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.INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws;: Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohiblteed-by law. COUNTRY USSR (Latvian SSR) REFiORT SUBJECT Living Conditions in Latvia DATE DISTR. /f September '1958 NO. PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 1 RD DFFINITIVF_ APPRAISAL OF CONS C., GORY" 25X1 an 18-page report on general conditions, in Latvia up to - c o er . .Although this report contains much information which has already been reported, it may be of value as a summary.of conditions with specific.examp]s of significant activities useful for comprehension of day-to-day Latvia. STATE ARMY NAVY. AIR FBI AEC (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 (ONF ETA L GENERAL CONDITIONS INLATVIA_FROM_SUMMER_195-5-TO _ -OCTOBER 1956 r Although the population of Riga is usually given by official Soviet sources as 500,000, it is actually about 1,000,000. This assertion is based on statements of high officials of the Latvian Ministry of State Control, and on calculations of the Public Education Office of the Riga City Administration. At least half of the residents of Riga,- including at most about '-litary,- are of--Russian--origin.- -Latvians-comprise - 30 per.r cent . -pf the-population of _Riga._ thenumber-of-Latvians in 25X1 and may perhaps be too low. Most of the Russians are in Riga and other large cities, such as Daugavpils, where a considerable number of Russians lived even before the Soviet occupation of Latvia,,Liepaja, Ventspils, and lelgava. In rural areas, the number of Russian residents is infinitesimal; they -are-found tnly iri-the Machine=tractor stations- as--Fell as in leading positions in-kolkhozy-and-Soviet-enterprises. A deliberate colonization _ f the country with Russians is not apparent as_yet. The unusually large increase in Russians in the cities is perhaps less a colonization-measure than a result of the rapid industrialization of the country. In Estonia. --in Vi1-jandi---and -Val-ga---du-ring-visits-to-those- cities.-On- the--other hand, the-n4mber_.ofRussians in_ Lithuania-_ is considerably-higher than in Latvia. I only Tallinn and the oil shale area nave a lot of Russians. Russians are the number of Russians is noticeably smaller than in Latvia. Actually, Concerning relations beteen Latvians and Russiand, it is difficult to regain oneself from saying that relations are hostile. Even after 12 years of Soviet occupation, no tolerable cohabitation has come about. he Latvians consider the Russians as intruders, every individual Russian, even when he doesn't belong th the ruling class. Even with little chil- -dren this--antagonism-shows-up even in families where the relationship to the.-Russians, for understandable-reasons, is-never mentioned in conversa- tion. The Russians consider themselves a master race, and behave accord- -- ingly--particularly the ordinary classeso are arrogant and insulting. CONFIDENP pears that d1fff relations- nationalities also disturbfi the 25X1 - &__ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 LGV authorities now. There are indications that 494* Russians in high positions 25X1 are attempting to suppress nationalism among the masses and to held down fur- ther penetration of Russian elembnbs.Lnto the country. in 1956 a decree was issued to the effect that 25X1 in entrance examtnations for the institute, immigrants from other republics 1would be- given-as-much- difficulty--as -possible-in- their attempts to enter the i.nstitute. There are rumors_that_it is _f orbidden- to register newly immigrated Russians with the Riga police. It should be noted that the registration with the police is not taken very seriously , and it is said that there are many residents of Riga who have not been registered. Rumors say that there are about a million people in Moscow who are not registered. There are also [attempts to meet the L tvians halfwgy as far as langu$ge is concerned. Latvian --officially-takes-precedence over Russian,--but--in--actual practice-it's a dif- ferent matter. -_ Without--knowledge- of _Russian,_a-person can accomplish nothing generally in dealing with officials, as the Russians running the offices/understand no Latvian. There is an order that Russians employed in Latvia must learn Latvian but this order is simply by the Russians. Petitions and requests 3 may be sent to governmental agencies in Latvian, eten in Moscow and other 1Soviet pities, without objection, but tbre answers are always in Russian. POPULAR SENTIMENT, RESISTANCE -- - - - - - -- -belief The Latvian segment of the population of Latvia lives in the kmq= that pow making-itself it -liberation- from the Soviet yoke will come about some day. Only this hope makes the -despair of the -present--bearable - -, a ooa ~ resignation is hope for liberation. In addition,_there_is_the clever-Soviet propaganda. One is certain that this propaganda is a bunch of lies, but after constant reworking of the same themes, something always.a in ' head, /`"o there s now a noticeable dwindling of faith in Western assistance. One gradually oses the belief that the free world will make some move or at least help katvia free itself from the Soviet yoke.