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This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title
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} .scellaneous Economic Information DATE DISTR. 1 March 1961
four reports con-
taining information on the following su jec
General Information on Rumanian Foreig~Trade,.
b. [The Collection of Grain in Rumania
c. ocial Conditions and Trend of Opinion at the Electronica Factory, -50X1-HUM
d. construction Trust No. 10, Constants.
(Note; Washington distribution indkoted by "X"; Field distribution by "#".)
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. 50X1-HUM
: ?eme 1. 3ufoi tion on lbieign firm.
1. Although eon have Ls roved sinse the Yee" ib].].o vine the
t of 19W .teed 197, food s Ues are still liedted in Mm's.
Butter aad sans S 4"-um dbtsinmble, but only during the o+m~ &r risen
tw arr di moult to eexp , Mail* aad 50X1-HUM
aerie olive oil are t> "t.* wing the linter if =st is at
all svsi]abls, it is generally only si ttaa- or, at best, town cuts.
Sint. wIA 1Mi-r U, YOUNNIM Utestosk has been oompm WiI r d by
t of beads, *Ask are sent to the 1 =Am the r epairations
agerseeMest. In 19*, tonstove was ale is the !lwahssrest regions
only, b.saiist of s plant grease *ish sffseted most gardens throughout
U0 arm.
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2. Bemuse of such heavy local consumption, the Ministry of Foreign
Trade is faced with many, difficulties in obtaining such goods for export.
Although agricultural pro&we is required both for reparations to the
Cif and for the hme maz tat, the Council of Ministers sully publishes
deaititons suthori*ing their acquisition for export and annovning various
bfits'iih are to be granted to suppliers of the Ministry of Foreign
3. Thus,, farmers uho have contracts with the ministry of Foreign Trade
benefit from tax reductions, from the right to purchase building
materials at officw prices (materials vbose sale is forbidden on the free
* arket), and from bonuses of up to 75 percent above the normal price
paid for their produce. Natu rally, the farmers prefer to supply cost
of their proame to the Ministry of 1?oreign Trade, but because of this,
prevent essential consumer goods from reaching the urban poplation.
The above method of acquiring agricultural Produce also has certain
disadvantages. Contracts betvseen the Ministry of Foreign Trade and f rmers
are drawn up &tring the vdnter, but subsequently amps are often ruined
by bdd Veather. P ire rs we than placed in the unenviable position of
having to fulfill the term of the contract without having the means to
do so. There contracts easlpel farmers to cultivate not only
crops rtsieh they are interested in growing, but also crops vrbich they
do not wist to grow boom" they are not profitable. ibm6 their
crops are uei d, lhrtherenre, the farmers are chested by govsromr't agents
v the f$rrsrs thmsely es have reesrutted. Town dhap managers also
offer them good prices for their produce (v .i.ch they mod in order to
meet the demands of their customers), thereby creating unfair competition
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dispatobed a large WSumb of foodstuffs to that country. ImOncy
It, shipsents of fbodstuff5, nindov glass and tidier Tiers sent to Hungary
during the uprising there, altbaa^ there awe no triads agreerdents
between the taw countries med no ft vial reserves to carer their
soot Althou# these are 50X1-HUM
declared to be nets of international brotherhood, the Rwwaian
public resents their being done for strsngw% especially Tiber they
are nit partdialarly l11ced.
7. The str7 of P-erei i Trade has been located at *) Bularard
ern in Bucharest since its lbaaedatinn. ; following affiliated
eaeterp rises ware created? the slAdetry developed:
a. The control dqps rt nt (OCX - Oficiul de Control Al MLnlsterului. ),
located at the came address. The department deals in the control of
export goods and is responsible to the foreign ausboasrs for their
b. 1 1111230 0RT, at 20 Bi utareet in Best.
a. , at 4 ft"Lumem Street in uehrorest.
d. P , to Bata llosstti in Dmeharest.
e. = 1, an Pitta Buasttt in Bucharest.
f. 1% , at ` Gabriel Pert' Street in Umbuest; concerned with
the export of fbodatuffs dad emdaal by prodursts.
g. 3 -0 at 11 ftwena Street in Bucharest.
h. Mhict iaporrts spare c ants, typewriters, etc.
1. QIT, the national tourist eae mw.
3. ril S, at 1-3 balaenri * em in Bucha est. The agency arc
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!harmed in 100 to organise the export of fruit, vine, h -, eta.
