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This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title
18, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
COUNTRY East Germany/China
SUBJECT East German Lectures in English on DATE DISTR.
Mining Telecommunications Equipment
19 December 1956
1 in English on . `''" 25X1
mining a eco cations e
ment i
na by
Chief Engineer Gerhard Thuerling of Alt-Frie dr~chsfelde 126 in Berlin-
Friedrichsfelde and by Engineer Stimper (fnu). The equipment applies to both
open-pit and underground mining. In the introduction reference is made to
the fact that VEB Funkwerk Koepenick in East Germany is producing such equipment.
x IF91
(Notes Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Reporter: (Chief ,ngincer ; r) Gorhr'r Thorp,
0rm e= 1,ew a ie Re plAblich.
u b j e c t:
't-0l~e. tle~cfria-s>~fini* ~pp1t nstee sfid 8trn> ltftg Inst:lletioas
Ueix g ')pecia1 :onatrrtctional '-rtss'
'1 peCis1 gdne#rncfi44*l spd'rte *44? 1164timc **itch devices
for dbdre sad d t , reu*d Min
(Ao.tar}y tr-pnamittcrs, i?errari eyotens, ?t -0616 3)
(6e4 ecpoa3,tiau2a rG the Gxpv.rts 14 peg digging above
and,14z4e;1 g,r4tu~d ), :t
Report No. 2t
. C.tric .a ppl , ec:a d "i4g ijis trll$tions for .miriin
~h4Y4.FO13xN3 t"
(aonaernixg oonve r, ,bri 3gea, c red~ixtg ,fir q Lnee r Ild other
lame ,ha ,r _ pa is )
(Particulerly .ft `iho is in *pea d' is )
Heort _ Jo. :
"3New clectriv s1gn^11in, tzl; tr1lationL= for uaider ground
(old and ne.;-1n hhioucd 3Jater;is of si- 11l ,r iiir tnllF:tions
"or . the sh?f to of mines)*
(Perticul,n rly for the experts in i1n (,r ground mining of
?red, coal, r M ' oot?i:asium).
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
.LediQ&1:,* Gea~,~onr `:ear Comradea,
ce your country. "?y technical report on the topic:
'--.consider it a special honour and pleasure to come and
"irew electric mining t' zaxpliances rid signalling istallations
con~i # rt 4 ape si aafnetruatioaltal ~..ptiote'
intend to assist you in your efforts aiming at the use of
modern technics, in special respect to the mining indu3try,
in favour of your nation. 91 economy. `,'e are firmly resolved to
offer you the aaistanc? of the t=elirtic Republic,
#14%s o*j*il but r, f*= a, small entente teit t . fu'Lfillment of
your economje .j;t1r. cnrsd to the penes 1, pe3gresa of your
t~ly~t1+~? t
I t 'ii bir toiak to t tfvtm 'Tom; ri the shed' *1 `-branch of "mining
industry" about ne4v--faahionLtd ilwian*ioii"ixrsta.lletions.
The German ernocratic Republic is producing -- partially in
our works "Funkweft Berlin-K5peniak" .- sueh"Utstallatione.
ittt+teparttarr~'`1lhe ertf~it' o#' the ostmtercinl ;:scction to
the mbna: !y of the German k;emocrnt1-6 'f ep 'tf'?c will be able
!nd readily' 17: ix t n go - d 'to 'advtee `yon . #id the special
branch of mi.nii induotry 4 c>t*e ~ in *edpect to the
*,w *qa, * ootion riellati t.
V ad now I be- to speak of the technical matters concerned.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A031900110001-5 25X1
*'I' =Roiryry' a~~tdjxt-s "Jte fdr,4
p/ '.ice + .it x1-ie~ - 3Fac z:+.3 a.' _TT. ',- ? ."x .o~t'rt `'? t "iii'" .'.'~C= -i ~kJ ......_ .... -. r ^_^. ?3
manicatIon a i.c isrzg ar?, t~p
c oast -
ide va
ve etc*
everybOd,r jCn?r o t ? trt ,WII.4 strico of com-
e #o ter r Tra it tex.
pick out one of the nMme6s
r a ` t
e: ?r ,l orte in question:
Lon l 2a is for, solvi j .i .
{ J.. ,,.~
them I be to
411C i'C Il~l4C
-, 1, T1` .01 .I,AG ivi
transm .ssic n Pad indiest on of pe vi I~4tin, from ro-
tt this o reaiorocat'ing mov'enent
_ n_n- 'P tm th
t".1 14A
o''coxi rol iy'vers and switches re pe 3vof b
sc Fflf 'lgc:''tk~' .
best it one years period3 of o
l~ :ark! r lif
ld i
dustr"~ ran
ches, due to its l ='4 d` iobu t construction
t. ~ ?4.. .'~. yJ. a #OME
ri. ...Fad jus tment a ver
steep ascendence of the chernct
erietic ahvuld be aimed at.
The connection of the rota y tr-_:nemittIera Is indicated in
the wiring din ,rsms listed in our prospectus. The upper part
of the repreaentntion shown the principal wtrixig diagram, the
middle the connections as used in the circuit diagrams, and
the lower part illuatr-tes Qperntiou schemes. The rotary
transmitters are represented by djrt-les with hatched signallin
sets. The trio .ngle.to be seen within the circle denotes the
indicator. The connection 11 of additional, receivers depends on
the size of the signalling eel. MTo the sigitalltnj set of type
90/145,' for instance, five receivers may be ;connected, thus
permitting `eimulteneoua ind3,catjone of measured values at dl.f-
ferent and locally separated pl*cea..
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5 25X1
- 6 -
of c o
-__nn ctiofl_Z, ccord jn tothegrospcctus.
The to are I ? concerning; theinstellntion of
P~tee>y as `rued in e' ienl ae' rvtce. In plc r installations
with one receiver oxfi'y tTie exaltation volte ge line is provided
with ftxeee. Larger?'end special iristal111tEiono however, cnn
hove fuses, in gdd 'tioh, elsio i`or the three phnsee of the in-
divfduarlj receivers. ut;'h fuses are required, for instance, if
tale `failure `fir the thole ins'inllation upon one receiver fiail-
in& to to, be - evented so as to ~; ;fin g> a satisf ?ctory work
of the rrenining sets. The feed volt,-,&e is not to be taken
-xiedln tely f nbrn the network but only through an isoln tiny;
trans. ormer or an othet sui ble `t sformer with galvanically
sepa ted.. windings.
.,Jjo. 11
- Rotary signalling set;`:'',
- Rotary receiving set;
Pos.tion Indication of
1 gsition Indication
of a
selected so as to the full.
After the cons trizcticn and oper-
:eo, oia: of, .th'e rotary trariiitter
have be$fl fix plc fined in short
words I beg to show you now some
e..ampleo of its manifold applic-
ation. Firstly the position in-
dicntion of a valve ?s used e.g.
in long distance ges or vaster
lines. I. euoh case the rote ry
transmitter is `mechanically con-
nectedid , through a gear wheel, to
the hnndwae*l of the valve. The
ratio betwoon h- nd:~vhee1 ,and sig-
nalling set should be practically
,opera'tjon of the valve corresponding
to a deflection of the sign311irig net by sabout 180 degrees.
r'or symbolizing ,the Indication at the receiver the normal
poiAtlor may, be, replioed by a eireutnr, disk with one black and
one red qr v~'hite half. If one half .:of thO, receiver dial
is correepondi.pgly covered the eolad valve wviftl make visible
the black,,part of the disk only. Aa coon as the valve is opened
the motion ,of the rotary signal. ling set by an ankle correspond-
ing to. the e.:ent of the opening if the valve is transmitted to
the rec eiv erBy this deflection ,a coloured (red or white)
secstvr dill become v46tb' .e on the receiver dial size of which
ay bt-lieesr-the exterit of the,apeni tng :ice the. valve. In this Way
the remote indication of valve positions ,in control st9nds
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
etc* can be effected,, '.hen using copper .c9nductore with ,e
cross ,sectiona.l area, of 1.5 t the signals given by a rotary
transmitter directly c . onxieated ; to ,the receiver can be trens-
mitted up to a ?dietfance 1 5 0 0 ma.. The aaauracy of indication
is +1_,5 angular degrees, this_ re being the mean value
basing ,on a long xeere Qerfi3.e..
