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rDeclassified in Part :Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY 50X1 -HUM USSR SUBJECT English Translation of Technical Description of Display Equipment of the Soviet P-30-M (BIG BAR) Radar REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES QrJune 1964 1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. -THIS IS IINFVAI IIATFO 50X1 50X1 INFORMATION SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATivF 5 4 3 2 An English translation of a Soviet manual entitled Mobile Acquisition .and Guidance Radar P-30-M9 Technical Den77-Tion ? art II Dis la E ui ment (Podvizh- " TiTa?YIUTEETkarillinliaya stantslya o naruz enlya ? navedeniya P-30-M: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye, chast vtorava indikator- nava almaraturan YeA1.211AOR TO-TT-111 Distribution of Attachment for Retention: 00/FDD: OSI: ORR: Army: Army/FSTC: Navy: Navy/STIC: Air: Air/FTD: SAC: DIA: NSA: 1 2 2 3 3 copy copies, copies / copies copies 1 copy 1 copy 2 copies 4 copies 1 copy 1 copy 6 copies S-F-C-R-F-T 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM iss 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification STATE 1 MA1 ARMY 1 NAVY 1 AM I NSA VA,113/ NI C I OCR 00/FDD Army/FSTC Air/FTD Navy/STIC (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) I SAC 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM MOBILE ACQUISITION AND GUIDANCE RADAR PP-30M TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION PART II DISPLAY UNIT YeA1.231.008 (English Translation) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031666676601:3 ? MOBILE ACQUISITION AND GUIDANCE RADAR P-304f TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION YeA1.231.008 TO-II-B PART II. DISPLAY EQUIPMENT (I. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 CONTENTS , li? Table of Conventional Designations CHqTER ONE. GENERAL INFORMATION ,ON THE DISPLAY EQUIPMENT 1. Function and Operation of the Display Equipment 2. Make-up of the,Display Equipment 3. Interaction of the Display Equipment . CHAPTER TWO. MASTER VOLTAGE AND_FILTER CABTIsiKTPI-F1-?,_ 50X1-HUM in IMO 3 6 1. General Information 13 2. Trigger Unit BZ 16 3. Synchronous Tracking Transmission System SSP 26 4. Main Selsyn Unit FD-62 33 5.- Rotation Simulator Unit IV - 36 6. Secondary Selsyn Unit VD-1 43 7. Servoamplifier Unit US Si 8. 9. Higher-Frequency Generator Unit GCN4. Azimuth Scale Marker Unit 0A-5-1 58 62 10.//Azimuth Scale Marker Unit 0A-1-1 11: Input Unit VU Integrator Unit IU-1 13. Spiral Sweep Generator Unit OR 14. Test Unit KO-3 71 78 91 113 121 CHAPTER THREE. PLAN POSITION INDICATOR IK0-3 129 1. General Information on the Operation of the Indicator 129 2. Indicator Scope Unit TI-1 135 3. Sweep Delay Unit ZR-3 146 4. Range Sweep Unit RD 5. Video Signal Mixer and Amplifier Unit VS-3 169 6. Sweep Delay Unit ZR-2 176 CHAPTER FOUR. STATION REMOTE CONTROL CABINET DUS-1 182 1. General Information on the Operation of the Equipment 182 2. Signal Mixer Unit SS-1 -Noise 187 .3. Blanking and Tuning Unit for-Protection Apparatus BNF 193 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM CHAPTER FIVE. HEIGHT MEASUREMENT INDICATOR IIV-1 203 # 1. General Information on the Operation of the Indicator 203 2. Indicator Tube Unit TI -2 209 3. Projection Adapter Unit PN-12 217 4. Elevation Sweep Input Unit RU-1 9; 221 5. Elevation Sweep Output Unit RU-2 .0. 228 6. Video Signal Unit VS-4 234 - CHAPTER SIX. AZIMUTH-RANGE INDICATOR IAD-1 sO 239 1. General Information on the Operation of 2. Scope Unit TI-3 3. Azimuth Sweep Unit RA :-CHAPTER SEVEN. POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT ' 1. General Information 2. BP-300 Power Supply Unit 3. BP-200 Power Supply Unit ? L. BP-150 Power Supply Unit: 5. BP-7 Power Supply Unit 6. Power Supply Control Unit UPT-1 CHAPTER EIGHT. INDICATOR VEHICLE EQUIPMENT the Indicator 1. Communication System of the Radar.-Station ---- 2. Ventilating and Heating System of. the Vehicle 3. Lighting L. Arrangement of Cables ;v? 239 2)44 244 251 251 251 256 261 266 271 276 276 277 281 281 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Table of Conventional Designations RL-30-1 R9dio Relay Line NRZ-1 Ground Radar Interrogator KPI Command Guidance Post, of the RL-30-1 System ZN-F1 Master-Voltage and Filter Cabinet., BZ Trigger Unit SSP Synchronous Tracking Transmission System , 6-02 Main Selsyn Unit IV Rotation Simulator Unit VD-1 Secondary Selsyn Unit US , Servoamplifier Unit GCh Higher-Frequency Generator Unit ' 0A-5-1 5-Degree and 30-Degree Marker Unit 0A-1-1 1-Degree Marker Unit KO-3 Test Unit IU-1 Integrating Unit VU Input Unit. GR Sweep Generator Unit U-OCh Amplifier Subassembly, IK0-1 Plan Position Indicator TI-1 IK0-1 and IKO-V1 Scope Unit ZR-3 Sweep Delay Unit for IK0-1 and IAD-1 IKO-V1 Plan_ Positicit Indicator for Command Guidance Post RD Range Sweep Unit (p 5) (p 6) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 VS-3 IK0-1 and IND-1 Video Signal Unit DUS-1 Station Remote Control Cabinet 85-1 S?al Mixer BNF Blanking and Tuning Unit of Noise-Protection Apparatus IIV-1 Height Measurement Indicator TI-2 IIV-1 Scope Unit PN-12 Projection Adapter of Unit TI-2 RU-1 Elevation Sweep Input Unit ? RU-2 Elevation Sweep Output Unit vs-4 Video Signal Unit for IIV-1 IAD-1 Azimuth-Range Indicator ,v1 TI -3 / IAD-1 Scope Unit RA Azimuth Sweep Unit BP-300 +300 Volt Power Supply Unit -- BP-200 +200 Volt Power Supply Unit ,4? BP-150 -150 Volt Power Supply Unit' BP-7 +7.1 KV Power Supply Unit UPT-1 ' Power Supply Control Unit Shch0V Lighting and Ventilation Panel ? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 (Note: two pages of original-language tiext missing.] 50X1 -HUM The instruments of the synchronous tracking transmiasion system -(8SP) (p 9) are designed/for the remote transmission of the rotation of the antenna. Voltages generated by this system are used to turn the deflection coils in the plan position indicators, to 'supply the elevation and azimuth sweeps, in the height-measurement and azimuth-range. indicators, and for shaping electrical markers for the angle of rotation.of the antenna. Elements of the SSP system are component parts of the display equipment cabinets and ? ,various auxiliary units. The main selsyn unit of the system is located in ' ,:vehicle No 1. Electrical range-marker pips, correspon4ing to given ranges and angles of rotation of the antenna, are created on the indicator screens by range marker instruments located in the master voltage cabinet. Each display cabinet receives power from standard power supply units supplying stabilized voltages of +200 vl -150 v, and47.1 kv and an unstabilized voltage of4.300 v. The tube filament circuits are supplied by self-contained filament transformers located in each of the units. The monitoring PPI and its auxilliary equipment are-uied to carry out continuous remote monitoring of the operation of all station receivers and to select the optimum operating mode for .the station. The remote control panel located at the monitoring indicator provides for remote control arid-observation of equipment in the transceiver cabin. ,/ / 2. Make-up of the Display Eqpment VehiCle No 2AFigure 1) contains: R. 1 Master voltage and filter cabinet ZN-FI. Plan position indicator cabinet IK071. - 5. Station remote control cabinet DUS-1. 4. Height Measurement indicator cabinet IIV-1.. 5. Azimuth-range indicator cabinet IND-1. 6. Radio relay lite cabinet 7. Equipment of the interrogator system -10, B-12, B-141 B-167 8. Communications equipment for the station. (p10) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1 -HUM _ Fig. 1. Vehicle No 2. Fig. 2. Arrangement of Equipment in 'Vehicle No 2. 1 - telephone operator's table; 2 - radio relay line; 3 - IFF system equipment and spare parts; 4 - DUS-1 remote control cabinet; 5 - master voltage cabinet ZN-Fl; 6 - IAD-1 azimuth-range indicator cabinet; 7 - 1K0-1 PPI cabinet; 8 - IIV-1 height measurement indicator cabinet; 9 - spare parts cabinet; 10 - input distributing board; 11 - output distributing board; 12 - 3-12 control panel. 50X1 -HUM 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 9. AuxilliarY equipment for lighting and ventilation of the. A A diagram showing the location of,the equipment in the vehicle is given in Figure 24 . , ? The equipment located at the command guidance post and Operating in the radio relay system includes:: 1. Receiver cabinet for radio relay lite RL-30-1: 2. Four cabinets for the IO-V1 plan position indicator. 3. Communications equipment.? I. Auxilliary equipment. ? The ZN-Fl cabinet includes units which generate trigger pulses, (P 13) range-and azimuth-marker pulses, and secondary voltages.of the SSP system, ? .and which produce voltages of the main selsyn unit; it also includes units which decrease non-synchronoub pulse noises on the screens of the indicators (filter units). The IK0-1 and IKO-V1 cabinets include units used to observe the position of' targets within the zone of visOility of the station and to determine their slant range and azimuth. - The DUS-1 cabinet contains the monitoris4 PPI, mixers of the reflected signal channel, and the station remote control panel. The scope of the. ,4Ddonitoring indicator may be used to monitor the output circuits of all receivers in the station in addition to observing targets and determining their coordinates. The IIV-1 cabinet is used to measure the altitude of detected targets. -R)rthisputposela special. scale is projected 'on the scope by means of an optical device: The IAD-1 cabinet is used for the accurate measurement of the slant range and azimuth of detected targets. The radio relay equipment serves for the' transmission of displays from the scope of the PPI to the command post, which may be located up to 15 km from the station. The interrogation system, located in the indicator vehicle, includes transceiver unit B-10, indicator B-161 distributor and circuit-protection unit 'B14, and control panel B-12. The communications equipment of the station includes a 10-line switchboard with phone, phones located in the' indicator cabinets, and a VHF radio R-109 for communication with the command guidance post. ? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1 -HUM Heating and ventilation of the vehicle Is provided by an OV-65 heater apparatus, an electric heater, and a ventilation system which maintains normal temperatures in the cabinets' and the'vehicle. Construction of the display equipment is based on the principle of using small functional units linked together in cabinets serving different purposes. 14% A significant number of units are of general purpose and are used in' different cabinets. Structurally, the majority of the units are Made on standard cast chassis to which are attached the components and assemblies making up the unit. The tubes of each unit are placed in a special tube compartment closed by a door on the front panel. Each cabinet contains, in.addition to the standard units, a group of non-standard units. The cabinets are arranged so that the non-standard units are located in central compartments in the cabinet.and the standard (p 15) units are in side compartments. All cabinets are of a single,type. . ,The standard units are placed one under'the other so that their tube compartments form two vertical ducts (tube channels) on either side of the cabinet. The tube channels of all cabinet's are connected to a common heating-ventilating system of the vehicle, thus maintaining normal temperature conditions within each cabinet. . On the chassis of each unit is.a plate with a.picture of the schematic diagram of the unit, and on the doors of the tube compartments are plates' with brief data on the unit: The units are connected in each tors, and the cabinet connections in located on the cable mounting plates Figure 3 shows the IIV-1, IK0-1 shows the ZN-Fl and DUS-1 cabinets. cabinetrby means of knife-type connec- ? the vehicle are by plug connectors of eactecabinet. and cabinets, and Figure 4 3. Interaction of the Display' Equipment. A diagram showing the interaction of the display equipment is given In Figure 5. Signals from the outputs of the centimeter-wave receivers and voltages of the test, control, and circuit-protection circuits of the transceiver apparatus pass from the transceiver cabin, through distributing board RShch -3, to vehicle No 2. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1 -HUM Fig. 3. IN-1, and IAD-1 Displays. 1 - IIV-1; 2 -. 11(0-i; 3 - IAD-1. 50X1-H UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Fig. 4. ZN-Fl and DUS-1 Cabinets. 1 - ZN-Fl; 2 - DUS-1. 8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Signals are fed from the outputs of the:Centimeter-wave receivers to p 19) the DUS-1 cabinet, where they may be viewed on the scope of unit ZR-3 and, the monitoring display, and then to two Video channels EI and Eli (corres-, ponding to he receivers of the vertical andslant channels). The signals in channels EI and Eli may%e sent to the displays directly o(first OpOrating mode) or throughlpits for protection against . non-synchronous pulse' noises (filter units)lblocated in cabinet ZN-Fl (second operating mode). The switching circuits of the first and' second operating modes are . located in unit VU of cabinet ZN-Fl add in units 55-1 of cabinet DUB-i. The first mode is the direct transmission of signals of channels EI and Eli to the station displays. The signals are sent to unit VU in cabinet ZN-Fl (EIkf and EIIkf). When the switch is in the position "DUS," the signals are sent directly to the displays by way of IAD-1, IKO -1, IIV -1, cabinet P11-1, and distributing board RShch -4. At the same time, these signals pass through units designed. to protect against non-synchronous pulse noises, and, after this filtering, return to cabinet DUS-1 (EI-;Fl and Eli-Fl) where they' ave observed on the' scope of the monitoring display; then they are sent through circuits EI-F2 and EII-F2 to unit VU in' cabinet ZN-Fl to a load equivalent. Switching of these signals occurs in units SS-1 when the signals are sent to the monitoring display; that is, when the switch on unit SS-1 is. , 'in the position ."VYKh-F," filtered signals from EI and Eli appear on the scope, and when the switch is in thesPositiA "VYKh SS," unfiltered signals appear. . The second mode is the transmission of ,aignals of EI and Eli to the (p 20) station displays after they have been filtered. In this mode, the switch in unit VU of cabinet ZN-F1 is placed in the position "IND." In this case, the EI and Eli signals are fed to units for protection against non-synchronous pulse noises, are filtered in these units, and are sent to the displays by way of the same circuits as in the first operating mode. The monitoring display of cabinet DUB-1 retains the capability of monitoring the .EI and Eli signals both before and after they have been'filtered. The NRZ-1 interrogator signal is sent from the output of transmitter B-11 through a T-junction to the antenna.. The identification signals' received by the antenna are' fed through the same T-junction to receiver B-15 and from the output of thereaeiver to cabinets DUS-1 and P-11-1 and then to distributor board RShch-4, where the' identification signal circuit is equivalent loaded. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The voltages from the synchronous tracking transmission circuits are sent from main selsyn unit FD-02 of the transceiver cabin to cabinet ZN-1011 where the operating mode of the SSP system is switched (operate-simulate) and secondary voltages at frequencies of 1,500 and 43 cps are generated. The SSP voltages (1,500 and 50 cps) are fed from cabinet ZN-Fl to dis- tributing board RShch-3 and from it to the displays. The 50-cps voltage is sent to the monitoring display of cabinet DUS-1, to IK0-11 and to output board. RShch-4. The 11500-cps voltages are fed from RShch-3 to the IAD-1 and ID/-i displays. The 43 cps voltages are sent to cabinet P-11-1. ? Voltages of the control, testing, and circuit-protection system of the transceiver apparatus are applied directly to remote control panel PDU-1 located in cabinet DUS-1. Rocking of the antenna may be controlled from the PDU-1 panel or from units UN-I (in cabinet IKO-1) and UN-II (in cabinet IIV-1). The voltages of these circuits are fed to PDU-1 through RShch-3. (p [ The 220 v, 50 cps supply voltate from the electrical power unit in vehicle No 2 is fed to distributing'board Rphch-3 and then to each of the displays in the vehicle and the heating, ventilation, and lighting panels. The telephone circuits lead to terminals, on Rach-3. The telephone circuit of the display in cabinet DUS-1 is connected to the switchboard. Other circuits which are fed to the station displays, in addition to the external circuits, are the trigger pulse and scale marker circuits, which originate in cabinet ZN-Fl. Two trigger pulses come from cabinet ZN-Fl. One pulse (ZAP-I) is applied to distributing board RShch-3 and then to the transceiver cabin for synchronous triggering of the transmitter. The second pulse (ZAP-II) is fed in sequence to cabinets DUS-1? IAD-11 IK0-1, IIV-1, NRZ-1, cabinet P-11-1, and to distributing board RShch-4. The range and azimuth markers are fed in sequence from cabinet ZN-Fl to cabinets DUS-11 IAD-1, IK0-11 IIV-1? cabinet P-11-1, and to RShch-4. , The PPI displays operating in the RL-30-1 radio relay line are connected to receiver cabinet V-11-1 through distributing board RShchV-KPN. The following voltages are applied to each of'the cabinets of IKO-V1: SSP at a frequency of 50 cps, power supply of 220 vl 50 cps, mixed signals through channels EI and Eli, and trigger pulses. (p 21) 50X1-HUM 22) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Ivo( (-4 sd, os-ass ?co 1 e 7c616 Mt if Job re co Je a, io4/omen.).041, ",Nef,1,53,41 se, ooshiSS` 14140-1. ".? fb 0 a sgInb -AS t r 50X1-HUM (See following page for KPN system) 50X1-HUM, .?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 12 50X1 -HUM ..-,..7.1,i gg.e. . .? rit,(1 I .0 1 r-I ? 1 r lA : .50. c 0 .4., r_i ? I .0 ??1 1:7 I II 03 0 r-I Z 1 I 43. O0 43 4 0 .., .. ....v.! A T ril P r4 ? . co VI\ ?? 0 cg r-7 I g a ?...1 ?rf CV . go." ri. I ??, 0 el .... 4) (43) ft) S.: 2 4 "gligt4,5 Itis'441' -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? V,? 50X1-HUM CHAPTER TWO 4' (P 23) MASTER VOLTAGE AND FILTER CABINET ZN-Fl / 1. General Information Cabinet ZN-Fl (Figure 6) generates trigger pulses for the transmitter and display equipment, range and azimuth scale markers, and supply voltages for elevation and azimuth scanning of the height measurement indicator and azimuth-range indicator. In addition, the cabinet also provides for pro- tection of the video channels against non-synchronous pulse noises. Cabinet ZN-Fl also includes devices for simulating rotation of the antenna and the secondary transducer unit of the SSP system. Technical data. Cabinet ZN-Fl produces "the following: 1. A positive trigger pulse (with an amplitude of not less than 25 v). 2. ..Rsingescalemarkers of 2, 10, 50, and 100 km (with controlled marker amplitude). 3. Azimuth scale markers of 10, 50, and 300 (with controlled marker amplitude). 4. Antenna rotation angle voltages of 'the synchronous tracking trans- mission system for supplying the deflection coil rotation system of IK0-11 the elevation and azimuth sweeps of II1T-1 and IAD-11 and the shaping circuits for the azimuth scale markers. Cabinet ZN-Fl also provides for protection of the video channel against interference created by adjacent radars having a pulse train rate up to 3,000 cps (when the separation of equal or multiple rates between the dis- turbing radars and the protected radar is not less than 0.5%). The ratio of the number of markers from one and the same target obser- ved at IK0-1 before and after the noise-protection unit must be at least 95%. Make-up of cabinet ZN-Fl. Cabinet ZN-Fl includes the following units: BZ - trigger and range markers;. 0A-1-1 - one-degree azimuth markers; 0A-5-1 - five-degree and thirty-degree azimuth markers; KO-3 - monitoring test oscilloscope; , VD-1 - secondary selsyn unit; US - servoamplifier; 50X1 -HUM (p 25) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 IV - rotation simulator; GCh - 1,500 ops freqUency_generator;. / VU input device; IU7I .- integrator; OR - sweep generator; - +300 v power supply; BP-300 BP-200 - +200 v power supply; BP-150 - -150 v power supply; UPT-1 power supply control. Units IU-1, K0-3, VD-1, IV, and UPT-1 are centralized. In the left compartments (from top. to bottom) are units CA-5-11 GChl BP-200, and BP-300, and in the right compartments -- GR, BZ, 0A-1-11 US, and BP-150. Wiring diagram in the cabinet. A wiring diagram of equipment in cabinet'ZN-F1 is given in Figure 7. 'Unit BZ generates trigger pulses which are sent to the transceiver (p 26) ' cabin, to all displays, to unit B-16 of the NEZ-1 system, and to the transmitter cabinet of the RL-30-1 system. This .same unit forms the range scale markers. Units 0A-1-1 and 0A-5-1 generate the azimuth scale markers. Units IV, VD-I, GCh, and US belong to the SSP system. Unit IV is the antenna rotation simulator of the radar. The unit generates primary voltages for supplying all elements of the SSP system. In addition, unit IV provides switching of the primary circuits of SSP running from main selsyn unit FD-02 and from unit IV. Unit VD-1 generates elevation and azimuth weep voltages for IIV-1 and IAD-1, pulse-shaping voltages for the 30-degree azimuth markers, and SSP voltages at a frequency of 43 cps used in radio relay line RL-30-1. Unit US is used to rotate the motor in unit VD-1 in synchronization with the rotation of,the selsyns of unit FD-02 or unit:IV. Unit GCh generates voltages at 'a frequency of 1,500 cps for supplying the selsyns in units IV, VD-1, and,7D-02. The noise-protection apparatus (units VC, IU-1, and GR) are designed to decrease non-synchronous pulse noises on the indicator screens which are created by the operation of neighboring radars, as well as to decrease noise caused by the receivers themselves. Return signals are mixed in units SS-1 (cabinet DUS-1) and are sent by two channels to the input device (unit VU)-of the noise-protection apparatus. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 act. 10144 4,2 'Fitoriti ccn so,. ccio . 1mit 1 .15 ISl C -> .111 .1"cf,P O0.0 o ? o 6 LCA-54wi Co e 3.o.zote 0 ...op, a? ? soca , NC -ad a -3306 /4.? s MP CM Vs., "PrYe $ C caw .tS 76,Ory {GChl r1041 ? ttV.`1 -frog e Proptyc CAW, *ON( INS ISCH, .110$ ot wt ccn 13x0LI CETI, w3 ? 0 0 ' ONly 145 w4ccn LQ Avg ' 604 .tooS A:tes ,JZIS Pct.4 to-% , ADM 60 qv/rye Str, I ? 7. s ; 40. Ow' 44-4-7.7rR tt- WI .3 1 50X1 -HUM ? C mc,6 r I al N--414-7A1 WI .tto, C`v vut-t?J-1- irernk? S. v100, ?100f 1 /30 ? u ? JOS& Li3.11;300' 8./o..10.18 W iZO1[oo0. So I, C.? 11W2 it117 MAI (41 )6' e ., na pl ,7 re o _t .5..7ne ,Ct,C5 s5 , 5044 .18 I , Own o'sooni -11t76 4 M ,530etIt te S. S. 1, N. C, 5_ /ego/rye TP-33 &Popo. 3 ,Nolo v 5 Oft ,..4771, 6 172 odooe .J008 /co:two. 6 Snon.p. .1 ? Fig. 7. Wiring Diagram for Cabinet ZN-Fl. I , 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM Unit VU shapes all input'signals into pulses of identical amplitude ' ? . and duration. :These signals pass to unit Ithll where the useful signal is (p 28) _ - --separated:out and amplified. / The filtered\signals are applied to thedisplays or to load equivar lents; that /is, it is possible to connect the displays in front of the. noise-protection apparatus or behind it //Unit GR generates voltages for spiral edam-ling in tubes LN-7 of unit The noise-protection apparatus on and off the supply voltages. ? is capable of independently switching Unit K0-3 is used to monitor different 'Points in the circuits of units BZ, 0A-1-11 0A-5-11 VU, GR, and IU-1. (A. stabilized voltage of ? ? 1'650 v is generated in this unit to supply tubes LN-7 in unit IU-1. 2. Trigger Unit BZ., Function. The trigger unit (Figure 8) generates trigger pulses required for synchronous operation of the transceiver and display equipment and shapes 21 101 50, and 100-km range markers.' Technical data on the unit. Amplitude of the trigger pulses is at least 25 v, pulse duration of ZAP I is on the order of 1 microsecond and of ZAP II -- not less than 1.5 microseconds, and the repetition rate is 375 cps. The amplitude of the 101 50, and 100-km range marker pulses is individually controlled within limits of,6,to 12 vl the 2-km range marker pulse amplitude -- within 9 to 12 vl ybile pulse duration is on ' the order of 1 microsecond. Functional diagram of the unit. Figure 9 gives a functional diagram ? -.11 of unit BZ. The unit includes: 110 quartz oscillator; six' frequency divider stages; a trigger pulse repeater stage; four delay lines; AP four output stages for shaping the 2,r, 10, 501 and 100-km range scale markers. p 31) The principle of operation of this circuit is based on division of the. .stable frequency of the quartz oscillator, which generates a relatively high frequency of 74,917 cps (75 kc is used for purposes of simplifying 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 8. Unit BZ. 1 - amplitude control for 2-km markers; 2 - illuminating bulb holder; 3 - amplitude control for 10-km markers; 4 - amplitude control for 50-km markers; 5 - amplitude control for 100-km markers; 6 - plug covers; 7 - tubes in tube channel; 8 - label inside door. /7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ?iq 50X1 -HUM? -, ,. ? ? , t, ? 4 ? Fig. 9. Functional Diagrilim of Unit BZ. 1 - quartz oscillator; 2 - first divider stage; 3 - second divider stage; 14 - third divider stage; 5 - fourth dividert'stage; 6 - fifth divider stage; ? . - sixth divider stage; 8 - trigger pulse repeater stage; 9 - delay line Ul; 10 delay line 112; 11 delay line U3;-,1.2 - delay line U/4; 13 - 2-km ? marker 'Output stage; 114. - 10-km marker output stage; 15 - 50-km marker output stage; 16 - 100-km marker output ,stage. , . ? :41,4 4 ? , ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM calculations); this frequency is divided in six stages in the following ratio: first stage -- division of 1:1; 1.= 75J'ztc; J' second stage -. division of 1:5; L. =l kc; third stage -- division of 1:5; a= kc; 5 3 fourth stage division of 1;2; ? 1.5 kc;' 2 fifth stage -- division of 1:2; 1 500 :ij750 cps; 2 sixth stage -- division of 1:2; 750 375 cps. ?2" ? ,". Pulses of the sixth divider stage (ZAP):), with a frequency of 375 cps, are used to trigger the transmitter. These'pulses are repeated by the - trigger pulse repeater stage and are sent from here to trigger the display equipment (ZAP II).. 4 Pulses of the first, second, third, and'fourth?divider stages are -' used to shape 'the range marker pulses: Fivst stage -- to shape the 2-km markers; second stage -7 to shape the 10-km markers; third stage -- to shape the 50-km markers; :A fourth stage -- to shape the 100-1cm markers. The trigger pulses are shaped in the output stagesl.which are blocking oscillators synchronized by pulses of the corresponding divider stage. (P32) The blocking oscillators for the 2-km and 10-km markers have separate. outputs, while the 50 and 100-km blocking oscillators have a common output. , All the frequency divider stages'are blocking oscillators. There is a delay of the output pulse by 0.3 to 0.4 microsecond in each stage. In addition, the main pulse emitted by the transMitter is delayed relative to the output pulse of unit BZ. This delay is aused by the considerable length of the connecting cable and the time required to form the main pulse in the transmitter. The total delay time between a pulse of the ' first frequency divider stage in unit BZ and. the main transmitter pulse mustbe compensated for by an identidal displaceMent of the range scale markers. For this purpose a delay line is introduced into the synchronization circuit of the 2-km marker-shaping output stage. The pulse of the first divider stage, after being delayed by the line, is sent to the 2-km marker-shaping output stage. The output pulse of the 2-km marker blocking oscillator is delayed further by 0.3 to 0.4 microsecond. / 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? f 50X1-HUM , Thus, due to the presence of the delay line, the moment of A radiation of the main transmitter pulse coincides with one of the 2-km range marker pulses. The 10, 501 and 100-km markers are formed in the same manner as the 2-km pulses, Pulses of the second, third, and fourth stages are fed to their awn output stages. Between the individual divider stages is a delay .(la 33) of the output pulses by 0.3 to 0.4 microsecond which is compensated for by the introduction of delay lines. The delay tines in the 101 501 and 100-km shaping circuits are different between each of the shaping stages,and the output stages. The unit has four controls: "AMPL 2," "AMPL 101" "AMPL 50" and "AMPL 100," which are used for individual adjustment of the amplitude of the range marker pulses at the output of unit, BZ. Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. A schematic diagram of unit BZ is given in Figure 10. The first stage of the circuit is the quartz oscillator which provides sinusoidal voltage at 74,917 cps. The oscillator uses the left half of tube V1, and the quartz is connected between the plate and grid of the tube. The'first frequency divider stage is synchronized by sinusoidal oscillations of the quartz oscillator.. Description of the frequency dividers. The first frequency divider stage is a self-excited blocking oscillator, which uses the right half of tube VI. The synchronizing oscillations from the plate of the left half of tube V1 are applied to the grid of the right half of the tube through blocking capacitor C13 and the grid winding of blocking transformer Tn. The large amplitude of the synchronizing oscillations provides precise synchronization. The blocking oscillator.ofAhe'first divider stage repeats the quartz frequency, that is, it operates at 741917 cps. During the passage of the blocking osciI1ator pulse, capacitor C14 is charged by the grid currents of the tube to a negative voltage which blanks . the tube. The capacitor discharges during the interval between pulses through grid resistor R14. With this, the voltage at the grid almost ' reaches the triggering voltage of the tube, and, consequently, the voltage (p 35) of the quartz oscillator at the grid causes the blocking oscillator to trigger. The external synchronization voltage causes an increase in the potential at the grid of the right half of tube V1 and forces the blocking oscillator to fire. Thus, the frequency of generated pulses is synchronized by the external voltage of the quartz oscillator. 