ana ariea. 'rne opening on Lop 1a eolaerea when the unit is heated.ead dried for the laet~timer :. ,The filter network le fastened to the chassie'~rith nuts driven. ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~, I - curie iii inn '~ r 1. Setting Up the Receiver': ? /,. /: Remove the receiver and rectifier from storage 'boxes. Check the ? rotation of all,?control knobs and switches. When t~ie receiver is to be used on a mobz7einstallation (ship, motor vehicle, dtc.) both the receiver and rectifier must be mounted on shock abeorbei~s. ~ , When the set is to be used i.n a stationary installation; the shoc;c absorbers may be removed and the set may be placed directly on the pperator~s~ 'desk (the rectifier may be placed under the desk but protected from acdi=' ? ~dential kicking). '. When tt{e receiver'is placed on the operator's?desk, it is desirable for the room light to illuminate the front panel from the side.' Avoiri a ' atrong?light falling on?the optical dial screen because it will be difficult to read. ? Fasten the receiver to the desk with bolts screwed to the shock= absorber mounts (the use?of cords is not permitteds they cannot withrtand bolting because of the great weight of the receiver). ' If a place 6f 'operation is specially built for a given receiver, it is desirable that the eh'ock absorbers be installed in the desk with i,he ?lower supports of the receiver 20-30 mm above the table top. ? Similarly, install. the rectifier, which ahould.prefeFablq be mounted ..on. the left side of the receiver or under the receiver near the left ,side (near .the outlet for the receiver power supply). To install the tubes in the receiver it is first necessary to taY,e off the?main cover from the forward panel, removing the screws holding the forward panels (upper and 1?ower) oL the receiver, and to.remove the receiver part by part from the housing (or move it slightly forward). ? Put the tubes in the sockets according to the markings by each socket. Onto those tu'bea for which provision has been made for rigid mounting, catches must. be screwed tightly enough to completely eliminate all vibration of the tubesi '. ` ? ,, .. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 v-u-v-n-r.-1 I 50X1-HUM If the tubes have already been installed in the receiver, then it is~_, necessary Ito Verify that they are tight enough in'the eockete. ,} ~. r / ~ ' To install the illumination bulb's for the optical dial (tube A-25 "` , 12 x 6), situated in the uptSer left-hand corner of the lower unit, put. a.~,r~ bulb in the//soclset~ press in, and turn to the right"as fgr as possible'. 'NODE: /'When using bulbs with incorrectly placed filaments or bulbs that have 'been improperly placed, check for uniform illuminatlon of the dial after the receiver has been turned on. .: .. ? ,/. ~ . The installation of. an illumination bulb can be done~by.eelecting the '' ~ R~ ~ ' most favorable condition for the bulb: L-he socket' of-the bulb is attached'. ty to~a ,joint 'and can move, in any direction. ~ ~ ,' "~It ie first neces~ to slightly loosen the lower side nut on'the ?' ~ ~~ base of the.bulb. ~ .? ~h To install-the illunil.nation bulbs for the coarse.tuniag dial~it is - ~~ necessary to: - ~ a) b) ~ ~ Remove the dial frame from the receiver. Loosen the screws holding the bulb sockets and turn the sockets , ~; i until the bulbs can be easily inserted. - ? c) Screw, in the bulbs. t d) Tighten the screws holding the eockete, positioning the bulbs so that the greatest amount of light illuminates the face of the operational part of the dial. ' It must be remembered that the illumination bulbs for the coarse tuning dial are cor-nected in series, and in the event of a defect in one of them, neither oAZlpill light. ~ ' . 5-E-~-R-E-T . .~; , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 . NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ..~ ., :. position (cording to,the label). ~ i t _ ~ For operatiori_witH;the line, connect it to ttie.terminals on~the 'headphone and line outputs of the receiver are symmetrical-- there is no? ' contact xith,t9ie,frame of the receiver. ' rear aide of ?the housing.. , For operation with tkie loudspeaker, connect the speaker to the,"Dine", .terminals.by ~geana:of atwo-conductor line of the proper length.. The tfie other; into the power supply socket on the lefti' side of the receiver houaing; see Fig. 50).? , ?:(inaert one end of 'the cable into the output socket of the rectifier, and ,? rectifier in the poaitYon corresponding to the rated power supply voyage. ..Connect the rectifier to the power supply and to the'receirer by a cable . :the left side of the.receiver housing, and connect the battery to the leads at'the other end of the cable (according to the labels on ;the cable lugs). Thent?tuxn the; power switch of the receiver .to the .". On":position. After the cubes warm up, the .'receiver is reafly Yor operation. .', ? For o~eration.xith.a symmetrical feeder,: connect?the?enda ;to'outlets. .' I ' ~_.