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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 _ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY w. I tar 0W eaa7p 60 7N, t W l N. lbl8 tno~nr -. -- RM~~Y ~atls b my ~~T to an un~ntha S DMA L poetMNe by b M U.SAMeba:. := ar nnIM1~ DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 50X1-HUM S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN S-E-C-R-E-T REPOR T Directory of the Academy of Sciences DATE DISTR. 7 of the USSR for 1961 NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES A 403-Page, English-language translation of the Russian-language document entitled Directo of the Acade of Sciences USSR, 196 I NAVY X (No,r. Wahiwrew dMMbolfew MdlasNd by "%": Reid dti lbYNew by ".) FORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 HUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Corresponding Members,, Academy of Sciences USSR Tabulation of the Staff by Departments of Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Acadeny of Sciences,, USSR Foreign Members of the Academy of Sciences USSR Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR Deputies of the Chief Scientific Secretary 99 100 Apparatus of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR Chancellery of the Presidium 111 First Division 112 Second Division 112 Administration of Personnel 113 Scientific-organization Division 114 Division of Works on Atomic Energy 115 Division of Marine Expeditionary Affairs 116 Foreign Division 116 Division of People's Democratic Countries 118 Bureau of Information 120 Planning Finance Division 121 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Presidium party committee 133 134 presidium Trade-Union Committee presidium Committee of the Lenin Young Communist 134 League of the Soviet Union (VLKS?4) 134 Central Supply Administration Representative of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR for Construction Central Administration of Capital Construction 137 138 Central Administration of construction All-Union State Institute for the Planning and Design of Scientific Research Institutes and Laboratories of the Academy of Sciences 139 USSR and the Academies of Sciences of the Union Republica Establishments Attached to the Presid;.um of the Academy of Sciences AS USSR Editorial-Publishing Council 141 142 Journals Council for the Coordination of Scientific Aivities of the of the AS USSR 143 Scientific Council for High :?Iolccular Compounds 144 Scientific Council for Exhibits of Works of the AS USSR And ublics R 145 ep the Academies of Sciences of the Union Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 -HUM Pavilion of the Acadeay of Sciences USSR at the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Econox (VDN14i) of the USSR 145 Scientific Consultative Council for Machine Information - lk6 Logic methods of chemistry National Committee of the USSR for Petroleum A6 Soviet Coordination Committee on the Properties of Steam 146 Inter-departmental Committee for Conducting the International l47 Geophysical Year (IGY). Provisional Consultative Carnnission for the Preparation and Conduct of the IGY Programs in the Establishments of the 147 AS USSR Publishing House of the AS USSR 148 All-Union Institute of Scientific-Technical Information of the State Scientific-Technical Committee of the Council of 151 Ministers USSR and of the AS USSR (Vfl ITI) Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology Soviet National Society of Historians of Natural Science 153 and Technology The L. : t. V. Lanonosov luseum 154 ;?larine Physical Section 154 Library of the AS USSR 154 Sector of the iletv.ork of Special Libraries 155 :Ain Library for the Social 3ciencca 156 Book Division 156 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Library Commission Computer Technology Commission Commission for the Ca 1ex Utilization of Experimental Stations and Bases Commission for International :Jcientific Relations 157 157 157 157 Interdepartmental Commission on Polymers,, and Initial and Auxiliary Substances for Then 158 Interdepartmental CorTaission on Fuel Elements 158 Oceanograi?hic Coranission 159 Commission for Processing the Scientific Legacy and Publication of the Works of D. I. 14endeleyev 159 Comwission on Semiconductors 160 commission on the Electron 14icroscopy 160 [;oceow House of Scientists 160 Leningrad House of Scientists imeni A. I.I. Gor'kiy 161 Sports Club of the Workers of the :1oscow Establishments of the AS USSR Russian-Palestine Society Department of Physico-!!athematical Sciences Bureau of the Department Sembers of the Dcl,artment Acousti-z Institute Sukharii Scientific :darine Station Order of Lenin Institute of Atomic Energvr imeni I. V. Kurchatov 164 166 170 170 171 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism., Ionosphere, and Radiawave Propagation 171 Institute of Crystallography 172 Institute of Semiconductors 172 Institute of Applied Geophysics 173 Institute of Theoretical Astronorr 174 Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 174 Institute of Precision i4echanics and Computation Techniques 174 Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere 175 Institute of Physics of High Pressures 175 Institute of Physics of the Earth imeni 0. Yu. Schmidt 176 Institute of Physics of Aetals 177 Mathematics Institute imeni V. A. Steklov 177 Marine Hydrophysics Institute 178 Order of Labor Red Banner Institute of Physical Problems imeni S. I. Vavilov 179 Physico-technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe 179 Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev 180 Computer Center 181 Main Astronomical Observatory 182 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 183 Magnetic Laboratory 183 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HIJM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 r '; J~ ORN Physics Laboratory Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics Committee on Meteorites National Committee of Soviet Crystalographers Astronomical Council 183 184 184 184 184 Council on Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 185 Council on Seismology 185 Commission on Acoustics 185 Commission on Spectroscopy 185 Commission on Physics of the Atmosphere 186 All-Union Astronomic and Geodetic Society 186 Journals 186 Department of Chemical Sciences Bureau of the Department 189 Members of the Department 190 Institute of High Molecular Compounds 193 Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy 194 Hydrochemical Institute 194 Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis 194 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry ineni N. S. Kurnakov 195 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy Radium Institute imeni V. G. IOml.opin Institute of Physical Chemistry Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds Institute of Chemistry of Silicates Institute of Chemical Physics Institute of Electrochemistry Institute of Organo-elemental Compounds Library of the Department of Chemical Sciences Scientific Council on the Use of Atomic Energy in Chemistry Commission on the Control of Metal the Corrosion Commission on Mass Spectrometry Commission on Scientific Photography and Cinematography commission on the Nomenclature of Chemical Compounds Commission on Radiospectroscopy Commission on Rare and Dispersed Elements Commission on Thermodynamics Commnission on Chromatography Commission an Zeolites 195 196 196 197 197 197 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 200 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 IUM Department of Geological and Geographical Sciences Bureau of the Department Members of the Department Institute of Geography Institute of Geology and Processing of Mineral Fuels Institute of the Geology of Mineral Deposits. Petrograptly., Mineralogy and Geochemistry Geological Institute Institute of Permafrost imeni V. A. Obruchev 206 209 Rare Elements 212 Institute of Oceanology Laboratory of Aeronethods Laboratory of Volcanology Laboratory of Precambrian Geology Laboratory of Coal Geology Laboratory of FVdrogeological Problems imeni F. P. Savarenskiy Laboratory of Lim elogy Laboratory of Sedimentary Mineral Resources Geological Museum imeni A. P. Karpinskiy and Crystallochemistry of 213 213 213 214 215 215 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 F ! ! E T ,%OFORN Mineralogical Museum imeni A. Ye. Fersman 216 National Committee of Geologists of the Soviet Union 217 National Committee of Soviet Geographers 217 Interdepartmental Scientific Council for the Study of the Mechanisms of Distribution of the Principal Mineral Resources 217 Interdepartmental Commission for the Study of the Antarctic 217 Commission on the Geological Study of the USSR 218 Commission for the Study of the Quaternary Period 218 Commission for Determining the Absolute Age of Geological Formations 218 Commission on Sedimentary Rocks ?.19 Commission on the Problem of "Tectonic Charts" 219 Soviet Section of the International Association for the Study of the Quatenary Period All-Union Mineralogical Society Geographical Society of the USSR Journals 219 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Department of Biological Sciences Bureau of the Department Members of the Department Institute of the Biology of Reservoirs Institute of Biological Physics Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Komarov Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Institute of Genetics Zoological Institute Institute of Forestry and Wood Chemistry (Arkhangel'sk) Institute of Microbiology Institute of Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov Paleontological Institute Soil Institute imeni V. V. Dokuchayev Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev Institute of Cytology Institute of Evolutionary Physiology imeni I. M. Sechenov Main Botanical Garden Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ':ur 1 N Laboratory of Helmintizology 236 Laboratory of Forest Studies 236 Laboratory of Neuro-Humorsl Regulation 237 Laboratory of Electron Aicroscopy 237 Central Museum of Soil Science imeni V. V. Dokucheyev 237 Sevastopol Biological Station imeni A. 0. Kovalevskiy 238 Academician A. V. Speranskiy Group for Individual Research 238 Ichttiy-ological Commission 238 Commission on the Conservation of r:ature 238 Coordination Commission on Problems of the Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity 239 Commission on Radiobiology 239 National Committee of Biologists of the Soviet Union 239 All-Union Biochemical Society 239 All-Union Botanical Society 240 All-Union Society of Helminthologists 240 All-Union Hydrobiological Society 240 All-Union Microbiological Society 240 All-Union Society of Soil Scientists 241 All-Union Physiological Society imeni I. P. Pavlov 241 All-Union Entomological Society 241 Journals 241 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Department of Technical Sciences Bureau of the Department Members of the Department Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics Institute of Mining imeni A. A. Skochinskiy Institute of Mineral Fuels Institute of Machine Studies Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov Institute of Mechanics Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Radio Engineering Institute Institute of Electramechanics Institute of Electronic Controlling Machines Power Engineering Institute imeni G. M. Krznizhanovskiy Laboratory of High Temperatures Laboratory of Engines Laboratory of Systems for Transmission of Information Central Scientific Research Laboratory for Electrical Treatment of Materials Committee on Soil Mechanics Committee on Technical Terminology 260 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI National Committee of the USSR for Automatic Control National Committee of the USSR for Welding 261 261 National Committee of the USSR for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics All-Union Scientific Council on Radio-Physics and Radio- Engineering 261 Council on Problems of Water Economy 262 Journals 262 Department of Historical Sciences Bureau of the Department 263 Members of the Department 264 Institute of Archeology 266 Institute of Africa 266 Institute of History 267 Institute of History of Art 267 Institute of Asian Peoples 268 Institute of Slavonic Studies 268 Institute of Etnnography imeni N. N. !.liklukho-Maklaya 269 Laboratory for the Preservation and hestoration of Documents 269 Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism 270 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 VV/\ 1-1 IVIVI Archives of the Acadenpr of Sciences USSR National Committee of Historians of the Soviet Union 270 Scientific Methodological Council for the Preservation of Cultural Monuments 270 Journals 271 Department of Economic, Philosophical and Legal Sciences Bureau of the Department 272 ;Members of the Department 273 Institute of Government and Law 275 Institute of World Economics and International Relations 275 Institute of Philosophy 276 Institute of Economics 276 Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System 277 Chair of Philosophy 277 Leningrad Chair of Philosophy 278 Association of Soviet Economic Scientific Establishments 278 Soviet Association of International Law 278 Soviet Sociological Association 278 Soviet Association of Political (Governmental) Sciences 279 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Scientific Council for the Coordination of Work in the Field of Atheism and Criticism of Religion 279 Scientific Council an the Application of Mathematical Methods in Economic Research and Planning 279 Scientific Council on the Problem of Economic Effective- ness of Capital Investments and New Equipment Scientific Council on Philosophical Questions of Natural Sciences 279 Commission on Legal Problems of Interplanetary Space Commission for the Coordination of Scientific Works in the Field of Aesthetics 280 280 Department of Literature and Languages 282 'dembers of the Department 283 Institute of World Literature imeni A. M. Gor'kiy 284 Institute of Russian Literature (Pushk1n's Home) 285 Institute of the Russian Language 286 Institute of Linguistics 286 C..air of Foreign Languages 287 Soviet Committee of Slavicits 287 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM c._ Commission on the History of Philological Sciences 287 Commission on General Linguistics 287 Coordination Commission on Oriental Literature 288 Coordination Commission on National Creativity 288 The Pushkin Commission 288 Dictionary Commission Commission for Standardization of Spelling and Pronunciation 288 of Foreign-Language Proper Personal Names and Geographic Denominations Journals Siberian Department 289 Presidium of the Siberian Department 290 Group for Servicing; the Siberian Department., Attached to the Presidium of the AS USSR 292 Members of the Department 293 Apparatus of the Presidium of the Siberian Department (S. D.) Off ice 295 First Division 295 Second Division 295 Foreign Division 296 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 M-7-7 ".o,=cRN Administration of Personnel Planning-Fiance Administration Central Bookkeeping Office Managing Department Bookkeeping Office Administrative-Economic Division Supply Division Polyclinic Industrial-Technical Division Archives Party Committee of the Presidium of the S. D. Joint Trade-Union Committee of the S. D. Material-Technical Supply Administration of the S. D. Capital Construction Administration of the S. D. Establishments Attached to the Presidium of S. D. Joint Scientific Council for Physico-Mathematical and Technical Sciences to !96 !96 296 297 297 297 297 297 298 298 298 298 298 299 Joint Scientific Council for Chemical Sciences 299 Joint Scientific Council for Geological-Mineralogical, Oeophysical and Geographical Sciences 299 Joint Scientific Council for Biological Sciences 299 Joint Scientific Council for Economic Sciences 300 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 FORN Siberian Council of Expeditionary Research Editorial-Publishing Council of the S. D. Publishing House of the S. D. Marine Physical Section State Public Scientific-Technical Library Library Commission of the S. D. Commission on International Scientific Relationo Interdepartmental Coordination Commission for the Metalogenic of the Altay-Sayansk Folded Region Permanent Commission for Social Sciences Interdepartmental Coordination Commission for Determining the Absolute Geological Age of Territories of Siberia and the Far East Territories Interdepartmental Coordination Commission for the Irrigation fo the Kulundinsk Steppes Commission for Studying the Subsurface Waters of Siberia and the Far East Interdepartmental Seismic Coordination Commission for Siberia and the Far East 300 300 300 300 300 301 301 301 302 302 302 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM SRN Establishments of the Siberian Department Institute of Automatics and Electrometry Biological Institute Institute of Geology and Geophysics Institute of Hydrodynamics Institute of Mining Institute of Catalysis Institute of Forestry and Wood Processing Institute of Mathematics and the Computer Center Institute of Permafrost Studies Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry Institute of Theoretical and Applied 4echanics ':istitute of Radiophyaics and Electronics Institute of Thermcphysies Transport-Parer Engineering Institute Institute of Physics Chemical-Metallurgical Institute Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion Institute of Cytology and Genetics Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production 308 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 -HUM Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine Institute of Nuclear Physics Buryat Coelplex Scientific Research Institute Sakhalin Complex Scientific Research Institute North Eastern Complex Scientific Research Institute Central Siberian Botanical Gardens Laboratory of Measuring and Computer Electronics Chita Complex Laboratory Photographic Laboratory Kamchatka Geological-Geophysical Observatory Kamchatka Complex Expedition Chair of Philosophy Chair of Foreign Languages Experimental Factory Bureau of Branches and Divisions of the Geographical Society of the USSR 306 309 309 310 310 312 Journals 312 Branches of the Siberian Department East Siberian Far Eastern Branch imeni V. L. Komarov Yakutsk 313 315 316 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 wni-nUM Branches of the AcadauW of Sciences USSR Bashkiy Dagestan Kazan Karella Kola Branch imeni S. M. Kirov 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 Alphabetical Listing of Names 326 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 JV/\ I -Flu M List of Abbreviations English Used in Translation Corr-Mem. D.F.-:I.N. Doctor of Physical Mathematical Sciences Doc. Ptiys-?lath. Sci. K.F.-i1.II. Candidate of Physicc-:'.athematical Sciences Cand. Phys-Math. Sci. D.Kh. N. Doctor of Chemical Sciences K. Kh. N Candidate of Chemical Sciences Cand. Chem. Sci. D.G.i?1.N Doctor of Geological ilineralogical Sciences Dr. Geol-Mineral Sci. Candidate of Geological Mit teralogical Sciences Cand. Geol.-Mineral Sci. D.G.11 Doctor of Geographical Sciences Dr. Geog. Sci. K.G.N Candidate of Geographical Sciences Cand Geog. Sci. D.B.N. Doctor of Biological Sciences Dr. Bio. Sci. K.B.N. Candidate of Biological Sciences Cand. Bio. Sci. D.V.N. Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Dr. Vet. Sci. K.G.N. Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Cand. Vet. Sci. D.S.-Kh.N. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Dr. Agr. Sci. K.S.-Kh.N. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Cand. Agri. Sci. V.i1.N. Doctor of Medical Sciences Doc. Med. Sci. K.M.N. Candidate of Medical Sciences Cand. Med. Sci. D.T.N. Doctor of Technical Sciences Dr. Tech. Sci. K.T.N. Candidate of Technical Sciences Cand. Tech. Sci. B.Isk.N. Doctor of Study of Arts Sciences Dre of Study of Art Sci. K.Is1:.N. Candidate of Study of Art Sciences Cared. of Study of Art Sci. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 D.E.N. K.E.N. D.Yu. N. K.Yu.N. D. Filos. K. Filos.N. D.F.N. K.F.N. (S.M.), ( (S.L. ), (D.L. ) (S.N.), (D.M.) O.F.M.N. Doctor of Historical Sciences Candidate of Historical Sciences Doctor of Economic Sciences Candidate of Economic Sciences Doctor of Juridical Sciences Candidate of Juridical Sciences Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Doctor of Philological Sciences Candidate of Philological Sciences Moscow Office, Moscow Home Leningrad Office, Leningrad Home Novosibirsk Office, Novosibirsk Home Department of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Department of Chemical Sciences Dr. Hist. Sci, Cando Hint. Scio Dr. Econ. Sci. Cando Econ. Sci. Dr. Jur. Sci. Cando Jur. Sci. Dr. Philo. Sci. Cando Philo. Sci. Dr. Philo. Sci. Cando Phil. Sci. OP.M. O.I.N. O.E.F.P.M. Department of Geological-Geographical Sciences Department of Biological Sciences Department of Technical Sciences Department of Historical Sciences Department, of Economics, Philosophical and Legal Sciences Department of Language and Literature Siberian Department DEPLS DLL SD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14 CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ~C~~ Q 9C ~~Q61 lMblia gRRau" of the M ds r of sot no.. USSR amp m AN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 3EMINFIN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Aleksandrov, Anatoliy Petrovich (Physics), born 13 Feb 1903; elected: 23 October 1953, amber DP-MB. Home: Moscow D-98, Pekohotnaya 30, tel. D 4-92-90. Office: Moscow D-182, ul. Xurchakova 46, Institute of Atomic iergy, tel. D 4-93-31 Aleksandrov, Georgiy Fedorovich (Philosophy), born 7 April 1908; elected: 30 November 1946; member DEPTS. Home: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 15, apt 30, tel B-9-36-94; Minsk, Frost. Stalin, Krug]aya P1. 35, apt 23. Office: Minsk, Prosp, Stalin 108, Institute of Philosophy, Acadegy of Sciences Belorussian SSR. Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeyevich (Mathematics), born 7 Nay 1896, elected: 23 October 1953; amber DPMS. Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiy Gory, Moscow State University, Building L, apt 9, tel. V-9-30-91- Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiy Gory, Moscow State University Mechanical-Mathematical Faculty, tel. V-9-18-11; V-333, 1st Akademicheskiy Proyezd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91. Alekseyev, Mikhail Pavlovich (Russian Western European Literature), born 5 May 1896; elected: 20 June 1958; member DLL. Home: Leningrad D-65, ul. Kbalturin 27, apt 1, tel A 2-39-58. Office: Leningrad V-164, V.o., nab. Makarov 4, Institute of Russian Literature, tel. A 2-42-24. Alikhanov, Abram Isaakovich (Experimental Physics), born 5 March 1904; elected: 27 September 1943; member DP-MS. Home: Moscow V-259, B. Cheremushkinskaya 91/28, Cottage, tel. V 2-59-67. Office: Moscow V-259, B. Cheremushkinskaya ul. 89, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, tel. V 2-24-40. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Asbarts , Viktor Asazaspovich (Astronomy, AstrO sics) 1 Sep 19 ; elected: 23 Oct 1963; amber DP-)S. HMO: Yerevan, Barekeautyan 22a, apt. 4, tel. 2-25-80. office: Yerevan, ul. Abodyaa 61, AN Ara. SSR, tel. 2-03-59; Armenian S8R, Ashtaraksi Rayon, fturakan (town), Astrophysical Observatory. e , likolay likolayevich (Acoustics), born 28 July 1880; M 23 Oct 1953; amber DPMPMS. Nome: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 49, tel. V 2-41-96. Office: Moscow V-36, ul. Televideniye 4, Acoustics Institute, tel. V 5-38-27, V 5-00-12, ext. 379- Anichkov , 1iko1s,y liko]ayevich (Pathological Anatomy, General Pathology), born 3Nov 1885; elected: 29 Jan 1939; amber DBB. Hone: Leningrad P-22 Kirovskiy, Prosp. 69/71, apt. 24, tel. V 2.84-00. Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Pavlov 9-A, Institute of E Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences, tel. Ver-a1 2-09-41. . Arb 11 usov, Aleksandr Terainingel'dovich (Organic Chmistry), born ept 1877; elected: 8 May 1942; member DCS. Boss: Kaman', Shko1'naya 8, apt. 3, tel. 80-50. Office: Kaman' ul. Karl Marks 66, Masan Chemical-Teohnologiaal Institute, tel. 78-3013, 2-27-66; ul. Lobachevskiy 2/31, Kaman Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR, tel. 80-85. rbu=ov, Boris Alehsandrovich (Organic Chmistry), born 4 Nov 1903, elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber DCS. Boas: Kaman', shkol'naya 3b, apt. 4, tel. 86-20. Office: Kaman', ul. Ghernyshevskiy 18, State University, t'el. 2-37-90; ul. Lobachevskiy 2/31, Institute of organic hmistry, tel. 80-85. Artobolevsl v, Ivan Ivanovich (Mechanics, born 9 Oct 1905; elected: 30 Nov 1946 ~Ory of wchanisas); amber DZ$. Rome: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 9, apt. 36, tel. 3 9-62-918. Office: Moscow Center, Moscow , Aiariton'yevakly Per., 4, Institute of Machine Studies, tel. B 3-02-34. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Artsimovich, Lev Andreyevich (Physics), born 25 Feb 1909; elected: 23 October 1953; member DPMS. Home: Moscow D-98, Pekhotnaya 26, tel. D 4-92-17, D 4-13-74- Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Department of Physico- Mathematical Sciences, tel. V 1-70-64, D 4-94-75. Balailev, Aleksandr Nikolayevi.b (Medicine), born 8 Dec 1890; elected: 20 June 1958; member DBS. Home: Moscow G-242, Pl. Vosstaniye 1, apt. 35, tel. D 5-47-63- Office: Moscow V-49, Leninskiy Prosp. 8, Faculty Surgical Clinic of the Second Moscow Medical Institute, tel. V 3-21-51 Balandin, Aleksey Aleksandrovich (Organic Chemistry, Catalysis), born 20 December 1898; elected: 30 November 1936; member DCS. Home: Moscow G-2, ul. Vesnin 7, apt. 21, tel. G 1-56-76. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 47, Institute of Organic Chemistry, tel. V 7-00-13, ext. 167; K-9, Mokhovaya 11, Bldg. V, Laboratory imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, tel. B 9-71-48, B 9-72-83; V - 234, Lsninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-15-43. Belets , Aleksandr Ivanovich (Russian and Ukrainian Literature), born 1 Nov 1884; elected: 20 June 1958; somber DLL. Home: Kiev 33, Nikol'sko-Botanicheskiya 14, apt 9, tel. 4-25-36. Office: Kiev, Bul Shevchenko 14, Institute of Literature, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, tel. 4-31-38 Below, likolay Vasil' evich (Crystallochemistry, Geochemistry, Structural Mineralogy), born 14 December 1891; elected: 23 October 1963; member DOGS. Home: Moscow Zh-4, B Komunistieheskaya 24, apt. 19, tel. Zh 2-30-79- Office: Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy Per. 3, Institute of Crystallography, tel. V 1-06-22. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Hero, Aksel' Ivanavich (Radio engineering), torn 10 by 1893; elected: 30 bavsmber 1946; member DPB. same: Moo0+ V-333, 1-ya Ch ere^ushkinskeyra 3 (UM-3), oFt- 17, tel. V 7-09-02- Office: Moscow, State Committee of the Council of Ministers USSR for Automation and Machine Construction, tel. 15-42-45. $sritashvill, Ivan Solcmonovich (Physiology), born 10 January 1885; elected: 29 January 1939; member D. Was: Tbilisi, ul. Lenin 63, aPt? 3, tel. 2-11-23- Office: Tbilisi, Voysono-Gros. Doroga 62, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, tel. 2-12-13; ul. Chavchavadse 1, Tbilisi State Dhiversity, tel. 2-39-38? Deruaht yn, Sergey Matanovich (Mathematics), born 5 March 1880; elected: 12 January 1929; amber DAB. some: Moscow V-71, Iwninskiy prose. 13, apt- 139, tel. V 2-11-12. Office: Moscow V-333, lot Akademicheskly Proyesd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91. Hstekbtin Anatoliy Georgiysvich (Mineralogy, Ore Deposits), born 9 waron 1897; elected: 23 October 1953; amber D008. some: Moscow H-64, ul. Chkalov 21, apt. 38, tel. 17-61-15. Office: Moscow V-17, 8tarcmometnyy Per. 35, Institute of Geology of Mineral Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geosbesistry, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 44. onravov, Anatoliy Arkad'ysvich (Mechanics, Munitions), born 1 June 10"; elected: 27 September 1943; member D. Rose: Moscow I-1, Sadovaya-ddrinskpa 28/30, apt. 5, tel. D 3-77-11. Office: Moscow V-71, Iwainskiy prosy. l4, Deportment of Technical Sciences, tel. V 1-13-24; Moscow Center, Moscow, Maritsa'- yevskiy Per. 4, Institute of Machine Studies, tel. k k-96-00. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Dogoiyubov, Nikoly Nikolyevich (Msfheuatics), born 21 Aug 1909; elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber D1MB and Siberian Departant. None: Moscow V-23k, Iwoiaskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Building L, apt. 30, tel. V 9-26-07. Office: Moscow V-333, lot Akadsmicheskly Proyesd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-00-15, ext? 51; V-23k, Iwninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Physics faculty, tel. V 9-19-90. Doch sr, Andrey Anatol'yevich (Metallurgy), born 8 Aug 1902; elected: ov 1 ; amber DIE. Home: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 9, apt. 68, tel. B 9-92-87. Office: Moscow V-49, Kryaskiy val 3, Institute of Non-ferrous Metallurgy, tel. V 1-k2-70. Bruyevich, Nikolay Grigor'yevich (Mechanics), born 12 Nov 1896; elected: 8 May 1942; member DTS. Rome: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosy. 13, apt. 11, tel. V 2-42-36. Office: Moscow Oenter, Moscow, Kbariton'yevskiy Per. 4, Institute of Machine Studies, tel. B 8-10-41. Urge, Yevginiy Samaylovich (Economics), born 6 Nov 1879; elected: 28 Jan 1939; somber DEPLS. Raw: Moscow V-k9, Leninskiy Prosp. 11, apt. 171, tel. V 2-48-96. Vv edenak y, Doris Aletsgevich (Radiophysics), born 19 Apr 1893; elected: 27 Sep 1943; somber DTS. Noss: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 138, tel. V 2-11-13- Office: Moscow K-9, Mokhovya 11, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, tel. B 9-98-02; Zh 28, Pokrovskiy b. 8, State Scientific Publishing Souse "Sovetskaya En tsiklopediya," tel. K 7-90-2k. Veksler, Vladimir Iosifovich (Physics), born 4 March 1907; elected: 23 ne 1958; member DPMS. Rome: Moscow 11-64, ul. Ohkalov 21, apt. 22, tel. K 7-39-56- office: Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, tel. B 6-22-22, Moscow V-333, Iwninskiy Prosp? 53, Physics Institute, tel. V 7-2k-1k. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Vekua, Ilya Nestorivich (Mathematics) born 23 April 1907; elected: 22March 1958; amber Siberian Department. Home: Novosibirsk, Sovnarkhosovskaya ul. 38, apt- 55, tel. 2-23-05; Moscow D-252, 2nd Peachan*ya 3, apt. 26, tel. D 7-19-60- Office: Novosibirsk 55, State University, tel. 3-54-48; Scientific Town, Institute of Hydrodynamics. Vekshinskiy, Sergey Arkad'yevieh (Electronics, Technical Physics), born 27 Oct 1896; elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber DTS. Home: Moscow 0-270, 3rd Frunzenskaya ul. 3, apt. 163; tel. G 7-00-03- Office: Moscow, tel. V 4-00-25, ext. 36. Vinogradov, Aleksandr Pavlovich (Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry), born 21 July 1895; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS and DCS. Home: Moscow Zh-127, Nab. K. Gor'kiy 4/22, apt. 10. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Dept. of Chmical Sciences, tel. V 3-47-76; V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 47 a, Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chmistry, tel. V 7-41-27. Vinogradov, Viktor Vladiairovich (Russian language), born 12 Jan 1895; elected: 30 Nov 1946; amber DLL. Home: Moscow 0-2, Kompozitorskaya ui. 13, apt. 1, tel. G 1-14-35- Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhooka 18/2, Dept. of Languages and Literature, tel. G 5-15-66. Vinogradov, Ivan Matveyevich (Mathematics), born 14 Sept 1891, elected: 12 Jan 1929, member DPMS. Home: Moscow K-l, ul. Gor'kiy 22, apt. 10, tel. B 1-45-24. Office: Moscow V-333, 1st Akadmicheskiy proyezd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91. Volgin, Vyacheslav Petrovich (History), born 14 June 1879; elected: 1 Feb 1930; amber DES. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt- 118. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Vol'sk , Anton Bikolay.vich (Metallurgy and Metal Working), born 25 June 1897; elected: 10 June 1960; member DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, I.eainakiy Prosy- 14, Department of Technical Sciences. Vol'fkovich, Swan Isaakovich (Chemical Mmgineering, Inorganic Chemistry), born 23 Oct 1896; elected: 30 Nov 1946; somber DCS. Hose: Moscow K-104, Bronnayya 19a, opt. 10, tel. B 3-11-37- Office: Moscow V-333, Dwin kiY asp- 49, Institute of Fertilisers and Insectofungicides, tel. V 7-18-24; V-234, Leniaskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-35-95? Gerasimav, Innokentiy Petrovich (Physical Geography, Soil Studies), born 9 Dec 1905; elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber DDGS and DDB. Home: Moscow V-71, Leainskiy Prosy. 13, apt- 35, tel. V 2-53-95- Office: Moscow V-17, Starasetnyy Per. 29, Institute of Geography, tel. V 1-61-34. Glushko, Valentin Petrovich (Heat Engineering), born 2 Sep 1908; elected: 20 June 1958; member DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, T.eninakiy Prosy. 14, Dept of Technical Sciences Grigor'yev, Audrey Aleksandrovich (Geography), born 1 Nov 1883; elected: 29 Jan 1939; amber DOGS. Hose: Moscow I-41, Prosy. Mir 70a, apt. 54, tel. I 1-04-26. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninakiy Prosy. 14, Dept of Geological-Geographical Sciences: V-17, Staromonetayy Per. 29, Institute of Geography, tel. V 1-78-86. Griaberg, Alekaandr Abrosovich (Inorganic Chemistry), born 3 May 1898; elected: 20 June 1958; somber DCB. Hose: Leningrad K-18, Lesnaya ul. 15, apt. 4, tel. G 5-09-80, ext. 306. Office: yenlng - ad P-22, ul. Rentgen 1, Radium Institute, tel. V 2-76-59; F-13, Zegorodayy Prosy- 49, Technological Institute imeni Len-Sovet, tel. K 2-10-54, ext. 189. -7- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -r1UM Deborin, Abrem Moyseyevich (Philosophy and History), born 19 June 1881; elected : 13 Feb 1929, saber DES and DHPIS . Hose: - Moscow V-71, Leainskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 40, tel. V 2-44-15- Office: Moscow V-36, 1st Cheremushkinsk.ya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-2k. Dikusbin, Vladimir Ivanovich (Machine Studies), born 8 Aug 1902; ?1?at?d: 23 Oct 1953; amber DTS? !Loaf.: Moscow $-240, Kotel'nicheskaya nab. 1/15, Bldg V, apt. 41, tel. B 7-44-89. Office: Moscow V-71, 5th Donskoy proyesd 21b, 113XS (Experimental Scientific Research Institute of Metal-Cutting Lathes), tel. V 2-00-28, ext. 240. Dorodnitsyn, Anatoliy Alekseyevich (Geophysics), born 2 Dec 1910; elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber DPHS. Office: Moscow V-333, let Akadasicheskiy proyez 28, Colter Center, tel. V 7-27-89. Drushinin, Eikolay $ikhiylovich (History of the USSR), born 13 Jan 1886; elec~te -P3 Oct 1953; amber DES. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prosp. 61/1, apt. 27, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 63. Office: Moscow V-36, 1st Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-24. Dubinin, Makhail Mikhaylovich (Sorption Processes),, born 1 Jan 1901; elected: 27 Sep 1943; amber DCS. Hose: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 9, apt. 48, tel. B 9-37-79- Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Tel. V 2-56-81. Zhukov, Yevgeaiy Mikhaylovich (General History), born 23 Oct 1907; elected: 20 June 1958; member DES. Hose: Moscow Zb-240, Kate!'nicheskaya nab. 1/15, apt. 40, tel. 37-4-94- Office: Moscow V-36, lit Cheremushkinskaya 19, Department of Historical Sciences, tel. V 5-30-31- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Zel'dovich, Takov Borosovich (Physics), born 8 March 1914; elected: 20 Jume 1958; amber D. Bosse: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, apt. 47, tel. V 7-38-39- Office: Moscow V-71, Liinakiy Prosp. 14, Dept of Physico- Mathematical Sciences. Ishl nak1y, Aleksandr Tul'yevich (Automatics), born 6 Aug 1913; elected: 10 Jun 1960; somber DTS. Ross: Moscow V-2311, Leninskiy Gory, Moscow State University, Bldg I, apt. 68, tel. v 9-16-90. Office: Moscow V-2311, Leninskiy Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-32-29; V-71, Leainskiy prosp. 14, Dept of Technical Sciences. fabachnik, Martin Israilevich (Organic Chemistry), born 9 Sep 1908; eleec ed: 20 June 1958; member DCS Rome: Moscow B-6k, ul. ( kslov 21/2, apt. 68, tel. 17-36-25. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Organo- elemental Ooupounds, tel. V 2-39-1.k. ask , Boris Aleksandrovich (Organic Chemistry), born 25 Apr 1891; elected: 30 Nov 1946; amber DCS. lose: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 101, tel. V 2-21-89. Office: Moscow V-333, Lsninskiy Prosp? 47, Institute of Organic Chemistry, tel. V 7-15-55, V 7-29-kk; V-231, Lenina]rlye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-13-02. it", Petr Leonidovich (physics), born 8 Jul 1894; elected: 25 Jan 1939; member DPMB and D. Nome: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, apt. 14, tem. V 7-32-30 Office: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskowe sh. 2, I stitute of Physical Problems, tel. V 7-32-47. largin, Valentin Alekseyevich (Physieal Massy), born 23 Jan 1907; elected 23 Oct 1953; amber DCS Rome: Moscow 3-6k, per. Gaydar 7, arpt. It, tel. 17-6Q-78. Office: Moscow B-120, ul. 0bukh 10, Pbysico-Chemical Institute, tel. B 7-00-1k, ext. k82; V-234, Lsninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Placulty, tel. V 9-31-86. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Zs , ltstisLy Ysevolodovich (Msthwiatics, Mechanics), born 10 Fob 1911; elected: 30 by 1936; asstler DAB. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR, tel. D 1-26-56. likoin, Isaak rcnstantinavich (Physics), born 28 Mar 1908; elected: 23Occt 1953; amber D. Hc^e: Moscow D-80, Peschanaya 14a, apt. 14, tel. D 7-19-4k. Office: Moscow, tel. D 4-19-94, D 4-93-35? XLIWv, Vladimir Yakovlevich (Mechanics), born 23 Jul 1892; elected: 23 t 1953; amber D. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Dept of Technical Sciences. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Knur ants, Ivan Lyudvigovich (Organic Chemistry), born 4 Jun 1906; elected 3 Oct 1953; member DCS. Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheskaya nab. 1/15, Section B, apt. 336, tel. B 7-46-47 Office: Moscow B-5, ul. Bauman 22, Institute of Organo-Elemental Compounds, tel. Ye 1-18-70 (laboratory); ul. Bauman, Brigadirskiy Per. 13, Military Academy of Chemical Defense, tel. Ye 7-01-06, ext. 130 Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolayevich (Mathematics), born 25 Apr 190;; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DPMS. Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye gory, Moscow State University, Building L., apt. 10, tel. V 9-30-82 Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-14-03. Kondrat' ev, Viktor Nikolayevich (Physical Chemistry), born 1 Feb 1902; elected 23 Oct 195-; member DCS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 30, apt. 105-106, tel. V 2-21-14 Office: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye Sh. 2, Institute of Chemical Physics, tel. V 7-00-12, ext. 407, V 7-61-30 Konrad, Nikolay Iosifovich (Japanese Philology), born 13 Mar 1891; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DLL. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt 117, tel. V 2-24-32 Office: Moscow Center, Arnpranskiy Per. 2, Institute of Asian Peoples, tel. B 3-50-59 Konstantinov, Boris Pavlovich (Physics), born 6 Jul 1910; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DP! . Home: Leningrad K-21, Priyutskaya 1/4, aptl 18, tel. G 2-09-80, ext. 514 Office: Leningrad K-21, Politekhnicheskaya 2, Physico-Technical Institute, tel. 2-00-11; K-64, Politekhnicheskaya =, Polytechnical Institute, tel. G 2-89-56 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Korzhinskiy, Dmitriy Sergeyevich (Petrography), born 13 Sep 1899; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 27, tel. V 2-42-55 Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetnyy Per. 35, Institute of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Minerology and Geochemistry, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 24. Korneychuk, Aleksandr Yevdokimovich (Author), born 25 May 1905; elected 27 Sept 1943; member DLL Home: Kiev, ul. Karl Libknekht 10, apt. 28, tel. 3-01-68 Korolev, Sergey Pavlovich (Mechanics), born 12 Jan 1907; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Kosterko, Mikhail Poliyevktovich (Electrical Engineering, Electro- Machine Construction), born 28 Dec. 1889; elected 2j Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Leningrad P-49, Prosp. Dobrolyubov 21-A, apt. 28, tel. V 4-66-40 Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Institute of Electromechanics, tel. A 4-67-17; K-64, Politechnicheskaya 3, Polytechnical Institute, tel. G 2-85-30. Kotel'nikov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Radio Engineering), born 6 Sep 1908; elected Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DNR-3), apt. 29, tel. V 7-25-11 Office: Moscow K-9, Mokhovaya 11, Institute of Radiotechnology and Electronics, tel. B 9-92-53 Kochi.ia, Pelageya Yakovlevna (Mechanics, Hydrodynamics), born 13 May 1899; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD. Home: Novosibirsk 55, Akademgorodok, mikraorayon A, House 4, apt. 19; Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 121, tel. V 2-46-79 Office: Novosibirsk 55, Akademgorodok, Institute of Hydrodynamics Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i uun I -nuivi Kuznetsov, Vladimir Dmitriyevich (Physics), born 3 May 1887; elected 1958; member SD Home: Tomsk, Sovetskaya 46, apt. 28, tel. 34-44 Office: Tomsk, pl. Revolyutsii 1, Siberian Scientific Research Physico- Technical Institute, tel. 34-90 Kulebakin, Viktor Sergeyevich (Power Engineering, Automation), born 30 Oct 1891, elected 28 Jan 1939; member DTS. Home: Moscow B-62, B. Khariton'yevskiy Per. 12/1, apt. 27, tel. B 3-64-75 Office: Moscow Center, M. Khariton'yevskiy 4, Conmiittee on Technological Terminology, tel. B 8-11-33; D-167, Leningradskiy Prosp. 40, Military-Air Engineering Academy imeni Zhukovskiy, tel. D 3-70-20, ext. ~8-26 Kur av, Georgiy Vyacheslavovich (Metallurrical Physics), born 14 Feb 1902; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS Home: Moscow G-242, pl. Vosstaniya 1, apt. 196, tel. D 5-45-70 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DPMS, tel. V 1-70-64; B-5, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 9/23, Institute of Metal Studies and Physics of Metals, Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metals (TsiNLLCher. Met.), tel. Ye 7-76-24, Ye 7-01-02 ext. 285. Kursanov, Andrey L'vovich (Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants), born Nov 1902; elected 23 Oct 195-'; member DBS. Home: Moscow V-130, M. Yakimanka ?, apt. 5, tel. V 1-30-30 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Plant Physiology, tel. V 2-36-81. Kuusinen, Otto Vil'gel'movich (General History), born 4 Oct 1881; elected 00 Jun 1958; member DHS. Office: Central Committee of CPSU, tel. K 6-16-64, K 6-61-14 Lavrent' ev, Mikhail Alekseyevich (Mathematics), born 19 Nov 1900, elected 30 Nov 19 ; member SD and DP! . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 JV/\ I -I IIJIVI Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt, 88, tel. V 2-14-88; Novosibirsk, tel. 2-05-74 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USS2, tel. V 3-18-41; Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, SD, tel, 3-58-40. Landau, Lev Davidovich (Physics), born 22 Jan 1908; elected -0 Nov 1946; member DPMS Home: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, apt. 2, tel. V 7-18-86 Office: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, Institute of Physical Problems, tel. V 7-32-44 Lebedev, Aleksandr Alekseyevich (Physics), born 26 Nov 189; elected 27 Sep 1943; member DP? Home: Leningrad V-53, V. o., 2-ya Lin. 37, apt. 3, tel. A 3-26-55 Office: Leningrad, tel. A 2-27-83, A 5-39-31 Lebedev, Sergey Alekseyevich (Computing Devices), born 2 Nov 1902; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPW- Home: Moscow D-252, Novo-Peschanaya ul. 21, Korp 1, apt. 12, tel. D 7-53-75 Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prosp. 51, Institute of Presision Mechanics and Computation, Techniques, tel. V 7-15-67 Leontovich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Physics), born 7 Mar 1903; elected 30 Nov 19x+6; member DP! Home: Moscow D-98, 2-y Shchukinskiy Froyezd 3, apt. 20, tel. D 4-92-91 Office: Moscow D-182, ul. Kurchatov 46, Institute of Atomic Energy, tel. D 4-94-75, D 4-93-76 Linnik, Vladimir Pavlavich (Physics), born 6 Jul 188,'; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DPW and DTS. Home: Leningrad V-34, V. o., 7-ya Lin. 2, apt. 30, tel. A 3-08-35 Office: Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo, Main Astronomical Observatory, tel. - 14 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM K 8-84-31, A 2-74-22 Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich (Genetics and Agrobiology), born 29 Sep 1898; e ected 30 Jan 1939; member DBS Home: Moscow V-72, ul. Serafimovich 2, Pod'yezd 20, apt. 391, tel. v 1-61-91 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 3;, Institute of Genetics, tel. V 2-13-84 Mayskiy, Ivan Mikhaylovich (History), born 19 Jan 1884; elected 30 Nov 1946; member DHS Home: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 8, apt. 83, tel. B 9-04-17 Office: Moscow V-36, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-24 Mal'tsev, Anatolii Ivanovich (Mathematics), born 27 Nov 1909; elected 1958; member SD Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prospect 61/1, apt. 57; Ivanovo (Oblast) Negorelaya 16, apt. 6 Office: Moscow V-333, 1-y Akademicheskiy Proyezd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91; Ivanovo (obl.), State Pedagogical Institute. Medvedev, Sergey Sergeyevich (Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds), born 17 May 1891; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DNR-3)., apt. 114, tel. V 7-43-23 Office: Moscow B-120, t, Obukha 10, Physico-Chemical Institute, tel. K 7-54-52; G-48, M. Pirogovskaya 1, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, tel. G 6-50-20, ext. 76 Meshchaninov, Ivan Ivanovich (Caucasian Studies), born 24 Nov 1883; elected 29 Mar 1932; member LLL and DHS Home: Leningrad V-34, V. o., 7-ya Lin. 2, apt. 17, tel. A 3-63-53 Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetakaya nab. 5, Leningrad Depart- ment of the Institute of Linguistics, tel. A 2-01-33, A 2-40-83 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Mikulin, Aleksandr Aleksandro-ich (Internal Combustion Engines), born 1k Feb-1895; elected 27 Sep 1943, member WS Home: Moscow G-2, Pugovichnikow per. 15, apt. 34, tel. G 6-03-38 Office: Moscow K-6, Krasnoproletarsbsya 32, Laboratory or Engines, tel. I 1-89 -85 Mints, Aleksandr L'vovich (Radio Engineering), born 8 Jan 1895; elected dun 1958; member DTS Office: Moscow 1-ya Prunsenskaya ul. 3a, Radio Engineering Institute, tel. 0 6-60-62 Mints, Isaak Israilevich (History), born 3 Feb 1896; 19 member DD Rome: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 9, tel. V 2-44-75 Office: Moscow v-36, 1-ya Chore ushkinskaya 19, Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of USSR, tel. V 5-24-24; M. Pirogovskaya 1, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin Mitin, Mark Borisovich (Philosophy), born 5 Jul 1901; elected 28 Jan 1939; amber DEPLS Rome: Moscow V-72, ul. Serefimovieh 2, pod. 12, apt. 230, tel. V 1-78-37 Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14, Editorial Board of the Journal "Voprosy Pilosofii", tel. B 3-77-41 Mikh Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Thermotechnics), born 7 Jun 1902; ? ec 23 Oct 1953; amber DTS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ye Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DHR-3), apt- 119, tel. V 7-28-77 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 19, Power Engineering Institute, tel. V 4-00-05, ext. 286 Muskhelishvili, Nikolay Ivanovich (Mechanics), born 16 Feb 1891; elected 26 an ; member DTS and DPI Home: Tbilisi 30, Prosp. Chavchavadge 19, tel. 2-36-35 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Office: Tbilisi, ul. Dzerahinskogo 8, Academy of Sciences Georgian W R, tel. 3-5464 Nalivkin, Dmitriy Vasil'yevich (Geology, Paleontology), born 25 Aug 1689; elected 30 Nov 1946; member DOGE Home: Leningrad Center, ul. Glinki 3, apt. 65, tel A 1-96-84 Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Nab. Makarov 2, Laboratory of Coal Geology, tel. A 2-08-03 Nemchinov, Vasiliy Sergeyevich (Economies, Statistics), born 14 Jan elected 30 Nov 1946; member DEPLS Home: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 9, apt. 59, tel. B 9-98-71 Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetr'y Per. 35, Council for the Study of Productive Resources of the State Economics Council, tel. V 1-44-27 Nesaae a _, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (Organic chemistry), born 9 Sep 1599; elected 27 Sep 1943; member DCS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR, tel. V 1-02-06; Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Organ-Elemental Compounds, tel. V 2-08-98 Nechkina, Militsa Vasil'yevna (History of the USSR) born 25 Feb 1901; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DES Home: Moscow G-34, 1-y Zachat'yevskiy per. 13, apt. 23, tel. G 6-53-87 Office: Moscow V-36, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-24 Novikov Petr Sergeyevich (Mathematics), born 10 Sep 1901; elected X1960; member DPP Home: Moscow B-64, ul. Ukalova 21, apt. 46, tel. B 7-06-85 Office: Moscow V-333, 1-y Akademicheskiy Proyyead 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91 Obnorskiy. Berger Petrovich (Russian Language), born 26 Jun 1888; elected 25 Jan 1939; member ELL and DEB Home: Moscow K-50, ul. Gorkiy 19, apt. 39, tel. B 1-46-89 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 OOb mow, Ivan Vasil'yevich (Physical Optics), born 8 Mar 1894; elected TO Jn 1958; member Di Rome: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 1,11, tel. V 2-42-19 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Organo- Elemental Compounds, tel. V 2-12-65, V 2-08-98 Oparin, Aleksandr Ivanovich (Plant Biochemistry), born 2 Mar 1894; elected 30 Nov 1946; member DBS Home: Moscow V-35"?, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DNR-3), apt. 9, tel. V-7-25-22 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Biochemistry, tel. V 2-34-41; V-234; Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Biology Faculty, tel. V 9-28-28 Orbeli, Iosif Abgarovich (Oriental Studies), born 20 Mar 1887; elected 1 Jun 1935; member DES Home: Leningrad D-65, Dvortsovaya nab. 32, apt. 5, tel. A 5-52-72, A 2-95-13 Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Asian Peoples, tel. A 4-87-40 Orlov, Yuriy Aleksandrovich (Paleontology), born 13 Jun 1893; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninsgradskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 10, tel. V 2-05-38 Office: Moscow V-71, Leningradskiy Prosp. 33, Paleontological Institute, tel. V 2-38-44, V 2-52-27 Ostrovit now, Konstantin Vasil'yevich (Political Econoeq-), born 30 May 1692; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DEPLS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 26 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Acadeapr of Sciences, tel. V 1-54-06 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Pavlovskiy, Yevgeniy Nikanorovich (Zoology and Parasitology), born 5 Mar l ; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS and DGGS Rome: Leningrad K-9, Prosp. Karl Marks 3, apt. 5, tel. G 2-16-52; Moscow V-l3~, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, apt. 42, tel. V 7-46-63 Office: Leningrad V-164, Universitetskaya Nab. 1, Zoological Institute, tel. A 2-79-03, A 2-49-19; Military Medical Academy, tel. G 2-53-49 Palladin, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (Biochemistry), born 10 Sep 1885; elected 8 May 1942; member DBS Home: Kiev, ul. Leontovich 9, apt. 2, tel. 5-50-39 Office: Kiev, Vladimirskaya ul. 54, Presidium of the Academy of Sciences UkSSR, tel. 5-70-47 Petrov, Boris Nikolayevich (Automation), born 11 Mar 191;; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DTS Office: Moscow D-40, Leninskiy Prosp. 