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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 WAIN ? V 50X1-H UM ?'Ns:. , CENTRAL IN IGENCE,A6ENCY, N .. --"??????.. 18. U.S.C. This matmisaecis.con3tains intorno' C?oif affecting the National Defence of be United States within the meaning of the Espionage La"' 704 the or revelation of i mon rohibite by law. 79 and , t whieh n alirmanner to J .., ei.d TNT CgEM COUNTRY USSR REPORT SUBJECT Soviet Technical Documents on the DATE,DISTR. /6 July 1963 ARP-50 Direction Finder and the Portable Electromegaphone, Type PEM-10/2 NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACC 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. F d Automatic Nasisation 50X1-HUM - 0: B ief Descri tion and Operating Instnactima, r ? 1 I STATE C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM A OtOUP I begand hoe evieffietk downgartlkg et.d dettniltalleit DIA ARMY NAVY AIR NSA OCR I RIC (Note: Field distribution Indicated by "#".) 50X1-HUM INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 It Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 AUTOMATIC NAVIGATION DIRECTION FINDER APFI-50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ......... SmOreMOKIM .000 I.. PURPOSE The automatic navigation direction finder APII-50 is designed for mounting on shipboard The main puTposo of the automatic direction finder is to determine the place of a ship in the sea by taking bearings from omnidirectional radio beacons and stations. As compared with aural direction finders the R.D.F. APH-)50 has better operating properties which are ensured by: 1. The Use of the follow?up system which makes it possible to obtain automatically radio relative bearing and bearing as well as to follow continuously a bearing direction. 2. The use of electrical and mechanical radio deviation compensators that almo2t entirely eliminate radio deviation (within L-1-00)4 3. The use of avtomatic minimum cleaning (up to 2 '3 per cent) manual control being used. during aural bearing oDeration. 40 The use of tuning pointc)r indicator t To obtain a radio bearing (or radio relative bearing) when employ? ing R.D.F. APH-50 it is flecessary to tune the receiver to the desired radio beacon froquency, after wIlich the goniometer indicator is automatically set in the radio bearing -position.. This reduces the time required to obtain results several times ao compared the time required for aural beaTinj opel-ation, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 *Wp..1.,**4OMSMOMIMO PURPOSE The automatic navigation direotion finder APH-50 is designed for mount :Li. on ilhipboard. The main purpose of tho automatic direction finder is to determine the place of a ship in the sea by taking bearings from omnidirectional radio beacons and stations As compared with aural direction finde the R.D.F., AP1150 has bettor operating -properties which are ensured by: 1. The use of the follow up system which makes it possible to obtain automatically radio relative bearing and bearing as well as to follow continuously a bearing direction. 2. The use of electrical and mechanical radio deviation couryansators that almost entirely eliminate radio deviation (within 4).50). 3, The use of al)tomatic minimum cleaning (up to 2 -'3 per cent) manual control being used during aural bearing operation. 4# The use of tuning pointer indicators To obtain a radio bearing (or radio relative bearing) when employ- ing R.D.F. APH-50 it is necessary to tune the receiver to the desired radio beacon frequency, after which the goniometer indicator is automatically set in. the radio bearing positionv This reduces the time required to obtain results several times ac compared with the time required for aural b6arinj oporation4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 If necessaryt the automatic direction finder can be used as an ordinary aural dire6tion finder II. COMPONENTS The commercial R.D.F, APB-50 set .general view is shown in Figol* The operating Rana. KPH -0 set consists of the following parts: 1. Loop antenna units 2. Non--directional twopowire antenila. 3. Antenna box. 4. Receiver?andx-gontometer unit in a casing with a mounting frame. 50 Supply unit with a mounting frames 6a Control distribution board; 70 Two signallinr.l: boards, 84 Two dynamic loudspeakerso 9* Headphones with a headband (f0A044) 10 Cords complete with pluga to plug in dynamic 2oudspeakers. /41, Converter 0.1 120 (only with DC 6 main sup-plyp 110 or 220 '00 12. Autotransformer 220/127 v (only with AC, main3 supply) 220 If). The commercial set differs from the operating set by the presence of following additional parts: 1Q Tester TTv-1,0 24 Shipboard set of spare partsg toola and accessoriesb Overall dimensions and weichts of 11(ndividual paxits of the direction finder operating aet ar9 given in tho following table: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Nog 1 9.44.041 s:f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 4.MOVPM 4.41,4.,4404.W.414 Description 2 Loop antenna unit diameter 0.6-m, diameter Loop antenna unit support Antenna. !components kit Antenna box Receiver-and goniometer unit in casing with a mounting frame Supply unit with mountlng frame Control - distribution board 00.1t *lot 00* fter? .000 galopilme gap ? 21500 1592 1200 1200 14000 1000 600 600 1 3500 1 1 1600 40000 27000 240 240 7751 190 353 310g5 600 515 f 171 3'56 3800 270 115 330 The set io provi- ded with one of the given an Compo- sed accord- ing to a letter index Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 No 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 6,014,/4, MO:PIPP,10 01040.1,Reft, WO% ftla-beelmas. 5 11.110."*W4010.1141.4110.04.4. Desc' rip tion o r-1 tri c?4---)Pd 3 LOUp antenna unit 1,2-m, 21500 diameter 0.6-m. 14.000 diameter 4 0.44 roma Loop antenna unit support Antenna components Antenna box ileceiver-and goniometer unit in casing with a mounting frame 6 Supply unit with mounting frame _Control- distribution board , 9000 r- 1592 1000 1600 3500 1600 1 175 40000 27000 3800 6 Oft01~100 Muft4.070OWei4 Ei t3,) 7 1200 1200 600 600 240 6.) -P 0 111,0 o---f a The set io provi- ded with one of the given an- tennas 240 Compo- sed accord- ing to a letter Index 773 190 353 310..5 600 515 171 356 270 1 115 330 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -.1 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 2 10.,, A05.0.01 40000,...0 .0O 10..000 Signalliag board Dynamic loudspeaker 10 Headphone TA-4 1 11 Cords with plugs for 12 Iconnecting dynamic loudspeakers Converter OH-120 I 3 Autotransfor? mer 220/127 V OPMFA 000. o0.0t001.00e0.r.4.4 4 6 0 0.0b mclf r00. PON 004 404 wow 404 le.#4 .6 404a 1200 1500 800 WA, 25000 .0n0 185 1 89 204 9!.:55 190 1 11 1 I I 1 I 'set. 345 260 Rest.11,.4 ant DX,c resis. ? ance 4400 ohms ,000 I 260 460 I Compos ed accord? ing to N. lett or tlide 1 4.r.5 190 UOMp05 ed accord? ing to letter The direction finder unit &Tao intaTconnocted with cables while the loop antenna unit and antenna box are connected with the receivea? and?goniometex unit by means TY a feedero Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 III. DIRECTION FINDER MODES OF OPERATION 10 Automatic Bearing Operation ttelha4ms**saast., Automatic bearing operation is the principal mode of operation of the direction finder. During automatic bear Ingoperation the direction finder p when tuned to the transmitting station frequency automatically sets the goniometer pointer in the *position corresponding to the radio station bearing read off the movable goniometer scale The station signals can be heard in the headphones and dynamic loudspeaker only if the station employs modulated oscillationsl as in this mode of operation the second heterodyne is switched off. Aural Bearing Operation "C" During aural bearing ol?eration the automatic direc? tion finder- operates as a-conventional aural direction finderm On tuning to the transmitting station frequency the direction finder makes it possible while listening to the station signals and turning the goniometer search coil, to find the search coil position corresponding to the minimum receptime In this position the goniometer pointer indicates the radio bearinie; (on the movable scale). The radio station signals can be heard .in the dynamic loudspeaker and head-4 phones irrespective of whether the station transmits modulated or unmodulated oscillations as the second heterodyne operates in the receiving unite 34 Frequency Watching " 4/0.6411 Oral/ 1.12.1. During frequency watching the direction finder can Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 be used as a conventional communication rocetver highly sensitive and interferen-ce?proofed. It may be used for navigation by approach beacons as w0110 In this mode of operation the direction finder allows the signals of the stations, that employ modulated and unmodulated oscillations to be heard headphones and dynamic loudspeaker. With a crystal filter used it is possible to decrease interference in all direction finder modes of operationt IVv DIRECTION FINDBR BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Direction Finder Block Diagram The direction finder block diap:ram (Fig04) includes the following main elements: (a) loop antenna unit; (b) goniometer; (c) phasing commutator (a) loop amplifier; (3) non?directional antenna; (f) receiver; (g) telephone output amplifier; (h) contilol circuit; (i) direction finder output amplifier; (j) audio oscillator; (k) motor, rotating the goniometer search coil With reducing gears Direction Finder Operation PrincipleL.J,nd the Purpose of individual Components of the Block DiagTam (Fig44) l. The direction finder loop antenna unit conriiots Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 +.41. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 dr% SIM of two loops fitted at right angles to each other, Each loop is connected to a separate stationary goniometer field coil, The two field coils are similarly at right angles* The incomil)g electromagnetic ware induces currents in the loops and consequently in the geniomater field coils. These eu.r:cents aet up a magnetic field within the field coil,s 1.4/sIa these field coil there 13 ing coil .callott the search coil, Electromotive fort: SOS up in the oeach coil depends on the coil angle f rotat.J.on in the field inside the field coils. This relationship resembles the :vela low.thip betweerl the 7.4 6,7.1?1 1.11(1 ; ? h 71 73 UP in simple loop and the direction of a transmitting aerial (See ? 6 7) #. As seen from the iluc)ure ;?here are two posit:tons of the goniometer search eoil in which the resulting induced by the oisaal field across the terninan is Ocial to ze'ro In al/ other positions the EMJI. sot up by the field is not zero and chanj:.;ar:1 with an angle of rotation increaaing to some maximum value. Polarity or phase of the E4M,F, set up by the transmittev in the right?hand dire(!.tion are opposite to those -Induced by the transmitter in the left?hwad direc? tion) the directions being read from the minimum signal strength line ? the bearing line, Voltages and currents obta,ined in the loop depending on the transmitter direction are shown graphically in. Fis?6, Voltage devoloped across search coil terminals is ,given in part "a of Fig*65 As is seen from the figure with the goniometer search coil directed towards the radio station, the search coil terminal voltage equals oro0 With the goniometor search coil displaced to the right or to the left from the transmitter direction the electromotive forces across the search coil terminals are opposite in phase. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 20 The signal voltage from t,he goniomete? sear(th coil terminals is suppliea to the 'ohasing commutator (Fig* 4.--e)0 The phasing commutator controlled by the audio oscillator (Ft4s, 4-.Aj) shifts this s:ignal phaao by 180? each half-Pcyclo of the audio oscillator fxequency 0 Fig0 6.5-1) illustates the Arvitage at the phaaing commutator output0 The figuxe shows a pertodic signal phaae change and opposite core$pond:tng to the search coil diszaaoement to the right and loft fxom the beartng direction at every given momentv 30 After the phasing commutator the sign1,l is ourtplied to the loop amplifier (Fig o 4?d); amplifiod In it, and fed to the receiver input (Figc. 4?f) 40 The non--directional antenna voltage is supplied to the receiver input as well (Fig 4e) The Edila. induced by the sisnal field in the nonlv tb.rectianal antenna does not depend in value and phase ou the direction of signal arrival. In other words,the radiation pattern of such antenna is a circle Figo 6d-c illustrate the receiver input voltage from the no.a?diTectional antennat The receiver input voltages from the non--directional and loop antennas are itho'r added or subtraeted in accordance with their phaso re1ation4 IX thc phases of these signals (1.oincidep the signals. a:ce added and the resulting oscillation amplitude increaseo; i2 the signals are opposite in phase, they are subt:racted aAd the resulting signal amplitude equals to the amplitude diffeence. As the loop input voltage periodically changes by 180? in phase; it either adds to the antenna signal or subtmote from it causing the amplitude of the resulting signal at the receiver input to change periodically ? amplitudeft- modulated oscillation (Fig 0 6d)0 Amplitude changes of Cl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -:?-? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 this resulting oscillation take place at the commutating frequency of the loop input signal which is determined by the local avOio oscillator In other words, the envelope frequency of the amplitude-modulated signal developed at the receiver input is the frequency of the audio osoillatex'4 The envelope phases resulting from the search coil dispiacement to the right and left from the bearing direction are shifted by 180?6 It is explained in the following ways Suppose that with the search coil displaced to the right from the radio station direction the input signal phase is such that in the first half-cycle of the commutating frequency this signal adds to tho antenna signalo Thus, the envelope phase of the resulting oscillation during this half-v,eyele of the commutating frequency JJ5 positiveo, Now, it vs change the direction of the search coil displacomonto Suppose that it deflects to the left from the bearing direction The goniometer search coil terminal voltage shifts by 180? in phases Thuss duxAng the same commutating halftmcycle it will be subtractiid from the antenna 8ignalt1 The amplitude of the resulting oscillav- tion is lower thn the antenna signal amplitude, ie the envelope phase during the same commutating frequency half- ycle will be noBative (See the right and left Sections of Fig c 6.4,1)4 nth the search coil in tho bearing positioa the signal voltage across the goniometer unit terminals becomes equal to zero and the receiver input is supplied oaly with the nonwo6irectional antenna voltage (Sec the middie Section of Fig46.-d)Q ,0 Amplitude-modulated signal developed at the receiver input is further amplified in the receivers frequency converted detected and from the detector.load Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 .12 its low?frequency envelope is supplied to the direction finder output amplifiar. This stage tuned to the audio oscillator frequency calscriminates and amplifies only this component of tho detected signal. This voltage, whose shape is shown in Fige 6?e2 is stipplied to the control circuit from the automatic channel output stageo 6. The signal cemses voltage tp be developed in the control circuit (Fig. 6?f) which is supplied to the induction motor control winding and drives ito Across the motor second winding (excitation winding) the voltage has a constant value and phase Direction of the motor rotation is dete:r:mined by the voltage phase supplied to its control winding which in its turn is determined by commutating frequency sigivAl phase arrivins at the control ci.zeuit input Thus, when the ooL.,rch coil deflects, for excimplo to the left from tho bearing direction signal appeares at the goniometer output whose hiL4h,..frequency phase is determined by the side of the st3arch coil deflection,' This voltage is commutated in tha phasing commutator an17 being added to th,o non?directional antenna voltage at the receiver input, is convoPted into am)litude?modulated oscillation. In this now voltage the low-,frequency envelope phase is phaae from the detorminud by oniomoter unit, the 3ligh?frequency lot by the search coil deflection direction 4 After the detector the commutat ing frequency component, disc2iminated in the bearing output amplifier, is convert.ld in the control circuit into new voltage having a phase that is determined by the phase of the signal applied to the control circuit input, Motor switchi:a OR is ad :looted rtD that It starts rotating counter?clockwisev 1.00 to the left s? ti tlt vo ill0 ac: as co: oui tIlt ihit co: ti( is th Uc amp rec In t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 13 len:the voltage. f this phase is fed to its control ifldiflL 'The motor axle is coupled through the reduing ,4x,witil the goniometer search, coil and the motor While tating 'will turn this coil to the left i*elo to the radio ai,on,bearing directions , In the, bearing position, when the output signal at il'direction .4nder loop input becomes equal to zero, the c.eiver'input voltago is no longer amplitude-modulatedt IjA3 SJgxIal d'oes not arrive at the control circuit and Is not 'supplied to the motor control winding* The :toter Men the search coil deflects to the left oM J e:boarin8 direction the voltage that establishes across the goniometer unit ornu.nal i 180? out of phase compared with the voltage developed during the search A 1 deflection to the l'i&at from the bearing The final voltage oupplied'to the motor control winding is also 180? out of phasep thus making the motor rotate c1ockwise.0- 4hile rotatinglit turns the goniometer search coil to the thtie back to the bearing direction* It shoul,d be noted that when the goniometer search oil deflocts'180? 