~....a ~_ .. .. .. ~. .... .. fbrward panel+of the ~orier assembly (labeled,"Headphone")::, open or pole:anteriria,;connect the seeder to outlet.Al:?' ' Switching on the Receiver and Testing for Operational Capability There,ie a special cable, supplied with the. receiver spare parts set, ~. ,' `end of the cable terminating in a plug into the power supply socket on .? Connecting the Antenna and Output fiquipmeat ""'"-''"'"' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' NO Ft7REIGN DISSEM . ,. ' ? 'I 50X1-HUM To test-for operational capability, first check'the`current and voltage on the test meter of the?receiver. Readings of..the inetruteent for all ~,.': . positions of?the test .switch should normally lie ~tithin the 'red sector. of ,' .the dial. .. ? Tube No 4 presents an e>ception, since its current in some regionr: of sub-ranges II, III, and VIII may register outside of the red sector of ' . the dial. / ? . ' If fox' some~positione of the control switch 'the readings?are outside o! the red sector (tou'high:or too low), the tubes of the receiver correE;ponding I NODE: Checkirig,gf ourrenta and voltages is made under the followifta ?. ? ?"'a) The.sub-range ?elector switch can be in any position except ~ sub-range I.. ~~~ ?? ~. ~ ~, b) The hi h.~frequency gain control knob ie.turned to maximum ? amplification position "10"), ~ '.; . ? c) The audio ~Lrequeriey gain control knob ie turnefl to minimum. ' amplification ,(position, '0")? ~ , ? i .y .d) The'calibrator'is turned off. ~ , ? ~ ? e} The ASC is turned. off, ~ ? f) The third local'oacillator ie turned on. ' ,.. ? After the currents'and voltages of the tubes of the receiver have been checked, a teet;?for actual reception is made. The receiver is operating normally if, when the audio and high frequency gain control knobs are turned to position "10" (maximum amplification), aloud noise is heard in the headphone and stations can be heard on all sub-ranges (with antenna turned on) by turning the?tuning M knob, ~ NOPE:_?At night on!aub-ranges X, XI, and XII~ ?i.e., on the highest frequencies o~ the receiver, few stations are usually heard, and occasionally nothing can be heard. This is explained by the., presence of adverse .condi- ? tions affecting these frequencies at night. ~.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 s_a_u_x_~_l. ' NO FOREIGN DI35EM 5: ?Operation with the Receiver'.. 50X1-HUM.. After the power is turned on and the tubes are heated,' proceed to tune . the receiver as follows: a) Es/~~ablish?the required band (containing the frequency of the transrifitting station). b) Turn on the ',automatic sensitivity control. .?, ? c) Turn the high frequency gain control knob to.maicimum amplification. (Position "10"), ~d) Establish an }ntermediate frequency band 'of 3 Kci'6 Kc,;or 12 Kc. e) Establish'a low frequency band of 2.5 ?Kc''or S.Kc.. f) Turn off the noi8e limiter. ~ ? . g) Turn off the 'third local oscillator. ,? , h) Turn off the crystal calibrator. ~ i) Previously turn the audio frequency gain control knob to position "2.5: Establish the frequency of the transmitting station with the main coarse tuning knob 'arid `with the optical dial (make the setting as acr_urate as possible).,, After receiving the station, adjust the audio frequency amplificntion? until the desired volume of the signal is attained. For telephone reception without automatic sensitivity control, all of the foregoing.remaina in effects with the exception of items "c" and "i"; amplification is adjusted with the high frequency gain controls while the audio:irequency gaih??control knob is turned to position "10." Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~ B-E-C-R-E-T ' RO FOREZGR DLSSETf Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for R_elease_2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? ' 1Q0 FOREIGN DI5SEM B. ?Aural Telegraph Reception 50X1-H U M The ryeception of voice-frequency carrier telegraphy is accomplished in the same manner as telephony reception. When telegraphy is being received in the'CW mode, all of the pre- liminary operations are carried out in the same order .as for the reception of telephoppy. In addition, turn on the third local oscillator and turn the "Continuous Tone" knob to position "1" (the beet tone ie on the order of one kilocycle). ' __ When large interference. is present, operate with an intermediate frequency band width of 1 kc and an audio frequency bandwidth of 0.3 kc. A check for calibration accuracy should be made 1.5 to'2 hours aster turning on the receiver (an error in calibration can be larger by 700 to ],Q00 cycles immediately after the receiver has been turned on than altar warmiup). - For a calibration check, turn the sub-range selector switch to any sub-range except the second, and turn on the crystal calibrator of the receiver. Turn on .the third local oscillator. Establish an intermediate frc- quency bandwidth of 3 or 6 kc. Establish an audiro frequency bandwidth Turn the audio frequency gain control knob?to maximum amplification. Carry out the amplification adjustment by means of the high fre- quency gain controls?knob. Bwitch on the automatic sensitivity control. Calibration reference pbinta on the coarse tuning dial are in multiples of 500 kc (frequency setting in digits)': There are two;metHods?for checking the calibration accuracy. I:. \. ' B-E-C-R-ESP Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 