The use of a ne:y. rotary trauamttter,__,however, entails a
higher accuracy of indicatioi amount ..to about ?i degree.
immo ^io.,6
1 - 3i ui set4.=:
Aaothe ,,,damps of application
":May e" inise When C 0123"25X-11
he r'o baleno`e with remote in-
dtoi* tiobi rti/ res rns of a rotary
2 - Receiver e.nd :tkeriemit't:W]N"' When lifting a load
adding device; the?'Cetat
_#!f the ro
e r
oppe Htlaac.e thRemote
Indies tiou through r the rack frptn its rest and neutr
Rotary TreAsmitters, pc cition;, through a gear wheel
the rack op'eratea the signalling
set ndtiaras it round by an
angle corresponding to the load,
The necessary counter torque is
IndicRope Balatiorn ?.nce with
through :remote achieved by a measuring spring,
dgta?.ZE_Tren8mittere-__~- The synchronized receiver is '
turned, by'the some angle, thus operating; the connected adding
de ice. Ta this way the lifted weight is immediately measured,
indicated,. and Simultaneously added,
Figure N0 7
The fie repetition device 25X1
shown by this picture is alre,:ay
practically used for the signal
Prs edtcrr lamp; column as developed and produced
2 - Condenser;
3 Lents; in' the "people's own factory
Aial plate;
5 - S
6 Rotary'reci &taiit of the rotary receiver lnil_
'~'"''" 'bears `a dial plate provided, in
Frame Repetition Device,,, i ,
Coittrtrlled try a Rotary our case, Oith numerals. Using e
proJectbr lamp and a condenser
the ntunera i' in question is pro-
Frame, Repetition Devise,. ~e,ct"d f lens on the
Control-Lee by a 'Rotary
nva waw. Vii. s{P.~avna., 'w j4 U4 J. -
....~.._jMAjMjtter r> _- ..
ale .o?' : h 4 : dial, ;plate may be re-
placed by letters or other symbols,
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Rpt r r reeeiV* receiver; Poa- ~v h urpose the schematically
Rt't&r ` ' ignallIng $*$; t>~aris fission equipment
aotavy, reeeAp$ signal- with rebitptlag dot ice may be
ling set;
for; the tranamission
dotarr , reaeiylug sol;' 4!'d :: t ern- eAd:. fer;,! confirming their
T- > 11roasm#e ; loin of Orde' i+ e
inalling and re-
Wi~ ~bt~te.ecrel fi,by Means
of -
c%ittng;devit6s- are used. '=hen ad
;~' "nsmittera. ~,,... ,
3uatitl; tit order lever, which is
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO319
The vp ciarvearety salt@t3ttei,ire-
quires fa given order to be con-
'i2~ri ifl !by"'`'rti.he`i'ectiving place.
4~eha1. t 4o, acted '3ith s ro-
ay all3.ntn set, to a certain
f r r r amt. si on d "' of e``g' ?pbeittat, .-the 'order is transmitted
t6 4b 6t
? tit ry r eiver, and india-
W ~tkt 110Geipb # ~.Ysans::
f,R0 C~V .. -_n8T t1 s
. ~~ alod-~ oacQ dialr the receipt is
/~o~#f~?'eta ~3t.T.Rd [ i~td tbp r~o.ip#.'1(v0ri ,bgfng also mechanic-
ac31y;_aC-ettosoted.: ri'ph -: pro#aryt vitae}~-t~otg es4, to the given
order. t thas br!ingiag the po .t*ewa o bo h . t e > ord Bring and
the. secelvAng- devies~ into oeinoideaee Q ,tin..!The receiving set
,is jwov1,dedi ik a ,d&tioa t-w.kth .a-00080;Aevice closing, when
a now order. iy given, a signall~i , circuit operating o horn
or bed?.., Ti this . way the chau;ge of ordere to indicated both
S~pt~,c l ' nd audibly. By m6+e.ner of`? the' ettdibl signalling de-
_ Xige th egk .?t eUt:; may bg,uqed.`,pyq t up4 noisy working con-
it%ons,,tl u e`Ya a~tially .Q tr -ut ng_ o an increased work-
Ing sa,fety~ a prder tra wipetSn j; yrgnt scheme of which
la ?hoam jxa this '_picture 3e already- to=use within the rotary
tea ,a;tjti rr ?heft Signalling installations fo?? mines, and has
furred qt extraordinarily well. ': ^ i used for rubbish con-
veyjnZ b'' dgest this equipment serves for the communication
het~rcen the .drivers' stands on the dredging and the dump side.
~` Art ,fret th3.9, the sgUlpme~t j :It **,: been ence*e$fully used for
yeera pant al in pipe... tn? : -ttrgo potraer Plante.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Flamm ,69
adUst or;,
: P
tidied or of`the 16.t
.,._~ sure' ' 4p*ed of the air.
a-ft;'ry gig ling set;
8 -. At* MOae~tf'ina^ ~ ..:. `rt ar nn9~. n+~.~r .
of wi*d ..- ". --
A not1Ak-'.iet isl tion of the r6ta ry
trensmttter. is its use for an air
pressure recorder. By the air pres.
sf&i-ba`ting On the dishe s of the
c 't srmpl' ~ ; latter are turned
l7 A s to lths -' iad~,eat p~c o ti-R of . u}s, the vane turn -
;.rAUaad aoag d rig t9 the` vsayi> d rsotfozui of the wind. The
ohan t postttons ofufhe rr~ne nre eat tcrrmnsferred to a rot-
c r: 9 ~r a ig~t~r2rl img `aa!` aAl~y in'thli *ay~ tddsdited by the c onnec t-
ad reveivi y or. reSlatered air measuring
~eryuipst is-tdbiRatttiy bi?QjslE~t sttdty'ObInical installs-
ti.n fer lt1rge ecrMperd: duoh'se -r*bE sl ebnve 'ing bridges,
lMMdtng"b?tdgea, : OttinW-'dOWJl11,m hiies, Mnai, etc. 25X1
Rote tinsth t~erc
ed' gaper otic'p;
0 omitted. t pa rt fs*o hio ' he' -e d paps recording method
offers the considerable advantage of permitting the recording
of the measured vsluea,without special her'ting of the device,
down to a tai perature of about - 2000. The convey-~rnce of the
paper strip with a speed of 60 mms/hr is effected by a clock-
oeioge'`is'm6 red in linear direct-
mitter with connected indication
l6 `r gictering 'the measured value:
in thibTadM *for tfle seed of air,
v~~tary't.sif'tbr recorder of
tht .shc~4n typo ts- iised. Basing on
The c'1n ter 4`:t1oction of the rot-
Mseitdr. and, through a get.
*hedl`" tnd a rack the recording
6 O'7 'her 6or"d-d- # t-e engraved into
waged!-~6:pe rind fbr this reason
day a ecial a'tte4dince, r~s general]
Ressr,$ Tiramen tterMoorder -`
.-.___ requ'c~r iirtk recorders, may be
P t
b+f`~ in:.& g'1b{'propcrt1onal to the pre:
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
10 -
sha5r 's nntfii~r ',Votary t 'z rn tter
recording device as used in sate
fol; "direction of the
Wne,~ '1'ka,:t~-e turning allround
1sd ? !r =r c rding device must be
fsy ofe444n so. The recording
dqv~ o jj &' s --or 6 recording arms
40tr i qaAlt
Q T3'arl t1 t ter
Rdc Drc ink Dev ce
2 ;, f : cad .pn per,, A
toffy 2tt*t; jj~~ ter
Qo i device`=o~ct respcr A to 1, -oii t ;d-'dr the wind from the
` h t dot; ' h th Pt & "rrfcat :to ;tit north.
Alen i.n ?thji pride` them '1'i ' r ' recorc ed on n
i 3. *f r .
r"axe& piaTwv
The use off` the wind rhea curing
Y j
equipment, predocinnntly for rubbish
' i i .`'6r` 11`1 61 66tloa' of
- :yet off:' the :W .x4;,
-~ e1eted to the
it ; 1,3 note Important to measure the
set of
in relation to the
;oogrraphic direction bc.rt in respect
arran ec~ tri ` fi les of 60 degrees
round a turning disk which is driver,
by the rotnry receiver through a
stepping down ?ear of ratio 1 : 6.
In this way on entire revolution
.Of #dwie =otmy.'.-nsmitter will cause
a as eflec tion of the re-
ooaveyi :? bridges nud i 1ra.ilt r large
sera,per;u has '10',6p nlre :,dy mentioned.
such rubbish c cnvc?i ing brid.pes are
ooastruc tions running, by means of
special traveilin gears, on r?ril-
ro. c trac?ts, The direction of the
bride, tcrcforcjis not variable.
A,'s to the or':,i :~' bridge, ho acv or,
the bridge, Tlte' dial of the indic-
t i re pair rn ,fit shogrin y, 0s a s,r; ;col, the lattice structure
n t`cr c,f" 1 c - et o nc' ha been est *vrcc3 in Etc:;orc a:nee to
of tk;c 'cr d ,e+. . set of he rind, y e tv to the longitudinal
gx1q of" the 'kr1O p c, 1 s find iaa tcd* bs, 'the vo ition of trte pointer
eorreapocc? g to t?i t' of the! vane. In this way the 'angle under
+?rh1ch tie wihd. r' 'ct1nq{, on' the br .d! o' c on ague tion can be
rc Yy seen.
