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i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ? V A ?? ? V ? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18; U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY East Germany/USSR/Poland/ Czechoslovakia REPORT SUBJECT Summary Transportation DATE DISTR. Report for February 1963 NO. PAGES 1 50X1 -HUM REFERENCES RD DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. HIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. transportation report and Czechoslovakia. English translation) on East Germany, 1963 summary the USSR, Poland Distribution of Attachments: 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM ORR: Loaf/ q-P4j2^1t/4?' 50X1 -HUM Army: Retention of Copy #2 Air: Retention of Copy #3 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION STATE (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "*".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 lr ' , 1111 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 . 0 0?:44.1 i ON 50X1 -HUM 1 TraneRortation Summary for February 1963 I. International Tranuort Relations Transport difficulties caused by'cold weather in satellite area. Resolutions passed at uedting of Danube Committee j.n Budal)est in late January and early February. Conference of an OSShP Group of experts on superhichuay construction. Conference held on probledl of line clearance limitation 1 SH and of RR car clearance limitation 1 ML Air timetable conference of re-)resentatives of ea t i airline companies. Supplements on the establishment of a common freijit car pool by COMECOU member railroads. fl USSR Special emphasis laid on construction of various lines. Double.track RR lines completed in 1962; about 800 track kilometers presumably to be double-tracked in 1963. Despite electrification of Rostov - Likhaya stretch steam traction continued. Approximately 15 billion kqh consurted by electric train traction in 1962. Various RR stretches dieselized. Electric ratthar train for electrified and non-electrified suburban area at Rica fed by storaae batteries or batteries charced by contact lines.. FassenL;er fares of ALTRof. airline reduced by 12 and 20-30 percent; equalizrAioll o air flicht fares to railroad fares envisaGed. S-E-C-R--T U0 FORJJOU DISSE:agATIOU ? NO MN finny Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ITL FOREIGj DIJSEIJNATION -2 Approwimately 30 million air passoncers transported 'cy AEROFLOT in 1962. 1110 East Germany Transportation performances in traffic between West Geruany and bract Merlin in 1962. Interzonal shippinG to Berlin still paralized by ice in late February. East German icebreaker employed in West Berlin. More BEA and PAA fliGhts between '!est Germany and Berlin provided in thel summer timetable Effective 1 April 1963, fares in air traffic with Berlin to be changed. Efforts of East German postal administration renewed to have mail between West and East Berlin transported by rail only. 1962 transportation performances of East German inland transport. Personnel chances in East Geman traffic sector. Reichsbahn construction department reorganized. Previous railroad maintenance shop at Greiz now an engine shed only. Operational situation of Reichsbahn still tightened; attempts for improvement. Military requirements of the Reiohsbahn; military and commercial border crcy;sinc traffic in January 19639 Twenty electric locomotives type E-11 handed over to Reichsbahn. Two "DDR-Versuchslokonotiven" (East Gorman test locomotives) using 50 kc/25 kV alternating current on trial. Twenty diesel locomotives type V-75 supplied by Czechoslovakia to Reichsbahn. "Touristenexpress" (tourist express train) of Reichsbahn completed. NO niti%:IGLf D1:38EIIIITATI0N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 NO FOREIG i; Transfer of plant.owned trucks to VB/5 Motor Vehicle Traffic not yet completed. Approximately 220 taxi cabs transferred from East Cerucn cities to Leipzig to servo the fair traffic. "Vartburg 1000" car model improved, roliph "Syrenas passenr;or oar to bo equippod with rtburg enc;ine. New touring scooter moiel "Tro11-1" constructo Nov road connection established south of Leipzig by extension of Highway No P-1760 By-ase of Highway No F.5 completed around Wustormark. Railroad and road bridge over Elbe River at Pirna re-opened to traffic, Repair of road bridge on Highway No P-169 completed at Aue* Roads constructed, improved, or rerouted in connection with military installations. Road improvement alone 3oviet Zone Demarcation line, listed according to districts and "Kreise". VEB Inland Harbor Nagdeburg largest winter anchorage basin in Soviet Zone. Improved Schkeuditz airport opened to traffic; special flights organized on occasion of Leipzig Sprixv Pair. IV. Czechoslovakia (Por Czechoslovak railroad net, soo Annex 2) Transport performances in 1962. Proiht transportation plan of the railroads not iulfillcd by 16.0 million tons. Operations in railroad sector curtailed by cold weather effects. Locomotive personnel prenaturely disnissed from basic military ElOrViCO NO FOREIGLI DISSEITINATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 NCIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 U?400.46.4.4 dO ts4L.le i: Itu MUta atm* tested si toot lino met TORO. AnseiG (tot *A.) Tetschee (hoois) has 0140041t bank of Vllse River. 