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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCYI This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United Staten within ~ne-meanmg 18, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of i~xh in any manner to as unauthorizefl r r N~~t r. l,.. Fl~lg~.~..~~'~~ `I'ransl.ation o~? MIG-21F-13 AircraftDATE DISTR. Man~xal ~n'~:"i tied A'? rcraft Ye-6T, 'Technical Descrip~-,ion, Boo1~ III, Construction, PartuNO. PAGES I and II DATE OF '? INFO. ' PLACE & DATE AC i 50X1-HUMS English translation of pages 1 - 2~2 of a Russian- language manual on the MIG-21F-13 aircraft entitled, Aircraft Ye-ST, Technical Description, Book III, Construction, Parts I and III 4 3 1 Distri~~xtion off' .~ttaclament (for Retention) ; ORx~ ~ conies OSI? 2: copies ~51~~ ~ cop7,es r~x~rlye ~ cop~.ea ~'a'FI'~; ~ COp3,e~ I~~ s ~ ~ copra Ai~?; ~ CapiE' 8AC e ~ c;oT+ies `^ it `~? ~ Pry _ ~ sly forwarded) 50X1-HUM I 5~ 50X1-HUM 41 GROUP 1 E%CLIIDED FROM AOTOMATIO DOWNORADIN6 AND DECLAB$IFICATION a e e person is prohibited by law. 50X1-HUM May 186350X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6~~ 50X1-HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .,,~ ~...~ ~.~, ~- -~ 50X1-HUM Yr-bT ,.~~fPL.~T~! i:c~CH?`;'C.;_L DF'~SCRIPTIOT`d a~uGi,; III D ~ IGT~? P'`>GT~~ 1 -- 2 22 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for 1-or oonvenienoe,' the material le oolleoted into ttro separate wlwi~eet First lrolumei Ct-apter.I;- beneral-infohnation ~~. h,M/w,~t Chapter II ~ Deeipp of the ~C" :Chapter III -'Power olarlt 9eoond voluniet Chapter IV :.- Takewff hnd. landing devices Chapter V + Air grid hydraulid`eystema .` Chapter VI - Control of the aircraft .Chapter VII - Firo-fighting :equipment Chapter.i-III .Ventilation, preasurizetion~ attd '~, eir?temperature. control .50X1-HUM .::50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 `50X1-HUMS. n~L tNFOr~raTr~ . TheyE-61' aircraft is a single-deaQ'light fighter. with high-berfonnance oharaoteristics. Ths Draft ie powered by one ~7F.turbo~et`engine with an afterburnet~. $trvoturally~. the plane le. an all-metal inidwing monoplane xith.a delta, wing controlled b9' a ?tabilieer and normal xfng-tip finer. l'he .tLselage.is.divided into the roes and 'tail. sections..: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM 9truaturally~ the plane fe an all-metal ~ridwing monoplane witha delta. wing Coetro?led by a stabilizer and hoitinal wing?tip'tina. The fuaela~!s id divided into the none andtail eeetiom . On the front-part of the 11-aelage~ on the air-intake ducts there is a AovabU Done which deoreases the plane~e realatance and oseatea optimum working card !Lions. for the erg~ne during flight. To. prevent disturbances of the air-intake ducts on the tueelaP.s tMre are` autoa~atioally oontrolled vaner on opboaite aideeti ahead of the engine inlet on the aidde of the lLaelage there are auxiliary ~ir?intake vanes (~a.l~vane? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~ ~ ~ -r_ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 1. ',50X1-HUM; TM cockpit enclosure canopy is streamlined, attordinq the pilot a_good "view ahead Rnd to the sides. The canopy is designed so that the btu forward part oan be opened an the groupd, or e~soted if necessary during iduz flight by means of the emergency release handle. .'The canopy has a liquid de-icer. The plane.haa.a type."9K'~ catapult eea~ which allows the pilot to e~eot himself fmm-the plate in an.emergenoy, at high or low flight speeds. The hinged part of the oanopy, during e~ection~ is used to protest the pilot fram_ths oncaning air. stream{ the canopy is not released but oovere the seat, which during e~eation retains the canopy. To keep the pilot from .being hit, the-plane has ara-or, consisting of an atinor screen forward under the 'canopy, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~~ The winos of the plane are delta winpe with a sweepbaak angle of 57?~ the ~: tlailinq edge of the wing forne a 90?-angle with the fuselage exia. 1e, 7.16 m~ the chord with respect to the axle of the plane la 5970 nm. The wing le made of high-speed profiles. The?area !e 23 m2~ the span art the wing are.ailerone wKth axial aerodynamic compensation and "floating- setting angle ie ^ Oo and the The horiaontal-tail esotion consists of .a ! stabiliser with a angle of the ying flaps under ..the.influenCe of impact pressure with iricreaeinq speed.. type"' wing flaps. The, "f1oaLlnq-type" deeigr- assures a decreaea .in the flapping Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 The atabili ur consists. of tiro egmmetrical halves--the.rivht and left. The vertiohl.tail seotion, cons'sting of a vertical fin and a rudder, a e~-eepback angle oL.GO?. The rudder has dal aez~odynamio compensation. The 37F turbol~et engine frith oontrolled boo et make~.poesible smooth regulation of the thrnst4 in boo~at regimes--tram thb position "minimum boost" to the position "foil boost." ti~ei,de the - fuselage, l one suspeded tank. 50X1-HUM.-. ibur `ring-tank units (?] didded.into three gvo~ps, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 i i ~ 50X1-HUM The plane had athree-wheel landing pear whicii ie retracted during flight. ?The wheel bade is b810 mm, the wheel track ie 2692 mm. The front landing gear it retracted ibrward and housed in the. lower part of the.fronL of Lbe tlieelage. The main landing gear la houded in the wings. Flhen the main laming gear id retreoted,. the ~mka wheel! turn relative to the strut and are housed in the tuaolage, while the etruta are housed in the wing. The main landing Rear has KT-82 wheels with 660 x ~{/the front landing gear hne a KT-38 wheel with a 50 t80A (?j~tire. ~ rte \. _ _.- , To decreade the landing distance, the plane has a drogue chute in the tail. i section of the ftisslage. The p4rachute.id deeiRned to be released the Moment the suirt"' i , .The pneuma~io eietee~ ooneieta of two independent dydteuna~ ttn e-ain dyeteA f ~~ end an enbrgenoy on. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 The second hydraulic ggstem eereree the 50X1-HUM .50X1-HUM The main e~etem. '1' Preosure is he .hydraulic system consists of two different systems. 1n an emergency. anti-6 suit. The emergency eyetsm releases the landing Rear and brakes the srheele off valve, oper~b .the de-loer, reslease and e~eot the drogue ohute, and feed the aerwa the folloxittg purpoeeas to brake the ssheeU, lift and prsaeurisse the bnropy~ release the oanopy in an emergency, recharg~sgq, clos~ the fuel shut-. The firaL hydraulic systems serves the control eyeteA (the tsro?ohahDer of 210 kg/crn2. created in each of them by a varLble-output pump vhiah oreates a maximum pressure. BU-$iM8 etabiliur booster and the Bll.liSA ailersin booster). Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 landinv Pear, the wing flape~ the brake flaps the ad~uetable engine cone at the air-intake duct inlet, ~'!.f-e rire-prevention vanes, and one chamber of the': takes over for the first eyetem for the aileron booatera.in case of HU-51M9 booster (the other chamber ie served bq the fireL by drqulio system),; it also In the event of a drop in preabure or a breakdown in one. of the two systems,. the HU-51hLS booster continues to operate on one chamber, fed by the eyateM that still operntea. 'The hydraulic eyetem that serves to?oontrol the plane includes an ~mergenoy pumping station wfiich~ if the-+vrtem breaks down or the engine stops~.maintalns the required pressure in the hydraulic byetem to saeuri l 6afe landing. The Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Ths stabilizer ie bontrolled b~ a oontrol handle using a BU- 1H booster and an ARU.3~ automatio devioe. The ailerons-are oontrolled by a oontrol handle with the aid of BU?LSA. bookterei In the event the BU-l,5A boosters are cut out .and both hydraulio eysteAe rail, the boosters perform the runatione got rigid unite of ,the :aileron oontrol .system. The raider ie controlled by pedals; a.eyetem of rigid oohnecting rods, and a nonlinear mechanism. . The pilot'd cockpit ie preaeurized;l,attbrde a good view and a.roomy enough pilot to wrk comreniently~. The cockpit.ie ventilated and oonditione by hot and oold'air taken traM the engine tamperat~re anal oreaeure contit'ol.. I ootnpressor. The Cookpit has automatic Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM Tb aaeure normal Conditions for thb-pilot ?t great altitudse~ the plane. an oxygeq fedd and ocmpeneation byetem !br the pilot. - Electrical and radio equipment.. The d=a power source ib a 0.4R-ST-12000 VT generator-starter. An a reserve power supply source theplane has two 1fSTa3~5 silver-zinc. storage batteries.. The pLne has provisions fo'r starting the engine b~ means of the ori-board: e4orags Datteriss. A conwrt'r seevss as the d-o power source. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 The plane hae the folloxing radio.equipme ntt 1. A composite ultrnehortxaw receiver-tranentittsrj 21 An automatic radiocompaes{ ~. A lox-altitude .rgdioaltimeter~. 4. .A marker radio. receiver=. 5. ~fhe airpl~e equivalent of a radar;idtirttiification 6. An airciaft~radio rangefinder. Ths aircraft hae a_fighter course system K9I. TFfe general riexs of the aircraft are given ih Figs. and 1Y. In this book xe describe the a~raraft design.: The technical description of the plane ie given ibt four booker Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ?s. . ~ ;.. _ ~ ` P ? ` ~ ~ ~.. ; j ~ ~~ ~ t - ~ ~~u.'*' ~ ~ ~"~x~i~i r'J .c'`~,~ ~`r ~~J ~PPYZ~{ /~Y3 ~ I _ .__ _ _-?__... ___ __ _ -_-s.r __ _~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .50X1-HUM: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 trig. 4. Fycpiodad viex ofths plane. .50X1-HUM: . trop tank. 1~. Valve wedge. S. Right xinq cantilever.. 6. Aileron Rudder. 12. Cowling. 13l Pylon. 14. -Flaps on main wheel strut:, 15. Main Ending-Rear strut. 21. Air-pressure receiver (Pilot tubs). Cy1lndAr for raising and loxering. nose lan~in~-gear strut.,. Air brakes. Flap for main wheel houairfg in fuselage. ~ 21. Left wing cantilsver. 16? ~ Cylinder'for raising and lowering Ntit- landipg-ges' strut. 19. Tril section of-the .fuselage.., 20.. Lett halt of tfie etabiliter.. ,l. ~ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~ n . T}~e fuselage ~e-a cigar-shnpecj body- ~ elliptibai crosd seotion with. General Information r main ' Ib is a eemimonocoque fuselage made mainly of Dbb and B95 nwterial wing SZOKh03A std SZOKhOSHA steel for the. ~ointa. For mounting, removing,. and examining the engine for regulation operationA, the fueeL~{e can be split into two parts--Zhenoae-and tail eectlons. ~ of-which Noe. 7+ 6, 11, t), 16~ 16A, 20, 22, 25, and 28 are the main boas. The transverse of the rpae of the f~aelaRe coneletso The longitudinal aesemb]q consists`of loh};erons and trusses with a fev strinaere, which is oompensated for bq using a relatively thick`. oovering. Such a design makes possible maximum use of the inside of the framework. The nose section of the plane is assembled in smsm panels. Ths.tra~sverbe aseemb]y of the tail section o t-the fuselage oonsiets of 13 framea~ of which.3l~r 35A, and 36 are the main ones. ,Stringers make up the longitudinal Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Tha nose eeotion of the fuselage is made up as tollowat along 2. N~ke?up ot'the Nosexof the FueeLgs (Fig. 5) section of the fuselage ie the air-intake duct xith anurtaimt~ inlet canbs regulated uaing an ad~uetable three.poaition cone (1). 50X1-HUM The upper section between f'ramee 2 and b oontairfa the radio and electrical equipment (2)f the lower- part sf thib eeotion ie for access to bhe noss.lan~ing? Preeeurited cabin (4) ae located between battery aection is beneath the cabin Behind the cabin, between !>ramee;;11 and 28, ere-the holdsra for kerosene tanio ! from frame t1 to frame 13 from frame 13 to frame 16 . ~_ between h-amee t4-and 16{ tank No. 1 (?)y section which esren .light tank No. 2 (8), and a eeesnd auxiliary tank >asa tank No. 3 (9) oonaisting of anlt upper ahd lower Lank No. 5 (12)i tank No .. b (,3),. ahead bt t1~e cabin it.eeparatee into two parEe arri'aircumrante.the cabin. Behind the .from frame, 20: to frame 22 ta?k No. b (11)x. frog frame 25 lo.trams:28 ' f rcm frame 22 to frame 25 ~Ttnks Nos. 5 and 6.consiet of_two parts connected together. The air duct for the engine pasaee.throughthe nose seotion of the l~selags~ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 +.. ~ :f . _ ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ' Fig. S. Airframe std '~~}~1tv a) Pitot tube~y b) 4 make-dp of the noaefseotion of the tueelage. i oobkpit oariopy~ o).air duot, d) engine housing; e) engine-mount beam. f) air dust ~) left bra lm fL-p~ k) oomf-artmen g~,~illegible), h) front ....., i) oookpit for second amdliary tanki 1) oro~s eeotion floor, m) rear brafoe fLp` n). brow eeotibn 9-B, jo) service hatch, p) air ducts, q) nose- ~.vhesl housing~r) upper d(js)~tahk No+~..2, t) air du~t~ l ~. + ,. . 50X1-HUM . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .50X1-HUM , -cabin both seoti ne corrvergs into a common duct to teed a!r to the I~ngine compressor. Oh the ei panels of the iLaelage, on both sides between frames ~, halves 2 and 3 are loca d ad~uetable anti?aurpe (16),. while between~h~ame? 9 and 10 , there arc two air~uct pressure-relief valves (6). Ih.the duct ahead of the engine intake, between frames 21~an 22, is located: the air-sir radiator for the cabin, system. ~ - i Between-frames 16 and 20, in the aides of the tuaelage,.there`are housings . for the main landing-gear xheels (10). ~ I ~- The region between.framss 22 and 28, along the fuselage asie, le occupied by .the power plant.i In the loner part of the fuselage, between frames tt and 1b, ara two brake flaps (15), while between.framea 22 and 25 there is the rear brake flap (1T). Ths brake flaps are looked with special locks if there is no preeaurein the. nose section of the . There are a number of hatches in the/fuselage for servicing o! the equipment. Ali the hatchei are ~ ntd require daily maintainence to assure that .they arsi fastened! 1'he plaoeinent of tM hatoties ie shown in Fig.. 6. 50X1-HUM- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~ " . } ~ ~~ . ~ ? ~ y ' {~.1 . ' .+~' ~f~'lLtt~ ~~' .~t. 5 ~'`,.t `~- ~ ~~ i~~~-!i"~ ,At~~~(.+-1~..i~,~~~~. t= ' .t~` ~'* `~{~~'~ ?~ ?,*:.. 1~.?:`t; `~...{~~.t,..,?,.~; ~' :..~..'}~ r. .csr; ~ ?1~.1: /~9T';.+~? '~ `' .+.~'~ ~ J t ~lf.L ? . ~ .~ ? -,r s~ . ? a ?L~t?s;,rK~ya~r~" ~ OI~~4. -~~ .~ ~" "`~~ ~ ,(~ r ;1i ~:,n F. =::~~ ~' - - ...~ ~r~t'.. ~iJ~ .e%~i4 '~;.~e _- 1iF ~.. ' _.~ .~ t .. ? .-V-'.. ^rr ... f,J?? 5~.~. Y: y ~L~ .. ~1 i .j'? '~ r , `_s ~i.~!`i1T! s1~-~-i5[': t~.?~ Ie.4'i . - ,,iaide. in place by catches and knob.(14). In.tht.a poei.tion~ the outside handle is kine? and one outside (13). The outside handle ie in a slot in the fuaelape and is :held maticnlly eaparated from the ineide handle. When knob (1u) is greased, hand Le (13) moved out,' and when it is turned down. it engages the ineide handles aster which the .canopy can be Controlled from the in9lde. - it must.be pulled To retr:et handle (13) disengages from the ineide hard le and fits into. its ,housing such that -the catches o t the handle drop into place-and knob (14) can be turned, looking it in place, Preeeurisation from-the outside is acoompliehed by turning abaft (17) by means of a eorewd~river placed in-the'.: at the end of the abaft. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~; ,Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ,t s ? -? ~,~ `iA'd t.7~ ~ fiwou~ au~Wa~ arytw~l MIS r ~? ?, --~~_~ 1';:._'"::~ EsC:.43'?~ U ZiLI >I111Ji 7N11 sM0>t rj ?~? '4'?~1 '~?1~[F?1 11 1~ 1111Stt~N,'llti~111?t~}t1~111~111iT~11111~.fi1~!1 ?'50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 1r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM -57- Pressurization system FYg..l~, an d canopy control. - a, diagram of canopy attachment when euapendedf b. der at "B"; o. canopy loopy d. point "B" f e. ~ee .below]] t. orosa section at "A~A? f g~ ~ee belor]f h, removal of oanopyj i. trams 6.( Preesurise~.: o (depressurise '50X1-HUM_ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 w-hea lifting the oanopy, let.: `! 4eale~ the air out of the Mrmatio hoses ~'isealed before releasi the look 1 - . 'Take off only-ri the handle locked) in th? sztreae ~I forrard position ~ ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Fig. 13. Preeeuritation and Canopy oonti'ol eyetem. 50X1-HUM . . canopy euepeneion bracket= 2. canopy lift cylinder; 3. canopy operational look{ arm; 12. pintle+'1~. outeide handle;~11~. knob; IS. preeaurisation puoh bottom{ fnr oanop~rcontrol; 8. check valve{ 9. RV-1.5 r.duoer~ 10. air valve; 11. actuating, Catch ~Lnc4~~tr.tJtnv 1r. preeeurizstioh hoes; 5? 