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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1958
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 ^~ ~r~:~r.~.rr_~ ~I t?1 11111111111B.',4444 i III - { ?:.: _ ? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PROCESSING cOPY_ This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United SO- ;he, meaning of '^e r s;~ on e ass, DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. VEB Chemische Werke Buna, Schkopau: Prod-acts and Industries Using the Products DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 17 AIR:; 4 1. During the past few yearsl the entire plant of VEB Chemische Werke Buna, Schkopau, has been altered in such a way that, in the flow of production, the individual producing sections are mutually interdependent. This makes it ever more difficult to put newly-developed products into production. A system of pipelines was installed in the plant to be used in convey" Are the products of one section on to the next one, etc. 2. However, since the alteration of the factory took place one of the biggest difficulties in the way of a normal flow of production has been the lack of an assured supply of raw materials and of sufficient reserves of raw materials. Furthermore, the rate of replacement of parts for machinery which was obtained from the West is unsatisfac o ry an i -th.L s-ruffi- cultie s e Products Being Developed as of July 1957 3. As of July 1957 the following products were being developed at VEB Chemische Werke Buna, Schkopau: a. Buna S 4 T: a plastic synthetic rub1er with high impulse resistance. Its principal application will be in the manufacture of tires, cable, hose and conveyor belts. b. Epoxide resin: a solvent-free adhesive which hardens with the addition of hardeners and under the influence of heat without any loss of substance,~% c. Varnish raw material Lackrohstoff) PVJ (?): a varnish binding agent whietti- is suitable for rust protection and other special-purpose varnish uses. This product can be combined with various other varnish raw materials. STATE 1(Not.: AEC 'i 25X1 I N FORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 d. Polyvinyl alcohol Schkopau 80: a polyvinyl alcohol of an especially high degree of polymerization; especially suitable for the optical industry. e. PVC-SP Schkopau: a suspension of polymeride which is practically nonwater- absorbing and of great value for the electrical industry, especially for the manufacture of high-grade cable and transparent foils. f. Vinalit SP 80: a Perlon polymeride (Perlpolymerisat) of vinyl acetate with a high K value. It differs from Vinalit SP 60 in having a higher fusing temperature. g. Polyester: a casting resin (Gussharz) for the manufacture even of large parts without using presses and with small tool cost. In combination with glass and other fibers, very high mechanical characteristics are achieved. h. Polyethylene: the well-known injection die-casting material (Spritzguss- material with capabilities for universal processing and application: for example, flexible foils, cable, rust protection and numerous products for use in daily life. 4. The following is a list of the products of VEB Chemische Werke Buna, Schkopau, arranged according to types of products: a. Synthetic rubber: Buna S 3 Band Buna S 3 KrUmel (lump) Buna SS 3 Band Buna SS 3 Kri mel Buna S 4 Buna S 4 L Buna S 4 T PVC Schkopau, type F PVC Schkopau, type GN PVC Schkopau, type G PVC Schkopau, type J/F PVC Schkopau, type J/G PVC Schkopau, type J/GN PVC Schkopa~i, type K PVC Schkopau, type P PVC Schkopau, type R Buna So 40 Buna 85 Buna N Band Buna N KrUmel Buna NN Band Buna NN Krlimel Buna NW PVC-SP Schkopau Polyacrilnitril Polyamid AH Schkopau Polystyrol BW, transparent Polystyrol EF Polystyrol EF'S Polyvinyl alcohol Schkopau Plastic lead seal sub stance (Kunststof.fplom'oenmasse ) Injection die-casting substance (Spritzgussmasse) K c. Buna and Pl.ast.-x c Latices: Acrylic DA, approximately 400 Acrylic, DAS, approximately 40% Bunalatex: S 3 special, approximately 35% Bunalatex. S 3 35% Bunalatex SS special, approximately 50% Vinalit D 50 Vinalit DC 3920 Vinalit DC 44/11 Vinitex, approximately 50% Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 d. Additives- Stabilizer L Thickener AN e. Adhesive Resins and Varnish Binding Agents: Acrylit L Phthalopal BU Chlorbuna M Rubresin B Pervinan 100 % Vinalit SP 60 Perms!nan, approximately 80%, in toluol Vinalit LE, 40/60% Vinalit LE 6040% Vinalit MPS f. Solvents: Acetone, chemically pure Dioxane Ethyl acetate 98 100 % Isopropanol Ethyl acetate, approximately 75% Solvent B 17 Ethylene chloride, distilled Methyl acetate Ethyl glycol Butanol B' .tyl acetate 85% Butyl butyrate Perchlorethylene Relntuol Trichlorethylene go Softeners for Plastic Substances and Plasticizers for Rubber Mixtures: Palatinol AH Plasticizer FON Palatinol C Plasticizer RA Plasticizer 32 h. Synthetic Oils: Transmission oil Motor oil 50 Mot. 12 Refrigerator oil Motor oil 50 Mot, 15 Motor oil 50 Mot. T Motor oil 50 Mot. 10 i. Products for Treating and Finishing Textiles: Appretex. AW Appretex A Appretex W Appretex c Bunalatex SS special, Diazopal 0 Diazopal 0, concentrated Emulsifier NF., solifole i4 oil Fluval L9 highly concentrated approxlmately 5;0% Lychromal A Bunalatex S 3, approximately 35% I}ycrromal D Bunalatex S 3 special, approxi- mately 35% Pera.l 0 Polyvinyl alcohol Schkopau Sapal L, concentrated Sapal W Sapal W, highly concentrated Nekal BX, dry Peral 0, highly concentrated Seral NT Seral FK Seral M Paste Seral S Stabilizer L Thickener AN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 '25X1 -4- J. G1 cy erin-Substitite Products (for technical Glycol Diglycol ses) Hexantriol, technical Triglycol k. Miscellaneous: Recovered sulfuric acid Acetoacetic ester Ethyl benzol Qlu d.num chloride, anhydrous, containing iron and technically free of iron Ethylene chlorhydrine, 98/100$ Caustic soda lye, approximately 45% Construction lime (carbide lime hydrate) i Brake fluid, blue Ethyl chloride, technically pure Ethyl chloride DAB VI Methyl chloride Dispersal P Dispersal EP Dispersal WS Lime powder (carbide lime hydrate) Triaethanolamin, distilled, technical Erkalen- Neu, in solution Acetic acid, chemically pure, approximately 80% Acetic acid, chemically pure, approximately 98/100% Acetic acimd. technieaa11 pure, accited t n rar ae00 Acepcr Formaldehyde, 30 Gew.% (sic) Glysantin Kalunit, liquid, N Industrial lime (carbide lime hydrate) Chloracetic acid Phthalopal G Phthalic acid anhydride, pure, in flakes Pure benzol Sintering e Oxide wax (Oxydwachs) AN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2 25X1 Next 15 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/14: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41100390001-2