194e perfsraanoi ficuros and trait"is sootor. Wit lalrelleir. St ,*,u* 14r 1043 ommItion of Danube laver ins-,'Notad IOil - Oil pipeline um:or conntruction trots Slovakia to Solusi 11011P Drift (Noet). V. yolapd Operational difficulties of rallroa e tre by poor uoathar conationo, particularly in silesia. Aanual electrification quota to be lnareasei, :Aock o: froi61it oar? nuountea to about 245sOuc la 0,044 1463. Delivery of froicht cars about 0.260 mita La 19444 dolivery in 1963 about MOO units inaludiag saw We suitable for tank transportation. Road construction undor 'oar in eskids nu is southeast Peasma. Road bridge over weicheol (Jisla) River conplotod near Ohelono. S-4-C.11.0N.T NO 1OICIG.1 4514111110,10; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 4 0..Zegue47007 913 ranala NU emit to have estosee en s ,ettmatiwa. arm elltest t* ~eft' thesfl the Oblitsoalocs cause& ay ONO the isereasiel 4006040,1 NOUN; Jacek and ef the veldeloe tranoportation, and tho or Sruaopert vemerweel nereover, the centralise& rifflet oppelsatiOnoei because of its structure remotions dower the* its Western equivalents, proves to be detWIllostitl so the operational situation, it one be soft': esounsi *Oh the present difficulties will have their eillee.ofteoto ter a lonc time, partioularly in the someOle nester, Odd bill thus load to a rodestio0 of the plie Olernietah the MO% I'm military trano?ortatLeO easseitr fir satellite Seiliee4o uill not bo cuitatlel Mire elltiser "I''' as* before 000nonic dodoes la ear MAO. 2. inifilrati2n CoVAIIIIMIAMOKS a) The tollowinG resolntions were IOW list oonforenee of the Danube ConmittSelie Itehepsetettoe Sunman for January 1963, pars 11 to binders'', between 30 January and 14 Pebruary 196s (1) Natablishaant of a minima fairway (navigable channel?) of two meters dometveon free Vienne. by 19650 (2: iiccolleration of the reculation work up to 1980 se that a fairway (navigeble dhainsell) 0 &Musters will be available between Secensburg amil Vienna, and of 3.50 motors farther Avinsetireavu (3 Conctruction of power planta at the Irma Oats (Sip and Curs-Vac above Tego,Noveriu); is the via/whim near Ovaarosi aed Mar Kamm with overdauninc of the river obstacles. NO FOREIG.; DISUICaNATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 10 P DIZIA.1101110 ilea et two looks for isilausiod woodatOOii on tams It the area of Ow Iola taillw AG of Um fnirwmir (NMI As011I, fa* st the uouth of the 9844411 the inprovenmset s4 04000. Tasee lonc-tern plans aim at Om otttista laryac:oing vemoolo of 5,000 toms 7. b) The follewinc naetinLs vero hold within tiv wort a10% of the ()rumination :or tho Co-operation of (t Igen) Railroada (05Sh1) (OrLAnizatsiin Sotrudnichestis Zbelaamykh Dorcg), Conference of a crow; of experts oi te 1th Venrittee (motor ve)icle traffic and roads) in tacharent, incluinG the discussion of primotploo tot Oho desicu of nuperht_hwaye. Conference of experts of the 71k Cerijttco to Berlin between 29 and 31 January, 14,011 of tbo technical and economic profits on the tet,m$.s of Line Clearance Limitation I 21!) tin& Of Mew Cloarunce Limitation %of") 41thia tbs az.* of Wm OSSW1 railroads. o) On 41 February 1965, a conference of rept nationalized airline companies of t;ceiali bean. The airlines repreneAed included CSA (Czechoslovakia), Deuteohe Lufthansa Germany), LOT (Poland) TAHOH (Rumania), cc) vaentativelvot et countries the TABOO (DmIcuria), (;at) (Last and 110X1 ONA(4T7). Line Clearance Limitation 1 0 denicniten the clearance c;auce uhich must be Lept clear on both siaos of the track and vertically to the center of all main lines of the. Wal railroai.s, in orcrr to enable RR a re with C1000Sunoe Linite:tion 1 to 1)ase rnliindered, Car Clearance Lirdtation 1 desinatos tho line %Wilk limits the uniform oxfornal-di:onnion toaouromonteof the RR care ulth their frok-t deterninea by' the Commit** of the OSSa. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2-013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ? ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 To PC1t4a$:. Jr1:::1143 fgerail 1.0? ?'Ilk: lost it:portz-Ilt toplee or the cook.. ,.ca e,-o 1.11:aation of the au_..11r tiLetablee ;:e4 4 unlarrzi ojctea of 11%,:rica1 ear* at thcl _I.-epee:eta, no LIQ. O ?clic . AA.? jea4) catallitos r. 4.."?sool,...tte In A 1003C work1.1_unity. 4..;0116Ot inn O o, colony rot. t e ;,14, of ii1jiit ' r 11, 1.rtnertiliillai 11m inictor o irw.a,*.v.o..ct c2ru, t 4?:,1144*44.: Vc Lit tee fAr I'Vzile port of CoascOn, Josef 1"1,1 laa ? anninancitd t;.e adC":j tional pointo i11 centittracl. on the cuifib11.LN-0.14t of a corr..:on osr p ct,z.*.ec ? Ti.T.aaporta.tic! for. Jail.u.:.rj- 19C3t '4?) of this Conocon (a) Tile coiltr coatre2 d initrr.4n t.;.e on: :on 12eo1 Lc convoyed lc '4) - office. 1;articiItioa o: ,R$ oriL lyQ0*7. uotiozc boccAv,o of t7ra :oviot brog e, 10 eontidored- forcirably nov. toonical wore'oiritec 4 Jo1l2 t!:o CO .on froi_t car pool o. 1ez11v,.1.)10 after Wicol coto 1Ji11 o t7111,1171 to crxotc4C ex, .1!t 1:11 ' ' ,Copte,: 1 1 C . 00 ? 1 .tithII.Oje I I cc 1-2-'4 of lAtio 40 For cor:::)loto layov,t of rd Letvcor; to-:ritor iTc li.L coot11;ation at oC.r-i:oiapo lino, 000 Annex 1,, Goo alco Tritopi..rtion ;;1%..1: 417 tor JUAO 1962). ITS:At 1. 10.11roo.c. Traffic a) Railroad Notwcik (1) Contriirgion of LW Lines In 1963. the conrit:.-Totion and/or oattplation or tho followi IIR otrotelles ban boon 1v;reforeimit (a) Iriadery Zukhotooro - nrithotnero (stretc) or the .:st Carolian tr%, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified ( 2 ) 8...Z0C*R44 ao.oiio maraa.,Anon, - 4 - A/Schanz-Ask - Xirpecion (.auIko) O1 Rivor). MIkune Koslen (vectern brow* 0 the Netts* Una). 