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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1-HUM This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Study Entitled: SSM Units in the GSFG REPORTI DATE DISTR. 30 NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. comprising 16-pages o-surface .ssi Soviet Forces in Germany) a study urrace (Group o 2. The study consists of a detailed analysis of a large number of individual pieces of information in an . attempt to form an over-all picture of the status of SSM's and SSM units in the GSFG. The study concludes that over the years since 1957, the introduction of operational/tactical missiles of .the light, medium and heavy types into the GSFG has increased to a point during 1962 where SSM troop units have become an integral part of the GSFG in the armies and probably also in the divisions. The over-all level of intelligence re- 5 4 3 2 1 STATE X ARMY #X I NAVY I X I AIR I X I NSA 1 `f 1I ORR JCS x 50X1-HUM- fleeted in this study is not current. The study contains the early Soviet tactical missile organization which was believed to have been in effect during the period of 1958-=50X1-HUM Distribution of Attachments DIA O SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO67500440001 _4 _I -IiAr ND FQISI0N DIBSOIIA?ION 13 March 1963 s ACi iO iM3Pftiiclt IGAMA OBI?D IN 7 li GOER! This st dy ocsomras itself with the important qusstlorr of tills presence of surfs.-to-surfsos missile units in the GSYO. We emphasise that thew ohservatioms of missiles do not permit it is be dedused abet2str they are prsatic.-e=eroiss missiles or missiles with actual war beads. Oar efforts wets esolnalvely directed towards detsrsint3 that missile units were being assisned within the GM. The study repress to an attaspt to fors an overall piolrre from the lone moiler of imiividua l pieces of information available. This result is sR,1U isr.@r&3A* ri ass am1,T be evalmatod as an intermediate, mad pe~sliaiarry study. Organization of the stems Part I - mtrtto ru ff srt+ssil, awls SECRET, 1. Introduatiao of auifas.-to-surface missiles into the am sins. 1957. 1-3) 2. Idamtifisstiam of .1 41. s and their lseatiam. (*=be" k-5) O 3. ?actieal missile rsgimsatso and heavy missile.eetiass. (&=bar 6) 4. al &&or and organisation of wart sd04l0 10118- (llumb a a T-9) 5. Rvaln:tiaet. DIM* r 10) tart Xl - ?echaieal (will be given at a loth data) 2-9-c-t-19-T 10 01IIMM D L ATICM No CAMMIM" IM AaR "Plum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO67500440001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 8-B-C-R-E-T NO POM01i NATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 V WWI= MW UNIT' IN TAR am AgmA Z 1. The !lest reports of egnipmwt indloating missiles in the O3}a emir" in 1957. These obssrvatians conosrned. principally the area of the rrghth Oaards Arsy, and to a lesser degree, other areas of the insist Zone of Ocoupetien. At that time the equipment could not be clearly identified. It was later indicated however, that (the equip rat observed) was probably surface-tee-aarfa a missiles, 1cb at that deer mere introduced into the OM, probably to a limited '!is descriptions indicated that the first observations ware of the viers types of the 33-2 (the 101 and 102 WMMI improved and further developed models of the former Oerman A-4), and in the WSUMI g of 1958, the PROG type missile. U ii le the &3-2 mss pr lsbly available in the USSR long before this time (assumed to be the first !filly operati emal. tactical missile). The 7= 1, ems first displayed to the publle during the November 1%7 Rocoow parsds. in the basis of reports, it is believed that FROG aianiles eeuld have been introduced into G370 at approximately this time. We have insufficient information available to indicate the of 8/3 missiles available in the GM during the g*neral period 1957,'$, or the nature of their organisation. 2. Reeporta regarding obserratices of 3/8 missiles increased in the .are after 1959. In these reports, t2.a chassis described was ~sTtlvalarly often the VT-T6. his means that the objects observed were probably the 8/8 missile FROG-2, which was also displayed for the first time at the 1957 Moscow parade, but probably not until later introduced Into tactical (operational) units. The effective ramie of thin weapcn (approximately 30 La.) does not speak for the direct rtb rd1 nati on (of PROD =Its) below G.SFO (level); however, wain in 1959 iesufflolent information was available to permit an analysis of the or&vdzation and subordination at the 8/S missiles In the MO. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO67500440001-4 _3- 1, 19600 developed a ~, alt partiearlar]y is 1961, areas, and later garrisozss, develop. The m aiabers, where 8/S 0118411" could be Indicated, +Rddltion to the ~ 1,1, the SCUD vvsss in the o=) ~ ~, that the 'RW 3/4, wbir is believed to brave nr1960 a the nal in 1960 and d tbt~- fare poiaibls for it to be b:"ougbt ~` into the OW. OW. 3. In 1961- the frsaueaay of obo*rvatiosis regaxdjag SIS sisailos appeared to justify the asauuQtion that a 1a3ge auaber of S/S also,,* units wets atatia"d in tyre sesde. It wan assuimed that the units uses subordt4atod to the OSK, and the ar;1ss respectively, In Approxiarrie)7 R. ;t. strery-tine Ssrly in 1962, a large maiber of obsarvationg iadisatad '-he possibility that $/8 sisaile units were psr'tieipatir in C,sFG t=em ransuvsrs. This was Mrtloularly true for the maneuvere in Marab, .%s, and ? tl.y of 1962. It could be coasluded frm this, that the .inasryoratlen of S/d mdaai" units was advanced to the paint that ?otrtt ?x*raise betwwm this wsyss and other troop .lementa was possible and nscsssary. Ali*, during the oeurse of 1962, the rwaadng of the Artlllee7 bsops in?the Assdq artsrs of the GM, to "Chief of K*CbW Larilef rr ? and Artillery tool[ 'lass. Mr **Am devela the Unfit ^tLttary distrista, and after a abort Use* In the dr in MM; hu.,ss'not in the divisions. ? ?~M at the 4? All garrison of the 0810, "here sh ills were uuspr=Oted, we& chAmtesl m. Am far as pond ble, the rsmber and types of S/a al ash 1M Webs to be detarsined, is older that a determination at number and a i na :.i on could be node. For this were ^rr;,~+aL+? but aLi~,try~t ~~ lL~serse and ift2 z~e rf V.0- ?a arts available oooasias?dian error faetorcwhi vxr- ii h er, asa at :*&a t, ;.wtja1l1- oas- omastad for by the large rans..r or r,epd rte. s ch oy t hers.lvee appsarsd hL01y is probebl u were consi dared in a XqpW n4jr 09il7 in assooiati aft with other in!os .~. ;.a rte' Sri th t~ !~ o~~. mall a-. Our ma got - )r xrr a iiainat.d. +agencl so . %d r gtW4*Wr Sour*" of i t lust j hawse., be swhasis.d. that up to Ibis tine we are 41 ? `? any things, blab to proof of the well fy 4md&g ATM' ;,57O) Sad the 1006004%7 for further effort, to e,R trot c ; this iwportaet wsras. sLnri all Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO67500440001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 s MN ~a-MO M ew 5 ? in 1ass.ttsatiot ru.ald. a. 2hst with Pratt p.rbatrility, a/s .Mailss are .+*tlosed is mm the. 30 pt?rriss.s if the GUS. (a? inelasurs 1) A]1 of thewo aa'rinrm MV idsntieal with those in shieh ether troop 22M are staLiasrd. olds doss net .chid: the possiMUty that 1 .L..11. tits semi sot be statise.d in other parts of 010 Ze.le. b. d/3 missiles :sour in prat.: aatbere in the southern prat of Soviet Sam the. is the northers part. o. 9rtionlarly 1962 on. $/3 stand lea of the typo F40 2-4 wrs frepsntly seen teg?tbor with resist wsaposo of the type 01 20 s^d/er !M 28. A clear sdonti fleatias is these case. one not a1MW rises::! 1. Thre obeervatiar sewers set only garrison obeorvrtims but a1M .serve/ reverts at sits awl" to and ftse raedwr aetiwillss. Is tsar .sear. * simile vats. ..sta. and other troop Z ins U. statics" is the satn g a'rtse.a. d. lilt le the Sarni m and hi llet area oiecrrati oars p.raittsd roosadt i on of the vsr i swm typos, with a high pr.babi 12 to of accuracy, tho now aaouramy .rind net be sbtaLad is the case of rail movements in wiAlei siasiles were sus oetsd. Is sort sass:, these sovemeats only We an isdisail of the paaills steer.* aid the area into which they were being delivered. e. Lt the saws at seamy obserratieas in wrhish wisalles wore asnppeted, id.atiftcatiou of the Missile was possible only 1a ezosptiosal er6*8. Most of the reporta worto of .agorae'-oovsr d. par to d ok*ais, on I- or 2-sal* tr il.r., pulled by a prise aver or trickk, a" ss,.,.,c*.spaniod by several vshiale. Thdecor tpti ns iYWdea4ed, however, the possi bl it ty of 11/6 mails 8" or -3. Those were, har..wwr, tee nsq reports for the.. to be Mie.ilw jJILI& but probably ad.