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COUNTR SUBJE PLACE ACQUIREI DATE OF INFO. ,....bmo PTT= Tt~'A 1 I OIL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246AO35300270001-0 _ VG11% IFFnt. 111 1L.L.L.IU~I\vL. r0ul-1vv1 Fu.ruittl 0NVOR I1A d IO R WORT CD NO. ]seat, Germany DATE DISTR. 20 June 1957 VEB Funkwerk Koepenick: Administration; NO.OF PAGES 2 Trade Neaptiations; New Developments; Manufacture of Ionosphere Transmdtters ; klXna-5{ 4`k-"xvw.+AaM,oNA:Mu,,,.aMd NO. OF ENCLS. SUPPLEYIENT TO RED ''RT N0. f!114 COCtflir Itr CONTAIN! INFONIlATI0N ATFECTINOTNE NAYIGNAI. DCf:N3E c? TIIE YI:ITCQ LTA+C$ WIT111!1 THE UCA~IINO of THE E:'K.'1 .42 ACT 50 U.S. C..S1 AND 32.43 ANENCEO. ITS TRANS 1111014011 OS T42 NEVELATION 4or 93x9 Hire Tytequency and Television Transmitters) nd.III) under the direction of Graduate Engineer Zimmermann (fnu). b. AussenGtelle Rostock "Kundendienst See" (TPR) (Rostock Branch "Service Sea") under the direction of I"assmann (fnu). c. Werketatt Funkna'igation (FY) (Workshop for Radio Navigation) under the direction of Bukalski (fnu). d4 VEE?Funkwerk Koerenick-Kundendienst (LGK), Perlin-Oberschoene- weide, Wilhelminenhof Strasse 44, under the direction of Sauer (fnu). 2. Lange (fnu) took over the transmitter test field, In December 1956, Engineer Knuat (fnu) (living in Berlin-Schoeneweide) was in charge of the quality control in Plants I and II? ~ol BECAUSE OF ItLECI ftif If i EAUOIARTERS COPY1 FIELD :i1EIEC -1 HAS .614 L CROFIIMEO 1. In October 1956, the following new branches, were added to Funkwerk i'oepenick: a.. Entwicklungsabteilung UK.-1 and Fernsehsender (EFW) (Development Department A. Rmmanian government delegation visited VTEE Funkwerk Koe-enick and was especially interested in the construction of d;ort-wave transmitters and television transmitters (F 4 and F 5 - 30 kW - band I). They promised to dive orders,*especially for a 30-kW (F 6) television transmitter to be delivered in mid-1958.. 4. It was learned in the projecting section of VEB Funkwerk, Berlin- Koepeniek, that the plant and the foreign trade agencies of the GDR.negotiated with the People's Republic China for the delivery of coastal and ship radio navigation installations as radio beacon stations, direction finders, anticollision devices (radar) etc. In December 1956, the negotiations were said to be nearly concluded. CLASS:FICATION (_ DtSTRICUT10N Irz, ; NAVY v"'?tY T- Al Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246AO35300270001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A035300270001-0 5MR-ET U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY GL ' 'ECATION COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Funkwerk Koepenick REPORT PLACE ACQUIRED LAST REPORT ON SUBJECT (If applicable.) DATE OF REPORT 22 May 1957 ANNEXES 1 - photostat 25X1 1. In October 1956, the following new branches were added to Funkwerk t`. oepenick: a. Entwicklungsabteilung UKU and Fernsehsender (EFW) (Develo?inent Department for Ultra shortwave and Television Transmitters) (band III) under the direction of Graduate Engineer Zimmermann (fnu), be kussenstelle Rostock "Kundendienst See" (TPR) (Rostock Branch "Service Sea") under the direction of i'assnann (fnu). c. Uerketatt Funkna-igation (07) (Workshop for Radio Navigation) under the direction of Bicalski (fnu). d,, VEB Funkwerk Koepenick-?Kundendienst (LGK), Perlin-Oberschoene- weide, Wilhelminenhof Strasse 49, under the direction of Sauer (f?nu) . 2. Lange (fnu) took over the transmitter tent field. In December 1956, Engineer Knust (fnu) (living in Berlin.Schoeneweide) was in charge of the quality control in Plants I and II. 3. A rumanian goverment delegation visited VEB Funkwerk Koe^enick and was especially interested in the construction of e;ort-wave transmitters and television transmitters (F 4 and F 5 - 30 kW - band I). They promised to give orders, especially for a 30-kW (F 6) television transmitter to be delivered in mid-1958. It was learned in the projecting section of VEB Funkwerk, Berlin- Koepenick, that the plant and the foreign trade agencies of the GDR negotiated vyith the People's Republic China for'the delivery of coastal.and ship radio navigation installations as radio beacon stations, direction finders, anticollision devices (radar) etc. In December 1956, the negotiations were said to be nearly concluded. No details were available. RIW.P1 - TT_S_ f1'6VTr.TAT.C f1NT.V Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A035300270001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246AO35300270001-0 SECPRET U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 6. The following trans:itters were to be developed by VEB Funkwerk Yoeoonick in 1957: a. A 10-kW ultrashort-wave-tranrnitter, with yodel construction in the second and tf,ird quarter and testinp in the fourth quarter of .1^57; b. A 10-ki?1 television trananitter (band III), with yodel construction in the third and fourth quarter of 1957 and testing in 195>. 'Shdrtage of rersonne]. made it. difficult to carry out these tasks. 