6. x+ush-pull rod{ 7. ~ianile 16. ineids handle; 17. ;(,shaft xith ep,Line'for preeauriiing the mluLa canopy from the outside{ 16. svi~el lock: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~/ _Y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM oanopy-control handle guide. To ~revent the locks from opening before the TFb epnopyie ai'fixed in the lowered position by six locks (j) located i:f the ~aka~ panel beneath the canopy. Look 3 Sa a cast bracket with a groovq into 'which the canopy loop tits. ~Pintlb (12), moved by actuating, era (11) crosses ?.hia ~ i groove.. The actuating arms .of all.''the locks areconneated by Connecting rode to, ths~ canopy is released, the rear left at the point where pintle (12) emerRee, ' I When,t~ canopy ie released she loop campressea pintle (12). The canopy is '.by means.of cylinders (2) which get their air trorn the lowered hydraulic system by means of canopy-control valve, The canopy is ;by its .own weight, diaplaainp, the fir fr~n cylinders (2) into the atmosphere. engages shatt.(!j)~by means of two eorews (S). Serewa (5) and the grooves in the head of shaft (3) are positioned aeymmetrieally,.ro that the outside handle engages. prsseurlsation button (A), and quid i (1), Inside rod (L) ie shaft (3j corytaining outside hondle (2). Shoft O) is greased outward by spring (?) and in this poaitiop and housing (1 ). It oonaietle.of rod (L) which has on it inside handle (9)~ the iroidb.oro only in: the down position. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 +~ ?.~ weA,,,.~ ~~M(L~.7M0>f l1 ?li ~i1 :. sn.,. s.,r..w ~.~..~ w . 1~. up ~ -)~1rJi .7M11 yM0>f~ ~~S%~ i~t~lf~!.~Y!!!~~~~.~y7~}.~~i.-7N~I~~~r~~i.i ~N..4..i ~~..~~.f:r....~...,~..,.1..~,i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 S_F._C_R_F._'i' ~1T. hut{ 12, connoctinp~ rod] l3. bracket] 1h. gears= 15. preeeut~ication and canopy 1. houeing for outside handle{ ~. outside handle{ 3. shaft{ 4. rod{ 5. screw{ `6.~sprinR{ ?. raids{ A, preeaurisation push button{ 9. inside handle] 10. eprinR= i. control ralva,~~ 16. ?.parbl. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM The predlents disturbit~R the handle whin the canopy is oloeed fran the outside. buide (l)and button (8) have Clearance relative to handle (9) aM rod (~) of j0? and 15o reepeoti wly. Hy means of the olearancs of preaeuriaation button connecting rod (12), deflects the inside handle and does not pacmit it to be locked (3) and Lhe ax stem of the valve are hermetically sealed by moans of gland packing and a rubber ring. When the outside handle is operated, shaft (3), by means of the extreme forward position. .The toothed sect on of button (8) Se connected with- canopy control valve (15), which ie also on panel (16). The proJeotiona of shaft (8) the canopy can be pressurised and depreesurited when handle (g) ie loolmd in Canopy Air System (FiR. 15) The carwpy air system is divided into the operating and emerRenoy aystenu. The operational air system is designed for pressurisation aM raising of the canopy. It inclvAea canopy-lift cylinderb (5), pressurisation hose (8), canopy control valve (11), air `valve'(12), reducer RV.1.5 (t~), and check valve (1!r). the canopy Rear frame. No. 7(?): Canopy pontrol valve wit (11) is attaehed to the Ths canopy lift cylinders (5) ars located on the Bides of the panel beneath 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 s_E_c_R.Ea 50X1-HUM' !'itt. 15. Canopy ~,to system. a, tram cylinders p ? 130 atm~ b. deoipnationee - byetem for control usi?nq oanopyaift oylitdere~ p ? 50 kp/cm2{ --~ -? canopy rreseuritation system, p 1.7-2.55 k~/cm2.{ ~-- . canopy emerttency removal system, p 110-130 kh/cm2. :. ~: 1, chick valve~:2. reducer RV-?1?j 3. emergenoy'valvej 4. filter] 5, air cylihders- 6. check ralve~ 7. air cylinders 8, preeeurina6loa.-hose= 9. emergency tank= 10. Pips t.l.1: canopy :control velvet 12. air.valVaj t3. reducer RV-1.5i 14.-check valie. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 The pressurization hoee.is in a special Rroove 1n the panel beneath the canopy, Air valve (12), connected into a single unit with RV-1.~ reducer (13),' and check valve (1b) are on the left side of the cockpit near frames 7 and 7b[?). Uainp the emergency air eyetem, the canopy sacenYn la cast oft xhen it la released in an emergency.- This air eyatem consist ofscheck valvo (1)i /xhich separates the campy emergency hydraulic system from tha 13o-atm aircraft ` _ emergency tank (9), in the fo n+ard equipment.compartmontf valve (3) on the bracket-that holds-the right-harfd:canopy-lift cylinder= filter (h)= air cylinder (T), attached to the l~aankmt canopy suspension bracket and used to -open the tLro -delay lock durinFt emergency canopy_releaaet check valve (6) khieh separates the emergency air eyatem from the operating eyetem: and air eylindero (~), xfiich during emergency relea:ae of the.eanopy serve as e~eotion oylindere.. Pifk+ (i0)ia used to wsaeure the pressur~ in :the emergency canopy air eyateN~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 I. ;. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Ngdraulio 3yetem Units . ' Canopy Predpurisat~on and control Valve frig. 16) I ~ The preadurization and canopy aantrol valve has txo cavities, similar in body and ' .design. The valve conelet? of .. (3)X/a .shaft with came (1) and valves (6) and.(7).' On a shaft (1) ia.a gear (see Fig. 1~) which turns the.tuuth~d sector of the pressurization.button. The gear ratio of tha.couplinp id 3, i.a.~ when the toothed sector is turned. ?5? the gear .and the valve.dtem turn 225?. The other end of the shaft passes to the outei'e thrcru~h the Covering of the cookpit and has a blot so that the cockpit can De. oreaeurizad from. the oytaide .acing a ear~wdrirer. remainder blurred] Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 i ~:+ :.....::.. -~.._ =+ _T. 1. e V ?! 1 ~ ti...a v c. ..,.s e..? ?a ti c-rxaa .. L .. .a ~ ........_` ~"' t . t s ~ r w~K'w ~'J~ it..5;~ W 11 alt Zlr~S S';I'i ~:.13i1 ~ ~ttrlltt~litf~~nn~4t~~(n~r11~~.T??..~4N.TN.~...T??1~...Tr..~...~i...!?.i . 50X1-HUM .50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 I ~ fM1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 -65- Fig. 16. Preasur7~ation and canopy control valve. PiP@i 6..~alvej 7. valvei.9. guide] 9. cap] 10? cam] 11? connecting pipe. 50X1-HUM 1. shaft frith cams 2. conneoting pipef.3~ bodr~ k. oonnecting pipe] 5. connecting . a. To canopy-lift oylinder, b. To pressurisation hose. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ti d ~h ~ 5 '- i~ ..... ~ .,;. ` ,. ;_~'..~.: `r!a~"e'er:,. ~' .. - =1, ?- !,TOYS ' -'RpO~OR~fY. QJJ~~ Ritl~~.~, w R!p!~ .. -. ~tA';7~ d'~ yR,lt~i y ~' ~~D"~~ wgl~Tt'~ ?. .APE - _ `- - ~. -: ._, _- ,~, .-':r ~?~#?r~-~~. i . ~~ ~ ~ -. ! r It 0~~. ~rt~ ~ ** ~ ~LL' ~1r.1~ ~~~~' ~t~a0~~.. 1!!i! i!fill!i,i~i2::~!!t1i~2ftljL~SJ1ltT?l~itlfTllt~ftllttlt~ttt~llN~tttltittttlt{1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ,50X1-HUM t bracket= 6. split pins 7. pins 8/ cylinder] 9. emergency system locks 10. Cord. t. ,connecting pipe{ 2. swivel connectors 3. holder{ 4. rod{ 5. cylinder eupporL, a. itround canopy look. b. mew wt "A1~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM. The. inlet oonr~eotinR pines of both cavities have throttle openings 0.5 eau in .diameter. attachinj 1t to the panel beneath-the campy. .Cylindor.(9) is attached to support . Figure 17 ahoaa the design of the canopy lixt o ylinder and the method of CAnopy 1Sft Cylinder bracket (5) by moans of connecting pipe (1) and pin (7) in .holder (3). Pipe (1) and pin (7) are kept from.ahitting longitudinally by split pine.(6). hlhen the oanopy ,connection (2). Air.ie fed to the left cylinder from t1a the covering side; it is raised or lowered, the cylinderp move in. the longitudinal plane, rotating on pipe 1 and pin (7). Air is ted to the cylinders by means of swivel pressurized is fed. to .the right oylinder from within the cockpit. To prevent the srancpp; raised canopy from lowering due to absence of pressure in the plane~e,hydraulic system, ground stoppers Are placed in rod (b)t Lheae are removed,bsfo~. lo+srinr ~he'carwpy. .: ~ . (Fig. 18) Ths air valve ae meet of check and safety val ws.in one body.' It consists of, body (1 ), tvo slidendr~}~c valves (3) with tubbe:< xaehers~. springs (h), cover` (5),-and plug (?). 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM; 1;- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM ; . Pig. 19. Air v?lre. retainer but ~. boast 2. i 3. elide ring t T. phtg. ~. safs6r wl~s. b..' cheok. ~alw. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 acrd the ar -~- . ,. is ?fed.ao pipe gltde`,valve (3) of the cheek valve. ie: opened eea.through:pipe...ryA".to the presaurication.valVe. ,~.i. . ,. ~ `C. ,.. I _ moves .ftvm: oipe~.nAd to pipe B~,n.sPrinY (1:) -oi'. t check. delve' eea~ slue (3) 4aainat pIug.