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.`'. )
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
- 11 -
ki.&ure.. o.13
in 90948 whore the acduraaey.'of in-
dicstion prevailin * between rotary
sig i]~#.actg ld~ rec3 .ving :30 to and
AoO r? cay et'= fradicatio4 amounting to o bout 1,5 degree: is
w tb._ro ry., tlAane- "` ttot-sditdient or'the reading ac-
mitters Lt;cluding an.- curiacy not fhvoureble enough the
error of '1,8 8egrees,
b2 r0T-117,; traras :.a:aion s shoat
3-fold R,t~ary Trans 3-f
4dB81011 in this picture nay be applied. i!c-
Princi,p lExample. cording to this principle the left
rotary tr-nsmitter is sit_xnalli zR
the fine values, the middle one the
medium figures, and the right one
3 f`c~i Rotary Trans- idit:.+aoe se : ii,ea. Aa example the
levels in -on-
metex - the rapq avve in this oeo*g ,t asioned to one
:tom (revolution) o the- rope aeve,.[crroe ponding to 0.1 mm
difference in. elevation. 5 he _ he level, ah nges the rope con-
neeted with the fa,oet makes the., rape nheaxe - !and mu tge eou:
ly also the fine value trr;nsmit; er - to ii 'by the c~`rre po dingy
angie. 'This ,turn is transferred by. a gear - in our case of a
stepping down ratio4 of 1 t 10 -- to the medium and coarse
value traps sitter. According-40 'the as lodr transmission erroi
ofl 1.8 degrees the indication accuracy on th4. coarse value
receiver is 5 ems, that cis ?tcier+eed;t tae receiver 5 mss, ex
that on the fine value reeeiv4r -O'5 Mn. i'ou may pother from
this example that by means of multiple rotary transmissiior
the accuracy of indication can be generally and considerr,bly
inc ren sed.
In the examples of application mentioned up to now the
sigzuj-l~ ing and the receiving rotary transmitters were used fo3
the electric transmission of aguj.ar values. But it is posoib]
too, to effect electric r344l.t v ' ' atubt etione of nnpular
values by means of rotary- trann}nitters.. As to wiring and con-
nections please see our. prospe?tue. For adding, reap. sub-
tracting electric. l,ly tr nsmi yted values, b sides the alret-;Jy
known, signalling, and. receiving, rotary, transmitters Faddition l
so-ca .],ed differential' rota. y try:nsmitters are used. These aei
are substantially of samemechinioal cg1struction no normal
rotary transmitters. The rotor of the di'terential rotary tr-:j
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A0319
- 12 -
mi tter,, IiQwev.Qr, beers a three ,?p t e wixu4Lng. T'hQ ;upper, part 25X1
of, the ?picture, shoxya the principle of a differential connect--
Ion., The three.-*p e rotor wind f g,'--resit, stator winding of 25X1
the ditferFntii1, receiver is aq,nneoted with the three-phase
stator -winding of -a normal rotary t' arid;rtitter. `':hen forming
the difference the connection of tho rotary transmitters is
c,otnc,1.er}t..la pheses. The far, tjon ,of the difference results
from th_P, fuaction. a - b. !f -the o1 nnlling transmitters "Ka"
and ?'h" nre .,In same reettion the dif `e ,nee will be equal to
z . o. fet,es .po o>a , a s the si ;ne1I`inr set "e" is removed from
its :central.poaita;on -yb an snple of let us any 50 degrees the
rotor. of. tbe..differential. rece .vier will turn by the game angle.
If, apart from ti.i,s, the sig eUthg set "b" is turned in the
same diregtlon. by .30 degrees this value- will be subtracted and
the remaining be4nce of 20 degrees .indicted on the differ-
?ntisl .receiver. Additiona, on-the ,*Onttaa;y. are effected by
exchanging .the phases x and z on the recetvi rind the signal-
ling .seta respectively.: In the eveiv of a deflection of the
signa1li4g, set ".a" ,by .let us say, 3.0 4,e aea, the rotor of the
difforentif t receiver will. follaw thin motion by the as ne
eagle. If .now, the signallingstet; "b" is turned - in the same
direction of rotation - by 60 degrees this value will be added
and the total: of 90 degrees ; ndica.;ted on the differential
The differential receiver my be alao.uaced., in connection
,.vith,,oxtly,.one aignalling set,. as normal izadi sting receiver,
rand, that, by o ecti,tag the t4ree j ea of the rotor with that
of the stator. in parallel. Upon, tb4connection the rotor of
the rceiver is turned by the double value of the deflection of
the signalling set, i.e.. the deflection of the signalling se's
by, 40 degrees will make, the. rec.eivex, deflect. by 80 degrees.
.This. connection is suitable for .caaea..where it As desirable
to obtain.. - wi=t a.out- the use of sdditiousi gearinga - larger
indication .rpngee, from but: little moving aigAalliag sets. 25X1
re No 14
The prewrAling 'app'lication of the
aifferes tia1rot*i'y transmitter is
i te' vee for the indication of dif-
f'eret cts bet een positions. The
picture shdwo a lording' bridge i c ipped with " repo to indication
of the loading depth send 'the i*elinOd position of the bridge.
- 13 -
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Fi&ure No.14
1 - Inclined position
receiver ,
(dif~'erential rec. );
2 - Double loading depth
signalllZig set
a) .fine,, b) aoariq;
Remote Loa ding Depth a f5 ng se: a are Larne -
and I'nclined Position through a chnin drive operated by
Indice b3~Uxt. one special measuring wheel each
Loading depth receiver W
n 1 .+ A n ,. a e k 1 P4 r, m . ing treveliing Beare or from the
Laetdi r2g Depth a rld running on the rail - by an nnp' e
inclined po3ition which in proportienni to the way
'put 'back. Tn order' to prevent any
slip of the meaat~.rih g wheels in the er,"t of coarse Weather
they are- sufficiently pressed to the track rails. If there are
flue t! a tl oxne in the synchronism of the t r~ivel l ing gears the
reeultinp electric ve1.ues are 'transferred to the differential
rotary transmitter ,instlled in the driver's cab. The rotor
defleitts attc ording to the difference of" the measured values,
thus irtdicaIng on a dial the inclined po~i`tion of the bridge.
Adjustable contact dogs fitted on the- differential receiver
actna:te,in the event of a cerVi3in extent of inclined position
being exceeded, corresponding Bete of spring contacts releas-
mntg an dui bla signal, rasp. interrupting the voltage sup
to the travelling genre. The contact dogs and Vic spring con-
tacts can be designed, furthermore, so" ' a s to permit to die-
connect, iii case of inclined positron of the bridge, the
driving motor of the outrunning travelling gear. In this way
the motor of the legging travell:i ge c- in going on working
and mnkea- it come up with the Other- one.' rn this moment the
disconnected motor, is sutot ,ttoell`y a vitehed ?on again, and bot
travelling gears are uniformly dr3.ven.,t sin. This contact con-
trol effects a continucup.w.vak ,ate brAA-ge since in the
event of on inclined posit'1.'on` elwaysr only `bne driving motor
is switched off end, in this way, any standstill of the bridge
obviated. For industrial purposes this ki..tid of connection has
bean already successfully uaed~, tee.
13 -
The instelletion indicating in-
clined positions of the bridge in-
c-2udes tWo trsek signalling sets
and one differential receiver whirl
id, 'located in the driver's cab. The
installation serves for indicating
and limiting inclined positions re-
sulting from not synchronously run-
Track, ei$nelling. sets; r r alt Eg v(aac c+. a? a&
Ck i
al'1i ' tr t d
- 14 -
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- 14 -
For the represented loading depth remote indication $
double rotary tra tiscion hee. been adlacted " with the rope 25X1
r:ua ing ?ver 4 eseuring roller' veehanically connected with
.the fine -value itnmemitter. Between the fine and the coarse
value trRABn ittesr a suitable gear fpr atepoing down the speed
is installed. The 'appropriate receiving sets are els,) accom.-
mods ted in the drivelr'"e cab, permitting the orane driver to
recognize continuously the position-of the load hook at any
time. This indioatica is of speoial 'importance in csaeee where
the eight 'of the grans :driver is ohstrticted.. Also for lifting
and transporting large and bulky..morkpieeea, e.g. by two
orquea lnelined pos1tion of which must not exceed rather
narrow limits, t1ale A stallation has become an indispensable
equipment.. Tbc a~dititlgal use of a differential receiver with
'I a es
contact oontrol1i,n-oid*atal differences between the load hooks
of the oven and the other crane, simultaneously also controlling
the dr~vinr
., motors acoording, already mentioned manner.