Is praetiee, its activities twee united to vwdosing, paekiaa_, and
dilristslaing these moods to the as ehouals of PMMMP=, Irish aatn-
tolned the aelsarl ecatsets with farreipr oustoaewa. In order
to aaintatn its a ct.ivities an a aati *-aide saeie, P!O'!'llXlM
eoteblieaed the fbLLaadastg eg6reies, aseording to the Soviet pattern,
sash vith an indepeardsnt b rt and oetaarwgn
limey No. 1 (IntxrrF iblarea me. 1).. is AxaA, o -tes in
the bed MA TYadnoaxs Pz vinees and sergraa as a central
VwdMwe fbr export paraiaee.
Agamay No. 2 (Imtrepriaderea No. a), in lue at, gates
to the Bu411arest, Constants and Qsl ati P ro wlaces .
The 0041M (Stalin Prrorinae) a racy apeeislisea in Cultivating
out-of-seasos flarnaars and toaaatoee.
The Piteati agasasy.
as Plroesi egaaey.
The Foeaaat eg y (store depot for eagpart produce).
The uai ".any (sure d"Pot I'm export pro6w).
The Cluj afmcw.
The Cw60 a ,y (staare depot for awort goods).
(10) me c aiova- egeney.
lash of these a, cries has about 100 esployees. Prose y to Nader,
t+eaporsry vmkws are taken on, both for wrk in the offices and in
eolleettxi prohne in the field. 9xe ==bar of to orary vorkers
is each egwey May WMWA t to about 2,000.
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8. Thaw taaat eta' sotfsprlass operate by a clearing , by bemk
eredit, or by adraraaes an aeecNarrt (paid to sipue" is. p rate are
essaat'i al for the rsalisatioaa of VA t pore .) ? pa essieaaral. cadres
are trained rw thaw. attar sisss at a spseial asheel of the i cdstry of
pba - Tr'ris, Naieh holds roe-7 x saarsus.
iss reel," 50X1-HUM
a aaaapaumlatioe !hued, sbi h is feed by sustess dsti**. BY mesas of
this fwd, the XLId*try is able to VrOVLU its affiliates adth a tra-
bwigatary al.larlsness. The son es= owwromy s .thain the Soviet Bloc is the
Soviet ruble, but oesar sivaaaUal t clearing system is used-
9. OW p s ass eoepeanatt'*s play their part sithin the general stets
earport plane. In prat, hostessr, awA+oart Res from the ccpg wwtivs sector,
such so sgrisul t ural. prednise, we fly of a low gwai ty. Bec1use
of this, the I and A0=VW enterprises nears esttablishbed, to
.aware a regaris? sypply of agriiaeal tuaral prose for aagnnrt, tdtbau having
to rely too mah on the cooperatives.
10. The regional agencies of 7RI dray up owly aenmarats oith the
collective ftizis (AVAOOP, OWN WA AIRNW). In men to f ll the
wing poropea, contrasts are also sigaWfl with iMtvi4* tyrurareors rateerial collected from the district placing daepaurtanaaeta an the
am hood and teen that received ! s collection bases themselves
on the other, sine the latter me the carne Mhteh set wW y received
the grain. We daroeble d mddng us Bally prevented tread end eestr,
Alt~ these did occur from time to tine. The Adisitnori, were hired
according to reeoree iatieaaa f Vw the village eoaoetlr amid scoor" to
w2 moles laid dean by the proviaial periomoarl +rtepaaNneamt (e.g. the
Pieta') j %W W Mere not required to have parcviious lneoe .edge in export
or trad, nor did they baeare to be .aewstosad to dealing Mtth. large nuns
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of aanepr. After soar eases of "diseppearaadoe" of no *y had oesurrs~l,
the ainistry issued orders that, as for as possible, people with private
means slayld be resraitsd to this Job so that, in news of eabeaslarent
ste., their property edgUt be *sun sestad, As a ones in point.. a former
who vas a grain ool.leetor (Ashisitor) won 3),0op Lei at t M xretional
lottery (T).- usrsgpon he weal rsgardsd as solvent and trustlalt y for
reseivi ngg advances tip to 3G,000 Lei. It so happened that, at a time
wan he bad just received a soon advance of ovsr 300000 Let for purchasing
pain for tea' IAC, be loot the 30,,000 Lei be had won at as lottery
at es*4s. In hopes of winning than bask, be eontinaaed to garble and
lost the whore Bash advance be had reeetved frees the IAQ. Um be told
his story at the IAC breernk an the following day, bw was tmmdistte1y
sentenced to 25 yews hard labor. In marp- oases the eollestors
got into flasraial attatglseats, like using **my destined for payment
of grain for Paying * 1porrtation seams, something WaIsh we absolutely
pfthibilied. This led to deficits at the distrieat branabes, rhieh
aieinSstered the as* adrenrees or the eolleaetoars. U der preavure from
the ednistry, the asin criterion fair recruiting eollaetors Dad r tly
beease personal inteiritty, so as to deers ass the serum of thefts and
18. The IM had no stores of Its o'. In s me villages Itorrts were rented frrom
the village eavAudIs. Pbgr pasidma, IMt aadics me being used. The
accepted loss of grain & to storage and transport vas one to one and
one..hslf pereen-t Ong to the type of store, peel g, and grain.