- - To- some extent; this is a result of I --,--Soviet -propaganda,--which--presented--the events -in- East Berlin in 1953 and Pox nan in 1956 so that- it -appeared that the Western -Powars, especially the US, t A ' Acriitia n left the insurgents in the lurch. = Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 I T T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 I I CONFIDENT 3 Such stories are believed)= is not conducive to fixing confidence in the Western Powers. an increase in such feeling ~ is to-be-expected l1 - 25X1 V%Win Latvia after the events in Hungary LatviansiAktterly assert that the Western Powers use military means when their economic interest ~+.~v .uavvs.vvu, vuv N11LJ to u11c1110V_LVVM W.Luil CX~J1'C.`3r`1 a-matter-o-f-the-struggle-for--freedom-of-a-people: _ __ _--The_-decreased_confidence_in-the-Western-Rowers- has not resulted in abandon ment of hope for liberation and bowing down to the oppressors. The feeling is that, if no aid is to be expected from the Western Powers, we must undertake to free ourselves, as soon as favorable conditions present themselves. In this regard too, there are no illusions. Such an uprising as that in Hungary is no how possible in Latvia, as conditions are much less favorable in Latvia. The r otentia-l-force-of such-an-uprising-in-L-atvia-would-be-tfie--urban-workers-=st- who-are most sharply_in_oppo.sition to the_Bolshevik,-and_ the-students. -The farmers count almost fo nothing, as there are_practically_none but old persons, children, and women on the farms. Action by the workere could ex pect success only if whole plants revolt' but there are now a large number of Russian workers in all plants, and the relationship tween the Russiand and Latvians 1i such that the former would hardly support such an action by the Latvian- workers -Besides; Latvia Yias rio real army,- for the so\ a1Ted -Latvian can Division is-so_-saturated-with--Russians that -it -0-hardl-y be considered a national unit. 9_1 has There is nothing to indicate that the resistqnce movement xmdA become more active in Latvia. There.are no doubt small resistance groups present in the country, but in the course of the past year they have not made an appear- ance. Partisan groups are still present here and there, especially in the ?- woods-- of-north-ern Latvia. --However; they are only-small,- scattered ---group s_whose--days-are--numbered.--The-g-roues*sre-practically meaningless, and nothing is heard about any sort of activity on there_ ord of mopping-up actions by the police In autumn 1955 . , woods as partisand for a long time came out of the woods., both armed with pis- s,. and MMEft tmrned themselves in by telephone to the local office. -They were disarmed, ri after a few days,25XVase Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 J~'JI'LL,i1ff UA 'I was prodiding them with food, was not oth are said to work In a kolkhoz. The. father of one of the partisans, who to justice. That is not to say that partisans wbo surrender are not punishedp-7+but it did happen in this case. Until recently, partisans received a quite summary trial, even whe they had invitations tm give themselves up, without punishment, the-patiisana in-Dobele--had been invited-to give th selves up, with- guara*Rtees .bKat-they would--not be. punished.-- When they gave FOREIGN RADIOTBROADCASTS themselves up, they were all executed. l1 , Lately, there has been a decrease in the number of persons listen- ing to foreign radio broadcatts. This decreased interest is the result of two things. First, the activity of the jammer is now more effective than it was-formerly.- Therefore,--transmissions-are-received acceptably in Riga only .during the night..--Occasionally the-transmissions of VOA about 2045 hours, as well as Tangiers, at the same time, are audible without interference. BBC is best heard in morning on long wave. Listening at night is quite - -- -- - -a--bit--more difficult than during the day. In the countryside jamming is not as effective, but since many places do not have electic current, battery radios are necess- ary. Such batteries are hard to=emawr. Another reason for the lagging in- terest is tjre general---dissatisfaction-with-programs--of--foreign--broadcasts. - The -programs- are-severel-y-criticized.