In this connection-also the t nsmisaion of power by means 25X1
of rotary trpasmitters sbpuld be pointed out,* our smallest
rotary ? ?tronamitter of type 70/80- permits a, a ximum torque of
90 oma/g, and mw largest type 1W/-155 such' of n bout 1000 emg.
For thermal reasons higher loads are not admissible. 'When
transmitting power, however,.. an .angle-coincident position
between the rotary sigMll ng and recnivinj sets is not longer
warrnntad,, due to the Load of the-'z?aCeiver. The receiver,
therefore.- will; leg against: the signall i.ng set by about 10
degrees. In oases where the output Is not sufficient or the
indication too ooeree motors are. predominantly used as adjust-
ing and oom-up-motors respectively,. As to' this please refer
to our apeciel prospectus.
The shown motor is en i*duc tio*oto-r working according to
the Ferrari-system, and;. that a single phase A.C. motor without
al ip - rings asd without atoll ec tars. The exc i to ti on and the
control wtndinga are inserted staggered by 90 degrees. The
rotary field is produced by e. phase capacitor connected in
the, excitation. or control circuit.. The speed increases nearly
linearly with the the contro . voltage of the motor which fact
is of a pecisl . importance, for control, engineering. The motor
consists of a thin.-walled, shaped aluminium globe poor in
inertia. ? ue to. this low moment. of inertia, the reversal from
clockwise to anti-elockwsie run at a speed of about 2500 rpm
- 15 -
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- 15 -
can be managed, without difficulties, `within a quarter of s;
second in which time, the fail speed is reached again. The
motor, moreover, my run, under high voltage 'ead speed a ciixist
a stop and remain there 'without being dan gee . The torque
produced by the rotor globe may be disdharged throu&h a .aui t-
able stepping down gear. This ?gear is i ai ediately attached to
the motor; in this,way both parts nre united to one core truct-
ional unit. 25X1
The 7?errarts motors are praduoed i..n.vorichis sizes, end
for mains voltages of 110 V, 50 cycles- mad 110 V, 500 cycles
The advantag94 the ? Ferraris motor offers; have mode him
an indiapensible conssitructtofal? art for the communication
and control engineeringr
Beeidea the rotary trnnam tt'Ot eapdoinlty in signal .in-
stallations for mining shafts r lso re1eja"6:'= different types
are used. n&Wt t' he so t1ted ruin relay in used as in-
termediate relay particularly 'for sig -s*1. and control 4gu'ipmeni
Lt is produced. for" A.C. and for D.C. The three change-over
contacts are rated for a continuous current,of 5 A. and suit-
able to a high switch frequenesy. The number of admissible
switchinge ranges .at about 10 millions c&.naCtions with about
2000 connections per hour. The relay may be :mounted in any
position, and it in of utmost shockproofneee. Therefore it
is also pleferred- for the 4be' in mining plants-where it has
turned out very well in respect-to its working reliability.
Another used 'relay is the robust flat relay. Its advan' 'e
against the above mentioned relay is its eopebility of being
equipped with 6? coatect springs thin i,, in dependence on re-
quirement, may work as working, rest or change over contacts.
The contacts are 'also rated for a continuous current of 5 A.
The relay is of very atablet eofstruction end does not feil in
its. jnork even rider working Oondi`ttone subject to heavy ahoeks
it in meeting with out any diffl ulties any demand required ii
the mining industry, - 25X1
iy report` intended to comruniceto to you a summarising
survey concerning the construction, operation, and manifold
application of the rotary trariamitter.
Although the examples mentioned represent but a small sectic
of the extensive range of application bf the rotary trnnamittf
- 16 ?
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- 16-
they will give you an idea of the numerouo problems which can
be solved by means of the rotary tro 3z itter.
i_lthougli t cc rotary transn ittcr, a:; already ,lcAtioned, is
=a cotvitractiounl part. known for dccades of years past it ha)t
enn, used for the iadu2tr r to a but crrell extent up to now.
and the t probably for rcasoaasx of its qualities and niinxyzided
ra ,piteations not being sufficiently populcrizcd in industrial
t int ndc?d, therefore, to drew jour attention by my report
to this proved construe tioneI ,)art of cow-zunlc Lion technics;
_uid l hope that rry arguments .All contribute to ^nd promote
the uie of ?h^ rotsr,; try :tc nittcr to a larr-er nxt-:nt than
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departs bye h1ef 'engine,%r .tr. Gerhard Thlrling
-r A3 eo
Cou l n ?
Contftte s
1x :l, .ti k3 i .o ord 6tz , 3d,YtiCl t t ezn *.Ii ii }
in t UR t1'ons
3.1 Drclar signallijir7; and receivir1, set,-
3 .2 :a to position aignallinf onr1 rooe1virz oetn
,3.3 'iridgo extension igxlailing nrid rcceivin, :seta
3.4 '?tud me aeurtng , inst~hllation
3.5 Nclxnn tion measuring, i.a. tn1i^ Lion
+9. can? re ark
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a 14-, rind. Gentlemen, .
The report on "New electric appliances and transmitting
installations for mining 'above ground" intends to give you
an idea of the remote trerisrnission n.ad safety devices used
partiaLilarly for, bbisn -aonveyiaC brid?;es and dredging
machines re pec tively.
apccia'i difficulties concerning the sufficient electric
and cQ aitruatie al.:4eaign of =- a mint* 4 ices are offered
by the route work31tg `eon o,aat+= The acting duet, changing
weather in the open air; va, ours no ,vell as rtgrrresaive water
require especially strongly and tightly constructed devices
according; to the VDE-rules. (Verein Deutscher c:l.ektrot echnike]
In order to secure a eontinuously;g and, first of rill
econowica1 mining work according to latest technical know? ",,g(
ana experiences the con ; runicat'3:on end ai l installations
a~*a p-+o : a ve i#p o-ve4, re ;; per 'eeted as to their de-
velopment. '.:'h i devices are not only to increase the safety
rind di ligcncr of thel miners but also., n 'a final result
achieved 'ay the accelera ted run of or.t -, to entail a consider-
able increriso of procuctivi.ty.
The devices are applicable not only in ;the mining industry
but a133 in rolling plants, in the engineering industry, in
the tra: "fic eta.
.iodern corn unication euginecring ?;.ith its manifold e.p Aic-
nti.on ofieaa lo,dfsdays ideal means for adjusting most diff.ereni
:rork~isE firocoa co to each other in favour of an accelerated
run of ork on one hand, and for obtaining an utmost ,corkl
safety on the other hand. The use of all communication plants
alms at the retrenchm, mat of idle rains gnd, in this way, at an
aerev oed utilization of the hnulirbry ; mane participating in
the Ncitinine, ar:d c onveyi.ng n ork r.s well r ,,,j s ir,7ultane ously et
a aysteuirtical t y increased workin^ safety and reliability
of uaechsnical ecjuiprn iit used.
::c ery'.~'a~ro in the industry a continuous v is urid.elf)yed as
clet:r remote indication of certain values, orders
or signals 1110 r:-quired, rasp* technical control ,and transmit-
t:iavll mesas ?re used, ae everybody knows, simple:,, robust specif
con;.atr',sctionai parts n ,ad el-ectrie switch devices of the com-
rnunica.tion technics may be employed in the appliances or
signalling installations, thus warranting their. utmost workinj
- 3 -
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- 3 -
Prior to eifting the devices grid transmitting, instaflattone
in question, I bed to make some general remarks upon the haul-
age t echnio s.
1. Gen erF# l
la to the heulin41 w ork there woo' the problem to replace the
heavy physical. work by meehentcrt devieec, .i.e. by raaachines
doing, it. The quick promtilg tjon nn d, inpcnious utilization of
electric ongineeringhgsa permitted a broad ntachtn.izrtion.
Lapeeielly the electric machine,iq capeble of concentra tiny;
large quantities of enerp,-y tit spatially limited places, reap.
of repeating the same .operation for moving heavy messes and
loads nearly ,infinitively often without any fatigue. such work
nowvadp,ye ie not- longer expected to be done by men.
In thee line of winning engine crint such an example is
given by the service of lore winning devices - the rubbish
conveying 4r:. ;e end thc dredging
wtchani:ring the. work to such an extent that, on the eontrcry
to former working methods, only e fraction and insl.gnificent
percentage of labours rre required who have been act free for
new teeka and work.
From the 114etorical point of view the use of the rubbish
?onveyizi bridges is still rather new. The first equipment
of this kind rua4ng on mils hen been put to service in
Germany in 1 24 for winawnin.g of lig.aite n'bove ground, i.e. for
reraovi the facing lnyerc cons i n tin of send, clay, and other
matters. The initially met problems end difficulties have ',een
surmounted already after a short time, and that in a quite
se tie fap Cory mariner.
.ittgure 114o.1 shovia a two-sectioned
rubbish c ouv eying bridge* The
dredg uig part - to be seen on the
left side of the picture - may be
displaced a.gninst the putting down
pert (on the right G ide of the
picture) in longitudinal direction.
