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March 28, 1960
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This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Nopionage Laws, Title
18, U.B.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
COUNTRY USSR (Sverdlovskaya Oblast)
SUBJECT General and Industrial Information
on 4verdlovskj(4WZ-e,
28 March 1960
1. The city of Sverdlovsk C 56-50, E 60-3'was divided into six rayony:
Oktyabrskiy, Kirovskiy, Kuybyshevskiy, Ordzhonikidzeskiy, Chkalovskiy, and
Molotovskiy. In early 1957, the population was estimated at approximately
2. The municipal transport consisted of streetcars, buses, and trolleybuses.
In early 1957, there was only one trolleybus route; it ran from the railroad
station pass ulitsa Sverdlova, ulitsa Karla Libknekhta, and Pushkinskaya
ulitsa through ulitsa Roza Luksembur .to the Uktuz quarter.
3. The Construction Directorate of the Urals Military District (No. 25 on overlay)
(Uralskoye Okruzhnoye Voyennoye Stroitelnoye Upravlen*e- OVSV) was located
inn Pervomayskaya ulitsa. The institution had branches at Nizhniy Tagil
57-55, E 59-57 , Chelyabinsk f 55-10, E 61-29, Peru IN 58-00, E 6-
l~ , Karaganda (), Kurgan L" 55-26, E 65-17, Aramil Ll` 56'-`I+2, E 60-5p7,
etc. During the war, the directorate constructed industrial plants at
Sverdlovsk and in each of the towns in which it had branches. The directorate
also constructed living quarters, services and communal buildings for the
factory workers. Until 1950, the directorate was subordinate to the Ministry
of Defense. It employed a number of subcontractors, among which were
Sante mnntazh, which installed central heating, water pipes, and air
conditioning; Teplostroy, wh1hh built "Russian" heating stoves; Dorstroy,
which built roads; and Elektromontazh, which carried out electrical installations
4+. The Ural OVSV was headed by army officers, although civilians were employed for
the engineering and technical work. During the period 1943 - 191+9, the
directorate constructed the new industrial area "Elmash", which was located at thi
(Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".)
1 11 11
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a. The Uralelektroapparat (No. 46 on overlay), which produced electric
welding machines of all sizes (no further details).
b. The Turbine Motor Plant (Turbomotornyy Zavod), which produced turbines
for power plants (no further details). The plant was located in the
vicinity of the Uralelektroapparat. (No. 45 on overlay).
5. In 1955/1956, television studies were built at the southern end of ulitsa Lunacharskogo,
An aerial mast 80/90 meters high was erected by the building. The studios
contained concert and theater halls used in the television broadcasts. (No. 10
on overlay). 50X1-HUM
6. The following re Port. on Sverdlovsk, with an overla
and legend
Attachment, An eight-page report, with overlay and legend of Sverdlovsk,
describing industrial and public facilities. The legend ofcithe overlay
locates 48 points, including streets.
1. No. 4+2 of legend is probably the Mining Equipment Plant which produces cranes.
2. Nos. 17, 18, and 24+ are missing from the overlay.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP80T00246AO53300060001-3 50X1-HUM
USSR (Sverdlovsk Oblast)
General and Industrial Information
on Sverdlovsk
1. The city of Sverdlovsk ,56-50, E6b-3J was divided into six
raayonst Oktiabrskiy, Kirovskiy, Kuybishevskiy, Ordzhenikid-
zeskiy, Chkalovskiy, and Molotovskiy. In early 1957, the
population was estimated at approximately 800,,000.
2. The municipal transport consisted of streetcars, buses, and
trolleybusea. In early 1957, there was only one trolleybus
route; it ran from the railroad station pass Sverdlova ulitsa,
Karla Libknekhta ulitsa, and Pushkinskaya ulitsa through Roza
Lukseaburg ulitsa to the Uktuz quarter*
3. An educational c4anter (vtuz gorodok) was located to the west
of Sverdlovsk, stretching along both sides of the western end
of Lenin ulitsa. It included the following institutionst
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The Kirov Polytechnic Institute.
b. The Ural branch of the Soviet Academy of
c. The Metallurgical Technical Institute.
d. An infantry officers school.
e. A fire brigade school of the MVD.
f. A "Suvorov" cadets school.