(6) and blocks the: ii ,path pressure in'.Lhe' hose .rises above '2:8 atm, elide::( stn the air escapes .iritothe atmosphere ttrrough pi~ ~. "13~! brtergoncy :Valve . ~L' ~: The emergency valve serves to pass air from the emergency ai6nnabmEaoa hydraulic': eystem'to the canovy release cylirdera and to: the. cylinder that cloeaa the 3mtkcad ~ '~ ..time,-delay: lock:. It bonaiete. of bodq:. (6) `with two pipes, separated by membrane ('- ma~fe of e~ainleee ate.el O,t rom thick.. ' Membrane) (7) id hermatlcally compressed ,by pipe '(8).betwoen.the bod seat.. y . .... ~... :. and bushing (9) -to..tirhich it ia: attached:. To change -.the membrane it ie nece!eeary to unecrernepfpe :(8), The air.ls ted to pipe. "A:"' Wheri.p.in l3) le pulled out P~ (5).,ttovee'torward~ 'actuated by...:. eprinp . (i)~ .and begins to.tupture. .membrane` (7). ?. Theveak~ned membranb !e: ruptured the air,.preaeure~ grid pin:=(~),,ie 4htown backward and aedlb the ,oivi-ty pt:.the~; pi~eeeing Mith itb 6onica~ seotiori.a'gainet~the rubber v~eher:,~.. 50X1`-HUM ; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .. .. . 50X1-HUM` ~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 I ~ r ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 !'hr air inters the working unity LhraiB~+ PiW g? 1+iltsr (PYg. 20) .50X1-HUM. ~ 9'he filter Nrwe to trap the fragments trove tM ruptured wn~brane emergency valw~ it ooneists of body (1), p~,~id-(?)j and cover ~3). the Membrane tYagments removed from it. (FiR. 22) Operation of the Canopy Control Handle and Valre To open the oanopy the canopy'oontr?1 handle must be moved prow the a xtreae. tor~rard position to the.extre~e rear. .If the oarwpy ie preeeuriaed~ during the Bret 1S? which the handle turns-the canopy becomes depreeeusixed, .It the ca-nP7 is not pressuriasd~ onl~r the hardle moves in the first 15?. Then the handle begins carwpy control valve. ilhen the handle turns 30? the guides connected , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 _. , ... ? ., . ~_.~...s ..._ ., ?.,? ~sxa a yaw era b;,~~,~ ~,".,~"~ i7 ti ~i ~ lD7fl~fi ~t3f1 gf3On ' `~" 50X1-HUM! .> "50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 turns 60-630 the pintlse of the operati~ct looks oompletely olear-the canopy loopy i and oche out o f the gtooree.in,the bracketsf during the next 3" air be.Rinr td bi. result ih a sudden upward snap of the canopy, damaging the lift-cylinder-rod rittinaa. ,. to the lift aylindere. forced retention of the canopy in the down position eight PRBCAUTION~ The canopy should >o~Ctx lift smoothly 3-5 seoonds after air is fed admitted to the oanopy lift dylindere. Closing Lhe.Canopy To olose the canopy the handle noel bs moved frog the extreme rear poeitioa oylindere becapss into. the ate~osphere, and the oanopy begins to lower.. After the the bleeder salve for the oylirder cavity opener.air froar,the canopy litt~.. rotate theetem of the canopy control calve. When the handle has turned 30-40? clearance itt the preeeuriaation button !betaken up, and it begins to turn end to the extreme forward position. Rirat only ona handle mo~ee.. Attsr 15? the handle hse turned b5? it is reetrained~ since the looking pintle Hof the rear left look is held by the arresting derive (bee hig. tj). After the 'oanopy`has lowered completely into pLoe~ the handle can be turned eoee sore and fhn canopy looks are closed. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .. ...... _ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 I Canopy.i3.cloaed .: =Preaaurized Locked:; ', ~Cyldnder disconnected ? troai the.atmosphere-, contr~I handle II .Canopy is cloned Depressurized ' Locked `.. Cylinder disconnected Erna the atmosphere .Cylinder control 'cavity of the hermetic loose of the canopy. Cylinder control caviC of the .canopy lift cylinder Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM`-~ 50X1-HUM~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 IE .Casiopy is closed Depressurized . ? 'IInlocked Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-H _50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM ~ After / j? of turning the handle until it oeaupiee the extrewe forward position ~ I. and is raceesed into the panels the canopy control vai~e oloses the bleeder r'alre o! the oyllnder oontr?1 oavity. This is done eo that tfith errorgenoy oanopy ~ ,I release the air frog the aircraft systae will not peas-through the e~eotiott oylindere and the-oanopy oontrol rahro. To pressurius the canopy the pressurisation button niuaE be pushed 1$o forward. PRECAUTIONr The canopy shopld lower smoothly.in.~ $.e seconds after air boginr?. to bs bUd.from the.e~eotion cylinders.: Forced retention of the carwpy in the up position ~-y result in an abrupt drop onto the penal beneath the canopy- 50X1-HUM. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUMr. belease MR. 23. FSsergenq cat?py l~ysteA? 1. emergenoy tank= 2? emergency tape{ j. atiri~el look{ 4. oylindsr rod attaoTunent looks 5. handle for emergency canopy t~sleaae{ 6. aide aeergenq locks{ 7. pyrotechnio. cylinder{ 8. pyrotbchnia piatolf S1. pin df bleeder calve of pjromechanisA TSH-2500.38.. time-delay 10? ttltrrl 11./lock openlnq cylinders 1~? oaropy time-delay look{ 13? canopy election cylinder] 14, actuating arp{ 15.'arnmtinq dlrice{,16. shaftf 1~. braoket= i ' 18. pipe for ~aeaeurinr preaaure in tank of canopy emergenay systeA.and for ~iliinq. ~. . when checking the system.: 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 To jen the cockpit in an emergency. there ie. _ emergency canopy release. rhioh ie aooompliehed Lilt meer~, ef,~ epebial .al-etnn~ ~ ttlrttinR. the rarivp . =einergen:y release handle(s)... The emergency canopy, releaae..srate~a has. the tolloa-ing systems and.unitet? . ?-emergenoy canopy lochsi ~. --a pynotechnio system for..openinp,`the emergency locks .(e).- pyrotechnio cylinder (7)y and p~rotechnic,controle]i..?_ . --handle tof eRerppncy canopy riLeaee: .: .: I ? ,?The. crttopy emergenoy looks-?d eat exidel.3ack. (3)~. six: eeiergency~locke (6)., '.::..:., and tvo.:cylinder-lift-rod coupling.looke (4)~ era coupled by_connection rode: ~?.~..,;.:?; ? The emergeric~y locks are .dpened;`Mhen the .chnopy:ie releasedy by pymcylir-der~' of'a aohneotin'q.rod all iccke atr,opened: 50X1-HUM; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~-s onm Mo6ruu ma 3oMOr omrperm :.50X1-HUM .:50X1-HUM..: ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Unite oiC tM F~nergenoy canopy: Release 8yetew , Swivel Look (b`ig.` 24) , - The swivel 'lock i~ fastened to the front braolat of. the canopy frame i?d has ? . ,, twv identical sections. It consists o!_a houaina (1 ), retaineri (b):and (~), ~-.~. , -: ars+e~6ing device (2)', atd 'a I .. .. eeotioned shaft frith aq aotuating ate (3), The,loek~ ~houeing'!a a cast Elektron~bracket, ? taatiened to. one arottur: TM shafts (3) of both sections ire ri.$id],y, Ae bhaft (~) fume, .arresting iievice (2) Ya rels~eetl.and: retainers (b) and:(5:) separate.. Side- F~nergency Lock:...' ?.' . ;. ... : ': `::~'.. ` ;.-;. , . . .. :....'(Fig.' 25.) canopy framework. Ths:]Di~k,mechnnien:ie:Tioueed.ie a removable,hourrins.- of:levers (2~-a~nd:`CL:);.aM aotuatingara.(?3) on'a -(5), and coneas~te trueeei ot. the The eid , emgrgenoyaocke are mounted: on the Flektron profiles. of thb side,.,? ,, ;Loop.(1) ie .he1 As sofas is rtldaled..;: ,thy look.by; melds of a waft! Mkt .on leer '(2 (3)' turns j levees` (2) ',rnd. (4). are. throwtl sectored shaft:' b grid loo~~ (1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM +i~ r \~ ~,' r} - I r . ~+~..+~ -~ , 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM ~ F'ig. 25. 91do ?nsr~ro~look. 1~ loep~ 2, b. lrwro~ j. aotna0inga:w~ 5. M~uina. a. Diagros of look opontiion. b. look oloaed. , o. look open. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .. . .. . . .... ;:.. ,.....50X1-HUMS ,.~ ~ .: ? : S-E-C-R-E-T.. Litt-Cylinder-Rod Attachmeat.Look (Fig. 23~ point A) .: :.? The lift cylinder rod !e attached. to the: canopy franie>~rk by, near-e of ,bvacket (1T),in wtioee groove goes: the ahatt:oQ the rod (16)..With downirdi"d wotion ? .. theehafQ is tetairwd bq ltfmc arreeting~ device (i5) yh'ich le tixedin the.. operating poeition.6y actuating nrm (]4) .whioh ie.coupled xith the to di control .wee... ;' ~t.Y-uotoet of,.eeaLj ',.50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 IIi . ?..?of the bi~eket bf! the uat .ap or. doxn, ydepending on hie height. The ~iaximwa tra~sl M1 .~ of the bucket 1ef90 me. _ ~~ Thetiucket iti rafeed and ]o~eered.by meant of Aotor.?