Every rub%aish conveying bridge con-
uiate in principle of one main
Pig,,1 - Rubbish Convoying bridges with 2 railroad tracks and
r- IA` d&e.--.-some secondaxry bridges as well as
- 4 -
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4 25X1
track laying bridge, The ,delivering aonveyorz of the dredgere
are connected with t is mss bridge. According to the ivor]"'ing
conditions the oon.otructiontnl deem may be different. On the
left side of the picture one scraper and 2 d i to?iers removing
the rubbish are showtn. The rubbish is trnnsported, by means
of belt conveyors, over the main bridge, and put down on the
dump aitun}ted on the right side. In the middle we soe the
bare lignite with the travollinC, treo3 laid upon it. The span
of the " aveTling gears of a rubbish conveying bridge. differs
ncdorcding to the geological conditions in c nestion, --nd ranged
between 80 and 200 ma. The travelling speed of P. rubbish con-
veying bridge amounts to about 6 me/p.m. In dependence on the
.vorkin ; requirements several scrapers axed ditchers may be
adjoined to one rubbish conveying bridge.
Figure :rno.2 shows a compound
dredltng machine. On one side, in
front to the left, a ditcher, and
in front to the right r, alew-ing
sarapernre arranged. The dredger
runs on rails. In connection with
rth.: rubbish convening bridge pre-
ferably slowing dredgers are used.
These machines, rurn:iing partially
on onterpi:llars or also on rails,
lead the dredged material through
U Z-2 i)red -i ~faehine a fee ling belt to the rubbish-con-
veying bridge. Up to now there are
different designs and eonstruotiofas of dredging rmchtnes in
accordance to the working trequirernenta. Efforts are made,
however, *to develop a so-called standard design meeting poo-
sibly all rdox -ins, requirem nts in connection with the rubbish
conveying bridge.
2. Transrlis: ion of Orders and ' ro iomittlnrt -n ta' lations
._..._ ._.~M .._._ _.__.. __..._ __
After havin surmounted different ob: tecle > rind prejudices
e rubbish conv::yi ig bridges h ve become the main equipment
for transporting the rubbish in the rLL.ddlc Gcrm n lignite win
ding irlductry above ground. Not unjustly the consequences of
a heavier accident were feared auoh, a beavy I-iatccl constructio
running om numerous wheels in pe ,ellel acid.;.{erpendicularly to
the open mine might be subject to. 'ror the very beginning,
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO31900110001-5
thessefore; r it' hie be+6A considered neon= dary -to provide all
a iz>rble ` safety. r Cvtces- for 'the tinny artdfor service so
ee to etiv sto n' dr0hs4r'and 6eci1erit The 'eilure of the
cci tvcyirt' brtcipe' or af'a dredgixv acliine may", interrupt the
rernavxt d~ ?-, b~,i h fob` `ion: or tii e, nn(.reault in insuffio-
ristrt titt' .3 isb t on ,ot` the ce pacitfen 6f ' the _ap propris to power
)I-f?nto; briquette, i"aata 'i eo, ane, :torn 'tempcrVi turf; carbonization
Inntr; M?b'r izlcraasuifl~, the aefety of the operation of the
rubtlish da zve3''{nf bl* , e to the 'sr rc at extent, and, at the
^^e t i.' r., ` or i^~proVfrf ; the c ozaveyiag output c omriunicn tion
i~2! t 11 tttI i d t re re 3:red per 7i.ttiae Improved. comm unicntions
t etwr? c 't4%e (Oontitl. fitfnoS (d33 fivers f orbs) es well as the
c,~nti zuotz- tmperv vt"bn o 'r we Entire, rub1 inh conveying work
t to = e * n fety And rel b h
i 0 loeording
to' :e t ' ( an I i n v Hof.: dated 19/5c, the !ti ules con_
c t rni.n:. the ere'etion and operet1or o rib fish' conveying
1i~r c9 r c s in Any r ne 'ft obct~rin the Work 'to `be done in r d-
#'? . latest tech ico]. `rulee 1 r~~re been published, on
~1ov rrber 5, 1954"' to 6ccii-6.rnce t + tress rides all control
plr~ rep ShOIT1t be , interbot hec`t`ed by aan el ec trio commrunica tion
rc?~xlptne t no Pc to pit the clear cor iunication of ell
e1.1. yo the conf1r"mr-,t ion of the receipt or that
Vic' : i ing' m?tibhe i^ nd ;z~ ular pO:lltiano of the
trev::l- Ing ruhhtc ~~nifr i. bridge ~:r^t he clearly :end satis-
frr t >i 1., t n6.1. o ted th the rtvi~rs I an b 6 nt an- time. Barge
J c. 1f2?7 turtb e?"m(?rc, 3hhoul! 1e equipped with
r~:1:i' rxe `:N i* der^ ~ri1 !'; ? eir3~ er i.r~d!; tin; the air pressure.
'?^e ! re in ti o of Vie brill Me arrier off' the rubbish conveying
brf:c e..in; per^l1 c?_ d perpe. d i.citl'ur direction should he con-
trct2 P by nmttoble devio 0, ! 11 r fcty rn0 si zn 1lin devices
~hoUit3 be., rod in g k n"~e'act the C1o e cir,ujt system.
nr lo.3 i}'o 10 the scheme of a
ruh+ioh conveyi: bridge resting on
2 support -Id, 'proVtd cd with one
Iitdher Ind 2 scrapers. The rubbish
id renvvtiect from the left side
(,,T ro(ts,itg .aide) ranch transported and
put 'do'iri can the .Iump through belt
?I tl i l - t' ttbht-rh c onveytng" conveyors C. t i~nngemE~,nt and con-
,arid struetioii to well' as the mechanical
Ins tnl't ons )
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- 6 -
Lind electric,, .tt~ng9. are of ae3edtio1 importeace for the
output of the W%3ng,R :4uP1r3.ae,t4ons o0ac, rni-nr, Vie details
of the techn ,cqJ cows ;{ix g e ?tpr ent a;d 4eohn:Lcal date,
rho j, CVG1.', w=ould ,exoeed the 49ope of r y report.
t Is rry tas.k to.-explein the.,,e1ec tric eokri.aiuiicr_tion in-
3 t-II1 tLpn in1*e4ded for .rni. 1 3 i,nott eutaI nngers vnd
J. _1
accidents b;r the coritrgl of of the large con-
v(2 ying i ch-nes. Upon long ye,, -ex,per'1Aqe A especially the
rota?, t.rnnsmitter,h * tilrncc out beat aa a,=; peciai conotruct-
onr'i l part fir the tr-~: it ;a;ch, in;,ir:ilation
2a s i.n3 on c.oc tid a :-4a- 0 o4fii,?iin; tilecnr; ! the ro t._-: rY trfins -
mitl;er (eiectr.G, s excels c~t}3.ck, rali. ble, and aatis-
fn.ct.ory ,.:vork.,iu., AQ. -Pp retail ....This 3,~..w}ay,40r the s.= fetf
:l,evice.s aP rubb.ich C.invcX .ng bri4ges rotary trrausnittero -
irrllLi,,j, cnd rcg,eivi,ng sets - of eertfa t, t pes an rated ..or
110 r ~Q, cyc Ce, a,r prefe'ru4, duca .ira: ~ha~.r;. simple design
, pahen tioallf,,.jrked communic-
ation inst:atlatip>e on, ..the- cired,gin ; so well as on the putting
do': a side rind .ocgted.,,i . the, drivers' calap.and involving the
foll.oh~i,cg p?rrts
The order trarism tt}xt in tal~stion (1, 2.) for the commanic
a 3io a of orders to the );,ndivjdval drivers' cabs, incl. pole
chnng, i n g : ,,vitch ( ); ,.. gular_ po i,tion t nsa itter with remote
indica tion recejv er , (4 a.nd -51% The devia ea are intended to
measure the ineliued poei?tign ,of the rubbish conveying br= e
a einat the travel1 lag gea 'a, at -to effoot the -emote in-
diccfttoll the rzeaaured valued in the 7drivera' cabs.
The bridge o~ter jc,n trI14amItter a,Lth remote indication
rcce,ver (6 and . ) tzeaeurl a the PQaltlon .o ,-, the shiftable
bridge carrier.of ?the bucket and dredging chain ngrinat the
rv.bbi. ~h . co ivc, i. a;F brill z e, and indicates it in the drivers'
cribs. ?
The wind tiring inat?alla.tions, divided into air pres{3ure
ugea (8,,9,1.0) ,and rncnauring acts for the direction of the
wind .v, th remote indication receivers and recordint
devices... This ine,ta.llntion is ogle of the most important to be
found oa rubbiaili ,eonve,y3,- .Pridgen aria drsdging m -chines re-
pectively,aa, it warns the, serv si.?ataf so as to make pro-
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6 - - 7 -
Q q r ~ :E:I oii t . i nih Xzom :dua c u - by
t-Or ` ?.~.