'from the bearing (back bearing direc-- 164) thevOltage of thee loopinput, as is seen from Fig*6, s _ecival,to zero in this Case only the antenna supplies the receiver input and the motor does not rotate* However, this equilibrium 1position is unstable4 With slight def1ec-4 tion from this position the loop channel feeds voltage, ampli.tude-4mo1ulated, oscillation is developed at the receiver input and the motor rotating as in the previous oases, sets;t110-6eamh ,coil in the bearing position4 Thus at any deflection of the system from the b'ear- lasposi:tion0-oltage automatia11y generated in it ttuses, thernot6r.:tootates :thus bringing the system back in _the bearil )os1tion4, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ? 4:- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -14- 7. A pointer is secured on the same axle with the search coil. When the search coil is rotating, the pointer is moving along the scale which is calibrated every 10. Zero pozition on this scale corresponds to tho -Pointer position with the search coil adjusted to indicate the bearing of the radio station located along the shiDfs fore-and-aft line, Thus, the pointer reads an .an,gle formed by the .radio station direction and the ships fore-and-aft line, 16e the radio station relative bearingt Te goAiometer is provided with one more scale?, This scale irJ movable aild is coupled to the gyrog-compat7.s by means of selsyns; this scale pointer reads the radio station bearing 8. This discussion deals with the use of this unit as an automatic direction finder. If used as an aural direction finder (in "Co mode 'of operation) the phasing commutator operates as a high-frequency amplifier the audio oscillator and control circuit are switched off an4 the direction finder roceivor serves simply for amplification of the signal coming from the goniometer unite The being position is determined by the minimum of signal strength when tho goniometer search coil is turned :DLIVICr.Haii PINDER KEY DIAGRAM AND P.RINGIPLE2 OF OPERATION 1. Direction Finder Circuit For the direction finder key diagram see Fig. 25. It may be divided into the following secti.ons: (a) loop antenna unit and non directional two-wire antenna; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?15? (b) receiver?and?goniometer unit; (c) supply unit; (d) control distribution boarde The loop antenna unit and two?wire antenna make possible directional and nonf-directional reception? The main and most complicated unit of the direction finder is the receiver?and?goniometer unit which ensures the direction finder performance4 Voltases required for the receiver?and?goniometer unit are fed from the supply unite The distribution board serves to check the voltages Xed from the supply unito (a) noon Antenna Unit,andjon--Directional Twow-Wire._. Ante-Ana 1. The loop antenna unit consists of two loops fitted at right angles to each ?there Screening and mid-0 point grounding of the loop windings through a capacitor serve for decreasing the antenna effect 26 The' non,=-directional two,..wire antenna consists of main and compenaating wires? (a) During automatic direction finding the main wire ensures normal direction finder operation e During aural direction finding this wire is used for manual compensa? tion of the antenna effect (zero cleaning) while during frequency watching it serves for signal receptiono (b) The second ? (the so?called compensating) wire serves for automatic compensation of the antenna effect during aural and automatic bearing operationo The signal from this wire is taken to one of the goniometer field coils through a high?frequoncy filter (1,1-47; CI-1)3) and zero sharpening control (BI-7) by means of a jumper RI400 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 :i? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -16-$ Both wires are coupled to the antenna box partition insulators and furhter (with the help of a feeder) to the receiver-and-goniometer unit. For draining electric charges both wires are grounded through resistors R6,44 116-2g Neon lamps protect the direction finder from over-A voltages that can be applied to the antenna wiresa (b) fl eiver-and-Gonlometer Urdt For the general view of the 'receiver---and--goniometell unit see Fig.10 (a, b cp and d)0 Let us analyse individual elements of the xecelve and4*goniomoter unit key diagTam.a (1) Goniometer f) 9 0 p As shown tthove, the goniometer consists of two ?'old Coils (LI4a, 0, (LI-2a,b) and one search coil (LI-3)t The loop ends are connected to the goniometer field coils by means of a feeder* The soniometer search coil is included into the loop circuit, The loop circuit is a resonance circuit tuned to the frequency of an incoming signal in is formed by search coil, circuit coil and antenna variometer rotor, The caacitance includes variable capacitors C1-11a, C1-116, a fixed capacitor and a tr, mmor. The variable capacitors are the sections of the variable capacitor assembly and are switched on in all bandso The circuit coils, trimmers and parallel fixed capacitors are switched over from one band to another with a special switch ganT'od with a band selector switcho A coil L10,6, a trimmer C1-5 and a fixed capacitor C1-6 are switched on in the first band; a coil ill 55, a trimmer CI-3 and a capacitor C1-4, in the second band; and a coil L1-4, a trimmer C1-1 and capacitors CI 9, C10-12 and C1-13, in the third bando Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part 7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?17.. ?. In all Ithe bands a neon lamp is connected in parallel with the circuit. Its purpose is to limit valve grid voltage of the phasing commutator. In all the bands the variometer rotor of the manual antenna effect 'compensation, is connected in series with the search coil. ThelooD circuit is shunted by a resistance R1-18 in "A" mode of operation so As to decrease the antenna effect (if detuning Is present) on direction finder accuracy.I. The capa itors C1-1, Cl4, C16 Cl-Tand C1-13 are thermocompensating devices. The 'loop circuit is connected to the phasing commutator valve grids. (2) The phasing commutator (311.4 J11 2) 'egastogatowestOetibaaatoatetb0004***PV 9 6 The Dhasing commutator employs 6X4 valves. Highfrequency voltage of the loop antenna supplied to the phasing commutator valve control grids from the loop -circuit is of the same phase and amplitude* Simultaneously, low-frequency voltage of the same _amplitude but shifted by 1800 in phase is supplied to the phasing commutator valve control grids from the audio oscillator. As the result of the phasing commutator and audio oscillator -operation hi 1.4.frequency currents of the loop antenna flow intermittently in the plate circuit of the first or the second valvoq Initial bl_as is supplied to the phasing commutator valves from resistors R1-16 and R1 37 through leak resistors R11-13 and R1-154 Valve plate voltage is supplied through R1-21 resiator, blocked by CI-2.1B capacitors Mese elements 'X'snia a decoupling filter cello C1-23,.6 capacitor blocks Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -18- cathode resistors for high frequency. A circuit consisting of L1-7, L1-08 and L1-19 coils is connected into the phasing commutator valve plates* The circuit is designed so that electromotive forces induced by valve currents in the secondary winding of the circuit (L1-9) differ by 1800 . In addition the phasing commutator shifts the phase of the loop input signal by 900. This phase shift is found necessary to bring the signals applied from the loop and antenna inputs in phase. To ensure such phase shift the resonance frequency of the phasing commutator circuit is selected higher than the highest frequency of the band. The circuit coils 11-7 and L1-8 are connected to the phasing commutator valve plates. They are made as one coil with a middle tap and are connected so that, as it was shown above, operation of one phasing commutator valve causes voltage of one phase to be induced in the L1-9 coil, where- as operation of the other valvo induces in it voltage 1800 out of phase with the first. The 141-9 coil in its turn is connected to the loop amplifier grid circuit. The phasing commutator performs its main function with the function switch in "A"position, With the func- tion switch in "Cu position one of the phasing commutator valves (111.4) operates as a high-frequency amplifier, whereas the second valve (I11-2 ) is cut off by high negative bias by way of disconnecting the common point of R1-13 and R1-14 resistors from the ground (which is provided by 131-3a switch). The audio oscillator is switched off by removing the plate voltage from thQ valve with the B1-3H switch. With the function switch in "A" position the phasing commutator Is o?'?' Plate and sc:coon voltages are taken Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?:, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 from the phasing commutator valves by a Bi ()) The loop channel amplifiex# (a1-4) ot000 ocootAot*okleo c,o 4-0 arose? toti, 0,14 switch, The loop Oaannel amplifie:17 amp:fieri high*.frequenvy voltage applied from tho loop antennae The loop eLEurriel amplifier employs a 6E4: valve Reni,15tors R1-24 and R1-2, shunt.,(ad by & C-1.7423a capacitor and connected into the valve cathode cicuit do47elop biaso Valve plate is fed thx'ough L142 and Li 13 cbokeo and R1 26 resistoze The L1-013 choke and C1-0,24 capacitor as well as R1P.7.26 .Tesistor and C1-2:3 -13 capacitor are decoupling filter cells Three, coils (one for each band) inductivol couoled to the input antenna circuit are connected to thk!1 loop amplifir plate cil'euit,, These coupling collo serve at the same time as coupling coils in connection with the antenna, A Cl p6 capacitor is an Inolating Gapac-ito, Tha loo amplifier stage is switched on with the function switch BA-?x in "Air and aC" positions and is off (voltage is Aot supplied to the valve plate) with awitch in "A" positiono (4) The audio oscillator (A1-3) $ 4 h 0 4) 3 () p4'.i,31$04'4'o the The audio oscillato:v uses a push--pull generp.twp ci;L.cuit tA=13-:d an a 6118C valvo Its purpose is to control the phasing commutator and control circuit valves (3i17-14, Xie-15)* The element determining generated frequency :Ls a tank circuit whose function io perfoed by a tuned transformer Tp1-4. The tra.Asi'omer has two windings: primary with the middle point taped, the ends of this winding being connected to the audio oscillatoar valve plates, and valve plate supply voltage of the audio oscillator being fad to the middle point and the secondary, the itep-up windinsi with the middle point grounded0 The secondary ends are connected Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 to the screen grids of the control circuit valves. The primary is tuned to generated freveacy by the capaci tor C1-16. Audio-frequency voltage generated by the oscillator and fed to the phasing commutator valve grids through a circuit consisting of resistor R1-4y R1-5 and capacitors C1-141 Cl-l5 is of same amplitude but in antiphase. Voltage from the two ends of the Tp1-4 transformer secondary supplied to the control valve screen grid; is in antiphase but of the same amplitude (5) The suprheterodyn e reCeiver (a) Hish,-frequoncy amplifier (Al2-.5)0 The receiver ReF0 amplifier employs a 610 valve The antenna tank ci:ccuit is comleeted to the amplifier grid circuit4 The si!nal voltage from the non-lirectional antenna -qmid the loop anteana voltage conveyed via the loop channel are simultimeously appliod to the ta.l.k circuit with the function switch in poLlitiono In "C" position only the loor chmviel supplies hishc--1 frequency volta8z:: to tho tank cilTuitp whereas position only the non-directional antenna does. The signal voltage f:rom the loop channel is supplied to the antenna tank circuit by means of :inductive capacitive coupliag. The sIgnal voltage from the non-, directional antanna is also supplied to the antenna tank Circuit by inductive-capacitivo couplingo Inductive coupling is prtrvided by coupling coils L1*-14 L145, 11/-416; capacitivo coupling - by a capacitor C1t-38. The tuned antenna ci:rclJit includes a so1find1ctor, a trimmor a fixed capacitor and a variable cx)acitor C1-11730 The variable capacitor is a section of tha receiver variable capacitor assembly and together with the capacitore 01-%26 and C1-38 remains connected over all the bands. Other Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 element included into the antenna circuit are switched -when. changing, over from' one band to another; L1-619 9 C1)4 ia C1-36 are switched on, over the first band; LI-18p C1731, C14.-32)-0133 qvex .the second band; 111,-317p Gle*.27 C1-28) C1-290 C1O over the third band t Over all bands a neon lamp,HA6.4 is connected in parallel with the 14a fr6queilley amplifier grid' circuit in the antenna boxt, Alth the :function :switch in ,t1141 and 1/ A 1r positions one end of the circuit'couplin3 coils is connected to the non directional antenna t4rough,a,awitch 131-3 and an isolating caDacit6r C1.370, With the fiction switch in "C" position the Antenna 'Circuit is connected to the variometer stator of the,manual,zero sha...rpening control, while a capacitor -C1-25 that isan equivalent of the antenna and antenna is ,connected to the antenna tank circuit It ,serves to prevent the tank circuit :from detuning when antenna is. disconnected from It The capacitors C1-32 and Ci 35 are thermocompensat-, ' g capacitors. A hi frequency circuit serves as a high frequency amplifi r_load,. A couplin2; coil tuned to a frequency below -tte:lome_st frequency of respective band is connected to the amplifiers plate circuIt .ai2d a timed circuit - to the mixer -3#d :circuit. The coupling, between them is inductive - capacitive for balancin3. the frequency characteristic, The hig fre4uency-amplifier circuit includes: a variable Capacitor Cl"--1.1A-v . 'inductances, trimmers, fixed capacitorse vaiable-caci,t6r Which is a section of the variable seiibiy -a couplima capacitor C1-59 are connected in--all,:band,4 other' 0.ement3 are switched by a,,ban'dselector sia?11.t.e:i when changinlz over from one band anothe, oils 'LL!--29, Li 32 and capacitors C1-58, C1-66f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 2') atkid? C1m.67p Cl 68 are switched on over the first band; coils L1-28, Lb...31 and capoxitoTs Cluu57p C10-.63; C1w64- C1.0-65 rover the r3econd band and coils L1-27$. L10..430 and capacitors Cl-,456, C1--p61, C1-962, C1-69 and C1-'70 over the third bwrida Capacitors C1w.t65 and C1-66 serve for thormecompeAsationo High,wfroquoney valve is fed through the filter cells: tho plate is supplied throuh a resist- or R1-4,32 blocked by caoacitor Cl-v71? the screen grid through a rehthitor R1-:31 blocked by a capacitor 01-39a,,1 The amplifier ethode circuit includes: a rejector 1,1,-200 C1-40, n resistor R10-28 determining initial bias, and variable resistors R1-029 and R1-:30a blocked by a cq,.0acitor C1.-0396t The resistor R1-29 serves to adjust receiver sain in three modes of operation its sCrew-drver operated control being brought out to the receiver front panel and marked RECEIVU GAIN ( YeMA UM )6 T11 resistor R16-30a serves as a manual gain control in "A" and ite't modes of operation, its shaft being broutout to the front panel and used as a :volume control. Securod to the same sbAit is 1, variable resistor R10d (in the 2i1-16 valve cathode) which serves as volume control in "&cf mode of operationo, A rejector consisti:ag T.1.: a coil I/1-20 ;:tnd capacitor C1-40 serves to inc:rease intermediate frequency selectivity, which i provided by cathode current negative food-back o..? t'qe high-ifrequency amplifier valve4 (b) The first heterodylie (A1.ft.6)0 The first heterodyne uses a 61(3 valve in an inductiveeoluolodcircuito The heterodyne circuit ctrnsists of coils a variable capacitor, trimmersf compenSation capacitors tracking capacitors and coup -ling capacitor A variable capacitor C1,-111? and a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 23 grat totipZing capacitor 01-55 :are fixed for all bands; other 'elements included ,into the circuit are switched 07072 from one band to another by a band .selector switch o Over the first :band coils L123, L1-26, capacitors C1-47, C1-48t, C1-49:f C12 are switched on; over the second band- coils I1l22 L-7_-25?and'eapacitors C1-442,:C1-45; CI-467 .C1,-501 Cl '51 are; 'OV OT the third band coils Ll 21, L1-24 eapacitoxsC14i Ci 42p Clu-43 and C1-54 are Plate yoltage to the heterodyne is supplied through a decoupling bell'Ii1-35 and 11-7B and a high -fregnency choke L134 .A useful load'ill-tite. heterodyne plate circuit isa 'choke L1-33 connected In Daroalel with a capacitor Ci 74 from whiCh high frequency voltage is fed to the mixer :(-4,rid?through a cotTliwz caDacitor C1-790 Elements used in the hetei6dyne circuit (r2.alf inductdx.s2 fixed and variable capacitor's) have a positive tempeTature coefficient vIth:the reoult that the circuit tuning ;.requency will decrease as ambient 'temperature inc-zeases if no measures :wce-taken6-To avoid tilis,thermocomensating capaci,ors whose capacitance decreases s temperature increases are connectad into Ithe'high .