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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO63900520001-5
This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title
18, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
S -E -C -R -E -T
Technical Document on the Armament
of the Soviet Antiaircraft Gun
artilleriyskoy ustanovki ZSU-57-2 Manual on the Equipment and Operation ot
Rukovodstvo po materialnoy chasti i ekspluatatsii zenitnoy samokhodno- 50X1-HUM
L-~h I .~ I
DATE DISTR. o? y' August 1962
A 56-page,English-language translation of Chapter III of the Soviet document
Chapter III is 50X1-HUM
entitled "Armament" and contains, among others, subsections on: arrangemen&
of the gun; turret; cciveyor; automatic antiaircraft site; ammunition; safety
precautions; care and maintenance; and instructions for gun drill. Photocopies
of original graphics are included.
(Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by " *".)
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Fig I
Fil,rl 2
G Jr i
Excluded from :di;anaii
dewngradin; and
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-- -? rP1\/A 1 11 III ii
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ZSU-57-2 i:4 :DBOOK
V1''~'.'~~~_~R 1
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-Chapter Three-
In the turret of the vehicle is mounted a 57 mm twin automatic anti-aircraft
gun type 3-68 (figs 21 and 22). The gun consists of two automatic mechanisms.
The left and right automatic mechanisms of the gun are of identical construction -
that is to say the parts of the right mechanism are a mirrow-image of those of
the left. The ammunition feed takes chargers with a four-round capacity. The
rounds are fed laterally (to left and right) from the ramming line.
An anti-aircraft course and speed type sight is fitted to the gun for the
engagement of both air and ground targets. In the driver's compartment there
is a tilt indicator which permits the horizontal position of the vehicle during
firing to be controlled to an accuracy of 10.
In the rear part of the turret are strapped two automatic rifles, the
personal weapons of the crew members, and a signal pistol with a set of signal
cartridges. These are kept wrapped in tarpaulin covers.
The gun may be laid for bearing and elevation either by an electro-hydraulic
gear or manually. Electro-hydraulio gear laying uses a D.C. electric motor
working through a universal speed governor (URS). This last ensures that the
necessary laying speed is achieved and that target tracking is smooth. The
manual gear is used as a stand-by method in case the eleotro hydraulic gear is
out of action. The manual method requires two crew members for its operation.
On the muzzle ends of both barrels of the gun are self-releasing tarpaulin
covers. It is not necessary to get out of the vehicle to remove these covers.
The laying mechanisms0of the go allow targets to be engaged at angles of
elevationr/depression of -5 to + 85 . The gun has all-round traverse.
Fig. 21. The S-68 gun mounting (viewed from above)
1. muzzle brake (right and left) .2. barrel (right and left) 3. cradle
(right and left) 4. right magazine feed framehand cocking lever. 5.
right magazine 6. right magazine loading tray 7. right breech cocking
handle 8. traversing gear drive universal coupling 9. right-hand
loader's seat 10. eleotro-hydraulic and manual traverse mechanism
selection lever 11. reduction gear and traverse mechanism control column
12. cranked traversing handle 13. universal speed governor (URS) 14.
right collimator 15. moving part of sight 16. detachment commander's
seat 17. sight socket 18. sight testing flat 20. elevation handwheel
21. ammunition conveyor manual drive handwheel 22. ammunition conveyor
reduction gear 23. ammunition conveyor drive coupling lever 24. relay
box 25. sight-setter's seat 25. sight base casing 27. aircraft
model (target course indicator) 28. sight base 29. layer's seat
30. left collimator 31. electric firing gear button 32. universal speed
governor control column 33. elevating gear reduction gear 34. elevating
gear universal speed governor 35. cranked elevating handle 36. left
automatic mechanism firing pedal 37. right automatic mechanism firing
pedal 38. elevating gear drive selector lever 39. left-hand loader's
seat 40. left breech cocking handle 41. interlocking device lever "
42. left magazine loading tray 43. left magazine 44. left magazine
feed frame cocking handle. 45. backsight.