1 1 op F e s t. 43 .vim' i nd i c P t i on
J?me 8A OP, RA Pqc o. '"d* k'. 4V;t -k1 ' sr 15t t1) . tF.i4 tc is ke c ^ re of
001A.4 Ly cend, q&*IW t .,no, urring 1 ongi-
? 1.;;i Q30.MA4,4 91 ':4fk._ #= rFPvellir.r rubbish
cz a v v ,~ B a: t c l f~ :mgrr o (4r .; :P j follows:
c t ndw el through
#~xa ~ ONl'`Jwb~: s~ - ~e l', 4O ; j u: ted to tie
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A031900110001-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A031900110001-5
desired order a eottail. Ati'the -O.me .ra 41id 1'b-t:or of the
dignallirig rotery transmitter is turned =th ?ng1e eorrc:;ponr
iting to that of1, ~1o`#e+d~ j:aSh receivin he couf:;.rm-
ctiMi ; re eipis` c f kb V 144T' -,tote rests ` ht reccivi,i-,,?P
i~Othry tranami if ter 16- bp dttrtty' 'thus- = l ih the: little
'ibibtter~ fa' bbnied 'toAtsf 10hert t4'o biri Aeenhe with the f y.me
p+ciix~ter ` TW?""t17 % 4v ait, dll IhOUT#xi+ 3.Y e`i l . 1{~rle # e~ erK io hey e~ii~ej~3i~ Midges", vol.
s ? ;: =x' rid:C'i3ti~s, "r~4i ` 1951
Prof'.Br~ f:.Hretd b'foik:` Oddheytn;':~ +!Ol Aoi'` 'oi''sulk Goods",vol.i
; r r ~.-afto 6~ ?!$S'K2le , M 1l B 1952.
'oOx cernin y, the.:*e616ic4f repdzts'? - t,
"Ilieftrio Appii> a ~F~ in& isthtftt g`'l a cses for above
'Gait ad ?ial'8g
tA~-1il ie eo* eyii g tl id ge g tg r tcl i ,^cranee, etc.)
Fig.1 ? -'Rubbish b d -
PICO, Rn1-11iah =4nh# y a 1 x~ 115 h' mi''a~' rar~smittin
Pig. 4
1140o** t G_ V. 44~1_*B 404
e on, x'oq
'UPI* - 7 ogi1luw k inC ~+ p%Wph conveying
Ig.'~b Trinsversal inc1incation of tie rubb3$h conveying
Ixv~itiiorr tee' '1#~lle'Mib;4' `.(scheme )
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7iadies and ' oe*tlem 't
Zntrodde ti on:
The repor
"fle elkeo tr + 6 1 8 irus telleti na for under ground
int egad a to giv xo y auary oa the. ; s? algna l l ing in-
stallations of old and new-feehioued systeis for hauling
After el .3ectrt tty had bed intradiatje'd An mining 'work at
'ex of the: ltnet'centh aef'tu
tree 2 s been recognized
that etpeuially thh. mjvAA,%e Worki.f under grortnd were engaagered
by aoclclente resulting from aw eots with 1'i*e parts, and
IV rtieuJ.arly 'by? pit-?jr a oa d? by; he electric current.
Precg lens I fo . ob*isting ''esich dangers had to- be made, and
that by collecting the enpe'riencee-` mnde-~ aiir *ill as by fixing
general and speciei rules pon eueh eXperi ices (VDF-rules
rules issued by the "VeirbiA Deutecheir Lle"v6ieehniker" /Cor-
poration of German. Eleatiriael -agtneere/)` .,'fese rules are
continuously tneedQd -end perfected 6eeording to latest tech-
atl,cal knowledge,
SpeciF,1 ' difticultibe cos to the electric and mechanical
conetruetio i of the *i*tiag ., eeta Are offered by the rough
. ?orktng condttiona 'The f'e$fdeta taken by duet, changing
meteorological oonditt n+e, in the 4pea a iri vr"pours as well
as yaggreaisive to e;`>gtitire =especis ly rdtitteit -nd tight
CMstruattoa `in sdhermOe :te' the aforisei4 i!tles. Further
diffioullties are net d'Ue to the -`facet V wt speeial authoritative
pAoriptlona have 'to Mbar -obat rOOd when ,i *611:1-#ng such sets
in a prises endangered iy _etp1oosion s and firedemps re-
epeactiveiy. The iApr wd sate -er+e -not 'only to, Increase the
gainer is safety and di aatg eetn' dew ` tie lapplted a'l`so fn 'the chemical industry
as well. ea -tn oth`er' indUtriet' bri he lee The* application of
all cowsmtoation tnetal-latIfte tt~ et the arystematical in-
er?esee aaf era ag aefety 'eud of the `bit"ut of the conveying
means used for winning and ha ling work.-tn- ei# ry industrial
- 2 -
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place where a clear remote transmission of certain orders
^nd signs is reepeotti is --required, as you know, only simple
robust, skid reliably working spegta1 constructional parts end
control members are suitable to the use in the sets and
signalling installations reapecthvely.
Prio- ''.- entextg oto th'e' `&:e'Ceile " of such sets end
signalling installations allow me pfeaee "to make some general
rya ei a8 1 to suaoe 'hsa2fng mirig
The hoofing work in the minim induet'ry includes not only
the hoie t g ;ot the. j:eria 3..won< Wider Mroung a uch a s ore a,
lr po# esium and of ex mtherAls. t*r f*e :flu ace but also
e bri d of ? ohinea.. and .goodt of a~ kind .
The .t*creasixg dspUls- of tote,1hefta ~ *At.; the necessity 4-,)
increase a1oo the l:oa ; to be. lifted r*it in special at-
teAtion to tea fitting; of~, the., eb.afts wi* 8altsbly designed
baAks .. u }load .a p soe: -att.' We. mouJdth of the shaft above
grouad) and shaft sttt4ons 4,: loedtag,piecea...Eon the lowest
floor) together with; their appropriate?e{aipment. The special
task, for the pit eye. is to o?t,eart thwc.horisontal conveyance
from the worked stratum into t}Le vertiosi haulage through
the shaft. hea a>r +aweriang t tA.;lmpgrtsni. question for the
aarrarect selection of the p* 10 at the eurtsae..where a new
shaft to to be a t>Itlt:.~"deei-ea4dd"..er sdriv,*!)., the prevailing
Conditions of t i I s e ss..well ae the working conditions
aba.v* and under ground should--be oonsidersd. The cross eectioz
.of the. shaft perf s,ao* anal seattoni.ng of which is called
the "areas section o pit" may .be rscte guiar, square,
o raular, elli ptismi.,' or limited by, :4epressod arches.
?t'he dg.?,peat, t ft in {3eerra a*i being w"k down to a depth
of ,12(Q As sit t4d near : the town lb ..hm the Southa fr icar
,gold mi iPA .'A4 t t d+ s: des pates see) s of about 2600 ms
nave been reams.
The shafts rep senti ag far -ypd eft ground -mines the only
transportation to the our roe th ry :Mae to meet P. number
of different requirenesita..They qrq, use4 not only for the
haulage of :goods. bpt also :for tie dement ind ascent of the
mi:ABra : ( -aide) , for the vets-- ,ony,r for the descent of
e props, mve o b 5 , n s and l e , of, , any kind, for the in-
stallation of the required water and compressed air lines as
- 3 -
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- 3 ?
well go the eleetric htWh *,i4- .'ir t*i* I,cabiles.
In?'nueli a 1jaft, according to the working requirement,
mostly' 2 drawn "cnges wig '44V i Boors eeeiving the
toners' trucks(dogs) 4~tn. 9~ eW...I specirl cases
combined Cages ai provide one part being the
drA- kibble-} `tend `^: tth a compartment f"pr the ,miners.
the cages' rite "'moved up and down, ='ilc u of a ropes, by
he tl. ztg SARI""=nn with maximum speeds up to 20 ms/sec.
C'~unl eta 7~' ke/hr.
for ran-rides the carrel speed is coriside b'1y reduced
t*m6nnting tei rtet mere" ? an bbtzt 8 ttsJ`ri ee'. ;'6&rre a pond ing to
-bout` 3~! kma!ltr. _ . ,
'rri s le'h ` on tr tiains J~ioq AW r '6hr'r i~fztit - besides the
Yinu'Lnge` fnetal"LQtcs - tzb a#g?11iz aevieea are of sub-
stazltial importance for tne-drWwi.og Ndr1C d6i"s to secure -
bestdesthe crlet r 4'Y i4 sr ttsi'actory. cdm~iiv(n c on - the safety
and economy of the whole haul it s?i`vtt# 's :T1* aiwft is the
only tz`bular coArfectit rt
t~rft"h the et 1 ee c 'ground.