7, Institute of Automation and Telemechanics, tel. D 0-00-00, ext. 46 Petrov, Georgiy Ivanovich (Mechanics), born 31 May 1912; elected 20 Jun 195-member D-PS Office: Moscow, V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Department of Technical Science Petrovskiy, Ivan Georgiyevich (Mathematics), born 18 Jan 1901; elected 30 Nov 19446; member DPMS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 114, tel. V 2-14-47 Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiy Cory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-39-34; K-9, Mokhovaya 11, Moscow State University, tel. B 9-82-92 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 OUAi-n0M Plolkanov, Aleksandr Alekseyevich (Petrography, Geology), born 25 May 1883; elected 29 Sep 1943; Member DGGS Home: Leningrad V-34, V. o., 7-ya Lin. 2, apt. 8, tel. A 3-67-90 Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., nab. Makarova 2, Laboratory of Pre- Cambrian Geology, tel. A 2-08-74 Pontryagin, Lev Semenovich (Mathematics), born 3 Sep 1908; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DPM(S Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt 8, tel. V 2-53-76 Office: Moscow: V-333, 1-y Akademicheskiy Proesd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91 Pos ov, Petr Nikolayevich (History of Coemunist Party of the Soviet Union CPSU)) born 20 Jun 1898; elected 23 Oct 1953; amber DHS Office: Central Committee of CPSU, tel. K 6-28-46 botnov Yuriy Nikolayevich (Mechanics), born 24 Feb 1914; 28 Mar 19958; amber SD. Home: Novosibirsk 55, Mikrorayon A. House 5, apt. 18; Moscow V-261, Lomonovakiy Prosp. 14, apt. 418, tel. V 9-11-48 Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Hydrodynamics, tel. 2-02-54 Rebider, Petr Aleksandrovich (Physical and Colloidal Chemistry), Born 3 Oct 108; elected 30 Nov 1946; member DCS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 6, tel. V 2-52-36 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Physical Chemistry, tel. V 2-39-69; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-10-31, V 9-24-56 Arbakov Boris Aleksandrovich (History of USSR, and Archeology), Born 3 Jun 1908; elected 20 Jun 1958; amber DHS Home: Moscow V-312, 3-y Akademicheskiy Proesd 3, apt 75, tel V 7-41-30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 JV/\ I -Flu M S s an, Norayr Martirosovich (Biochemistry of plants), born 25 Jan 1907; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 13, tel. V 2-16-87 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DBS, tel. V 2-36-47; Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Biochemistry, tel. V 2-34-41 Skaskin, Sergey Danilovich (General History), born 19 Oct 1890; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DHS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 14, tel. V 2-55-57 Office: Moscow V-36, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-24; K-9, ul. Gertsen 5, Moscow State University, tel. B 9-99-14, ext. 155 Skobellts7n, Dmitriy Vladimirovich (Physics), born 24 Nov, 1892; elected 30 Nov 1946; member DPMS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 44 Office: Moscow V-17GSP, Leninskiy Prosp. 53, Physics Institute, tel. V 7-26-12 Skrvabin, Konstantin Ivanovich (Helminthology, General Veterinary), born 7 Dec 1878, elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS Home: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 9, apt. 44, tel. B 9-49-50 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Helminthology Laboratory, tel. V 2-57-46; 1-139, Orlikov per. 1/11, All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni Lenin, tel. K 2-91-60 Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich (Mathematics), born 10 Jun 1887; elected 29 Sep 1943; member DPMS Home: Leningrad P-61, Kirovskiy Prosp. 25, apt. 44, tel. V 3-04-16 Office: Leningrad V-178, V. o., 10-ya Lin. 33, Leningrad State University, Mathematics-Mechanics Faculty, tel. A 3-10-72 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Sobolev, Vladimir Stepanovich (Geology, Geography), born 30 May 1908; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD and DGGS Home: Novosibirsk, Akade:gorodok, Mikrorayon, A, House 1. apt. 20 Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, tel. 3-84,08 Sobolev, Sergey L'vovich (Mathematics), born 6 Oct 1908; elected 29 Jan 1939; member SD and DPMS Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prosp. 61/1, apt. 74, tel. 2-11-93; Novosibirsk, Sovnarkhozovskaya 38, apt. 36 Office: Moscow V-333, 1-y Akadeaicheekiy Proesd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-OD-15, ext. 42; Novosibirsk, 55 Mikrorayon Institute of Mathematics, tel. 2-33-53, ext 019 Speranakiy, Aleksey Dmiitriyevich (Pathology), born 12 Jan 1888; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS Home: Moscow 6-242, ul. Chaykovskiy 25, Building 10, apt. 8, tel. D 5-41-96 Office: Moscow D-315, Baltiyskaya ul. 8, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Acadesy of Medical Sciences, tel. D 7-04-21 S ip tssn, Viktor Ivanonich (Inorganic Chemistry), born 25 Apr 1902; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 142, tel. V 2-43-75 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Physical Chemistry, tel. V 2-04-62; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-20-7k Stechkin, Boris Sergeyevich (Thermal Engineering), born 5 Aug 1891; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, Apt. 137, tel. V 2-54-96 Office: Moscow K-6, Krasnoproletarekaya 32, Laboratory of Engines, tel. I1-89-85 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Strakhov, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (General Geology, Lithology, and Modern Sediments), born 15 Apr 1900; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS Home: Moscow D-252, 2-ya Peschana4ya 3, apt. 30, tel. D 7-51-78 Office: Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy Per. 7, Geological Institute, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 128 Struve, Vasiliy Vasiltyevich (Oriental Studies), born 2 Feb 1889; elected 1 Jun 1935; Member DHS and DLL Home: Leningrad D-65, ul. Khalturina 27, apt. 49, tel. A 4-02-78 Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birzhevaya Lin. 1, Leningrad Department of the Institute of History, tel. A 2-12-24; D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Asian Peoples, tel. A 4-87-40; V-164, Universitetskaya nam. 11, Leningrad State University, Eastern Faculty, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 106 Strumilin, Stanislav Gustavovich (Economics, History), born 29 Jan 1877; elected 1 Feb 1931; member DEPIS and DHS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 1, tel. V 2-54-55 Sukachev, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Botany, Phytocenology, Forestry, and Phytopaleontology), born 7 Jun 1880; elected 27 Sep 1943; member DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt 133, tel. V 2-23-52 Office: s. [north] Uspenskoye, Zvenigorodskiy Rayora, Moak. obl. Laboratory of Forestry; Moscow K-9, ul. Gertsen 6, Moscow Society of Naturalists, tel. B 9-56-05 Tam, Igor; Yevgentyevich (Physics), born 8 Jul 1895; elected 23 Oci, 1953; member DPMS Home: Moscow Zh-127, nab. Gortkiy 4/22, apt. 62, tel. V 3-20-29 Office: Moscow V-17 GSP. Leninakiy Prosp. 53, Physics Institute, tel. V 7-00-03, ext. 304 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 VV/\ 1-1 IVIVI Taaani-9ev, Ivan Vladimirovich (Inorganic Chemistry), born 4 Apr 1904; ele to ed 20 Jun 1958; amber DCS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinakaya 3 (DNR-3), apt. 30, tel. V 7-56-81 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, tel. V 2-24-87 Terenin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (Chemical Physics, Photochemistry) born 6 May 1896, elected 29 Jan 1939; member DCS and DPMS Home: Leningrad V-164, Universitetakaya nab. 7, apt. 68, tel. A 2-47-59 Office: Leningrad V-164, Universitetakaya nab. 7/9, Leningrad State University, Physics Faculty, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 147, 247; tel. A 5-00-44, ext. 163, 166 Tikhomirov, Mikhail Nikolayevich (History of USSR), born 1 Jun 1893; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DHS Home: Moscow Zh-240, Koteltnicheskaya nab. 1/15, Building VK, apt. 153, tel. B 7-46-30 Office: Moscow G-69, Trubnikovskiy per. 30-a, Institute of Slavic Studies, tel. K 5-78-70; K-9, ul. Gertsen 5, Moscow State University, History Faculty, tel. B 9-99-14 ext. 154 To c ev, Aleksandr Vasiltyevich (Organic Chemistry), born 9 Aug 1901; elected 4 Jun 1949; member DCS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 134 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Acadesw of Sciences USSR, Tel. V 1-56-06; V-71 Leninskiy Prosp. 29, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, tel. V 2-59-27 Tra esnikov Vadim Aleksandrovich (Automation), born 28 Nov 1905; elected 10 Jun 19 0; member DTS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinakaya 3 (DNB -3), apt. 16, tel. V 7-26-28 Moscow 1-53, Kalanchevskaya ul. 15a, Institute of Automation and Telemechanics, tel. B 3-20-60 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 -^V% 'l Trofimuk, Andrey Alekseyevich (Geology), born 16 Aug 1911, elected 28 Mar 1958; m ber SD and DGGS Home: Novosibirsk, Krasnyy Prosp. 28, apt. 52, tel. 3-80-95 Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geoptysics, tel. 3-84-08 Tupolev, Andrey Nikolayevich (Aircraft Construction), born 10 Nov 1888; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DTS Tom, Ivan Vladimirovich (Soil Science), Born 2 Nov 1892; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 28, tel. V 2-53-96 Office: Moscow V-71, Pyzhevskiy per. 7, Soil Institute, tel. V 1-50-37 Fedin, Konstantin Aleksandrovich (Writer), born 24 Feb 1892; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DLL Home: Moscow V-71, Lavrushinskiy per. 17 apt. 38, tel. V 1-61-37 Office: Moscow G-69, ul. Vorovskogo 52, The Board of the Union of Writers of USSR, tel. D 2-21-46 Fedorov, Yevgeniy Konstantinovich (Applied Geophysics), born 10 Apr 1910; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DGGS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 22, tel. V 2-42-16 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Acadenp of Sciences USSR, tel. V 1-54-85; Moscow B-150, Glebovskaya ul. 20-b, Institute of Applied Geophysics, tel. Ye 3-50-48 Fedoseyev, Petr Nikolayevich (philosophy), born 22 Aug 1908; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DEPLS Home: Moscow G-2, Starokonyushenny per. 19, apt. 101, tel. G 1-56-72 Office: Moscow Zh-74, Kitayskiy Proezd 7, 2-y Pod'yesd, 2nd floor, room 18, DEPLS, tel. K 5-43-45; G-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Philosophy, tel. K 4-70-23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM V i S Fesenkov, Vasiliy Grigortyevich (Astronomy), born 13 Jan 1889; elected 1 Jun 1935; member DPMS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cherenushkinskaya 3 (I4R-3) apt. 22, tel. V 7-25-04 Office: Moscow Zh-127, ul. Osipenko 52, Committee on Meteorites, tel. V 3-22-62; Alama-Ata, Kamenskoye Plateau, Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences KazSSR, tel. 40-40 Fok, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Physics), born 22 Dec 1898; elected 29 Jan 1939 member DPMS Home: Leningrad V-178, V. o., 12-ya Lin. 37, apt. 6, tel. A 3-04-28 Moscow G-242, pl. Vosstaniya 1, apt. 234, tel. D 5-45-68 Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Physics Institute, Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 275; Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye sh. 2, Institute of Physical Problems, tel. V 7-32-47 Frumkin, Aleksandr Naumovich (Physical Chemistry), born 24 Oct 1895; elected 29 Mar 1932; member DCS Home: Moscow V-95, 1-y Spasonalivkovskiy per. 19, apt. 5, tel. V 1-79-82 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Electrochemistry, tel. V 2-46-48; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-25-70 Khariton, Yuliy Borisovich (Physics), born 27 Feb 1904; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninakiy Prosp. 14, DPMS Khristianovtich, Sergey Alekseyevich (Mechanics), born 9 Nov 1908; elected 27 Sep 1943; member SD and DTS Home: Novosibirsk, Krasnyy Prosp. 28, apt. 78, tel. 3-63-99 Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, SD, tel. 2-37-69; Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, tel. V 3-18-41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM ,,1 Taitsin, Nikolay Vaailtyevich (Botany, Selection), born 18 Dec 1898 elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS Home: Moscow V-72, ul. Serafimovicha 2, pod .2, apt. 29, tel. V 1-37-11 Office: Moscow 1-75, Main Botanical Gardens, tel. 13-06-03 Cherni oval , Vladimir Nikolayyevich (Physiology of Plants and Man), born 16 Feb 1907; elected 10 Jun 1960, member DBS Home: Leningrad P-101, Kronverkskaya ul. 23, apt. 108, tel. V 3-32-46 Office: Leningrad V-164, nab. Makarova 6, Institute of Physiology, tel. A 2-74-23 Cheravev_ Iltya Iltich (Inorganic Chemistry), born 20 Jan 1893; elected 27 Sep 1943; member DCS Home: Moscow Zh-240, Koteltnicheskaya nab. 1/15, apt. 292, tel. B 7-41-07 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, tel. V 2-02-24 Shaposhnikov, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Tehhnical Microbiology), born 24 Feb, 1W, elected 23 Oct. 1953, member in DBS Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University. Building K, apt. 96, tel. V 9-23-91 Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Biological-Soil Faculty, tel. B 9-25-47; B-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Microbiology, tel. V 2-30-85 Shevyakov, Lev Dnitriyevich (Mining), born 15 Jan 1889, elected 29 Jan 1939, member DTS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Proap. 13, apt. 95, tel. V 2-49-30 Office: Moscow Lyubertsy, p/0 4, Institute of Mining, tel. Zh 1-90-10, ext. 20-42; Moscow V-71, Leninsky Prosp. 14, DTS, tel. V 1-13-24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Shemyakin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (Organic Chemistry), born 26 Jul 1908; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 15, tel. V 2-52-16 Office: Moscow V-312, 1-y Akademicheskiy Proezd 18, Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, tel. V 7-25-51; G-48, ul. Pogodina 10, Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry, Academy of Medical Sciences, tel. G 6-86-88; V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DCS, tel. V 3-47-76 Shamanskiy, Tulian Aleksandrovich (Shipbuilding), born 17 Dec 1883; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Posse: Leningrad P-11, nab. Chernoy rechki 12, apt. 14, tel V 3-70-04 Office: Leningrad M-158, Moskovskoye sh. 20, Central Scientific Research Institute imeni Krylov, tel. K 8-86-65 Shmall auzen, Ivan Ivanovich (Evolutionary Morphology), born 23 Apr 184; elected 1 Apr 1935; member in DBS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 4/34, Korp. B, apt. 16, tel. V 7-47-52 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Embryology Laboratory, Zoological Institute, tel. V 2-40-27, V 2-36-48 Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Writer), born 24 May 1905; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DLL Home: Veshenskaya [Village] Rostov Oblast; Moscow G-2, Starokorvushennyy per. 19, apt. 44, tel. G 1-59-61 Shtern, Lina Solomonovna (Physiology), born 26 Aug 1878; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS Home: Moscow 6-284, Dorogomilovskaya naber. 3, apt. 6, tel. 3-1,/,-0:- Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Proap. 33, Institute of Biophysics, tel. V 2-49-22 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Shubnikov, Aleksey Vasiltyevich (Crystallography), born 29 Mar 1887; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 3(DKR-3), apt. 7? tel. V 7-25-38 Office: Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 3, Institute of Crystallography, tel. V 1-27-20 Shuleykin, Vasiliy Vladimirovich (Marine Physics), born 13 Jan 1895 elected 30 Nov 1946; member DPMS Home: Moscow G-69, ul Vorovekiy 35, apt. 61, tel. D 2-04-05 Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-33-08; Moscow, Lyublino, Sadovaya 1, Institute of Marine Hydrophysics, tel. Zh 7-92-53 Shcherbakov, Dmitriy Ivanovich (Geochemistry and Minerology), born 13 Jan 1893; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS Home: Moscow V-180, M. Yakimanka 3, apt. 3, tel. V 3-24-52 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DGGS, tel. V 1-58-03 Shchukin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (Radio Engineering), born 22 Jul 1900; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DTS Engel'Aardt, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Biochemistry), born 4 Dec 1894; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 136, tel. V 2-09-26 Office: Moscow V-312 1-y Akademicheskiy Proezd 18, Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, tel. V 7-23-U Yudin, Pavel Fedorovich (Philosophy), born 7 Sep 1899; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DEPLS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 30, tel. V-50-000 Offieis Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Philosophy, tel. K 4-70-23 - 30 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 T , Aleksandr Leonidovich (Geology, Geography), born 28 Mar 1911; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD and DGGS Home: Moscow V-71, M. Kaluzhskaya 12, apt. 8, tel. V 4-00-27, ext. 8 Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, tel. 3-84-08 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Aayyev, Khabib Mukhamedovich (Geology of Natural Deposits), born 31 Aug 1912, elected 20 Jun 1958; member DGGS. Home: Tashkent, ul. Dem'yana Bednogo 2-a, tel. 2-67-38. Office: Tashkent, ul. Kuybysheva 15, Presidium of the Academy of Sciences UzSSR, tel. 2-68-47; ul. Stalin 33, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, tel. 2-61-66, ext. 18 Av , Artavazd Arshakovich (Genetics, Selection), born 21 Jul 1907 elected 4 Jul 1946; amber DBS. Home: P/o Tam Moscow Oblast, Gorki Leninskiye, Experimental Scientific Research Base of the Institute of Genetics. Office: Saone as home, tel. V 4-60-10, ext. 400. Avaneso v, Ruben Ivanovich (Linguistics), born 14 Feb 1902; elected 20 Jun 1958; amber DLL. Home: Moscow V-333, 1-y Akademicheskiy Proyezd 34/4, apt. 169, tel. V 7-51-97- Office: Moscow G-16, Volkhonka 18/2, Institute of the kasian Language, tel. G 6-04-20, tel. G 5-11-58. Avdeyev, Valentin Nikolayevich (Automation, Electrotechnology), born 16 May 1915; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD. Home: Novosibirsk, ul. Chaplygin 48, apt. 29. Office: Novosibirsk, tel. 3-60-65. Ave .7u, Grigoriy Aleksandrovich (Hydrogeology), born 29 Dec 1906; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, M. Kaluzhakaya 12, apt. 50, tel. V 4-00-27, ext. 50. Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetly per. 29, Institute of Geography, tel. V 1-78-86; Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DGGS, tel. V 3-18-51. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Aite-yev, Nikolay Vladimirovich (General and Inorganic Chemistry), born 30 Jun 1903; elected 4 Dec 1940; member DCS. Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheramuahkinskaya 3 (DNR-3), apt-15, tel. V 7-44-73. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy proep. 49, Institute of Metallurgy, tel. V 7-19-21; D-219, Baltiyskaya ul. 14, All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, tel. D 7-78-45? oshkov, Mikhail Ivanovich (Mining), born 12 Nov 1905; elected elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow Zh-127, nab. M. Gortkiy 32/34, apt 113, tel. V 1-76-99. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Presidium of the Acad.- of Sciences, tel. V 1-34-83; Moscow, Lyubertsy, p/o 4, Institute of Mining, tel. Zh 1-90-10, ext. 20-25. Adrianova-Peretts, Varvara Pavlovna (Russian Literature), born 12 May 1888; elected 29 Sep 1943; member DLL. Home: Leningrad D-14, ul. Mayakovekiy 27, apt. 15, tel. Zh 2-66-01 Alekain, Oleg Alekeandrovich (Hydrochemistry), born 23 Aug 1908; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS. Home: Leningrad V-26, V. o., Lin. 2, apt. 148, tel. A 3-31-96. Office: Leningrad V-164, nab. Makarov 2, Laboratory of Limnology, tel. A 2-40-48 Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich (Mathematics), born 4 Aug 1912; elected 4 Dec 1946; member in DPMS. Home: Leningrad D-41, nab. Moiki 1/7, apt. 2, tel. A 1-19-70. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Leningrad State University, tel. A 2-28-56. Aleksandrov, Boris Kapitonovich (Hydrotechnology), born 19 Aug 1889; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow 1-164, Prosp. Mira. Zamorinskiy per. 11, apt. 13, tel. I 7-19-23. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Office: Moscow B-5, 2-ya ul. Bauman 7, "Gidroenergoproyektn . Hydroenergy Project, tel. Ye 1-95-81. Ales `, Aleksandr Yemeltyanovich (Electrical Machine Construction), born 27 Nov 1891; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Home: Leningrad P-46, Pl. Revnlyuteii 1/5, apt. 126, tel. V 3-97-75- Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Institute of Electro- mechanics, tel. A 4-67-17; F-31, Moskovskiy prosp. 9, Institute of Engineers of Railroad Transport, tel. A 9-85-96 Aleks evsk , Nikolay Yevgentyevich (Physics), born 23 May 1912; elected 10 Jun 19 ; member DPMS, Home: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye sh. 2, apt. 8, tel. V 7-13-14, Office: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye sh. 2, Institute of Physical Problems, tel. V 7-64-97 A imarin, Ivan Pavlovieh (Analytical Chemistry), born 11 Sep 1903; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University Building I, apt. 87, tel. V 9-18-80. Office: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye eh. 47-a, Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Moscow State University, ~Chemistry FFaculty, tel. V V9-13-82. Alikhant,- , Artem Isaakovich (Physics), born 24 Jun 1908; elected 4 Dec 194 ; member DPMS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 30, apt. 93-94, tel. V 2-38-99. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninakiy prosp. 53, Physics Institute, tel. V 7-00-03 ext. 273? Amiranashvili, Shalva Yaaonovich (History of Arts), born 7 Apr 1899; elected 29 Sep 1 443; member DHS. Home: Tbilisi, prosp. Chavchavadse, 2, apt. U. Office: Tbilisi, ul. Ketskhoveli 1, State Museum of Arts of Georgian SSR, tel. 3-46-08; Prosp. Chavehavadse 1, Tbilisi State University. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Amiraslanov, Ali Agamaly ogli (Ore Deposits), born 22 Dec 1900; elected 23 Oct 1953; member WAS. Home: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalova 18/22, apt. 74, tel. K 7-88-77. Office: Moscow D-56, Be Grusinskaya 4/6, Ministry of Geology and the Preservation of Resources of USSR, tel. D 2-34-28, D 2-15-00, ext. 252. Andrianov, Kustma Andrianovich (Chemical Technology), born 28 Dec 1904; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS Home: Moscow To-250, Krasnokasarmennaya 19, podtyesd 1, apt. 11, tel. Zh 4-00-67 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose. 31, Institute of Organo- Elemental Compounds, tel. V 2-08-98. ii simov, Ivan Ivanovich (Literature Studies), born 16 Feb 1899; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DLL Home: Moscow V-35, Lavrushinskiy per. 17, apt. 90. tel. V 1-52-75, Office: Moscow G-69, ul. Vorovskogb 25-a, Institute of World Literature, tel. K 4-50-30. Arsenyan, Amushavan Agafonovich (Political Econaajy), born 14 Feb 1904; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DlL5 Home: Moscow Zh-240, Koteltnicheskaya nab. 1/15, Building V, apt. 64, tel. B 7-46-48 Office: Moscow Zh-74, Kitayskiy proezd 7. Institute of World Economics and International Relations, tel. K 5-06-09 tsikhovsk Artamiy Vladimirovich (Archeology), born 26 Dec 1902; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DHS. Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory Moscow State University, Building K, apt. 113, tel. V 9-19-53- Office: Moscow K-9, ul. Gertsen 6, Moscow State University, tel. B 9-9914, ext. 228. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 oux] -huM Asratyan, Ezras Asratovich (Physiology), born 31 May 1903; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 13, apt. 89, tel. V 2-08-65. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, tel. V 2-12-86, V 2-49-86; V-17, Pyatnitskaya ul. 48, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, tel. V 1-08-81. Astaurov, Boris L'vovich (Cytology), born 27 Oct 1904; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DBS. Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DNR-3), apt. 125, tel. V 7-43-30. Office: Moscow V-296, Lomonosovskiy prosp. 16, Institute of Animal Morphology, tel. V 9-19-16. Afans t ev Georgiy Dmitriyevieh (General Geology, Petrography), born 17 Mar 19 ; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS Home: Moscow I-41, prosp. Mira 70-a, apt. 18, tel. I 1-21-60 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, Presidium of the Acadeo;y of Sciences, tel. V 1-64-83; V-17, Staromonetnyy per 35, Institute of Geology of Mineral Deposits, Petrography, Minerology and Geochemistry, tel. V 3-16-53, V 1-05-08, ext. 11 Akhvlediani, Georgic Saridanovich (General Linguistics and Comparative Grammer of Indo-European Languages, and Phonetics), born 13 Apr 1887; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DLL Home: Tbilisi, ul. Perovskoy 14. Office: Tbilisi, prosp. Chachavadze 1, State University tel. 2-39-02, ext. 17. Baranov, Pavel Aleksandrcvich (Botany, Plant Morphology), born 28 Jul l W2-,- elected 29 Sep 1943; member DBS. Home: Leningrad P-46, ul. Kuybysheva 1/5, apt. 127, tel. V 3-98-45 Office: Leningrad P-22, ul Prof. Popova 2, Botany Institute, tel. V 2-15-65. - 36 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Bar`, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Economic Geography), born 26 Jul 1881; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DGGS Homes Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Building L, apt. 18, tel. V 9-32-78 Barmi,a, Vladimir Pavlovich (Mechanics), born 17 Mar 1909; elected 2~ J7un 1958; member DTS Office: Moscow V-71 Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DTS. B khudarov, Stepan Grigortyevich (Linguistics), born 7 Mar 1894; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DLL Homes Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose. 13, apt. 145, tel. V 2-29-97. Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 18/2, DLL, tel. G 5-30-61. G 5-15-66; Institute of the Russian Language, tel. G 6-17-01. Bashkirov, Andrey Nikolayevich (Chemical Engineering), born 22 Dec 1903, elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS. Home: Moscow D-252, Novo-PeschanWa ul. 21, Korp. 1, apt. 13, tel. D 7-31-88. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29, Institute of Petro-chemical Synthesis, tel. V 1-90-33, ext 37; Moscow G-48, M. Pirogovskaya 1, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, tel. G 6-50-20, ext. 74. B -B enko, Gorigoriy Yakovlevich (Entomology), born 7 Feb 1903; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DBS. Home: Leningrad, K-196, Novocherkasskiy prosp. 59, apt. 110, tel. Zh 2-19-80, ext. 375? Offices Pushkin, Leningrad obl., Komsomol'skaaya 10, Leningrad Agricultural Institute; Leningrad V-164, V. o., Univsrsitstskaya nab. 1, Zoological Institute, tel. A 2-00-43 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Andre- Nikolayevich (Biochemistry), born 29 Aug 19051 elected 2 Jun 1958; member DBS. Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Building K, apt. 130 tel. V 9-17-76. Office: Moscow V-234, L ninskiye Gory Moscow State University, Biology Soil Faculty, tel. V 9-28-28; V-71, Loninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Biochemistry, tel. V 2-32-05. ousov Vladimir Viadiairovich (Geotectonics and General Geology), born 30 Oct 1907; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DOGS. Home: Moscow B-232, Sokol'nicheskaya sl. 14/18, apt 25, tel. Ye 1-47-26. Office: Moscow D-56, B. Grusinskaya 10, Institute of the Physics Earth tel. D 2-23-07, D 0-00-01, ext 2-73; V-234 Leninskitiys Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-19-12. BSIt h v Nikolay Fedorovich (Russian Literature), born 16 Nov 1890; elected 23 Oct 1953; der DLL. Homes Moscow D-252, Novo-Peschanaya 21, apt. 32, tel. D 7-24-38. Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 18/2, DLL, tel. G 5-30-61 B ev Anatoliy Ivanonich (Metallurgy and Metallograpby), born 18 Oct 1906; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DTS. Horns: Moscow V-93, B. Serpukhovskaya 17/44, apt. 14, tel. V 1-19-54. Office: Moscow V-49, Krymskiy val/3, Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, tel. V 1-51-30. Berko # v Pavel Naumovich (Literature Studies), born 14 Dec 1896; acted 10 Jun 1960; Member DLL. Home: Leningrad V-178, V. o., 13 Lin 56, apt. 5, tel. A 3-00-53. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitstskaya nab. 11., Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext 135.; V-164, nab. Makarova 4, Institute of Russian Literature, tel. A 2-37-94 - 38 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 JV/\ I -I IIJIVI Bitsadse, Andrey Vaailtyevich (Mathematics), born 22 May 1916; elected 2 Mbar 1958; member SD. Home: Moscow D-252, 2-ya Peschanaya 3, apt. 61, tel. D 7-74-88; Novosibirsk 55, Akademgorodok, Mikrorayon A, House 1, apt. 18 Office: Novosibirsk 55, Mikrorayon A House 43, Institute of Mathematics. Blaxoy, Dmitriy Dmitriyevic (Russian Literature), born 9 Feb 1893; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DLL. Home: Moscow V-17 Lavrushinskiy per. 17, apt. 101, tel. V 1-16-07. Office: Moscow G-69, ul. Vorovskogo 25-a, Institute of World Literature, tel. B 1-53-08? Blinova, Yekterina Nikitichna (Geophysics), born 7 Dec 1906; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 123, tel. V 2-46-19. Office: Moscow B-150, Glebovskaya ul. 20-b, Institute of Applied Geophysics, tel. Ye 3-50-48? Blokhintsev. Dmiitriy Ivanonich (Physics), born 11 Jan 1908; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DPMS Home: Moscow Zh-240, Koteltnicheakaya nab. 1/15, korp. B, apt. 165; Dubna, Moscow obl. ul. Parkovaya 1, tel. B 6-22-52, B 7-42-66 Office: Dubna Moscow obl., Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, tel. B 6-22-43 Bogorov, Veniamin Grigortyevich (Oceanology), born 24 Dec 1904; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, M. Kaluzskaya 12, apt. 49, tel. V 4-00-27, ext. 49. Office: Moscow Zh-127, ul. Bakhrushina 8, Institute of Oceanology, tel. V 3-00-26, ext. 3. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Bo , Georgiy Borisovich (Physico-Chemistry), born 9 Oct 1909; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD and DCS. Home: Moscow V-234, Leninakiye Gory, Moscow State University, Building I, apt. 88, tel. V 9-18-82. Office: Moscow V-334, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Geology Faculty, tel. V 9-23-30. Bol'shakov, Kirill Andreyevich (Chemical Engineering), borr_ 24 Dec 1906; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS. Home: Moscow D-98, 2-y Shchukinskiy proesd 2, apt. 101, tel. D 4-09-98. Office: Moscow G-48, M. Pirogovskaya 1, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, tel. G 6-98-46. Bore, skov, Georgiy Konstantinovich (Physical Chemistry, Catalysis), born 20 Apr 1907; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD and DCS. Home: Moscow B-64, Per. Gay da ra 7, apt. 14, tel. K 7-38-30 Office: Moscow B-120, ul. Obukha, 10, Physical Chemistry Institute, tel. B 7-04-81; Novosibirsk 99, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Catalysis. Borkovskiy, Viktor Ivanovich (Linguistics), born 18 Jan 1900; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DLL. Home: Moscow D-252, 2 ya Peschanaya ul. 6, apt. 51, tel. D 7-2D-55- Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 18/2, Institute of the Russian Language, tel. G 5-39-61. Borovkov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich (Turkish Studies), born 29 Mar 1904; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DLL. Home: Leningrad D-88, ul. Zhelyabov 7, apt. 63, tel. A 2-60--97. Office: Leningrad V-164, Universitetskaya nab. 5, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Linguistics, tel. A 2-01-33. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Braunah , A1ehsaudr Yevseyevich (Animal Biochemistry), born 26 May 1902; a eo ed 10 Jun 1960; member DBS. Home: Moscow A-55, Novoslobodakaya 57/65, apt. 24, tel. D 1-55-56. Office: Moscow V-312, 1-y Akademicheskiy proezd 18, Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, tel. V 7-14-05; G-117, Pogodinekaya 10, Institute of Biology and Medical Chemistry, Acaden y of Medical Sciences, tel. G 6-69-80. Brekhovskikh, Leonid Maksimovich (Physics), born 6 May 1917; Elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3-y Akademicheskiy proezd 10, korp 2, apt. w9, tel. V 7-39-22. Office: Moscow V-36, ul Televideniya 4, Acoustics Institute, tel. V 5-32-16. Briling, Nikolay Romanovich (Heat Engineering), born 14 Oct 1876, elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow G-19, id. Marks-Engeltsa 7/10, apt 26, tel. B 8-23-54- Office: Moscow D-57, Leninskiy prosp. 64, Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, tel. D 7-73-79; Krasnoproletarskaya 32, Laboratory of Engines, tel. I 1-87-25. Brodskiy, Aleksandr Iltch (Physical and Inorganic Chemistry), born 19 Jun 1895; elected 30 Sep 1943; member DCS. Home: Kiev 34, Reyterskaya 11, apt. 6 tel. 4-11-98. Office: Kiev 28, B. Kitayevskaya 97, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences UKSSR, tel. 7-11-53. Bruk, Isaak Semenovich (Electrical Engineering), born 8 Nov 1902; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DTS. Home: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalov 21, apt. 47, tel. K 7-48-37. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 18, Institute of Electronic Controlling Machines, tel. V 2-05-4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Budker, Gevah Itskovich (Physics), born 1 May 1918; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD. Home: Moscow D-57, Peachanaya ul. 14-a, apt. 4, tel. D 7-53-84. Office: Moscow D-182, ul. Kurchatov 46, Institute of Atomic Energy, tel. D 4-94-92, D 4-96-58? Budnikov, Petr Petrovich (Inorganic Chemistry and Technology of Silicates), born 21 Oct 1885; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DCS. Home: Moscow G-2, Troilinakiy per. 3, apt. 10, tel. G 1-40-58. Office: Moscow D-196, Miusskaya pl. 9, Moscow Chemic-Technological Institute, tel. D 0-00-06, ext. 256; Kiev, Vladiairekaya 54, Academy of Sciences UkSSR. Bul vsk , Leonid Arsen'yevich (Slavic Language Studies), born 14 Apr 18 8; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DLL. Home: Kiev 30, ul, Kotsyubinskiy 9, apt. 17, tel. 5-10-77. Office: Kiev, ul. Lenin 15, Institute of Linguistics, Academy of Sciences UkSSR, tel. 5-31-75, 4-83-13. Bushmin, Aleksey Sergeyevich (Literature Studies), born 15 Oct 1910; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DLL. Home: Leningrad 14-135, ul. Basseynaya 29, apt. 32, tel. K 8-59-86. Offices Leningrad V-164, V. o., nab. Makarov 4, Institute of Russian Literature, tel. A 2-65-43. Bushuyev, Konetantin Davydovich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), born 23 May 1914; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DTS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DTS, tel. 14-53-98. B khovs , Boris Yevseyevich (Parasitology), born 27 Aug 1908; elected 10 Jun 19 ; member DBS. Home: Leningrad P-183, nab. Chernoy rechki 12, apt. 66, tel. V 3-65-06- offices Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 1, Zoological Institute, tel. A 2-59-22, A 2-69-04. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Varentsov, Mikhail Ivanovich (Petroleum Geology), born 20 Jan 1902; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, 1-y Donskoy proezd 15, apt. 16, tel. V 2-08-72. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29, Institute of Geology and Processing of Mineral fuels, tel. V 3-20-43. Vdoveoko. Viktor Mikhaylovich (Radiochewistry), born 31 Dec 1906; elected 20 Jun 1958; amber DCS. Hone: Leningrad 5-24, Nevskiy prosp. 160 apt. 2, tel. 1 4-78-97. Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Rentgena 1, Radius Institute, tel. V 2-76-59; V-164, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 160. Vests, Veniasin Isaakovich (Power Engineering), born 4 Jan 1905; elected 1 Feb 1933; amber DTS. Hose: Moscow D-40, Leningradskiy prosp. 28, apt. 28, tel. D 3-60-00 ext 99. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiyy prosp. 19, Power Engineering Institute, tel. V 2-58-25. V.14 v, M kh&i1 Andreyevich (Hydrology, and Dynamics of Strea* Currents )a born 22 Jan 1879; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DGGS. Hams: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 47, tel. V 2-50-96. Veresh , Leonid Fedorovich (Physics), born 29 Apr 1909; elected 10 Jun 19 ; amber DPMS. Hoes: Moscow G-248, Hutusovskiy prosp. 10/9, apt. 238, tel. G 3-59-68. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninakiy prosp. 31, Institute of Physics of High Pressures, tel. V 2-19-04. Vernov, Sergey likolWevich (Physics), born 10 Jul 1910; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS. Hoag: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Building L, apt. 34, tel. V 9-34-17. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Office: Moscow V-234, Leninakiye Gory, Moscow State University tel. V 9-18-18, V 9-36-86. Vlasov, Kustma Alekseyevich (Geochemistry, Genetic Mineralogy), born 14 Nov 1905; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt. 46, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 62. Office: Moscow K-12, ul. Kuibyshev 8, Institute of Minerology, Geochemistry, and Crystallochemistry of Rare Elements, tel. K 5-90-87, B 1-26-95. Vo vodsl , Vladislav Vladislavovich (Chemistry), born 25 Jul 1917; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD, DCS. Home: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye sh. 2, apt. 21, tel. V 7-00-12, ext. 324. Office: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye sh. 2, Institute of Chemical Physics, tel. V 7-00-12, ext. 315; Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion. Volo din, Aleksandr Grigortyevich (Geology, Paleontology), born 11 Mar 1896; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninakiy proap. 61/1, apt. 113. Office: Moscow V-71 Leninskiy proap. 33, Paleontology Institute, tel. V 2-38-44. Vonsovskiy, Sergey Vasiltyevich (Physics), born 2 Sep 1910; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS. Home: Sverdlovsk 14, ul. Sheynkmana 19, apt. 108, tel. D 1-53-77- Offices Sverdlovsk, Vtusgorodok, ul. S. Kovalevskoy 13, Institute of Physics of Metals, tel. D 1-85-40, ext. 12, 47; tel. D 1-34-89. Voroshtsov, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Chemistry), born 6 Jun 1907; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD, DCS. Home: Novosibirsk 5, ul, Dershavin 19, apt. 81, tel. 2-02-54, ext. 381. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Office: Novosibirsk 99, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Organic Chemistry, tel. 2-40-42, 2-03-45, ext. 61. Vul.~ Bentsion Moiseyevich (Physics), born 22 May 1903; elected 2Jan 1939; member DPMS. Home: Moscow K-l, ul. Aleksey Tolstoy 24, apt. 49, tel. K 7-99? Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 53 Physics Institute, tel. V 7-00-03, ext. 207 Galin, Lev Aleksandrovich (Mechanics), born 28 Sep 1912; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow Ye-77, Sredr-aya Pervcmayskaya 21, apt. 34, tel. ?e 5-50-38. Office: Moscow D-40, Laiingradskiy prosp. 7, Institute of Mechanics, tel. D 1-52-08. Gatovs , Lev Markovich (Political Econoq of Socialism), born 26 Jul 1903; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DEPTS. Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 4/43, korp B. apt. 335, tel. V 7-64-4O. Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Economics, tel. 1-5-85-51 Gafurov, Bobodzhan Gafurovich (History of the USSR, Archeology), born 31 Dec 1908; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DHS. Home: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 8, apt. 117, tel. B 9-71-38. Office: Moscow Center, Arxyanskiy per. 2. Institute of Asian Peoples tel. B 1-18-84. Gel'fa:d, Izrailt Moiseyevich (Mathematics), born 2 Sep 1913; elected 2T-(Wt--1?53; member DPMS. Home: Moscow D-252, Novo-Pecahanaya 26/11, apt. 38, tel. D 7-31-23. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Mechanical-Mathematics Faculty, tel. V 9-16-01,,D 0-31-83. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Golf Aleksandr Osipovich (Mathematics), born 24 Oct 1906; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DPMS. Home: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalov 1/4, apt. 35, tel. K 7-38-33. Office: Moscow V-333, 1-y Akademicheskiy proezd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91; V-234, Leninekiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-29-90. Geraeimov, Yakov Ivanovich (Physical Chemistry), born 23 Sep 1903; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS. Home: Moscow V-296, Lomonosovekiy prosp. 14, apt. 499, tel. V 9-21-83. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-12-05. Ginzburg, Vitaliy Lazarevich (Physics), born 4 Oct 1916; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DPMS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3-y Akademicheskiy proezd 10, korp. 2, apt. 37, tel. V 7-51-76. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 53, Physics Institute, tel. V 7-00-03, ext. 203. Golubtsov, Vyacheslav Alekseyevich (Heat Engineering), born 11 Apr 1894; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow Ye-116, Lefortovskiy val. 7/6, korp 3, apt 22, tel. Zh 3-51-96. Office: Moscow Ye-250, Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, tel. Zh 3-56-08; V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 19, Power Engineering Institute, tel. V 4-00-05, ext. 2-28, and 2-38. Goluna , Sergey Alekeandrovich (Law), born 3 Jul 1895; elected 2 Jan 1939; member DEPIS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 36, tel. V 2-4&-95- Office: Moscow G-19, ul. Frunse 10, Institute of Government and Law, tel. B 1-91-21. - 46 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ggKWg2pv, Tisaofey- Fedorovich (Mining and Mstatlurgy), born 22 Jun 1900; i Mar 19581 amber SD. Home: Novosibirsk, ul. Derzhavin 19, apt. 35, tel. 2-31-72. Offices Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, SD, tel. 3-55-21. v, Aleksandr Vasil'yevich (Transportation), born 4 Aug 1902; sleeted 28 Jan 1939; mea'oer DTS. Home: Moscow G-2, Arbat 20, apt. 21, tel. G 1-41-11 Offices Moscow V-55, ul. Obrastsov 15, institute of Baginesrs of Railroad Transport, tel. 1 4.41.00, ext. 406. JpgfiLd_X, Ivan Ivanovich (Geology), born 12 Sup 1893; skated 29 Sep 19431 somber DGGS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3-7 Akadeenichuskiy proezd 3, apt. 18, `..el. V-7-28-10, Offices Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DGG3, tel. V-3-16-51, tel. V 2-00-00, ext. 290. gooMboov, Nikolay Ivanovich (Neurology), born 26 Mar 1901; cleated 29 Jan 1,939l somber DBS. Home: Moscow Zh-240, KotelwnicheeIca a nab. 1/15, korp. B, apt. 133, Tel. B 7-45-25. Offices Moscow G-48, B. Bosheninovskiy per. 11, Clinic of Nervous Diseases, Laboratory of Neurohmooral Relation, tel. 6 6-05-20, ext. 254. Eduard Ivanovieh (Mechanics), born 13 Dec 1923; elected 28 Mar 58; member SD Home: Moscow V-296, ly Akedraicheskiy proezd 34/4, korp. V, apt. 391, tel V 7-55-65; Novosibirsk 55, korp. 5, apt 22. Officer Novosibirsk 55, Akadaagorodok, Institute of 10drotbaamics. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Grinberg, Georgiy Abranovich (Mathematical Physics), born 16 Jun 1900; elected 4 Dec 1946; asaber DPMS. Hoes: Leningrad K-18, Lesnaya ul. 15, apt. 6, tel. G 2-09-80, ext 807? Office: Leningrad K-21, Politekhnicheskaya ul. 2, Physical Technological Institute, tel. G 2-06-82, G 2-09-90, ext. 256. Gross, Yevgeniy Fedorovich (Physics), born 20 Oct 1897; elected 4 Dec 1119946; member DNS. Home: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, apt. 52, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 35, A 2-15-08. Office; Leningrad K-21, Politekhnicheskaya ul. 2, Physicol-technological Institute, tel. G 2-09-80, ext. 452; V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Physics Institute, Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 58. Guber, Aleksandr Andreyevich (General History), born 1 Apr 1902; elected 23 Oct 1953; wiember DHS. Home: Moscow D-315, Chasovaya ul. 17, apt. 34, tel. D 7-52-09. Office: Moscow V-36, 1-ya Cheremushkinakaya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-24. Gutvrsa, Viktor Stepanovich (Chemistry and Petroleum Technology), born 11 Sep 1910; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Kiev 23, per. Mechnikov 9-a, apt. 37, tel. 4-37-71. Office: Kiev, Vladimirakaya 55, Institute of Chemistry of Polymers and Monomers, Academy of Sciences UkSSR, tel. 4-23-65? ov, Stepan Nikolayevich (Organic Chemistry), born 7 Jan 1889; elected 30 Sep 1943; member DCS. Home: Leningrad Center, nab. Moyki 99, apt. 2, tel. A 4-86-93. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birshevoy proesd 6, Institute of High-Molecular Compounds, tel. A 2-15-94; F-13, Zagorod:py prosp. 49, Technological Institute iasni Lensovst, tel. K 2-10-54, ext. 125, 197. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 VV/\ 1-1 IVIVI De atkoovv, Nikolay Dmitriyevich (Radio Engineering, Electronics, Automation, and Teleaschanics), born 11 Apr 1907; elected 23 Oct 1953; ors DTS. Hole: Pryasino, Moscow Oblast Institutskaya 12, apt. 42, tel. To 5-28-42, ext. 186. Office: Moscow K-9 Mokhovaya 11, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, tel. B 9-90-03. Dam, Boris Nikolayevich (Mathematics), born 15 Mar 1890; elected 31 Jan 1929; member DPMS. Home: Moscow V-35, Pyatnitskaya 12, apt. 5, tel. V 1-16-57. Office: Moscow V-333, 1-y Akadenicheskay proesd 28, Mathematics Institute, tel. V 7-27-91. De , Boris Vladiairovich (Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Aerosols, and Molecular Physics), born 9 Aug 1902; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DCS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3-y Akademicheskiy proesd 10, korp 2, apt. 47, tel. V 7-58-59. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose. 31, Institute of Physical Chemistry, tel. V 2-53-08, V 4-00-14, ext 273? DDsshe a ve Boris Sergeyevich (Physics), born 12 Dec 1910; elected 23 Oct 1953; amber DPKS. Home: Leningrad V-4 V. o., 7-ya Lin. 28, apt. 5 Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Rentgen 1, Radium Institute, tel. V 2-14-09. Dobroklonskiy, Mikhail Vasil'yevich (History of Art), born 3 Nov 1886; elected 29 Sep 1943; amber DHS. Home: Leningrad Center, ul. Krasnaya 54, apt. 44, tel. A 1-41-18 Office: Leningrad V-34, V. o., Universitetekaya nab. 17, Institute i.meni Repin of the Academty of Arts USSR, tel. A 3-65-38; D-65, Dvortsovaya nab. 34, State Hermitage, tel. A 2-95-97. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Dolg=osk, Boris Aleksandrovich (Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds), born 12 Nov 1905; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS. Ham: Leningrad D-28, ul. Saltykov-Shchedrin 20, apt. 3, tel. Zh 2-53-38- Office: Leningrad V-164, Birshevoy proesd 6. Institute of High- Molecular Compounds, tel. A 2-15-94; L-35, Gapasaltskaya ul. 18, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber, tel. D 1-1Ap-31, ext. 2. Dollesh<,, Nikolay Antonovich (Heat Engineering, Atomic Engineering). born 27 Oct 1899; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DTS. Dubin, Nikolay Petrovich (Genetics, Zoology), born 4 Jan 1907; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DBS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt. 30, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 66, Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Institute of Biophysics, tel. I 3-91-01. Duman ki , Anton Vladimirovich (Colloidal Chemistry), born 20 Jun 1880; elected 1 Feb 1933; member DCS. Home: Kiev, ul. Chelyuskintsev 15, apt. 23, tel. 9-35-77- Office: Kiev, ul. Leontovich 9, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences UkSSR, tel. 5-22-31, 4-9f-96, ext 18, 36. Dukhov, Nokolay Leonidovich (Mechanics), born 26 Oct 1904; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow G-131, Komsomoltskiy prosp. 41, apt. 212, tel. G 7-03-62. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DTS. Dnik, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Philosophy), born 1 Mar 1896; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DEPLS? Horns: Moscow Zh-240, Kotsltnicheskaya nab. 1/15, apt. 325, tel. B 7-45-37. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI C._ Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Philosophy, tel. K 4-70-23? D' ac henko, Vasiliy Petrovich (Political Economy), born 10 lug 1902; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DEPLS. Home: Moscow D-40, Leninskiy prosp. 10, apt. 36, tel. D 1-74-78. Office: Moscow Zh-74, Kitayskiy proesd 7, Podfezd 2, Room 18, DEPLS. tel. K 5-43-45. yelisev, Nikolay Aleksandrovich (General Geology), born 7 Dec 1897; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DGG8. Home: Leningrad D-187, nab. Kutusov 26, apt. 14, tel. Zh 2-50-91 Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., nab. Makarov 2, Laboratory of Geology of the Precambrian Age, tel. A 2-08-74. 7emeltvamov, Vasiliy Semenovich (Metallurgy,) born 12 Feb 1901; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS? Home: Moscow G-69, ul. Vorovskiy, Trubnikovskiy pert 29/31, apt. 21, tel. K 4-77-12. Office: Moscow, tel. V 3-54-27, V 3-97-22? T?rnnahtedt, Petr Viktorovich (Coptic and Greek Languages), born 21 Jun 1890; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DLL- Ham: Leningrad V-53, V. o., 1-ya Lin. 48, apt. 1, tel. A 3-32-16. Yefino v, Aleksey Vladisirovich (History), born 30 Jan 1896; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DHS Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy proap 57, apt. 1, tel. V 4-00-12 ext. 68. Office: Moscow V-36, 1 ya Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of Ethnography, tel. V 5-29-82. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i uun I -nuivi Zhavoronkov, Nikolay Mikha+ylovich (Chemical Engineering), born 7 Aug 1907; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS. Home: Moscow B-64, per. Gaydar 5-a, apt. 40, tel. K 7-98-30. Office: Moscow D-47, Miusakaya pl. 9, Moscow Chemical Engineering Institute, tel. D 1-12-30; B-120, ul. Obukha 10, Physical Chemistry Institute, tel. B 7-00-14, ext. 70, B 7-14-25. Zhirow , Viktor Maksimovich (German Philology, Western European Literature , born 2 Aug 1891; elected 28 Jan 1939; member DLL. Home: Leningrad F-2, Zagorodrgy prosp. 10, apt. 10-a, tel. A 5-51-37. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetakaya nab. 5, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Languages, tel. A 2-01-33. nrkov, Serafin Nikolayevich (Physics of Polymers), born 29 May 1905; elected 20 Jun 1958; amber DPK5. Home: Leningrad K-21, Priyutskaya 1/4, apt. 8, tel. G 2-09-80, ext. 570. Office: Leningrad K-21, Pblitekhnicheskaya ul. 2, Physical-Engineering Institute, tel. G 2-49-80, ext. 915? Zababakhin Yevgeniy Ivanovich (Physics), born 16 Jan 1917; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DPMS. Office: Moscow, tel. D 4-93-31 Zavalishinn, I itriy Aleksandrovich (Electrical Engineering), born 13 Apr 1900; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DTS Home: Leningrad Zh-28, ul. Petr Lavrov 20, apt. 8, tel. Zh 2-64-52. Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Institute of Electro- mechanics, tel. A 4-67-17. Ysvgeniy Konstantinovich (Physic.), born 28 Sep 1907; elected 2 Oct 1953; member DPW. Hama: Moscow D-98, 2-y Shchukinskiy proesd 1, apt. 3, tel. D 4-94-81. Office: Moscow D-182, ul. Kurchatov 46, Institute of Atomic Energy tel. D 4-96-85. - 52 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 oux] -huM IMMkjy, Aleksandr Smenovich (Metallurgy), born 9 Sep 1905; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DTS. Home: Moscow B-120, ul. Chkalov 48-b, apt. 62, tel. B 7-24-80 Office: Moscow D-182, ul. Kurchatov 46, Institute of Atomic Ennergy, tel. D 4-81-52, D 4-82-62. ve v, Mitrofan Stepanovich (Astronomy), born 16 Apr 1903; elected 23 Oct 1953; number DPMS. Hoe: Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo Main Astronomical Observatory, tel. K 8-84-24. Offices (Sam as how), tel. K 8-84-01? vonkov, Vasiliy Vasilfyevich (Transportation), born 6 Jan 1891; elected 28 Jan 1939; number DTS. Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheskaya nab. 1/15, apt. 304, tel. B 7-42-27 Office: Moscow Center, M. Khariton'yevskiy per. 4, Council of the Problem of Water Conservation, tel. B 1-79-50. Z=kqvich, Lev Aleksandrovich (Oceanology), born 16 Jun 1889; elected 23 Oct 1953; amber DOGS. Home: Moscow V-296, Lomonosovskiy prosp. 14, apt. 492, tel. V 9-25-56. Office: Moscow Zh-127, ul. Bakhrushin 8, Institute of Oceanology, tel. V 9-19-61; Tsent, M. Kharitov'yevskiy per. 4, Oceanographic Commission, tel. B 8-92-53; V-234, iwninakiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-36-56. ? v Dsitriy Vladisirovich (Electronics), born 20 Mar 1907; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3-y Akademicheskiy proesd 3, apt. 94, tel. V 7-71-29- Office: Moscow, Mokhovaya 11, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, tel. B 9-91-09- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Zu+As, Tan 7akovl?vich (History of the USSR), born 16 Aug 1893; elected 23 Oct 1953; number DRS. Hoes Riga, Sovstskiy bal. 12, apt. 6, tel. 2-59-79. Office: Riga ul. Turgenev 19, Institute of History, Academy of Sciences LIIWSSR. Imo. Leonid Aleksandrovich (Physiology and Plant Zoology), born 25 Feb 1871; elected 29 Dec 1922; number DBS. Home: Moscow V-71, Laninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 39, tel. V 2-28-97? Office: s. Uspenskoye, Zvenigorodskogo Rayon, Moscow Oblast. Laboratory of Forestry* jVK3j44Vj&s Nikolay Daitriyevich (Microbiology), born 4 Jan 1901; elected 10 Jun 1960; number DBS. Home: Moscow V-333, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 4/34, korp. A, apt. 82, tel. V 7-51-77. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Institute of Microbiology, tel. V 2-30-85, V 2-30-07 ? hin, Alekssy Antonovich (Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity), born 20 Jan 1911; elected 29 Sep 1943; member DTS. Home: Moscow Center, Chistyye Prudy 9, apt. 44, tel. B 3-71-52. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninkiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-15-88, V 9-31-50. beret , Alsksandr Alsksandrovich (General Microbiolo&, born Jan 19051 elected 4 Dec 1946; member DBS. Homes Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 107, tel. V 2-51-56. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Institute of Microbiology, tel. V 2-31-45. Iovchuk, Mikhail Trifonovich (History of Philosophy), born 19 Nov 1908; elected 4 Dec 1946; number DaM.S. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Hoses: Moscow Center, Sretenskiy bul. 6/1, apt. 162, tel. 1 5-19-40. Offices Moscow G-li, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Philosophy, tel. K 4-70-23; Mokhovaya 9, Moscow State University, Philosophy Faculty, tel. B 9-99-14, ext. 169. s v Ivan Stepanovich (oceanology), born 22 Aug 1894; elected 20 Jun 1958; number DOGS. Hoare: Moscow G-99, Ssolenskaya nab. 5/13, apt, 120, tel. G 1-33-44. Office: Moscow G-21, Frunsenskaya nab. 44, Ministry of Defense of USSR, tel. G 6-02-01. Isaak Abramovich (Inorganic and General Cheaistry), born 29 Sep 18W; elected 29 Jan 1939; somber DCS? 7, apt. 10, tel. K 7-05-80? Hcsass Moscow B-64, per. Gaydar Office: Moscow B-120, ul. Obukha 10, Physico-Chesdcal Institute, tel. B 7-00-14, ext. 119, 450. Kaleg"k. Stanislav Vikentwyevich (Geography, Glaciology), born 23 Jan 19M; elected 23 Oct 1953; number DOGS. Hosse: Leningrad P-22, ul. Prof. Popov 4, apt. 3, tel. V 2-10-14- Office: Leningrad v-164, V. o., nab. Makarov 2, Laboratory of Lisnrolo?, tel. A 2-04-48; Center, Krasaaya ul. 60, Geography Faculty, Leningrad State University, tel. A 4-76-38; Center, per. Grivtsov 10, Geographical Society of USSR, tel. A 5-55=76 K , Mikhail Davidovich (Philosophy), born 1 Mar 1898; elected '~ Oct 953; somber DHIIL8. Hosies Moscow G-19, B. Afanas'yevskiy per. 17a/7, aPt? 9, tel. G 1-61-56. Office: Moscow G-19 Volkhonka 14, Institute of Philosophy, tel. K 483-47. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Kantorovich Leonid Vitaltyevich (Economics and Statistics), born 15 Jan 1912; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD. Home: Leningrad P-3, Boltshoy prosp. 32, apt. 7, tel. V 4-62-46. Office: Leningrad D-11, Fontanka 25, Leningrad Department of Mathematics Institute, tel. A 1-90-58; V-178, V. o., 10-ya Lin. 33, Mathematics-Mechanics Faculty, Leningrad State University, tel. A 3-10-72. Karavayev, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (Chemistry and Fuel Technology), born 7 Jun 1890; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DTS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt. 139? Office: Moscow B-66, ul. K. Marks 21, Moscow Institute of Chemical Equipment Construction, tel. Ye 7-00-06, ext. 32; V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29, Institute of Mineral Fuels, tel. V 2-41-84 K and ev, Konstantin Borisovich (Automation and Electrical Engineering), born 18 Jul 1907; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD. Home: Novosibirsk 48, ul. Vatutin 27, apt. 53. Office: Novosibirsk, ul. Michurin 23, Institute of Automation and Electrometry, tel. 2-02-54, ext. 202; Novosibirsk, ul. K. Marks 23, Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute. Kachalov, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Technology of Silic ates), born 20 Jun 1883; elected 1 Feb 1933; member DCS. Home: Leningrad D-25, ul. Vosstaniya 6, apt. 5, tel. Zh 2-93-13. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., nab. Makarov 2, Institute of the Chemistry of Silicates, tel. A 2-71-43; F-13, Zagorodrgy prosp. 49, Technological Institute imeni Lensovet, tel. K 2-44-19= Kedrov, Bonifatiy Mikhaylovich (Philosophy), born 10 Dec 1903; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DEPLS. Home: Moscow G-34, 1-y Zachattyevekiy per. 10, apt. 2. Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Philosoft, tel. K 4-83-47. - 56 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Kell', Nikolay Georgiyevich (C.odesy, Aerial Surveying), born 20 Jan 13 elected 4 Dec 1946; member DGGS. Home: Leningrad V-26, V. o., 21-ya Lin. 2, apt. 20, tel A 3-60-7'T Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birshevoy proezd 6, Laboratory of Aeromethods, tel. A 2-45-64; V-26, V. o., 21-ya Lin. 2, Mining Institute, tel. A 3-90-41, ext. 63. Kibelt, Ilya Afanas'yevich (Mathematics), born 19 Oct 1904; elected 29 Sep 1943; member DPMSS. Homes Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 123, tel. V 2-46-19. Office: Moscow B-150, Glebovskaya ul. 20-b, Institute of Applied Geophysics, tel. To 3-03-14. Kin, Maksim Pavlovich (History of the USSR), born 25 May 1908; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DHS. Home: Moscow V-311, 1-ya ul. Stroiteley 4, apt. 27, tel. V 0-23-33. Office: Moscow V-36, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of History tel. V 5-24-24. Kirillin, Vladimir Alekseyevich (Heat Engineering), born 20 Jan 1913; e ected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow B-78, Sadovo-Spasskaya ul. 21/1, apt. 159, tel. K 5-03-98, Office: Moscow Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, tel. K 6-22p41; Ye-250, Krasnokazarnennaya 17, Laboratory of High Temperatures, tel. Zh 3-56-77. is ev, Sergey Vladiairovich (History of the USSR, and Archeology), born 17 Jul 1905; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DHS. Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheakaya nab. 1/15, korp VK, apt. 136, tel. B 7-44-50. Office: Moscow V-36, 1-ya Cheremusidskaya 19, DI3S, tel. V 5-30-31; Institute of Archeology, tel. V 5-19-22. Kj~lko, Grigoriy Vasiltyevich (Radio Engineering), born 20 Jul 1.8; acted 20 Jun 1958; member DTS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy proep. 14, DTS. Kishkin Sergey Timofeyevich (Metallurgy and Metallography), born 30 May 1906; elected 10 Jun 1960; amber DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy proep. 14, DTS. 11005KO , Turiy Borisovich (Radio Engineering), born 8 Dec 1905; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Hose: Moscow V-72, ul. Serafimovich 2, apt. 305, tel. V 1-44-88. Office: Moscow K-9, Mokhovaya 11, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, tel. B 9-82_11. Kovalev, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Mechanics, Hydraulic Turbine Construction), born 2 Feb 1908; elected 23 Oct 1953; amber DTS. Hoes: Leningrad 5-15, Suvorovskiy proap. 56, apt. 31, tel. Zh 2-99-53. Office: Leningrad S-167, Konstantinogradaka+ya ul. 6, Central Scientific Research Institute for Biolers and Turbines iaeni Polsunov, tel. A 2-52-94. Kokiy, Aleksandr Alekseyevich (Chemistry), born 10 Sep 1906; elected 28 Mar 1958; member SD and DCS. Home: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye sh. 2, apt. 52, tel. V 7-00-12 ext? 330; Novosibirsk 55, Nauchnyy Gorodok 2-V, apt. 12. Office: Novosibirsk 55, Nauchnyy Gorodok, Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion. Kovda, Viktor Abramovich (Soil Science), born 29 Dec 1904; elected 23 Oct 1953; amber DBS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3-y Akademicheskitiy proesd 10, korp. 2, apt. 29, tel. V 7-53-76 Office: Moscow V-17, Pyshevskiy per. 7, Institute of Soil Science, tel. V 1-50-37; V-234, Lsninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Biology and Soil Science Faculty, tel. V 9-27-40. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Kolosov likolay Origor'yevich (Histology), born 20 Apr 189Ts elected 23 Oct 1953; member DBS. Home: Leningrad P-46, Petrovskaya 3-a, apt. 7, tel. V 3-90-13. Office: Leningrad P-46, Petrovskaya 3-a, Institute of Physiology, tel. V 3-94-50; V-164, V. o., Universitstskaya nab. 7/9, Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 116. Pnobeyeval k Sergey Tikhonovich (Physics), born 27 Apr 1890] elected Doc 19M; amber DPHS. Rome: Moscow D-98, 2-y Shchukinskiy proezd 2, apt. 3, tel. D 4-06-58. Office: Moscow, tel. D 4-11-17, D 4-82-86. Kononov, Andrey Aikolayevich (Turkish Studies), born 27 Oct 1906; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DLL. Hose: Leningrad D-14, ul. Vosstaniya 31, apt. 8, tel Zh 2-28-23. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 106; D-41, Dvortsovsya nab. 18, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Asian Peoples. tel. A 1-86-06. Konstantinov, Fedor Vasil'yevich (Philosophy), born 21 Feb 1901; elected 23 Oct member DEPLS. Hose: Moscow V-T1, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 41, tel. V 2-35-23 Office: Moscow G-19, ul. Marks-Engel'sa 5, Editorial Board of the Journal "Kommunist", tel. K 4-10-30, ext. 99. Korovin, Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich (International Law and the History of International Relations), born 12 Oct 1892; elected 4 Dec 1946; member DEPLS. Home: Moscow B-62, ul. Zhukovskiy 11, apt. 22, tel. B 3-49-81. Office: Moscow 0-19, ul. Frunze 10, Commission on the Legal Problems of Interplanetary Space. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM [orotkov Aleksey Andrayevich (Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds), born 25 Feb 1910; elected 20 Jun 1958; amber DCS. Home: Leningrad P-183, nab. Chernoy rechki 10, apt. 7, tel. V 3-95-58. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birshevoy proud 6, Institute of High Molecular Compounds, tel. A 2-15-94; L-35, Gapsal'skaya ul. 18, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber, tel. D 1-14-31, ext. 15. aorshak Vasiliy Vladimirovich (Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds), For; 9 Jan 1909; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS. Home: Moscow D-252, 2-ya Peschanay ul. 3, apt. 9, tel. D 7-19-30. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31, Institute of Organo-Elemental Compounds, tel. V 2-58-67. los in Yuriy Aleksandrovich (Geology and Geography), born 22 Jan 1911; elertod 28 Mar 1958; member SD. Home: Novosibirsk ul. Dershavin 19, apt. 78, tel. 2-02-54, est. 378; Moscow G-21, Zubovskiy bal. 16/20, apt. 116, tel. 0 6-50-97. Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics; Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 7, Geological Institute, tel. V 1-93-91. &oton Mikhail Mikhaylovich (Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds) born ec 1908; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DCS. Home: Leningrad M-70, Noskovskiy prosp. 171, apt. 66, tel. [ 8-06-12. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birshevoy proesd 6, Institute of High- Molecular Compounds, tel. A 2-07-71. Lochetkov Nikolay Nonstantinovich (Chemistry of Natural and Biologically Active Co.pounds), born 18 May 1915; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DCB. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 129, tel. V 2-51-16. Office: Moscow V-312, 1-y Akademicheskiy proesd 18, Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, tel. V 7-25-5). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Loch shkov ts?nofont AlstsaMorvich (Organic Chaistry), Dorn 12 Dec 1894] ? . c 19M6j somber DC8. ao^?: Noscow V-333, 1-7a Cher. shtinslpya 3 (DM-3), apt. 117, t?1. V 7-4k-23. Of ice: Noscor 3-120, ul. Obuhha 10, Pbysical-Ch ical Institute, t?1. s 7-00-14, ext. 588, 532, 596. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Knunyants, Ivan Lyudvigovich (Organic Chemistry), born 4 Jun 1906 elected 23 Oct 1953; member DCS. Home: Moscow Zh-240 Kotel'nicheska'a nab. 1/15, Section B, apt. 336, tel. B 7-46-47 Office: Moscow B-5, ul? Bauman 22, Institute of Organo-Elemental Compounds, tel. Ye 1-18-70 (laboratory); ul. Bauman, Brigadirskiy per. 13, Military Academy of Chemical Defense, Tel Ye. 7-01-06, ext.130. Koshtoyante, Khachtaur Sedrakovich (Comparative Physiology), born; 26 Sep 1900; elected 29 Jan 1939; member DBS. Rome: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalov 1/4, apt. 19 tel. K 7-56-25. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Animal Morphology, tel. V 2-20-88; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology-Soil Science, Te. V 9-28-27. Krasil'nikov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich (Microbiology, born 18 Dec 1896; elected 14 Dec 1946; member DBS Home: Moscow I-41, Prosp. Mira 70-a, apt 51, tel. I 1-00-72. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Microbiology, tel. V 2-30-85; V-234, Leninskiye Gory Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology-Soil Science, tel. V 9-35-46. Kress, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich (Physiology, Biochemistry), born 1 May 1899 elected 4 Dec 1946; member DBS. Home: Leningrad P-137, ul, Dalya 4, apt. 12, tel. V 3-57-29. Office: Leningrad K-21, Staro-Pargolovskiy Prosp. 52, Institute of Evolutionary Physiology, tel. G-2-09-80, ex 773 Kruzhil'n,L Georgiy Nikitich (Heat Engineering), born 6 Jun 1911; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prosp. 61/1, apt. 93 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 19, Power Engineering Institute o tel. V 2-13-25, V4-00-05, ext. 390 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 00" -- -~71tt Kruzhkov, Vladimir Semenovich (Philosophy), born: 16 Apr 1905 elected 23 Oct 1953; member DEPLS. Home: Sverdlovsk, ul. Beninskiy 12, apt. 18, tel. D 1-27-27. Office: Sverdlovsk, ul. Lenin 49, Newspaper "Ural'skiy Rabochiy," tel. D 1-51-40 Kruus, Khans Khansovich (History), born: 22 Oct 1891, elected 4 Oct 1946 member DHS Home: Tallin, ul. Pyarnu Maantyee 28, apt. 4, tel. 4-57-97 Office: Tallin, ul. Estoniya puyyestyee, 7, Institute of History, Academy of Sciences Esthonian SSR, tel. 4-24-31. Krylov, Aleksandr Petrovich (Chemistry and Petroleum Technology), born 14 Aug 1904, elected 23 Oct 1953, member DTS Home: Moscow G-59, Dorogomilovskaya Nab. 1/2. apt. 199, tel. G 3-50-14, ext 199 Office: Moscow A-8 , Pervyy Dmitrovskiy Proyezd 10, Petroleum Gas Scientific Research Institute, tel I 6-29-30 Kuzin, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich (Radiobiology), born 30 May 1906, elected 10 Jun 1960, member DBS Home: Moscow D-252, Novo-Peschanaya ul. 21, apt. 52, tel. D 7-51-60 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Biological Physics, tel. V 2-49-22. Kuznetsov, Valeriy Alekseyevich (Geology and Geography), born 12,Apr 1906, elected 28 Mar 1958, member SD Home: Novosibirsk, ul, Derzhavin 19 apt 102 Office: Novosibirsk, ul, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, tel. 2-03-45, ext 6 Kuznetsov, Yuriy Alekseyevich (Geology and Geography); born 19 Apr 1903 elected: 28 Mar 1958 member SD Home: Tomsk, Timiryazev Prosp. 26, apt. 7-a, tel. 60-51 up to 60-55 ext 255 Office: Tomsk, Timiryazev Prosp., 9, Polytechnical Institute, tel. 60-51 up to 60-55, ext 205 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Kuznetsov, Viktor Ivanovich (Mechanics), born 27 Apr 1913, elected 20 June 58, member DTS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DTS Kuznetsov, Sergey Ivanovich (Microbiology) born 17 Nov 1900, elected 10 Jun 60, member DES Home: Moscow B-5, Volkhovskiy Per. 21, apt 1, tel. Ye 1-21-25- Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, Institute Microbiology, tel V 2-30-85 Kuprevich, Vasiliy Feofilovich (Botany, Physiology of Lower Plants); born 23 Jan 1897, elected 23 Oct 1953, member DBS Home: Minsk, Stalin Prosp. 66, Presidium, Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR, tel. 3-29-71, ext 1, 3-21-03 Kursanov Dmitriy Nikolayevich (Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Tagged Atoms ; born 13 Apr 1899, elected 23 Oct 1953, member DCS Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheskaya Nab. 1/15, Korp. B, apt 81 tel. B 7-44-01 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 31, Institute of Organo-Elemental Compounds, tel. V-2-08-98. Lavrenko, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich (Botanical Geography) born 23 Feb 1900, elected 4 Oct 1946, member DES Home: Leningrad P-22, ul. Prof. Popov 2, apt. 3-A, tel. V 2-09-99 Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Prof. Popov 2, Botanical Institute A vx , Konstantin Petrovich (Chemistry and Petroleum Technology), born: 19-Noy 18981 elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Home: Moscow V-71, Per" Donskoy Proyesd 15, apt. 25, tel. V 2-51-90 Office: Moscow V-71, Leniaskiy Propp. 29, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, tel. V 2-51-62. Viktor Wikitich (History of Arts); born: 3 Sept 1897; elected 29 1943; member DIS. Haa: Moscow V-333* Leninskiy Prosp. 61/1, apt. 18, tel. V 4-00-12, ext 67. Office: Moscow X-319 Knsnetskiy Most 15, Institute of History of Arts, tel. B 8-48-58. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Laarionovv, Andrey Nikolayevich (Electrical Machine Building), born: 16 Jul 1689; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member DTS Home: Moscow Ye-250, Kraenokazarmennaya 12, Corpus 3, apt 43, tel Zh 4-3g-0O. Office: Moscow Ye-250, Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MEI), tel Zh 3-51-00- Loving, Revekka Saulovna (Economics), born: 13 Nov 1899; 28 Jan 1939; member DEPLS. Home: Moscow, G-59, Berezhkovskaya nab. 40, Section B. Floor 6, apt 189, tel. G 3-35-07. Levit. kji , Oleg Dmitriyevich (General Geology), born 19 Mar 1909; elected 23 Oct 19531 member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, M. Kaluzhskaya 12, apt 26, tel V 4-00-27, eat 26. Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetyy per. 35, Institute of Geology of Mineral Deposits, Petrography and Geochemistry (IGEM), tel. V 1-05-08; ext 40. Levich, Veniamin Grigortyevich (Physical Chemistry), born 30 Mar 1917; elected 20 Jun 1958; member DCS. Home: Moscow, V?312, 3rd Akademicheskiy proyezd 3, apt 98, tel V 7-25-19. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31, Institute of Electrochemistry, tel V 4-00-14, eat 216; Center, ul. Kirov 21, Mosoow Engineering Physics Institute, tel B 1-73-85. Leonttyev, Lev Abramovich (Political Economics), born 10 May l; elected 28 Jan 1939; menbrerDEPLS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt Linnik, Yuriy Vladimirovich (Mathematics), born 23 Oct 1953; member PPS. 8 Jan 1915; elected Home: Leningrad K-100, Lesnoy prosp. 61, apt 156, tel. G 2-43-38. Office: Leningrad D-11, Fontanka 25, Leningrad Department of the Mathematics Institute, tel A 1-90-58. Li ham, Iltya Mikhaylovich (Physics), born 13 Jan 1917; elected 10 Jun1960; member KKPMS. Home: Kharkov, ul. Chaykovskiy 14, apt 10, tel 3--01-36, 3-05-00, ext 420. Office: Kharkov, Ynmovskiy tupik 2, Physico-Tech Insttate, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, tel. 3-05-00, ext 254, 294 - 65 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 jam, Dmitriy Sergeyevich (Russian Literatbre), born 28 Nov 1906; elected 23 Oct 53; member DLL. Home: Leningrad P-183, nab. Chernoy Rechki 12, apt 65, tel V 3--88-90. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o, nab. Makarov 4, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkints Hams), tel A 2-37-94. Lures, Anatoliy Isakovich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), born 19 Jul 1901; elected 10 Jun 1960, member DTS. Home: Leningrad K-64, Politikhnicheskaya 3, 2nd Professorskiy Dom, apt 90, tel G 2-86-82. Office: Leningrad K-64, Politekhnicheskaya 3, Polytechnical Institute, tel G 2-88-34, G 2-88-61. tom, Arkhip Mikhaylovich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), born: 23 Mar 1908; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: DTS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DTS. Iternik, Lazar' Aronovich (Mathematics), born: 31 Dec 1899; elected 4 Dec 1946, member DP). Home: Moscow B-64 ul. Chkalov 14/16, apt 15, tel K 7-50-75. Office: Moscow V-34, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Methematica, tel V 9-30-10. Makarev l , Alekeandr Ivanovich (Aiplane Construction); born 16 Apr 1904; elected 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, DTS Makoveltskiy, Alekeandr Osipovich (History of Philosophy); born: 22 Jul 1884, elected 4 Dec 1946, member: DEPLS. Home: Baku, Stalin Prosp 67, apt 20, tel 2-68-82. Office: Baku, Zevin ul. 4, Academy of Sciences Aserb.dzhan SSR, Philosophy Sector, tel 3-06-40. Alsksa dr Aleksandrovich (Natural History and Philosophy), boar: 1 Aug g 8911 elected 29 Sep 19431 member: PLS. Hme: Mosem V-71, Leninskiy Prosp 13, apt 104-b, tel V 2-26-11. - 66 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Ma v, Dmitriy Ddtriyevich (Astronomical Optics), born: 23 Apr 1896; elected 4 Oct 1946; members DPIrB. Haws Leningrad 1-140, Pulkovo, Main Astronomical Observatory. Offices Leningrad 14-140, Pulkovo, Main Astronomical Observatory, tel. K 8-84-20. Yusuf Geydarovich (Technical Chemistry), borne 31 Dec 1905; elected 20 Jun 19581 member DCS. Homes Baku, Stalin Prosp 103, apt 10, tel 2-40-36. Office: Baku, Komssunisticheskaya 10, Presidium, AcadaW of Sciences AsSSR, tel 2-35-29. ManU. Grigoriy Il'ich (Mining), born: 20 Mar 1897; elected: 10 Jun 1960, members DT3 Home: Moscow G-248, Kutusov Prosp 10/9, apt 226, tel G 3-53-27 Office: Moscow, Lyubertsy, p/o 4, Mining Institute, tel Zh--2-68-06, Zh 1-90-10, ext 20-0k. Markov. Andrey Andreyevich (Mathematics), born: 22 Sep 1903; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: IPMS. Home: Moscow I-164, Prosp Mira 108, apt 135, tel I 7-15-92. Office: Moscow V-333, Pervyy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 28, Institute of Mathematics, tel. V 7-27-91; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel V 9-30-31? Marker Moysey Aleksandrovich (Physics), born: 13 May 1908; elected: '?3 Oct 1953; member: IPMS. Home: Moscow V-312, Pervyy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 35, apt 33, tel V 7-53-07- Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prosp 53, Institute of Physics, tel 7-00-03, ext 219. Matulis: Yuozas Yuozovich (Physical Chemis*), born: 31 Mar 1899; e1eclea: 4 Dec 1946; member: DCS. Home: Vil'nyus, ul. Malonioi 11, eft 1, tel 3-38-". Office: Vil'nyus Stalin Prosp. 3, Acadai' of Sciences Lithuanian S8R, tel 2-36-51; ul. Kostsyushkoe 30, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Acadei r of Sciences Lithuanian SSR, tel 2-00-25. - 6T - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Mosel', Maksim Nikolayevich (Microbiology), born: 11 Oct 1901; elected 10 Jun 1960, member: DBS. Home: Moscow I-41, Prosp. Mira 70-a, apt 9, tel I 1-00-71 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp 33, Institute of Microbiology, tel V 2-30-85; V-312, Pervyy Akademicheskiy Proyezd Vi8, I Institute ute 89 of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, tel , Melent' ev, Lev Aleksandrovich (Power Engineering), born: 9 Dec 1908; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: SD Home: Irkutsk, ul. Lenin 22, apt 32, tel 58-19. Office: Irkutsk, ul. Lenin 5, East Siberian Affiliate of SD, tel 25-06 Mel'nikov, Nikolay Vasii'yevich (Mining), born: 28 Feb 1909; elected 23 Oct 1958; member: DTS. Home: Moscow G-69, Chaykovakiy ul. 28/35, apt 77, tel D 5-02-27 office: Moscow, Lyubertsy, P/O 4, Institute of Mining, tel Zh 2-23-51, Zh 2-75-56; Moscow K-2, Teatral'nyy Proyezd 3, State Scientific Economic Council of the Council of Ministers USSR, tel B 8-18-13. Mel'nikov, Oleg Aleksandrovich (Astronomy), born: 2 Apr 1912; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: W. Hoene: Leningrad Tsentr 1, Pirogov per. 10, apt 17, tel A 0-94-92. Office: Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo, Main Astronomical Observatory, tel 8-84-21. Men'shoVZ Dmitriy Yevgen'yevich (Mathematics), born: 19 Apr 1892; elected 23 Oct 1953; member IPMS. Home: Moscow G-21, B. Bozheninovskiy per 5, apt 14. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel V 9-14-73; V-312, Pervyy Akademicheakiy Proyezd 28, Institute of Mathematics, tel V 7-27-91. Mere an, Sergey Nikitivich (Mathematics), born: 19 May 1928; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: EPA S. Home: Yerevan, ul. Bagraupran 50-b, apt 21, tel 3-07-08- office: Yerevan, tel. 4-13-02. 68 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Ylesbcber~rakvr, Mikhail Grigir'yevich (Physics), born: 17 Sep 1910; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: IP14B. Nome: Moscow D-98, Vtoroy S&utinskiy prayezd 1, apt 4, tel. D 4-91-40; B 6-22-08, ext 26 Office: Dubna, Moscow obl., Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, tel B6-22-90 Migdal, Arkadiy Beynusovich (Physics), born: 11 Mar 1911; elected: 23 Oct 1953 r ]PV.. Nome: Moscow Zh-4, ul. Chkalov 52, apt 37, tel K 7-42-41. Office: Moscow D-182, Kurchatov ul. 46, Institute of Atomic Hnergy, tel D 4-92-06. Mikayasn Artem Ivanovich (Airplane Construction), born: 5 Aug 1905; elected 23 Oct 1953, member: MS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosy 14o DTS Millionshchikov, Mikhail Dnitriyevich (Physics), born: 16 Jan 1913; elected: '23 -Oct 1953; member: DPMS. Nome: Moscow D-98, Pekhotnaya 24, Cottage 6, tel D 4-92-45- Office: Moscow D-182, ul. Kurchatoy 46, Institute of Atomic lbergy, tel D 4-92-41. Mirchink, Mikhail Fedorovich (Petroleum Geology), born: 15 Jun 1901; elected 23 Oct 1953, member: DOGS. Nome: Moscow G-248, prosp. Kutuzov 10/9, apt 125, tel G 3-55-27. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosy. 29, Institute of Geology and Processing of Mineral Fuel, tel V 3-13-95, v 3- Mikhaylov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Astronoapr), born: 26 Apr 1888; elected: 29 Sep 1943; member: IPMS. Nome: Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo, Main Astronomical Observatory, tel K-8-84-25. Office: Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo, main Astronomical Observatory, tel K 8-22-42, K 8-84-00. Mishin: Vasiliy Pavlovich (Mechanics), born: 18 Jan 1917; elected; X -Jun 1958, member DTS Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DTS -69- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Mishustin, Yevgeniy Nikolayevich (Microbiology), born: 22 Feb 1901; elected: 23 Oct 1953, member: DBS Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 13, apt 110, tel V 2-58-78 Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiyy prose 33, Institute of Microbiology, tel. V 2-30-07. Molodenakiy, Mikhail Ser)eyevich (Gravimetry), born: 16 Jun 1909; elected 1 Oct , member: TAMS. Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheskaya nab 1.15, building V. Apt 57, tel B 7-45-73 Office: Moscow G-242, B Gruzinskaya 10, Institute of Soil Physics, tel D 0-00-01, ext 506. Moshkin Panteleymon Afanaa'yevich (Chemical Technology); born: 14 Feb 18911 elected : 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-35, Pyatnitskayya ul. 12, apt 1-a. Office: Moscow Ye-112, sh. Eatuziastov, Perovskiy Proyezd 41, Scientific Research Institute of Plastics, tel Zh 4-05-42, ext 327, 344, 511. Hostel', Eval'd Rudolifovich (Astronomy, Astropbrsics); born: 3 Jun 1911, elected: 23 Oct 1953, member: WM8. Home: Moscow B-232, Sokol'nicbeskaya sl. 14/18, apt 2, tel Ye. 1-40-76. Office: Moscow G-242, B. Gruzinakays 10, Astronomical Council, tel. D 2-05-82, D 0-00-01, ext 390. NeLman, Leonid Robertovich (Electrical Engineering); born: 6 Apr 1902; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Home: Leningrad K-64, Politicheskaya 3, apt 86, tel G 2-89-46. Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab 18, Institute of Hlectromechanics, tel A 4-63-24; Y-64, Politekhnicheskaya 3, Politechnical Institute, tel. G 2-85-72, 0 2-87-94. Nekrasov, Boris Vladimirovich (General and Inorganic Chemistry); born: 3-w--i-999; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DCS. Home: Moscow 0-21, Zubovskiy bul. 16-20, apt 26, tel G-07-93- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Nekrasov, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Economics and Statistics), born: 1 Jul 1906; elected: 28 Mar 1958; member: SD. Home: Moscow G-69, Khlebnyy per 6-a, apt 12-a, tel D 7-51-30- Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetnyy per. 35, Council for the Study of Productive Resources (of the Academy of Sciences USSR) of the State Scientific Economic Council of the Council( Ministers USSR, tel V 1-05-08, ext 102. Nenadkevich, Konstantin Avtonomovich (Geochemistry, Chemical Mineralogy), born: 3 Apr 1880; elected: 4 Dec 1946, member DGGS. Home: Moscow V-180, M. Yakimanka 3, apt 15, tel V 1-94-84 Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetnyy Per. 35, Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystallochemistry of Rare Elements, tel 1-05-08, ext 74. Nikitin, Nikolay Ignat'yevich (Organic Chemistry); born: 12 Mar 1890; elected: 29 Jan 1939; member: DCS. Home: Leningrad K-18, Institutskiy per 5, apt 108, tel G 2-09-82, ext 35? Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birzhevoy proyezd 6, Institute of High Molecular Compounds, tel A 2-15-94, G 8-35-34. Nikolayev, Anatoliy Vasil'yevich (Inorganic Chemistry, Radiochemistry ), born: 27 Nov 1902; elected: 28 Mar 1958; member: SD Home: Moscow B-64, Chkalov ul. 21/2, apt 36, tel K-7-56-79; Novosibirsk; Derzhavin ul. 19, apt 34, tel 2-02-54, ext 352. Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, tel 2-03-45, ext 52, 3-08-36. Nikolayev, Ivan Ivanovich (Transport), born: 11 Apr 1893; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Home: Moscow B-66, Novo-Basmanskaya 16, apt 63, tel Ye 1-79-65; Office: Moscow D-219, Baltiyskaya ul. 14, All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, tel. D 7-00-16, ext 19. Nikolskiy, Boris Petrovich (Radiochemistry and Physical Chemistry), born: 1 Oct 1900; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Leningrad M-70, Moskovskiy prosp. 171, apt 95, tel 8-06-39- office: Leningrad P-22, Rentgen ul. 1, Radium Institute, tel. V 2-76-59; V-4, V.o., Sredniy prosp. 41, Leningrad State University, Faculty of Chemistry, tel A 3-90-31, ext 4, 48. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Nikol'skii, Georgiy Vasil'yevich (Ichthyology), born: 6 May 1910; elected: 2T3 oct 1953; member: DBS. Home: Moscow B-78, Sadova-a-SPasskS-a 21, apt 30, tel B 2-16-24. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory Moscow State University, Soil Biology Faculty, tel V 9-25-38; V 2-03 n~Vs~ Len skiy, prosp Conmission on Ichthyrology, tel tel V 9-19-61. 33, Institute of Animal Morphology, Novikov, Ivan Ivanovich (Heat Engineering), born: 28 Jan 1916; elected: X1958; member: SD Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheskeya nab. 1/15, Building B, apt 89, tel B 7-49-84. Office: Moscow center, M. Khariton'yeveskiy per. 4, room 14, Institute of ThermaPhysics, SD, tel B 8-62-82. Novozhilav, Valentin Valentinovieh (Mechanics), born: 18 May 1910; elected 20 Jun 19 ; member: DTS. Home: Leningrad M-135, ul. Frunze 9, apt 80, tel K 8-30-36. Office: Leningrad V-178, V. o., 10th Lin. 33, Mathematics-Mechanics Faculty of the Leningrad State University, tel A 3-10-72. Novoselova, Aleksandra Vasil'yevna (General and inorganic chemistry), born: 23 Mar 1900; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-296, Lomonosovskiy prosp. 14, apt 7, tel V 9-15-80. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry, tel V 9-20-86. Nuzhdin, Nikolay Ivanovich (Genetics), born: 17 Apr 1904; elected: 3 Oct 1953; member DBS. Home: Moscow V-333? Pervaya Cherenmashkinskaya 3 (rKR-3); apt 23, tel V 7-52-78. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose 33, Institute of Genetics, tel V 2-13-84, V 2-37-86. Obuchev, Servey Vladimirovich (General Geology), born 3 Feb 1891; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: DGGS. Home: Leningrad V-106, Nalichnaaya ul., apt 7, tel A 7-26-69. Office: Leningrad V-164, V.o. nab. Makarav 2, Geological museum, tel A 2-75-82. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Obukhov Alekaandr Mikhaylovich (Geophysics), born: 5 May 1918; elected tTc-f 953; member: DPW. Home: Moscow V-312, 3rd Akademicheskiyy proyezd 3, apt 106, tel V 7-75-80. Office: Moscow G-242, B. Grusinsksya 10, Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, tel D 2-02-04. Odi Ivan Avgustovich (Strength of Metals), born: 7 Jul 1896; elected 4~ec 1946; member DTS. Hose: Moscow V-17, B. Ordynka 34/38, apt. 35, tel v 1-72-8o. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 49, Metallurgical Institute, tel V 7-19-88. O1'dero ge__, Dmitriy Alekseyevich (Linguistics, (Languages of Africa)), born: 23Apr 3; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member DLL. Hose: Leningrad P-22, Kirovskiy prosp. 47, apt. 18, tel. V 3-58;,56. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universitetskaya nab. 3, Institute of Ethnography, tel A 2-02-43, A 5-97-14, ext 3. Orlovski Pavel Yefimovich (Civil Law), born: 16 Oct 1896; elected 1953; member: DZPLS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 26, apt 44, tel V 2-03-35. Office: Moscow K-9, ul. Gertsen 11, Moscow State University, Faculty of Jurisprudence, tel B 9-47-02. Okhotsimski Dmitriy Yevgen'yevich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), born: 26 Feb 1921; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: DTS. Home: Moscow, V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt 76. Office: Moscow, V-333, Pervyy Akademicheskiy proyesd 28, Institute of Mathematics. Pavlov Igor' Mikhaylovich (Metallurgy, Pressure Working of Metals), born: 23 Jun 1900; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DTS. Home: Zh-54, Valovaya 4-2/44, tel V 2-57-26. Office: Moscow V-33, Leninskiy prosp. 49, Metallurgical Institute, tel V 7-00-01, ext 64. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Poshitnov Constantin Alekseyevich (History, Economics), born: 13 liar 1879; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DEPLB. Hose: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 13, apt 106, tel V 2-13-47. Office: Moscow G-19, Volokhonka 14, Institute of Economics, tel B 1-74-13. Pashkov Anatoliy Ignat'yevich (Political Economy), born: 15 Nov 1900; ..c ted: 23 Oct 1953; member: DZPLB. Ross: Moscow D-57, lfovo-Peschansya 8, apt 86, tel D 7-43-97. Office: Moscow 0-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Economics, tel B 1-27-58. Peyve. Aleksandr Vol'demarovich (Geology), born: 9 Feb 1909; elected: 20 Jun 1958; somber: DOGS. Hose: Moscow V-333, Pervaya Cheremushkinskaya 3, (DNR-3), apt 116, tel v 7-43-2, Office: Moscow V-17, pyshevskiy per. 7, Institute of Geology, tel V 1-04-43. Peve Yan Vol'desarovich (Soil Culture and Agronomy), born: 3 Aug 1906; elected: 23 Oct 1953; members DBS. Home: Riga, ul. Sverdlov 8, apt 5, tel 3-33-85. Office: Riga, ul. Turgenev, Academy of Sciences Latvian BBR, tel 2-90-00. Petrov Aleksandr Dsitriyevich (Organic Chemistry), born: 30 Aug 1895; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DCS. Hose: Moscow V-180, M. Yakisanka 3, apt 14, tel V 3-14-20. Office: Moscow V-312, Leninskiy prosp 47, Institute of Organic Chemistry, t tel V 7-00-13, ext 32. Petro, Aleksandr Petrovich (transpWt) born: 1 Sep 1910; elected: 13 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Home: Moscow B-140, Erasnoprudnays ul. 30-34, apt 32, tel T. 7-32-80. Office: Moscow 1-164, 3rd Mytishchinaksja 10, All-Union Central Scientific Research Inotitute(Ts H11), tel I 1-35-00, ext 192. Petrov Hikolsy Rikolayevich (Surgery, Oncology), born: 14 Oct 1876; elected 1939; member: DBS. Homo: Leningrad: S-15, ul. Saltykov-Shchedrin 41, apt 1, tel Zh 2-57-14. Office: Leningrad S-15, ul. Saltykov-Shchedrin 41, State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, tel Zh 2-65-52; P-129, Camsnnyy Ostrov, 2nd Beresovaya alleys 3, Institute of Oncology Academy of Medical sciences, tel V 3-70-76. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i uun I -nuivi Pet nov-Sokolov Igor' Vasil'yevich (Physical Chemistry), born: 18 Jun 1907; elected: 23 Oct 1943; member: DCS. Home: Moscow I-45, Rozhdestvenskiy Bul. 9, apt 7, tel B 8-79-77. Office: Moscow B-120, ul. Obukh 10, Institute of Physical Chemistry, tel B 7-10-42, P 7-00-14, ext 7. Pi levska Nina Viktorovna (Oriental Studies, Study of Byzantium), born: 14 a1094; elected: 4 i)ec 1946; member: DES. Home: Leningrad P-154, ul. Lrasnyy Kursant 9-a, apt 8, tel V 2-25-96. Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Leningrad Department of the Institute of k@ W n Peoples, tel A 5-00-01, ext 132. P1 ? Boris Ivanovich (Geology, Geobraphy), born: 6 Nov 1906; elected: 29 r 1958; member: DS. Home: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatekiy, Partizanskaya ul. 35, apt 7, tel 11-40; Moscow V-71, M. Kaluzhskaya 12, apt 60, tel v 4-oo-27, ext 60. Office: Moscow v-17, Staromonetnyy per. 35, Laboratory of Volcanology, tel V 1-05-08, ext 14; Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Pogranichnaya 3, Kamchatka Geological-Geophysical Observatory. Piksanov Nikolay Kir'yakovich (Rassian Literature), born: 12 Apr 1878; elected: 31 Jan 1931; member: DLL. Rome: Leningrad D-88, Volynskiy per 8, apt 8, tel A 0-72-17. Pi in Nikolay Alekseyevich (Automatics and Telemechanics), born: 18 May 1908; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 14, DTS. Pitol'kors, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Radio Engineering), born: 10 Oct 1896; elected: 1+ Dec 1946; member: DTS. Home: Moscow D-47, ul. Gor'kiy 43, apt 42, tel D 3-74-35. Office: Moscow tel G 9-00-08, ext 15-5, 16-24. Plaksin Igor' Nikolayevich (Mining, Benefication of Useful Minerals, Metallurgy); born: Oct 1900; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DTS. Home: Moscow V-17, Staromonetnyy per 33, apt 21, tel V 1-53-30. Office: Moscow, Lyubertsy, p/o 4, Institute of Mining, tel Zh 1-90-10, ext 29-49, 20-12; Moscow V-49, Krymskiy Val 3, Institute of Eon-Perous Metallurgy, tel V 1-51-30, V 3-48-18. -74- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 JV/\ I -I IIJIVI Plaude Karl Iarlovich (Hest Engineering), born: 27 Mar 1897; elected: 10 Jun 1960; caber: DTS. Hose: Riga, ul. Lenin 40, apt 34, tel 2-33-24. Office: Rigs, ul. Turgenev 19, Academy of Sciences Latvian 88R, tel 2-53-61. Plotnikov lirill lfikanorovich (Political Economy of Socialism), born: 2y07; elected 10 Jun 1960; member: DHPLS. Hose: Moscow D-40, Leningradkiy prosp 10, apt 15, tel D 1-20-92. Office: Moscow C-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Economics, tel B 1-27-58. orelov Aleksey Vasil'yevich (Mathematics); born: 3 Her 1919; elected: 10- Jun 1960; member: DPW. Hose: Kharkov, ul Babrus 6, apt 33, Office: Kharkov, pl. Tevelev 11, Physico-Technical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian 88R, tel 2-51-52. Poseranchuk Isaak Takovlevich (Physics), born: 20 May 1913; elected: 23 Oct ssa er: DNS. Hose: Moscow Zh-127, nab. Gor'kiy 4/22, apt 3, tel V 1-75-76. Office: Moscow, tel V 5-36-93. Ponosarev Boris Ilikolayevich (History of the USSR and Archeology); born: 12 Jan ; elected: 20 Jun 1958; sskrber: DHS. Hose: Moscow V-72, ul. Serafisovich 2, apt 206. Office: Moscow, Central Committee, CPSU, tel 6-27-08. Pontskorvo, Bruno Makeisovich (Physics), born 22 Aug 1913; elected: 20 Jun 1958; somber: DPMS, Rose: Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Parkovskaya ul. 3, tel B 6-22-08, east 146. Office: Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, tel B 6-22-88. Po v, Valeriy Ivanovich (Electrical Engineering), born: 3 Feb 1908; elected 23 19531 somber: DTS. Home: Moscow D-252, Novo-Peschanaya 21, building 1, apt 49, tel D 7-24-18. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 19, Institute Power Engineering, tel B 1-19-91. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Po v,, Tevgeniy Pavlovich (Automatics), born: 14 Feb 1914; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: DT8. Hose: Leningrad P-42, ul. Krasnyy Kursant 22, apt 32, tel V 8-86-01. Offices Leningrad P-82, Zhdanovskaya ul, 13, Military Academy iseni A.T. Moahaysk, tel V 8-85-92. Potemkin Fedor Vasil'yevich (General History), born: 23 Feb 1895; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DES. Home: Moscow V-71, Deninskiy prosp 13, apt 96, tel V 2-14-28. Office: Moscow V-36, lot Cheremushkinskaya 19, Institute of History, tel V 5-24-24. Predvodi elev Aleksandr Savvich (Physics), born: 11 Sep 1891; elected 26 Jan 1939; member: DTS. Home: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, BuildingK, apt 118, tel V 9-19-54. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Physics Faculty, tel V 9-12-07; V-71, Leninekiy prosp 19, Power Engineering Institute, tel V 4-00-05, ext 203. Prokhorov Aleksandr Mikhaylovich (Physics), born: 11 July 1916; elected: 10 Jun 0; member: DPNS. Hose: Moscow V-312, lot Akademicheskiy proyezd 35, apt 1, tel V 7-10-97. Office: Moscow V-312, Leninskiy prosp. 53, Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR (FIAN), tel V 7-14-38. Prudenskiy, German Aleksandrovich (Economics and Statistics), born: 23 Sep 1904; elected: 28 Mar 1958; member: SD. Home: Novosibirsk, Krasnyy prosp. 28 apt 127, tel 3-84-52; Moscow G-248, Kutuzovskiy prosp. 10/9, apt 231, tel G 3-57-68. Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Economics and organization of Industrial Production, tel 2-03-45, ext 24, 3-50-62. Ptits Boris Vladisirovich (Chemistry), born: 18 Jan 1903; elected: 10 Jun 1 0 mmember: SD. Home: Novosibirsk 55, Microrayon A, House 2, apt 22. Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, tel 2-03-45, ext 52. - 76 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 IUM Ptukha Mikhail Vasil'yevich (Statistics), born: 7 Nov 1884; elected: 29 Sep 1943; member~DEPiS. Home: Kiev 24, ul. Engel's 21 apt 16, tel 9-37-98. Office: Kiev, Vladimirskaya 54, Academy of sciences Ukrainian SSR, tel 4-95-96. Pustovalov, Leonid Vasil'yevich (General Geology, Petrography of sedimentary Rocks, Sedimentary Mineral Resources); born: 8 Aug 1902; elected 23 Oct 19 1953; member: DGGS. Home: Moscow B-62, ul. Chaplygin 1-2, apt 8, tel B 8-4o-61. Office: Moscow V-313, 3rd ul. Stroiteley 17, Building 1, Laboratory of Sedimentary Mineral Resources, tel V 0-59-14. Pshenits Nikolay Konstantinovich (General and Inorganic Chemistry), born: 14 July--091; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Moscow I-41, prosp Mira 70-a, apt 6, tel I 1-82-35. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose 31, institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IOMM), tel V 2-02-24. Rabinovich Isaak Moyseyevich (Construction Mechanics), born: 23 Jan 1886; elected: 14 Dec 1946; member: DTS. Home: Moscow B-66, Novo-Basmannaya 16, apt 54, tel Ye 1-78-13. Office: Moscow Zh-28, Pokrovskiy bul. 11, Military Engineering Labor Red Banner Academy, tel B 7-00-06, art 87. Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifbvich (Archeology, History of Primitive Society, Ancient story of the USSR), born: 10 Dec 1894; elected: 4 Oct 1946; member DES. Home: Leningrad D-88, Kanal Griboyedov 5, apt 50 tel A 5-47-04. Razuvayev, Grigoriy Alekseyevich (Organic Chemistry), born: 23 Aug 1895; e ec tie : 20 Jun 1958; member: DCS. Rome: Gor'kiy 22, Arzanasskoye Highway 15-a, apt 7, tel 3-79-29. Office: Goilkiy, Zhdanov nab. 11, Chemical Scientific Research Institute, tel 3-65-24. Ras letin Aleksandr Andreyevich (Radio Zngineering), born: 25 Aug 1908; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 14, DTS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM n-I R? en Vladimir Pavlovich (Stratigraphy, General Geology), born: 24 Jul 1882; elected: 4 Dec 1946; amber: DOGE. Rose: Leningrad D-25, Povarskoy per. 14, apt 4. Office: Leningrad V-164, V.o.t Birshevskiy proyesd 6, Laboratory of Aero- methods, tel A 2-45-6. Reutov, Oleg Aleksandrovich (Organic Chemistryr, Chemistry of Tagged Atoms), born: 5 Sep 1920; elected: 20 Jun 1958; somber: DCS. Home: Moscow K-50; ul. Gor'kiy 19, apt 72, tel K 5-54-59. Offices Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel V 9-12-34. Risnichnko Yuriy Vladisirovich (Geophysics), born: 28 Sep 1911; elected: 2 Jun 1950; somber: D. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prose 57, apt 23. Office: Moscow G-242, B. Grusinskaya 10, Institute of the Physics of Earth, tel D 0-00-01, eat 353. Ro inski Simon Zalsnovich (Physical Chemistry, Catalysis), born: 25 Mar 1900; elected: 29 Jan 1939, somber: DCS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose 13, apt 84, tel V 2-45-55. Offices Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose 31, Institute of Physical Chemists, V 2-00-65. Rozhkov, Ivan Sergeyevich (Geology), born: 2 Sep 1908; elected: 10 Jun 1960; ZW-e-r: SD. Home: Yakutsk, ul, Ordzhonikidze 2, apt 25, tel 7-11, Moscow Zh-240, Kotel'nicheskaya nab. 1/15, Building B, apt 99, tel B 7-41-14. Office: Yakutsk, ul. Petrovskiy 30, Presidium of the Yakut Branch, tel ATS-206. Rosashkin, Petr Sesenovich (Law), born: 28 Jun 1915; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DEPLS. Home: Moscow Center, Telegrafnyy per. 8, apt 8, tel K 4-78-52. Office: Moscow B-19, ul. Frunze 10, Institute of Government and law, tel B 1-39-56. ntsev Aleksey Matveyevich (Political Econosy of Socialism), born: 3 Feb ; elected: 10 Jun 1960; somber: DEPLS. Home: Moscow, Starokooyushennyy per. 19, apt 114, tel G 1-53-41. - 78 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM hkov. Vitally L?onidovich (Botany, General Biology), born: 30 Jun 1896; ? ect : 4 Dec 1946; member: DES. Hose: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalov 21/2, apt 48, tel K 7-62-34, Office: Moscow V -71, L?ninskiy prose 33, Institute of Microbiology, t?l V 2-30-07. Rykalin, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Welding of Metals), born: 27 Sep 1903; elected: 23 Oct 1953; Mskber DTS. Home: Moscow G-2, ul. Vakhtangov 17, apt 4, tel G 1-96-78. Office: Moscow V-333, L?ninskiy prosp. 49, Institute of Metallurgy, t?1 V 7-32-18. anski Mikhail Sergeyevich (Radio Engineering), born: 5 Apr 1909; e : 20 Jun 1958; member: DTS, Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 14, DTS. Sadovskki , Mikhail Alekssndrovich (Physics), born: 6 Nov 1904; elected: 23 Oct 1953; der: DPMS. Hone: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye Sh. 2, apt 44, tel V 7-22-22. Office: Moscow G-242t B. Grusinskaya 10, Institute of Physics of the Barth, tel D 2-04-4fi; V-133 Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, Institute of Chemical Physics, tel. V 7-66-11. ~Sashin~ Niko]ay Petrovich (Metallurgy), born: 14 Mar 1897; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Hone: Moscow G-270, Komsomol'skiy prosp. 45, apt 11, tel G 5-29-55. Office: Mosoor V-17, B. Tolmachevskiy 5, State Rare Metals Scientific Research Institute (Glredmet), tel V 1-13-09. Saks ~ Vladimir Nikolayevich (Geology and Geography), born: 22 Apr 1911; elected: 28 Her 1958; member: SD. Home: Novosibirsk 55, Akademgorodok, Mikrorayon A, House U. apt 12. Office: Novosibirsk 55, Aksdemgorodok, Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Samaria Ateksandr Mikaylovich (Metallurgy), born: 14 Aug 1902; elected: k ec~ member: DTS. Hose: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 13, apt 48, tel V 2-16-68. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp 49, Institute of Metallurgy, tel 7-21-19. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Sa oshnikov Leonid Mikaylovich (Physico-Chesistry and Technology of Fuel), born: 29 pr 1906; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DTS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3rd Akadeaicheskiy proyesd 3, apt 63, tel V 7-05-50. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy proap 29, Institute of Mineral Fuel, tel V 2-08-45, V 2-41-84. Saukov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Geochemistry), born: 15 Aug 1902; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DOGS. Home: Moscow Zh-4, B Kommunisticheskaya 24, apt 20, tel Zh 2-52-33. Office: Mosocv V-17, Staromonetnyy per 95, Institute of Geology of Mineral Depostts, Petrography, Minerology and Geochemistry, tel V 1-05-08, eat 54. Svetovidov Anatoliy Nikolayevich (Ichthyology), born: 3 by 1903; elected: 23 Oct 53; member: DBS. Home: Leningrad M-70, Moskovskiy prosp 171, apt 108, tel K 8-33-09- Office: Leningrad Y-164, V.o., Universitetskaya nab. 1, Zoological Institute, tel A 2-59-22. Severin Sergey Yevgen'yevich (Biochemistry of Animals), born: 21 Dec 1901; elected 23 Oct 19531 member: DBS. Home: Moscow A-55, Novoalobodskaya 57/65, apt 65, tel D 1-69-87. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Biological BottlSaience Faculty, tel V 9-28-18. Severn Audrey Borisovich (Astrophysics), born: 11 May 1913; elected: O'~Jun 1958; member: D. Home: Pos. Nauchnyy, Krymskaya Obl., Bekhchisarayskiy Mayon, Krymskaya Astrofisich. ObservatoriF , tel Simferopol', Observatory, ext 528; Moscow V-333, 1st Akademicheskiy proyesd 34/4, apt 403, tel V 7-49-33. Office: Pos. Nauchnyy Krymskaya Obl, Bakhchisarayakiy rayon, Krymskaya Astrophysich, Observatoriya, tel Simferopol', Observatory, ext 566. Serebreunikov, Boris Aleksandrovich (Ugro-Finnish Studies); born: 6 Mar 1915; elected: 23 Oct 1953; Haber: DLL. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp, 61/1, apt 97. Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 18/2, Institute of Linguistics, tel G 5-1%-58; Department of Languages and Literature, tel G 5-15-66. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Sidorenko Aleksandr Vasil'yevich (General Geology), born: 19 Oct 1917, elected: 23 Oct 1953; .saber: DOGS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp 61/1, apt 35, tel V 4-00-12, ext 64; Apatities of Murmanskaya obl., Akademgorodok 1, apt 38, Switchboard "Akadeaiya", 206. Office: Apatity Murmansk Obl., Akadesgorodok, Kola Branch, Academy of Scianc6e, Switchboard "Akadeaiya", 221. Sidorov, Aleksey Alekseyevich (History of Arts), born: 13 Jun 1891; elected: Dec 1946; member: DHS. Hose: Moscow V-T1, Leninskiy prosp 13, apt 12e, tel V 2-42-99. Office: Moscow K-31, Knsnetskiy Most 15, Institute of the History of Arts, tel B 1-93-63. Siforovv Vladimir Ivanovich (Radio Engineering, Electronics, Automatics and Tele,schanics), born: 31 May 1904; elected: 23 Oct 1953; hers DTS. Home: Moscow Center, Chistoprudnyy bul. 2, apt 41, tel K 5-71-37. Office: Moscow K-9, Mokhovaya 11, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, tel B 9-72-85. Smirnov, Varliy Sergeyevich (Metallurgy and Metallography), born: 2 Jan 1915; elected: 10 Jun 1960; umber: DTS. Homes Leningrad K-64, Politechnichesksya 3, Pervyy Professorskiy Don, apt 6, tel 2-85-75. Offices Leningrad K-64, Politekhnicheskaya ul 3, Polytechnical Institute, tel G 2-89-20. 