(8) wh3oh, through ..? a reducor_,. turns :vertical acrex (6) iihiCh passes. through :.nut (?), whieh'-ie rigidly .. . . attached to the ..bucket, ~. ~Eleatrio actor (B) aid eoreir-(6.) ai~e motinted~on t6e'~,lower~ ?. The reducer consists of tiro worel gears. with a ratio.. of 1e11it+~~(?), ,- (Rernainde! illegiD]e.) ~ ... .1. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 1 ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 When ad~wting the seat for theheight of the plot, the winianun poseih;? eleannoe between the ganopr gLte and the pilot~e pressurised helmet le 50 nse. Mechanlea (1) le ? honeinR in which are mounted two (reaainder Illegible] Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 The,eeat.ie helaht-ad~uated ae lmoLlram follo~rd?' The pilot, telly equipped] site 1n the seat and ieovea Lhe.bncket tip.or dowif`ontil hie helmet ie ht:?least .50 ?the,pilot!e.heiQht~ and'1A fiaed,:in thie,:poeitiop Dy locking acrew`(f0~; The: meohaniemihae ,tour. indicator. arrome :(3) .which ehow,:bhe maxirium.hoi~it.,o the pilots !n the Batting poeitiotf.j ~rhicli mAkee itpossible;to ?::? hd~u~t the: ::50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM ~moobilizatfon of. the pilot to required .during,oatapulting end dwhing flight, vhen the inertie7,'fotaee, aoting on the.piloi are direatod .~ _ ~ , /. - sideHOys~ . ~ forward. ~rxrzx~i~.or"up}iard: lhie' "heppone when the plane o~ goe9?into a.dive~.ditrinQ tiuddoa deaolore~ion. .. ? : osno0lnllV.: ' . the forage teasing Lhe pilot: forwnrd from. the .e6ot mey .be ~^+-_*^~'~Y? gredt Tenth,hg"outeide'the,eirfiold. 7Le iaiaobillzation:ot the,{pilot ie `eotiieved wlth the'eid of .the.?harneed'. . 50X1-HUM :. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~ ~ ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 R_F~('..R_F_T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ... ,.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release~2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 2!u Laraeed ryrtem.lr ntldohed as the xoas a~cound the iraieL thiroup~s tag inq .~4r' .stirabe vitb the, aid of qullsq~ `/5/1 ~m~~?~ seotloa ai~e li~et P99Agp..:fhrouPh Shy eido ,, .~ ; buckle8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~... ,. ~ . oere the ~tre~r of the.eDsiag'`dofr aot"eot oa ths.pilot.~,.Dusiag oetopulting,. ~ `if the.Dilot ie:ln the detleotedyouaitibn,:he it fosaeebly:puhed to the~bonk. 8lie''ehoulder etteobnient ihclud~~c= ehouldor=ettaohment lock /I1/'.Mitb .eSrn,~ ; %14%~',pysrw~ocbeaiem 215R.xJ,th powes`'a~sitig /17/`= deflected-yositioa erreating,,, i~ ! . meoIIeniem /,20/p.hendle of shoulder etteohawiit /23/ ead noble li ~. ~ : ~: ~ ~ I - , .: i. 'Ihe,.sy~tem oy~retee.ae tol~lowa. Ia the pulled~Doeition the .pilot's anoulAere rim~irider. illigillle) `.. ;Y. '. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM ..I~Ihen.Lendle./23/ ie: yu~hed,do~-n~ Arum I9I` btOgb? and the .pilot.:le ic.. ,- ~ the quiled gobitioa.- The shoulder-etteohcant loak aonaleba :of?drum /9/'~ oa one'leoe of.rhidh ._... .ratchet /,8/ ie rigidly atteohed. Cetoh /.?99/ steps the drum end dose not`~lllor;..: imrJ! in the?'oner.eting position. by.rod:/I2~,... Whbn rod./L2/ as pulled:out. ? ,. ~' :. .. ?. ., ,... -' ,, .. :drum:... (illegi.ble) ;.:..... _ ' , . .: - _ SLraq /,lyf `is: e4taohed to the drum by hinged aetoiner.../3!+/, which .19 ~: ? , ::.kept - it: to turn. when etraD /I!a/ tightener: On the ~other..faoe iot the ~deta(aer /34/.to.lde ltiside the drum sad rela8sea.Lhb`strep.~;: 'CahTb./13/,."bench.roller./18/."0l pyrosueahgniam.2~$R sad is iecured:`on the ~. eeet.hou9it~. Py;omeoheni~m 2168 ooneiste.o! two onbleat: ipr~er./16j ead.outeT /~/. .. .. ;remeiiader ..i l legible ) ::50X1-HUM:' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~.. .... ... , :oiler?t ag 'Method of lhe.lte~idls .o! the weiet.~tteohmeut operotitig Method:ot .the~hdudle o! the:ohoulfler attaohment Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Look .oloeed .. .':.. Look. oy~n '' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 1 ? handle of waist attaohmeat{ 2.?.~uller with olasp{ y -guide roller= !{ - waist-ettachmeaL Zook{ 5 - connecting rod{ 6 . rockor{ 7 ? ~c~ onble{; 8 -ratchet{ 10 roller{ 12 - ehouldor-attachment look= 12 - locking rod{ 13 - attachment oabls{ 14 - strap{ ~ u -outer tube of pyromechaaiem PZSR{ 26 - inner tube of pyrameohenlam 215R{ 17 - spring{ , 18 - roller{ I 19 - rod{ I 20 . ~ dofleoted-position arresting de~los{ 21.22 ~ waist-ettnahmeat oable{~ 23 - handle of shoulder attachment{ 2y - handle ring{ ` 25 - owing ring{ , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 :34'-`.. hinged deLelaeri '., , , ~ ~, , .. 35 . I . ~ trigger-LOp j 96 ~ ~ ac4uaZing erini: .. `I. ~... 38 -.folding.partq _ ~ i. '34.' - ~ detainer; ' ~ ` .. 'aontilever ` ::. , 40:- ' , ~ ~1 -' .: aotuetiag ermsi..~.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM :. ... '. oontilover ::., . ;. 'mocheniom oonaiata.o! two yertg,~i.e: ~t',r~tationarq ' - /q0/ and e.toldiag peT.t-/y8/. which !a hinged onto the '. suG ia.immobilited by.e:aofrew /!j2/ caeing.ie a rod.%lq/:eoaneotod wish en outer_tube.by pyromecIIaniam :' 21SR. On a folding part.'/38% Se ~ rot~ting.4ete,iner /~9/.:and e-ree3:r: /42/. onn~oted w ?.:.data~ner th a hoadle: /22/' :-_ :.',-_: ~ .. Nhen the. rod'/,~9/: aa~ei,~6~urde~ ovnwrd. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 waist-attachment; Ia order to.defleet the.henQle, it ib.aeoeesnry to,ui-3ook It by presai /,ifteohmont'of ~aiet 8e2 s !.: `?~~ eyetem of.etteohment o! tae velst`belte mokee it gobeible ~i ~ ~ . the {~yper snQ.ot the trigger toward the Beet cord, nhd'~then null the handle "...~' "tovnrd oneeell: the.fores yreeaing'the pilot,foverd the beat. '. shoulder-attaohmeat haadle./1/, tva yulley~:with ? is w~'ich the Bade df. oabiee /,21' end 2~/ 'ere seoure~t. 4 wiling cables `- .tit guide .:rollers '/9/',. e.to? ` . ~~ , 1be system inoludesc ~ ~. buoklea./2/ located oa the herneos eyetem,:two ~. ~ ~ ~ ?.' 1- .. to' ? oonttol: '.. lodks %~1J~. ~ .. '~_.~.. the' elements .of.~the, .. ~ .. ;., iroi~4;lisraese moy. be 1aQreased, .bq .: . Rte :toasioa of~tho'.oeblee oY the .. ~ .. .. rocking aiovomoate of'levor /g0/..,, irl. remeitider Illegible) 50X1-HUM 2b tatenuete:ths tension 14 ie, neoeseary to prege Ie~er `/,30/ larvord~uD`ao -.., ;~. ,the etoq~ sitar Ghich=oeDles./27,/,"oan be Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 r ~? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Catch /31/,'? pressed by the eptiag? eaters the oaeing tram rbona end stops roller /32/~ Hendls /30/ Bits with its ring /21~/ on the oasing ring /25/' and can be located tarward? Inside the hem le it deteitar /29/? which is squoozod out by aprin~ /27/ and meehoe with the tooth of the ratchet. t9ith the eid of catch /26/ the dotniner opn bo nrreeeed u+r~ard~ In this coos the loser will lotate? without ceueilta the retahet vhoa2 to rotato. ilhea lever /,30 is motsd forward. roller /,3?/ turps and vlnde up the oablos? ~lemei~er illegible) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 S_F._(`_R_F._T lever (4)~.aefety.lever: (2 ).,end ' the eaeiag s spediaT spring, wtiioh with ttie aid o! plunger (28~ defledta.thi' i haadle beokvard. 'A:deecriptioa of the. ahoukler?attaohment locks, itl givea in the.eeoifon ~Syatem of Opening the A:tQeahma t. Looks and the Leg Clemps'. ~ ~- i'oi automitltio, retuura of tti~ hanA~a (9p) to the iaitiel ,poeition,~thore is, os-. 6, 8yet~m for Contro111na tho Siring ot~..: PyrOmechenittm.TGi~r2500-38''.: , . ::~. .... (Fig: 43) , .. Pyiromeohenism .RSM?2$00-38 ie eotueted by pulling_aut p a (4) vhich`is, ooanected.by a deble line: to the headrsile:of the ~eeet (I).._ the tiring Don be .: edtueted.bq.one or both headroile. ~e handrail ot.the;aeat (stg..f+4)?itl bonatruoted !n the tolSowiug way, ?. Ninged.oato aeaing:(7).ese starting safety' 50X1-HUM (3)?..'lbe fire-.oontrol'line ie ?led to_tbe eterLiag lever (Q). `In the:: noraal,,ponitiop the itnrting lever is:at~i~ yrevented,trari Deing~. Hhoa . ,. ao6ldontly eotuatod:with the; aid.ol.bolt.($). t~ti.the bond bf xhich ontera the.. .the grooae of the safety le.ver? only sm :tho atorting levar,is..pro~sod~~"? .: Ij heed of.the`bolt etrikotl.e~sinst oatah,(2): and.stops~the-atortin l.c~{c~: y y pressed ~plote.(0) strikos eCsitist tho.head of.tiolt ~onl the eefot .'lever. ie ~~~_ ~ (5) .. end~rtopi the aafetylerer.: ~ ... - Firi`n~ !e :posaiblo onlq bhan both, lavorei t:~~; otera;: ..~A 'aa:::. - .. S.R_C-R-E-T :50X1-HUM . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 '~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 oloeeQ poeitioii-ot tae firing .lever~.id eocomplinhed is eooordence.with~the,` .- 'eugerimposed'gosltio~n ot: the.whitd..line~..dreuin~oti the .. 50X1-HUM.;,', Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~.. . .' .:e.' ~ ~~ - -~ ~~ .. ~ ~y~4 . ~ N Lz ?. - ? v9r ? 1, u v'{_Qv ~ ~a.l 'tit...f Frl ? . , - ~ :11:3~1ts~IL...~...1~. ~ i ._~ .. ~` ~Yi~ ~rdL~J I i ~. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 :, 50X1-HUMS Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 When':bhe Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 -E-CSR-E-T 50X1-HUM ?. . 8efet of _ ... ~ - :. .= ,.. ... y.o~ /3/.oloees t e ge}i betxeoa the alerting and befety levora ead'? . .. I , .. : . oin~heQ xhen presei~q .? ~ .. . prot~atb; .the fiend lroaa bei;~g'=? - ,.. .. 'the handrail. .eterbing.laver./6/ of yyromeohpniem.215R.~.From'lerror.%6/ the`lne ie.lod ii5 the:. A`ceble'line-loede.!'rom the otarting lepare (aee Fig. !~) to a oomraon~.shof3 . ~>~; "' ~../,9/i with'the eeatorb~ /2/.' and f~com the shaft 'goes of! the right-hand. eooior to the' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~. .:.,rv0... .r.:-... { ~ S '~ r. 'tom' e ~ i ~a `R1h~ 1 WgJRt1~A 11r1 .. iy ~~J~. ~.~.a, ~?r?7 ~'f `'~''-i"~ -~-r-f'?~-..~...~~.~-r ,~_ r ~~~1ZS:21ll.ietlu.~...~. ,r 1!1 "~. ~a~~~~. X31. ~Yli~f''s, .50X1-HUM:. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 . ~ -gig,~~. stebili~etion egstem of eeeL: ....prong .:. ., . ?`, :.... 0 ? , n.)' ittst5[ rotat8d, arbitrarily through 90 .. ~:: b) ~ ~ooe. eeotion > .. ~ 1 o). Stebiiizetioa triggering: ..a) Stabilization syatiem of ids eeet?in;isiitiel.poeitioa Yoaition~ a, ~ , k ~ . ' arebhute. Separation of t~et from:rtebiliziag D ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 I - atabiliziag yereohute{ 2 - adapter{ 3 ~ DaraoEute ooatainer{ 4 - oo~er of yereahuts toy oorde{ 5 - olip~ 6 - pin of pyromeohaniem 21,x{ 7 - oable{ ' 8 - Olip{ 9 - Diai 10 - prong{ II -shaft{ 12 -holder{ ~ - lugs I1~ - oollor~. 15 - ouD{, 16 - prong{ 17 - oeaoyy-espar~tion ls~ari. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .::~ . i~ ~ , . ? Fbr eeaureQ and rilieble:ope~niag the rollers'the peroohute ie introduced into ~ het in the,dontelaer e4 .the gory ' .. .. ~ . :begihniag'of ths,oetfipulting with the eid of~lpyromeohaafem 2uP;:the pin'/6/ oP.. vhioh ie oonr~eoted,by e-s .._m/q/. to the eirdrafo{atrii0ture and is pulled out' . when the coat. mo6ee 30=50 am. Rhe pyromooheniam, z~rtag drawing apart..knoake oi'f the 33~ hatch co*ior~Oh the.roer aro ol.t3~e aeaoDy~.vithdreNS'the top oorde from. the;:oovor; and _ntroduaos', the.oontainer~vith:the yeroohiite.Snto,n ~Qy, .~~ parachute oontaiaor is ooourod. /9/'oonneoted.bq.cables:to tihe'eeet struoture.. Whon ' pyro~o ch?ri am~ . ~ .. ,. . . 215E moves 200.mm, the oebloe tighten end vithdrav .pine %9/: 4he oonto.iaor.io. pulled off.the paraohute by the air ~et~. the parachute onaopy.fe,?fi.llod ard: ~.. ?. _bagias to rotate... ?:~t adoptor /,2/ fa a radial thruet:.ba1T benrinQ snfl oonsiate of shoft,?/11/;` whio?i cerriee prong /1%~ anQ olamli~ /,12/ .;in vhich lug /13/,'i :-:rototee in oinmp /12/.on beorii~s:. oniboddod:' :Shaft /13J "?Fifteen.?aeoonae after oatepultSng. ; luamEiately before the _eeparotlon` of tY.'o~ oenopy. the bar of pyromooheriism 21$P.is rolo~~scA to~otCer.irith,tho Tnrochu.to:~. .: For this purpose, the' upper; port .of tho . outor d~3 tubo' o8?.pyror:ncha:,S a the `sett- aad right-hand.. -. :.. .. meta Denm~ tkeen ri6e i, end 2 ere? ea~ell %1~dndiag lighCe?.~ ~;? heed o! tf-~. ':.: RB~.I iag:IigLO oa the right-head ving.ceatilerer eaa be regi~oed by a~.,,.f a. oemela+ is wl~iah ooee the hetoh;ooder.is.rspleoed ty a.epedial..oovsr::.. the :nose. ' ' ~ ii1 'front of the' epar ,at . Oa the eft- end right-hand oentilerere.'! ~ '..' ...~ I . .,~,I, /1~/ is e., ..".', ehipping'fitting~'vhioh s~ a et,the eem~. ! , - ~... ea ea er$?eetiag derioe..tor the..choak? Tn the , I _ ::wing aoaee along riha 13 1 the auepeaeionlot:roakete. Rhe'ving.is itteahed.to the.tueslege_at tiw points:. $hs ving.eyar.ia mede.of three.partee. o tittin8e_ for oontrel `' root part. , . ." pert ead.tni2 ~.:.. p~'t ?' i.: I. r oentrel s.root.pert.ii. _ 'drop-forged: out,of.m~teriel Y?95i the s~~a; pert ih drop-forged g01~44MK1., n lending-gear etrut.~ aontrel In the ~_part.of out ,ot atee2 3~~t the'tail pert !e oold-forged out of steel In the root~..part of'the: spar in a ;aooket for ttia ~ourneT bearing of: the a~d~ :~ ' of, rotati~oa of the mo Y=4S the;syar?on tap~aaQ.heneatb are.Limas ;glatee'mode of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 v. /jG 'hie farwarA strituier ot.thh oheaael ieotion..'Sn the hide-ooa~nrttoent`eone .~ '.. . ~ Ili stringer ie.mode oup.o! a apeolel.D20.protile sad, lLtrther on. lYom nook IZ..,.' [ ~. i, ; ~o lwse,Z6 of the ohaartel eeotion ie erd~?out e! D.16 ah~et.. `.?~? ? .: ~. ooneiete :.... ~' RT~e rear mniri etrinaer of tvo parte;? ataaiped out of 9014s0.9ArI2 I` .. ~i joined ': .: : ' ' . . . ehee4 steel. 4he parts ere Together by ~t+ steel ~ineert oa rib 5. ,.~ .. -afeil.pl~tee mod..ot 9CQ~08~-I2 Qnd.22.5 materiel..: i. ' Froib rib l~..to the xing tip above end below ttie etringer:ii reiafaroed-wit ~lhe ' ep~ *ne .helau the.:beam an4imroyrude. ~,th~ D26. had A"?A8 nre tort - vinB. oonto~r. ~ : i.. l ,~ 2.oonted oa ;he main beam !e a:eeaond eooke~.for the aournel.b~ei'iag of :,~.. . mein beam id tn~M by hart drop forging .out. o! 3CQQi03IiA, steel with hubh?-. - ~, .. - .. r.. ~~ ;.' ~ ;. ~.. ~ 'quent!.meaheaiohl treatment end heat arectment:~to tea= 170:kg/omZ. ' ' ,? ~ : ~; i . etriDe o! . In order to obtein~~the outer,ooatouz`, the axle of rotetion~of the main loading-gear ^trut. - ---d~~ _ .." _. out o sheets of D16. :'!he ribs ere. made .meiitly by ~:~forgiag $he ribs looated.ia.the oentral eiid..tei.l parts ese ali~,~ed.wi;h tdr floe. Zhey errlaed~~`8ut of meter11t1h.D16T, 11C?8,.,~--9S. J~II$-T4 by sold-longing; note tazgiagr en`e rotor). ti' ~I .. Rhd fet~.tiottiie rsmaindor 111egible):.= 50X1-HUM:, ; f .,.~~'' ,... Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ngine-ooatrol lever (~L) looeted in the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 i ~ngits~ is aQuiDped 'ritht .. ~n:alsotr"ioal eutobomoua.and.aulomntia at+~rting'aytitenirhioh mekea it gwdbla to.atart'tha ~rigina ~ pressing: buttoa. . ' . 2:' : ~ system ot. automHtlo :cap+gen'teeditig ot. igniters' for startiag:;~ .. .1 .. .. tha ?hgine during alight..:. .. . . '. ~.= ;~. fuel ?qumq. oontrol unit fg2~:21Y, vhioh automstioally oontTOla .the engine.; `:. and i~daa ? oonetent glwn,number of:rotatioae ot.the. ~ngiae at _~i1~altituGa.:= ,. .. ..; affi tlight.epeede.. < ,:.. 4?. A tuel`pump oontrol`uait Pdi?22F~ wiiioh eanusea lseding o! tuer to tb. altorburaer..`,itl booetaa ragimea.~. i. '. _ ' I:n engine oonlrol meahaaiam P(TA'1~10~ irhioh,~ together with .l1ie1: 2~i.218 and Iii-22F..eneurea engine oontrol lY~am the Doeition ?stoy~~ i _. ~ ~ .. to..tl~e aotal:Doaat regime by motiag only the engine-oontrol leer.` ~. - i. oil avatem ooneieting '! b~ an.oil;tenk, rhioh~':;~ ;; ,.i ~. ? ,Ln autametio:~yetem ot.pleotro-hydzeulib.bontrol of thb:~et nozale: T...I~;-autonomoua _ i. " idina oli~durin~t fnMrtwA~t?ght, a;tubl-611 tlovmatera':; . i , ., ~, . .: .. en uir eeperoto~r, and alao~?laa~oe.qump~,e;booeter.qump~ filters, .; j' . ,,~: ;,. . h~gai Diov r. ~ ....... :.. .. I ., ., 8, Ott ignition iye ~tp'end eleotrioel,Qquip(np~ ~ .:. i.. ,. aad"eSoentriy .. .., i . . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM: 4he toiloriag aireralt 1i0ite` irr io0ats4 ~Ea the ~fogiar dlitr Dcacc : ~ ~ ~ -- I . oeaesalad~etarter....' ...:..:.::.:.:........:..::..::....:.:..:...RSR-8~32000nt~:.~' 2110 hgQliL110 ~Nlaye ~....:...NN?W.-.i..i~N.~...~N.~..N?:..1~.. ~~9!Y"ZT { .; 8ooe~e! fuel Dump ....~::. w ..'.:.?.t........:.:..,..:?...~:..~(ill~glbI~)_ ~'.l ? ?. ~,. . . $=~-C=R-g=T: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Begond`the lnet ~te~~o! the domyreeso~ era !.1'ehgee on the et~iae raa~':al~:esgg ~. . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 !same Z2 to ttie rerr td~ o! the iue.leg~ (Yi6?