1140,1 -.0b (Proloogotian af ,thei aversitsvelL -.1vde Tavda Zotnik (possilay the bc;lanik4 North-Siberian Magistral Asino Bely Yar (prolongation of ths Tomsk ? Asti 0 line). Ktsyl Tu Yrteheko* (Central uibezian Ha,istral0). Artjshta Podobas (by-passing Nerokutenoci: on th* South ibori .n Hagistral*), 'Abahan Taichet (es.a.t.:rn stretch of th. .outh licja:Ar2.10). Dataisk - :.tarorlusaya (brans zouth-east at Rootov). (Soo also 'I potion Sun.:.ariae for ..12.11c (atelocr 19611 Mrohr iii1, Juac, duly, Atk,uct, October, oort'ar 19621 ad - for Jc.nuary 1963). Roadbee Sy late 1962, dou'ole-trac%ing uas cozTletod of to: fol.Iming railroad stretches: (a) Altaiskaya - Art:;ehta (South Si4arian aagictralo). . (b) Chu . Sad= (Karaganda - Tashkent line). In the course of 1963, double-track traffio is chedu1sd. to be opened on the following RR stretches: Sverdlovsk - Tyunehl Oraik Agrits Druzhinlno (Entsant7 Sverdlovsk lin* Ryatsan, Rutsaevka (Moscow - Xertaishev lin* Kinelt - Orenburg (ICUybahev CVO:line) OsnoVe Kupyansk (Kharkov -ICUpranak line) Veroshba Lyubotin (1Conotop', ICharkes)lino) Total doible-traoking is to amount. tolappro=imatelr.406 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 NCIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 po ?MIMI mama** 1) licrtrificetioe (1) (2) In late 1962,.Ps 195 kilerieter Ileetee stretch was opened to elsretris %Pets trsIf101 steas traffic oeitinuem eis the kine bseviese not conpleted er umes.tietneterlreoleirtrifise (see Trantfortutio* :;:umnailly fur assnaary 196) In 19L2, elootrie triath treket/en am-roximately 15 billies ku Dioaalimation Anon,; others, the followin railvoad stretches were ditaclised: Znanenka Znamenka Nevinnw (Roc.tov ? -- Delinakays (Znarminka - Nikolarm line) - Kremenchug (Znanenka Foltava lino) 'al:cya :Iin,3n.11'nys Tod , I ahchershsys ? Dalai 1 1. ne) '(olling Stock Since August 1962i sn electric railcar train has been running on the suburban lives of Riga. The train use be employed on electrified and non-electrified lines. It bas been developed from tveolectrio series trains end consists of six cars for contact tine an battery operation. The battery which is equipped with 1,800 accumulators is charged directly from the electric contact line system. On its trial runs, tbe train e+tained the follouinc speeds: Standard speed on the level 72 km/b1 at a gradient of 8 percent 40 1w/h; maximum speed 85 km/h. Vithout recharging of the battery, the train can cover a distance of 170 - 190 kilometers; it can therefore be employed on a radius of 70 - 90 kilometers of non- electrified suburban area.. he railcar tmin has so far covered over 6,000 kilometers without failure. 2. Civilian jrA Traffic a) Tho reduction or7gAseilipr farce by AERQFLOT, alresAy annouueod in 1961, 11.8 boon introcludod ou the air rantas of the Luropean part of tbo USSR uitb a reCuction of 12 poreont, and on the routes to Lnd in LLo Far goot# the north area, aid Siberia uith r. m.uction of 25 - 31x Dercent. It is plLii.ioC, to ocuali:4e t c f1ht gargle :to the railroad rates after the expiration of tic Seven Tear Plan (1965). - 0 0 n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ? go imtalo Disstaiwtoi ? ) ABROPLOT havinu cAiod almost 50 malliala paseanuora in 1962 roaons on carryinc 35. u*Ilisn piexuincses 10 1963. zXl. .1.14.-41-2211Y22111 1, jultrzonal Zrunskort and RallaLammaliin a) interzonal Transport (1) hIprzonal Froidit _raneRort flowcz . wqxt cfryilr_ and West Berlin. TralillS9L-14111404411 Mode of Transportation lialunp. of To 1:osts:_. 1961 1962 Railroads - 273,L.01 2(.,9,599 Shipidn 430,017 412,477 Rocle, ,;raffic 0751941 1,166,70 Civilian Air 2rfio 9,95i 2010 Total 1,3090712 04.775 To Dorlins Railroado 2,309,316 2,295,406 2,7U7, 21' 2,903,509 Roac: '.2rar:Ac 20061,467 2,c76,272 Civilir.n Air '2rcikic 11,10. Total 7,964,079 ii,1610592 Thus a total of 9,054,591 tons was tranoportml in 1961 end of 10,049,127 lona in 1962, in 'oath directions.. The final *) Sharer expressed in peroontaGes, in thin transportation volune anounted tos aja 1211 Railroads 26.2 25.8 Inland !3hirpin3 32.6 334 Road Traffic 41.0 4002 Civilian Air Yraffic 0.2 0.2 *) T4, porcentaces stated in Transpeirto.tion Supoary for in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: biA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 . 11,44orralla,100; .. MO PURSIG AteMW ( 3 lotemonal shin 1 -,lcii Out -G i Vao ntill )aza) A3bruor7 c_1, tow or CAI I frost*, water:aye. Ill bi4_4041bMA4_. BAIrel Riv-Jr of ' labienn *reaniarf lootroaLer *kinL-At* op nod Oa' fAirliosa of L*'4!.;:lielft; Ana le'.0 it kent clear ejee UM'. iMrov.I L Me pos:4A-At tt.renh ; "e-;; t 'ea.-iin bam boon I-Jule 110, i'or 3.j An t 01n4;x1s, .;:t,.1 (A%PilciOn0orwIziall exo Aot 4110;-: t%rouji !Sec.:. -e-..liet tory tory on that vi'-!! 1,,J 1 4i4141* Trafiie .111?11...i........11???????? Atl; %.,11 tluata:AO au 1 -Al IG3, Pan ALericaa :Lirway0 will carl.y out 7:3fii.ta-.1Yr botuccn West Ce;.,1.:41j al as aL7ainst Cie ions 640 ana .Alro.ean Air:IL:Is will carry ertt 56 flLhto Caily instead oa* t I'VQVi0/13 46 111.:ItL, rapetsly, those airlines nid Air 1or.-1.lioo mill cha t-0 rc str-Jcture for air traffic wit:1 bnrlia. 46 C.rec fare rates (Cay, nic,Lt a. col:Aae(1) Al: o re 21=04.1 by a nniforu faro; in aulition, the recItsNI trip faros will be abolis Led, Caros for oia_le tri, til roi.uocd. b) B r 'Vr_r_.,1 Situation Throu,J1 renewed (Liseilsoions with t1u icjj Adniniotrilition of the Pest Office ii ot210-4-1ia in Vobruaxy i63. the Gernan lanistry for Fort aiit. ','cleow,uuniastions ;:orvieeit triad to carry throuJI its proposal to %aye the .nall betuecn out an ;act Iur1in transportei: by rail only. 3o fo.:.*. the :.all arousinc the oeotor border has been transported pz..rtL by :iotor vo4ie1ool. eepooiaily of nail sent fro'. .:ent ner1in.- 2. Transortatiou General. a) Frei,ht Traas-x)rtatio_n Perfori.anoos in 1 62 (Tho poreonta_es quota in parontl:esis intioato tho increase or clocrosmo since 1961). node of LEL' :nsnorta Voluim of Traffic Railroads 'Uttar VeLic10 port (public Alid inCnotrial railroads treneport). 2590 (t 4.5 pomp 306.2 (4. 