Fig. 22. The S-68 gun mounting (viewed from the rear)
1. G-731 electric motor 2. turret platform guard 3. course stabilizer
pedal 4. Course stabilizer disengaging box 5. left loading tray
Excluded from automstil
downgrading and
*Translator's note:- For purpose of this mechanism, -see P.60
of this translation.
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universal speed governor rod
ranked elevating handle 9.
rear mounting opening cover
cranked traversing handle
ammunition conveyor manual
start-stop device
turret platform.
7. hydraulic drive engaging box
left collimator 10. sight base
12. relay box 13. right collimator
15. warning light box 16. radio set
drive handwheel 18. right loading tray
20. - 21. junction box 22. casing
ammunition stowage under turret platform
Excluded from automatic
downgrading and
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The 57 mm gun S-68 (figs 21 and 23) consists of the following main parts:
the moving parts (the right and left automatic mechanisms), the mount and
ammunition conveyor, horisontal laying mechanism, vertical laying mechanism,
automatic anti-aircraft sight and the electrical equipment. '
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V6 '*hr-TGN DISSE?.
The moving part of the gun consists of two parallel-mounted automatic
mechanisms joined together in one block by cradles.
The main parts of each automatic mechanism are as follows: a barrel with a
spring type recuperator and hydraulic buffer, a bracket with the accelerating
mechanism, a breech, magazine, firing and semi-automatic cam mechanisms,
hydraulic breech buffer and cradle.
The moving part of the gun is balanced by weights fastened to the cradles.
In the travelling position the moving part of the gun is clamped down.
The moving part of the gun is attached to the mount by two trunnions, which
take the form of a large ball-bearing race. The inner rings of bearings are
fastened to the gun cradle, and the outer are bolted slots in the right and left
mounting side plates.
The gun mount (fig. 24) is mounted on the turret floor and provides a base
to which are fastened the moving part, the automatic anti-aircraft sight, the
laying mechanisms and electrical equipment.
The mount consists of a body with a bracket, a travelling clamp device and
the ammunition conveyor. A plate is welded to the front lower part of the mount
body to secure it to the turret floor. In the plate are eight drilled holes,
through which pass the bolts and pins which fasten the mount to the turret. A
plate welded to the lower rear of the mount serves as another fastening surface.
Eight bolts are screwed into the threaded holes in this plate: they fasten
the mount to the rear part of the turret floor.
A welded bracket (7) is bolted to the central part of the mount." On the
lower widened part of this bracket is a surface on which the laying mechanisms
universal speed governors and electric motors are mounted and fastened.
The turret embrasure is closed in front by two moveable armoured shields
which are bolted to the gun cradle brackets. Between these two shields is
bolted a third armoured shield (17) which forms an immovable gun mantlet.
? The cradles of each automatic mechanism guide the barrels and breeches during
recoil and run-out and apply angles of elevation to the barrels when the elevating
mechanism is in use. The main parts of the cradles are: the breech hand-cocking
mechanism, the anti-jump catch disengaging mechanism, and the hydraulic breech
buffer. On each cradle there are also the following: magazine, hydraulic
buffer, the upper part of the firing mechanism, armoured shields, jackets and
Fig. 23. The right automatic mechanism (longitudinal section)
SECRET. Insert No. 1 to the Technical and User Handbook of the ZSU-57-2
self-propelled anti-aircraft mounting
1. Upper counterweight 2. rear cover 3. and 9. breech springs
4. hydraulic breech buffer 5. foot and electric firing lever
6. automatic firing lever (automatic sear) 7. slide 8. accelerating
mechanism cam 10. breech 11. ammunition clip ejection opening
12. recoil indicator 13. clip and bracket 14. accelerating mechanism
crank' 15. barrel actuating cam. 16. breech block locking bolt
17. hydraulic buffer 18. cradle 19. barrel 20. spring type recuperator
21. buffer compensator 22. piston rod gland nut 23. lower counterweight
24. rear counterweight 25. breech screw 26. breech stop
27. electric firing gear housing 28. bracket a cam to withdraw breech
Mill` 1
Excluded from automatiZll
doungradiug and
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Fig. 21+. The S-68 Gun Mounting (viewed from the left)
SECRET. Insert No.2.