3airnov Vladimir Ivanovich (neology), born: 31 Jan 1910; elected: 20 Jun 1958; ern DOGS. Hoak: Moscow Center, M. Kossosol'skiy 8-a, apt 36, tel. B 8-61-10. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp 14, DOGS, tel V 2-00-00, ext 196; V-2314, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State Onivesity, neology Faculty, tel. V 9-23-51. Sirnov Nikolay Vasil'yevich (Mathematics), born: 17 oct 1900; elected BJun 1960; somber D. Honk: Moscow D-252, Novo-Peschanaya ul 21, building 1, apt. 30 tel. T-29-08- Office: Moscow V-333, 1st Akadesicheskiy proyesd 28, Institute of Mathematics, tel. V 7-00-15, ext 46. -81- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI Suit-Fal'kner Marlys, Natanovna (Economics), born: 17 Feb 1878; elected 2 Jan 1939; member: DEPLS. Hoes: Moscow V-49, Leninskiy prosp. 11, apt. 109 tel. V 2-57-89. Sbolev Viktor Viktorovich (Astronomy), born: 2 sep 1915; elected W1958; member: DPW. Home: Leningrad V-178, V. o., 11 Lin. 60, apt. 16, tel. A 3-06-43. Office: Leningrad V-178, V. o., 10 Lin. 33, Leningrad State University, Mathematics-Engineering Faculty, tel. A 3-90-31, ext. 28. Sobolevski , Bergey Ivanovich (Classical Philology), born: 25 Aug 1864; elected: Jan 1928; member: DLL. Home: Moscow IC-9, Nizhniy Kislovskiy per. 8, W. 10, tel. K 5-82-79. Sokolov, Boris Sergeyevich (Geology and Geography), born: 9 Apr 1914] elected : 28 Mar 1958; member: SD Hose: Leningrad P-3 ul. Voskw 9, apt 14, tel. B 3-17-77. Office: Leningrad D-104, Liteynyy prosp. 39, All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Institute of Geological Survey, tel. Zh 3-70-26, ext. 97; Novosibirsk Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, tel. 3-8i-08. Sokolovki?, Vadin Vasil'yevich (Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity), born: 7 O~ Oct 1912; elected: 4 Oct 1946; amber DTS. Home: Moscow Center, Stretenskiy bul. 6/1, apt. 163, tel. B 1-17-32. Office: Moscow D-40, Leningradskiy prosp. 7, Institute of Mechanics, tel. D 1-52-08. Sotskw, Boris Stepanovich (Automatics), born: 21 May 1908; elected 10 Jun 1960; member DTS. Home: Moscow D-252, 2nd Peschanaya ul. 3, apt. 49, tel. D 7-20-48. Office: Moscow 1-53, Kalanchevskaya ul. 15-a, Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics, tel. K 5-54-88. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Sochavs, Viktor Borisovich (Geology and Geography), born: 20 Jun 1905; ei E : 28 Mar 1958; umbers SD- now: Leningrad P-47, Morskoy Pro.P? 45, apt. 189, tel. V 8-94-11. Office: Leningrad p-22 ul. prof. Popov 2, Botanical Institute, tel. V 2-89-82; Irkutsk, ul. Bogdan nml'nitskiy 2, Institute of Geography of Siberia and For East, tel. 79-66. S ranks Georgiy Eestorovich (Pediatrics), born: 19 Feb 1873; elected: 29 Sep 1943; ember: DBS. Hoe: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalov 14/16, apt. 27, tel. K 7-56-58. Office: Moscow Zh-240, Ust'inskiy proyesd 1/2, Institute of Utiatrics, Acadeq of Medical Sciences, tel. K 7-"-85; tel. D 5-00-08, Hsasnogvardeyskays It, Children's Hospital No. 9, ext. "Office of Speranskiy." S ivakovski~j Aleksandr Onisiaovich (Mining, Industrial Transport), born: 30 Jan S; elected: 4 Oct 19h6; somber: DTS. Hose: Moscow G-151, Kitusavskiy prosp. 27, W. 119, tel. 0 9-36-72. Office: Moscow Lyubertsy, p/o 4, Institute of Mining, tel. Zh 1-90-10, ext. 26-51, 22-95; V-49, Leninskiy prose. 6, Mining Institute, tel. V 1-05-71, ext. 27. Sretensk Leonid likolayevich (Mechanics, Hydrodynasics , born: Fe 1902; elected: 28 Jan 1939; amber: DTS. How: Moscow V-3333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/I. apt. 41, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 132. Office: Mosoow, Lyublino, Sadovaya 1, Marine Bydrophysics Institute tel. Zh 7-93-51. Starik, Iosif Tevseyevich (Inorganic Chemistry), born: 23 Mar 1902) elected: 4 Dec 1946; amber: DCS. Hoas: Leningrad F-31, pl. Mira 3, apt. 36, tel. A 5-35-64- Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Rentgen 1, Radius Institute, tel. V 2-64-77, V 2-70-39. -83- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 S8tarovskU Vladimir Aikonovich (Statistics), born: 3 Nay 1905; elected June; somber: DSPiS. Home: 1-90, 3rd Meshchanskaya 30, apt. 5, tel. I 1-47-07. Office: Moscow Center, ul. Kirov 39, Central Statistical Administra- tion TaSU USSR, tel. K 5-46-76. Stroletskijr, Nikolay Stanislavovich (Transport, Construction Mechanics, Bridges, and Steel Construction), born: 14 Sep 1885; elected: 31 Jan 1931; member: DTS Home: Moscow G-34, M. Levshinskiy per. 14, apt. 109, tel. G 6-60-42. Office: Moscow I-114, Shlyusovaya nab. 8, Engineering Construction Institute, tel. V 3-00-49, ext. 90. Strelkov Petr Georgiyevich (Physics), born: 16 Oct 1899; elected: 10960; member: SD. Hose: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2, apt. 3, tel. V 7-16-93 Office: Moscow Center, M. Khariton'yevskiy per 4j'Compartment 14, Institute of Thermophysics SD, tel. D 7-46-81; Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Thersophysics, SD. Stro ovich Mikhail Solomonovich (Law); born: 29 Sep 1894; elected: 213 Jan 1939; member: DSPLS. Home: Moscow V-180, M. Yakimanka 3, apt. 20, tel. V 1-90-55. Office: Moscow G-19, ul. Frunze 10, Institute of Government and Law, tel. B 3-98-16, B 1-32-67. Struminskiy, Vladimir Vasil'yevich (Mechanics), born: 16 Apr 1914; Wff Jun 1958; member: DTS. Home: Moscow B-66, ul. K. Marks, 22, apt. 31, tel. Ye 1-40-40 ext. 25. Office: Moscow, tel. Zh 1-09-69. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 oux] -hUIVI St ikovich Mikhail Adol'fovich (Thermo Rest Engineering Technics); born: 1 Nov 1902; elected: 4 Oct 1946; member: DTS. Hose: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prose. 13, apt. 31, tel. V 2-40-16. Office: Moscow Ye-250, Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Moscow Power Engineering Institute tel. Zh 3-57-34. Subbotin Mikhail Fedorovich (Theoretical Astronomy), born: 29 Jun 3; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DPMS. Home: Leningrad M-66, Moskovskiy prosp. 206, apt. 5, tel. K 8-03-28. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Mendeleyevskaya Lin. 1, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, tel. A 2-53-36 Syrkin, Yakov Kivovich (General and Physical Chemistry), born: 5 Dec 1894 e ected: 30 Sep 1943; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-312, 3rd Akademicheskiy proyezd 10, building 2, apt. 61, tel. V 7-01038. Office: Moscow G-48, K. Pirogovskaya 1, Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, tel. G 6-50-20, ext. 62; V-71, Lepinskiy prosp. 31, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry I01KB, tel. V 2-39-49. TTaalm~ud, David L'vovich (Physical Chemistry), born: 24 Oct 19001 elected: 12 Feb 1934; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 17, tel. V 2-54-35. Tatarinov, Pavel Mikhaylovich (General Geology), born: 6 Nov 1895; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DGGS. Home: Leningrad V-4, V. o., 6th lin. 37, apt 10, tel. A 3-57-33. Office: Leningrad V-26, V. o., 21st Lin. 2, Mining Institute, tel. A 3-90-42, ext. 70. Terent'yev, Aleksandr Petrovich (Organic Chemistry), born: 20 Jan 1891; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Hose: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Building L, apt. 14, tel. V 9-14-65. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-13-03. - 85 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ..,~ 50X1-HUM Timo! Leonid Ivanovich (Russian Literature); born: 5 Jan 1904; ?? ? 20 Jun 1958; member: DLL. Home: Moscow D-252, Novo-Peschnaya 24, apt. 34, tel. D 7-36-41. Office: Moscow 0-69, ul. Voravskiy 25-a, Institute of World Literature, tel. B 1-53-08. Timofe Petr Vasil'yevich (Radio Engineering, Electronics, Automatics, a ae~echanics), born: 25 Jan 1902; elected: 23 Oct 1953; somber DTS. Home: Moscow I-92, Pankrat'yevskiy per. 6, apt. 136, tel. B 3-23-43. Office: Moscow Ye-250, Yrasnokazaraennaya 12, All Union Electrotechnical Institute, Zh 4-04-10. Tikhonmirov, Viktor Vasil'yevich (Radio Engineering, Electronics, Automstitics, and T?lesechanics), born: 23 Dec 1912; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member DTB. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DTS. Tikhonov Andrey Nikolayevich (Geophysics, Mathematical Physics), born: 30906; elected: 29 Jan 1939; member: DPWS. Hone: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 42, t?1. V 2-46-95. Office: Moscow, t?l. D 1-11-88. Tolstov Bergey Pavlovich (History of the USER, Archeology, Oriental Studies Ethnography), born: 25 Jan 1907; elected: DRS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt. 52. Office: Moscow V-36, lot Ch?remmshkinskaya 19, Institute of Zthnography, tel. V 5-29-82. Trevor, Eamilla Vaail'yevna (History, History of Arts); born: 25 Jan 1892; elected: 29 Sep 1943; member: DRS. Rom: Leningrad D-65, Dvortsovaya nab. 30, apt. 5, tel. A 2-12-73. Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Archeology, tel. A 1-64-84. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI Trettyakov, Petr Nikolayevich (History of the USSR, and Archeology); born: 12 Nov 1909; elected: 20 June 1958; member: DHS. Home: Leningrad L-5, Isaaylovskiy prosp. 11, apt. 30, tel. K 2-38-21. Office: Leningrad D-41, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Leningrad Department of the Institute of Archeology, tel. A 1-64-84. Troshin, A.fanasiy Semenovich (Cytology), born: 23 Dec 1912; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member DBS. Home: Leningrad, ul. Frunze 23, apt. 39, tel. K 8-10-6. Office: Leningrad F-121, prosp. Maklin 32, Institute of Cytology, tel. 1-03-04. Tudorovskiy, Aleksandr Ilarionovich (Physics), born: 24 Aug 1875; elected 1 Feb 1933; member: DPMS. Home: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birzhevaya Lin. 4, apt. 8, tel. A 2-18-88. Office: Leningrad, tel. A 5-00-44, ext 88. Tumanov, Ivan Ivanovich (Physiology of Plants), born: 1 July 1894; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: DBS. Home: Moscow B-232, Sokoltnicheskaya sl. 14/18, apt. 4, tel. Ye 1-40-13- Office: Moscow I-273, Botanicheskaya 35, Artificial Climate Station of the Institute of Plant Physiology, tel. 13-96-87? Uehaakkov, Sergey Nikolayevich (Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds), born: 16 Sep 1893; elected: 30 Sep 1943; member DCS. Home: Leningrad D-28, ul. Pestelt 13/15, apt. 17, tel. Zh 2-61-03. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Birshevoy proyezd 6, Institute of High-Molecular Compounds, tel. A 2-15-94; F-13, Zagorodnyy prosp. 49, Technological Institute imeni Lensovet, tel. K 2-54-95- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Fedorenko, Nikolay Trofimovich (Chinese Philology and History of Literature), borne 9 Nov 1912; elected: 20 Jun 1958; members DLL. Home: Moscow, D-57, Leningradskiy prOep? 59, apt* 90, tel. D 7-3&-95- Office: Moscow G-200, Smolenskaya-Sennaya pl. 32/34, Ministry of Foreign Affairs USSR. Fedorov, Yevgraf Yevgrafovich (Climatology), born: 21 Nov 1880; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DGGS. Home: Moscow 1-41, prosp. Mira 70-a, apt. 53, tel. I 1-45-78. Fedorov, Sergey Filippovich (Geology of Petroleum Exploration of Petroleum Deposits), born: 13 July 1896; elected: 29 Jan 1939; member: DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 78, tel. V 2-44-49. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29, Institute of Geology and Development of Mineral Fuel, tel. V 3-43-67- For , manDavid Lazarevich (Biochemistry), born: 7 Jan 1903; elected, 4 Dec 1946; member: DBS. Home: Kiev, ul. Leontovich 9, apt. 3, tel. 4-51-39. Office: Kiev, ul. Leontovich 9, Institute of Biochemistry, AcadesW of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, tel. 5-80-67. Flerov. Georgiy Nikolayevich (Physics), born: 2 Mar 1913; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DPMS. Home: Moscow D-57, Peschanaya 14-a, apt. 27, tel. D 7-52-54; Dubna, Moscow Obl., Sovetskaya 10, apt. 2, tel. B 6-22-89. Office: Dubna, Moscow Obl., Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, tel. B 6-22-34. F orensov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich (Geology), born: 28 Jan 1909; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: SD. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Howe: Irkutsk, ul. Karat 25, apt. 42, tel. 21-12. Office: Irkutsk, ul. Krasnaya Zvesda 18, East Siberian Geological Institute, tel. 27-18. Fotiadi, Epamonod Epaminondovich (Geology and Geophysics), born: 23 Jan 1907; elected: 28 Mar 1958; member: SD. Home: Novosibirsk, ul. Derzhavin 19, apt. 94, tel? 2-02-54, ext 390; Leningrad D-194, ul. Chaykovskiy 60, apt. 27, tel. Zh 3-49-36. Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, tel. 3-84-08- Frank, Glob Mikhaylovich (Biophysics), born: 24 May 1904; elected 10 Jun 1960; DBS. Home: Moscow V-333, lot Akademicheskiy proyezd 34/4, Building V, apt. 421, tel. V 7-58-94. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Institute of Biophysics, tel. V 2-49-22. Frank, Illya Mikhaylovich (Physics); born: 23 Gct 1908; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DPMS. Home: Moscow Zh-127, nab. M. Gor'kiy 32/34, apt. 86, tel. V 1-36-17. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prose. 53 Institute of Physics, tel. 7-00-03, ext. 202, V 7-16-51. Frantsev, Yuriy Pavlovich (Philosophy), born 1 Oct 1903; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DEPTS. Home: Moscow G-242, pl. Vosstsniya 1, apt. 163, tel. D 5-49-70. Office: Koscow G-286, Sadovo-Kudrinakaya 9, Acadesy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee CPSU, tel. D 2-13-21. Fro Rakhilt Khatskelevna (Organic Chemistry), born: 20 Sept 1906; elected 20 Jun 1958; member: DCS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Homes Moscow V-333, let Cheremuahkinskaya 3, (DNR-3), apt. 68, tel. V 7-48-54. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31, Institute of Organo Elemental Compounds, tel. V 2-55-82- Fr , Aleksandr Arnol'dovich (Study of Iran), born: 27 Aug 1879; elected: 14 Jan 1928; member: DLL. Homes Leningrad P-49, Zverinskaya 40/42, apt. 41, tel. V 4-67-61. Frish, Sergey Eduardovich (Spectroscopy), born: 19 Jun 1899; elected 4 Oct 1946; member: DPMS. Home: Leningrad P-22, Kirovskiy prosp. 25, apt. 42, tel. V 2-77-65. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Universiteskaya nab. 7/9, Leningrad State University, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 93. Kharkevich, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Radio Engineering and Electronics), born: 3 Feb 1904; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: DTS. Home: Moscow D-353, Novopeschanaya 26/11, apt. 101, tel. D 7-57-48. Office: Moscow Ye- 123, sh. Entuziastov 156, Laboratory of Informa- tion Transmission Systems, tel. Zh 4-04-01. Khachaturov, Tigran Segeyevich (Economics), born: 6 Oct 1906; elected 29 Sep 1943; member: DEPTS. Hone: Moscow G-151, Kutuzovakiy prosp. 31, apt. 81, tel. Ye 2-93-21. Office: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14, Institute of Economics, tel. K 4-62-87. L3i= v, Vladimir Mikha`ylovich (General History, History of International Relations), born: 24 Jun 1905; elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber DHS. Home: Moscow G-151, Kutusovskiy prosp. 27, apt. 44, tel. G 9-39-09. Office: Moscow V-36, let Cheremushkinakaya 19, Institute of History, tel. V 5-24-24. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Khelt at, German Avgustovich (Geologiya and Geography), born: 6 Oct 1894; elected: 28 Mar 1958; member: SD. Home: Pos. Novo-Aleksandrovsk, Sakhalinakaya Obl., lat Institutskaya 34, tel. 313. Office: The same as home, Sakhalinakiy Complex of the Scientific Research Institute, tel. 21-05. Khitrin, Lev Nikolayevich (Heat Engineering); born: 20 Feb 1907; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Homes Moscow V-312, 3rd Akademicheakiy proyesd 3, apt. 114, tel. V 7-76-92. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 19, Power Engineering Institute tel. V 4-00-05, ext. 290. IQiomentovskj1, Aleksandr Stepano-ieh (Geology), born: 24 Mar 1908; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: SD. Home : Peru' 6, ul . Ikobyshev 38-a, apt- 51. Office: Perm', Mining Institute, tel. 4-17-27; Vladivostok, ul. Lenin 50, liar Eastern Branch of SD, tel. 37-21. 1hremeheako, Mikhail Bortsovieh (Russian Literature), born: 21 Nov 1904; elected: 20 an 1958; amber: M.L. Rem: Moscow K-9, ul. Gor'kiy 17., apt. 27, tel. 3 9-34-39- Office: Moscow G-19, Volokhooka 18/2, DLL, tel. G 5-15-66 Gov, Mmstantin Koostantinovieh (Welding of metals), born: 25-fieb-189k; elected: 23 Oct 1953; amber: D1'S. Rama: Kiev, ul. Chelyuakintsev 15, apt. 11, tel. 9-34-89 Office: Kiev, ul. Chkal,oTv 55-b. DTB, Acadra4 of Sciences Ubminian SSR, tel. 4-90-82 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i2 rushchov Grigoriy Eooatantinovich (Histology), born: 3 Mar 1897; elected 23 Oct 1953; somber: DADS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, aPt? 59, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 60. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DMS, tel. V 2-00-00, ext. 261; Leniaskiy Prosp. 33, Institute of Morphology of Animals, tel. V 2-40-27, V 2-26-05. Tselikav, Aleksandr Ivanovich (Mechanics), born: 20 Apr 1904; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member DTS. Home: Moscow G-19, N. Afanas'yevskiy per. 3, apt. 19, tel. G 6-01-11. Office: Moscow, Perovo, All-Onion Sceintific Research Institute of Machinery and Metalworking (VNLU=/ASh), tel. 7h 2-54-90, 7i 2-08-043. Tsereteli, Georgiy Vasil'yevich (Study of Language, Culture, and History of Arabs), born: 210ct 1904; elected: 4 Dec 1946; der: DLL. Some: Tbilisi, ul. Peravskaya 10, apt. 1, tel. 3-86-37- Office: Tbilisi, ul. Dserzhiznkiy 8, Acada^y of Sciences Georgian SSR, tel. 3-63-27; prosp. Chavchavadze 1, State University, tel. 2-39-00- Ts avich likolay Aleksandravich (Permafrost Studies, Soil, Mechanics., Mogineering Geology), born: 26 May 1900; elected: 29 Sep 1943; member: DOGS. Some: Moscow V-71, Leainskiy proop? 13, apt- 97, tel. V 2-14-26. Office: macaw v-17, Pyzhevakiy per. 7, Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Frozen Soils of the Institute of Permafrost, tel. V 1-47-91- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Chi, Boris Alekaandrovich (Philosophy), born: 23 Mar 1899; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: DEPLS. Home: Leningrad M-70, Moskovskiy prosp. 171, apt. 40, tel. K 8-45-69. Office: Leningrad V-164, V. o., Univesitetakaya nab. 5, Chair of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, tel. A 2-02-33. Chelomei, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Mechanics), born: 30 Jun 1914; elected 20 Jun 1958; members DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninekiy prosp. 14, DTS. Chevikov, Konstantin Romanovich (Petroleum Geology), born: 25 Dec 1900; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DGGS. Home: Moscow V-71, M Kaluzhskaya 12, apt. 44, tel. V 4-00_27, ext. 44. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29, Institute of Geology and Mineral Fuel Exploitation, tel. V 3-27-68. Chibisov, Konatantin Vladimirovich (Photochemistry, Scientific Photography), born, 1 Mar 1897; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninakiy prosp. 61/1, apt- 43, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 55. Office: Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-20-11; V-49, Zhitkaya 29, All-Union Institute of Cinematography, tel. V 1-75-28. C shikov, David Mikhaylovich (Metallurgy), born: 17 Nov 1895; elected 28 Jan 1939; member: DTS. Home: Moscow Zh-240, Kotelsnicheskaya nab. 1/15, building B, apt. 16, tel. B 7-42-54. Offices Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 49, Institute of Metallurgy, tel. V 7-00-01, ext. 14. ChLBAW" Nikolay Andreyevich (Mining and Metallurgy), 28 Mar 1958; members SD. ?), horns 7 Nov 1888; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUMI Home: Novosibirsk, ul. Michurin 23, apt. 17, tel. 3-53-10. Office: Novosibirsk, ul. Dershavin 18, Institute of Mining, tel. 2-02-54, ext. 242. Chantov, Konstantin Vasiltyevich (Physical Chemistry); born 21 Mar 1902; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-333, lst Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DNR-3), apt. 118, tel. 7-44-25. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31, Institute of Physical Chemistry, tel. V 2-00-62, V 4-00-14, ext. 268. Chufarov, Grigoriy Ivanovich (Physical Chemistry), born: 14 Nov 1900; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Sverdlovsk 14, Bankovskiy per. 8, apt. 28, tel. D 1-81-98. Office: Sverdlovsk, Vtusgorodok, ul. S. Kovalevskaya 13, Ural Branch of the Acadesy of Sciences USSR, tel. D 1-85-40, ext. 42. Chukhanov, Zinoviy Fedorovich (Thermo-Power Engineering and Power Technology), born: 21 Oct 1912; elected: 28 Jan 1939; member: DTS. Home: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 13, apt. 74, tel. V 2-41-56. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 19, Power Engineering Institute, tel. V 4-00-05, ext. 211. Chukhrov, Fedor Vasiltyevich (Geochemistry), born: 15 Jul 1908; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DGGS. Home: Moscow B-64, ul. Chkalov 21/2, apt 73, tel. K 7-68 26. Office: Moscow V-17, Staromonetrw y per. 35, Institute of Geology of Mineral Deposits, Petrography, Minerology, and Geochemistry, tel. V 1-72-70. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Shaltnikov, Aleksandr Iosifovich (Physics), born: 10 May 1905; elected 4 Dec 1946; member: DPMS. Home: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye Sh. 2, apt. 4, tel. V 7-16-92. Office: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye Sh. 2, Institute of Physical Problems, tel. V 7-32-41. Shanidze Akakiy Gavrilovich (Study of the Caucasus and Georgian Languages, born: 26 Feb 1887; elected: 28 Jan 1939; member: DLL. Home: Tbilisi 9, Larsskaya 5, tel. 3-56-76. Office: Tbilisi, prosp. Chavchavadze 1, State University, tel. 3-24-01; ul. Dzerzhinskiy 8, Institute of Linguistics. Acadeugy of Sciences Georgian SSR, tel. 3-95-43? Shafarevich, Igor' Rostislavich (Mathematics), born: 3 Jun 1923; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DPMS Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt. 78. Office: Moscow V-33, 1st Akademicheskiy proyezd. 28, Institute of Mathematics, tel. V 7-27-91; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, tel. V 9-20-90. Shakhov, Felike Nikolayevich (Geology and Geochemistry), born: 24 Oct 1894; elected: 28 Mar 1958; member: SD. Home: Novosibirsk, ul. Derzhavin 19, apt. 33, tel. 2-02-54, ext. 320. Office: Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, tel. 2-03-45, ext. 4? Shvetsov, Petr Filimonovich (Geocryology, Hydrogeology), born: 27 Jan e ected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DGGS. Home: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 61/1, apt. 55, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 35. Office: Moscow K-12, B. Cherkasskiy per. 2/10, Institute of Permafrost, tel. B 8-26-36; Vorkuta, settlement of Rudnik, Northern Department of the Institute of Permafrost. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Shy v, Aleksandr Petrovich (GeobotarW, Study of Meadowland, Botanical Geography), born: 10 Sep 1888; elected: 4 Dec 1946; member: DBS. Home: Leningrad S-124, Novgorodskaya 1/11, apt. 12, tel. Zh 4-69-59. Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Prof. Popov 2, Institute of Botany, tel. V 2-89-82. Shirkov, Dmitriy Vasiltyevich (Physics), born: 3 Mar 1928; elected 10 Jun 1960; member: SD. Home: Novosibirsk 55, Zolotaya Dolina 230, apt. 1; Moscow V-72, ul. Serafimovich 2, apt. 242, tel. V 1-82-75. Office: Novisibirsk 55, Microrayon A, house 43, Institute of Mathematics, tel. 2-33-53, ext. 019. Shishkin, Boris Konstantinovich (Systematics of Plants), born: 1 May 1886";elected: 29 Sep 1943; member: DBS. Home: Leningrad P-22, Bol'shoy prosp. 100, apt. 5, tel. V 2-63-11. Office: Leningrad P-22, ul. Prof. Popov 2, Botancal Institute. tel. V 2-15-28, V 4-50-26 ext. 2. Shostakovski9, Mikhail Fedorovich (Chemistry), born: 6 Jun 1905; elected: 10 Jun 1960; member: SD. Home: Moscow 1-41, prosp. Mira 70-a, apt. 16, tel. 11-60-49. Office: Irkutsk, Vuzovskaya nab. 36, Institute of Organic Chemistry, tel. 63-23; Moscow, tel. V 7-00-13, ext. 79. Shuykin, Nikolay Ivanovich (Organic Chemistry), born: 31 Mar 1898; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V-333, 1st Cheremushkinskaya 3 (DIIR-3), apt. 123, tel. V 7-43-32. Office: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 47, Institute of Organic Chemistry, tel. V 7-00-13, ext. 160 - 96 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Shcheglyayev, Andrey Vladimirovich (Combustion Engineering), born: 20 Oct 1902; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DTS. Home: Moscow V-17, Lavrushinskiy per. 17, apt. 53, tel. V 1-89-19. Office: Moscow Ye-250, Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow Pcwer Engineering Institute (MEI) Tel. Zh 2-56-75. Shchelkin.Kirill Ivanovich (Physics), born: 17 May 1911; elected: 23 Oct 1953; member: DPMS. Home: Moscow D-98, Pekhontnaya 9/27, apt. 1, tel. D 4-95-04. Eykhfoltd, Iogan Gansovich (Botany), born: 25 Jan 1893; elected 23 Oct 1953; member: DPS. Home: Tallin, ul. Sakala 12, apt. 8, tel. 4-34-93. Office: Tallin, ul. Kokhtu 6, Academy of Sciences Esthonian SSR, tel. 4-58-10. Emanuel', Nikolay Markovich (Physical Chemistry), born: 1 Oct 1915; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DCS. Home: Moscow V 1-33, Vorobtyevskoye Sh. 2, apt. 42, tel. V 7-46-63. Office: Moscow V-133, Vorobtyevskoye Sh. 2, Institute of Chemical Physics, tel. V 7-64-20; V 7-00-12, ext. 255; V-234, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow State University, Chemistry Faculty, tel. V 9-10-12. Endselin, Yan Martsevich (Study of Baltic Languages), born: 22 Feb 1873; elected: 31 Jan 1929; member: DLL. Home: Riga, ul. K. Marks 3, apt. 5. Office: Riga, ul. Kr. Baron 4, Institute of Languages and Literature, Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR, tel. 2-14-77. Yunusov, Sabir Yunusovich (Organic Chemistry), born: 18 Mar 1909; elected: 20 Jun 1958; member: DGS. Home: Tashkent, ul. Timiryazev 18, tel. 3-94-06. Office: Tashkent, ul. Kuybyshev 15, Presidium, Acadasy of Science Uzbek SSR, tel. 2-49-42, 2-65-28. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Y ovlev, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (Airplane Construction), born: 1 Apr 1906; elected: 29 Sep 1943; member: DTS. Office: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, DTS. ovl,qv, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Paleontology), born: 28 Apr 1870; elected: 10 Dec 1921; member: DBS. Home: Leningrad 5-15, Suvorovskiy prosp. 56, apt. 13, tel. Zh 4-07-91. Office: Leningrad V-26, V. o., Sredniy prosp. 72-b, All-Union Geological Scientific Research Institute, tel. A 3-90-71, ext. 101. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 C _. The Number of Academicians and Corresponding Members Elected to the Academy of Sciences USSR as of 25 December 1960, Broken Down by Departasnts Department Academicians Corresponding Members Total Department of Physico-Mathematical Sciences 38 57 95 Department of Chemical Sciences Department of Geologo-Geographic 22 49 71 Sciences 12 34 46 Department of Biological Sciences 20 41 61 Department of Technical Sciences 30 81 111 Department of Historical Sciences Department of Economic, Philosophic 14 20 34 and Legal Sciences Department of Literature and 36 Languages 27 37 Siberian Department 35 43 162 372 534 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Hadamard, Jacques, France; Mathematics; born 8 Dec 1865? elected: 1929 to DPMS. Address: 12 rue Haile Faguet, Paris (14.5, France. Alfven, Hannes, Sweden; Physics; born 30 May 1908; elected: 1958 to DPMS. Address: The Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics, Stockholm, 70, Sweden. Amaldi, Edoardo, Italy; Physics; born: 5 Nov 1908; elected: 1958 to DPMS. Address: University of the Studies -- Rome, Institute of Physics "Guglielmo Marconi", Piazzale delle Scienze, 5, Roma. BBacc , Zenon Marcel, Belgium; biology; born: 1903; elected: 1958 to DBS. Address: University of Liege, Laboratory of General Pathology and Therapy, Liege, Belbium. Bandinelli, Ranuccio Bianchi, Italy; History of Sciences; born: 19 Feb 1900; elected: 1958 to DHS. Address: National Academy of Linci, Rome, Palazzo Corsini, via della Lungara 10. Bernal, John Desmond, England; Physics; born: 10 May 1901; elected: 1958 to DPMS. Address: Dirkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, London, W. C. I. Bohr, Niels, Denmark; Physics; born: 7 Oct 1885; elected: 1929 to DPMS. Address: Dot Kongelige Danske Videnakaberens Selakab, Dantes plads 5, Copenhagen V, Denmark. Born, Max, Federal Republic of Germany; Physics; born: 11 Dec 1882, elected: 1934 to DPMS. Address: Macardetrasse 4, Bad Pyrmont, Deutsche Bundesrepublik. 4s Broglie, Louis, France; Physics; born: 15 Aug 1892; elected: 195 to DPMS. Address: Institute do France, Academia des Sciences, 94, rue Perronet, Neuilly -- a/Seine, France. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Bronk, Detlev Wulf, USA, biology; born: 13 Aug 1897; elected: 1958 to DBS. Address: National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Are., Washington 25, D. C., USA. Herts, Gustav, German Democratic Republic; Physics; born: 22 July 1887; elected: 1958 to DPMS. Address: German Democratic Republic, Leipzig No. 35, Grabaustrasse 11. DDR, Leipzig W 35, Graboustrasse 11. Kuo Mo-jo, Chinese Peoples Republic; History; born: 16 Nov 1892; elected: 1958 to DHS. Address: Peking, Academy of Sciences of China, President of the Academy. De e, Peter J. W., USA; Physics; born: 24 Mar 1884; elected: 1924 to DPMS. Address: Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. Dembowskiy Jan, Poland; Biology; born: 26 Dec 1889; elected: 1958 to DBS. Address: Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Experimental Biology imeni M. Nentskiy, Warsaw, ul. Pasteur 3. Poland, Warsaw, ul. Pasteur 3- DDirac, Paul, England; Physics; born: 8 Aug 1902; elected: 1931 to DPMS. Address: St. John's College, Cambridge. Kaya, Seijil, Japan; Physics; born: 21 Dec 1898; elected 1958 to DPMS. Address: University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Kot b s , Tadeues, Poland; Philosophy; born: 31 Mar 1886; elected: 1958 to DEPTS. Address: Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy. Poland, Warsaw, Palace of Culture and Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. Li SSu-Kuang, Chinese Peoples Republic; Geology; born: 26 Oct 1889; elected: 1958 to DGGS. Address: Peking, Academy of Sciences of China, Vice-President of the Academy. Mason Andre, France; Slavic Philology; born: 7 Sept 1881; elected: 1928 to DLL. Address: 140 Avenue de Suffren, Paris (15e), France. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Massignon, Louis, France; Semitics and Islamism; born: 25 July 1883; elected: 1924 to DLL. Address: 21 rue Monsieur, Paris (7e), France. Mahalanobis, Prasanta Chandra, India; Statistics; born: 29 July 1893; elected: 1958 to DEPLS. Address: Indian Statistical Institute, 203, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Calcutta -- 35, India. Mladeno , Stefan, Bulgaria; Comparative Philology; born: 27 Dec 1880; elected: 1931 to DLL. Address: Sofia, ul, Aksakov 3, Institute of Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. N akov, Georgiy, Bulgaria; Physics; born: 26 Dec 1896; elected 1958 to DPMS. Address: Sofia, ul 7 Noyabrya 1, Institute of Physics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Zdenek, Nejedly, Czechoslovakia; History; born: 10 Feb 1878; elected: '1947 to DHS. Address: Prague, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, President of the Academoy. Ceskoslovsnsko, Praha I, Narodni Trida 3, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Neel, Louis, France; Physics; born: 22 Nov 1904; elected: 1958 to DPMS. Address: Universite de Grenoble, Faculte dea Sciences, Grenoble, France. Pavlov, Todor, Bulgaria; History, Literature, and Philosophy; born: 14 Feb 1890; elected: 1947 to DLL. Address: Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy. Parhon, Constantin, Rumania; Endocrinology; born: 28 Oct 1874; elected: 1947 to DBS. Address: Romania, Bucuresti bul. Generalissimul Stalin 5. Powell, Cecil Frank, England; Physics; born: 5 Oct 1903; elected: 1-9~j~-to DPMS. Address: University of Bristol, H. H. Mills Physics Laboratory, Royal Fort, Bristol 8, England. Penfield, Wilder Graves, Canada; Medicine; born: 26 Jan 1891; elected: 1958 to DHS. Address: Montreal Neurological Institute, 3801 University Street, Montreal 2, Canada. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Paulin, Linus, USA; Chemistry; born: 28 Feb 1901; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 4, Calif., USA. Pek Nam Un, Korean Peoples Democratic Republic; History; born: 17 Mar 1894; elected: 1958 to DHS. Address: Pyongyang, Academy of Sciences Korean Peoples Democratic Republic, President of the Academy. Raman Chandraaekhara Venkata, India; Physics; born: 7 Nov 1888; elected: 1947 to DPMS. Address: Raman Research Institute, Hebbal, Bangalore, India. Ruzicka, Leopold, Switzerland; Chemistry; born: 13 Sept 1887; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Eidg. Technische Hochachule, Zurich, Universitatstr. 6. Rusz ak, Istvan, Hungary; Medicine; born: 22 Jan 1889; elected: 195 to DBS. Address: Hungary, Budapest, pl. Roosevelt 9, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, president of the Academy. Magyarorazag, Budapest, V, Rossevelt ter 9, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Savic, Pavle, Jugoslavia; Physical Chemistry; born: 10 Jan 1909; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: Jugoslavija, Beograd, Institute za Nuclearne Nauke "Boris Kidric". Severs, Francesco, Italy; Mathematics; born: 13 Apr 1879; elected: 1924 to DPMS. Address: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rona, Palazzo Coesini, via della Lungara 10. Szent-Gyroeyi, Albert, USA; Biochemistry, born: 1893, elected: 1947 to DBS. Address: Marine Biological Lab., Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA. Siegbahn, Manne, Sweden; Physics; born: 3 Oct 1886; elected: 1958 to DPMS. Address: Nobelinstitutet for Fysik, Vetenskapeakadeoien, Stockholm 50, Sweden. Stensjo Erik, Sweden; Paleontology; born: 2 Oct 1891; elected: 1929 to DBS. Address: Naturhistoriska Rikamuseum, Stockholm 50, Sweden. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Ste ie, Edgar W. R., Canada; Chemistry; born: 25 Dec 1900; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada. Sa escu Traian, Rumania; Botany; born: 2 Feb 1889; elected: 1958 to DBS. Address: Bucharest, Academy of the Rumanian Peoples Republic, honorary president of the Academy. Rominia, Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei, Nr. 125, Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Timoshenko, Stephan P., USA; Mechanics; born: 23 Dec 1878; elected: 1928 to FMS. Address: 536 W. Crescent, Palo Alto, California, USA. Tourky, Ahmed Riad, United Arab Republic; Chemistry, born: 2 May 1902; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: National Research Centre, Cairo, United Arab Republic. Watson, David M. S., England; Paleontology; born: 18 Jun 1886; elected: 1932 to DBS. Address: University of London, University College, Gower Street, London, W. C. I. Vasmer, Hax, West Berlin; Comparative Linguistics; born: 28 Feb 1886; elected: 1928 to DLL. Address: Berlin -- Nikolassee Libellenstrasse 2. Vilmer, Max, German Democratic Republic; Physical Chemistry; born: 3 May 1886; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: German Democratic Republic, Berlin, German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, vice-president of the Academy. Berlin W 8, Otto-Nuschkestrasse 22-23, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Hinschelwood, Cyril Norman, England; Chemistry; born: 19 Jun 1897; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: Physical Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, England. Haldane, John B. S., England; Biology; born: 5 Nov 1892; elected: 1942 to DBS. Address: Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta -- 35, India. von Huene, Freedrich, Federated Republic of Germany; Palecntology; born: 22 Mar 1875; elected: 1929 to DBS. Address: Tubingen, Zeppelin- srasse 10. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Schrodinger, Erwin, Austria; Physics; born: 12 Aug 1887; elected 1934 to DPMS. Address: Wien IX, Pasteurgasse 4, Austria. &M, Frantisek, Czechoslovakia; Organic Chemistry; born: 28 Feb 1913; elected: 1958 to DCS. Address: Prague, Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences, vice-president of the Academy. Ceskoslovensko, Praha I, Narodni Trida 3, Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved. Euler, Hans, Sweden; Botany; born: 15 Feb 1873; elected: 1927 to DBS. Address: Institu fur Organ.-Kem. Forskning, Stockholm 6, Sweden. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI ESTABLISHMENTS ATTACHED TO (pri) THE PRESIDIUM OF THE - 106 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM PRESIDIUM OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE$ USSR Address: Mbzcow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 1 Switchboard B-2-00-00 NesmeYnov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, Academician and President of the Academy of Sciences; tel: V 1-02-06 (office). Smirnova, Nataliya Alekseyevna, Senior Analyst to the President; tel: 123, V 2-41-90, V 1-02-06 (office); D 7-1c.-2) (home). Timofeyeva, Nataliya Leonidovna, Analyst to the President; tel: 123, V 2-41-90, V 1-02-06 (office); V 7-53-90 (home). Topchiyev, Aleksandr Vasil'yevich, Academician and Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences; tel: V 1-56-06 (office). Zaytseva, Antonina Vasil'yevna, Senior Analyst; tel: 69, 1-56-06 (office); D 7-35-89 (home). Kel sh, b1stislav Vsevolodovich, Academician and Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences; tel: D 1-26-56 (office). Lavrent'yev, Mikhail Alekseyevich, Academician and Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences; tel: V 3-13-41 (office in MbEcow), 3-5e-40 (office, Novosibirsk), V 2-14-66 (home, Moscow), 2-05-74 (home, Novosibirsk). Il'ina, Valentina Pavlovna, Analyst to the Vice-President; Tel: 149, V 3-16-41 (office). Ostrovityanov, Konstantin Vasil'yevich, Academician and Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences; tel: 1-54-06 (office). Zaytsev, Vadim Aleksandrovich, Consultant of the Vice-President; tel : 227, v 1-54-06 (office), V 5-37-06 (home). Tsvetkova, Maya Aleksandrovna, Senior Analyst to the Vice-President; tel: 3u, v 1-54-06 (office), V 7-53-69 (home). Fedorov, YevLeniy Konstantinovich, Academician and Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium; tel: V 1-54-85, Ye 3-50-40 (office), V 2-42-16 (home). Oreshkin, Yuriy Nikolayevichh, Analyst to the Chief Scientific Secretary; tel: 234, v 1-54-35 (office), D 7-67-45 (home). Artsimovich, Lev Andreyevich, Academician and Academician Secretary of the Department of Physico-Mathematical Sciences; tel : V 1-70-64, D 4-91 -75 (office), D 4-92-17 (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Semenov, Nikolay Nikolayevich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemical Sciences; tel: V 3-47-76, V 7-32-27 (office). Shcherbakov, Dmitriy Ivanovich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of GeoloCo-Geographical Sciences; tel: V 1-58-03 (office), V 3-24-52 (home). Sisakyan, Norayr Martirosovich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological Sciences; tel: V 2-36-47 (office), V 2-16-67 (home). BlaGonravov, Anatoliy Arkad'yevich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Technical Sciences; tel: V 1-13-24 (office), D 3-77-11 (home). Zhukov, Yevbeniy Mikhaylovich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical Sciences; tel: B 1-43-81 (office), B 7-44-94 (home). Fedoseyev, Petr Nikolayevich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Economic, Philosophical, and LeLal Sciences; tel: K 5-43-45 (office), G 1-56-72 (home). Vino,radov, Viktor Vladimirovich, Academician and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Literature and Lancuage; tel: G 5-15-66 (office), G 1-14-35 (home). Aleksandrov, Anatoliy Petrovich, Academician; tel: D 4-92-41 (office), D 4-92-90 (home). Ambartsumyan, Viktor Amazaspovich, Academician; tel: 2-03-57 (office, Yerevan), 2-25-80 (home, Yerevan). Arbuzov, Aleksandr Yermininel'dovich, Academician; tel: 60-85 (office, Kazan), o0-50 (home, Kazan). Dubinin, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Academician; tel: V 2-56-81 (office), B 9-37-79 (home). Kapitsa Petr Leonidovich, Academician; tel: V 7-32-47 (office), V 2-32-30 (home). Korolev, Serpey Pavlovich, Academician; tel: V 1-13-34 (office). Kostenko, Mikhail Poliyevktovich, Academician; tel: A 4-67-17, G 2-85-30 (office, Leninad), v 4-66-40 (home, Leningrad). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Kursanov, Andrey L'vovich, Academician; tel: V 2-36-81 (office), V 1-30-30 (home). Muskhelishvili, Nikolay Ivanovich, Academician; tel: 3-54-64 (office, Tbilisi), 2-36-35 (home, Tbilisi). Nemchinov, Vasiliy Sergeyevich, Academician; tel: V 1-44-37 (office), B 9-98-71 (home). Palladin, Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Academician; tel: 5070-47 (office, Kiev), 5-50-39 (home, Kiev). Petrovskiy, Ivan Geor ;ievich, Academician; tel: V 0-39-44, B 9-82-92 (office, B 2-k4-47 (home). Satpayev, Kanysh Imantayevich, Academician; tel: 38-96 (office, Alma-Ata), 32-19 (home, Alma-Ata). Khristianovich, Sergey Alekseyevich, Academician; tel: V 3-18-41 (office, Moscow),2-37-69 (office, Novosibirsk), 3-63-99 (home, Novosibirsk). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Agoshkov Mikhail Ivanovich, Corresponding-member; tel: 104, V 1-34-83 (office), V 1-76-99 (home). Kharlamova, Tat'yana Petrovna, Analyst; tel: 201 (office), G 6-16-38 (home). Afanas'yev, Georgiy Dmitriyevich, Corresponding-member; tel: 280, v 1-64-83 (office), I 1-21-60 (home). Khrennikova, Lyudmila Ivanovna, Analyst; tel : 274 (office), V 5-04-19 (home). Vino(;radov, Vladimir Alekseyevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences; tel: V 1-53-64 (office), v 4-00-12 ext. 125 (home). Korneyeva, Lidiya Mikhaylovna, Analyst; tel: 109, V 1-58-64 (office). Pavlichenko, Vladimir Petrovich, Assistant to the Chief Scientific Secretary on Foreign Problems; tel : 103 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI Address: bfoscow, V-71, Leninoi:iy Prospekt 14; for tcle;,ranc: 1.bscov V-71, Nauil:a Switchboard: V 2-00-00 Information Bureau: tel: V 00-00, ext. "Information.' Commandant's Office: tel: 17u, V 2-ll-~:3 Motor Pool Dispatching, Office: tel: V 17-1-05, V 7-2c-u1. Dispatching; Office in the Presidium Buildin,,: tel: 52, V 1-32-4; Medical (Service) Point: tel: 77 CHANCELLERY OF THE PRESIDIUM, tel: V 2-1{)-.3 Chapliyev, Vasiliy Panteleymonovich, Chief; tel: V 1-43-?24 (office), Ye. 1-46-66 (home). Komarovich, Mariya Aleksandrovna, Deputy Chief; tel: 33, V 2-25-L6 (office), V 7-1,o-95 (home). Golubev, idikhail SerLeyevich, Deputy Chief; tel: 273 V 3-25-40 (office). Secretary, tct: 5; Ermans, Mariya Vladimirovna, i'1anaLer of General Division; tel: 79, V 2-49-u3 (office), V 7-6 --'A) (home). Vasil'yev, Lev Vasil'yevich, Analyst-Consultant; tel: 271 (office). Dzhatiyeva, Nina Mikhaylovna, Analyst-Consultanc; tel: 79, V 2-49-63 (office), Zh 1-34-79 (home). Petrova, Anna Vasil'yevna, Analyst-Consultant; tel: 4 (office), V 6-66-44 (home). Borisova, Alla SerGeyevna, Chief of the Protocol Division; tel: 19L (office), G 6-00-96 (hou.ue ). Nebukina, Tat'yana Vasl'yevna, Analyst-Consultant; tel: 19,j (office), V 7-67-92 (hone). Chumakova, Tat'yana Ivanovn_-, Analyst-ConLul;:ant; tel: 31, 1)6 (office). Palladina, Galina SerLeyevna, senior Analyst; tel: 19Q (office). Ostrovskaya, Valentina Petrovna, Analyst, formulation of the decrees of the Presidium; tel: 133, (office), B 3-)5-c. (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Dyukova, Larisa Georgiyevna, in charLe of formulation of edicts issued by the Presidium; tel: 233 (office), Ye 3-26-92 (home). Lopukhov, Dmitriy Artem'yevich, in charLe of information on the decisions of the Presidium; tel : 233 (office). Mukhina, Larisa Petrovna, Chief of expeditions; tel: 29 (office), G 6-21-63 (home). Information on incominL correspondence: tel: 129 Shalkova, Iraida Vasil'yevna, Chief of the TypinC Bureau; tel : 148 (office), V 7-51-94 (home). Steno;xaphers: tel: 75 MimeoCraphin~; Service: tel: 26 Circular Hall: FIRST DIVISION tel: 236 Yakovenko, Makar Vasil'yevich, Chief; tel: 71, V 3-16-52 (office). Deputy Chief: tel: 242, V 2-46-02. Secretary: tel: 242 SECOND DIVISION Address: Moscow B-312, 1-y Akademicheskiy Proyezd lu Zinov'yev, Aleksandr Ivanovich, Chief; tel: V 7-27-56 (office), V 7-02-56 (home). Baranov, SerGeiy Sergeyevich, Deputy Chief; tel: V 7-40-11 (office), B 7-02-56 (home). Ashcheulov, Petr Sidorovich, Senior Inspector; tel: V-7-40-11 (office), V 4-00-23, prefic 323 (home). Tyul'psnov, Anatoliy Ivanovich, Senior Inspector; tel: V 7-40-11 (office), B 4-59-45, prefix 145 (home). Kozlova, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna, Inspector; tel: V 7-40-11 (office), V 1-34-74 (home). Saltykova, Yelena Pavlovna, Inspector; tel: V 7-27-56 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 HUM Kosikov, Serciy Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief; tel: 60, V 2-53-44 (office), C )-31-17 (hone). Tsypkin, Aleksandrovich, De,,,uty Chief; tel: 296, V 1-20-41 (office), K 7-61-1i. (home). Tsyuanov, Ivan Stepanovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Chief; tel: 166, V -35-20 (office). RoCozhkina, Nadezhda Petrovna, Analyst; tel: 135, V 2-5--LL- (office). Gorbacheva, 01'a Ivanovna, Analyst; tel: 135, V 2-5u-44 (office). Division of Personnel Mana.;enent Asoyan, YevCcniya Ivanovna, Inspector-Consultant for DCS; tel: 270 (office), D ~-25-9, (home). Kas'yanenko, Viktor Vyachcclavovich, Inspector-Con:ultant for DPir1S, DGJS, and Administrative-Economic cadre:; tel: 167 (office). F teyev, Aleksandr Ivanovich, Inspector-Consultant for DBS; tel: 167 (office). Semenov, Lev Konstantinovich, Inspector-Consultant for DTI; tel: V 1-12-86 (office). Ul'yankina, Nina redorovna, Inspector-Consultant for Diw, D1:PL., and DLL; tel: 27 (office), G 6 '-19-79 (home). Shevyahov, Aleksey Alkseyevich, Inspector Consultant for Branches, Candidate of Historical Sciences; tel: 70 (home). Zemskova, Varvara Vasil'yevna, Inspector-Consultant ,lorkinL with Young Specialists; tel: 73, V 2-25-66 (office). Budykho, Yuriy Pavlovich, Inspector-Consultant WorkinC with Young Specialists; tel: 33, V 2-25-66 (office), V 7-67-62 (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Division of Training of ;scientific Personnel Barinova, Praskov'ya Nikolo.;evna, Inspector-Consultan-, Candidate of Technical Sciences; tel : 10 (office). Dmitri,,eva, Galina Gri,or'yevna, Inspector-Consultant; tel: 266 (office). Kuz'min, SerCey Petrovich, Insector-Consultant; tel: 76 (office). Moskvitin, Nikolay Nikolayevich, Inspector-Consultant; tel: 26~ (office). Sokolov, GeorLia Aleksandrovich, Inspector-Consultant; tel: 40 (office). Accounting Division Nazaretskaya, Yelizaveta Nikolayevna, Chief; tel: ~5 (office), V 2-2o-1- (hone). Monal:htina, YevLeniya SerGeyevna, Senior Inspector; tel: 115 (office). Ins,oectors; tel: 115, 131, 170, 206 Lebin, Boris Dsitriyevich, Senior Inspector-Consultant for the Personnel of the Lenin,,rad 3staul1: hiaents; rad ). tel: A 2-00-23 (office, Lenin_rad), A 2-50-)7 (:zo:.ic Lenin; ;scientific-0r_anization Divi.ion Filippov, Valentin Aleksaudrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief; tel: V 1-13-41 (office), V 7-tr1-10 (home). Zorin, Vasiliy Avanovich, Candidate of Technical Deputy Chief; tel: 265, V 2-04-46 (office), G 9-00-19 (home). Abashkina, Antonin Fcodorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 247 (office). Basov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: V 2-04-4b (office). BoCanik, Nikolay Stefanovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; Candidate of GeoloGo-Mineralogical Sciences; tel: L1 (office), V 0-30-74 (home). Bocharov, Ivan A anas'yevich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 113, V 1-17-61 (office), D 7-46-76 (home). Zablotskiy, Ivan Venediktovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 153, v 1-46-36 (office). Karpenko, Ole?. Mikhaylovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 269 (office), V 3-41-23 (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Karpenko, Anatoliy GriE;orievich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 63 (office). Kosheleva, Nadczhda Akimovna, Scientific Associate-Consultant, Candidate of Biological Sciences; tel: 204 (office), B 1-70-57 (hone). Lebedev, Vasiliy Pavlovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant, Candidate of Technical Sciences; tel: 11C, 1-17-61 (office), I: 7-54-13 (home). Leleykina, Anfisa Nikiforovna, Scie..'..ific Associate-Consultant; tel: 47 (office), V 2-13-99 (home)- Morozovskiy, NiLolay Ti,honovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences; tel: 173 (office). Natsarenus, ?Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 47 (office). Ni':itnikova, Ol'ga Ivanovna, Scientific Associate-Consultant, Candidate of Historical Sciences; tel: 91 (office), V 2-17-66 (home). Samoylenko, Stanislav Invanovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Samoylov, Vasiliy Filippovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant, Candidate of Geological Deposit Sciences; tel: 31 (office), G 3-5029 (home). Semkov, Boris Fedorovich, Scientific Associate-Consultant; tel: 113, B 1-17-61 (office), D 7-76-03 (home). Cheremin, Georgiy Sergeyevich, Scientific Associate-Consultant, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences; tel: 257 (office), V 7-62-10 (home). Stavrovskaya, Vera Alihhaylovna, Control Consultant; tel: 153, v 1-46- (office). Titova, Tamara Davydovna, Analyst; tel: 93, V 2-04-4', (office), V 7-40-;7 (home). Division of Works on Atomic 'nergy Alad'yev, Ivan Timofeyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief; tel: 256, V 1-35-05 (Office), 7-39-76 (home). Bulatova, Nataliya Nikolayevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Scientific Associate; tel: 279, V 1-30-26 (office), G 6-72-53 (home). Duzhenkov, Vladimir Ivanovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Scientific Associate; tel: 206, V 1-30-26 (office), K 5-45-u7 (home). Beguchev, Oleg Petrovich, Consultant; tel: 208 V 1-30-26 (office). Vamberskiy, Yuriy Vladimirovich, Consultant; tel: 152 V 1-30-26 (office), V 7-63-90 (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Kuleshov, Vitally Fedorovich Consultant; tel: 279, V 1-30-26 (offices, V 2-41-16 (home). Prokof'yev, Nikolay Sergeyevich, Consultant; tel: 152, V 1-30-26 (office). Demina, Li.diya Georgiyevna, Analyst; tel: 216, V 1-35-05 (office), V 0-53-59 (home). Polunina, Vera Tikhonovna, Analyst; tel: 216, V 1-35-05 (office). Division of Marine Expeditionary Affairs Papanin, Ivan anitriyevich, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Chief; tel: 150, V 1-51-24 (office). Suzynmov, Yevgeniy Matveyevich, Deputy Chief; tel: 210, V 2-56-66 (office), V 7-66-03 (home). Tyazhelov, Vladimir Ivanovich, Chief rhgineer; tel: 24, V 2-56-66 (office), V 2-57-73 (home). Malyy, Petr Gerasimovich, Chief Sngineer; tel: 24, V 2-56-66 (office), D 7-3C-40 (home). Ushakov, Sergey Illarionovich, Chief Marine Inspector and Sea-Going Captain; tel: 210, V 2-56-66 (office). Kremlyanekiy, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, Chief Marine Inspector and Sea-Going Captain; tel: 245 (office), B 9-07-7;' (home). Pavlova, Aleksandra Abramovna, Analyst; tel: 264, V 1-51-24 (office), G 3-46-48 (home). Pbreign Division Korneyev, Stepan Gavrilovich, Chief; tel: 97, V 2-29-10 (office), V 4-00-33 (home). Karasov, Anisim Vasil'yevich, Deputy Chief; tel: 87 (office). Orayevskiy, Pavel Sergeyevich, Deputy Chief; tel: 217 (office). Zvereva, Anna Akimovna, Chief Analyst (responsible for control); tel: 66 (office), D 7-47-61 (home). - 116 - ._ 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 R. J -s::l~ Gromova, Valentina Sergeyevna, Analyst; tel; 66 (office). Sarapkina, Liddiya Aleksandrovaa, Analyst; tel: 128 (office). Abramova, Nina Afanas'yeva, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: V 3-25-41 (office), Ye 7-55-92 (home). Belyayev, Yuriy Grigoriyevich, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: 154 (office). Danilochkin, Vl.dilen Ivanovich, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: 244 (office). Kitayev, Yuriy Konstantinovich, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: 119 (office). Kiryushin, Vladimir Ivanovich, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: (none). Petrova, Tatayana Nikolayevna, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: 176 (office). Stepanov, Svyatosluv Alekseyevich, Senior Analyst on Countries; tel: 244 (office). Tri:.l:in, aergey Polikurpovich, Senior Analyst on Countries; Lei: 154 (office). 