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50x1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 INFOrRMATION "REPC)RI? INF-ORMA-i ION REP'Ok CENTRAL INTRLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense-of the United -States within the meaning or me Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited bv lAw 50X1 S-R-r-R-R-T 1 COUNTRY SUBJECT USSR English Translation of Technical Description of Transceiver for Soviet P-30-M (BIG BAR) Radar REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES 020 May 1 1964 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED PFFFPFNCFS INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. 50X1 50X1-HUM APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE50X1-HUM English translation of a Russian-language manual entitled Mobile Acquisition and Guidance Radar, P-30-M, Technical Description, YeA1.231.008 TO-B, Part I, The Transceiver (Podvizhnaya radiolokatsionnaya stantSiya obnaruzheniya I 50X1-HUM navedeniya P-30-M, tekhnicheskoye opisaniye, YeA1.231.008 ---wwwwww,nss TO-B, chast I, priyemno-peredayushchaya apparatura) Distribution of Attachment for Retention: 50X1-HUM Army 3 copies . Army/FSTC 3 copies Navy 1 copy Navy/STIC Air 1 2 copy copies 50X1-HUM Air/FTD 5 copies (1 copy forwarded previously) SAC 1 copy DIA 1 copy NSA 6 copies 50X1-HUM OSI 2 copies 4 3 2 ORR 2 copies SECRET 5 41 3 2 1 automatic and Excluded from downgrading declassification STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA INK NIC IOCR I SAC (Nate: Field distribution indicated by "#".) INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REP' 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 u ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM MOBILE ACQUISITION AND GUIDANCE RADAR P-30-M TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION YeA1.231.008 TO-B Part I: THE TRANSCEIVER (English Translation) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? MOBILE ACCUISE_C., AND Gid-2/NCE RADAR P-30-M TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION YeA1.231.008 TO-B PART I. THE TRANSCEIVER 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 TABLE OF COINE i01.7.%I., DESIGNATIONS dAP 50X1-HUM original document page(s) .7A;1.. --a.r,oaaition of the (missing from document] . Basic Installations of the Station , Their 4 4 Function and 'Principles of Operation 13 CHAPTER TWO. THE. ANTEN1TA? acj5I21.1ENT 25 , 43 1. The Make-Up of the Antenna 25 2. The Vertical Beam Antenna for Centimeter- Wave Channels 25 3. The Slant Beam Antenna for Centimeter-Wave Channels 32 4. The Reflector 30 5. The Reflector Rocking Mechanism 14-1 CHAPTER THREE. HIGH-FRWJENCY CHANNELS - 34 1. High-Frequency Channels of the Centimeter Range CHAPTER FOUR. THE TRANSMITTING PAUL).- 1. General Information on the Tranatzer 2. Schematic Diagram of the Transmitte: 3. Main Components of the Transmitter CHAPTER FIVE.? THE RECEIVING EcJIRM7T. 7L, CENTIMETER-WAVE RECEIVERS (PRS-1) 121 - 231 1. Genera- I-formation 124 2. The Si Channel 129 3. The ._ ?atic Frequency Control (AT, Cnannel 1/-7 4. Con-an Circuits of the Receiver 193 5. Design of the Receiver 222 50X1-HUM _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 I CHAPTER SIX. CONTROL, TESTING AND PROTECTIVE Eq.JIPMNT 50X1-HUM 232 - 302 1. General Information 232 2. Itchnical Inforiaation on the Parts of the System 235 3. Units of the System 270 4. The'ABZ (Emergency Trigger) Unit 279 5. Control, Testing and Protective? Equipment 290 CHAPTER SEVEN. ROTATING CABIN ACCESSORIES 303 - 318 1. The TK-03 Slip-Ring 303 2. High-Frequency Motor-Generator Unit - --VPL-3O 310 3. Ventilation, Heating, and Lighting of the Rotating Cabin 311 4. Signalling and Holding System 315 5. .q;lectrical'and Mechanical Accessories 316 6. :.:xternal Auxiliary Equipment of Cabin 317 CHAPT"T :!]IGHT. TRUCK WITH ROTATING CABIN 319 - 323 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Table of Conventional Designations 50X1-HUM (p2) PPS / _ Centimeter-wave transceiver' cabinet 4 PS Centimeter-wave transmitter TS ? Thyratron unit Of centimeter-wave transmitter VVS - High-voltage receifier of centimeter-wave transmitter PRS-1 ,- Centimeter-wave receiver S1U-1 4 Control cabinet TK-03 Slip ring APS-1 B,V,GID, Centimeter-wave antenna switch Ye,Zh BZ - Trigger unit ABZ - Emergency trigger unit FD-02 - Main :ielsyn unit VPL-30 ? High-frewency unit PDU-1 Remote control panel RL-30-1 - Radio relay. line MK-1 - Elevating mechanism for vertical beam antenna. K? P - Elevating mechanism for slant beam antenna SD1 - Selsyn of horizontal reflector elevating unit. SDP - Selsyn of slant reflector elevating unit SYS 7 Centimeter-wave magnetron coupling element VZh$ - Centimeter-wave rigid waveguide. VPS - Centimeter-wave waveguide coupling VSS ? Waveguide mixer of centimeter-wave signal UVCh-1 ? - Travelling-wave tube microwave amplifier SGS-1 - Flexible centimeter-wave coupling. OV-1 - Vertical reflector radiating element ON-1 &.Slant reflector radiating element RK Distributor box KK-1 KK-2 - Cable junction box KK-3 IK0-1 - Plan position indicator IKO-IN: PPI of command guidance post IAD-1 - Azimuth-range indicator IIV-1 - Height measurement indicator DUS-1 - Station remote control cabinet ZN-Fl - Master voltage cabinet BP-150 - Power supply unit - 150 volts VS-3 - IK0-1 and IAD-1 video signal .unit VS-Il. IIV-1 video signal unit SS-1. - Signal mixer ? ... (p 3) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Table of Conventional Designations for NRZ-1 Ground Radar Interrogator B-10 - Transceiver unit B-11 - Transmitter B-15 - Receiver B-22 - Transceiver power supply unit B-20 - Antenna B-13 - Antenna drive unit B-24 - Phase detector unit B-12 - COntt01 panel B-114 - Distributing and circuit-protecting unit B-16 - Indicator Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Fr-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? UN General View of the P-30-M Radar Station 5 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM $4 O or H H $4 1 0 0 4-3 O +) cu 0 t., b 'd 4-4 0 t 0 4-) O $4 0 1 e..... a) +)O.00 F. +3 0 H HAI c.. 0 cd 0 a .00 ....... 4) to ...-.? c.) N 0 ?ri 0 -s-I (--1 f?? 1.4 A 0 4-o 0 0 4.) 0 .0 ..) a) c0 0 ?4 (..1 .00 44 (0 44 O-r( H 0 H 0 ?44.) 43 4-4 4-I ?4 0 (1 .Cd t 0 $.1 0 .0 0 04.' 4-1 .5 0 C.) 4-4 N 1 +0' H 0 1.4 '0 CC3 TS O 0 H c0 NZ F?4 (0 ?4 Vehicle No 1 cfN b0 C) a) 3-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Function of the Station 50X1-HUM (p 1. 'The P.-30M mobile radar (Figure 1) -SerVSS for 'the detection and identification of aircraft, determination of their coordinates, and the guidance of friendly fighter aircraft toward enemy aircraft. 2. Composition of the Station The P-30M radar unit contains: -- vehicle No 1 (transceiver cabin) -- trailer type KZU-16; ^ vehicle No 2 (indicator vehicle) -- true% ZIL-157; ^ vehicle No 3 (electrical power unit) -- trailer type 2PN-6; -- vehicle No 4 (electrical power unit) -- trailer type 2PN-6; ? vehicle No 5 (prime mover type ATS); -- vehicle No 6 (antenna Stowage) -- trailer type 2PN-4; -- vehicle No 7 (RL-30-1 power supply) -- trailer type 1-AP-1.5; -- apparatus and equipment of the command post which are transported in containers and special boxes. [page 6 - probably text - missing] din MI, 4M1 PPI (IK0-1) cabinet azimuth-range indicator (IAD-1) cabinet; height indicator (IIV-1) cabinet; transmitter cabinet P-11-1 of radio relay line RL-30-l; -- transceiver and indicator cabinet of identification system NRZ-1; MOO identification system unit (B-12); - (p 9) 50X1-HUM ??? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 4. Vehicle No 2 (truck with indicators) (p 10) . Fig 5. Electric Power Unit (trailer) 8 (p 11) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? 50X1 -HUM g 6. Vehicle No 6 (trailer) (p 12) -Fig 7. Prime Mover (type ATS) 9 (I) 14) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM -- 10-line, telephone switchboard; radio ;set type R-109D for communication with ctmmand post; -7 spare parts cabinet; ^ auxiliary.eqgipment (ventilating-heating uni4, lights, ,cable boxes, cable spools with cable,. chairs, btc.):1 ? Electrical power unit (vehicles No 3 and 4). :This syetem includes two electrical power units -- main and reserve. One of the trailers with an electrical power unit is shown in Figure 5. Each trailer contains: -- diesel generator type ESD-50-V/230; distributing board; -- auxiliary equipment (cable boxes, fuel tanks with ,fuel, etc.). Vehicle No 6. Figure 6 shows an external view of vehicle No 6. The trailer has special attachments for storing and securing movable parts. The following components are carried on the trailer platform: [13 13] -- reflectors in a special container; the riged beam of the reflector; -- beam for attachment of horizontal reflector; -- cantilever for attachment of horizontal' reflector; ? high-frevency unit VP1.30 in a special housing; -- boxes with measuring instruments; -- box with theodolite, etc. The body of the, trailer is covered with a tarpaulin. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The prime mover (vehicle No 5). Figure 7 shows an overall view of the prime mover. A jt? is located on the front bumper of the prime mover for the purpose of mounting the antenna system of the station. During transport, the jib is secured to the platform of the trailer. In addition, the trailer. platform is used to carry boxes with the waveguides and the mast of the transmitting antenna of the RL30-1 system.. 4. Basic Installations of the Station, Their Function and Principles of Operation The P-30M station contains the following basic installations: ^ centimeter-wave transceiver; NRZ-1 transceiver; ^ station indicators; ^ radio relay line; -- indicators of the command guidance post; -- electrical power units. Centimeter-Wave Transceivers (p 15) The centimeter-wave transceivers provide for the detection of aircraft and the determination of their coordinates -- slant range, azimuth) and altitude. Transceiver of the Identification System The ground radar interrogator NRZ-1 included in the make-up of the radar unit is designed for operation in a system of radar identification for ascertaining the identity of aircraft equipped with the appropriate identification apparatus. . The principle of operation of the identification system is as follows, An interrogator operates on the principle of automatic radio communication with a special "responder" unit located in the aircraft. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM When an interrogation is sent, the interrogator transmitter generates short high-frequency pulses which are radiated by the antenna in the direction of the interrogated aircraft. The interrogation signals are received by the aircraft Atsponder, and the responder automatically generates and transmits coded response signals at the same frequency. The response signals are coded on the basis of the duration of the pulses and their phase sequence. [page 16 (text) missing] The indicator equipment includes: the plan position indicators, the azimuth-range indicator, the height measurement indicator, the plan position monitoring indicator located in the station's remote control cabinet, and the master-voltage cabinet. The plan position indicator (IK0-1) is used to observe the position of the target in space and then to determine its slant range and azimuth. (1)17) The display on the screen of the indicator (Figure 8) is produced in a polar coordinate system, since the movement of the electron beam along the radius of the screen (from the center to the edge) corresponds to range scanning,and the rotation of this line corresponds to azimuth As a result, an undistorted plan of the position of the target reproduced on the screen of the indicator. The azimuth range indicator (IAD-1) makes it possible to observe any sector of the zone of operation of the station on an enlarged scale and to more accurately determine the range and azimuth of the target. The display on the screen of this indicator (Figure 9) is produced in a rectangular coordinate system. Azimuth scanning is carried out on the horizontal axis and range scanning on the vertical. This display on the screen corresponds to the true position of the target in the chosen sector of space and is. used in guidance operations for closing aircraft. The height measurement indicator (IW-1) serves for determining (p 20) the altitude of targets. Two markers from each target (corresponding to the horizontal and vertical channels of the station) are produced on the screen of this indicator (Figure 10). The altitude of the target is read from a scale projected on the screen of a cathode-ray tube by a special optical device. 50X1-HUM -12- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM oircu]ar.soan; mods.; ? !Jig 8. Image on Screen of Plan Positi t. ? }urine scan mode. (20.*._delair . _ I . [spdt-iir_sCin_ on Indicator (p 18) -a.' circular scan.."mode b. ring scan mode (20-km delay) c. sector scan mode ? /11111111lb. t11iimissimumm^ IHIIIIIIIIIIMIIOIIII 11111111111111111111111111 IIMI111111111111111111 UMW NUM 1111111111111111111111111I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 ilinmilimull /00 30 -to (350). ? J:ig 9. Image on Scrpeoll _of TAD-1....Azimuthmaange_Indicator (p 19) a. 100-kilometer range scale ? b. 30-kilometer range scale 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 z..71 4.. 1 ? , a `-- Fig 10. Image On the Screen of the XIV (Height- Measurement) Indicator a. 20-degree angle scale b. .40-degree angle scale p 21) ? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM p. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM . _ IAD-1_ -vehicle No. 21 ? _ _ ? ....111miommoosAmome ji-Shch-3 Fig U. Block Diagram of the Indicator Equipment ( p 22) 50X1 -HUM - 15 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The plan position indicator monitor is identical to the main PPI and is used to evaluate the overall aerial situation and for remote control pi' the operation of all equipment in the station. This indicate& operates in conjunction with the remote control panel of the transceiver apparatus. . The master voltage cabinet includes equipment for the generation of trigger palses and range markers and voltages for the Synchronous . ? traCking system. Also located in the master voltage cabinet in vehicle No 2 is apparatus for protecting the video signals against nonsynChronous .pulse noises. / ? A block diagram of the indicator equipment is given in Figure 11. The Radio Relay Line The display of the air situation observed on the PPI scope of the station is transmitted to indicators at the command guidance post by means of a radio relay line (RL-30-1). The transmitter for the line is located in the indicator vehicle (p 23) of the station. The radio relay line receiver is located at the command guidance post at a distance of not more than 15 km from the station. Electrical Power Supply Equipment Power for the station may be taken from a 220-volt, 50-cps three- phase industrial line with a power consumption on the order of 33 kva, or the station may be supplied from its awn electrical power units.' ? Two electrical power units -- the main and the reserve -- are included in the components of the P-30M station. ? Each unit can provide' 8-hour continuous operation of the station. The station need not be shut down when changing from an. industrial power source to operation from its own power source or when changing from the main electrical power unit to the reserve. The station transmitters are supplied with a high-frequency voltage at 400 cps. A frequency converter (type VPL-30) is used for this purpose. The receiver of the radio relay line and the indicators of the command guidance post are supplied from a separate type AD-5 unit. An over-all block diagram of the station is given in Figure 12. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 1 SD-I Im-3 ; 50X1-HUM VEHICLE NO. 1 PPS4r OK-1 ShU-1 7 1K-03 V-02 OK-2 FD-02 KK-1 KK-2 4 PPS-IC MIS -1 [RShch-4 P-11-1 W Cal ZN -Ft IAD-1 1.1VVEHICLE 2? - VEHICLE 3 AD/50 Distr. T/230 Eqhp. VEHICLE VEHICLE 6 ? 1? VPP-30 VEHICLE 5 ATS g. 12 Oenra1.B1octic-Diag. ram :of. ?he Station ? ? - (I) 24), -50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 CHAPTER II 'THE ANTENNA EWIPMENT 1. The Make-Up of the Antenna The antenna equipment consists of: 50X1 -HUM (P 25) -- two antennas for centimeter-wave channels: one vertical beam antenna and one slant beam antenna., Figure 3 shows the positions of the antenna equipment on the trans- ceiver cabin. ?.The vertical beam antennas use horizontal reflector 1. The radiator unit 2 consists of a bank of radiating elements. The slant beam antennas use slant reflector element 3 with radia- .ting element unit 4. The radiating elements of the horizontal and slant reflectors are shown in Figures 13 and 14. 2. The Vertical Beam Antenna for Centimeter-Wave Channels The vertical beam antenna for centimeter wave channels consists of one horizontal reflecting element and a unit of the radiating elements (Figure 15). The initial position of the reflector is with its optical axis at an angle of plus 140201 to the horizontal. Figure 16 shows an over-all view of the directivity pattern of the antenna in the vertical plane with the radiator in the initial position. Each of the radiating elements is connected to a separate tran- sceiver (channels one, two and three). .The horn antenna of the second channel is positioned on the optical axis of the reflector, since the maximum directivity pattern of this channel coincides with the direction of the optical. axis of the reflector. The horn radiator of the first channel is positioned above the radiator of the second channel and, in keeping with its -18- p 30) 50X1 -HUM, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A03150027000i-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 13. Radiating Elemants of the Horizontal Reflector (p 26) Fig 14. Radiating Elerente of the Slant Reflector (p 27) -Fig 15. Radiating Elements of the Vertical-Beam Antenna (without protective cover and lock) - 19 - ^A. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Arm vritew li? vie 'CON 1111111111Wit 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111,11144111111141,4144;;;11 :4.611111:11:11511111::::11;11 1110111,4141,4114121411.111414140.4444111 gi11111111 mmoir ll al11114,21g011 dill:441444P 444111 -111111115ftifitegiltill601111411414111141' Ws: 671111111M11111111111101241111111?411111111144111"t111 Allitgglinilligiii:101101111111111411111111111114 m11111Tieligire04444041000W-4114610411410. 4414 -1111,WAIMMOUP1144N1411111014111041140 Z:11:-IMMINFA/4451/0PONNOVOISOLOtiligilbalt ? lpfaign5tMOV01411:10Ptig"411111441 ,ID mmour Mr4/122.1pOofiqq0411%*tialblitilli"itielt41121 *""IIIMPOW 4404$0!4(404.01' 0462111111;10 IlfrantIOPlivAP01-01M10.1.4149114011-.10!!fion libin025m040100.101u0:114601401gtiolgiallgi SawF oe- if 440p,040:0=1;A:gehilnig:2 : . gatiVallia00211?16 IF /F/4.1%0."'?Aillogirriteng12ballaUggatinkingeloit . . S. ree as. 11147 tO0 ? 41,0 sat as fee ? Ndius-arearth 6400 lonl slant -razie 6 ktul -Pig 16. Directivity Pattern of the Vertical-Beam Antenna in the Vertical Plane 50*1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 - ? _d._ -Fig 17. Types of Dipoles a. large cap-type dipole b, c. small cap-type dipoles d. ball-type dipole 50X1-HUM (p 31) fig 18. Radiators of the Slant-Beam Antenna (without protective housing and lock) - 21 - (p 33) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM maxium directivity pattern, slants toward the optical axis of the reflector by an.angle of minus two degrees. Below the second channel' radiator is the third channel nine-dipole radiator, which forms an iso-altitudinal 'directivity pattern, the maximum of which is at an angle of(plus 6.5 degrees to the horizontal. The horns are designed so that nearly all of their radiated energy will fall on the surface of the reflector. This is accomplished by an appropriate choice of the flare angle of the horns and by special cylindrical divergent lenses installed in front of each of the horns. The horns are matched to the feeder waveguides (waveguide must operate in a traveling-wave mode) by means of diaphragms inside the horns. The dimensions and positioning of the diaphragms are determined during factory adjustment of the radiating unit. The reflector of the third channel consists of half-wave dipoles of various types (Figure 17) installed on the wide wall of the feeder waveguide. Each dipole is fed by a short segment of a coaxial line, (p the inside conductor of which is terminated in a stub which extends into the cavity of the waveguide. The distance that the coupling stub extends down into the waveguide determines what part of the power fed to the third channel radiator is diverted to the other dipole. The distribution of power to the dipoles is selected so as to provide an iso-altitudinal directivity pattern for the third channel. Most of the power is fed to the dipole closest to' the fOcus of the reflector; - for this reason the diameter of the coaxial line where the dipole is connected is larger than that of the other dipoles (Figure 15a). The coupling element of this apole is made-in the form of a cap. The coupling stubs of the second, third and.fourth dipoles are rods'with spheres at the end (Figure 17 g); the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth dipoles have cap-type coupling elements (Figure 17 b, v).- The radiator of the third channel is matched by placing the shorted (grounded) wall of the waveguide above the first dipole. All the radiators in the unit are covered with a protective penoplast housing. 3. The Slant Beam Antenna for Centimeter-Wave Channels The slant beam antenna for centimeter-wave channels consists of one slant reflector and a unit of three radiators (Figure 18). Al]. the radiators are enclosed in a protective housing of peno,. plast. -22- 32) "10 (P36) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? 50X1 -HUM ,For wAV q.0:4 00000 ,j,x0,000 J*010 Zux 11.1 c j?01)0 nerV LAM 1) ISM 4) .4 m.. 0004 *000 2000 s?Irtrw or or m. 5. r 7' rte. 5. ..jo ilimilligliTilm,i 4141,411 ill 411111111 1111111 'III 11111114114441iiiiiitillii14041111111/Ill I/111 IP ' F 11111/1/11111191/111111/111111111/1111 10,4 1/911111;1111111111111/4414611111111111011/11 40 p'p Ap. ..ii ..ilik .1 111111114,444iiii44,411441/4141PW 444404140410AI 1?30? 11111111111111111141141114111111111111111111111111111111 I. 4 ItIP. '4 .4W .44110 4411 1141 1161,- 11111,441,4141PW.411111111-'411 Aleilltrq 11111M111111:04162111111111111111111111141111111111 31140?141:1Wd2ir 0141116;0141h1144111P1441144p)0 IIIIWYWIteng04:1141011411414141111? 11"411?14 IllftnititlIONI/1/1441111114111410:11411111114111 111/166,414.4g0110.41 14010141b0-4111401wition IllfigelniklthIP141411101.41111111441111'021 ... lin,O1Poptei0:4410,46461194411:04tilizszploit 1,1011:1111111111111ftil!P:::". Parl" ? 