1. Upper mounting plate 2. gun ball race securing socket 3. mounting
hatch cover 4.. ejector with cover plate 5. roller 6. electric motor
supporting ring 7. mounting bracket 8. handle 9. earn 10. clamp
11. universal speed governor mounting plate 12. supporting roller 13. roller
14. triangular metal tooth 15. ammunition conveyor belt 16. tension
adjusting mechanism 17. front armoured shield 18. hook 19. aro
20. splined shaft 21. and 22. beariiig bushes 23. catch 24. actuating
catch 25. tension adjusting mechanism bracket. 26. sleeve 27. piston
28. spring 29. sleeve 30. rollers 31. spring 32. catch actuating
lever 33. support.
The Gun Firing Mechanisms
There are three types of gun firing mechanism on this equipment: automatic,
electrical, and foot. The automatic mechanism is mounted on the upper part of
the left and right cradles. It will cause the equipment to continue firing as
long as ammunition is being fed into the magazines. If only one round should
remain in the magazine, automatic fire ceases and the automatic fire lever holds
? the breech casing to the rear. When a further clip is inserted into the magazine,
the automatic fire lever falls clear and firing is continued.
The foot and electrical firing levers (5, fig 23) are fitted on the cradles
next to the automatic firing lever (6).
The electrical firing mechanism contact switches are on the cranked elevating
handle and on the a leatro-hydraulic laying gear column handwheel. When-the foot
firing pedal is in use. the pedal guard must be removed and the pedal depressed
with the foot. The foot pedal firing mechanism acts as an alternative to the
electrical mechanism, ana is fitted to the left side of the gun. ihen the
electrical firing button or the foot firing pedal is pressed, the lever (5) is
disengaged from the breech casing. If at the same time the automatic firing lever
is depressed, the breech will run forward.
The electrical firing switches of the right and left automatic mechanisms are
fitted to the left. of the detachment commander on the junction box next to the
warning light box (15 fig 22). The equipment may be fired simultaneously with
both automatic mechanisms or separately fro:ii each automatic mechanism.
To fire simultaneously from both automatic mechanisms, both circuit switches
of the electrical firing mechanism must be switched. on or else both peials
of the foot firing mechanism must be depressed.
To fire from only one automatic mechanism. only the corresponding circuit
switch or foot pedal need be depressed.
Excluded from automatic
downgrading and
UI declassification
t~gro tins rFr.~t hiscr,
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The Gun Clamp
To the left of the detachment commanders seat on the mounting bracket plate
(7 fig 24) is fitted the clamp which prevents the moving part of the gun from
moving while in the travelling position. The clamp mechanism consists of a clamp
(10) and a shaft (20), on the splines of which are mounted a cam (9) and a handle
8) and locking pin.
The handle can be held in two positions by a catch (23) which fits into a
slot in the arc (19).
The arc (19 is fitted on two supports (33) which are welded to the mounting
bracket plate (7). The shaft rotates in two bearing bushes (21 and 22) which are
welded to the right and left mounting bracket (7) plates. The end of the cam is
inserted into a groove in the clamp (10) and the handle (8) is fitted on to the
splined section of the shaft (20).
To clamp the gun in the travelling position:-
1. Apply an angle of elevation to the piece such that the graduating line
marked on the left mounting side plate coincides with that on the left cradle
upper counterweight.
2. Disengage the catch (23) from the are (19) using the actuating catch (24),
and move the handle (8) to the rear until the catch no longer engages in the
are slot.
As the handle (8) moves, the shaft (20) and the cam (9) turn. The end of the
cam displaces the clamp (10) and inserts it into the corresponding slot on the
cradle counterweight.
To bring the un into the fighting position from the travelling position,
push the handle (8) forward and set it on the catch.
The Gun Elevating Mechanism
The elevating mechanism is on the left side of the mounting and has wo
drives: electrohydraulio, with a smooth laying sped adjustment (up to 20 per
second) and manual, which has a laying speed of 4 to one turn of the handle.