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19. Another way of obtaining grain from the ft ram was through barger (Covert
De Zntainare) . Thus f*raers vhs wanted to purchase building materials or
other consumer goods which were not available on the maarket, were offered
to buy than at the Agevaecxp (Agentia De Valorificar e A Progteel or
Agricole t sratiste - Agency florVCooperative Tra& in Exchange for
Agricultural. Produce), iIhiah. was subordInste to the Urcad (Usiunsa
R gional a a 0ooperatjvelor day Aprovision re at D exacere - the Provincial
Union of Cooperatives for 60ply and Sales) in return for grain headed
in to the CRR through the IAC, the g ,n prices offered being slight&y
lower then the standard rates (tthile the goods supplied by the Ageveeop
v"e rather stye) . The barter accounts wer, kept separately at the
IAC and at the CRiR on normal forms with a diagonal red line. A firmer
in need of building arterials or **ber goods, handed in a qusn*y of ,fin
to the CIRR through the IM and received a credit note, ,sh he presented
at the ,Aged. There the Price difference between the goods required
by the f a ar rmd the gain handed in by him we Calculated and the comb
difference yes paid by the pa ty' from 'edtiah it me due. The paid
a ccmamission of 800 Lei per freight earlvad of grain to the Age *oop
in return for its essistameee in obtaining aWtiaml .
90. The grain levies were abolished in 1957, time wing the activity
of the CAR adlleetion bases. The 1 , hqwwftr,, eantxn obtaining
grain by all the other weans of collection. The activity of the r x.,
on the other hand, had i n*sed accordingly and a get part of the CSR
personnel had been transferred to it. In the same year, a system of
contracts between the IM and the farmerm was established by *job the
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? 18-
the IM undertook to advsooe loans to the fuser fbr purposes of till,ags,
*11e the f*rrr taadmrtoo t to 'resort the land and daltv+sr his i6ole ere
to the 1;W at the accepted market rates. On contrasts for the crap
of the fblloving year wss $tamed after delivery of the crop of the
current Yew,, the IAd than A AM g the anoant of the aaah gig
to the farmer. The repreaaItatives of the W kept eentral.ised records
in all viliags councils and eopdes Of these contracts ware presented to
the agricultural brink, shish had UmAh" in lash *tetriet. The fl-rasr
than received the loan on the basis of the sigrud contract. is the
' mpg year, upon delivery of the grain, the IM paid the di ffer aaace
in price to him. are Im game each varieties of was s~eec n sd by
the aatioarl p1 tfbr grain collection. The flametioniag of the IAIC
and the CM as described above had not undergone oeW aLs es, but the
Fmdmmw and eeeeeti.ssioas IOsid to those dealing vith the sollestion og
groin had bean decreased.
91. The fblloving peaple Vero employed at the Iasi district branch of IAis t
a. ImPa $anielcvici, director of the branch since 1955
b. I rvu trieoel, chief sesormtsat at the Wank since 1955
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C. ) ris Mmbaris, pahoa n l sipr at tyre brsneh 1955
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2 IANNaia
Social 00241 time and Trasd of Opinion at the
gl.sots~omiea Taato y
1. The Elestromiea radlonreosivsr factory, Wlhioh is loosted at
lfo. 8g ?trada Halaalvd., Tabarest, has, about 1400 mnployros.
