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` - ~--? 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy A pproved for Rele ? ' ~ ~ ~~~~~_ .~. ase 2013/01/30: CIA-R DP80T00246A068000260001-8 Jar J CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AC7ENCY ``~ T'hle mpterLl coatolne InfoEmatloa aQecttng the National Ixfense of the Unlteo 8tntes wlthln the menning of Che Esploaago Imwe, Tltle 1g, U.B.C. Bete. 7gJ and 7gk, the tmnamtsston or revelntton of which la any moaner to nn uaauthorlaee person >e Drohlhlteo ay Inw. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-fi-I-A-L ! NO FOREIIGN DISSEM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT English-Language Manual on Soviet Helicopter Engine ASh-8~V DATE OF INFO. PLACE 8 Soviet helicopter MI-4 /AOUN-D~J, entitled Description and Operation and Service Instructions for the ASh-82Y Enginer Series Wi~h/J ,OS-page,English-language manual, on the eng ne for the July 1963 50X1-HUM No date or publishing da -" - 50X1-HUM 2. Differences between engines of series 4 and series 5 are given on the first page. 50X1-HUM 3. The main sections of the manual, as listed, in the Table of Gontdnts, are: Section I: General information on the ASh-82V engine and R-5 main gearbox Section II: Principal technical data of ASh-82V engine and R-5 main gearbox Section III: Preparation of engine and R-S gearbox for"flight Section IV: Operating the engine and R-5 main gearbox in flight Section V: Dilution of oil with gasoline in engine and R-5 main gea{~.box oil systems Section VI: Installation and adjustment of engine and R-5 main gearbox Section.V.II: Engine troubles, their causes and remedy i G-O-N-F-~I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN I3`!'SSEM aMUP 1 E.AudM l.mm a ema de~ny.udbp~a.d ~ dMmA&orbn SAC 50X1-HUM C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM NO FOREIGN DISSEM Section VIII: Maintenance of engine, R-5 main gearbox and main drive shaft Section IX: Unpacking and depreserving engine and R-5 main gearbox . Section X: Preserving of engine and R-5 main gearbox installed in helicopter. The Table of Contents also lists an Appendix entitled Engine Tool Kit; this did not accompany the manual. {then removed from the covering report, the manual is classified CONFIDENTIAL. Army: 1 photocopy Air: 1 photocopy Air/FTD: 1 photocopy, DIA: 1 photocopy ORR: 1 photocopy C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-R DP80T00246A068000260001-8 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-R DP80T00246A068000260001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 DESCRIPTION and OPERATION AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS for the ASh-82V ENGINE, SERIES 4, WITH R-5 MAIN GEARBOX ~_ Co~El~E~~T~~?~L ~a ~ m~na~uc ~en+araaia~ ~1 aedaanrattw Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-R DP80T00246A068000260001-8 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-1'-I-A-L 50X1-HUM aw - - SJh'en opeiating. the A04.82H engines, scrips `$? bei+r in mind that they-di^fer from tho enEines,`soriea 4, in the ' . - ~ " fbllowing,:' ~, ~ 1. 011 pressure oa the friction olutah piston undoraide. - ? is chaa~ed from "not bolov t;haa 1.5 icg./am?" to "notuDelox than 1 k~.