1 The second divider stage, like the first, is a self-excited blocking oscillator and is based on the left half of tube V2. Pulses of the first divider stage, taken from the cathode of Vlb, are used to synchronize this stage. These pulses are applied to the grid of V2a through decoupling resistor Ric onti nnA nf +11P trinligntre nf hinnkina trAngformAr Tr? (tAng 1.4). .50X1 -HUM ? 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ;14 Schematic 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Resistor R15 reduces the influence of the second frequency divider stage on the first. In theisecond stage there is a frequency division of 5; that is, the stage operates at'a frequency Of 15 kc. An oscillatory circuit consisting of 12 and C16 is connected to the cathode .of blocking oscillator V2a to . increase the stability of frequency dilitsion. The natural frequency of the circuit is 1.5 times greater than the frequehcy of the blocking cecillator. of the second frequency divider stage and is equal to 22.5 kc. At the moment a pulse is generated by the blocking oscillator of the second frequency divider stage, sinusoidal oscillations are excited in this (I) 36) circuit and, as a result, in the cathode_ofLV2a. The voltage between the cathode and grid of V2a is the sum of the voltages in the cathode circuit and in the grid capacitor (Figure 11). Conequently, the grid potential of tube V2a relative to the cathode at th&mbment of arrival of the first four pulses of the first frequency divider stage will be considerably less than the triggering level of tube V2a. By the time the fifth pulse arrives, the potential of the grid relative to the cathode increases to the triggering level of the tube and the blocking oscillator is excited. The function of the cathode circuit is to reduce the possibility of synchronization,of the blocking oscillator by the first four pulses of the first frequency divider stage. The third frequency divider stage is identical to the second, and is based on tube V2b. .The synchronizing pulse' is taken from the cathode of tube V2a to the grid of tube V2b through decoupling resistor 'R19 and one of.the winding6 of blocking transformer Tr3-(taps-1-4). This stage generates pulses at a frequency of 3 kc. The fourth frequency divider stage is) like, the first stage, a self- excited blocking oscillator and is synchronized by pulses from the third stage. It uses the left half of tube V3 (V3a). Synchronizing pulses are applied from the cathode of tube V2b through decoupling resistor R22 and one of the windings of blocking transformer Tr4 (taps 1-4) to the grid bf tube V3a. The fourth stage divides the frequency of the third by 2; that is, it operates at a frequency of 1.5 kc., The fifth frequency divider stage is identical to the fourth stage. It uses tube V3b. Synchronizing pulses ?from"the fourth stage are applied throUgh resistor R26 and one of the windingi'of blocking transformer Tr5 (taps 1-4). The fifth stage divides the frequency of the fourth by 2; (p 37) thatis, it operates at a frequency of 750 CPs. 0 .? 4, .111.e sixth frequency divider stage is fundamentally like the fifth with ' the ekception that a voltage of 4300 v is applied to the 'plate of this stage in order to.increase the amplitude of the output pulse. The sixth . stage uses tube V4a. The synchronizing pulses of the fifth stage are applied through .resistor R29 and one of the windings of blocking transformer Tr6 (taps 1-4). The sixth stage divides the frequency of the fifth by 2; that is if nnprAtoR at A fronnpnny nf 17c ntiq. 50X1 M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 4/0 V rt-ri' Fig. 11. Voltage Forms in Blocking Oscillator With Cathode Circuit. a - form of voltage at grid capacitor of blocking oscillator with frequency division at 1:5; b - form of voltage in cathode circuit of blocking oscillator; c - resultant voltage in grid-cathode sector of blocking oscillator with cathode circuit. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The output pulse of this stage is usedvas the trigger pulse of the .transceiver. In addion,,this pulse is sent to the,grid of the trigger pulse repeater stage through circuit R351 C22 and the grid winding of blocking transformer Tr7. pe repeater stage is based on tube V4b and is a blocking.'? oscillator which operates basically the same as the blocking oscillator of the sixth frequency divider stage. It repeats the frequency of the sixth stage. Its output pulse, taken from the third winding of blocking trans. former Tr7, is not less than 1.5 microseconds in dtration and is used to trigger the display equipment. LL Range marker shaping stages. The pulses of the first, second, third, and fourth frequency divider stages are applied to the output stages of the 2, 10, 50, and 100-km'range.marker-shaping circuits. a. The 2-km marker.-shaping output stage is a blocking oscillator based , 39 on tube V5a with negative bias taken from divider R38 and R40. When the blocking oscillator receives synchronizing pulses from the first frequency divider stage, it oscillates at the frequency of these incoming pulses. The synchronizing pulses are taken from the ,cathode of Vlb through delay line Ul, circuit R37, C241 and the grid winding;of blocking transformer Tr8. The amplitude of the 2-km markers is controlled by means of variable resistor R41 connected in series with the output load. The 2-km marker output pulses are taken from cathode resistor R42. The 10-km marker-shaping output stage is a blocking oscillator based on tube V5b which is blanked by an automatic bias created by circuit R44, C25 in the cathode circuit of the blocking oscillator. Synchronizing pulses of the second frequency divider stage are applied to the grid of V5b from the cathode of V2a through delay line U2, circuit R471 C261 and the gid winding of blocking transformer Tr9. The blocking oscillator repeats the synchronizing pulses. The amplitude of the 10-km markers is controlled by changing the plate voltage with resistor R8. Due to the automatic bias, the value of the bias changes1when the plate voltage is changed. In this way the operating mode of tube V5b and the conditions of synchronization are maintained. The 10-km marker output pulses are taken from cathode resistor R45. The 50-km and 100-km marker-shaping output stages are also blocking oscillators and use tubes V6a and V6b1 which,are blanked by an automatic bias formed by circuit R52, C281 for V6a a?dR55, C30 for V6b. The synchronizing pulses of the third frequency divider stage are applied to the grid of V6b (for the 100-km markers) from,'ne cathode of V3a through delay line U4, circuit R57, C31, and the grid'-winding of blocking trans- former Trll. The blocking oscillator is excited at the frequency of the synchronizing pulses. The amplitude of the 50-and 100-'km markers is con- trolled by changing the plate voltages of the')blocking oscillators with variable resistors R9 and R59, 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1 -HUM The 50-km and 100-km blocking oscillators have a common cathode load R54 from which the mixed 50-and 100-km markers are taken. Independent regulation of the 50-km and 100-km markers is achieved by suppressing the 50-km marker p for those ranges which are multiples of 100 km. For this purpose, the delays provided by lines U3 and U4 are selected so that the 100-km marker blocking oscillator is excitedlsomeWhat earlier than the 50-km marker oscillator. In addition) the common cathode circuit of V6 contains capacitor C29 which, during the interval of the 100-km marker pulse, charges and increases the potential, of the cathode of V6a. The tube is thus blanked, and synchronizing pulses arriving at its grid will not' causeexcitation of the 50-km marker 'blocking oscillator. Capacitor C29 discharges through resistor R53. . Monitoring the .init. Unit BZ is monitored by means of six test jacks: G1-1 -- for monitoring.osallations of the quartz at the plate of Vla;- G1-2 -- for monitoring pulses of.the first divider at the cathode of Vlb; G2-1 -- for monitoring pulses of the second divider at' the cathode of V2a; 4" ' G2-2 -- for monitoring pulses of the third divider at the cathode of V2b; fJ G3 .. for monitoring pulses of the third divider at the cathode of V3a; 0. . G4 -- for monitoring pulses of the sixth divider (ZAP II) at the cathode of V4a. . The trigger pulse ZAP II is monitored directly on the screen of the indicator. r Test Voltages of4-1 v and -1 v are used to check the degree of operating stability of the trigger pulse-shaping circuit. ' These test voltages are applied to the grid circuits of the blocking oscillators. p The test voltages are taken from a divider consisting of resistor R3/I and resistors R3/II and 113/III. Resistors R3/II and R3/III are connected alternately to resistor R14/I by means of switch Vi. Unit 1(0-3 is used to monitor the division frequency. The unit is operating stably if the division frequency does not change when the test voltages are applied. 50X1 -HUM. _Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Design of the unit. Unit BZ is made in the form of a self-contained instrument on a standard chassis. The tube channel contains six type 6N8S tubes, six test jacks, and switch Vi. On the front panel are the potentiometers used to adjust the amplitude of the 20 100 500 and 100-km range markers. The unit is connected to other units in the cabinet by mean i of two plug connectors. The delay lines are located within the unit .next to the front panel. The weight of the mit is 10 kg. ? 0 3. The Synchronous Tracking Transmission System SSP, Function and technical data. The SSP system serves for the remote transmission of the angle of rotation of the antenna system to the display equipment of the station and consists of an electrical and a 'power part. (p 42) The synchronous power system is used to rotate the deflecting coils of the plan position indicators in synchronization and in phase with the ' rotation of the antenna, as well as for rotation of the secondary trans- mitting selsyns of the electrical synchronous transmission system. . The power system is a two-channel system and operates at a frequency of 50 cps. Transmission error does not exceed 6 minutes, and the time required for synchronization is not more than 15 seconds. A brief description of the principles of operation of the synchronous power and electrical transmission is given below for the purpose of explaining the operation of the SSP system. Principle of operation of synchronous power transmission. The princi- ple of operation of the simpler system of a single-channel servodrive may be seen in Figure 12. The rotating shaft of the antenna systemlis linked through a reduc- tion gear with a ratio of 1:1 to the shaft otthe transmitting selsyn rotor. The single-phase winding of the transmitting selsyn stator is supplied from a 50-cps network. itv The voltage from the rotor winding of the transmitting selsyn is sent by a three-phase line to the three-phase winding of the receiving selsyn stator. 1 If the rotor of the transmitting selsyn turns and the.rotor of the receiving selsyn is stationary, the voltage in the winding of the latter will change sinusoidally with a period equal to the period of rotation of the transmitting selsyn; that is, to the period of rotation of the antenna. If the rotor of the receiving selsyn turns synchronously with the rotation of the rotor of the transmitting selsyn, the voltage in its rotor' winding will have a constant amplitude whose' magnitude will be determined by the angle between the direction of the rotating magnetic field created (p 44) , 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM in the receiving selsyn, and the shaft of the rotor winding. When this angle is equal to '1900, the output voltage at the receiving selsyn will equal zero. If the rotor of the receiving selsyn tlIrns through a certain angle relative to the zero position, a voltage will appear in the rotor winding whose amplitude and phase will depend on the size and sign, respectively, of this angle.. This voltage is called the misalignment voltage. The misalignment voltage in the servo dkive circuit is applied to the input of the servoamplifier where it is amplified and used to control the servomotor, which tyrns,the output shaft of the servodrive and, with it, the rotor of the receiving selsyn. Exact alignment of the position of the transmitting and receiving selsyn rotors, even with a constant load and a constant number of turns of the selsyn, is impossible, since the misalignment voltage in this case will equal zero and the servomotor will cease to be supplied with voltage. The synchronization accuracy of a single-channel system is usually not greater than 10. In order to increase synchronization accuracy, a two-channel remote servodrive system is used. A block diagram of such a system is shown in Figure 13. The shaft which rotates the antenna system is linked with the rotor of the coarse- tracking transmitting selsyn through a reduction gear having a ratio of 1:1 and with the rotor of the fine-tracking transmitting selsyn through a reduction gear having a ratio/ of 36:1. The single-phase windings of both tranemitting selsyns are supplied from a 50-cps network, and the three-phase windings are connected to the corresponding three-phase windings of the receiving selsyns. The rotors of the receiving selsyns are linked to each other and to a servomotor through a reduction gear. The gear ratio between the rotors of the receiv- ing selsyns is 1:36. The voltages from the single-phase windings of both receiving selsyns are applied to the two inputs of the servoamplifier. The output voltage of the servoamplifier is fed to the cont*ol winding of the servomotor. In the coarse-tracking channel of the servoamplifier circuit is a (p 46) neon lamp which serves as a relay. It disconnects the coarse-tracking channel when the angle of misalignment between the transmitting selsyn and coarse-tracking receiving selsyn is less than 2030, (average value), and tracking is then carried out with the fine-tracking channel. Conse- quently, a two-channel system of this type has a synchronization accuracy which is 36 times greater than a single-channel system. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 _ ; 21.1 antennai._ , mast j 4) lin, 41M. 1.?MS? AMMO ?????? 50X1 -HUM _ __ ,__. _ . ____ _ ____? I ? _ output --ehaft / Fig. 12. Block Diagram of Single-Channel Remote.Servodrive. 1 - transmitting selsyn; 2 receiving selsyn; 3 - servoamplifier; 4 - servomotor. ? la Fig. 13. Block Diagram of Two-Channel Remote Servodrive. 1 - antenna; 2 - coarse-tracking transmitting selsyn; 3 - coarse-tracking receiving selsyn; 4 . fine-tracking transmitliing selsyn; 5 - fine-tracking receiving selsyn; 6 . servoamplifier; 7 - servomotor; 8 - deflecting systems of displays. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The single-chahtel system has two zerd,positions for the receiving selsyn rotor which are mutually displaced by 1800. But alignment of the single-channel system in a false-zero position is impossible, since this position is ,instable. In a two-channel system, the voltage of the coarse-tracking channel passes through zero twice for each rotation of the antenna) and the voltage of the fine-tracking channel passes through zero 36 x 2 = 72 times. As a result, when the coarse channel is in a false zero position, the fine channel is in the position of the true zero; that is, the system can be aligned in the false-zero position.. To eliminate this, an additional voltage at a frequency of 50 cps is introduced into the coarse-tracking channel in series with the misalignment voltage. As a result of this, the zero positions of the coarse channel are displaced so that the system is stable at only one of the zero positions of the coarse channel; that is, alignment of 'the system at a false zero is impossible. A description of the system of eliminating (striking) the false angle is given in the description of the servoamplifier unit (US). Principle of aReration of the system of synchronous electrical angle ? transmission. Figure 14 shows a block diagram of the electrical system for the synchronous transmission of the angle-of rotation. The rotor of the selsyn generator is linked to the driving shaft (antenna. shaft). The stationary single-phase winding of the stator,is supplied by a 11500-cps voltage provided by a special generator. The voltage is fed from the (p 48) three-phase winding of the selsyn generator over a three-phase line to the three-phase winding of the selsyn transformer. The rotor of the selsyn generator is tuned at a given speed, and the stator of the selsyn transformer is fixed ina pre-selected position. The voltage in the single-phase winding, of the selsyn-transformer changes sinusoidally; its phase is determined, by the position of the selsyn generator rotor. Description of the circuit of the SSP system. The circuit of the. SSP system is given in Figure 15. The following units are included in the SSPsystem:, FD-02 -- main selsyn unit; IV -- rotation simulator unit; VD-1 -- secondary selsyn unit; US -- servoamplifier unit; it ta!, GCh -- 1,500e-cps voltage generator;" -- receivers of the synchronous power transmission system in units TI-1 of cabinOs IK0-1 and DUS-1; ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 / 'goo 'PS 50X1 -HUM 11 ? ? angle celevauon) o niatior- ntrin4 . v ee ,? Fig. 14. Block Diagram of a Synchronous Electrical Angle-Transmission System. 1 - antenna mast; 2 - selsyn generator; 3 selsyn transformer. n n! ???,, (.1 /MI Fig. 15. Over-All Diagram of. the SS? System. yr 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM -- azimuth sweep selsyn transformers in units RU-1 and RA of cabinets IIV-1 and 10-1;' ? ? ? ? 7- selsyn transformers of the azimuth marker-shaping circuits in units. 0A-1-1 and0A-5-1 of cabinet ZN-Fl; referfance voltage transformer in cabinet ZN-Fl and trans- mitting selsyns supply transformer in cabinet ShU-1. The main selsyn unit FD-02 is located ui the transceiver cabin. It includes type DI-511 selsyn transmitters fofpoarse and fine tracking and selsyn generator DI-511 for the five-degree markers. . The Shaft of unit FD-02 is mechanically coupled to the shaft which rotates the cabin. When the antenna rotates, the selsyns, which rotate at a corresponding speed, generate a three-phase master voltage for the synchronous power transmission system and a three-phase master voltage for shaping the five- degree markers of the synchronous electrical transmission system. These three-phase voltages are applied to the rotation simulator (IV) located , in cabinet ZN-Fl. Unit IV affords the possibility of operating the display equipment in two modes: 1) In the OPERATE mode (4ith:the cahirProtating). In this case, the SSP master voltage generated by unit FD-02 passes through unit IV to the display equipment. 2) In the SIMULATE mode, whereby the SSP voltages passing to the ? display equipment are generated in unit IV itSelf. A switch located in unit IV is used to change from one mode to the other. The tracking voltages pass from unit IV to the receivers of the synchronous power transmission system located, in cabinets ZN-Fl, DUS-1, and IK0-11 as well as to cabinet P-11-1 and to distributor board RShch-4. These devices:,(receivers) consist of a .servomotor, linked through a reduction gear to type SS-405 receiving selsyns for coarse and fine tracking, and a servoamplifier (unit US). A two-phase synchronous motor ADP-262 is used as the servomotor in units TI-1 and an ADP-362 is used in unit VD-1. The misalignment voltage between the transmitting selsyns and the receiving selsyns, taken from the single-phase windings of the latter, is amplified by the servoamplifier. The amplified voltage is fed to the control winding of the servomotor. 4i A voltage of 110 vl 50 cps, called the reference voltage, is applied to the excitation winding of the servomotor ?This voltage comes through , unit US from the transformer located in cabinet ZN-Fl. The servomotor . turns the rotor of the receiving selsyns through a reduction gear, generating the angle of misalignment. At the same time, the servomotor ? turns the output element of the receiver in synchronization and in phase with the rotation of the antenna (or the coai-se-tracking transmitter in unit IV in the SIMULATE mode). The output element for the SSP receiver located in cabinets IK0-1 and DUS-1 is the delecting system of unit TI-1; 50X1-HUM p 51) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM the output elements for the receiver located! in cabinet WrF1 are the ' selsyn generator's for the azimuth sweep and 30-degree markers, and the SK-MG coarse' and fine transmitting selsyns for the RL-30-1 system located in unit VD-X. ? The 220-v, 50-cps voltage which supplies the primary winding of the, reference voltage transformer passes through unit IV. When operating from unit FD-02,-thevolt3ge to the-primary winding of the refel;ence voltage transformer comes from two phases of the three?, phase. network; in the "simulate" mode it comes from two phases of. the - three-phase network supplying the display equipment. As a result of this, there is no need for phase ad-justment of the::SSP system when switching- from one mode of operation to the other. ? ? ? The system of synchronous electrical transmission of the angle of ? rotation of the antenna includes: --/the 5-degree marker selsyn generator (in unit FD -02 or unit IV); ? ? the azimuth sweep and 30-degree marker selsyn generators (in unit VD-1); ? selsyn transformers SS-405 (in unit4st0A -5 -1, RU-1, and BA):" selsyn transformers ED-101 (in unit '0A-1-3.); -- coarse and fine sine-cosine selsyns,SK-MG for the RL-30-1 system. An alternating voltage is present in the single-phase winding of each, p 52) SS-405 selsyn trandformer whose amplitude changes with a period which is ' equal to or a multiple of the period of rotation of the antenna, and whose phase envelope is determined by the position of the selsyn transformer totor. ? ? - - ? : ? A voltage from the 5-degree marker selsyn generator-(in unit FD-02 or IV) and the 30-degrpe, marker selsyn generatdr.(in?unit VD-1) is .pplied?to unit 0A-5-1. The 5-degree and 30-degree marker-shaping voltage is taken from the two .selsyn transformers located'inthe unit. A voltage from the ? azimuth sweep selsyn generator (in unit'VD-1) is applied to units RU-1 and RA. The azimuth sweep-shaping voltage for he height measurement and ' azimuth-range indicstorsis taken from theeclsyn transformers of these units. A voltage from the 5-degree Markerdelsyn generator (in. unit FD-02 or IV) is applied to the 'differential Seispis of uni-t0A-1-1 to provide the voltage which shapes the. 1-degree markers, , . ? The.three-phasp azimuth sweep and 30-dhree'marker voltages are also fed to distributing board RShch-4. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The SK-MG sine-,cosine selsyns for coarse and fine readings are elements of the RL-30-1 equipment. The synchronization voltages taken . from them for rotation of the azimuth sweep are applied to the trans-. mitter of th,p RL-30.1 system. 4. Main Selsyn Unit FD-021. Function. The FD-02 main selsyn unit (Figure 16) is designed to provide the master voltages for synchronous tamer transmission Of the ? angle of rotation of the antenna and the master-voltages.for the 5-degree scale marker-shaping circuit. ,Technical data. The following voltage are generated in the main selsyn unit: SOON voltage of the coarse-tracking channel at a frequency of 50 cps; voltage of the fine-tracking channel at a frequency of 50 cps; -- voltage of the 5-degree marker-shaping circuit at a frequency of 1,500 cps. ? p 52) Schematic diagram. A schematic diagram of unit FD-02 is given in Figure 17. The main elements of the unit are the type DI-511 selsyns, which have a three-phase rotor and a single-phase stator. The stator windings of the coarse- and fine-tracking transmitting selsyns are supplied by 70 volts, 50 cps from the three-phase transformer located in cabinet ShU-1. The rotor of the coarse-tracking transmitting selsyn turns at the speed of rotation of the antenna, and the rotor of-the fine-tracking transmitting' selsyn turns at a speed 36 times greater than the rotation speed of the antenna. , The stator winding of the 5-degree markev? selsyn generator is supplied' by 10 volts at 1,500 cps from unit GCh. The rotor of this selsyn generator turns at' a speed 36 times greater than the speed of rotation of the antenna.' The master (primary) voltages are taken from the rotor windings of the transmitting selsyns and are applied to'the slip ring. The dials in the unit are illuminated by a 6.3 v, 0.28 a Miiniature bulb to ttich a filament voltage of 6.3 v,is applied from one of the widdings of the three-phase transformer. - '1. Although the main selsyn unit is located in vehicle NO it is . nevertheless useful to include its description in that of all instruments which belong to the SSP system. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 16. Unit FD-02. 1 - cover of unit; 2 - window for fine-reading dial; 3 - window for coarse- reading dial; 4 - bulb holder for illuminating light. 34 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 '11) Shl To: Purpose No. ShUoTr-3 _0..6.3 v 1? , chassis -----Chiiiii- .6 - 5 GCh 3:500 ShIbTr-3 70 2 v.1.50 cps ShU,Tr-3 70 v,50 cps 7 CI LW 1 Pit C2R1 fuze mz "'Imam& ColiRsE 7-RIVKIN& R3 50X1-HUM Sh2 No Purpose To: __.1 36..:1,.1500 cps IV .....2 36;1,1500 cps IV __3 36;1.$ _Iv_ 12 36:_1,50 cps IV ?3 36:1,0 IV cpi--- ::h 14 1.1.._.6.__.p. _ _ _ iv _ -16- I.:-.L.0_9Ps_____ ?fir- fl-i ... 1:1050 cps __ Fig. 17. Schematic Diagram of Unit FD-02. 41 Lit 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Design of the unit. The main selsyn unit is built in the form of three detachable parts -- the reduction gearing, the selsyn unit, and the cover. A kinematic diagram of the unit is given in Figure 18. (p.57) The reduction gearing, consisting of a set of spur gears, is mounted in the lower part of the unit. The input shaft of the reduction gearing, which is linked through a full-floating coupling to the axle of the slip ring, transmits the rotation of the antenna to the selsyns located in the central part of the unit. The housing of the main selsyn unit is 'attached to the slip ring housing. The input shaft of the reduction gearing is connected to the free- floating coupling by means of a coupling clamp. This clamp is disconnected when setting the selsyn rotors in the zero position with the antenna directed toward the north. This permits the input shaft of the reduction gearing to be disconnected from the slip ring, and it is then possible to turn the selsyn rotors and set them in the required positions. The reduction gearing is mounted in a cylindrical silumin housing. The housing is joined to that of the selsyn unit, in which the selsyn stators and plug connectors are located. The selsyn rotors are equipped with half clutches and are connected to the output shafts of the reduction gearing. The coarse and fine selsyn rotors are equipped with the appropriate dials. The value of each diviaion on the coarse selsyn dial is 5?, and for the fine selsyn dial -- 10'. The housing of the selsyn unit is closed by a cover. 5. Rotation Simulator Unit IV. Function. Rotation simulator IV (Figures 19 and 20) serves for adjust- ment of the display equipment when the antenna is not being used ("simulate" mode). The display equipment is switched frOz1 the "operate" mode to the "simulate" mode by means of a switch located within unit IV itself. Technical data. The same voltages taken from the main selsyn unit (p 60) (section 5) are also taken from unit IV. 4? Lk!, The selsyns are rotated by means Of a type DT-75 motor which is part of the rotation simulator. tt? 2I 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? seIsyn -fine scale. le -mo) "Codit: ;1 My. /eV eels 4,a(as N0g0.1 '10 VS _ Eqoarse wale.A.V44;': 3(4e1--; 17214t) iliv.= so; 0:360e I.Coarsp. selsyn 4/0 Fig, 18. Kinematic Diagram of Unit FD-02. It t'4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 19. Unit IV (View From Front). 1 - plug cover; 2 - fuse condition light; 3 - fuses; 4 - motor switch; 5 - operating mode switch; 6 - window for fine-reading dial; 7 - window for coarse-reading dial; 8 - opening for turning reduction gear; 9 - catch for unit; 10 - 1,500-cps frequency indicating light. 38 50X1- HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ' 2 50X1-HUM I. Fig. 20. Unit IV (Rear View). 1 - DT-75 motor; 2 - coarse selsyn; 3 - fine selsyn; 4 - circuit diagram label; 5 - plugs; 6 - 5-degree marker selsyn: 39 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM ' A voltage of 220 v, 50 cps, which is use to supply the reference . voltage transformer, also passes through unit IV. Two phases of the three-phase circuit supplying the transceiver are used for this purpose'-. when operating in the "OPERATE" mode; when derating in the "SIMULATE" mode, two.phses of the three-phase circuittupplying the display equip- ment are used. ? Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 21 gives' A schematic diagram of unit IV. Unit IV.hasuthree type DI-511 selsyns to reproduce the voltages of the synchronousservo system which are. /normally provided by the main selsyn unit. These are the coarsetrack-: ing transmitting selsyn M3, the fine-tracking transmitting selsyn Ml, and the 5-degree marker selsyn generator M2. The rotors of the transmitting selsyns are connected through the' reduction gearing to motor DT-75. (M4). When switch 71 is turned on, a - three-phase voltage is applied to the wihdings of the motor through fuses Prl, Pr21 and Pr31 the, condition of which is monitored by neon bulbs EI2, EL30 and NI4. The motor turns the seadynrotors through the reduction gearing at the following speeds: rotor of the coarse-tracking-trintiMitting - selsyn -- 6 rpm; rotor of the fine-tracking transmitting selsyn -- 216 rpm; rotor of the 5-degree marker selsyn generstor -- 216 rpm. The single-phase winding-Of the 5-degree 'marker selsyn generator is supplied by 100 v at 1,500 cps; this voltage ,,is monitored by neon bulb ?ELL.: The single,-phase windings of the coarse-'and fine-tracking trans- mitting selsyns/are supplied by 70 vat-50 cpd' taken from the secondary 62), winding (5-6)/of three-phase transformer voltage of 6.3 vl used , ? to light the'miniature bulbs which illuminate 'the dials of the unit,, is. taken from the secondary winding (7-8) of this same transformer. ' ,The'three-phase voltages are fed from selsyns to the operating mode switch V2. Analogous three-phase voltages are also fed to this switch from the main selsyn unit. When the switch is in-the "OPERATE" position, the three-phase voltages of the synchronous system generated by the main selsyn unit are sent to the output 'ofthe unit and from there to the display equipment; when the switch islai the "SIMULATE" position, the three-phase voltages of the synchronous d'Ystem are generated by unit IV.. - In order to produce a rotating magnetic field in servomotors ADP-262 and ADP-362) it is necessary that the voltage in the control winding. (G1-G2) of the servomotor be shifted 900 in phase with respectto-the.: voltage in the excitation winding (71-72): ?!J' The control voltage .whichAs applied to winding G142 :Of the servomotor from unit US always coincides in phase with theAransmitting H selsyn supply voltage,, Consequently, in order to obtain a phase shift 411 of 900 between the voltages .in the control winding and excitation winding . . 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 . - ? 50X1-HUM - of the motor, the excitation winding voltage (so-called reference voltage) must always be shifted 90? relative to the transmitting selsyn supply . voltage.' ) 41, - This is accomplished as follows: . a) In the "SIMULATE" mode. The primary windings of three-phase transformer Trl are connected to phases Al Bo and C. The voltage in phase C. of the transformer is shifted 900, relative to the line voltage ABo' The secondary winding (5-6) which supplies the single-phase windings (p 63) of the transmitting selsyns is wound on the same core as the winding with phase C. ? Line voltage AB passes through fuses Pr4, and Pr5 to the output of the unit and then to the reference voltage transformer located in cabinet ZN-Fl. A voltage of 110 vl 50 cps, which is the reference voltage and supplies the excitation windings of all thellervamotors, is also taken from this transformer. Thus, when operating in the "SIMULATE", mode, the transmitting selsyns of the synchronous power transmitting system and the excitation windings of the servomotors are fed voltages which are shifted in phase by 900. b) In the "CPERATE" mode.' When the switch is in the "OPD-' " mode a line voltage from two phases of the three-phase transceiver network is . applied to the reference voltage transformer. Since the transmitting selsyns of the main selsyn unit are also. supplied from this network through the three-phase transformer, there will also be in this case's. 90? phase shift between the voltages applied to the transmitting selsyns and to the excitation windings of the servomotors. , Design features of the unit: Unit IV ib made in the form of a self- contained instrument on an angle-iron chassis. The cast silumin housing Containing the reduction gearing, selsyns, and motor is attached to the horizontal panel of the chassis. .The selsyns are linked to the reduction gearing by means of couplings. A kinematic diagram of the reduction gearing is given in Figure 22. The ratio of the reduction gearing is selected so that the rotor of the coarse-tracking transmitting selsyn makes 6 rpm while the rotors of the 5-degree marker and the fine-trackingoselsyns make 216 rpm. The unit is equipped with coarse- and fine-tracking dials which (A 65) are read through windows on the front panel of the chassis. Also on the front panel are neon signal lights, fuses, the operating mode switch, and the switch for turning on the motor. The unit has two plug connectors. The weight of the unit. is 45 kg; Al 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM hash???? SON 1??7.j.l 00, sOni "N--77c, I cl 50,41 ,,??, ? P;;;;- dlr.?! c?Cm20 ritc dioowembeiLl4 at ? 0,1 ?Je" Ufi J It 50,?I JO ?000311 rfoo r44 Jo flar ice ?7` ?*.* ?? ? 7701 ..8* P000mo 1P ?j? p?-po ova??????= I rppo_omr. 00er? 611 3,61 60m CC $ON ITO .1C'l C C?I P) VI 50N .00100. ?T; 4787 JON V., MN UI ?100h? ?CbOtod. sEr ?6?? " 'AWL. " ? Vle;$ ISO loff F-4?? "1- st, tSooni JC I 4071 ? -nor t?c- 1/113 II/ Fig. 21. Schematic Diagram of Unit IV. ???????;',.r?C ; ?f??????'?,?.:t e.2 ir,ev 3.4 tt ??? ,11.011?11.:????74 ttttttttt 4i???V?? tttttt ????? ??? f.1). In the next scan cycle with the appearance of the control pulse at the instant the beam passes through point A, the potential of this point increases still more; but, at the sane time, the output signal decreases, since a smaller quantity of- electrons will enter the collector and ik decreases. In the next scan cycle with the appearance of the control pulse at (p 1)4.6) the instant the beam passes through point A, the potential of this point increases still more; and for a particular Value of this potential the majority of secondary electrons returns to the given point and surrounding area of the screen (Ba 1)., The increase in positive potential of point A (and correspondingly in the negative output signal) continues until a state of equilibrium is reached, at which time the increase in positive potential at point A is' compensated (prior to the arrival of the beam) by the secondary electrons striking point A from other points of the sdreen. 4:) By varying the operating mode of the tube it is possible to vary the rate of increase of positive potential at point A. For example, varying the beam current of the tube makes it possible to vary the number of cycles after which the output signal will change its polarity and become negative. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Fig. 58 Graph Showing Relationship of Polarity of Output Sigaal to Bd. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 /1:Yocr. 47 ? le cr.47 7 Id-Lan:a* ,crtge;fficr,rin I 5 eernact I ,,tlatfeleite 1,417107.Ca raZ9S4PRZA/OCI,41XVIrOgiti4M/1 . I 1 ? 50X1-HUM I tax - '6,rooieoei c4eA21,7 i1iJI ''.a4A-hvg6f;ewai/rAveeepp/t/67/42ftr/7:Aptoer! potential at "A" 1 W41.- 61.47d9oe naixorehive zve4a,45/11,(/ nyonu/Ye ? ? - output' voitage at , 7 Fig. 59. Variation of Signal Polarity. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001:3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM In Figure 59 the polarity of the signal changes with :the 4th pulse, passing through Point A on the screen. In the event ,that the control pulses are stopped at the instant the beam ppses'throtgh point A, the positive potiential at that point will quickly decrease, due to the arrival of primary electrons and also secondary electrons ejected from other (p 147) areas of the screen by the beam. ? As is well known, several operating cycles of the radar:elepse before a valid return can be obtained from a target. The number of pulses"reflec- ted from a target depends on the width of the, antenna radiation pattern, the frequency of the main bangs, the antenna,rotation rate, target charac- teristics, and other factors. For the majority of radars this number an range from 3, or 4 up to 10 to 15. Returns from a given target will always strike one particular point on the screen and generate negative output signals on the output tube. The probability of noisy pulses and pulses caused by different disturbances striking the screen at the same point in successive scan cycles is small' therefore, in the great majority of cases the output signals of the tube concerned with these pulses will have positive polarity. When the integrator tube is operating properly, all pulses -- inter-, ference, noise) and valid returns -- strike its modulator with the same ' amplitude and duration. Thus, when signals containing valid returns as well as noisy pulses and pulses caused by ()Vier interference are fed tothe tube modulator, it is possible to distinguish the valid pulses from the others by their different polarity at the oi*put of the tube. In Figure 60 ? are shown input signals in three successive scan cycles. In the same figure are also shown a graph of the potential and the output pulses on (p 149) the signal plate during the third scan cycler Description of schematic diagram of the unit. A schematic diagram of unit IU-1 is given in Figure 61. Shaped pulses from unit VU pass through 'decoupling capacitor C2 (03) to the modulator of the LN-7 integrator- tubs,. To restore the d-c component after the decoupling capacitor, diode D1 (D2,), is connected in parallel to the leak resistor of modulator R7 .(R8),;' The operating mode of the integra- tor tube is changed by varying the bias voltage at the tube modulator by means of two controls -- "Beam Current 1"(R12) and "Beam Ctrrent 2" (1115), located on the front panel of unit IU-1. TWA voltage is controlled by the IP2 "Beam Current" instrument located on the front panel of unit IU-1.- The emission of the oxide-coated cathode will change in time even' with a constant input; consequently, a d-c beam is needed for proper operation of the LN-7 tube. Resistor R9 (R10) is connected to the cathode of the LN-7.tube to stabilize the beam current. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 111 08x .?????????? r /70/74.vibici cez/xer, _ *#lid Tbetiiin , lazdae,o/n,r-e/ cycle I. 1 _ . , ../c7cr,c/77 /ca3eew4-4. Escan_ cycle_ ITT //7 /./24r,r/77 ? .,[71:-)0*itival-_ of screen "oevioep. At/eve/Yu '.l6/6/ //q a/65/4446/We; /7.4Cive97(///e rpuls es atiag:p4 t plate b, nput 7: pulses it 1P1at-e?' Ij Fig. 60. Input Signals in Three Successive Scan Cycles. lk 4) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM The signals from load resistor R17 .(R18) of the LN-7 tube are fed to subassembly U-OCh through capacitor C6 (C7). A large/value (11.0 megohm) of load resistance R17 (R18) has been chosen to minimize the voltage ripple at the signal plate due to fluctuation of the voltage supplied to the tube (+650 v). Circuit R17 (R18), C6 (C7) of unit IU-1 and R1 of subassembly U-OCh forms a divider which decreases the+650.tipple voltage at the input Of the U-OCh amplifier several times. ? The scan over the screen of the tube ienade in a spiral pattern. The sweep voltage is generated in unit OR and applied to unit IU-1 through connector Shl and then through internal connectors Sh3,and Sh4 to the FOS-13M deflecting system. The focusing' current of the LN-7 tube is changed by means of variable resistor 111.1., "FOCUS 1" (R61 "FOCUS 2"). (1) 151) Switches V1-a and V1-b are used to connect test instruments IP-1 and IP-2 and also to connect the input of the vertical amplifier of unit K0-3K to the appropriate test circuits of channels 1 or 2. Construction of the Unit. Unit IU-1 is?mounted on a special chassis. On the vertical panel are located two LN-7 tubes with deflecting systems. The tubes are covered by a special housing for protection against external fields. On this same panel is a4.650rvolt'test jack Behind the unit on the inclined part of the horizontal panel are located potentiometers "FOCUS 1" and "FOCUS 2". The two U-OCh subassemblies are situated in vertical channels enclosed by doors. The U-OCh ,subassemblies are removable. and interchangeable and are connected to the circuit of unit IU-1 by means of a 16-blade receptacle and high-frequency RK-19 cables. Underneath the horizontal panel are two wiring plates for the circuit wiring. On the forward panel are two 100-microampere M-592 type test (p 152) instruments; a two-winding, double-pole switch for switching the instru- ments by channel; instrument dial lights with special covers; and the potentiometers of the "beam current" and 'limiting" controls. A voltage of *650 v is fed to a special high-voltage contact. The weight of the unit is 8.5 kg. __Subassembly U-OCh Function. Subassembiy1J-0Ch (Figure 62;( is designed to amplify the signals and to separate valid returns from iPterference. Technical data on the subassembly. The' amplification factor of the U-OCh subassembly with the "Amplification" potentiometer slide in the extreme right position is not less than 1000. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 / 50X1-HUM The band-pass of the subassembly allows the passage of a signal with a duration of up to 0.3 microsec. The naximum amplitude of the signal at the output can be asmuchas8-v with a load of 75 ohms. Functional diagram of the subassembly. A functional diagram is shown in Figure 63. The subassembly consists of the following: amplifier I, diode limiter, amplifier II, amplifier III, and cathode follower. Signals from the output of the integrator tube of a given channel pass through a high-frequency connector to subassembly U-OCh, which serves to amplify the signals and separate the valid returns from interference. (P 155) Distortion of the higher frequencies is corrected in the input circuit of the first stage. The amplified returns and noise are fed to the controlled diode limiter, which allows the valid returns to be -- separated from the noise. The limiting is varied by meansof the "Limiting 1" ("Limiting 2") control located on the front panel of subassembly IU-1. Returns of positive polarity pass from the diode limiter to the . second stage of the amplifier. q, Signals of negative polarity pass from'the output of the second stage to the 3rd amplifying stage and then to the output stage, which is a cathode follower. V LI% The amplifying stage and cathode follower have negative feedback, which serves to widen the band-pass for thec,entire amplifying equipment, and 'to obtain the desired amplitUde. 1) The amplitude of the returns is adjusted in the amplifying stage by means of the "Amplification" control located on the chassis of subassembly U-OCh. Description of the schematic diagram of the subassembly. A schematic diagram of the subassembly is given in Figure 64. Integrated signals of channels I and II, taken from resistors R17 (R18) of unit IU-11 are applied to the corresponding amplifiers of U-OCh. The input stage of subassembly U-OCh is based on tube V1, type (P 157) 6Zh5P. This stage provides correction of frequency distortions introduced by the input circuit, consisting of equivalent load resistance R equiv. R17 4R1. where R17 is the resistance from unit IU-1 and R1 is the resistance from subassembly U-OCh, and spurious capacitancesgtormed by the output ^nlvw,itnnr.P of the sianal nlate. the capacitance of the wiring, and the 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 62. Subassembly U-OCh. input amp. I diode limiter amp. III IU -1 cathode feed-Ffollower back (*gain control I output Fig. 63. Functional Diagram of Subassembly U*OCh. 110 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1 -HUM .1 Fig. 64. Schematic Diagram of Subassembly U-OCh. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Correction for these distortions is accomplished with the aid of a network connected to the plate circuit of tube V1 in series with the plate load. Tube V1 operates with zero bias at the first grid. As was pointed out above, the signals taken from tube LN-7 have two polarities (the Useful pulses have a negative polarity,a0d the noise has, as a rule, positike?polarity), and a diode limiter is cqpnected to the grid circuit of tube V2 to extract the usefuheignal. 14ae signals taken, ? ;rom the plate ofi ube V1 through capacitor C2 to diode)D1 are clipped at the bottom. , A germanium crystal diode DI is used as the diode. The limit level of signals of channel I,(II) is varied by means of the "Limit I" - R24 ("Limit II" - R26) control located on the front panel (p 158) of unit IU-1. The negative vatage taken from these potentiometers is applied to subassembly U-OCh and through resistor R6 to the diode limiter. When the negative voltage is changed, the limit level changes. The positive signal taken from the diode load is applied directly to the grid of tube V2 (6Zh5P). Tube V2 operates as an amplifier. An , automatic bias circuit is connected to the Cathode circuit of tube V2. The signal passes from the plate of tube V2 through blocking capacitor C5 to the grid of the amplifier stage, which is based on tIlbe V3 (6Zh5P): A "Gain" control in the control grid' circuit of V3 is used to vary the amplitude of the pulses taken from the cathode load of tube V4. Signals from the plate load of V3 are fed through blocking capacitbr ? C7 to the control grid of the output cathode follower, which uses tube ' V4 (type 6P9). A negative bias voltage from a divider consisting of resistors R14 and R15 is applied through the back resistance of diode D3 and resistor R16 to the control grid of tube V4. . The cathode resistance of tube V4 is ? selected at 560 ohms. - When a cable with a 75-ohm load is cdnnected, the amplification factor of tube V4 is approximately 0.23. 0 U. The output signals from the cathode load of tube V4 are fed to the output of subassembly U-OCh. ,rhe d-c component from the tube current Ln a load equal to the _eqUivalent resistance of the cable (75:.ohms)'iS zero. Diodes D2 and D3 serve as the d-c restorer after capacitors C5 and 07. (ID 159) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ' Design of subassembly U-OCh. Subassembly U-OCh is built in the form of a block with aimensions of 242 x 75 x 25 mm, within.whi0h are located the mounting eleOents. The subassembly is attached to the chassis of unit IU-1 w4h four screws. Subassembly q-och is connected to the circuit of u4t IU-1 by a 16-contact plug connector. Four tubes and, the gain -control-resistance-are 16c0ed-on-the?chassis-,? of the subassembly. The wight of the unit is 0.5 kg. 13. Spiral Sweep Generator Unit GR Function. which moves the on the-scope. Technical The spiral sweep electron beam in data on the unit. -repeats the pulses applied to it generator (Figure 65) generates a current the type LN-7 tube along a spiral trajectory ci The blocking oscillator of unit GR at frequencies from 300 to 450 cps. With a trigger pulSefrequency of 375 cps, the pulse-stretching circuit generates pulses whose duration is controlled between 1,700 and 2,400 microseconds. A shock excited oscillator generates sinusoidal 'oscillations at a frequency of approximately ,5 kc. Sinusoidal voltages for the horizontal and vertical sweep are taken from the outputs of the unit. The "SWEEP AMPLITUDE" control is used to, change the amplitude of the oscillations of the shock excited oscillator?' Umax .?.! 1.25 (*. 1.94 db). Uinta 'Ir The "SWEEP SPACING" control permits setting the ratio of Umax-,_ . - 1.4 ; 1.6, Umin v;.., where UMaX is the amplitude of the first per;pd of the shock excited oscillator circuit and Umin is the amplitude of the last period of the circuit (the minimum and maximum limits of the "SWEEP SPACING" control are not specific). 4i, ? 4: 0 160 ?50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 65. Over-All View of Unit GR. 1 - tubes in tube channel; 2 - sweep duration control; 3 - plug cover. 114 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 The "PHASE" control together with the "HORIZONTAL GAINI" ("HORIZONTAL GAIN II") control are used to produce a spiral sweep with an ellipticity not greater than a 1.25, where b. a -- the length of the major axis of the ellipse; b -- the length of the minor-axis-of:the'ellipse:.. Functional diagram of the unit. A, functional diagram of unit GR is given in Figure 66. The unit consists of: a) blocking oscillator; - ,b) multivibrator (kipp.relay); 0/shock excited oscillator with cathode follower for damping 7% compensation; u .u, 0 vertical deflection amplifier of channel I (II); e) phase-shifting network; f) cathode follower; g) horizontal deflection amplifier of channel I The first stage of the spiral sweep generator is the blocking oscillator, which is synchronized by the station trigger pulses. Negative pulses from the blocking oscillator trigger the kipp relay which generates square pulses. The duration of the pulses generated by this relay determines the duration of the spiral sweep and is varied with the "SWEEP DURATION" control. Negative pulses from the ontput of the relay are applied to the input of the shock excited oscillator. The voltage at the output of the oscillator is in the form of pulse-modulated sinusoidal oscillations. The amplitude of these oscilla- tions has a maximum at the beginning and is:then damped almost linearly. Oscillations at the output of the shock excited oscillator are changed with the "SWEEP AMPLITUDE" control. Voltage from the output of the oscillator is applied to a cathode follower which compensates for damping of the oscillations. (p 163) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 4.5 H 4) g-F)) ft7y1, ?-4) ...1?111.110 8 4-1 ? 03j OS.' 43 I fld0 4) .0 0 8 v., r., .03 H C.) 0 0 na 4 0 I-4 Diagram of Unit GR. rX4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM The rate of change of the amplitude for a period of one cycle (damping of the oscillations of the shock excited oscillator) may be varied with (p 164) the "SWEEP "SPACING" control. Voltage from the cathode follower is applied to the vertical deflection amplifiers of channels I and II. This same voltage is sent to the phase-shifting network where the voltage is shifted approximately 900. The value of this phase shift may be varied with the "PHASE" control. .111 Voltage from the output of the phase-shifting network is sent to the cathode follower and then to the horizontal deflectibn amplifiers of channels I and II. The,amplification factor of these amplifiers may be changed with the "HORIZONTAL SWEEP GAIN I""and "HORIZONTAL SWEEP GAIN II" controls. The voltages from the outputs of the horizontal and vertical deflec- tion amplifiers of channels 1 and II are appaied to the deflection' system of the integrating tube. Currents in the hbrizontal and vertical deflection coils are shifted by 90? with respect to each other and change. according to a law which causes the electroti'beam of the integrating tube, to follow the same spiral trajectory with eadh scanning cycle. Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. A schematic diagram of unit GR is given in Figure 67. The station trigger pulse which enters the input of unit GR is fed through capacitor C4 to the grid of the blocking oscillatcr (the left half of tube V2 -- 6N1P). When the trigger pulses are applied to unit GR, they synchronize the blocking oscillator and cause it to generate pulses at the repetition rate of the trigger pulses. Negative pulses taken from plate load R9 of the blocking oscillator are sent through capacitor C2 to the plate of the kipp relay. (the left half of tube V11 (p 166) type 6N1P) and through capacitor Cl to the grid of the right half of tube Vi. The kipp relay is in a stable condition when the left half of tube V1 is blocked and the right half is unblocked. A negative pulse at the grid of the right half of V1 blocks this half and the circuit moves to the other state, wherein the left half of VL is unblocked and the right half is blocked. Capacitor Cl begins to discharge and increases the voltage at the grid of the right half of Vi. When the grid.vpotential reaches the firing potential of the tube, the circuit reverts to the original state. The change from one state to the other occurs in' an avalanche method. The duration of the sweep trigger pulse"may be changed within limits of 1.7 to 2.4 microseconds by means of variable resistor "SWEEP DURATION." The length of the sweep (with respect to tiMe) is determined by the duration of the kipp relay pulse. 50X1 -HUM, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 , i f i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 The cathode circuit of the left half of tube V1 contain50X1-HUM- - R1, R2 from which the kipp relay pulses are applied to unit VU for the purpose of blocking return signals at the moment the spiral sweep begins to return. The plate circuit of the left half of Vi contains a divider R3, R4 from which a negative kipp relay pulse is sent through capacitor C7 to the grid of the shock excited oscillator (right half of tube V2). Restoration of the d-c component by crystal iode D1 (after capacitor C7) provides a constant initial amplitude of the oscillations generated in (p 167) the shock excited oscillator circuit when the trigger pulse repetition rate changes. The shock excited oscillator, with positive feedback to compensate for damping of oscillations in the circuit, uses the right half of tube V2 (6N1P). With the. arrival of a negative pulse at the grid of the right half of V2 from the kipp relay circuit, the tube is blocked and free oscillations are set up in the cathode circuit of the tube. The initial amplitude of ' these oscillations is controlled with resistor R10 ("SWEEP AMPLITUDE"). At the moment the negative pulse is removed, the tube is umblocked and shunts the circuit with its output resistance, thus stopping oscillations in the .circuit. In order to control damping, oscillatory circuit Ll, C6, C12 is connected to the grid of the left half of tube V3 (6N1P), which operates as a cathode follower on the linear portion of the characteristic. OsCillations from the cathode of tube V3 (left half) are sent through resistors R14 and R13 and back into the circuit. The positive feedback formed in this manner is used to compensate or losses in the circuit and to produce the necessary pattern of amplitude ;changes in the oscillatory circuit. .0 The circuit is tuned to a frequency of 5 kc. The voltage produced by the shock excited oscillator is sent from .resistor R19 to unit K0-3., 168) A pulse-modulated sinusoidal voltage from cathode load R15 of tube V3 (left half) is applied to the grids of vertical deflection output stages V4 and V5 of channels I and II and to a phase-shifting network consisting of resistors R20, R21, capacitor C9, and inductance 12. The voltage taken from capacitor C9 is shifted in phase by 90? with respect to the input voltage. Correction for this phase shift within small limits is provided by variable resistor R21 marked "PHASE". The phase-shifted pulse-modulated voltage is applied to the grid of the right half of tube V3, which functions as a cathode follower. The pulse-modulated sinusoidal voltage is sent from the cathode of this tube to the control grids of the horizontal deflection output stages V6 and V7 of channels I and II. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The vertical deflection output stage of channel I (II) uses tube V4 (V5), type 6P1P, and operates in a choke-coupled output circuit. The operating mode of tube V4 (V5) is chosen with the aim of providing minimum distordion of the vertical sweep in tube 2.?. A feedback resistance consisting of resistors R25, R26 (R27, R28) is used in the cathode circuit of tube V4 (V5) to stabilize the gain and decrease nonlinear distortions. The output voltage taken from plate load L3, R23 (L4, R29) of tube V4 (V5) is applied through capacitor C10 (C11),: to the vertical deflection coils. The shape of the current in the deflection coils is the same as that / of the sinusoidal oscillations at the grid of tube V4 (V5). (P 169) The horizontal deflection output stage of channel I (II) uses tube v6 (V7), type 6P1P, and operates with a transformer-coupled output. The operating mode of tube V6 (V7) is chosen so as to reduce distortion of the horizontal sweep to a minimum. Variable resistor "HORIZONTAL GAIN II": ("HORIZONTAL GAIN II") in the cathode circuit of tube V6 (V7) is used to control the horizontal deflection gain. . The operation of tube V4 and V5 (V6 and V7) is monitored in unit KO-3. This is done by sending signals from resistors R26, R37 (R27, R38), located in the cathode circuits of the tubes, through a plug connector to unit KO-3. The resistance of the deflection coils is matched with themsistance of the plate load of tube V6 (V7) by means of transformer Tr2 (Tr3), whose ratio equals: ?, .114 p Wi = 3350 7 100 2 where W1 is the number of turns of the primary winding and W2 is the number of turns of the secondary winding. :1?? .u. The sinusoidal voltage taken from the secondary winding of the trans- former is applied to the horizontal deflection coils. The shape of the currents in the deflection coils repeats thishape of the sinusoidal oscillations at the grid of tube V6 (V7). Since' the currents in the deflection coils have the shape of pulse- modulated sinusoidal oscillations with,a'decaying envelope and are shifted 900 in phase with respect to each other, the electron beam in the tube will p 170) trace a spiral line. Monitorim the operation of the unit. The following test jacks are ? used when. monitoring the operation of unit GR with a portable oscillograph G1 for monitoring the switching pulse; G3 -- for monitoring the shock excited oscillator; G4, q3 -- for monitoring the vertical deflection gain of channel I (11)r 50X1-HUM_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM: ' G6, G7 -- for monitoring the horizontal deflection gain of channel I (II). atign_ar_thfLanit. Unit OR is built in the form of a self-contained instrument Mounted on a standard chassis. The tube channel contains 7 bantam tubes (three 6N1P; four 6P1P) and 6 tost jacks. The shafts of 6 potentiometers, 5 of which are covered by a face plate, extend through the front 'panel of the Unit. ,4The exposed shaft is the "SWEEP DURATION" control. On the chassis ofJ.the unit are three transformers -- one filament transformer and two transformers for the horizontal deflection amplifiers, as well as one pulse excitation ? circuit with a carbonyl core, three inductance coils with carbonyl cores, a blocking transformer, and two 2-microfarad capacitors. t Small components (resistors and capacitors) are located on a mounting ? plate within the unit. The unit has one plug connector. Wight of the unit is 7.5 kg. 14. Test Unit KO-1 Function of the unit. Unit KO-3 (Figure 68) is used to check the operation of the following units: BZ, 0A-1-1, OA-5-1, OR, IU-1, and VU. p 172). The checks are made with a type 7L0-55 cathode-ray tube. In addition, a stabilized voltage of +650 v is generated in the unit for the purpose of supplying the LN-7 tubes in unit IU-1. Functional diaeram of the unit. Figure. 69 gives a functional diagram .of unit KO-3. The unit consists of the following components: ???? ???? sawtooth voltage generator; horizontal deflection amplifier; vertical deflection amplifier; j. cathode-ray tube with a power supply circuit; 6 stitches. The sawtooth voltage generator generates a voltage which changes linearly with respect to time; the voltage j) applied to the input of the horizontal deflection amplifier. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 68. Unit KO-3. 1 - covers for tube channels; 2 - brightness control; 3 - test switch for units IU -1, VU, and GR; 4 - test switch for units BZ, OA or IU-1, VU, and OR; 5 - test switch for units BZ and OA; 6 - focus control; 7 - screen of test oscilloscope. I Z2. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ?????????? 5 0 H 104-1 r-i f-t r-I 0 Ori I +3 CO El (0 0 ?ri 0 4) Cvl 0 +3 CV .11mrommomm 0 ? 1:0 4-) 4 .r4 '5 0 U) ? 7170H:1 0 ? tij Cu 1,1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM , Two voltages, equal in value and opposite in:Sign, are taken from the output of the amplifier .and applied to the horizontal deflection .plates of the cathode-ray tube. These voltages. create_a sweep trace on the screen of the tube. The test voltages are taken from different points of the circuits in units BZ, 0A-1-1, 0A-5-1, G1, VU, and IU-1 .and are sent through switches V1, V2, and V3 to the input Of the vertical deflection amplifier.. Voltages from the output of this amplifier are applied to the vertical deflection platesof the tube. The power supply circuit generates voltages of -400 v and +650 v for the cathode-ray tube. ,The +650 v voltage is stabilized and is also used in unit TU-1. ? ? t ? (P 174) he r r_the unit. A schematic diagram. Tube Vit a self-excited multivibrator with cathode coupling, is used as the sawtooth voltage generator. Let us examine the operation of this circuit with switch V2 in the position "BZ, OA." At some moment of time let tube Vib be:blocked and Via be unblocked. A large current will flow through Via and create a voltage in the cathode resistance (R5, R.6) which blocks Vlb. At this time, one of the capacitors C17; C18, C19, C20, C211 .C22, or C23 will charge, depending on the position of switch Vi. When the voltage in the capacitor reaches the firing potential of tube Vlb, the latter will be unblocked. Voltage at the plate of Vlb will ? drop and this will be transmitted through resistor R1 and capacitor Cl to , the grid of tube Via and block it. Then, one of the capacitors C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, ot C23 will discharge through the grid circuit of tube Vlb. of unit K0-3 is given in Figure 70. Since the capacitorcharges through the' resistance, the disCharge process occurs much more rapidly than the charging process. After the capacitor discharges, tube Vlb is blocked g.nd Via is unblocked. The capacitor again begins to charge and the entire process is repeated. Turning the knob on the switch changes the capacitance of the charging capacitor, and this changes the speed of the sweep. . Six sweep speeds are provided for in the unit. In the case of the first five sweeps (capacitors C19, C20, C21, C22, and C23), the oscillator is synchronized by external pulses. The synchronizing pulse is applied through the charging capacitance to the grid of the oscillator. The sixth sweep is not synchronized. p 176) ' 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 4- t 9 ?? ? rt %re' - [1II t 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 -S) 50X1-HUM The sawtooth voltage is taken from charging capacitors C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, or C23 depending on the position of switch V1 and is applied - to the grid of the amplifier for the horizontal deflection plates (tube V2). The sawtooth voltage is linearized through the use of feedback -- the charging caacitor is connected to the plate circuit of the right half of '1 the amplifier tube. The output voltage of the amplifier is sent directly . to the horizontal deflection plates of the tube. When the switch is in the position POR,ITU, DJ," the circuit geneiates one sweep trace (capaci- tor C21) which is synchronized by the trigger pulse (Zap, I). The monitored voltages from units BZ2-0A-l-11 and 0A-5-1 are sent to the amplifier input for the vertical deflection plates (tube V3, type ? 6Zh5P) through switch Vi, voltage dividers ,R41, R42, and switch V2 ("BZ, OA" monitor). The sinusoidal voltage to the quartz oscillator in unit BZ is checked when switch V1 is in the first position.. In this case the sinusoidal voltage of the quartz oscillator is applied to the grid of the vertical deflection plate amplifier. The sweep?trace-is synchronized by pulses of the second divider stage (1:5); therefore, five periods of the sinusoidal voltage from the, quartz are layed on the sweep trace. Lt% Operation of the divider stages of *unit BZ is monitored with the switch in. the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth positions. are applied to the grid of the provided by a pulse from the ? - ? checked with the switch in the In this case, pulses from each stage vertical amplifier and synchronization is subsequent divider stage. The 2-km and 1-degree marker dial is seventh position. The 10-km marker dial is checked with the switch in the eighth position. The 50-km and 100-km marker dial is checked with the switch in the ninth position. ? e? ? The azimuth marker unit is checked with an unsynchronized sweep, which corresponds to the tenth and eleventh positions of the switch. The frequency of this sweep is selected close to,that of the output pulses of units 0A-1-1 and 0A-5-1. One-degree marker pulsesare sent simultaneously with the 2-km marker pulses. The 1-degree, markers move across the screen of the oscillograph. The 5-degree markers'also.move across the screen, while at the moment of appearance of the 30-degree markers, the amplitude of the pulses on the screen increases. (P 177) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM . When the Voltages of units GRI VU, and IU-1 are monitored, the voltages are applied to the input of the vertical deflection amplifier through switches V3.and V2 ("GR, VU, IU" monitor). , Relay RI., which is controlled by the "MONITOR" channel switch located (p.178) in unit IU-1, is.Used to select the channel to be tested (channel I or The trigger pulse from unit, BZ is checked with switch V3 in the third position. The switching pulse from unit GR is checked with the switch in the fourth position. The fifth, sixth, and seventh positions are used to check the sinusoidal voltage from the. shock excited oscillator and the voltage after the horizontal and vertical deflection amplifiers of channel I or II from unit GR. 11 The eighth position is used to check tha voltages after the subtraction circuits of unit VU. The voltage after the blocking oscillator of unit VU is checked with the switch in the ninth position. . Output voltages Of unit IU-1 are checked with the switch in the eleventh position. , Examples of voltage forms seen on the screen of the tube relativeto the position of the switches are given on photographically copied labels . in the tube channels. Rectifier circuit of unit K0-1. The rectifier circuit includes the ? following basic elements: filament transformer, plate transformer, rectifier, filter, and voltage stabilizer. The filament voltage for all tubes is taken from the filament transformer: Transformer Trl with Iwindings is used as the plate transformer. .A supply voltage of 220 volts, 50 cps is applied to the primary winding (P 179) of the transformer (taps 1-2). The two secondary windings are connected in series. The voltage from taps 3-5 is used,to supply the +650 v /lectifier. An a-c voltage from taps 4-3 is applied to the -400 v rectifier. The plate transformer is hermetically sealed: The +650 v rectifier is based on a halftNave circuit with six selenium rectifiers. The rectified voltage is filtered by a n -section filter 1 consisting of capacitors C13, C14 and resistor R31. The rectified voltage is applied to the electronic voltage stabilizer. / 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Tube V5 (6P3S) is used as the regulator stage of the stabilizer. The control system of the stabilizer is a single-stage d-c.amplifier. .which uses one triode of tube V6 (6N2P). The reference voltage source of the control stage-is an SO4S (V7) stabilovolt (voltage stabilizer tube). Resistors R38, R39, R40 are used as a divider for the reference voltage.. Potentiometer R40 is used to adjust the +650-v voltage within limits of t30 v. The +650 v stabilized voltage is taken?from the cathode of the regulator stage of tube 6P3S (V5) and applied to the plate of the cathode- ray tube in unit K0-3 and through a special high-voltage plug to unit I13-1. The -400 v rectifier is also based on a half-wave circuit. The a-c voltage from the secondary winding of Trl (taps 3-4) is applied to selenium rectifier 1)2. The rectified voltage is fed to an-section filter consisting o capacitors C10, 012 and resistor R25. (p 180) The -400 v rectified voltage is taken from capacitor C10 and fed to the cathode of the cathode-ray tube in unit KO-3. Thus, the voltage between the cathode and plate in the cathode-ray tube will be on thp order of 1,050 volts. -Desim of unit K0-1. Unit K0-3 is located in the central compartment of the cabinet. The unit is mounted on an angle-iron chassis. Tubes are ' arranged in a tube channel. On the front panel are doors which cover the tube channels and the type 7L0-55 tube screen. Also on the front panel are two switches, one toggle switch, the shafts.of two potentiometers, and handles for removing the unit. Small components are 'wired on a mounting plate within the unit. The transformer and other. elements of unit KO-3 are attached to the chassis. Unit K0-3 weighs 8.5 kg. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM CHAPTER THREE (p 181 PLAN POSITION INDICATOR IK0-1 1. General Information Concerning Operation of the Indicator The plan position indicator IK0-1 (Figure 71) is designed' for the observation of dll detected targets and fir determination of their range and azimuth. In addition, the IK0-1 can be used to solve problems in- volving the directing of ones fighter airpraft to the planes of the enemy. The IK0-1 ensures the continuous observation of detected targets within the limit of the station's range. cThe plan poSitilbn of the de- tected air targets is displayed on its screen automatically, in 6 form convenient for visual observation. The plan position indicator is an oscilloscopic device having a PPI scan and, an intensity spot signal. Its basic unit is a cathode-ray tube: the plan position of the detected targets is displayed on the tube screen. The sweep along the radius of the tube screen is proportional to the range scale. It is started by a pulse which starts the transmitting device as well; therefore the position of each spot in the sweep line on the screen correspondends to a definite range. Sweep is effected by the current fed to the deflecting system of the cathode-ray tube. The scan along the circumference (the rotation of the radial sweep) is proportional to the azimuth scale. The sweep is brought into rotation by the synchronous transmission system of the antenna's turn angle; therefore, the position of the radial sweep on the screen correspondends to the Airection of the antenna's electrical axis. The voltages of the reflected signals and range and azimuth markers act on the control electrode of tie cathode-ray tube. In the absence of these signals the electron beam is cut. off by the positive voltage at the tube cathode so that there is no image on,the screen. With the arrival of each signal he potential of the control cathode rises slightly, causing the appearance of an electron beam in the form of a shining spot on the tube screen. The position of the shining spot depends on the instantanious,ivalues of the deflecting field induced by the range-marker and azimuth-marker systems. The reflected signals create a display on the screen in the form of dots: range-scale markers--in the foryo of a series of concentric rings, corresponding to the fixed ranges; and azimuth-scale markers--in the form of radially diverging lines, corresponding to the fixed angles of rotation of the antenna. (p 183) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1 -HUM Fig. 71. Cabinet 106-1. 1 - unit BP-300; 2 - unit UPT-1; 3 - unit BP-200; 4 - unit RD; 5 - unit TI-1; 6 - unit ZR-3; 7 - panel with plugs; 8 - unit VS-3; 9 - unit US; 10 - unit 13P-7; 11 - unit BP-150; 12 - unit UN-1. 110 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 - 50X1-HUM The I1(0-1 is intended forthree modes Of operations (Figure, 72). 1. The circular PPI mode-,-In-which-tlie-start Of-the-sweep-la-point - on the screen which corresponds to the position of the radar on the site) coincides with the center of the screen (Figure 72a). 2. The delayed PPI mode, in which the:sweeping of space can be limited to a defihite-part of the range ad the start of the sweep can be delayed up to 350 km. In the delayed PPI mode of operation the targets located in remote parts of the station's zone of action are observed on a magnified scale (Figure 72b). The sector PPI mode (Figure 72c), in which the start of the sweep mare shifted to any point of the screen1,and even beyond its outer Atage. The display on the screen in this ease will give a more detailed plan position of the targets in the seletted sector of radar operation. Technical data and make-up of the indicator cabinet. ,t? 1. Indication of the target is brought about by Observing the intensity spot signal on the screen of the- cathode-ray tube. 2. Scanning is radial-circular. 3. The range scales: 100, 200 and 370 km. 1+. The periods of full (360?) scan along the azimuth are equal to ten seconds (six rpm) and twenty seconds (three rpm). 5. The delay of the start of the range sweep in PPI operation can be varied within 40 to 350 km limits. 6. The coordinates of the target are determined visually by Observing the position of the reflected signal relative to the grid of electrical azimuth and range scale markers. (p 185) 7. Either simultaneous or separate observation of the following are possible on the tube screen: range scale markers (10, 50, and 100 km); azimuth markers (5-degree and 30-degree);Jtwo km and 1-degree scale markers; reflected signals coming from both the vertical and slant channels. Nake-4 of the IK0-1 cabinet. The PPI is mounted in a standard cabinet and consists of the following units: itY -- scope 'unit TI-1; -- sweep delay unit ZR-3; 50X1 -HUM p 186) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 _ .u. 50X1-HUM Fig. 72. Displays on the Screen of the Plan Position Indicator in Three Modes of Operation. a - circular PPI mode; b - delayed PPI mode (20 km delay); c - sector PPI mode. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 video signal unit VS-3; ser4o amplifier US; -- +300 v power supply unit BP-300; -- 4-200 v power supply Wilt BP-200; 41?,. -150 v power supply unit BP-150; 4.7.1 kv power supply unit BP-7; power supply control unit UPT-1. 1:p 50X1-HUM Circuit diagram and principle of operation of the indicator. A circuit diagram of cabinet IK0-1 is given in Figure 73. Trigger pulses (ZAP II) from trigger unit BZ of master voltage cabinet ZN-Fl enter sweep delay unit ZR-3 from where the delayed trigger pulse is fed to range sweep unit RD. A sawtooth pulse is formed in RD and supplies the deflection coils in scope unit TI-1. In addition, a negative sawtooth "range gate" pulse is taken from the first stage of unit TD and applied to unit VS-3 where it serves as a trigger pulse for the latter. The following are applied to unit VS-3 in addition to the gate pulse: 1. Vertical and slant channel video signals from the mixing device. 2. Range scale markers for 2, 10, and. 50-100 km. 3. Azimuth scale markers for 1-degree (in combination with 2-km), 5-degrees, and 30 degrees. ,tY All input signals in unit VS-3 are amplified, mixed and applied to the modulator of the cathode-ray tube in unit TI-1 In the indicator tube unit are stages which supply the center alignment coils and the focusing coils. Here is also mounted the servomotor which works jointly with the servo amplifier (US) and rotates the deflection coils synchronously with the rotation of the antenna. 50X1-HUM (p 188) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 / Fig. 73. Diagram of Wiring Connetions for Cabinet IKO-1. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM All units in the PPI receive voltage from units BP-300, BP-200, BP=150 and BP-7. +.1 The central units are TI-1 and UPT-1. In the left compartments (from top to bottom) are units ZR-3, RD, BP-200 and BP-300; in the right--units VS-3, US, BP-7 and BP-150. Remote plan position indicator IKO-Vlu The remote plan position indicator IKO-V1 is intended for operation at.the command guidance post in the radio-relay line system RL-30-.1; p 189) In principle, the'remote'indicator does not differ from the main indicator and fulfills the very same functions. The IKO-V1 cabinetisibmiL9iledwith the same units as IK0-1 except for the delay unit. Unit ZR-2 is used in cabinet IKO-V1 in place of unit ZR-3. A plotter has been added to the remote indicator IKO-V1 to facilitate the recording of the flight altitude of the target. From the viewpoint of construction, IKO-V1 differs from the main ? PPI by having additional clamps used in transporting. the indicator in a container. 2. The Indicator Scope Unit TI-1. Function. The TI-1 unit (Figures 74 Ad 75) is intended for the observation of all detected targets and for the determination of their range and azimuth. Technical data concerning the unit. i. Rotation of the sweep line is synchronized with the rotation of the antenna. 2. Displacement of the start of the range sweep is up to tworadii. 3. The diameter of the focused spot at the screen center is about'', mm; in shifting the start of the range sweep by two radii--about 2 mm. ,(t Functional diagram of the unit. Figure 76 gives a functional diagram of unit TI-1. The unit includes: -- the cathode-ray tube; -- the deflector system; -- sweep center shifting stage; -- the focusing stage; -- the intensity control circuit; S? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 11, 50X1-HUM Fig. 74. Unit TI -1 (Right Side). 1 - door of tube compartment; 2 - screen of tube 31LM32; 3 - range shift control; 4 - focus control; 5 - sweep center shift control; 6 - intensity control; 7 - azimuth shift control; 8 - screwdriver; 9 - fuse; 10 - fuse condition indicator. 50X1-HUM 136 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 .41mra-T.renamnamum,...mm. 50X1 -HUM 8 Fig. 75. Unit TI-1 (Rear View). 1 - plate for mounting small parts; 2 - h - fine selsyn; 5 - coarse selsyn; 6 - voltage supply plug; 8 - signal lamp; 9 tube modulator; 10 - focusing coil; 11 - 137 transformer; 3 - motor ADP-262; sweep voltage supply plug; 7 - SSP - plug for applying signals to supply voltage plug. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 76. Functional Diagram of Unit TI-1. center shifting stage; 2 - 4.500 volt transformer and rectifier; focusing stage; 4 BSM. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ;s. --the servomotorll nit; A -- ?V 500 v transformer and rectifier. 50X1 -HUM In the unit are four controls: "Intensity", "Focus", "Range Shift", "Azimuth Shift", and the'toggle switch "Shift" which turns on the shift of the sweep center. Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 77 gives a schematic diagram of unit TI-1. (p193) The fundamental element of unit TI-1 is the cathode-ray tube 171.1., type 31LM32, on the screen of which targets are observedandthdrcoordinates determined. - 3 The indicator tube operates in conjunction with the magnetic deflec- tion system, consisting of the deflecting, shifting, and focusing coils. Deflecting coil L2.serves to deflect Ole electron beam of the tube from its electrical axis toward the edge of the screen and serves also to rotate the beam on the screen of the tube synchronously with the rotation of the antenna. A deflecting coil of the open type (without an iron core) is used in the TI-1 unit. The coil consists of eight sections, divided into two groups, which are placed along the two side of the tube neck. The placement and connection of the sections in the coil ensures a uniform magnetic field across the tube. oThe defletting coil is supplied by a sawtooth current generated in unit RD. The current flowing through the coil forms a magnetic field which deflects the electron beam of the tube. The degree of deflection is directly proportional to the value of the current flowing in the coil. The deflecting cOil rotates synchronously and in phase with the rotation of the station antenna. Coil rotation is brought about with the aid of a special servomotor unit which works in the same fashion as the servomotor of unit VD-1. The difference between them consists in their design and in the fact that motor ADP-362 is used in the VD-1 unit and motor ADP-262 is used in the BSM unit of TI-1. Selsyns of type SS-405 and motor ADP-262 of unit TI-1 are placed in a separate silumin housing. The drive shaft of BSM transmits rotation-through a special reduction gear to the deflecting coil. (P 195) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 -????? 50X1-HUM cur iloodor.;/ ? r 0 JON Our.s.pcto le1CIPSIC fw QM; Tar till 1...0 IT ? Ot .;:j_43. ? 5 a CI e .0e$0. lIZEZEJII or 1101...am u .11 _ t e of or WI- I4'Y .1 .. (0 to A. 1). Pt MY art 4 - . 47f _ ofj /Ardn?a ,r s$2.p la ?M? CI I 1 St .36 a7,2021 .9.? 420CateC.?, 00,4 ArPLAI I .SCI ATIAAVC 2-1220131.19211.- O'P ?77-Atzsort-er2A- TI4-1 Fig. 77. Schematic Diagram of Unit TI-1. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The voltage of the deflection coil is fed through the ball bearings of the system (Without a special slip ring). Figure 78 shows the bracket with the. servomotor unit and the deflecting system. The deflecting coil is shown in? . Figure 79a. The circuit for the transmission of current to the deflecting coil through/the bearing is pictured in Figure 79b. The shifting coil L3 is made similar to the deflecting coil with the difference that it is enclosed in an external magnetic screen which consists of thin permalloy rings. The shifting coils connectedto the plate circuits of the two parallel-connected tubes V1 and V2, which form the shifting stage of the range-sweep center. With a change in voltage at the control grids of the tubes (resistor R10), their plate current changes as. well. The resulting magnetic field which is thus created causes the sweep to move along the radius of the screen. Thejairection of the magnetic field determines the direction of the sweep shift. The shifting of the Weep center along tie circumference of the screen is brought about by the mechanical rotation of the shifting coil about the tube axis. The rotation knob is 16cated on the front panel of the unit. The shift circuit may be turned off by switch V1 if the operator wishes. When the circuit is turned Off, a -150-v voltage is applied to the grids of the tubes; this turns off the tUlaps. A wiring diagram for the deflecting and shifting coils is given in Figure 80: For damping of natural parasitic oscillations in the dis- placement coil, the coil is shunted by resistors R14, R15, which are placed in the frame of the coils themselves. The shunting resistance of the deflecting coils is located in unit RD. p 198) The +300 v circuit which supplieb the deflecting and shifting coils in the unit is provided with a fuse. In parallel with the fuse is a neon btib which signals the blowout of the fuse. .. Focusing of the electron beam of the tube in unit TI -1 is accomplished' by changing the current in the coil, which is connected to the plate : circuit of tube V3. The current from this tube.is regulated by means of . potentiometer R20, from the sliding contact-of which a positive potential is applied to the control grid. The focusing coil (Figure 81) is placed in the iron shield which concentrates the magnetic field. The use of the . .shield permits one to decrease the necessary'ampere-turns of the focusing coil and to reduce the interaction between te focusing and deflecting fields of the system. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Fig. 78. Bracket With Servomotor Unit and Deflection System. 1 - motor; 2 - fine selsyn; 3 - coarse selsyn; 4 - cover over reduction gearing; 5 - deflection system. 142 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 +303 v -15.aput--`-N of RD -- -1 ulating_ tube_ ;kid- arair 7-- Lneck of tube , frame insulating hous3ngbearings _2 - ccbYineflunfde-flicti?on?coli-1 _ Fig. 79. Deflection 'System (Diagram of current flow to deflection coil through bearings). #3024i6c00 Ari?tuaol a joikpost tVilay N ? I 0 0 1 b j .HLtsza !to platei r___1317413 lof_urcit RB ? r--- tiates /52-7 LOLkl Lthaf "(Loki? Fig. 80. Diagram of Col Connections. a -deflection coil; b - shifting coil. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Optimum focusing requires coincidence of the axes of the tube and focusing coil. This is Obtained by proper oonetruotion of the eyetem. Optimum position for the coil is found by moving it along the axis of the tube. In addition, in order to receive a sharper focus a d-c voltage of +500v from the special rectifying apparatus in the unit TI.,1 is applied to the accelerating electrode of the tube. Regulation of intensity is brought aboutilby applying a positive potential to the cathode of the tube. The positive potential is applied to theicathode of the tube from the divider R11, R12, R13. p 201) Signals from unit VS-3 are fed to the control electrode of the tube. To prevent flashes and burnouts of the phosphor on the screen of the tube during a break in the circuit whl,ch connects the control electrode of the tube with unit VS-3, a negatfive potential is applied to the control electrode through resistor REicwhich blocks the tube in case,of a circuit break. Construction of the unit. Unit TI-]. is uituated in the central. compartment of the indicator cabinet. The unit is fastened in the cabinet in such a way that it can be turned 900 around the points that fasten the unit. The unit contains a cathode-ray tube of the type 3ILM32, three - 6P3S tubes, a rectifier, and the bracket with the deflecting system and the servomotor unit. The tubes are placed. on a special removable panel above the indicator. On the bracket is a neon bulb which signals the presence of a reference voltage in the ADP-262 motor.. , On the front panel are: the tube screen with the frame and light filter; the control knobs for shifting the start of the range sweep, for intensity, and for focusing; the switch for turning on the Oircuit displacing the start of the range sweep; a'fuse and a neon bulb. The light filter has a special metalized'cover which is connected to the housing of the unit. This perMits the: light filter to be placed very close to the screen of the tube. Unit Ti-1 is connected with the other units in the cabinet with the help of two.14 -pin plug and socket connectors and two high-frequency connectors which connect unit TI-1 with units,VS -3 and RD. The 14-pin connector.Shl is located on the bracket and serves for the transfer of voltage_tb the servomotor unit. :'/A 7.1 -kv voltage from unit BP-7 is admitted to the anode of the tube (202) -through the high-voltage conductor and the cap which is set on the anode of the tube. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 3 1 2 50X1 -HUM Fig. 81. Focusing Coil. 1 - rotating ring; 2 - clamping lugs; 3 - stop screw. 1 45 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM The connecting cables are of suoh a length that it is possible to turn the unit without disconnecting the supply voltage source. The unit" is turned to permit regulation of the servomotor unit and access to the plug-and-socket connectors and the tube panel. On a side tall is a schematic diagram of the unit. The weight of the unit is 42.5 kg. 1. The Steen Delav_MAit ZR-1 Function. The sweep delay unit ZR-3 (Figure 82) is designed to generate a trigger pulse, delayed with respect to the main trigger pulse, and for the control of the output voltages of all the receivers and signals of the vertical and slant channels from the signal-mixing. unit. Technical data on the unit. The delay formed by unit ZR-3 changes in 10 km steps from 40 to 350 km. When the delay is switched off, a trigger pulse arrives at the output of the unit without a delay. The amplitude of the output pulse is not less than 10.V. For stable operation of unit ZR-3 it is necessary that the 10-km markers which come from unit BZ. have a sufficient amplitude. . The value of the delay is read on the screen of the oscilloscope tube when the control selector switch V2 is in the ninth position. The first eight positions of switch V2 areused for monitoring video signals having an amplitude from 1 to 5v. These signals are admitted to unit ZR-3 from the outputs of all the receivers of the station and the outputs of the SS-1 units(EI and Eli) as well. Functional diazram of the unit. Figure 83 gives a functional diagram of unit ZR-3. The unit consistsof the following elements:' ^ sautooth voltage generator; sawtooth voltage amplifier; electron relay for the signal level; ^ synchronization tubes; -- blocking oscillator; ? stabilizing circuit; v, mil .0 ????? cathode-ray tube with supply circuit; t, vertical amplifier; 50X1-HUM (p 204) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM 1 - label on door; 2 - - focus control; 5 - pulse delay switch; 8 - 10 - illuminating bulb Fig. 82. Unit ZR-3. tubes in tube channel; 3 - intensity control; screen of tube 71,055; 6 - test switch; 7 - trigger trigger delay control; 9 - plug cover; holder. 147 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ,t1,c tputput Y/4- 017E4SyjCff-]' odiL, ,ii_q 0 ,r=1_4.thIi 1 L4 1-VellitaLaChai I Slant echo Fig. 83. Functional Diagram of Unit ZR-3. 1 - sawtooth voltage generator; 2 - relay; 4 - synchronization tube; 5 circuit; 7 - vertical amplifier; 8 circuit. amplifieil; 3 - electronic - blocking oscillator; 6 - - mixing 4rcuit; 9 - tube qx, voltage-level stabilization supply 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ; - switchover control circuit; ^ mixiw circuit of range-scale markers. 