607,perooht .?, TnimiA ch{,m(n' f4A f_ A" ft t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80TOO2.46A067500260001--4 Trcfrierertornenees, Cin ni144101:14:2A 37.410 per.,,oe4t) 5.653 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 E13 fl1cu DL/L;i.11TATIVII ? - 12 Since lc. 1962, ,:tiorhard Prieklor (for'cr cilja Mtn AdnirtILA ion "4"..perotione &ad Traffic" 11,; t;nn eloUtry. of Tscaepott in :,:ast Consae") hi* lotions tramorliiktioa attnobe at the a!3t. Cerncii ciba$47 in rime', 1,1s pnellocessor Dr, I ala (we :reav,ro atattle;17 for Juno 162) vas a1,04W tinotttr iof ef tbo Nast Wiles doilecntien to .the. titz Coi4,3%tac at ftanavortation an( CoLtineteetieni et 04 C0441041 tor 40tual Noonenic Aid, in 110,vebior 1962. ROvevor, in 4011.100/JO with the operational tAJ)'leulties of the W:icLebahn-he allecedly replaced a leadinL functionary of the at Germ= ilinictrj of Traanport at the on of 1962 ? 3 . Railroad Traan; )ort a) prizarli aati on (1) Rcor_tunizction iciir t i Railroad la11.1 in Sector On 1 Jf.nAlr:.ry 1%5, t11, iv.;.ovious icieltallaha-Benbctrieb.. (iuiidiDeo.-ont) wae: oonvurted into Uoiohebalin. bevnentrrie I!cail-Uffice), e: thin offLec YL-,) office io locat in 12-13 '.:,c.aqol:u?rar.-0, rilho lAeon- ,bc.h:lbau Hau-:Avcrwaltuac ?:on .L itrttOn Inutall_Lions) of the o2 2rn...c?ort. ilulazyc,ca (fnu) '.c ,oc since Jc.audry I3.. to i,rovious Vcr- ualtanc 1;::Jotroo of the ia the ilini!Ary of or 1ic milt:inc Peed- 0f:1ce hao t.o ftEictloas- It io -crotrA ao.c4.t fov followinG operatioL, ncocylic inC:cpondont- three t ct (R1)-3) deVartnOnts : q6!! 110 FOUIGU DISfUllinATIOU .;on in No 15 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 DeciassifieCI in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260601-4 NO FONLIGN DISSEMNATION --A (b) (bb) ROB Drecdesi Chief - Rudi Ohloann; location in Ito 24 Dohrincstrasso, Drosden. cutbur; Chief bnu4aG. horst Mellor; location_ln Wo t vicacelotvesse, Orsabur Ra Dorlin pnt ift okArCect 14) previovely une. Detanhas and Consrote Coantrvetion of tbe Doutcebe Reici!elv.141) uhich vas disoolved on 1 January 1963 an has becono a icouploxbauloitunc (Coaplex Construction LIK)orvision). It is tho superior orcanisation of the fellovinC operatinc and oconomically inCepondo:A IZoichebahn bnildinc dopart:tontas (aa) RBB titablbau (Stool Construction) Dessau; Chief Utablbor:.: ((nu); location la Jo 26 zrieb- Xpeckert Otracoo. Doosau. (bb) I4BD Botonvork (Concrete rlant) Rathwiseb; Chief in 1961 - Oldenburc (fnu); location - Retbmiccb in flooklonburc(UV 6131). (2) 1;inco Uover3ber 1962, tho forIcr Rallren4 .iaintenan4s; Uhop Civic is no lencer aa indepondent 0:floc:out a locomotive depdt; only and io eubore.lnato to Railron.e iinintonanics Ube? Gem. b) CUsratione antl Trtio (1) (a) Ili 1963, the operational situation of tWit Rciohebahn oontinuod to tiz.;hten unCor tho eentlamogie door yeatlier conditions; varying tarPornture0 are hoavy foc oanoce. aC?itioaal diicu1Uos, Sifts crmi undor nerual eonations tho itoiobabtIlla L.ppt the T1 or traf io ant: opomtions :milk: only WU: this atc of2ort, diotvrbances in thn na in tlie the laeopotive -n4 the car services etc, a glorious etroet on operatilv cyton. Vhe UtAohabahn le C:orefo *, 8.41?0-R-1:-* 110 FORNI011 vxmagarearaoiv,,,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 :_CIA-RDP80T00246A067566260001-4 Deciassifie-d in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 r ? IX von= itutatturnit ? 14 - to nautgpliZOtic or,t. tq sonalt:erably rsotri no AOCOA:11V trarie. AO L 0144413111nry for inzta.toef Azwoximt01,7 a 0X7.roca Wit fast trains uoe t-,Lon orr dour and *tow %raffia An the Nerlip anC suburban linos re-us-04 25 ::creclate Tho noat Unfavorablo seal eitnatimm at tieReichnbahn is.mcovoriW; onkt eievir frau the CclA/od coal etwlia$ froL Polaud co=d CceohoalovaLla in late Januv.ry 190. Transportation of Unite trot East CerIza. to lioot Derlin uaa not interrupted and vita al..nrontlF only occasionally impaired by zeneral Liffioulties in mahina cars available. (d) Deputy Chairman of the Council of ianietors, petal seholz, claim': that the Deutsche Duneeobahn (Deraan Foder?a ,iailroada) retained Roiohsbahn cars bosuns* of it own alleged operational eiffieulties aad that to delivery of bituNinous coal fro :4- the Ruhr area, c(xood upon by interzonal trado az:reenent, had consequelAly boon kIelayed. ,Timetablos for "Kohle-GanzsueGen (comploto coal froiA trains) have :.moone affective in Eaot OormanY oiace 11 Fobrmlry 1965. Thew) chuttle trains transport coal fron lic,nito nines to vholooale purchemors or UR juhotions 'iout beinc suit:Lod bocauL7e of to ocessity to Letaoh, or add, cars at inter...40.04 stations. in co-operst.ion uitie.tho linito plants alu: Jut):: Vehicle ..r-nalmrtation's devololmC now a:fete:: ef jluiction 01:,-.4eas for coacei.trztion of c,s1 comploto coca trains aie to trnspori 70 port:mat of tho total coal shipments. 1.ehrow,:h thoco neasuros, it is ex?eotod to reoo the turn.around tino (3.42 in 1562) of ()aro a::.1 to overcoLm the t:otriuontal operational effects oausoe by the cold wor4:lor. (0) (1) Furthermore, tho East German tratioort couLAttse art attenptinG to relieve the Roichsbarin by chiftinc th* trumsportatiou of other .;osids to motor vehiolo froi(Ait traffic, However, the possibilities aro rather because of the s.!all ohippin:.; ok.acity of UN Vehiclo Traaollortatiea. S-B.C-R-E-T NO FOREIGU DIVX10114 OU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 8.