~. Me pt.0b1 ?1ttioh kerns the vcrkers wit, is the low walpos d i eh
are soastimes Insufficient to live on. Howwer, many of the voxkers
are able to obtain some food tree of charge from their relatives in
the oar. giw. 1957 the authorities' sage policy has undergone
mat, cha>ages, and since then it has beena rroving the gap between higher
and lover Wage levels. I9stai.ls on these problems are as fbUowst
a. Until 1957, When the now wage syntax v" intro ed, the mtaiwm
bode monthly Wage at Elsctronica ims 180 Let and the maximum
brie wage 500 to 600 Let. Aver, produtetion normw vmn'e so low
that waiters is able to increase their basic meows up to
Sr' T
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540 percent. ft the aims lard, i this system, deeerid against
the wnsicilled vorkm vle0 vas moeo depluawt on the often umaceliable
supplies of bade rw materials and chose imrk we only ooaasl
as pareparatory tovaa da the acbal. metarfnrtaturtug of the finished
products. mbar these reasons, an anrst(ll ed laborer, use basic
mouthiry MV wee 180 Lei, vas able, only with great difficulty, to
increase his actual moor to Sala 950 to 300 Lei, Wti1e the skilled
doter with a basic cusp of 500 to 600 Lei ism often earning between
1,800 to 2,000 Lei per month.
b. 'lire ndda bade vange vac raised to 300 Lei. and the nexiaa>oa
vap to some 940 Ld per mmith in 1957. At the tame time, hoveuer,
mss were raised to such an extant, that mow it is virtually
impossible for a wrings to exceed his monthly production quota.
The only pod tb* my to earn more than the basic vap it fbr a
certain drportasant or for the entire plant to fulfil or exceed
its production quota. in such cases varkers are given from 5 to
30 percent bom*ses, *ieh are divided among them in accordance
vith their part in the tia. Under the new systean, a skilled
wxltear A* formerly earned 1,800 to 2,000 Let per month, now has
an w a sgs imam of 1,000 to 1,100 Xml and only on r+rae oeorions
does he earn mine.
c. Bade vaps were rained by 5 to 10 percent in 1959, without an
asao^gemprlns mra increase. Havener, at the name rice, the prices
of essential foodstmffr (meat, edible oils, butter and dairy produce)
Mere increased by 20 per cent, the prices of clothing and fdotvare
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remained stable, *i1s the prices of lvaanry ,s (matorsysles,
etc.) fall. Ia fast, that inorsssed food prices worst than srallevned
the wee iaerease, alai 'tea awt orities ware able to prove
by statisties that,em an gVern s, prices bed fallen. (11hM an
iaeresss of 6 Lai per kilogram an the price of meat is aroroantennea
by a amp of fl00 bet in the prime of aotoreyelas, or of 50 to 100
W in the price of a radio, it is obvious that the average cost
of living rill fell).
3? Details of social rights and obligatL=N are as followasa
a. Mary w*w receives 50 Pereent of his basic des for three
das of absence bosom* of illness. X14 he be absent for mare
than. three days, the wafter reeeires from 60 to 90 percent of his
basic uegs, dap M ng yon the nu ber of ors he va ed at the
factory (fUrtber detaatls lamlcing) .
b. Until 1937, medical treatment and wdiciines wre free of charge
but since than it has been necessary to pay for mefteinea.
o ? A naorhsr vino arrives five aicetes late flat enemata an one Occasion
forfeits has bas for that = nth. If he is late three time during
on. aoanth, he receives a Witten warntnag and it he persists in
being late , he 6ul4 be 410dssed.
d. 'line first time a aaorlaer is absent fbr three days sitltiout permission
he forfeits a certaip' pasrcaatap of his urges, a *ile the next time
he is absent sithont permission for a egmitalent 1e0gth of tins, he
is liable to be dismissed.
e. Party saaiers have first prefOrenoe in being seat to rest and
a00va1eseent homes, on the groundo that in addition to their productive
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wok, they do at of a p bliee nature and we therefore more tired
than other corkers. 1939, var" had only to plea/ saws 5
to 15 percent of their aoathly wages Am they metre sent to a rest
ham. In. return, they resolved a return tiebt to the rest home,
and 19 days leave free of change. dime than, the sum paid by the
marker towards the cost of his Leave has been inereiased (details
>aiai) and he nest buy his eta travel tickets.