- -- The--feeling -is thatij--since listening an tails so many difficulties, and also a--certain'amount of risk, a person would like to hear what really interests him, and that is, first of all, objective information on world events. The BBC broadcasts therefore are preferred. `7.INo one cares to hear propaganda, as everyone feels that the Russians will take care of the job of making themselves unpopular. Neither does anyone cafe for church services, speeches; or declamations but synopses of world events, and above all--news, are -desired. - -Also- of--interest -would--be a series of lectures concerning the earnings of various occupational - groups in tore free world, and what can be purchased with those earnings. It would be desirable to in- trthduce the transmissions with some sort of signal, such as a sign-off melody, in order to allow time to tune in the set. ?FIDENTI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 .25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 (UNhLL%M I Oru Events inthe Soviet Union and Satellites would also be of interest, as such news is, withheld by Soviet newspapers. Now and then such news is received fro travelers who have come from other parts of the USSR. In such a manner, res- idents of Riga were Fairly well informed concerning events in Georgia in the spring of 1956. Travelers from Georgia described large student demonstrations, in which-Stalin's picture was carried by the students. The unrest-lasted for several F-~-days, and-travel- -in---and-out--of--Georgia was- halted-- for- a -few-days. THE PARTY Lately, the recruitment of new Party members had noticeably decreased. On the other hand, Party Marxism-Leninism in various courses, ____ -had-been-- Party schools, and night universities, which 7 treated much lighter last year than it was bedore, was again given increased attention. Instruction iri the night universities a n d-Party schools has been somewhat shortened, but - the-instruction-has---been intensif-ied,-and--a close- check is-kept-to--see that -all who_must underrsn--ana+.,-?r+ao~n _really do_so._ There have- been no-important-per- sonnel changes in the Party hierarchy in the past year. In Party circles, it is said that opposition sentiments are growing among youger Party members. The opposition is directed againstbthe present Party leadership, and partic- ularly agqinst the Party4Secretary, Kalnberzins, who is accused of spineless- with ens:. ness and alltp-ready compliance Moscow the Stalin era. Kalnberzins is ra -rather-uneducated-man-who- -cannot -even -write-his- own speeches.,-and and appears to have suffered a good deal lately. He-is said to have eye trouble and a bone be_losing his following-for- the-most -part.-It- is also known that a tense sit- health of the uation exists between him and Prime Minister Lacis; the latter is said to disease, supposedly of syphilitic origin. Just a few days after the close of the 20th Party Congress in Moscow, rumors Latvian Party had received the complbte text of the Khrushchev tpeech. It was kept secret and deposited in the Central Committee safe. Party members were his policies, A high Party- official stated that the Central Committee of the mimeographed g-ress, -a-f-ter-many-delegates-had-l-eft Moscowi#in-which-h-e-attacked-Sta-l-in and circulated- in--Riga -that ushchev had-made a ~ -speech --toward the end of the con- loaned the document onl t or~tjt was given - - -- - - ~ 0-~ i~} I A L 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 25X1 I cuNFIDENTIAL a#- to Party functionaries who had to explain Ythfc?newParty'lrie_:at the-plant . - assemblies and meetings which were quickly called together. The dethroning of Stalin was met with generfl jubilation, only a few Russians being upset. The removal of Stalin's portraits was undertaken at first with enthusiasm and pub- cly. In some troop units in Riga, the pictures were taken out of the barrack 11 -a lessiconspicuous.mannerx. On the corner of Gorki iela-Kirov iela opposite the HQ of the Baltic is an empty square, where MONO houses damaged war stood formerly, on which larger-than-life-size portraits of Stalin and and-piled-up-In some kolkhozy-the-pictures were carried-by-z-procession of all the kolkhozniki to- the nearest- river-and- thrown-in. -- After abouta minth, the tempo of portrait removal d3mmanamA let uP.,__44_Ctbe__pictures -disappeared in Lenin had been erected. Every spring these pictures were taken down to be re- _^ furbished. In spring 1956,-this was one, but when the pictures were put back ----up ,-Stalin'-s-picturewas-replaced-t&-th-that--of--Karl -Marx.--Stalin's-picture - is still seen in some official offices.