1 20tgk4:;!.11;5!g=viEsr=:--- ? rstralpefi------ I, -0 ' 1100104'400D:otaitS21416:0.05:%40- 1114111:11:""" 5.30' 3. l? 070* 0?IO' -- ?Fig 19. (0 100 00 ZOO 13: 300 ar Garth 61400 km sso .000 ISO 000 550 slant range 6 km 0?10. 000 Directivity Pattern of the Slant-Beam Antenna in the' Vertical Plane kA,V. (r) 35) Fig 20. The Reflector ... 23 r 1.11 (7, .1,71 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 4. The Reflector The antenna system has two reflectors (Figure 3, positions 1 and 3), each of 4hich (Figure 20) is a truncated paraboloid of revolution. 50X1 -HUM The reflector dimensions are 9.7 x 3 meters; the focal distance is 2.5 meters. Both reflectors are similar in design, with ridged frame re- inforcement. The ridged frame is a riveted box-type design of duralu- minum sheets and is made up of three parts: the center part has a ' continuous rectangular cross section, and the peripheral sections have a variable rectangular cross section. In order to increase the strength and rigidity of the frame construc- tion, transverse septa are riveted along its entire length. Circular holes are cut into both sides of the frame in order to reduce the weight and wind loads. On the frame of the reflector are eleven grating sections, which are: attached to the frame by means of clips. The ends of the grating sections are attached to the frame by tubular struts. A grating section consists of a section, or structural panel, of stressed aluminum screening with a 10 x 10-mm mesh. When installed, the actions make up the working surface of the reflector. Figures 21 and 22 show the method of fixing the reflector to the cabin. The horizontal reflector is attached to the horizontal frame on,, the front of the cabin by means of two swivel joints, which are two of the support points for the reflector. The third support point is connected to the rocking mechanism. The reflector unit is attached by means of a bracket. P 38) The horizontal frame is fastened to two supporting plates attached to the wall of the cabin. On one plate, the frame is attached to a ,pinp and on the other plate, the frame is attached by spring bolts. The adjustment of the reflector in the horizontal position is done by rotating the frame on the pin by means of adjusting bolts. After the adjustment, the spring bolts are stressed. One of the swivel joints of the frame on which the reflector is suspended has a special screw mechanism which moves the reflector in the horizontal plane in order to set the reflector at an angle ?50X1-HUM 10 degrees with respect to the slant reflector. ?24? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 21. Attachment of the Slant Reflector to the Cabin 1. cabin 2. special bracket (left) 3. special bracket (right) 4. slant reflector 5. rocking bracket - 25 - ( p 39) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? 1-????????? ??-?t ? ? Fig 22. Attachment of the Horizontal Reflector to the Cabin 1. ? cabin 2. horizontal reflector 3e rocking mechanism ? ? 26 ?' - 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM ? The slant reflector is attached to a ,trihedral girder unit attached. to the roof of the cabin. On te lower edge of the reflector are two chocks with lugs that fit into the brackets of the girder Wait and attach to it by means.of pins. At the three support points on the back of the reflector are-the (p 41) connections of the frame of the rocking mechanism, the rear end of which is connected to the rod of the rocking mechanism. 5 The Reflector Rocking Mechanism The rocking mechanism changes the angle of inclination of the . reflector and correspondingly changes the directivity pattern in the vertical plane: from -20 to +80 for the horizontal reflector, and from -2? to +80 for the slant reflector, both in relation to the original positions. ..Remarks: To guarantee the adjustment of the reflectors, the following ranges of adjustment are possible with the rocking mechanisms:. -1- 8? (+0.3?) to -. 7? (+0.30) for the slant reflector.: - in the vertical plane; and 8o 0-0.30) to 50 (to...so% ) for the horizontal reflector in the vertical plane. The rocking mechanism for the horizontal reflector is attached ' (p 42) at one end to the strut of the horizontal frame, and at the other end to the three-point reflector attachment. The rocking mechanism of the slant reflector is attached at one end to the bracket..)on the cover of the cabin, and at the other end to the rear end of the frame of the rocking mechanism of the slant reflector. The rocking mechanism (Figure 23) consists of an electric motor I attached to reduction-gear housing 2 by.a flange. Inside the reduction- gear housing is the worm gear and its worm wheel. The worm wheel is Connected to the nut of the drive screw. On the drive screw are two collars which disconnect the drive-screw nut from the worm wheel; thereby disengaging the mechanism, when-the screw moves to the end position. The final position of the mechanism is set during factory adjustment by shifting the collars. On the housing of the rocking mechanism and on the drive screw are swivel joints 3 and 4, which attach the rocking mechanism to the cabin and to the reflector. -27- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1 -HUM ? -"se ?' ' ,.. - -Fig 23. The Rocking Mechanism (I) 43) 1. electric motor 2. reduction-gear housing 314. swivels for attaching the mechanism 5. dial 50X1-HUM - 28 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 "??? 50X1-HUM The rcductIon gear has a device which is used to shut off the motor and to.adjust the rocking mechanism manually with a wrench. Dial 5, which indicates the angle setting of the reflector when it. is adjusted manually, is attached to the drive screw. 50X1 -HUM ?29- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 CHAPTER THREE (p 44) HIGH-FREWENCY CHANNELS 1. High-Frequency Channels of the Centimeter Range Block Diagram of the Channel The station has six high-frequency channels all similar in construc- tion. The block diagram of one of the high-frequency channels is shown on Figure 24. The following basic components comprise the centimeter-wave channel: - magnetron coupling element SNS rigid waveguide VZhs - antenna switch APS-1 with a mixer of the AFC channel - waveguide coupling VPS for coupling of the antenna switch with the high-frequency amplifier incorporating a traveling-wave tube - flexible coupling SGS-1 - waveguide channel terminating in a radiator. Magnetron Coupling Element The magnetron coupling element SNS (Figure 25) serves as a non- reflecting coupling between the magnetron coaxial output and the wave- guide. Two types of magnetrons with different outputs of high-frequency energy are used in the centimeter-wave transmitters. In conjunction with this, two types of magnetron coupling elements are used. (P 47) The first type of magnetron coupling element is in the form of a T-shape coupling between the coaxial line and the waveguide. It consists. of a waveguide section 1 having a 38 x 88.5 mm cross section which gradually changes to a section 34 x 72 mm. The latter waveguide section is rigidly connected through an opening in its wide wall to a cylindrical brass section (':bushing 2) which serves as an external conduit to the coaxial transmission line. This section is connected with the aid of lock nut 3 to the external. conductor of the coaxial output of the magnetron. - 30 - 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 to receiver to AFC amplifier 50X1 -HUM -Fig 24. Block Diagram of One of the Centimeter-Range Channels of the High-Frequency System (P 45) 1. reflector 2. radiating element 3. waveguide channel with SGS 4. antenna switch 5. rigid waveguide . 6. magnetron coupling element 7. magnetron 8, waveguide coupling 50X1 -HUM - 31 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? fig 25. Magnetron Coupling Element SKS 1. rectangular waveguide 2. bushing 3. lock nut 4. quarter-wave cavity - 32 - 50X1-HUM (p 46) 5. exciter 6. tip 7. flange 8. throw lock 9. air pipe 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM A reliable contact at the junction is formed by a quarter-wave shorted cavity 4. A cylindrical stub with exciter 5 is connected to the middyl.e part of the side wall of the waveguide. The stub axis coincides with the axis of the external conductor of the coaxial cable. The ex- citer has a hole for connection with the internal conductor of the co- ? axial cable. The internal conductor of the coaxial cable is in a form of a split brass cylinder (tip 6) which is connected at one end with the exciter and at the other end with the extension of the magnetron loop. The coupling loop extension forms the internal conductor of the magnetron. coaxial outlet. The waveguide iart of the magnetron coupling element has, at the (10. 48) smaller cross section,. flange 7 for connection to rigid waveguide VZhS with the aid of throw locks 8; on the other side it is closed. The high- frequency energy is transmitted from the magnetron through the coaxial cable to the exciter, which, in turn, excites 6 type H01 wave in the waveguide. The horizontal part of the T-shape coupling, on which the exciter is , mounted, can be looked upon as an inner conductor of a short-circuited, coaxial cable connected to the end of an exciter. The waveguide wall.'4. serves in this case as an outer conductor. The dimensions of the magnetron/ coupling-element components and their mutual positions are selected in such a manner, that within the range of the centimeter waves used; the transfer of energy from the magnetron to the waveguide takes place without appreciable reflection. On the narrow side walls of the SNE element are four slots for the exit of hot air. Air if forced by a blower through tube 9 to cool the magnetron outlet. /. The second type of the magnetron coupling element SNS-B (Figure 26) consists of a 3x 72 mm waveguide chamber 1, which is closed at one end. At the coupling of unit SNS-B with the magnetronia coaxial line is formed in which the inside surface of bushing 2 serves as the outer - conductor, and the magnetron stub 3 serves as the inner conductor. For better matching5the inside surface of the bushing is tapered. (P 50) The waveguide is thus excited by a dipole which is a continuation of the stub. To ensure dielectric strength at the coupling, the magnetron stub is enclosed in an evacuated glass envelope 4. A blower supplies air through tube 5 for cooling the magnetron outlet and the glass envelope; this air escapes through the Iouvvs cut in the side walls of the chamber. ? 50X1-HUM ?33? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? Fig 26. Magnetron Coupling Element SMS-B 1. waveguide chamber, 2. bushing 3. magnetron stub 4. glass envelope 5. air pipe 6. louvers ? - 34 - (p?49) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Fig 27. Rigid Naveguide (p 51) 50X1 -HUM -Fig 28. General View of the ? Antenna Switch (p 53) 1. rectangular waveguide 2. directional coupler 3. flange for connection of the rectangular discharge gap 4. ATR-chamber with round discharge gap 5. AFC mixer 6. connection for measurements - 35 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The shape of the flange and its connection to the next element of the channel is similar to that of the first type S. The magnetron coupling element is located in the transmitter unit cabinet PS, is rigidly connected to the magnetron bracket, and seryes to support the magnetron. Rigid Waveguide ? The rigid waveguide VZhS connects (Figure 27) element SMS to the antenna switch. / It is in the form of a section of rectangular rigid waveguide. ' Flanges, soldered to both ends of the rigid waveguide, connect to element SNS and the antenna switch. A choke flange is used to connect element SMS, and a plain flange is used to conneCt the antenna switch. Antenna Switch (p .52) During the transmission period the antenna switch ensures conduction. of high-frequencY energy from the magnetron to the antenna, and protects the receiver from overvoltage. During the reception period it ensures conduction of high-frequency energy from 'antenna to receiver without excessive losses. The antenna switch consists of a section of rectangular waveguide on which are mounted two gas-welded discharge gaps, a directional coupler and AFC channel mixer (description of the latter is given in chapter VII). A general view of the antenna switch is shown in Figure 28, and the block diagram in Figure 29. ? The lower discharge gap type RR-7 (Figure 30) is placed in a cavity resonator which is coupled with the waveguide by a slot in the narrow wall. The resonator with the discharge gap is called the anti-transmit- receive switch (ATR). At a distance of 1/2;L from the ATR-switch ( .1 is the wavelength) on the wide wall of the rectangular waveguide is mounted a rectangular discharge gap (Figure 30). When the channel is assembled, the gap is mounted between the antenna switch and the flange of the waveguide coupling. A branch consisting of a half-wave section and a rectangular distharge gap is called the TR switch. ? 50X1 -HUM -36- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 1:. 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? to antenna 01417lehlNe r------ to TW-tube amplifier 2 4111 A------= to AFC channel to magnetron 50X1-HUM Fig 29. Block Diagram of the Antenna Switch (p 54) 1. ATR switch 2. TR switch 3. AFC mixer 4. directional coupler Fig 30. Gas Dischargers (p 54) a. RR-7 discharger b. rectangular discharger -37- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The 'rectangular discharge gap serves as a preliminary protection. (p 55) The ,discharger RR-7 consists of a glass envelope filled with argon. In the envelope are placed two brass diaphragms on which are mounted hollow tapering stubs with a small gap between them; this gap can be regulated by a screw placed in the end wall of the discharger. When placed in the chamber, the discharger forms a toroidal resonator, the resonance frequency of which is controlled by the magnitude of the gap between the tapering stubs. . The preliminary:-protection discharger consists of. a quarter-wave waveguide section. The ends of the section are closed by diaphragms in form of metal sheets with rectangular openings. The glass envelope is filled with argon and an admixture of water vapors; the envelope has a rectangular shape and is placed inside the waveguide section. The intensity of the' electric field close to the diaphragm is greater than in the adjacent waveguide, which facilitates the firing of the discharger gap. Since the resonance response of the diaphragm is highly selective, the size of discharger gap varies' for different wave lengths. For this. . reason four types of discharger are used; RR-20 for the APS-1-V, RR-2: for the APS-1V and APS-1-G, RR-3 for the APS-1-1) and RR-4 for the APS-1--Zh,, and APS-1-Ye. Equivalent Circuit of the '14,btenna Switch (1356) At low power in the waveguide, the voltage across the gap of discharger RR-7 is low, therefore the gap is not fired and its cavity, circuit is equivalent to a tuned circuit with relatively high Q-factor.: When energy from the magnetron travels along the waveguide, the voltage at the spark-gap of the discharger rises, the spark gap is broken and the cavity circuit of the resonator becomes equivalent to a highly detuned circuit. Since the Q-factor of the circuit is high, the equi- valent impedance of the broken and unbroken spark gap differ-from each other considerably. The latter property makes the discharger capable of switching on for either receiption or transmission. 1 On the equivalent diagram of the antenna switch (Figure 31) the waveguide is replaced by a two-wire line. The branch from the narrow wall of the waveguide is shown as a section of the line connected in, parallel to the main line. The branch from the wide wall of the wave- guide is shown as a section of line connected to the main line. Such a stbstitution is permissible only under the assumption that oscillations of only one type exist in the waveguide. In the waveguide the energy propagates in the Wave mode Hol. 50X1 -HUM - 38 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 31. Equivalent Circuit of the Antenna Switch (P 57) 1. equivalent circuit pf the ATR-switch 2. TR-switch 50X1-HUM ? - 39 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The ATR gap, represented in the form of equivalent circuit 1, is connect in parallel with the line. . The/discharger TR-2 is inserted into the line and is shown as two spark gaps spaced at a distance of 1/4 A. (p 58) Operation of the Circuit During Reception: The ATR switch is coupled to the waveguide through a slot in the narrow wall. The ATR switch is positioned so that it corresponds to a resonance cavity equivalent to a two-wire line through a quarter-wave branch. At points a-a the input impedance is very high when the gap is not broken. This impedance is converted through the quarter-wave branch-into a very low impedance. Therefore, the closed ATR-switch shorts the equivalent two-wire line. Since the ATR switch is located at a distance of 1/2X from the TR switch, the high-frequency energy from the antenna is not admitted to the magnetron (the input impedance of the half-wave line, shorted at the end, is equal to 0). The TR-switch is coupled to the waveguide through:an opening in the wide wall. The coupling is selected in such a manner that the input impedance of the TR-switch is matched to the waveguide, so that the energy of the reflected signals enters the receiver channel without lops. Operation of the Circuit During Transmission: During the transmitting i3ritid the spark; gaps of the ATR and TR switches are broken. The ATR- switch circuit becomes detuned, its input impedance becomes very small, and through the quarter-wave loop it is converted into a very large impedance in parallel with the main line. Therefore, the high-frequency energy is freely transferred from the magnetron to the antenna without any reflection from the ATR-switch. At high voltage in the main channel, the gas inside discharger 2 (TR-switch) becomes ionized and an electrodeless breakdown occurs at the imput window of the discharger. Directional Coupler The directional coupler serves as a connecting element during any changes of wavelength and magnetron spectrum, as well as any changes in receiver power and sensitivity. (p 59) 50X1 -HUM . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The direetional coupler consists of a short section of waveguide coupled throtip a special opening with the wide wall 4 the main wave- guide. It ismounted at a certain angle to the wide *all of the wave- guide, aid is,terminated at one end in an absorber an at the other end in a matched output for a standard 50-ohm connector. The absorber forms a traveling wave inside the directional coupler. In the antenna switches type APS-Zh and APS-Ye, the directional coupler is mounted perpendicular to wide wall of the waveguide. Flexible Coupling The station has provisions for changing the angle of inclination of each of the reflectors in the antenna array., Since the waveguide is rigidly fixed on both ends, there.should be .(P 60) some means of changing the angle of inclination of one part of the wave- guide .with respect to the Other. For this purpose the waveguide channel is provided with a flexible i,-- . coupling AGA-1 (Figure 32). It consists of a corrugated waveguide section. The size and spacing of the corrugations are selected in such a manner that they will not affect the performance of the high-frequency channel. To provide mechanical strength and to restrict the corrugations from excessive stretching, the flexible coupling has a hinged joint. The position of the flexible coupling is selected in such a manner that the axis of rotation of the movable flange (located closer to the antenna) coincides with the axis of rotation of the-reflector.:---- Waveguide Line The standard waveguide sections type RZL-72 x 34, in the form of rectangular copper tube with inner cross section of 72x 34 mm, are used for the transmission of high-frequency energy. Under normal atmospheric conditions, the waveguide is capable of conducting about 2 megawatts of power without breakdown. The efficiency of power transmission in the waveguide is about 95 percent. ? ?41? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 111 at. - Fig 32. Flexible Coupling SGS-]. (p 61) 1. rubber casing 2. corrugated waveguide 3. corner - 42 - Fig 33. -choke flange (P 64) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM The internal walls of the waveguide are coated with a special lacqger to prevent corrosion. Since it is inconvenient to transport long waveguides, they are made. (p 02) in individual sections which are connected during the assembly of the f radar station. In order to prevent excessive power loss through imperfect contact at the junction of the individual sections,the section ends are provided with special choke flanges. (Figure 33). In the choke flange is cut an annular groove 1/4X deep. The distance from the groove to the wide wall of the waveguide is also 1/4 A. Part of the flange within the groove and waveguide is somewhat depressed with respect to the peripheral part. Therefore, at the junction with a plane flange, the two parts form, together with the annular groove, a cavity evivalent to the waveguide line terminated at one end, thus the region of direct contact falls in those parts of the line which have the lowest currents (current nodes). Therefore, imperfection of the junction does not create excessive power loss. Imperfection of the flanges often leads to sparking. This phenomenon can be eliminated by placing metal inserts into the flange groove near the narrow wall of the waveguide. This eliminates the possibility of the formation of fields which (p 63) might lead eventually to sparking at the flanges. At the choke-flange junctions the uniformity changes but slightly and therefore does not produce any appreciable reflection. . The choke-flange cavity'is filled with foam plastic in order to prevent moisture accumulation. For drainage of moisture from the waveguides, holes are made in the lowest parts of the waveguide channel.. 