-13;-C41-410..2 110 r01101011 )13aLli,LiN4,1011 ? - 15 - requirsiwAs et She e Inc ? the requ renoute rose Si Albruary. Except fir retatioa is ullit,:xy bereA;: *Wm *Immo tuda Weereisee; last Utri stinc the MOO wet* SOW Antry opsisttagiallelt4440 it ins 1101110*tb7 that col trcAns Cram She 00-= itleativotoo 'ort or arceinz; static* Atir the Meet pert ar4:, JAIC to schedule, a) ao,...1.1.4aciti....ck_ (1) 4ow41motrio Ioconotives (a) In late Janury 1963, YES' Lohouotivbau Elektroteohnische Werke flats Beinlerti nennigadorft banded over to the Reichebahn 20 electric loconotivee of conetrnetion series E-11. Contrary to expectations, the prodnetion . quota for 1962 has thus 'been fulfilled. idGhteee of the new locouotives have been ototionod at Rallroed Haintenance Shop Leipzig nut 1!est. (b) The production of 22 electrie type E-11 l000nottves bas been planned for 1963. It recains to be scan If tido proGrac will be fulfilled in view of the renewed vorsonteu of the general econouie situation in lInct Electric L:mototive E-11 has four traction uotore ulth an hourly output of 700 kV each at 09 14h. Ale oontinuons rating auounte to 2,640 Id/ at 95 kr1/11, tho pornioeible matium speed is 140 kWh. The wheel a..:rangeneat is (4,4): (two swivel trucks with two inaviduallr drivaa axles)A (d) In addition, two co-called "JAM Vorsue:istokouotiven" (test locomotives) for 501c/25 kV single -,ohase4kW, are bein? ter;ted ()ince last year on tlx pleat...owed test line of V113 LE! %anti Leiulor in liennizAderfs After electric traffic will have been opeLied on** 50 kc/25 kV Mennicederf - westerLar% toot line, oleotrified in 1962, on the Derlin Outer Ring* those locouotives will be Lauded over to the Reiohobahn nainsc-114,-T rouInw DISSEIMULTION ( ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 DeClassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ? 1141444?04 00/113..:111111111111110811111 14 - 90 *cis Iasi et &WW1 I.OWN= spites: As NIG las asipeolteall OM. 0) lituand-Atuaila (3 Th early 1963, the .:cteLeiedan resolved 20 0094111 ? leemeelees with 750 PS cia4 dieeelwolostirte power ttthoutoulon. 1i? souotruettee serial dook,meties: of %he loeenetivee in 17-7, ihey wore Ale. over to Rail:o4ai: Ghop Lnirs1;7.; 1114 "..-4:10114, "Tour' rt4tI.Q;"- touri ex, (.4.-tar) a u4o finn4wod i.Lluhtio$441-4 414,113.8 4.4) cafipiiaLoc c?d utt4 ovor o io Alan,H..-1-1, arpt trip C Up*tri o ? v..Ittoe 14otu,.:en 2 k'fbruu.ird. Pele#4 t 0 . L41 unu,etor;).L.r.12 'ocorirsii Op'oro,tio-1 h.Tooreit 240 Litsco,:,:crz, ark. coia;ist? of 13 cars. (-For. tor -ation, dee- Tro.iic:?orLLtion 1:-.r/ for 00. ('? ) ? The. tztiu tlath ;,Auilt by Van Coerlits c. :atropa-1:.111: V,Et lany,;5,neroosi,adic. vAticin aqui:merit) Road, 'A'r;20or,ortat ion ::ntor '; (1) r?.14.0r. Cf pi ,1.14, cr.,,,,,04 no or re:1,1ft::of to tion-31J.,-.0(,. 'ant Ilrivate orZD i 001 t 140'3i Kraftvz)r'.c.: r it; otill nntior 'vat, in lo;to VIZ 01.1c torv9r!:ohr ( fro i t notor troinp?Ort) 1'1rn. ov A:1% to;0 it.r4r414 VC'11101:r, sOC T,7,11.;..i..03.?; O03,0;i7 ? zs.t04.t acc'JPCjill:,; to 110:4 ciatriet, 4'; ? NO i'OIL.J.G4f ? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: ClAiRDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 NO FORIaGa DivaLALTATIOU -17 (2) On the occasion of tho toipzic Sprinz Fair in Vlaroh 1963, about 220 taxi cabs were to 'oe trans ferr?r! frau various Lust 6,-;nian citice to Loipaic 'oceans? the 200 cabs available thore (.0 not moot tiaa ro(rn :eats of fair traffic. In adflition to the :)aace:zor c:rc of YID LeipaiL;er Ver:zehrabotriebe (1ipi tr rolls:vet 1;ntor..2rices) ow-ern 0: ?anock,er earn in :eassies of a "PerooneabefnerCt.:ru-,_,.saollein" (,ertit for pozeonzoer ort) are to I:cep their vellicieosviib1o for fair traffi c (3) (4) V103 Autortobilwork iAssnach uhich will countruct about 30,000 passenor CO.373 ol* t770 "liartinlr,-;" in 1963, turas out a "b:crtbur,s- 1000" rio(lel with in proved tecLudOta characteristios and equlixont. It in to -.)a exhibited at the heipLic 3prinu fri or Vila first tine. I Zuture, l'olioh panonn ;er oar ".3yrenal" in to t frlui:,pad with tho tocindoally satisiactory ino rial 'runs vith such a car proved satisfactory. A now scootor nodal of typo irol1.1", touriaL, scooter, is to iho put in aeries :.roc:uutiun. Thu aouotor will raplcoa the torn s000;our "Derlie ef whisk about 114,07) Wore pro....uced. b) (1) Due to tho oxteaolou otnichvor 1%476 is the oriketani dirootton cud the ismovporotion of the cistriet emit Data rucds, ii recant roars, a now rood posulettly be* been e4t th ablished sou of Lelpoic. The zz'.4l join 1011,11841.6 (i2 1565) nijavoye 7.465 oe4 P.247 loaciavto the Wader areas of the 4a4preotlemblins. (a) who now Nic,bwor Y-176 loots tottillitribli( 490) to, Lanconsalsa (rs 103) via Wafts (Uu 47 Sad Louslok tua 3,69J ? Damn 014 467, ? 1.41tosohfoto (43 0917) - rmileurlumotrut OS 9477) ? Met Mot (pp 0176) ? Koollodo CPD 5773) ? 3046vimmeis CIS 41170)? (14 rron Pobruory 1,42 to 1st* Ilovouiper 2204 Ohl rroLndort (Pp 5370) - 1.0111104746 Oa 5773) AMA rna ol000d to tra;ie. V:Lo road von video* lie *non notcrs, ourvoo %Jere 014=404 c IL! peters IING brido ovor t!le. Loa= itivor poor ioa 5371 ad another briezm over tilo '.;uo121,7aUs4 near n 5173 vow 'Quilt. 110 71440.: DtAvxoU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 110 P0R140:, In:33LiVATI0U - 18 (2) In late Dcooraber 1962, the by spaw.1,101.11ausen on RicjIwoy F-5 wao opened to traffic. fuel 04 the pass use alroady porsablo in CotoUer We. (bee Transportation Zulluaz7 for dovenber 19L2). The railroad cL-41 briCe over Us Uivor (VS 2546) at Pirila, havinc boon blocked tomporarily booause of opair hoe *Joon ro-opene to traf2ic (sop Transportation Sunuary for January 1263). Thus, a socond orossina point has boon mess availablo acain ovor the Elba River, on the road between Dresden cud tho.,:aot Gornan/Czoohoelovak border. After tho completion of rolairs on the Karl-liars Bridac (fornor 1:a1nhofe-Drueo1o) at Auo on 1-169, the bridco was ro-opened to traffic in oarly 1963. riho 250 notor lows bridGo was built in 19371 it spans the railroad station area and tho Sohuarawassor River. ( 3 ) (4) c) In connection With military installations, the folloriaS 'road buileina Is beina earned out at