~59~?.? ' . the enainn eY1i+ ., , ,. . Yheri tisxed'trom eDove", `' ooinoidee vith'the:eris os. Rhe engihs? together with the efterburaar,,i~ initelleQ in the fueelege eymmetrq ot~the plene,:whll~.xhen ~iexeQ from the,eide..it.pesaea"below the:datwq~::' .lin+ ol.the_plene at.a distahoe of 90 matfrom.l~ame 2s'ead 65 mm:trom fremi 32~..; 7*_~*~lletio of tha Engine enQ the After rner dn. the.Plene afterDUrner axie? the engine ut1e., oving During the operation of the.:engine the rhea hexed from. shore, mekee a emall~ engle~ with ;_ o the foot $het'the rear. part of. the afterDuraer le ? mounted with the `roller.esie ehifted.5`~ to the. left of ` the a=ie of eymmetry`of..t~e: ..,. .. efterbur~r a:is~ehifte to the`nighl.e~ a.? rtenlt o! tempsreturs espnnsione end ooinoiQee vith.~the shglne axle..''. 'The afterburner eitis. rhea vieired-from ahe'iide~ it first mores with a smell s~ dowmnrd elope,.xhile from. frsme,. f 111egiDltj 'ot..t1le"ao$sle it:mo~ee with a small upward rlope. . ~Jtachnant:o! Engine ri.Plt.~l.r~. 'iLe .eiigitr hei axo atteohmentae: the fire! ~?the meia toawerd etteohment.an to th+ outleti., .:~. .,. ~.the.eeaond -the. rear.atteohment on frame;2B,.. ~ ,... ... ? 'ihe .tori?ai d .altaohment : ih boated in x~at plane oloei . t0. ~thh seater .of Puri tiy. . ot'!b! .ea~fae t~nA eonri~b `of, an Upnet fittlnQ .end. !vo iiAe frdde ~:. q}ie~ ..!~r r~ ? _ :. , . ?. :. ,: .. ,. 5-E-C-RAE T Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 f'~:?e~']'i ~+~,S~+.w~ '~"'~-r...~"~~~""4:~i.'~~'Si~~*.i~M`~'w^'a"~,'"r,~rf"f*~1'r""e,3isj4_ ~':'~. ! + ~ rr'' '~ ' .f r J ,.. ~-~v~ ~ s't _ -.~ _-? iz art: ~ ~? :: ~.,~ r 3 ~ .I.-,- r r i .~i r) R ~T.~ ~ ~ .~ y_ t ~Y.. ' _.~rrr?Y y.a~' -""-14.a..t ~ _ ~?~~,~ is Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ? i).titting o! rail toa~ roller on atterburner,"? .:? 0)~,tiEting o! roli~r axle on tranie 35 of the tweleg~ ~) rani .;- a.) ~~.letr plug:.. ,. o) attachment of afterburner.ou slcp~t starboard a! t) atteohment.:of.afterburner on Daarb,ida g) .attachment :on` etnrpoarfl 'eide:.~ h) attachment t:o ahe` .engine. . .. . ' ..: . , . 50X1-HUM ~. 50X1-HUM ~: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 throat toms of the et-Bins aad.is loadsa to aampletion bY'lateral laraea:: ,Rh. pwsr element of,th~ upp6r fitting is dowel fixj:zit vhloL:: r ~ terminatipg is a mcc . '' .: during arrembir enters ~ rifig;with a rpheriaal.rurl~o~ mounted oa the ~nginer ,: dowel ,. 'ihe ~c.ia atteahed to the upper,:beacd of the..fuaelage at two pointer.: 1 tho.}fpper flange o! the berm br c omensil: ~ throuP$-.plate wel~ea.. :~aota~c! comes from the. outalde of the. radiator ~. .":.., .:..- ~~_ zaottstmt.~3` in the radiator ru~hee:lnto the engine compartment:,. ' `, ;:; ;.: I. :. ~ .. . Ia~tbs engine oompe?rtmeht the eir~.peaeirfg.into the epaoe hotveet- the `.;fneeIege ~ad:eisgiae..,etirudtures ind then between the eirCreft powering sad the,. .. ...... I,~ ;afterburner. pools them ate ~saoepee,iato.ths etmoiapheTe?throu~_the.lhelege outlet. ~i. 1. ~. i. {. . t"ba~eorer, pert- ot. the sir llov~ L .bled ott through einiw~er p 6 is:,fhb, well o! ~ ~ .. .. _. ~.. _~ ... ..~ ,I, tram ?,9.for tbs purpose of ooOling.th~ outer part of the a ruature o! thi air6ralt oaeisig.a~t thi~etterburaer r?meinder:iliegible) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .. ..`_~i ? ~ ~.. ~ !. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~'!g~ 61. ~ Derign !or ,1) ~ir.eir raQiator e) ..Dire bloving.air.through t~s.rngine oomDartment.`~ 2).Mindowr with griQr.` ' S) hoc ntDer. .. "='n). engine ezir b) Ioaetion.t .. ?''.b) engine eamDartmeat . . t. `::5.. -. ; :a a) oroee ~eollon. elong s-5 (typioal): ' .. ,.e) Qarel ~ t).rel~e. tiody . ~ = ?;.. ~, erg) location .bf .gDee`tor .blowing eir.throi~i hgaraulib. oyliodbr?./~riw along srlrov ,- . i~ legend i. ;rem.i?a.r iil.aibi.) .:.50X1-HUM . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 2.. Itterbtlraer ~ by' eir intel~ing through pipes /1~/- tit !Seems 21e. unless .. ~reulio byllnder dontrolling~the >~.of the js! nozzle .'byi ah~'engiae Isis. to the rigtit end left of the rudder.'fia~ the ?lover pipe ie double /9G teem yipe^ %~ !n the regio0 oi.fY~eme'y6. ZLe awo uDp.r DiD'~.~.looated ?berie' yelled end.ie Iooeted on both eidea o! the oomDi the pips rune elbng the oombe,.~ ,.. ' ~.. ' .: ' then merges,lato one oomaoa 4uat joiniaB:vith~the oaeing of the lover 2Lydreulio .~ ve yea oylinder boatrolliag the ~.of.~the het nozzle. '!h~ fir iY~om the impeot-pressure iateke,duats./5/?padeei through oonneoting ~. . piper into oeeinge %b/ of .the~hydreulia cylinders, cools Lheai. snd eeoepea into ~ elite . I the etmosyhere.,'Moreorer. pnrt,of the.eir ie.bled out.througb >Jattt in the ~ ... ... e bu]kheedb~of.ttie eaeinge.for the;yurpo~e of.o.ooling t2ie hydreulio..piyea;end,the ..o...ao..?v~a.ou w van e1a~ .Or,sae ayarfln110, CyllOGere~ Lana ~ 50X1-HUM'. ~ ring for the puryoee of cooling.the hydraulic pipee_eupplying .the hydreulio.' adYture enQ eboaps~'into the ~atmoapheri.through.~o~eninge'ia tha.meio'rin~:., During ground rune the engina:oompartment ie booled by air auokeQ 1a.~1Yom tna .eiurrauading etmoephers se e. result'ot.ths `rerefeotioa'~in? the engit?r,compertmeat bresled.hy'the'energy o! the gas het. .Rhb ittzzcsot oooliag.eir.entere.the.eagi~ apertures` ..... ,, .: ?. eoaipartment tlu~ougb.l2:sq,~izpc ?0 mo in dieanter.:vith Wink relree /9/;(these:. "e ~' ~turer ,oped:u~'rseutt of ~h. eXO~sb yreaeurs of the:eur'rounding. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~Lmoi ~" the.ladiridual:addlLional?eooliag tutee phere), and:,alw through . 50X1-HUM'.. .'o!' eh~ uaemblita? 2n thit oaae lh~c Mete irelrea (~)"o~n the air-eis redietor ?r~ olosed? alnoa she raret~ebiea in the air-latake ~alti ie greeter than Sa::the:eoainr ecef~~ .. ~ paTtment. "2a.order Lo avoid Qiaruytioa of the oooliag regimee. the eagiaa oompartmia 1a.preeaurisedl? ?` ~Iong frame 28 at.tha plada vhera the engine ia.~oiasd to the air-air::< radiator. (1) by meetL`o! a ap~diel.subtier Drofile (10) etteohed to the.tamoc~', radiator. .4he.aeeliag of the ~oiat 1a oreated -the preaeure_ o! the ~ ' Z4' - - aeage'ot.: `tlie eagins-oomprseear houe.ing.age3nat this profile. ' _ . pi lines. ". '? ~ ~ ,:?,. ~~ . 2. 'lT~e .oyeaiage, for tbi`"laying..the ~SS is Creme. 22 sre OloeeQ' ~ apesial , t2irouah whioh the dreinege `: :.' Rhe openings ~ ;.tuboa ol.the lLel,,ayeteal'emerg " .. ... -iato the, beeic fairing.in the region of frame.29 and~aLo ahs openiaga loT.layi tbspnit frame 29 are olobed by agmstzt oover. yla~ea: "~Vontilatioa - .. .. 9~ ~ end DreineRe of vine halab: oonr is the regioa of, rrames;;26 end; 27? , Rtie;~ o! the osniritlige?of the. oil eyatem o~! tha engine 'ho0a~pliihed by .piping which goee~out;into the a moephere thro a'1~ "'' I ; -ugh the^inepeotioi~ `. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 . tig. ;62.?. Iii D) 2oaetio ;. -..o)..~~tti~o; 'dS 111`eglb ? . i. .:. . .: ? ~ i -~ieY Flo ~) disohara ;.:.. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ne ? . '!ha i p pea ere. mounted oa the hetoh hareri .to'?the right and "left of . thy. ~ .~ oollar.' It ihoulC be born.ia mind that. duri ~ AB preeeurizetioa of: the.1ola~, . .. .. ;, ~e ,~olht bstrtiea the'Dips iad the hetoh is telesooped sad is aeeled by a rubber.i` L (suing to ~iaeoa~reos eetelag. e! the yiy~ or t>ye outlet frrom the 71dea of sh~?: ? is - .. i the siam~tia generator .rites may De. burns rubb~r.oollar) a'derk depoeit_mey appear near the.~oiat~ead the inauletioa of ,Ia .t ~e .regioL~ of _ tramo~ .$5 anQ .26 are txo pipes i fair rema.ing geaei :from. . . i ~ ~ ~. .I..:J.;~ labyrinth sealing of ths,turbiae shaft and .tram the unloading oavitiee.o! the~.i.:; "~ Rhe drainage p~~f the.eagias-!a oombiaed in groups and led nit of the .fuselage.et_, t'ite. plaoea. '!he flrit ln=flight outlet .la merle at,il~eme 2? sad oomblaea "e1~! ~, dreiaege,poiats. of the aagina,neme'ly-~. drainage ot, tha efterburaer ~al~~~:t!-a dsirsa of i - .. ... pampa: 1:23]' sad.NP!-22p~ l6s eutcmetio;ecgiae piok~upl the r aerator; tiydraulid~ ~ . ? .~ Dom" ~34f?21~aad ttie boomer fuel pump. .. Zhe.afeoad dutl~ti looatsd.immediateT,y beyond the first`"outlets .; {remsiader:iliegible). '50X1-HUM:. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM Rhe fourth outlet eertsa !ti drain fuel !loom under tha fuselage oararing::.; 2ha~fitth outlet is made below the.. outlet ot.the lea aossle. Zt;eonaeota the, dreinagd.tanlc'moubt~A.on the enaiaewith'the atmosphere. In oue'of ua- ~.',- ~: suooeeaful ~tnrta..or'rhea.the sogiae atope, the.tuel.from the fuel"oolleotor '. . .. . ~~ - :. ? _ ' :.gathered into ~.:: .: ?:..; .: .. : ; . ~ end drainage .reNa of the NA-21P is thin ~teaic ead ie eztruded into p by tha eir? ~ ... the atmos heri In additioa.to the.abate-cieatfonsd dTeinnge;outlats there'are'dreinege opeo- . iags.ia:thb fueelage om!eriag~(not!showu in Bige? 62)., Beyond frame 96 .'there ,. - ? . two S. mm openings tor~saa~r eaoh_rigiditq.of,the tail neoelle?.,;." mxt~througti.thias openings in the't-eaelle.oorering the 11ie1`.flowing out of the:' afterburner during dsinhibiting of the eagine on:the plane .is.dreined off? :: - ,. i..... 10?. 