50X1 -HUM The sawtooth voltage generator produces a periodic sawtooth voltage. which is frequency-synchronized by the trigger pulse. The end of this sawtooth voltage corresponds to a 400-km range, the beginning--to .approximately 10 km, and different levels of the sawtooth voltage--to various ranges from 10 to 400 km. This voltage is amplified by a? paraphase amplifier. Feedback is supplied from the amplifier to a charging capacitor to increase the linearity.of.the sawtooth voltage. The sawtooth voltage is the control voltage for the electronic relay which, depending on the setting of the delay knob, is switched over at different levels of sawtooth voltage ;',that is,at different ranges. The electronic relay forms a negative square pulse whose leading edge corresponds to the preset range: This pulse is differen- tiated and the negative part of the differentiated pulse is admitted to the cathode of the .synchronization tube. Ten-km range marker pulses are admitted to the grid of this tube. Upon coincidence of the 10-km (p 20) marker pulse with the differentiated pulse, a pulse appears at the plate of the synchronizing tube which triggers the blocking oscillator. The triggered blocking oscillator thus produces a delayed trigger pulse which corresponds to the preset range and coincides with the 10-km marker. A special stabilizing circuit is used to prevent synchronization alternately from two adjacent 10-km markers. The blocking oscillator is supplied by a .damped sinusoidal voltage from an oscillatory circuit which is connected to the plate circuit of ? the electronic relay. The oscillations appear in the circuit at the moment of tripping of the electronic relay. These oscillations affect the amplitude of the output pulse of the blocking oscillator. The output Pulse of the blocking oscillator is applied to the stabilizing circuit which, depending on the pulse amplitude, changes to a greater or lesser extent the level? of change-over of thealectronic relay. , When the delay is switched off, a trigger pulse arrives at the output of the unit without delay. 64: The magnitude of the delay is observed 61a the screen of the cathode - ray receiver. During this time control switch V2 must be placed in the " ninth position. 'Then, mixed 10-, 50-, and lop-km markers and the output pulse/Of the blocking oscillator are fed to tlie vertical amplifier of oscilloscope unit ZR-3. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 0 50X1-HUM For the first eight positions of control switch V2, different . voltages from all the receivers and units of thBsignal mixei. are admitted to the input of the vertical amplifier. . D-c vol?ages ;'or supplying the tube of the osillograph unit ZR3 (-880v; +500v)are produced by a special rectifier lod'ated in the unit itself. . The unit has three controls - -the control, Delay Setting" for (p 207) selection 'of the required delay value, and the controls, "Intensity" and' "Focusing." Unit ZR -3 can be used in the following 'cabinets: DUS-1, IKO -1, and IAD-1. ' Deecrintion of the schematic diavram. Figure 84 gives a schematic ? diagram of unit ZR -3. , The sawtooth voltage generator (tube VI )produces a periodic voltage which triggers the electronic level-relay. The tube is hooked up as a multivlbrator with cathode coupling. The' sawtoothvoltage is taken from charging capacitor C2. The parameters of. the'-circuit are selected in such a fashion that during the operation of the left half of tube Vi a voltage is formed at the cathode which block the right half of the tube. 0 At this time, capacitor C2 is charged from the plate voltage source through resistors R7 and R3.. puring.,the charging of the capacitor the voltage on the grid of the right half of tube Vi rises. This continues until the voltage at the grid exceeds ,the-cut-off foliage. Tube V1 begins to conduct, tube Via stops conducting,- after which grid currents appear in tube Vlb which quickly discharge the capacitor through the small grid- cathode resistance of V1 and resistors R5 and R6. Voltage at the plate of 'Jib now rises, making tube Via 'conduct and the voltage at the cathode to increase due to the current in tube Via. Tube Vlb stops -conducting, and capacitor C2 again begins to charge. For the purpose of synchronization, trigger pulses are 'fed to the grid of tube 'Jib through capacitor C2; the arrival of these pulses at the grid causes the, appearance of a grid current and prematurely stops the charging of capacitor C2 (Figure 85). This accounts for the fact that the end of charging capacitor C2, i. e., the maximum of the sawtooth voltage, corresponds to the maximum range of.400 km; the minimum, i.e.,, the beginning of the sawtooth voltage, corresponds to approximately 10 km, and the different levels of sawtooth voltage correspond to ranges from 10 to,400 km. II p 210) 50X1 -HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The sawtooth voltage is applied to the grid of the cathode-coupled paraphase amplifier (V2). By proper selection of the value of resistor R11 in the cathode coupling, sawtooth voltages are formed at the plates . of both halves of V2 which are opposite in phase and equal in magnitude. .The grid bias voltage for tube V2 is taken from part of cathode resistance R15 and R16 through resistor R17. Compensating capacitor C3 is connected between the cathodes of the amplifier. To improve the. linearity of .the sawtooth voltage, the charging of capacitor C2 is not carried out directly from the d-c voltage source, but from divider R13, R14, located at the right plate of the amplifier (V2b). The sawtooth voltage is also used as the control voltage for the electronic level relay. Divider R18, R19, R20 is connected between the plate of tube V2b and the d-c voltage source (.150 v). Sawtooth voltage from the cursor of potentiometer. R19 is applied to the electronic level -relay; the d-c voltage varies (Figure 86) at the different points of the ? potentiometer from +30.v at the upper point of the potentiometer to -30 v at the lower. The electronic relay flips over when voltage at its input . (the grid of tube V3a) becomes equal to approxi,mately +30 v. Therefore,' ? when the cursor of the potentiometer is in the extreme upper position the ' electronic relay flips over at the very beginning, i.e., when the saw- ? tooth voltage is equal to zero, which approximately corresponds to a 10 km range. When the cursor of potentiometer R19 is moved downward the d-c voltage drops and the switchover of the electrotic relay will take place only at a certain level of the sawtooth voltage. This level will. correspond to a definite range. Capacitor C5 tis inserted for better transmission of the sawtooth voltage between the plate of tube V2b and the cursor of potentiometer R19. P212) Description of the stepped-delay electronic relay circuit with a. stabilization circuit. The electronic voltage-level relay works as follows normally tube V3b is conducting and there is a positive voltage at its cathode. This voltage is applied to the cathode of V3a through crystal diodes D2 and D3, conducting in the given direction; thus, tube V3a is cut off. When the sawtooth voltage at the grid of V3a reaches the operating level of the electronic relay, the current which appears causes a decrease of the voltage at the, plate of V3a and an increase of voltage at its cathode. itt 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 11,1. It$,..'.. GUMKICCITS .: s" $.. . 1; : -0?, ',J.: 1 ---r. ITIk: t, ^????-? 0 of Unit ZR-3. Schematic t7.0 ?1-1 Gx4 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 trigger level of' multivibrator-- sawtooth voltage - 4X1tor Ja4MAvitif ri?t-riiger- pulse - - ii Fig. 85. Synchronization of the. Sawtooth Voltage by the Trigger Pulse. Fig. 86. Diagram of Sawtooth Voltage Transmission From Amplifier to Electronic Voltage-Level Relay. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM . As a consequence of the increase in voitage at the cathode of V3a and the decrease in voltage at the cathode of V3b)crystal diodes D2 and D3 Cease to conduct; but the cathodes of the left and right halves of electronic reilay tube V3 became disconnected from each other (Figure 87). The voltage at the cathode of V3a rises in proportion to the rise of the sawtooth voltage to a maximum at the grid of V3a. V3a continues to conduct, whereas 113b is cut off. After this, the sawtooth voltage begins to fall. A return to the initial position of the relay occurs at a lower level than the initial switchover. Therefore', when the sawtooth voltage is lowered, conditions are created for a return of the circuit to the initial state. However, with samll delays, the switchover takes place. at low levels of sawtooth voltage so that return to the initial state becomes impossible and normal operation of the electronic relay is. upset (Figure 88). In order to ensure normal operation of the electronic relay for the starting ranges, capacitor 08 is connected to the cathode' of V3a. While the sawtooth voltage is rising capacitor C8 charges; but during a quick drop in the sawtooth voltage C8 is not able to discharge completely, so that some voltage remains in it andoconsequently, at the cathode of V35 which will bring about the cutoff of V3a at a higher voltage level than normally is needed to make it conduct. While the electronic relay is Operating, a negative square pulse is formed at the cathode of V3b whose start corresponds to the 'selected range value. This pulse is differentiated by circuit Cll and R29. The positive part of the differentiated pulse is clipped by crystal diode D4. The negative part, which corresponds to the start of the pulse of the electronic relay, is applied through crystal diode D5 (in order to lower the resistance of the transmission circuit) to the cathode of synchronization tube V4a. Capacitor C15 is used to smooth the differentiated pulse. Synchronization tube V4a is normally cut off by a large negative bias. When "'Delay" Switch V1 is in the position "On", a negative differentiatiated pulse from the electronic relay is applied to the cathode of V4a and 10-km range markers are applied trough capacitor C15 to the grid. The tube conducts only during coincidence of these two pulses. Moreover, a pulse is produced at the plate load of the tube (the winding ok blocking transformer Tr2) which triggers blocking oscillator V4b. The blocking oscillator is normally in an operating mode close to a blocked state due to the self-bias formed by the circuit R35 and 017. The blocking oscillator forms a delayed output pulse which, corresponds to the selected range and coincides with the 10-km marker (Figure 89). The output pulse is taken from cathode load R36. 50X1-HUM (p 216) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 _ tre-CV.50] t 21_711-1 rtq-Tv315) tyt, .1 [trigger levell _ 50X1 -HUM t q, Fig. 87. Voltage Forms in the Circuit of the Electronic Voltage-Level Relay. 0 ? cutoff aevelat V3a (wi.that capacitor ' Fig. 88. Trigger Level of Electronic Voltage-Level Relay - - at Small Delays. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM When the "Delay" switch V1 is in the "Off" position, a main trigger - pulse is applied to the synchronization tube grid from unit BZ which actuates blocking oscillator V4b at the instant correspon4ng to zero range. The trigger p,ilse is admitted without delay tci the output Of the unit. The blocking oscillator pulse is fed to the output of the unit through stretcher circuit D13, 032. A special stabil.ization circuit is used for stable operation of the delay circuit. Oscillatory circuit V1 and 09 is connected to the plate of tube V3b. During switchover of the electronic voltage-level relay (cutoff of V3b), damped sinusoidal oscillations are formed in the oscillatory circuit whose first period is used in the stabilization circuit. Damping of the circuit is determined by resistor R26 which shunts the circuit. The period of oscillations is equal to approximately 70 micro- seconds, that is, about 10 km. These oscillations are fed through circuit R30 and C12 to the plate winding of blocking transformer Tr2. The voltage at the plate of the blockindOscillator appears as the - sum of the d-c and sinusoidal voltages. Consequently, the amplitude of th6 pulses of the blocking oscillator will vary in accordance with the sinusoidal voltage. As was mentioned before, the blocking oscillator operates when the (p 218) 10-km marker coincides with the differentiated pulse at the cathode of , tube V4a. The sinusoidal voltage and differentiated pulse are range-shifted in accordance with the instant of trigger bperation. :5 The 10-km marker pulses do not change their position with respect to time. Thus, the amplitude of the output pulse depends on the relative position of the 10-km marker and the sinusoidal voltage. The amplitude is medium when the 10-km marker coincides with zero sinusoidal voltage; greater than medium when the marker coincides with th6 positive half-wave of the sinusoidal voltage; or smaller than medium when the ? marker coincides with the negative half-wave of the sinusoidal voltage. Figure 90 shows the amplitude of the output pulse of the blocking oscillator changes during various points ofrelvtripping. If'therelvialps at instant 1, then the 10-km marker (Figure 90) will coincide with the zero of the plate sinusoidal voltage of the blocking oscillator (Figure 90b) and the amplitude of the output pulse will be of a medium vlaue (Figure 90a). , This is the most stable position, since now the 10-km marker coincides with the maximum of the differentiated pulse at the cathode of the' synchronizing tube (Figure 900 -so-that synchronization-of-the-blocking--- oscillator now becomes more precise. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 If the electronic relay trips over at instant 2 (Figure 90a), then/ the 10-km marker coincides with a higher plate voltage (Figure 90b) and the output pulse amplitude will be greater (Figure 90e). If the electronic relay trips &t, instant 3 (Figure 90a), then tlie 10-km marker will coincide with a lower plate voltage of the blocking oscillator (Figure 90b) and the amplitude of the output voltage will become smaller (Figure 90e). The output pulse is admitted through blocking transformer Trl and crystal diode D1 to capacitor C7 of the stabilizing circuit and charges it. The crystal diode ensures rapid charging of the capacitor and slow discharging. If the output pulse has a high amplitude (position 2, Figure 90e), then capacitor C7 will be charged to a higher voltage, and across capacitor C6, which is connected through a large resistor R21 to C7, as well as at the grid of the electronic relay there will be impressed a higher voltage; now the electronic relay will trip at a lower level of the sawtooth voltage, i.e., will shift closer to position 1, which is the most stable. If the output pulse has a lower amplitude, (Figure 90e, position 3), voltage at the grid of electronic relay P3a will decrease and it will be capable of tripping at a higher level of sawtooth voltage, - i.e., it will again move closer to position 1. Thus, for any small departures of the instant of operation of the electronic relay from that of the most stable, the stabilizing circuit will force it to return to the most stable position. (p 220) Control oscillograph and power suDylLaircuit. The unit has, a control oscillograph which measures the magnitude of delay or the external voltages. Transformer Tr3 has special windings which provide voltages for the (p.221) cathode-ray-tube of the oscillograph. These voltages are rectified by ? ' selenium rectifiers D10, Oil and 012 and are applied to the third plate of the. (+800 v) and to a voltage dividel consisting of resistors R501-R51 and R52 (-500 v). From the divider,the control voltages are fed to the tube modulator (intensity) and to the firstplate of the tube (focus), as well as to the tube cathode. Also supplied to the tube cathode is the gating pulse of sawtooth flyback taken from the plate of Via. Crystal diode D9 serves to restore the d-c component of the gating pulse after capacitor C24.. Positive voltage for adjusting the focusis supplied from divider R48, R49 to the second plate of the tube. The sawtooth voltage from the plates of tube V2 of the paraphase amplifier is used to actuate the sweep. / A TV ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM To one of the vertical deflection plates. is supplied voltage from . the plate of tube V5 of the vertical amplifier; to the other vertical de- flection plateAs supplied vertical-shiftovoltage for the sweep from voltage dividei R53, R54. The vertical amplifier incorporates tube V5. The amplifier has a self-shifting circuit consisting of resistor R40 and. capacitor C20. With the control switch V2 in the ninth position, the oscillograph is used for the control of delay. Range marker pulses are fed to the control grid of tube V5 through crystal diodes D6 and D7, and the output trigger pulse is fed through crystal diode D8. The range scale markers and the delayed trigger pulse are now seen on the oscillograph screen (figure 91). The oscillograph is used'for testing the receiver output circuits (p 223) and signal-mixing units when-the test-selector switch-is-in any_of_._ the first eight positions. In these positions, the output voltage of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th centimeter-wave receivers, the. mixed slant channel E II and mixed vertical channel E I are fed to the control grid of tube, V5. .Testing of the'ilnit. Testing of'unittR-3 is carried out with the aid of five test jacks: .G 1-1/-- for testing the trigger pulsc.at the input of the unit; -- for testing the square pulseat the cathode of tube Vi; G-2 -- for testing the sawtooth Voltage at the cathode of tube V2; G-3 for testing the square pulse a-b.-the cathode,of tube V3b; G-4 -- for testing the blocking oscillator output pulse (delayed trigger pulse) at the cathode of tube V4b. Design of the unit. Unit ZR-3 is built as a separate instrument on a standard chassis. In the tube channel are five tubes (three 6N8S, one 6N9S, one 62E4), five test jacks,and a switch. The screen of the cathode-ray tube, type 7L055, shafts of the three potentio- meters "Intensity", "Focus", and "Delay Setting", trigger-pulse delay switch, test switch knob, and witch-inscription illuminating bulb are located on the front panel. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 idiftql ? Pini; RV 1 ^ _ -a07ayed ,pulee ii Ii [gill Fig. 89. Voltage Forms in the Synchronization Circuit,. a.- trigger pulses; b sawtooth voltage at grid of intensity electronic relay; c - square pulses at cathode of inten- sity electronic relay; d - differentiat- ed pulse;'e - 10-km marker; f - output pulse of blocking oscillator. I Fig. 90. Voltage Forms in the Stabilization Circuit. a - operating level of electronic intensity relay; b - sinusoidal voltage at plate of relay and at plate of blocking oscillator; c - differentiated pulse at cathode of synchronizing tube; d 10-kth'marker at grid of synchro- nizing tube; e - output pulse of blockinefscillator ?., Fig. 91. Image of Delayed Pulse on Oscillograph Screen. 50X1 -HUM , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 0,) The delay-setting knob has a stop whia limits the position of the knob in such a manner that a maximum delay cannot exceed 350 km. The cathode-rair tube is mounted on a special support in the upper part of te unit. Potentiometers "Intensity" and "Focus"are in'sulated from the frame of the unit. The unit has two connectors: Weight of the unit is 7.6 kg. [one page of original text missing.] 4. The sawtooth voltage generator consists of' a multivibrator,With a (p 227) charging capacitor. It is started by a, trigger pulse. This stage determines the duration of sawtooth.voltage. The sawtooth voltage is amplified by a three-stage amplifier with feedback. .The last stage acts as a power amplifier. In this stage the .sawtooth voltage is transformed into a sawtooth, current which can be adjusted to a desired value. Feedback from this stage is applied to the charging capacitor for linearization of the sawtooth voltage and to the first amplifier for compensation of sawtooth voltage distortion, From the specifications of the range sweep unit (RD) it is seen that the unit generates sweep signals which vary_in duration and .range scale depending on the type of indicator used. Thus, in the PPI (IK0-1) cabinet are generated three sawtooth current pulses with durations of 300 km - I, 370 km - II and III. The current amplitude is .sat in such a manner that on the first range scale the sweap'length is three rad of the tube, on the ?secOndrange:scale.-- two radii, and. on the third range scale -- one radius (Figure 94a). // In the cabinet of.the range sweep unit (IAD-1) are generated three/sawtooth current pulses of 30, 50 and 100-km duration. The current for all three range scales is sett'yuch that the sweep length ..-0111 be 1.4 radii of the tube: In cabinet IIV-1 is generated one sawtooth current pulse having a duration of 300 km. The sweep length should be 2.1 radii of the tube. Therefore, each cabinet has its own circuit commutation which determines the duration and length of sweep in accordance with the function of the cabinet. The unit has a three-position switch and six controls. The switch is used for selection of the sweep range. Each range has controls for continuous change of the duration ("Duration I", "Duration II.- III") and of the scale ("Scale I", "Scale II" and "Scale III") within the limits indicated in the technical data for (P 229) ? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-H Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 92. Range Sweep Unit RD. 1 - label on door; 2 - tubes in tube channel; 3 - range-scale selector switch; 4 - holder for illuminating bulb; 5 - adjustment of duration I; 6 - range-scale I adjustment; 7 - adjustment of duration 8 - range- scale II adjustment; 9 - adjustment for sweep start of I1(0-1; 10 - range- scale III adjustment; 11 - cover for plug connectors. UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 0 50X1 -HUM 1 itGitkE-11-thil 4 FortIEidiT--S iiIrr t- _1 0 01_94',1" ---P4345-T ? e 1 c chi nal-7 . riTica-L Fig. 93. Functional Diagram of Range Sweep Unit RD. 1 - sawtooth voltage generator; 2 - first amplifier; 3 - second amplifier; 4 - power amplifier. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? Ij , ?,. (1 - .761 Q.'; ? ,/ a 1 1.X ? 1-^Z;': ' L. r,''= '.. i A 71i 39 ?..? -... V4 kg ? I ITI, . , t i '? 1.. 1. io....! '17>iff404:1.4fi_ ' --_, b ? ? 70,cn ? 0-t 50X1 -HUM ,Ter level of . ? J40ht haOr-4-071 Fig. 94. Sweep Range Scales Generator by Range Sweep Unit RD. a - duration and sweep length for various indicators; b - dependence of sawtooth voltage duration on parameters of the circuit. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 . 50X1-HUM the unit. The adjustment "'Correction for Start of PPI (IK0-1)" serves to compensat6-for the non-linearity of the initial sector of the sweep in the PPI (IK0-1) and the height measurement indicator (IIV-1). /// u, The switch in cabinet IIV-1 should not be used. -' Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 95 ,-15hows a schematic diagram of range sweep unit RD. A multivibrator with cathode coupling,incorporating tube V1 is used as a sawtooth voltage generator.. The sawtooth voltage is generated during charging of capacitors C4, C5, C6, or C7, depending on the desired duration. Switching of the. capacitors is carried out with switch V1 and commutation to various cabinets by grounding . corresponding circuits in the appropriate 'cabinet. Thus, in cabinet PPI (IK0-1) capacitor C4 (ueed to obtain r, II and III duration) is grounded, in the azimuth-range indicator (IAD-1) cabinet capacitors C5 ("Duration I"), C6 ("Duration II") C7 ("Duration III") are grounded through switch V1, and in the heiht, measurement indicator (1W-1) capacitor C. is grounded. Prior to the arrival of the trigger pulse at the multivibrator circuit the left half of tube V1 is blocked by negative bias while the right hall of V1 is conducting and the tube grid has a positive voltage close to zero. The capacitor connected to the grid is not charged. A positive polarity trigger pulse is applied to the cathode of tube V1 which reduces the current in the conducting right half of the tube. Now the voltage at the plata of the right half of the tube rises and makes the left half of the tube conduct. The current in the left half of the tube (being considerably greater than the current in the conducting right half of the tube, because the plate resistance of the left half is considerable smaller than the plate resistance of the right half) increases the voltage at the common cathode resistance of tube Vl. This increased voltage now blocks the right half of tube Vi. p 231) Charging of the capacitor, connected to the right grid of tube V1 through crystal diodes Dl, D2 and D3 and resistors R11 and R12 now begins. Voltage at the right grid of tube V1 rises during the charging of the capacitor. This rise continues until the grid voltage exceeds the conduction potential of the right half of tube Vi; then the tube begins to conduct, voltage at the plate fails, and the voltage at the grid of the Zeft half of tube V1 also drops. The left half of tube 50X1-HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ?1; Schematic Diagram of Range Sweep Unit 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM V1 is how blocked and its current ceases .to flow through the common ' cathode resistance; voltage at the cathodfn of tube V1 now drops, which results in increased conduction in the right half of tube V1 and the appearance of grid currents in thi's tube. After this, the capacitor is rather rapidly discharged by the grid currents through the small grid-cathode resistance of the conducting right half of tube V1 and resistor R8, R9 and R10. ,As a result of this, a sawtooth voltage is formed at the grid of the right half of tube Vi. The duration of this voltage pulse (p 232) depends on the rate of capacitor charging and on the amplitude to which the capacitor has been charged prior to conduction of the tube. The rate of capacitor charging depends on the parameters of the charging circuit, i.e., capacitance of the capacitor and the size of resistors Rh l and 1112. The amplitude depends on the value of positive voltage at the cathode of tubey1 which blocks tube Vlb. This voltage is formed as a result of current flowing from conducting tube Via through resistors R8 and R9 or R10 (depending on the position of the switch and commutation in the cabinet). As is seen from Figure 94b, an increase in the capacitance of the charging capacitor, as well as an increase in voltage at the cathode of V1, i.e., conduction level of the right side of V1, will result in an increased duration of the sawtooth voltage (C1 4: C2; Ul 4: U2; T1 < T2 4: T3). Selection of the sweep range is effected therefore by selection of an appropriate value of the charging capacitor (C4, C50 ?c6 or C7) and resistance in the cathode circuit of V1 (R9 and R10). Continuous adjustment of the duration is carried out by varying the value of the cathode resistance (variable resistors R9 and R10). The sawtooth voltage from the charging capacitor is applied to ' the first amplifier incorporating tube V2a. Voltage .from the plate of this amplifier is fed through capacitor' C10 to the second amplifier. Voltage from the plate of V2b is applied through Cll to the power amplifier incorporating tubes V3 and V4, which are connected in parallel. Feedback voltage for the charging capacitor is taken . either from the cathode of output tubes V3 and V4 (in cabinets IX0-1 or IAD-1) or from potentiometer R30 (in cabinet IIV-1). This voltage is fed through capacitor C8,to the cathode of crystal diode D3 which blocks the diode. With the rise of sawtooth voltage at the charging capacitor, a corresponding rise of voltage occurs at the right plate of capacitor C8. Capacitor C8 now begins to feed current to the charging capacitor circuit through resistors Rll and R12. Since the voltage at the right plate of capacitor c8 rises according to a sawtooth rule, i.e.,Isuniformly, the value of current fed to the charging circuit remn6 constant, which ensures a rather linear charge of the capacitor. .Since the capacitance of (p 233) ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM C8 is considerably larger (about 100 times) than the capacitance of the charging capacitor, the discharge of capacitor C8 during the forward stroke of the sawtooth voltage will be insignificant. During the flybaA stroke, capacitor C8 will be recharged to a voltage of 300 lythrough diodes D1, D2,. and D3. u, ,The performance of cabinet IIV-1 doesinot require great linearity, but it rewires ease of adjustment of the sawtooth voltage form so. 'that the range &veep can be matched with the optical pcale. In cabinet II11-1 the sawtooth voltage form can be varied by regulating the linearity. For this purpose the voltage supplied to capacitor C8 is taken not directly from the cathodes of V3-V4, but from potentiometer R30 in the cathode circuit. Also, an additional feedback is suppled from the same points is the fundamental; the latter passes through C8 to the charging capacitor. The additional feedback is coupled directly to the charging capacitor through resistors R36 and R37. Depending on the position of the sliding contact of potentiometer R30, the sawtooth voltage in the upper end, of resistor R37 can be either larger or smaller than the sawtooth voltage at the charged. capacitor. If the voltage across R37 is greater than at the capacitor, then an additional current will pass through R37 and R36, increasing the charge current of the?dapacitor. The sweep now will be stretched at the end. If the voltage across R37 is smaller than at the capacitor, then a current will travel through E37 and R36 in a reverse direction, decreasing the charging current of the capacitor. The sweep now will be compressed at the end. In cabinets IK0-1 and IAD-1 the sliding contact of potentiometer, R30 is connected to the cathodes of V3 - V4 so that feedback is taken directly from the cathodes. ?,Both halves of tube V2 and tubes V3 1.11/1.1- form a three-stage amplifier with negative feedback. On the left side of the first tube (V2) of the stage the following voltages are impressed: 1 -- on the grid, a linear sawtooth voltage of positive polarity from master oscillator Vl; -- on the cathode, a positive polaritisawtooth voltage from the cathode of the last tube of stage V3-V4 which has been distorted by tubes V3 - V4, type 6P3S. it p 234) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM When voltages of identical polarity are fed to the grid and cathode of the left half of tube V2, the tube will.amplify the difference between tSese two voltages. This-difference is further amplified by the right half of the second amplifier V2 and is then admitted to the grids of the third amplification stage V3 - V4, which also serves as - the output stage for the range sweep unit RD.. Let us assume that, due to the distortions caused by the output tubes, the voltage at the cathodes of these tubes has decreased.