50X1 -HUM ?43- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 I. The radar transmitting equipment is intended for generating short- duration, centimeter-range electromagnetic pulses which are radiated into space from the radar antenna. ' CHAPTER FOUR THE TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT 50X1 -HUM (p 65) ? The radar equipment includes six centimeter-wave transmitters PS each for a different frequency band, and a ground interrogator NRZ-1. A schematic showing the interaction of the transmitter with other units of the radar is given as Figure 34. The transmitters 7 - 12 are interconnected with the following units: - antenna switchesl - 6 - receiving equipment - triggering unit BZ (16) - control cabinet ShU (14) and remote control panel PDU-1 (18) - electric station (20) and high-frequency unit VPL-30 (19) through the distributing box RK (15). The transmitters are triggered by pulses generated in the BZ unit. From vehicle No 2 the trigger-pulse voltage is admitted to vehicle No in 1, to the control cabinet ShU-1 (14) and then to the transmitters PS (7-12). The trigger-pulse circuit terminates in the unit PS No 4 (11), therefore the circuit of this transmitter is provided with an equivalent load for the cable which conducts the indicated pulses. The trigger pulse is fed from unit BZ to NRZ-1. If vehicle No 1 is not connected to vehicle No 2, or the unit BZ in vehicle Nb 2 is disconnected, then the transmitters can be triggered by the emergency triggering unit located in control cabinet ShU-1. Al]. the centimeter-wave transmitters are connected to the unit ShU-1 through the control, testing and protection circuits. All local controls of these transmitters are on the front panel of the unit ShU-1 and on transmitter control panels. Remote control of the trszsmitters is carried out from the remote- control panel PDU-1 (18) located in the cabinet DUS-1 (18) on vehicle Nb 2. A The 3-phase, 220-v, 50-cps and the 3-phase, 200-v, 400-cps power supply to the transmitters are fed to the terminal block of the trans- miters framthe distributing box RK. 44 p67) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM To vertical-beam antenna To slant-beam antenna .- K OrirrieHHE, HOKPONH010 A OHMEWHO ? 4 "' 8EIPM4.163110H020 Ntia r - 14" ? I 1 1 ,?? ? _. All to receiver K npuemionv KIVUEIIHOIN K npuertmotyy vcmpoticmly wmpoCicri ycmparcrgy [717 ? APS --1 k-noutt;fivoti ii npueilivnv- K ;'') p:1"' . 1 VcrriP0,6crgY VcmPeOctrIV tycrneal . crnFy --I Anc _I .1. 4' 1 I'II 11 urnamA ? Li II genu Supply lines i:j_11 r. .... ? L.-_-. - - ? ri -0_ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 Trier circuits. _ Control Circuilil ynpa5/7eNct.s1 I : I -,:-? 1 Lit?-rniint,C .3an4tara 1 ri ' ShII:"?11 1 17 . Li? I -71; 111 II "'nu 1.',.... ' F_?_?_?_--4A5-3 1119-11... _ ? ,?_,_ ___ -if*. ___I 220 v, 50cPp..J 208 50ru, : . I ".- /1' L_ \ ___1? 45 441 Control. circ,: 1, i - ? 1 ... - - --I ''. i. : ..: , H .- . . - f uenty ynpaloneNup gu, 4. ? - ? ..:. ? !.? KOHMPOIIR' u .cUettlaina. .C2i cz, 200V ,4000P13 ,i' ' .L.:___11....jvje. ipi.t?_i?12.111gsinArgloisnalizat, 1"34 - --.- _____ _j ? :I . I _ ?? 7:- Vehicle -No-1? --..? ? ? 71 'I-7.220v Ocps - ?7.1 ..- " -*?! B-22 _ .13....15 J.. ' ill Elect ,r- 1- 4,- 63 , : 5- 221 615 I:: nXIM.-i LI Linn- i 22 8 stati, , ....1 i ? 1% I F-77- 5 , i .2 _. -_--1-718:11::**ALEI:' vrfs?u: ai4;09:..._,ILIQ-' 7. :1'?a?-__-2-3-_ 1(3.1H.1.,-.:?..'1. .. -1 ?Vehicie6, -Vehicle .3 (1).,, ;-:13-!"#7.:167 it I -. ,? _ .. ? ? - ._ ..M_ BILLIA.dfald ' . , i i -?? ' , . ? etiHrEHNE ' \-74-le h-2-9" Le---- 7-11 p*---.2. - --.--(-? - - ? , -___ . .. To antenna Fig. 34 Diagram Showing Interaction if the Transmitter with Other Units Of the Radar Station... .(p 1,,t_i-, Xl-HUM - 45 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 .;_wn I -11 IVI All the connections of the transmitters with other units of vehicle No I are made with type BPShE and PK-49 cable. Centimeter4ave Transmitter (Ps). 1. General Information -on the Transmitter. Each of the transmitters has the following Characteristics: Pulse power fed to the load Wave length of the generated oscillations High-frequency pulse duration Power consumption from the 50-cps power network Power consumption fram the 400-cps power network 850-900 kws fixed about 2.7 microsec. about 400 va about 3 kva. Each transmitter incorporates a magnetron type NI-29 operating at a specific frequency subband. Functional Diagram of the Transmitter The functional diagram of the transmitter is shown in Figure 35. The transmitter consists of the following units: High-voltage rectifier 1 which generates 7-8 kv dc voltage of posi- tive polarity. The rectifier draws power from a 3-phase, 200-v, 400-cps network. Charging Choke 2. The use of an inductive charge-storage circuit in the transmitters permits to bbtain approximately a doubled voltage of the power source (high-voltage rectifier). Zatrimiltarim_psylst - Artificial Long Line 3, serves to shape the voltage modulating pulses in an approximately trapezoidal form. A, pulsed thyratron acts as switching element 7. At the instant the trigger pulse is admitted to the thyratron grid, it discharges the long artificial line through the load. Trigger-pulse amplifier 6 generates pulses which are admitted to the control grid of the thyratron in order to fire it. Pulse transformer 4 matches the dc-current resistance of the magnetj,on-With the characteristic impedance of the long artificial line, and increases the voltage of the modulating pulses. Magnetron oscillator 5. consists of a pulse magnetron and a system of permanent magnets. The magnetron acts as A source of high-frequency oscillations which are radiated into space. - 46 - p 68) (P70) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? . 3-phase 220,sir, 400-Cion ? ? 41 e3 o4:i. ek-- . ... ? ' 8. -I . % --'''' k ^. ....a.......meir. 1 ' ......!.........01 ..............moi??? ,..!.... w???????11.?????????? ; a t "t, "4"/"` . 1 1 -;,tanyed ro , - , Trigger ' - ?pulse ? i 50X1-HUM 5 ? to ic oHinetim ?antenna -Fig 35. Functional Diagram of the Transmitter PS 1. high-voltage rectifier 2. charging choke 3. artificial long line 4. pulse transformer 5. magnetron 6. trigger pulse amplifier 7. switching element 8. protection-diode 9. compensating circuit ? -47- p. - (p 69) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM The compensating circuit smoothes leading edge peaks formed at the, beginning of the magnetron oscillations. , ? Protictive diode 8 (circuit) protects the transmitter components from overvoltage during recharging of the artificial long line due to sparking or breakdowns in the magnetron. 2. Schematic Diagram of the Transmitter The schematic diagram of the transmitter is shown In Figure 36. The power supply' to the transmitter is drawn from a 3-phase, 220-v, 50-cps power network of the radar station and from the higher-frequency power pack VPL-30 which generates 3-phase, 200-v, 400-cps power. The 50-cps voltage is switched on by automatic device P3 (AD-3 x 5) whibh provides thermal and overload proteCtion. This voltage is applied to the primary windings of the anode-filament transformer Tr 21 to the windings of the protective-diode filament transformer Tr 51 .and to the . windings of motor M1 which drives the magnetron and TWT cooling blower. The 400-cps voltage is used in the transmitter circuit to Obtain the desired magnetron anode-voltage and is switched on by automatic device R1 (AD - 3 x 5). The automatic device R1 is switched on 5-6 min after automatic device R3 has been switched on. The delay is necessary for heating the cathodes of the transmitter . tubes before switching on the plate voltage. The automatic device R1, is switched on by the motor-operated time relay in unit ShU-1. The 400cps voltage is admitted through fuses Pr 3, Pr 51 Pr 4 to the 3-phase autotransformer Tr 4 with contact plates P 6 and then to the primary winding of the anode transformer Tr 3 of the high-voltage rectifier. The autotransformer controls the voltage within the 10% limits of the value supplied to transformer Tr 3. Such a regulation makes it possible to set up in each transmitter the required value of the dc component of the magnetron anode current when all of the transmitters are supplied from a common 400-cps voltage source. The high-voltage rectifier operates on the principle of a 6-phase.. circuit. Selenium diodes serve as the rectifyineunits. Capacitor 14 serves to smoothen the rectified current. . p 71 After switching on the automatic device R 11 a reduced voltage of the order of 150-160 v is applied to the primary winding of transformer 3; this voltage is then raised with the aid of a rheostat in unit - 48 - 50X1 -HUM . 1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 +). 4) $.4 0 4001-1 0 0 0 8 0 ? 0 s v`..4s tot q' ? e *fl '41 a-a 5 4 ?r-I 44k -"" 0 VACJ H ^* 0 E T772] 50X1 -HUM .4 c,.., cr4 0 ? . .. ...a., pi4 . .. w P. P. P. ? 00044 0 0 C:14 0L, 0 000?H g 1.A1AxA = qi 8 = = s 8 . . (0,..., IA ....1 '4,... ? P. cv Cv Cv pg = E-1 cv CV CV ? Cv I C-- IA r-1 n c\I c0 rl Cv in ..ra VW3 : 4 *. P Fig. 36.-Schematic Diagram of the Transmitter FS. L - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 SIO-1 (or TsDU-1) until a rated value of the anode current of the magne- tron is reached. Sudden application of full voltage to the magnetron Anode may lead to a breakdown in the magnetron, thus renilering it use- less To understand better the operation of the charging circuit let us examine the diagram shown on Figure 37. The diagram represents merely a simplified schematic of the modu- lator charging circuit of the transmitter. 50X1 -HUM (p 74) In this circuitIcapacitor C discharges fully in an interval T through load R when the key K is closed for a short time. i During interval T there occurs a slow (as compared to the discharge I i period) process of charging of the capacitor from the de-voltage source E through choke L. I I k In the actual circuit a thyratron performs the function of key K. L Since the closing of the key and discharge of the capacitor occur during a period considerably shorter than the period needed to charge it, it can be assumed that the current flowing in the choke does not change during this period, i.e., each charging cycle beginsunder identi- cal initial conditions (voltage across the Capacitor is 170 . 0, current in the choke is i3 = 0.) In a specific case, when all the energy is stored in the capacitor at the instance of discharge, current in the choke is equal to zero (13 = 0). This case corresponds to the so-called resonance charge. The case of resonance charge is utilized in the actual modulator circuit of the transmitter, because under these conditions the efficiency of circuit Cbargifig is improved, and loading of the thyratron withthe charge- circuit current is avoided. The transient processes occuring in the charging circuit are shown on the Figure 37 a; a maximum voltage, twice that of the power source El is obtained across the capacitor Uc when charged through choke L. When the principle of resonance charging of the capacitor is used, the natural frequency of the charging circuit should be one half the commutation frequency. In the previous discussions we did not take into consideration the attenuation in the charging circuit caused bydthe resistance of _ the charging choke. Since this resistance is relatively low, the ? nature of the charging process is but slightly effected; however, the voltage across the capacitor at the end of charging cycle will not reach 2E, but will be only 1.85 to 1.95 of E. -50- nRclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? I 50X1-HUM N., p 75) Fig. 37, Simplified Diagram of the Manipulator Charging Circuit. ? 51 ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Graphs for changes of voltage across the capacitor ye and current in the charging circuit 13 are shown on Figure 37, b and4c. The d6tted line indicates the voltage changes across the capacitor when periodic discharges of this capacitor are absent (under actual conditions this corresponds to discontinuation of transmitter trigger- ing.) Due to the effect of the choke impedance, voltage oscillations across the capacitor decay, and a voltage, equal to that of the source, is established across the capacitor. The rectifier output voltage is of positive polarity and is equal to 7-8 kv. This voltage is admitted through the charging choke Dr 1 to the input of artificial long line U 1.. ,As a result of the transient process, the line capacitors of the charging artificial line will be charged to a voltage of 14-15 Xv, e., to a voltage almost double that of the rectifier. The artifical long line consists of eight T-shaped inductive- capacitive sections placed in an oil-filled tank. The characteristic impedance of the line is 25 ohms. The line discharges through the pri- mary winding of impulse transformer Tr 6. The hydrogen-filled pulse thyratron Vq, type TGI 1-400/167 serves as the switching element of the circuit. ' The thyratron fires at the instances when the voltage across the capacitors of the artificial long line is at its maximum. -This condi- tion is fulfilled in the transmitter circuit by the fact that the natural frequency of the charging circuit is selected in accordance with the repetition rate of the trigger pulses. The thyratron is'fired at the instant of arrival on its control grid of the triggering pulses generated in the trigger-pulse amplifier circuit which incorporates tubes V1 (6N8S) and V2 (6P8S). The amplifier is triggered by pulses admitted from triggering unit B3. Prior to the arrival of the trigger pulse both halves of the tube V1 are blocked by negative bias supplied to the control grid from resistors-R2 and R 15 of the voltage dividers .R 2, R 14, R 15, and R 16. The triggering pulse admitted to the grid of the left half of the tube makes both halves of the tube conduct in.proper sequence. The current passing through the tube forms a positive pulse in the second- ary winding of the blocking transformer Tr 1. p77) (1) 78) 50X1,-HUM? / This, pulse is admitted to the control. grid, of the tube Vp which . functions as a cathode folloWer. The pulse formed at the resistors R 4 and R 5, with an amplitude of the order of 200 vl is fed through a filter -52? ?? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 consisting of capacitors 0,61 C7, C 8, C9 and choke Li to the thyra- 50X1-HU tron grid. This filter protects the amplifier low-voltage circuits from the effect of short-duration voltage surges with amplitudes of several .kilovolts originating in the thyratron grid circuit at the instant of its firing'. The amplifier-tube power is drawn from a rectifier D 1 asseMbled with selenium piles type AVS-l8-306 or AVS-16-306 on the principle of a full-wave bridge rectifier. The plate voltage of the amplifier tubes is equal to 300 v. The discharge period afthe artificial long line is 2.8-3.2 microsec. Choke Lp is connected to the anode circuit of the thyratron and limits the iniiial current surge through the thyratron caused by the discharge of parasitic capacitances of the circuit; such a surge is harmful to the thyratron. A negative voltage pulse with an amplitude of 7-8 kv is formed across the primary winding of.. the pulse' transformer during - the, discharge of the line. The transformation coefficient of the pulse transformer is 1 : 4.25. Therefore negative-polarity voltage . pulses with an amplitude of the order of 26 - 30 kv are formed on the secondary. These pulses are fed to the magnetron cathode. A, pulse magnetron V.5 type 1I-29, of one of the subbands B, V,Go 11, Zho is in operation at the transmitter depending on the frequency used. The filament.voltage is supplied to the magnetron cathode from anode-heater transformer Tr2 through two parallel secondary windings. of a pulse transformer. .141th this type offilament'supply, the necessity of using a filament transformer. with high-voltage insulation is elim- inated. The lamp LIT2 with a resistor R 11 connected in parallel signals the condition of the filament circuit. Capacitor C 19 balances the potential of the high-voltage ter- minals of the pulse-transformer secondary windings. .The Anode ac current component of the magnetron is shorted to the frame through . blocking capacitors C 18 and 0'20. ? The air-discharge gap RI 1 fires at substantial increase of volt- age across the secondary windings, thus protecting the pulse trans- former and Magnetron from overvoltage. 50X1 -HUM -53- P 79) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The dc-component of the magnetron anode current is admitted through (p 80) filter L 3, C 16 to the measuring milliammeter IP 1. Filter 3, Dr 2,, C 16, C 17 prevents mutual interferences from the radar transmitters.' Resistor g 10 forms a bypass for the de-component when the transmitter is disconnected from the remote-control circuit TsDU-1. 'A compensating circuit consists of resistor R 9 and capacitor C 15, and is connected in parallel with the primary winding of the pulse,trans- former. Resistor R 9 (24 ohm) is approximately equal tothewave imped- ance of the artificial long line (25 ohm), and the capacitance of C 15 is equal to 0.01 microfarad. At the start of the line discharge, when :the voltage at the magne- tron is low and it does not oscillate, the resistance of the line to dc-current is relatively high. Therefore, during this period (about 0.2 microsec) the line is charging through a resistance which is con- siderably greater than the wave impedance. On the leading edge of the modulating pulse may originate peaks which would upset the normal performance of the magnetron. In the pre- sence of the compensating circuit, the line becomes loaded at the ini- tial instance of discharge with a resistance equal to that of the wave impedance, whereas, after a certain time,when the capacitor becomes fully charged, the circuit loses its effect on the process of dis- charge. The time constant of the compensating circuit is selected to be approximately equal to the leading-edge duration of the modulating pulse. Sparking and breakdowns sometimes occur in the magnetron during its operation. The load of the artificial long line is shorted during the breakdown of the magnetron, because under those conditions the magnetron offers but very low resistance. Now the line recharges,and a reverse-polarity voltage is impressed on it. During a few cycles of such a recharge, the voltage in the line may reach such a value as to become dangerous to the electric insulation of the charging choke and the thyratron. For the protection of the transmitter circuit elements from a breakdown, a pro=tective diode circuit is provide con- sisting of kenotron V 4 type V1-0.1/30, resistors R 7 and R 8, and capacitors C 10 and. C 11. . The time constant for the circuit resistance and for the artifi? cial long-line capacitance is such, that the charging of the line through the circuit takes place' considerably faster that the charg- ing of the line from the power source. The excitation winding of the protection relay R 2 type RKMP-1 is connected in series with the circuit resistors. -54- ? (p ft) ? 50X1-HUM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 1 50X1-HUM During frequent sparking and breakdowns in the magnetron, current in the protective diode circuit rises to a value sufficient to operate relay R 2. Closing of the contacts of this relay disconnects the automatic/device R 1 and removes the supply, voltage from the transmitter circuit. The de-component of the recifier current passes also through the relay R 2 winding. In case of sparking in the thyratron or breakdowns. in the charging circuit of the artificial long line, the rectifier current rises sharply and actuates the protective relay. Capacitors C 10./and C 11 form a path tothe frame for the ac-current component flowing in the protective diode circuit; this current creates. a certain hindrance to the relay operation. A, centrifugal dis connector R 4 type TsR-1 protects the blower motor. If the speed of rotation drops or the motor stops completely, the disconnector operates and switches off the automatic devices R 1 . and. R 3. The transmitter cabinet is provided with& safety door. When the cabinet door is opened during the operation of the transmitter, the contactors of the door safety devices KP1 and KP 2 open. As a resultIthe automatic device R 1 is disconnectedland high-voltage is removed from the transmitter circuit. The lamp LN 1 indicates the presence of the 400-cps voltage. To remove the residual electric charge from the charging-circuit components of the transmitter,a protective discharger Is provided, which is mounted on the high-voltage rectifier unit. When the cabinet door is opened, the movable contact of the discharger connects the high-voltage outlet of this rectifier to the frame. p 82) Switch Va disconnects the transmitter while the rest of the vehicle No 1 eauipment continues to operate. ReceptacleG 5, with 220-v supply, is provided for the measuring instruments, portable lamps, soldering equipment, etc. The transmitter performance is monitored with the aid of milliam- meter IP 1 which measures the de-component of the magnetron anode cur- rent and of the oscillograph. Control receptacles G 1, G 2, G 3 and G 4 are provided for con- nection to the oscillograph. To the receptacle G 4 is supplied part of the charging voltage of the artificial long line taken from capcitor C 18, of the caI50X1-HUM voltage divider (C12, C 13). The receptacles G 1, G 2, and G 3 serve, respectively, for the control of the trigger pulses at the amplifier input, the blocking-oscillator pulses and the thyratron grid pulses. - 55 - (p 83) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 .3. Main Components of the Transmitter High-Voltage Rectifier. 50X1-HUM 11P A schematic diagram of the high-voltage rectifier (VVS) is shown in Figure 38. ? The 200-v, 400-cps voltage is fed from the higher-frequency generat- ing unit VPL-30 to 3-phase transformer Tr 3. The stepped-up voltage from this transformer is admitted to a_ selenium rectifier assembled.on the principle of a 6-phase circuit. To each phase of the secondary winding of the 3-phase transformer are connected two arms of selenium piles having conduction in opposite directions. Each rectifier arm consists of ten selenium piles type AVS-25-309. The negative poles of the three arms with foreward conduction are connected together and form the positive pole of the rectifier. The pos- itive poles of the other arms with reverse conduction are also con- nected to each other and form the negative pole of the rectifier. The positive-polarity rectified voltage is fed to a filter con- sisting of capacitor C 14 with capacitance of 0.25 microfarads. After the filter this voltage is admitted through a charging choke Dr 1 to the transmitter circuit. ? The filament transformer Tr 5 is fed from.a220-v, 50-cps power circuit. The 5-v secondary voltage of this transformer is fed through the high-voltage bushing 1-5, having two insulated outlets, to the filament of the protective diode located in the transmitter. ' All components of the high-voltage rectifier (plate transformer). . filament,transformer, selenium rectifier, charging choke) are placed In a common oil-filled tank. The selenium rectifier is mounted on a textolite p;ate which is fastened to the cover by stubs. (p84) The plate also serves as an insulator between the selenium p 86) rectifier and the transformers. On the top of the cover are the expansion cup, moisture absorber, capacitor, protective discharger, two high-voltage and six low-voltage insulators. The expansion cup has a hole covered with a plug, which is used to measure the oil level. During operation the moisture absorber is screwed :into a hole on the side wall of the expansion cup. During transportation this hole50X1-HUM is closed with a plug and the moisture absorber is screwed into a. . blind hole on the tank cover. -56- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? 