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4r: 1 I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States Within the in was vs vie s.svwaneu ????Ae 18, U.S.C. Secs. 703 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person Is twnitnathel-hw 'kW SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Description and Sketches of Harbors in the Rostock Area REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES DI MAY tetra 1 RD 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. sketches and a tabulation 50X1-HUM ox descriptive data on harbors in the Rostock area. In- formation given in the tabulation includes name of quay; length; width; depth; number and size of berthing places; number, type and hoisting capacity of cranes; number and length of railway tracks; and other miscellaneous informa- tion on the harbors at Rostock, Bramow, Marienehe, Gehlsdorf and the overseas harbor of Rostock. (9 pages tabulation; 2 sketches) SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM ? 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 GROUP I EXCLUDED PROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADES? AND DECLAGGESICATION STATE PC ARMY NAVY WX AIR X NSA X I OCR X DIA X AID (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 nest Nil FIETIAN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 nuo tsrardowt marienene,- senisdort,' RostoctOlierseehafen. ============================================= ============= a De Nr on sketc name of quay - . . lengt?nridth- m M 1 depth m berthing places cranes railway tracks . 50X1 comments ? ' .. .-.-: nrs grt nrs lifti ng capacity types nrs length . . ROSTOCK ? Silo quays ? . . Eastern quay cla 200 5,8 5 4.500 Piled wooden quay. sij - los of together 8.000 mi. ki grain pipes. A twot torey granary with ? .000 tons storing capa-. ity. . Wooden quay 100 ? 5,8 1 1.500 ? oncrete quay. Silo, ca - acit 4.000 m3 with r , 11 grain pipe. A.. , Lied . Western quay ca 150 6. . 1 3.000 wooden quay. Sild capacity 5.500 m3. 1 s brain pipe. Conveyer. ? storage building of ca 30 m2. 4. Monchentor -quay 90 6,1 1 . 3.000 1 l,5-3t ortal . . riled quay. Silo, capaci- luffing ty4.000 m3. 1 grain 5. ? lagertor -quay c [ 200 ' 6,3 2 6.000 1 crane 3 t lo on on racke - rtal, tracks 2 pipe set-up. Office . uilding. iled quay. 2 storage uildings. t- , : ? _- crnRili WA rnprin. 111c2 M ;lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/2.1 : CIA RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 nr on sketch name of quay length in width in 8chnickmann -quay Christinen-hafen (quay) Ore quay Coal Quay Northern quay Western quay Southern quay ca 190 ca 200 225 325 60 200 depth 6,1 5,0 6,5-6 6-6,5 berthing places cranes nrs 2 2 3 1 2 grt 6.000 6iino nrs 1 1 1 7 1 1 2 9.000 ) 3.000 ) 3 6.000 ) lifting capacity types 0 00 I railway ? kg nrs lengt comments 5t 18-25 t 4t 5t 25 t 5 t ? 15-30 t 6t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 on tracks 2 heavy cr ne(tower crane) portal, on track rail- way on tracks 3 portal luffing crane ,on tracks bridge cranes on tracks rail- way About 110 m of the quay piled and 80 in steel. piled: 2 storage buil- dings. New quay: Steel piled quay. -Seeral tracks; 1 Concrete with steel piling: Several rail- way tracks. Harbour office. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Dec no on sketch name of quay length m width m depth m berthing places cranes railway ? . comments ? , nrs 'grt nrs lifting c4PaziSY types nrs ength 12. Haedge-hafen ? Southern quay ea 180 7 Pile construction with / concrete surface slope. At the quay part mooring place for fire exting - /uishing vessel. Shed. ? It is possible, that the inner part of the basin 1 has been filled up. 13. Fishing quay-,...i7 r...a 270 3,5-6,3 2 64000 ? 2 Shore quay consisting of pilework. Workshop. 3 warehouses, 3 wooden sheds. 14. Eschen-quay 260 5,5-6,5 3 4.500 a rail- way Wooden piled concrete quay. Granary. 2 store- ? .houses: 15. Kies-haf en ca 3,0 ? rail- Piled quay. Ferry statio ?-. . way of the ferry to Gehls- dorf. 16. Kabutzenhof -quay 150 1,5-3,0Pilework ? with concrete surface slope assified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Dec nr on sketc name of quay length m , width m depth in berthing places cranes railway tracks comments. ? nrs grt nrs lifting capacity types nrs length I. Aieptun Werft . 17. Southerh shipyard ' ) quay ca 100 5,1 1 1.500 1 fixed cra rail- ) Fitting out quays ne i way ) . 18. Western ?I ca 175 6,4 . 2 3.000 ca 15 t totter era, ) Several cranes at flows:. . ne on tradks ? ) ting docks and slipways. ) 19. Northern " , ca 175 6,3-7,1 1 4.000 1 ca 7,5 t -"- rail- y ) . ) . I 20. Bramow ca 100 5,0 1. 1.500 Oil quay for tankers of up to 500 dwt. ? Idarienehe. . . . 21. Bridge ca 75 ca. 6,0 1 3.000 22. Fishing harbour ca 850 6,0-6,1 8 >4.000 ? rail- Concrete quays. Fish:- I way halls, salting house, ' ' store house for f ishing- nets , workshops etc. - , 23. Warnow-quay ca. 375 ca 6,0 3 9.000 ? 