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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A045300230001-3 INFORMATION REPORT' ~1NF.O.R-M.A.T1.0-N.- RE.PORT.'! CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY USSR;(helyabinsk Oblast) SUBJECT. Miscellaneous Information on Chelyabinsk DATE DISTR. 4 November 1958 NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Two reports on. the citty of ..Chelyabinsk (N 55-10,,E 61P-24) Attachment 1 is.a report on.a plexiglass plant (referred-,to asPochtovyy Yashchik No. 43) and contains . information on location, layout, raw materials, power supply, finished products, number of employees, shifts, .vacation schedules, security and fire precautions, and personalities. Attachment 2 is_:a report consisting of anoverlay.and. a legend on the city of Chelyabinsk. The. legend lists forty= one installations. 25X1 INI"ORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A045300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T 1. The Chelyabinsk Plexi~lass Plant, referred to as Pochtovyy Yashchik No. 43, was located on ulitsa'Svobod, No. 2 in the northeastern section of the city of Chelyabinsk (N 55-10, E 61-24). To the west of the Kant was the Miass River, and to the north and south were private homes. The plant was surrounded by.a 2.5 meter hi h wall which had two entrances. There were no new buildings in~'the plant, but l= new laboratory building was to be 25X1 constructed in the future. The plant was subordinate to the Ministry of Construction of Metallurgical and Chemical Industry Enterprises. 2. This plant produced unbreakable glass called Podelochnyy (sic). The plant also manufactured plexiglass airplane cockpits, windshields for luxury auto- mobiles, and such items as ashtrays, fruit dishes, sugar bowls, ink wells, watch crystals, and red, yellow, and white cases for alarm clocks. 3. The plant layout was jas follows: (The numbers in paren- o the plantlayout on page 8 . ) 25X1 theses' refer to 78 (1) Ether section. This was a one-story building where 20 workers were employed. The following materials were used in'thisshop: sulfuric acid, acetone changridit (sic), Formalin, soda, potash, and a poisonous liquid referred to as No. 46. This section con- tained automatic control apparatus and the following machinery: 6 reaktory. These were old, Soviet-make mixing machines. 1 kholodilnik. This was a machine which cooled the ether. 1 promyvatel. This machine purified the ether. I otstoynik. This was a separator. 1 rektifikatsionnyy kalonn. This was a truing Lachine. (2) Plexiglass shop. This was a one-story building where unbxeakable white, yellow, and red glass was made. The white plexiglass was used for the airplane cockpits and automobile windows and wind- shields. The colored glass was used to make fruit dishes, ashtrays, inkwells, sugar bowls, watch crysta~s, and alarm clock oases. Sixty workers were-employed in this shop which contained the following equipment: 2 30-cubic-meter metal chambers where the ether was submitted to high temperatures. 2 cold water showers used for washing the glass. (3) Manufacturing section and chemical laboratory. This was a one- story building. The manufacturing section produced inkwells, ash- trays, sugar bowls, watch .crystals, fruit dishes and cases for alarm clocks. Various molds were used, and this shop, which em- ployed 100 workers, contained the following machinery: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 -3- 6 polishing machines. These were old and not in very good condition. \5..electric ovens. The glass was submitted to high tempera- tures so that it could be.easily shaped. ?~ r I special (spetsialnaya) machine. This machine made the cardboard boxes in which the finished products. were packed. 2 stitching (shivatnaya) machines. These.were Soviet-make stitching machines which were in good condition. The chemical laboratory which employed 20 workers contained the following equipment: I electric furnace. 2-analytical scales. 25X1 1 electric optical scale. (4) Superior quality glass shop. This was a two-story building where 40 workers were employed. Special ether from Shop No. (1) Was used in the production of superior quality glass for airplane cockpits and windows and windshields of luxury passenger cars. (5) Mixture shop. This was a one-story brick, 18 x 10 x 5 meter fire- proof structure with a flat, sheet-metal roof. This shop produced two types of mixtures, one of which was called BIAM. This mixture contained alcohol, amonia and glass fragments. The mixture was trans" ported in cylindrical aluminum containers which were,80 centimeters in diameter and 1.2 meters high. This shop contained an oven. Ten ! or twelve women were employed in the mixture shop. 25X1 (6) Garage. This was a rectangular, fireproof building, which housed 25 to 30 one and a half, three, and five metric-ton trucks. These trucks were manufactured in the Gorkiy, Stalin, and Molotov,plants. The trucks traveled to Chelyabinsk and nearby cities.' (7) Technical laboratory. This was a one-story, fireproof, brick structure with a.: sheet metal roof. This was the technical laboratory where the, heat a pd cold resisteee, consistency, and other factors concerning the glass manufactured in building, No. (2) were tested. This labora- tory,f:vihich employed a..fei~ale ?chidf engineer and four. women helpers, contained the following machinery: 1 TverdSeti Brunel (sic) Soviet-make machine which was 'used to de~eerrmine the consistency of the glass. It had been in- stalled when the plant had been opened and was in good con- dition. 