B-E-C-R-E-T ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM / 50X1-HUM First Method: Turn the control knob for the'beat tone of the third local oscillator ("Continuous Tone" knob) to the "0" position, and the r coux'se tuning and optical dials to one of the reference points (the line ~ ? tuning di~l must be in the "00" position). By turning the third local oscillator knob ("Continuous Tone"), determine the position of zero beat.? The reading of the "Continuous Tone" dial will then give the magnitude of the error in kilocycles. Secont2/Method: Turn the control knob for the beat tone of the third local oscillator Continuous Tone" knob) to the "0" position. The calibration error is obtained dixectly from the optical dial' as the difference in readings for the frequency bf the reference point (zero on the optical diall into 2-kilocycle intervals). ., Calibration is rrit~in?tolerance if the error does not exceed 2 kc. If calibration err/or?of the receiver, when checked for one sub=range ' does not excedd 2 kc, then the calibration is orlthin'toleranCe for all other sub-ranges: NOTE: The check for~dial calibration accuracy can also be made on the second sub-range;.however, it must be kept in mind that the frequency of the reference points on the dial must be shifted 50?kc relative to the dial reading for the second sub-range. ,,, If an allowable dial calibration error of 2 kc is exceeded (possible .with an excessively low or high ambient temperature.), or if it is necessary to increase Calibration accuracy, then the dial error of the receiver should be corrected, using for this purpose the incorporated calibrator and the alignment system in the :receiver. Mechanical and electrical aligners ere used for this correction. ~. ? J The mechanical alignere shifts the screen of the optical dial. To use it, it is first necessary to loosen the safety lock (located in tine upper left-hand part of the frame of the dial and labeled "Safety Lock") with one or two turns. .Then turn the aligner, located in the upper right- hand part of the frame Af the dial and labeled "Dial Aligner." ' The electrical'aligner. gives a tine tuning of the second local oscillator circuit. The slot for manipulating this aligner ie~located in the upper- left-hand corper of the panel of the high frequency unit, labeled "Electrical . E Aligner." ~,`-~ } ., . $-E-C-g-E-T i. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? ~ ` HO FDREION D788EM at the se~onfl'reference point on the dial. ' 50X1-HUM The alignment sequencg for?the dial is as fo]1ows:' turn the ~- ' "Continuous ToneH cpntrol knob to the "0"_ position,., snitch ?on the crystalF ?'.? ?~ If the-zero beat does not appear, the electrical ali~er should be ? After .this operation.retune the receiver again to the second reference' ? point of the sub-ranggg,?check dial calibration accuracy, and, .if necessary, make a correction witfi:the mechanical aligner,?after which again align the. dial.?at the fourth reference point by meana'of'the electrical aligner. ? The dial calibratioa~check and alignment are made (2-3 times) for the'. middle reference points?of the dial until a minimum dial calibration' error is otitained.~ ' After the correction is made, set the safety lock of the mechanical.' corrector and `close. the aperture of the electrical aligner: ?. '. NOYE:'~Since the digits of the optical dial for the second sub-range are shifted, 50 kc relative to the other sub-rangea~ it ie recommended, in order?to avoid errors, that?the receiver not operate on the second sub- range during ;dial ;calibration. ~? After the dial has been aligned for any sub-range, the dial will automatically be in alignment for the second sub-range also. NOTE. For telephdne reception it is not advisable. to dec. bandpass to less thaa'3.kce(for the strongest in'terference)?.'.. D. Reception;Under Conditions of Strong Interference Lessening'of interference from nearby radio stations can be done by , shifting to a garrower,i-f bandwidth (at the same .time. it is a3so advantageous' ?to decrease the audio frequency bandwidth). .'. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ,pos s ible to use as TP ` benfl-ease of " one " kc and a Votes-frequency fiitrr ~ ? with a bapd~pass of "0.3" kc. In this case it must be. remembered that the beat tone from the third ~-' ,local oscillator should be? on the order of 1j300 kc' (the."Continuous Toile?.', " With strong interference, in the case?of telegraph reception,.it ir?>>'? ? knob is imposition "1"). . J ' / .~. ' ? If a ti/ransmitter situated nearby and operating on a frequency closta to ' ,pass does not lessen'/the interference, then the audio frequency gain r_ontrol' knob should be turned 'to maximum amplification'(poeition "10"') and thr_ ? radio-frequency amplification should be attempted.~;'In this situation the ? automatic sensitivity control is turned off.' '' ??