1. Details an pxowstl ns seed 4 ttc ns are as follows:
a. trap 1p a ft a are tined in saoOLAnnee with the sgFlo ' ee's trade and
his position at the factory.
b. If, for reasons beyond its erntrol, the mr t is eaoopellOd
to transfer a marker to a position which carries a loner sego
then he had been earning formerly, the mocker continues to receive
his former salary; prod=*, on the other head are Paid according
to his nev grrrs4e.
as A wonder is demmated from a higher to a laser ws?e seals and
is paid recording to his noes grads for the foll.owigg reasons:
!or being negligent at his wrkc.
If he proves to be unstititable for his positio.
If be shows a leek of m, lplime.t
It be is sacred of tailing to take as" of the a 13=@ tt in
his charge.
If he is for mW reams, &wlared to be an "mdoiesirsble elsomt".
if the snthorrities ish to replace him by a person millso enjoys
the eesfidsnse of the Party.
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d. A large majority of the voskers selected for promortion, are those
rho as joy the sypport of the Party (i.e. Party >taesabers or emadidates
for a~bersbip) . Mould it be :necessary to eha+oose betvssn a skilled,
efficient and diligent tanker, who is of a Party msnhear and a
asdiocre, un3ar-prod #w carter, mho is an active Oo4st, the
latter will receive the pramotion.
lbrkers are required to participate in msetings, eoofersne and A.A.
De soae (ALA) training, two - three time per wok after wanking hours.
They aueit also attend id o1ogiea3. seminars (which are for all the cankers
and not only Party aesbers). Now of the msetiags rhich the fosters are
ecaapell ed to attend as follows r
as A nesting of the trade union of their particular dapariaiaent,
vb eh analyses the results of the moth's rack.
b. Every tun imeks a professional. meeting, vldsh as up the previous
month's output and deter nss the twin in vbd oh the follocing aanth's
psw>deation quota is to be ftlfilled.
0. Two ideological seseinwe per week.
d. Wvery two wdo an A.A. Defense seminar or training p d .
e. All waiters are required to participate in meetings 1111110h WO
or visaed an the ocesarion of every ingwartant internal or internationaa
f. All tariffs we rs@d.zsd to participate in parades, held on woarkess
1e11Qsys (1 Ilq-, $5 st, a"-)-
g. in 1956 following the n Uprising, W** M" Ouen4s, there
sesisers tare chosen on Party re ooavrsradatioaa, ice set up in every
industrial plant. fte guards have to be Party meaibers and to have
srrE 1
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*"go*" their a?eW,ory edlitary asrvito. 'i r Sim a Contract
with the ililitsrr ^reremtgra of the g tbrard "cft*xg to rdeioh
they to tsars fir t" or three years, aad rife ed].itos7
t+ vane or trdeereee im k. - any to reiafburee the pl.nt guard
Prior to, and during, ig
1, and they lord the pla&t # s
ooatingentin 3ie1e,,; g their naifbzare. 'Am "for" of being
at ember of the "V=*Mn Oared" tatm up eeeeh of the vafter', ties time.
err in return fir this he aft be absolutely sure that be will
not be dia i~esed from his job as long aa/-, z t
is in wee.
About 130 of the 1, hw euplayees at thetroetae<
lteatae7 an Party
Zn euaaspti,mg m,n, for as= p sines 1936, the
Panr6y ha, phased particular tiortemrQe on their "healt r soadal b ,uad
iah aeans that no, mew We 4 chgoft from ea ag the varkm,.
*ereos old, too i oten or m news have fi r no Ohmage of
b" accepted. mlen rrteraitjxg new , eewtatives of the
7'8 Party aeU searela"t
amm0sch praepfttifs aaadidaters and
ttliit mn that the Party has best wfthtng then for sootIm has
reached the eono] atop that they a . of the boson of beeoming
tears. At the Alec time, they are advised to Vpply for pwzty ea 4ideO*r
*31 fly tioa+lprre r 1UM07y aaaefrt this "honor", nobody ftr" to relq,s
it and therefore waist hen Joined the PwtW out of frar rather
them p attu. l z tors singled out for Party abU am ge umaiv
to th tbb bute+e >tget Ina. ar~+er tt fe, to i, O4 . Is adtdtttihn 50X1-HUM
to the end d in P8r4Srepb 5,
Par* Ctrs a. rOVIred to P rtieipate to oat , mc~
~weelcs and aAst talus on a8d#taoaee 1 +A m"
as ~np activities
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO57900130001-5
the ors in "Mm" Oft %tth- the eollvetiy of tultwre
the isIBeatiom of It in ,fps and '
"Olew 001"w" am um offices, ate. Althoff at of fire
OW eOnteaatt or ~ the t, 2~attth ~nisatioa ~s
taest. lbst of Hess cur fstingn a-ad
later, few of them Join the Akrty.