Indus tr
4. The Construction Directorate of the Urals Military District
(Uralskoys Okruahnoye Voyeneivye Stroitelnaye Upravlenie
OVSV) was located on Pervcriayskaya ulitsa. The institution
had branches at Nishniyy Tagil L57-550 E59-5f, Chelyabinsk
955-]t), x61-24 7s Molotov ff5e- C?x $56-19s, Karaganda (4),
Kurgan &'55-26, 165-189`, iramil ff56-42, M,-516,, etc. During
the war, the directorate constructed industrial plants at
Sverdlovsk and in each of the twons in which it had branches.
The directorate also constructed living quarters, services and
communal buildings for the factory workers. Until 1950, the
directorate was subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. It
employed a number of sub-contractors, among which were
Santekhmontaah, which installed central heating, water pipes,
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Page 3
and air conditioning, Teplostroy, which built "Russian" heating
stoves, Doratroy, which built roads, and Elektromontash, which
carried out electrical installations.
The Ural OVSV was headed by army officers, although civilians
were employed for the engineering and technical work. During
the period 1943 ? 19b9, the directorate constructed the new
industrial area "klmash", which was located at the northern end
of town. The following industrial plants were located in this
a. The Uralelektroapparat Plant, which produced
electric welding machines of all sizes (no
further details), This plant was built during
the latter years of the war and, until 19l7/1948,
was designated No. 659.
b. The Turbomotorniy Zavod* which produced turbines
for power plants (no further details). The
plant was located in the vicinity of the Ural-
c. A military plant designated No. B. During the
war, this plant produced field guns (no details
on calibre, stc.), but these were seen leaving
the area in 1945. Current production at the
plant was not known.
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d. The "Ekskavator" Plant, which was designated
Plant No. 14 during the war (no further details).
6. The following plants were located on both aides of the extension
of Lunsoharaky ulitea, in the direction of Nizhniy Tagil:
a. Zavod No. 21h* also called Aviopribor, which
produced various aircraft
instruments (no details).
b. A plant which produced acetylene for industrial
c. A plant which produced tower cranes for
building purposes.
7. In 1955/1956, television studios were built at the southern and
of Lunacharsky ulitsa. An aerial mast 80/90 asters high was
erected by the building. The studios contained concert and
theater halls used in the television broadcasts.
8. On the other side of iuwacharsky ulitea, opposite the area of
the television studio, there was a 200?meter-high hill on which
a meteorological and astronomical observatory was located. The
hill afforded a panoramic view of Sverdlovsk.
9. On the right.hand side of the Sibirskiy Trakt there were two
plants, situated side by side. Ohs, Military Plant No. 28,
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produced unspecified aircraft parts (no details); during the
wqr it had produced airplane propellors. The adjacent plant
wsa the Lenin Textile Works, which produced cotton cloth
(lopchatob auhnoye polotno) .
10. Attached is a sketch and legend of the city of Sverdlovsk.
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Page 2 of Attarc_ 3aSnt
20. Provincial MVD Directorate.
21. Central post and telegraph office.
22. Ural Military District Headquarters.
23. Agricultural College.
24. Pervomaya ulitea.
25. Military Construction Directorate (Ural OVHV).
26. Sverdlov ulitsa.
27. Karla Libknekhta ulitsa.
28. Roza Lukburg ulitea.
29. Pushkin ulitsa.
30. Varner ulitsa.
31. Ploshchad Piatovo Goda.
32. Gorsovet.
33. Uolshoy Ural Hotel,
31k. Obkom and Oblispolkon.
35. Town Militia Directorate.
Electric Cable and Insulating Material Plant.
medical institute and University Clinic.
Metallurgical Plant (Verkhniy Iset).
Plastic Materials Plant (Plastaaaoviy 2