- This voltage drop will be reflected in the left-half cathode of tube V2 through the feedback circuit. . Then the voltage difference amplified by the left half of tube V2 will become larger and the voltage on the grids of the output stage will also become greater, thus compensating for the decrease introduced by the output stage. (p 235) During operation of the unit in cabinet IIV-1 the degree of feedback is lowered. Voltage applied to the cathode of tube V2a is taken from divider R26 and R27 (resistor R28 is .used for monitoring). Resistor R26 is shorted in cabinets fICO-1 and IAD-1. Tubes V3 and V4 are connected in parallel to increase the current fed to the deflection coils. For the same purpose the plates of tubes V3 and V4 are supplied with + 300-v power. The circuit of crystal diodes D4, D5, D6 and D7 is intended for restoration of the d-c component of the sawtooth voltage after capacitor Cll. The deflection coil of the4ndicator serves as a plate load for tubes V3 and V4. Continuous adjustment of the range scgle is achieved by regulating the tube current of the power output amplifier. This is achieved by varying the cathode resistance of these tubes (R29, R30 or R31). When removing the scope unit TI-1, Tr,-2 or TI-3 from the cabinet, the deflection coil is disconnected from the output tubes, which results in an increase of the plate load resistance of tubes V4 - V3. This in turn causes a drop in the plate current and an increase of current through the screen grids. This might overheat resistors R23 and R25. To avoid the possibility of such over- heating, the supply voltage to tubes V3 and V4 should be disconnected during the removal of scope units TI-1, TI-2 or TI-3 from the cabinet. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ,/ ,A negative pi-shaped pulse is fed toVideo signal units VS-3 and from the plate of tube Via. When &nge sweep unit RD is used in IK0-1 or indicator p 236) IIV-11 resistor R13 is provided which forms a controlling pedestal for correction of the non-linearity of the sweep start. During the discharge of capacitor C4, which is connected to the same circuit, current travels through crystal diode D8 which helps to reduce the discharge time. Matching of the range sweep with the optical scale is necessary when unit RD operates in cabinet This matching is carried out in the following manner: the beginning of the range sweep, up to 50 km, is regulated by potentiometer "Correction of Start of IKO-1" with a scale angle of 40; the middle part, approxi- mately from 50 to 200 km, is regulated by potentiometer "Scale I", also with a scale angle of 40; and, finally, regulation for over 200 km is done with potentiometer "Scale II" with a scale angle of 20?. Since range sweep unit RD is used to Obtain various sweeps in cabinets IK0-1, IAD-1, and ITV-1, appropriate jumpers are provided at the con- nectors in these cabinets. Testing the unit. Testing of range sweep unit RD is. carried out with the aid of two test jacks: W G1 -- used to test the intensifier puiSe at the plate of Vla; G2 -- used to test the sawtooth voltage at the'cathodes of the tubes of the power amplifier (V3 and V4).:^1 Design of the Unit. Range sweep unit RD is in the form of a self- contained unit mounted on a standard chassis. The tube channel has four tubes (two 6N8S and two 6P3S) and -blab test jacks. On the front panel are the shaft of tfie range sweep selector switch and the shafts of six potentiometer's: two duration-adjustment potentiometers, three range scale adjustment potentiometers, and a potentiometer for adjustment of the sweep?start. The front panel has two illuminating bulbs. The unit has one plug connector. The unit weights 6.5 kg. 5. Unit VS-3 for Mixing and Amplifying Video Signals Function. Video signal unit VS-3 (Figure 96) mixes into a single channel the range marker pulse, echo signals, and identification signals; it also amplifies them and controls the cathode-ray tube. 50X1-HUM (P 237) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24.: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 96. Unit VS--3. 1 - cover for socket; 2 - common amplification control; 3 - amplification control for range-scale markers; 4 - 2-km marker toggle switch; 5 - 10-km marker toggle switch; 6 - 50-km and 100-km marker toggle switch; 7 - azimuth marker toggle switch; 8 - socket for illuminating bulb; 9 - toggle switch for channel I signals; 10 - toggle switch for channel II signals; 11 - socket for illuminating bulb; 12 - limit control; 13 tubes in tube channel; 14 - label on door; 15 - reserve toggle switches. 170 OX1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Technical Data on the Unit. The unit output signal can be regulated/from 0 to 70 v. The bandpass of the unit is 1.5 Mc. Functional Diagram of the Unit. A functional diagram of unit VS-3 is given in Figure 97. The unit consists of the following components: -- input dividers; 4.11. wideband amplifier; output stage;. control tube. Reflected signals, identification signals, and range and azimuth (p 240) scale markers are admitted to the input ofithe unit. At the input of each channel is a toggle switch (except for the IFF channel). When these toggle switches are on, all the signals are admitted to input dividers, are mixed, and then admitted to a wideband amplifier through a common channel. The wideband amplifier consists of two stages. Common ampli- fication is adjusted in the first stage. ?Control of scale marker amplification permits varying the amplitude of the scale marker relative to the video signals. Limiting control carried out in the second stage of the amplifier prevents defocusing of signals on the indicator when signals with large amplitude are admitted to the input of unit VS-3. A cathode follower serves as the output stage of the unit. Range-gating pulses of indicator I1(0-1 and range-. and azimuth- gating-pulses of indicator IAD-1 are fed to VS-3 and make the circuit at the input of the amplifier conduct. In the absence of gating pulses, the signals will not arrive at the input of the amplifier. 1,0 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 PS cal& ifarkeiigan; - gam - - ? - 'Midi" ? Lputplit sr ? ;vertical echol axiat !slant echo I 1-4 A prahirkers----1 1.2-iim-MarkaTt 10 41-07-kininaili A L-50 Med Ma-laul Lmarkers iffillerve j. 50X1-HUM Fig. 97. Functional Diagram of Unit VS-3. 1 - input dividers; 2 - wideband amplifier;1,3 output stage; 4 - control tube. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM of the unit. Figure 98 The following signals are . Description of the schematic diagram shows a schematic diagram of unit VS-3. to the/ circuit: -- signals of the vertical channel; -- signals of the slant channel; ^ identificdtion signals; fed -- 2-km range markers and 1-degree azimuth markers; (p 242) -- 10-km range markers; -- 50-km and 100-km range markers; -- 50 and 300 azimuth markers. (t7 ,11 0 ? All of these signals are admitted to input dividers R1 to R23 where the amplitude of the signal is reduced from 3 to 40 times. The input dividers are connected in a star'pattern. Nixed signals are admitted to the grid of the first amplifier tube from the common point of the dividers. , Because the sweep speed in IAD-1 is greater than in IK0-1, auxiliary shunting resistors R1, R2, R9 and R10, located in cabinet IAD-1 and connected in parallel with.the vain dividers of these circuits, are connected to the dividers of,the 2-km range markers and azimuth marker circuits. The first amplifier stage incorporates tube Vi (6Z114) and ensures amplification on the order of 15. Amplified signals from the plate load R31 and R32 of the first amplifier tube are fed through capacitor C3 to the grid of the second amplifier stage. The second amplifier stage incorporates tube V2 (6P9) and ensures amplification on the order of 10,:' .From plate load R37 to R40 of the second tube the signals are admitted through capacitor C6 to the grid of the cathode follower. The cathode follower incorporates tube V3 (6P9). The signals are applied to the grid oD,the cathode-ray tube from cathode load, R51 of the output stage. dt? TO eliminate the flyback trace on the eathode-ray tube, the circuit has a.provision for blanking the signal during the flyback sweep. 0 50X1-HUM (p 243) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM coesnamit!mc obermilrua :1111 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM A'negative potential from the,plate of the right half of con- ducting tube V4 (6N8S) is fed through resistor R24 to the anode of crystal dipde D2 where it blocks the pulse-transmission circuit to the grid 6f tube Vi. A negative pi-shaped pulse from range sweep unit RD is fed to the unit during the forward sweep. During the appearance of a negative pi-shaped pulse, the right half of tube 114 does not conduct and the voltage at its plate becomes zero. This voltage is applied to the crystal diode, causing the signal-transmission circuit to conduct. Azimuth blanking ie'ca-rried out in a similar manner. The left half of tube 114 is used as a diode and serves to restore the d-c component of the voltage after capacitor C6. LL The circuit of the unithas the following ,control elements: a) 8 toggle switches which permit any, of the channels to be switched on or off; 0- b) common amplification control ,of the unit; c) amplification control of the rangelscale markers; d) limiting control. Testing the Unit. Testing of unit VS-3 is carried out with the aid of four test jacks: G1 -- for testing signals at the cathode of tube Vi; (p 244) G3 --for testing signals at the cathode of tube V3; G4 - for testing range blanking pulse at the plate of V4; G5 -- for testing azimuth blanking pulses. Design of the Unit. Unit VS-3 is a self-contained instrument mounted on a standard chassis. The tube channel has four tubes (one 6Zh4, two 6P9, one 6N8S) and four test jacks. All the control elements are accessible on the front panel. Two illuminating bulbs are mounted on the panel. The unit weighs 6.8 kg. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Jy ,o 6. Sweep Delay Unit ZR-2 50X1-HUM (p 245) Function. Sweep delay unit ZR-2 (Figure 99) generates trigger pulses delayed with respect to the main trigger pulse produced by trigger unit BZ. Unit ZR-2 is intended for use with inaicator IK0-1 and also may be used with indicators IKO-V1 and IAD-1 11 place of unit ZR-3. Technical data on the unit. The delay is continuously regulated from 10 to 350 km. With the delay unit disconnected, the trigger pulse arrives at the output of the unit without delay. The output pulse amplitude is not less than 15 v. Delay setting error on the unit's scale does not exceed +10 km. Functional diagram of the unit. A functional diagram of unit ZR-2 is shown in Figure 100. The unit consists .of the following components: trigger pulse tube; clamping diode; phantastron; synchronizing tube; blocking oscillator. ,ut The trigger pulse is admitted to the circuit through the trigger tube. From here it is admitted through a dlamping diode to the phant- astron and triggers it. At this instant the phantastron generates a square pulse. The phantastron pulse duration is variable and is controlled by varying the voltage at the Phantastron plate which is set by the clamping diode with the aid of Potentiometer R7"Delay Setting? The trailing edge of the phantastron pulse triggers the driven blocking oscillator through the synchronizing tube and generates the delayed trigger pulse. The value of the delay is read on the dial. Switching-on of the delay is carried out by placing switch "Delay" in position "On". When this switch is in position "Off", a main trigger pulse is applied to the blocking oscillator and a trigger pulse,without delay is applied to the unit input. (p 248) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 O 50X1 -HUM Fig. 99. Unit ZR-2. 1 - label on door; 2 - tubes in tube channel; 3 - cover over connector; h - end correction; 5 - socket for dial-illuminating light; 6 - delay dial; 7 - delay control knob; 8 - start correction; 9 - delay toggle switch. 177 50X1-H UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The unit has three controls. The con'drol "Delay Setting" serves' for setting the desired value of the delay. Control "Correction of Start" and "Correction of End" serve for 'setting the highest and lowest value of 'the delay (Matching with the scale). Description of the functional diagram of the unit. A functional diagram of Unit ZR-2 is shown in Figure 101. The positive trigger pulse is admitted through trigger tube V1 to the cathode of clamping diode V2a. Then ache trigger pulse is admitted through the clamping diode and the,phantattron cathode follower (V2b) to the control grid of the main phantastron tube V3. Description of the phantastron circuit. Prior to the arrival of the trigger pulse, voltage at the control grid of tube V3 is high, and the cathode current is strong and forms a voltage drop at the cathode of this tube which is sufficiently high to blank tube V3 at the auxiliary control grid. At this time there is no plate current in tube V3. Capacitor C5 charges through the cathode follower (tube V2b), grid-cathode resistance of tube V3, 'and resistors R13, R14. (p 250) Charging is rapid due to the lbw resistatte of the-charging circuit-i? -------- With the arrival of a negative trigger pulse at the control grid of tube V3, the cathode current of this tube decreases and voltage at the cathode drops, thus-making tube V3 conduct through the auxiliary control _grid. A plate current now appears in tube V3 and the plate voltage drops. This voltage drop is transmitted through cathode follower V2b and capacitor C5 to the control grid of tube V3, resulting.in a further drop of potential aid a decrease in cathode current/ This process occurs in an avalatche fashion. Now the circuit is in an unstable state. Capacitor C5 recharges through resistors R11 and R10. Voltage at the control grid of V3 now ,begins gradually to rise and attains a level where the unstable state " is disturbed and favorable conditions arecreated for a new sawtooth process. ? As the cathode current of tube V3 increases, so does the voltage at the cathode of this tube. This blocks tube V3 at the auxiliary control grid, decreases the plate current', and increases the plate voltage of tube V3. The increased plate voltage is admitted through cathode follower V2b and capacitor C5 to the control grid of tube V3, thus further increasing tube conductivity. The process occurs in an avalanche fashion and ends by the return of the circuits to the initial state. After this, capacitor:C5 is charged through Cathode follower V2b, grid-cathode gap of.,.ktube V3 and resistors R13 and R14. , 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Fig. 100. Functional Diagram of Unit ZR-2. -1 - trigger pulse tube; 2 - clamping diode and cathode follower; 3 - phantastron; 4 - synchronizing tube and blocking oscillator. ?Lo' (I :77 05t1 3P-E ? Fig. 101. Schematic Diagram of Unit ZR-2. I -10 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ?,, 50X1 -HUM . During the operation of the circuit a sqpare pulse of negative (p 251) polarity is formed at the cathode of tube V3 ? (Figure 102). .? When he toggle switch is in the position "Delay On" this pulse is fed to the grid of synchronizing tube'V4a and is differentiated in its plate circuit. The differentiated pulse, corresponding to the trailing edge of the phantastron pulse, passes through the grid winding of the blocking transformer to the grid of blocking oscillator V413;. The blocking oscillator is normally mit off by a negative bias. With the arrival of the differentiated pulse the blocking oscillator operates and generates a delayed trigger pulse which is taken from the third winding of the blocking transformer. The value of the delay depends on the duration of the phantastron pulse, which in turn depends on the magnitude of voltage at the plate of phantastron V3 when the plate voltage As absent. This voltage can be controlled by potentiometer R7 through clipping diode V2a. The control limits are set by potentiometer R8 ("Correction of Start") and R6 ("Correction of End"). The magnitude of the delay is read froil a visible dial. Negative bias to the grids of tubes Via, V4a and V4b is supplied from a common divider consisting of resistors R27 and R28. Testing the Unit. Testing of unit ZR-'2 is carried out with the aid of three test jacks: (1) 253) G1 -- for testing the main trigger pulse at the input of the unit; G3 -- for testing the phantastron pulse-at the cathode of tube V2; G4 -- for testing the output trigger pulse. ? Design of the Unit. Unit ZR-2 is mounted on an individual standard chassis. In the tube channel are four tubes (three 6N8S, one 6A7) and three test jacks. j. On the front panel of the unit are the delay turn-on switch, a' potentiometer shaft for setting the delay with the dial, and two potentiometer shafts for adjustment of the start and end of the delay. Over the delay setting knob is theodial window and an illuminating bulb for the dial. The unit has one plug-and-socket connector. The unit weighs 6.3 kg. 50X1 -HUM evrc. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? Ltrigger 15.ses [Up V3 ,UcTV37_, -d e-ra y d trigger. np?ulse 1101?M?11.0 4? 7a4.1._e_21 cl4aY. Zc 50X1-HUM LI - - Fig. 102. Voltage Forms in the Delay Circuit. ? 1 01 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM CHAPTER F OUR (p 254) . / 'STATION REMOTE CONTROL CABINET DUS-1 .1. General Information on Operation of the Cabinet Equipment The station remote control cabinet DUS-1 (Figure 163) serves for controlling and monitoring the transceiver equipment of the station. Because the DUS-1 cabinet contains its own plan position indicator, it is possible to select the mode of operation for the entire station as well as its individual units and mechaniiMs. Presence of the indicator also makes it possible to effectively combat active and passive interferences by alwitching on protective circuits or. switching off the affected channel or the antenna slant. Signal communications with the electricqpower unit is carried out from the DUS-1 cabinet. The cabinet provides for monitoring the.output voltages of each of the centimeter-wave receivers and the identification system receiver and the mixed outputs of the vertical and slant channels. ,t11 The operation of the units. for protection against nonsynchronous . pulse interference, located in cabinet ZN-F1, is monitored from the DUS-1 cabinet (on the display screen).' Cabinet DUS-1 consists of the plan position indicator, the mixer system units, and the remote control panel. The mixer system consists of two identical units -- signal mixers, p 256) in one of which are mixed the output voltages of the vertical channel: centimeter-wave receivers, and in the other -- the slant channel centimeter-wave receivers. Either of the centimeter-wave channels may be disconnected from the station in these units while retaining the possibility of monitoring the output of each of the receivers on the dbreen of the cabinet display. . The combined unit for blanking the start and for tuning the inter- ference protection circuits are also part of the cabinet equipment; pulses for blocking the input circuits of ihe.-!mixers and pulses for tuning the instruments for protection against nonsynchronous interference:. are generated in this unit. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 103. Cabinet DUS-1. 1 - unit UFT-1; 2 - unit BP-300; 3 - unit BP-200; 4 - unit RD; 5 - unit TI-1; 6 - unit ZR-3; 7 - panel with plugs; 8 - unit BNF; 9 - unit ?DU-i; 10 - false panel; 11 - unit US; 12 - unit SS-1; 13 - unit VS-3; lb - unit SS-1; 15 - unit BP-7; 16 - unit BP-150. 183 50X1-HU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM Technical data. The following units may be switched on and off remotely from the DUS-1 cabinet: rec,iving -transmitting apparatus of the station; -- each of the receivers together with,othe corresponding transmitter; ? MARU and DIF noise protection circuijzs in the receivers; . -- circuits for controlling the slant Of the antenna reflector system. 2. The cabinet panel provides for the following: -- monitoring the magnetron current of:each of the 'transmitters; -- signaling of trouble in the transmitting apparatus and switching on the plate voltage of the magnetrons. 3. The 200 v, 50 cps and the 200 v, 400 cps voltages are monitored (p 257) in this cabinet. , 4. Remote switching on of cabin rotation and initiation of the warning signal are provided for in this unit., 5. Adjustment of the output voltage ofthe VPL-30 unit and the gain circuits of all receivers are possible. 6: Mixing of the output voltages of tht three vertical beam receivers into a common vertical channel anstof the three slant beam receivers into a common slant channe1 is performed in the units of the ' ,DUS -1 cabinet. 7. The DUS-1 cabinet provides for monitoring the output voltage of each of the receivers and output voltages of the vertical and slant channels on the screen of the oscilloscope. ? 9 , In addition, the output voltage of eachof the centimeter-wave receivers, the output voltage of the vertical and slant channels, and' the identification signals may be monitored individually on the screen of the test indicator. 8. Over-all adjustment of the units for protection against non- synchronous pulse interference can be made from the screen of the test indicator. 9. The plan position indicator includia in the DUS-1 cabinet has the same technical specifications as the main operating indicator. tl, 50X1 -HUM, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM Make-up of the DUS-1 cabinet. The station remote Control cabinet - is a standard ilan position indicator combined in alsingle 'cabinet with the mixer units and the remote control. panel. The DUI-1 cabinet consists of: -- the plan position indicator with all its units; ^ di* two signal mixer units SS-1; -- blanking and filter adjusting unit BNF; -- remote control panel PDU-1. . For the convenience of the operator, unit US of the indicator has lieeh removed from the main cabinet to an upper attached section and one of the SS-1 units of the slant channel is located in its place. Thus, in the attached section of DUS-1 are: IU-1 -- central; the upper left section is a spare, the lower isuunit BNF; on the right side (from top to bottom) are units US and SS-1 of the vertical channel. Control panel B-12 of the NRZ-1 system is located on cabinet DUS-1. Circuit diagram and operating principle' of the cabinet equipment. The circuit diagram of cabinet DUS-1 is given in Figure 104. The plan position indicator performs the same functions in the cabinet as the main plan position indicator. p 258) The output voltages:of the centimeter-wave receivers are led to the switch of unit ZR-3 from where they are applied to the mixers of the vertical and slant channels -- units SS-1. The two SS-1 units are , identical. Each has three input circuits for the centimeter-wave channels. In unit SS-1 the output voltages of the receivers are correspondingly mixed in the vertical and slant channels and pass to the switch of unit ZR-3 for monitoring on the screen of its tube. (p 260) From unit ZR-3 the vertical and slant channel voltages are fed to the cabinet junction box from where they are fed to other indicators. Unit SS-1 has switches from which voltages are applied to the indicator of unit VS-3. With these switches, the output voltages of the receivers and the voltages of vertical and. slant.. channels.after mixing may_be_fed separately to the inputs of the vertical and slant channels of unit VS-3. The IFF voltage from unit B-15 goes to unit VS-3 of cabinet DUS-1. Remote control panel PD11,1 is part of the control, monitoring, and protection system of the station. Remote switching on, control, and .monitoring of the tratbceiver equipment is performed from unit PDU-1. A I. ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 raWF1001 ? cot 01006 ' -306 02061 opny 8. 6010.4t 30.6n 6,5004 en.ert44 515 Konr.p. 31 Kownp 30 50.100 11 ? ? ? ? k 7 ?Lon LLINE] ? ? ? ? / 1'5 ***** I frou? C f ,?,e? 6? 413 -1 g05 tor --- ? 9?IFS?4 5 6 7 I 3 6 5 6 Oneo. r -reo8 Kopny0 .3006 .15' 344 'Peva 4,3 ' 451 071 WS WV 10 0 6 WS 4,2 Ong ? ZR-3 FO WE _ifl". zrr srr:46'. 5n6031431r+ 4,314.334,354,514,324,'.l4,101,46 3ortyc So 00 0 51008 -1500 )^22.58 Kopnye Jaleirg urn Poston.. *54 Pesegirs T1-1 04 564 .54:3jjklf01 1051 1,56 416 WE ? eut.on. 4 SI Ono*. Harp Pro tient, KO. 4)2 4? Us ton v &vent }Ko.nip Kon 31 ot 35 Of ',soot 0namt.On $6o. /5 /6 ? 1568 .20.08 Kopnye On' on* .04' ..10- .50' 4,04,14 4, 74,8 4,4 106 00000 ..lpyr..11?54 7 31. 53 tO -,505 ? J003 WI !ad 84.? pea Molt ? Janrcni /Wm Pep revntu IJenS Koitsesno -tso$ $ tenoC no 6 Kgynyc -15$ Rug A. 540 1300 Kopnyc WI ? Jog W-100 Ben 43036 -Slot J RI Os te op ng e Rd } ed n2 ?2506 Kopnyc SS'a ilTOMV Soma., red. 60 3531162.551 Sosonip Prang JO 1 4)2 11008 -2108 .8"Vt Cut. 7,14413-41 0 - Ca 0, *A* ....e201. A ? 44. Onop. nonp 6nok.potrol 5 13 1501 .00 Fig. 104. Circuit Diagram of 'Cabinet DUS -1. eopnyc WI riN2,50' 670g .5 v./. ? 1.50g gopmge ?I " 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 1 a J 50X1 -HUM A cOmplete description of unit PDU-1 im given in Part One, Chapter Four. VOltag9 supply for all units of cabinet-DUS-1 is taken from the plan position indicator supply upits. 2. Signal Mixer Unit SS-1 Function. The signal mixer unit SS-1 (Figure 105) is designed for mixing thevoltages of the three centimeter-wave receivers into a common channel. The/station uses two completely identidal SS-1, units. One of the 55-1 units Mixes the output voltages from the three vertical beam receivers, forming the vertical channel; the other SS-1 unit mixes (p 262) the voltages from the three slant beam receivers, forming the slant channel. Technical data. The output voltage of the mixed signals of each channel is equal to the voltage at the output of the corresponding receiver, i.e. the amplificatibn factor of the video amplifier is equal to one. The pass band of the video amplifier is. on the order of amc. Functional diagram of the unit. A funcional diagram of unit 55-1 is given in Figure 106. The diagram include: W. input circuits; mixed video signal amplifier I; 1. amplifier II; output cathode. follower; blocking circuit; test circuit. 4-k?' .The output voltages of the vertical or slant beam receivers enter through the monitoring switch to the input crystal diodes of unit SS-I; the, diodes have a common load in which these voltages are mixed. The simulated signals from unit BNF pass directly through the crystal diode to the common load and are Mixed with the echo signals. The load is.a potentiometer, from the cursor' Of which mixed voltages are (p 264) fed to the video signal; amplification channel. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 105. Unit SS-1. 1 - plug cover; 2 - illuminating bulb holder; 3 - toggle switches for blocking (blanking) and switching off receivers; 4 - monitoring selector switch; 5 - gain control; 6 - tubes in tube channel; 7 - nameplate on door. 50X1-HUM 188 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 z -^ 50X1-HUM Fig. 106. Functional Diagram Of Unit SS-1. JOG 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Blocking pulses from unit BDIF or a negative voltage for. cutting- ' off the receivers (blocking the input of unit SS-1) are applied to the crystal diodes in the vertical or slant channel receiver circuits. The mixed video signal amplification channel represents a three- . stage amplifier, the last two stages of which have feedback. The "Gain" potentiometer can change (within small limits) the amplitude of the ? mixed video signals applied to the video ai'mplifierinput. With the aid of the selector switch in units SS-1 it is possible ' to observe signals coming from the outputs of any of the receivers, mixed signals from the outputs of the vertical or slant channels to all indicators, and also)the same signals after they have passed the interference-protection units. 