- _ Zhukov is undoubtedly the most popular of the present leading Soviet figures. Among Russians in Latvia, Bulganin and Khrushchev also enjoy a ver- genera-1 -- - - - -- - - tain popularity, as theme view is that they represent a moderate policy, in A aggressive Stalinist line~_ contrast with the other Party presidium members, who are said to stand for 4 LOA I the -Central--Committee-of -the -Latvian Party re ar y and 4receives detailed reports of the PSUJthe -sessions--of the Central. Committee~ USSR Council of Ministers, in which all debates, as well as personal squabbles of the participants, are reported fully.. the basement of the h6use in which the CC/CILa'tvia meets, on Gorkil iela. a~~owvww~"ee~.. of the ware shown films there which are not made available to the general public. ,- a movie projection room has been established. embers - Automobi-l-e--license-numbers-of-the-Party-elite have been cti~nged this year: Instead-of_the two_zer-oes-which-stood in front-ofthe-number-previously axe- J;h ufdbers "99". The basis of the change is said to be the fact that are people were shocked to see the two zeroes which/generally used to identify toilets on the front of a license number. POLICE 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 CONFIDENTIAL The let-up in police terror which followed the fall of Beriya, is still __,trust --the__peaceful_conditions__entir_ely_,_as_ they _are_-aware -that a -return U the old state of affairs can happen any minute. There are even some Latvia^ who have taken a milder attitude toward the Russians. More and more, one hears in effect. There are no signs at present that the reinswill be tightened. Gradually people are becoming accustomed to existence as it was somewhat earlier; and especially Ft Russian are-now-be-ginning-to speak more freely, - and--to-make-criticisms.----L-atvians-are-generally-more cautious,-and-still don't use In a restaurant a who - - - --- ~ - - - -- - __ _ _ -- -- -- previously. , man wh had to wait too long for service the address begin with "Mr." or "Mrs.", as well as the "Comrade" which has been pounded on the table and shouted," I was an SS man. how lone mhst I wait ht-rn without any action being taken against him. or-service?" 19 ----That is- surely an --ceptional- case;-on-the-other-hand,-one-often-hears Russian veterans stating their dissatisfaction publicly, eg.,_"I am a veteran and have several medals, but what good does my heroism do me if my wife and children have to go hungry?" The reduction in perso) of the KGB and MVD continues. The KGB is not as _ ' -_ _.._ --__ ~---t, -- ++vaaiaa ____ . 41 VU ._ .L11 1616 ever has a ligkited window zfter 1800-hours; althou:gci only z couple"-of years -~go-the-windows-were-lighted well-into the night-.-It-is-also-striking that--one. never sees Jews in KGB uniforms anymore, tho here were many-of them previously - ---- Jews i --- --- - militiamen--in--cities -will be- reduced-j--and- that- all--of themh-will- be required to ossibly they are to be found among the plainclothesmen, since the latter are - - - _ --- - -- - "" - -- --- - '-- r---~_~.. .. ,. ,..../ ..aav vaava vaav vvwr7 YYG1 c t G~ _ - _ _ _ - - _- _ . _ .. _.. ~.~~ .. ... ~.r ......aa. ?. aav vy\.vaviv uGlii G 6a7G in militia perso A also is apparent. In the countryside a militiaman is sel, dom-seen- although they are surely present. It is- sid that the-riumber of Formerly every plant and factory was guarded by a special guard force. ave _ a middle -school._educ.ation._ his force has been replaced entirely by the militia. The plants pay the militia a certain sum to guard the factories. The militia guards wear militia Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 j uniforms. This measure is a result of the desire of o cix]: o'' to sen -l_ ( 1f VxW; flAL 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 WNhLLN I IAL ~t-~' 25X1 that all militiamen discharged freduction in force--are -pro-vided jobs., A result is a significant increase in the number of guard personnel. The Radio Factory i/n Popov formerl{ was guarded by 20 persons previously, and the present militia guard employs about twice that numher. Apparently the purging of the security forces of unsuitable elembnts is continuing. In-winter-of 195-5=56; @T-truckload of uniformed security-police was observed__going-into the railroad--station-in-Riga; they-were-under guard - and shipped out of Riga. DEPORTATION AND RETURNEES FROM DEPORTATION No mass deportations have been caiiied out for a yearsof,. nd occasional arrests of individuals, which still occur, are rather rare. At least little is now heard about such things. On the other hand, return of deportees who 1-eft in-l-9La1 and-afterwarc-is continuing.-In relation to the thousands who -_ were deported, the number-of-returnees is-sl-fight; but-one-is--continually meet- ing individual deportees who have just returned._.It__ appears- that- there.-are not as many amnestied returnees now, as there are individuals who have been released because special investigative commissions have found that they were illegally sentenced. It 1.lso happens sometimes that both reasons for release- amnesty and acquittals, or review, are used. The previous social democratic ---wommrepresentative-F-tiieridets,-had part of-his sentence cancelled as illegal __- (possession of-K.