The main sub-assemblies of the elevating mechanism are: the electric motor, the
worm reduction gear, the geared* reduction gear, the auto-stop box with the control
column and the universal speed governor (URS).
Fig. 25 Kinematic diagram of the elevating mechanism
1. toothed arc. 2. are actuating pinion. 3. worm wheel.
4. worm and shaft. 5. universal couplings. 6. spur gear.
7. cam coupling. 8. selector lever 9, 10, 11, 12 bevel wheels.
13. cranked handle .14, 15, 16, 17 spur gear wheels. 18. rings 19,
20 bevel wheels. 21. spur gear wheel. 22. rack. 23. spur
gear. 24. bevel wheel. 25. are. 26. universal speed
governor control column. 27. G-731 electric motor. 28. universal
speed governor (UPS) 29, 30. spur gear wheels.
The elevating gear electric motor is fitted under the gun mounting bracket
together with the traversing gear electric motor and has a drive to the universal
speed governor of the elevating gear. In addition the shafts of the two electric
motors are coupled so that they can simultaneously rotate the elevating and
traversing gear universal speed governors with a redistribution of the load.
* i.e. gear wheels as opposed to the worm gear.
900d0d from automatte
`s daclassffisatioo
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lr% C5 50X1-HUM
The elevating gear wore reduction gear (fig 26) is fitted to the left cradle.
It transfers the turning movement f rota-the geared reduction gear to the cradle
toothed are. The worm reduction gear consists of a worm wheel (9), worm (1),
main shaft (7) and coupling (13) buffer (12) and main gear wheel (8). When the
vehicle is moving with the gun unclamped, a moment is exerted through the
toothed arc on to the gear wheel (8). On the end face of the gear wheel are two
toothed projections which engage in the coupling (13). The gear wheel (8) is
thus able to turn on the main shaft (7) owing to the axial movement of the coupling
The coupling (13), moving axially, is pressed against the gear wheel (8)
by the spring buffer, which prevents the gear wheel (8) and the teeth of the arc
from damage oaused by abrupt movements of the moving part of the gun. There is a
spring buffer (4) on the worm spindle (2) which allows the worm to move axially
along the spindle splines and thus absorb minor shock loads.
The geared reduction gear (fig 27) transfers the movement from the manual
and eleotrohydraulic drives to the worm reduction gear. The reduction gear
consists of level wheels (2, 4, 6, 9) spur gear wheels (13, 14, 15) a cam coupling
(10) and a column (18) with a cranked handle.
The level wheel (9) and gear wheel (15) on the end faces linked to the cam
coupling (10) have two projections each and are a free fit on the shaft (7).
The cam coupling, connected to the shaft by a splined coupling, can move
axially-along it and engage with the projections on gear wheels (9) and (15), thus
switching in the geared reduction gear to the electrohydraulic or manual drives.
The elevating gear universal speed governor is similar in construction to
that of the turret traverse mechanism and ensures a jerk-free vertical gun laying
The elevatinggear universal speed governor control mechanism (fig 25) consists
of a column with a universal coupling, a moving are (25), bevel wheel (24), gear
wheel (23) and rack (22), joined to the universal speed governor spindle by a gear
wheel ((21)
Fi26. The Gun Elevating Gear Worm Reduction Gear
1. worm 2. worm spindle 3. Plug 4. worm buffer 5. bush
6. eccentric bush 7. main shaft 8. main gear wheel 9. worm
wheel 10. gasket 11. Plug 12. main gear wheel buffer 13. cam
coupling 14. eccentric bush.
Fig 27. The Gun Elevating Gear Geared Reduction Gear
1. shaft 2, 4, 6, 9 bevel wheels 3. electrical firing gear
actuating rod 5. shaft 7. shaft 8. half-coupling 10. cam
coupling 11, 12. plugs 13, 14, 15 spur gears 16. shaft with
universal coupling. 17. selector lever 18. column.