~ ;- Stron g pulsating disturbances from sparking of. motors, relays, ignition, `. Of 'automobile engines/, lightning discharges, etc., causing sharp clicks, ~ r ;. r ~ do the telephone, ?can.be;'diminished by the use of a noise limiter in the ??' ~. , , receiver. '~ ~' . . In this case it 3s usually necessary to adjust the raflio-frequency - ' ;amplification (it`ie better to turn off~the automatic sensitivity control' ' while striving for tihe.clearest audibility). , ~ It must~be''remembered that the noise limiter cuts out only peak voltages - of excessive signals; it cannot completely eliminate interference. ? '?E..r Use of'the Automatic, Sensitivity Control ' ~. - ? Under normal circumstances the receiver should be operated with an-' automatic sensitivity control. For slow-rate telegraph reception and hand telegraphic transmissio>rs~. .? the time constant of the automatic sensitivity control must be increased to one second; otherwise,-during transmission pauses (and also during slow transmissions and between telegraphic-characters ),,tbe amplification of the receiver will. build up.and loud noise will appear.' : , i' . During search;'the?time'constant of the automatic sensitivity control .meet not be greater than 0.l seconfle; otherwise,. it'ie ditficult;to locate a weak station, ,esp~,oi'ally'if a strong station happene?,to.be operating on' a nearby r~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ' '~? NO FOREIGN DI53EM F. Diversity (Antenna} Reception 50X1-H U M For combining several receivers (diversity (antenna] reception), in the case of telephone reception, the outputs of the ASC of the receives are connected in parallel, but the terminals of the outlet to the line are . connected in series and to?the ends of the common outlets (common telephone outlet).. // The sdme time constant of the ASC should be established for all receivers operating together. -1 The method of combining receivers for telephone reception is shown in~ Figure 51 (three receivers are combined in such a, manner). NUPE: When combining receivers for telephone reception, 2t'is better not to connect the to d directly to the receivers but through auxiliary stages of audio frequ~ncy amplification, in which the grid circuits are connected to the outlets: of the various receivers anfl the, plate ci'rcu~ts are coupled anfl operate together on the load (see Fig.?52), ~, ' ' S-E-C-R-E-fi . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 o-a-~.-n~a~a ' AO F'ORETGN DTSSEM ' to antenna rI' i.line ~ . , ASC ~ utlet .~ + line, ASC ,outlet C~,n-nroawa.3 ine~aPee Earzcd Fig;51. Schematic for C.ontiecting Receivers .for 'i`elepTioa~y'Reception_ ~Combinefl Receivers Headset Outlets ~~ Cy..nrppw mvnc~oN.v 6'e.xm ZAVCnMUxoQ Fig. 52 Auxiliary Stage for Operation with Combined Receivers During Telephone Reception Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~ ~+-.a-v-n-a-a ' ~~:1P0 F`OREIAN DISSQf . ' jam- --.-~.~r~?F~~ IT * . - r _ t0 9IIteIIAB II_ ~ _ 1 ? ~ ; , . t ,_ .?Cow.,,e..weD 1111~ r t ~ ,o ~ut et~ o r e ~?- 000OV~ I ~ r o ?~Oo -. ..r__ _ ,_ _ -t0 anteIInfl~ YT_ __.KO.YmvwwnJ!_~~ , ~~~- fr ~ My O occoc i ~ c o~ II ? Fi_~~,~SchematicTfor~Connecting Reccivere_for Telegrapt~y_Reception_ W~u].ee relay aryn ~ ~to tuidUlator ;~ limited' ~ o~~..,,. - r..~.,w ;;-iFig. 54- Schematic for Combined~Telegrapl~y WLien Recording ~~# -", -~~-witty -vnaulstor---~-- ? ~ 89 - S-E-C-R-E~ i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 . ~.v av~VJ;V~\ YJ~l~yyp ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 This prevents the,out$ut stage of one:receivhr from affecting ?Bnother. , 50X1-HUM : ? ?Comb~,ned~ reception 'of voice-frequency (modulflbed) telegraphy i's' ~accompliahed ?in a manner similar to that of telephony. ' ? Combined'reception'of telegraphy with the third. local oscillator '(aural) is accomplished?in a manner similar to that of?telephony. However~?, even a slight difference in'the beat tones of the .two receivers will tare him greatly (he must carefully find and maintain the.same beat tones from' 'both receivers) . , ; ~ ' ?~ Combining three receivers makes this work even harder, since it?is not _ 'possible to make a fine'ad,justment of 'the tone?st any one receiver:~ ~ , ..~ .. ^nmhinaA ~~.anoi .rnw en ..+t n., nt +ele..r.....L.. /I.. ,4 L.. ........ ..r ........i ?... _..~~ ... ~. ti?on) must usually be~flone using a tone manipulator.~'A,diagram for such .; - ~~ ?cne oraer of y vo1La.'~ ......p .....- vw~i..w va vuc a+uvva. ouc acccivca .uua~ gave a capacitance no: greater than 1000-2000 uuf (especially for reeordi.ng '' of rapid .transmissions). The load resistance must be?greater than 1',000,fl00 !?' ..L...- .. ? 1 .requirements. and ruled for its use enables the?'operator?to.operate the ' receiver confidently:over?long periods. A receiver possessee.a high degree of reliability and is designed 'to.` 'retain this reliability over a long period of time. .However, improper operation of ?the receiver can shorten its period of 'useful service or ? decrease the reliability of the data received.' ?, ? An attentive attil~ude.toward the receiver. and `observation of all the, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 - .. .. ov cvawava, aa+a~oaaav .. - . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 HO ~'OREYGN DTSSEM ? Recommendeds ' ~ 50X1-HUM T th i r f 1 t h ' ) . urn on e rece ve or .5 ours prior to operati.... _~ ?a o 2 ' ??great calibration accuracyy and high stability of operation are required; . if a froquenc drift?on the order of 1000 and 1$00 ka is'attained during "?