-09frequency and heterodyne circuitsl,v In the heterodyne circuit capacitors Cl-,44 compensating capacitors of this type* (c) The mixex The mixer liseS a GM valve operating as a single C1-47 are arid converter DC 4 negative voltagil la fed to the control from a resiotor R1-3B bloed by a capacitor C1726 cOnnected i4to-the, ,cathode circuit The mixer plate voltage i*pupplied,thI'oligh a, resistor R1-39 blocked by a and the circuit winding of intormediate c4pacitor. GI .1.a?equericv fflt.Y.e I. a4y0 filter l is a mi:xer load o It ? consists of two circuits tuned to intermediate frequency ,8 ntelvonneOted by meas of a capacioro The first Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 filter circuit i$ formed by a coil LI.^35 and a capacitor C10-076 connected into the convertez. plate 'circulto The second circuit cortsists of a coil L1-06 and a capacitox C1*-77 Find is coupled to the first collpitnn irs capacitor C14-000 To, reduce noise duing unmodulated signal recap -- tion it is desirable to employ a naTavower pass band o' the receivez. this purpose, a crystal filter is inserted into intermediate frequency filter 16 The crystal filter consists of a crystal a trimmor a coupling caoActtor C1-81 and capacitors C1--79 and which serve to c:A:mensate for detuning of the circuit of T,F0 filter 1 when the crystal is witched Off o Reoft.stors Rin482 and R1-.83 shunting the plate arid grid circuits off Alter I are connected into the crystal filter circuit, Meoe resistors reduce the dotuniar, effect of -4' do c.? n filter bands above circuits on the Orystal Intermediate frequency voltage from the 8econd circuit 01'1%F. ftlte3? I is supplied to the first v interthedlate fri3quency amplifier:iid (d) The first i-atemediate frequpncy r.tagcT ( 311.-T8 ). Th c Intermediate frequency amplifier stage uses a 6K3 7alve6 Th.) valve cathode is connected through a re8istor i42 d ete:Liiin1ne initial b1a8 and blocked by a camcitol, Clnap to the receiver manual gain coitTol circuit by means variable resistors R129 and 11130a acro whichadintional bias to clevelonedk The valve p-JAto Li supplied through a decoup1in2; cell formed by :1, 1'0813tor RI-44 and a capacitor G1-$3B and through the plate circuit coil o-i* intermedia[; freque-;ac;if filter 114 !LI amplifier load is intermediate frequency filter II-includirg two circuits, The fia:st filter circuit consists of a coil L1-37 and a capcitor whereas the soc.ondv of a coil 1,1-)8 ana 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 e.iro a capacitor Clw.850 The circuits aro coupled with each other by a coupling capacitor CI-86. Intermediate frequency voltage from intermediate frequeucy filter is fed to the second into2mediate frequency amplifier grid ii (e) The second intermediate frequency ampUfter L.0-9) Et The second intermediate frequency amplifier stage employs a 6E3 valve The val-73 cathode is connected through a resistor R1-46 blocked by a capacitor Cl87a to the veociveT manual gain control circuit. The valve plate is supplied through the decoupling ei1 consisting of a resistor R1-48 and capacitor Cl-,886 and through the plate circuit coil of intermediate frevency fi1te7eIlI An amplifier load is formed by intermediate frequency filter III including two circuits The first Mter circu1L, consists of a coil L1-39 and a ca-oacitor CI-89 while the second of a coil Li 40 wad a capacitor C1.-900, The circuits are connected with each other by a col_zpling capacitor C1-91 The second filter circuit ..joods intemediate frequency voltagG to the detector Simultano ously, voltage from the intermediate frequency amlifier Iralve plate ia supplied to automatic gain control (f) The detector stage (311-10)4 The detector 6x6 valve The detector circuit and one of purpose, Resistors k,ao detector plate of the and automatic gain control and automatic gain control stage use a in tho receiver employs a diode dixec:tor the 6x6 valve diodes is used for this R1.-.509 R1-,51 and R1,-5 foTra a detector load, Detected voltage from the portion of the load 11:-.151a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ot! ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 26 -"I".????AAA.AANA "IA 1 and R1 52 is fed to the loww,f:voquency cv.uplifier grif! through a resistor R1-*49 and an isolating ea acitor CI 96 The second 66 diode serves as an automatic detectora The automatic gain control uses a delay circuit based on resistors R1-57 and R18 blocked by a capacitor (!on-uxv.i. 01-88B. A resistor R1-60 18 a load of -Lac: autom lc control stago The valve grcis elc: the high-mfTequellcy amp:Li fi es I and II0 and intermediat4J frequeney amp ,,,,e _,........,.,e... tf? axe supplled with control voltage from the load through P common decoupling coil R1-619 C1-100a aftd decoupli cells 111-271 C1,--:39B and al-440p C1=-78a C1-73 C 87 B C1-87 O respcct:1xolye (g) The low .(:;:equericy ami)ltfte The iow-froquene amDlifie uscL: ono valve triode, Tho, .inolifier load is a To3isto:c which low-luequilcy voltage is suppled to tho amp1ifjo-2 input circuit of the t 1113hono and dixoc:tion finder OU;;37,CC6 The valve plate is blockeld ''or high i.,eque-Acy a erTaialt- or C1-102. (ii) Ti telephone, output amplifieT 01140A The teleDhono output amplific employs a (11' 1-)) xt? c.7 C.) p A r".? ) t /- t t-416 Tho voltage from the low-foqueAcy amplifier load R:1,64 is upplied to the telephone output amplifier valve through an J.solatins capacitor C1-1080 Tho valve scree:a I3 ?f3upp1I.ed directly from the suDlOv cLecuits while the plate is Led th-r.touLh the Driniary windi-lw, of the tranforier included into the tTansformer mit ,* The t, es-,1 non cc, are comiected to a part of the ta7ansfol)me.J.- primary winirp; through an icolatinc capacitor 01.-123; the tmasfoximer secondary wiading is loaded by a ci;,,Fp..,\Inic, loudspealcoT4 In addition to a. fixed rosistoa:' R1-78 (blocked by an electrolytic' capacitor C1-115) across which grid bias Jo developed U variable :re3lator 111-430 6t acros8 a6ditiona1 bias is obtained to enable volume control Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 e>7 connected to the cathode circuit with the function switch in "An position The 3haf1; of th...1.3 resistor is brought out to the receiver front panel as a knob VOLUMB lipt-vmyr v-,m ) The second heterodne ( Al -11), The .5ecor 'Let./ -4 n '1'4" d j-r ??.-. ? -.4 r 1*. - 0,, .0 ? 1,4 v C 144.11 valve -I -0 a ? wi.tb, inductive coupling nn consists of coils LI P.C1C1'0110 12t.--, 0 -kir r,oeiP ...I ? 4 ? 4 L.. J. -0 f. " ? ' 41 aild 1.1-442 oapa:QP C7 ? C ac,-0cl, d a semi- el. 4,varibi , . 1-' r a: D Joitage to the hotel-odyne valve is myrOied - s' R resiL7,1,o1. )3 whic .440, ) 101 C.. A 5 [10 -iLle same TaIne The voltage geno:rated by the second litorodyno i taken 0 /11 this load t 10.0P r,.1) n coupling CZP a ? NI 01 eteotor plate. ( -.4) The tuning indicator an-pi:I.:at:at ( ja-12, The tuning indicator sup2I3 stc-4E7,-(.1 1.1F;(33 one of the which Ti C 0 ?Arvne:4 'PrO- t) milli=meter; &J.-Y.11 ' in'diCat07: :peeoivel- turlink.) conneetod to c the cathode cii'cuits The couLrol valve grid is fed. viith DU voltage (from a portion of " a resisto t.,n :71?4.4,0"Ne4 or RI??? -52 10:?..(1 thiouh , 0 "OD (Fr L ..t ,r,, t.t. to 1..1/ JC componcnt .1 es leo' the deteetox load mo more operation a s capac*I-1;or G1-103 is connected o-etweell thQ txrid and the -cathodeo.Z the valve The Dimetion .0.!4.1.1 The direction finder outo t amlifier used rf theuo v r. f. "?o' ? )-1 4ti'' "1 4- ;?:1 1 valve et If '441iffreque-mcy L.) ,71 stage cont:col valve grid from tho low-frt)quency amplifier load . through an i3 canacitor C -104 and a phaing coil R1-66, C1-1W7 C1-106 Due to this cell that audio volto4z pha3e is outained which is necessary for coITect operatioli of the control chaxacteristics some-a 31:!-:ultanoously9 110i3O-P%-j).X00"1: hat n c bec o o 1. ta."-es if Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 1")r% o.4) 40 ""...4 frequencies will be clipped due to this cinluito Th direction finder output amplifier operates as a froguency amplifier. The valve in fed as follows: the plate is 3upnlioi through a decoupling cell R169 C1-1.07B and the transfoTmer prima:mi. winding piith grid through the same decumling cell and a damping re3i8tor n1-68 blocked by a capacitor Ca-107Cir A resistor RI 67 :La co:cineeted to the cathode circul blocked by an el,.)cteolvtic capacitor C1-109 Fixed is developed In this cl_rcuit. The stage 'Ls loaded by the transformer Tp14, the secon6ary of which is tuaed to the audio oscillator frequacy by capacitoro C1-310 Cl lilt Ci -112.4 and CI -113 Vroi , T- j ? 4ripzPr1rn%; 13econda.17 amplified local modulation frequency volt- fed to the control ciTTuit amplitud, vz'ave d 4V?A +.40 same (7) The ?,,utomatic contxol circuit of the 3ea-och 600 0043024/4.44f 4*44:14p,000.1414.4s451/4100,p0:144',1304,4 f. c'oil rotation (control cixcult)?, t'r e 4 te 0 0 0 4i e 0 0 0 e 4 4- 0 The ccmtx(l elia.c'ol..t elif:)lowi two plate detectorza, _ . based on U60. valvast and a balani2ing brAze with magnetic amDlifiers (1!i '). :elate voltage 13 supplied . 4.,0?; the pate detectors through a filter consisting of a .1.- '-? frequency choke (7P1-3)0 an electrolytic cal3acitol. el 114 ,,, , end chokea with saturated cores Tp1-21 Tn1 3 Voltages of . I, . erz tho same amplitude. but 1800 out of phase are suwolied to the vc,Ive screen grit1.3 A-om tho audio oscillator, FL,ced, bias is supplied to tho valve control grids through a :resistor RI 72 blockod by a capancitor C1407us This bi_ Is taken 'from resioton Ti1-73 andEl-J7A2 the resistor ,e R1-74 being a va2Aab3.e resistor, With a positive half. ,)eriod of audio voTtage appliod to the screen grid of one of the control vctivos and with a positive half-Period of local modulation voltage across its control uld thio Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 - 29 - ..valve becomes conducting and current flows through it3 The plate circuit of the control valves includes magnetic amp1ifier8 TD1-27 Tp1-3, which allow alternating current of considerable power to be controlled with the help of small dttect currentse The magnetic amplifier is a special &_elf-4inductanca c with a core made out of magnetic .material characterizb-d by quick saturation,, Thus, even ..with a small direct :current flow through Tp1-2 transformer winding 1-2; self-inductance of winding 3-4 decreases :sharply 4 Windings 3,44 of the both magnetic amplifiers 'together with Tp3-3 transformer v:inding 3-4-5 (in the -suoly unit) form a .bride A capacitor C1-121, winding 31 of a motor APNr627 rOtating the goniometer search coil together with the bearihg indicator are connected to the bridge diagonal A000 voltages betwegn points 3 r 4 and 5 - 4 Of the Tp3-3 transformer winding are equal in magnitude and are shifted by 1800 in phase; that is why with tho awe, psEatroinductances of windings 3-4 of the both magnetic awlifiem; currens, equal in magnitude but opposite in phase; flow through the -bridge arms andl consequently, Current does not flow through motor wind ing 314.14 If one of those resistances decreases, the bridge balance will be disturbed and current will flow through the motor winding, As soon as local modulation voltage is applied to the control grids of the control valves (due to deflec- tion of-the search coil from the bearing position) the plate current will increase because of the phase aoinc7dence of the grid. and screen voltages in the circuit of'one of the control valves ( ).'This leads to magnetic saturation of thp172 transf6rmer core and 'thlisto'-reduc'ed inductive resistailce of winding t,histransformer, Hence,. the bridge balance will *be: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 ? CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 diturbed, curront will tart to flow through motor wind- ,ing.:14'the'r4orotor will begin rotating and drive the earch-coilv 411-627 moor i3 an A,Ce two-phase induetloa motorv It has-:two:windings l nd. 204.2 which when supplied with current vX-thci, same 'frequency having a phase shift appokimating +90o0 set up a rotating magnetic field caus,9 ingthe motor rotor to rotate It a:supply cuxrent phase shift approximating -.90? the direction of magnetic field :rotation becomes opposite to that in the previous case and the motor rotor begins rotating in the opposite directiono Besides alternating current retardation direct current flows through UK motor winding 3uftl. This current sets up a Permanent magnettc field rota):ding rotation of the motor rot014Q To obtain currents with phase shift near 900 in motor windings 2-.4 and 3-1, caimcitora C3-1), C3-14p C3-1-15 are connected to winding ci.frocuit 2-4 and a capacitor C1-121, to winding circuit .3-1. The latter capacitor is simultane- ously an isolating capacitor for the direct component in motor winding 3-10 Thus, motor winding 3-1 is a control winding whose current value and phase are determined by a search coil position relative to a bearing direction Supply of motor winding 2,-4 is constant and independent of a search coil position. With t4e search coil in the bearing position voltage of local modulation signal frequency is not uppliod to the control grids. In the valve plate cia:cuits and consequently, in primaries 1-2 of the magnetic amplifiers Tp1-2 and Tril-.31 small currents, equal in magnitude, flow since large bias is constantly supplied to both valvos (for ba1!4ncing the circuit a variable resistor R1-75 is connected into the cathodes of co fo va se ac th Cu mo CO be si of yd. air vc f: ti S. -b Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 ? CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 31 of the both control valvest its screw,-driver operated control being arranged on the side wall of the chassis for adjusting the circuit aftex replacement of control valvas), The self?inductanceu of magnetic amplifier secondaries 34 are equal and large in magnituAle which accounts for small and equal cu outs that flow through them. As those currents are shifted by 180? in phase current does not flow through motor winding 3-1 the motor rotor does not rQtate, and the goniometer search coil is inoperative When the search coil deflects to one side from the bearing position) low-Pfreguoney voltage of the local signal modulation is applied to the control 94.ids. One of the control valve" begin5 conducting and large current V(111 flow through its plate circuit and magnetic amplifier primary 1-2 while the other control valve is cut off by a negative half--lave voltage applied to its screen flow through its plate circuit. of the audio oscillatox rid and current does not Laxe current through one of transformer 7yrimazy winding3 sharp reducing of the secondary winding (3-4) ' loads to self inductancet the bridge circuit will be no loner balanced as the secondary winding (>-4) self-inductance of the magnetic amplifier of the inoperative valve 3omain8 considerable. As the result the difference current which is in phase with the current in magnetic amplifier wind? , ing 3-.4 of the conducting valve (current phase in magnetic amplifier winding 34 of the inoperative valve is shifted by 1800) will start to flow in motor winding 1?is rotating the motor rot or thus turning th-.) saarch coil in the direcc- tion of the bearing position With the search coil displaced to the other sido from tho bearing .position the local modula? tion frequency voltal3 shifted by 1800 is tipflied to the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 cl,ntrol vlve rid causince!, current to flow through the plate circuit of another control valve. As the re8ulto the motor rotates in the other direction bringing the search coil again in the bearia position. The control circuit operates only with the function switch in "A9 position. With this switch in "C" position (Fig,8) motor control winding 3,44 is supiplied, only through a switch In this case motor control winding 3l is connected to the ends of Tp)r-i transformer winding J4 5 through resistors Ri-P0 and R1-81 oa? R1-01, Valve arrangement unit it.; shown in Fig .9* in the roceivez and-coniomoter (c) Su-pply Unit 41.4.0 The supply unit consists of a power transformer three selenium rectifiers (;TE1-1. A3-2 and 4,3 3 400 c.pqs. driver ( A3-1) .41-1et a power amplifier 3133) 3 Voltage from the power supply (A,C, ship mains, 127 V or A.C, voltage from the converter OH-120 ) is fed through the distribution board to the power transformer primary. The primary taps correspond to voltages applied: 100; 1102 127 and 140 V, At 220 V A.C. the apnaratus is connected through the autotransformerp 220/127 V. To convert A.C, voltage into D$C, voltaga selenium -rectifiers are used. The 210 V rectifier 9 0 uses four selenium piles A3C-35-16; each of thorn includes two legs of a single-phase bridze circuit. The rectifiers employ two bridges connected in series. D4C, voltages taken from each of the two bridges are added, Voltage to the bridges are taken from TO-1 transformer windings 1 5 or t 0 E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 33 0.4:14 2-76* Rectifier voltage is applied to the receiver-and- goniometer unit through-a*mid-shunt filter formed by a low-frequency choke ( 3p3-1) and two capacitors 'C',3 4v C3-5* Voltage 100 Vt is taken from on of the bridges and through the three-section mid-shunt filter is applied to the receiver-and-goniometex, unite The firot fi1te3 sec- tion consists of a choke Ap 3 and capacitors C3-6., C3-7; the second section - of a c:1-lake Z1) 3-4 ant a capacitor C3-8; and the third - of chokes j1,D L32 L3-2 and capacitors C)-la C:3-1B C32, C3-3, Rectified voltage5 210 Vt is Rpplied to th::a rece ver-and-goniometer unit to supply the phasing commutator valves, loop amplifier control circuit va1ver and audio oscillator as well as to feed the Dower ampli- fier valves in the supply unit, Rectified voltat;e, 100 is fed to supply the rest of the receiver and goniometer unit and supply unit valves The retarding voltae J:ectifier ( 43-1) employs a selenium pile ABC-35-'17 designed as a single-phase bridge circuit4 Retarding vatage is supplied to the ..veceiver-and- ganiometer unit through a choke An3-5 Power -GransformEr windiAg 17 the supply unit valve f'jlamcnts?b Power transfolimer winding 4-8 serves to receiver-eand-goniomcter valve filaments. -Power transformer tAps 89 and 4-9 supply lamps d for brightanin, The AC 0 convertor of 400 cp*34 16 serves to supply 11 supply the decic-ned for supplying the mato:I:, APX-627 consists of a push-Dull oscillator employing a 080 valve and power amplifier which uses two 6E6 C valves in a push-pull circuit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIATRDP80T00246A064800280001-2 The tuzed transfoxmer TO 2 determine" driver frequency Transformer primary 1-'02-.3 is connected to the driver valve plates, whereas it$ mid-point is supplied with the driver .plate voltage. EncL 4 and 6 of transformer secondary 4-50q6 are connected to the control grids of the 400 coos. oscillator power amplifier uhrou resistors 130-6 and R:3-7. The mid-.Doint of the secondary is connected via a rE:siotor P30-5 to a variable resistor R1 74 arranged in the rocolver r)-11.d- goniometer unit casing compartment from which biaa voltage is taken to the control valve control gridse: primary is tuned to generated frequency, 400 a capacitor 0-49. The plates of the oscillator supplying the motor are loaded by an output transformer Tp)--.3 Fix(16 moto:t! winding (2-.4) is supplied from transformer ,.. ? , through phasing capacitors C1-13p C1-14, the movable motor winding (3-l) from trans ul4mor Ihrti ing through the contro1 circuitt) J-114.1 by 4 1. (d) Control Distribution Board 'Few vrea4k lags Porp es,* 12.46. ICWO 4:417! 