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June 18, 1958
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This material ooatsins laformatioa s3eetin8 the Nattonal DKenN of the IInitsd States within the meaning of the lspioasge Irws, Title
18, II.A.~. eea. 7il sad 794, the tranamissioa or revetation of which !a any manner to sn unsuthorlred person 1s prohibited by Lw.
Expansion and Long-range Planning
of Plante of the Main Administration
of Hydrocarbons up to 1975
long- a anni for ants under the Main Administrati of ~ alr
The material includes the following;
a. VEB Kombinat Otto Grotew~L Boehlen. Open-pit lignite ffining of ~ g~
the combine is to increase from 9 million tons in 1957 to 11 millli
tons in 1960 and 12 ffi1l.ion tons in 1975. The briquette plant's
'capacity is to be expanded by 320 tons per year of lignite briquet
/ The gas works are to be expanded to a capacity of from 285 ffi11ion
~/ cubic meters to 535 ffillion cubic meters as of 1963. The pojrer
plant will be expanded. .The hydrogenation installation `t3.]1. nojt be
b. VEB Kc4nbinat Espenhain. The development of the open-pit ffining
operations till depend on requirements for raw. lignite and thisl
point is expected to be clarified after discussions with State
Secretary Johannes Kier. The construction of a new gl~s plant nit
J Espenhain would require additional investments, such ~s the con-.~
struction of a new briquette-plant and the installations of a 1
number of new boilers. On the basis of economical consideration,
this is not recoanmended.
production a further 300 atu compressor for hydrogen is to be greeted.
This. will give an average yearly througtL?put increase (Durchsatlzsteigerung)
to 7Q0,000 tons. Zeitz cannot relinquish the production of lubricants
derived from lignite tar processing,since the production of lubricants
in Luetzkendorf on the basis of Tuymazy crude oil does not yield
sufficient quantities of high-viscosity oils. The expansion of the
bright stock installation at Zeitz is necessary.- Requirements of the
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. -
automobile industry will necessitate an early decision concerning
a site for the erection of a large additive-producing plant.
Hydrierwerk Zeitz is recommended by the Administration as the choice
for this site.
d. S~rithesewerk Schwarzheide. The Fischer-Tropsch installation, now
working with normal pressure is to be converted to medium pressure,
changing the emphasis from fuel production to the production of
organic chemical material. The necessary synthesis gas will, in
future, come from the Kombinat Schwarze Pumpe. The processing of
crude oil in the cracking plant will be expanded, as of 1960, to
a production of 320,000 tons per year.
e. VEB Mineraloelwerk Luetzkendorf. The development of the Luetzkendorf
installation is to begin with an input (Einsatz) capacity of 700,000
crude oil per year. In the first stage of expansion, as-of 1959,
the distillation plants will operate partially. Full capacity
operation will be possible in 1960 only when the loading and unloading
facilities, rail installations, tanks, etc. are completed. The new
construction of the lubricant plant is to be finished by the end of
1962. After 1960, Matzen (Austria) crude oil will not longer be
available as raw material and Tuymazy crude oil will be processed
exclusively; distillation capacity will be increased over the original
plan for 500,000 tons pe.r. year to 700,000 tons per year (von 500 auf
700 Tt im Jahr). various points to be considered
as a result of the change in raw material. Distillation capacity can
be expanded without significant modifications of the other installa-
tions. Leona, which is building an atmospheric distillation plant for a
throughput (Durchsatz) of 1 million tons per year of Tuymazy crude.oil.~
will pipe the Topp residue to Luetzkendorf through a 15-km pipeline
for further processing. Leona intends to process all residues which
Luetzkendorf cannot use (crude paraffin (Gatser.) and bitumen) into
coke and gas, as well as refine Luetzkendorf gasoline.
f. Rositz. The capacity is being expanded by present construction of a
fourth cracking pant. The obsolete low-temperature plant (Schwelerei)
is expected to close down by the end of 1.958.
g. VEB Kombinat Goelza~a. Tnten.sive investigation has shown that it will
be more economical to supply Goelzau from its own pits. Prior. to
1975, it will n.ot be feasible to close down the operations of this
plant, and tine Main Administration has recommer..ded the start of
mining operation iy~ parts of the Zoerbi.g mine fields.
h. VEB Paraffinwerk "Vorwaerts". For the expansion of hard paraffin
production it is planned. to use the increased yield of Luetzkendorf
crude paraffin for the production of gg-paraffin.
i. VEB Teerdestillati.on and Chemische Fabrik Erkner. Expansion of the
Erkner plant is no'c envisaged.. Processing of bituminous crude tar
will continue to bF ~;hF~ chief operation. of this plant. The processing
of crude phenol w~l.l be sUSpended i.n the interest of an improved.
water supply ':o Berlin.. This production. wil.1 probably be transferred
to the VEf~ Le~:~na=Werke 1PWalter U.lbricht."
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j. VEB Montanwachsfabrik Voelpke. The improvement of the hard gloss
wax production is planned. These improvements will make it possible
for the plant to assume the production not carried out at Dessau.
k. Used Oil Processing Plants in Freital, Klaffenbach, Mittelbach, and
Nordhausen. These plants have no future. Their partial close-down
is envisaged. It is expected that only one plant will remain in
operation for the manufacture of special oils. Oil regeneration
will be transferred to Luetzkendorf eventually.
1. Erdoelkombinat. Existing facilities are insufficient to cover the
requirements planned for the production of fuel and heating oil after
1965. The erection of an oil combine with a processing capacity
of 8 million tons is recommended. During the first stage of
construction to be completed in 1966, processing of 2 million tons
of crude oil per year is envisaged. The selection of the site will
depend on transportation facilities. Construction should begin in
1961. The technological facilities of the plant should comprise
the following;
Topp Distillation
Hydr?genating refining plant
Regeneration plant (Reformanlage)
Varga cracking process
Vacuum distillation
Lubricant plant
Bitumen plant
Petrochemical section
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