~ ~ .the first l.~to 2 hours of operation, .then the receiver can be turned ?~ ... on for 5 to 10 minutes before operation. ` ??' ~..~- b), Turn the receiver off, during an interruption of 3 to 5. hours in ? its pperatioh. , ~~: ?; ' . c) Do not switch sub-ranges unless it is necessary; do not shift .quickly from.one aub-range to another, turn the tuning knob quickly, ?. or force it past the extreme positions on the dial: " d)?'.Do not-allow operators .who are not familiar with the instructions . ~%. f) ` Do not remove the 'receiver from its housing unless it~ia necessary. ?. Forb i d d e n t ? a) To remove the optical dial of the receiver when it is in opera- tion 'and to ad3ust.the optical system of the objective, comprising the condenser lenses (except the illumination bulbs for the dial, whose ? ~?ad3ustment is made in conformity with the preseAt instructions). 1 ?b) To remove the cover 'of the capacitor units and uncover the wmpar~mentis ox tine arum-type suo-range selector switch:.,,; c) To make a Sine tubing of the receiver cirouite.' d) To remove the control knob for the third: local:oscillator? ("Continuous Tone"). ~'.~. ~ ' These operations?can-be.carried out only by experienced engineers . 7.,~.? Care of the Receiver To protect the mechanical and electrical parts ,of the receiver during its operation, moving,, and storage, the following basic .rules must be observed': z.!? .. a), During continuous. use the receiver mechanisms should be inspected 'every 2 months .and its moving parts oiled (vernier, sub-range selector switch and its~bearings,:gear,'wheels and bearings of :,the'band?selector; switch. etc.) : ; .'.. .. . . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 $-E-C-R-E-T ' ~ SO FOREIGN DIS6Erf NOTE: Lubrication of the contacts of the sub-range selector switch is not allowed. ~ 50X1-H U M i A special,anti-freeze lubricant in the spare parte'.kit ie used for oiling the mo7vl.ng parts of the receiver. b) It is recommended that every 2 to 3 months of continuous opera- tion of the receiver its internal parts be wiped with a soft, clean rag,, slightly moistened in gasoline, to remove dust. NOTEt C~(re'should be taken not to damage the contacts of the drum- i. type switch when wiping them. Be careful not to leave any lint on them ?, from the rag. ,/ e) During prolonged interruptions in the operation of the receiver (more than 2 days) place the cover over the front panel. , d) Guard the receiver against sudden changes itt temperature and spilling of water on it. / ' / e) The receiver may be transported only in packing boxes, with ~ , the ordinary rules for moving valuable equipment being observed. f) When?a receiver is stored in warehouses over a long period of -tame, all the regulati6ns for storing military,equipment must be observed. The receiver and all spare 'parts kits must be in tig~itly~covered packing ~ boxes. VI.__ TESTING Tf~ RECEIVER AND GENERAL INFORMATION ON-ITS REPAIR ~ . Testa ne for Capability o? Operation.,,, 1`he .receiver is operating normally ifs a) The current in all tubes and the input volts a are read within the red sector of the diab of the control instrument with the possible exception of tube No. 4 [~qee section 4 of the instructions for operation,' handling, and maintenanc )when the radio-frequency gain control knob is turned to maximum amplification, the audio frequency gain control knob is turned to minimum amplification, and the third local oscillator is turned on (the ASC'is turned off); ' NOTE: The sub-range selector switch is in?ar~q position except that for the first sub-range; b) The calibration error, as checked by the quartz calibrator, does not exceed 2, kc; c) Noise is heard on the headphones when the radio and audio frequency gain control knobs are turned?to maximum amplification fox all sub-ranges of the receiver; ? S-E-C-R-E-T -? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 - NO M~1HF.If1N IlIRR4`M ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 .. s . NO FOREIGN DISSEM 'I ci) Distant, stations can be heard is switched on;' NOTE: 'dhen?receiving, it should be remembered., that the calibrator. ~ ~: ? 0 ? .i ~~ j .. ~ ~? ~ stitch should be in the !'OFF" position; otherwise, there will be no 'reception, sipce?the quartz, calibrator, when turned'on,'.takes:voltage location of a malfunction?in;the receiver, a complete check of the' 'voltage and resistance'.in'all stages of. the receiver must .be made. :~?diagrams included~,in the ,present instructions. Prooeed.in the following ~: by unit), measure the. resistance with tester~TT-1 (the;S.nternal resistance prong and the frame of,tlie receiver. . .. - -_- - ~:?and,60). ?Deviation'(more than 2O~) of the measurements from the. resistances place'tlie.upper.and lower panels of the receiver on a table,.as shown in' ..Figs. 55 and 56, and unite them with special connecting cables, found in the spare parts: kit`.of;.the~receiver (make the connections accordine to Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S- -C-R-?-T ro xo~.IC.I Dlss-~~, 0 Ii0 FOitEIGir DISS..M , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 -- ... .