4,) The control-distribution board serves to switc on the direction findels and to monitor voltages suppli from the ship mains and su'iply unit to the receivr310- goniometex unito Voltage in the coatrol-dstlibution hoard is monitored by means of a D,C, voltmet()r (11"=) and an A.C, voltmeter ( V ta:41) and a switch VOLTAG 1OUTTORI1\rG, ( KOHTFOiE HADP2 KEHR) 132 m14 Thi$ switch ma4):06 it possible to moult or the following voltages: The D4C. ship mains* The A,C4, network and outut of conveTtPr Plate voltage 210 VO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Cl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Plate voltage 100 Vo Retardation voltage. Voltage, 400 coeflz Besidesthe board is provided with P voltage switch to adjust direction finder a real ship mains voltage maznituda, This an A, C, network enelTizing to switch supplies ship mains voltage to diffexent taps of the power transformer primary, Thus? the direction finder can aormally operate at ship mains voltages of 100 to 140 V instead of rateC, 127 V, The D.C. ship mains is connected to the converter 011-120 or the network AC the autotransfoTmer 220/127 V by means of a tumbler switch SHIP MAIMS 1.)(% 110 220 A4C. 220 (EOPTCETL- 220 "." 220). Resistor R24, shown in Coe lagramp serves to to broaden D.C., voltmeter measurement range,, Capacitors C21 and C22 oerve for blocking the ship mains A resistor R2-2 serves to align tho instrument readingn, 2. Circuit Operation at Antenna ivc:ception (with the function switch in HA if position) As it was noted above at antenna reception the direction finder operates as a conventional superhete-3 rodyne receiver. At the reception of an unmedulated signal the second heterodyne is '.'xitched on in 4.1 r ceiver. 3 0 C 'cult L1)erHAion at Aural Direction ??? 0 , FiRding (with n l o unction switch in IT" position) At loop antenna roc.eption which takes place with the function switch in 11C" position R.D,F, APH-50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ? .04e. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -36-, operates as an aural direction finder4 In this casog the switch disconnects the antenna irom the antenna tank circuit and connects it to the manual antenna effect compensation variometer (zero cleaning) and a capacittp or 01-257 equivalent to the antenna and antenna leadvzin capacitance, is connected to the antonne4 eircu to Simultaneously the owitch cuts in the plate supply circuit of the phasing commutator valves and loop amplifier One of the phasing commutator valvas is cut off by large bias voltage applied to the control grido In this case, the phasing commutator operates as a conventional highw?frequency amplifier and serves to amplify signals received by the loop antenna unit A signal received by the loop antonna unit, amplified by the phasing commutator and loop amplifier is -Ped to the :receiver input. In the receiver the sinal is amplified again converted detected and fed to the telephone and dynamic loudseaker. Furthemore, with the function switch in "C" 1)osic, tion the circuit which provides the manual rotation of the goniometer sec:a-eh coil is switched on To control manual rotation of the search coup *witch B1-6 SEARCH COIL ROTATD:M (11PAIIIEHE KKATEXE) is used which connects the motor winding (3-sl) to au; of the'Tp3043 transformer legs (56-4 or 3-4 of winding 5-4-3)0 As voltage phases in the TO-$3 transformer legs 5-4 and 3-4 differ by 180?1 current phases in the motor winding (3-1) will differ by 1800 as well and, consequently, the motor rotor will assume Tight-hand or left-hand Totatione In this way the search coil rotation is controlled manuall4y4 Uhon turning the switch knob to the Tight or to the loft as far as it will go'contacts 3 and 4 or 2 and 3 (See Fig 8) are Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?36? aperates as an aural direction finder. In this caBog the switch disconnects the antenna from the antenna tank circuit and connects it to the manual antennae-Xrect compensation variometer (zero cleaning) and a capacitm, or C/-25p equivalent to the antenna and antenna lea din capacitance, is connected to the antonna Simultaneously" the oveLtch cuts in the plate oupply circuit of the phasing commutator valves and loop amplifier, One of the phasing commutator valves is c0 off by large bias voltage applied to the control gridc4 In this case the phasing commutator operates as a conventional high.ftfrequency amplifier and serves to amplify signals received by the loop antenna unit A signal received by the loop antenna unit, amplified by the phasing commutator and loop amplifier is fed to the receiver input. In the receiver the signal is amplified again converted detected and fed to the telephone and dynamic loudspeaker. Furthemoret with the function switch in "C" posico? tion the circuit which provides the manual rotation of the goniometer search coil is switched on. To control manual rotation switch B1-6 SEARCH COIL EOTATION is used which connects the motor of the'Tp3-03 transformer legs (5 5.--4-3)0 As voltage phases in the legs 5-4 and 3-4 differ by 180?, of the search coil9 (BRWEHEE ENATERH) windin (3-1) to on 4 or 3-4 of winding Tp3-13 transformer current phases in 1,ho motor winding (34) will differ by 1800 as well andg consequently., the motor rotor will assume right?hand or left?hand rotation. In this way the search coil rotation is controlled manually /hon turning the switch knob to the right or to the left as far as it will gofcontacts 3 and 4 or 2 and 3 (See Fig,8) are Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ciosedo Wies curfent motor rt rotate or close II' the res: oi:euit the sea: at grea 12 tion by In this the pha and car 111-13 molt bias r( 3uffic: Phasini voltagE antenlla circuit les8 e st Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 37 closed This connects two resistors R180 and R1-81 in series with the motor winding circuit reducing the current in the winding to a low value and causing the motor rotor aletd# consequently the search coll to rotate slowly. If the switch B1-6 is turned to the righ or to the left, as far as it will go, contacts 2 and close with 1 or 3 and 4 with 51 thus shot-.-circuiting the resistor R1-80 and increasing current in motor circuit 1-03 which causes the rotor and, consequently the search coil to :rotate to the right or to the left at greater speed than in tho first case6 4. Circuit Operation at Automatic Direction Yind'ing (with the function switch in N.Pv 12,opl4on) In automatic direction finding simultaneous recep? tion by the loop and non?directiona antennas takes places In this case the switoh 'cuts in the circuit supplying the phasing commutator, loop amplifierp audio oscillator and control valvess Furthermore the switch connects a leak resistance RI-13 in the control grid circuit of one phasing commutator valve to the unit body with tho result that bias resistance values in both vE0ve3 become equal and sufficient to facilitate cutting off and ooening of the phasing commutator valves by AsC. audio oscillator voltage fed to the phasing commutator grids*. Simultaneously, the switch connects the non?directional antenna to the antenna tank circuit and shunts the loop circuit by a resistor R1-18 to make the direction finder less sensitive to some dotunings in the loop circuit which cannot be excluded during operations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -38? IA this :Mode of operation the control grids of the phasing commutator valve's are supplied with a signal from the 2.66p input and A.C. Voltage from the audio oacillatort the latter ensures periodic 180??-phase shift of the signal rvolta& across the loop amplifier grid every half-period of 1ow.11;equenc'y This ,voltage, amplified by the loop amplifier is fed to, the antenna tank circuit where it is added to a 'nont;ftdirectional antenna signal. Thu sg the resulting voltage across the high-frequency amplifier grid appears MOUlated by audio oscillator gommutating frequency, An envelope phase of this amplitude-modulated oscillation at 'the receiver input shifts by 1800 deDending on the side the shilydeflects to with relation to the transmitter ,directian.- Modulation depth depends upon an angle of rotation of the ship from the transmitter direction. Tho amplified signal passes the receiver where it is detected and Is fed to, the direction finder output aMplifier gride The transformer Tpll tuned to audio oscilfator frequency is _gonnected to the valve plate 4rcuit of this stage It discriminates the voltage of local modulation 'frequency from ,the signal. This voltage is supplied in phaae, to the control valve grids. Magnetic amplifiers ,are connected into the control valve plate circuits. These amplifiers :are the balance bridge legs in the diaganal of which control winding 3-1 of the motor driving the search coil is connected The control circuit has boon ,diScussed above. Automatic 'compensation of the antenna effect 13 provided by:capaaitive coupling of the compensating wire 'of the 'twowire 'non-directional antenna with the field coils, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 39 aeration of the Tuning Indicator Circuit at Signal Reception ? Direction finder Is tuned according to the tuning indicator The tuning indicator is connected into the cathode circuit of the H1-12 valve Bias is applied to the control valve grid from the detector load w With the direction finder tuned 'finely9 maximum voltage is developed across the load which corresponds to the maximum negative bias applied to the tuning indicator valve which in its turn is related to minimum plate current in the right hand triode of the J11-12 valve. - The indicator pointer is at the extreme rightmhand position when the apparatus is off The maximum current position corresponds to the extreme left-hand deflection of the pointer Thus; rotating the tunine; knob until the tuning indicator :i)ointe'r deflection is maximal (right-hand deflection) the position corresponding to the minimum current flowing in the tuning indicator valve cathode circuit is found? i.e exact tuning of the direction finder to the transmitter frequency is achieved The more the indicator pointer deflection to the ist the larger is the signal value0 69 Circuit Operation at Modulated and "...1ght Unmodulated Oscillation Recelltion Thp.directiOn finder .ma?7:es it possible to receive Jnodulated-and unmodulated Biinalso To listen to lznmoduI'ated 'signal a switch TEMPHONE-TELEGRAPH (TAO-TXr) ?is 'set .in a TELEGRAPH TIP ? Dosition* In this case-the seCon4 hete'redyno.c'athode,circuit is grounded and it arts_generaftn. Due to the f5econd heterodyne, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 40 frequency of the unmodulated signal is converted in the detector into audio frequency which i8 heard at the out- putt When TAP is switched on automatic gain contTol IS made inoperative. To align a beat note the second heterodyne trimmer shaft is brought out to the direction finder front panel. In "A. mode of operation the second heterodyne does not operate and only modulated signals are audible VI. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PARTS Va INDIVIDUAL UNITS OF DIRECTION FINDER The dipection finder reolves itself into parts enumerated in Section IV of this Description. I, Receiver-And-GTaiomoter Unit The receiver-and-goniometer unit is made sida3h.i. proof. All cables led to the unit rLre ::-eceived through glands and the control knobs brought out to tho front panel are provided with gaskets. The eablo let.Lds are A fanned out in respective casing coffoartments on sDecial distribution terminal blocksA, By means of thc; cable plui! connectors the casing is coupled to the chassis, The chassis includes separate screened compartmonts for wiring different high:6-freciti one y stages of the d iTOC ti on finder . This is found necessary in order to decrease random couplings between the stage to which the receiver self-excitation and direction i:inding errors may be attributable. Provision of both secttono of the variable capacitor assembly of tho loop circuit with isolAtod axles serves the same purpose. The upper part of the chassis houses all the high-frequoAcy circuits; intermediate-frequency circuits transformer units; Oriable Vider ii thc br3vg 61gq 0410.5at 03? n-; 1a,ve :23ad:;USi [j4.45,11113. 6 , I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 4l variable capacitor assemb1y0 goniometTrvalves) etc4 The under side of the chassis houses the wiring and in the mai:11p all the blocking capacitors. All control are brought out to the direction ffinder front panel with the exception o:r! the automatic antoilna effect compenaa tion trimmer) coupling capacitance switch of ilho compensating wire (arranc:;ed in the antenna comartmeAie of the casing); regulator (screw-driver operated) of control circuit senaitivity (1ocate41 in the crit3i-v- powe compartment), radio deviation compensation clioes; whi-ch , 01-e located lorITN comi)artont of ", cwAns balance regulatoa? (screw-driver (J)erazed) of the control circuit located on the left ii(Ac3 wall of tho ch7-u7331.54 The direction finder front panel bears: 1 Tvopairs of telephone jacks it,A.J.,.oc PHONE and DYNALIC 1-101_,Ti.).t.' \.1% -a111-15 /3 ? Tr) -t T-1and r r \ 2. Tumbler switch TN-TAP (PHoN7 .ULEGR:LPH) 34 Volume control marked VOLUM (PPMEOCTL) (R1v-30a and R1-306 ) 4 Ad iscrew-ng screw RECEIVER * G.NT-r(%.elp ;11tono) - - T e I for adjusting the receiver jaIn (c)c.-0,-Aw-dal.iver O) ated 5 Adjusting sorow MODIMATION DEPT'J (PHYB:10V-11 ) Lor adju3ting modulation fact or (screw-driver Ri 24, a Tuning. knob. Band selactov switch (J31,-2). Function switch 11,11" nA" nr 4, i onts--.1-ateu) 9. Zero sharpening control markea fftERO SHARPENING (HOMEHCATOP PA3MLiTOCTI4). 10. Knob BA AT NOTE (TOR EVIEHn) 11,$ Knob SEARCH COIL ROTATIUN (BPAUHME KOKATEAR) (316.06)6 12 On Off 3WitP11 CRYYLL C IMAM (31-.4) 130Knob COMB SETTIWG (ETATO-al YYPCA) for rotating the movable goniomoter scale (B1-1) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 U7) tt 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 e- 42 140 Terminal GROUND (.SEM)* 15. Knob SHUTTER (3AT3OP) 2 pjecos. Fig. 10 (a9 bt c and d) shows a gene.ral view of the receiver-and-goniometer unit, (a) Front panel view% (b) Top view in the casing with the lid openo (C) Top view with casing removodo (d) Under side view with the casing removedo The receiver-and-goniometer unit uses ing valves: Type j 6116e ~0.44..0wesods. Quantity 3 5 MoM 0Wp the 1.'01 6118C Pviln QA0V0 Let us analyse the design and principlo,o:t opera- tion of the basic parts of the roceiver-aad-Lon,mel',r unit, (a) Goniometer. The goaloweter i3 a principal part of the receiverw- and goniometer unite, It consIrsts of two field coil; fixed at right angle to each other and of a search coil which rotates inside theme The goniometer is lonvided with movable and fixed scales. Radio relative b?J.aring is :read on the axed scale and true bearing - on the movable scale. Gyra--conrpass angular reading al-e transmitted to the movable goniometer scale emplcrying the Fielsyn system through a step-down reducing &ear. To match gyroo4comparla and movable goniometer scale readings a blob COUR3E STPTING is provideaa An indicator is mounted on the search coil axle to read radio bearing and radio relative 1)earinj4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 The goniometer is made small-sized and uses a carbonyl iron core. Its scales are made of plexiglass, To rotate the search co1.1 a motor is provided type APR 627 The goniometer indicator is coupled to one end of the spiral spring of the mechanieal radio deviation compensat- ory whereas the compensator rotating disk is secured t5 the goniometer axle o (See description of the mechanical compensator in VI,le). The goniometer scale assembly is illuminated by means of five lamps type CM-36 arranged circumferentially in five pointsw (b) APH-627 motor is a motor rotating the **00tea*00 goniometer search coil. This motor is two-phase induction motor with a short-circuited rotor* Motor engagement with the search coil Is made through a step-down reducting gear4 (c) Tuning and band switching system* , 464,64.ftegatirpo?tsta6666110t1664066vooc.66,04 The tuning system consists of a scale assembly with a gear and a band switching system in the highmfrequency circuits combined in a common unit, The tuning scale is toupled to the rotor axle of the variable capacitor assembly. A cursor is fixed in front of the tuning scale, The scale and the cursor are covered with a blind having three observation windows according to the number of bands... The blind in connected with the axle passing through the high?ofrequency circuit unit and ts fixed to a specIA1 bracket on the receiver chassis, The blind drive axle is brought out to the front panel of the receiver-and-goniometer unit. When switching from one band to another the drive axle turns simultaneously the blind and axle which passes through band switching plates in the circuits, thus providing switchin on'of any band. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 The variable variable capacitor assembly rotor is rotated by means of a toothed gear. On rotating the tuning knob the tuning scale disk and assembly rotor begin rotating4 The direction finder tuning scale is divided into three bands. The first band (lower) covers frequenciet. of 187,5 Kc/s to 375 Kc/s, This band is calibrated every 20 Kc/s. The second band (middle) covers freQuencies of 375 Kc/s to 750 Kcis. This band is calibrated every 50 Kc/s. The third band (upper) covers frequencies of 270 Kc/s to 320 Kc/s calibrated every Besides, ten index lines are plotted on the scale of the third band marked by first ten lettorr3 of the Latin alphabet, Each of these index lines corresponds to a frequency at which according to the Intenational Standard one of the beacon groups oi)erates, Altogether, there ten such beacon groups, The index lines on the scale correspond to the following frequenciest A oft fz 2910 Kc/s B f = 2940 Kc/s = 29745 Kc/s D f= 300,5 Kc/s f 3036, Kc/s 306.5 Kc/s f = 30965 Ws H f - 312.5 Kc/s 4.? 315,5 Ke/s f = 318.5 Ke/s Electrical compensation of quadrantal radio deNria- tion and mechanical compensation of residual radio devia.-, tion are provided in tho direction finder. (d) Electric compensation of :radio deviation. 0 4 4 0 4 0 6 4 4 * 0 0 4 4i 0f 4 t t# *4* 0 ci & b 0 4 vs 4 4 . Three chokes are voed for electric compensation of quadrantal radio deviationo One choke is connected in par of sor jilt are tio) cho) corn Coq, one the radi NET devi radi omp by dee dire COU Slid disk Tollt later body tim th;,? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 parallel with one of the field coils (according to siga of radio deyiation)p the other two are connected in series with the search coil to compensate for detuning introduced by the first choke t These compensating chokes are calibrated in degrees of radio daviation compensa? tion, Sign of radio deviation compensated for by the chokes changes with the field coil the chokes are connected. to* While connecting them to the field coil coupled with the fore?and?aft loop, radio deviation of one sign is compensated foi, while connecting them to the field coil coupled with the athwartships loop, radio deviation of the other sign is Section VIII 3 describes how to connect the compensating chokes to different loop antennas To reduce direction finder errors caused by radio deviations to zero, mechanical compensation of residual radio deviation is provided (e) Mechanical radio deviation compensator 49()06Of9?0 99 49 Og994 m**00, V e 9,04 90,V999i The purpose of the mechanical radio deviation compensator is to change the goniometer indicator position by an angle the value of which is equal to residual (after electric compensation) radio deviation for the en direction of the goniometer indicators The mechanical compens6.tor (Fi11) is a mechanism consisting of a rotating disk with a slide inside, The slide can travel radially on the guide rollers along the disk. A rdIler is coupled rigidly to the slide; this roller MOVOS along a template body positioned on the lateral surface inside the compensator& The template body shape can be adjusted with 36 screws, A correc tion scale is plotted on the disk, The compensator mechanism functions in the following way: rotating the 'goniometer search coil turns the disk fixed on its Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 axle. When the soarohcoil turns through some angle, the compensator disk and the indicator, provided the temp/ate shape is roundp turn through the same ang1e4 If the template is not round, the slide roller rolling along the template body will have simultaneously linear movement Due to this movement :the slide will cause a spiral spring to rotate the indicator through some additional angle. A value and sign of this additional angle of rotation will deDend upon the template body shape. Employing 36 screws the template shape -can he adjusted in. such a way that additional change of the indicator angle will correspond to the law of the residual radio deviation change for the given ship. The adjusting screws are spaced 100 apart against the divisions corresponding to Op 20g etc degrees of the relative bearing scale. The correction scale from 0? to 01:5? is graduated on the disk. A correction, while adjusting the template body shape, is read on the correction scale with the help of the indicator (Signs o. the ci)rrection scale show the direction the Indicator must rotate in, when the template body shape is being adjusted). To adjust the template body shape it is neceosary to plot a residual radio dvia? tion curve for the given ship and to check the radio deviation comensator against itt (f) The zero sharpening contro1. &* 4, 6 4.004o*ft**46voileivir The direction finder employs automatic zero clean ing For this purpose a compensating antenna iG provided in the direction finder assembly which is ono of the wires of the two?wire non?directional antenna. The compensating antenna ia coupled to one of the goniometer field coil through a coupling capacitor The current flowing in the circuit formcd by te (!om.oensat? 'r- oll". 2.ttrit p1 Wo antrin vItro: siU g tris W.Nit fia ,r4;17:1 r414, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 47 ng alytennaf, capacitor and' field coil is opposite to the currentto'which-blurred -or displaced minimum is .attributable i The value of the current applied in this way ds controlled by adjusting a value of the coupling -capacitor and by the final tuning of the trimmer C1-.137. ,The compensating antenna has the same dimensions as the prin4pa:4 one and is connected to the receiver-and- goniometer unit likewise with the help of the lead-tino In the-antenm(compartent of the casing the compensating antenna is connected to the contact Tk./. compensating antenna is coupled to the automatic zero sharpening control ,and trimmer C1*-137 through a highi-frequency choke connected between, contacts 3 2 of the terminal stripe Either of capacitox3C14369 C1439 Cl-1401 C1-141 can be connected in parallel with the trimmer by means of a switch :B1.4, These capacitors are interconnected with the-help-of their second ends and are connected to contact 15 in the loop compartment of the casing which can he connected to contaets 14, 121 10 or 8 by means of a flexible conductor in the same compartment, ie e to one the goniometer field coils6 (The contact to which the jumper of contact 15 is coupled is determined during compensation), With the function switch in C position, in addi- tion to automatic antenna effect compensationt manual antenna effect compensatiOn is provided by employing the princiDal antenna and variometer. During direction findwr ing the principal antenna is disconnected from the receiver antenna circuit and is connected to the stator of manual zero sharpening variometer. The rotor of this variometer is constantly connected to the loop kiircuit in series with the goniometer search coil. Thus, the compensating voltage, which is in antiphase with the 'voltage which affects the sharp minimum, is fed into the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 search coil. By rotating the variometer rotors possible to adjust the zero sharpening so that the minimum it is is sharp, (gl Matching # 4 * :# 4 wtate,teosot dovices6 The matching devices serve to compensato for detunim of the direction finder loop input caused by ;reduced oc47, feeder length aa compaTed with the length, to which apparatus was adjusted. A matching device is a mounting strip and chokes fixed on it, Conductors with tips numbered according to ti-lo of the loop compartment mounting strip contacts of the receiver?aad?goinometer unit to which they should be connected t are soldered to the strip contact3, The tips aro secured on respective contacts with tho help of nuts Seven matthIg devices numbered Woolp No,2 NoOr NO w44'h T,T^ AVV,1 t No.6 and No,7 are included into the direction. .I'indc;.r set 4 The matching devices are included into the shipboard n4et of spare parts tools and acces5ories. Matching device Noel ia inatalled in the casing by the Maziu4actureT. The matcaing devics are chosen during wiring acaodirlg to no notes giYen. in Section VIII?) of this instruction. (h) Selsyn 390tyV The selsyn semls to :rotate the movable goniometer scaie ./.1 step with the gyro?compass follow?up nystemv Int the gyrocompass follow. op system ] turned through 1? rotor of th6 gyro?compass transmitting selsyn turns through )500 employing a 3tep?up gear . To rotate the compass follow?up system in synchronism with the movable goniometer scale a step?down gear is used with a gear ratio 1:360* Fig12 shown the electrical connoction diagram of th.0 selsynot CA L a transmitting .6elsynoal is a receiving selsyn. The selsyn excitation windino3 are connected into the AtC. networks They set up magnetic fluxes fixed in !pace Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 4 res 49-, and pulsating in time. These fluxe8 induce alternating electromotive forces in the three?phaso selpyn stator windings, the values o the induced voltages depend upon selsyn rotor positions o When the rotors of the transmitting and receiving selsyns are in the same positions, electwo.- motive forces induced in the stator windings will (in the respective phase windings) be equal in value for the stators of both the selsyns and opposite in direction, thus the resulting electromotive forces will be at zero in each pair of the coupled phase windings. With the rotor in this position there is no current in the stator circuit 4 If the transmitting selsyn rotor rotates through some angle with respect to the receiving selsyn rotor, ?electromotiVe forces different in value will appear in the respective phase windings and the resulting electromotive force will not be at zero; therefore, equalizing current establishes in the stator circuit and a torque is developed which tends to bring the receiving selsyn rotor in the position identical to that of the transmitting selsyn rotor. Thus, with the forced shift of the transmitting selsyn rotor the receiving selsyn rotor will rotate in step with the first one. The movable goniometer scale rotated by a receiving selsyna 2. Loop Antenna Unit The loop antenna unit includes two screened loops fixed at right angles to each other .with diameter either 1.2 in or 0.6 m. The loop antenna unit may be installed either on a special suppOrt 1.6 in, in height, or without ita The support is a' duralumin tube 84/76 mm in diameter. The connection of the support upper flange with tht,. loop lower flange is provided with bolts. For mounting on the deck, the corner laa.tes of the upper support flange have Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 towa ,frop two holes to receive guys To adjust tension the guys are provided with turnbuckles. Thc support lower ha-3e terminates in a connector with a gland. When the loop is installed on the support the connector with the gland located under the loop lower flange is removed. The loop winding (1,2 In, in diameter) has 4 turns; the loop wind. ing (0.6 m in diameter) has 6 turns. The looD winding is wound on distance pieces inGide the duralumin tubes (30/27 mm in diameter) which serve as a screen g The upper assembly is insulated. The loop antenna (102 m. in diameter) uses a metal rod arranged in the centre for rigidity. The loop winding ends are connected to the terminal Danelo The winding mid- points are coupled to the chassis through two 0025 g capacitors which makes it possible to check insulation resistance of the loop and loop circuit without disconna(' ink; the loop winding mi point The external connection of the loop antenna unit with the receiver-and-4goniometer unit is made by a feeder* The feeder end& are soldered inside the feeder head to the wiying conductors running to the terminal panel ( See Fig424) For the general view of the loop antenna unit; Fig. 130 3 4ion--Direc tional Tvio-ogire Antenna see The direction finder uses the two*-wire non-directional antenna made of an antenna stranded conductor. One of the wires serves as a principal antenna the second Wire is used fox. compensation. The length of each antenna wire is 7 in for directfon finders with loTp antennas of 1,2 m. An diameter, and for direction finders with loop antennas of 0.6 m in diameter the length of each wirc is 3,5 m, Minima] distance between the wires is 300 mm. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 7 ? r The length of taps leading from the antenna wires to the antenna box t I Me'..^ 100 InA1 The antenna wires are 2lot necessal-111/ this case taken fox ..;. . the 1011.0014a 0r.= )a ra,4 .1 A. ta parall al section of the the antenna wi:re ; gtv, rrn., w ."1 "11 ???", can length from nominal stinllati3(1 dimensionn by 10 prJa: and ,,c=1)%r c, Fla 14. (versions 2 arid - 04 . .rfe shows -c,L31,bt'A t-t11-01-",A - of ron-(iirectional antaana el 41 r 4 With any antenna deign minimum 3-Dace betwin the wires should not be 1Psr, than 3on mint The ends of the non-direc ttonal twow.J.4,e ant t.7,???Jicl .1. con-Lect,eu to 6,,,e cvilLeaqc;., latter 18 coupled tic reeeivar-and.-goniometeY unit uc3ing the feeder m. by Y. 7 ir.'21 of an ante-Ana lea La t",- r-1,-.4 , t p.-4'n 7, ?t, f the feeder conneeting the receivell-an , duicimot)7,r unit with the antenna box may be ine-oeascA up to oassel the i length of the non. -directional w.:Lce be increased in accordance vith P'1,1's VIT. 4 of this Manual ;e 44, thA?-? - J. L c, ) ( Supply Un..ct.. C.:11 The supply unit is designed as a combjnaton of units and components -i)o6itioned on two sepaD-ate cha:sis horizontally located; the chassis being arranged in one casing which is installed on a mountin frame with the help of dampers. unit The principal ol are 14 2 6 r, der as follows Valves i1 0 a en= 9 * 0 0 0 Transformers 1) included into 0 3 iyt 4 4 11, 3 dposse .44 rave) 45 e kt 4 P ?-/ 0 Selenium piles for rectifiers 40 Capacitors of various types ? a ? 214 5 ituses 4> t C? 3 the 2pflly piecea OCQS,, Oft0004:73 ? Diecost pieces and othc:Nr elements. in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 The two chassis are located horizontally One benoath the other. The upper chassis mounts 0nsformera' and valves i The lrower chassis mounts a power tranmfo3m6rp selenium rectifiers capacitors, The wiring of the SlIpplz unit is made of the mounting strips and is coupled by n di$t ibuting frame which is connected to the two mountinn, strips that serve to fan out the cable ends leading frcm the control-distribution boareiThe compoa'tment in wilich the cable is fanned out has a gland to receive this cabl For convenience during nrpairs the framo securing tiQ chassis and wilda6 thrown on hinges :forwa:cd pa:cividing an access to Lie wiring', In the .operating position the frame 13 secured by .mo screws and 4s sealed; only the valves being left accessibleb The uppor ca8ing lid covers the entire supply uni?, and is oecurod by four locking screwrot The supply unit catiing is made of hard aluminum aa0 is a riveted-welded box with a 5teel frame. For rildity the box walls are provided with ribs. The supply unit casin is inst lied on tho mountilln frame using four dampeYs* The mounting 'Tame is made o:C angle section stock and designed for attachment of the :uoply unit tu the bulkhead Pig 15 (a o,nd b) shows the exte:rill viev: of the supply unit (wool-led arid closed). 5# CGnverter OH-120 The converter OR-120 i8 a Lingl.aluature conveTter which converts ship main: direct current into single-Tihase alternating current of 50 c.p.s. Thc! D,C. ship mains is applied via the control-dt8tribution board to the motor Th he lit Elea (:2 the TO tht on o Coy of the converter, its generator being connected to the supply unit through the same boardo Qt,0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 The converter 011-120 is shown in Figs 16 (a) and (b) 64 Control-nOisribution Board The control distribfltion board is an aluminum box, The front wall of the ho x is providQd with two lids which hermetically close it; arranged on the inside of the upper lid are main elements inclut-led in the board and their wiring e Located under the lower lid aro mounting strip3 to which the distalibuting frame is led, The external connoct9,, Ing cables are fanned out on these mounting stips.o. The control-distribution board includes: le A?C. voltmeter5, typo nB 46 9 meaaurement limit 150 V 400 c p.s,, with a 2, DC voltmeter type M r)".) with measurement range 300 V (AT- (B2-01 SwitchVOTTI., - :2) MONITORING ( KOHTP0I6 4. Switch A?C? INS ( CETI= /-*.j ) for connecting to the AC4 main (B2-2). / Tumbler SKIP ;S DoC? le_DIS 110 220 AC 220 V 0 ( BOPTCETB =110? 