-Kautski'-.s-works}, -andth-e-rest amnestied. Among the other returnees are other well-known perso of Propaganda, A. Berzins such-As--the-wife-of-the former Minister _- - 25X1 - of police of Liepaja, Saberts, and others. Rumors have been heard in Riga to the effect that the former Minister of - War, Balodis, did not, e in the summer of 1956, but is ljpving free in the city of Vladimir. The former A Foreign-Min ster V. and-his wife, are also living there. Th alodis reside in _and Munters-receive-pensions-of-500-tubles-per-month,-they may-not uU* Latvia and can visit Latvia for_only- weeks_annuall,which-both-did in-summer--1-956- rumors to the effect that everyone in Latvia avoided the 25X1 rettnees, in order not to attract suspicion to themselves. Such is in no way the case. Neither is there any rule against employing returnees in plants CONFIDENJ and factories; it is expressly fmrbidden for plants and factories to refuse to - - -- -- - I individuals - - it having been deported. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 N( EON ADT AL can 25X1 any case, some other basis. always given for refusal to hire an individ- ual. The stamping of passes of returnees differs in various camps. In some camps, a notation is made in the pass regarding the time served in campy and in others, no notation is made. There are also cases in which -returnees-visit Latvia-and-then d--back to-the place to which they were de orte P A - 1aving-established---a-pl-ace--for-themselves-there,--and--having little chance of acquiring employment CRIMES in Latvia, which was - unusually great - The insecurity of the streets of Riga/during the past summer,._M where submachine guns--which were Initiated in summer 1956, However, it is said that .personal property rights,-such. as th.eft_-and_embezzlement.,-..have increased rather. he-patrols -are forbidden to --use- the--weapons, -The- number-of -other-violations o e up some- at..-_In_traffic violations.,- .n-the-streets-or--in-cars..,-document control-takes- suitcases suitcases lace, but a person can carry large through the streets without being stopped although this was not the case durin the summe summer-1-956: Cont-ro-l-of-dmcuments-in-th-e-stre-ets-also-has l t g g p p n gums owever, the rail oad bridges outside Riga which were guarded previously, were not guarded i The guarding of bridges in Riga by members of the border troops still goes The same holds for uardin of the over la t K _ H EW BUILDING FOR THE KGB wilding al most,,~compieted. At wasrbui1l fir the EKG , ah is suM>dsed" t'o b4 Opposite the KGB building on~St/alin` ie~.a in'"Rika, is'a large, five-story 'P ._ r---- ---. J -d, i..r -W KLd1Vv -a N-ld -D 1U Wd. . his improvement is 4OW to patrols--a militia.n with two soldiers armed with n --diving- quarters-for-the-`KGB- workers: - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORTATION The automobile inspection system under the MVD is one of the most corrupt institutions in Latvia. Since 1955 an extensive reform program has been going on employment of-specialists.,--and it-is--planned to institute a requirement that all inspectors have college education. Although the-reformcannot be considered completed, conditions in the auto inspection system have already improved considerably. For example, it is now practically impossible to get on, on the higher level as well as the technical level. The chief of auto inspection was -replaced with -a less=corrupt -official. There is- now an emphasi a driver's license by bribing the officials. However, one can still get a certifi- cate of technical examination of an auto for 100 rubles, without tpresenting-the vehicle--'-- The technical-examination-,which--still-takes-place once a year, has been made a good dell stiffer.- Examiners-no longer- are_satisfied.with a cursory. ~the slightest defect, such as look at a vehicle noting/missing windshield wipers or chipped paint as bases for refusing to approve a vehicle. They now get into the car and, drive a few kilometers to see how the vehicle functions. Examination by auto inspectors also takes place on roads and highways much more frequently this year than in iia previous years. The inspectors are not limited to certain places, but are found almost-anyplacej . ------- st- year- -there-was initiated-an--official--but-unpublished decree that every car owner must set aside a fuel reserve sufficient for Billing kkK a car tank on orders once. This decree is said to have been issued of the military. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 CONFIDENTIAL ~/ I 25X1 There has been a considerable decrease in the number of automobiles-at the vice ministers and department heads, as before, and directors of very large concerns are provided disposition of officials; pnly the ministers, no* longer official vehicles,4couldbe seen in fai arge numbers in the kola oz markets -"few thousand workers, probably 5;000: The d rector of-of Popov radio factory, official automobiles. The't;ight of a factory director to an official car depends on the number of workerE in the plant, and there m;tst be at least a -- i ich has--l-ess- than 5,000-workers,-has--no- official-car.