__ . _ _ - _ __ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEtd rig. 56. Tuo Connected units of the .Receiver, removed from the Rousing. Rear View. NO FOREIGN DISSEAS c~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 ~ a.. .. ._>.~ .. ,a.ts-.?nGif4 at fit.f?Y:.a ui a 6-~a~...%C q.: 1... t. fro .w.o-~~~.R\. .a., ~ : ~ J (6X 6C) /41~r, G s ) {tlli. ii. ~.ii!JI ~4t it N.1 It.t:~~nimCit1111 ~.1Vhd It IJ.\V:UILt\ 19 ~~ (c~3e)(~435 so -G ?.~ -, ~~r %O 16Je3) ~6rr3) (6K3) (~ R,3~) ' ~il~toticlu.-.-_ __ .. -r ? t ~ .. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 oJo s (6,C3t,~CK3.~ (6,r3) (sx31 (6K3) NEy3 ~ ~V (Exec) ~G KGs '-~ ' - - ~6/IpC~ l to r v ~~ .~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 t ;5 1= /5.r3//6K3~ (6K3~6 K3~ o ~ s, ( 6,r3)~~K3~ ~7 `~ (6X6C) (G Kti ds) 2Pn 500ca /6.r3~ /6~t'3~ i/ora /6K3~ ~6K3~ ~o f40s 2s s ~ 6P)(6PGS): 6~rn ~f'Ks Q Sr U R~~FSr,a r- 18Or 65r.? ~~ (6X6t)~6 K~ 6 s) (6,r3)~6ra) ~~~~.:?'~ ilnarpay>~a cunpnntsaenni'i 6.iorca saxotrti3s }?crpoiicru g? 5$?Resis#~urf~, Diag_+?z-e oY Lha Cuter-~; c~~st~~ _.. ?.50X1-H U M Jl66 k6 6 s\ (6X6C) (' J _ ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 R ' ~ ~ o ~ 3 ~ \ 1 ?~ ? h ~`_//~ ~a `/ 3Von 16~,~c4)76 Zh ~1) ~Go >!~ ~.. B.3 ~ ~~~ 0 c .., 6_3 (6R7~ ~~OA 7~ f65 >? Pyvau pepynupoo,ru JBVu yNV MOKC ~ d,,o~ ino/ rni'P cepo~vuvumene noroex dK~ APU u .r6apgeBuu .runuaprs.~nop d?ii~ris. Bud wrY /b'M/f0~0/8 /b'i/Bnu co CmpPp~ ~+1VwmC~d ~CVem .voyt~.r ~ecmu no wcv~ou cmpe~e,Us~neanrie npouiBoo'uoace mecmopo~s rT-f ?. UiMePtvve caav~Bodunoce npu ,venpparew~uu .va Caacar7e ~mn 1766 /7P!/ !pT/`7PN9M!/U !N'?~pA~i?Nf/F M! BYIOdP By//7~oAMlLTe ~ ~c~nuu~;:a NanP,~~yQ,vuu, ,yra3o?~vvue Bdcvgc~aMroe dao~yi%ror d7riny coondeincm~m v ~. , ~ o cxopoerirnvoaSocx~v. .~. ~~'/ i~.lMt?~p~NU[/ Nd/7PO.7y~CFNtK! Na~irp~Mp~ don~.t~u 6oiina ~.rn.~ovvv "~' ~B .rte ~ronu~ amoo Wig. 59. Voltage Ilia~rsar of the Output Sections Puc. :4. ;[rtarpaarKa ttanps;~;emiii GaoKa isntcohon vacruru ~7O _d4 ~~.r J2.8 o Cssr,J; ~6 ~ ~ ~ ' 50X1-HUM t6.e3),/6k3~ r ~ ...fP.6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 , (6.0'7J~ bfi /J llr~ ~Sr.rz 75. ~, s / Pyvrupe2ynupo~?ru ?yBVU yNS/.iv~ ,.rose: Pod pa6omeiTq/P?rc~O~~oi~i ~'ltf. tJ11, ,~11~I INIM NB?CUII ~rOT{IRdCilllli ti.TnK1 RLIf OHO{t '11CTOild Fio F.7 y_a~~ _- -. . a.a.a~.a u.a.^.cs 1.1a~'1!? Of tl:~ D.. a:- ?-- . .w.?.~~-.~~tyuanoy erection .rcvru~ empp u APV .Darn. 02po~NUVUmpns noinex Bs~riovsv. 2 /7pu ul~epe..-uu ConaomuBn. ,ra ~'mnB ~__?/g ~ranu6pdmop~,r~,n~eM .~ ~Ua Nd Ay~ynpBOie nD?A'PAbKI/ GO CmOPO.vni MONmdyty, CV~~ MOi~'C~K BF. cmu pm KA/OVO /r0 vacoBou e.np~nse. 4 U,f..+epe~uv ~,anu.~?odunucs Tecmepow~ TT-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 (6,1(6 A 7) sire 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T ' ~ NO FbRETGN DISSEM '' La the lower panel, open the tray end the cover of the section that -- ' 50X1-H U M houses the crystal calibrator and the second local oscillator. Switch on '- the power to the receiver and with the tubes installed use .the TP-1 tester ~ ' (from the wiring side) to measure the wltage between each pin of the tube.; and the chassis. ? ~ 1 (fig 57? Voltage Diagram of .the Output Sections) [See next pages] ~ ...~ '~ The rated wtage values are shown in the wltage diagrams (Fig 57 and ? ~g 59) ~ A Jie`nation ~of more than 20 percent in the measured wltage from ~ ' } the value given in the diagram indicates a fault in the tested,circuit. ;?~ (Fig 58. Resistance D~agrem of the Output Sections) (See next pages]' , (Fi$?59? Voltage Diagram of the Output Sections) (See next pages) 1, Gala knobs R-F gain and A-F gain at maximum; mode telegraph. ' Turn oa noise limiter aq'd turn off automatic sensitivity control sad crystal calibrator; view towarfl'wixing aide of tube board pine aumbere8 clockwise; ' use TT-1 tester for measurements. ~ ; 2. Measure with 176 molts at the output of the rectifier; if there is a difference of wltage at the rectifier output, the wltage given on the diagram should be corrected accordingly, ~ ' 3. The crystal calibrator should be switched on when the wltage 'of tube 18 is being measured. ~ - Fig. 60. Resistance Diagram oP the Radio-Frequency Section 1. Set the Gain knobs R-F and A-F at y~aximtun; made switch on telegraph; turn off the crystal calibrator and ASC (automatic sensitrivity control); .and turn on the noise limiter. . 2. Calibrator switched on when resistance of tube 18 is being measured. ,3. View toward wiring side of tube board; pins"munbere8?clockwise from' the key,. . TT-1 teeter used for measurements. ~ . ~'~. GENERAL LABORATORY TEST3 ? (1n the repair shop) l.. A. Testing Accuracy of Calibration ' A frequency standard,, accurate within 10-5, is required for testing ' + " ? 