0 'Description of the schematic diagram. Flgure 107 gives a schematic diagram of unit SS-1. Input and blocking circuits of the unit(-1 Unit SS-1 has 4 input circuits. Three circuits are for the corresponding number of receivers of the vertical and slant channels and are loaded with an impedance equal to the cable characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. The fourth circuit is for simulated signals used for tuning the noise-protecting units. A basic component of the input circuits .arediodes D6 and D8 through D101 to which the output voltages of the three receivers are fed through switch V2. (p 266). Switches V3, V4 and y5, in this case, tiMst be in the middle position. The crystal diodes have a common load -- resistor R22, through which the input voltages from the receivers are fed. To eliminate the appearance of blocking pulses or a negative voltage. at the outputs of the receivers, dividers consisting of resistors R27. to R291 R32 to R341 R37 to R391 and crystal 'diodes Dll to D16 are placed in the input circuits of unit SS-1 to reduce these voltages at the input of the unit to approximately 20-25 millivolt. Mixed video signal amplification channel. The channel consists of tabes V1 (6P9), V2 and V3 (6Zh4). The mixed,receiver voltage goes from potentiometer R22 to the grid of video amplifier tube V3. The signal passes from the plate of theu.tube V3 (resistors R17 to R19) through coupling capacitor C7 to the cdatrol grid of tube V2. In parallel with the grid circuit of V2 are two crystal diodes 03 and D4 for restoration of the d-c component of capaCitor C7) and also a correcting network consisting of resistors R121 R131 R14 and capacitors 05 and C6 for creating the necessary video amplifier frequency and amplitude characteristic. From the plate load (resistors R10 and R11), ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM ti ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 0 50X1-HUM the signal passes through coupling capacitor C3 to the control grid of tube Vi which operates as a cathode follower. At the/plate of the tube are limiting resistors R2 and R3 which are connected in parallel and blocked by capacitor Cl. In the grid circuit of tube V1 are two series-connected diodes D1 and D2 for restoration of the d-c component of the capacitor C3. A negative voltage of about 19 vl applied to the control grid of tube V11 shifts the characteristic of the tube to the left) thus providing at the output of the unit a d-c component of the tube current no larger than 0.2 v. Tubes V1 and V2 are provided with feedback. Total amplification: factor of the video amplifier is equal to one with a pass band on the order of :2 Mc. Blocking (blanking) circuits. The unit, has three selector switches V31 V41 and V5) which correspond to the numer of receivers in each channel. Blocking pulses produced in unit BNF are sent to the input crystal diodes D8) D91 D10 when the switches are in "BL.IP."1 "BL.2P.") and "BL.3P." positions. With the switches 1,n the position "OTKL-1P.") "OTKL-2P.") and "OTKL-3P."1 a negative d-c voltage is applied. In the first case the input of unit SS-1 will be blocked only during the time of action of the blocking pulse; in the sect* case the input is blocked as long as the switch is in position "OTKL". Resistors R231 R24 and R25 are part of the 150-v voltage divider circuit and form the plate load of the BNF unit output tubes; depending on the position of switches V31 V40 and V5. Crystal diodes D17, 018 and 019 block the passage of output signals from one output circuit to the other. ? Monitoring circuits. Signals from the -receiver'.s output enter switch V2 through which they may be fed to input crystal diodes 081 D9 and D101 or they may first pass to unit VS-.3 of the monitoring indicator in cabinet DUS-1 and then to the SS-1 input diodes.. When monitoring the receiver's output On the indicator screen in cabinet DUS-1) the voltage Cfrom the output passes to unit VS-3 of cabinet DUS-1 through selector switch V2 and proceedp -to the TI-1 indicator tube. From unit VS-3 the voltage goes agail through switch V2 of unit 35-1 to the corresponding crystal diode. :;? Thus) the output voltage is monitored h the -indicator screen before entering the signal mixer. p 268) 50X1 -HUM , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 th For example, with switch V2 in the first position the voltage from the output of the first receiver goes to switch plate V2g. From the arm of this plate the voltage goes to plug c9nnector Shl, contact 13, and then to ?nit VS-3. From unit VS-3 this Voltage goes through plug connector Shl, contact 161'to switch plate V2a, and through its arm and the input circuits to diode D8. . The mixed output of the video channel .(position "VYKh.SS") and the mixed output of the video channel after theq-noise-protection apparatus (position "VYKh. F") are monitored in the sane way. Such switching makes it possible to monitor the output of each receiver directly on the screen of the plan position indicator in cabinet DUS-1. Operation of unit SS-1 maybe monitored through test jacks G1 and G3. 50X1 -HUM it Design of the unit. Unit 55-1 is assembled on a standard chassis.' In the tube channel are twc)tubes of the type 6Zhii., one 6P9 tube; and two test jacks. On the front panel of the unit are: monitoring selector switch, potentiometer for control of amplification,"USIL.", three switches for blocking the receivers, and two dial - illuminating bulbs. Unit SS-1 is connected to other units of cabinet:DUS -1 by two plug connectors. Inside the unit are components and smalluparts. Weight of the unit is 7.5 kg. 3. Unit BNF for Blanking and.,.Tuning'the'Filter Units. ? Function. During operation of the station the receivers receive signals reflected from the target as well as,those reflected from objects located in the immediate vicinity of the stal.on (local objects) which create' images on the indicator screen at thecSeginning of the range sweep. In order to eliminate the images created by these signals on , the screen, blanking pulses are applied to the inputs of units 65-1 /which temporarily disconnect the receiver circuits. , , . The blanking stages in unit BNF form these blanking pulses; the ' - (p 270) pulses have a controlled duration. In unit BNF (Figure 108), in addition tothe blanking stages, is a circuit for tuning and controlling the apparatus used for-protection against nonsynchronous noises (in the filter units); the apparatus is located in cabinet ZN-Fl. ' 50X1-HUM. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -H Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 108. Unit BNF. 1 - blanking start control; 2 - duration control for blanking pulse of lower receivers; 3 - duration control for blanking pulse of upper receivers; h - illuminating bulb holder; 5 - repetition rate control for simulating pulses; 6 - pulse train duration control; 7 - simulating pulse cutoff control; 8 - "Circle-Dot" mode switch; 9 - tube MN-3; 11 - plug cover; 12 - tubes in tube channel; 13 - label on door. )94 UM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Technical data. The blanking stages produce blanking pulses having regulated duration within the limits of 20 to 110 km for the lower receivers (1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th) and 20 to 60 km for the upper receivers / (3rd and 6-"). The blanking pulse amplitude at the output of the unit under load, during simultaneous blanking of all the receivers and with maximum duration of the blocking pulses, constitutes approximately 60 v. The circuit stages for tuning and testing the noise-protection apparatus form trains of video pulses which,simulate the signals reflected from the targets. The circuit of the apparatus ensures continuous control of the number of pulses in a train (from three to five), continuous variation. df the amplitude within limits up to three volts, and continuous control of the repetition rate of the simulating Pulses within limits of 1 cps *50%. Functional diagram of the unit. Figura 109 gives, a functional diagram of unit BNF. /It includes the following elements: iJ ? ? trigger pulse delay stage; lower blanking oscillator; upper blanking oscillator; blanking pulse amplifier; control pulse oscillator; kipp relay; gating stage* ?SP, (P 273) The blanking pulse delay stage delays the trigger pulse for a time . equal to the duration of the sweep.- The stage produces-a-special_delay pulse for this purpose. By Means of this. pulse, two pulse blanking oscillators of the upper and lower channels are triggered; these pulses are admitted through.the amplifiers to the SS-1 units. , Cutoff of the.inputcircuits of the SS-1 units is accomplished by means of _Oprresponding channel switches located in the SS-1 units. 50X1 -HUM . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 4.. / Fig. 109. Functional Diagram of Unit BNF. 1 - trigger pulse delay stage; 2 - lower blanking pulse oscillator; 3 - upper blanking pulse oscillator; 41 5 - blanking pulse amplifiers; 6 - trigger pulse oscillator; 7 - kipp relay;' 8 - gating stage. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1 -HUM c? The' second assembly of the unit is the BEV apparatus for tuning the nonsynchronous noise protection apparatus. The master pulse oscillator generates video pulses with a regulated repetition rate-within-the-limits. of one cps .t50%; these pulses trigger the kipp relay, which forms a negative sgilare *Ilse that is admitted to the gating stage. The pulse ? duration of the kipp relay is regulated within limits of 9 to 12 microsec,. . , The gating stage_also receives 50 and 190-km range markers from ; -unit BZ; their amplitude is continuously reipTilated at the input of the . unit. 0; As a rsult of the effect of the pulseieiof the kipp relay and of the 50 to 100-km range markers upon the gating stage, a train of video ' pulses of the simulating marks will appear at the output of the circuit; these' marks can be fed with the aid of a swigch to the SS-1 units of the " )ofivtical (El) or slant (Eli) channels. The circuit provides for two modes of tuning: "Circle", and "Dots".- p 274) In the "Circle" mode,: video pulses of the simulated marks are taken continusouly from the output of the circuit; these pulses form concentric : circles on the screen of the monitoring indicator. In the "Dots" mode, trains of pulses are taken from the output oftthe circuit; these pulses form marks on the indicator screen in a dot-form similar tO the markers from the circuits and located along the radius of the sweep. Switching from one mode to another is done by means of a toggle- switch. t Description of the schematic diagram. Figure 110 shows a schematic diagram of unit BNF. The trigger pulse delay stage is a kipp relay-type circuit. The stage incorporates tube V1 of the 6N1P type. The trigger, pulse is fed through capacitor e.14 and crystal diode D1 to the cathode of tube Vi ? (Figure 111). Prior to the trigger pulse arrival, tube Vlb is cut off (by a negative voltage through damping resistance R8) from the -150 v circuit. Tube Via, prior to the arriVal of the trigger pulse, is conducting. W r td When a trigger pulse arrives at the Vla-cathode, the tube ceases to conduct and the plate voltage rises sharply. .This causes the ? voltage at the Vlb control grid to rise. Vlb conduct's and the voltage at its plate falls. !, Since resistor R4 is considerably smaller than resistor R3, tube Vlb forms (at the common cathode resistance) voltage which cuts off tube Via. Capacitors Cl and C2 now begin t&charge through resistors R1 and R2. 1 ? 0- -1?t ? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Fig. 110. Schematic Diagram) of, Unit BNF: ? VC-711 [74,71__Yi cl.pc#14 Diff. LUg_Y3;67* I ------11- ?.?.A ? t ' Fig. Fig. 111. Voltage Forms in Blanking Stages of Unit BNF. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM The voltage at the control grid of tube Via grows in proportion to p 277) the charge at capacitors Cl and C2; when it.treaches.the conduction level, -tube Vla,begins to conduct. When this ocCurs, the voltage at the plate falls. Thi, cuts off tube Vib. Capacitors Cl and C2 are discharged by the grid currents' of tube Via. The circuit returns to itsinitial state. As a result of this process, a negative squire pulse is formed at the plate of Vlb. The duration of this pulse depends on the position of potentiometer R5, which determines the value of the cutoff voltage at theycathode of tube Vi. , u The negative pulse from the plate of tube Vlb is admitted to the , differentiating circuits C5, R12, and C10, R21. As a result of the differentiation of the trailing edge of the negative square pulse, there is ,formed a voitage pulse which triggers the upper and lower channels of the blankingjulse oscillators. Since the duration of the negative square pulse is regulated, the instant at which the positive differentiated pulse is eormed also varies relative to the trigger pulse. The blanking pulse oscillators Cif the upper and lower channels have similar kipp relay. circuits and incorporate tubes V2 and V14: of, . type 6N1P. The stages generate positive square pulTes,which are taken from cathode load R12 and R21. ??? The duration of the squate pulses is regulated by potentiometers (p 278) R10 and R19, which are connected to the capacitor charging circuits C6 and C9. From the cathode loads of the blanking pulse oscillators, through capacitors C8 and C121 positive square pulses are admitted, to the control grids of the upper and lower channel (V3 and'V5) of the blanking pulse amplifiers. The blanking pulse amplifiers incorporgte tubes V3 and V5 of type 6P14P. The tube grids are blocked in the initial position. With the arrival of positive square pulses to the grids, the tubes begin to conduct. and negative pulses appear at theirrplate load resistances, located in the SS-1 units. The amplifiers ensure the required amPlitude of the blocking pulse. When the Twitches in the SS-1 units are turned on, the plate circuits of tubes V3 and V5 start to conduct and negative pulses appearaat the plate loads which cut off the correspondineinput diodes of the SS-1 unit.: 6 : The supp4 of tubes V3 and V3 comes frOn the -150 v power source. 50X1 -HUM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM. The'trigger -pulse-generator operates on, the principle of a relaxation: oscillator. The stage- incorporates tube V6pf type 103. Capacitor C13 is charged through resist zs R28, R29; the capacitor ,(1) 279) is connected.An'parallel with tube V6. ? // When the voltage necessary to fire the. tube has been obtained at the capacitor plate (connected to V6), the tube.begins to conduct, and:. a.rePid discharge as C13 takes place throughiti (;) ? At resistor R30 a positive voltage pulse is formed (Figure 112) which, through capacitor C20, is applied to:the-cathode of the kipp relay stage V7. The charging theofcapacitor C13 and, consequently, the triggering frequency of the oscillator, is regulated by potentiometer R28. 4 k The kipp relay circuit is analogous to the circuit examined in the blanking stages. The stage incorporates tube 'V7 of the 6N1P type, From'. the plate load resistance R34 of tube V7b a negative square pulse is. ' admitted through capacitor C16 to the control grid of tube V8b. The , duration of the generated pulse is varied byuleans of potentiometer R32.. The gating stage incorporates tube V8 of type 6N6P. Fifty-and - 100-km range markers pass through the plug connector Shlind contact 20 to the unit and through potentiometer R40 and capacitor C17 to the control grid of tube V8b. Tube V8b conducts in the initial stage. The voltage at its plate and at the plate Of tube V8a is law. The operating mode of V8a is such . that when V8b conducts,. tube V8a is cut off.With the arrival of the (P281) kipp relay negatiVe?pulse at its control grid; tube V8b.etops conducting and the voltage at the plates of V8a and V8erises. Naw'tube V8a starts : to conduct and pulse trains appear at its cathode load R46, R47. The ' duration of. the kipp relay blanking pulse lies within the limits Of 9 to 12 microsec, which corresponds to the tim for 3 and 5 sweeps on the indicator. During this time, from 3, , to 5 range marker pulses will be formed at the resistances R460 R47. By means of switch V2, the pulse train i from resistors R461 R47 pass through capacitor C19 to the SS-1 units :of the upper and lower channels. By means of toggle switch V1, th gating stage is switched over to either of the two modes of operation:' 50X1 -FI U 1V1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 UI i 1 , I 1 I 1 a--11111i` 111m11111111111114ifitiliti i 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 , , ,t, , , , I $ I 1 ?1 i 1 I t , 1111111: tIIIIIII 50X1-HUM Fig. 112. Voltage Forms in Staged of Device for Tuning Noise-Protection Apparatus of Unit BNF. sfr LI 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM -- 'Tots" - when the kipp relay negativ pulse is admitted to tne control grid of tube V8b; ? "C4cle" - when a negative voltage le applied to the same grid through resistor R49 from the -150 v source. In the "Dots" mode, pulse trains appear!at resistors R46, R47, as : was stated above, which form marks in the form of dots located along ' the sweep radii on the indicator screen. In the "Circle" mode, the range marker.Otre repeated at resistor R46, R47 so that concentric circles will be visible on the indicator screen. The intensity of the markers is regulated by potentiometer R40. Testing of the unit. The unit is tested with the help of five' test jacks: G1 for testing the blanking pulse start delay; G2 -- for testing the lower blanking 1P, 2P, 4P, 5P; G4 -- for testing the upper blanking 3P,, 6P; G7 for testing the kipp. relay pulse;,. G8-- for testing the gate itage Construction of the unit. 'Unit BNF is assembled on a standard chassis. In the tube channel are located seven tubes (four 6N1P, two 6N14P, one 61'T6P). - On the forward panel are all the potentiometers and two toggle switches, tube'-3 with a cap, and .the illuminating bulb. Unit BIT is connected with other unitsijin cabinet DUS-1 by means of one plug-and-socket connector. Within the unit are located other components and small parts. 0 ? The weight of the'unit is 7.8 kg. ? .?;*- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-73 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 CHAPTER FIVE HEIGHT MEAS ? Di I NT INDICATOR IIV-1 50X1 -HUM 1. General Information on the Operation of the Indicator . Height measurement indicator IIV-1 (Figure 113) is designed for measuring the height of detected targets. Measurement of the height of targets takes place through the arrivalat the indicator of the signals from the vertical and slant channels. On the indicator screen appear points from which, with the aid of the scale projected onto the screen of the tube, it is possible to determine the heights of the detected targets. The height neasuie-ment indicator is an Oscillographic one with horizontal and vertical sweeps and an intensity spot signal. Sweep a'cross the horizontal axis of theitube is linear and proportional to the uniform range scale. Sweep on the vertical axis is also linear and is proportional to the angle of rotation of the antenna syatein relative to any fixed initial positior:. The range sweep voltage controls the current in the coils which deflect the beam in the horizontal directionl,and, as a result, the beam moves to the left or right across the horizontal axis of the tube. The sweep voltage for the angle of rotation of the antenna controls the current in the coils which deflect the beam of the cathode-ray tube in the vertical direction, and the beam therefore moves upward along the vertical axis of the tube. The reflected signal voltages of the vertical and slant channels which pass to the display from the signal-mixer units (SS-1) are fixed on the screen in the form of two vertical lines extending along the . vertical axis of the screen. The mutual position of these lines on the screen determines the value of the angle of rotation of the antenna system between successive interceptions of the target by the vertical and slant beams. ? Hence, the range and angle of rotation of the antenna system may be read directly from the screen of the display'tube on the electrical grid scale. ? .x; Having determined the angle of rotation of the antenna and the range, the flight altitude of the target may be computed from known formulas. (p 284 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM - Fig. 113. Cabinet IIV-1. 1 - unit BP-300; 2 - unit UPT-1; 3 - unit BP-200; 4 - unit RD; 5 - unit PN-12; 6 unit RU-2; 7 - unit RU-1; 8 - unit VS-4; 9 - unit TI-2; 10 - unit BP-7; 11 - unit BP-150; 12 - unit UN-II. 204 50X1 -HUM I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM In order to increase operability, computations are first made for altitudes from 0 to 30 km at every 2 km for all values of range from 20 to 300 km. Lines of equal altitude computed in this manner and scale lines pr range and angle of rotation of the antenna are transfered to a diapositive and are projected on the screen of the display with the aid of a special optical device (unit PN-12). The height of the target is determined by visually interpolating (p 285) the position of the center of the marker from the slant channel reflected .signal with respect to the lines of equal altitude which lie closest to it. In order to read the altitude correctly it is necessary to align , the electrical scale markers with the scale markers projected on the screen of the tube. Height of the target is determined once the zero line of the projected scale coincides with the center of the reflected signal markers of the vertical channel. When the vertical and then the slant beams intercept two targets with the same azimuth located at different altitudes but at different ranges, the targets will be visible at different elevations. When the target is near, two successive, interceptions of the target by the vertical and slant beams will be made with large values for the angle of rotation of the antenna. For the same scale of angles of rotation of the antenna, the accuracy in determining altitude would drop as the range increases. Therefore, twc vertical sweep scales 200 and 40? -- are used. The use of two vertical sweep scales makes it possible to read the altitude with minimum error at all ranges. An optical image presented on the screen of the height-measurement indicator is given in Figure 114. Technical data. 1. Target display is by a brightness marker on (p 287) the screen of the cathode-ray tube. 2. Range is indicated by the horizontal sweep and angle of rotation of the antenna by the vertical sweep. 3. Antenna angle of rotation scales are 200 and 400. 4. Range scale on the screen of the display is from 20 to 200 km for an angle of rotation scale of 4o0 and frpm 120 to 300 km for an angle of rotation scale of 200. 5. Height is determined by the vertical and slant antenna method. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 1Z5 15 10 3 ".., "....7 ... ???? ,?...\ .4 'V 4,1 ??? zo \ , 4.. ... ' , if .., ."' . , T .. I .''' , , ?:"" ." - . . ? ? ....., .. ??????*"" ??? , s. " ": .... ....... ....s? 4-s'. " - Z 7 s' ....... , .7 I . ? ? IMUMIIII II_ I ."..72. .... , ... ? ,". 1 7 , -:- : \ a". _ ... ../?_?_. `-' ? '"-- -. :71: .., .. ?6.... ?........ ?......7=-7::*.:71:2 ? , 150 200 a 300 ?30 *25 420 *15 .10 .5 50X1 -HUM 14451111164t ?bit, ,..?,........ _ ........ _ _ 20 50 .4.1, ? Fig. 114. Optical Image on Screen of the Height Measurement Indicator. 0 a) scale for antenna angle of rotation of 20,?; range from 120 to 300 km; b) scale for antenna angle of rotation of le; range from 20 to 200 km. 50X1-HUM- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM . . The height of the target on the screen' of the tube is determined visually from the position of reflected signals of the mixed vertical and mixed slant channels relative to the lines of equal altitudes projected on/the screen of the display by an optical method. 6. The height-measurement indicator provides for the successive illumination of reflected signals from the vertical channel on the lower part of the screen'and illumination of signals from the slant channel On the top part of the screen. This makes it possible to simultaneously observe the reflected signals of both channels on the screen. Make-up of the IIV-1 cabinet. The height-measurement indicator is built in a standard cabinet and consistt of the following units: TI-2 -- display tube; RD -- range sweep; - RU-1 -- elevation sweep input unit; RU-2 -- elevation sweep output unit; (p 288)- - VS-4 video signal unit; PN-12 -- projection adapter; BP-300 -- +300 v power supply; BP-200 -- +200 v power supply; BP-150 -- -150 v power supply; BP-7 +7.1kv power supply; UPT -1 -- power supply control unit. Units TI-2 and UPT-1 are centralized. In compartments on the left side (from top to bottom) are units RU-2, RD' BP-200, and BP-300, and on the right side are units RU-1, VS-4, BP-7, and BP-150. The projection adapter unit is located on the front panel of unit TI-2 (in place of the light filter). A diagram showing the wiring connections for the IIV-1 display is given in Figure 115. Trigger pulses from unit BZ pass to unit RD. Unit RD is the same as that in the IK0-1 cabinet." Unit RD shapes a sawtaoth' current which supplies the horizontal deflection coils in unit TI-2. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM ? )1 r pe,1.4 HIPpeHir HHOcsam Hop nye nuns es sod 010.7 at op Amp SIpage.,6 gem 6. past a3uHf depm cdlue POpta aloe 17epero. KON -.tea ',Toot 44 'sot .ssoOt WI 9 I If If 7 Ca 20 3 4 ? ass I JonyeKg 4;ir cemths I isast. po0g. 8e/iten. ? &la dams* ? 3 1(017ble Pe31. slam, LsJIPN-' Kopnye -?4 4,98 .; 3 fi:oPecui**M4. Pa3C.cssuf7. ,ces 1 -reoS Au" 60.eemstii 48006 ca 6 .,e,og S HopnyC wont. W2 aepm. eaue, repv3. atut. Kopnsm tot 308 7.1 BP-300 .3038 -.nog KOpIlyC {II 17. Ca At 7st.54). 7p-p nr4-10 I. 3 Ra f COPHoll Thosu.satt asuw gsis. gn.Amp. *delis 10. scoptvc Jaelassas #3001 snot -sso6 JaCtONIK X 17pp?Xn. Ha* ?--4,16 Pelepg lr>75 Jr OS re SET7IVININEN .17 If .SO: 000g 6 CM, s 4 imme ?7 7 ni Co At a g H-1206. 16 8 136 2101 5. KoPnies' 7 aws. frt 53P77 CIS WI 0$1 f .30ot WO; 4.1.0 -ssot ? xessi7vc 0 Co W 1 IS B?is-150; .0) ??0106 gopnvc ^.22a Fig. 115. Diagram of Wiring Connections for CabinetqIV-1. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM A description of-unit RD is given in Chapter Three, section 4. Note: 12he scale switch in unit RD of cabinet IIV71 must be placed in the first/position. The switch is not used. The SSP (selsyn) voltages are applied to unit RU-1 from unit VD-1. (p 290) Units RU-1 and RU-2 shape a voltage proportional to the angle of rotation of the antenna which is used to supply the vertical deflection aoils, to shape the square pulses which trigger the elevation sweep, and to switch channels in unit VS-4. Unit VS-4 receives voltages from the outputs of the vertical and slant channel signal-mixer units, range and azimuth scale marker pulses, range gating pulses from unit RD, and an elevation sweep gating voltage from unit RU-1. Incoming video signals and scale marker signals may be turned on and off individually at the input of the unit. The signals entering unit VS-4 are mixed, amplified, and sent to the modulator of the cathode-ray tube in unit TI-2. Switching of the vertical and slant channels is also provided for in unit VS-4. Unit TI-2 contains the stages which supply the alignment coils and-Zfocusing coil. An electrical scale grid is illuminated on the screen of the tube and; in addition, a scale grid and equal-height lines are optically projected on the screen from which the height of the target is read. The electrical and optical scale grids are first aligned on the screen. A description of the method of aligning the grids is given in the description of unit RD. Unit PN-12 is used to project the scale grid on .the screen. All units in cabinet IIV-1 are supplieefrom standard power supply units BP-300, BP-200, BP-150, and BP-7. 2. Indicator Tube Unit TI-2. Function. Unit TI-2 (Figures 116 and 117) is used to determine the flight altitude of detected targets on the screen of the tube using a scale which is optically projected on the screen. Technical data. 1. The accuracy of aligning the electrical and optical scales for an antenna angle of rotation from 50 to 300 and a range from 20 to 250 km is tl mm. (p291) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 4 50X1-HUM Fig. 116. Unit TI -2 (Front View). 1 - door of tube compartment; 2 - screen of tube 311,M32; 3 - focus control; 4 - brightness control. 210 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 7 Fig. 117. Unit TI-2 (Rear View) 1 - plate for mounting small parts; 2 - transformer; 3 - tube housing; 14 - bracket for attaching deflection system; 5 - fuse; 6 - fuse condition indicator; 7 - plug for sweep voltage supply; 8 - plug for SSP voltage supply; 9 - plug for feeding signals to tube modulator; 10 - plug for power supply voltage. 50X1-HUM 21I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 2. A pOint focused in the center of thOJ screen changes its dimensions at the edges of the screen by a factor of not more than 1.5. A functional diagram of unit TI-2 is given in Figure 118. The unit includes: 41M imam cathode-ray tube; deflection system; vertical and horizontal alignment stages; -- focusing stage; -- brightness control circuit; -- +500 v rectifier. .3 ' Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 119 gives a schematic diagram of unit TI-2. The main element of the unit is the cathode-ray tube V5, type 3111132, whose screen is used to determine the height of the target. (1) 295) The tube operates in conjunction with a magnetic system which includes the deflection and focusing coils. Unit TI-2 uses closed-type deflection coils (on a closed iron core). The deflection coils are used to deflect the electron beam of the ' tube away from its axis in response to a predetermined rule. Four coils, boated two each on the vertical rods of the core, deflect the beam in a horizontal direction. Each coil has two sections 1 and 2. The series-connected coils of sectibn 1 deflect the beam in a horizontal direction and are supplied by a'sawtooth voltage from unit RD. Deflection of the beam is proportional to the current through the coils. In order that the horizontal sweep begin from the edge of the tube rather than the center, the series-connected coils of section 2 are introduced and connected against the coils of section 1. These coils are supplied by a d-c voltage through tubes V1 and V2. The value of this d-c current and, consequently,' the deflection of the beginning of the sweep can be changed by means of a potentiometer in unit RU-2. 50X1 -HUM (P 297) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ( , 50X1 -HUM her sweep I fool RP Fed. sweep Fe," RU1041) Fig. 118. Functional Diagram of Unit TI-2 (TI-3). 1 - horizontal alignment circuit; 2 - vertical alignment circuit; 3 - focusing circuit; 4 - transformer and +500 v rectifier. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Iso 50X1-HUM Fig. 119. Schematic Diagram of Unit T1-2 (TI-3). 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-31_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? t? 50X1-HUM Four coils, located two each on the horizontal rods of thecore, deflect the beam in a vertical direction. The coils of section I are connected in parallel and deflect the beam vertically. These coils are supplied/by a voltage proportional to the angle of rotation of the antenna which originates in unit RU-2. In order that the vertical sweep begin at the bottom of the screen and not at the center, the series-connected coils of section 2 are introduced and connected against the coils of section 1. These coils are supplied by a d-c voltage through tube V3. The value of this current and, consequently, the deflection of the start of the vertical sweep can be changed by means of a potentiometer located in unit RU-2. iu Each section of the coils is shunted by a resistor for the purpose of quenching natural parasitic oscillations (the shunting resistors are placed in the coils). The focusing system and the brightness control circuit in unit TI-2 are identical to those in unit TI-1 (Chapter Three, section 2). An over-all view of the deflection system of unit TI-2 is given in Figure 120. 