premuuts (1) Construction is beina carried out by Soviet soldiers of a road loadina frou Sandhscon (PB 799) ulna (PE 7190) via Zweedorf (PR 7596) and usablil br heavy vehicles. (2) The about 12 kiloneter stretch of Primary Road No 119 between Vahldorf (ST 0557) and Jaeniakendorf (11e 7069) is beina widened to six meters. The mud loads through the restricted territory of the Juetorboa traininG aria and has been closed to traffic betwoon the branching-off point of Riahvay P-115 (UT 830 610) and Jaoniokendorf, sinoo OctobOr 1961. Because of tho onlarcouont of the airport, tho Stondal - Dorstol otretch of Riahway F.109 is planned to be shortonod in tho oast as tar as tho Stondal - Uittonborce railroad line. ( 3 ) d) Railroad Improvement Within the Area of the Donaroation Line Aftor tho end of WU II, roade in the yeatorn and oouthorn Bast Ocainan border areas wore conapicuouely noalooted; -Gino? about 1950, houover, road repair and reinforoonent and NO FORBIGN Man:CITATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 etructiorl lf cation itien incrEoaed, bro%an bj tLo deparcatiou 41(1/1th 7*4.7114 rVj An '.,rUcie se' Oct:- e & rio0 out al*.a..; i'61 and 19*..21 (4) The ..euensalz OP 0390) - closed to traffic !Jon klril Deoe:lbor 1962 becauoo of repairs seven vAyter wide road uas :Iotro p.-rod; sharp ourvo 13ridc.:O about %?' , underaout 900 uotors 00.J\ on ow road; 'oi.i ttofl, (b) c) Jtrotch uas 1 to tho end of . Thu ::,reviously ? to about 14 olininatodo lon..6 is t: Thossfoll Lir; i noL:.:'inG F 202 The 0Jrau (T;1 is boilv: wit;led to. 11 tiotzr:' Irayeevounilt :Itartod in 19(C; octAplotoC in Ilid-1961. LIO and Routh 900,) read 'Joint: paved.. Only partly ? .',)0?)rtitz(q, 1296.) In late Februry 1962 nerLorc: wore staked out from the road to desiGnate the straiatanina of uu-21,res and the partly now rutinc of the road. Tho about four motor wide road was closed to traffic in DecoL:ber 1962 au0 it; to be widened to sove;1 retre. LII0 -Secondar (a) Ii7.11-t- Weilchlitz PR 1 2 Lovellin of the road bon in about the .spring of 1962. The ro is to to uid,lntA to about 10 - 12 Eaters. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ITO PORLIG.: pia;s1a1T2Iaii- .? 20 - (e) LII0 asunder!' (FR 9.1)L1 Schapeen-ruep (mt,m) Tim road sorvinG ullitary purposes :redontaitat1y is bein,; widened to 10-12 note:* sad the curves Of the road are bein_ atraiGhtened# is pro,rossin;, vc.:..y slowly. (2) Geta District Krois Schlois CPB 9907) F 282 Tho OboriUr% (A MAO - aohlcia (I'D 9907) ntrotch of t1ii3 hijniay vas ove4od to traf2io :re:1 Lio;,etoLtbc).? to Docon14cz 1952 bcor.uso of ')1111Cia work. Ia OctolJor 1962, a Id.cic:_m alloout 15 not(:.:s lo n3 Vas sooplcted on thin roc.0 zt;41o1ltro:i" mar 0 002031. Curves Imre strAte.le -.Aotucon :as.c:Atroff (0 0703) anC (*:L C:2) vad the rix..a vies:led to ci_ht meters ,,n( -ave tiith coacrete 0) LIO Schlois Lobenstein (Pit 0/91_) In orCor to rosters, tho connection of tho Imo locations it is pla,tacd to....coo:I:Al-act the destroyed bridao over the Saale Rivor nosr PA 935 978. Construction is I?) boin in the cinc of 1963. Kteis Lobenctoin (a) E29. Fron early 1961 to the fall of 1962. the Juohhookh (QA 9389) - Nirsoliber_ (QA 0080, Hirschberc Lobenstein (PA -ii791) antl?Lobenstoin - Saalfeld stretches were toLporarilyolosed to traffic. ?he Sale River brid,A (PA 912 920- aeur t;aaldorf, havin,; been CostroyeC Curin VW II, was provisionally reconstructed in 1947 wIC is now bein_ repaired and reinforced to a caacity of GO toas.. S-N-C!-It-JeoiT 110 FOCI01: 143312111A71011 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 POR13011 (h) LIO Uebnioenbaehil2L4 'Mari 53?UVie oiot (c) PITS Liohtojaanno 141,ilr000l StatielLVA _VV.= Solinicuabach VIcoo ro-d stroicheo lioro wi' Live aotero Al newly anph.-.1to(,. 1zoiZaalfold ) L/0 Koortitz 1,11.10AL it at r, 201 TPI3 7(g"" 1-5) This road hae boon closed to trarrio sine? 'January 19(3 bocauce of LuilLio...; work. it i4 to be closed until Ootobor 1%). Reports on the ron.t;.ininc; districts (Iron )ezirk in-tho northerly eircotions) aro to iellou in tho next transportation 0111.111ri ea. 5. ;nland Shippinl; At the bik;inninc of the winter freete-up about 130 vescols from Poland, Czechoslovakia, ;Ant Gartlany and doct Gort.e.ny -ow.o to tno V13 inlania Pu-Vior uhich is Vas larGent. %/inter anchorazio . basin in Contra3. Goruany. The 4arberull be ooleltratinz; its 70th coutiveruary in 1963. Civilian Air Traffio On tho ocoanion of thn 1963 Loipsia Faro SchhenditzrAirport (oetvoor Leipitiz; ca.n1l. (S) ) uno to bo.openod. to civilian air tis fC o irct lire. ?Ito airport h 1?.D. coup3.oto4 eltcr aevoral rear? of oonctraotion am'. on 'Jo air)runo::nt cal tr.:oi of aircraft. Lcipnic-ifocia-tt Airport hoe romined availablo to civilian air traffic. Durink; Qe fair, opiooial flihtn uol.e. to 'oo carriotl out in aaition to flijitc ?Lyj Dcutculio Lurthtlea...(Zatit) and by zutortinc. ? Sovon aircraft aro to $01'1%) -tho Borlin-Schoonotn Loipzia route dcdly in either d.rdotion durinc t 8-41-C-E-11-T NO POIL:;IGN.DiSSEI,IA:ATION Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 110 3-1e-C-R-1;-T roaaw meat ;AT/017 - 24 /Vg 2aE12412111.42 1. '4:Oak Traffic Tho 1962 Occc fl,,vrot of all tie?..eo of sjortation. statod in the follovinG table*, indicate that C roarer plan could not be fulfilled'. Conparce with 261, the porfOr.iances in toni; increased by 2.0 percont io Us/ kiloLotoro by 3.5 Percent. PreiGht Transportation HoUe of Transport Hillion . Percent Conpare(.. Billion Porcont_Opopared tons of Plan to 1961 in tikr, of Plan to 1961 percenta:e*) in per- oentacs Railroads (MD) 207.0 92.5 100.4 52.2 96.7 103.1 But* Itc)tor 160.0 950 105.9 3.1 96.7 110.0 Traaavort Inland shilvinc 3.9 93.1 104.7 904 104.0 Civilian Air Tra2:io (C0&) naLliz,iblo; not noted Crudo Oil 2.3 not deternined; in o:,oration sine* robrunry 19(2 Total 374.0 93.6 102.0 57.3 96.5 OIMWORMIllmosimmasemnftwatiMs MMMMM MOW=MnUOMmftWOMsamaIssamismai.OrMIONWAIMWMO ??????????????? 