100 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 '' NO FOREIGN DISSEM B. Testing the Receiver Sensitivity ' 50X1-HUM Receiver sensitivity is checked by supplying a high i'requency vo1t4 age from the'stendard generator to plugs Al and A2 (3) through a resistance of 100 ohms. Set the antenna selector switch oa the middle position'- "asymmetrical" (coaxial) feeder. , Load thf receiver output with one pair of low ohmic phones, to which e copper oxide wltmeter with internal resistance greater than 10,000 ohms is connected is parallel (If a tube-type amplitude voltmeter is used, the measurement of the sensitivity will be incorrect and will indicate values ? three times greater then the actual values.). Set the audio-frequency gain knob at poaitioa "10," which corresponds to maximum volume; regulate the gain with the radio-frequency gain control knob. ' Switch off the ASC/(automatic sensitivity contol), the noise lSm{tar and the crystal calibrator. Set the bands at an intermediate frequency of "3" kilocycles and ea sudib frequency of "2.5" kilocycles. Measuring Telegraph Sensitivity: Switch 'oa the third local oscillator?? set the "Continuous Tone" cal knob at about 1,000 cycles. Establish a receiver noise voltage?of 0.5 volt on the phones. If the receiver sensi- tivity is normal, the receiver output voltag8 will not drop below 1.5 volts when ahigh-frequency wltage of 0.5 - 1.0 microvolt is supplied from tlv: standard oscillator. - Measuring Telephone Sensitivity: S~ritch on the third 3ccal oscillator, Betabliah a noise voltage of 0.5 volt on the phones~'while s 3-microvolt, un- modulateii high-frequency signal ie being fed et input,' If the receiver telephone sensitivity is normal, the voltage at receiver output will not drop below 1.5 volts sihen the standard oscillator is modulated (400 or 1,000 ? cycles per sanded FM, 30~,modulation). , Small repair fobs, such as exchanging faulty fixed capacitors and r~:- siators (other than wire-wound), can be done on the spot by experienced re- pairmen. , The replacement of potentiometers and awitches,.ead the repair and tuning of circuits, ahousfl be done in repair shops by experienced specialists. General information on the detection of Faults in the'receiver?and rec- tifier is given be low.?.~ ~ .;. . .. r .~ , .. .~ { . / ~ .. `~ ~ ? ~ .~ 101. , ? ~ } ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 ?: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 thod of Correction N o N 1. Calibrator does not operate after being snitched on. 2. When the radio-fre- quency gain control knob is rotated, the currents of tubes-4,7,8-and 9 ao not vary. , 3. The audio-frequency gain-control knob does not regulate the gain, and output signal is 'barely audible. 4. Receiver operates normally, but a check of currents shows deviations ilrom normal is certain positions, or currents of certain tubes are lacking entirely. 5. Receiver operates poorly or not at all. s) crystal-calibrator tube not ilinctioning b) calibrator toggle snitch faulty v) fault in circuit Fault in radio-fYe - quency gain control a) change tubes b) check feed wltages at sockets of calibra- tor tube board. v) check circuit Check the radio-fre- quency gain control potentiometer. ~. Msconnection in the audio-frequency gain- control potentiometer, or circuits connected to it. Fault in current- checking snitch or its circuits . One of the tubes is out of order Check the audio-fre- ' quency gain-control potentiometer. Check circuits connected with gain control Check current-checking switch. Check the shunting resistors in the corresponding tube Replace toggle snitch. If tube shoes no plate voltage, the toggle switch has disconnec- tion is position "Off" Replace potentiometer. Replace the faulty shunting resistors. circuits ?'r. Check tube currents. Replace faulty tube pith a good one. 6. Cne of the sub-range does not operate. 7. In swtiching from the intermediate fre- quency of one pass band to that'of aae other, audibility van- 8. Image of numbers oY . optical dial obtained. on the reading line is illegible (not to be confused with illegi- . ble image of numbers aldng edge. of screen .of optical dial). a) first local oscil- lator not functioning; b} fault in circuits of drwn switch of the . particular'sub-range e) Ro contact with one band in intermediate frequency band switch, or - b) shorting in one of t .the trimmers of the particular band. a) improper`regulatioa (shift) of objective of ogtfcal system or b) loose attachment of dial disk. ~ _ ' s~ check first local os- cillator according to current of tube 3. Current will be, the same with drum sizitch::~~. on or off, iY faulty. Short is trimrers of cell 1 of local oscil-~ lator also possible. (Check trimmer) b) check. the instal- .. lation oP radio-fre- quencyr circuits (in . 'Lhe drum switch} of ~ the particular.aub- range; possible short ' is circuit (check tri7mner) or faulty fixed capacitor. a) check contacts of bahd switch at inter- mediate frequency. b) Check trimmer. s) tightness of screws holding optical sys- t~m to capacitor block, b) attachment of dial 'collar on.e.Yl.e, of capacitor block. Replace capacitor. .Correct short. Correct ("tighten") faulty contacts. Tighten screws. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 10. When rectifier is switched oa, there is no plate and ao fila- ment voltage,-and sig- nal lamp does not light. 