220-v, 50-cps 40 441 4cs 1/4) ? k SO e3 40 00 k 4 ? 03 0 c11 c11 + cV ,1101 High-Voltage Rectifier ? 57 ? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? Fig 39. High-Voltage Rectifier 1. high-voltage insulators 2. low-voltage insulators 3. filter capacitor 4. expansion cup 5. moisture absorber - 58 - 50X1-HUM (1087) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM A general view of the high-voltage rectifier is shown in Figure 39 The fundamental specifications of the rectifier are: /rectified voltage is. +7 kv at 300-ma load.; - filament voltage is 5 v at a 5,-a load; - rectified voltage ripple at the output does not exceed 1.5%; - inductance of the charging choke is 18 henries with bias . ? current 0.3 a; : - the unit is 500 mm long, 260 mm wide and 440 mm high with the bushings. Artificial L6ng line The artifical long line forms almost trapezoidal modulating pulses. An artifical long line of type D is used in the circuit of transmitter PS. The line has the following specifications: - amplitude of the charging voltage is 16 kv; - wave impedance is 25 ohms; - inductance of a single section is 3.75 micro-henry; - capacitance of each section is 6,00o micromicrofarad; - number of sections is 8; - voltage-pulse duration formed by the line with 25-ohm load is 2.8 to 3.2 microsec; - total capacitance is 0.048 microfarad. 2/ The schematic diagram of the artificial long line is shown in Figure 40. The line unit in assembled form is shown is Figure 41. All other components are mounted on the inside of the cover. The coils are wound on textolite forms. The winding is of single-layer type using bare silvered wires. Individual sections of the induction coil are placed at such a distance from each other as to ensure a mini- mum of mutual inductance, which effects the shape of. the modulating pulse. The section capacitors, have mica insulation and are joined into individual packages. . On the outer side of cover are mounted: insulators, air-gap dis- chargers, aver-voltage protection elements of the line, oil-level indicator and carrying handles. The dimensions of the line unit are: length is 260,mat, width is 280 mm, the total height with the insulators is 260 mm and it weighs 56 kg with oil. 50X1 -HUM -59- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? 50X1-HUM ' Fig 40. Schematic Diagram of the Artificial Long Line Fig 41. Artificial Long Line, Type D 1. tank 2. covers 3. high-voltage insulators 4. air-gap discharger -6o- (p 89) (1390) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1 -HUM ThyratronUnit The thyratron unit consists of the following components: ' 'trigger pulse amplifier with its rectifier; ? switdhing element (pulsed thyratron); and ' - anoderheater transformer. The schematic diagram of the thyratron unit is shown in Figure 42. Trigger Pulse Amplifier The trigger pulse amplifier consists of a two-stage circuit which generates the thyratron firing pulses. The amplifier is triggered by pulses admitted from trigger unit BS. Priortothe 'arrival of the trigger pulse, both halves of tube V I are cut-off by the negative bias supplied to the control grids of the 'Woe from resistors R 2 and R 15 of voltage dividers R 2, R 140 and R 15, R 16. The triggering pulse admitted to the grid of the left half of tube V 1 causes both halves of the tube to conduct in sequence. The' current flowing through tube V 1 forms on the 'secondary winding of blocking-transformer Tr 1 a pulse of positive polarity. The positive pulse from the blocking-oecillator is admitted to the control grid of tube V 2 (6N3S) of the output amplifier assembled on the principle of a cathode follower. . The cathode follower acts as a power amplifier. The plate current,. originating in tube V 2 when it is opened by the blocking-oscillator pulse, is much greater than the grid current, therefore the pulse formed on the cathode load of the tube is considerably amplified in power. The amplitude of this signal is somewhat smaller that the amplitude of the blocking-oscillator pulse which causes the tube to conduct, because the amplification factor of the cathode follower is less than unity. The amplitude of the pulse voltage at the output of the cathode follower is about 200 v. ? Rectifier D 1 with selenium piles type AM-18-306, assembled on the principle of a full-wave bridge circuit, supplies power to the plate circuits of the amplifier tubes. Voltage to the selenium piles is supplied from the step-up winding of anode-heater transformer Tr 2. The two heater windings of this transformer supply power to the magne- tron heater and to the thyratron. The 4-microfarad capacitor C 4 filters the rectified current. The output voltage of the rectifier is +300 v. The anode-heater transformer has four winding one primary, three secondary) and is of a semi-closed type. -61-- p 91) P 93) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM The primary winding is connected to the power network. The second winding (outlets 12, 13) supplies voltage to the selenium rectifier/ The third winding (outlets 14, 15) supplies power to the thyratron heater. In order to maintain the thyratron heater voltage within per- missible limits during power-line voltage fluctuation, the transformer primary winding is provided with taps. The fourth winding (outlets 9, 10, 11) supplies power to the magae- ,(17) 94) troll heater. Switching Element Hydrogen-filled pulse thyratron. V 3 (TGI-400-16) serves as the switching element in the modulator circuit of the transmitter. The thyratron has the following fundamental parameters: - heater voltage 6.3 v + 5% - heater current 9.5 to 11.6 a - maximum forward anode voltage 16 kv - maximum reverse anode voltage 16 kv - maximum anode current in pulse 400 a - maximum mean value of anode current. . . 500 milliamp - maximum pulse repetition rate 500 cps - time spread of the leading edge of anode current not greaterthan 0.014. microsec 6 min - cathode heating time Grid Firing Pulse: - amplitude not less than 200 v - duration not less than 2.5 microsec --service life 200 hours The firing process of the thyratron proceeds in the following (10 95) ' manner. Positive polarity pulses with an amplitude of about 200 v and a front edge rise rate of 400-500 vimierosee are admitted to the con- trol grid of the thyratron from the trigger-pulse amplifier. The triggering pulse breaks the grid-cathode gap in the thyratron. Thus the grid acquires a potential close to that of the cathode, which, in turn, causes a breakdown of the anode-grid gap. Now the charging cur- rent of the artificialiong line begins to flow through the thyratron, -HUM while its anode voltage falls to a value determined by the internal 50X1 resistance of the thyratron. ?62? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM During the instant of breakdown of the thyratron anode-gria gap, the grid acquIrcs ftr a foot hundredthe or a microsecond a potential close to that of the anode, i.e., of the order of several kilovolts. This may be accompanied by a sudden surge of grid current, which would result in consideraUie overvoltage in the grid circuit of the thyratron. To pro- tect the output circuits of the trigger-pulse amplifier from the effect of the thyratron grid-current surges, a filter consisting of choke L 1 and capacitors C 6, C 7, C 8 and C 9 is connected to the grid circuit. The'choke has two sections, each having an inductance of 32 microhenries. The capacitance of each capacitor is 1,000 micromicrofarad. After the thyratron is fired, a discharge of parasitic capacitances of the modulator circuit takes place, which is followed by the discharge of the artificial long line. The discharge of the parasitic capacitances is a very rapid process and is accompanied by a rapid rise of current in the thyratron. Any very rapid rise of current is dangerous to the thyratron, and for this reason a 7-microhenry choke L 2 is connected to the thyratron anode circuit which limits the current rise. This choke coil is wound on a ceramic form. Construction of the Thyratron Unit. The thyratron unit consists of a dismountable frame on which are mounted the components of the trigger-pulse amplifier, thyratron and anode-heater transformer. A general view of the thyratron unit is shown in Figure 43. In the right part of the frame are tubes 6N8S., and 6P8S of the trigger-pulse amplifier and. blocking transformer. In the left front part of the frame, on a special panel mounted on a rack is thyratron TGI-100/16. The special panel is designed to permit a free access of cooling airtothe.thyratron base. Behind the thyratron is its anode choke. ? In the back part of the frame are mounted the anode-heater trans- former and the filter capacitor of the rectifier. On the inner side of the frame are mounted the components of the.trigger-pulse.applifier, the rectifier selenium piles and the filter elements of the thyratron-grid circuit. The thyratron unit is connected to the transmitter circuit by contact disconnector 20 which is mounted on the inside of the front wall of the frame. On the outside of the same wall are located con- trol jacks which are marked: IMP. ZAP. (TRIGGER PULSE), BLI GEN.(-vi HUM (BLOCKING OSCILLATOR), SET.TIR. (GRID THYRATRON); these Jacks are for monitoring the performance of the thyratron unit. On the same wall is mounted a fuse for the trigger-pulse amplifier. L?3 (la 96) (p 98) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 42. (P 92)! Schematic t Diagram of the h Tnyratron Unit 11 - 64 - S-E-C-R-E-T ' 'Fig 43. (P 97) Thyratron Unit 1. thyratron TGI-1-400/16 2. 6148S tube 3. 6P3S tube 4. plate choke 5. plate heater transformer 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM An opening with removable cover is provided in the front wall for measuring voltages at the contacts of the connector. The dimensions of the unit are: length - 427 mm, wpith - 190 mu, height - 22 mm, weight - 7 kg. Pulse Transformer The pulse transformer matches the load impedance of the transmitter manipulator with the characteristic impedance of the artifical long line and increases the amplitude of the modulating pulses. Magnetron MI-29,'With nominal resistance to dc-current (internal resistance) of the order of 450 ohms and anode voltage of 26-30 kv, serves as the modulator load.. The characteristic impedance of the artificial long line is 25 ohms., (p For the indicated value of the characteristic impedance, the trans- formation factor of the .pulse transformer is 1 : 4.25 when the amplitude., of the modulating pulses is within the limits of 26-30 kv. The transformer has one primpry and two secondary windings. Two secondary windings are essential for the selected system of power supply to ? the magnetron heater of the transmitter. A diagram indicating connections of the pulse-transformer windings s shown in Figure 44. The primary winding consists of two sections wound on both legs . of the core and connected in parallel. One end of the primary winding is connected to the bushing insula- tor and the other to the transformer frame.. Each of the secondary windings also consists of two sections woumi on two ends of the core legs and connected in series. The high-voltage ends of the secondary windings leading to the magnetron cathode are connected to a bushing insulator with two insulated outlets. The low-voltage ends are also connected to bushing insulators to which the magnetron heater voltage is applied. 99) Figures 45 and 46 show general view of the pulse transformer and.(p 101) of the .transformer with the tank removed. All the main components of the pulse transformer are mountel'aixi:Flum of its cover. On the outside of the transformer cover are locateu; insulators, air discharge gap for protection of the magnetron and trans- former windings during overvoltages, dryer and blocking capacitors. r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Fig 44. (p 100) Winding Connection of the Pulse Transformer ? 50X1-HUM -Fig 45. The Pulse Transformer -66- 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 -5 4 ? .3 Fig 46. Pulse Transformer with Tank Removed 1. core 2. coils of secondary winding 3. air-gap discharger 4. moisture absorber 5. blocking capacitors -67- 50X1-HUM (p 103) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 The fundamental specifications or the pulse - transformation factor .4/dissipation. factor 50X1 HUM:- transformer are: ? efficiency ? ! - pulse voltage amplitude on the secondary winding - pulse leading-front duration -Elmerage power Dimensions: -length . . . . 322 mm -.width 194 nom ^ total height with the insulator, 442 mm ? weight 'with oil 0 45 kg, ' / 1 to 4.25 not greater than 1.5% 95-90% 26-30 kr 0 2 -0.4 microsec about 2,000 w Magnetron Oscillator The magnetron oscillator of the transmitter consists of one of the type MI-29 magnetrons (depending on the aubband used by the station) and the magnetic system,. The magnetron generates powerful, short-duration pulses of electro- magnetic energy in the centimiter wave-length range and transmits them through the waveguide channel to the station antenna. The magnetron. specifications are as follows: - pulse power delivered by the magnetron to the waveguide during normal operation is 850-900 kw; - efficiency of the magnetron is 50-55% -;intensity of the magnetic field in the gap between the poles of the permanent magnets is about 2,500 oersteds; - shape of the voltage pulses fed to the magnetron anode circuit is almost trapezoidal; duration of the pulse leading edge is about 0.3 microsec and of the trailing edge about1.5 microsec; non-uniformity of the pulse peaks as measured between points on the level of 0.9 if the amplitude does not exceed 10%; - duration of the high-frequency pulse of the magnetron is from 2.5 to 2.8 microsec; the pulse has an almost square shape; dura- .tion of the leading and trailing edges of the pulse is about 0.2 microsec; - the generated frequency band (width of the energy spectrum) is within the limits of 0.6 to 1.2 mc. as soon as the high ,r^14..,,?.. is supplied to the magnetron anode, the magnetron heater ,.50X1tIUM is removed, and the magnetron cathodenow becomes heated by the anode current. The cathode operating temperature is set by anode currents of about 40 milliamp. - 68 - p 104) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 / ' Therefore the magnetron current should be set at a value above 4o milliamok. The magnetrons in the radio range-finder Channels are shown in Table No 1. T'able No 4hgnetrpns used.. in the. Station - Channels :Channel Mhgnetron ? MI-29G ' MI-29Zh III MI-29V IV MI-29Ye V MI-29B VI Mt-29D Ma e?Ea_q_.caMratMI-29 ? (p 105) 50X1 -HUM , Magnetron MI-29 generates power pulses in the centimeter wave-length- range having a power of 850-900 kw at the pulse. A. general view of the magnetrons MI-29V, MI-29G, MI-29D, 1.11-29Ye and MI-29Zh is shown in Figure 47. ? The magnetron specifications are: Heater voltage 12.6 v Heater. current 3.0 - 3.6 a Magnetic field intensity at the center of the gap formed by permanet magnets 2,500 oersteds Anode voltage 26-30 kv Maxim= pulse duration 2.8 microsec At .a high-frequency pulse duration of about 2.7 microsec and normal repetition rate: - the dc-component of anode current is 55-60 nilliamp; - width of effective frequency spectrum is 0.6 -1.2 MC! The magnetron MI-29B (Figure 48) differs from the rest of the magne- trons of this series in that the inside conductor of the coaxial section passes into the vacuum exciter of the rectangular waveguide. The indi- cated difference is necessitated by performance peculiarities of the magnetron in the given band of the operating frequency range. For this reason the oscillation exciter is absent in the SMS block of the MI-29B Magnetron. MI-29 magnetrons have provisions for forced cooling of the anode unit. ? -69- (p 106) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Maapetio System The magnetic system (Figure 49) consists of two L-shaped permanent magnets the MP-1478 mounted on a flat plate made of armco iron.' The magnetron is positioned in the air gap between the poles of the magnets. The magnets are cast from a magnico alloy with high coersive force. The pole surfaces, bases of the magnets and:the part of the plate that touches the magnets are highly polished.. To ensure normal performance of thenagnetron, a provision is made for the control of the magnetic field intensity by means of a magnetic shunt which can reduce the field intensity by 150-250 oersteds? Also, .with the aid of this shnnt.it is possible to restore the rt?. value or rield intensity which diminishts as a result or aging or tne magnets. The main parameters of the magnetic system are: - length of the inter-pole air gap - magnetic field intensity with the magnetic shunt in extreme lower position - range of magnetic field control Dimensions: - width - depth - height - weight of the assembled system ,including the magnetic shunt, 60 mm 2650 50 oersteds 150-20 oersteds 400mm 225 mm 340 mm 55 kg (about) Protection Panel On the protection panel (Figure 50) are mounted the nents of the protective diode and type PEMP-1 relay. circuit compo- For connecting the protective panel elements to the transmitter circuit, a terminal block with four contacts is provided on the panel. (P 107) Blower for Cooling the Magnetron and TWT The fan that cools the magnetron and TWT is driven by an induction motor DT-75. The speed of this motor is 2,800 rpm. The motor draws its power from a 3-phase 220-v, 50-cps power line. The blower outlet is connected to manifold air duct. Throughtwo of such (p 112) ramifications the air is directed to the magnetron radiator from the side oftheheaterleads, through the third one to the side of the magnetron power output, and through the fourth to the opening in the solenoid jacket of the TWT. 50X1-HUM -70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? iUo drz 50X1-HUM 1. MI-29D 2. MI-290 Fig 47. Magnetrons (p 109) 3. MI-29V 4. }11-29Zh 5. MI-29 Ye Fig 48. Magnetron N1I-29B - 71 - (p 109) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? Fig 49. (p no) The Magnetic System Fig 50. (p 111) Protection Panel 1. type RKMP-1 relay C2. resistors in cir- cuit of the protection diode 3. blocking capacitors 50X1-HUM - 72 - 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A03150027000 -2 50X1-HUM 6-111 Fig 51. Connection of Windings in the Regulating Autotransformer (p 113) 50X1 -HUM ?1 ?73? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? (left plate) Warning ! When the tumbler is switched, the button must be pressed for 2-3 seconds 50X1-HUM (right plate) Attention ! When replacing a magnetron, regulate the current by moving wires 45-1, 46-1 and 47-1 to the corresponding contacts on the same blocks P6-I, P6-II, P6-III, with the voltage switched off. PUU HPELIYOPEKCIEHME' 1 HP41 SW1.04E4191 TYNA6OFPA 06113AI:116HO HAHIA-b NHOI1HY HA 2 Ju? snow: nc EON. BHHMAHHEI nPri CMEHE MA1HETP 0 HA PEIYOPIPOBNY TOHA OPOH360111011b OVTEM OLLHOOPEMEHHOH HEPE '2". CIAHOBHM nenome 45446114471HAAPV- rHE 011HOMMEHHblE KOH TAH1bITE X !HE mono. nom n6-1 ns-n nerm nEPEHMO4EHME HP011313011117b npm OTHOVIEHHOM HAHPA. MEHI414 0 ,40.11% WAA wirAhA SA -Fig 52. The Control Panel 1. milliammeter for measuring magnetron current 2. signal lamps 3. PS-Unit toggle switch 4. button 5. test jack 6. fuses 7. 220-v jacks - 74 - (p 114) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM A centrifugal disConnector,type TsR-1,is mounted on the free end of the electric motor shaft. ? . . , , The blower is fastened with steel clamps to an angle iron in the upper par of the cabinet. ? Control Autotransformer ? The control autotransformer allows up to 10% variation in the value of the 400-cps voltage which is applied to the primary winding of the step-up transformer of the. high-voltage rectifier (unit iris). Thus it is possible to adjust on each transmitter the desired value of the dc-component of the magnetron anode current when the power supply to all transmitters is drawn from a common 400-cps voltage source. The connections of the windings in the autotransformer are illus trated in Figure 51. Control Panel The control panel is of a swinging type on which the control and monitoring components are mounted. A schematic diagrm of the control panel is shown in Figure 53. On the panel are located: - milliammeter IP-1 with a 0-100-milliamp dial for measuring the dc-component of the magnetron anode current; - elements of the filter in the circuit of the dc-component of the magnetron anode current (chokes L3, Dir and capacitors C16, C17);, - contact plates P 6 of the control autotransformer; - signal lamp LN 2, "Magnetron Heater", and its shunting wire resistor Rh.; - signal lamp LN 1, "ANODE" (with resistor connected in series) which indicates the presence of 400-cps voltage at the input of the high-voltage rectifier; - transmitter switch V 2; - capacitor ?C 18 of the capacitive voltage divider; - control jack G 4, "CHARGING OF LIVE"; - fuses Pr 2 and Pr 6 in the supply circuit of the anode-heater transformer is the thyratron unit and a 220-v, 50-cps jack; -220-v 50-cps jacks G 5 for power supply to measuring instru- ments, soldering iron, portable lamps, etc. Adapter blocks with clamps, located in the housing of the regulat- ing autotransformer, are used to connect the components of the control panel with the transmitter circuit. -'7g (p 115) ?50X1 -HUM nRciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? ? 50X1-HUM Fig 53. Schematic Diagram of the Control Panel (p 116) 1. control panel 50X1-HUM Fig 54. Transmitter Cabinet (p 118) -76- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Constructionofthe Transmitter Cabinet The transmitter cabinet is shown in Figures 54 and 55. . In the lower part of the cabinet to the right is tpe high-voltage rectifier unit tilnext to it is the artificial long line 6, and. to the left is pulse tx4ansformer 5. 50X1 -HUM J (P 117 ) The elements of the correcting circuit - capacitor and resistor 9, are mounted in front ofthe pulse transformer. 4 The protection pitnel 7 is mounted directly in the cover of the line unit. The protection diode is mounted on a special clamp taacesi- over the high-voltage line insulators. In the upper part of the cabinet are thyratron unit 2 and magnetron system 3.. Over the thyratron unit and toward the front is control panel I, behind it the control autotransformer and close to the rear wall of the cabinet is the blower. The blower ducts are mounted behind the magnetic system. In case of necessity the air-duct can be detached from the blower, and the blower removed from the cabinet. ' Automatic devices 4,type 1D-3 x %are mounted in the left part of the cabinet in front of the magnetic system. The coupling element between the magnetron and the waveguide line. is Mounted on a bracket of the magnetic system. The unit is set on its axis in such a manner that it permits a limited movement of the SMS. This ensures an accurate coupling of the SMS magnetron coupling unit flanges with the Waveguide. -77- ; 50X1 -HUM 12o) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Fig 55. Transmitter Cabinet With Doors Open 50X1 -HUM (p 119) 1. control panel 2. thyratron unit 3. magnetic system 4. automatic devices, type AD-3x5 5. pulse transformer 6. artificial long line 7. protection panel 8. high-Voltage rectifier 9. capacitor and resistor of the correcting circuit 10. R-4P type relay 50X1 -HUM -78- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 CHAPTER FIVE THE RECEIVING EWIPMEET 50X1 -HUM .