3vlriiov, Feliks Alekaandrovich, Senior Analyst on Countries; Lei: (none). Voroahchetin, Vladilen Stepanovich, Senior Analyst for International Associations and Organizations; tel: 112 (office). Lebedkina, Yelizaveta Dmitriyevna, Senior Analyst for International Associations and Organizations; tel: 222 (office). IQiabarin, Nikolay Vasil'yevich, Senior Analyst for International Associations and Organizations; tel: 112 (office). Ayvazova, Valentina Ivanova, Senior Analyst for the Excursion Group; tel: 109 (office). Peykin, Ivan Aleksandrovich, Senior Analyst for the Ecursion Group; tel: 228 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Petkevich, Valentin ^ikolayevich, Senior Analyst for the Excursion Group; tel: 140 (office. Petrov, Dmitriy Vasil'yevich, Senior Analyst for the Excursion Group; tel: V 1-4-45 (office). Tolstukhina, Mariya Tikhonovna) Senior Analyst for the Excursion Group; tel: V ?_-40-45 (office), G 9-00-03 (home). Turutina, Nadezhda Maksimovna, Senior Analyst for the Excursion Group; tel: 109 (office). Mart'yanova, Mayya Nikolayevna, Analyst (Foreign Passports and visas); tel: 175 (office). Roslyakov, Valentin Sergeyevich, Senior Analyst of the Group for the Reception of Foreign Scientist; tel: V 1-12-04 (office). Semenov, Konstantin Vasil'yevich, Senior Analyst of the Group for the Reception of Foreign Scientists; tel: 154 (office). Mikhaylov, Pavel Vasil'yevich, Senior Analyst of the Group for the Repection of Foreign Scientists; tel: V 1-12-04 (office), G 1-51-92 (home). Dubenko, Aleksey Ivanovich, Senior Analyst of the Group for the Reception of Foreign Scientists; tel: none. Ivakhin, Vladislav Andreyevich, Senior Analyst of the Group for the Reception of Foreign tel: none. DIVISION OF PDDPLE's D 4OCRACTIC COUNTRIES Prasolov, 3ergey Ivanovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chief; tel: 121, v 2-5-81 (office), Ye 1-67-03 o Rakhmaninov, German Ivanovich, Deputy Chief; tel: 134, V 2-52-66 (office), V 7-58-79 (home). Korshunova, Aleksandra Mikhaylovna, Analyst; tel: 267, V 2-50-81 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Dudzinskaya, Yevgeniya Aleksandrovna, Coasultant for DHS, Sepls, DLL; tel: 72 (office), G 9-00-19, prefix 312 (home). Analysts for Countries: Sokolov, Sergey Aleksandrovich, visits; tel: 291 (office). Sekachev, Roman Gavrilovich, Reception; tel: 291 (office). Bulgaria Perfil'yeva, Tamara Nikolayevna, visits; tel: 231 (office), B 7-41+-94 (home). Khromov, Aleksey Kuz'mich, Reception; tel: 231 (office). German Democractic Republic and Yugoslavia Oreshin, Vladimir Vasil'yevich, visits; tel: 186 (office). Sukhorukov, Boris Leont'yevich, Reception; tel: 186 (office). Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and Korean People's Democratic Republic Glebov, Sleksy Mikhaylovich; tel: 132 (office). Chinese People's Republic Cherkasov, Yevgeniy Petrovich, DPMS; tel: 132 (office). Miklashevskiy, Viktor Leonidovich, DGS, Reception; tel: 248 (office), G 6-77-83 (home). Trubochkin, Nikolay Nikolayevich, DGGS; tel: 255 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Kuleshov, Dmitriy Semenovich, DBS, DHS, DEOLS, and DLL; tel: 255 (office). Mongolian People's Republic I1'in, Vladislav Ivanovich, Reception and Excursion; tel: 128 (office). Protchenko, Anna Ivanovna, visits; tel: 65 (office), G 9-00-03 (home) Smirnova, Nina Mikhaylovus, Reception; tel: 65 (office), Borodina, Natal'ya Yakovlevna, visits; tel: 105 (office). Sokolov, Vitaliy Pavlovich, Reception; tel: 219 (office), K 5-91-39 (home). Kapustina, Aleksandra Ivanovna; tel: 105 (office), B 3-74-27 (home). I1'in, Vladislav Ivnanovich, Senior Analyst for Conferernas in the USSR; tel: 128 (office). Morozova, Nina Vladimirovna, Senior Analyst, Foreign Passports and Transfers; tel: 175 (office). Kvasnikov, Valentin Leonidovich, Transmission of Scientific-Technical Documentation; tel: 72 (office). Bakh, Liddiya Alekseyevna, Head; tel: 61, V-2-38-02 (office), V 2-58-55 (h )? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM planning-Finance Division Shidlovskiy, Pavel Gavrilovich, Chief; -69 (home). tel: 120, V 1-74-06 (office), V 7- Klyashtorina, Roza Solomonovna, Deputy Chief; tel: 20 (office), v 7-71-28 #home). Romanovich, Lyubov' Ivanovna, Analyst; tel: 221 (office). Dobrovol'skiy, Vladislav Boleslavovich, Senior Economist; tel: 230 (office). Kuz'mina, Tamara Nikolayevna, Senior Economist; tel: 30 (office). Terekhova, Mariya Aleskeyevna, Senior Economist; (tel: V -3-26-51 (office), V 7-40-87 for the Financing of Budgetary Establishments; tel: 19, V 1-17-21 GROUP of Economic Accounting Enterprises; tel: 137, 132. Central Bookkeeping OFfice Address: Moscow V-7l, Leninskiy Prospekt 13, pod 7 (from courtyard). Switchbocrd: V 200-00-, prefix 94, 251. Dolgov, Petr 2 37-99 (office), Chief D 7-30-55 (home). Prokof'yev, Sergey Vla i ie), ichYe 1-10-57 , Deputy Chief tel: V 2-25-65 Likharev, Viktor Leonidovich, Acting Deputy Chief; tel: 94, V 2-25-65 (office). pus'kov, Konstantin Igaat ' yevich, Senior Accountant of the Composite Group; tel: V 2-63-82 (office), G 6-73-97 (home)- Vasilevich, Valentina Leont'yevna, Secretary; tel: V 2-37-99 (office), V 2-33-46 (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Chakhmakhchev, Grigoriy Geykovich, Administrator of Eterprises; tel: 124, V 2-37-99 (office), G 3043068 (home). Kuznetsova, 01'ga Vasil'yevna, Senior Analyst; tel. 111 (office). Kul'chev, Ivan Mikhaylovich, Deputy Administrator; tel: 125, v 1-63-07 (office). Polyakov, Vladimir Dmitriyevich, Deputy Administrator; tel: 225, V 2-36-05 (office), V 7-43-10 (home). Fedorova, Nadezhda Dmitriyevna, Senior Inspector; tel: 164 (office). Greppov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich, Chief Legal Consultant; tel: 50, V 3-26-50 (office). Petrenko, Leonid Fedorovich, Legal Consultant; tel: V 3-26-50 (office). Kletkina, Yekaterina Davydovna, Senior Economist; tel: 260 (office). Sedova, Galina Pavlovna, Head of Public Affairs Division; tel: V 2-47-46 (office), V 7-26-33 (office). Mil'gotina, Tat'yana Ivanovna, Senior Inspector on Personnel Affairs; te.: 241, V 2-47-46 (office), D 2-16-70 (home). Bookkeeping Unit of the Managing Department Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 14, Corpus 1 Zakrzhevskiy, Genadiy Vikent'yevich, Chief Bookkeeper; tel: 17, V 2-46-85 (office), V 7-07-63 (home). Kositskiy, Konstantin Konstantinovich, Deputy Chief Bookkeeper; tel: 117 (office). Kononova, Lidiya Anatol'yevna, Senior Bookkeeper; tel: 147 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Moroz, Lidiya Nikolayevna, Senior Bookkeeper; tel: 117 (office). Sveshnikova, Antonina Mikhnylovna, Senior Bookkeeper; tel: 211 (office). Troshin:i, Nina Petrovna, Senior Bookkeeper; tel: 157 (office). Ca3hier Tel: 18. Saving bank tel: 118. Automobile Division Moscow V-312, 1st Akademicheakiy Proyezd 21 Tarsis, Dmitriy Yakovelevich, Chief; tel: V 7-28-35 (office), D 7-42-85 (home). Bookkeeping section; tel: V 7-56-68 Moscow Automobile Base Address: Moscow V 312, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 21. Gilyarov, Nikolcy Vasil'yevich,Chief; tel: V 7-28-27 (office), V 7-57-95 (home). Gamynin, Petr Petrovich, Deputy Chief; tel: V-7-28-12 (office), V 7-31-66 (home). Bookkeeping office; tel: V 7-56-68. Division of Supplies; tel: V 7-28-46. Dispatcher's office; tel: V 7-18-05, V s-28-0 4 Party and Trade Union Organization: tel: V 7-44-10. Expeditional Autobase Address: Moscow V 312, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 21a. Byabtsev, Sergey Petrovich, Chief; tel: V 7-26-36 (office), K 4-48-86 (home). Makeyev, Ivan Timofeyevich, Deputy Chief; tel: V 7-26-36 (office), Zh 2-27-73 (home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Bookkeeping office; tel: V 7-47-15 Dispatcher's office: tel: V 7-39-11 party and Trade Union organization: tel: V 7-39-11. Leningrad Auto Base Address: Leningrad V 164, Nab. Makarov 2. Makarov, Konstantin Illarionovich, Chief; tel: A 2-71-86 (office), A 7-13-24 (home). Bookkeeping office; tel: A 2-71-86 Dispatcher's office; tel: A 2-41-82 party and Trade Union Organization; tel: A 2-41-82. Houai z and Couununal Division Moscow V 17, Pyatnitskaya Ul. 48a, tel: V 1-08-43. Antonyu;:, Ivan 3tepanovich, Chief; tel: V 1-08-43 (office), V 7-42-10 (home). Smirnov, Viktor Ivanovich, Deputy Chief for office and dwelling quarters; tel: V 1-09-84 (office), V 7-39-47 (home). Aleshin, Andrey Yemel'yanovich, Deputy Chief for Aspirants' Dormitories; tel: V 3-13-48 (office), V 1-01-57 (home). Stepanov, Nikolay Dmitriyevich, Chieieeeer; tel: V 1-09-84 (office), B 3-39-82 ( ). ffiigineers on technical Problems. tel: V 3-13-98. Wasin, Nikolay Ivanovich, Chief Bookkeeper; tel: B 1-90-44 (office). panferov, Timofey Andreyevich, Administrator of the Summer Homes Economy; tel: V 1-58-24 (office). Milevskiy, Anton Vladislavovich, Legal Consultant; tel: V 3-13-98 (office). Saakova, Evelina Pavlovna, Inspector for Personnel and Office manager; tel: V 3-13-98 (office). -124- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Party and Trade Union Organization; tel: V 3-13-98 Housing Administration; (address). No 1, Leninskiy Prospekt, 13. tel: V 2-47-66. No 2, Leninskiy Prospekt of/1. Tel: V 4-00-12 No 3, 1-ya Cheremkushinskaya 3. tel: V 7-49-30 No 4, Ulitsa Chkalov 21/2. tel: K 7-45-05 No 5, Prospekt Mira 70a. tel: I 1-82-86 No 6, Novopeschanya 21, wing 1. tel: D 7-35-01 No 7, Ulitsa Gor'kiy 22a. tel: B 3-57-83 No 8, Pyatnitskaya 12. tel: No 9, 3-iy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 10, Corpus 2. tel: V 7-8-55 Apartment dvallings: (actresses) 1-ya Cheremushinskaya 3; tel: V 7-32-23, V 7-40-07, V 7-22-06 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 49; tel: V 4-00-12, prefix 165 M. Bronnaya 18; tel: K 5-45-87, K 5-62-08 Ulitsa B. Khel'nitskoiye. 7/8; 1-yy Akademichessiy Proyezd 39a. tel: V 7-85-68 4-ya Cheremushinskaya 10. Medical Division Address: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 13; switchboard: V 2-00-00 Khot'ko, Nikolay Korneyevich, Chief; tel: 185, V 2-32-64 (office), D 5063-86 (home) Mironova, Yevgeniya Georgiyevana, Deputy Chief; tel: 171, V 2-32-64 (office), D 5-63-86 (home). Popova, Glafira Vasil',jevna, Senior Inspector for the Issue of Sanatorium Authorizations tel: V 2-39-09 (office). -125 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Gel'frat, Nina Vasil'yevna, Inspector for the Issue of Sanatorium Authorizations tel: V 2-39-09 (office) Pereverzeva, Mariya Andreyevna, Senior Inspector of Children's Establishments; 22 (home). tel: V 2-33-52 (office), V 7-75- Filatova Aleksandra Ivanovna, Secretary; Tel: 171, V 2-32-64 (office). Hospital of the Academy of Sciences USSR Address: Moscow V 312, Leninskiy Prosvekt 50a Grinshpan, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, Chief Physician; tel: V 7-02-08 (office), V 7-50-78 (home). Mishchenko, Yekaterina Dorofeyerna, Deputy Physician for the Medical Division; tel: V 7-09-67 (office). Deputy Chief physician for Administration; tel: V 7-01-09 emergency Aid; tel: V 7-01-46 Information Bureau; tel: V 7-01-76 House Calls for Physician-Specialists; tel: V 7-03-95 Appointments with Phsyician Specialists; tel: V 7-05-17, V 7-02-97 Dispensary Division; tel: V 7-08-69, V 7-08-45, V 7-08-49 pharmacy; tel: V 7-04-28 Manager of Polyclinic; tel: V 7-09-69 Stomatological Division; tel: V 7-09-76 Reception Division; tel: V '1-01-46 party and Trade Union Organization; tel: V 7-09-69 ynlvcliniC No 1 address: Moscow Tsentr, Sretenskiy bul. 6/1 Repnikov, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, Director; h~)? tel: B 1-84-23 (office), K 5-33-55 (office), K 5-63-17 -126- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Stebleva, Zoya Andreyevna, Deputy Chief for the Medical Section; tel: B 8-62-20 (office), K 5-52-72 (home) Home assistants; tel: K 4-79-62, B 8-85-95 Appointment with Physician and the Pharmacy Booth; tel: B 1-69-03, K 4-96-09. Branch of the Polyclinic and Stomatological Divisional. Address: Moscow G-19, Vol.khonka 14; tel: G 3-38-66, G 5-53-43. Sanatorium (One Day) "Uzkoye" Address: Moscow 17, Teplyy Stan Post Office Petryakov, Vladimir Segeyevich, Director; tel: V 0-19-56, V 0-12-34 Children's Play ounds 67 -- of IBS address: Leniriskiy prospect 22, tel: V 2-13-60 No. 8 No 371 -- of the Central Construction Academy, 3-iY Akademicheskiy Proyezd 82; tel: V 4-00-12, ext 71 No 372 -- of the Institute of Chemical Physics, Vorob'yevsloye shosse 2; tel: V 7-00-12, ext 228 No 519 -- of the *anaging department; Ulitsa Gorkovo 22a; tel: K 4-07-13 No 806 -- of the Institute of Organic Chemittry, Leninskiy Prospect 61/1 (DNR-2); tel: V 4-00-12, ext 121 No 993 -- of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Leninskiy Prospekt 25; tel: V 4-00-27, ext No 1062 -- of the Botanical Gardens, Vladykinskoye Shosse 2, wing 5, tel: 3-97-82 No 1064 -- of the Typography No 2, 3-iy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 8b; tel: V 7-39-82 No 1035 -- of the Institute of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, 1-ya Cheremushkinskaya Ulitsa 3; tel: V 7-21-39 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM No 1191 -- 3-iy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 8a; tel: V 7-39-21 No 1244 -- of the Acoustic Institute, 3-iy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 10, Wing 2; tel: V 7-55-78 No 14 -- Creche-playground -- of the Managing Department, 1-yy A1:ademicheskiy Proyezd 434; tel: V 7-63-14 (creche), V 7-50-94 (playground) No 496, Creche -- of the Managing Department, Leninskiy Prospekt 57; No 555 creche -- of the Managing Department, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 39a, tel: V 7-44-76 Creche-Playground, Gorki Leninskiye; tel: V 2-10-20 Children's Playground of the Institute of Mining, Lyubertsy 4; tel: Zh 1-90-10, ext 28-11 Creche of the Institute of Mining, Lyubertsy 4, tel:?h 1-90-10, ext 28-12 "Uzkoye" Creche-Playground of the Managing Department, Moscow 17, Teplyy Stan Post office Children's Preschool Village, Porech'ye, Zvenigorodskiy Rayon, Moscow Oblast Suburban Children's Recuperating Base (for preschool children), 3tantsiya Zelenogradskaya, Severnoy Railway Line, Ulitsa Lomonosova; "Porech'ye" Pioneer Camp Zvenigorodskiy Rayon, Moscow Oblast, Porech'ye; "Laluch'ye"R ecuperating Camp (for Older Children), Kaliniskaya Oblasy, Vyshnevolotskiy Rayon, Kolometakiy Rural Soviet. -128- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI Organizational Division of the Managing DeDaz't~nt Address: Moscc-d V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14, switchboard V 2-00-00 Polyakov, Vladimir Dmitriyevich, Chief; tel: 225, V 2-36-05 (office), V 7-43-10 (home) Belyayev, Igor; Vasil'yevich, Deputy Chief; tel: V 2-26-89 (office), V 7-42-11 (home) Vishnyakov, Vladimir Vasil'yevich, Senior Inspector; tel: 254, v 1-32-45 (office) Kozyrev, Sergey Aleksandrovich, Senior Inspector; tel: 195, V 2-26-89 (office), V 7-69-21 (home) Murzina, Nz:taliya Ustinovna, Senior Inspector; tel: 5 (office), V 2-16-94 (office) Rodionova, Yevgeniya Stepanovna, Senior Inspector; tel: 229 (office), V 7-36-77 (home) Fomina, Valentina Aleksandrovna, Senior Economist; tel: 183 (office) Milyukova, Yekaterina Georgiyevna, Economist; tel: 183 (office) Dmitriyev, Viktor Alekseyevich, Inspector; tel: 5 (office), Zh 2-41-40 (home) Sharikov, Georgiy Petrovich, Inspector; tel: 254 (office), V 4-00-23, ext. 310 (home) Division of Labor Protection and Safety $igineer1n Address: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14 Martynov, Aleksandr Karpovich, Chief; tel: G 5-09-58 (lffcce), Zh 2-12-72 (home) Kutakov, Ivan Ivanovich, Senior Engineer; tel: G 5-09-58 (office), D 5-52-68 (home) Naumkina, Valentina Ivanovna, Senior Engineer; tel: G 5-09-58 (office), V 0-30-14 (home) - 129 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Burikova, Baziliya Yakovlevna, Legal Consultant; tel: G 5-09-58 (office), G 1-73-46 (home) Ovcharova, Lyudmila Petrovna, Secretary; tel: G 5-09-58 (Office) Technical Division Address: Moscow V-17, Pyatnitskaya 48a; tel: V 1-54-61 Kharitonov, Dmitriy Vasil'yevich, Chief and Chief Engineer; tel: V 1-54-61 (office), K 7-99-47 (home) Danilov, Nikita Arkhipovich, Deputy Chief and Chief Electrician; tel: V 1-21-29 (office) Belikov, Nikolay Nikolayevich, Engineer; tel: V 1-21-29 (office) Tarasenko, Aleksandr Petrovich, Engineer; tel: V 1-21-29 (office) Kharin, Vasiliy Ignat'yevich, Engineer; tel: V 1-21-29 (office) Economic Division Address: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14 Klyartsevich, Leonid Petrovich, Chief; tel: 159, V 1-71-25 (office), V 7-42-56 (home) Filippov, Grigoriy Romanovich, Deputy Chief; Tel: 25 (office), V 7-66-84 (Fhome) Orlov, Georgiy Georgiyevich, Chief of Communications; tel: 190, V 3-10-74 (office) D'yakonova, Aleksandra Fedorovna, Inspector; tel: 235 (office) Economic Group of the Department of Biological Sciences; Address: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 33 Zverkov, Vasiliy Alekseyevich, Chief; tel: V 2-33-50 (office) ..T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Economic Group of the Departments of Social Sciences; Address: Moscow G-19, Vo:.khonka 14 Ivanov, Ivan Filippovich, Chief; tel: B 3-59-48 (office) Inspectorate for the Prcteation and Regiment of the EBtablishments of the Academy of Sciences USSR; A ddress: Moscow G-19, Volkhonka 14 Batenkov, Nikolay Petrovich, Chief; tel: K 4-12-06 (office) Construction and Installation Administration No 5 Address: Moscow N. Cheremushki, block 21a, wing 6, basement Kirrilov, Vladimir Ignat'yevich, Chief; V 0-07-78 (office) Shkurin, Vitaliy Andreyevich, Chief Engineer; tel: V 0-07-78 (office) Production Section; tel: V 0-07-78 House for Visiting Scientists Address: Moscow D-47, Ulitsa Gorkovo, switchboard: D 1-00-40 Yermakovich, Klara Genrikhovna, Director; tel: D 1-58-10 (office) Duty Administrator; tel: V 2-49-84 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Personal Service Combine Address: Moscow V 71, Leninskiy Prospekt 13, Churbanov, Vasiliy Semenovich, Director; tel: V 2-56-88 (office), Zh 2-04-05 (home) Order receiving Office; tel: V 2-49-84 Administrative-Economic Administration of the Leningrad Establishments of the Academy of Sciences USSR Address: Leningrad v 164 Univesitetskaya I,zb. 5 tel: A 2-57-54 Kostenko, Mikhail Poliyevktovich, Acadetician, Representative of of the Academy of Sciences USSR for Leningrad; tel: A 2-01-23 (office), Leningrad), V 4-66-40 (home Leningrad) Vanin, Ivan Andreyevich, Deputy Administrttor of the Affairs of the Academy of Sciences USSR; tel: A 1-12-08 (office), A 3-34-24 (home) Galkina, Vera Nikolayevna, Analyst; tel: A 1-13-08 (office), lh 2-34-45 (home) Bragin Pavel Trofimovich, Chief Engineer; tel: A 2-78-92 Semenov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich, Chief Accountant; tel: A 2-04-23 (office), K 2-14-77 (home) Lebin, Boris Dmitriyevich, Senior Inspector-Consultant of the Administration of Personnel at the Leningrad Establishments; tel: A 2-00-23 (office) Patrikeyeva, Tat'yana Gavrilovna, Office Manager; tel: A 2-37-54 (office) Senior Consultant for Foreign Relations; tel: A- 2-12-43 (office), A 1-15-08 (home) Legal Consultant; tel: A 2-47-54 132 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI Economic Division and Division of Supplies; tel: A 2-36-44 Public Housing Division; tel: A 2-79-82 Fire Alarms; tel: A 2-38-36 House for Aspirants; tel: V 2-50-61 Autobase Dispatcher; tel: A 2-41-82, A 2-28-46 Children's Playground; tel: A 2-32-66 Polyclinic of the Academy of Sciences; tel: chief physician -- A 4-59-48 Registration; tel: A 4-61-10 Dormitory for Visiting Scientists; Address: Leningrad, Ulitsa Khalturina 27; tel: A 1-81-56 Chair of Foreign Languages; tel: A 2-76-76 Chair of Philosophy; tel: A 2-02-33 Presidium Party Committee Address: Moscow V 71, Leninakiy Prospekt 14, switchboard: V 2-00-00 Novikov, Valerian Dmitriyevich, Secretary; tel: V 3-52-28 (office), B 3-04-12 (home) Sagoyan, Artem Petrovich, Deputy Secretary; tel: V 7-21-50 (office), Ye 5-16-88 (home) Bogomolova, Al'bina Fedorovna, Technical Secretary; tel: 127 (office) 133 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Presidium Trade Union Committee Address: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14, switchboard: V 2-00-00 Kharin, Vasiliy Iglat'yevich, Chairman; tel: 13, V 1-21-19 {office) Pevtsova, Zinaida Grigoriyevna, Secretary; tel: 73 (office) Presidium Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of the Soviet Union (VLKSM) Kuz'mina, Nataliya Markovna, Secretary; tel: 57 (office) K 5-71-97 (home) Borodina, Zoya Petrovna, Deputy Secretary; tel: 49 (office) Central Supply Administration (Tsentraakademsnab), Address: Moscow V-71-Leninskiy Prossekt 7, switchboard: V 4-00-33 Dolgopolov, Viktor Nifontovich, Chief; tel: V 2-37-48 (office), V 3-52-71(home) Rostarchuk, Aleksandr Alekseytvich, Deputy Chief; tel: 92 (office), V 2-31-91 (home) Chutkerashvili, Daniil Vasil'yevich , Deputy Chief for the Production IIiterprises and Personnel; tel: V 2-59-66 (office), V 7-68-83 (home) Sviridov, Stepan Grigoriyetich, Chief Accountant; tel: 290 (office) Shundeyeva, Yelena Pavlovna Senior Inspector (Responsible for control); tel: V 2-37-48 (office) Teterina, Vera Mikhaylovaa, responsible for RKecution of Work; tel: 91 (office) - 1311 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Rubanchik, Yakov Aleksandrovich, Chief of the Planning Section; tel: 288 (office) Kuz'mina, Nina Lecnidovna, Chief of the Section of Scientific Equipment; tel: 287 (office) Breshch, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, Chief of the Section of General Equipment; te]: 95 (office) Dolinin, Voris Vladimirovich, Chief of the Section of Non-Standard Equipment and Supplies; tel: 285 (office) Podperezskiy, Petr Ivonovich, Chief of the Import Section; tel: 285 (office) Zakrzhevskiy, Valentin Makhaylovich, Chief of the Section for the Precision Instruments and Inspection of Measures; tel: G 1-48-66 (office) Baksheyev, Mikhail Afanas'yevich, Chief of the Section for Building Materials; Hardware Metals, and Industrial Hardware; tel: 292 (office) Chernyakov, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich, Chief of the Section for Industrial Products, Foodstuffs, Auxiliary Materials, Expedition Supplies, and Fyel; tel: V 2-59-66 (office) Novichkov, Fedor Aleskeyevich, Chief of the Chemical Section; tel: 293 (office) Moscow Office, Moscow V-49, Krymskaya nab. 10 Ulanovskiy, Arkadiy Bernardovich, Chief; tel: V 3-42-31 Yershov, Pavel Vasil'yevich, Chief; tel: V 3-56-52 (office) - 135 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Supply Office for Scientific Equipment, Chemicals, Reagents and Laboratory Dishware; Moscow V-49, Krymakaya val 22; tel: V 1-15-26 Leningrad Office; Leningrad V-164, Universitetskaya Nab 5 Sheyakman, Arkadiy Moiseyevich, Supervior; tel: A 2-03-33 (office) Office of Expedition Supplies, Moscow V-49, Maronovskiy Per. 28 Yushtin, Ivan Yeven'yevich, Supervisor; tel: V 1-26-82 (office) Special Design Bureau for Analytical Instrument Building, Leningrad 103, pr. Ogorodnikova 26 Pavlenko, Vladimir Antonovich, Chief and Chief Designer; tel: D 1-28-50 (office) Central Design Bureau, Moscow Ye-23, Suvorovskaya 29/8 Mashintsev, Yevgeniy Vasil'yevich, Chief; tel: Ye 3-31-40 (office) Experimental Plant of Laboratory Furniture and Iquipment, Moscow Zh-127, Ulitsa Osipenko 41; Gerasimov, Leonid Ivanovich, Director; tel: V 1-43-20 (Office) Laboratory of Scientific-Applied Photography and Kinematography, (LAFOKI), Moscow Center, Moscow, Khariton'yevskiy per. 4; Yashtol'd-Govorko, Vsevold Aleksandrovich, Director; tel: B 8-32-30 (office) The Affiliate of the Laboratory, Leningrad V-164, Nab. Makarova 2 Representative of the Rresidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR for Construction, Address: Moscow V-49, Maronovskiy Per. 26 Chernopyatov, Konstantin Nikolayevich, Representative; tel: V 1-50-26 (Office), V 1-84-32 (home) -136- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Kozlovskaya Iyudmila Alekseyevna, Analyst; tel: V 1-50-26 (office), V 4-00-12 (home) Central AcLiinistration of Capital Construction (TsUKS), Address: Moscow, V-49, Maronovskiy Per. 26 R';.sanovskiy, Grigoriy Ivanovich, Chief; tel: V 1-80-26 (office), V 7-46-80 (home) Tseloval'nikov, Viktor Aleksandrovich, Deputy Chief and Chief Technologist; tel: V 1-80-26 (office), V 7-52-32 (home) Kuligin, Nikolay Nikolayevich, Chief Engineer; tel: V 3-42-93 (office), V 5-20-70 (home) Mayorov, Andrey Grigor'yevich, Chief of try Personnel Section; tel: V 3-42-91 (office) Ivenova, Aleksandra Ivanovna, Responsible for Execution of Work; tel: V 1-80-26 (office) Party organization; tel: V 3-54-38 Trade Union Organization; tea: V 3-54-38 Korotkin, Yuriy Afanas'yevich, Representative for Moscow and the oblast; Address: Moscow V-49, Krymskiy per 12; tel: V 1-04-86 (office), Ye 1 -40-64 Grossman, Lev Isayevich, Representative for Leningrad; address: Leningrad, Ulitsa Gertsen, 51; Tel: A 1-78-62 (office) Fereguda, Anton Grigor'yevich, Reprsentative for Crimea; Address: Simferopol', Ulitsa Shpolyanskaya 9; tel: ATS 6-00 (office) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Central Administration Construction (Tsentrakademstroy) Address: Moscow V-312, i-yy AkademichesLPr ezd 20; switchboard: V 4-00-12 I I Sovkov, Georgiy Basil'yevich, Chief; tel: 100, V 7-21-71 (office), Ye 1-53-88 (borne) Sveshnikov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Deputy Chief and Chief &igineer; tel: V 7-68-01, (office), V 4-00-12, prefix 308 (home) Lyal'kov, Vasiliy Alekseyevich, Chief of Personnel and General Division, tel: V 7-75-58 (office) Ulanovskiy Mikhail Bentsionovich, Chief of the Production Division; tel: V 7-64-08 (office) Tylevich, Ion L'vovich, Chief of the Technical Division; tel: V 7-63-01 (office) Kagan, Yefim Mikhaylovich, Chief of Supply Division; tel: V 7-69-97 Party Organization; tel: V 7-75-14 Construction Commission; tel: 95 Construction and Installation Administration 4 (sMU 4); a address: Moscow V 71, 5-yy Donskoy Proyezd 14a; tel: V 2-52-45 Construction and Installation Administration -7 (SMU-7); Address: Moscow Oblast, Serpukhovskiy Rayon, tharino; tel: "Serpukhov, Bol'shoye Gryzlovo, Akademstroy." Construction and Installation Administration-8 (SI4J-8); address: Moscow, Lyubertsy Oktyabr'skiy Prospekt 403; tel: Zh 1-90-10, ext. 25-18 Construction and Installation Administration-9 (SMJ-9); address: Moscow, V-312, 2-yy Akadmicheskiy Proyezd 6; tel: V 4-00-12, ext 85 -138- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Construction and Installation Administration-10 )SMU-10); addeess: Moscow V-49, Mytnaya Ulitsa 12, Wing 12 Construction and Installation Administration-11 (SMU-11) address: Moscow Oblast, Krasnaya Pakhra, Izmiran Settlement; tel: G 6-03-50, ext 335 Construction and Installation Administration-12 (SMU-12) address: Moscow V-312, 2-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 6a; tel: V-4-00-12, ext 337 Special Leningrad Construction-Installation Division; "Lenakademstroy." address: Leningrad, Ulitsa IChalturina, 27; tel: A 1-33-51 Plant of Iron-Concrete Products and Metal Products; address: Moscow V-259, Staryye Cheremushki, Ulitsa Kar'yer, 10; tel: V 4-00-12, ext 255 Wood Processing Combinat; address: Moscow V-312, 2-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 6; tel: V 4-00-12, ext 21 Experimental-Mechanical Shops; address: Moscow V-312, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 23; tel: V 4-00-12, prefix 103 Office for the Mechanization of Construction and Auto Transportation; address: Moscow V-3l2, 1-yy Akademicheskir Proyezd 3; tel: V 7-2202, prefix 12 _'hIQC /Expansion unknown], address: Moscow, V 312, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 20; tel: V 7-22-15 All Union State Institute for the Planning and Design of Scientific-Research Institutes and Laboratories of the Academy of Sciences USSR and Academies of Sciences of the_ Union Republics CGIPRONII Address: Moscow V-49, Maronovskiy Pereulok 26. Domoratskiy, Petr Ivanovich Director; tel: V 7-42-87 (office$ Shchusev, Mikhail Alekseyevich, Deputy Director and Chief Engineer; tel: V 3-42-87 (office), V 9-58-11 (home) - 139 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001 2 HUM Mel'nikov, Georgiy Vasil'yevich, Deputy Director; tel: V 1-13-63 (office), V 7-54-36 (hone) Shul'ga, Ivan Maksimovich, Chief of Cadre Division; tel: V 3-41-40 (office), V 7-54-10 )Ease) Petrova, Raise, Fedorovna, Analyst; tel: V 3-37-66 (office) Party Organization: tel.: V 1-37-89 Trade Union organization: tel: V 3-41-31 Leningrad Department; Leningrad, Ulitsa Gertsen 51; Ostanin, Ivan Aleksyevich, Director; tel: A 0-79-41 (office) Yemel'yantsv. Andrey Smitri evich, Chief Engineer; tel: A 0-52-02 (office Novosibirsk Department; Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya 20 Kasatkin, Vitt Semenovich Director; tel: 3-50-27 (office Malyshev, Fedor Andreyevich, Chief Engineer; tel: 2-03-45, ext 35 (office) Fadeyev. Anatoliy Ivanovich, Chief of Construction; tel: 2-03-45, ext 35 (office) Central Asiatic Branch; Tashkent 47, Ulitsa Dzerzhinskiy 26; Shakhsuvarov, Ivan I.ristoforovich, Chief Engineer; tel: 3-23-80 (office) - 140 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM L..,. alt. Establishments Attached to (PRI) The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR '' itorial-Publishing Council of the Academy of Sciences USSR Address: Moscow Center, Moscow, Khariton'yevskiy Pereulok 4; Switchboard 42 Nesmeyanoy, Aleksandr Nikolayovich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-02-06 (office) Ostrovityanov. Kionstantin Vasil'yevich, Academician and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 1-54-06 (office) Samsonov, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: K 2-05-53 (office), D 7-20-78 (home) Komkov, Cennadiy Danilovich; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Seno r Scientific Associate; tel: K 2-05-53 Mel'*iikova. Irina Viktorovna. Senior Scientific-Technical Associate; tel: K 2-05-53 (office) Podgornova; Aida Ivanovna. Seniir Scientific-Technical Associate; tel: K 2-05-53 (office), B 1-06-22 (home) Mel'nikova, Liliya Vasil'yevna, Analyst; tel: K 2-05-53 Editorial Board of the Series "Classics of Science." Address: Mosco.a Center, Moscow, Khariton'yevskiy Pereulok 4; switchboard: 42 Petrovskiy, Ivan Georgiyevich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 9-39-34 (office) Oznobishin; Dmitriy Vladimirovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: K 2-05-43 (office) Donina. Iza Mikhaylovna, Senior Analyst; tel: K 2-05-53 (office), B 9-10-79 (home) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Editorial Board of the Series "Literary Monuments," Address: Moscow Center, Moscow, Khariton'yevakiy Pereulok 4; Switchboard: 42 Volgin, Vyacheslav Petrovich, Academician and Chairman; tel: K 2-05-53 (office) Konrad. Nikolay Iosifovich, Academician and Deputy Chairman; tel: K 2-05-52 (Office) Oznobishin, Dmitriy Vladimirovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: K 2-05-53 (office) Donina, Iza Mikhaylovna, Senior Analyst; tel: K 2-05-53 (office), B 9-10-79 (home) Editorial Board of the Series "Scientific-Popular Literature," Address: Moscow B-62, Podsosenskiy Pereulok 21 Topchiyev, Aleksandr Vasil' evich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-56-06 (office) Boyarskiy, Vladimir Anan'yevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Sceintific Secretary; tel: B 7-22-27 (office), G 6-99-83 e) Dukel'skaya, Ve?a Yevseyevna, Organizational Editor; tel: B 7-22-27 (office), D 3-60-00, ext 2563 (home) journal "Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR" (Herald of the Academy of Sciences USSR), Adress: Moscow. K-31, Kuznetskiy Most 910; Ostrovityanov, Konstantin Vasil'yevich, Academician and Chief Editor; tel: V 1-54-06 (office) Smirnov. Dmitriy Donatovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences and Deputy Chief Editor; tel: B 3-62-63 (office), D 5-42-50 (home) Margolin, Ilya Yul'yevich, Responsible Secretary; tel: B 3-62-63 (office), B 9-66-09 (home) Kozlova. Anna Ivanovna, Managing Editor; tel: B 3-62-63 (office), B 3-55-71 (office), V 2-45-70 (home) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM "Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR." (Reports of the Academy of Sciences USSR), Address: Moscow B-62, Podsosenskiy Pereulok 21; Oparin, Aleksandr Ivanovich, Academician and Chief Editor; tel: V 2-34-41 (office) Bomshteyn, Isaak Davidovich, Editor; tel: V 7-01-45 (office) Lobach-Lhuchenko, Yekaterina Borisovna, Managing Editor; tel: B 7-01-45 (office), B 9-52-23 (home) Pri.oda": (Nature), address: Moscoi Center, Mosco.., Khariton'yevskiy Pereulok 4; Shcherbakov Dmitriy Ivanovich, Academician and Chief editor; tel: V 1-58-03 (office) Kogan Yakov Borisovich, Responsible Secretar ; tel: K 5-60-28 office), v 1-91-65 (home Fedchuk, Ivan Petrovich, Mana,,ino Editor; tel: B 8-06-72 (office) Atomnaya l:nergiya " (Atomic Energy), Address: Mosco,a Center. Ulitsa Kirova 18; tel: B 8-03-44 Novikov, Ivan Ivanovich, Corresponding Member of Chief Editor; tel: K 5-33-39 (office) Artemov, Anatoliy Ivanovich. Managing ditor; tel: K 5-86-70 (office Counci 1_19; the the Scientific Activities of the Academies of Sciences of the Union Republics and Branches of the Academy of Sciences USSR Address: Mosco V 71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14; Nesmeyanov. Aleksandr Nikolayevich, Academician ani Chairman; te): V 1-02-06 (office) Novikov Valerian Dmitriyevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Deputy Chairman: tel: 295 V-2-40-06 (office), B 3-04-12 (home) - 143 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Golovk:.n, Nikolay Nikolayevich, Scientific Secretary; tel: 67, V 2-14-68 (office), K 4-81-92 (home) Kuksa, Ivan Nikitich, Candidate of Biological Sciences and Deputy Scientific Secretary; tel: 89, V 2-44-11 (office), B 9-61-76 (home) Minervin, Aleksandr Borisovich, Deputy Scientific Secretary; tel; 275 (office) Ruzhitskiy, Vasiliy Onikiyevich, Candidate of Geological and Mineral Sciences, and Deputy Scientific Secretary; Tel: 89; V 2-44-11 (office), B 7-14-09 (home) Rubtsav, boris Timofeyevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, and Dpty Scientific Secretary; tel: 143 (office) Shapovalov, Yuriy Mikhaylovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences and Deputy Scientific Secretary; tel: 143 (office), V 7-45-72 (home) Galkin, Nikolay Fedoravich. Acting Deputy Scientific Secretary; tel: 250.. V 2-44-11 (office) Drachevskiy Konstantin Petrovich, Consultant; tel: 250. V 2-44-11 (office) Koridalina, Lidiya Ivancr."na, Consultant; tel: 12, V 2-44-11 (office), K 4-90-58 (home) Maksimova, Alevtina Ivanovna, Consultant; tel: 275 (office) Nalbandeva. Mariya Ivanovna, Consultant; tel: 275 (office), K 7-34-53 (home) Skordvli Iyubov Konstantinovne, Analyst; tel: 12, V 2-40-06 (office) Scientific Counci]_ for High Molecular Compounds Address: Mosco: B 312, 1-y1 Akademicheskiy Proyezd 18; tel: V 7-00-02, ect 26 Topchiyev, Aleksandr Vasil' evich, Academician fnd Chairman; tel: V 1-56-06 (office) Karain. Valentin Alekseyevich, Academician and Deputy Chairman; tel: B 7-00-3.4, et. 14 (office) Kabachnik Martin iz.-ailevich. Deputy Chai_man; tel: V' ?-39-444 (ofi'ce) - 1" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Tikhomirov Sergey ikhaylovich, Deputy Chairman; tel: B 3-46-73 (office) Rokhlin, Yaks Isaakovich, Deputy Chairman; tel: V 7-23-41 (office), V 7-72-65 (home) Davydov Boris Smmanuilovich; Candidate of Chemical Sciences and Scientific Sec.reta-:y; to?: V 0-90-33 (office). prefi;. 15 (office) Scientific Council for b.:hibits of the W'or.k of the Academy of Sciences USSK and the Academies of Sciences of the Union e ub ics Address;: Mosco., D-40, Leningradskiy Prospekt 7; ;;.: itchboard : D 0-00-00 Mw-sanov, Andrey L'vovich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 2-36-91 (office) Kostrov, Vladimir Nafanalovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Deputy Chairman; tel: 25, D 3-69-80(home); C 3-50-23, prefix 589 (home) Sinyukhin, y'ariy A3ekseyevich Candidate of Technical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: 25, D 3-69-8o (office) Pavilion of the Academy of Sciences USSR at the Rxibition of Achievements of the National Econc y_-.jvij ) of the USSR Address: Masco-.+ 1-223, VDNKh, Pavilion of the Academy of Sciences-US"SRj tel: 13-94-92 Mironov, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, Director; tel: 13-96-31 (office), V 1-77-50 (home) Chief' Arrange-.'s and Arrangers tel: I 3-96-97. I 3-93-42 - 145 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Consultative Council for Machine=Information Logic Methods o em s ry Address: Moscow D-219, Baltiyskaya Ulitsa 14; Nesmeyanov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-02-06 (office) Mikhaylov. Aleksandr Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Deputy Chairman; tel: D 7-09-62(office) Seyfer, Avgust L'vovich) Candidate of Chemical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: D 7-00-16, ext. 56 (office) National Committee of the USSR for Petroleum Address: M oscow V 71, Lenin3kiy Prospekt 29 Topchiyev. Aleksandr Vasil' evich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-56-06 (office Shuuykin, Nikolay Ivanovich, Corresponding Member and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 7-00-13 (office), ext 160 Trebin Foma Andreyevich, Deputy Chainpam; tel: V 1-85-10, ext 151 (office) Panov. Vladimir Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: V 1-90-33, ext 61 (office), V 7-61-92 (home) Soviet Coordination Cgasittee on the Properties of Steam Address: Moscow V 71, Leninskiy Frospekt 14 Kirillin, Vladimir Aleksyevich, Corresponding Member and Chairman, tel: Lh 3-56-77 (office) Vukalovich. Mikhail Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences an' Deputy Chairman; tel: Lh 3-57-b0 (office), Ye 1-55-90 (home) Sirota, Anatoliy ) iseyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Scientific Secretary, tel: 5-50-77 (office) 146 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Interdepartmental Committee for Conducting the International Geophysical Year (!4 G) Address: Moscow V-296, Molodezhanya Ulitsa 3 Belousov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Corresponding Member and Acting Chairman; tel: D 0-00-01, ext 273 (office), Ye 1-47-26 (home) Bulanzhe, Yuriy Dmiti?iyevich, Doctor of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences and Deputy Chairman; tel: D 0-00-01, ext 533 (office), V 7-56-87 (home) Davitaya, Feofan Farneyevich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences and Deputy Chairman; tel: D 5-00-03 ext 313 (office), D 5-13-20 (home) Pushkov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 2-19-21, K 4-57-09 (office) Troitskays, Valeriya Aleksyevna, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: D 0-00-01, ext 229 (office), D 5-09-80 (home) Povzner, Artem Dmitriyevich Deputy Scientific Secretary tel: V 0-05-46 (office , D 1-45-24 (home) Yegoi-ova, Susanna Vladimirovna, Analyst; tel: V o-05-46 (office',, I 4-50-69 (home) Silkin, Boris Isaakovich, Corresponding Secretary of the Editorial Board of the Series of Works "Results of the International Geophysical Year (MGC); tel: V 0-56-39 (office), D 1-20-54 (home) Eoottstonal Consultative Commission for the Preparation and Conduct of the International Geophysical Year Program. In the Establishments of the Academy' of Scieace5R Address: Moscow G 242, B Gruzinskaya 10 Kalashnikav, Aleksey Georgiyevich, Doctor of Philosphical and Mathematical Sciences, and Chairman; tel: D 0-00-01, ext 381 (office) - 147 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Dem'yanova, Nina Vasil`yevna, Analyst; tel: D 0-00-01, ext 200 (office) Publishi%g House of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Address: Moscow B-62, Podsosenckiy Pereulok 21 Nazarov. Aleksey Ivanavich, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Directo- ; tel: K 7-56-91 (office), K 5-09-55 (hcae) E,usilovskiy. L'atan Yevseyevich; Deputy Dtrector; tel: K 7-45-18 (office). D 7-17-39 (home) Likhtenshteyn. Yefim Semenovich, Deputy Director and Chief Editor; tel: B 7-09-04 (office), D 7-72-74 (home) Kavalev. Anatoliy Petrovich Deputy Chief Editor; tel: B 7-38-18 (officej, B 8-47-55 (home) Editorial Division: tel: B 7-23-18 Book Editorial Offices: physico-mathematical literature; economics, philosophy, and law:; chemical literature; technical literature; tel: Ye 2-69-36 Historical literature, geologo-geographical literature; biological literature; scientific-popular literature; literature, art and language; tel: B 7-20-18. B 7-22-27 Literary Editorial office; tel: B 7-23-18 Proiuction Administration; tel: B 7-18-25, B 7-14-38, B 7-24-19 Information Division; tel: Ye 2-90-55 Technical Editorial Office; tel: B 7-17-25 Graphic Bureau ; tel: Ye 2-49-29 Administration of the Publication of Periodicals; tel: 3 B-7-06-45, B 7-19-46, B 7-21-05 -11,8- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Planning Division; tel: B 7-02-45 Main Accounting Office; tel: B 7-04-45, Ye 2-54-90 Division of Paper and Materials; tel: B 7-09-94 Division of Cadres; tel: B 7-07-45 Administrative Economic and Expedition Division; tel: B 7-11-45 Party Organization; tel: B 7-05-45 Trade Union Organization; tel: B 7-02-45 Leningrad Department. Leningrad, V.0. Mendeleyevskaya Liniya 1. fyzhakov, Dmitriy Stepanovich, Director; tel: A 2-02-23 (office), Lh? 3-34-20 (home Makukhin, Vasiliy Leont'yevich, Chief Editor; tel: A 2-68-93 (office); A 0-79-74 (home) First Typography; Leningrad, V. 0. 9-Ya Liniya 12 Ovcharov, Yakov Vasil'yevich, Director; tel: A 3-65-69 (office), A 7-19-66 (home) Lverev, Sergey Yevgen'yevich, Chief Engineer; tel: A 3-60-89 (office) Production Division; tel: A 3-60-88 Cutting Office; tel: G 1-14-62 Party Ortganization; tel: B 7-05-45 TL?ade Unicn Organization; Tel: 3-60-88 149 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM ?`I Second Typography; Mosco,~ G-99, Shubinskiy Pereulok 10; Karandeyev; Igor' Nikolayevich, Director; tel: G 1-02-82 (office), D 0-47-49 (home) Tasman, Semen Romanovich, Chief Engineer; tel: G 1-93-02 (office), B 7-45-21 (home) Production Division: tel: G 1-47-84 Cutting Section; tel: G 1-14-62 Party Organization; tel: G 1-46-82 Trade Union Organization; tel: G 1-91-86 Format Section; Kalanchevskaya Ulitsa 15 a; tel: K 5-15-81 OFfice fo_? the Distribution of the Publications of the Academy of Sciences USSR; Akademkniga, Moscow K 12, B. Cherkassiy Preulok 2/10 Rybakov, Boris Yefimovich, Director; tel: B 3-92-73 (office), B 7-67-88 (home) Accountant; tel: B 3-36-82 Central Warehouse; tel: K 4-46-01 Subscription Division; tel: N 1-45-60 Book Base; Pushkinskaya Ulitsa 23; tel: B 9-94-72 150 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Book Store;; No 1 -- Ulitsa Gorko-o 6, tel: B 9-94-72; B 9-21-84; B 9-06-64 No 2 -- 1-yy Akademicheskiy Pr?oyezd 55/5; tel: V 7-69-38 Leningrad Division "Akademkniga," Leningrad D-120, Liteynyy Prospekt 57; tel: .h 2-72-19 All-Union Institute of Scientific-Technical Information of the State-Sc?entific-Technical Committee of the Council of Ministers USSR and the Academy of Scien,-es USSR ~VINITI Address: Mosco_ D-02 Baltiyska~[a Ulitsa 14; S.;itchboard: 7-00-10 Mikhaylov. Aleksandr Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Di.-ector; tel: D 7-09-62 (office). D 7-52-06 (home) Lisichkin, Stepan Maksimovich, Doctor of Economic Sciences and Deputy Director ; tel: 5, D 7-09-62 (office), D 7-52-06 (home) Foin. Aleksandi? Antonovich. Candidate of Technical Sciences, D?puty Director; tel: D 7-54-91 (office), D 7-41-85 (home) Baskckov, Vladimir Ivanovich, Deputy Director: tel: D 7-52-01 (office), G 3-50-22 (home) Mikhaylov, Mikhail Vasil'yevich, Deputy Director; tel: D 7-54-16 (office). D 7-04-55 (home) Bezzabotnov, Ivan Ivanovich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: 'D 7-09-61 (office), K 5-79-42 (home) Tyshkevich, Nikolay Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: D 7-60-24 (office) Mikhen'kov. Nikolay Ivanovich, Chief Accountant; tel: D 7-05-01 (office) Yeremenko. _'inaida Il'ichna, Controller; tel: 36. D 7-55-24 (office), G 9-79-38 (home) Pa, ty 0_rganization; tel: 3 7-65-35 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 T~.?ade Union Organization; tel: 48 Astronomy and Geodesy; tel: 60, D 7-54-71 Biology; tel: D 7-00-16, ext 34; D 7-54-51 Geography; tel: 6 Geology and Mining; tel: 45 Geophysics; tel: 34 Mathematics; tel: 41 Machine-Building; tel: D 7-00-16, ext 16; D 7-43-20 Mechanization and Automation of Information; tel: D 7-00-16, ext 2 Mechanics; tel: 61, D 7-04-6i Scientific-Methodical; tel: 33 Scientific Translations; tel: 140 Scientific Funds; tel: 98 Preliminary Scientific Processing of Literature; tel: 76, D 7-48-27 Special Information; tel: 47. D 7-05-21 Transportation; tel: D 7-00-16, ext 44, D 7-53-61 Phy3ics; tel: 7. D 7-53-71 - 152 - Chemistry and Biochemistry; tel: 119, D 7-06-51 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HIJM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 oil Economics of Industry; tel: D 7-00-16, ext 11 (office) El ectrotechnology; tel: D 7-05-41 Translation Bureau; tel: B 3-11-86 Production Publishing Combine; Moecow, Lyubertsy, Oktyabrskiy Prospekt 403; tel: Lb 1-90-10, ext 25-50 Levshteyn. Mikhail Iosifovich, Director; Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology (IIY STEKh) Address: MoscOJ Center, Moscow, Lubyanka 12, 3rd Floor; tel: B 8-13-07 Figurovskiy, Nikolay Aleksandravich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Director; tel: K 5-70-03 (office), D 3-00-80 (home) Fedorov, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Deputy Director; tel: B 1-80-61 (office), D 1-07-19 (home) Fedoseyev. Ivan Andreyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: B 1-80-61 (office), B 9-09-69 (home) Morozov, Aleksandr Ivanavich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: B 1-65-51 (office) Party and Trade Union Organizations; tel: B 8-11-90 Lening ad Department, Leningrad V-164, V.0. Univesitetskaya nab. 5; tel: A 2-63-03 Perfil'yev, Petr Pavlovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Lirecto,-; tel: A 2-03-23 (office), h 2-46-63 (home) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Soviet National Society of Historians of Natural Science and Technology; Mosco- Cente_, Mosco;. Lubyanka, 12, 3rd Floor A'-buzov. Aleksandr Ye:mininnel'dovich, Academician and Director; tel: Kazan' 78-13 (office), Ka?an' 80-50 (home) Figurpvskiy. Nikolay Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Deputy Director; tel: K 5-70-03 (office), D 3-00-80 (home) Sr'ijo 'yan . ~'. hot TiE~ranovich, Candidate of Philo.3ophical and Mathematical Sciences and Scientif Secretary; tel: B 8-13-07 (office), D 2-14-70 (home) M. V. Lononosov Museum; Leningrad V-164, V.0. Universitetskaya nab. 3; - - --" tel: A 5-44-23 Maine Physical Section Address: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Frospekt 53; Switchboard: V 7-00-03 Brykin, Aleksandr Yevstrat'yevich, Chairman; tel: V 7-21-34 (office) Grabovskiy, Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Deputy Director; tel: 288 (office), B 9-01-89 (home) Veskov, Serge; Alekse evich: tel: 327 (office) Martynova, Nina Andreyevna, Analyst; tel: 288 (office) Library of the Academy of Sciences USSR Addr4ess: Leningrad V-164, Birzhevaya Lin. 1; tel: A 2-74-42 Filippov, Mikhail Semenovich, Candidate of Geological and Mining Sciences; Director; tel: A 2-74-42 (office), G 2-09-80 (home) -154- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i uun I -nuivi Moiseyeva, Ariadna Aleksandrovna, Deputy Director; tel: A 2-74-42 (office) Smolin, Georgiy Yakovlevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: A 2-26-57 (office), A 1-35-20 (home) Afanas'yev; Vitally Ivanovich, Deputy Director for the Administration of Economic Section; tel: A 2-28-93 (office), A 3-59-30 (home) Party Organization; tel: A 2-22-83 Party Organization; tel A 2-74-42 Reserve Fund of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR; Leningrad D-41 Ulitsa IQialturina 19; Tel: A 4-57-09 Section of the Network of Special Libraries Address: Moscc:i V-71 _2-oy Donskoy Proyezd 9 Abramova. Baler.tina Ivanovna, Supervisor; tel: V 2-25-64 (office), V 7-57-97 (bane) Petrovskaya; Anastasiya Petrovna, Deputy Supervisor; tel: V 4-00-23 (office) Tikhowirov. Ceorgiy Sergeyevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: V 4-00-23 (office), Zh 1-11-35 (home) Larionov, Petr Dmitriyevich, Deputy Supervisor for the Administrative Unit; tel: V 2-25-64 (office), C 5-15-82 (home) Party and. Trade Union Organizations; tel: V 2-25-64 Scientific-Methodical; tel: V 4-00-23, ext 251 Foreign Literature Acquisition; tel: V 2-06-90 - 155 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Ancient Literature Acquisition; tel: V 2-06-90 Native Literature Acquisition; tel: V 2-32-83 Information Catalog; V 2-32-83 Special Storage Section; tel: V 2-32-83 Main Library for the Social Sciences (FBON) Address: Moscow G-19, Ulitsa Frunze; Switchboard; K 0-15-40 Shunkov, Viktor Ivanovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Director: tel: B 3-25-49 (office). D 1-66-13 (home) Eggert, Zinaida Karlovna, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Deputy Director; tel: B 1-43-37 (office), G 1-35-73 (home) Alekseyeva, Klavdiya Pavlovna, Scientific Zecretary; tel: B 1-43-37 (office), V 7-76-03 (home) Shapiro, Semen Minayevich, Deputy Director for Administration Economic Section; tel: B 1-41-14 (office), V 3-57-02 (home) Party organizations; tel: ext 42 Trade Union Organizations; tel: ext 37 Book Division Address: Moscow G-34, Ulitsa Kropotkina 16; tei: G 6-17-63 ~akurdayeva, Aleksandra Fetrovna, Manager; tel: G 6-77-80 (office) 156 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Library Commission Address: Moscow G-19, Ulitsa Frunze 10 Ostrovityanov, Konstantin Vasil'yevich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-54-06 (office) Shunkov. Viktor Ivanovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Deputy Chairman: tel: B 3-25-49 (office), D 1-661-13 (home) Varfoloneyeva, Mariya Vasil'yevna, Scientific Secretary; tel: K 4-72-23 (office) Editorial Board of the Series "Data for the Bibliography of USSR Scientists." Computer Technology Comnission Address: Mosco; V-333. 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 28 Dorodnitsyn. Anatoliy Alek.zeyevich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 7-27-89 (office) Myamlin, Anatoliy Nikolayevicr. Secretary; tel: D 0-34-73 (office), D 4-90-71 (home) Commission for the Complex Utilization of Experimental Stations and Bases. Address: Moscow V-17, Staromonetnyy Pereulok 29 Gerasimov. Innokentiy Petrovich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-61-44 (office) Yerriakov Anatoliy Vladimirovicr, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 1-67-43 (office) Commission for International Scientific Relations Address: Mosco.