11. Rectifier shows fil- ament voltage, but no plate voltage. Declassified in_ Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-R_DP80_T00246A0690000_70001-81d lamp in correct optical dial illumi- of lamp of optical screw which holds-the I Yposition and tighter nation. system. ~ bracket and hinged screws. _- 3oint of lamp together . ~ and, by rotating the lamp a little at a. - ~ time, find. the correct - - - position. , 12. Rectifier shows normal filament volt- age, but reduced plate wltage. 13. Rectifier shows nor- mal filament voltage, but ao plate voltage; rectifier tube func- tions; the filter choke (No 2 on principal cir- cuit diagim of recti- fier) greats up. r ~ - ~ ! [ Power line fuse of the rectifier has burned nut. . Remove and check the fuse. .' Replace fuse. ? 1 The SI~4C (5Ts45) hot-cathode recti- fier tube has burned nut. Faulty electrolytic capacitor (No 9 oa the principal circuit diagram for the ree='. $ifier) Short is the circuit following the Filter has cut out the elec- trolytic capacitor (Ro 6 oa the princi- pal circuit diagram of rectifier). Remove rectifier from housing and test the rectfier tube. Unsolder the capacitor; check the value of ~ ?. plate voltage supplied by rectifier. Replace the faulty rectifier tube. Replace faulty capacitor. I,gtic capacitor and. tor. check plate' voltage supplied by rectifier. f ''? ~ 3 NOTE: The above indicated characteristics of faulty condition, together crith~a check on the normal opera::ions (resistances, voltages and p]atP currents of tubes), affcr3 the pcssibi?i ,? of r=. accurate location of ~ equipment failures. - _ :~ ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 GOST VTU; Fniea- Rey '~ :. No. Drawing Designation and Type Rating, tity, marks XTnit. 1 I14705000Sp Transformer ~ l 2 682-loot Anode choke 10-15 1? 3 682'-101:8' : ' Filter, Choke 1.2 mh ' 1 . - 682-1018 ~ Filter Choke _ .._._ 1.2 mh 1 ? - 1952 MPSS Type 1 Miniature Tube v 1 '-` Catalo 0.28:amp GOST , ? 5 I7, ~~Ps $~`Tu ~ ? 1 1880!44 . ? . 1952 Mrss . . Catalo CaPaci~or. K&K-1.54 '' ? t'? 1 VN MPSS ~, 6 - 2 Ca acitor? KEG-1-N 20 M ~ 1 VN MPS5 ,,~ ~ M .7 6 ~-. ' Ca acitor 'XEG-1-N 20 1 - GOST Capacitor, ~ l0 611 - 2 KSO - 00-A 6800-Sh . 1 GOST 11 611 - 2? ca acitor xS0 5-Soo-A'68oo-Sh 1 '12 010-4 Fuse 4 PK-2 ~ 2 amp 1 13 GO5T 5010-49 Fuae~ 43PK-2 2 amp ~1 14 ~ 6 1-84 Two-direction Two-Band. Switch 1 15 631-84. Two-direction Two-Bend Switch ~?? 1 16 635si457. Stabilizer Switch ~ 1 ' 17 4100-0111 Plug ," 1.; 18 635-1447 _ Panel with Clamps ~ ~ ' 1 r? 19 635-1075? Two-wire 'S`ocket .; 1., ~ _ . hms 20 673-1006 .?, ~ 'S0-ohm!Resiator ? 3 ta tta ~ 1 ' .Drawing .331-1854 ~ ? ~ ' i` ~ ~RE?CTIFIER ;, . .. ~ . .. ' .'.` . .. S-E-C-R-E~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T ' 1Q0 FOREIGN DT3SEM m m m v m d O b ~N m ae r~ a a c$ \-1 ~3 r-1 ~ ~ v T ~?+ 2 ,, ' ~ ;,~ ' '*~-~ 'lam. Y~ ~i l'^ N r~1 o n b Y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 ? 1\V CVl\{yLV1\ YLLIWI{'1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T IIO FOI~ZGN DISSIIN i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO~FOREZGN DISSEAS S-E-C-R-ESP NO FOREIGtt DISSET! Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 A. ~Circuite 1 B. Technical'Data for Receiver 2 2. Gene~l Description of the Design of the Receiper~ ~3. Description of the Design of the Rectifier ? ? 8 8 8 19 III', .The Electrical Lqy-Out of the Receiver and Frincip].e of Its ..22 3. First Mixer ~s`? 29' 4:. First Local Oscillator * :.^, ~ `P'' ~? ~ 32 7, .Second Local Oscillator '': ~ 35? 8. Correcting the Calibration ' ~ '"';l_' ~? ' -: ?, t .,' ' : 37 10. Detector ",. ? ':~' . ~t5 11.:.Audio-Frequency Amplifier '. ,~;?? ~.~~ 12. Third Local OscillatoY ?~ ~9 13. Noise Limiter S0 14. Automatic Sensitivity Control 55 15. :Manual Volume Control Knob 57, 16. Power SuPP~,Y Circuits 58 17?.'Checking the Currents end Voltages ;..~ 59. 18.~ Rectifier 61 19. Antenna-Matching Transformer .~,'.; , 65. IV. Description and Design of the Main Sections end of the Receiver `1. Variable-Capacitor Barka 2. ? Subrange S~iitch 3. .Dials ? 4. High-Selectivity Filter Circuits V. Instructions For Use~'Msintenance and Stora?e 1. Setting Up the Receiver 2. Installing Tubes in the Receiver 3?' Connecting the Antenna end Output Equipment! ? ??5. Operating the Receiver ? A.' Telephone Reception 77 77 77 .79 81 83 83. lO9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 V~Y~V ~1\~~/~r ? ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ' D. Reception During Intense Interference 8$ E. JJsing the Automatic Sensitivity Control 86 F. Mversity Reception 87 6. Receiver Melntenance 90 7. Care of the Receiver 91 VI. 7~esting t~ Receiver and General Information For Repairs 92 1. Testing for Capability of the Receiver 92 2. Testing the Tubes 93 3. Cenera.l?Lebora'tory 2bsts (in Repair Shops)' 100 '. 4. Repairs 101 Enclosures ?1. // Radio-Frequency Seatioa of the Receiver. Principal Circuit Diagram 2. Output Section of the Receiver. Principal Circuit Magrem 3? Rectifier. Principal Circuit Diagram ? 4. Assemble-Installation Magram for the~Receivesr Equipment ? S-E-C-R-ESP Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-R DP80T00246A069000070001-8 - a\v rvcir+av\\ umuu?~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8 SECRET NO ~ORBGN DISSEM SECRET NO FORBGN ~ISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :CIA-RDP80T00246A069000070001-8