2 Ice-factory. Nish meal factory. Concrete quay. Cold sto- rage house, workshops, warehouse etc. Admi- nistration buildings. lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Dec nr on sketch name of quay ? length m idth m Bepth in berthing places cranes railway tracks comments nrs grt nrs lifting capacity types nrs length Gehlsdorf ' II: Schiff s- und Boots- Went III. Gehlsdorf shipyard 24: -. ,, ? Two bridges, each about 70 m long 140 2,5 6,0 1 ' 3,000 ? ' 25. Shipyard quay 200 6,0 2 6;000 1 40 t 26. Pier ca 75 6,0 1 3.000 Concrete- and stone pier ?: Inside of the pier cb&ld \ sists of pileworks. Oilharbour/Peez . ' ? 27: Oil pier (mooring quay about 120 m) ca 350 9a 30 9,5 2 I4O0O0 3 Concrete pier with a widening almost in the ' . ? middle. On each iongside of the pier there is roo: for 1 tanker of ca ? 20.000 grt. From the widening there are.6 -8 pipe lines to the oil storage. Unloading capa city 500 tons/hour. The oil storage, situa- ted just SE of the Oil - harbour, is divided?in 2 cistern-groups, which groups are divided in crude oil and bunker groups. . lassffied M Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Dec nr on (ketch name of quay length i in width in depth in berthing places cranes railway tracks "Comments . . nrs grt nrsifting -a acit types rem length ? ? 28. lassified , " . 13berseehafen 250 for / Release ca 9,5 2013/08/21 2 12.000 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 - ? rail- way ? For loading and unloa- ding of railway tank care there is a 'covered pillard building (wharf), to which 3 tracks lead, 2 for loading and one fox unloading. The pipe lines are placed in a way to allow the oil to be pumped directly from cistern or oil storage to the wharf, or reverse: There are several pump buildings. About 10. oil cisterns are being used: Boiler house,g-Iwinch houee track scales. On the western shore of the 4 oil harbour there is a bunkririg place. The oil refinery is" si- tuated about 160 km from the harbour. Concrete quay with Wooder fenders. Quay for re- loading and storing ca 4 in above water level. ? ? ? 4 Quay ,ca / in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 nr on sketch name of quay length width In degth berthing place nrS Grt tcylec-D 29: Basin B Eastern quay Bulk cargo quay ca 1.300 . 1D,5 -12,0 0.000 6 lifting cnpaci_ty 20 t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 types railway tracks nrs length bridge era- 34-6 es with L40 m out - igger comments Concrete quay with ' wooden fenders ca 4 m a above water level. Quay for ore, obeli apatite,' phospharite. The 6 berthing places are num- bered from the southern part, the place furthest south is for loading of coal or ore, the next one for coal, ore or; apatit, the 3rd only for apatit, the 4th for re- loading of crude ore or as waiting place, the , 5th and 6th for re-loa- ding of potash. Conveyers for transpor- ting of cargo to the store places. 3 concrete warehouses, about 200 x 30 m.--Sto- re places. ' 3 railway tracks on the quay, near the edge of the quay, and behind the warehouses and store' places another 6 treas.: The quay is paved. . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Lon hketch 307. 31. name of quay fength idth depth berthing places cranes tits grt tn,r33 lifting ca cit types Basin B 'Southern quay 180 10,5 1 10.000 Western quay ca 1.300 10,5-12, 0 6 60.000- 18 (3-5 t) portal General cargo quay 72.000 luffing cranes on tracks 2 10-15 t .bridge cranes on tracks L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 railway tracks nrs length comments rail- way 3+3 Lauer concrete quay, used by passenger-ships and boats belonging to the pert police etc. Railway track(s?) and coal storage in the near.' Concrete quay with tim- ber fender. The quaS' is paved. 2 warehouses, 350x60E12 m each. The warehouses are equipped with10 m broad loading ramps' ' towards the seaside and 7 m broad loading ramps :1 towards the landside. Trucks can pass from the quay up on the ramps and into the warehouses. ? 3 railway tracks, behind the warehouses another trackap Store house, about 10 storeys. Office building, work- shop etc. The crane tracks are em- bedded. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 berthing places cranes grt nrs lifting capacity types railwaY. tracks nrs length comments 32.. 33.- 34. 35.- Basin B Quay Basin A Eastern quay Plann4d quay II It pa 250 a 550 ca 915 2 110.000 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 rail- way Concrete quay with tim- ber fender. Railway tracks in the near. Concrete quay with tim- ber fender. About 552 m of the quay are ready, the rest under construc- tion (about 1500 m).. Planned warehouses, si- miler to those on the wester quay of Basin B. I t' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 50X1 pi mrtirann ? Wainemu tive.47'N ? r e L 28 ? / 27 uberseehafen R,0 S TO C Petersdoil NO FOREIGN Mar A/adenalorl -It Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2 P1 arienehe Reuters hagen ? RoSToCkS 5 fro. /a_ 1:15 000 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067600090001-2