1 Kapior (sic) machine. This machine tested the resistece of the glass. 1 Morozostoykoyet. This machine tested the resistance of the glass to low temperatures. 1 Teplostoykoyet. This machine tested the resistance of the glass to high temperatures. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 25X1 ('8); Dining room and infirmary. This was a two-story brick, fireproof structure with-a sheet metal roof. The kitchen was located on the first floor and the dining room which had a capacity of 50 persons 'was located on the second floor. This structure also contained the `infirmary, which employed three or four doctors and a nurse. Serious oases were sent to hospitals in Chelyabinsk. (9) Water pump installation. This was a rectangular-shaped, one-story structure which contained five small compressor pumps which were used to pump water from the Miass River to the plant in case of emergency. This installation employed six or seven workers. .(10) Warehouse. This was a one-story 25 x 10 x 12 meter fireproof cement structure with a sheet metal roof. Chemicals such as soda, potash, measuring apparatus, pressure gauges, crystal beakers, iodine, bro- mine, calcium, nickel, cobalt, and chrome were stored here. This* building also contained a basement which occupied a space which was approximately half the size of the floor space and stored such ma- terials as: alcohol, acetone, amonia, oils, tools, cork, rubber, and paper. The warehouse employed two workers. (11)' Plant Maintenance and Repair Shop. This shop was located in an 111" shaped, one-story structure. One section made spare parts for plant machinery and the electrical repair section handled electrical equipment repairs for the whole plant. The following materials were used at this plant: Alcohol, amonia, sulfurio acid, methanol, acetone, and Metakrylova Kislota No. 46 (sic) which was a toxic liquid. These materials were brought in by truck; - The plant water and power supply was described as follows: water-=was re-' ceived from the regular city water supply; in case of emergency, water was` .pumped in from the Miass River. The Chelyabinsk power plant supplied 250? volt; electricity. there was never a lack of power. 25X1 6. Finished products were wra Aped in paper and,acked in cardboard boxes which; were stamped with a red diamond and the words Pochtovyy Yashchik No. 43. 1 Transportation was by truck exclusively. Trucks used the seven to eight meter wide ulitsa Svobody which was always open to traffic and was being asphalted as it was in poor condition. Finished products were transported to a large warehouse in Chelyabinsk. 7 E loyees worked a 45-hour work week. Plant shops worked the=folll wing shifts: Shops (1) and (2) worked four six-hour shifts a dat, Shops 5 and (11) worked :--==-two:: eight-hour shifts a day, shops (3 , (4) , (6;)., ( 7 ) and 9 ) worked three' eight-hour shifts. The warehouse (10) employees worked one morning shift.' Vacations were scheduled throughout the year; the majority of employees January 1p and Maroh 8. Employees who fulfilled a mon y quota received cash bonuses of 100 to 300 rubles. 8. Security and fire precaution measures were described as follows ?~h ten plant-employed security guards wore blue uniforms with no insignias, and were armed with pistols. Two guards were stationed at the main entrance and one at the vehicle entrance during-the day; two guards and two watch dogs pat- rolled the area at night. Personnel were obliged to present a propusk at''he plant entrance. They were permitted in all installations in the plant except S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Shop (4) where special glass for airplane cockpits and luxury automobiles was produced. Ten members of the Chelyabinsk fire department were stationed in the plant to guard against fires. Shop No. (2) contained a smoking room and no smoking was permitted in any of the shops. Personnel were instructed in fire fighting and each shop contained buckets, sand boxes, shovels, hoses and. extinguishers. Personnel were given monthly lectures and tests on fire fighting procedures. 