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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A042200050001-7 ROCESS1NG C::" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited, by law. S -E -C -R -E -T COUNTRY East Germany DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REPORT Long-Range Plan ?to"Expedite the Develop- DATE DISTR.. 14 MAY ment of Automation Technology in-East Germany in 1957-i 96o C' aed. ~ v NO. PAGES 14. REFERENCES SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. The following information has been excerpted from a photocopy of a di25X1.ve entitled "Long-Range Plan to Expedite the Development of Factory Measuring, t Control, and Regulating Technology'-'(Perspektivplan zur schnelleren Ent- wicklung der Betriebsmess- Steuerungs- and Regelungstechnik), signed by Rudi Mueller, Deputy Minister of General Machine Construction, and Heinz Knop9 for Trautmann (fnu), Head of the Main Administration Factory Measuring, Control, and Regulating Technology (HV BMSR) of the Ministry of General Machine Construction. The document is not dated, but several instances indicate that it was probably prepared in. the summer of 1957. There are-js,Q four main sections: I. Technical Application of Measuring, Regulating, and Control Installations in the Nationalized Economy II. Organization of the Industry III. Development of the Enterprises of the HV BMSR IV, Measures for Expanded Production in 1958 1. A long-range plan to expedite the development of automation technology was recommended in a decision of. the Kollegium of the Ministry of General Machine Construction, dated 24 April 1957. Subsequently, on 3 June 1957, the Minister for General Machine Construction'decreed that'.space should be made avail- able to the HV BMSR in the Karl-Marx-Stadt area. As-a result of these two actions, the long-range plan was prepared. 2. Main Section I of the plan outlines the application of automation equipment to the following industries: coal; power; metallurgy; chemistry; synthetics and rubber; cement, glass and ceramics; construction; machine tool; traffic; 'donveya s. ('t"r thspo -b) ; L ood;. electronics , V Main Section II describes the organization of t h n 'r t!strv and the responsi- 25X1 bility of the Main Administration to the industi-V_ Tn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A042200050001-7 INFORMATION -:,REPORT INFORMAT.110N REPORT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 a. The three basic responsibilities of the HV BMSR are: (1). Counseling and guiding functions in connection with the installa- tion of factory measuring, control, and regulating installations in all industrial branches of the nationalized economy. (2). Projecting and assembly of factory measuring, control, and regulating installations in already existing or still to be erected facilities in all industrial branches of the national- ized economy. (3). Guidance of (a) enterprises subordinate to the HV BMSR, and (b) enterprises which belong to the_factory..measuring, control, and regulating technology industrial branch but are not under the jurisdiction of the HV BMSR. (1). New Technology Sector - for the development of factory measuring, control, and regulating installations. (2). Consultant Sector - for the direct guidance of enterprises which are subordinate to the HV BMSR and those which belong to the factory measuring, control, and regulating technology industrial branch but are not under the jurisdiction of the HV BMSR. c. Priority tasks of the two sectors of the HV BMSR are: (1). The New Technology Sector has a counseling function in connection with the installation of factory measuring, control, and regulating equipment in facilities already in existence or still to be constructed, in order to achieve a maximum mechanization and automation of the various industries. The following two enterprises assist it in its functions: (a). VEB WTBG-I. Formerly the coordination department ,-)f the VEB Wissenschaftlich-Technisches Buero fuer Geraetebau (Scientific- Technical Bureau for Instrument Construction) (WIBG), this is to be an enterprise, with the following responsibi- lities: (i). Coordination of all research and development work in the field of factory measuring, control, and regulating technology for all enterprises of the industrial branch. (ii). Evaluation of he r cuirct Tents 'of. the economy coliected in the New Technology Sector and implementation of necessary basic research. (iii). Execution of surveys concerning the types of factory measuring, control, and regulating equipment (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic) proposed for use in new installations. (iv). Central documentation center for the entire industrial branch. (v). Central office for international cooperation for the entire industrial branch. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 (yi).' Guidance and coordination of enterprise development bureaus and preliminary work on patents for the entire industrial branch. (vii). Central office for standardization and norms for the entire industrial branch.. . (b). VEB Projektierungs- and Anlagenbau.(See paragraph 4, b, below) (i). Projecting and assembly of complete installations for all industrial branches of the national..-+.. economy. (ii).Seivicing and maintenance' of factory measuring, control, and regulating equipment for-all branches of the national', economy, including customer service,::; (iii). Results.-achieved during the projecting work which pertain to new installations are.turned.over to WTBG-I for fur- ther development. (iv). All production orders developing out-of the projecting work are to be transferred to the appropriate enter- prises. (c). The establishment of VEB WTBG-I and VEB Projektierungs- und Anlagenbau is to. be concluded by the end of 1958,, so that the necessary coordinating work for the factory measuring, control, and regulating equipment industrial branch can be handled in 1959 (2) ) The Consultant Sector, s. tasks y otid .b sic n. 1'1T- to th::, rosponsLbi1iti e's of similar groups in other main administra- tions of the Ministry of General Machine Construction. In general, its responsibilities are to'guide;and supervise all enterprises, not only those under the HV.BMSR, which Produce factory measuring, control, and regulating equipment.. 4. Main Section III describes the planned developmeht'of enterprises under the juris- diction of HV BMSR. a. VEB Wissenschaftlich-technisches Buero fuer Geraetebau, Berlin (WTBG-II) (See paragraph 3 above.) When the coordination department of the WTBG, as it has heretofore existed, is separated from the main enterprise during 1958, it will be known as WTBG-I; the main scientific industrial enterprise will be called WTBG-II. (1) WTBG-II is to be a scientific industrial enterprise for electronic measuring, regulating, and control technology, with the responsi- bility for developing electronic automation equipment. The production capacity of the enterprise is to be confined tb the production of prototypes, zero-series of items developed by the enterprise, and special items which are not produced in'.series. There must be space Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 / 4~qf ? available for a yearly production worth about 10 million.DME. Items developed by WTBG-II are to be transferred to other enterprises, such as the VEB (K)'Pruefgeraete.Weida, VEB Frankonia Beierfeld, etc., for series production. The tasks of the,WTBG-II-will be as follows: (a). Development, zero-series production, and special installation production of electronic regulating equipment, especially for the power, metallurgical, and.coal industries. (b). Development, zero-series production, and:special production of electronic control equipment, especially for remote-control and power vehicle control (diesel reverse control: Dieselumkehr- . steuerung) Development, zero-series production, and special production in the field of magnetic amplifiers. (d). Development and zero-series production in the field of electronic factory measuring and control installations (controlling and regulating interval calculator: Kontroll-,und Regelspannenrechner). (2).' Production will-develop as follows (in million,DME): -1957 1958 1959 1960 Total 6.0 7.0 0 10.0 (3). The following measures will be taken to implement the above program: (a). The entire research and development sector is presently located.. on the premises.of the VEB'Werk fuer.Fernmeldewesen (WF), Berlin-Oberschoeneweide. -This space is needed by the WF factory, so another site must be found for the WTBG. To date, this search for a relocation has been fruitless; a new building commensurate with the size of the enterprise must be under construction by 1959 at the latest, if new premises are not founds (b). The production sector is located in.the.forme.r Eltros factory, which .was taken over by the.main administration in 1956. The present available production capacity is.a maximum of 7 millionIDME per year, for prototypes, zero-series, and special production, even though the former Eltros production was largely transferred elsewhere. Another site must be found, in conjunction with the research.and development relocation effort, and construction .work begun by 1959. (c). For these two-projects, for which no preliminary planning has yet taken place, a total outlay of 4.5 million.DME=has been set by the main administration. (d). Subcontracted development tasks in.the field of high fre- quency meteorology.are to be transferred.to the.VEB Funkwerk .Koepenick. (e). The production of wristwatches, which currently accounts for about .1 million.DME, is to be phased out by the end.of 1958. M. The Coordinating Department is to be :attached.;. tQ. ._i the main enterprise. Modifications will be made in.the main enterprise to provide space for the department. until it . is. relocated. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 b. VEB Frojektierungs- und.Anlagenbau,.Teltow (1). This enterprise is to be established in 1958 on the.site of.the VEB Geraete- und.RegT erwerke (GRW), Teltow. It will be made up of of the pyrometric (waermetechnische) departments of the district (Bezirk) offices of the. IM Anlagenbau. A two-story building, to cost 1.2 million;DME;-with about 1,800 square meters of floor space, is to be constructed in 1959. Pending. completion of the new building, the enterprise is to be . allocated. space in the GRW buildings. O). The VEB Projektierungs- und.Anlagenbau is to execute.all projecting and assembly work. Projecting departments presently belonging to the GRW, Messgeraetewerk-Quedlinburg, WTBG, Werk fuer_Signal- and Sicherungstechnik.Berlin, and.Intron.Leipzig.will.be transferred administratively to the-new enterprise. After the . constructionof the new building, all.of the departments will be physically consoli- dated in the one location. (3). Assembly work in 1960 isestimated.at 17 million DME. c. VES Geraete- und.Reglerwerke Teltow (GRW)' (.l).' The GRW is to be a production enterprise with.a research and development program commensurate with the size of the enterprise. When construc- .;tion work is concluded, the following tasks will be handled: Development and production of hydraulic and combined hydraulic regulating equipment. (b). Development,and production of pneumatic low=pressure and normal- pressure measuring and regulating equipment for the power,. metal- lurgical, construction materials, and other pertinent industries. (c). Development.and production of volumetric flowmeters.of various types. (2). Production of tachometers and. chronometers is to be shifted to Frankonia Beierfeld. (3). Subcontracting work, including navigation equipment, oscillating measuring and geophysical instruments, will be retained, inasmuch as the transfer of this production is presently not feasible. (1+). Production will develop as follows (in million DME): 1957 1958 1959 1960 Total Automatic temp- 33.5 36.5 .1+2.0 51+.0 erature and pressure regula- tors 11.2 11.o 18.0 25.0 Volumetric flow- meters - 1.2 3.0 .7.0 Miscellaneous control and measuring equip- ment 1+.9 3.0 Precision special equipment 9.6 9.0 9.0 9.0 Assemblies 1+.3 5.5 7.0 9.0 . S-E-C -R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 -6 (5). The following measures will be taken to implement the above program: (a). Physical concentration of the equipment. sector in the building to be erected,. in order-that the subsequent transfer of this production may be carried out more.smoothly. (b). Available production areas,. especially in the regulator building, are to be rearranged so that a production cycle in the manufacture.of,hydraulic and.combined hydraulic regulating equipment can be carried out. -This is essential. since at the present time manual labor is invblved.and the.available pro- duction capacity is only about 40% utilized. This rearrangement is to be completed by 30 July 1957. (c) Establishment of the production of pneumatic low-pressure and and.normal-pressure. measuring and regulating equipment, in a production area of about 2,000 square-meters. The construction of this production area is. to start:..in.1957. (d). The construction of a production area of.about 1,500 square meters for the taking over of volumetric flowmeter production, in conjunction with the merger with the VEB.Messgeraetewerk Treuenbrietzen. The construction work is to be completed by 1959 at the latest,,, (e). The VEB.Messgeraetewer'i ?Treuenbrietzen is to be incorporated into the GRW as,an industrial and cooperating component. (f). The construction of the first part of a heating plant is to be started in 1958. The heating plant is essential for the pneumatic regulator production. The present eight heating units are.being utilized to capacity; d.'