The elevating gear universal speed governor automatic cut-off mechanism
(fig 25) consists of a kinematic train of gears (14, 15, 16, 17), a shaft with
a series of wheels (18), and the gear wheels (19, 20). When the gun is being
elevated with the electrohydraulic or manual drives, the turning movement is
transferred from the main shaft of the geared reduction gear through the
intermediate gears (144, 15, 16) to the gear wheel (17).
This last gear wheel transfers this rotation to the bevel geaE (20) through
the series of'wheels (18) all of which can turn freely through 316 , only if a
maximum angle of depression or elevation is being applied. In such a case the
hydraulic coupling rotates and the hydraulic pump in the universal speed governor
ceases to operate.
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Operation of the Elevating
The main drive of the elevating gear is electrohydraulic. To operate this
drive the engaging gear selector lever (38 fig 21) must be set in the position
"Motor", the cranked handle (35) removed, the control column (32) fitted on to the
splined part of the shaft and the electric motor switched on. There is one switch
for both the elevating and traversing gear electric motors: it is on the vertical
laying gear hand drive column.
The turning movement is transferred from the electric motor to the universal
speed governor shaft, from there to the geared reduction gear and so on through
the worm reduction gear to the toothed arc on the left cradle. When the column
(26 Fig 25) is moved in the vertical plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of
the gun, the universal speed governor hydraulic coupling spindle, turns, and the
speed at which the hydraulic motor shaft is rotating changes. As the column is
tilted further, the gun laying speed will increase smoothly.
If the column is tilted forwards, an angle of depression will be applied:
if to the rear (towards the layer), an angle of elevation.
? To ooerate the elevating gear with the manual drive, the cam coupling
selector lever (38 fig 21) must be set in the position "Hand", the control column
(32) removed and the cranked handle (35) fitted. When the handle is turned, the
gun will receive an angle of elevation or depression d%;ending on the way it is
turned: laying speed will be 4 to each complete turn of the handle.
The traversing gear is designed to lay the gun in the horizontal plane and
maintain its aim on a target. It is mounted on the right side of the gun on the
turret floor and consists of the following main sub-assemblies: electric motor,
universal speed governor (URS), Universal speed governor control mechanism,
geared reduction gear and worm reduction gear.
The electric motor (22 fig 28) is fitted under the mounting bracket next to
the elevating gear electric motor. The shafts of the two motors are joined by
a chain and together rotate the shafts of the elevating and traversing gear
universal speed governor and hydraulic pumps.
The geared reduction gear (fig 29) is fastened to the mounting bracket to
S the right of the gun and is designed to transfer the rotary movement from the
universal speed governor and the traversing hand drive to the worm reduction
sear. The reduction gear consists of gear wheels (9, 10, 11), a cam coupling
(15), bevel wheels (2, 3, 15, 16) and a handle (6).
The worm reduction gear (fi 30) consists of a casing, in which are mounted
gear wheels (5 and 6 , a work (4), worm wheel (3) and shaft (9), on which is
fitted a gear wheel (2) and a clutch. The worm reduction gear clutch presents
the traversing gear from damage caused by the barrels coming into contact with
obstacles. It consists of a set of driving and driver plates (10) and springs
(11) which compress them. There are 32 driving plates, the inner teeth of which
fit into splines on the vertical shaft (9). There are 31 driver plates: their
outer teeth fit into the inner slots of the gear wheel (2), which engages with
the toothed turret ring.
The upper (12) and lower (13) vertical shaft packings take the form of
self-adjusting bellows-type oil seals.
An intermediate support (14) is fitted to the vertical shaft to limit the
load put upon it.
Fig 29, The Traversing Gear Geared Reduction Gear
1. shaft 2,3,5,16 bevel wheels 4. shaft 6. selector lever
7. i nternediate shaft 8. shaft 9, 10, 11 spur gears
12,1304 plugs 15. cam coupling. 17. oil reservoir containing oil
AGM for the universal speed governor.
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- 8 - ^"'-e% P,k.-.-.0..