(p 121) The receivers, which are part of the statien equipment, are designed for amplifying the high-frequency signals received by the antennas, after t4ey have been reflected from targets, and converting them to d-c pulses. The receiver complex includes six PRS-1 centimeter-wave receivers. A diagram showing the interaction of the receivers with other of the station is given in Figure 56. units The reflected signals received by the antenna. are fed through the APS-1 antenna switches to the.PRS -1 receivers. Part of the power of the corresponding transmitter is applied through the attenuators of the APS-1 antenna switches to the input of the automatic frequency control channel of each receiver. . The PBS -1 receivers are supplied from a 220-volt, 50-cps line, while the d-e voltages for supplying the receivers are provided in the ? receivers themselves. Video signals from the output of each PRS-1 receiver are fed through slip-ring TIC-03 to the input of the appropriate unit of signal mixer SS-1. The mixed video signals are applied to units VS-3 and VS-4 of the indicatorb. All receivers are controlled from remote control panel PDU-1 p 123) located in the indicator vehicle. The following parts are on this panel: -- gain control.potentiometers for all receivers; -- switches for switching on and off the instantaneous AGC and differentiating circuits of all PBS-i; receivers. The instantaneous AGO circuits of the first and fourth, second and fifth, and third and sixth centimeter-wave channels are switched on and off simultaneously by the appropriate switches. The differentiating circuits of the first and fourth, second and fifth, and third and sixth centimeter-wave channels are switched on and off simultaneously in exactly the same manner. ? 50X1 -HUM ?79? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM / :from antenna system ? from antenna system Fig 56. Receiver-Equipment Connections With Other Radar-Station Units (p 122) 1-6. APS-1 antenna switches 7-12. PRS -1 centimeter-wave receivers 13. SS-1 signal mixer (channels 1,2,3) 14. SS-1 signal mixer (channels 4,5,6) 15. VS-3 video signal unit 16. indicator 17. PDU -1 remote control panel 18. NRZ -1 ground-radar-interrogator receiver (13-15) 19. NRZ -1 ground-radar-interrogator transmitter (B-11) 20. NRZ -1 ground-radar-interrogator indicator (13-16) 50X1 -HUM -80- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 The Centimeter-Wave Receivers (PRS-1) 1. General Information' /Basic Technical Characteristics of the Receiver 50X1-H UM The receiver is characterized by the following basic data: 1. Operating frequency -- fixed. 2. Receiver circuit -- superheterodyne with high-frequency amplification encompassing a travelling-wave tube, with single-step frequency conversion provided by a waveguide mixer. A reflex klystron is used as the local oscillator in the receiver. The types of APS-1 (antenna switch) units and AFC.71 blocks of 'the receivers are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Types of APS-.1.1.Inits and AFC-1 Blocks . of the Centimeter-wave Receivers (p 124) Channel No. Type of . APS Frequency of Local Oscillator Type of Relatim_Iaj110142monc-......IAFC Block 1 G below N 11 Zh below N III V above V ? IV Ye above V ' V' B above V VI D above. 0V ' 111.0a. 3. The noise factor of the receiver is not worse than 11. (P.125) -.4. The pass band is 0.72'0.15 mc. 5. The maximum amplitude of signal pulses at the receiver output (with a load of 750 meters) is not less than 3 v. 6. With manual gain control, the amplification factor is at least 300. 7. . The following auxiliary devices are encompassed in the receiver for noise protection: '--instantaneous automatic gain control (NARU) for protection against loss of sensitivity as a result of interference in the form of high- amplitude long-duration signals; 50X1-H UM -81- nRciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 t--4 X E-4 ? 41 0 Crl r4 0 H Et t:4 IA H 2 I I 01 I rl I N 1 41. tr\ 0 4.) ? 0 c? CNJ tc\ 1W k AVANA tioq.pts r-t ? 82 ? gi4VM ,4454) 50X1 -HUM 1. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001.-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM -- a differentiating device for protection of the channel against a loss of sensitivity as a result of interference in the form of a long duration signal. 8. The receiver has automatic frequency control of the local oscillator; the AFC range is ? .7.5 ma. 9. The receiver is powered.from a three-phase, 22017volt, 50-cps ac network. Functional Disgram of the Receiver A functional diagram of the receiver, shiown in Figure 57, includes a signal channel and an AFC channel. The signal channel includes the following baaic elements: RF amplifier 3 with waveguide coupling 2 and antenna switch (APS) p 127) 19; signal mixer 5 with preselector4; local oscillator 21; seven-stage IF amplifier 6-12 detector 13; video amplifier 14; final amplifier; three stages of instantaneous AGC (MARU) 16, 17, and 18; differentiating network (connected to video amplifier input) 14. The automatic frequency control (AFC) channel includes: .00 .10116 attenuator 20; AFC mixer 22; two-stage IF amplifier 23 and 24; discriminator 25; pulse amplifier 26; control tube 27; search generator. The reflector RF signal is taken from antenna switch 19 to the input of unit UVCh-1 (RF amplifier) 3 where it is amplified and sent to mixer 5 of the signal channel.. A voltage from local oscillator 21 is also applied to this point. As a result of this conversion, IF pulses are obtained which are (p128) separated within the input circuit of IF amplifier 6 of the signal _ _ channel. These pulses are amplified in the subsequent stages 6 through 12 of the IF amplifier and are converted by detector 13 to d-c Pu:50X1-HUM (video pulses), which are then amplified by the video amplifier. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Part of the energy of the RF pulses taken from the transmitter through attenuator 20 of the unit APS-1 (antenna switch) is fed to mixer 22 of the AFC channel, to Which is also applied a voltage from local oscillator21.' These pulses are first converted to IF pulses and then to d-c pulses which control the thyratron circuit regulating the frequency of the local oscillator. Local and remote gain control are provided by the application of a negative voltage to the grids of the second and third IF amplifier stages; this is dependent upon the position of .the "Gain Control" switch in unit PRS-1. / ? The voltages for remote switching-in,of.the differentiating circuit and MARU relays are applied through 'a plug in unit PRS-1 to, the appropriate network. The differentiating circuit is connected in the grid circuit of the video amplifier. The three MARU stages are connected to the last three stages of the IF amplifier. Power for the receiver is taken from transformers and germanium (p 129) rectifiers mounted in unit PRS-11 while the voltage stabilization .circuit is also located here in an independent subassembly the stabilitation block. Schematic diagrams of the control panel and the power supply unit (PRS -1) for the IF amplifier and AFC blocks and the supply voltage stabilization block are given in a separate album. 2. The Signal Channel Waveguide Coupling From APS-1 to UVCh -1 (VPS) The waveguide coupling (Figure 58) serves as a link between the antenna switch (APS-1) and the microwave amplifier (UVCh-1). It is a waveguide of complex configuration with different cross- sections at either end. One end of the coupling has a special flange which is joined to the rectangular ATR tube of unit APS-1. The other end of the coupling is terminated with a flange for connection to unit sUVCh -1. ? The cross-section of the coupling on the UVCh end is 72 x 10 mm 50X1 -HUM . and corresponds to the cross-section of the UVCh waveguide. The cross- section of the other end of the coupling is determined by the dimensions of the rectangular ATR tube. ?84? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM ? Fig 58. Waveguide Junction (p 130) 1. tuning screws 50X1 -HUM - 85 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM . The transition from one-cross-section to the other is accomplished (p 131) smoothly in the middle section of the waveguide. Three ,tuning stubs are located in the wide wall of the waveguide to eliminate reflections caused by bends and by the change in cross - section, as well as for the purpose of matching the input of UNCh with unit APCh-1. The position of these stubs is.fixed after tuning by means of lock nuts.' Travelling-Wave Tube MicrowaVe Aiplifier The microwave amplifier (UVCh-1) is connected between the rectangular ATR tube of the receiving arm of the antenna witeh and the preselector of the signal mixer. Use of the microwave amplifier reduces the demands on the quality of the crystal detector and on the circuit of the IF amplifier input stages. In addition, introduction of the microwave amplifier increases the protection of the crystal mixer against the action of strong RF pulses. The UVCh -1 unit includes: -- travelling-wave tube, type UV-1B; ^ focusing system (solenoid) which produces a longitudinal magnetic field; ? a matching device which matches the input and output of the amplifier; -- a centering system for the UV-IB tube. . A schematic diagram of unit UVCh-1 is given in Figure 59. Power Supply for Unit UVCh-1. All supply voltages to unit UVCh-1 come through a cable from unit PRS-1. Design. of Unit UVCh -1 (p132) An over-all view of unit UVCh-1 is given in Figure 60, while 50)(1-HUM UV-1B is shown in Figure 61. nRclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 V\111H-1.X09 ? ????: I - ?? ? ...VMWM4Z.V777.r."7:''.. .77.1?S????? ? ??. ?'???.? ?Z1'???? ? "? ? r. ? ?!, V?V - ? " ? ? ? ? s' ? Sh3 ? ? : ? '-??? ? +. ? ? :! ? , At, t; ? Ctrcuit !'-''' ? ' 1 ?-???? VI mr7.33_. 8 3 4 ????i Ass." ; r ? ? . . ? ' . ? . (SIM D 1 )S.K4 Leads to: 20 -26v;e5a 17 16 nUlsitibo ?7 10 8 6? 7 +26 v;8a PRS-1562/to ?RS-Is-AI/9 nts.t Sh:I8 Pf?S-1 Skz/ 7 PRS-1 If .300 Y cc Ilea. PRS-S"ah4 13 +15eS22.5 rIarelf ?RS-is/h./6 11 41504: So plate .1 PRS-1S6L / it 2 -404 94 c1.11:1 FIN4514/2 4 2+3 v ;darner& PR5-1 51)4.14 - 3 -160 v cUairient PRS-r Sha /3 Fig 59. Schematic Diagram of the UVCh-1 Unit (TW-Tube Microwave Amplifier) (p 133) 1 ? I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 Z-1-00OLZ0091-?0V917Z00108dC1I-V10 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Fig 60. UVCh-1 Unit (TW-tube Microwave Amplifier) (A 134) 1. piston adjusting knobs 2. input centering device 3. side coil in housing 4. input-waveguide flange 5. center coil in housing 6. side coil in housing 7. output-waveguide flange 8. power plug-in 50X1-HUM -88- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1 -HUM ^ Fig 61. UV-1B Lamp (p 13') Fig 62. Cross Sectional View of the UVCh-1 (TW-tube Microwave Amplifier) at the Conjunction of Waveguide and Housing 1. flange 2. side coil 3. center coil 4. brass tube 5. housing 6. piston - 89 - (p 138) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 The follawing,voltages are Filament Contr91 electrode Plate I Plate II Collector 50X1 -HUM required for tube UV-1B: 2-3 v 0-25 v relative to cathode 0-100 v " II it 150-225 v 300-375 v 42o v 300 v St It ? II It These voltages are controllable, since the operating mode of the cube is selected for each individual tube within limits close to its rating. ground cathode In order to simplify the rectifier of unit PBS -1 and to use common voltages of 4.300 and -150 v for the receiver, the cathode of the tube is not grounded, and a voltage of -150 v is applied to it. The stabilized voltages of -150 and +300 v and the filament Voltage. p 136) are taken from unit PBS-1 through the control panel located in this unit: and pass through the power cable to the electrodes of tube UV-1B. Of particular importance is the stability of the voltage at the helix (plate II) which controls the interaction of ,the electrons with the electromagnetic wave (interaction voltage). The amplification of the travelling-wave tube is very critical with respect to this voltage. A d-c voltage is applied to the solenaid, and the initial current of the solenoid is equal to 8:t 0.3 a. When the solenoid heats up, this current drops to 6 7 a at which the required strength of the magnetic field is achieved. The design characteristics and basic dimensions of the amplifier unit are determined by the position which the unit occupies in the RF tract of the receiver and by the dimensions of the tube (TW) and the solenoid. The amplifier unit consists mainly of three parts: solenoid, waveguides with tuning elements, and the system used to center the tube in the magnetic field. In order to avoid undue distortion and. attenuation of thernagnetic field in those places where the tube is linked to the input and output waveguides, the solenoid is made in the form of three individual coils and has a total length somewhat greater than that of the helix of the tube. 50X1 -HUM The solenoid consists of three coild whose total resistance au a temperature t4:20?C is 2.80 4.3.3 ohms. - 90 - (1) 137) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM The coils are wound on brass tubes (Figure 62). These tubes serve as the outer shell of the coaxial helical line in the center coil and as PF filter plates in the side coils. The tubes are connected as a single piece by bushings extending from the side walls of the waveguides. The cross-section of the waveguide channels of the amplifier are selected at 72 x 10 mm. The width of the narrow wall of the waveguides is determined by the length of the exciter stubs of the UV-IB tube. Flat flanges I are fitted to one side of the waveguides to permit attach.; merit Of the amplifier to the waveguide coupling at the input end and attachment to the preselector cavity of the signal mixer at the output end. On the other side, each waveguide is shorted by a piston 6 which, by means of a special drive, can be moved along the waveguide to provide tuning to maximum signal transmission. The ends of the outer coilsare aovered by two metal plates to which the tube and the device used to center it in the magnetic field . are attached. The tube is held by an ordinary tube socket and a cap holder with segmented lobes. The position of thg tube along the axis of the unit is adjusted by changing spacers during factory adjust merit. Incorrect adjustment of the tube causes a deterioration in its, sensitivity. Each centering device consists of a system of two eccentrics. (P 139) One eccentric is formed by a cylinder, to which the tube socket (or cap holder) is fixed, fastened to a metal disk with an eccentricity of 0.6 mm relative to the center of the disk. The other eccentric is formed by a round cylinder, the axis of the external surface of which is displaced relative to the inner durface also by 0.6 mm (Figure 63). If one of the centering devices is kept stationary, rotation of ' both eccentrics of the other device will cause a movement of the center of the spiral of this end of the tube as shown at the tiot in Figure 63. If both centering devices are adjusted, the axis of the tube can be made to occupy Any position in space, limited by the cylinder to a 6. diameter of 2.4 mm, relative to the axis of the focusing system. . Correct orientation of the beginning of the helix relative to the axis of the input waveguide noticeable improves the matching of the tube with the microwave Channel. In view of this, the cylinder of the tube socket is held in the centering device in such a way that, once the tube has been centered inthe magnetic field, the. tube.may be rotated around its own axis. The armature of the solenoid is placed in a cylindrical sheath made .of soft steel which screens the tube against the influence of exi50X1-HUM fields. - 01 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM IIP ? ,d.i.aphragm tube I: soc e ? 1 1 center of helix , ' t. _ __._ , _ i ...re enter of ' diaphragn..1 1 t -- , round - - ? cylinder . center of ;center -Oil ragni cylinder . ? ' ? ? . 'center of ? 1 cylinder.._ Fig 63.. System of Two Eccentrics in UVCh -1 Amplifier Unit (p 140) Fig 64. Main Elements in the Reflex Klystron (p 142) 1. repeller (reflecting electrode) 2. resonator grids 3. accelerating electrode 4. focusing cylinder 5. cathode 6. heater ?? 50X1-HUM ??? ? 92 ? 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The solenoid heats up during its operation and is therefore cooled by a fan in the transmitter unit from which an air duct runs to an opening in the base of unit UVCh-1 (travelling-wave,tube.amplifier). (p 141) The need for cooling arises because of the fact that, without cool- ing and at the high temperatures, within the body of the vehicle, the solenoid may become overheated. The weight of unit UVCh-1 is approximately 4o kg. The Local Oseillator A 10-centimeter reflex klystron of the K-11 type with an external cavity resonator circuit is used as the oscillator tube. The basic elements of the reflex klystron are shown in Figure 64. When the supply voltages are applied to the klystron, oscillations are set up in the local oscillator circuit which may be maintained under certain conditions. The mechanism by which these oscillations are maintained in the klystron circuit may be explained as follows.* Electrons escaping from the cathode enter the electrical field of the resonator circuit as a result of the action of the voltage of the accelerating electrode and the grids of the resonator (approximately 250 v). This beam, whose electrons are homogeneous with respect to velocity and distribution, enters the space between the grids of the resonator and is velocity- modulated as a result of the action of the high-frequency electrical field. When the electrons escape from the grid area they have different - velocities, whereupon they are bunched during the time that they move in the area of the reflector plate (the drift space). Bunching occurs in (p 143) the beam around those electrons which pass the gap between the grids at that moment when the a-c voltage in the' resonator passes through zero and the electrical field in the gap between the grids changes from retarding to accelerating. Thus, the distribution of charges in the beam is not homogeneous and, consequently, the beam contains an alternating current component. When the electrons return due to the action of the repelling field of the reflector, the current maximuhs of the beam must pass the grids of the resonator at those moments wht!ti there is voltage in the resonator, which creates a retarding field for-the electrons. 50X1-HUM Only in this manner will the eJictron beam impart energy to the local oscillator circuit and sustait oscillations in the circuit. If this did not occur, the electron bec: itself would remove energy from the circuitland oscillations would ceasE. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The characteristic feature of any reflex klystron is the possibility of changing the frequency of generated oscillations by changing the voltage at the reflector. In any reflex klystron there aro several voltage regions at the reflector at which conditions of generation are maintained. Figure 65 shows approximately the regiops of generation for the K-11 klystron for a voltage of -250 v at the resonator. The Tegions of (p 144) generation are numbered in order. The first (I) is the region of genera- tion with the highest negative voltage of -250 v, the second (II) has a voltage of approximately -140 v, etc. The local oscillator which we have considered uses the second region of generation, at which klystron K-111 as a rule, provides maximum power. . Figure 65 also shows the relationships of changes in power' and frequency of the klystron to changes in voltage at the reflector within ' the limits of the region of generation.. The frequency increases when the voltage at the reflector is increased. The change in klystron frequency' caused by changing the voltage at the reflector between the points of half power is called the electron tuning range. The electron tuning range of the K-11 klystron local oscillator is approximately 7.5 mc. An over-all view of the K-11 klystron is shown in Figure 66. High-frequency energy is taken from the klystron circuit by means of a coupling loop. The coupling joint is connected to a T -joint from which the local oscillator voltage is led to both mixers by means of two high-frequency cables. Stable operation of the local oscillator requires that all fastening screws be fully tightened and the tuning stubs be securely locked. Power for the local oscillator is taken from the :same rectifier (p 147) which feeds the entire receiver: A voltage of +300 v is applied through . voltage-dropping resistor R26 to the accelerating electrode and the. klystron resonator. A negative voltage from potentiometer R34 is applied to the repeller electrode of the klystron during manual adjustment of the frequency. This voltage may be varied from -55 to -220 v. With automatic frequency control, voltage is applied to the repeller electrode. from the plate of the search generator 'tube of the APCh -1 (AFC) network. 50X1 -HUM ? 94 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 65. K-11 Klystron Oscillation Regions ?( p 145 ) 50X1 -HUM AC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 66. Local Oscillator with K-11 Klystron (p 146) 1. openings for tuning plungers 2. output for feeding voltage to the repeller 3. safety-lock bolt for attachment to PRS-1 unit 4. high-frequency Tee 5. flange with coupling loop 6. demountable housing 7. local-oscillator resonator 8. output fpr voltage supply to resonator 50X1-HUM -96- Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 3 6" .5, 18 , VSS No. 1362303 _15 -Fig 67. Signal Mixer 1. waveguide of mixer 2. crystal detector 3. plunger-adjusting screw 4. plunger 5. split bushing 6. clamp nut 7. crystal holder 8. special plug 9. local oscillator coupling device 10. collar 11. 