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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6 i N FORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, A.S.O. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. DATE OF INFO. PLACE & tour-page report rumors of a military coup being planned in connection with the June crisis. recent changes in top Soviet leadership and ?ROCESSMIG COPY 29 August 1957 NO. PAGES 1 REQUIREMENT NO. RD on the current political situation in the reasons for, and implications of, the STATE EV X ARMY EV NAVY X IAIR X FBI (Nate: Washington distribution indicated by "X"j Field distribution by 001 EV X 25X1 I N FORMATION REPORT I N FORMATION REPORT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A036900150001-6 Secret ~ Mrushohev is of course a primitive from n e dual point of eve, a demagogue and political jobber, unreliable and dishonest, and without imagination. Such men are often ruthless, ferocious and at the same time sentimental. A sidceniag Concerning the political consequences of the June events in the Krealin New times, new men. Everybody has had enough of the old Bolsheviks. No one believes in them any more or puts faith in their, promises. They play no role whether it be Khrushchev, Malenkov or Molotov.* Of the old Bolsheviks only Mikoyan is fairly popular, but he is shrewd and people know very little concerning what he really does. Among the new members.of the Presidium, the majority are less well known, except perhaps and Kclov, especially the last named. Men from Ieningrad are not e men from Moscow, but in Leningrad the level is higher. the Army now plays a large role behind all Party ov s underre is not at all a military aucra or isciplined professional man. Zhukov has much political imagination, he is intelligent and youthful despite hips age. The Army in general disposes of many first-class brains. Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A036900150001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6 Beriyt'a liquidation the military had played a decisive role therein. s is generally believed in the Soviet Union. Cer o ov had a a special acoount1mg to settle with Beria since Concerning the so-called de-Stalinization program the 20th Congress in the Party history can be compared with events in church history when Luther nailed his thesis to the cathedral door. After a week it was as much a crime to be Stalinist as previously it had been a merit. Such a miracle Khrushchev was able to achieve only because-the masses felt that way. It was a blow for orthodox Communism which haen able to stand up against the test of life. Concerning Molotov and the others, one can say not that they are so much Stalinist now but that they are the men who fear the consequences of de-Stalinization. The most important of these consequences is that honest men are now gaining increasing influence since Berg's terror disappeared. No State can any longer maintain itself by villains as was the case in Stalin's time. Have these honest men also more influence now even within the Party? Unfortunately, that cannot be - - - ---- ---- - ---- lest a (the intelligentsia), all educated and qua lified people, all respect- able people in the usual sense of the word. There is no possibility of his working with such people, because he hates them and fears them and at the same time entertains tremendous contempt for them. re are no many who believe in Khrushchev's future en one attains such heights as Khrushchev, with such a-deh a past means of such methods, it is probable that he will wind up directly in Lu a's dungeon, and that will come with a crash. Will it be easy to. replace him? -1 There are no irreplaceable men especially now in the Soviet rumors coup had been planned in connection with the June crisis. it was not at all impossible, that something like that really happened. The Presidium usually meets in Stalin's villa forty kilometers from Moscow. If Marshal Zhukov was there it is clear that in his vicinity there must be some professional officers, adjutants, etc. These had at their disposition associaticns and means to enable them to influence the develot ent of the situation- F--Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A036900150001-6 is hardly likely that Molotov and his group stood up against chew without assuring themselves support in the form of real strength behind them. Such a is not usually began in the Party without sufficient trumps in hand. 7 it is more likely that it was Marshal Zhukov himself that provoked the Molotov group by first promising them support and then betraying them to take Khrushchev's side. Zhukov is a much better player and tactician then people in general realize. Be had moreover, the accounts to settle up with Molotov such thi s discussed dusts in every now after the 22nd Congress the atmosphere is such that one is longer afraid to talk with people whom one knows well conversation concerning the crisis in the Presidi present wholly between four walls. policy Soviet foreign has been for so long carried on by qualified profes- sionals, specialists in their field, and whose orientation is determined by the Communist doctrine. The Soviet Union's foreign policy is the work of many qualified men and a personnel change in the Party Presidium cannot mean very such under present circumstances. That was another thing in Stalin's time. Concerning internal PoLicy, especially economics, it is otherwise There are no longer any reasonable people in the Soviet on o eve that living standards can be raised without fundamental reforms in the whole system, first and foremost in agriculture. "economy"means industry.) Khrushchev took charge of the Industrial District Boards and furnished them with his own supporters. Highly qualified technical people are badly treated and appointed to unsuitable positions without respect to their practical experience. Good engineers and industrial leaders are placed under incom- petent, dilietante Party men. Such dilletantes are often very gifted, energetic and active, and it is precisely activity which constitutes the greatest virtue in Khrushchev's eyes. It'is not necessary oneself an economic leader to understand how all this is going to end intelligentsia understands that Khrushchev's policy betokens economic deter oration rather than improvement. Footnotes: *The Moscow garrison is commanded by Maj. Gen. I. S. Koleaftikov **The correct term is National Economic Councils (Sovnar4hozy) Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6 Secret when people learned t ria t don the th of June, hoarding began immediately in Kiev. people, at least in the Ukraine, have no confidence in Khrushabov- the contrary, people believe in Zhukov, and ossibly in Mikoyan despite the fact t1d he is Armenian governaen can make .e not worth living for human beings in another way, by diminishing broad loaves and aaeravatina working conditions lit is absolutely true that the Russian people in their entirety will not have war. In the event of war the present attitude is worse than in 1939. It is not only the masses who will not listen to talk of war but even the intelligentsia, and so widely spread is this attitude it is even shared the hither officers' corps. ambitious Party men can arrange a crisis ign politics which can lead to war. Youth is more afraid of war than older people. Youth, espedally educated students, etc., have already sufficiently, formed a conception of atom and nuclear war despite the fact that such things are never talked about from official circles. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/19: CIA-RDP80T00246AO36900150001-6