9nerational Hotohon Sa order .to 'hate~aooeas_ to the asesmbliea~~indi~idunl uaita~ a syetoms,ra,eeverel ,. .. .~. are ?~ etutine-feadiag .. prodded on.ths iltssleQe (of Chspts! '2n the ,lower yart of: the fuselage. batwoen frames s?er~d'25-28, are tour operational hetohee on~ths;right- ind Lett-hand aides which proilde,:eooeee to. tha? engia~-.rismefabliss :and' agaiems. .'1'hede ?hstohem ere used- '? :': ; ~' ... , . (remainder. illegible) .' ,. :'i' ;50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM -The hetehea of the tu~l lill~rs are looeted ebo~e end ao the.lefl. ot.'the. ;.baek tairiag as tollotnt: !or aoaeed,to..the torxatd tuel tiller ;ed 16A~ fort aaaeer to .the fuel tiiler.ot th~.saa..taok 22~.lor aoaeer to the.reer twl t111er ? betvee "!he loeetions. of the .other hetohes tutielege atad..the viag." . "iI. 1~ 3YST'EM between tramsa btwe+a l5ramea ZO'aad. tremee.21 aiid 22. ., .: are:gi~ea ia.the deeorfytion of the.. ' irbot Skeleton end 4sombly blear ++~+ 'of the FL+e1 Svninm 'Phe.pleae~ Yuel~ system (FYga. 69 tiad 64) ia' latetided to '~r3 ~eugply..,the.` .engine with fuel both duriag.tlig2it.and duritig_TUne:' The Dleaa~e, tuel:eystem,eaauree normal:oDeretion of. the ongine at ,all altitudes': ea xell ee end tlight.regimee~ ~~ tor! ell;nii~laae: maneurera, ..~ :~ 9eren.fuaelege .teaks,.. Four ;xiug.tenlc:? oompertmo:ate. .Ohs tefyc.'~uspe~tia uader..Lhe ftieelege:;. eqd oossaitit~ ,OtR i ':.: 1 . , ~. ,Four main. duotet feeds booster yuarp, drpiaege.': told Dooetitr .yreaeuref ~:.; ~ oetmaenQ-preeeut~e e~etem eoatroflad; by the? orQer of outvut`o?.tuel'?~ . ~ ~ _ ;. ,.: ~ ~ - i .~ ...: i . ... .. . .. _ ,.. pY pp ~ . ,... ~. ~ :.: ..: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 .50X1-HUM- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 S-E=C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM`.:: .~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 tLrottls+;diameter 8.tea~;: S-E=C-R-E-T ~. . - -. i ? pig? 63? Skeleton 11e~am,.ot fuel system. ... . 1~ ~ booster l422~{ '..::... _' I~.dreinnge valveat. . `9 r throttle ? diameter 0.8 t?t 9 safety-valve boat. . . C. 20 ~,dreinage velve.oontrolliag refueling of vita; aaaluf `. . .... .. -ll ?'.pipe conneoting let snd tad tetikei . - !loot velvea.. on t>ie let ettd.3rd tankst Ploat - - ;.... ? filters o t3~mc valves . throttle. dieuwter 2.1 ? -!? 0.2~. 7 - pre~~ure.indioetor SW2.o.35F `.. 8 .: dreinoge.valve controlling.output of:ritig tankef. L2 - pipos_for refueling oP ving..tenkej ` . .?~ 13 -.refueling fillers= l/j -sensor of etnorgeno~fUye~ia~ipibdioatoir.8 16 `:.; - 3- 37t return '. .: ? ?. . u .:~x~,R valvet ... balloon. t~l~flr o!, tealt= ~' 16~ -. eta ,. .. ... 17 -.see ,tanks . 18 - Ympaot-pressure. iateke..lrelvs't.. .. .'^~roturn `' . 'IQ:~ zna:asa delve with 9.mdi,openiag~ ~aefety vaSvest 21 ? throttle; diameter 3'toaj. ~, '"~oturn 22 - rya ialvsj.: ~2~ -.(illegible) - . 50X1-HUM ~~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ?~$ ~ throttle. diameter 2 mm~ 26 - drelnoge ~el~e~ 2T ? eleetropmepmatio tale 695000 s{ 28 ? llowmeter eeneo! RR!l-26Aq: 24 - shut-off ~al+-e~ 30 - pressure indleetoref 31 - throttles diameter 2$ nm~ ,ne.i - 32 - return ?el~ee~ 33 ~ oommend-pressure tilter~ Min r 34 ? return ~al~ee~ ? ?3$ - raouum ?el~e~ 36 . booster pump 495~t 37 - 'negetite-overload tal~a~ g8 ? return ~el~ee~ 39 - Dipeliaes with return ?aire~ ~ 40 . throttle. diameter 1T om~ , 41 - arooial tolve~ ,?,h 42 ? return ?ol~e~ 43 - balloon ~ tiller of suspended tank 44 ~ pipe with return ~al~e~ pfid /S ~;; ~,~ tiltor~ , 46 . forward vir~ tanks - oampartmeatal 4T - drainage plugs 48 - rear wing Lanka ? eompartments~ 49 - throttles disaster T ?1 ` ,.,,?.. 50 !return ~nl~ee~ $1 . barrier grid ~~~.. $2 ~ return ~altes !or refueling the vita tasks= 2oY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM? Rhs fuselage fuel teaks u'e divided into. three.groupi attptit sad signeling eeQu~ntiie`.liret, re,oosid, iad`third,. $irat armor of. tenk~ .tank:No? 1 love! edge of ~oottneoting ~ipa. ?(11). aooordiag tb their' nd 'the uyDei .yss+t of .t.Nc No: ~ to. she, Seeand rrroun~of tanks { auyply? It.iaoluaeit 'teak IVo, g~ the.iaver yard of;: .. tank No. 2, end'teak.A'o: 2a.. e pipeli'he: containing ~'. tank) .b3' ,.:. ~' , iuooot~at retorts velrs. (397? Nhich. pseveate reieroe. tlov of the fuel mom the, thia~d . of eaoh group ere-oottaeotod to eeoh other. vhilo the; lover`.pert of!Q~ of the.flost !e ~~tet I~ da t t^eiult of the pa'esonoe of Qadt stops on the lesrr e:~ en DreeAtt (e ); -~ ~\ ` ...........,....I.... _.._ . . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 -~ ~ i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T_ 00246A030600050001-6 ~- i - ~ ~ .. ? I ~ ~ 50X1 HUM ? tea. tt?._ ~toee .n ~ ?J leer, of llo~t~? ;?pletet ~PriW~t s ruEDer veshert? ~, 6\~ autt I ? ~ ? psllt ', Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 i ~ t ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 50X1-HUM ~e !loot !a tha ts~:roseae is acted upoa br\ a eJectiek; force, es a r?sult.~~ i , which the flo?,t is lifted upvnrd. At the sere lira le?Er~(1) ~rr.~_sas alterro!rly on tla~t! rods 10). the rods see sn:?t, . a6 ( press..the wrrsr~tura Dnll telros ~t of ~. ~~ . i 1 cod the oormrad pressure is the main duct is Dlo3 otl~ thereby stoypin? the ~u:mtn~; ' I `\ ! l~el frcm.the rosxotfre soup of tenl:s until the fuel level it~he .. / 2a this oeae the tloet rill descon~l~ he l:per vitl not prtrert the descent ? .. i at rods (10) and the closing of the riisri4,tnra Dall ?~l~cs. .~ i aooa~ as' one of the ala?rPtura hell rol~e? closes. the ectrvstrl yr?sate~e ir. t!s ceta ~ .. ? "duet ooaneoted to this relre will inareose end the oort~a:?omifr?~ r+(~reiel riltna da the !loot morass dowawesd. the sra.r~:tura_hell telba~.~'pvith Rot ~a eleedit~ of the eonnrnd yreesure tram these duata ceeaes aaeorlfn?Ir. ' ~ ~ .. i !' ~ee~iel trite. (lt~,;. 68) is Stinort~ in the liter-;ranp 3~~t`. ~o each ? vnr . /~~f ? that?~at $ is attcched vtth .che eid of an ede?ter to the 'tlen.~e ct .the tpn're vhl/w:. .. 3a oDeeu first. then the ral~ea~iSCg`'slith rente~~2e an3 la? fao ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 CIE ~' ~~ ~i.~ ~, ~ ~~ . i ~~ it r~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 ~ ~I fi~? ~? speel~2 r~iw. if ?) !e t1eN tolh .._ 1) eoae~M ~aauh ~ ~ _ _ `? . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 `Iii-~ . ~ ~ ', ' ? J . it . ~ i ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ? ' / / ~ ~ - ~ 50X1-HUM ~ `~~ ~ ~ i 3. s~riry;i~:. a. Slidiag protecliw veaRsrl ~ Rubter mcmbren~~ I K. 3eo1~~ j~. CIea~1 9? Syring{ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Ia tl~e ensing of etrei~l ??lee (1) is a orNty.'eon?~,nie~tfn,,; with the Ooo.tot~ ~) ipunn, duet =s ere ~:?l~r (2) aai e;ria~ (~)? vhich rots on sii~'.in~ wa.;hcrs (q), ~ ... .. Detveen whioh ~{e ?oln.'~tped lonktl;j~t rubLer rrnDrr:r.e (S) sc;+arntiq; tec eovitq of we oooater-pump duet from the caritq of tho tuel!aca~.+,rd prrssure~ vhteh !s fed t6rouCh r?re,tura Dell wltro (11 ). ;'roteetilre vu?hor (L) with o-enir`s 0.7 t~ fa I i ~ ~. 1 ~d ematere tbrou~ throttle opeai4;.C 0.8 cm is di~ireter 1e1~,thw ozaing o! mr-:?tur~h~~ eceured to t}:e ecvor lie (10). 1be Intte! 1e >a~'i17tm~pmpQ pi' o oaiel ?ol~e 1 b p (3) q recur of . I ~tl emp bolt (7) rith en annul ' l ar ~ooee: lho leaktibAtness of the ~~oiat is,oesured ---- -.._ _.....,...,~ ?, Q...es? ti3J on aeaie~ (1) is ensured Dq Ia the ebeea~e of ?a o~.-r++a a ~...~ ....._...._ ~.__ ._.: eaiag (1) bq apring (3), end the fuel outlet into the tank flrcm thf s9ociel !~ le direatioa opiwelte td\ttat of the tetlce tlaie o;enin;; the fuol outlet frog --- -- - ?~?~ ?? ??e aca~ol+ pe~oaaure ernDeeae (5 ), ad~,^f Iv this :+oeitioa Niel !s ~lvo bcgiae. to open et ? aoamrA fLei~is~ ~ ', .. ~ - Q o n n a ~n ~e twl nreewre .la tQe oe~itpr of tiie booetei~^uze due:~ ~ti....__._, ~._ d-E-C-I~s-T ? 50X1-HUM II ~ ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A030600050001-6 it~aee the total levees r~sultfa? ti'on the_.lLel prrsauso oa nlre (2) end wcsher (4~ ~;' ideetleel in ewpiitudee ei a result o! the teat that the i sdet' (Q) ere the seine. but han ditfesoat directions. thus o4per. ~~ Bleeder . ~OCa[ Pals! areas of M17~~ (2) a~ , eounterb~laneina, each; pa~sasDaQt r