4-wave filter 50X1-HUM 0 (p 148) 12. preselector cavity 14. preselector tuning plunger 15. plunger clamp nut 16. capacitive probe for coupling to the local oscillator 17. screw for adjusting coupling to local oscillator 18. connection for local-oscillator cable 19. flange for attaching to microwave - waveguide output -97- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM Sinal Mixer With Preselector Cavity The signal mixer is used to convert the pulses of the microwave signal to intermediate-frequency pulses. The signal mixer is shown in Figure 67. The mixer consists of waveguide section 1 with a cross- section of 72 x 10 mm across which is placed 'a type DGS detector 2. One end of the waveguide is closed by plunger 4, which . is moved by means of screw 3, whose position is fixed upon tuning. At the other end are two diaphragms, which are separated from each other. by a distance of half a wavelength and form the resonance cavity of the preselector; the end of the cavity is fitted with a rectangular flange for attachment to UVCh-1.. On the wide wall of the waveguide mixer is guide bushing 5 of the crystal holder with lock nut 6. Crystal 2 is (p 149) screwed into crystal holder 7 and is placed in the waveguide so that its other terminal is connected to the center leadof special plug 8 of a. cable leading to unit.UPCh -1. On this wall also is a device for connection to local oscillator'.9. This device is described in the description of the AFC mixer. An externally threaded bushing 10 for connection to special plug 8' is located on the opposite wall. A special box contains quarter-wave filter 11, which passes RF energy to the input of UPCh-1 (IF amplifier). The converted frequency is sent to UPCh-1 by means of a section of coaxial cable. The resonance cavity of the preselector is aSection of rectangular waveguide with a cross-section of 72 x IO nun with two coupling windows , at the ends. A tuning screw (plugger) is placed in the waveguide of the preselector. cavity so that the gap between its end and the waveguide wall forms a lumped capacitance for the resonance cavity circuit. The resonance cavity represents a tunable selector device since it is equivalent to a circuit Connected between the microwave amplifier and the signal mixer. IF Amplifier and Detector (UPCh-1) The voltage taken from the signal mixer is fed through high-frequency cable RK-11.7 and the input plug to input winding Ll of the circuit (see . schematic diagram). In order that the cable does not introduce a reaction in the input circuit, the geometric length of the cable is selected so that its electrical length is equal to half the wavelength of the intermediate frequency oscillations. An equivalent diagram of the input circuit of UPCh (IF amplifier) is given in Figure 68. 50X1 -HUM oo (p 150) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ?? IF amp_ 50X1-HUM r-t71, f.bct signal miiej r, current meter i Fig 68. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of the Input Circuit of the UPCh-1 (p 151) 50X1-HUM 99 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 The current from the signal mixer, formed as a result of the detection of the local oscillator voltage, passes through resistors RI and R2. 50X1 -HUM Resistor R2 serves as a shunt for the measuring instrument of unit PRS -1 (when measuring the mixer current with this instrument); resistor ? . R1 and capacitors Cl and C2 are intended as a by-pass. The IF amplifier uses seven amplification stages with identical. circuits which are resonance tuned to a frequency of 30 mc. The first six stages use 6Zh1P tubes and the last stage uses a 6Zh5P tube. All circuits are formed by inductance coil, auxiliary capacitors connected in!varallel with them, the capacitance of the tubes, and the Capacitance of the wiring. The input circuit is tuned with a carbonyl._ iron core and all other circuits with brass cores.. . . The passband of each circuit is determined by the total capacitance of the circuit and the shunting resistor connected to the plate circuit of the tube. ? The IF voltage formed in the input circuit is amplified by the first and subsequent stages of the IF amplifier. A voltage from the +120-v circuit is applied to the plates and screen grids of the 6ZhIP tubes. (p 152) In order to avoid the necessity of 'having large blocking capacitors between the stages, the circuit coils with the exception of thesitput circuit), the auxiliary capacitors of the circuits, and the shunting resistors are connected to the plate circuits of the tubes. Bias at the grids of the IF amplifier tubes is applied through RF chokes. The supply voltage of 4120 v is applied to the UPCh stages through a resistance network which weakens parasitic feedback in the plate circuit between stages. RF chokes wound on ferrite rdds and having high loss at high frequency are included in the filament supply circuits of the tubes. These chokes provide high attenuation of IF parasitic couplings through the filament circuits. In addition, all supply circuits are blocked by capacitors near the input contacts of the power supply plug. The +300 v applied to the plate of tube 6Zh5P also passes through an inductance-capacitance filter. 50X1 -HUM ".. -100- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? .50X1-HUM The circuit of One stage of UPCh (the IF amplifier) is shown in .Figure 69. Circu4 represents the load in the plate circuit of preceding tube V2. The inductance of the circuit is trimmed during factory adjustment by means of the brass core. The load of the stage examined above is the circuit in the plate of . V3 formed by coil L5, capacitor C141 and shunting resistor R14. Resistor R14 in the plate circuit of tube V3 determines the gaili , and the passband of. the given stage. RF-choke Dr6 protects the grid of :the tube against strong signal overloads by maintaining a constant bias .voltage on the grid of 1J3. An initial,automatic.bias of the grid circuit is created at resistor R13 in the cathode circuit of the tube, which is blocked by capacitor C15. The cathode of tube V3 is connected through decoupling resistor R121 to test jack 1C3, where the operating mode and performance of the stage is monitored. The plate of tube V3 is connected to the grid of tube V4 of the subsequent stage by coupling capacitor C17. Receiver gain is adjusted locally by changing the gain of the second and third tubes by applying a negative voltage to their control grids from the potentiometer located on the control panel of unit PRS-1. Remote gain control is accomplished by applying a bias to the same stages from the potentiometer located in unit PDU -1 (remote control panel). The "Gain Control" switch on the panel of unit PRS-1 .is used to change from local to remote gain control. IF-voltages are taken from the plate circuits of the fifth, sixth, and seventh IF-amplifier stages through blocking capacitors to the MARU (instantaneous AGC) stages-. A control voltage is applied through filters to the control grids fo the fifth, sixth, and seventh IF-amplifier stages from the MARU stages. The IP-amplifier detector is formed by a twin diode 6Kh2P. A diagram of the output stage of the IF amplifier and the detector is given in Figur! 70. .IF-voltage is applied to the cathode of the detector throllE50X1-HUM blocking capacitor C35 from the plate of the final IF-amplifier stage, which is based on tube 6Zh5P. Choke Dr19 permits passage of the direct current component of diode 6Eb21).. The load...resistance in the plate ' 1A1 - (1) 155) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 MI6 "Mb 1-`'Te9 50X1 -HUM g)144 RI2 - PO =3 .1;--120-ylil1 Cn 32A to VV-gricri 67111-P, Zh1F1 _112_grid RI4 to Wament 1Dr8 , _ of Fr-IF app. gairilj control7 Fig 69. Diagram of a Typical UPCh (IF-Amplifier-Detector) Stage (P 154) 50X1 -HUM - 102 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ^ .4-120 357' 17614 -?-?'?""4-1 from rilate of , .V6 ,Cso I 1 ; volt; K7 *Dr18 +. 300 detect. volt monitor t _ 50X1 -HUM F.. E.: an- detect. out. _ to "voltage at ditector"-'; r_meter on panel- of unit PRS-1 voliTcontroi 4cm MARy1 Fig 70. Diagram of the UPCh-1 Output Stage" and Detector (p 156) 50X1 -HUM - 1 t-V4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM circuit of the detector, equal to 4.2 kilohms (resistors R26 and R27 in Figure 73), is located in the grid circuit of the video amplifier of the ."APCh-1" block. Two series-connected resistors R38 and R39 (Figure 70), which are multipliers for the instrument on the control panel of unit PRS-1, are. connected to the plate of the. detector. The plate of the detector is also connected through decoupling resistor R37 to a test jack which is used to monitor the performance of the detector. Capacitor C36 shunts the load of the detector against intermediate frequencies. The values of the load resistance of the detector and the capacitance which shunts it are selected so that the signal will not. be noticeably distorted. A negative d-c pulse is taken from the load of the detector. (P 157) Choke Dr20 is connected between the detector and the output contact of plug connector F2 of the UPCh-1 block (connected by coaxial cable to. the video amplifier). This choke, together with the input capacitance ? of the IF-amplifier tube and the capacitance of the cable, creates a filter which impedes the penetration of IF-voltages .into the video a ? amplifier. Such a filter prevents the appearance of parasitic feedback . through the video amplifier circuits. The MARU-Circuit The MARU (instantaneous AGC) circuit protects the radar from pulse noises with large amplitudes and durations exceedingrthat of the useful signal. The MARU-circuit automatically reduces the gain of the last three stages of the IF-amplifier when interference is present at its input during operation. At the same time, the MARU-circuit does not attenuate the working pulses received immediately behind the interference. The MARU-Circuit consists of three stages built around type 6N1P and 6N2P twin triodes (see schematic diagram). The first, second, and third stages are connected between the plate and grid circuits of the fifth, sixth, and seventh IF-amplifier stages, respectively. The three MARU-stages provide sufficient depth of gain control -- a reduction of the flat part of the noise pulses to the noise level. The IF-voltage from the plate circuits of the fifth, sixth, and seventh stages of the IF-amplifier are applied through blocking capacitors to the corresponding halves of the triodes, which are connected in a diode detector circuit. A diagram of one MARU-stage is given in Figure 71. - 104 - (50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM Fig 71. Diagram of One MART Stage ? 105 (1) 159) 50X1 -HUM , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Fig 72. Oscillogram of an Output Pulse When the MARU is 9perating 1. MARU stages 1,2,and 3 connected; 2. MARU stages 2 and 3 connected; 3. MARU stage 3 connected. (p 160) DR2i* C27 441-- 3 'q6 1 6N6p R 33 C2 SD.? HAFamp in.i det. out. 0? .4120- v CDs Iqoutput 1T/(-O31 Pac R3 --150 v chassis ,diff. relay '6.3v 50X1-HUM Pig 73. Schematic Diagram of the Audio-Frequency Amplifier (p 3.6250X1-HUM - 106 - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Resistor R44,, shunted by capacitor C43, serves as. the load of the detector. A recified voltage is applied through decoupling resistor R45 to the grid ok the second half of the triode, which is connected in a cathode follower circuit. Resistor R43, which is connected to the -150-V source, serves as the load in the cathode circuit of this triode. The direct current component of the triode causes a drop in voltage across cathode resistor R43 approximately equal to 150 v. Hence, the voltage between the cathode and ground is approximately equal tot:0.2 v. This initial voltage causes a slight change in the gain of that IF-amplifier stage with which the given MARU-stage is connected. The gain of the MARU -stage is increased by positive d?c feedback. from the output of the cathode follower to the cathode of the detector through RF choke Dr211.. This choke blocks the path to intermediate frequencies. The. other MARU-stages are similar to the one described. In order to prevent the third-MARU stage from being triggered by a sufficiently high noise level at its input, the detector of this stage is blocked by a certain initial bias so that it begins operating at a certain "threshold." The triggering threshold is determined by (p 161) the magnitude of negative bias applied to the plate of the diode of this stage from.divider R47 and R48 (see schematic diagram), which is connected to the -150-v network. The simultaneous application of a bias to the grid of the triode of this stage is compensated by the choice of a resistance in the cathode circuit of the triode. ? The triggering threshold of the third MARU-stage is selected so as to prevent suppression of pulses of nominal amplitude. Resistors R41, R14.14. and R49 and the wiring capacitance and input capacitances of the tubes in all the MARU-stages create a delay in the triggering of the circuit for a period of time greater than the duration of the signal reflected from a single target. An oscillogram of the pulse at the output of the receiver (and at the load'of the IF-amplifier detector), together with a square pulse having an amplitude of up to 0.2 v at the amplifier input, is shown in Figure 72. The Audio-Amplifier (UNCh) and Differentiating Circuit 50X1 -HUM The audio-amplifier consists of two stages: the preamplifier and the final stage of the cathode follower (Figure 73). -107- , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Video-Preamplifier and Output Amplifiers 50X1:HUM (13'163). . The' pyeamplifier.(video:amplifier) receives the 'required input voltage at the grid of the output stage, which is the power amplifier. Both UNCh-stages are based on a 6N6P twin triode. The signals are fed by means of a special coaxial cable from the output of the detector located in the UPCh-1 block to the APCh-1 .(AFC) block which contains the audio amplifier. Resistors R26 and R27 form the load of the audio- amplifier detector. Video pulses are taken from resistor R26 to the - grid.of the video amplifier. Negative pulse signals are applied to the input of the video amplifier. The video amplifier tube is normally open and has a small.. ? negative bias between the grid and cathode as a result of the drop in voltage across resistor R28.' When large amplitude .signals arrive, the video amplifier tube is - blockedland limiting occurs. The cathode resistor of the preamplifier , is shunted by capacitor C25' for the purpose of decreasing negative :L. feedback,Which attenuates the gain of the pulse signals. The grid circuit Of the video amplifier, is protected against ? negative voltage from the output of the detector (d-c) by blocking (p,164). capacitor C27. Because of the presence of this capacitor, a 'change 'in ? noise level at the output of the IF-amplifier does not lead to a change in gain of the audio amplifier. Grid leakage of the video amplifier is formed by the back resistance of crystal diode D2, type D2-Ye, which simultaneously performs the role of a d-c restorer at the grid of the tube during overloading. The limiting threshold of the video amplifier depends on the supply voltage, the plate load R29, shunting resistor R331 and on the bias. at. the control grid. The values of resistors R28, R291 and R33 is chosen so that the amplitude of the signal. at the plate of the left triode does not exceed 6 volts. Positive pulses pass from the plate of.the left triode through blocking capacitor C24 to the grid of right triode 6N6P. Capacitor C24 blocks the control grid of the output stage against a positive voltage from the plate of the video amplifier. In the, absence of a signal, the right triode is, in an almost. closed state, since a large negative bias is applied to its grid through . resistor R31 and crystal diode D3 of the type D2-Ye. The necessity for5?X1-HUM obtaining a sufficiently large current pule results in 'selecting the operating point in the lower bend of the' characteristic of the tube. -108- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM ? Crystal diode D3, type D2-Ye? which is connected in the gric circuit of the output stage, prevents overloading of this stage by pulses of long duration and amplitude; that is, it plays the role of a d-c restore/r. The load of the Output stage of the audio amplifier is an end- matched coaxial' cable with a wave impedance of 75 ohms. This stage is in the form of a cathode-follower circuit. To prevent discharge of the cathode of the tube to the heater (filaMent).when the load cable is disconnected., the cathode of the output-stage tube is shunted to ground by resistor R34. p 165) This resistance is chosen .on the basis that the true load of the stage differs little from the wave impedance of the cable (R34 - 560 ohms Both stages of the audio amplifier are supplied from a +120-v stabilized voltage source. . Test jack plug G2, connected to the output plug of the audio ampli- fier, is used to monitor the operation of the. amplifier and the entire ...receiver in the "APCh -1" block. arid-bias voltage is fed to the right triode from a special voltage divider consisting of resistors R30 and R32., This divider is supplied from a -150-v circuit. The Differentiating Circuit p 166) -_--_--- In order to prevent overloading (blocking) of the video-amplifier' stage by pulse, noise of long duration, it is possible to connect (by means of relay R1) a differentiating circuit comprising resistor R35 and capacitor C28 into the control-grid circuit of the tube in place of resistor R26. A differentiating circuit is not always needed in the video- amplifier channel, since it a number of cases it is'necessary to observe large groups of "overlapping" signals. In differentiation, only the front of these signals is reproduced. Individual signals are not visible.. Therefore, the differentiating circuit is connected remotely from the PDIJ.,;1 panel at the decision. of the operator. Also, it is desirable to switch on this Circuit simul- taneously with the switching-on of the. MARU-circuit. . The detected pulses are applied to the grid of tube V26 tt50X1 -HUM - capacitor C28 from the full load of the detector and through capacltor . C27 and the contacts of relay 1U from part of the load (from R26). When ' a voltage is applied to the excitation winding of .the relay, resistor -109- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM R 25 is connected in parallel with R36,and capacitor C27 is disconnected from the control grid of the tube. In this case, the signal is applied to the grid only through capacitor C28 and is differentiated by circuit C28 and R25/with parallel-connected resistor R36. The required values of C28 and R25 are determined by the duration (p-167) of the working pulse of the radar. The working pulse must not be . differentiated, since this would cause a decrease in the output signal while maintaining the sane noise level, that is, the 'sensitivity of the receiver would be reduced. 3. The Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) Channel The purpose of the automatic frequency control is to change the frequency of the local oscillator in such amanner that the intermediate frequency will remain unchanged in the event of a drift in frequency of the transmitter or the local oscillator itself. The AFC channel includes an AFC mixer and an AFC circuit; a schematic diagram of the APCh-1 (AFC) block is given in a separate album. The AFC circuit consists of two IF-amplifier stages, a discriminator, a video amplifier, and track and search stages. 50X1 -HUM - 110 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 A. General View , B. Cross Section 50X1 -HUM Fig 74. APCh (Automatic-Frequency-Control) Channel Mixer (p 168) 1. coupling loop" 2. cylindrical tube 3. holder 4. attenuator 5. inside conductor 6. connector for voltage supply from local oscillator 7. inside plunger -111- 8. space with absorbing layer 9. Tee 10. coupling rod 11. coupling-rod base 12. coupling-rod screw 13. 4-wave filter 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 The AFC Channel Mixer The AFCclitYinel mixer (Figure 74) converts the high-frequency pulses (reaching its input from the transmitter and through an attenuator) into IF-pulses. / 50X1 -HUM ? The AFC-mixer is a coaxial circuit containing a type DGS-detector. This circuit is linked by means of coupling .loop 1 through attenuator 4 to the rectangular waveguide of the antenna switch. The attenuator is a (p 169) small cylindrical tube 2 soldered to the wide wall of the main waveguide of the antenna switch. Optimum attenuation is achieved during complex tuning by moving the J7 AFC-mixer and the coupling loop in an axial direction, thus increasing Or decreasing signal attenuation. The position of the AFC-mixer is fixed by clamp 3 once the required attenuation is obtained. For shorter waves corresponding to the higher harmonics (third and fifth) of the magnetron, the attenuator has lees attenuation, and oscilla- tions at these harmonics could burn out or damage the crystal upon striking it. This is prevented by the introduction of two plates 4 made of a high- loss material (pertinax with an absorbent layer) into the attenuator. The energy of the signal passing through the attenuator is picked up by the coupling loop and excites oscillations in the mixer circuit. Voltage is applied from the local oscillator through phig 6 to the coupler of the mixer. The power applied to the AFC-mixer from the local oscillator is reg- ulated by means of a special device. Inner rod 7 of the local-oscillator input to the mixer is connected through T-junction 9 to a movable rod 10 terminated with a cap U. This cap, being it a great distance from inner conductor 5 of the mixer, forms a capacitive coupling. The gap between the cap and the inner conductor 5 may be adjusted by means of screw 12 (p 170) which is rigidly attached to rod 10. The position of the rod is fixed by a lock nut. In the plug connector of the local-oscillator input of the mixer is a special gasket 8 with an absorbent layer. This gasket matches the input of the mixer to :the wave impedance of the cable which brings energy from the local oscillator to the mixer. IF-voltage is taken from the detector by a special plug connector. This connector has a quarter-wave filter 13 which does not pass high fre- quencies to the input of the AFC-circuit. 50X1 -HUM ? ?112? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM -Fig 75. Diagram of TWO IF-Amplifier Stages of an AFC Channel (p 171) ^ {to g rid of] Fig 76. Diagram of the Discriminator (p 174) ??? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM IF-Amplifier of the AFC Chahnel The voltage taken from the AFC mixer is sent by a short high-frequency cable RK-47 to the input plug of the AFC (Figure 75). The input circuit is in the forh of an autotransfOrmer circuit. The length of the calole and its connection to part of the coils of the input circuit are determined by the necessity for decreasing the capacity reaction of the cable to the circuit, which is necessary to permit tuning of the input circuit to the intermedi- ate frequency. Matching of the AFC-input circuit with the impedance of the AFC-mixer is not ctitical. The pessband of the input circuit is widened by shunting the circuit with resistor t3. Resistor R2 serves as a shunt for the meter in unit PRS-1 when meas- (p172) tiring the AFC-mixer current. The first stage of the IF-amplifier is based on a pentode dirauit with tube 6Zh1P. The second stage uses a 6Zh5P tube to provide the necessary gain. A circuit formed by coil 12, the input and output capacitances of the tubes, and the capacitance of the wiring series as the load for the first stage. Resistor R9 in the plate load of the first tube, which shunts this circuit, determines the gain of the stage and the frequency passband. Bias at the control grid of theflist stage is provided by a voltage drop across cathode resistor R7. The second IF-amplification stage of the APCh-1 (AFC) block is loaded by a circuit connected to the discriminator. A controlled negative bias is applied to the ghtd circuit of tube 6Zh5P to compensate aging of the tubes. The bias voltage is taken from potentiometer R5. Resistor R4 provides the necessary initial bias. The circuits are tuned to a frequency of 30 mc. Their passband is determined by the operating characteristic of the discriminator. The function of the remaining elements of the amplifier is the same as in the amplifiers of the UPCh-1 block. The Discriminator CP 173) A, circuit diagram of the discriminator is given in Figure 76. The discriminator is based on tube V221 type 61th2P. 50X1-HUM - 114 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The plate circuit of V21 consists of two series-connected inductance coils L3 and L4 capacitors C10 and C121 and the capacitance of 6Zh5Plaus the wiring. The d?scriminator circuit, consisting.of coil L5 and capacitor C131 as well as of the capacitances of the diodes connected in series with it and capacitors C14, C151 C16, and C17, is inductively coupled with coil 1.4 of the plate circuit of 6Zh5P. The inductance of the plate circuit is divided into two parts (L3 and L4) for the purpose of providing a sufficiently mminll coupling between the plate circuit and discriminator circuit. Bence, it is possible to place L4 and L5 On a single small frame. The weak coupling between the plate circuit and the discriminator is necessary to avoid double-humped resonance curves in the coupling system. The symmetry of the parameters of the arm of the discriminator has a particIllar influence on its operating quality. In order to achieve good symmetry, one half of coil L5 is wound between the turns of the other half of the winding. Of no less influence on the operation of the discriminator is the symmetry of the diode loads and the capacitance of the diodes themselves. This is achieved in the above discriminator circuit by connecting adddi.:- (.p 175) tional capacitors C14 and C15 in parallel with the diodes of tube &chap and by individually grounding the loads of these diodes (which are also of identical value). For operation of the discriminator with both loads R221 C16 and R14, C17, which are connected to the chassis, the diodes are connected in series in the arm of the discriminator (one with the plate ' toward the circuit and the other with the cathode toward the circuit). Choke Dr-7 permits passage of the d-c component of the diodes in the discriminator. Resistor R11 prevents impact excitation of the choke dur- ing pulse operation. The middle point of the discriminator coil is connected throggh capa- citor C11 to the plate of tube 6Zh5P. A simplified equivalent circuit diagram of the discriminator (for high frequency operation) is given in Figure 77. The voltage in each diode is made up of two components. One component is the voltage in the plate circuit Up and the second component is equal to half the voltage in the discriminator circuit. The values of load capa- citors C16 and C17 are selected so that the voltage (in the operating fre- quency range) in the right electrodes (according to the circuit in Figure 7 77) of both discriminator diodes may be considered equal/ to zero50X1-HUM ?115? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A03150027000.1-2 t., ' -Fig 77. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of the Discrim- inator (for high frequency) (p 176) Fig 78. Vector Diagram of Currents and. Voltages of a System of Two ? Inductively Coupled Circuits at Resonance Frequency (p 177) - 116 - 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 In the coil of the plate circuit of 6Zh5P the phase of curreuv A50X1-HUMl lags voltage UT by approximately 900 (see the vector diagram in Figure 78). The magnetic ?lux vector ?I of the-plate coil coincides in phase with, current vector II./ The emf (d) induced in the coil of the second circuit lags the(p 178) netic flux vector ?I by 90?. The current in the coil of the second circuit II coincides in phase with the induced emf. The voltage in the coil of the second circuit Un leads the circuit current by 90?. and coincides in phase angle with current vector I. The vector diagram given in Figure 78 is valid only when both coupled circuits are resonance-tuned to the frequency of the signal. It is seen from the vector diagram given in Figure 78 that the voltage induced at the resonant frequency in the discriminator circuit as a result of the inductive coupling between L4 and L5 lags the voltage in the plate circuit by 90?0 In view of the fact that voltage III is connected to the middle:1 point of the coil of circuit L5, C13 and that the ends of coil L5 are connected to each of the diodes, the voltage in each diode will egual the vector which is the sum of the vectors of component voltages U1 and III . The vector diagram of voltages in the discriminator diodes during operation at the resonant frequency is given in Figure 79a. Vectors Uaki and Uak2 -- the voltages between the? plates and cathodes of the first and second diodes of the discriminator -- are znmberically equal when operating at the resonant frequency. luakil = Itiak21 In this case the voltages rectified by the diodes at loads R12 and ::p 160) B13 are also equal in value. But, according to the circuit in which the diodes are connected, these voltages are opposite in sign. The output voltage of the discriminator, taken from the voltage di- vider consisting of two equal resistors R18 and R151 is equal to zaro when the resonant frequency is applied to the discriminator. When a signal at a frequency other than the resonant frequancy is ap- plied to the discriminator, the phase shift of vector U will change de- pending upon the frequency. As a result of the change inpphase shift of vectors Yap the total voltage vectors in the diodes will also change both 2 in direction as well as in value (see Figures 79b and, 79c and Figure 80). 50X1-HUM ? 117? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 LID 413 Llama Uasti Uak a UaK UE u Uos2 Fig 79. Vector Diagram of Discriminator Voltages (p 179) 1 Fig-80. Voltage Variation at the Discriminator Diodes. Depending on Signal Frequency (p 181) UanhIAUaNa 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM -Fig 81. Frequency Characteristics of the Discriminator p 182) - - 118 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HM ? The voltages at the loads of the diodes will also change in U cww.Avuo,Lce with changes in the amplitudes of vectors Uaki.and Mika for any departure from the resonant frequency. The atput voltage of the discriminator, which is the algebraic half- sum of the voltages at the loads of the diodes, changes in value and sign with changes in the frequency of the signal at the discriminator input, dependinEvupon the magnitude and the side to which the frequency differs from the resonant frequency of the diicriminator. (usually called the "zero" point of the discriminator characteristic). The frequency characteristic of the discriminator is given in Figure 81. As a consequence of theassymetry of the transmitter pulse and its fre- quency spectrum, two-polarity pulses will appear ati the output of the dis- criminator when it operates in the pulse mode even when the discriminator (p 183) is completely balancedty precise tuning e the Signal to the zero frequency of the discriminator characteristic. The presence of two-polarity pulses at the output of the disciminator. is unavoidable. The parameters of the discri7inator cirouit used in the network are such that they permit. a sharp reduction in the amplitude of un- compensated. residual pulses to a value which allows for sufficiently reli- able operation of the automatic control. system. Two types of APCh-1 blocks are manufactured -- type "N" and type "V" which differ only in the polarity of the dIsmiminator characteristic., Type "V" blocks have a negative polarity hump in the discriminator __? characteristic at frequencies less than "zero" and a positive hump at? fre- quencies above "zero." The discriminator characteristic of type "11" blocks has the opposite ,polarity, as shown in Figure 82. The video amplifier, which is based on 6Zh5P tube, connected after the discriminatorsreverses the polarity of the pulses from the discriminator output. The curves given in Figune 82 show the polarity, and shape of the en- velopes of pulses at the output of the discriminator ("discriminator pulses") and the output of the video amplifier ("AFC pulses") for type "'sr and "N" blocks. 50X1-HUM -119- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A03150027000172 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 pulse I - ,/ ? \ .\ ../ Ises J Jo Le pulses ' ' ? . : "Nu -AFC ' r ? ? ... Iig 82. Discriminator Characteristics for Type "N" ? and "V" APCh-1 (AFC) Blocks (p 184) Fig 83. Thyratron Circuit - 120 - -E:25071 (p189) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM Frequency Characteristics of the Discriminator kp 155) for Types "N" and "V" PCh-1 Blocks The AFC-thyratron circuit is triggered by positive pulses at its input (the output o' .the video amplifier). Therefore, the working pulses at the load of the discriminator must have negative polarity. Normal operation of the receiver requires that the appearance of the positive AFC-pulse, when operating with the AFC-circuit, coincide with the intermediate frequency, which is near the zero point of the discriminator characteristic., For the first and second channels, where the local-oscillator frequency fose is less than the transmitter frequency ftr (see Table 2), the inter- mediate frequency. fit = ftr fosc and for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth channels, where the local-oscil- lator frequency is greater than the frequency of the transmitter, fiat Is fosc ftr ? When the search generator of the AFC-circuit is operating, the fre- quency of the local oscillator changes, thus changing the intermediate fre- quency at the seine time. Figure 84 shows a graph of the voltage change at the reflector. When the search,generator isoPerating, the Value of the negative volt- ? age Uref drops, causing a drop in the frequency of the local oscillator. ? When the transmitters of the first and second channels are operating, (p 186) a drop in frequency of the local oscillator causes an increase in the inter- Mediate frequency at the discriminator input, and when the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth channels are operating, the intermediate frequency decreases, as shown in :Figure 82 by the arrows. When the above conditions are satisfied, there should first appear negative AFC-pulses and then positive pulses. Therefore, the characteris- tics of discriminators for type "N" and "V" AFC blocks have the shape shown Figure 82. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2,_ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM 1111 AFC-Pulse-Circuit Amplifier The output voltage of the discriminator is applied directly to the grid of tube 1123 (see schematic diagram), so that the load of the discriminator is, at the/Same time, the grid leakage' resistance of the amplifier. The pulse amplifier amplifies the signals to the level required for normal op- eration of the tracking stage and is built around a 6Zh5P tube. Resistors R16 and R18 serve as the load of the tube. The gain provided by this stage is approximately 80. Voltage from part of the load (resistor R18) is applied through coupling capacitor C18 to the test jack "AFC-Pulse." The initial bias Of the tube is selected's? as to proVide undistorted amplification of the pulses of operating polarity (negative at the grid of 6Zh5P). The Thyratron Circuit (p 187) The thyratron circuit comprises a tracking stage using control tube TG1-0.1/1.3 and a search stage using tube TG1-0.1/0.3 (Figure 83). A voltage of -250 v is applied to a voltage divider consisting of re- sistors R22; 1201 and R25. The voltage drop across resistor R25 is approx- imately 230 v. The cathodes of both thyratrons V24 and V25 are connected to this resistor. The voltage drop across resistor R20, equal to 9+10 v, is applied through resistor R19 to the control grid of thyratron V24 of the tracking stage and creates a negative bias at the grid. with respect to the cathode which keeps the thyratron in a cutoff condition. A, bias equal to the voltage drop across resistors R20 and R22 is applied through resistor R24 to the grid of thyratron 1125 of the search stage. Changing the value of resistor R22 changes the bias and, thus, the firing potential of the search-stage thyratron. The Search Mode The search mode is that mode of operation of the AFC-circuit in which the voltage at the reflector plate of the klystron changes periodically within wide limits and, accordingly, the frequency of the klystron changes within the range of generation. The bias of thyratron 1125 is selected so that when the voltage bie...:(p 190) tween the plate and cathode equals 170 v (corresponding to a plate poten- tial of -60 v relative to ground), the thyratron fires and begins to con- duct current. The thyratron remains open until the plate voltage api 50X1-HUM? the voltage of the cathode. While the thyratron is open, almost all the plate voltage (+ 120 v) flows through resistors R21 and R23. - 122 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 0 -5 -10 50 50 100 ,erc.a 150 ISO 200 200 foic . 50X1-HUM ,Fig 84. Search-Mode Voltage Changes at the Impeller Causing a Change of Local Oscillator Frequency (p 188) 250 ???14.110fi.:1,. -1- ----- I -Fig 85. Voltage at AFC Output in Tracking Mode - 123 - (p 194) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The change in plate potential during the conducting period occurs as a result of the rapid recharging of capacitor C23 through the small resis- tance of the thyratron from the negative cathode voltage source. Capacitor C22 is charged to a voltage of -210 v. ? This voltage is less than the cathode-to-ground voltage by an amount equal to the voltage drop in the thyratron (15 v). At the end of recharging, the thyratron is quenched, and capacitor C23 again begins to recharge from the +120 v source through resistors R21 and R23. The voltage at the plate begins to increase to +120 v. Recharging continues until the voltage in capacitor C23 reaches the firing potential, at which time the entire cycle is repeated. The time constant of the circuit consisting of resistors R21 and R23 and capacitor C23 is such that each cycle lasts approximately one second. Thus, a sawtooth voltage which changes from -210 v to -60 v is applied to the repeller electrode of the thyratron in the search mode, as shown in Figure 84. (p 191) This cycle of the search mode is repeated until thyratron V24 (Figure 83) opens, and operation of the ANC-circuit switches to the tracking mode. As was noted above, it is desirable thai klystron K-11 operate in the second region of generation (where it provides the greatest power). In order to avoid the possibility of the klystron operating in a region where it provides less power, the firing potential of thyratron V25 is fixed during factory adjustment so that the voltage of the search generator does not reach those values in which this region is located. The Tracking Mode The tracking mode is that mode of operation of the AFC circuit in which the voltage at the reflector plate of the klystron is automatically maintained at a level where the difference between the frequencies of the transmitter and the local oscillator remain approximately equal to the intermediate fre- quency. A,positiiie pulse is applied to the grid of the tracking-stage thye ratron V24 as a result of the operation of the search generator and the'dis- criminator circuit. The thyratron opens (when the firing pulse is sufficient) and conducts current until its plate voltage reaches the potential of the cathode. While tube V24 is open, a voltage of +120 v flows for the most part, through resistor R210 and capacitor C21 is recharged through the tube to t(p 192) the potential of the cathode (-120 v). 50X1-HUM -124- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Thyratron-V24 is quenched at the end of recharging. Since the poten- tial in capacitor C21 after firing of V24 is more negative than in capacitor C23, the charging voltage of capacitor C23 changes. In thiteginning, capacitor 021 charges capacitor 023 with a negative charge, and the voltage in it, as well as in the reflector, will drop (will become more negative). ? As capacitor C21 rapid.3,y discharges from the +120-+ source (021, R21 having a small time constant), the decrease in voltage in capacitor 023 is delayed and, at a certain moment, begins to increase, because it is charged from the same/4-120 v source. The speed of Charging of capacitors C21 and C23 determines the law of change of the voltage at the reflector in the tracking mode. The initial voltage drop in capacitor 023 results in the intermediate frequency becoming greater than 30 104, and negative pulses again pass to the grid of -Woe INA. v? The increase in voltage at the reflector continues until the intermed- late frequency again passes through a value of 30 me. Then tube V24 again receive a positive pulse, fire, and repeat the process once more. Adiagram of voltage changes at the klistron reflector during opera-.(p 193) tion of the thyratron circuit in the tracking mode is shown in Figure 85. This oscillogram may be seen at the output of the AFC-circuit. Voltage fluctuations at the reflector during tracking cause changes in the intermediate frequency within limits of ?100 kc. This occurs after every three-four pulses of the transmitter (Figure 86) when thyratron V23 (Figure 83) is operating in a steady-state tracking / mode, as may be seen at the test jack "AFC-Pulse." If the frequency af the transmitter drops slightly, the frequency of the local oscillator must also drop in order to obtain AnUntermediate fre- quency of 30 mc; that is, it is necessary that the voltage at the reflector become more positive. This is performed automatically. If, when; the transmitter frequency drops, the intermediate frequency first becomes greater than 30 mc, a positive pulse will appear at the output of the discriminator. Consequently, negative pulses will pass to the grid of thyratron V24 (Figure 83) and it will not fire. During this time, capa- citor 023 will continue to charge from the -120-v source and the voltage in it, and, hence, in the reflector, will become more positive, as seen in Figure 85 (section ab). Charging continues,until the frequency of the local oscillator again reaches a value at which the intermediate frequency will r pass through a value of 30 mc. Then the tracking process will proceed in the usual manner. - 125 = 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? . If the frequency of the transmitter increases, the voltage at (p 196) ? the klystron reflector must become more negative in order that the frequencxof the local oscillator also increase to produce an intermediate frequen0 of 30 mc. Since in this case the intermediate frequency at first becomes less than 30 mc, negative pulses appear at the output of the discriminator and positive pulses flow to the'grid of thyratron V24 (Figure 83) and trigger it. After each pulse, capacitor C21 recharges to a voltage of -210 vi Thus, capacitor C21;recharges capacitor C23 more often than in the normal operating mode, and the latter assumes a more negative potential (Figure sector cd). As a result, the frequency of the local oscillator increases. When ! the intermediate frequency slightly exceeds a value of 30 mc, negative pulses flow to the grid of the tracking thyratron and, the process proceeds . as usual. ? / Manual Frequency Control . Tuning the klystron and checking the operation of the AFC-circuit require that the voltage at the reflector of the klystron be changed slowly. This adjustment is accomplished with a potentiometer located on the control ? panel of unit PRS-1 at the position of the "Manual" frequency-adjustment . switch. With the transmitter on, the pulses observed at the output of the video amplifier of the AFC-circuit ("AFC-Pulse" jack) will first be negative and then positive if the shaft of the potentiometer is (P 197) turned in a clockwise direction (Figure 87). The law of voltage change at the reflector in this case will be the same as when operating the AFC-circuit in the search mode. 4. Common Circuits of the Receiver .The control and monitoring circuits and the power supply circuit are the common circuits of the receiver. Control and Monitoring. Panel The control and monitoring panel (see schematic diagram) is used to establish and monitor the operating mode of tube UV-1 [UVCh-1 7], as well as to monitor the crystal-mixer currents, the voltage at the detector,- and,the supply voltages of the receiver.''. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1-HUM Fig 86. AFC Pulses in the Tracking Mode (p 195). Fig 87. AFC Pulses During Manual Adjustment of the ? Local Oscillator Frequency ? (p 198) 50X1 -HUM ? 127 ? ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The operating mode of the traveling-wave tube is adjusted by. potentiometers R8,. R13, R151 and R63. . ? The dilrrent in the solenoid of the tube is adjusted with resistor R5, ? located in unit PRS-1 near relay RA-1. The solenoid current is adjusted at the factory and when UVCh-Lor the diodes which supply the solenoid ,are replaced. Resistors R73,.1174, and R75 in the -250-v circuit are used to apply a manual-frevency-control voltage from -250 to -50 v to the klystron reflector, at the same time maintaining operation of the klystron within the limits of-one region of generation. Resistor R721 connected between the klystron resonator and the , 1- 300 v circuit, is a voltage-dropping resistor. The voltage drop across this resistor is equal to approximately 50'v as'a result of the klystron current flowing through it. (P 199) .The manual-gain-control voltage is taken from potentiometer. R771 . which is connected through resistor R78 to the -150-v circuit. Resistor. ? R79 improves the smoothness of adjustment. The monitoring circuit uses a 100-microamp instrument IP1, type M-484, which has been reconnected for 125 Microamps, 100 mv. The instru-', ment is connected to different circuits by means of two three-wafer switches (V2 and V3) with 10 and 7 positions, respectively. The designa- tions of the positions of each switch are shown in the schematic diagram and on the control panel of unit PRS-1.. Dividers consisting of range Multipliers and wire shunts are used in the -1-3001 4,120,, and -250 y measuring circuits to drop.the voltage at the contacts of switch V5. The range multipliers limit the current' through the measurement circuits. The shunt resistances provide the necessary limits and measurement accuracy for the instrument. ? Measuring transformer Tr5, used for measurements of the traveling- wave tube filament circuit and the filament circuits of the remaining tubes, permits the presence of up to 35 v at the input of the tube volt- meter (with resistors R54 and R55), which is sufficient for operating the voltmeter under linear conditions and providing high measurement accuracy(p 200) of the filaments. The tube-voltmeter circuit for the filament circuits'includes,a- byjoeKb2P'twin diode which rectifies the a7c.voltage. - 128 - 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Parameters Measured With Instrument IP1 50X1-HUM 3 (p 201) Parameter . 'Position of switch V2 "Receiver Mode . Monitor" Position of I switch V3, "TW Tube Mode Monitor". Rated ...Scale Value Measure. accuracy 2 3 4 5 6 ' Voltage -250v 3 any . 250v . red sector 10% Voltage +120v it any 120v ur 10% Voltage +300v 1 ? 5 any 300v 500v(IV) 100% Filament volt. 6 of tubes any except 2 (TW filament) 6:3 red line 1.5% Volt. at out- any 0i.5v 5v 10% put of detect., Signal mixer current . 8 ? any. . 0.2ma (IV-100) blue sector .. 10% AFC mixer- 9 current any - 0.6iar, " 10% TW tube sole- 11 (TW circuit noid current ? monitor) 5 6f8a 10a(V) , TW tube file- n ment voltage Volta at TW It. control elect. . ? 6 , ' 2.12.9 Ok25v 3V(I) 25v(II) 0.05v 3% Voltage at 1st II plate TW tube 8 . 0i.100v 125v (III) . 3% Current at 2nd1 I! . plate TW tubel 9 0+101,4a . 5004a (11) 3% Collec. current it 10 to 500$a 500a 3% TW tube . ,E..: ' (IV) Voltage at 2nd II 11 to 300v 500v 'A plap3_(TWhell _ (IV) 50X1-HUM nn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The d-c components of the initial diode current are mutually equalized by connecting the diodes in opposition Depending upon the position of the switches, instrument IP1 is used as a d-c or a-c voltmeter, milliammeter, micrOammeter, and ammeter. Measurement accuracy in the circuit is determined by the accuracy of instrument IP1 as well' as the precision of the range multipliers and shunts. Table 3 gives tile parameters measured with instrument 1P1.. Inorder to avoid disturbing the parameters of the voltmeter when taking measurements in the circuits of the tube and traveling-wave tube filaments, two potentiometers R52 and R54are connected into the circuit with which the readings of instrument IP-1 (at 6.3 and 2.6-volt points) are factory set according to a standard meter. Switches V2 and V3 make it possible to use instrument IP-1 for :...(P?202) all necessary measurements of the receiver operating modes. ? Switch V9 switches the operating mode from local gain control ? 'of the IF amplifier to remote control. . The neon lamps located near the safety fuses light when. the fuses burn out. Lamps NI44 and NL5 are used to monitor switching-on of the traveling., wave tube circuits and the common receiver circuits. Incandescent lamp LN-1 ("Solenoid Supply") signals the burning out of 10-amp fuse Pr5 in the solenoid power supply circuit of INCh-l. Onlylamps' N14 and NL5 should be On when the receiver is operating normally. Glowing of the remaining lamps Is an Indication of faulty .operation of the corresponding power supply circuits. Switch V1 ("V.N.-Crectified voltage] Common") switches on the -4-120, -250, ,:.1501.and-:+26-v rectifiets, while switch V5 ("V.N. TW,Tube") applies rectified voltages of -1-300 and -150 v to the operating-mode ? control circuit of the traveling-wave tube. - 130 .50X1-HUM_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A03150077nnn1 -9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM The tube filaments are turned on simultaneously with the applica- tion of the line voltage to the power plug of unit PRS-11 while the filament voltage is somewhat reduced before switch V1 (V.N. Common) is switched/On. On the control desk is a test jack to which a portable instrument, (p 203) similar to the one located in unit PRS-1, maybe connected. The portable instrument is used to monitor the power supply in the event of a malfunction of the main instrument, as well as when it is necessary to observe these conditions at a distanCe from the receiver. . Power-SUpply Circuit ? Technical Data The power-supply circuit provides the following voltages:- a) a stabilized voltage, of -250 v at a load current of 15 ma; voltage. stability is within 1% at load.drops from 15 ma to zero and network voltage fluctuations of 5%; voltage fluctuations , not more than 0.03%;. internal resistance is not more than 10 ohms; b) a stabilized voltage of 1-300 v at a load current of 80 Ma; voltage stability (with load drops from 80 ma to zero and network voltage fluctuations of +5%) 'is not worse than 1.6%; voltage fluctuations , are not More then 0.02%; internal resistance is not more than 5 ohms. c).a stabilized voltage of-4-120 v at a load current of 95 ma; voltage stability (with load drops from 95 to 40 ma and network voltage fluctuations of-} 5%) is not worse than 2%; voltage fluctuations- not more than 0.02%; internal resistance is not more than 15 ohms; d) a stabilized voltage of -150 v at a load current of 20 ma; 'Voltage stability with network voltage fluctuations of -t1.:5% is not .(p 204) worse than 0.5%; voltage .fluctuations do. hot exceed 0.01% , .+1 e) three stabilized filament voltages: -- 6.5 vat a load current of 6, a;, -- 6.3,v at a load currant of 1.3 a; -- 4.2'v at a load current of 1.0 a. f) stability of the filament voltage with a Fated load and . network voltage fluctuatione of+ 5% is not worse than 1%. A functional diagram of the receiver power supply is giveg66 -HUM: Figure 88. ?- 131 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10 : CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 relay. 2 1.???=s0.4 40 3 1111??????=ir :5 12 Fig 88. Functional Diagram of Rec 1. AC relay, type RA-1 9. ' 2. transformer for rectifiers 3. +300-v and - -120 -v rectifier 4. +300-v electronic stabilizer 5. -I-120-v electronic stabilizer 10. 6. filament transformer for 11. electronic stabilizers 12. 7. -250 and -150-v rectifier 8. -250-v electronic stabilizer 13. - 132 - 13 50X1-HUM i J.,!_.25017.1 :44.55:;14630? ; -A2v: (p 205) eiver Power Supply source of reference voltage of the -250-v circuit and of the output voltage of the -150-v circuit plus-minus-26-v rectifier saturable coil electronic filament stabi- lizer stabilized-filament trans - l'ormer ? . 3 50X1-HUM : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1 -HUM .=-:: -4. -ft ? , s- r' It. ?-? t:- .....-.....,z..tr., I-.., ? ? ; ? . ...,;.::. . 440.-----ttim*,A.......A.LItz a?44?Lf?-; .t.----- at ia,...jr. .:?.-- ? ' ???? ,.% :I, t tg.---L-j -:: ..;...jAl ii.., 1,>LW,. .. .?:???.-'-......'? 9 441i. Id ? * ? , 66 --.- - . ? 4;. I _46 .. . ! : - ? AIA'Atitilitr444.01.g?.00iVir:41;1Vilettirdair . A r . ?? ? ? 4. ? ????? ...4 ? ?-? ?-? ???? ?? 4 ? ? ',P..* . . ? ; ? ....... a- -. ? p :Or. il ? , i a ? .0- ' ' 1 ' V 4)14: ;?'...? .. ,? . - -- . rjea,.. ? .. 14 _ ?? .? .1 44_41 a .-- ? -?-::..114. i? 1_?-t-- ? -. " t - ._? ?... _ - ?I ? 11----1 . ..._, ,24. . -37:y .. t l: 4 ?.'?,... i? .?="1,' i a?-?, -7-11 , - ,..___. - -? , 1 i ..!.._, , ? , .." ' " .,._,.._.,, ' '? l; . 4 j ti.,.... ;'.........???1 ..; Is -;?-4;46 1 I i ji 1 i _ :T=.- __ .____ _ _ . 4 7 ..-7-.'J ; .?????.jc}-66 1 ; 10.. - ?7.---1.-![____ I 1.-- - .-V . 'f.'-''.?1 WJ ' ? ? ? ? ? A. ? ...;???.* A 131 "4. 0 ?fiv??. 4? aci ? ?.6( IJII? ? .W01,1 - - r? 4 L A... -Fig 9. Schematic Diagram of the Control Desk and Power Sources for the Receiver (p 206 ? 50X1 -HUM ??? ? 111 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 r ????? Om. 9 011 L'alJ ea????? 41????. ???? - ?????? .40 41011m11. 111.-m. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 .50X1-HUM Schematic Diagram of the Receiver Power Supply A schematic diagram of the receiver power supply is given in Figure 89.. f. A three-phase, 220-v, 50-cps voltage is applied to plug connector Shl (contacts 3, 5, 7) from unit PS and from there to the primary contacts of relay RA-1, to the primary winding of filament transformer Tr4, and to the primary winding of Tr3mwhich is connected in 'series with Drl. /. The rectifiers are supplied from the secondary windings of three- phase transformer Trl, the primary winding of which is supplied from the. 220-V 50 cps network, through the contacts of relay RA-1. . As seen in Figure 90, the transformerhas five secondary windings for supplying the rectifiers: winding II -- 300 v (120 v) winding III -- 250 v.(-150 v) windings IV, V, VI -- +26 v. (p.208) Local switching-off of the rectified voltage of unit PRS-1 is accomplished by means of switch VI which breaks the coil circuit of relay RA-1. The + 300-v and -1{- 120-v Rectifier The 1-300-v and +120-v rectifier (Figure 91a) is designed on a six-phase. circuit and, is supplied from winding II of transformer Tr-1. Type D-211 silicon diodes are used as the rectifier valves. One resistance-shunted valve is used in each phase. A filter consisting of two capacitors pia and C12 with a total capacitance of 14)uf is used 'to smooth pulsations at the rectifier output. From the filter output the rectified voltage is applied to a+ 300-v electronic stabilizer and through voltage-dropping resistor R71 to a 4: 120-v electronic stabilizer. ' The 4-300-v and +120-v Electronic' Stabilizer ? The 4-300-v electronic stabilizer is designed as a circuit with series-connected control elements connected to the load circu50X1-HUM stabilizer circuit is shown in Figure 91b. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ;. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 , ------- -- Fig 91a. Diagram of the +300-v and +120-v Rectifier (p 209) , -..150v. stab.-250 v Fig 91b. Diagram of +300-v and +120-v Electronic Stabilizer (I) 209) 50X1-HUM - 136 - Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1.-HUM (p.210) Tube V2, type.6S19P, is used as the regulating stage. The d'rid circuit of this triode is connected through grid .suppressor R1 (Ill R2 to the plate of the left triode of V4 of the Control stage. The cathode of this triode serves as the output of the+ 300-v electronic stabilizer. . A control element with two amplification stages (twin triode V4, type 6N2P) is used to obtain high stability. Resistor R8 serves as the plate load of the left triode. . The control grid for the left triocle is connected to the plate of the right triode through grid suppressor..R10, The cathode of the left triode. is connected to the.middle point of divider R4, R5, which is connected to the output of the +300-v electronic stabilizer. Resistor R9 serves as the plate load of the right triode. The control grid of the right triode is connected to the Chassis. The cathode of the right triode is connected through resistor R37 to divider R18, R19, R20, one end of which is connected to the 1-300-v circuit and the other end to the -1507v reference voltage. The stabilization circuit operates as follows. With a change (for. example, .increase) in the voltage at the output of. the electronic stabilizer as a result of at increase in the voltage at its input or a drop in load- current, the voltage applied to the input of the control system (the cathode Of the right triode. of V4)4.increases. This.change (p 24) in voltage is amplified by the two-stage amplifier and is applied in opposite phase to the grid of the regulating element tube V2).--The internal resistance of the regulating element increases, increasing the voltage drop in tl.e element, and compensates for the increase in output voltage. The efficiency of the stabilization circuit during rapid changes in output voltage is increased by the presence of capacitors C3 and c4 which smooth pulsations of the output voltage, since any rapid change in voltage is applied directly to the grids of the amplifiers of the control element. ? The 41.20-v electronic .stabilizer is ,a Circuit with a series-connected regulating element and two-stage amplifying element. A stabilized. voltage of -250 v is used as the reference voltage. 50X1-HUM ..? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Three parallel-connected tubes Vi, v6,. and V7 (type 6S19P) are_used 'as the r,gulating stage. A rectified voltage of approximately '240-v is applied to the plates of regulating tubes V1, V6, and ,V7 through voltage-dropping resistor R71 of the supply circuit; one And of the resistor is connected to the positive pole of the 1-400-v rectifier, which simultaneously supplies the 1-300-v electronic stabilizer, and the other end is connected to .capacitor C13 which, with resistor R71, forms*the smoothing filter. The cathodes of regulating tubes V1,N6,-and V7 serve as the (p 212) ? output of the electronic stabilizer. The control stage of the electronic stabilizer uses twin triode. 6N2P, tube V9., ? Resistor R26 is the plate load of the left triode. The control grid of the left triode is connected to the plate of the right triode through grid suppressor R25. The cathode of the left triode is connected to the middle point of divider R23, R24, which is connected to the -250 'volt, circuit. Resistor R27, connected to the +120-v. source, serves as the plate load of the right triode. The control grid of the right triode is connected to resistors R28 and R29. The cathode of the right triode is connected to divider R301. R31, R32, which is connected to the -250 and /-120-v sources. The plate of the left triode is connected through grid suppressors R1, R21, R22 to the grids of regulating tubes V1, V6, .and V7. A high-resistance divider consisting of resistors R30 and R32 and potentiometer R31, the cursor of which is connected to the cathode of the right triode of V9, is used to regulate the stabilized output voltage. Capacitor C8, which prevents.excitation of the circuit from the side of the control stage and' decreases pulsations of the +120-v circuit, is connected in the control grid circuit ..?' the left triode of V9. . ? . 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 OW, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ' The -250-v and -150-v Rectifier 50X1 -HUM (p.213) The x;ectifier (Figure 92) is based on 6 6-phase circuit. Type D-211 diodes are used as the rectifier valves. The rectifier is supplied from winding .111 of three-phase ' transformer Trl., The negative pole of the rectifier is the -250-v outputl. The positive voltage of the rectifier is applied to the -250-v electronic stabilizer. Capacitors C7, C8, and C9 are connected at the output of the, ,rectifier for the purpose of smoothing the pulsations of the rectified voltage. Voltage at the rectifier output is equal to approximately 340 V. The -250-v electronic stabilizer is based on a circuit similar to that of the 300-v stabilizer, the difference being opposite polarity at the stabilizer output. The positive pole of the stabilizer is connected to the chassis. The negative voltage of the stabilizer is used to supply the receiver circuits. Tube V5 -- a type 6N2P twin triode -- is used as the control element. The stabilizer circuit is shown in Figure 93a. The -150-v Stabilized Circuit (p 216)' A stabilized voltage of -150 v (-Figure 93b) is taken from the cathode of stabilovolt (voltage stabilizer] V8, type SG1P, which is the reference voltage source for the -250-v electronic stabilizer. The internal resistance of the -150-v circuit is determined by the internal resistance of the SG1P stabilovolt. The external characteristic of the stabilovolt has a sector in which , the voltage at the terminals of the tube changes insignificantly when a current of 5 4 30 ma passes through it. This sector is used to operate the -150 v stabilization circuit. 50X1 -HUM - 139 - 40^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 7 423._ 50X1-HUM_ -Pig 92. -250-v and -150-v Rectifier Circuit -140 - .50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 1-1 ?ri ci-11 ori 4)1 50X1 -HUM 50iContioi Rop . L v yolt.stab-er ? _ Fig 93a. -250-v 'Electronic Stabilizer Circuit (p 215) -259 v rectifier 11 i ^ , Fig 93h. -150-v Stabilized-Voltage Circuit p 210 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 rDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM Selection of an operating point on the characteristic of the stabilizer is provided by the connection of load resistor R53 into itScircuit. Capacitor C101 located in unit PRS-1, is used to decrease pulsations at 'the stabilizer output. The 6.3-v Stabilized-Filament-Voltage Circuit The 6.3-v stabilized-filament-voltage.circuit (Figure 94) consists of the sensitive element of the circuit -- tube V10 (diode 4Ts14S) -- the control stage based on tube V11, type 6919P, saturation choke Drl, and filament transformer Tr3. The control winding of the choke is connected directly to the (p 217) t120-v circuit. The other end of this winding is connected to the plate of regulating tube V11, type 6S19P. The cathode of tube V11 is connected to the chassis. The control grid of. the tube is connected to the plate of diode V101 type 4Ts14S, through grid suppressor R36. Resistors R34 and R35, the load of the diode, are connected in the diode circuit. The :.150-v circuit is used as the reference voltage and is appliedd' to the diode filament circuit through resistor R33. The filament circuit of the control diode is supplied from filament transformer Tr3. The stabilized voltage taken from the windings of transformer Tr3 is applied to the filament circuits of the receiver. The circuit operates as follows: Changes in line voltage are transmitted to the input of filament transformer Tr3. At this time, the heating of the diode intensifies, leading to an increase in the emission of its cathode and, consequently, to an increase in plate current. The potential of the plate decreases, causing an increase in negative bias at the grid of tube V11 and a decrease in its plate current. At the same time, the current in the control winding of choke Dr-1, which is connected in series with the plate, decreases. The decrease in excitation current of the control winding of saturation choke Dr-1 causes an increase in a-c impedance of the 050X1-HUM regulating windings of the choke and, as a result, leads to an additional voltage drop within it. This voltage drop compensates for the initial increase in line voltage. - 1/L2 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 1 _ Lasihi .? R35 ? 1 VII 6$191_;! ?-????=1 / R36 Tr3 E: icr - 7 50X1 -HUM -- .220 v,50-cps network_; Pig 94. 6.3-Volt Stabilized-Filamant-Voltage Circuit (p218) 50X1 -HUM 1L.3 re, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? to RFame Fig 95. Plus -minus -26 -volt Rectifier Circuit - 3.44 - 50X1 -HUM ? 7 r ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? 50X1 -HUM 2D 5D -Scale: 1 cm v ef. value LAr thr_ 12v '16v 20vi ? Fig 96. Vector Diagram for the Plus -Minus -26 -Volt Rectifier Voltages (p 221) 50X1 -HUM - 145 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM A decoupling network consisting of resistor R33 and capacitor C11 is used to decrease the effects of induction of the magnetic amplifier pn the -150-v circuit. The f26-v Rectifier The 4-26-v rectifier is used to. supply the coils of the traveling- wave-tube solenoid with a current of up to 8 amperes., The -t626-v rectifier is arranged in a 12-phase circuit with type D-202 silicon junction-type diodes (two in parallel for each phase). The rectifier is supplied from windings /V, V, and Vi of transformer Tr-1 connected in a 12-phase circuit. A schematic diagram of the rectifier is given in Figure 95. The windings which supply the itg6-v rectifier are designed and connected in such a way that the output voltages form a symmetrical . 12-Phase star with a zero point. The vectors of these voltages are equal in magnitude and are shifted 30 in phase with respect to each other, forming a symmetrical star. The magnitude and direction of the vectors in each individual winding and at the output of the transformer may be determined by means of the vector diagram shown in Figure 96. A voltage on the order of 22 i 25 v, established by means of a wire resistor rated at approximately 1 ohm, is required for feeding the solenoid coil. The resistor is connected in series with the #26,v circuit and a voltage on the order of 1 ;. 6 v flows through it, depending on resistance fluctuations of the solenoid coil. Due to the use of a 12-phase rectifier, voltage pulsations are not more than 5%. p 222) A 10-a fuse is incorporated in the rectifier circuit for protection against short-circuiting of the 1:26-v circuit:r.! - 146 - ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 fb Fig 97. PRS-1 Centimeter-Wave Receiver (p 223) 1. connector for remote control 2. connection for UVCh-1 supply 3. connection for power supply to entire PRS-1 unit 4. local oscillator 5. UPCh-1 block 6. APCh-1 block 7. stabilization block 8. control panel 9. fuses ? - 147 - 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 ? VSS 50X1 -HUM Pfl 4 _.3 AFC -111,1X -Fig 98. Connection Diagram for the Receiver - 148 - PRS-1. I unit_ stab_ p 2.24 50X1 -HUM ? ? I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/10: CIA-RDP80T00246A031500270001-2 50X1-HUM 5. Design of the Receiver Over-All View and Connection Diagram The centimeter-wave receiver (Figure 97) is designed in the form of individual units housed in the PPS [transceiver] cabinet. A connection diagram of the receive is given in Figure 98. The transmitter fan, connected by an air duct to an opening in ' the top of the PPS-cabinet, is used to cool the UVCh-1 unit. Additional spacers are placed between the cabinet and the UVCh-1 unit for the purpose of height adjustment. . The signal mixer and AFC-mixer are connected to the local'oscillator and appropriate networks by cable jumpers (RIC-47 cable), .All RF-plugs of the receiver have a wave impedance of 50 ohms corresponding to the wave impedance of the RIC-47 cable. All external moving parts of the receiver (coupling rods for the local oscillators in the mixers, adjustment screw of the preselector resonator, crystal holders in the mixers, tuning stubs of the waveguide junction, and tuning knobs for the plungers of unit UVCh-1) are located in easily accessible positions. (P 225) The designs of unit UVCh-1, the mixers, and the waveguide junction' are examined in the descriptive sections corresponding to these units..: The Design of Unit PRS-1 (Receiver) ? Unit PRS-1 is composed of the following subassemblies: the UPCh-l