Fig 30. The Traversing Gear Worm Reduction Gear
1. clutch adjusting nut 2. traversing gear main gear wheel
3, worm wheel 4. worm 5,6. spur gear wheels. 7. universal
coupling 8. casing 9. vertical shaft 10. plates 11. clutch
springs 12,13 self-adjusting bellows type oil seal 14. intermediate
Fig 28, Kinematic Diagram of the Traversing Gear
1. toothed turret ring 2. traversing gear main spur gear 3. worm
wheel 4. worm 5,6 spur gears 7. shaft with universal couplings
8, gear wheel 9. cam coupling 10. selector level 11,12,13,14. bevel
wheels 15. cranked handle 16. gear wheel 17. rack. 18,19,20. spur
gears 21. universal speed governor control column 22. electric motor
23. traversing gear universal speed governor 24,25. spur gears 26. rod
27. rack.
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The main drive of the turret traverse mechanism is electro hydraulic. To
traverse the turret using the eleotro hydraulic drive set the engaging gear
selector lever (10 fig 21) to the "Motor" position, remove the cranked operating
handle from the manual drive,fit the control column (32) on the splined part of
the column shaft and switch on the laying gear electric motors. The output shaft
of the hydrometer does not move until the control column is turned a given angle
in one direction or the other, depending on the bearing applied to the gun and
the horizontal laying speed.
When the column is turned, the universal speed governor output shaft begins
to rotate. By means of the gears and coupling of the geared reduction gear
this rotary action is transferred to the worm reduction gear. As the shaft
(9 fig 30) in the worm reduction gear turns, the friction between the driving
and driver clutch plates causes the turning movement to be transferred to the
gear wheel (2) and the toothed turret ring in which it engages.
To traverse the turret with the hand drive set the engaging gear selector
lever (6 fig 29) in the "Hand" position, remove the control column and fit the
cranked handle on to the splined part of the shaft. In this position the
couplin will be connected to the level wheel and pinion (5, 16) and the spur
gear (9), fitting freely on the shaft (8) will be disconnected.
When the cranked handle is turned in one direction or the other, the
kinematic gear train will consist of two pairs of level gears (2, 3, 5, 16) a
coupling (15), shaft (8) intermediate shaft (7), the gears of the worm reduction
gear and the toothed turret ring.
The universal speed governor (figs 31 and 32) takes the form of a hydraulic
reversing gear box. It ensures a smooth change of speed of rotation for the gun
elevating and traversing gear drives within a wide range, with a constant
direction of rotation and number of revolutions of the electric motor
The universal governor, which is not separable, consists of two main assemblies
(fig 31): the hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor, which are mounted in one block.
The hydraulic pump is a ten cylinder piston pump of the spatial type with an
output of 92.3 litres per minute at 500 r.p.m
Normal operating pressure in the pump is 15 kg,/cm2 (the maximum permissible
in 75 kg/cm2). Normal r.p.m. is 500. The pump is driven by an electric motor.
The pump's function is to force oil into the hydraulic motor and to pump it
back out again.
A control device is fitted to the hydraulic pump casing which permits the
amount of oil being pumped to be adjusted and also the flow of oil to be stopped
completely without stopping the hydraulic pump.
*Translator's note: I have kept to a literal translation of this mechanism, but it
appears in all respects to be identical to the 'VSG' variable speed transmission
gear made by Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.
Fig. 31. General view of the turret traverse gear universal speed governor
1. hydraulic pump 2. hydraulic motor 3. topping-up tank
The hydraulic motor is a ten cylinder piston motor of the spatial type,
identical in construction to the hydraulic pump.
Power produced by the pumpw is 2.5 litres per second at an oil pressure
in the operating chamber of 15 kg/cm2. Normal r.p.m. a 500.
The hydraulic motor's function is to convert the energy produced by the
flow of oil into the rotary movement of the output shaft.