>'be~hc? tote ;.pi the whim tower
f.s 4 ear`tofl", t8.1 . being of most
different ei natruetton according
to Cie r:v Ith word. ~g conditions
th* 1licture aho,,tt a whim tower
`moo herd wheel s arranged above
eael 'other, n the left side the
Are rope L *P,12 'bO__ ieeen which the
Qua Zri n g` 41 their guides are
f;y'st4*" '` . Tie ='4ir rope is driven
bye , t ie:-sbn*IInp engine through a
u~lley 8e1'e~t t11e head wheels you
rfiay see' -a pert a1? the shag f t frame
the- gvride 'rwils for the cages.
T14e exeteple of a ma in shaft
1. w Bank;
2 - fi oueld bad;
3 - First Boar;
4 - Intermediato floor
(Pump .house) ;
5 Jecond floor (plot);
'48411= ensine house.
- rain top;
8'-; iIt*ry step;
9 - Stops;
' (ftt.2) `e ill ' emTein to you the
'e6nstruo & r sd 'tae nor; a 1 signal
eon ee Byte 'Of t stops between the
f1eors zicl the 'cellr~r, the bank with
1iintfo=taer to s"'well' no the hauling
'tetgine bhouz . On the right side of
the Plet +e:; $ek a of the hauling
- 4 -
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- 4 -
# * room with the signal re-
geivng device.. (signalling column)
.fore operator of the hawing
;: t der : i.u ; to be,seen. For the sha f
11 _ ?:i ti en Ah oU to
.13 Usuling oage;.
14 - Plo.tfo`rm;
Fig. 2 Hauling Shaft
'12 = 1011421;.
above :# pit gput1..
eh t tgb,e -with ,.,,; tube aoaord .to, the requirement
platforms and aeI'laro;
fitt .1
k to
11 3
O , .moo0 4w g o are
4 -, rovi.d ed
i . armed in an altitude
About 29: o above the pit mouth
4ervi4g..;or the transport of the
:w.oxt rosters l:o for the,,Wa.atip" at' >rt,-,.,rides.
The ground _bank re ground oar rmQetl y used for the
d, eewrnt and aagMt of Qbineaa : vx ,'ti eifi parts, of mine props
l; r uge rub pound level dtrec ti,
o,tp-. Thta Vic..-,*sc prof exab,
of ettoub ?.300 rsa'
fi_ra, .fla this eiample is ass ged tor be in a depth
As ta comunication du?tug tie JA ltng service by mean
of signel,e. the following reg4S rer> *1td sk4uld. z be considered:
,a4 eated.
must diaa
Below thtaa the. intemaecttaate .f 4or fo'r.;the aoeommodation of
p la ,,seta ate; other machinery is arrangedo
ftJL 0IA M O,;,O ,. -being also the loading place, is assumed to
be armed in a 4epth of about 600 me. On this fl,)or the won
miner la .fie loaded as well as the different goods trnnsportei
and .for agorying out the man-rides oel1ars of several floors
re there arraned, thus permitting, for saving time, the
ro%nere to,.eitter.and to leave all floors of the cage at the
8zrte. tip R .
The natter of floors of the hauling shaft mostly depend
?on the gaological, and working conditions on site.
At; thee ooratroi points at the grate gate of the shaft the
necessary at9peaf A, oks) transmitting the sign^ls are arranged
The join stop irk the bank. Our example shows' i fro-me winding
nyetea ' th 2 r 1;-ti-storied.;c:A . %YAe_plx3 tforms and cellars
being, ;it?atly. used fqr man-rides only are equipped, for this
rsaaou with -geoajdery stops belonging o the appropriate
etas .e tope. Aaoa,4ung to the r 1e ,$qrc e. in the moment of
t}ae btlai;a,i,o1g; of signals oolf ite "finer .the cage has arriv
at rnay bs In awaxtac ti on r . th the he remaining floors
_g -
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- 5 -
1) The 4ih(iftn/ti.o ytion b t n i Put or the into rmed in to
ftovr !tfd i hhe bank l.i? ;...{.I +v 4-?i J
2) ~he'eomn tt.certien ,be re ri`~1 ie tmnk and the operator of the
3? The aeit nun cation between`Is `r do ji9.ece within the sheft
+-And the be:Ak or the ope2+aio# bf the hai_tling engine, e.g.
in the event of t~ittr'rfeilo word in the shaft*
heAe t~ttrdit'tons are fxp~?ki'tled in detail in the speciel
rules "Cono,eng the rreatt`,' te'stini, attendance end repair
tiff electric otgnAlltng 12%stg3l tio ift min And other shefta
b~tv eert `].lerihe' with ' i de eal*i pmont"(Rules for she, ft
:s*ri +l 1.t teehnft.d} whit h ?nr `-"it} .tory in Germany.
The [sigw fling paroOese fGr.hAuling , services comprises the
- f of l o"'- g >ri nai pol ;rte:
the oe11,, the swig meat end, indiaatiog, the,_ennouneetnent end
r su1 tiny; in tYle',ollri~aag . ~1 C3.a1 (fig-3):
a), The c411 is effected from 25X1
I Calling;
2 - r. ign:r c rit . E b), The aaef grime:: t ud ind is?s t
3 - . x._a1znc4~mont, .., ... ion me effected from the
4 - IlP.nging,-on,
ca.dy for baml1ng- bank, i tw1 the ind is n tion is
a Y'xecuti.on3 trot a4iLtted to the floors
1' -- Maul in? ex~! lyre rrai~' ; ~ ; . _ .
(signr,l column); .;. # ud to the hn.uling engine
1 J- econd floor.: (pit j.e); e) The annouacefncnt (e.g. man-
1 toV / , Z'4C[e s - terin1 self-ecti
12- skeetylver;
13- '.Wuzne o:V, the . gaEbili., ride and other kinds of
Circuits An the ?h ft 'rube, hr, alias agrvice) rn y be
effected accordirig to two
1 }: prom the boa to t -e f eoxa wit1 c. jnitnl receipt
gall d f'ro them; to the huulir c rigine room.
From the floors to the bank witli incidental receipt
gignr l1ed from there, thus giving en iouncernent to the
hnulin engine room.
The execution sigml orders the hruli engine driver to
start the hauhtng, engine.
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1.) , 'hQ ..1 ang ggww~ pt.,?nals 'ar-e,;parj gipoll y given from the
floor to the bank, axed from the. to the hauling;
ang&net dA.V" - ,form 'of . b ,l g4CABle a
2) The signal "ready for ba4LI4 :a .mom by uscd for the
exe4utivu c-f r.t u ~e 4?f' g4a or for :roan-rules.
TI4 4i cuat f ',.tl . trans a.sivp c such sigavls can
,,be ~conaected
a} tine of l impaalna .aaitlz afiu e; 'zo:n the floor to
#Z+ wu1 L% ; ,zwiaaa dacver, .:
b} he a.eoond g .,L 3 u e .Xrc4 .t ,e .J nk to the houl--
ong .Fd iv , O. at first. Xro ..albs bank to the
.aig en*i,a dxax fxq the -floor to the ho.ul?
ing e.agine driver, or both signal impulses 8t the
same time.
'The trarr i.eeion of- ei It the ha
bgr' ing-on signalli.r,
ixaetnallation giving bdill sig l-s' betrievin /th6t onsetters in the
eha ft h `the heul ing ,. et ig drive s- -f~iQ:7rt'oug4 ' pull keys and
according to fixed signalling syaa `iii,'4th4 most preferred
VtJitmic Ativu ae -hod t -.mow...
as ezoul ciiig signal (deterriainntiou. of tie ,_kind of haulage)
4 strokes, of a old - slow ride,
a .. .F - - : of csting rids to-.;:
',a eseeut on signal (for,,s tar% n a.rA utappig the cage)
I e Croke of ci cloak - atop;
rho ixs n sr i pion of sigxiz to by C *iW Q.t' Falook8 ho a been
t I taine+f since the tntredueiian `-of el-ectrioity in the minim
adixetr$ in 1814. Such signr1a,, however, rn y lead again and
again!`to'4rror3 said misunder6tuA4tage, esl eeially in the even
of ev groups of signals existing, thus entailing de-
vloz.*]d`1e- $oeideu*s w id failures ih yrricte.