220 fA/ 220). ON --- OFF ( BIL?BUICAe ) 6e Two fuses - for 5 A and 2 A ( HP"1 and Ilp224 respectively). The board box is divided with a Da:ctition separating the upper compartment from the one vihere the connect. tag cables are fanned out An accerJs to the wirins is provided by throwing the upper lid and removing the lower one; to receive the cables the board compartment is Drovided with five glands which eufiuro hermetic sealing,, The under side of tha control distribution board is covered by a bottom with a :rubber gasket. The bottom haa a hole with rubber bushes to secure the hoard. For the top view of the bor,lrd with the lid Open see Fig#174, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -054 70 SignallImEjoards To control and signalize switching on and off the other antennas on board the ship two signalling boards are provided .0 one is installed in the chart house ana the other in the radio operator room These boaT0 differ in inscrtptioas4 the board in the radio opeatc 'o room bears DISCONNECT ANTENNA ( MAJAPORAM AHTEHITY ) whereas the board in the chart house xeadt; ANTENNA DISCONNECTED (AHTEHHA MORPOBAHA )0 The in8crlptlon8 become visible only when the lamps located beneath thg detachable board lids are switched on, The lids of both boards are interchangeable becauE30 they are attached to the bottom in the same waya The bottoms of both boards are ar/sembled likeiic Tumbler switches are arranged on the board lids and their positions are marked ON and OFF ( 1.31C.L, BUHL), If the tumbler switch of the board installed in the chart house Is in ON position a lamp will flash on the board mounted in the radio operatorts room and vice versa, switching on the tumbler switch on the board located in. the radio 6pexatoris room and vice versa switching on the tumbler switch on the board located in the radio operatorts room flashes the lamp on the board in the chart housef For Gupplying One of the boards is. connected to the ship's mains according to the connection diagram (See Key Diagram of the Direction Finder shovn in Fi and General Diagram in Figft2)6 The boards are supplied with illumlaation lamps depending on the voltage applied from the ships main:3 which are ratd for not more than 25 Wo For a general view of the boards see F1g4 18(a) and (b)0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Ise the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 55 8. Dynamic Loudspeakers SG I .r1 .44 V ? ? ? `?,,,,,,,Ar? ? t ! ? S1 4 ? The dynamic loudspeakers included into the APfl-50 set azo made aa separate umits one is located in the chart house and the other in the vicinity of the- belmsman Power conveyed by the direction finder telephone channel to the loudspeaker is about 0025 Wt The loud? speaker is provided with the ON?OFP tumblor switch and volume control knob.. The loudspeaker is connected with the receiver?and?geniometer unit in such a way that both loudspeakers cannot operate simultaneously. One loud? speaker Can operate only when the other is switched off. The general view of the loudspealJer is given in Fig419. The loudspeaker connection "diagrani IG given in the keydiagram. Anterrta Box The antenna box serves for connecting the two?wire antenna with the antenna feeder. It has a glanu and two partition insulators. To ensure hermetic sealing the lid and each 'partition insulator I130 rubber gr.kots0 Two -resistors on the mounting strip and two neon lamps are arranged inside the box. For the general viow of the antenna box in the opelied acid closed positions seo Figs 20(a) and 20 (b). 10, Autotransformer 220/127 V The autotransformer 220/127 V serves to sunply the direction finder from tho A.C, mains 220 Vo The autotransformer in mounted on a bracket that is secured to a metal plate. It io covered by a lid with holes for cooling. Benea-011 there are two glands. The autotransformer is attached to the bulkhead. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 56 -- Fig. 21 shows the externa/ view of the tester TT 1., Fig. 22(a), (b) and (c) illustratesthe case of the shipto, board spare parts t tools and accessories. VII t INSTALLATION OF DIRECTION FINDER ON SHIPBOARD For the direction finder wiring diagram (general aiagram)- ee Fig.2 and for the external connection diagramp Fig*3. The direCtion finder compone4ts should be connected according to these diagrams Installation af Receivert-And-0 #0.41... kw b...p .... 'WV Goniometer Unit Wftf*VMaA?Amo The receivori-and-Toniometer mounting frame is secured in the horizontal position on a table or on a special bracket with screws ?passing through mounting openings. The receiverand-tgoniometer unit is installed on this mounting frame and secured win throe looking seTellis4 Whon installing it make sure that the damper travels freely and secure the receiver-and-goniometer unit on the dampers in such a way, that it should not strike against the chart house walla and other things during storm. The ground terminal located on the front panel should be connected with tho'ship hull* The receiverwiend-igoniometer unit iu connected the loop antenna unit by means of a feeder which enters the loop casing compartment through glands and is falillati out in the following way; the feeder t)11(1.s coming from the athwartships loop are connected to mounting strip contacts 1 and )4 The feeder ends coming from the fore and--aft loot) are connected to contacts 4 and 6; connec-, tions being made according to desinations provided in C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 04. -.57- the loop compartment The feeder screens are brought to contacts 2 and 50 The receiver.4%andvogoniometer unit is connected to the non-directional wire antenna by means of a feeder via the antenna box. The feeder running from the ante-Ana box enters the casing antenna compartment through glands and J.s fanned out in the following way; the feeder end coupled to the compensating antenna is connected to contact 3; the feeder end coupled to the principal antenna, to contact 4. Conn tion of the receivert-andcd goniometer unit with the control-dt8tribution board should be as shown in the external connection diagram (Fig03). The cable terminals are secured with nutso The receiver-and-,goniometer unit is connected to the telephone directly and to the dynamic loudspeaker by mean of a special cord whose ends terminate in plugso Figs 2, illustrates the fanning out of cables in the receiver*-and-goniometer unit casing, To take the receiver out of the casins proceed as follows: (a) disconnect the ground busbar; (b) open the locks (unscrew the bolts); (c) pull the handles on the ixont panel to remove the unit out of the cactingo When it is required to test the direction finder efficiency with the casing removed? connect the casing with the receivell-androgoniometer unit making use of special spare cables Provided in the set (in the case of the shipboard spare parts, tools and accessories)0 2, Installation of Supply Unit The Bupply unit is installed on a mounting frame* The mounting frame fo.; sacured to the bulkhead or to a bracket with four screws in. the vertical position t The Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 supply unit is placed on this mounting frame and secured with two screws with wing nuts. The supply unit i8 coupled to the controlftAdistribution board by moans of a cable; zonnections should be as shown in the external connection diagram (Figo3). The cable terminals arc secured with nuts, To check the unit wiliing proceed as follows: (a) open the lid by removing the locking 80.1'.eW5; (b) remove two screws securing the unit to the cas- ing and pull the unit out of the casing. 3, Installation of LOOD Antenna Unit The loop antenna unit Tday be installed with the support and without it (depending on the direction finder set used and the conditions of the unit installation on board the ship). The exterior wiring is assembled and installed in the following way; l. Choose the place for the loop antenna,. 2d Orient the plane of the :fore-and-aft loop 80 that it should colncide exactly with the centre line of the ship In this casey the marking 0,IP'S HEAD ( HOC ) on the head of the looD assembly must be dtrected towards the ship bowt 30 Mark and bore holes for attaching the lower flange of the loop or supports 4* Measure the cable Tun and cut off two lengths of the feeder to suit the length of the cable run with small reserve, 5, Remove the feeder head together with five Jumpers from the lower asseNbly of the loop antenna and unsolder the feeder ends from the jumDo2:3 as shown in tl 10111( 705i nrin v?bic: sim 31171( r: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ? Fig.240 The feeder sheaths are interconnected and soldered to the Jumper marked ?Kn. 6. The feeder head is vaseline?seated and secured in the lower part of the loop by means of three screws. The jumper tags are bent and secured with contact screws of the porcelain panel in the loop head window acco:rding to their designation. 7* The feeder ends running to the receiver and-s. gonioMeter unit are preliminary marked which makes it possible to determine the contact of the loo.:1 terminal panel to which a feeder conductor is soldered, 8. When the loop is mounted on the support the connector is removed from the loo-o lower sleeve and a cable is pulled through the loop suppol-t. The loop is secured on the support, the feeder is pulled through the support glands after which the gland bush is tieatoned 9. The loop flange uurface is filed (in case the loop is mounted on the support the loop and support flange surfaces are filed) and so is the ships hull surface near the holes under bolts in order to ensure reliable contact between the hull and the loop screen, Upon filing the loop is attached to the hull. The feeder is laid out and secured; the feeder ends are taken to the chart house and connected to the receiverandgoniometer unit. The feeder is cut off to suit the cable run and its ends are fitted with tags. 10. The feeder ends running from the forew-andb-aft loop are pulled into the loop casing compartment in the receiver,-*and?goniometer unit through the gland C7 while the ends running from the athwartahips loop ? through the gland C6. The tags with the feeder leads are clamped with the help of the contacts of the mounting strip of the casing compartment of the loop so that the markings Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 6O Lnthe loop compartment should correspond- to the eliValF1 ment on the jumper tags running fxom the feeder headp? The wiring is made as shown in the external connection diaZTam (Pi) and in the diagram on fanning out cable i2-1 the casing (IT1g.23). Note: While laying out and securing the feeder care should be taken to protect the external fecde sheath from mechanical damage$ 4 4 Installation of TwoWire Antenna wnd Ante4na Box The description of the two?wire antenna is given in Para. VI.3 The direction finder two?wire antenna ia erected and secured as instructed in the suggested erection diagram for the given ship, The non--directional two?wire antenna is erected as shown in Fig L4 The antenna wires are secured through an in3ulatin2: chain on the deck or 8, ,speciaa br4cket4 The upper end is Dulled by means of a frame th'Pow;h a block with a hook and fixed. Then the antenna has to be tightened. Depending on the length of the antenna lead in i$e. OR the feeder length from the antenna box f].and to the receiver?and goniometer unit casing, the antenna length can be altered The antenna lead-min is considered normal when it equal3 345 If this length is reduced below 345 m. the resonance of the loop amplifier plate circuit occurs in the operating rang which is impermissible. It is possible to incy!oaso tho load ? in length up to 5 mo Further increase of the lead?in length? is not. permissible as this brings the resonance of the circuit formed by the antenna lead?in and zero sharpening variometer stator into the operating range. th ro' ow" urt bEl 3pa zlIns Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 When changing the antenna length it is required to change the antenna height respectively (See the table)0 owe ftm4impo, eat wt....0 *owe.* ...J....0 Antenna lead in length 365 me 4 rn. met Antenna he ir4 case of a logo 0 1,2 atc, Vt.kt 00.1.4 HP iiii 5 m .- Antenna height in case of a loopt 0 046 IT4 As the feeder length Is restricted in some cases vertieal antennas are substituted with inclined ones When the antenna i8 arranged in this way its effective height deceaseso Therefore it to increase somewhat the effective wire leneth using the same wire guys as with the vertical antanna, The data on antenna extension in relation to 4.1 aAgle of tilt iS given in the table tag.fwvey,mtez opovraktyVv,i,,Q.Megreia,r21,M1.164.20C7 Angie of tilt with the ho? rizontal plane 90? 60? 45? al. ovIt. n .1114...P.11,01.411-,,,, OnyvisiAltorwl,t,..* aw.t."1...t,V0~????VI,Krtli 5.oson.a-?844 VverS/144....*#,Vi 6.+4 0.84 vs& Extensionff.,in v%094,qW.beo01.,.iaaAte4-40.mow#1+,*.r.wa..Att04 With the rated length 7 m. ?4> ... **..44 ,.er" 2 3 With the rated length 395 m9 gyn. am I.* VW* W.I. ? WO.. %v. b*t; ii va. ft. Tv2, .4 P.... towavvi 404.499 0045.4 The antenna may be designed as two wires which can be spaced not less than 300 mm x.pirte The length .of. each wire shovld correopond to the dimension given above0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -"` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 -* 62 The antenna must be in3talled as ohown in Figel4 ?where possible alterations of the non directional antenna realization are given. The antenna box is secured by four screws to the outer bulkhead wall. Upon boring holes it is necessary to file #10 antenna box flanges as well as the bulkhead in the place where the holes have been bored in ordea? to ?ensure reliable contact between the box and the hul"J., Having fanned out the feeder, SCTOW the antenna box lid all the way in to provjAe hermetic sealing; the lid 'screws having been first coated with vaseline, After the erection of the antenna the antenna leads must be connected to the antenna box terminals. 5. installation of Control-Distribution Board Tho control-distribution board is s'erowed to the bulkhead or a special bracket in a vertical position the screws being provided with space-zso Depending on the ships mains voltage control - distribution board is sup:)lied in the following way! (a) '?hen supplied from the D.C. ship ts mains, voltage is fed, to terminals 22 and 23 of the mounting strip on the contxolo-distribution board. From terminals 23 and 24 voltage is taken to he converter OU-120. The converter feeds A0C. voltage to texidinals .25 and 26 of the board in st:4p. (b) When supplied from the 1L.0 ma:?..nep220 V terminals 22 and 23 of th.t control -distribution board mounting 3trip are connected to the maiD, The autotransfovW primary winding (contacts 1 - 2) is conunctod to terminals 2) and 24; the. autotransformer secondary (contacts 5 ? 6) is cOupled to terminals 2, and 26 of the mounting strip. (c) When supplied from the mains 127 Vt. the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 vol age is connected to termina13 25 and 26 of the mounto,, ing strip. Cables are used to connelwt the controloodistribution board to the receive3,-and-goniometer unit and to the --spply unit. Wiring is made as shown in the general diagram (F1gv2) and in the external connection diagram (Fig. )4 6, Installation of Dynamic Loudspeaker The loudspeakers are mounted on the bulkhead or a bracket attached to the bullhead one being inatallod in the chart house and the othe.z in the wheel-housev tion of the loudspeaker with the receiver-andt-goniometer unit and interconnection of the loudspeakers is given in the external connection diagraffl, 7t Installation of Converter Oflf420 The converter 011-120 is screwed to the floor through the mounting holes in the converter bottom, The converter ,011-120 is connect;ed to the control--distribution .board with the cable as shown in the external connection diagram The cable terminals ace secured with nuts 8. Installation of Autotranforme:rp220/127 V The autotransormer 220/127 14 is mounted on the bulkhead or secured to the bracket fixed on the bulkhead with four screws. A cable is used to connect the autotrans former to the control-distribution hoard. VIII TESTING AND ADJUSTING DIRECTION FINDER AFTER ITS INSTALLATION ON BOARD THE SUIP After shipboard installation of the direction finder it is necesaary to test it serviceability and to adjust Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 m064.- zero sharpening and compensating for radio deviation. 10 Testing the Loop Antenna and Exterior WirThr7 .4. 000 004 0, 4.4..4 100 0,-4. *Z. 100 0.0 01000. 