%om?". ,?s 2. Dae to~modifiaation of the traction clutch desi~u' washiag flevices. b) Dilute oil in the engine oil system nithout waehia~ the clutoh. a)~The ^S7eahing the olutcl:" paragraph in not regvirad~ hoeause the nex olutchea are not fitted with 11 ~gare the friction clutch only once at tl:c end of oil/fnsoliae mixing procedure with the doh (pan clutch enCafod? specially for filling the friction olutoh with diluted oil, on aocompl ishin~; the mixin t: ;.~raeedurc. i~ . LI I~ 696UP 1 i FxclueeC from automatic Man.nn;n. nnA .-~ s'+a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 n `.? z _~,t M d PislorL,stzolEe~lto~5~m P[s1`onsfz_4ke~Sto.$s ~~ 1. C~ul`cfi, asse'nr~`~ed. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM ,wr:,. ='b s~-,... i~AtfSTnTZ[AfinT{ 4 .I~f4 R.-..1 ?l ~~si -a-_aa~....i iy_~_ .-._- irtg ~ha ;tora~onairibzatl~sLati'd fo y~oo~te`i=ba`l~"~ui?n`g~ss~ ~"emt of the x5~3t o deryiaertia:forcoa ne"to seoiproost~g,sor`c~e'aC ~nol i-, r T .rt v+ .. ? J- K+~ k sx : ~ +. y.... iT iF >S-.H~f .~+i Sorco~drie torecfprocsl..ug mov?e?nt of ~maefea'tt~'?.Z-ad~arde~'~~?~, hnl nnnwru'n~~...e::.! t+'..:,8+~, ....,?^`~ i~~`~-'..'e ~]. ~"w ~ ?~'" ~"~'i :r;'.~~: i y - xl ~dKp r... ".- r'!-_~ f' Y' ~:,~"f r r+?..?~,r- ~?~F_~a'-~ry~?f~.,~c r1zr .7a1TC ticiag?: eechaalsa ~4he?froat ~~reas;,ariiader,~ro*a nave- sey6rsTe ~! PAlre' LSC1aE}eecaaLiaca.,'rae,,r~lvea- AT8'e~Ot'illted I~.~. ..~._'_ ~'y_ _:r~~'-,,.r.-.Y ~-~~ ~ ar?.._r!.yl'rt%, TM~~F .~~1~.?^?xY-';i?E'3! ~ . ~' a s 14 sy b. ?' 'E' s ri.''"". ~ ay,~. y.//.F r~Rir.J ~ ',"~t`,~4LE,~froat frm~rear Vaasa"'`rokete`eatateel~SattDgoMs~-ce5t?red"t~a~~`~ ~~.. ?,~y'i4~. ~..~ .~a'L' y,... ..'w "~'`+~K .?~?'f.M~-r''}li'S"-?~_'~.~r115 {G~^s[. '~-~z'Cian ls.. W !; I`he lrant o~3iade~rar xelve~.,ezo~y~tuated~Dy t3e,csss~ont~thc~ ai.? mec~~+naa.aa~gesra loaasea sa,_zae craasoaee zran..^eosysar,sea- ion _.A:ir u'u'r.~~~ ..t ~~ S ~~~Y~r~ elite,. i"4..;i ~ =r~a? '"'~r s~S.n C~O-N-F=I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L O E'ig. 9. Car and tiolaaoer driven diagram. i)) Dririn~i gaar;(43)front rhl~n~tiYlnQ-?aobanlen+ 2) interrndiate donb~e slaatio gear (large rim ?h0;'- amcil~..rim -16), frontralre yiring ~eohnniar; 1) tzoa aam (i08)q b) oar suppport; 7) front bolanosr (SO); - 6~,iatermediate dnubl@@ gear (large rir-25); amLil.ria = iS),bala~oer drive 7) axle, bslanoer drive in'tlrtaedir ate donDle ggear; 8~ front~dr3riAg elastie gear (g0), balaaaer flrlre? 9)toar anyport; i0) r ar nom (10B) ' it) iatermedia~9 elwatio doable gear ~largg!r rir?-,~4r.~ email rir - 16), rlar rain! tiring tseoLamiar;l2)dti gear (43) rear ralis fining reobaaier; 1>) reat,?.dFi~r ing ~laat~e gee;? (60),?belaaoe dri~ei iq) ?sll,iailer~ aedihte doable gear' i5) interrediate.donbls geart~ (largo rim-2s, e f rir ?-15), belanoer drirl~A6);4?~atJ balaaoer (30)g i~oroairabgft. ! ~:! C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM -'? ---?- ~--.-.-.~.~-.v~ .oa.o u:?UaFfulam gears oz can front and rear oylindsr rocs arc elastio. Tho valve tappets with'thoir guides for eeoh oyliader row aro looated in tho aookete of the. rnv rear ayuaaer row valve topper guides have no bolos .to drain the oil from rho rookor boxes. power shafts' the 'houalaga inatallod on the engine. Othor acoosaory l.natalled in the crahkoaae front aeotioa sad rear ~,bcariaga. tachometer transmitter end Puel pump are 'haft fitted with gear teed. rim. The aocoasory drives. The englnr, aooossory drives take ~rom rho engine craaknhaft through tho gear train. The drivo r bf the ffl3-82A direct inicotiaa puvp, tho oombined drivo of q ~ o aupor- hargor roar housing nrtd aoaaista of as elantio gear for the aocessory drive shafS~ two-speed traaamfaslon oad the Smysller "tweea its blados and the euperohargcr frent housing ?ertloal aall.