.VEB.Messgeraetewerk Treuenbrietzen (1). To be associated= with , the "GRW -in 1959, 'upon the completion of all preliminary work. An expansion of the-production of this enterprise is not planned. The production program is as follows: (a). .Complete components for hydraulic-regulators produced for Teltow. (b). Assemblies (Baugruppen) for volumetric flowmeters, the pro- duction of which.is being shifted from Messgeraetewerk Quedlinburg to Teltow. (c). ,Mechanical tension, thermometric, and recording instruments; In this instance, further.development is to be continued.- at Treuenbrietzen. (d). Metallic plate-type (oil) filters (Spaltfilter) for the automobile and-aircraft industries. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 25X1 (2). Production is to develop as follows (in million DME): 1957 1958 1959 196o 5.2 5~5 .6.0 7.0 (3). The following measures are to be taken to implement the above program: (a). Shift of production of gas analysis devices, estimated at about 300,000 DME, to the VEB Junkalor Dessau. (b). Shift of production of mercury float.flowmeters (Queck- silber-Schwimmermengenmesser) to the VEB Messgeraete- und Armaturenwerk Karl Marx (MAW), Magdeburg. (c). Technological reorganization of the enterprise to assume production of component assemblies for hydraulic regulators and of volumetric flowmeters. e. VEB Messgeraetewerk Quedlinburg (1). This is to be a production enterprise with a research and develop- ment program commensurate with the size of the enterprise. Upon completion of construction work., it will manufacture direct temper- ature control equipment, pneumatic regulators, and combined electric-pneumatic regulators. (2). Priority tasks are: (a). Development and production of electric-pneumatic measuring and regulating equipment for the rubber, climate technology (Klimatechnik), chemistry, liquor and foods industries. I'- (b). Development and production of pneumatic normal-pressure measuring and regulating installations for the above industries. (c). Development and production of direct temperature control equipment including cold-control regulating equipment (kaelte-technische Regelgeraete). (d). Development and production of pneumatic adjustable elements (Steliglieder). (3). Production is to develop as follows (in million DME): 1957 1958 1959 1960 Total 21.3 24.5 27.0 34.0 Cast iron (ton) 300 450 450 450 Electric measuring equipment 1.4 0.8 - - Automatic temperature and pressure regulators 6.8 10.0 17.0 23.0 Control and measuring equip- ment 7.9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 (4), No subcontracting work will be handled in 1960. Subcontracts presently being executed are to be shifted as follows: (a). Production of mechanical automatic thermometers and combination measuring equipment, estimated at 3.2 million DME, to VEB Frankonia Beierfeld, (b). Speed measuring program, estimated at 2.4 million DME, to Beierfeld, (c). Electric indicator and recorder production, based on galvanometer principle, estimated at 1.4 million DIM, to MAW Magdeburg. (d). Volumetric floimeter production, estimated at 1.8 million DE,, to GRW Teltow, (5), The transfer of production elsewhere will release about 2,500 square meters of space, which will be used for increased production of thermoregulators. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/13: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42200050001-7 - 99 - (6). The.following measures are to be taken to implement the above program: (a). Technological reorganization to utilize space released by the transfer of the electropneumatic measuring equipment and - regulator production; this is planned to result.in a 3000 increase in production. (b). Technical reorganization and increased production of direct thermoreglilators and pneumatic regulator fittings, to result in a 250% production increase. (c). New construction of a 2,300 square meter production area, to be utilized for pneumatic measuring and, regulating equip- ment production (Building 52). The projecting of this construction program (260,000 DME) is:.to be realized in 1957. The completed design is to be ready for execution by the third quarter of 1958. (d). Enlargement of the present special fittings foundry-'to provide for the increased production of regulator fittings. The design is to be r+o'ected in 1957 and to be flurried oui; cos., are in 1958. Cons.truc>ti estimated at x+00,000 DME). to be made available in 1958. (e). Enlaxg:erxE the projecting and development buildings, to meet the requirements of the'enlarged.development sector, will cost about 105,000,DME. `The-funds. are to be made avail- able in 1957 by the HV`BMSR. This will conclude:. the construe- tion and