'Design of the unit. The unit is located ,in the central compartment of the indicator cabinet. The unit contains: cathode-ray tube 31LM32 with deflection and focusing systems, four 6P3S tubes, and a +500 v rectifier transformer. The deflection system is designed to provide for shifting of the coils around their bases when aligning the electrical scale markers with the optical lines of the scale. Above the tube is a panel on which all tubes and small components are mounted. On the front panel are the screen of the cathode-ray tube with a frame and the knobs of the brightness and focus controls. Means for securing the optical attachment are also provided. The unit is held in the cabinet in such a manner that it maybe.. turned 450 around the point of attachment in its compartment. The unit is linked to the other units in the cabinet by two 14- pin plug connectors, a high-voltageplug, and two high-frequency plugs. , One of the 14.-piii-plugs is attached to the chassis of the unit and the other to a 'bracket on the deflection system. The unit weighs 13.8 kg. ("P _299)_ 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 120. Deflection System of Unit P1-2. 1 - adjustment screws of horizontal deflection coils; 2 - horizontal deflection coils; 3 - vertical deflection coils; 4 - adjustment screws of vertical deflection coils. 50X1-HUM 216 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Projection Adapter Unit PN-12 for Cabinet IIV-1 Functiop. The PN-12 projection adapter unit is designed for pro- jecting a family of equal-altitude curves and a scale grid on the phosphor of the tube screen in unit TI-2. Technical data on unit PN-12. 1. When projecting a square (20 x 20 cm?) on a surface, the projection unit gives a barrel-shaped distortion (with a positive distortion of 4.2%), 2. When looking at the screen of unit TI-2 through the semi- transparent glass of the optical attachment,the brightness of the yellow afterglow is reduced by not more than 40%. ' 3. The thickness of the focused optical lines is 0.3 to 0.5 mm. 4. The vertical alignment control for the diapositives permits adjustment of both images on the screen of tbe tube in unit TI-2 by at least *50 mm and fixing them in position with an accuracy of.t0.2 Optical diagram of the unit. An optical diagram of the unit is givenlin Figure 123. ,) ' The light source passes through a condenser and illuminates two diapositives of complementary colors (red and green). On the red diapositive are transparent equal-altitude curves and a scale grid for the following scales: a 200 azimuth representing 160 mm on the screen, and a 180 km range representing 200 mm on the screen (from 120 to 300 km). On the green diapositive are transparent equal-altitude curve's and a scale grid for the following scales: a 4o0 azimuth representing 200 mm (p 303) on the screen, and a 180 km range representing 200 mm on the screen (from 20 to 200 km). Light passing through the transparent. curves of one of the diapositives and through the second diapositive assumes the color of the second diapositive. The light rays then pass through a light filter, through an objective lens, are reflected first by a mirror and then by a semi- transparent glass, and finally are projected on the phosphor of the screen of the tube in unit TI-2:- A-red or a green image_appears on the screen depending on the color of the filter selected (by means of a knob). Design and electrical diagram of the unit. .Unit PN-12 is attached to the front panel of unit TI-2 by four screws.. Unit PN-12 may be tilted away from the front panel of unit TI-2 to provide access to the tubes of .the latter and the'front panel of the unit. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 1 - semitransparent vertical direction; 5 - plug; 6 - knob holes. Fig. 121. Unit ?N-12 (Front View). glass; 2 - handle for shifting optical scales in 3 - desicant holder; 4 - removable illuminating light; for switching 20 and 40? scales; 7 - catch; 8 - seating 2,8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? - 50X1-HUM Fig. 123. Optical Diagram of Unit PN-12. 1 - screen of unit TI-2; 2 - semitransparent glass; 3 - mirror; 4 - objective lens; 5 - filter; 6 - diapositives;.7 - condensor; 8 - light source. Shl' No. Function Goes to: 3 4.5 v PN-12 trans. 4 4.5 PNtrans. v -12 1 scale star. aU-2 2 _chassis 0 Fig. 124. Schematic Electrical Diagram of Unit PN-12. 50X1-HUM 1.4 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM On the front panel of the unit are a removable illuminating bulb holder and a holder for a desicant. The opt).cal image on the screen of the cathode-ray tube in unit TI-2 may be adjusted in a vertical direction by a handle on the left panel of unit PN-12. The filters are switched by means of & lever on the right panel of the unit. Switching of the filters simultaneously switches a micro- switch in unit LN-12 which closes a relay circuit for the elevation sweep scale in unit RU-2. On the top part of the front panel of the unit is mounted a 4-contact box to which are applied the power for the light source and the voltage for the microswitch in the relay circuit'. A schematic electrical diagram of the unit is given in Figure 124. .14 4. Elevation Sweep Input Unit RU-1 (P 305) Function. The elevation sweep input unit RU-1 (Figure 125) is designed to produce a voltage proportional to the angle of rotation of the antenna in a 40-degree sector and to produce a gate pulse voltage for the tube during the direct trace of the vertical sweep. / Technical data on the unit. 1. The linearity error of the outpUt voltage does not exceed 0.5%. 2. During the increase in output voltage, the unit generates a voltage which triggers signal amplifier VS-4. Functional diagram of unit RU-1. Figure 126 gives a functional diagram of unit RU-1. The unit includes the following elements: 1:1 selsyn transformer SS-405; -- reduction gearing; -- 6:1 selsyn transformer SS-405; , ? voltage summing stage; ^ cathode follower; -- controlled voltage rectifier of the Gelsyn transformer; 4.- differential amplifier; cathode follower for 1,500-cps voltage; amplifier. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1 -HUM Fig. 125. Unit RU-1. 1 - elevation sweep linearity control; 2 - sector selector crank; 3 - fine reading dial; 4 - illuminating bulb holder; 5 - coarse reading dial; 6 - plug cover; 7 - tubes in tube channel; 8 - label on door. 50X1 -HUM 222 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 T" r . . ? r Mr"t"'"'""'"7"""r"1:""1""r"7:"""`""*""-- . , :signal level ' t: ? from RU-2 Fig. 126. Functional Diagram of Unit RU-1. 1 - SS-405 selsyn transformer; 2 - reduction gearing; 3 - SS-405 selsyn transformer; 4 - voltage summing stage; 5 -cathode follower; 6 - controlled rectifier; 7 - differentiating amplifier; 8 -'-amplifier; 9 - cathode follower. It 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM The voltage from the 1:1 and 6:1 selsyn transformers of the secondary selsyn unit is fed to the selsyn transformers located in unit RU-1. The voltage from the 6:1 selsyn transformer iS used in the unit to lineFize the voltage envelope of the 1:1 selsyn transformer in an interval of angles from r300 to +300, which is necessary to achieve the desired accuracy. The voltage of the 1:1 selsyn transformer with the added (approximately 1%) voltage of'the-6:1 selsyn-transformer-is fed through the cathode follower to the controlled rectifier. The 1,500- cps control voltage is also sent to this rectifier through the cathode (p 308) follower. The output voltage of the controlled rectifier is approximately equal to the amplitude of the input voltage and is linear in the interval of angles from -30 to +300. Voltage/from the controlled rectifier ia applied to the differential amplifier of unit RU-2. "'The sweep gating voltage is taken from cutput tube 6P3S of unit RU-2 and is differentiated, amplified, and fed to video signal unit VS-1s. Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 127 gives a schematic diagram of unit RU-1. The three-phase 1,500-cps voltages of the 1:1 and 6:1 selsyns from secondary selsyn unit VD-1 are taken from the plug connector of unit RU-1 (pins 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, and 20) and applied to the three-phase windings of the selsyn transformers. The voltage from the single-phase winding of the 1:1 selsyn transformer is added in opposition to a small part (approximately 1%) of the voltage of the 6:1 selsyn transformer and fed through resistor R7 to the grid of the cathode follower, which uses tube VI. The cathode load 'of the cathode follower is connected to the -150v bus. Choke Dr1 and mapacitor C2 are included in the screen grid circuit of tube V1 to maintain the voltage at the screen grid relative to the cathode, which is necessary for linear voltage transmission. Voltage from the cathode load of tube V1 (resistors R10, R11, R12, and R13) is applied to the controlled rectifier -- tube V3. A voltage at a frequency of 1,500 cps from the tigher-frequency generator unit GCh is sent to unit RU-1 to control this rectifier. This voltage is applied to the grid of cathode follower V2b. The cathode load of this cathode (p 310) follower is transformer Trl, from which a vo:itage is fed to the grids of the controlled rectifier. ?1 50X1 ?HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1 -HUM it of Unit RU-1. Schematic 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-H UM The rectified voltage taken from the output (capacitor C5) of the rectifier, equal to the voltage envelope of the 1:1 selsyn transformer and linearized in an interval of angles from i,-30? to +30 by the voltage of 6i1 selsyn transformer, is applied to the grid of the differential amplifier, in unit RU-2. Voltage for the gating pulse is taken from the cathode of V3 in unit RU-2 and applied to the gating circuit' 'of the tube ,In unit RU-1 (to the cathode oftithe left triode of V4). ,When the vo4tage at the cathode of V4a increases, the voltage at the, grid also increases with a certain lag as a result of the time constant of the grid circuit (R25 and 07). An amplified voltage having the same sign as that at ,tt the cathode is produced at the plate. After differentiation of this voltage, a positive pulse is produced in the grid circuit of V4b which triggers this triode (the cathode of the tube is blocked). The plate of V4b is connected to ground through resistor R27. A negative voltage appears at the plate load of V4b as the voltage at the cathode of V4a builds up. Tube V2a 'serves as the output tube of the gating circuit. The . main plate load of this tube is a resistor in, unit VS-4 to which the gating pulse is sent. The potential at the cathode of V2a is on the order of 80 - 100 v. The grid of this triode is connected through resistor R28 to the plate of tube V4b. When tube V2a is conducting, a current on the order of 5 ma flows through it. As the voltage at the cathode of V4a builds up, a negative pulse arrives at the grid of tube V2a and blocks, it. The current flowing through the plate load of tube V2a, located in unit VS-1., is blocked, and the input diode of unit VS-4 is unblocked. When the voltage at the cathode of V4a decreases, the voltage at the grid also decreases; since capacitor C7,discharges through the grid-cathode circuit of V4a. The voltage a, the plate of V4a also decreases. After differentiation of this v9ltage, a negative pulse appears in the grid circuit of tube V4b and plocks the tube. As a result, there will be a positive voltage at the grid of tube V2a and this tube will conduct. Constant gating of the tube, which is necessary when aligning the display, may be turned on by means of switch Vi in unit RU-1; the switch shorts the conductor coming from units VS-4 to ground. Monitoring.the operation of the unit. Unit BU-1 is monitored with .the aid of four test jacks: ????1?,.I. (p 311) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM .G1 -- for monitoring the voltage of the 1:1 selsyn transformer at the cathode of tube Vi; G2-1 --/for monitoring the azimuth gating voltage at the plate of triode V2a; G2-2 -- for monitoring the 11500-cps voltage at the cathode of triode V2b; G3 -- for monitoring the operation of the controlled rectifier at its output. Desip of the unit. Unit RU-1 is built, in the form of a self- contained instrument mounted on a standard chassis. In the tube channel are four tubes (one 6Zh4 and three 6148s), four test jacks, and the gating witch. The selsyn transformers are mounted on a common frame representing a complete unit and are enclosed in a silumin housing. The selsyn transformer unit is attached to the inside of the front panel. It contains two SS-405 selsyns whose shafts turn through a reduction gear with a ratio of 6:1. Dials are fixed to the shafts of both selsyns to denote the scanning sector which has been chosen in the display. The shaft of the 6:.1 selsyn extends through the front panel and serves as the "Sector Selection" knob. A corrective device is attached to the chassis of unit RU-1 behind the selsyn transformer unit. This device consists of a variable-profile template connected by a coupling to the shaft of the 1:1 selsyn transformer. The desired profile of the template is selected and fixed in position by means of 24 screws. (p When the selsyn transformer rotates, the template also rotates and transmits motion to the shaft of potentiometer R4, which is connected to the template by two levers. Thus, the arms of the variable voltage divider (R4, R5, R6) move in accordance with the profile of the template. The profile is fixed so that the elevation sweep scale does not change with respect to the setting of the "Sector Selection" knob. A light on the front panel of the unit serves to illuminate the dials. The controlled rectifier and filament transformers are attached to the chassis of the unit. Resistors and capacitors are attached to a mounting plate. ' The unit weighs 10.35 kg. 50X1 -HUM 312), Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 5. Elevation Sweep Output Unit RU-2. Function. The RU-2 elevation sweep output unit (Figure 128) is used to supply the deflection coils of unit TI-2 in cabinet II11-1 with a cur- rent which/changes in proportion to the output voltage received from unit RU-1. 50X1-HUM The unit provides for the presentation of two vertical sweep scales (200 and 400) on the screen of the tube in unit TI-2. In addition, the unit is used to change the control voltages in the horizontal and vertical alignment tubes of,junit TI-2 and to generate a current which supplies the switching relay for the vertical and slant channels in unit VS-4. Technical data on the unit. 1. Linearity error of the output voltage at an angle of 350 does not exceed 0.5%. 2. Scale adjustment makes it possible, to control the current which supplies the deflection system of unit TI-2 so that one scale on the screen of the tube represents a 200 angle of rotation of the antenna and the other scale represents a 4o0 angle: 1 3. The unit is used to change the control voltages of the horizontal sweep alignment tube in unit TI-2 within lithits of 0 to 50 v and the vertical sweep alignment tube within 30 to 70 v. 4. The "channel switching" control permits setting the angle at which the channels are switched within limits of 0 to 109 according to the optical scale of the display. Functional diagram of the unit. Figure 129 gives, a functional diagram of unit RU-2. The following elements are included in unit RU-2:, amplifier; screen grid voltage rectifier; . channel switch; output stage; vertical alignment circuit; horizontal alignment circuit.; circuit for changing the degree of linearization in unit RU-1. (p 314) Li The voltage from the controlled rectifier in unit RU-1 is amplified in the differential amplifier of unit RU-21and is applied to the grid of output V3. This tube generates a current which supplies the vertical (p 316) 50X1-HUM? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? 50X1-HUM Fig. 128. Unit RU-2. 1 - label on door; 2 - tubes in tube channe143 channel-switching control; 4 - scale control; 5 - vertical alignment control; 6 - horizontal alignment control; 7 - illuminating bulb holders; 8 - plug cover. 50X1-HUM 229 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 frun -RU-1 cont. rec. A..220 v from UPT-1 s "channel switch" S101,.. 20. 77o4 to VS-4 ?channelswitch RU-1 Azimuth sweep W aligrIV- "hor. No zo? vo?1 {,} Fig. 129. Functional Diagram"of Unit RU-2. 1 - amplifiers; 2 - screen grid rectifiers; 3 - channel switch; 4 - output stage; 5 - vertical alignment circuit; 6 - horizontal alignment circuit; 7 - circuit for changing value of linearization in unit RU-1 (vertical sweep level). 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ?tv 50X1 -HUM deflection coils of unit TI-2. The outputostese and the differential amplifier have 100% feedback in order to achieve the desired linearity of the output current. Voltage from the cathode of output tube V3 is fed to unit RU-1 to supply the gating circuit. This same voltage is used to supply the amplifier which generates current for the channel-switching relay in unit Irs-4. The scales are switched by means of a'relay located in the unit. The relay receives its energy from unit PN-12. Simultaneously with switching the scales, the relay changes the value of the linearizing voltage from the 6:1 selsyn in unit RU-1 as well as the vertical and horizontal shifts. This adjustment of the, scales and the vertical and horizontal sweep alignments serves to match -the electrical dial with the optical dial in cabinet IIV-1. Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 130 gives d schematic diagram of unit RU-2. The controlled rectifier output voltage from unit RU-1 passes through filter R9, Cl and resistor R10 to the grid of the differential amplifier V2a. The differential amplifier uses tube.V2. Voltage from the output of the amplifer moves through divider R15?,R16 to the grid of the eleva- tion sweep output tube V3, the plate load of which are the vertical deflection coils in unit TI-2. The cathode circuit of V3 contains resistors R27 and R30 used to control the sweep scales. In order to:compensate for nonlinearity of the characteristic of tube V3, a feedback voltage is taken from-Its cathode and applied to the left half of the differential amplifier tube V2, while the screen grid of V3 is supplied from a separate rectifier. The screen voltage is stabilized by means of voltage stabilizer 174. The sweep scales are switched by changing the cathode resistances of output tube V3. The operating sector of the sinusoicinl voltage envelope of the. 1:1 selsyn transformer is selected from 0 to 400 for the 40? scale and from +2.50 to +22.50 for the 20? scale relative to the electrical zero point of the 1:1 selsyn (or from -50 through 00 to -325? for the 40? scale and from -2.5? through 00 to 342.5? for the 200 scale relative to the zero on the scale of the 1:1 selsyn). When the scales are switched it is necessary that the vertical alignment of the beam in the display be Changed-. For this purpose, the grid potential of vertical alignment tube V3 in unit TI-2 is fnrimpa in unit RU-2 by notentiometers YrR'R (400 scsle) and Mil. (200 50X1 -HUM (p 318) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 L I 44killil I riit IIIN'7' ill:?1,t1'.'"r?.,Lsirt .,:iitl 7 g71:1171.1-104MAF 417 t r- :14 T.1:1 ?0 lit 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Various range see-tors are examined at. different elevation scales. ? Therefore, when the scales are switched it is also necessary to change the horizontal alignment of the beam in the display at the sometime. This is done by supplying voltage to the'grids of the horizontal alignment tubes (V1 and V20 of unit TI-2 from potentiometers R35 (400 scale) and R36 (200 scale), located in unit RU-2 and witched simultaneously when the elevation scales are switched. The channel-switching circuit operates with tube V1, to the plate circuit of which is connected the winding of the relay located in unit vs-4. The control grid of tube V1 is connected through resistor R8 to the cathode of output tube V3. The moment that tube V1 fires is determined by the bias applied to its control grid from dividers R24 (40? scale) and R26 (200 scale). When the 20? scale is used, only the following controls are illumi- nated: "200 Scale," "20? Vertical Alignment," "20? Horizontal Alignment," "200 Channel Switch." When the 400 scale is used, the fol1OWIng controls are illuminated: "11.o? Scale," "10? Vertical Alignment," "40? Horizontal Alignment," "400 Channel Switch." Relay R1, which is controlled from unit PN-12, is used in switching all of the above controls. Voltage from the cathode of output tube V3 is applied. to the tube gating circuit in unit RU-1. Monitoring the operation of the unit.l, Unit RU-2 is monitored. with the aid of two test jacks: G1 -- for monitoring the current in tube Vi; G3 -- for monitoring the output voltage at the cathode of tube V3. Design of the unit. Unit RU-2 is built in the form of a self- contained instrument mounted on a standard chassis. On the front panel of the unit are the shafts of 8 potentiometers and four illuminating bulbs. The tube compartment of the unit contains four tubes (6P91 6N8S, 6P3S, and sG4s) and two test jacks. Two transformers are located on the chassis of the unit. 50X1 -HUM (p 319) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Small components (resistors and capacitors) are attached to a mounting plate within the unit. The uLt has one plug connector. Weight of the unit is 7.2 kg. 6 6. Video Signal Unit VS-4. Function. The video signal unit VS-4.(Figure 131) mixes and amplifies the scale marker pulses and reflected signals in one channel and applies them to the grid of the cathode-ray tube. ? Technical data on the unit. The magnitude of the output signal of the unit may be controlled within limits of 0 to 70 V. The passband of the unit is 1.5 Mc. The unit provides for switching between the slant and vertical channels. Functional diagram of the unit. Figure 132 gives a functional . diagram of unit The unit consists of the following elements: input dividers; ? wideband amplifier; - output stage; - control tube; relay RS-52. Reflected signals from the vertical and slant channels and range and azimuth scale markers are applied to the iput of the 'unit. At the input of each channel is a switch. When the witch is closed; all signals pass to the input dividers, are mixed in one common channel, and are applied to the wideband amplifier. The amplifier con- sists of two amplification stages. Common gain control is provided in the first stage of the amplifier. A gain control for the scale markers makes it possible to change the amplitude of the scale markers relative to the video signals. A limit control in the second amplification stage is used to pre- vent defocusing Of the signals on the screen of unit TI-2 when signals of large amplitude appear at the input of unit VS-4.' The output stage of. the unit is a cathode follower. Range and azimuth gating pulses are applied to unit VS-4 to trigger the circuit. If gating pulses are not present, signals do not pass to the input - of the amplifier. (p 321) p 50X1 -HUM 323) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 8 Fig. 131. Unit VS-4. 1 - plug cover; 2 - common gain control; 3 - scale marker gain control; 4 - toggle switch for 10-km markers; 5 - toggle switch for 50- and 100-km markers; 6 - azimuth marker toggle switch; 7 - reserve toggle switch; 8 - illuminating bulb holder; 9 - reserve toggle switch; 10 - toggle switch for vertical channel signals; 11 - toggle switch for slant channel signals; 12 - limit control; 13 - tubes in tube channel; 14 - label on door. 50X1-HUM 23g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ? "scale =dor" . gain e _I_ 2 ?Lr. --4.-output az. gating pulse range gating pulse - channel switching ? pulse I r--"" vertical echo : Lrz slant echo to - 10-km markers: v.jqiJ _ . maa*re._ 69 Maricei ^ , 50X1-HUM Fig. 132. Functional Diagram of Unit VS-4. 1 - input dividers; 2 - wideband amplifier; 3 - output stage; 4 - control tube; 5 - relay .RS-52. 50X1-HUM __Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Description of the schematic diagram of the unit. Figure 133 gives a schematic diagram of.unit VS-4. The circuit of the unit receives the following signals: ,-- signals of the vertical channel; -- signals of the slant channel; -- 10-1m range markers; -- 50- and 100-km markers; -- azimuth markers. All of the above signals pass to the input dividers in the same manner as in unit VS-3.. Refelcted signals from the vertical and slant channels are fed, to relay RS-52 which alternately applies vertical and slant signalstothe grid of the amplifier tube. The relay coil is controlled by the elevation sweep circuit in unit RU-2. The circuitry of unit VS-4 is identical to that of unit VS- 3 with the exception of the input circuits. The circuit contains the follow- ing controls: -- seven single-pole switches for individunlly switching any:of the channels on or off; -- common gain control; . -- scale marker gain control; -- limit control. Design of the unit. Unit VS-4 is built in the form of a self- contained instrument mounted on a standard chassis. The tube channel contains four tubes (one 6Zh4, two 6P9, one 61'i8S) and four test jacks. All controls are on the front panel. The Unit has two plug connectors. Weight of the unit is .6 kg. ? .0 50X1 -HUM (P 325: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 ?".. ? 3 I ui r3' r 1;17 li1;11' I 1.19j-t Schematic 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 CHAPTER SIX AZIMUTH-RANGE INDICATOR MD-1 1. General Information About The Operation of Indicator The azimuth-range indicator IAD-1 (Figure 134) is designed for exact determination of the target coordinates in an arbitrarily chosen sector. The indicator }.ghest resolution, regardless of image focusing. A. sector of the observed space is displayed on the indicator screen. Precise target coordinates are obtained by means of an enlarged sweep scale and by applying 2-1m range markers and 1-degree -azimuth markersto.the indicator. The azimuth-range indicator, like the IKID-1 andlIV-1, is an oscillo- scopic device with horizontal and vertical sweep and an intensitY-modulated signal. The sector selected for scanning is displayed on the screen of the cathode-ray tube. The horizontal sweep isProportional to the azimuth scale, the vertical-- to the range scale. The circuits of the hori- zontal sweep are supplied with voltage from the synchronous.tracking.sys- temwhichtransmitsthe turn angle of the antenna. The range and azimuth sweep voltages act on_the .deflecting system of the cathode-ray tube. The voltages of the. reflected signals and the range and azimuth scale .markers influence the control electrode of the cathode-ray tube in the 'same manner as in IK0-1. The reflected signals appear on the screen in the form of horizontal dashes, the range scale markers appear in the form of horizontal lines which correspond to fixed ranges,and the azimuth scale markers -- in the form of a number of vertical lines corresponding to the fixed angles of turn of the antenna systeM (Figure 135). Technical data. 1. Display of the target is by an intensity spot signal on the screen of the cathode-ray tube. 2. Sweeps are horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (range). 3. The operating mode of the cabinet is. scanning an arbitrarily selected sector covering 200 or 600 in azimuth. 4. The range scales are 30, 50, and ibo km. 5. Delay, of the start of the sweep may be adjusted from 40 to 350 km in steps of 10 km. 50X1 -HUM P 327; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM Fig. 134. Cabinet-IAD-1. 1 - unit BP-300; 2 - unit UPT -1; 3 - unit BP-200; 4 - unit RD; 5 - unit TI-3; 6 - unit ZR-3; 7 - connector panel; 8 - unit RA; 9 - unit VS-3; 10 - unit BP-7; 11 - unit BP-150. 50X1-HUM 240 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Fig. 135. Image of Electrical'Scale Grid on the .Screen of the Azimuth-Range Indicator. a - 100-km range scale, azimuth 600; b 80-km range scale, azimuth 20?. 0 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 50X1-HUM 6. The exact coordinates of targetS' are determined from the posi- tion of the reflected signal marks relative to the range and azimuth electrical. scale marker grid:" 7. Separate or simultaneous observatjon of the following are possible: range scale markers (10,50, 100 km) and azimuth scale markers (50 and 300); 2-km and one-degree scale markers which form the scale marker grid; reflected Signals from the vertical and slant channels. '.3 Make-up of cabinet IAD-1. The azimuth-range indicator is housed in a stanas_rd cabinet and consists of the following units: - - 4011.11M c indicator tube TI-3; sweep delay unit ZR-3; range sweep unit RD; 9 video signal unit VS-3; azimuth sweep unit RA; +300 volt power supply unit BP-300; +200 volt power supply unit BP-200; -150 volt power supply unit BP-150; +7.1 kv power supply unit BP-7. Units TI-3-and UFT-1 are centralized., , In the left compartments are mounted the following units (from top to bottom): ZR-3, RD, BP-200 and BP-300. In the right compartments are units RA, VS-3, BP-7, and BP- 150. A wiring diagram of cabinet IAD-1 is Shown in Figure 136. As can be seen from the diagram, almost all the units in cabinet IAD-awe or general use except units RA and TI-3. Unit RA forms hori- zontal-sweep voltages for the indicator,sndUnit TI-3 serves the same tpurpose as unit TI-2 in cabinet IIV-1. All-the circuits of cabinet IAD-1 are the same as those in IND-1 and UV* 0 The circuits which form the vertical sweep and the video signal circuit are the same as in IRD-1, and the circuits which form the angle sweep and blanking pulses arethe.same as in IIV-1. A description of' the general use units is found in the appropriate chapters. Units ZR-3, RD, and VS-3 are described in chapter three, sections 3, 4, and 5.i All the units in the azimuth-range indicator receive Voltage from units BP-300, BP-200, BP-150, and BP-7. , dt) (p 50X1-HUM 329) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A031600070001-3 4 50X1-HUM ZR-3 31 ?E .06 we, on 24 ? Cr/I ? ailT 0?"--7i:-.511r3 P2 OS 0 9/ If , AO Al AC iiilAtqe4r: ] Cil V 5 5 5 6 7 6 ?, yr/ 1 C II A 1.' o.--.....1, t. _ rico,' r r WI r