9'. The administration of the plant was set up as follows: (See chart of adminis- trative personnel on page 7 ). Director: The chief engineer, Party chief, deputy-director, personnel chief,'labor union chief, and office chief were under the supervision of the director. Chief engineer: He supervised the shop chiefs, gave them the figure-for the daily quota and-received from them an account of the amount of work accomplished daily. i - aV Vladimir Aleksdeyich; pl-- ant director. - - ?'?n - -T- - - - - - Sokolov (fnu), chief engineer. Deputy director, name unknown. Denisov (fnu), personnel chief. Y (Ihj) Victor Alekseevichj labor union chief. 25X1 25 CP chief: This man was in-charge of all Party activities such as lectures which were scheduled for the end of each month. Deputy director: He was in charge of supplies and transportation. Personnel chief: He was in charge of hiring and firing personnel. Komsomol chief: This man was in charge of the Komsomol organization, of admitting. new members, presiding at conferences, organizing excur-' sions to the kolhozy, arranging physical training courses, and ex- changing personnel with other plants so as to broaden their training." He was directly responsible to the CP Chief. Labor union chief: He took care of such personnel needs as housing" collecting salaries for those in hospitals or on vacation, petitions for higher wages and all types of work claims. i Main office chief: He was in charge of. payroll accounts, advance pay before vacations, and'shop production accounts. 10.I Ithe names of the following plant personalities: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Tatvana (fnu), engineer, chief of laboratory. Antonina Nikolayevna, chemical engineer. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 O. w: ~s r . 8 S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Chelyabinsk Plexiglaas Plant. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 vcr CITY OF CRELYABINSK The following is a legend for the overlay of Chelyabinsk (N 55-10, E 61-24) on page ii.. The overlay is based on a non-standard Soviet plan dated 1939. Scale is 1:20,000. The following numbers refer to those on the overlay. 1. New asphalt street which led to the Pervogo Maya ,metallurgical industry zone. 2. Metalurgicheskiy Zavod Ch. M. Z. (not further identified). This t, I metallurgical plant produced iron, steel, and railroad track. 3. Metallurgical plant (not further identified). 4. Metallurgical plant (not further t entified). 5. Lakokrasocbnyy Zavod (paint products plant). 6. Nursery. This was being constructed for the children of employees of the plexiglass works, referred to as Pochtovyy Yashahik No. 43- 7. Extension of ulitsa Kalinina. A new building project was under construction here. 9? New iron bridge. This structure, which was supported by reinforced- concrete columns, spanned the Miass River. The bridge was supposed to be completed by the end of October 1956. Western extension of ulitsa Kalinina. A new building project was under construction here. One of these buildings had just been inaugurated as an Air Force Officer's Academy. 10. Part-Shkola. CP training school. 11. Market. .12: Yuridicheskiy Muzey. This was the museum of natural sciences. 13.' Ten-year school. 14. Founding home. This was located at the end of Nagorneya ulitsa. 15. Tannery. Shoes and other leather items were manufactured .here. 16. Tobacco industry building. This was located on ulitsa Kirova. 17. Voennyy Gospital (Armed Forced hospital). This was anCold two-story building which was located on ulitsa Truda. 18. Offices of the military hospital. 19. Educational institute located on ulitsa Yelkina. S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 25X1 .21. Restaurant. i1 22. Plexiglass works, referred to as Pochtovyy Yashchik No. 43. This was located on ulitsa Svobody No. 2. 23. Normal school for grade school teachers. This was located on ulitsa Truda. 24. Pushkin theater. 25. Opera. This was located on ulitsa Tsvilinga. 26. Savings bank. 27. Main telephone and telegraph office. This was located on ulitsa Kirova. 28. Ten-year school. i 29. Military offices. Thes9 were located on ulitsa Tsvilinga. 30. Tsvilinga city library. 31. Main railroad ticket office. 32. Old five-story building. This contained- the offices of the CP9 militia, city officials, and courthouse. 33. Lime-plant, 34. Medical school. 35. New living quarters for high officials and military personnel. 36. Main city hall. 37. Zags (branch city hall and court). This was located on ulitsa Svobody. 38. Textile plant. This was an old two-story building; about 2,000 employees worked here. 39. Shoe plant. 40. Extension of ulitsa Lenina. Modern buildings were under construction here. 41. Aviation Academy air field. This was used for flight training. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3 Overlay of non-standard Soviet city plan ;of Chelyabinsk scale 1:20,000 41 ulitsa Kirova ---- alit sa Spart ak oCTo i-35 0-3 S-E-C-R-E T 4 O Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45300230001-3