--The chief --reason for - this measure is the lack of 1 chauffeurs, but the _extremely_ large volume -ouse of official vehicles for pe.rsonal nurnoses may a1 sn hi- a Pm.tr4 niIcl zr Qf Riga and/provincial towns--wives of directors doing their marketing. i, The quote of cars for sale in'Riga is still the same, 600 Moskvich and 250 -Pobeda$ annually -and-the-number-of-people-ori the-list-of-prospective buyers ' incr-ases--ever-yyear-.--It--is-not--sur-prising,--as_ the-Zavod malotitrazhnykh- avto- mobiley in _Moscow,_which produces the_Moskvich,--never dxceeds 130 cars per day. The. new Moskvich model costs 15,000 rubles, compared with 9,000 before, hnti improvements on the car are not of a nature to justify such a price rise. The cost price of the new Moskvich is said to be 30,000 rubles, while the - The new Pobeda costs 20;000- rubles; compared with the previous 16,000 old model could be produced for 4,000 rubles- and-is-supposed to-be-replaced-by a-new-car-call-ed tha Volga:. - ECONOMIC MATTERS :2-7. In summer 1956, ru4ors spread around Riga to the effect that economic con- ditions in the USSR had become notab1 arse, and a real dahger of inflation was in the offing. This was attributed to the increased purchasing power of the population and decrease in availability of consumer goods. Such - ~ -3~ -n 1955-1956-there-were--signs of- -unemployment- becoming apparent-in Latvtba. The price of --private--labor---tended- to_ de.cline..-Previously,- -a construction works 4 rumors als o spread among Party members. {who did odd jobs after working hours and during his vacation,. received 50 I._ rubles per day, but IllM such workers now receive 30 rubles per day. On the 3astethberg in Riga is a bulletin board, in the open square, on which informa- tion regarding the labor market is iven? the board pr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 work offers and there was seldom anyone standing around the board. Nowadays - - - - ---- - - - -25X1 there are few openings posted on the board, and there is always a group of people standing around it. AGRICULTURE -was disastrous-as far--as -harvestwas-concerned-.-- -Large--qu t ties -The grain-harvest was :-average in- mLatvia this-year-The cold, wet summer the LrAC61-1- ? 'of hay rotted in the fields. because they clot be -covered. As fodder Soviet production inALatvia, even under favorable weather conditions, has never reache" notable the required level, a4decrease in the cattle population can be expected during this winter. Another factor having an unfavoroxle effect on cattle population is the new decree on increased taxation of milk cows kept in cities, as many - -- - -" -- owners of cows now plan to dispose of their axiimals. i The city cows are Long the-best--kept in--Latvia: Kolkhoz-cattle-are-generally-in--mach-poorer- - condition and- delivermuch less milk than city_cows, The forced-cultivation of maize carried out in Latvia in 1955 was a complete failure, in spite of the hot summers and the harvest wad far below expectations. This year cultivation was not forced, and the area under, cultivation decreased sharply. was A 16 decree,\enacted last yea _, the kolkhoz administrations the right o pay out their members advances on their share the prodne~is ( he roceeds- were --previusly -pa-id out- only- once-a-year, --at-the--end of the fiscal- and to decide, hanand how much land is to go to private owners. _ yea,r)_ -The intention -of-- this decree- tms-to. arouse the--interest of_ kolkhozniki in tore prosperity of the economy, and to make them perceptibly dependable on the administration. Previously it was true that the administration had no portion of the profits. As the large majority of kolkhoz functioned misera - bly, the profits were slight and Mlllllll~ didn't inspire anyone to work. A vic- no - - - - ----- ous- circle--came-into-being=since- - ne--worked or-worked only a little, ,profits-were- lo-w..,--and.-since-profits-were.- .poor-,--no_one_was -encouraged-- to -work. - BAs far as can be determined, the purpose of the decree Las been_achieved.-_- Although modest some improvement in the position of collective economy is , to be noted here and there. Whether it will last, and extend to all kolkhozy, remains to be seen. Signs of improvement are noticeable here and there, but the situation in general is a? Qfleore. , Fa HTIAI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 CONRRDFNTI -- , L/- compulsion. It is said to be possible to get out of such an assignment, tho4. with difficulties. on departure, passports are picked up, but there have members_are__direct.ed to.the-work-by their_organizations,-more or less- under V The transport of workers from Latvia to the-N4 Lands Area in Kazakhstan and West Siberia, as well as coal mines of the Ukraine and construction work MOVEMENT TO THE NEW LANDS AREA in East Siberia, has increased sharply this year. Mostly it is volunteers who take up this work, end predominantly Russians It-is generally said in drive -Riga -that- the-amt-is-directed- -ma.inly-toward -the- -Russians. --Party -and- -Komsomol been a number of individuals who were able to return to Latvia soon./7 advisable for one reason or another to change their place of residence, or those to whom the relatively -freer -andd-less-restricted lifer-in-the fit} Lands--sounds better than life at - home,-and--these-make- up-the--majority-of--the -volunteers.