'Translator's note: I think this is an error in the text
and should read 'motor'.
fF 6F S 17 _,.. ,.r.T to TT 1'T ssiiti
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Fig. 32. Longitudinal section of the universal speed governor
1. control spindle shaft 2. locking collar 3. radial thrust bearing
4. hydraulic pump casing 5. filler plug 6. gasket
7. hydraulic pump cylinder barrel S. ball bearing 9. pipe to
topping-up tank 10. bronze bearing shell
11. hydraulic motor casing
piston 13. nut 14. piston rod
15. combined ball bearing
stay bolt 17. bearing shell 18.
bronze bush
19. oil seal cap
output shaft 21. hydraulic motor guid3cup 22.
combined ball
Possible Faults in the Turret Traverse Mechanism
Considerable effort
Dirt a- the turret ring and
Clean and file off burr
needed to turn the
worry gear wheel. Dents
hand control hand wheel
and burrs on the gear
(more than 11 kg)
Turret moves of its
Clutch slip in the worm
Compress the spring in
own accord when the
reduction gear.
the worm reduction gear
If the fault persists,
drive is switched on.
strip the clutch, clean
and oil. the plates and
replace faulty plates.
On the turret floor on the left side, to the rear of the commander's. seat
is the turret travelling clamp. (Fig 33.)
Fig 33. The Turret Clamp
1. bush 2. clamp casing 3. Z~prinj; 1+. nut 5. handwheel
6. handle 7. ball bearing 6. screw 9. clamp axle 10. plug
11. prismatic key 12. nut 13. screw 14. nut 15. clamp rib
? 16. indicator.
The function of the clamp is to clump the turret firmly in the travelling
position and to ensure that no load is placed on the turret traverse mechanism.
The clamp consists of the following main parts: casing (2), rib and bush
(15 and 1), axle (9), handwheel (5~, a?:d handle (6) and spring (5).
Two lines missing ....................... In the lower part of the rib bush there
is a longitudinal groove, into which fits tho en,: o, the stop screw (13); as a
result the rib can move axially. The ster,$crew is fastened by a nut (12). On
the square-section on the end of the axle (9) is a handwheel (5) with a handle
and lo'cknut (4).
On the rib (;5) there is a cylindrical spring (3), one end of which rests
on a stud on the rib, and the other on the fixei ela-p casing. This spring
prevents the clamp from releasing itself' when the vehicle is moving.
bearing 23. locking pin 24. hydraulic motor tilting box 25. hydraulic
motor drum 26. distributor disc 27. topping-up valve 28. gasket
29. drain opening 30. spring 31. hydraulic pump tilting box
32. hydraulic pump guide cup 33. anchor piece and trunnions
34. input shaft.
The turret is clamped by inserting fully the rib into the teeth of the turret
To avoid jamming the teeth of the rib :i nii,st those of the turret ring when
clamping up, it is necessary to turn the turret slightly one wvy or the other
using the manual laying gear.
To uncla,r.p the turret, the rib must be removed from the teeth of the turret
ring by turning the handwheel not less than 4 turns anti-clockwise. When the
vehicle is moving oi'i' the handwheel locking catchy should be tightened up.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A063900520001-5
11 -
A conveyor (fig 34.) is mounted inside the gun mounting to remove
empty oases and clips from the fighting compartment of the turret to tho
spent cartridge bin.
The conveyor consists of a belt (10), tension adjusting mechanism, selector
lever drive shaft (9) and the rollers and spindles that support the belt.
The conveyor belt is driven by an electric or hand drive fitted in the rear
part of the mounting. The tension adjusting mechanism is in the front part of
the mounting.
The conveyor geared reduction gear consists of a bush (18) fastened to the
shaft 9) a gear wheel (b) freely seated on the bush (18), an intermediate gear
wheel 16~, and a gear wheel (14) on the electric motor shaft (13). On the
splined part of the shaft (9) is a coupling (6) which transfers the conveyor
"five from electric to hand and vice versa, and a freely turning sprocket.
The sprocket (5) is joined to the sprocket (2) by a chain, and the sprocket (2)
is mounted on the hand drive handwheel axle. Nhen the electric drive is in
operation, the coupling (6) is engaged with the gear wheel (8) by means of the
selector lever (7), and when the hand drive is in use, with the sprocket (5).