0.0 ?011 000 r0:04.0 *AO, MI IF.M....."44M 4".Sklf $$$t CM; P10,1 $ for Proper insulation and Hermetic Sealing (a) Test the loop and antenna feederG aa well as the loop antenna unit for proper insulation using a megohm-meter with the test voltage of 500 V4, (b) To test the iciop antenna unit and loop feedeT for proper insulation dioconnoct the feeder terminals from mounting strftp contacts 1004 and 6 (in the loop compart ment'of the receiver-andr-golliometer unit casing) and con- nect the megohm-meter contacts between the feeder torn,nao and the receiver-and-goniometer unit body,. Insulation resistance between any terminals and the body must be not less than 50 megohms. (c) To test the antenna feeder insulation unscrew the antenna box lid and remove the neon lamps; in the antenna compartment of the receive-and-goniometer unit casing disconnect the feeder terminals from contacts 3 and 4 and connect the megohm-meter contacts between the feeder terminals and the hull. Resistance between any feeder terminal and the hull should be not less than 800 kilohms, 2. Testing the Direction Finder Serviceability (a) SwitchinL; on direction finder .y gictdOCIBOR14 ot110.40 3044004 St?tia.Cot When .supplied from the D.C. ship 2's mains; set the switch MAINS; A,C. ( CET% ) on the Control-distribution board to OFF ( REA. ) position. Set the switch VOLT:1n MONITORING ( KOHTPOn HAHMEng) in the position oTri-Dt3 MAINS, D.C. ( BOPT--CETL ). Aftex. that o:perate the tumbler switch SHIPS M.INS DC k 110 220z A0C. 220 V r: IJ' -:- npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 - 65 - ( BOPTCETE = 1104 220; 'i 220 V)? When the D,C4 voltemeter reads necessax7 mains voltage 3fA the switch VOLTAGE MOUITORING to MAINSsv A.X.? On-120 Ing on the AC 0 voltage applied (readinga are taken with . rl Li 1 1 0 Dep the AC voltmeter) tuna the switch A4C. MAINS to the respective position?) (1) When supplied from the mains 220 7), met the switch VOLTAGE mOMITORING on, the contvol mm board to switch A ab. !leas and accordin8 to the voltage applied:using the AC4 oltmeterp set the switch AC ip MAINS in the l'e8pefltive 0t position, (2) When supplied from the 6 C 011'4 2 0 positions, whea:oas tl/e &UINS .C. MAINS to OPP position,. operate he ombler switch SIIIPtf.-.; VO ty ion th3 switch tior. board BINttoh ,gt C 0 -," to MAILN4, A,C, mains: 127 Vt. pllt ONETORTNG on the control-d itribum, \ 1,J 011120 po.eAtionf the .t1.0vp MAINS to OFF .0ositiuno Depending on the A0?; voltage applied (:nadings being taken with the Aee; voltmeteT); set tho witch AcC. MAINS 4,;, the respec,ive position. The Dosition of the 1.,umble:e switch SHITS MAINS DC 0 110, 220p A.Cit 220 V is arbifraxy- 1 - int after the direction finder has been switched on and the valves heated, check voltage values taking readings with the help of the instruments arTanged on the coiatrol-diatribution board Fox this purpose set the S witch VOLTAGE subsoutintlyt MONITORING to the following positions I. SHrlyS KAITS 741?Yr S IC 01Ft 1.2 0 3 m 210 V4 PLATEt 110 4. 56 RETARDLTION, 6, 400 c,kpas. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 st4f$ s.a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?66 (Set the function switch Bi 3 in the re( eend goniometer unit in 1,,A" position)Q volt e ;0 - In the first Dosition ti D (3 meter on the board should tadicate the D ritrtiml voltago9 With the %J 6 mainc vo)ti-1" anTAtod the in3timen?,4v should remain inoprative/ in the second position voltmeter should indicate tha shipls 41.Ctc main voltage or *C0 voltge, 127 VI appliccl frOM the con,vete 0R-120 or autotransformero In the thi71:d. positim PlJTEI 210 ( AWAH. 210B) the DC e voltomter should in_ticate voltage from 230 to 190 V; ia the fourth Do3it1on PLATE; 100 V ( AHOWie ION) from 110 to 90 Vtl, In the a,fth tion RBTIYADATTON (TOPM ) the DC 4 voltmeter should indicate DoCe voltage from 20 to 10 '1st; In the oixth po i- tion 400 ccp980 the A.C?, voltmeter should indicate 90 V (fluctuations of the instruTent pointer aro permissible within 135 to 65 17)0 If measured voltages correspond to the values given above the apparatus is considered to be switched on correctly Note: The possible erro of the inztrimont DB-46 OH the (the AtC0 voltmeter) is 4205 per cent at the temperature of 420?05?00 With temperature changes from v-50? to I-50QC the accuracy falls by 1 per cent of the rai.raum stale value for each 10 of temperature CM1-10a The po:3sible error of the M0-63 instrument (the DCeo ,4.r)op voltmeter) is 14 per cent at the temperature of +200u'" At ambient temperature fluctuations from -400C to 4450?C the instrument accuracy decreases by 2 per cent of the maximum scale value for each 100 of tem.00ratuxe changoe (b) Tuning direction filidor (tQf 44 4 d *4940000044,? 04 ter401 To tune the direction finder proceed aa follows: 10 Set the band selector switch in such a position that the transmitterequency is within this bande - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 fre the in WI] aoh to :r. ach 0: V*3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ... 67 2. Turn the function switch in ;a position 30 Operate the tuning knob to set the required frequency by bringing the corresponding index .line of the tuning scale in line with the cursor llns arranged In front of the scale 40 By rotating the turning knob within narrow limits obtain maximum deflection of the tuni. iniicaton pointer (In this case the h1ghw3t tuning accuracy is achieved when the maximm defJectioD of the tuning indica- to :1 Dointe2. occurs in achieve this ol)o.xate fliOdie of the scale, To the knob voLuif (I1P0i1NOCTT-) :(75, Make r_wro the dirction findei is tuned correctly to the requied :cadio station by listening to its call signals, Durin6 reception of unmodulated oscillation put the tumbler switch Note: it in MT -ooition, is not advisable to operate at frequencies of 260 Ke/s1 390 Ke/s 520 Ws and 650 Ke/.3 with the tumbler switch in VT position, (e) Testing telegraph operation 0,06%9641a4069004a60*104 4-000a 4 Put the tumbler switch Tlib-Tur in TAr position during "A" or "Co !node of operation (in ,IAIT mode (If operation the second hete:codyne does not operate); in this ease beat note :3hould be heard in tht3 telephones which changes as the knob MAT NOTE ( TOH Bnia ) is turned to the right or left to attain the frequency of 2p000 e,p,s. Haviug been sue that the diroction finder is fully serviceable in t;Aq mode of operation, proceed to test it semiceability in pan and AlCu modes of operati0no (d) Testing operation in 0Au and oCu modes of 13#17430 41 00 444 449 4a3a4 4 goa va6a-o ao4a444. operation Without diL;tul'bing the tuning p turn the function rj ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 :g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 switch in HA') position e The goalometer indicator should read the transmitter bearings Turning furtheT tho function swith in nV position and operating the knob Of the ZERO SHARPENING CONTROL, make sun that the manual zero sharpening control is operative o If the zero sharpening control is effective the sound dur:,.ng the rotation of this control should rise and fall (in ca$e the manual volume control should be adjusted to obtain the sound level convenient for the operation) Theni, manipulate the SBARCR COIL ROTATION C BPAillEHNE MC-RATER ) knob (B1-5) to deflect the gonionieter indicator to the right and left from zero :J!eception; in both cases the sound must rise as the indicator MOVG8 away from the bearings finder operation with crystal on.s, - With the func,tion switch in Ra" position put the :switch CRYSTAL Iii ON- 'position and tune using the tuning The,toniometer.indicator should indicate the same bearing as without the crystal, (f) Testing the goniometer indicator setting *00?40.?? a? a* 6 0 t ?P004 000 ?? 0 ? **? 00 6 4 0 Having ascertained that the direction finder Is 'fully serviceable in all modes of operation, check the gonlometer indicator for proper setting* For this purpose short?circuit terminals 1 and 3 in the casing compart? ment and then take bearing from some radio station, In this case the radio relative bearing obtained has to be about 0 or /80? (on he fixed goniometer scal) If the radio relative bearing will differ from 0? OP 1809 t is necessary to remove the glass cover, to unscrew the 14dicator lid, to loose the nut, and to set the indi oator in 0? or 1800 position; than to screw in the nut Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP8 TO6246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 and lid and to fix the loop antenna - 69 glass cover. After that un5hort Testing the loop 4614644%ii ta444/ 4g 149014 tion to poniometox rp$ 47010'04 ilP,064?5 antennas for correct connec:- t Ir tp e f? t it t?I 4004r:4:r Evan being completely sure that all the oollnections during the direction finder inntallation have been mao as instructed 7 it J_LI necessary to chock the direction finder for -proper opeTation. For this purpose take bear- ings from two or three radio stations whose -elat-ive bearingo, are known. For conveniences sake choose stations located either to port or starboard Supposts that the -radio relative bew!illE for radio otation Noel equals 250 and that for radio) ston U002p6 ?. Helco, when tak- ing bearings from Tadio stations No.1 and Nci?2 in turn, radio rPlative beaTings obtained must increase clockwise. If radio relative bearings obtained for stations No.1 and No.2 do not Tar ie the relative bearing for both stations is tho same, it means that the ends from both loop anteanas ars connected to each goniometer field co-J, To eliminate this defect interchange the feeder end Pi-a with the eLd P11-14 If after that radio relative bearings obtained do not diffor it is necessary to return the end of the second /00D antenna PlIv*1 in it former place and to intorchange the end of the first loop antenna PI-,41 with the other end of the second loop antenna PII-2 and to takt, test bearings once move. Now 9 radio relative bearings obtained for radio stations No;1. and .2 should differ. In case radio relative bearing; change not clockwiL!,e hut counter clockwi e it is necessary to interchange either the end Pi I with the end the and PII4 with the end PII-20 s, r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 ? CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?1, These readjustments completed; radio relative or ,C bearings-p, when taking bearings from radio stations I and 2in,turn? should change clockwisoe It should be noted, that if the pointer does not WO A.eflect, wIlen one of the field coil ends is closed it Iengt 'means-that this end is shorted to the body, It is NOY nede,ssary to remove the short?circuito in th unif, The next step to be taken is to check the sense 40 ra -1 de:bermination4 It is checked by taking bearings from the radl.o station whoso approximate direction i already an4 --? indicator o ra: ends froaLthe lopp4 ie to interchange PI-1 with PD2 nI1 with P112 or to turn the goniometer leng through 180 using the method referred to in Section VIIIif knowna If the sense 'determination is wrong (shifted ai by-180?) it is necesbary to interchange all the four o letigth= feeder , ,These .operations ,comp4.etedt the direction finding shb,ul0. be corrects (h) Testing sense determination S4)0,000000#0**01,900000000000. ?Ldjustment of Direction Finder 'Having checked the dil,,ection finder for correct lstallation it iri.required to adjust the direction - Cinder p Ie to Match the length of the loop feeder and o adjust modulation.depthe tchiniloop'-feeder length 0,a44?0*PO4ag000pteeppopP$00 length of the loop feeder to which the direcu- ionfinder.haS:been adju3ted; is shown on the name plate e loop comp mont of the' casinge 1*.phdin -.onthe'indexr, 4rection finders are deltNidred.:adjljs-4,0 t the fo1Jowjt lengths of the loop 1114(ina0x 4 .1'6m)- ,26 mr (index 16 ? 26) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Matching' dote? Noi IWW0*M$110t1.4#%11.1 from. ?lith not t devie above Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 71 or 30, mo (index',26 30 in) e If during the direotioa ,finder'installation,on shipboard the loop feeder length occurs to be reducedas compared with that to whiCh ',the given apparatus has been adjusted 2 it is necessary. to'match the direction ander with the present length-of the feeders, For this purpose it is required to 'remove matching device Noel installed by the Manufacturer In the- loop compartment of the receiver-andoToniometer _unit and,tb insert in its place one of the matching Adevice 6 -in accordance with the table below consgagultegm4mmus,w0.9+11..wamt Difference between real loop feeder length and adjusted. length 4mire, W4rti; $030.04 4.4,0,41 WOO Matching device No. 0,040. ling~....?~0.40.0010,4X4M.44.40.0 04 44, ..06 .....0 **TO ...41, 1~ 4.4411 0000 i W .1 k 4~ .44 0.0 ..4a ~ ~ I400 .0 ... I 0 cc\ 4.10.10 WA* 0 pe-N4, r4 H t???? *, .*4 *aft Nos3 Np.04 No405 1ot6 Noa 1 0.e.1110,K0.4....oper4....1000 Permissible deflection of the real feeder length from the -adjusted,length,should not exceed 1.1 in,. The increase. of the real feeder length as compared with that to which the apparatus has been adjusted, can ,not_be,readily compensated for by mplacing matching devices and therefore use of feeders haying length 'above.:ratedrip:aqt allowed* Use of feeders shorter than 3,ms for index 4-15t lort,er than, 13 me .for indo 16-26, and,shorter.than r -index 263O: i6..not:allowede thematcl.iiii.gdevi'ce does not correspond to 66p feeder'lenc; and automatic bearings not coincido Ttis observed, during operation over ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 , 72 -4 the second band at frequencies 6%0 750 Kc/so (b) Adjustment of modulation depth i44,440006.0,0 60*****/****0** 4 00 Prior to adjustment of modulation depth it is required to check the bias voltage across the valve grids of the control circuit (R1*-74 screw-odriver operated control) The sorew?driver operated control is locatad in the power unit compartment of the casings Bias v:aue measured by the tester TTI between the middle terminal of the regulator and the body should be within 14-15 11. Modulation depth is adjustoa in the following my; 1. Put the function switch in "A" mode of ?Der:It:ton. 2* Tune to a sufficiently powerful station in the beacon band, To do this proceed as follows: (a) Turn the knob VOLUM about 900 to the left from the maximum volume position) (b) Tune to such a station that the tuning indicator pointer should deflect over the full scale 30 Uso the modulation depth regulator to obtain the followingt (a) The goniometer pointer oscillations should not exceed :40?0 (b) The difference between the bearing positions when the bearing pointer approaches this position from different sides should not exceed 1003?$ For this purpuse the direction finder is adjusted to operate in "C" mode of operation the goniometer pointer deflects from the boaring position and the direction finder ia adjusted again for "A" mode of operation0 It should be noted that the maximum output voltage in "C" mode of operation appeares to be of the same order as in " mode of operation , rig)). VI 0 plat reee ara RECE not dire( coPP( ti foil tot tion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Note: The modulation depth control is in the lower tftahand Corner of the direction finder front panel and is covered by a turnable name plate o Under the same name plate there screw?driver operated control of the receiver.snsitivity marked Cle..I.IN6 These controls are arranged s shown oz i the name plat6: The control REdEIVER GAIN is mounted by the Manufacturer and it is not recomMeinded to readjust this control during the direction finder installation, on board the ship4 ) 4lutomatic zero sharpening and radio deviation -6t4,0'0$.440000044001,0000000u4s)0 00,61+0444:4*4600 compensatiog in the dixection finder$ ttti/%*v06.00,140,60.16 :%406***00000a000 Prior to the calibration of the direction finder it ia required to check the zero sharpening and radio deviation 'compensation controls for proper operation4 Antenna effect (zero cleaning) is automatically compensated fOr on,shipboard at frequencies of about NO KtV5 with the transmitters abeam and with the deviation chokes switched off& The zero sharpening control is checked in the .following Way: 10"Rdmove t4e'easing lida Put the dumpers in the loop compartment in OFF -poSitionti-Terminals 16, 17 and. 19, 20, 21 close and the compensatiOn:chokes are switched off torminal 5 of the antenna compartment to tlie_ch:assist InijVi mode of. operation set the goniometer indicatcir, in the minimumivolume positiona uthezero'pharpening control (B1-7) in posi4- While switching the second end of the jumper frOU terminal to terminals 8, 10? 12 and 14 be 81,1TO at an output signal changes with the jumper in different ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 ? CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 output (B1-7) driver operated trimmer CI-,137 with the zero sharpening control in position I make sure that it operates lorol-,ela? 80 Unshort terminal of the antennat The radio deviation compensation elemen checked in the following wayt Is Put the jumpers IftiTii2 and n1-3 vs. 7 4. Rrii) 74 In one of the jumper positions make ignal changes with the zero sharpening set to different positions. By rotating sure an c ont the 3 crew-) ; loop compartment in ON position4 Terminals is r:rptta 22 close and the compensation chokes are switched on 20 Tune to the radio stations whose radio l'o_ativo bearing approximates a quadrant at the .Lc,quency of about )00 Kc/s and mark this radio relative bearin&:? 