--_-Some .take--off for the unknown purely--for the adventure. The volunteers are individuals who find it The harvest in the / Lands is said to have been quite good.last year. However, a lot of it is said to have been lost because of lack of transport. This year the harvest is supposed to. be even better, and it is asserted that transport facilities are in a better position to handle the sob. It is not will handle the job successfully. impossible that they --- - - - --- -- - twice at the Popov Radio Factory. StakhaVovite is an outdated term which has been replaced with the phrase "pirmrindnieks", or first-class worker. The new designation is applied to persons who work not only more than the others, 1 --- Exploitation--o-f--workers continues undim n shed in industry.-Norms-are---- _ generally reviewed every-year,--and always raised. Last winter nibrms were raise from the standpoint of norms, but also better. The pirmrindnieki have the right to deliver their work without submitting it to technical -examination.- 1"STATE ? LOAN The stateLoan-requirment-hasbeen .rgised somewhat this year. The lowest norms, three weeks' wages,-may be paid only by those persons earning no more than 400 rubles monthly. The new pension law has received general acceptance. ---- ----- --- BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION CNaH 'AL The construction of a, to replace the pont.nn 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 C~NNF!DENT! J. r 25X1 d set up in two other j aces as bridges, first, from the right bank of the ,oved sligliy northward, will be taken apart after the new bridge is completed, bridge is well under way. All stanchions bit one are finished, and the roadway is under construction from the left bank. The pontoOn bridge, which has been , -Heft-bank; at -the-end-of - Oskara--iela-, and- second, from Tvaiku niela to -Kundzin augava s o m e w h e r e in the M o s c o w S u b u r b , to Zaku ala and from there to the ala,_ Ther_e_-i.s-.also--.something-in_ the-wind_about-building_a-bridge . across the ---railroad-bridge-has--been-built oirer-the-ing River-near-the -Rigas- Audums Facto- augava north of the Gorki,,`ridge,to end at the cement factory on the left L The question of whether or'not theGorkik,,~ridge, which is too narrow and eak for traffic, will be left up after completion of the new bridge, is not won. It appears that this question has not been decided. Anew. massive- a branch of t -in_order to-carry/_the_Riga-Valka.-railroad-line.over_the--river.This branch cads to the new thermal electric power,station and serves to supply the statio with peat from the Zedal Peat Plant at Valka. The construction of a concrete bridge-over the Lielupe River-at Ka n _ciems, at the point wher-e-the 'hi:ghwzy from K''ileiems touches-xon the- Lielupe, also said to have begun. At least the investigative work has been done it - --The--extension-of the--diesel-factory-continues,-a nd-a-number---of-workshops.-hav been added. The construction of the power plant on the Daugava at Plavinas is has been deciddd to build a new bus station in Riga near the kolkhoz skyscraper but no work has been done on it as yet. On the Morison Mountain in Baldone an said--to be-under way already._ BIER-CONSTRUCTION' astronomical observatory will be built for the Academy of- Sciences. COMMUNICATIONS-WITH-OTHER-COUNTRIES- -- - - In summer 1956, -excursions-to foreign -countries -were undertaken from the Soviet Union forthe first time ,_.and_a few Latvians -took part. These trips were publicized widely, just as tourist in general is publicized now. The ex- cursions were organized by Inturist, and anyone wishing to take part had to a person was allowed to go. It is not true that onl o fists were given apply there. After a short time, an answer was received saying whether or not Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A044100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 permission to go. sion to go on the trips. -The-trips >t not expensive-the European tour are stood_on -a- good-footing- with the-Communists Kalnins,- kmmc-the European -trip; heir not- 2-Party -member, btrb- he snap- always was refused permission to take ?Yiag in summer 1956. For example, the famous ~atvian/painter, Ed. several non-Corn unist~ (received permis- only more prominent personalities received permission to go bn the European ours marine 25X1 costAK only 1400 rubles per person. Participants had to