The tension adjusting mechanism is designed to adjust the tension of the
conveyor belt. The main parts of this mechanism are: the piston (27 fig 24),
the spring (28) and the adjusting sleeve (26) in which it is fitted. The outer
surface of
adjusting sleeve is threaded. The sleeve is screwed into ........
...... one
missing ........... using a key or spanner the sleeve turns in any
by gradual movements increases tension on the btlt through the
spring (28)
piston (27). The access op?.ning through which the belt tension
is adjusted
in the front part of the right side plate of the mounting.
triangular metal teeth are fitted to the belt to hold the spent cases and
To operate the electric drive the selector lever (7) (fig 34) must be set
and firmly clamped in the position "I"" , the electric drive switch on the
junction box to the left of the commander switched- on, and the "Start" button
When the run is being fired with the electrical ::ring gear, it is not
necessary to press the "start" button, since as soon t. the electric firing
contact switch is pressed, the conveyor electric motor s.trts up automatically.
? Thi.' is done by employing a tappet switch relay fitted to the rear of the
mounting. When the firing button is released, the ccr,veyor continues to
operate for 9 seconds.
To operate the conveyor using the hand drive, the selector lever must be
set and firmly clamped in the "P" position., and the handwheel turned as
indicated by the arrow markea. on it. To avoid damage to the .-mechanism,
selection of hand or electric operation must only be carried out hher, the
conveyor is not moving.
When the electric drive
1.Belt is slack
1. Adjust with the
is working, the conveyor
2. Belt is catching on
tension adjusting
moves slowly.
projecting parts of the
2. Remove any projections
3. Belt is oiled up.
3. Clean.
The belt does not move
1. The 80 amp fuse on the
1. Change the fuse.
on either electric or
drivers panel is burnt out.
hand drives.
2. Belt has jammed.
2. Free the belt.
Effort needed to turn
The sprocket, chain and
Clean and oil the sprocket,
the hand drive hand-
reduction gear gearwheel
chain an-i reduction gear
wheel is more than 11
are dirty.
gear wheel.
5I~(9 UnP Taw 1)TFSTT;t.7 _ f ( 0 7 7Fo
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO63900520001-5
Fig. 34. The Conveyor Reduction Gear
1. handwheel 2. sprocket 3. leaf spring. 4. chair. 5. sprocket
6. cam coupling 7. selector lever 8. spur gear 9. shaft
10. conveyor belt 11. bevelled peg 12. rollers 13. electric motor
14. spur gear 15. bevelled peg 16. intermediate gear
17. reduction gear casing 18. bush.
The sight is designed to determine the point of impact of a shell ana a
target, whether ground or aerial.
To resolve the problem of the point of impact of the shell and the target,
the following initial data must be determined and set on the si?ht: target speed,
target course bearing and slant range.
Target speed is determined according to the type of aircraft.
Target course bearing is determined by the apparent direction of movement
of the target.
Range to the target is determined visually or with a range finder.
When the electro hydraulic drive is in operation, two members of the
detachment operate th?. sight: the layer lays tine gun for bearing and angle of
sight, and tl,, sight setter sets the initial data on the sight-epee d, b:;arirg
and range, and, if' required, the dive or climb angles.
;vhen the hand drive is in operation, three members of the detachment are
required to operate th.= sight. The detachment commander lays the gun for
bearing, the layer lays for angle of sight and. the sight setter sets the initial
data on the sight.
Short description of the sight
The sight consists of the following three main sub-assemblies (figs. 35
and 36):
1. The sight supporting bracket
2. The sight corrector
3. The course stabilizer.
with left and right collimator sights.
The siF-ht supporting bracket with the collimator sights (1) consists of
a range mechanism, tangent elevation mechanism, A-. balancing- mechanism, sight
parallel linkage, collimator sights, vertical YureI el .inkae.e,
a c t u a t i n g rod and c l a m p, w h i c h a r e m o'i n t e d as
one sub-assembly on a frame with guide sockets. Tht- fra:re i.:; fixed by an axis
pin to the bracket (9), which is fastened to a surf'!~ce vn tht