~ ~~ Tho impeller drive maohaalsm (Fi 6) is hosted 1n th shafts ar on the the platen of the. friotion and oam clutohea. ~? ti'. r.. t~ ryotor drive shaft through the combined clutch whioh Sa mounted 1n .yhe crankanae.fron.t section. .Smooth aagagement of the trnnam!esloa ,.' d rotatioa.of..the main rotor 1s provided by the fribtlon olutoh. ~~fter aooelerating the main rotor the aam clutch is engaged. Tho ~lutoh 1s operated by solenoid switohoa installed on the oraakoaeo front aeotion flanges sad used to ectnate the sliding valven paoo- 1hg She o11 from tho engine presauro lice Sato rho oavity under. r C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-R DP80T00246A068000260001-8 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L O ~~, 50X1-HUM .- 1 Fig, 6. SuperoLa~ger impeller dri~e~9lagram: .' Z~ - 81aatlc gear (63); ` ZZ - Gear outer rim (18)~ Z) - Doable gear inner rin.(50)+, ~~ Zq - Planetarq gear (15)~ ZS - Gear. email `rim '(20)~for ene directlpa Of rotat~'pyi ti6.= Friotioa gear rig (60); C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 p11N fYIL 11UN GlVILN I[/I yp(~p- . DIS[NGA6FD AhD CAAI CL-rEN namintrswr nl M7/N CAIQU M t ~[- AIfD D13EN6AGED CN e~- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 FIG.A CRAWfCASf FNOXT Sf[TIOY OIL DASSICfS LuGRAm.(ttUlOl CVlfMK MTFM). ~Qll 101YR f~W ibXfntih MfllO,: Oa Y.YMIO roH9: 4m R[E vlH: ~/IR~B-14 iRRf: Gtl rlM llb :~-YQ PIH: DMJI~RI4T RIH: OH/M[ Mlllf IQ(IX(. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-R DP80T00246A068000260001-8 C_p_x_~_r_n_F-N-T-I-A-L 150X1-HUM The engine is started by means of ea ?lectrio inertia otrrter.~ To faoilltate starting the engine !s equipped xitb a solenoid - ~ -_`-^`-' -'-' - - r .From the roar oil pump, the oil flowing to the eaglne, passes flown Prom the crankcase walls to it~ bottom section. From the housing and oil an~imp. The engine oil and breather systems diagram is shorn in FSg.9. the oil passes throuy)i the outer pipes to the nil sump. From the auperaharger rear housing the oil passes to the oll vvalve mechanism, oraakcase main section and roar valve mechanism i front oii Pump foraeo the oii via the outer pipe into tho plpee, ing to the oi`T aump.~ ' HRSdTF{gR STSTBt3. For equslialag pressure Sn the oranicoa9e front aeation raid the orankcaa? main section the vertioal walla of the crankoase main eeotion Qre provided with breather holes, Tab breathers installod on the auperohargor front hoaeing are heed for dooreasing Prassur? insido the engine and equalising it ~to the atmospherlo one. ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 :CIA-RDP80T00246A068000260001-8 C-O-N-F-I-D-~E-N-T-I-A-L I - - ~ ? '~' ~ T : - f Y;} v 7 t iy*., - oa tauvy Matl~,uF~ f ~ (Flg`i 89~.r~S ~,.?la`~~ai ~'~4r''4 * ~` ~L`lRy~~/~{~t^~~sy'K~t~k~y~'~wA1 ~~~ y ~ Rr >r d 4f F4~ ~s''i? .ri'y~a/ ."f,~ N tw of ~u~q{ ~f na+.t'ir",~~rw`~''~~-~~~YY/~fi r~l.*.!...~'s!?~a..'h7,Y'fi'%~... ~~+bfJwa..".~t ?~~Gi .?A.. ,.. 1].s! ~pipc+phloh~ oon~tttil{a0otee~wlth~?~B+s~m65phere.~,rx~ ~t ? Y Tho SFA17~lunV3Jw w.w..'F:.-~~'~a~~~?Y~ur.~.: '~4?'~e."~'dM~?.~:i . ?a .a::~p ..i7i~'+~,.'-.$~J""~'i~> ' L!S@(1'~+T.i@~Rr~,A@Y_Bx11gi70$ii1'~F:F~i~C"~G'ff `~iniootes~gith~,the~~aztginelbreai;h@r'soavl ~~ ~'~"f~ ~'`'""r t