34 Rotating the compensation chokes with the of a screwdriver make sure the indicator pointer deflects4 4. Having checked the compensation choke for ability put the jumpers to OFF position f5c, Adjust the mechanical compensator to read correction 4 To achieve this proceed as follows: (a) Rotate the disc (by the knob SEARCH COIL ROL, TION in DCH Dosition of the function switch) and set zero division of the correction scale against zero of the fixed scale* Holding the goniometor indicator by hand remove the lid from it, unscrew the nut and remove the clamp keeping the indicator in a zero position o When rem0Y?4 ing the clamp the goniometer indicator should be 10 to the left ( sign) from ho sear; zero f.2131 zero of the correction scalee if it is not sor set the ,goniometer indicator at 1? ? division from correction scale zero (by rotating the adjusting screw, which corresponds to fixed scale zero and thereabouts). '2 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 (b) Make the same adjustments for lep 20?I, 30?, .etcf, to see that the adjustment is correct 4 U. while rotating the disk; the goniometer indicator will be fo4' all 36 points 10 fto 20 to the left from correction scale zeroit means that the adjustment is made coxrectly (e) After these adjustment put the clamp on the onimeter, indicator so that its index line should coincide with correction scale zero, secure it with a nut and screw up the indicator lid," 6 Cover the goniomcter window with the glans cover and put back the lid of the compartment where the cable ^is fanned out, it shoulci be noted thaL, the radio deviation compensation chokes are usually connected to fore-- and-aft loop PI and compensate for the negative radio deviation erros the wires with tips being connected to terminals 1/v 12? 131 14 and the jumpers with tips clos- ing terminals 7, Elt and 9; 10. First adjust zero sharpening, proceeding as follows; lt Tune to a well audible radio station operating the frequency of about 300 Kc/ a (in the beacon band), 2o Assume the radio relative bearing of 900 or 2700v 3$ Put the function switch in UC positions 4. Find the aural bearing by using the manual zero sharpen/mg contr61. *3 Remove the lia from the casing* 6 Short.A.circuit terminal 5 of the antenna in the casing. Put the zero sharpening switch (B1-7) in posit-0 By changing the jumper of the compensating wire from terminal :0 te terminals 8? 10, 12 or 14 find a positions in which the voltage in the telephones core ases when the jumpor is conneOted, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 76" 9, Select such a position of the zero sharpening switch p in which the volume in the telephones is at minimmo Final tuning is performed by the trimmer CL 10* Secure the jumper with the help of a Putt 11. Unshort terminal 5 of the antennae 12. Cover the casing with the lid* After zero sharpening adjustments del; ermine deviation using one of the methods described (with function switch in uAll position), Having calculate valve of radio deviation plot a curve of radio deia ? () 1 P.71 tion in relation to a radio relative bearingp and fii value and signs of radio deviation coefficient To compensate for received radio deviation an follows: l. Move the goniometer indicator in accordm kj, the calculated value of the radio deviation coefficient: by the method described in. Section (VIII; f),9 - 25 Open the lid in the casing and put the jurcoe= riii n1-,2 and 11-3 in ON positiont. 3,, Compensate for the radio deviation coefficent on " employing the electrical compensation chokes for whch DulApose! (a) If the quadrantal radio deviation coeffcic-nt Is negative connect the leads from the terminal block where the compensation choke onds are fanned out (in the casing) in the following way: terminal 16 with terminal 111 terminal 17 with teTminal 12; terminal 19 with terminal 13; terminal 20 with terminal 140 Put jumpers between term:LI-laic) 7 8 and 9 *- 10 the terminal block for the loop ends, In this case the radio deviation compensation chokes will be connected to the fore-and-aft loop. th, th of fo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 If the quadrantal radio deviation coefficient is negative the leads from the terminal block for the chokes should he changed from terminal 11 to te=inal from terminal 12 to terminal 8f from terminal 1) to terminal 99 from termillal 14 to terminal 102 the jumper from terminals 7? 8 to terminals II cw, 12 the jumper from terminals 9 10 to terminals 13 In this case the radio deviation compensation chokes will be connected to the athwartships loop (b) Release the locking screws of the radio devia? tion compensation chokes& (c) Rotate the adjusting screws of the chokes with the hell) of a screwdriver to set the cursor of all the chokes against a figure corresl)onding to the value of "A" coefficient of radio deviation being compensated for 4, Repeat procedures for compensation of radio deviation once MOTO and having calculated corrections for radio deviation plot a curve of residual radio deviation Maximum value of residual radio deviation should not exceed 1--5?0 59 Having opened the goniometer glass cover, remove the clamp from the indicator and adjust the mechanical compensator by means of the adjusting screws consulting the plotted curve of residual radio deviation, Tvile adjusting the mechanical cowensator the following should be borne in mind: (a) It is not allowable to turn an adjusting screw more than through 20 -4 30 of a revolution of the gonio meter indicator, If this rule is not Oserved the template may be damaged as turning any of the adjusting screws by a value higher than required for the indicator revolu? tion through 20 3?f bends the template spring fr "sx Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 .78. excessively and may break it and damage the clamps of the neighbouring screws. Therefore compensator adjust-. ment should be made not at once but in several step04 For this purpose the residual radio deviation curve must be replaced by a series of cux.ves approaching the principal one. Perform consecutive compensator adjust? ments consulting these curveso (b) At the first adjustment step the following sequence of adjusting 3QTOW rotation should be observod: 100, 340? 20?f 3)0? -0 3002 320 ? 40?, etc, When the compensation is carriecl out in this way the template body will approach the centre in one section and move ii,way from the centre in the other, as positive correction for radio deviation is introduced in one section and negative in the other, Suggested sequence of adjustments protects the template body from excessive mechanical tensions Taking into account all mentioned above attempt to adjust the compensator observing the following proceduret (a) Apply corrections according to the residual radio deviation curvet To do this set correction scale zero division against 3500 on the fixed scale and by rotating the adjusting screw corresponding to 350? set the goniometer indicator according to the correction scale to an angle corresponding in value and sign to the radio deviation plotted in the direction of 3500 on the curve4 By the same method determine corrections for all 36 adjusting screws keeping the sequence given above: 350? ? 10t 3400 ? 200, etc, and setting the correction scale zero division in turn against all the divisions with figures on the fixed scale (b) Cheek mechanical compensator for proper adjust co: Peel IVO to by mol via go is tic Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 79 twe mento For this pnrpose set the compensator disk subsequently at, the divisions 0% 10?, 2e, etc e and ohetk to see the goniometer indicator readings correspond to the radio deviation curve 4 If necessary; perform readjustments simultaneous1y0 (c) Having ascertained that adjustment L performed orrectly close the goniometer window with the glalis 'cover and place the clamp removed, from the indicator in 3pecial clips located on the inside of the asing lids (d) Setting the goniometex movable scalec 000601t a 69e 090aaa0 a a a a. al 4 0-0 a 4 6 4 0 * After radio deviation has been compensated for one must match a goniometer movable scale -oosition with ship greo.-compase readings, For this purpose it ts necessary to unscrew the cap to release the knob COURS SE,TT1Ni. by turning it counter?clockwise and thenp rotating tha movable scale by the knob, to set against zero o?C the goniometer fixed scale that degree on thp movable scale which corresponds to a ship gyrocompass readings Having matched in such a vay, secure the knob COURSE SETTING by pressing it to the direction findor front wall and by turning it clockwise as far as it will go and then screw up the cape IX. APPENDIX Instructions on Testing the Directiou Finder Valve Characteristics The test of the direction finder valve chaTactexbistics is performed by the tester TT?1 when the complete direc? tion finder et io used Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 , Prior to testing the receiverw4ando-goniometer unit is removed from the casing and is connected to the teter by means of connecting cablesp supplied with the sot o spare parts tools and accessories* The ipolume control j set at maximums and the function switch p to position itAllt Prior to taking measurements allow 2 ? 5 minutes to elapse after the direction finder has been switched on, this time being necessary for the valves to warm ups To monitor supply voltage;instruments arranged distribution *board are used Ease connection of the valves, employed in the direction finders is siven in Table 1* Testing valve characteristics is performed by means of th,eteSter'TT-1 according to the following rules; '.140H0..aterVoltage (A4Cs) is measured between the valvo. heater pins according to Table No 4l. 2G Plate voltage (11Q).. is measured between the 1 pins and receiver body*' Screen grid voltage (DC.) is measured between the screen grid pins and receiver body0 . (There is.XeC0'. voltage across the control valve Hscregrias)* ? 4. Bias '(D004) is measured between the cathode 1)i1 and receiver body In the control valves, GHGC bias is between valve pin 5 and the receiver body. Rated characteristics for valves Table Nos$20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Suppress OT grid plate pe._..4-Mtsfr,qfm.,qtr,yampstxeppp,r4..rpzoipgay.v_=twr,,z?-=,z-.,e,g,agtvA.t.w.hjmt,f.r.,.-Aie,_tk&rrpwtcm,rs,rxa*;yvar,a-3.Vf_,_,,:p,, _ ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 ?'?! ? ;'? ? ? ?.,1 - ;?" ? 82 Table No92 Characteristics of Rec eiver?.41nd.ftiGeniom et er lJnft t..44.1.00 *WS vaoslisot W. N. vent weer ctw Valves in tfilit Mode of Operation ipajrip.vpao e.4.4..414. 0.6 IR.O......odiveir.* 1.0....11.44 4.4 .4 4.4 %Mt W.. IP* "Makb 40.14,..411AZA. WO( 4.10"1.41,????? ClegirrOtn....0 .???? tome amid6.444MIT. ?-?on "wawa* lawir ?01.-.4.0j14.0, *oat am. Heater Plate Screen Stage voltage voltage, grid V voltage, eleitataretike *we mat r-we .4.0t 1....4.14 v.* OM% ----. Direction finder output amplifier C ontrdl plate detector 1 aim: II - .41.uado oscillat? Phasing c ommutat or I and II - Loop amplifiers iligh-ofrequ. enc y amplif or ,Mixer ist het-erodyne 1st :int - f2,equexiCy ' ?,;? :1_4 ? , prool.t.sai leas, 4.11. Weal 4.//46 4011100 0,Y .01.0. 11...1 *OM 2 4.1.6 or* ow.... 603 6.3 6.3 3 170 160 6) lepo 6.3 160 643 63 6.) 6.3 85 90 70 90 4 85 70 160 124 90 5'3 36 70 40,11.,*0 Awe 411... sow. maw.* Its Bias V Ins. /My ?10.6?10.1, ?14 VC* few. Cathode voltago S., .01 Sn 441...11 6 To), glee wavre, 4,4,141 et" +505 ; ".? ,????4? wooed"' Pete 11911?.! am: Tele) PIT 2nd Ono( ti( cont: oper set ION,* Motol i3one.,1 (1-ex Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 1.01440 40,144, Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 errattryaingArtak.004***;41,04tert.00.. frtret0.001.********* cm.** womi **Atoms awn ytts Oft* war.. 0****1 4.0 Walar***** 2nd intermediate frequency amplifier Detector L.0w7frequency amplifier TelephoAe out-, put amplifier 2nd heterodyne (mode tion of opera- Tuning indicator amplifier Note: 00111410?1124.1V0p.k. 4 '1 k../ 603 6t3 3 .1.870POIND 85 $704 60 90 85 603 75 orryylari. otatt 4 ...411.fteria6rot.0400*****M 55 tan 65 3 . bat OA, 0tPrY +5 rs s Irtrrt +14 Valve characteristics are taken with the gain control knob? modulation depth control (screw-driver operated) and receiver gain set at maximum 4***********60,0.** Stage 641,..V0***0***000.,40.10 1 Driver Motor supply r'enerator 1 and 11) knob (serewo4driver operated), Table No,3 Characteristics of Power Unit Valves Heater voltage IT torn a.* two. 41.1?14 ???411 ? WO. gm.* own am* 3 Plate voltage V t.? ...St .. 0`.. ** **** .** **Y.** O.** rtry. Yr, try** yr*. ryyr rr........* ....*, 3 61,3 1. *4 Yeaplo 3 .4.14. loamy ...A 0????? be. 105 225 .0.411 0041 Screen grid voltage V 4 0.4 223 Irnr+4 CM) Mt Cathode voltagey V 5 yttry wow. statmey49.410.*******.***40 Bias, V 6 ?L oast' 8 -34 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Symbol according to key diagram i. Tp (- 7 ) Winding No3i (relative to core) 1 _ .g.lawacprAlacpepta ? ~.0gesr4...g.R.-4111..~,e6 AISROVIARe.0.1067,...4.10,1,3:4ANgli.OMAKtro.aity I Beginning I End ?,,+,...........................4 --.........- 3 I A ...............,... 01........anor ......v.., Winding Data for Transf Panel contacts 4,01,11.00 1 :al) 1-3 Tp12 Tp 1-3 (T-76) woraakt..K 'Pp 1-4 Winding is wound on middle -rod Windtro. Is wound an end rods 101/q" 2 woe* 5 3 2 rmers and Chokes ?045.6;???????.bersasftp...** Number Wire, ala. of 0.07 mm 1 Ira ___________ 7 6 1 I 1 3 1 turns 5200 1 4.51.40:1..43400.04.....57PV.Ift ft... +Nine* cotivaaraoadSaln,.....*maeargo.LVI - ,o.06 mm 11500 5280 2 0006 mm ; 8900 ?sier44.........* ?????? AlPyr ....rwasooma.,.......71...asasproune.". 4 3 4 A ?41,0..7.11.000...Wh....i."POr....e??? Om* ,? ? ??????? 9104.01 -- 4 ..????????1.????????0?? 500 turn in one yri --,Ord.....c.***.verr,".....htiecenar0.0.wikr.craya,..4.4251itewoNormor. 800 1 ?1110 ova mm ' 1600 .11b13.4.4.16, NotQ, In common screen 1Trans- Izormer lues Lao - iyandings 'common iscreen*. ?wrsir?roga. ne?????.??????.???????..?.',0 YAW 6 OD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 '17-"""",.:,r , 7,-7'7'.7`-',-",""7-^.--4.-4---i--,-f,-,,,, -,-.-.. .........x.......-.,,,-,--,,,:r...::.-7,--?,=.,"',72.:7_=';::74: :Z.,.'";;;": '''-'7,-`7,'''',",'''''''''''"'"''""'":7 +.:.'--4,-,;-.".,-,?,,,-,:-3-',--Z.:,V,.....,-44.1:;,.......-,,,,.:,.-,:;.'....,.;,,h.".....v.r.,',!? ::.1.-.E,.:,,,',4,...4.,..-.5;;-,?....?;?,.,,,:,::....,,,",,,,,',S;,,,,, ,',,,,,-,,,,;,':, ; .. - ? .?I.: , ? ., ? - " ., ?:;:::::' .1.? r ? _ ' , ?' 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I 1 50 )7. 73 7J f'::::..:--: 'C ,.. ? 0 O '..-:',: ' ,,, -!;,' , , T4-100 0 -_-?:.?_ -... 0 __-? ,..._ ?? ? cy) ? :,?, common scr...een - co ? ?, 0 , n.) o -I o -r. o) , ........1.4:90,-.00........ > o o) -r. ,- ', ,_ ? f , ,.I, 4,-........, ...................... -r. iriin2800 In co 0 o n.) co o ? : :- o o o _.. r.) I's imu it a--; ? r?::?"-'!:,: , 's ? 1 -, - Noe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 _ ? . ?'?'? oft 87 p.m 3e Trotibl Chart opitmaltavvviplormewolioulwilft-Are049-400,10. 1.4441,4001.44104.746=044.41.420.4%44,g4~44.44-Mmow**.lais44**m110*.4.044*.mg; Trouble tellistVA0 4,04n1P****W49** 2 WM 4..4 N.44.,4446144444p.40,*46 444!. With the AP& =Vamp * Agoo 4,4*. Possible cause 44******.O.O* IPftMe **************** twaM..4**OMIA Remedy function witch in The direction finder is switched on but no Yoltages on the control, distribu-- tion boards $ag .140 *Mr} 4th (1) Contact fault in the supply circuitss (2) The fuse in the board is blown out4, simbi In the -nresence of voltages - on the .control distribution 'board the 'direction finder does not 'operate, irrespective 'of a 'band switched on ,*************** 1) No contact in the supply plug of tha receiver?and-A goniometer unitl One or several valves are faulty. No contaCt in the telephone and loud-- ,speaker pluga. (2) ******.w.4.44.-.*** a. 4.44* * * Swig i"rectidi finder (doer; not ope rat a 4 40-6,1rwoc4mW00.11,0m*ON*4104Witcwa*e4W4.0.4..440.weveR,W 4 11 position Check circuit continuity in the board. Replace the fuse. ..*****W4*****400 Tighten up the Iocks on the receiver?and? goniometer unit. Replace faulty valves Repair the plugs. *..** ***************~ No contact in Replace the the band circuit. seloctor plate ? 44! 511 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 ? CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 of any eircuitso ) 0/c in coil of' one of the circuits. (1) 0/c, in wire .running to the :tumbler - .1A04-TAP; the second heterodyne connection2 replace the faulty valve Change the tri)11111eil, C1-.98) Teplace the (1) Valve 6118?C J11-12) is faulty, (2) The tuning Indicator is faulty, :Omission loss of one or seve-ral receiver valves Change in :caacitance of one- or several. capacitox's Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 high intemediate or low frequency. stageso (3) The antenna is not connected Failure of manma (1)Failure in the circuits of the rotation of the vi1tch SE1IRCH search coil, COIL ROTL.TION? bTeakage in the circuis the APN motor wind? ing:5, 2)Faulty ve.ives of the Cixivel% or power ? amplifier i4 S upply unit. (3)110 contact in the oupply pliig in the -recoiver?and? coniomoter Restoro the connectiono RtoT:e the ?itti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 4o? 2 8 NO180 is heard in telephones, but no signal reception at any po,sition of the search coil, Strong cracklings when the goniometer search coil is rotated 4R4.4. 10 Minimum is blurred when taking bear ing in 11CH mode of operation far. 4-- 90 (1)Failuro of the circuit of voltage transmission from the loop antenna unit in the feeler, in :-:;oniomete-r, slip ring, faulty valves of the loop Li' put, (I)Poor contact in the collec slip rings, Oil (2)The rotor brushes come off the collocto (1)The antennu ia disconnect-q1 or broell (2)The antenna is oholit, (3)Breakau,e in the variometer circuit, 4 0.45 Reatore the conection, restore the contact in the ter, cnt3 va 1 v- e can the groove of 1:11-1 I 11 t ? 1 1 LI) 4 1.,fle Drushe. Connect the antenna, remove the breakage. Raolace the antenna, Romove the broaka6o, 1) 14...frar 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 Via war ii tfact Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A064800280001-2 evi 91 ix,* 9 14 4.4**,..4,rwn mom wmw .roo4m*0 Minimum axis bend exceeds 1Of 46.4. 44.4 .4 The antenna is largeo 1 4.^..*W.i'ep44or*..egrPI4WW.s. I 447.4444~.444.4.....v.4~0.44.4.VOisNm