take special courses in deportment and equip themselves for the trip.according to the instructions of the bureau (Inturist), which cost more than the whole trip did, fox furs-created quite a; stirt-in-t"Yie straets of -Paris: Latvia is -not-- quite - -as-tightl-y-seal-ed-ll lN;lt-off--f-rom--abroad-,-and-it -is--now-admitted- fairly often that eyen thecapita,listiccountries have made many advances, which the Soviet Union is obliggd to recognize. Foreign technical journals are displaye now in libraries--e.g., in the library of the Academy of Sciences iniiRigz. -- - --- ---- for- It is also permitted for indivisuals to subscribe to foreign journals, the time being only _ - __ those of Satellite countries. Both scientific and gim belles efface works -from EstbGerma`ny are now sold inrRiga, and ire very-popular;-as hey--are-less--colorless-and-more-interesting- than- the-native-product.--Russian 25X1 medical journals are not seen too often in Latvia. There is a large demand in Riga for foreign fashion magazines, which canno be purchased there, and are acquired only from private parcels received from abroad. An indivmdual having a foreign -ashion magazine was trying to make a long-distance- call-in Riga-in--summer-l956-;----With the thought of speeding up thwservice-and-going-ahead.of_others_who_were_waiting to make calls, he let one- of_the ope. rators- look--at it. The result was that all the operators gathe ed around the magazine and started copying the patterns, so no one could get a call placed.for an hour. t , - ISCELLANEOUS 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 JIMS It is said that the Russian women dressed up in long silk dresses and silve i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 rVDEN1 TSAL-1-7 - a For the first time in a long time, a IM of/subscribers was published in 1956. in Riga. It differs from previous telephone books innthat a number MISCELLANEOUS _-directory telephone of telephone numbers previously considered secret were published. E.@., the -the sobering-up station is located near the kolkhoz market, and only persons found falling-down--drunk-in the--streets-are-admitted there.- Treatment-there costs _ 40_ rubles per_day._____ numbeisof the serum station and the Sobering-up station were considered secret; In the Daugava and the outlet of the Lielupe into Riga Bay, navigation directions and lights were placed this year-they were not there last year. In Meza Parks, or the Park of Cultuee and Rest, a children's railway has been built. It is a true copy of the real thing, with station buildings, -__-_Apar_t-_from_scarce_items_which_ibne_either_ does without,- or-- gets; seldom, expensively, and in very po!r_quality, e.g, wool material, shoes, and the stockings, J' commoditjms situation in Latvia can be considered bear~Lble.? LIV--ING-EXPENSES------ end is said to have cost 3 million rubles. The relatively favorable situation which existed during Malenkov's tule has not returned. since. The dominant trait in the commodity supply is the milk delivery also AMIRM, while milk was readily available during the summer the bread problem was especially bad,_fis bread was ordered from the city, and- had fallen down irregular delivery. At times a certain commodity, sugar. for example, is avail-able-inn abundance-,and--theri there suddenly is rio -suhar to be had for'-a while,---In--Octoberl956,--there-was-little-bread to-be had; in the countryside, I----sugar has vanished from the market, sausages are few and far between. In summer the supply situation was rather tolerable, but in October it became a good deal worse. -Cheap poor-quality -wool materials-are-available: -So are shoes in the higher-pr-ice-range- 350 for-men,--450--for-ladies,---which--are--rather- good. - The -- year, and cement is practically . This is reflected in the chronic lack of construction materials worsened consider_ablj< b4-over-r -the-last Iblack market, and the prices demanded by truck drivers for building materials higher than last year. The demand for building materials i mnnv nnw_$nmi 1 v dwA11,'_nLTs are being built in the Riga area, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0 I. 25X1 25X1 CONF!DENTI for which one is given land by the city administration. Materials supplied by truck drivers are all stolen. Item: Eggs ugar -- !Rye bread ite bread Salt ;Cream of wheat Sausage L"hocola.te -candy- - Chinese silk Cement Wool material----- Ggsoline Taxi ride -I-- LPhaltinfd of roads 1 Bus (purchased by city Official: Black market: 56 k. each 1.5-2 r each 7-10-r/kg 13-16 r/kg r/kg -- r/kg (hard to get 1-2 r/kg 7 r/kg 10 r/kg 12-28 r/kg 30-80 r/kg 100-500-r/meter 60-80 _r/m 550 r/sub m 300-400 r/ton 400-500 r/cu m 1200 r (Cost only 800 r at first, the -went--down-to_600 ri)-_-- - - - 800-2200 r 1 r/liter 50 k/i 1.5 r/km 1 r/km 500,000 100,000200,000 r/km -C IMFIDENII A L-- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44100380001-0