- V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14 Fedorov, Yevgeniy Konstartinovich, Academician and Chairman; te): V 1-54-8'5 (office), Ye -'-5C-48 (Lome) - 157 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Aroshkov; Mikhail Ivanovich Corresponding Member ani Deputy Chairman; tel: V 1-34-83 (office Pavlichenko, Vlsdinir Favlovich, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 2-00-00, prefix 103 (office) Interdepartmental Commission of Polyme_s_, and Initial and Aux Iliary Substances for Thear. Address: Moscow V-312, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 18, rooms 21, 28 Ne reyancv, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; tel: V 1-02-06 (office) Kosy~;ir., Aleksey Nikolayevich; FeiDrov. Viktor Stepanovich; tel: K 4-41-31 (office) Maksarev, Yui:iy Yevgen'yevich; tel: B 9-23-02 Topchiyev Alekssni:- Vasil'yevich, Acaderician; tel: V 1-56-06 ?emenov, Nikolay Nikolayevich: tel: V 3-47-76 ?o'.thlin, Maks Isaakovich, :;cientific Secretary of the Commission; tel: V 7-23-41 (office), V 7-72-65 (home) T?okhina. Yevgeniya Aleksandrovna, Analyst; tel: V 7-00-02, ext 26 (office), G 3-59-40 (home) Interdepartment Commission on Fuel Elements Address: Mosco.+ V-71, Leninskiy ospekt 3 Frt"ikin, Aleksandr Naumovich, Acaiemician and Chairman; tel: V 2-46-48 (office) I ?otskiy Vladimir Sergeyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: I 7-96-39 (office). I 7-96-70 (Home) - 158 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUIVI Oceanographic Commission Address : Mosco'.v Center, Nbscow, IQiariton'yevskiy Pereulok 4; tel: B 8-92-53 Lenkevich. Lev Aleksandrovich, Corresponding Member and Chairman; tel: B u-992-53 (office) Fapanin, Ivan Dmitri.yevich, Doctor of Geological Sciences and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 1-51-24 (office) Isakov. Ivan Stepanovich, Corresponding Member and Deputy Chairman; tel: G 1-33-44 (home) t Ivanov; Makar Yefiirovich, Deputy Chairman; tel: D 5-02-98 (office) Labe]ina. Eleomora Muz'minichna, Candidate of Geological Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: B 0-92-53 (office), L 0-28-96 (home) "Okeanologiya," (Oceanology) Periodical; ::,ekkevich, Lev Aleksandrovich, Corresponding Member and Chief Editor; tel: B 8-92-53 Commission for Processing the Scientific Legacy eyev and Publication of the Works of D. I. Mendel Address: Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14, wing 2 Topchiyev, Aleksandr Vasil'yevich, Academician and Chairman; tel: V 1-56-06 (office) Dubinin, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Academician and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 2-56-81 (office) Yelagira. IQ.ara Tsezarevna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences and Scientific Secrete ; tel: 206 (office) 159 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM j r" Commission on Semiconductors Address: Moscow V-17, GSP, Leninskiy Prospekt 53; tel: V 7-00-03 Vul, Bentsion Moiseyevich, Corresponding Member and Deputy Chairman; tel; 207, V 7-19-28 (office) Kalashnikov, Sergey Grigor'yevich, Doctor of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 9-37-31 (office), K 7-70-43 (home) Rzhanov. Anatoliy Vasil'yevich, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: 206 (office) Commis sion On Electron Microscopy Address: Moscow V 71, Leninskiy Prospekt 33 Lebedev, Aleksandr Alekseyevich, Academiciar_ and Chairman; tel: A 2-27-83 (office, Leningrad) Roginskiy, Simon Lalmanovich, Corresponding Member and Deputy Chairman; tel: V 2-00-65 (office) Kushnir: Yuriy Markovich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Chairman; tel: Zh 4-10-98 (office) Moscow House of Scientists A dress: Moscow G-54, Ulitsa Kropotkina lo, el: G 6-57-20 Vinogradova, Lyudmila Nikiforovna, Director; tel: G 6-87-20 (office), D 7-75-84 (home) Gan'kin: Lev Nikanorovich, Deputy Director for Scientific and Political Educational Activities; tel: C 6-82-62 (office), G 6-06-55 (home) Krylov. Nikolay Vasil'yevich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: G 6-21-29 (office), V 3-22-91 (home) - 160 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Party organizations; tel: G 6-82-62 Trade Union Organization; tel: G 6-45-23 Dining Room; tel: G 5-12-91 Library; tel: G 6-89-06 Children's Club; tel: G 6-76-60 Information and Theater Cashier's Booth; tel: 6-66-84 Branch of the Home of Scientists; zvenigorod, Moszhinka Settlement; Tel: Lvenigorod, ext 199, 221 Leningrad House of Scientists imeni A. M. Gor'kiy Address: Leningrad D-65, Dvortsovaya nab. 26, tel: A -81- Ko"ol'kov, Sergey Alekseyevich, Director; tel: A 1-18-50 (office), Lh 2-55-78 (home) Borisov, Aleksandr Alekseyevich. Deputy Director for Cultural-Educational Activities; tel: A 1-27-40 (office), V 2-74-60 (home) Spirin, Vasiliy Pavlavich, Deputy Director for Economic Affairs; tel: A 1-27-40 (office), V 2-21-82 (home) Library organization; tel: A 5-79-81 Party Organization; tel: A 0-05-91 Trade Union organization; tel: A 0-99-06 161 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 A^-7 f"I"Ct~ M VLV.C+.1ILL.ri V. u Sports Club of the Workers of the Moscow Establishments of the Academy of Sciences USSR Address: Moscos, K-12, Ulitsa Razina 3, go 69 Kobrys Nikolay Vasil'yevich, Chairman; tel: B 8-52-03 (office), Zh 2-64-47 (home) Rorianova Nina Semenova, Secretary; tel: B 8-52-03 (office) Russian-Palestine Society Address: Mosco.' B-312, 1-yy Akademicheskiy Proyezd 30e Tolstov, Sergey Pavlovich, Corresponding Member and Chairman; tel: B 1-24-95 Bobkov Vasiliy Dmitriyevich. Scientific Secretary; tel: V 7-78-59 (office), V 7-69-26 (home) 162 50X1-HUM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ... ,.rte jRN -103- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM 14n ~~~ Depa:tment of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (oFMh) AddI-es , : bMosco., V-71, Leninskiy Prospekt 14, wing 2. tel: V 1-70-64 s.itchboard: 2-00-00 B,, r ?iu of the Department A'pimovic:a, Lev Andreyevich, Academician, Academician-Secretary of the Department; tel: V 1-70-64 (offica), D 4-98-14 (office), D 4-92-17 (home) Kardfunov GcorGiy Vyacheslavovich, Academician, Deputy Academician- Secretary; tel- Ye 7-01-02, ext 285 (office), D 5-45-70 (home) Bureau Members: Alikhanov Abram Isaakovich tel: V 2-24-40 (offices Brekhovskikh; Leonid Maksimovich, Corresponding Member; tel: V 5-32-16 (office) Vernov, Sergey Fikolayevich, Corresponding Met-ber; tel: V 9-18-18 (office) Vonsovskiy, 3ergey Vasil'yevich, Corresponding Member; tel: D 1-85-40, (office Sverdlovsk) Konstantinov, Boris Pablovich, Academician; tel: C 2'-00-11 (office Leningrad) Leontpvich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Academician; tel: D 4-93-76 (office) Markov. Andrey Andreyevich, Corresponding Member; tel: V 7-27-91 Millionshchikov, Mikhail Dmitriyevich, Corresponding Member; tel: D 4-92-41 (office) Mikhaylov; Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Corresponding Member; tel: K 8-22-42 (Leningrad office) Mustel'. val'd Rudol'fovich, Corresponding t. ber; tel: D 2-05-82 (office) 16k Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Pontekorvo, Bruno Maksirlovich, Corresponding Member; tel: B 6-22-&3 (office, Dubna) Hiznichenko, Yuriy Vladimirovich, Corresponding Member; tel: D 0-00-01, ext 353 (office) Shafaretich, Igor' Rostislavich, Corresponding Member; tel: V 7-27-91 (office) Lobachev. Anatoliy Nikolayevich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences and Scientific Secretary; tel: 298. V 1-70-64 (office) V 7-41-34 (home) Skib'io. Nikolay Yefstaf'yevich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Scientific Secretary: tel: 284, V 1-51-07 (office) Rozhanskiy. Ivan Llnitriyevich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences. Scientific Secretary; tel: 126, 282 (office), V 7-64-52 (home) Levadnaya: Lyubov' Mikhaylovna. Deputy Scientific Secretary for Foreign 1elations; tel; 32, 202 (office) Titkova, Yevgenia Iosafovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Scientific Associate; tel: 7 (office) Didyk. Marina Nikolayevna, Consultant; tel: 126 (office), C 1-94-88 (home) Petelina, Galina Sergeyevna, Consultant; tel: 126 )office) Buchnev. Aleksey Nikolayevich, Inspector-Consultant for Personnel; tell 92 (office), V 2-25-73 (home) IOirennikov, Yuriy Semenovich, Inspector-Consultant; tel: 202 (office), V 5-04-19 (Dome) Cogolashvili, Mariya Ivanovna Analyst, Responsible for Business Matters tel: 6. V 1-7064 (office), V 7-47-67 (home) Crishina. Nadezh4a Ivanovna, Analyst-Controller; tel: 223 (office), V 2-47-27 (home) Ovcharova Lyudmnila Idipriyanovne, Secretary-Analyst in Control of Correspondence; tel: 174 (office) - 165 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Iq1 Members of the Department Aleksandrov, Anatolly Petrovich (physics) Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeyevich (mathematics) Alikhanov, Abram Isaakovich (experimental. physics) Ambartsumyan, Viktor Amazaspovich (astronomy, astrophysics) Andreyev, Nikoley Nikolyevich (acoustics) Artsimovich, Lev Andreyevich (physics) Bernshteyn, Sergey Natanovich (mathematics) Bogolyubov, Nikolaay Nikolayevich (mathematics) Vek3ler, Vladimir Iosifavich (physics) Vinogradov. Ivan Matveyevich (mathematics) Doronnitsyn. Anatoliy Alekseyevich (geophysics) Lel'dovich. Yakov Borisovich (rhysizs) Kapitsa, Petr Leonidovich (physics) Keldysh, Mstislav Vsevolodovich (mathematics, mechanics) Kikoin Isaak Konstsntinovich (physics) Kolmogorov. Andrey Nikolayevich (mathematics) Konstantinov, Boris Pavlovich (physics) Idsrd;,umov Georgiy Vyacheslavovich (metallophysics) Lavrent'yev, Makhail Alekseyevich (mathematics) Landau, Lev Davidavich (physics) Lebedev, Aleksandr Alekseyevich (physics) Lebedev, Ser'gey Alekseyevich (computer equipment) Leontovich, Mikhail Aleksendrovich (physics) Linnik; Vladimir Pavlovich (physics) - 166 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i uun I -nuivi Novikov, Petr Sergeyevich (mathematics) Obreimov. Ivan Vasil'yevich (physical optics) Petrovskiy. Ivan Ceorgiyevich (mathematics) Pontryagin. Lev 3.!menovich (mathematics) Sattha'-av Audrey Dmitriyevich (physics) Skobel'tsyn. Dmitriy Vladimirovich (physics) arr~;.rnov . Vladimir Ivanovich (mathematics) Sobolev, Sergey I'vovich (mathematics) Tamm Igor' Yevgen'yevich (physics) Fesenkov. Vasiliy Grigor'yevich (astronomy) Fok. Vladimir. Alaic--ar cv ici IQiariton. Yuliy Borisovich (physics) Shubnikov. Aleksey Vail'yevich (crystallography) Shuleykin. Vasiliy Vladimirovich (ms.rine physics) Corresponding Members Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich, (mathematics) Alekaeyevskiy. Nikolay Yeven'yevich (physics) Alikhan';man, Artem Isaakovic:i (physics) Blinova. Yekaterina Nikitichns (geophysics) Blokhintsev. Dmitriy Ivarovich (physics) Brekhovskikh. Leonid Maksir_ovich (physics) Vereshchagin, Leonid Fedorovich (physics) Vernov. 3ergey Nikolayevich (physics) Vonsov3kiy Sergey Vasil'yevich (physics) Vul Bentsion Moiseyevich (physics) - 167 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Gel land, Israil Moiseyevich (mathematics) Gel'fcad, Alsksandr Osipovich (mathematics) Ginsburg, Vitally Lasarevich (physics) Grinberg, Georgiy Abremovich (mathematical physics) Gross, Yovgenty F'eodorovich (physics) Dslone, Doris likols4evich (mathematics) Dshelepov, Doris Sergsyevich (physics) Zhurkov, Serafia 1lkolsyevich (polymer physics) Zabsbakhln, Yevgeniy Ivsnovich (physics) Zavoyskiy, Yevgeniy tcnstantinovich (physics) Zverer, Mitrofan Stepanovich (astronay) Sibel', Il'ys Afanas'yevich (mathematics) Konobeyevskiy, Sergey Tikhonovich (Physics) Linnik, Yuriy Vladimlrovich (mathematics) Lifshits, Il'ys Mikhaylovich (physics) Lyusternik, Laser' Aronovich (mathematics) Maksutov, D ltriy Daitriysvich (astronomical optics) Markov, Andrey Andreyevich (mathematics) Markov, Moisey Alskssndrovich (physics) Mel'nikov, Oleg Alsksandrovich (astronamy) Men'shov, Daitriy Ybegen'ysvich (mathematics) Mergelyan, Sergey likitovich (mathematics) Meshcheryakov, Mikhail Grigor'ysvich (physics) Kigdal, Arkadiy Deynnsovich (physics) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM . i ...,. to.J Nillionshchikov, Mikhail Daitriyevich (physics) Nikhsylov, Aleksandr Alsksandrovich (astroomq) Nolodenskiy, Mikhail Sergeyevich (gravlastry) Motels, o'val' d Rudol' fovich (astrcaoq, astrophysics) Obukhov, Alsksandr Nikhaylovich (geophysics) Pogorelov, Alsksey Vsil'yevich (mathematics) Poaersnchuk, Isaac Yakovlevich (physics) Pontskarvo, Bruno Nskelssovich (physics) Prokhorov, Alsksandr Mibhaylovich (physics) Riznichenko, Yurly Vladiairovich (geophysics) Sadavskiy, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (physics) Severnyy, Audrey Borisovich (satrophysics) Sairnov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich (astheaatics) Sobolev, Viktor Viktorovich (astronomy) Subbotin, Mikhail Fedorovich (theoretical astronoq) Tikhonov, Andrey Rikolyevich (geophysics, awthe^atical physics) Tudorovskiy, Aleksandr Ilarionovich (physics) Flerov, Georgiy likolayevich (physics) Frank, I1'ya Mikhsylovich (physics) Frish, Bergey Sduarodovich (spectroscopy) Shs1'nikov, Alekssndr Iosifovich (physics) Shaferevich, Igor Rostislavich (mathematics) Shchelkin, Kirill Ivanovich (physics) 169 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Academicians of Other Departments Taking Part in Vekshinskiy, Sergey Arkad'yevich (electronics, technical physics) Muskhelishvili, likolay Ivanovich (mechanics) semenov, likolsy likolayevich (chemical physics) Terenin, Aleksandr likolayevich (cheaicsl physics, photochemistry) 8stsblishaents of the Department Acoustics Institute (Alfa) Address: Moscow V-36, Ulitsa Televideniya 4, Switchboard V 5-00-12, office ext 324 Brekhovskikh, Leonid Msksiaovich, Corresponding Umber and Director; tel: V 7-32-16 (office) Chernov, Lev Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Philosophical and Maths Mtical Sciences, Deputy Chairman; tel: V 7-34-85 (office), V 7-57-86 (home) Golubkov, Valentin Mikhsylovich, Deputy Chairman; tel: V 7-32-85 (office), V 7-39-33 (ham) Kryazhev, Fedor Ivanavich, Oaadidate of Philosophical and Mathematic Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 7-35-85 (office), V 7-59-47 (hone) Danilov, Mikhail Ivanavich Deputy Director for Economic Affairs; tel: V 7-34-21 (office$, V 7-48-80 (hare) Party Organizations; tel: 351 Trade Union Organization: tel: 351 Sukhual c Station; sukk=4 P/ya Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Order of Lenin institute of Atonic Energy laeni I. V. M3trchatov Address: Mbsoov D-182, Olitsa MDnrchatova 46; Alsksandrov, Anatoliy Petrovich, Academician, Director Daranov, Sergey Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Philosophical and Mathenstical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: D 4-93-69 (office) Institute of Terrestrial Magaetisa, Ionosphere, and Radiowave Propagation (IMIR AJ Address: Moscow Oblast, Podol'skiy Ryon, Vatutniki Post Office; Switchboard: V 2-19-21, office prefix 338 Pushkov, Nikolay Vasil'ysvich candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Director; tel: 317 (Office), 4-64 (hams) Kalinin, Turiy Daitriysvich, Doctor of Philosophical and Mfathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: 311 (office) Likhter, Yakov Iosifovich, candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: 313 (office) Lyakhov, Doris Mikhhylovich, Acting Scientific Secretary; tel: 319 (office) Tsivtsivadse, Mikhail Samsono-ich, Deputy Director ofr MaInistration of Economic section; tel: 318 (office) Party and Trade Union Organisations; tel: 321 Leningrad Department; Leningrad V953, 2 line 23; tot: A 1221-33 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Institute of Crystallography (Ili) Address: Moscow, V-171 PyshavskiT Pereulok 3; tel: V 1-57-89 Shubnikov, Aleksey Vasil'yevich, Academician, Director; tel: V 1-27-20 (office) Brilliantov, Hikolay Alekseyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: V 1-55-65 (office), V 0-07-88 (home) Belymyev, Leonid Mlikhaylovich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Deny Director; tel: V 1-55-65 (office Timofeyeva, Valentina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: v 1-55-65 (office), v 9-12-16 (home) Shukat, A Shukst, Aleksandr FIdeyevich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: V 1-57-89 (office), V 2-47-74 (home) Party and Trade Union Organizations; tel: V 1-13-47 Special Design Bureau; tel: V 7-62-00 Cosssission oa Roentgenography; tel: V 9-23-87 Scientific Marine Experimental Base; Balaklava Institute of Semiconductors LIP) Address: Leningrad D-187, nab. lktuzava 10; tel: A 4-45-67 Regel', Anatoliy Robertovich, Doctor of Pbysicomethematical Sciences, Acting Director; tel: Zh 2-90-83 (office), V 2-09-39 NOW) Sominskiy, Name Sasuilovich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Dpaty Director; tel: Zh 2-25-71 (office), d 2-53-78 (ban) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Sorokin, Oleg Vladiairovich, Candidate of Philosc b.ical and Math eaatical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: A 4-45-85 (office), D 2-37-11 (bone) Dubrw, Fedor Maltsinovich, Deputy Director for Mmunistration tel: Th 2-8k-97 (office), 7b 2-42-31 (hone) Party Organisations; tel: A 4-45-91 Trade Union Organisations; tel: A 4-45-79 Special Design Bureau: tel: Zh 2-95-20 Institute of Applied Oec bysics (IP0) Address : Moscow B-150, Olsbwslosya Ulitsa 20b; tel: Y. 3-08-05 Fedorov, Tevgenty Konstantinwich, Aoadssictan, Director; tel: To 3-50-48 (office) Oolyshev, Oeorgiy Ivanovich, Candidate of Teciaical Selenoes; Deputy Director; tel: To 3-10-17 (office) Xhil'ai, Oenrikh Frantsevich, Doctor of Philosophical and Matheartical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: Ye 3-50-48 (office), V 7-76-13 (hone) Takovlsv, Aleksandr Flavionovich, Candidate of Philosophical and Matheaatics Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: Ye 3-03-14 (office), V 7-47-67 (bons) Puchkov, Aleksey Vladiairovich, Deputy Director for the Aiinistrative Unit; tel: Ye 3-26-61 (Office), I 1-45-01 (ba^s) Party Organisations; tel: Ye 3-01-14 Trade Union Organisation; tel: Ye 3-46-67 Kabardino-BaTh r Division; Tal'chik, p/ya; tel: 236 - 173 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Institute of Theoretical Astroncoy (ITA) Address: Leningrad V-164, Mendeleyevskaya Liniya 1; tel: A 2-61-34 Subbotin, Mikhail Fedorovich, Oorresponding Member, Director; tel: A 2-53-36 (office) Zhongolovich, Ivan Danilovich, Doctor of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: A 2-53-36 (office) Sabanina, Tat'yana Dorisovna, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: A 2-61-34 (office) Ry shchikov, Ivan Daitriyevich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: A 2-70-24 (office), Zh 2-01-79 (home) Party and Trade Union organizations; tel: A 2-61-34 Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Address: Moscow V-259, 3 Cheremushkinskaya Ulitsa 89; tel: V 5-32-39 Alikhanov, Abram Isaakovich Academician, Director; tel: V 2-24-40 (office] Durgov, likolay Andreyevich, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 5-00-02, ext 276 (office) Institute of Precision Mechanics and OomWitation Techniques (ITp(1IKpi) Address: Moscow V-333, Leninskiy Prospekt 51; tel: V 7-15-67; switchboard: 7-00-14 Lebedev, Bergey Alekseyevich, Academician, Director; tel: V 7-15-67 (office) Mukhin, Ivan Sergeyevich, Candidabe of Physico tathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: V 7-17-47 (office), 1 9-86-69 (home) -174- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Vipper, Irma Vasil,yevna, Scientific Secretary; tel: G 7-15-76 (office) rorshunov-, Aikolay Georgiyevieh, Deputy Director for the Unit; Administrative tel: V 7-38?.00 (office) B 1-11-35 (home) Party Organizations; tel: ]0 Trade Union Organization; tel: 9 Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere (IFAO Address: Moscow 0-242, B Gruzinskya 10 tel: switchboard: D0-00-01, ext 436 Obukha, Aleksandr MILkhaylovich, Corresponding tel: D 2-02-04 (office) Members, Director; Chplygina, Aleksandra Sergeyevna, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences; Scientific Secretary; tel: 219 (office), B 1-66-37 (home) Tesikov, Vladimir Sergeyetich, Deputy Chairman for Administration of Economic Section; tel: 436 (office), 0 9-60-17, prefix 52, 2 rings (how) Party Organization; tel: 279, 388 Trade Union Organization; tel: 219 Scientific S*ations: Zvenigorodskaya, Roshehinskya, Severnaya, Tsinlyanska ra. Institute of Physics of High pressures (IFYD) Address: Moscow, V-71, yw'afkAy Prospekt 31; tel: V 2-19-04 Vereshchagin, Leonid Fedorovich, Corresponding Number, Director; tel: V 2-19-04 (office) Zubkov, Vladimir Mikbo lovich, candidate of Technical Sciences; Deputy Director; tel: V 2-19-04 (office) - - - - 175 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Degashkeviah, Doris Pavlovich, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 2-19-04 (office), D 7-50-113 (how) Pirsov, Anatolly Ivanovich, Deputy Director for the Adtainistrative Unit; tel: V 2-12-65 (office), V 2-19-04 (hates) Party and Trade Union Organizations; tel: V 2-12-65 Institute of Physics of the Earth ineni 0. 2h. Shtai4t Address: Moscow O 242, D. Orusinsloya 10 tel: D 0-00-01, (office) ext 383 Sadovskiy, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Corresponding Member, Director; tel: D 2-04-44 (office) Dorisevich, Tevgeniy Sigiznndovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: 329 (office), V 7-68-26 (hatae) MZarus, Tevgeniy Villiaaovich, Candidate of Physico Mathenatioal Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: 328, D 5-04-68 (office), V 7-24-38 (hone) [oriddalinDiTevgori? Andreyevich, Candidate of Physico Mathematical Sciences, tel: 532 (office), 1L 4-90-58 (hare) Ez, Valentin Viktorovich, Candidate of Geological-Mineral Sciences, Scientific Secr ; tel: 357 (office Chernrak, Seam Zakharovich, Deputy Director for Adtainistration of Economic Section tel: 516 (officej, V 4-00-12 *ar) Party Organizations; tel: 389 Trade Union Organization; tel: 275 Oaaaission an Phlsoaagaetion; tel: 381 Dtlpartamt of Methods of L oratory Geo9hjsics; tel: 598 Special Des Dursau with EIeriasntal Production; tel: 5 ign - 176 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Central Seismic Station "Moskva" tel: V 1-01-72 Institute of Physics of Metals (tIN) Address: Sverdlovsk OSP-170, Vtusgorod~ok, Ulitsa 8. Sovalevsboyl 13; tel: D 1-43-89, switchboard: D 1-45-41 Mikheyev, Mikhail Nikolay-evich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director; tel: D 1-34-89 (office), D 1-44-74 (homes) q si1'yevich, Corresponding Umber, Deputy Director; Vonsavskiy, Berg Va tel: D 1-34-89 (office) Ivano-sksa, Sof'ya Ivanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: D 1-34-89 (office), D 1-47-35 (ham) Marpov, Innokentiy Lonstantinorich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: 55 (office) Party Organisation; tel: 94 Trade Union Organisation; tel: 89 0osission on the Physics of Metals and Metal Sciences; tel: 89 Conmission on Spectroscopy; tel: 62 Mathematics Institute Iasni V. A. Steklov W[IAM) Address: Moscow, V-333, 1-yy Akadeaicheskiy 28; tel: V 7-27-91; switchboard: V 7-00-15 Vinogradov, Ivan Matveyevich, Academician, Director; tel: V 7-27-91 likol'skiy, Sergey Mikbylovich, Doctor of Physioomatke^atical Selma", Deputy Director; tel: V 7-71-55 (office), D 7-02-26 (home) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Mishchenko, Yevgeniy Prolovich, Doctor of Physico Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel. V 7-72-92 (office), V 7-50-07 (home) Posnor, Iikolay likolayevich, Candidate of Physico Mathematical Sciences, Leningrad Branch; tel: Borosdin, Konstantin Vasil' evich, Scientific Secretary; stel: V 7-70-76 (office, K 5-26-16 (home) Lesnik, Aysik Takovlevich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: 44 (office), 3 8-30-06 (hose) Party Organization; tel: 50 Trade Union Organization; tel: 51 Marine Rydrophysica Institute (1GI) Address: Moscow, Lyublino, Sadovays 1; tel: Zh 7-92-53 Ivan, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Physico Mathematical sciences; tel: Zh 7-94-52, D 7-49-08 (home) Poncmarenko, Georgiy Petrovich, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: Zh 7-93-69 (office), V 4-00-27, prefix 2 (home) Khanaaychenko, Bikolay Konstantinavich, Deputy Director for the laalinigrad Branch; Ryzhkov, Yevaneliy Georgiyevich, Deputy Director for the Cherno- morskiy Branch; Zhavoronkina, Valentina Mhz'ainichna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: Zh 7-91-54 (office), X 7-64-32 (hose) Anuchin, Anatoliy Alekseyevich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: Zh 7-91-68 (office) Party Organization; tel: Zh 7-92-68 178 - Trade Union Organization; Tel: Zh 7-93-69 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 ftliningrad Drench; Winingrad Oblast, post office 3, Portovaya Olitsa 18. Cheraaaorskiy )ranch; Crimea, S mein, Latsiveli settlepent Order of the Labor Red Danner Institute of Physical Problems Imeni D. I. Vavilov (IFP) Address: Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye Shosse 2; tel: V 7-32-48 &pitsa, Petr Lecnidovich, Academician, Director; tel: V 7-32-47 (office) Malkov, Mikhail Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: V 7-24-62 )office), V 7-35-06 (hone) Peshkov, Vasiliy Petrovich, Doctor of Physsioo-Matheaatical Sciences, Deputy Dirrector; tel: V7-61-85 (office), V 7-32-61 (hoes) Abrikosov, Aleksey Aleksyevieh, Doctor of Plysico-Matheaatical Sciences, Scientific Secretary of thee Scientific Oouacil; tel: V 7-32-44 (office), D 3-08-77 (how) Pavlov, Andrey Ivanovich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: V 7-32-48 (office), V 7-17-41 (home) Party Organisation; tel: V 7-56-23 Trade Union Organizations; tel: V 7-32-41 Phy$ico-Technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe (FTI) Address: Leningrad [-21, Politekhnieheskrya 2 Switchboard: G 2-49-80, office ext 67 bonstantinov, Doris Pavlovich, Academician, Director; tel: G 2-00-11 (office) Fedorenko, xikolay Vasil'yevich, Doctor of Plysieo-Matha^stieal Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: G 2-06-82 (office), G 2-09-80, ext 280 (home) - 179 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Winker, David Moiseyevich, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: 916 (office), G 2-09-80, et 572 (home) Gayev, Doris Alsksandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: 900 (office), G 2-09-80, ext 251 (home) Skornyakov, Georgiy Vasil'yevich, Candidate of Physico Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: 939 (office) 965 (hme) Rudenko, Doris Ivanovich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: G 2-16-31 (office) Party Organizations; tel: G 2-49-80, ext 931 Trade Union Organizations; tel: G 2-09-80, ext 554 PWVics Institute iseni P. N. Lebedev (FIAD) Address: Moscow V-17, GSP, Iwninskiy Prospekt_52; tel: V 14-29, switchboard: V 7-00-03 Skobel'tsyn, Dmitriy Vladisirovich, Academician, Director; tel: V 7-26-12 (office) Dobrotin, xikolay Alekseyevich, Doctor of Physico-MathematicalSciences, Deputy Director; tel: V 7-24-35 (office), 0 4-22-18 (home) Jason, likolay Gennadiyevich, D*ciotoof Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director; tel: V 7-21-57 (office), V 7-40-27 (hose) Krivonosov, Mikhail Grigor' evich, Deputy Director; tel: V 7-26-03 (office), V 1-29-69 (home) Oranwskiy, Vladimir ?evgen'yevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 7-22-50 (office) Darchukov, Aleksandr Ivanwich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: V 7-22-50 (office), V 7-75-82 (bow) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Chuprin, Aleksey Dea'yanovich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: V 7-21-51 (office) Party Organization; tel: V 7-23-51 Trade Union Organization; tel: 209 Scientific Stations: Paairskaya, Osh Kirgiziyan SSR, p/ye 19 L'lgoprudnya, Moscow Oblast; tel: I 6-11-36 Krymskaya, Critics, Siaeiz, katsiveli settlement; tel: 588 Serpukhovskaya Radiophysical Station, Serpukhov, post office Oryzlawo Cosg cater Center (VTs) Address: Moscow V-333, 1-yy Akadsaicheskiy Proyszd, 28; tel: V 7-27-89, Switchboard: V 7-00-05 Dorodnitsyn, Anatoliy Alekseyevich, Academician, Director; tel: V 7-27-89 (office) Ditkin, Viteliy Arsen'yevich, Doctor of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Secr ; tel: V 7-27-89 (office), D 7-08-69 (hose) Alikhashkin, Takov Il'ich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: 7 (office) Oryaznov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Deput Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: 3 (office), V 1-54-30 (home) Party Organization; tel: 12 Trade Union Organization; tel: 81 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Main Astronomical Observatory (GAO) Address: Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo; tel: K 8-84-14; for telegrams: Pulkovo, Observatory Mikhaylov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Oorresponding Member, Director; tel: K 8-22-42 (office), K 8-84-90 (hove) Zverev, Mitrofan Stepanovich, Corresponding Member, Deputy Director; tel: K 8-84-Q1 (office) Gashkov, Ilya Matveyevich, Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit; tel: K-8-94-02 (office), K 2-11-25 (home) Dadayev, Aleksandr llikolayevich, Candidate of Philosophical and Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Secretary; tel: K -8-84-03 (office) Party and Trade Union Organizations; K 8-84-80 llikolayevsk Department GAO, Nikolayev Oblastnoy, Ulitsa Markhlevskogo la, tel: 17-14 Mountain Astronomical Station, Kislovodsk, p/ya 38 Blagoveshchensk latitudinal Station, Blagoveshchensk an Amur, p/ya 38 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 C riaean Astrophysicals Observatory (KAO) Crimea, p/o scientific, Simferopol'-Observatory, tel. 561. For telegrams: Crimean Observatory. Director: Corr. Mbr. Andrey Borisovich Severniy, tel. 566 (office at the Observatory). Deputy Director: Candidate of Physical-Mathematical sciences Petr Pavl wich Dobronravin, tel. 565 (Office) tel. 529 (Hose at the Observatory), A 0-02-33 (Home, Leningrad). Scientific Secretary: Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Leonid Semenovich Oalkin, tel. 563 (Office), 524 (Ross). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Yevpniy Mikhylovich Nikolayev, tel. 552 (Office), 525 (Home). Party organisation, tel. 514. Trade-union organization, tel. 580. Leningrad Laboratory, Leningrad M-140, Pulkovo, Observatory, tel. K 8-84-33. Magnetic Laboratory Moscow I-45, ul. Zhdanov 27, tel. K 5-07-26. Acting Head, Candidate of Technical Sciences Viktor Dmitriyevich Panchenko, tel. K 5-07-26 (Office), D 8-15-17 (Home). Deputy Head, Semen Fedoseyevich Ool'ber, tel. K 5-08-26 (Office), B 1-08-68 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Nikoly Andreyevich Potapkov, tel. K-4-95-44 (Office), D 7-34-85 (Home). Party and trade-union organization, tel. K 4-91-20 Physics Laboratory Moscow, V-133, Vorob'yevskoye Sh. 2, tel. V 7-32-48- Read, Academician Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa, tel. V 7-32-47 (Office). Deputy Head, Sergey Ivanovich Filimonov, tel. V 7-28-06 (Office), V 7-32-45 ( Home) . Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Oaral'd Petrovich Prtrdkavskiy, tel. V 7-28-06 (Office), v 0-31-09 (Hone). - ..,.t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Committee on Geodesy and Geaplyeics Moscow V-296, Molodezhnsya 3 Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Belousov, tel. D 2-23-07 (Office). Deputy Chairmen, Academician Yevgeniy Konstantinovich Fsdorov, tel. K 3-50-48 (Office); Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Yevgeniy Villiamovich Kano, Tel. D 0-00-01, ext. 328 (Office), V 7-24-38 (Rome). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Nikolay Vissarionovich Shevalin, tel. V 0-56-09 (Office), K 7-44-38 (Home). Casdttee on Meteorites Moscow Zh-127, ul. Osipenko 52 Chairman, Academician Vasiliy Grigor'yevich Fesenkow, tel. V 3-22-62 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Yevgeniy Leonidovich Krinov, tel. V 3-22-62 (Office), B 8-68-42 (Home). National Ca=ittee of Soviet Crystallographers Moscow, V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 3 Chairman, Academician Nikolay Vasil'yevich Below, tel. V 1-06-22 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Valentin Ivanovich Simony, tel. V 1-06-22 (office). Astronomical Council Moscow G-242, Be Grusinskaya 10, tel D 2-05-82, Switchboard D 00-00-01. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Office in Leningrad), D 2-05-8? (Office in Moslem, tale K 8-22-42 First Deputy Chairman, Corr. Mbr. r-al'd Rudol'fovich Mustel', tale D 2-05 -8t (Office). Deputy Chairman, Candidate of PhY*ima14latbsaatical Sciences Alla Genrikhoyina Masevich, tel. D 2-0542 (Office), D 5-49-62 (Noms). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Phhysical-Mrthsaatical Sciences Grigoriy Aleksandroyich Lsykin, tel. D 2-05-82 (Office), 11-62-48 (now). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM I jrORfV Yefia Zinov'yevich Gindin, tel. D 2-05-82 (Office), V 2-02-16 (Hoes). Commission on the Investigation of the Sun, tel. 390 Commission on Cosmogony, Moscow, tel. D 2-05-82; Yerevan, tel. 2-03-57. Astronomical Circular, tel. V 9-28-58. Council on Methods of Geophysical Prospecting Moscow G-242, B Grusinskaya 10, Switchboard D 00-00-01. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Andrey Nikolayevich Tikhonov, tel. D 1-11-88 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Lolliy Petrovich Zaytsev, tel. 357 (Office). Council on Seismology Moscow G-242, B. Gruzinakaya 10, Switchboard D 0-00-01 Chairman, Doctor of Physical-Matheetical Sciences Yevgeniy Pedorovieh Savarenskiy, tel. 346, V 1-01-72 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Bergey Leonidovich Solov'yev, tel. 289 (Office), V 7-41-14 (Home). Comission on Acoustics Moscow V-36, ul. Televideniya 4, Switchboard V 5-00-12. Chairman, Academician Nikolay Nikolayevich Andreyev, tel. V 2-38-27 (Office). Acting Scientific Secretary Georgiy Vasil'yevieh Glekin, tel. 366 (Office). Commission on Spectroscopy Moscow K-12, proyesd Sapunova 13-15- Chairman, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Bergey Leonidovieh Msndel'shtam, tel. V 7-19-29 (Office), D 5-48-35 (Hcme). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of sical-Mathematical Sciences Bergey Abrsaovieh Ukholin, K 5-54-82 (Office , I 1-77-59 (acme). Laboratory, tel. B 1-92-94. -185- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM ;j Commission on Physics of the Atmosphere Moscow G-242, B. Gruzinskaya 10, Switchboard D 0-00-01, (Office) ext. 436. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Obukhov, tel. D 2-02-04 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences coma Faddeyevich Yudalevich, tel. 297 (Office). All-Union Astronomic and Geodetic Society (VAGO) Moscow K-9, P/Ya 1268, tel. D 5-07-93- President, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Dmitrly Yakovleyich Martynov, tel. V 9-28-58 (Office), V 9-20-95 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Mikhail Mikhaylovich Dagayev, tel. B 1-63-64 (Office), Nikolay Ivanovich Grishin, tel. Ye. 3-19-00 (Office). JOURNALS "Akusticheskiy Zhurnal" (Acoustics Journal), Moscow X-31, Kusnetskiy Most 9/10. Chief Editor, Academician likolay Nikolayevieh Andreyev, tel- V 5-38-27 (Office). Managing Editor Sof'ya Moiseyevna Sukhotina tel. B 3-53-22 (Office), Ye 3-38-76 (Home . ' "Astroncaicheskiy Zhurnal" (AstronosW Journal), Moscow K-31, Kusnetskiy Most. 9/10. Chief Editor, Academician Vasiliy Grigor'yevich Fesenkov, tel. B 3-53-22 (Office), B 8-28-79 (Some). "Geamagnetiza i Aeronomiya" (Geomagnetism and Aeronomy).. p/o Vatutinskiy Moskov Oblast, Podol'skiy Rayon, I?JQRAN. Chief Editor, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Yuriy Dmitriyevich Kalinin, tel. V 2-19-21 ext. 311 (Office). "Zhurnal Vyrcheslitel'noy Matematiki i Mats^stieheskoy Fisiki" (Journal of Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Physics), Moscow V-333, lot Academicheskiy proyezd 28. Chief Editor, Academician Anatoliy Alekseyevich Dorodnitsyn, tel. V 7-27-89 (Office). Deputy Chief Editor, Candidate of Physical-Mathesmtical Sciences Mavlud Kerimovich Kerimov, tel. V 7-00-15, ext 48 (Office). "Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki" (Journal of Technical Physics), Leningrad V-164, Mendeleyevskaya Lin. 1. Chief Editor, Academician Boris Pavlovieh Konstantinov, tel. 0 2-00-11 (Office). Managing Editor, Lina Aleksandroyns Andr.yeva, tel. A 1-64-34 (Office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 "Zhurnal FJcsperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki" (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics), Moscow, V-133, Vorob'- yevskoye sh. 2. Chief Editor, Academician Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa, tel. V 7-32-47 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Georgiy Borisovich Zhdanov, tel. V 7-00-03, ext. 234. Mang Editor, Galin Sokratovna Il'yenko, tel. V 7-56-22 (Office, G 6-59-80 (Nme)? "Izvestiya AN SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheakaya" (News of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Geophysics Series), Moscow G-242, B. Gruzinskaya 10, Switchboard D-0-00-01. Chief Editor, Doctor of Physical-Mathematics Sciences Aleksey Georgiyevich Kalashnikov, tel. 381 (Office), G 1-06-56 (Some). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Ivan Petrovich Sairnov, tel. Ye 3-03-14 (Office), V 7-47-17 (Home. Managing Editor, Valentina Mikhaylovna Kudryavtaeva, tel. 382 (Office), B 9-73-87 (Home). "Izvestiya AN SSSR, Seriya Matmatieheskaya' (News of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Mathematics Series), Moscow V-333, let Akademicheskiy proyezd 28. Chief Editor, Academician Ivan Matveyevich Vinogradov, tel. V 7-27-91 (Office). Mang Editor, Anastasiya Petrovna Leonova, tel. V 7-00-15, ext. 52 (Office). "Izvestiya AN SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya" (News of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Physics Series), Moscow [-31, IOiznetskiy Most 9/10. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Boris Sergeyetioh Dzhelepov, tel. V 2-14-09, A 0-00-43, ext. 176 (Office in Leningrad). MJ.naging Editor Susanna Alekseyevna Borskaya, tel. 3 3-53-22 (Office), E 66 p0(6-21, ext. 787 (Home). "Kristallografiya" (Crystallography), Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per 3. Chief Editor, Aaademician Aleksey Vasil'yevich Shubnikov, tel. V 1-27-20 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Physical- Mathematical Sciences Ivan Stepanovich Zheludev, tel. V 4-00-12, ext. 280 (Office), V 7-48-13 (Some). Managing Editor, Liliya Stefanovna Kovaleva, tel. V 1-13-47 (Office). "Matematickeskiy Sbornik" (Mathematics Collection), Moscow, V-333, lst Akademicheskiy proyezd 28. Chief Editor, Academician Ivan Georgiyevich Petrovskiy, tel. V 9-39-34 (Office). Managing Editor, Yelizaveta Vasil'yevna Shurova, tel. V 7-00-15, ext? 52 (Office). - 187 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM "Optika i Spektroskopiya" (Optics and Spectroscopy), Leningrad V-164, Mendeleyevskaye Lin. 1. Chief Editor, Corr. l$r. Sergey Bduardovich Frish, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 93 (Office). Corresponding Secretary Lev Sergeyevich Sazonov, tel. A 2-47-514 (Office), V 2-50-48 (some). Managi Editor Vitally Vasil'yeviel? Starikov, tel. A 2-79-72 (Office, A 7-15-81 (Some). "Pribory i Tekhnt a Eksperiaenta" (Instruments and Experimental techniques), Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, I(U, Physics Faculty, Cryogenic Building. Chief Editor, Corr. ki r. Alsksandr Iosifovich Shal'nikov, tel. V 7-32-41 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Moisey Semsnovieh M ykin, tel. V 7-32-41 (Office), B 9-45-66 (some . Kanaging Editor Zinanda Vasil'yevna Korotkeltch, tel. V 9-13-60 Office), K 5-80-02 (Boas). "Teoriya Veroyatnostey i Yeyo Primeneniya" Theory of Probability and Its Application), Moscow V-333, lot Akademieheskiy proyesd 28. Chief Editor, Academician Andrey Nikolayevich Kolaogorov, tel. V 9-14-03 (Office). Cor-esponding Secretary, Vladimir Mlikhaylovich Lolotarev, tel. V 1-23-79 (sane). Managing Editor, Regina Ioeifovna Ivanovskaya, tel. V 7-00-15, ext. 46. "Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk" (Progress of Mathematical Sciences), Moscow, V-71, Leningradskiy prosp. 15. Chief Lditor, Academician Pavel Sergeysvich Aleksandrov, tel. V 9-18-11 (Office) Managing Editor, Ella Ser eyevna Rakova, tel. V 4-00-32, ext. 340 (Offic, Ye 2-85-18 (Be). omUspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk" (Progress of Physical Sciences), Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp.15? Chief Editor, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Eduard Vladimirovich Shpol'skiy, tel. G 6-05-43, v 4-00-32, ext. 425 (Office), D 7-48-37 (Boas). Ding Editor, Vera Alsksandrovna Katanyan, tel. V 4-00-32, ext. 425 (Office , D 1-76-56 (Some). "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniys" (Physics of Metals and Metal Science), Sverdlovsk, ul. S. Kovalevsksya 13, Switchboard D 1-85-40- Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Sergey Vasil'yevich Vcnsovskiy, tel. D 1-34-89, ext. 12 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Physical- Mathematical Sciences Alexey Nikolayevich Orlov, tel. 114 (Office). Managing Editor, Viktor Nikolayevich Shchennikov, tel. 97 (Office , D 1-86-00, ext. 611 (Bose). "Fizika Tverdogo Tela" (Solid-State Physics), Leningrad v-164, M.endsleyvskaya lin. 1. Managing Editor, Ann Pavlovna Oolikova, tel. A 2-07-15 (Office), Lh 2-43-67 (some). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 DEPARTM 21T OF M24ICAL SCIENCES K121) Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, Building 2, tel. V 3-47-76, Switchboard V 2-00-00 Bureau of the Department Academician Secretary of the Department, Academician Hikolay Nikolayevich Semenov, tel. V 3-47-76, V 7-32-27 (Office). Deputy Academician Secretary: Academician Aleksandr Pavlovich Vinogradov, tel. 7-41-27, V 3-47-76 (Office); Academician Mikhail Mikheylovich Shem}rakin, tel. 203, V 3-47-76, V 7-25-51 (Office). Members of the Bureau: Corr. Mbr. Ivan Pavlovich Alinarin, tel. V 7-00-11, ext. 30, V 9-13-82 (Office; Aeadeaician Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov, tel. 2-37-90, 80-85 (Office in Kazan); Academician Mikhail Mikhaylovich Dubinin, tel. V 2-56-81 (Office); Corr. Mbr. Nikolay Mikhsylovieh Zhavoroakov, tel. Dl-12-30 (office); Academician Martin Izrailevich Kabachnik, tel. V 2-39-44, V 2-08-98 (Office); Academician Valentin Alekseyevich Kargin, tel. B 7-00-14, ext 14 (office); Academician Viktor Nikolayevich Kondrat'yev, tel. V 7-32-27; Academician Ivan Vladinirovich Tananayev, tel. V 2-24-87 (Office); Academician Aleksandr Nikolayevich Terenin, tel. A 0-00-43, ext. 147, 247, A 5-00-44, ext. 166 (Office in Lencead); Academician Aleksandr Naumovich Frumkin, tel. V 2-46-48 (Office). Scientific Secretary: Candidate of Chemical Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Yevdokinov, tel. 191, V 3-47-76 (Office), V 7-73-50 (Home); for Planning, Vsevolod Aleksandrovich Getling, tel. 269 (Office, B 1-92-20 (Home); for the Utilization of Atomic Energy in Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Galina Alekaandrovna Nekrasova, tel. 64, V 2-09-66 Office ; on Polymers, Maks Isaakovich Rokhlin, tel. 101, V 7-23-41 (Office); V 7-72-65 (Home); on International Connections, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Lidiya Grigor'yevna Shcherbakova, tel. 130 (Office), G 5-00-03, ext. 8 (Hose). Deputy Scientific Secretary, Ilya Sergeyevich Shchukiu, tel. 161, V 2-09-66 (Office), 3 3-49-26 (Home). Inspector-Consultant, Semuil Borisovich Shevelev, tel. 62 (Office), K 5-45-16 (ac-me). - 189 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Consultants: Nina Grigor'ye a Oolubkova, tel. 269 (office), V 7-53-72 Home ; Galin Viktorovna Chernova, tel. 161 (Office), D o-48-79 Home . Reviewers: Tamara Ivanovna Sairaava, tel. 262, V 3-47-76 (Office), Zh 2-41-40 (loafs ; Responsible for Control, Iyu40i1a Geanadiyevna Dalashova, tel. 44 (Office), D 4-00-11, ext. 175 (); Hine Aleksandrovna Silina, tel. 44 (Office). Members of the Department 1. Arbuzow, Aleksandr 2erainingel'davich (Organic Chemistry). 2. Arbuzov, Doris Aleksandrovich (organic chemistry). 3. Dalandin, Aleksey Aleksandrovich (organic Chemistry, Catalysis). 4. Vol,fkovich, Semen Isaabovich (Chemical Technology, Inorganic Chemistry). 5. Grinberg, Aleksandr Abramovich (Inorganic Chemistry). 6. Dubinin, Milrkail Mikhsylovich (Sorption Processes). 7. YAbachnik, Martin Izrailevich (organic Chemistry). 8. lrazanskiy, Doris Aleksandrovich (organic chemistry). 9. rargin, Valentin Alekseyevich (Physical Chemistry). 10. 101unyants, Ivan Iyudvigovich (organic Chemistry). 11. kmdrat'yew, Viktor xikolsyrevich (Physical Chemistry) . 12. Medvedw, Bergey Sergeyevich (Chemistry of High-hblecular 13. Hesaeyanov, Aleksandr xikolayevich (Organic Chemistry). A. Rebinder, Petr Aleksandrovich (Physical and Colloid Cemistry). 15- Semenov, llikolay llikolayevich (Chemical Physics). 16. Viktor Ivanovich Spitsyn (Inorganic Chemistry). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 -HUM I . ,1c 1~. .._~ a16.rl V1. 17. Tlanansyev, Ivan Vladimirovich (Inorganic Cumistry, Photochemistry). 18. Terenin, Aleksandr likoliyrevich (Chemical Physics, Photochemistry). 19. Topchiyev, Aleksandr Vasil'yevich (Organic Chemistry). 20. Fziakin, Aleksandr Iauaovich (Pbysicial Chemistry). 21. Chernyyev, Ilya Il'ich (Inorganic Chemistry). 22. Shempakin, Mikhail Mikh y-lovich (Organic Chemistry). Oorresponding Members 1. Ageyev, Nikolay Vladimirovich (General and Inorganic Chemistry). 2. Alskin, Oleg Aleksandrovich (Nydrochsistry). 3. Alimarin, Ivan Pavlovich (Analytical Chemistry). 4. Andrianov, Ahz'ma Andrianovich (Cksmical Technology). 5. Dashkirov, Audrey Nikolayevich (Technical Chemistry). 6. lol'shakav, Lirill Andreyevich (Technical Chemistry). 7. Drodskiy Aleksandr I1'ich (Physical and Inorganic Chemistry). 8. Dudnikov, Petr Petrovich (Inorganic Chemistry, Silicate Technology). 9. Wovenko, Viktor Mikhayrlovich (Radiochemistry). 10. Gerasimov, Takov Ivanovich (Physical Chemistry). 11. Danilov, Stepan Nikolyevich (Organic Chemistry). 12. Deryagin, Doris Vladimirovich (Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Aerosols, Molecular Physics). 13. Dolgoplosk, Doris Aleksandrovich (Chemistry of High-Iblecular Compounds). 14. Dumanskiy, Anton Vladisirovich (Colloid Chemistry). 15. Z2-avoronko, xikolay Mikhyrlovich (Chemical Technology). 16. Kazarnovskiy, Isaak Abrsmovich (Inorganic and General Chemistry). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM 17. Tachalov, Nikolsy Nikolayevich (Silicate Technology). 18. Toratkov, Alekssy Andreyevich (Chemistry of High4blecular )? 19. korshak, Vasiliy Vladiairovich (C'saistry cf High-Molecular compouds). 20. Teton, Mikhail Mikhyrlovich (Chemistry of High-lblecular Oogounds) . 21. tochetkov, Niloolay Tonstantinovich (Chemistry of Natural and Biologically Active Campounds). 22. Tocheshkov, kanofout Aleksandravich (Organic Chemistry). 23. Mirsanav, Daitriy Nikolayevich (Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Tagged Atoms). 24. Levich, Veniamin Grigor'yevich (physical Chemistry). 25. Msmsdaliyev, Tusuf Geydarovich (Industrial Chemistry). 26. Matulis, Tuozas Tuosovich (Physical chemistry). 27. Moshkin, Panteleymon Afanas'yevich (Chemical Technology). 28. Nekrasov, Boris Vladiairovich (General and Inorganic Chemistry). 29. Nikitin, Nikolay Ignst'yevich (Organic Chemistry). 30. Nikol'skiy, Boris Petrovich (Radiochemistry, Physical Chemistry). 31. Novoselova, Aleksandra Vasil'yevna (General and Inorganic Chemistry). 32. Petrov, Aleksandr Daitriyevich (Organic Chemistry). 33? Petryanov-Sokolov, Igor' Vasil'yevich (Physical Chemistry). 34. Pahenitsyn, Nikolay Tonstantinovich (General and Inorganic Chemistry). 35? Razuvayev, Grigoriy Alekaeyevich (Organic Chemistry). 36. Reutov, Oleg Aleksandrovich (Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of Tagged Atoms). 37? Roginskiy, Simon 7&lmanovich (Physical Chemistry, Catalysis). 38. Starik, Iosif Tevseyevich (Inorganic Chemistry). 39? Syrkin, Zakov Eirovich (General and Physical Chemistry). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Srr~r7, --nr 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 47. 48. 49. Talmud, David L'vovich (Physical Chemistry). Terent'yev, Aleksandr Petrovich (organic Chemistry). Ushakov, Sergey mikolayevich (Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds). Freydlina, Rakhil' Xhatakelevue (Organic Chemistry). Chibisov, Ibnatantin Vladiuirovich (Photochemistry, Scientific Photography). Chmutov, Konatantin Vasil'yevich (Phsyical Chemistry). Chufarov, Grigoriy Ivanovich (Physical Chemistry). Shuykin, Nikolsy Ivanovich (Organic Chemistry). Hammel', Nikolay Markovich (Physical Chemistry). Tunusov, Sabir Yunusovich (Organic Chemistry). Academicians Who Belong to Other Departments But Participate in the Work of the OXhN: Vinogradov, Aleksandr Pavlovich (Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry). Iastitite of High-Molecular Compounds (IVS), Leningrad V-164, Birzhevoy proyesd 6, tel. A 2--15-94- Director, Corr. Mbr. Mikhail Mikheylovich Xbton, tel. A 2-07-71 (office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Viktor Alekseyevich Xhpachev, tel. A 2-07-71 (Office), Zh 2-72-04 (Nome). Doctor of Chemical Chemical Sciences Oeorgiy Vasil'yevich Saasonav, tel. A 2-07-71 (Office). Zh 2-74-15 (5010)? Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Nikolay Ivanovich Nikolayev, tel. A 2-07-71 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Yeailiy Ivanovich Okolelykh, tel. A 2-73-33 (Office). Party Organization, tel. A 2-76-74. Trade-Union Organisation, tel. A 2-57-58. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemist imam V. I. Vernadskiy GEDE-I Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye Sh. 47a, Switchboard V 7-00-11 office, ext. 1e3. Director, A%%adsmician Aleksandr Pavlovich Vinogradov, tel. V 7-41-27 (Office), V 0-3.1-85 (some). Deputy Director, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Vladimir I1'ich Paranov, Tel V 7-41-47 (Office), V 0-11-85 (Some). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Valeriy Lsonidovich Barsukav, tel. 4 (Office); Candidate of Chemical Sciences Turiy Aleksandrovieh Zolotov, tel. 4 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, =- Party Ivanovieh 4edvedev, tel. V 7-55-07 (Office), I 1-21-63 Organisation, tel. 8, Trade-Union Organization, tel. 120. Commission on Analytical Chemist:7i tel. 123. gydrochemical Institute Novocherkassk, Moskovskaya 61, Switchboard 3-13, office ext. Ol. Acting Director, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Vasiliy Gordeyevich Datsko, tel. 741 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Lidiya Valerianovna Brazhnikova, tel. 14 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Nikandr Ivanovich Limanskiy, tel. 01 (Office). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. 08. Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis Moscow, V-71, Leninskiy prose. 29, tel. V 3-22-92, Switchboard V 1-90-33- Director, Academician Aleksandr Vasil'yevich Topchi7ev, tel. V 2-59-27 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Chemical Sciences I3bo1s7 Sergeyevich Nametkin, tel. V 2-59-27 (Office), V 7-59-74 (some). Doctor of Economic Sciences Pavel Aeef'yevich Borisov, tel. V-3-42-69 (Office), K 7-71-30 Some ; Ivan Korneyevich Sedin, tel. V 2-43-47 (office), G 3-36-13 Soms). -194- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Technical sciences irina Alekseyevna Noshkina, tel. V 3-22-68 (Office), 114-06-34 (Dome). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit 8 kbarAbramovich Smolyakov, tel. V 2-51-26 (Office), V 5-19.41 Dome). Party Organization, tel. V 2-50-68. Trade Union organisation, tel. 46. Special Design Office, tel. V 2-43-00- Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N S. Arnakov (IOM) Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31, tel. V 2-07-87 Director, Academician Ilya I1'ich Cheruyayey, tel. V 2-02-24 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Nina Petrovna tel. V 2-02-24 (Office), V 7-68-70 (some); Candidate of Chemiica e~ Sciences Vyacheslav Pavlovich Markov, tel. 2-02-24 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Mara Alekaandrovna Glushkova, tel. V 2-39-49 (Office), D 0-08-65 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Valerian Petrovich Samsonov, tel. V 2-C7-87 (Office), I 1-00-10, ext. 283 (some). Party and Trade-Union organization, tel. V 2-39-49- Commission on the Chemistry of Oosgilex Compounds, tel. V 2-02-24. Camission on the Physical-Chemical Investigation of Salts and Salt Dquilibrium, tel. V 2-02-02. Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy (IOn) Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp. 4;, tel. V 7-29-44, Switchboard V 7-00-13- Director, Academician Doris Aleksandrovich Kasanakiy, tel. V 7-29-44 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Xhabib Minachevich Minaachev, tel. V 7-13-53 (Office); Doctor of Chemical Sciences Aleksandr Moiseyevich Rnbinshteyn, tl. V 7-13-53 (Office), V 7-68-72 (Home) . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM ORN Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical sciences Boris Dnitriyevich Po]bwnikov, tel. V 7-13-79 (Office). DeputyIDirector for the Adsinistratiee Unit, Fedor Sergeyeruch Yevgen ye1-, tel. V 7-29-35 (Office), V 7-43-u (Home). Party Organization, tel. V 7-40-14. Trade-Union organization, tel. V 7-38-42. Special Design Office With Experimental Workshops, tel. 106. Kathie Institute iaeni V. G. Iilopin (RIAI) Leningrad P-22, ul. Rentgen 1, tel. V 2-00-08 Director, Oorr. Mbr. Viktor Mikhaylovich Vdovenko, tel. V 2-76-59 (Office). Director, Oorr. Mbr. Iosif Yevseyevich Starik, tel. V 2-64-77 (Office); Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Saismses likolay Aleksandrovich Perfilov, tel. V 2-24-78 (Office), A 0-84-77 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Galin Sergeyevna Sinitsyna, tel. V 2-12-76 (Office), G 2-09-80, ext 830 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Hikolay Matveyevich Fedotov, tel. V 2-92-27 (Office), G 2-09-80, ext. 711 (Name). Party organization, tel V 3-40-52. Trade-Union organization, tel. V 2-14-09. Institute of Physical Chemistry (Inh) Moscow, V-71, Leninskly prose. 31, Switchboard V 4-00-14, office ext. 201. Director, Academician Viktor Ivanovich Spitsyn, tel. V 2-04-62 (Office). Deputy Director, Corr. Mbr. Emstantin Vasil'yevich Cbautov, tel V 2-00-62 (Office); Doctor of Technical Sciences Iuriy likolsyevich Golovanov, tel. V 2-08-04 (office), V 1-05-55 (tome). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Poling Maksiaoyna 7evteyeva, tel. V 2-20-71 (Office). - 196 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Mikhail Afanas'yevich Startsev, tel. V 2-08-26 (Office), V 7-70-90 (Nome). Institute of the Chemistry of Natural Compounds Moscow,~V-312, lot Akadaicakaya proyezd 18, tel. V 7-25-21, Switchboard Director, Academician Mikhail Mikhaylarich Shemyakin, tel. V 7-25-51 (Office). Deputy Director, Corr. Nbr. Nikolay konstantinovich, tel. V 7-25-51 (Office); Candidate of Chemical Sciences Aleksandr Stepenovich Ahokhlov, tel. V 7-25-51 (Office), Ye 3-52-75 (Hams). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Anton Andreyevieh Markin, tel. V 7-27-12 (Office), D 3-00-80, ext. 61 (Home). Institute of Chemistry of Silicates (Ixhs) Leningrad v-164, nab. Mskerova 2, tel. A 2-71-43- Director, Active Member of the Academy of Construction and Archi- tecture SSSR Nikita Aleksandrovich Toropov, tel. A 2-71-43 (Office), V 2-79-09 (some). Deputy Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences Aleksandr Daltriyevich Fedoseyev, tel. A 5-83-86 (Office), A 7-11-71 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Technical Sciences Pavel Fedoorvich Runyantsev, tel. A 2-71-43 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Abe Shmulevich Gotlib, tel. A 2-70-43 (Office), A 3-64-88 (Home). Party organization, tel. A 2-56-63, Trade-Union organization, tel. A 1-88-07. Institute o~ical sics, (MF) Moscow, V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 2b, switchboard V 7-00-12, office ext. 203. Director, Academician Nikolay Nikolay,vich Samenov, tel. V 7-32-27 (Office). Deputy Director, Academician Viktor Nikolyevich lrondrat'yev, dotinoyich tel. 407 (Office); Doctor of Technical Sciences V"illy Hobolev, tel. 467 (Office); Candidate of Chemical Sciences Iyanovich Duba-it cal Sci encees Fedor Corr. Mmr. Mikhail Aleksandrovich2~skly, tel. (Soma); sue, tel. . 44 440 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Nikoly Alekseyevich 1aeymen , tel. 206, V 7-63-20 (Office). -197- 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i sun I -nuivi Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Aleksandr Ivanovich 1barkhardin, tel. V 7-36-03 (Office). Party organization, tel. V 7-32-40. Trade-Union organisation, tel. 214. Experimental workshop, tel. V 7-36-22. Institute of Electrochemistry (IELAII) Moscow, V-71, Leainskiy prosp. 31, tel. V 2-04-28, Switchboard V 4-00-14. Director, Academician Aleksandr /auaovich Pruakin, tel. V 2-46-48 (Office). Deputy Director,Doctor of Technical Sciences Afansiy Ivanovioh Oorbenev, tel. V 2-26-88 (Office); Candidate of Cheaieal Sciences IIadezhda Aleksandrovna Shuailova, tel. V 2-31-22 (Office), V 7-2939 (Bane) Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathe^atical Sciences Viktor Alekseyevich Nyaalin, tel. 216 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Anatolia Yakoavlevich Kiryushkin, tel. V 2-04-28 (Office). Party organization, tel. 256. Trade-Union organization, tel. 213. Casission on Eleetroeheaieal Sources of Current, tel. 257. Institute of Organo-Elemental Compounds (I BDC) Moscow, V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31, tel. V 2-08-98. Director, Academician Aleksandr Nikolayevich IIesaeyanov, tel. V 2-58-67 (Office). Deputy Director, Corr. Nbr. Vasiliy Vladiairavich krorshak, tel. V 2-58-67 (Office); Candidate of Clsmical Sciences Sergey Vasil'yevich Rogozhin, tel. V 2-58-67 (Office), V 7-71-40 (kio^e). Scientific Seetetary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Yevgenlya Seaenovna Krongauz, tel. V 2-08-46 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Yevgeniy Andreyevich Belyaev, tel. V 2-32-62 (Office), 3 7-09-35 (Nbias)- Party and Trade-Union organization, tel. V 2-56-48. -198- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 i uun I -nuivi Library of the Department of Chemical sciences (010) Moscow V-71, Ieninskiy prosp. 31 Head, Nina Fedorovna Suyetnova, tel. V 2-14-03 (office). Scientific Council On the Use of Atomic Energy in (be.istry Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, Nuilding 2. Chairman, Academician Aleksandr Pavlovich Vinogradov, tel V 7-41-27 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Call" Aleks*ndr0vna Nekrasova, tel. V 2-09-66, V 2-00-00, ext. 64 (office). Wmaission on the Control of Metal Corrosion ypscpw V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 31 Chairman, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Nikon Danilovich Tc^sshoy, tel. V 4-00-14, ext. 241 (Office), V 1-34-96 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Vladimir Vasil'yevich 8rasnoyarskty tel. 292 (Office). ' Commission on Mass Spectrometry Moscow, V-71, Leninekiy prose. 14, tel. V 2-47-76- Chairman, Academician Sergey Arkad'yevieh Vekshinakjj, tel. V 4-00-25, ext. 36 (Office). Acting Scientific Secretary, Oeorgiy 1 itriyevieh Tentsyrev, tel. V 7-00-12, ext. 311 (Office). Commission on Scientific Photograpby and Ciasatogr &y Moscow V-71, TAmiaskiy prosp. 14, tel. V 2-47-76. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. fnnstantin Vladieirovich Chibisov, tel. V 9-20-11 (Office). Deputy Cb&irm= for the Leningrad Department, Doctor of Cheaioal Sciences Tariy Nikolayevich Oroicbovsk1y, tel. A 5-00-44, ext. 76 (Office in Leningrad). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Technical Sciences Glob A1ekseye-ieh Istoain, tel. 7-00-22, ext. 528 (Office), f 7-27-50 (Moms). Leningrad Department, Leningrad V-164, Universitetakaya nab. 5. - 199 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Commission an the aamenciature of Cbasical compounds Moscow V-71, Leninakly prosp. 14, tel. V 3-47-76. Chaiiiman, Corr. Mrr. Aleksandr Petrovich Terent'pev, tel. V 9-13-03 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Ariel' Moiseyevich Tsuke:mn, tel. V 9-13-03 (Office) D 9-55-03 (Rom)- Commission an Radiospectrosaopy Moscow V-71, Laninskiy Prosp. 14, tel. V 3-47-76 Chairman, corr. Mrr. Vladislav Vladislarovich Voyevodsk y, tel. 7-00-12, ext. 315 (Office). Commission on Rare and Sispersed $lemsnts Moscow V-133, Voro1'yevskoye sh. 47a, tel. V 7-00-11, ext. 198 Chairman, Academician Aleksandr Pavlo-ich Vinogradav, tel. V 7-41-27 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Viktor Grigor- yevich Tronev, tl. V 2-07-86 (office), I 1-70-29 (acme). Commission on Thermodynamics Moscow V-71, Lininskiy prosp. 14, tel. V 3-47-76. Chairman, Corr. Or. Takov Ivarovich Oerasiaov, tel. V 9-12-05 (office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mlathe^atioal Sciences Valeriy aikolayevich MGostryukov, tel. Zh 3-00-26, ext. 259 (office). Comission on Chramatoy Moscow V-71, Leninakiy prosp. 31, tel. V 3-47-76. Chairman, Oorr. Mrr. Mroostantin Vasil'yevioh Chsutov, tel. 4-00-14, ext. 268 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Che^ical Sciences fi.rill Naksiae-ich Saldadse, tel. Zh 4-05-42. ext/ 336 (Office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Cos~ission On Zeolites - Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Drosp. 14, tel. V 2-00-00, ext 269. Chairman, Academician Mikhail Mikha~ylovich Dubinin, tel. V 2-56-81 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Technical Sciences Boris Antonovich Onusaytis, tel. V 2-114-85 (Office). "Izvestiya Akadeaii llauk SSSR, Otdeleniye IO-imicheskikh M1auk" (News of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Department of Chemical Sciences), Moscow V-333, Leninskiy prosp 47. Chief Editor, Academician Mihail Mikhaylovich Dubinin, tel. V 2-56-81 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Afenasiy Andreyevich Akhres, tel. V 7-00-13, ext. 48 (Office), V 4-00-12, ext. 119 (Home). Managing Editor, Lyudmila KnastantiDOVna Be eva, tel. V 7-00-13, ext. 15 (Office), V 7-42-11 (Home). "Z.hurnal Analiticheskoy Thimii? (Journal of Analytical Chemistry), Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskOye sh. 47a. Chief Editor, Academician Aleksandr Psvlovich Vinogredov, tel. V 7-4127 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Dmitriy Ivanovich Ryabchikov, tel. v 7-00-11, ext. 50 (Office). Managing Editor Zinida Yefimovna Pekelis, tel. V 7-00-11, ext. 123 (Office), B 8-38-93 (00e)? "Vysokamolekulyarnyye Soyedineniya" (High-Molecular Compounds), Moscow K-31, lbznetskiy Most 9/10. BC7ief Aditor Academician ciian Valentin Alekseyevich Kargin, /1 . Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Chemical Sciences German Sergspftleh Kolesaikov, tel. V 2-08-98 (Office), B 8-14-17 (Some). Monagi editor, Nelli Mikhaylovna Shchukina, tel. B 1-55-58 (Office . Oeokhimiya (Geochemistry), Moscow V-133, Vorob'yevskoye sh. 47a. Chief Editor, Acad.ician Aleksandr Paviovich Vinogradov, tel. V 7-41-27 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Hikolsy Ivanovich lmitarov, tel. V 7-00-11, ext. 90 (Office). Managing Editor, Aleksandra Pavlovna IQiznetsova, tel. V 7-00-11, ext. 123 (Office). "Kolloidnyy Zhurnal (Colloid Journal), Moscow K-31, l0iznetskiy Most 9/10. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Anton Vladisirovich Dusranskiy, tel. 5-22-31, 4-95-96, ext. 18, 36 (Office in Kiev). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Ivan Ptivlovich Ser- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 dobol'skiy, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 187 (Office), V 7-57-19 (Some). managing Editor, Klavdiya Alekseyevns Vasnevs, tel. B 1-55-58 (office), B 9-05-38 (Bme)? "Zhurnal Nsuchnoy i Prikladnoy lbtografii i Kiae^atogi afii" , and Sri., mr. Cinematography); (Journal of Scientific and Applied Photography Moscow K-31, IDunetskiy Most 9/10. Konstsatin Viadimirovich Chibisov, tel. V 9-20-11 (office). corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Technical Sciences Viktor Yakovlevieh MikhsYlov, tel. 3 1-23-91 (Office). Managing Editor, Serafima L'vovna Chernyak, tel. B 1-55-58 (Office), K 4-29-75 (300e)? "Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy ICzimii" (Journal of Inorganic Chemistry), Moscow V-71, Leninakiy prose. 31. Chief Editor, Academician Il'ya Il'ich Chernyayev, tel. V 2-02-24 (Office). Deputy Chief Editor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Orest Editor tsev, Natal'ys V 2-02-24 D 4-1- (Office), , tel. V37-00-u, ext. 126 (office, D 5-13-89 Aleksandrksandro^rrs Mininstel. (Nome). "7hurnal Obshchey iiimii: (Journal of General Chemistry), Leningrad V-164, Mendeleyevskays lin. I. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Stepan Nikol.ayevich DaniloV, tel. K 2-10-54, ext. 125, 197 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Aleka a Editor, Ivanovna Zakharova, tel. A 5-74-04 (Nome)' Yekaterina Ivanovna Andreyevs, tel. A 2-79-72 (Office). "Zhurnal Prikladnoy Xhimii" (Journal of Applied Chemistry), Leningrad V-164, Mendeleyevskaya lin? 1. Chief Editor Corr. Mbr. Nikolay Ignat'yevich Eikitin, tel. A 2-15-94 (Office- Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Lyubov' Klement'yeVna tel. D 7tele A.1364C34f (Office), 2~42~10 (r$O"e)~7'al Dsitriyevna "Radiokhiasys" (Radiochemistry), Leningrad v-164, Mendeleyevskaya lovich Vdovenko, lin. 1. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Viktor llikhstiy tel. V 2-76-59 (Office). Scientific Editor, Candidate o (office), Sciences Valentina Rudol'fovna, tel. 21 3-19-84 (Some). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM "Uspekhi Khimii" (Progress of Chemiatry), Moscow K-31, Kuznetgxiy most 9/10. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Vasiliy Vladimirovich Kor??ihak, tel. V 2-58-67 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate o. Chemical Sciences Aleksey Mikhaylovich Sladkov, tel. V 2-01-64 (Borne). Managing Editor, Alias Borisovna Kaplanakays, tel. I 3-53-22 (Office), G 1-50-92 (Baas). "Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii" (Journal of Physical Chemistry), Mobcow K-31, Kuznetakiy Most 9/10. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Yakov Ivanovich Gerssimov, tel. V 9-12-05 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Lev Aleksandrovich Nikolayev, tel. 14-0]-00, ext. 770, 719 (Office), I 1-13-74 (Home). Managing Editor, Yekaterin a Petrovna Dolinskaya, tel. B 8-67-88 (Office), K 5-74-51 (Home). Neftekhimiya (Petroleum Chemistry), Moscow, V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29. Chief Editor, Academician Alekaandr Vasil'yevich Topchiyev, tel. V 2-59-27 (Office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO61600410001-2 M DEPARTlDIIIT OF ( OLOGICAL AND GROG6APHICAL SCIDCLg (OM) Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, Building 1, tel. F 2-33-51. Bureau of the Departaalat Academician-Secretary of the Department, Aaa6- sir M" $ I* Shcherbakov, tel. V 1-58-03 (Office), V 3.31r4* (111M), Deputy Academician-Secretaries; Academician Andes Alakean&eviek Grigor'yev, tel. V 1-58-03 (Office) I 1-04-26 (Ho..); Corr. Mbr. Grigoriy Aleksandrovich Avsyuk, tel. V 3-18-51 (Office), V 4-00-27, ext. 50 (Hose); Corr. Xbr. Ivan Ivanoiich Gorskiy, tel. V 3-18-51 (Office), V 7-28-10 (Hose). Reviewer, Monika Bagdasarovna Seylanova, tel. 99 (Office), B 3-49-65 (Hame ). Members of the Bureau: Corr. Mbr. Khabib Mukhamedovich Abdullayev, tel. 2-68-47 (Office in Tashkent); Corr. Mbr. Ali Agamaly ogly Amiraslanov, tel. D 2-34-28 (office); Corr, Mbr. Georgiy Dmitriyevich Afanas'yev, tel. V 1-64-83 (Office); Corr. Mbr. Iuz'ua Alekseyevich Vlaaov, tel. K 5-90-87 (Office); Academician Innokentiy Petrovich Gerasimov, tel. V 1-61-44 (Office); Corr. Hbr. Lev Aleksandrovich Zenkevich, tel. V 9-19-61 (Office); Academician Dmitriy Sergeyevich Korshinskiy, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 24 (Office); Doctor of Geological Sciences Vladimir Grigor'yevich Kort, tel. V 1-65-76 (Office), B 7-47-59 (Hone); Corr. Xbr. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Mikhail Fedorovich Mirchink, tel. V 3-11-02 (Office); Academician Kanysh Imenteyevich Satpayev, tel. 38-96 (Office in Alga AtO; Corr. Mbr. Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov, tel. V 9-23-51 (Office); Academician Andrey Alekseyevich Trofimuk, tel. 3-84-08 (Office in Novosibirsk); Corr. Mbr. Fedor Vasiltyevich Chukhrov, tel. V 1-72- 70 (Office); Doctor of Geological Sciences Petr Alekeandrovich Shumskiy tel. B 3-95-52 (Office), V 7-01-57 (Hose); Academician Aleksandr Leonidovich Yanshin, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 57 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Filippovich Solov'yev, tel. 239 (Office), V 7-44-73 (Home); for Coordination, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Yakov Gerasimovich Ter-Oganesov, tel. 114 (Office), V 7-19-06 (Home). Deputy Scientific Secretary: Konstantin Oktavtyevich Lange, tel. 82 (Office); Candidate of Geological-Minealogical Sciences Vladimir Vaailtyevich Bezsmertniy, tel. 196 (Office). Senior Scientific Associate, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Arten Aramovich Geodekyan, tel. 259 (Office), V 7-56-93 (Home); Candidate of Geological Sciences Asat Arkadlyevich Zasukhin, tel. 259 (Office), V 7-75-90 (Hose). Inspector-Consultants; for Personnel, Ivan Mikhaylovich Dvoroy, tel. 179, (Office); Responsible for Business Correspondence, Nadezhda Gavrilovna Kreyner, tel. V 2-33-51 (Office), K 7-34-57 (Hose); Vera Nikolayevna Pervukhina, tel. V 2-33-51 (Office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Reviewer, Nina Vasiltyevna Rmn, tel. V 3-18-51 (Office). Members of the DsDartasnt Academicians 1. Belov, Nikolay Vasiltyevich (Crystallochemistry, GeochesList.-y, Structural Mineraology). 2. Betekhtin, Anatoliy Gsorgiyevich (Mineralogy and Ore Deposits). 3? Vinogradov, Aleksandr Pavlovich (Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry). 4. Gerasimov, Innokentiy Petrovich (Physical Geography, Soil Science). 5. Grigortyev, Andrey Aleksandrovich (Geography). 6. Korzhinakiy, Daitriy Sergeyevich (Petrography). 7. Naiivkin, Daitriy Vasiltyevich (Geology, Paleontology). 8. Polkanov, Aleksandr Alekseyevich (Petrography, Geology). 9. Satpayev, Kanysh Iaantayevich (Geology). 10. Strakhov, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (General Geology, Lithology, Contemporary Deposit Formation). U. Fedorov, Tevgeniy Konstantinovich (Geophysics). 12. Shcherbakov, Daitriy Ivanovich (Geochemistry, Nineralogy). Corresponding Numbers 1. Abdullaayev, Kabib Mukhaasdovich (Metallogsny). 2. Avsyuk, Grigoriy Alsksandrovich (Hydrogeology). 3. Amiraslanov, Ali Agsmaly ogly (Ore Deposits). -205- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM 4. Afanaa'yev, Georgiy Dwitriyevich (General Geology, Petrography). 5. Baranskiy, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Economic Geography). 6. Belousov, Vladimir Vladiairovich (Geotechtonics, General Geology). 7. Bogorov, Veniaain Grigortyevich (Oceanology) 8. Varentsov, Mikhail Ivanovich (Petroleum Geology). 9. Velikanov, Mikhail Andreyevich (Hydrology, the Dynamics of Pluvial Processes). 10. Vlasov, Kus'na Alekaeyevich (Geochemistry, Genetic Mineralogy). 11. Vologdin, Aleksandr Grigor'yevich (Geology, Paleontology). 12. Gorskiy, Ivan Ivanovich (Geology, Paleontology). 13. Yeliseyev, Nikolay Aleksandrovich (General Geology, Petrography). 14. Zenkevich, Lev Aleksandrovich (Oceanology). 15. Isakov, Ivan Stepanovich (Oceanology). 16. Kaleanik, Stanislav Vikenttyevich (Geography, Claceology). 17. Kell', Nikolay Georgiyevich (Geodesy, Aerial Surveying). 18. Levitekiy, Oleg Dmitriyevich (General Geology). 19. Mirchink, Mikhail Fedorovich (Petroleum Geology). 20. Nenadkevich, Konstantin Avtonomovich (Chemical Mineralogy). 21. Obruchev, Sergey Vladimirovich (General Geology). 22. Pay", Aleksandr Vol'demarovich (Geology). 23. Pustovalov, Leonid Vasil'yevich (General Geology). 24. Rengarten, Vladimir Pavlovich (Stratigraphy, General Geology). 25. Saukov, Alsksandr Aleksandrovich (Geochemistry). 26. Sidorenko, Alsksandr Vasil'yevich (General Geology). - 207 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM 27? 3tirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich (Geology). 28. Tatarinov, Pavel Mikhaylovich (General Geology). 29. Fedorov, Yevgraf Tevgrafovich (Climatology). 30. Fedorov, Sergey Filippovich (Petroleum Geology). 31. Taytovich, NikolW Aleksandrovich (Permafrost, Soil Mechanics, Engineering Geology). 32. Chepikov, Konstantin Romanovich (Petroleum Geology) 33. Chukhrov, Fedor Vasiltyevich (Geochemistry). 34. Shvetsov, Petr Filimonovich (Geocryology, Hydrogeology). Academicism Who Belong to Other Departments but Participate in the Work of the OGGN: 1. Pavlovskiy, Yevgeniy Nikanorovich (Zoology, Parasitology). 2. Sobolev, Vladimir Stepanovich (Petrography) 3. Sukachev, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Botazr, Phytocenology, Forestry, Phytopaleontology). 4. Trofimuk, Andrey Alekseyevich (Petroleum Geology). 5. Shevyakov, Lev Daitriyevich (Mining) 6. Yanshin, Aleksandr Leonidovich (Geology). Establishments of the Department Institute of Geoaranhv Moscow V-17, Starom)nstniy per. 29, tel. V 1-78-86; for telegrams: Moscow V-17, Geography. 246 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Director, Academician Innokentiy Petrovich Gerasiaov, tel. V 1-6144 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Geographic Sciences Georgiy Daitriyevich Kulagin, tel. V 1-50-52 (Office); Doctor of Geographical Sciences Mark Iltich Neyshtadt, tel. V 1-61-44 (Office), V 7-55-97 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Dmitriy Vasiltyevich Kravchenko, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 367 (Office), To 3-25-37 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Viktor Mikhavylovich Kuzetsov, tel. V 3-2203 (Office), V 4-00-27, ext. 23 (Home). Party organization, tel. V 3-19-69; Trade-Union organization, tel. V 1-67-43. Commission on the Study of Mud Streams, tel. V 1-67-43- Base of the Polar-Ural Expedition, Tyuaenskaya Obl., pos. Labytnangi. Institute of Geology and Processinit of Mineral Fuels Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 29, Switchboard V 1-90-33, Office ext. S. Director, Corr. Mbr. Mikhail Fedorovich Mirchink, tel. V 3-11-02 (Office). Deputy Director, Academician of the Academy of Sciences Azerbaijan SSR Musa Mirzoyevich Lliyev, to. V 3-42-75 (Office), V 7-57-59 (Hose). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Technical Sciences Nina Nikolayevna Pavlova, tel. 8 (Office), To 7-33-44 (Hose). Party organization, tel. V 2-50-68, Trade-Union organization, tel. 46 - 209 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Institute of the Geolo of Mineral Deposits. Potr2grapby-e Minsr o , and Geochwistry Moscow, V-17, Starasonetniy per. 35, tel. V 1-45-79, Switchboard V 1-05-08. Director, Corr. Mbr. Fedor Vasiltyevich Chukhrov, tel. V 1-72-70 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Geological-Minerelological Sciences Luktyan Makarovich Afanastyev, tale 85 (Office), V 4-00-27, ext. 40 (Hcoe); Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Glob Aleksandrovich Sokolov, tel. 25 (Office), I 1-69-15 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Iosifovich Rekharskiy, tel. 18 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Kirill Yevgentyevich Yeltfimov, tel. V 1-45-79 (Office). Party organization, tel. V 1-77-72. Trade-Union organisation, tel. 27. F perimental Electromechanical Industrial Workshop, tel. 95. Geolojdcal Institute Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 7, tel. V 1-54-83. Director, Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Voltdamiarovich Peyve, tel. V 1-04-43 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Geologica1_Mineralogical Sciences Petr. Petrovich Tisofeyev, tel. V 1-94-18 (Office), V 7-53-98 (Home). 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-alogical Sciences Mark Solosonovich Markov, tel. V 3-00-47, ems. 136 (Office), Zh 2-45-10 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Mikhail Iosifovich Bednyakov tel. V 1-54-83 (Office), D 1-29-11 (Hoes). Party organisation, tel. V 1-93-91- Institute of Permafrost imeni V. A. Obruchev Moscow K-12, Be Cherkasskiy per. 2/10, tel. B 8-26-36. Director, Doctor of Geological Sciences Petr Aleksandrovich Shumskiy, tel. B 3-95-52 (Office), V 7-01-57 (Hose). Deputy Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences Valentin Petrovich Bakakin, tel. K 5-37-11 (Office), V 7-96-36 (Home); Candidate of Geological Sciences Leonid Antonovich Meyster, tel. K 5-37-11 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Sergey Nikolaevich Kartashev, tel. B 8-39-82 (Office), V 7-64-53 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Stepan Andreevich Khripun, tel. B 1-65-56 (Office), I 1-45-93 (Home). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. B 8-26-36. Northern Department, Vorkuta, Komi ASSR Statsionar, Zagorskiy rayon, Moscow Oblast'. Institute of Mineralogy. Geochemistry and Crs*a1>ocher stet of Nara Elements Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 -. r Moscow K-12, Ul. EWby.-ev 8, tel. B 1-39-43. Director, Corr. Mbr. Kustaa Alekseyevich Vlasov, W. K 5-90-87 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Nikolay Vasiltyevich Nechelyustov, tel. B 1-26-91 (Office), V 0-17-25 (Rom). Scientific Secretary Konstantin Fedorovich Kusnetsov, tel. B 1-26-95 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Feodosiy Vladimirovich Azletskiy tel. K 5-65-64 (Office). Party and Trade-Union organisation, tel. B 1-39-43. Institute of Oceanology Moscow Zh-127, ul. Bakhrushina 8, tel. V 1-65-55, Switchboard V 3-00-26; for telegrams, Moscow Zh-127, oceanology. Director, Doctor of Geological Sciences Vladimir Grigortyevich Kort, tel. V 1-65-76 (Office), B 7-47-59 (Kaye). Deputy Director, Corr. Mbr. Veniamin Grigortyevich Bogorov, tel. 3 (Office); for expeditions, Candidate of Technical Sciences Nikolay Nikolayevich Sysoyev, tel. 2 (Office), D 7-49-18 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Sergey Vaailtyevich Suyetov, tel. 7 (Office), V 4-00-27, ext. 45 (Hose). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Kikhail Fidorovich Bredikhin, tel. 4 (Office). Party and Trade-Union Organisation, tel. 10 Black Sea Scientific Experimental 8taticn, Gelendshik, Krasnodarskiy Kray. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Laboratory of Aercrosthods Leningrad V-164, Birshevoy proyesd 6. Director, Corr. Mbr. Hikolay Georgiyevich Kll;, tel. A 2-45-64 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences Vladimir Borisovich Kcmarov, tel. A 2-45-64 (Office), A 5-60-61 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-MInsrsiogical Sciences Aleksandr Ivanovich Morozov, tel. A 2-45-64 (Office), A 5-60-51 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Georgiy Ivanovich Kavtsevich, tel. A 2-34-74 (Office), A 3-48-46 (Home). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. A 2-34-74. Laboratory of Volcanology Moscow, V-17, Staromonetniy per. 35, Switchboard V 1-05-08. Director, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Viodavets, tel. 14 (Office), K 7-12-04 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Sof'ya Ivanovna Naboko, tel. 14 (Office). Party organisation, tel. 15, Trade-Union organisation, tel. 27. Kamchatskaya Volucanological Station, pos. Klyuchi, Kamchatskaya M. Paushetskaya Geothermal Control and Observation Station, pos. Zaporosh'ye-Osernoye Kamchatskaya Obl. Laboratory of Pre-cambrian Geolops Leningrad V-164, nab. Makarova 2, tel. A 2-09.03. . - 213 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Director, Academician Aleksandr Alekseyevich-Folkanov, tel. A 2.08-74 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Turfy Vladimirovich likitin, tel. A 2-08-74 (Office), V 3-24-78 (Hams). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Petr Fikolayevich Kirbitskiy, tel. A 2-08-03 (Office), A 2-37-70 (Home). Party and Trade-Union Organisation, tel. A 2-06-74. Laboratory of Coal Geoloxy Leningrad v-174, nab. Makarova 2, tel. A 2-06-03. Director, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Vladimirovich Mokrinskiy, tel. A 2-00-74 (Office), A 3-65-63 (Home). Scientific Secretary Anatol.iry Mikhayylovich Mndrov, tel. A 2-08-03 (Office). Assistant Director for the Administra- tive Unit Leonid Alussandrovich Skarinov, tel. A 2-08.03 (Office). Party organization, tel. A 2-08-03. Trade Union organisation, tel. A 2-51-02. Laboratory of Hydroaeoloxical Problems iaeni F. P. Sa v Moscow V-17, Staromonetniy per. 35, Switchboard V 1-05-06. Director, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogioal''Sciences Ivan Vasil'yevich Popov, tel. V 1-11-88 (Office), B 3-17-29 (How). Deputy Director, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Ivan Vladimirovich Garmonov, tel. B 9-92-03 (Office), D 7-52-15 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Minsralogica] I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Sciences Leonid Nikitin Barabanov, tel. 157 (office), I 1-67-54 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Vladimir Nikolayevich Rybakov, tel. 153 (Office). Party organization, tel. V 3-39-51 Trade-Union organisation, tel. B 9-92-03. Interdepartmental Commission on the Geology and Geography of the Cave, Moscow, Biyusovekiy per. 21, tel. B 9-76-05- North-Caucasian Department, Stavropol' fray, ul. Dzershinskiy 127. Adlerskaya Complex Station, Adler Krasnodarskiy fray, Lenin 224. Dzerzhinakaya Cave Station, Dsershinsk Gor'loovskaya Obl., pr. Sverdlova 28. Laboratory of Linnolo? Leningrad V-164, nab. Makarova 2 Director, Corr. Mbr. Stanislav Vikent'yevich falesnik, tel. A 2-40-48 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological Sciences Boris Mikhaylovich Petrov, tel. A 2-40-48 (office). Party and Trade Union Organization, tel. A 2-40-48 Lianological Station on Lake Punnus-Tarets, pos. Korobitsino Sosnovskiy Rayon, Leningradskaya Obl. Laboratory of Sedimentary Mineral Resources Moscow V-331, 3-ya ul. Stroiteley 17, Bailding 1. Director, Corr. Mbr. Leonid Vasil'yevich Pustovalov, tel. V 0-59-14 (Office) I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A061600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological Sciences David Lazarevich Moseson, tel. V 0-59-14 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Semen L'vovich Barash, tel. V 0-59-14 (Office), G 1-74-46 (Home). Party and Trade-Union Organisation, tel. V 0-59-14 Geolo calMnaeum imsni A. P. K&rpinakiy Leningrad V=164, nab. Makarova 2. Director, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Sergey Sergeyevich Kuznetsov, tel. A 2-28-44 (Office), A 3-18-58 (Hare). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Nin Nikolayevna Barkhatova, tel. A 2-74-82 (Office). Assistant Director for the Administrative Unit, Zarif Khalimovich Shakhmamet'yev, tel. A 2-74-82 (Office). Party and Trade-Union Organization tel. 2-75-82. Mineralogical Museum imeni A. Ye. Fersaan Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14-16. Director, Doctor of Geological-Minis logical Sciences Georgiy Pavlovich Barsanov, tel. V 2-39-00 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Yuriy Leonidovich Orlov, tel. V 2-39-00 (Office), D 5-76-97 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Leonid Ivanovich Vinogradov, tel. V 2-39-00 (Office). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 2-39-00 Bureau of Minerals, tel. V 2-39-00 -216- 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM hk, aid-.1, 4kuE~ National Committee of Geologists of the Soviet Onion Moscow V-71, Leninakiy prosp. 14, Building 1. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Ivan Ivanovich Gorskiy, tel. V 3-18-51 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological- Mineralogical Sciences Ivan Iosifovich Ketuahenok, tel. V 2-00-00, ext. 179 (Office), I 1-74-33 (Home). National Committee of Soviet Geographers Moscow V-17, Staramonetniy per. 29. Chairman, Academician Innokentiy Petrovich Oerasimov, tel. V 1-61-44 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Mikhail Bor;sovich Gornung, tel. V 3-00-47, (Office), V 2-50-16 (Home). Interdepartmental Scientific Council for the Study ofthe Mechanisms of Distribution of the Principal Mineral Resources Moscow V-71, Leninakiy prosp. 14, Building l. Chairman, Academician Dmitriy Ivanovich Shcherbakov, tel. V 1-58-03 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological- Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Yasiltyevich Besaaertniy, tel. 2-00-00, ext. 196 (Office), K 4-04-4, ext. 391 (Home). Interdepartmental Commission for the Study of the Antarctic Moscow Center, M. Kharitantyevskiy per. 4? Chairman, Academician Dmitriy Ivanovich Shcherbakov, tel. V 1-58-03 (Office). j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Vladimir L'vovich Lebedev, tel. K 4-58-74 (Office), K 7-40-10 (Hags). Commission on the Geological Study of the USSR Moscow V-17, Pyshevsk y per. 7 Chairman, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Vladimirovich Tikhomirov, tel. V 1-75-00 (Office), V 7-34-56 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Aleksandra Iosifovna Ravikovich, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 140 (Office), G 1-90-47 (Hans). Commission for the Study of the Quaternary Period Moscow V-17, Pyshevskiy per. 7. Chairman, Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukachev, tel. B 9-56-05 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Irina Konstantinovna Ivanova, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 345 (Office), G 5-28-76 (Home). Commission for Determining the Absolute Age of Geolodcal Formations Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, Building 1. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Iosif Yevseyevich Starik, tel. V 2-64-77 (Office in Leningrad). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Tat'yana Borisovna Pekarskaaya, tel. V 2-00-00, eat. 196 (Office), Zh 1-37-48 (Home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM I ?~. Y~JJ1L Commission on Sediaentaa7 Rocks Moscow, V-17, Pyshevskaya per. 7. Chairmera, Aoadeaician Nikolay Mikhaylovich Strakhov, tel. V 3-00-47, east. 326 Wff.oe). Deputy Chairmen, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Sergeyevich Tablokov, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 312 (Office), G 6-42-77 (HONe) ? Commission on the Problem of "Tectonic Charts" Moscow V-234, Leninskiye Gory, MGU, Geological Faculty, tel. 9-33-42. Chairman, Academician Dmitriy Vasil'yevich Nalivkin, tel. A-08-03 (Office in Leningrad). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Aleksiy Alskseyevich Bogdanov, tel. V 9-21-91 (Office), V 9-35-31 (Home). Soviet Section of the International Association for the Studs of the Quaternary Period (INKVA). Moscow V-17, Staromonetniy per. 29. Chairman, Academician Innokenity Petrovich Gerasimov, tel. V 1-61-44 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Oe4ogical Sciences Mark Il'ich Neyshtadt, tel. V 1-61-44 (Office), V 7-55-97 (HaAG). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM All-Union Mineralogical Society Leningrad, v. o., 21 Lin. 2. Acting President, Academician Anatoliy Georgiyevich Betekhtin, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 44 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Geological-Kinralogical Sciences Sergey Pavlovich Solovtyev, tel. A 5-00-46, ext. 21 (Office). Geographical Society of the USSR Leningrad, per. Grivtsova 8a. President, Academician Yevgeniy Nikanorovich Pavlovskiy, tel. A 5-55-76 (Office in Leningrad). Chief Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Leonid Yefiiovich Rodin, tel. A 5-55-76 (Office). "Izvestiya AN SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya" (News of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Geology Series), Moscow V-17, Staromonetniy per. 35? Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Georgiy Dmitriyevich Afamaswyev, tel. V 3-16-53 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Geological- Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Sergeyevich Yablokov, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 312 (Office), G 6-42-77 (Home). Senior Editor Sarra Doaovnna Ardashnikova, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 98 (Office), B 3-13-90 (Home)? "Isvestiya AN SSSSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya" (News of the Acadsq of Sciences USSR, Geography Series), Moscow V-17, Staramonetniy per. 299 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Chief Editor, Academician Innokentiy Petrovich Gerasimov, tel. V 1-61-44 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Geographic Sciences Georgiy Dritriyevich Enlagin, tel. V 1-50-62 (Office), V 9-30-71 (Home). Managing Editor Zalina Takovlevna Vakhrameyeva, tel. V 1-67-43 (Office), V 3-53-52 (Hama). "Geologiya Rudnykh Mestoroshdeniy" (Geology of Ore Deposits), Moscow V-17, Staramonetniy per. 35. Chief Editor, Academician Anatoliy Georgiyevich Betekhtin, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 44 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Genkin, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 144, (Office), V 4-00-27, ext. 63 (Home). Managing Editor, Olga Nikolayevna Solov'yeva, tel. V 1-05-08, ext. 144 (Office), B 9-62-38 (Home). "Zapiski Vsesoyusnogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestvo" (Notes of the All- Union Mineralogical Society), Leningrad V-164, Mendeleyevskara lin. 1. Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Geological- Mineralogical Sciences Daitriy Vasil'yevich Rnndkvist, tel. A 3-90-41, ext. 66 (Office), A 3-29-25 (Home). j ? ` - u `V ? "0' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM DEPARTME T OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (0BN) Moscow, V-71, Leninskiy prospekt 14, Building 1, tel. V 2-27-85 Bureau of the Department Academician-Secretary of the Department, Academician Norsyr Martirosovich Sisalcyan, tel. V 2-36-47 (office), V 2-16-87 (home). Deputy Academician-Secretaries: Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukachev, tel. B 9-56-05 (office), V 2-23-52 (home), Academician Yevgeniy Nikanorovich Pavlovskiy, tel. A 2-79-03 (office in Leningrad), V 7-46-63 (home in :Moscow), G 2-16-52 (home in Leningrad); Corr. I r. Grigoriy Konstanti- novich Khrushchav, tel. V 2-40-27 (office), v 4-00-02, ext. 60 (home); Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Kuzin, tel. V 2-36-47, V 2-49-22 (office), D 7-51-60 (home). Reviewer, Yekaterina Yefimova Gayster, tel. 39, V 2-36-47 (office), G 1-75-00 (home). Members of the Bureau: Corr. :?;br. Ezras Asratovich, tel. V 1-08-81, v 2-49-86 (office); Corr. Mbr, Pavel Aleksandrovich Baranov, tel. V 2-15-65 (office in Leningrad); Corr. Mbr. Viktor Abramovich Kovda, tel. V 1-50-37 (office); Academician Audrey L'vovich Kursanov, tel. V 2-36-81 (office); Corr. Mbr. Yevgeniy Nikolayevich Mishusting, tel. V 2-30-07 (office); Academician Yuriy Aleksandrovich Orlov, tel. V 2-52-27 (office); Corr. Mbr. Anatoliy Nikolayevich Svetovidov, tel. A 2-49-16 (office in Leningrad); Corr. Abr. Sergey Yevgen'yevich Severin, tel. V 9-28-18 (office); Academician Ivan Vladimirovich Tyurin, tel. V 1-50-37 (office); Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Chernigovskiy, tel. A 2-74-23 (office in Leningrad). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Aleksey Andreyevich Spasskiy, tel. V 2-27-85, V 2-57-46 (office), V 4-00-12, ext. 16 (home); Candidate of Biological Sciences Viktor Georgiyevich, tel. 258 (office), V 7-75-51 (home)- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 VWzx I-1 IVIVI C L.. Acting Scientific Secretary on International Relations, Yevgeniy Lebedev, tel: 34, 181 (office). Senior Scientific Associate-Consultants: Doctor of Medical Sciences :1eksandr Vasil'yevich Anikin, tel. 861 (office), D 3-27-57 (home); Candidate of Biological Sciences Antonina Aleksandruvna Buyanovskaya, tel. 102 (office), G 5-32-70 (home); Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Anatoliy Vladimiravich Kolesnikov, tel. 169 (office), Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Anna Alekseyevna Markovich, tel. 102 (office); Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Zinaida Vasil'yevna Pozdnyakova, tel. V 1-19-21 (office), V 7-32-69 (home). Consultants: Khil'da Teodorovna Kessler, tel. 218 (office); Valeriya Ivanovna Klimova, tel. 218 (office); Yelena Nikolayevna Mvamlina, tel. 169 (office), K 7-54-36 (home); Vladimir Afanas' ycvich Chichvarin, tel. 34 (office), V 2-11-90 (home). Reviewers: Valentina I'vovna Golovina, tel. 201 (office), I 1-80-90 (home). Nadezhda Petrovna Kuzovchikova, tel. 201, V 2-27-85 (office). members of the Department I 1. Anichkov, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Patnological Anatorr, General Pathology). 2. Bakulev, Aleksandr Nikolayevicn (,?ledicine). 3. Beritashvili, Ivan Oolomonovien (Physiology). 4. Kursanov, Andrey L'vovich (Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants). 5. Iysen::o, Trofim Denisovich (Genetics, Agrobiology). 6. Oparin, Aleksandr Ivanovicn (Biochemistry of Plants). 7. Orlov, Yuriy Aleksandrovicn (Paleontology). 8. Pavlovskiy, Yevgeniy Nikanorovich (Zoology, Parasitology). 9. Palladin, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (Biochemistry). - 223 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 VWzx I-1 IVIVII 10. Sisakyan, Norayr !4artirosovich (Biochemistry of Plants). 11. Skryabin, Konstantin IVanovich (Helminthology General Veterinary Medicine). 12. Speranskiy, Aleksey Dmitriyevich (Pathology). 13. Sukachev, Vladimir Nikolayevich (Botany, Phytocenology, Forestry, Phytcpaleontology). 14. Tyurin, Ivan Vladimirovich (Soil science). 15. Taitsin, PNikolay Vasil'yevich (Botany, Selection). 16. Chernigavsi:iy Vladimir Nikolayevich (Physiology of Animals and Humans). 17. Shaposhnikov Vladimir Nikolayevich (Industrial Microbiology). 18. Shmal'gauzen Ivan Ivanovich (Evolution Morphology). 19. Shtern, Lina Solomonovna (Physiology). 20. Eagel'gardt, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Biochemistry). 1. A 2. A 3. A Corresponding Members vakyan, Artavazd Arshakovich (Genetics and Selection). sratyan, Ezras Asrhtovich (Physiology). staurov, Boris L'vovich (Cytology). 4. B 5. B 6. B aranov, Pavel Aleksandrovich (Botany, Plant Morphology). elozerskiy, Andrey Nikolayevich (Biochemistry). ey-Biyenko, Grigoriy Yakovlevich (Entomology). 7. B 8. By 9. Gr raunshteyn Aleksandr Yevseyevich (Biochemistry of Animals). khovskiy, Boris Yevseyevich (Parasitology). ashchenkov, Nikolay Ivanovich (Neurology). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SEC /:.J~ 114 10. Dubinin, Nikolay Petrovich (Genetics, Zoology). 11. Ivanov, Leonid Aleksandrovich (Physiology and Ecology of Plants). 12. ]rerusalimskiy, Nikolay Dmitriyevich (Microbiology). 13. Imahenitskiy, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (General Microbiology). 14. Kovda, Viktor Abramovich (Soil Science). 15. Kolosov, Nikolay Grigor'yevich (Histology). 16. Koshtoyants, Khachatur Sedrakovich (Comparative Physiology). 17. Krasil'nikov, Nikolsy Aleksandrovich (Microbiology). 18. Kreps, Yevgeniy Mikhsylovich (Physiology, Biochemistry). 19. Kuzin, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich (Radiobiology). 20. Kuznetsov, Sergey Ivanovich (Microbiology). 21. Kuprevich, Vasiliy Feofilovich (Botany, Physiology of Lover Plants). 22. Lavrenko, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich (Botanical Geography). 23. Meysel', Maksim Nikolayevich (Microbiology). 24. Mishustin, Yevgeniy Nikolayevich (Microbiology). 25. Nikol'skiy Georgiy Vasil'yevich (Ichthyology). 26. Nuzhdin, Nikolay Ivanovich (Genetics). 27. Peyve, Yan Voltdemarovich (Soil Sciences, Agrochemistry). ). 28. Petrov, Nikolay Nikoloyevich (Surgery, Oneology 29. Iyzhkov, Vitaliy Leonidovich (Botany, General Biology). 30. Svetovidav, Anatoliy Nikolayevich (Ichthyology). 31. Severin, Sergey Yevgen'yevich (Animal Biochemistry). 32. Speranskiy, Georgiy Nestorovich (Pediatrics). 33. Troshin, Afanasiy Semenovich (Cytology). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 34. Tumanov, Ivan Ivanovich (Plant Plxrsiology). 35? Feldman, David Lazarevich (Biochemistry). 36. Frank, Gleb Mikhsylovich (Biophysics). 37. I4irushchov, Grigoriy Konstantinovich (Histoloa). 38. Shennikov, Aleksandr Petrovich (Geobotany, Meadow Cultivation Botanical Geography). 39? Shishkin, Boris Konstantinovich (Plant Taxonomy). 40. rkhlel'd, Iogan Gansovich (Botany). 41. Yakovlev, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Paleontology). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM ESTABLISHM ZITS OF 'S'HE MWARTbQWi!T Institute of the Biology of Reservoirs P /o Borok Nekouzshiy Rayon, Yaroslavs a Oblast. Director, Doctor of Geographic Sciences Ivan Dmitriyevicti Papanin, tel. V 1-51-24 (Office in Moscow). Deputy Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Boris Sergeyevich Kuzin, Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Georgiy Nikolayevich Raehinakiy. Chief Engineer Boris MikhaVlovich 7hukovskiy. !4useum N. A. Morozova Kuibyshev Biological Station, Stavropol', Kyibyshevskaya Oblast, pos. Komsomol'skiy. Institute of Biological Physics (IBF) Moscow V- 71p Leninskiy prosp. 33, tel. V 2-49-22, switchboard v 4-00-33? Director, Corr. Mbr. Gleb Mikhaylovich Frank, tel. V 2-49-22 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Boris Mikfl ylovich Isayev, tel. 324 (Office), D 4-95-68 (Home); Acting Deputy Director, Aleksandr Sergeyevich Zavriyev, tel. V 2-49-22 (Office), V 7-66-80 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Olga Lukinichna Kanavets, tel. 325 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Aleksandr Nikiforovich Kalinin, tel. 129 (Office), G 9-12-17 (Home - Party Organization, tel. V 7-00-02, ext. 48. Design Office, Moscow V-312, 1st Akademicheskiy proyezd 18, tel. V 7-00-02, ext. 2. 227 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECPET/,~jjORN Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh (INBI) Moscow V-71, ns prosp. 33, - V-732-05 Director, Academician Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin, tel. V 2-34-41 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Biological Sciences Ivan Andreyevich Yegorov, tel. V 2-02-43 (Office), V 7-54-76 (Hone). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Nikolay Nikolayevich D'yachkov, tel. V 2-34-41 (Office). Assistant Director for the Administrative Unit: Serafim Semenouich Strizhev, tel. V 2-32-05 (office). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 2-32-05- Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Komarov (BIN). Leningrad P-221 U1.. Prof. opova 2, tel. V 2-10-99. Director, Corr. Mbr. Pavel Aleksandrovich Baranov, tel. V 2-15-65, V 4-50-26, ext. 1 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fedorov, tel. V 2-15-65, V 2-47-70 (Office), V 2-08-96 (Home); Doctor of Biological Sciences Mikhail Semenovich Yakovlev, tel. V 2-15-65 (Office), A 3-15-26 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Mariya !4ikhaylovna Lodkina, tel. V 2-15-65 (Office), Zh 2-78-51 (Hone). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Vasiliy Alekseyevich Semenov, tel. V 2-10-90 (Office), V 2-41-56 (Hone). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 4-50-26, ext. Partbyuro. Scientific-Testing Station Otradnoye, Iriozerniy Rayon, Leningradskaya Oblast. Usk I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 "~TJI ORH Institute at Iffl r Nervous Activi and ftSSWiclogy Moscow V-1 , s Ul. 43,, tole V Director, Corr. Mbr. Ezras Asratovich Asratyan, tel. V 1-08-81, V 2-49-86 (Office). 50X1-HUM] Deputy Director, Candidate of Biological Sciences Matvay Arkhipovich Alekseyev, tel. V 3-29-94 (office), D 7-24-55 (Hams). Scientific Secretary Candidate of Medical Sciences, Anatoliy Stepanouich Aslanov, tel. V 1-08-81 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Kanstsntin Nikolayevich 8tifpanav, tel. v 1-39-80 (Office). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 1-98-08. Institute of Genetics i i Moscow V-71., Leninskly prosp. 33, tel. V 2-37-86. Director, Academician Trafim Denisovich Lysenko, tel. V 2-13-84 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Konstantin Vasil' yevich Kosikov, tel. V 2-37-86 (Office), D 2-13-79 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Tat'yana Nikolayevna Pashinskaya, tel. V 2-37-86 (Office), I 4-40-94 (Home). Deputy Director for the Industrial-Finance Unit, Vol'f Samoylovich Benderskiy, tel. V 2-13-84, V 2-37-86, V 7-67-87 (Office), V 0- 02-63 (Home). Party Organization, tel. V 7-67-51. Trade-Union Organization, tee V 7-76-81. Greenhouses, Moscow, V-312, 2nd Akedemicheskly proyezd 3, tel. V 7-76-81. Vivarium, same address, tel. V 7-04-69. Scientific-Experimental Base, p/o Yam. Moskovskaya Oblast, Gorki Leninskiye, tel. V 4-60-10, ext. 400. Zoological institute (Ziff) Leningrad V-1 64s Universitetskaya nab. 1, tel. A 2-49-16; for telegrams: -229- U AA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM c- Leningrad V-164, Zh Director, Academician Yevgeniy Nikanorovich Pavlovskiy, tel. A 2-79-03 (Office). Deputy Director, Corr. bbr. Boris Yevseyevich Bykhovskiy, tel. A 2-59-22, A 2-69-04 (Office); Doctor of Biological Sciences Nikol Sergeyevich Borkhaenius, tel. A 2-59-22 (Office), A 3-20-23 (Ranee. Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Vera Nikolsyevna Nikol'skaya, tel. A 2-59-22 (Office),, A 3-77-08 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit Anatolijr Pavlovich trasnikov, tel. A 2-79-02 (Office), K 2-28-84 (Homo). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. A 2-75-56. Zoological Museum, tel. A 2-22-46. Biological Station, Kaliningradskaya Oblast, Primorskiy Rayon, pose Bsrbachiy. Institute Of Forestry and Wood Chemist Ar e s , prosp? Vinogradova 2, tole 3-74-42. Director Academician of VASKHNII. Ivan Stepanovich Melckhov, tel. 3-71-42 (Office), 3-86-43 (Home). Acting Deputy Director, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Nikolay Aleksandrovich Moiseyev, tel. 3-66-25 (Office), 3-99-70 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Pavel Petrovich Ooglev, tel. 3-67-91 (Office). Institute of Microbiology (INNII). Moscow V-71.9 Leninskiy prosp. 3, tel. V 2-30-85 Director, Corr, Mbr. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Imshenetskiy, tel. V 2-31-45 (office). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Deputy Director Corr. Mbr. Nikoley Dmitriyevich Ierusalimskiy, tel. V 2-30-07 (Office). Acting Scientific Secretary Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Alferov, tel. V 2-30-85 (Office), V 7-78-88 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Anatoliy Veil' yevich Lisakov, tel. V 2-30-85 (Office), G 1-30-87 (Home). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 2-30-85- Testing Installation, Moscow G-19, U1. Frunze 10, tel. B 3- 23-25- Institute of Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov IM7h . Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, tel. V 2- -0. Director, Corr. Mbr. Grigoriy Konstantinovich Khrushchov, tel. V 2-40-27 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences It1khail Semenovich Mitskevich, tel. V 2-40-27 (Office), Ye 1-55-95 (Horse); Doctor of Medical Sciences Georgiy Donatovich Smirnov, tel. V 2-40-27 (Office), D 5-42-50 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Vladimir Miikhayylovich Gorbunov, tel. V 2-40-27 (Office), V 7-58-52 (Home). Party Organization, tel. V 2-20-88, Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 2-36-48, v 9-19-61. Kropotovskaya Biological Station, iioskovskaya Oblast, Kashirakiy Rayon. Biological Station "Glubokoye Ozero", Moskovskaya Oblast, Ruzskiy Rayon, p`o Kolyubakino. Paleontological Institute (P IId) ?Moscow V-71, Leninskiy Prosp. 33, tel. V 2-38-44. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Director, Academician Yuriy Aleksandrovich Orlov, tel. V 2-52-27 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Biological Sciences Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Maleyev, tel. 4-00-33, ext. 61 (Office), G 5-08-32 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciencee Valentina Alekseyevna Ivanova, tel. V 2-38-44 (Office), B 7-16-47 (Home). Assistant Director for the Administrative Unit, Ivan Vasil'gevich Sulimav, tel. V 2-38-44 (Office), D 1-30-61 (Home). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 2-38-44. Paleontological Museum, Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 16; Head, Doctor of Biological Sciences Konstantin Konstantinovich Flerov, tel. V 2-29-85 (Office), V 2-36-51 (Home). Soil Institute imeni V. V. Doku nvev Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 7, tel. V 3-00-47, Moscow V-17, Pochva. ext. 365; for telegrams, Director, Academician Ivan Vladimirovich Tyurin, tel. V 1-50-37 (Office). Deputy Director, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Valentin Vasil'yevich Yegorov, tel. V 1-50-37 (Office), Ye 5-43-00 (Home); Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Lazarev, tel. V 1-50-37 (Office), B 7-35-59 (Home). Scientific Secretary Yekaterina Vasil'yevna Bogdan, tel. V 1-50-37 (Office), B 7-35-59 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Lev Pavlovich Kazacninskiy, tel. V 1-50-39 (office), G 9-31-29 (Home). Party organization, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 377? Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 1-38-45. Arshan'-Zel'menskiy Statsionar, p/o Sadovoye Sarpinskiy Rayon, Kalnrtskaya ASSR. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Dzhanybekskiy Statisionar, p/o Dzhanybek, Sepadno-Kazak):atanskgya Oblast. I Institute of Radiation and Physical-Chemical Biology Moscow V-312, 1st Akademicheskiy proyezd 18, tel. V 7-23-21- Director, Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engel'gardt, tel. V 7-23-11 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Boris Pavlovich Gottikh, tel. V 7-14-16 (Office). Senior Reviewer of the Scientific Council, Vera Vladirirovna Belenitskaya, tel. V 7-23-11 (Office), K 5-80-38 (Herne). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Ivan Aleksandrovich Klochkov, tel. V 2-25-61 (Office). Party organization, tel. V 7-23-21, V 7-14-05. Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 7-00-02, ext. 40. Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov (IF) Leningrad V-1 , nab. Makarova 6, tel. A ; for telegrams, Leningrad V-164, Fiziolog. Director, Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Chernigovskiy, tel. A 2-74-23 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ivan Terent'yevich Kurtsin, tel. A 2-06-43 (Office), G 2-47-78 (Home); Acting Deputy, Candidate of Biological Sciences Mikhail Ivanovich Mityushov, tel. A 2-06-43, G 2-47-31 (Office), D 1-65-89 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Medical Sciences Aleksandr Aleksandrovicn Sergeyev, tel. A 2-06-03 (Office), V 3-93-62 (Home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Anatoliy Nikolayevich Lebedev, - 233 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SE _1' Vi..-i/1-...' U .ii I I tel. A 2-64-53 (Office), A 1-98-86 (gone). Party Organization, tel. A 2-66-54, Trade-Union organization tel. A 2-10-23- Scientific-Testing Station for the Study of the Physiology of Agricultural Animals, s. Pavlovo, Vsevolozhskiy Rayon, Leningradskaya Oblast, tel. G 2-47-31- Commission on Physiological Optics, tel. A 2-06-34 (Leningrad). Institute of Plant P siol imeni K. A. Timi azev (IM). Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, tel. V 2- 1. Director V-71, Deninskiy prosp. 33, tel. V 2-36-81. Director, Academician Andrey L'vovich Kursanov, tel. V 2-36-81 (Office). Deputy Director, Corr. Mbr. Ivan Ivanovich Tumanov, tel. I 3- 96-87 (Office), Doctor of Biological Sciences Nikoley Stepanovich Petinov, tel. V 2-48-66 (Office), V 7-75-22 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Yevgeniy Alekseyevich Britikov tel. V 2-36-81 (Office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Aleksandr Ivanovich Zhuchkin, tel. V 2-36-81 (Office), Ye 5-24-29 (Home). Party Organization tel. V 2-36-81. Trade-Union Organization, tel. V 2-57-43, 13-97-40. Station of Artificial Climate, Moscow 1-273, Ostankino, Botanicheskaya U1. 35, tel. I 3-97-40, I 3-91-79- Institute of Cytology Leningrad F-121, prosp. Aaklina 32, tel. D 1-03-04. Director, Corr. Mbr. Afanaaiy Semenovich Troshin, tel. D 1-03-04 (Office). -2311- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM -qq Deputy Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Lev Nikolayevich Zhinkin, tel. D 1-51-67 (office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Bergey Aleksandrovich Korolenko, tel. D 1-51-67 (Office), Zh 2-91-93 (Hme)? Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Petr Antipovich VasyuchLov, tel. D 1-12-74 (Office). Party Organization, tel. D 1-19-84. Trade-Union Organization, tel. D 1-66-51- Institute of Evolutionary Physiology imeni I. M. Sechenov (II+F) Leningrad K-21, Staro-Pargolovskiy prosp. 52, tel. G 2-09-80, ext. 773, for telegrams: Leningrad K-21, Evolyutsiya. Director, Corr. .1br. Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Kreps. Deputy Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences Artashes Ivanovich KararWan, tel. V 2-46-64 (Home); Acting Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Vladimir Aleksandrovich Oovyrin. Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Yevgen' yevich Lichko. Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Koval'chikov, tel. Ye 7-81-44 (HQ). lain Botanical Garden (GBS) Moscow 1-276, Bol shaya Botanicheskaya 4, tel. I 3-90-08. Director, Academician Nikolay Vasil'yevich Tsit3in, tel. I 3-93-08 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Petr Ivanovich Lapin, tel. I 3-92-06 (Office), I 3-93-58 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Bergey Yevgen' yevich Korovin, tel. I 3-96-26 (Office), I 4-69-37 (Home)- - 235 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -hUivii Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit, Georgiy Dmitriyevieh Agafonov, tel. I 3-90-08 (Office). Party Organization, tel. I 3-92-36. Trade-Union Organization, tel. I 3-91-97- Scientific-Experimental Farm "Snegiri", at. Snegiri Krasnogorskiy Rayon, Moskovakaya Oblast, tel. D 3-98-88, ext. 281. Council of Botanical Gardens, tel. I 3-96-26. Cagrakiu Base, Adler, Krasnodarskiy Krspr, p/O PSOU, 73. Laboratory of Helminthology- Moscow V-71, Leninskiy proap. 33, Room 59 Director, Academicain Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin, tel. B 2-57- 46 (Office). Deputy Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nadezhda Pavlovna Shikhobalova, tel. V 2-57-46 (office), v 1-45-45 (Hans). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Anatoliy Vasil'yevich Pavlov, tel. V 2-57-46 (office), I 1-00-93 (Home). Party and Trade-Union organization, tel. V 2-57-46. Laboratory of Forest Studies Uspenskoye Village, Zvenigorodskiy Rayon, Moscow Oblast, Switchboard, G 9-77-10, ext. 7, for information, tel. B 9-56-05 (Moscow). Director, Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukachev, tel. 7, B 9-56-05 (office). Assistant Director for the Administrative Unit, Aleksandr L'vovich Bashin, tel. 7 (Office), G 1-76-71 (Home). Senior Reviewer "~ Nina Viktorovna Dimentman, tel. B 9-56-05 (Office), K 5-9KS-25 (Home). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUMI UAJ Serbryanoborskoye Experimental Forestry, p/o Rublevo, Zvenigorodskiy Rayon, Moscow Oblast, tel. G 9-76-20. Tellermanovskoya Experimental Forestry, Borisoglebsk, Voronezhskaya Oblast, p/ya 14, tel. 214. Severnaya Forest Experimental Station, p/o Volkova, Rybinskiy Rayon, Yaroslavskaya Oblast. Ural Statsioner for Wind-Break Forestry p/o Gniloy, Priural'skiy Rayon, Zapadno-Kazakhatanskaya Oblast. Laboratory of Neuro-Humoral Regulation Moscow, B. Bozheninovakiy per. 11, Clinic of Nervous Diseases. Head, Corr. Mbr. Nikolay Ivanovich Grashechenkov, tel. G 6-05-20, ext. 254 (Office). Laboratory of Electron Microscopy Moscow, V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33? Head, Doctor of Biological Sciences Anatoliy Yevseyevich Kriss, tel. V 2-38-63, V 2-30-85 (office), K 7-70-97 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Valentina Aleksandravna Smirnova, tel. V 2-38-63 (Office), D 4-18-16 (Home). Central Museum of Soil Science imeni V. V. Dokuchayev Leningrad V-164, Birzhevoy proyezd 6, te).. A 2-07-43- Acting Director, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Afanasiy Ivanovich Marchenko, tel. A 2-42-34 (Office), Zh 3-62-10 (Herne). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Andrey L'vovich Birkengof, tel. A 2-07-43 (Office). Party and Trade-Union Organization, tel. A 2-07-43 - 237 - i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Sevastopol Biological Station imeni A. 0. Kovalevskiy Sevastopol', Primorskiy bul. 2, tel. 41-77. Director, Corr. Mbr. Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Vladimir Alekseyevich Vodyanitskiy, tel. 41-10 (Office), 46-85 (Home). Acting Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Vitaliy Nikolayevich Tikhonov, tel. 49-79 (Office). Academician A. D. Speranskiy Group for Individual Research Moscow D-315, Baltiyskaya U1. 8, Room 246, tel. D 7-00-27, ext. 398. Ichthyological Commission Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 37, tel. V 2-03-27. Chairman, Academician Yevgeniy Nikanorovich Pavlovskiy, tel. V 2-03-27 (Office in Moscow). Deputy Chairman, Corr. '4br. Georgiy Vasil'yevich Nikol'skiy, tel. V 2-03-27 (office); Corr. :dbr. Boris Yevseyevich Bykhovskiy, tel. A 2-59-22 (Office); Doctor of Biological Sciences Boris Petrovich Manteyfel', tel. V 9-19-61 (Office), v 4-00-27, ext. 157 (Home), Lev Samuilovich Berdichevskiy, tel. V 2-03-27 (Office), V 4-00-27, (Home). commission on the Conservation of Nature Moscow V-331, Ul. Kravchenko 12. Chairman, Doctor of Biological Sciences Georgiy Petrovich Dement'yev, tel. B 9-99-14, ext. 227 (Office), V 9-19-51 (Home). Deputy Chairman, Corr. '''br. Yevgen4 Mikhaylovich Lavrenko, tel. V 2-89-82 (Office in Leningrad)). - 238 - I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Lev Konstantinovich Shaposinikov. Coordination Commission on Problems of the Pbysiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity. Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33? Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Nikoley Ivanovich Grashchenkov, tel. G 6-05-20, ext. 254 (Office). Acting Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Ezras Asratovich Asratyan, tel. V 2-49-86 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Volokhov, tel. D '.-00-27, ext. 305 (Office), B 7-40-47 (Home). Secretary, Yelena Frantsevna Ogneva, tel. B 9-98-33 (Office), K 4-27-78 (Home). Commission on Radicbiology Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, tel. V 2-00-00, ext. 258. Chairman, Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engel'garot, tel. V 7-23-11 (Office). National Committee of Biologists of the Soviet Union Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 37? Chairman, Doctor of Biological Sciences Merkuriy Sergeyevich Gilyarov, tel. V 2-03-27, V 9-19-61 (Office), V 7-60-71 (Home). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Aleksandr Grigor'yevich Sharov, tel. V 2-38-44 (Office), G 5-37-62 (Home). All-Union Biochemical Society Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Room 167, tel. V 2-32-05. President, Academician Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin, tel. V 2-34-41 (Office). - 239 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Yevgeniy Vladimirovna Budnitskaya, tel. V 2-32-05 (Office), D 5-1i.5-88 (Home). All-Union Botanical Society Leningrad P-22, U1. Prof. Popova 2, tel. V 2-15-28. President, Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukachev, tel. B 9-56-05 (Office In Moscow). Acting Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Oleg Byacheslavovich Zalenskiy, tel. V 2-15-28 (Office in Leningrad), A 2-72-78 (Home in Leningrad). All-Union Society of Helminthologists Moscow V-259, B. Cheremushkinskaya U1. 90, tel. B 5-29-43. President, Academician Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin, tel. V 2-57-46 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Aleksey Aleksandrovich Vasil'yev, tel. B 5-29-43 (Office). All-Union Hydrobiological Society Moscow Zh-127, U1. Bakhurushina 8, tel. V 3-00-26, ext. 30 or 3. Chairman, Corr. Mbr. Lev Aleksandrovich Zenkevich, tel. V 9-19-61 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Petr Ivanovich Usachev, tel. V 3-00-26, ext. 3 or 30 (Office), V 4-00-27 ext. 73 (Home). All-Union Microbiological Society Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, tel. V 2-30-85 President, Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Imshenetskiy, tel. V 2-31-45 (Office). - 240 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECRO/NOFORN Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Alekaandr Borisovich Lozinov, tel. 2-30-85 (Office). All-Union Society of Soil Scientists Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 7, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 382. President, Academician Ivan Vladimirovich Tyurin, tel. V 1-50-37 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Nina Arsen'yevna Razorenova, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 382, (Office), G 1-44-65 (Home). All-Union Physiological Society imeni I. P. Pavlov Moscow K-9, U1. Gertsena 6, in the court, tel. V 9-9M3- Chairman, Active Member Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Petr Stepanovich Kupalov, tel. V 2-04-53 (Office in Leningrad), V 2-07-93 (Horne in Leningrad). Secretary, Yelena Frantsevna Ogneva, tel. B 9-98-33 (Office), K 4-27-78 (Home). All-Union Entomological Society Leningrad V-164, Universitetakaya nab. 1, tel. A 2-75-56- President, Academician Yevgeniy Nikanorovich Pavlovskiy, tel. A 2-79-03 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Tobias, tel. A 2-00-43 (Office), G 2-05-00 (Home). Journals "Izvestiya AN SSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya" (News of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Biology Series), Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Chief Editor Norayr Martirosovich Sisakyan, tel. V 2-36-47 (Office); Managing Editor, Aleksandra Petrovna Belyakova, tel. V 2-31-46 (Office), V 2-13-68 (Home). SEE-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 1 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SUMNOrORN "Biofizika" (Biophysics), :1oscow K-31, Kuznetskiy Most 9/10, Room 4. Editor, Corr. :dbr. Gleb :7ikhaylovich Frank, tel. V 2-49-22 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Lev Petrovich Keyushin, tel. V 7-00-02, ext. 48 (office), V 7-70-58 (Home). Managing Editor, Ninel'Atanas' Yevna Kesso-Afanas'yevna, tel. B 3-53-22 (Office). "Biokhimiya" (Biochemistry), Moscow K-31, Kuznetskiy Most 9/10, Room 4. Editor, Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engel'gardt, tel. V 7-23-11 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, candidate of medical Sciences Oleg Yakovlevich Tereshchenko, tel. D 4-00-13, ext. 470 (Office), B 8-57-32 (Home). :4naging Editor, Lidiya Ivanovna Novikova, tel. B 7-19-46 (Office), V 2-39-14 (Home). "Botanicheskiy Zhurnal" (Botanical Journal), Leningrad P-22, Ul. Prof. Popova 2. Editor, Corr. '":br. Vasiliy Feofilovich Kuprevich, tel. 3-21-03, 3-29-71, ext. 1 (Office in Minsk). Managing Editor, Leonid Aleksandrovich Smirnov, tel. A 2-79-72 (Office). "Voprosy Ikhtiologii" (Problems of Ichthyology), :ioscow, Ul. Gertsena 6, Zoological Museum, iSoscow State University. Chief Editor, Corr. Mbr. Georgiy Vasil'yevich Nikol'skiy, tel. V 2-03-27, V 9-25-38 (Office). Managing Editor, Zoya Yefi;,-ovna Shirstova, tel. B 9-99-14, ext. 125 (Office). "Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatel'nosti im. I. P. Pavlova" (Journal Higher Nervous Activity imeni I. P. Pavlov), Moscow B-62, Podsosenskiy per. 21, Editor, Active Member Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Petr Stepanovich Kupalav, tel. V 2-04-53 (Office in Leningrad), V 2-07-93 (Home in Leningrad). SEGRI4.N ORN - 242 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 1 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECR 11NOFO Managing Editor Tamara Araraovna Shchedrovich, tel. B 7-19-46 (Office), Ye 7-66-40 (Home). "Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii" (Journal of General Biology), Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Room 50, Chief Editor, Corr. Abr. Khachatur 3edrakovich Koshtoyants, tel. V 2-20-8 (Office). Corresponding Secretary rwndidate of Biological Sciences Dmitriy Antonovich Sakharov, tel. B 3-07-86 (Home). Managing Editor, Candidate of Biological Sciences Iya Aleksandrovan Sedova, tel. V 2-31-46 (Office), V 5-00-12, ext. 583 (Home). "Zoologicheskiy zhurnal" (Zoological Journal), Moscow K-31, Kuhnetakiy :oat 9/10. Chief Editor, Aca1ntq,2I n Yevgeniy Nikanorovich Pavlovich tel. A-29-0. (Office In Leningrad). ' Corresponding :;ecretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Leon Bentskanovich Levinson, tel. V 9-25-57 (Office), V 9-22-97 (Home). 'lnaging Editor, Raisa Borisovna Guber, tel. B 1-55-58 (Office), B 9-20-03 (Home). "l 4ikrohiologiya" (:4icrobiology), Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33? Editor, Corr. Mbr. Aleksandrovich Imshenetskiy, tel. V 2-31-45 (Office). Managing Editor Alias Ernestovna Toropova, tel. V 2- 30-85 (Office). K 7-84-97 (Home). "Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal" (Paleontological Journal), Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Room 67, Chief Editor, Academician Yuriy Aleksandrovich Orlov, tel. V 2-52-27 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Olga Mikhaylovna Martynova, tel. V 2-38-44 (Office), K 5-95-97 (Home). - 243 - SECf~.ZT/lkufURN I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 IUM BEGET/NaFORN "pochvovedniye" (Soil Science), Moscow V-17, Pyzhevskiy per. 7. Chief Editor, Academician Ivan Vladimirovich lyurin, tel. V 1-50-37 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences Irina Nikolayevna Skrynnikova, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 376 (Office). Managing Editor Vera Denilovna Sedmigradskaya, tel. V 3-00-47, ext. 384 (Office), G 1-77-92 (Home). "Radiobiologiya" (Radiobiology), Moscow K-31, Kuznetskiy Most 9/10, Room 4. Chief Editor, Corr. ;Abr. Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Kuzin, tel. V 2-49-22 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Karl Sigmundovich Trincher, tel. V 2-49-22 (Office), V 7-18-6,F (Home). :damaging Editor t Nataliya Sergeyevna Gorbunova, tel. B 3-53-22 (Office), I 3-14-69 (Home). "Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii" (Progress of Contemporary Biology), Moscow K-31, Kuznetskiy Most 9/10. Editor, Corr. Mbr. Grigoriy Konstantinovich Khrushchov, tel. V 2-40-27 (Office). Managing Editor Tamara Samoylovua Kogan, tel. B 7-19-46 (Office), B 9-22-05 (Home). "Fiziologicheakiy Zhurnal SSSR im. I. X. Secnenova" Physiology Journal of the USSR imeni I. M. Sechenov), Leningrad v-164,, Mendeleyevskaya lin. 1 Editor, Corr. Mbr. Acadeny of Medical Sciences USSR Dmitriy Andreyevicn Biryukov, tel. V 4-75-21, 4-51-72 (Office), V 2-75-12 (Home). Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Medical Sciences Fedor Petrovich Belyayev, tel. V 4-51-72 (Office). :;e_=caging Editor, Yevgeniya L'vrnma Knopova-Cnepurnova, tel. A 2-79-72 (Office), Zh 4-09-69 (How). SEC ff/iNGFORN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECRETIN0F00N "Fiziologiya Rasteniy" (Plant Physiology), Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 33, Editor, Academician Andrey Livovich Kursanav, tel. V 2-36-81 (Office), Corresponding Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Leonid Aleksandrovich Nezgovorov, tel. I 3-y7-40 (Office), K 5-55-91 (Home). Managing Editor, Tat'yana Nikolayevna Vasil'yeva, tel. V 2-36-81 (Office). "Tsitologiya" (Cytology), Leningrad F-121, prosp. Maklina 32. Chief Editor, Afanasiy Semenovich Troshin, tel. D 1-03-04 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Aleksey Viktorovich Zhirmunskiy, tel. D 1-51-67 (Office), Zh 2-84-74 (Home). Managing Editor Nina Leonidovna Bezrukova, tel. D 1-51-67 (Office). "Entomologicheskoye Obozreniye" (Entomological Review), Leningrad V-164, Universitetskaya nab. 1. Editor, Academician Yevgeniy Nikanorovicn Pavlovskiy, tel. A 2-79-03 (Office). Corresponding Secretary, Doctor of Biological Sciences Margarita Yervandovna Minasyan, tel. A 2-00-43 (Office), A 2-64-00 (Home). Managing Editor Klavdiya Ivanovna Kul'riasova, tel. A 1-64-34 (Office), K 8-41-25 (Home). SECRET! 0IN - 245 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM DEPART KNT OF TECHNICAL SC IEIIc (OTN ) Moscow V-71, Leninskiy prosp. 14, Building 2 Switchboard V 2-00-00 Bureau of the Department Academician-Secretary of the Department, Academician Anatoliy Arkad'yevich Blagonravov, tel. 90, V 1-13-24 (Office), D 3-77-11 (Rome) Deputy Academician-Secretaries, Academician Lev Dmitriyevich Shevyakov, tel. Zh 1-29-72 (Office), V 2-49-30 (Rome); Academician Boris Nikolayevich Petrov, tel D 0-00-00, ext 46 (Office); Doctor of Technical Sciences Viktor Aleksandrovich I1'in, tel V 1-1$-24 (Office), B 1-04-65 (Hosts); Doctor of Chemical Sciences Ivan Ivanovich Kornilov, tel V 1-13-24 (Office), v 4-00-12, ext 61 (Home). Reviewer, Tat'yana Vladiairovna Barkina, tel. 8, V 1-13-24 (Office) Ye 7-46-58 Members of the Bureau: Academician Ivan Ivanovich Artobolevskiy, tel. B 3-02-34 (Office); Academician Akssl' Ivanovich Berg, tel K 4-42-45 (Office); Academician Andrey Anatol'yevich Bochvar; Academician Sergey Arkad'yevich Vekshinskiy, tel. V 4-00-25; ext 36 (Office); Academician Valentin Petrovich Glushko; Academician Valentin Petrovich Glushko; Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Dikushin, tel V 2-00-28; ext 204 (Office) Corr. Mbr. Nikolay Antonovich Dollezhal'; Academician Mikhail Poliyevk- tovich Kostenko, tel A 4-67-17 (Office in Leningrad); Academician Viktor Sergeyevich Kulebakin, tel. D 0-00-00, ext 6, 9 (Office); Academician Ateksandr L'vovich Mints, tel G 6-60-62, D 0-30-83 (Office); Academician Georgiy Ivanovich Petrov; Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Saaarin, tel V 7-21-09 (Office). Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Technical Sciences Origoriy Akiaovich Shaginov, tel 9- V 2-50-07 (Office), B 3-05-07 (Hose); Candidate of Technical Sciences Bergey Antonovich Adasinskiy, tel 194 (Office): f6r international Relations, Boris Sergeyevich Vishnyakov, tel 243, V 1-5T-06 (Office), 0 9-00-19, ext 129 (Home); for Applications, Candidate of Technical Sciences Nikolay Kuz'mich Parfenov, tel 166 (Office), D 1-95-83 (Home); Candidate of Technical Sciences Duitriy Mikhaylovich Chernyshev, tel 141 (Office), G 6-71-90 (Hose). Deputy Scientific Secretary, Vladimir Romanovich Miroshkin, tel 141, V 2-50-07 (Office). Senior Scientific Associate: Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences Aleksey Petrovich Duvakin, tel 194 (Office), V 7-67-42 (Home); Candidate of Technical Sciences Vasiliy Leonidovich Korneyev, Tel. 166 Office), I 1-51-33 (Home). SECRET/nuiRN U _246- 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Inspector-Consultor s: Yelizaveta Vasil'yevna Anan'ins, tel 136 Office), V 7-63-82 (Rome); Arladna Ivanovna Balmlina, tel. 285 (Office), V 1-16-72 (Hose ; Fedor Vasil'yevich Bychtin, tel. 165 (Office), D 7-21-55 (Home ; Lyudaila Ktkolayevna Kuprikova, tel 288 (Office) D 1-15-84 (Hose ; Lidiya Ivanovna Rodionova, tel. 136 (Office). Reviewers: Galin Mikhaylovna Burtseva, tel. 108, V 2-50-07 (Office) K 7-69-29 (Home); Valentina 8esenovna Kotova, tel. 285, V 1-57-06 (Office), V 7-62-42 (Home); Tamara Ivanovna Kaaurhsvich, tel. 2k3 (Office), B 7-38-32 (Rose). - 247 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 1. Artobolevskiy, Inn Inaovich (Mechanics, Theory of lschanisms). 2. Berg, Aksel' Ivanovich (Radiosnginsering). 3. Anatoliy Arked'yevich Blagonravo- (Mechanic., Armaisnts) 4. Bochrar, Andrey Anatol'yevich (Metallurgy). 5. Brayevich, Eikolay Grigor'yevich (Mechanics) 6. Vvedsask>y, Boris Alekseyevich (Radiopkysics) 7. Vskshinskiy, Bergey Arkad'yeevich (Electronics, Engineering Physics). 8. Vol'skiy, Anton likolayevich (Metallurgy and Physical Metallurgy). 9. Glushko, Valentin Petrovich (Heat Engineering) 10. Dikushin, Vladimir Innovich (Machin Building) 11. Ishlinskiy, Alekeendr Yal'yevich (Automation) 12. tlimav, Vladimir Yakovlevich (Mechanics) 130 xorolev, Bergey Pavlovich (*chanics) 14. Lostenko, Mikhail Pollyevkto-ich (Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machine Bmildiag) 15. xotel'alkov, Vladisir Atuksaadrovich (Rs4toenginsering) 16. IDelebskin, Viktor Bergeyevich (Porter), Automation)). 17. Miknlin, Aleksandr Alsksandrovich (Internal Combustion Motors) 18. Mints, Alsksandr L'vovich (Radioengineering) 19. Mikheyev, Mikhail Alsksandrovich (Heat Engineering) 20. Muskhelishvili, Eiko].ay Ivanavich (IMchsmics) SEC R U / I T Tr0RUN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 pri 'T le.r~r~r~ 21. Petrov, Boris Nikolayevich (Automation) 22. Petrov, Geortiy Ivanovich (Mechanics) 23. Sedov, Leonid Ivanovich (Mechanics) 24. Stechkin, Boris Sergeyevich (Heat Technology) 25. Trapeznikov, Vadim Alsksandrovich (Automation) 26. 'polev, Andrey Nikolayevich (Airplane Building) 27. Khristianovich, Sergey Alekseyevich (Mechanics) 28. Shevyakov, Lev Dmitriyevich (Mining) 29; Shimanskiy, Tulian Aleksandrovich (Shipbuilding) 30. Shchukin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (Radioengineering) Corresponding Members 1. Agoshkov, Mikhail Ivanovich (Mining) 2. Aleksandrov, Boris Kapitonovich (Hydrotechnology) 3. Alekseyev, Aleksandr Yemel'yanovich (Electrical Machine 9nilding) 4. Barain, Vladimir Pavlovich (Mechanics) 5. Be)yayev, Anatoliy Ivanovich (Metallurgy and Physical Metallurgy) 6. Briling, Nikilay Romanovich (Hest Technology) 7. Bruk, Isaak S. enovich (Electricla engineering) 8. Bushuyev, Konstantin Davyovich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 9. Ifeyts, Venismin Isaakovich (Energetics) 10. Calin, Lev Aleksandrovich (Mechanics) 11. Golubtsov, Vyacheslav Alskseyevich (Hest Engineering) 12. Gorinov, Aleksandr Vasil'yevich (Transport) 13. Gutyrya, Viktor Stepanovich (Chemistry and Petroleum Technology) -24- j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 14. Devyatkov, Nikolay Daitriyevich (Radioengineering, Electronics, Automation, and Remote Control) 15.Dollezhal', Nikolay Antonovich (Heat Engineering, Atomic Technology) 16. Dykhov, Nikolay Leonidovich (Mechanics) 17. Yemel'yanov, Vasiliy Semenovich (Metallurgy) 18. Zabalishin, Dmitriy Aleksandrovich (Electronics) 19. Zayaovskiy, Aleksandr Semenovich (Metallurgy) 20. Zvonkov, Vasiliy Vasli'yevich (Transport) 21. Zernov, Dmitriy Vladairovich (Electronics) 22. Il'yushin, Aleksey Antonovich (Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity) 23. Karavayev, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (Chemistry and Fuel Technology) 24. Kirillin, Vladimir Alekaeyevich (Heat Engineering) 25. Kisun'ko, Grigoriy Vasil'yevich (Radioengineering) 26. Kishkin, Sergey Timofeyevich (Metallurgy and Physical Metallurgy) 27. Kobzarev, Yuriy Borisovich (Radioengineering) 28. Kovalev, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Mechanics, Hydraulic Turbine Building) 29. Kruzhilin, Georgiy Nikitich (Heat Technology) 30. Krylov, Alekaandr Petrovich (Chemistry and Petroleum Tedaolsgy) 31. Kuznetsov, Viktor Ivanovich (Mechanics) 32, Lavrovskiy, Konstantin Petrovich (Chemistry and Petroleum Technology) 33. Larionov, Andrey Nikolayevich (Electrical Machine Building) 34. Lur'ye, Anatoliy Isakovich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 35. Lyul'ka, Arkhip Mikhaylovich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 36. Makarevskiy, Alsksandr Ivanovich (Airplane Building) SEer OFnr-O,;~lII I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SEA : iNu ORN 37. Msn'kovskiy, Origoriy Il'ich (Mining) 38. Mel'nikav, Nikolay Vasil'yevich (Mining) 39. Mikoyan, Artw. Ivanovich (Airplane Building) 40. Mishin, Vaailiy Pavlovich (Mechanics) 41. Neyman, Leonid Robertovich (Electrical Hngineering) 42. Nikolayev, Ivan Ivanovich (Transport) 43. Novoshilov, Valentin Valeutinovich (Mechanics) 44. Oding, Ivan Avgustovich (Strength of Metals) 45. Okhotsinakiy, Daitriy Yevgen'yevich (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 46. Pavlov, Igor' Mikhaylovich (Metallurgy, Pressure-working of metals) 47. Petrov, Aleksandr Petrovich (Transport) 48. Pilyugin, Nikotsy Alekaeyevlch (Automation and Rwote Control) 49. Pistol'kors, Aleksandr Alsksandrovich (Radioenginsering) 50. Plaksin, Igor' Nikolayevich (Mining, Enrichment of ainerals, metallurgy) 51. P'lauds, (Carl Larlovich (Heat Engineering) 52. Popkov, Valeriy Ivanovich (Hlectrical Hnginsering) 53. Popov, Yevgeniy Pavlovich (Automation) 54, Predvoditelev, Alsksandr Savvich(Physics) 55. Rabinovich, Isask Moissyevich (Building Mechanics) 56, Raspletin, Alsksandr Andreyevich (Radioengineering) 57. Rykalin, Nikolay Niko].yevich (Metal Welding) 58. Ryaaaaskiy, Mikhail Sergeyevich (Radioengineering) 59. Sazhin, Nikolay Petrovich (Metallurgy) SECR ,wr,:n"N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECET~~~;u 60. Samarin, 8lekaandr Mikhaylovich (Metallurgy) 61. Sapozhnikov, Lsionid Mikhaylovich (Physical Chemistry and Fuel Technology) 62. Siforov, Vladimir Ivanovich (Radioengineering, Electronics, Automation, and Remote Control) 63. Smirnov, laailiy Sergeyevich (Metallurgy ad Physical Metallurgy) 64. 8okolovskiy, Vadia Vasil'yevich (Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity) 65. 8otakov, Boris Stepanovich (Automation) 66. Spivakovskiy, Aleksandr Onisimovich (MinAdgg Industrial Transport) 67. Sretenskiy, Leonid llikolayevich (Mechanics, Hydrodynamics) 68. Streletskiy, Nikolay Stanislavovich (Transport, Structural Mechanics, Bridges and Steel construction) 69. Struminskiy, Vladimir Vasil'yevich (Mechanics) 70. Styrikovich, Mikhail Adol'fovich (Heat Engineering) 71. Timofeyev, Petr Vasil'yevich (Radioengineering, Electronics Automation and Remote Control) 72. Tikhomirov, Viktor Vasil'yevich (Radioengineering, Electronics, Automation, and Remote Control) 73. Kharkevich, Aleksandr Aleskandrovich (Radioengineering and Electronics) 74. 75. 76. Khitrin, Lev Nikolayevich (Heat Engineering) Khrenov, Konstantin Konatantinovich (Metal Welding) Tselikov, Aleskandr Ivanovich (mechanics) 77. Chelomey, Vladimir Aikolayevihh (Mechanics) 78. Chishikov, David Mikhaylovich (Metallurgy) 79. Chukhanov, Zinoviy Fedorovich (Thermo Power Engineering and Power Engineering), 252 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 7 0 ?1% -on SEC. Tj,.~,' ,24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECRfT/NDFORN 80. Shcheglyayev, Andrey Vladisirovich (Heat Engineering) 81. Yakovlev, Alelcaandr 8ergeye-icb (Airplane Building) I% Orr -253- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 SECRET150R 1 41 Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics (IAT) Moscow 1-53, Kalanchevskaya U1. 15 A, telephone K 4-52-90. Director: Acad. Zadim Aleksandrovich Jrapeznikoz, tel. B 3-20-60 (office). Deputy Director: Cand. Technical Sci. Aleksandr Borisovich Chelyustkin, tel. B 3-50-36, D 0-09-73 (office); K 5-32-17 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. Technical Sci. Oleg Ivanovich Aven, tel. K 4-33-65 (office); V 7-57-63 (home). Deputy Director for General Matters: Mikhail Lazarevich Linskiy, tel. K 5-50-09 (office), B 8-28-01 (home). Party Organization tel. B 3-48-10. Trade union organization tel. K 5-49-86 Experimental Instrument Construction Workshops: tel. D 3-60-00, ext. 55. Commission for Magnetic Amplifiers and Non-Contact Magnetic Elements: tel. B 3-09-18. Institute of Mining imeni A. A. Skochinskiy (IGD) Moscow, Lyubertsy, P/0 4, switchboard Zh 1-90-10, office extension 21-19. Director: Corr. Mbr. Nikolar Vasil'yevich Mel'nikov, tel. 20-02, Zh 2-75-56 (office). Deputy Director: Corr. Mbr. I1'ich Grigoriy Man'kovskiy, tel. 20-20, Zh 2-68-06 (office); Dr. Technical Sci. Aleksandr Viktorovich Dokukin, tel. 25-24, Zh 2-23-67 (office), D 2-70-04 (home). Deputy Director for General and Production-Technical Matters: Nikolay Dmitriyevich Mina rchev, tel. 22-01, Zh 2-70-04 (office), V 7-41-11 (home). Sci. Secretary: Ivan Ivanovich Bazhenov, tel. 21-05 (office), I 4-59-76 (home). Party Organization: tel. 20-06. Trade Union Organization tel. 20-68. Branch at the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Gubkin, Belgorodak Oblast. SEGRETIN0FO N -251-- I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ESTABLISH 'ljTS OF THE DEPARTMENT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ORR 50X1-HUM Commission for Contrcling Unexpected Coaldust and Gas EVlosions in Coal Mines, tel. 25-80. Commission for Controling Silicosis, tel. 20-19. Inter-Departmental Commission for Explosion Matters, tel. 23-43- Institute of Mineral Fuels (IGI) Moscow, V-71 Leninskiy Prosp. 29, tel. V 2-43-04. Director Dr. Chemical Sci. Nikol Georgiyevich Titov, tel. V 2-41-84 (office)., D 5-42-30 (homee. Sci. Secretary: Cand. Technical Sci. Leonid Georgiyevich Demidov, tel. V 2-26-06 (office). Deputy Director for Administrative Unit: Viktor Mecheslavavich Vishnetskiy, tel. V 2-07-67 (office), V 9-19-48 (home). Party Organization tel. V 2-03-43. Trade Union Organizations tel. V 2-59-04 F perimental Electromechanical Workshops, Moscow Zh-127, U1. Osipenko 52 A, tel. V 3-17-42. Institute of Machine Studies (IMASh) Moscow Center, Moscow Khariton'yevskiy per. 4, tel. K 4-9800 Director: Acad. Anatoliy Arkad'yevich Blagonravov, tel. K-4-98-00 (office). Deputy Director: Dr. Technical Sci. Aleksey Konstantinovich D'yachkov, tel. K 5-37-82 (office), D 5-49-18 (home); Dr. Technical Sci. Sergey Vasil'yevich Pinegin, tel. K 5-37-82 (office), Zh 1-14-52 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. Technical Sci. Pavel Boriisovich Sokolov, tel. K 447-37 (office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Dmitriy Semenovich Ivanov tel. K 5-33-52 (office), D 5-27-17 (home). Party and Trade Union Organization, tel. B 1-71-91. Mission for the Technology of Machine Building tel. B 1-64-21. - 255 - j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 tr---.- 11 Institute of Metall imeni A. A. Bawkov IMET Moscow V-312, Leninskiy Prosp. 49, tel. V 7-19-77, switchboard V 7-00-01. Acting Director: Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Mikhegrlovich Samaria, tel. V 7-21-19 (office). Deputy Director: Corr. Mbr. Nikolsy Vladimirovich Ageyev, 7-19-21 (office ; Corr. Mbr. Ivan Avgustovich Oding, tel. V 7-19-88 (office). Sc" Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Boris Vasil'yevich Yegorov, tel. V 7-31-24 (office) B 8-22-16 (home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Mikhail Vasil' yevich Nikitin tel. V 7-19-77 (office). Party Organization, tel. V 7-19-92. Trade union organization, tel. V 7-19-01. Inter-Departmental Committee for the Coordination of Scientific Research Works on Rails, Fish-plates, Wheels, and Wheel Rims, tel. 113. Inter-Departmental Permanent Commission on Iron, tel. 184. Commission for the Coordination of Scientific Research Works on the Kerch' Peninsula Metallurgy, tel. 58. Commission on the Standardization of Labor Conditions in the Hot Workshops of the Metallurgical Industry, tel. 53, 122. Commission for the Coordination of Scientific Research Works on Titanium Problems, tel. 22. Commission on the Physical-Chemical Basis for the Production of Steel, tel. 53. Institute of Mechanics (Ir4E h) Moscow D-40, Leningradskiy Prosp. 7, tel. D 1-52-08, D 0-00-00. . switchboard Director: Nikol' Dr. Pbysical_Mathematical Sci. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich skiy, tel. D 1-52-08 (office), Zh 2-65-40, ext. 42-98 (home). - 256 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Deputy Director: Dr. of Technical Sci. Nikolay Ivanovich Glagolev, tel. D 1-52-08 (office), G 1-40-85 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Physical-Mathematical Sci. Vladimir Mikhaylovich Lyubimov, tel. D 1-52-08 (office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Vasiliy Ivanovich Knarlov, tel. D 1-97-64 (office), D 5-86-16 (home). Party Organization tel. 34. Trade Union Organization tel. 74, 78. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE). Moscow K-9, Mokhavaya 11, tel. B 9-05-82. Director: Acad. Vladimir Aleksandravich Kotel'nikav, tel. B 9-92- 53 (office). Deputy Director: Corr. Mbr. Dmitriy Vladimirovich Zernov, tel. B 9-91-09 (office); Cand. of Technical Sci. Andrey Vladimirovich Sokolov, tel. B 9-96-66 (office), V 7-50-58 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Mstislav Semenovich Aleksandrov, tel. B 9-88-60 (office), D 3-60-00, ext. 270 (home). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Nikolay Nilovich Boykov, tel. B 9-58-71 (office), K 7-60-85 (home)- Party and Trade Union Organizations, tel. B 9-97-10- Radio Engineering Institute Moscow, Frunzenskaya U1. 3A Director: Acad. Aleksandr L'vovich Mints, tel. G 6-16-62, D 0-30- 83 (office). Deputy Director: Cand. of Physical-Mathematical Sci. Vladimir Fedorovich Semenov, tel. D 1-23-91 (office). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Nikolay Konstantinovich Kaminskiy, tel. G 5-15-59 (office) K 7-61-65 (home). Institute of Electramechanics (IEM) Leningrad D-41 Dvortsobaya nab. 18, tel. A 2-114-80. - 257 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 VW'" "V, Director: Acad. Mikhail Poliyevktovich Kostenko, tel. A 4-67-17 (office, Leningrad). Deputy Director: Dr. of Technical Sci. Avenir Arkad'yevich Voronov, tel. A 0-01-15 (office), G 2-05-74 (hems); Dre of Technical Sci. Leonid Pavlovich Gnedin, tel. A 4-67-17 (office) V 2-86-95 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Vladimir Ivanovich Filippov, tel. A 2-41-11, ext. 17 (office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Andrey Aleksandrovich Yakovlev, tel. A 0-090-81 (office), A 4-07-90 (home)- Party and Trade Union Organizations, tel. A 2-41-11. Institute of Electronic Controlling Machines (IE1JM), Moscow L-71, Leninakiy Prosp. 19, tel. V 4-00-05, ext. 249. Director: Corr. Mbr. Isaak Semenovich Bruk, tel. V 2-05-84 (office) Deputy Director: Cand. of Technical Sci. Oleg Vaail'yevich Mamontov, tel. V 2-58-02 (office). Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Grigoriy Prokof'yevich Golavchenko, tel. V 2-58-02 (office), G 9-35-14 (home). Party and Trade Union Organizations tel. V 2-58-02. Power Engineering Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy (aim) Moscow V-71 Leninskiy Prosp. 19, Tel. V 2-33-84, switchboard: v 4-00-05- Director: Corr. Mdbr. Georgiy Nikicich Kruzhilin, tel. V 2-13-25 (office). Deputy Director: Dr. of Technical Sci. Valentin Alekseyevich Baum, tel. V 2-51-45 (office), V 0-37-89 (home); Acting Deputy: Cand. of Technical Sci. Pavel Vasil'yevich Dubkov, tel. V 2-55-27 (office), V 4-00-33, ext. 253 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Vladimir Mikhaylovich Yaroshenko, tel. V 2-39-07 (office), V 3-33-01 (home). - 258 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 5UX1-HUM Deputy Director for the Administrative Unit: Ivan Ivanovich Nagiba, tel. V 2-33-88 (office) G 6-84-59 (home). Party Organization, tel. V 2-26-46. Trade Union Organization, tel. 227. Coission on High Parameter Vapors, tel. 280. Coission on the Transmission of Electrical Energy Over Long Distances, tel. 269. Coission on the Problem of Using Wind Energy, tel. 246. Coission on Fuel Equivalents and the Distribution by Region of Fuel Requirements, tel. 460. Laboratory of High Temperatures Moscow Ye-250 Krasnokazarmennaya 17, tel. Zh 3-66-77. Director: Corr. Mbr. Vladimir Alekseyevich Kirillin, tel. Zh 3- 56-77 (office). Deputy Direcotr: Dr. of Technical Sci. Aleksandr Yefimovich Sheyndlin, tel. Zh 3-56-77 (office), Ye 1-65-24 (home) Sci. Secretary Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Sychev, tel. Zh 3-56-77, Zh 3-56-74 (office), B 4-41-59, ext. 56 (home). Party and Trade Union Organizations tel. Zh 3-56-74. Laboratory of Engines Moscow K-6, Krasnoproletarskaya 32, tel. I 1-48-77. Director: Acad. Boris Sergeyevich Stechkin, tel. I 1-89-85 (office). Deputy Director: Dr. of Technical Sci. Aleksandr Ivanovich 'dikheylav, tel. I 1-87-25, Zh 7-70-71 (office) B 7-62-06 (office); Cand. of Technical Sci. I1'ya L'vovich Varshavskiy, tel. 1-40-65 (office), B 9-03-21 (home). Deuuty Director for the Administrative Unit: Vasiliy Matveyevich Leman, tel. I 1-11-48 (office). Party Organization, tel. I 1-15-52. Trade Union Organization, tel. I 1-00-45. Kaliningrad Department, Kaliningrad Oblast 2, Transportnaya U1. 10, tel. 61-26. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ~rr---- ?? - ~~ 50X1-HUM Department Number 2, Moscow, tel. Zh 7-70-71- Commission on Gas Turbines, tel. I 1-65-86- Laboratory of Systems for Transmission Information Moscow Ye-123, Zh. Entuziastov 156. Director: Corr. 4br. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kharkevich, tel. Zh 4-04-01 (office). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Iosif Abramovich Ovseyevich, tel. Zh 4-04-01 (office), G 1-39-70 (home). Assistant Director for the Administrative Unit: Sergey Nikolayevich Sungurov, tel. Zh 4-04-01 (office), G 6-28-41 (home). Party and Trade union organization, tel. Zh 4-10-28. Central Sci. Research Laboratory for Electrical Treatment of Materials TsNIL-EI.IM . :Moscow, Lyublino, Shosseynaya 92, tel. Zh 7-84-38. Director: Dr. of Technical Sci. Boris Romanovich Lazarenko, tel. Zh 7-84-38 (office), B 7-47-09 (home). Deputy Director for General Problems: Vyracheslav Fedorovich Rozanov, tel. ZA 7-89-33 (office), I 1-62-76 (home). Party Organization, tel. Zh 7-85-39. Trade Union Organization, tel. Zh 7-85-49- Experimental Production Workshops, Tel. Zh 7-87-31. Committee on Soil Ibechanics Moscow V-17, Pyzhedskiy Per. 7 Chairman: Corr. Mbr. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Tsytpvich, tel. V 1-47-91 (office). Committee on Technical Terminology Moscow Center, Moscow Khariton'yevskiy Per. 4. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Acting Chairman: Acad. Viktor Sergeyevich Kulebakin, tel. B 8-11-33 (office). Sci. Secretary: Yakov Abramovich Klimovitskiy, tel. B 8-11-33 (office), K 5-97-57 (home). National Committee of the USSR for Automatic Control Moscow 1-53, Kalanchevskaya Ul, 15A. Chairman: Acad. Vadim Aleksandrovich Trapeznikov, tel. B 3-20-60 (office). Deputy Chairman: Dr. of Physical-4athematical Sci. Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Letov, tel. B 3-62-16 (office), D-5-41-15 (acme); Cand. of Technical Sci. Valentin Vladimirovich Karibskiy, tel. B 3-59-66 (office), G 5-26-08 (home); Cand. of Technical Sci. Yevgeniy Pavlovich Stefani, tel. K 4-48-61 (office), Zh 5-39-66 (home). Sci. Secretary: Card. of Technical Sci. Boris Nikolayevich Naumov, tel. K 4-33-65 (office). National Committee of the USSR for Welding 'loscow V-312, Leninskiy Prosp. 49, tel. V 7-00-01, ext. 107. Chairman: Corr. 1-1br. Nikolay Nikolayevich Fqkalin, tel. V 7-32-18 (office). Deputy Chairman: Cand. of Technical Sci. Andrey Nikolayevich Sashkov, tel. K 7-04-19 (office), V 0-07-38 (home). National Committee of the USSR for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ,Ioscow D-40, Leningradskiy Prosp. 7. Chairman: Acad. Nikolay Ivanovich Muskhelishvili, tel. 3-54-64 (office, Tbilisi). Deputy Chairman: Acad. Leonid Ivanovich Sedov, tel. V 9-31-21 (office) Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Gleb Konstantinovich Mikhaylov, tel. D 0-00-00, ext, 78 (office), D 5-55-60 (home). Moscow K-9, Mokhovaya 11. All-Union Sci. Council on Radio-Physics and Radio-Engineering - 261 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM Chairman: Acad. Aksel' Ivanovich Berg, tel. B 9-70-88, K 5-42-45 (office). Deputy Chairman: Cand. of Technical Sci. Il'ya Semenovich Dzhigit, tel. B 9-70-88, Ye 7-00-01, ext. 402 (office), D 2-10-40, ext. 187 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Physical-Mathematical Sci. Mark Yefremovich Zhabotinskiy, tel. B 9-70-88 (office), G 6-07-76 (home). Council on Problems of Water Economy Moscow Center, Moscow Khariton'yevskiy Per. 4. Chairman: Corr. 'dbr. Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Vonkov, tel. B 1-79-50 (office). Deputy Chairman: Cand. of Technical Sci. Grigoriy Akimovich Shaginov, tel. B 1-79-50 (office), B 3-05-07 (home). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Technical Sci. Georgiy Dmitriyevich Rozhdestvenskiy, tel. B 1-79-50 (office). "Izvesti a AN SSR Otdeleni a Tekhnicheskikh Nauk" (news of the Acad. of Sci. CR men o Technical c . Moscow Center, Moscow Khariton'yevskiy Per. 4, tel. B 8-10-93. Chief Editor: Arad. Viktor Sergeyevich Kulebakin, tel. D 0-00-00, ext. 6 (office). Managing Editor: Yelena Georgiyevna Rozenshteyn, tel. B 8-10-93 (office), B 9-08-16 (home). Chief Editor of the Series "Mekhanika MM'fashinostroyeniye" Aced. Georgiy Ivanovich Patrav. Chief Editor of the Series "Energetika Abtomatika" Acad. Boris Sergeyevich Stechkin, tel. I 1-89-89 (office). Chief Editor of the Series "Matallurgiya Toplivo" Acad. Anton Nikolayevich Bol'skiy. "Automation i Telemekhanika" (Automatics and Telemechanics). :Zoscow, 1-53, Kalanchevskaya 15A. Chief Editor: Academician Vadim Aleksandrovich Trepeznikov, tel. B 3-20-60 (office). - 262 - 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 ~e t~"'~IrRr~~A~u Corresponding Secretary: Cand. Technical Sci. Aleksey Alekseyevich Tall, tel B 3-44-14 (office). Managing Editor: Anastasiya Dmitriyevna Dobrynina, tel. K 5-58-89 (office). "Prikladnay}ra Matematika i I. khanika" (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics). Moscow Center, Moscow Khariton'yevskiy 4. Corr. Secretary: Corr. Mbr. Lev Aleksandrovich Galin. Managing Editor: Yelena Tikhcnovna Davydova, tel. K 4-17-63 (office), G 1-07-99 (home). "Radiotekhnika i Elektranika" (Radio Engineering and Electronics). ?Soscow K-9, Mokhovaya 11. Chief Editor: Acad. Vladimir Aleksandravich Kotel'nikov, tel. B 9-92-53 (office). Corr. Secretary: Candidate of Technical Sci. Grigoriy Aleksandrovich Bernashevskiy, tel. B 9-90-03 (office). Managing Editor: Liya Iosifovna Tulovskaya, tel. B 9-74-22 (office), I 1-82-08 (home). "InzhenernYY Zhurnal" (Engineering Journal 0 an of the Department of Technical Sci. and the Institute of Mechanics). Moscow D-40, Leningradskiy Prospv. 7. Chief Editor: Dr. Physical-Mathematical Sci. Aleksendr Aleksandrovich Nikol'skiy, tel/ D 1-52-08 (office). Department of Hisrorical Sci. (0IN), Moscow, V-36, Cheremushkinskaya 19, tel. V 5-30-31, switchboard V 5-00-11. Bureau of the Department Acad.-Secretary of the Department: Acad. Yevgeniy '?iikhaylavich Zhukov, tel. V 5-30-31 (office), B 7-44-94 (home). Deputy Acad. Secretaryes: Corr. Mbr. Aleksandr Andreyevich Guber, tel. V 5-30-31 (office), D 7-52-09 (home); Corr. Mbr. Vladimir Mikhaylovich Khvostov, tel. 366 (office), G 9-39-09 (ham); Dr. of Historical Sci. Viktor Ivanovich Shunkov, tel. V 5-30-31 (office), D 1-66-13 (home). Mbrs. of the Bureau: Corr. Mbr. Bobdzhap Gafurovich Gafurov, tel. B 1-18-84 (office), Corr. Mbr. Sergey Vladimirovich Kiselav, tel. 337 (office); Acad. Bois Aleksandrovich Rybakov, tel. V 5-19-22 (office); - 263 - 7 114 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 QUA] -huM Acad. Sergey Damilovich Skazkin, tel. 313 (office); Acad. Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Struve, Tel. A 2-12-24 (office, Leningrad); Acad. :dikhail Nikolayevich Tikhonirov, tel. 384 (office); Corr. '.fir. Sergey Pavlovich Tolstov, tel. V 5-29-82 (office); Corr. `Qbr. Petr Nikolayevich Trep'yakov, tel. K 2-38-21 (home, Leningrad). Sci. Secretary: Cand. of Historical Sci. Yulian Vladimirovich Bromley, tel. V 5-30-31 (office), K 7-59-62 (home). Sci. Secretary for Coordination: Valetin Ivanovich Neupokoyev tel. 316 (office). Deputy Sci. Secretary: 'tariya Ivanovna Assaturova, tel. 328 (office). Deputy Sci. Secretary for International Relations: Georgiy Palovich Shurbovanyy, tel. 316 (office). Inspector-Consultants: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Kozorezovda, tel. V 5-30-31 (office), Zh 5-20-80 (home); Sussanna :dikhaylovna Penchkavskaya, tel. 328 (office). Agnesa Ivnovna Pint, tel. 350 (office), B 3-94-55 (home); Anna Dmitreyevna Tiflis ova, tel. 350 (office), B 7-23-22 (home). Reviewer (Responsible for Correspondence): Devora Tetrovna Rykovskaya, tel. V 5-30-31 (office), B 3-33-24 (home). Party and Trade Union Organizations, tel. 328. 'ibrs. of the De c.rtmeat Acadademicians 1. Volgin, Vyacheslav Tetrovich (history). 2. Deborin, Abram 'doiseyevicn (Philosophy, History). 3. Druzhinin, Nikolay 'likhaylovich (History of the USSR). 4. Zhukov, Yevgeniy :tikhaylavich (General History). 5. Kuusinen, Otto Vil'gel'movich (General History). 6. 'tayskiy, Ivan :dikhaylovich (History). 7. :dints, Isaak Izrailevich (History). 8. Nechkina, 'Iilitsa Vasil'yevevna (history of the USSR). 9. Orbeli, Iosif Abgarovich (Oriental Studies). 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 10. Pospelov, Petr Riko1gevich (History of the Communist party of the Soviet Union). U. I, Pilippov, Vladimir Ivroovich lilippov, OripsILy llarpovioh Tilippov, mimmil Awnovicb Hrwv, Anatoliy Ivat ovich lirwv, Lev Vladluiroyieh Flerov, Oeorty Niko].grvioh lierov, l6on.tantin Booatentiaovich llorenmov, xiloolay Alalwndrovich 394 SECRET/NOFORN 144 60, 170, 213, 226, 235 248 334 144 184 250 209 60, 170, 32L, 325, 329 202 144 61, 235, 238 209, 210 187 235 178 304 191 210 228 362 144 281 145 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 HUM INPI -,-r Pak V1adWr Alsksandrovich Vosasr, Ilex Partin, Alsksandr Antooovich wain Vadlim aorgiyevioh Pasting, Valentina Alekaandrorpa Potiadi, wood 4winandovich Prank, Mob :likhW1ortoh Pte, n'ya. fikhyrlovICh Frantisev, Yuriy Paviovich Pnydlina, Rakhil' Imatskelevua Preynan, Alsksaadr Arnol'dorich Pridland, 01'ga Yakovlevna Prish, Sergey Piduardovich Prolov, Ivar, Timoleyetrich Yrtakin, Alekaandr Naumovich Furasav, Vaailiy Ivanovich Khabarin, Nikolq Vasil'yevich Khavinson, Yakov Seraenovich Khaydas, Ceorigiy Ivanavich Khaykin, :doisey Semenovich Khaykina Yelena Isaakovna Khaychenko, Crigoriy Arkad'yevica Khanprchenko, Nikolay Konatantinovich Kharin, Vasiliy Ignat'yevich Khariaov, Akhnaf Ibragimovich 61 165 208 342 190 145, 355 1115, 276, 291 145 146, 327, 326 146 146 330 146, 239 330 61, 214, 241, 250 371 181 330 330 239 330 315 230 191, 194 369 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 50X1-HUM lmaritcn, Tully Borisovich maritoaov, Dwitriy Vssil'yrvich markevich, Alekssodr Alska drovich lmarlemova, Tat'ymia Petrovna th lov, Vasilty Ivanovich Iiarkhardin, Alsksondr Ivanovich marchev, Anatolty Gewgiyevich Mmm tova, Y'uU^ rsdorovna rKs haturov, Tisrsn Serosyevich lmashwsv, madzhi-An-ed Omorovich thvostov, Vladimir mikhaylovich mel'kvist, Germn Avpistovich ]metchikov, Lev likolayevich IQiil'.1 Genrikh Trantsevich Hinschelwood, Cyril IIormsn lQiitarov, Bikolay Ivanovich Thitrin, Lev Nikol&yevich lmlevnoy, sorely Sergeeyrvich Baldana, John B.S. M omentovskiy, Aleksondr Stepeaovich J ot'ko, Molar Korneyevi& IQiokhlov, Alsksendr Stepanovich Xbmmvchenko, Nib 41 Borisovich Imrennikov, Turiy Semenovich 396 62 190 146, 306 173 303 250 327 338 147, 321, 329 370 147, 311, 315 147,341,362 367 226 166 255 148 360 166 148, 342, 367 187 249 148, 331 220 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 lmrenniloova, IO utails Ivsnovns 173 mrsnov, Ivan Alsksandroyich 317 mrsnav, fcnstantin roeutaatiaovich 148 , Stepan Andrsyavich 263 > ristianovich, Bergey Alsk sy.vich 62, 172, 340, 358 thristolyubova, I4 'v' Dorisovns 360 mroaov, Alaksey lOnz'aich 182 lmrushchov, arIgoriy lrcnstantinovich 148, 272, 280, 292 Van Bum*,, Fftedvj& 166 Tsvatkovs, Mays Aleksaudrovns 169 Tsslikov, Alskssndr Ivanovich 149 Tsslaval'nikov, Viktor Aleksandrovich 196 Tsepslev, Niko1 y Takovlevich 369 Tssrsteli, Oeorgiy Vasil'yevich 149 Tsivtsivadze, Mikhail Ssnsanovich 225 Tsitsin, Bikolsy Vasil'yevich 62, 284 Tsukszasn, Arley Moiseyevich 253 Tsypnov, Ivan Stepsnovich 176 Tsypkin, Oennadiy Alsksandrovich 176 Tsutavich, Sikolay Aleksandrovich 149, 307 Chagin, Boris Alsksandrovich 150 Chapliyev, Vasiliy Pantelsyaonovich 174 Chaplygins, Aleksandn Ssrpysvns 228 MakbimeMbehev, Grigoriy Gs tovich Chelawy, Vladitir Nikola ev'ich 357 ISW/NOFO&V ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO61600410001-2 mu" Chelyustkin, Alaksrdr Borisovich cbepikov, koastastin rmwmvioh Cberamin, Oeorgip 8erreyevich Cbrepsnov Alaksey Igest'ysvich Cbsripov, Yevgenly Ivsnovich Cherkasov Yevgeniy Petrovich Cbsrnenko, Anatollr xonooovich Cbernigovekiy, Vladimir Ntkolgevich Chernov, Lev Aleksandrovich Cbernova, Galin Viktorovaa Chernopystov, Konstsntin 1i1oolaprevich Cher ysbev, Da ltriy Mildaglovich Cherny"v, I1'ya I1'ich Cherr3 ak, Semen Zskharovich Cherynak, 8erat1ma L'vovna Chernyuk, Turly Il' ich Cbernyaloov, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Cherskiy, Nikolg Vasil'yevich Chertkov, Viktor Petrovich Chesnokov Ysvgeniy Nikitich Chibieov, aonstantin Vladttirovich Chibrikin, Viktor Mi.>