6. Ionosphere transmitters ire eo-c^].1ed in^ulse transmitters to emit signals to the ionosphere un to 200 Ici height, depending on the frequency. The sirnale can automatically pass through the entire frequency range frog 0.5 to 20 megacycles. Since not more than 10 transmitters of that type could be ready in time `or the Geophysical Year And the US-Ifl had ordered a. much larger number of them, they were possibly desipned for two other -?urroees; a. Exploration by echo reception of the different conditions in the ionosphere. Trrtnscittera spread over larger areas (countries, contin3nts) would 1-old out the -aei'ility of establishing ionosphere weather maps. b. Directing of flying cube ecta In high anheres or influencing of foreign flying objects. The first series of 10 transmitters of that tyre to be cor._nleted at Furkverk Yoepenick in 1957 was to be delivered to the US:F, Czechoslovakia and possibly 7oland. A Soviet commission visiting the plant in Decariber 1956 was urgent, that another 20 transmitters be delivered as soon as pos-ible0 China was said to be interest=?d in the delivery of approximately 100 tranamitters of that type. 7. The enlarged rrc?ram (August 1956) of VE: Funkwerk Koepenick provided for the construction of tube test oscillator:;.) to ror diaprarm of the tube test oscillators, see Annex SE)CRhT - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246AO35300270001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246AO35300270001-0 v1-1'1I 1'111. 11151r.I~...v~.?va_ ..~.. ....v. narVIN 1 COUNT East Germany SUBJE V Funkwerk Roepenick: Administration; Trade Nemotiations; New Developments; Manufacture of Ionosphere Transmitters PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ~ L113 LOCU I .T CO!TAINS INrol mAilON AFTECTINO THE NATIGU.L DEF:Nsa O! TILL' YNIT.~D ETAiL! CI lTO1!i Tilt MLANINO Of THE EL: IC71 i0E ACT EO D. L.C.. EI AND TEAS AYCNDC. ITT TIANLMILLIDN 01 149 1EVEIATION OP ITS COUCCIT$ I11 ANT L'ANNER TO AN VIA 11011Z0 PELSON 11 PLO? 11ID,TTD BY LA-.V 1EPTODJCT104 OP This FORM IL PROIIILITE . a, Entwicklungsabteilung T!?1 and (ETW) (Development Department for y:n'y H!!'Q>t Pro y and Television Transmitters) (band III) under the direction of Graduate Engineer Zimmermann (fnu), DATE DISTR. 20 June 1957 NO.OF PAGES 2 NO. OF E.'121-S. SUPPLEMENT TO REr^RT NO. 1. In October 1956,.the following new branches were added to Funkwerk Yoepenick: ' VORt IATI?f P : ti RT CD NO. b. Aussenstelle Rostock "KSndendienst See" (':PR) (Rostock Branch "Service Sea") under the direction of assmann (fnu). c. tlerketatt Funknai?igation (E'Y) (Workshop for Radio Navigation) under the direction of Bukaleki (fnu),. VEB Funkwerk Koenenick-Kundendienst (LGK), Perlin-Oberschoene- weids, Wilhelminenhof Strasse 4,, under the direction of Sauer (fnu). 2. Lange (fnu) took over the transmitter teat field. In December 1956, Engineer Knuet.(fnu) (living in Berlin-Schoeneweide) was in charge of the quality control in Plants I and II, 3, A, Ramanian governrent delegation visited VEE Funkwerk Koe'enick and was especially interested in the construction of a ort-wave transmitters and television transmitters (F 4 and F 5 - 30 kW - band I). They promised to give orders, especially for a 30-kW (F 6) television transmitter to be delivered in mid-19580 4. It was learned in the projecting section of VEB Funkwerk, Berlin Koepeniok, that the plant and the foreign trade agencies of the GDR negotiated with the People's Republic China for the delivery of coastal and ship radio navigation installations as radio beacon stations, direction finders, anticollision devices (radar) etc. In December 1956, the negotiations were said to be nearly concluded. CI ASS' F. CATI N 384~ET/Nf1~aiN KIELJT..13 N GIST.. T ! .3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246AO35300270001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A035300270001-0 SECRET - NCFW 6. The following trans-itters were to be developed by VEB Funkwerk ioerenick in 1957: a, A lOdda vea i ;t ii .tran -fitter, with yodel construction in the second and third qus).rter and testing in the fourth quarter of 1'57; ba A 10-kl television tranrnitter (band III), with nodal construction in the third and fourth quarter of 1957 and testing in 195". Shortage of rersonnel made it difficult to carry out these tasks. 6. Ionosphere tranaritters are so-c^lled in^ulse transmitters to emit signals to the ionosphere ut to approxirately 200 k:i height, depending on the frequency. The signals can automatically nasr.through the entire frequency range frog- 0.5 to 20 megacycles., Since not pore than 10 transmitters of that type cc,uld be ready in time "or the Geophysical Year and the USSP had orderE-d a much larger number of them, they were poasihly designed for two other. ?urposes: a. Exploration by echo recc:pt.ion of the different conditions in the ionosphere. Tr-tnscitterz spread over lamer areas (countries, continents) would }-old cut the -esibility of establishing ionosphere weather maps. b. Directinp of flying objects in high spheres or influencing of foreign flying objects. The first series of 10 transmitters of that tyro to be coz_pleted at Furkwerk Koepenick in 1957 was to be delivered to the USd:r, Czechoslovakia and possibly -Oland, A Soviet commission visiting the plant in December 1956 was aWr that another 20 transmitters be delivered as soon as pos-ible. China was said to be interested in the delivery of approximately 100 trans-itters of that tyte. 7. The enlarged program (A.ugust 1956) of VFE Fun;c'erk Koepvnick provided for the construction o1 tube teat oscillators. SECRET - NC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A035300270001-0 I iti 5cm!-. - ~-.