103.5 *) Tim oortrrablo par oaatace for 1961 is loc. NO Pow:Ica DismuraT10.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001_-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 110 rotacit D1tzg:IiiA71011 -23.. Transportation Mode .1 Million Poreent Conparod Million Converted to Per- Transport Pasioncora of ,Plaa to 1961 PSIMMISZAT 196i oirrit in por- pwrommtampo of eosttaje) Plan Railroad State Motor Tranevort 639.3 9u.7 26.4 9)0, 99.4 (WAD) 1,406.6 101.0 109.4 14.9 107,7 101.5 Inland ShizAnc n ?? 4," 107.4 91,.2 101.5 Civilian Air '.erafie (MA) 0,0 96.3 109,4 0.6 125.0 96.7 OM! OMNI." Total 2,043.9 10',.;.0 105.7 .9 I jUru 102.7 100.2 ===1WW=74.,- 3=i IS .111 la as us az se rs ? - ass Si NMI ea au *) The comparable percontao for 1961 ie 100. S-E-C-R-::-T NO FOREIGN DISSEIMIATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 3.414.44:4 VO 11W.M.DIO0=0,10111 Declassified 11040101.5nr190mTWPO (11410 attombod nap trot". 4404. at oimpoihsaloosamit Alumn 2) ) mt. Tranaportatim Perferagi Despite a snail inert's*" in tbit portor.noos, Wha Caoehoelevak Railroads (GED) reit Short of the 1962 transi:ortatien plan hy 1604(ai31ioa teas, The planned turnaround time of 345 tay (1961 ? Sat days) increased to 4.26 dais (19414. 4.1 dears). The planned about 40 percent share of olectris end dle001 traction (olootrie et 35.5 potoOnt. elooel 4.9 peseent) In the total transportation porter...a:wee avsountai to 37.5 percent only. Me oponinc of the 4X hilotlotir nzhcorod (114.41) preachurc(Bratislava) amortises of the "Pil'olino of lorieneshipoi on 22 February 1,62, reduced oonaidcrably tho roopensibilitioo of the railroads uhioh had to mire aVallable 1.50:1 tank ears in 1960. -b) Otorations (1) The Great it'ialti itInuo4 beet:moo of tLo severely cole woathor. Gaza ore trellis acoumulatod an switchyards heart's(' t'ac Cross* load could not be unloaded or ?cult; bo anleeded only slowly. In consoquence, the alrot.dy cuesi.orablo shortace of RR ears increased to a ?orlon* Mout affectinc the total eoonoay. The cootinuonely and deliberately delayed return of foreicn froiCht oars by Czechoslovakia has boon another offset of this oonotrained situation. In late PebrunrY4 about 150 electric locomotives were out of service due to drirted snow. Snow-drifts of up to Samoa motors and hicher occurred on most of the mountain linos. Soldiors andIvoluntaryi civilians vitro detailed forrolearinc the froicht station amid RR lines frou snow. In early February, total peasoncer trarfic had to be Liscontinued teuporartly it Moravia and Glove:An. In Ootrau (wstrava), a covurnnont comoittow,ocomons 15,000 uorkers to remove snow fro,. all j qtations of the Olmuots (020mene) Ostran (inoludinc 9,000 uorkers in ?strati. NO FOREIGN DTSSLIMIATION in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 (2) s,t-c-n.E.T NO FOREIOJ DISMOURATION In early PObruary, the ore $ nc installation or the trTnsloadinc and Ind Stetiaa Oiorna n.?. had to bo Ant 4Ovs heoesee of tho ahortace of opal. Tho daily transloodin; torte:minces decreased considerably infinite of t%e railroad oncimoors who wore oftployod to loosen tho 100e and to clear tho tract:Ace. ) Duo to tho otrained operational :situation, immoral spocialiots (locomotive porOonnol) War? reloacod from basic nilitary so:mice in Janucry 1963 and wore on:Iloyod in tho arm of Railroad Division 03.nnots (Olomouc). FOrthornoro, thio division is to tab) over about 60 l000notive persOnnol froc Railroad Divioions Procue, Proosburc (Bratislava) and Ka/Johan (Kosico). Lima Conotruction Diesel locomotives, passoncer an4 freiht oars arc at present carefully testoC on tho closod test line Volim - Pitchy Podebrady. Since tho line includes sono struicht stretches speeds of up to goo km/h can be attained. The equipcont of the line, i.e.,ties and safety davits's, are simultaneously beinc tested. The course is equipped with fully automatic safety installations CO . that no personnel is necessary for the locouotlVeS. The only other closed course available is located in the USSR; Polish, Huncarian, Bulcarian, Rumanian and Last Carton railroads are thorefore usilv the esochoalovak test 'line, The installation of the eloctrio overhead line is presently under way, incllidin?; the inotallation of a now type of contact wire (stool core with aluninum sheath) for testinc purposes. After the completion of those works, D.C. and Ave. locomotives will aloo be tostod on the lino. (Soo Tranoportation Suur.zary- for July 1962). Eloctrifioation (.1). On 4 February 1963, traffic trap wieued with Po first roular elootwic train on tiie Gr000priesion Orono Drozno) - Tetschon (Doom) line put in test operation in January 1965. nun, tho44404 Ausoic Sohroohonstoin_(.trohov) ?.:ctoolicniOpciin) line is oporatod oloctrioally. (Soo Trcnoportation Summary for January 1963).. , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 **ro?k:,; "7,1, ;,-/r w -.01;;;;INATIOg (2) (3) - 26 7 trtfi.ntjc,v of the AuPoLT ( fto vi].) boeubjeet to the tellev;-.:-. fehabnrovioe) ? /41144, rrebuA14010 OlertoeV?Louts 0. L'enien r (703nt tztlai 34.104011 afittir temp eted by late Gt tr.!et tho left Van!.7 of t . In 1962, the planes of the Czechoslovak Airliae CSA covered over 20 million kilometers and conveyed 830,0c0 Passenaora, In 2962, the pool of aircraft was enlarced bx ong. liTY-10446. two /1-184 and 17 MORAVA L-200 air taxis. Tho Iresent stook comprises five TU.104Ae, six JL?18e, one Bristcl-Dritannis, 27 IOWA L...200s, 40 I1-14s or AVIA-14e (Czechoalovak make tinder licence), and a number of 12R0-450, U-12# and helicopters,. !Wither enlarcement and modernization of the Nol of aircraft is planned to 1965 and will include the entrly of four TV-1042*, six TV-'1245 and sone IL-18e and the deopeutesionia; or the ARAO-45, ccd I10-14. An ehecrvntlon, system Iran the air hem beeri establishod over the Danube River to warp ts, popastielt of 0;4/atoning ice drifting or floods. 