7 ? A 1st all ors mbssribt to either the AmV 00 ?MVper
or to -& 'r'uin! the um $MMLIO Qril ' rrore],y is a vrlar
allowed, to subscribe to the tiled. union paper $* or to the 3o u&.
pablished by,, su rittes i d na i.tbers (o facials are forbidden
to gibe to either of the-latter two an"qpera).
8. au' " have stmt =WW skilled w rlers to
Oveclu8 uuivergitiss
to be trained as erg, and in reomat ywav inttituttons of
learning have m lay been aee,ptbg ne*st"nta; cove from
failies. Both of the aban excite and typos Bammlly ayes poor engines.
TY suffer from tuf tootity s vzen V02ting with Vetem "mineers
or with YOIM6 aft *0 'y their diplomas on their merits and not
beetwse of their Wei, on gin. Their reaattoas to this titu&tion, often
result in their taking a aritjoal, attita t towards the
regime. Veteran
or YOW9 adAdle-etas wasIlLneers do uo*we to ydad their
or, chile
these eases from r fMmtlies eaWlain of theta,
salaries and the emoemt of lmzk poor
4manded of thtan.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A057900130001-5
llom of the conxtrwtiou yro J.c *xwut
by Uoas tjrm
in ?oa.tanta bets 1933-1958 ire as follortis rut No. 10
~. In 1983 the
emwtzioa of a nsrtl, sarbool v" atert" at Si..
QUO' oII the Black On betwm tarts M' ]IMYOUft. After
Atha ~'
Shia project vu for =knom r ons.
b. ?rtor to 1953 the Qtaa
x.ett t plant at ~stdi~ e.,r
and by 195k it ma In parurtia OP"tion. As of 1958 Lois
Rat 1S atilt not aOM1eta4, Od. Plant prods a the
WMAS of a highest
orienttarh is Dr'+loat"i1r for eavort.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A057900130001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO57900130001-5
e ? The Imm Plant
' as, umte media) at M044a
ras built betrese 1953 and 1956. 2t a actnres and repsire
cad s pert. and as to elthin its
il7sewu# a teahiaical asap, school f mllrr.
d? Around 19% the
c' 'actiom of a
roatory '"" $UX681 at hYayoaari
that "odraats etas end $ulpbVwIG acid
and its*_
e. A factory fur thettreture of concrete, slabs
built by the '"r+,tst near Betoa~uy a (~3 M) we
any railroad statioa betreem
hlavodewt and Ades.
f ? The 'Avast created a pilot
plant at tea, several d mterg
from the casi o, for the Pray cation of msgnedum hydrate
is ' for use
faataring refr tort' bricks. TMs plant is to derive the
from salt rater by a new piss developed by a moist
in Coa'sstanta. A pipe with a 20 on. diaaeterr feeds
sea rater into
the Plant and femh rater is piped in from Sint-aiol. No
details are available.
9- Zn 1958, the Trust s vast on a mate elevator at di a.
The stmeture (o-iet ) to cost 1
Ts 0w, 044 Lsi, of *10h,
5,000,004 'Mare to have been spent in 1938. It Will be stye Stories h4A
n In s~tallatioass mad a mit for aorrylvg out auto-
mate*117 the fb1lordag pewees
(1) eoartiftl
(8) Mumdeal paroasssing 601d thermal regulation for pest
and the p ti of l,,49e1
(3) ?aak*gingl
(4) Loading.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO57900130001-5
It is believed the the elevator's construction van planned long
ago since some of the equip mat vas brought from the t befb*e
the Walla had been erected.
2. Details of other construction projects in Constants Province were as
a. Construction is still continuing at the port of Mtdea which me
to be thertermin&l of the Danube-Black Bea Canal.
L-1 it will be the site of a naval port, a projectibe Germans
began during iibrid star II.
b. The railroad line that follows the route of the above-mentioned
canal is still in use. The sw xpx in the vicinity have been
C. The stretch of railroad between Me4gldia and Dorofrsnti on the
Bucharest-Canstanta line has been moved so that it will pass
over dry terrain rather than through the swamps as van previously
the case.
d. A bay near Ravodari is being used as a harbor.
e. The stone quarries at Bavadari, Which we" so carelessly exploited
in the past, have been developed and transformed into large quarries.
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