&s tre..pert, or Supply vehicles. a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500440001-4 ~-i-C-#-S-T la pma_ aael~aiA is _5- MIS apereed part! eslarly prsbabl. ?has the tivegarta ,.:,rota to the diretira of a knera or sasUMad aneuaiti? Lahr (&0140- storage area) or is the direstion at traiaiag arena, which was the ass* in wet of the observatiess. f. Oarrieu in tdsish am positions or malts Mere 1nnown or ea swmed to be. Were airs da~toerdaed. in several Na... to be the .coeaties of 1 missile alts. This fact requires sostirniaa because transparts observed near these stations ewld be either SAM, or 3/3 t eat les. !e greatest peebshility for the pareses es of 3/3 sisal lee p'a06 or acs f ps was ladiested bus an as arato deesripti os of a ,scissile an a that ebaris. d. It tss sot possible in easy garrisons to soeurately di f: ereotiatDe bet M fluid am aM missiles. Is these case. 8/3 sisallee+ at tr WAD taps were asuneed, bseassse it is srdt probable that ssi a lams s umber of am we is the soviet Zags. The psesonse of aM hero =A there is set to be tisoamdad, however. 6. 7!s remelts of the investigaties, together with the facts Meted roachr sorer 3. and the evaImatios of deserters' reports, as tell as ether isOorsaties in 1962, pesatts the folloaiag ob 'vationrs A. Aceondias to reliable information, the Soviets dlffereatiato b.tteos ti t, ssdtuse and 1 y 'opsrstlesal?tastieal alasilea". It is, that$ F= 1-4 belonts to the liskt sIsalle group. SM A & I (22-1) beloss to the sodium missiles. 33-2 to ia-3 beleet to the heavy s ashes. b. It is 9ert that the OM aver ~ ts Of tLaedima had NM ~)? They ass aetpesiaod into &sgisasts and Metier At least 2 to are subordinated to tier . probably. however, several regiments of 1WIt type missiles. At least acs sisatl. &St. to each arr. The desi p*ti an *llMtis.l Asst l e iiegi mente loo been proves] how..: rir, it !a not tear whether .I1 stela .gimsnts carry We designation. The .; . ,,.::.natlan under the thief of the Undo Troops and Arttllory for the owl +; 4oev is regarded an probable. as - sa~tr~tca Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500440001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 t-s-C-#-I-! -6? s. OM idle seetioar are statimsd in the division arse. 'Tar i-POW! iea tats 7 di?isisw and a boediastim to the " CAist at Artillsrfw appeele prababt boom0 ty has not been prooraft? With the dada isa '> 7 dsdle awtlera it is not believed that they all lee at the d8-I tipss but awe liltsly a heat' N nit.* This pr bB Y has it. bets in the fast lost althea, a !!M sdadls is rsiarded as a 'ate adril.e. for a divisim it amid be a %eavy rffit (when eel to t I other fire !area). d. Althooa% at least on garri eon in every di vi s1 an assa I1rrt be award to have 9/i adsd la units, mod <hOU4gh other info, tImW spesb for the fast that these &A units balm& to the dlviaioa, the poeeibilltr esgp't be esal sd that this is a coincidental or an idasRiesis1 stattentt* of S2401sets of the a w a missile Resit, a hl oh could rapa'eesnt a taetianl distribution or the possible future aubordiaatim. f. T!r that of mw jawk dam at si.ssilas of tY - 7t1M age t LOM&WO or t- - *O/15 tppis. srbr it appear paaatbls that bed ae+ooe was plassI in a adzed nit 1a the passe of the seats Low maw Ilion in each Division prat up to now. This unit would therefore have WOMPona with a :?ar49e of beftem 20 and 65 tlloanters. The 3dviisrisaaeo Commmadvre edhauor tee- aalvift ~. smal the sears with shish th+a can ps' ateia fire, whose sass&verability is considered ?ery good. The mober avA orgaaisatian of the S/d units wit . i l es and tiviiions are not yet eat rely clear. Prow the aforenaant:onmi osservaUom cult' a prommand organisation ssm be used which late- will nod t9 bWr m1pplesmted or soifirmsd. As a bests for this a-sls, the 3/5 rtiseilss obaerws in garrisons were used aeesrdim to amber 1i pr+ suaabl+e t pee. a. The nadmer at COQ reported from 1adiv11ra1 Sarriaam rr t otweena 2 and 6s howevers tb s was a predad s of statmaalta of between 4 and 6. Csas14origg the tarsi that the report pirtnr? sheMd 2 MG quite oftezu it is swami that this dmltQ ~tarbattt74 = MW or of 3 A 3retisra os'n14 mat $att*' t se of 6 x ?AQ?. a-04 errs a you= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/26: CIA-RDP80T00246AO67500440001-4 -7- If it L *NWiIu 4 thAt the OBOUTY hissils 8eotisn" also has Rod?et Laisbats? OM a probable orgs isatiaes of two Hatt+riss of MG and 1 to 2 ftftwj" of aoaket Lis sea0^s sere probable when twits a00W at tb* SWUM M so that t x P! Der *Heavy l tssi be a.etisa an b. L a few iarrisnes of the GM , observatime shoed a lerge a0m6er Of 3/1 sissiles. The 6bsrrvatice00s flustuated between 8 and 1% often W1!5 81 aissilset were mentioned. Th. dsareriptiars indicated 3/8 etisoeilss of the P O types however, in smaller seeaebers ' " (38.1) was isdie.tsd. RA-sa thflRf~l the st as to Maber are in variances, It snot be rid that this deal with larger troop units as with a Ltvisieet, beese0rs the amber reported code eawpsrstirsly higher. It seers plsnsibla that this davit with Rook** 1egias0le