40 riaLLEFI Tbo conotruotion of a pireline to undo r wal fr the pohomian- Neraviall upper res;ion, approxiately in the I (Jihlava Deutsch Brod (hay-. Brod) area, to Zaluzi near 7,...pox So far thirty kilouatorc of :?il)es were laid difficultioe since the soil was frozen 70 oentJ,,Lewl deepp After the completion of thc line, oil uill be L.Geted by tanh enrs to the hohomi,-..n.Uoravinn Uppor Ron thon pupped into the pi7)oline to Zaluzi. In 1964, t4r elLtcnsion is to of the lino to thc south, to the lieh point thc "Oil Pipeline of .1t1Qndship" in 310Val:ia. Throu.:,h thin pro-zoCure r4rt of the pipeline can be put in oi)eration tvo yearo carlier th.s1 this vould have boeu possitic i; tho construction vac GLarted fron '4124: totJ liae is to be ?enacted by Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ? uo Pouar,.. DIVZHIIINATION V. 1. Agiroad Trankma sa) Operations The constant cold weather and period inarmkeed the already previously eristina eltortooninas in Os transportation sector oonsiders41. (Sao TransprtatiOn Sunnary for January 19631 psis V.. 1. a (1) ). Zn spite of the reckless ?allayment of the population and nilitary personnel on RR lines and stations and in spite of the large-posie reatrictions in local paseenaer train traffic coal supply has been insufficient. Difficulties in the unloadina of frozen shipments increased the turn.aroUnd-tine and consequently the General shortace of carol in conjunction with the increasing reject rate of locomotives operations became Completely irre:Alar. In this respect, Silesia, in particular Railroad Division Katowice, were particularly affected.. There, about 45 percent of all Polish RR shipments aro loaded and about 30 percent unloaded. About one third of the total stock of froiaht oars of the PRP (Polish State Railroads) is constantly in this area, b) Electrification The pace ol the annual electrification (1961 about 186 kilometers, 1962 about 155 kilouotors) is to be accelerated uithin Cie next years. It ia planned to .speod up the electrification, of the "Coal ilaaistrale" between Kattowitz (ratovice) and Gdin:pn (Gdynia) Which vas oriainally planned to be carried out in the next Five Years' Plan (1966-70). In aCdition, the Kat-Levitz (Katouice) Tarnowskio Gory - Karssnice stretch and the branch lines to Tschenstodhau (Czestochowa) and Lode arc to be completed by 1965. Dy the expiration of the current Five Years' Plan (1965), the total electrified RR eystem ic therefore to amount to about 2,200 track kilopeters as aaainst the fornorly planned 2,030 traek kilometers. SE-C-R=E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEHINATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 ? 410116,1411.1rog . ? SO Mali= 31100111Mill* 40) PAAInc Stock -(1) INA gt Tr,iit 2) A000rdinc to Polish statomm444 Oho PIP sow 240.000 froi..W1 *aro oft W1004dkar 1,06 corresponds to grwirlow .0010140Moc. At?of reduction of the no* 2444,08 Nen (1144.05) Ommi &boat 38,000 to 3401, *Os, lbw tollogiue stock was supplied to the Pla's In 1961 approximately 5,500 ear* (about 7.090 " socerdina to plea) In 1962 epproxiostoly 0,260 ears (about 9.220 apoordtail to plea). Less a coercively low annual re3oot rots of about 1.5 percent (2 x 3,000 deducted frog 25).760) and loss an setinatod additional r*joot rats, the total stook can be assessed at *bout 245.900 Cm" in early 1963. Sulmly of Freir* Ceps ikX.962 The 8,263 frolaht oars suPplied to the 11210 Is oonoist of the follovina types: 5,500 two-sxls coal oars 514 two-axle boxcars fron Rumania (360 two-axle flat oars 656 four-axle coal oars (this 'Yoe 401-4 car, boarinu group designation ZWyt, ? has reuovablo.front and *tie walls and is suitable for heavy taake)*) 731 special oars (refriaorator, and Gravol oars in special &pressed- ? cantor flat oars. Seo Tranoportation Suwon for klril 19621 tho letter lt..! in tho aroSp essiznation of the railroad* indiOatet that the oar can be converted- , for oilita4 spposel. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIAIRDP80-160246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 no I.'0 1011 DISSEMIASTIOU r-, ( 3 ) - 29 - Su et Prol...24) a 6 PCars 1 7,590 freight oars including 6,075 two-axle coal oars 400 two-axle boxpars (imported) 250 four-axle coal cars (usable for military purposes) 2, Road System a) Road Construction (1) The following road stretches were furthermore opened to traffic durinc the last third of 1962: (a) The Bieszczady horoe-shoe curve of a length of over 150 kilometers connecting Lesko (EV 9681) with Cigna (about ET 9652), Ustrzyki Gorne (17V 2140), Corns (FY 205 675) and Ustrsyki Dole (PA 1677). Over 90 bridges have been built on this proCominantly asphalted stretch. (b) The road junction at Zakopane (DV 2461) of a total length of 50 kilonotors the improvement of which began in 1956. The road is mainly asphalted. (2) Road construction planned fur 1963 will procumably be only partly Llet because of the ?trona and lona winter. (3) A new about 70 kilometer conneotion betwoon Nowy Targ (DV 3081) and Sucha (CA 9911, is planned to be completed in two years. b) Bridge Construction The construction of the bridge over the Wiela River at Chelmno (CE 300 172), begun in 1958, has allegedly been completed. The bridge is Poland's lon6est bridas. -;'4404ki7E-T NO FOREIGN a89EMLIATI0N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4 R 50X1 -HUM Next 36 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A067500260001-4