3) I)i 'ferent 5 O ens of - Sliaft SI 11ing Lns t ll-s bons
Two.," plea are intc:xxi a to .eep irA to you the signn}lling
into11at"ione nornolly in operatton.in .?rhnce oxad =.Ltta us in-
Germany, :I.et us firstly knave A short loolC at Trench shaft
=i n llix g in:3ta1' ation (figs )
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I-) ,, picture Slav. multi-floor 25X1
:.T e; - tiro L tgre t ni E ,O the.: right side the hauling
for they signalling,
a room wittz.. ape signal receiv-
2. 3 - i,tehbo with FU-4 t < a} tericee- is j lic tcd including:
buttons or the Sig- The ilt9mp annanetator for the sig-
,ll ng e~tti eat;
ig ' indias.tL tal ing e%i pment (1) and
thjlkigd of haulage; ,
It e_ ey- t tchbonrd with the push button
Bell sl.gne .i.:. .for time s ign -Uiu equipment (2).
.. ... ....s v vas ~uv ~, .
7 30#tk' tp1).:ed, furt z ermore,
8 - ltmulaiug engine xpa,~; hel ~.,e, ho .';qA# p:td other a .vitch
9 Bank 0 m level ;
de~vic es
10--, 1 pth` of f 10, -n'4a'
11- T.lectrte :$t nnllin, A4 h,e< :to+ Qf the .left -:ide you see
T. stallation -
i9' the... u.rra d in an altitude of
? ?~ Inc s;. S`2 : ?, ..,
1,1:,~buve the. mouth Frith the
:lectric jfnpllir laz p c .uunciato' (1). the signal
meta .anon beat iadicut , the kind of hauls e
3) , the path-, key (4) , the hanging-
16t2 t t ? i ` e T C 1 p7. o't 'orc 'e i ;n 1 t 1 rid; c e v3 e c, re z pp the t for the
C P? 6 txt`o!t'3 tC 1 y. The s i r+< , j y
_.' q: ffiitur. r: iaa' receiver re-
s;~ECt{vc~ y,r f t d vith: irr, cetgr 6M1 ,4` the ?oft c,,i.de
of t e e * inky t' ' s ia'.R -3c p`fo 3
t#eV'irc !lzto'ms` icpt - coin detect to ti 1e h .~t.Ii engine. The
-~btbft?tie speed It iii:ng device ccnriot be uAtched on or off
? r
1?'~tted Rnid, furti errore, t?;e he.u'tiia speed licit Iii
;'r"y tyre 'find ' f iaud ge like 'e.g. "m n-,ride with plntforra"
is opticrll'f inicd`icr."$ed b,= .t E cvrreepo4ding ponition > of the
Ootnte `Pt ?P'!.I ':h eel and the rot 1'j 2 ;:Ur3y for h ruling" is
(reedy for releoued.
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I _ 17
f3i figg:.tile~ wgency signal %-.it1
~nte~rk ~fct "atte - e. fld s. 1 `mergency
:1`ignI''tsq Cann ?_,asat ltutt4eta ;afortbeing opera ted
(read "for' t o Qdne Of:{is gex Fscre installed P t
any, . oat p~.eQe..
Aleo n the. event :ef wrdttg,ar unnomplete i rrismission of
signals the erergeno~fi:taiy .bie;peretsl..~
the third mple;,j to eho the:; :t elttnrication in c~,e
of inttersf'loolt->hauie ge if the c*g*-+Vj to~ brnneport ''mp to ri'm1"
froze the -first to tire.. ee.odd .:Roar. The :a t--+oP .:oign l . n ec
ijv elm . ea co Yding Qo a the : 'G U O Vta ae ueU0 e : M
stoppta pl"Ico 4 :amaotzoct aign1 - azeeu i signs 1.
i' t :;.; ~.,1' os? l.-
ling system. Behind this s-4tch there JP.=;?the instc llr'tiou
throw switch, perajtt.ng._' * s sent of inc&deiuta1 fviturea
o t opt c l* e: a~ ' 81$ P.l14Ag inete11Ptton, the tr-ineitic
to ;,onJ- , +kadi , : ki W'11 a swX14 pi' nt. The front
of the copJjW be erh; r signalling L.rai* dice tine the work-
ing poi telpAs- of tb* ?e'! teh.
i :g-1fw; W& WS bank onaettcx
4perati the different sets
f the! e&0a11ing equipment.
ft side the 3igna1
Qa ticor le
Rotrry Transmit
8}a".' gf 1i{ng
r> --I~tol~lo~~A~~:?:
: aarer~rtl.ist~rr, find that a type
wi tk*Wk bigna ll ing lamps, 3
mom,,*sd,iAbove this set there
th*?DpAtical light spot in-
.,.16feat*r4ay the execution sig-
,~llt?;, t*; distribution boxes
,re. i at,A1ed ,a side of this
iadiaes~r~i? On the right side
fte?' *elsphone and, above th is ,
tho AClubttc sets (bell: etc.)
i arsrjs$raaged .
lm ' thi$ -immoat (fig.17) the
floer euse**er adjusts the
stgagral,;cegreiver to the announc
ing s :grial "Haulage". In f it
of the miner the operating
levers for the hydraulic truck
conveying device at the shaft
gate r re arranged.
The experts of the copper zinc
who have continuously used thi
shnft signalling installation
,oor iigr l Receiver for some time past have ' iro-
,~opt~et `kine~ nounced their opinion upon the
work of thin plant. Here -)rc
some extracts from such,.judgmezte ;
"A ~a to its functionning #atet*2lation has turned out cl
The operation being easily tc er does not require a ; era t
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21 -
deml -ef'ihe working stsff.- 'he 0vtoI'hl4 OVA bias audible iradic-
r ttdrt'?eoA&14e^reb1 insre See thb~ a f' iiyf #`fhe service staff
has confidence in this instal l?tion Timm of lling installat-
f oll, !''fir'th a sort, is of On ei a 4b*h''tAllueace on the product-
as . a list t g'c pacit~#"of tllNo' slri t~f ; ednipered H,; _i.tit the
ue'et!`Tiie ree a up te1' # eny~o*nl.f bs i ceased, especiel.ly
Thor! uetn the re+ ~yetgs I1t - ~oothOd, ..?byc~* Out 7 ; . Peilurea
of sinus Fire h#rdly to -be X04kogsVwtfh,; even in the event
of a Oejt 'bf''tb4.installsttesf feiLtA!.,: To various cht nge-over
~ee6#iK2itio~` e3: Rs yet""psi i#~ to ?Onttnue the:,iteulin, work. The
itlb atl tibh ~l #e ~ aVPSIet d 1141 ;results exported, rind 3 s meeting
ell requirements asked for."
brio .to 00:reedi**`-df the:~11xtrict fron'the judgment given
by M. cQ ml to b arts. 'hs'rotniry hrsnsaitter signalling
installation-tereutteblt16 eiinE8 -Ltk,-l'td>5'..floors, end that
e e to both e a jte 'end skip hGt;!ltili }'' aye Uwe4"' I t is a do pted to
the nature of the shAft hauling work.t oqusst1on, and special
denir nds can be considered accordingly.
It will be interesting; fr jou, furt.,,ermare, that the
signalling installations should be fitted with recording sets
to the largest possible extent. For such purpose we Fire ex-
periencing, for the time being, a new electric speed recorder
consisting of the following parts:
4, , _... f .
1) the %'C.-Speedometer machine with speed gearing to be at-
I* the u1
. ,nstn 11 ed in the
s1~11 Lolmmfl1 W ;
3') the, oteotric recording device with the registering set for
rep orin off`:
a) the speed curve (hauling speed of the hnulinr engine),
b) the execution signnls (onsettir; and ready-signal ),
c) the anouncinf^ signals (e.g. ran-ride, hauler E, slow run),
d) the emergency signal.
This briefly described recording device is, He already
:mentioned, still in state of being; tested; upon finished tests
the production ,ail1 be qtnrted.
Me connections for such sets bei1ig t^2rerceg tralatellation secure
a ?.aeaattly pes etttly oafs and re ialile t +nq q~iion of signal 3.
tho; o*e#tor an4,,the clepr in-
'm l o0tra io of the, ee a by.
s;dicatton of, ithe . eigrte e::.ere , afi ar#,>rtg ?o ggiaX;y to the hs.ulln
c:e>dgin< driver e, high `degree of ra$Ppty-fqq *,i ,,-work Rt the
hauling engine.
ALee i~t::future.> re shell, go 4n;:t? mokt~p3~1 efforts for in-
ereaatag. +the :aimer' Q,;A$tety au $, i aognegtiam with this, ",)r
. fecilita ft3g hie : reApo*3iblo;,workk.
Tbew*kjn ,for.` yA*it, ergteemed atteat%4W:;npw I, beg to finish
ms report.:" _ 1:?
Literature t
I!~ w Fn ter t,; ai it "-', Essen, 1949.
'bt3Che s'' 'l ` ` 4e3.eft af'j intxtg, volume II
Editorat,? +Ax'$.n1er-YU'l , Berlin-Ottit
Hei d elber, 1 5 O
Ge ssmenn': 1' lee rie Communtcatiora