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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM The Planning and Organization of Combat Training in Staffs and Subunits of Missile Troops During the Training Period The Missile Troops have been set large and responsible tasks. The principal of these are: increasing the constant combat readiness of units and large units for immediate operations in any situation, improving methods of control, a flawless knowledge of equipment, and of the rules of operation and maintenance of missile equipment coming into service, reducing the time to prepare missiles for launching from different degrees of readiness, working for interchange- ability of the leading members (nomer) of combat crews, training of qualified (klassnyy) specialists, NCOs, and enlisted men able to carry out the duties of technicians, improving tactical-special training of units and subunits, and raising the level of combined-arms training. The most important conditions for carrying out these tasks are the following: purposeful planning of combat and political training by staffs and commanding officers of all levels, efficient organization and a high standard in training and in conducting the drills and exercises, and also giving daily specific leadership and 'constant assistance to commanding officers of units and subunits. The basis of the activity of all commanding officers must be raising further the state of organization and exactingness in carrying out the tasks that have been set, timely and correct planning of combat training, and timely checking on the fulfilment of plans. Personal conducting of the drills and exercises with subunits and units by senior commanding officers, staff officers, and chiefs of services of large units and units, and also their giving assistance in planning and organizing combat training, should be considered the main method of leadership and supervision. It is necessary to conduct more frequent training in methods of instruction and demonstrations in the most Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 50X1-HUM important and complicated combat training subjects and to introduce more widely the latest experience in the practice of personnel training and education. 1. General Considerations in Planning and Organizing Combat Training The training year is divided into the winter and summer training periods. Between the training periods, 10 to 15 days are set aside to prepare for summer training and to convert equipment for summer operation. Training is not planned for this period and is not included in calculating the training hours. However, it is necessary to make use of the work of converting the equipment to summer operation for learning about the equipment and the rules of operation and maintenance. Each month, 18 training days are allotted to combat subunits for combat and political training, and 55 training hours to rear and engineer service subunits (administrative subunits, sections operating stationary complexes, etc.). The length of the training day is fixed at 7 hours. On days preceding days off and holidays, work ends two hours early. When conducting tactical-special exercises, comprehensive studies, and combat launchings, the length of the training day is not limited; but it is recorded in planning documents as a 7-hour training day. Besides the time provided for by the daily schedule, four maintenance days are allotted each month (one day a week) for the servicing and technical inspection of special equipment and of motor and tractor equipment. With the authorization of the large unit commanding officer, scheduled preventive inspections and work on ser- vicing equipment can also be done in the hours allotted for learning the equipment. The time assigned for this work is included in the plan of combat training and in the training schedule for subunits. Before the beginning of the training year, for those young soldiers who join subunits in October and November after quarantine, individual initial training is conducted in accordance with the combat training programs for en- listed men and subunits of missile troops. But if Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM the young replacement arrives in December, then the individual initial training is conducted in the first month of the winter training period. Separate training is planned during this period for young enlisted men and for veteran (staroslu- zhashchiy) soldiers. The purpose of individual training is to give young soldiers sufficient preliminary knowledge and practical skills in combined-arms training subjects and in special training to ensure high quality replacements for soldiers being released to the reserve. Training in missile equipment can be given only after the young soldiers have taken the military oath. At the end of the individual initial training, the unit commanding officer organizes a test of the knowledge acquired by the young soldiers in tactical, fire, drill, antichemical and special training. After the test, the young soldiers are sent to established subunits where from the beginning of the training year they undergo further training together with veteran soldiers. With this organization of training, the combat readiness of units is not weakened during the time enlisted men and NCOs, who have finished their period of service, are released to the reserve. To ensure a constant combat readiness of subunits and the interchangeability of crew members in sections and batteries during the period the young soldiers are undergoing their initial special training, the veteran soldiers are trained in preparing missiles for launching with reduced complements. During joint training, second and third year soldiers undergo training in associated and more complicated specialist duties, improving their knowledge and skills in those regular duties requiring a higher qualification. To improve their knowledge and training in associated specialist duties, it is advisable for the veteran soldiers to undergo instruction in groups, according to years of service or specialist duties, in subjects not requiring the coordination of subunits (equipment, motor and tractor training, engineer training, antichemical training, and military topography). By the end of their period of service, trained men must have the knowledge and practical skills of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 the same scope as that envisaged for students of NCO schools. Three days a month are allocated for command instruction methods and demonstration drills for NCOs. Their content and the way they are conducted are decided by unit commanding officers. The drills must be conducted by commanding offi- cers of batteries and battalions in training time when the NCOs are not occupied with the enlisted men. All drills for NCOs are included in the battery study schedule. Command drills with NCOs must be conducted mainly in combined-arms training and must assist in increasing their skill in methods of training subordinates. NCOs undergo specialist training in their own subunits or at refresher courses organized on a regimental or battalion level. Special instruction may be recommended for increasing the technical training of NCOs who are specialists in the same category (PShS mechanics, engine mechanics of technical batteries, senior mechanics of central compressor stations, NCOs of electrical firing sections ((elektroognevoye otdeleniye)) of launch batteries and horizontal check crews of technical batteries, etc.). When planning and organizing combat training of NCOs and veteran soldiers, it is necessary to develop more widely and popularize the patriotic undertakings that have arisen in certain large units and units of Missile Troops, with the object of raising the constant combat readiness of the unit - the movement for decreasing the time for training combat crews (military unit 43195); for the best trained enlisted men and NCOs to master the specialist duties of the technicians and for all men and sergeants to acquire competence (klassnost) (military unit 43291); for excellent mastery of special equipment, for conserving resources in working it, and for mastering associated specialist duties (military units 41203 and 87753). It is essential to pay special attention to command drills with battery first sergeants, deputy commanding officers of platoons, and NCOs on extended service, while daily improving their role and authority. It is more advisable to conduct these drills monthly by means of refresher courses on a regimental level. Specific problems 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 50X1-HUM must be set at the refresher courses, depending on the state of the subunits (internal procedure, supply of per- sonnel, daily details, etc.) and the demands made upon them. Command training for generals and officers is con- ducted at refresher courses, at training exercises, and at command, demonstration and instruction methods drills, as well as by means of systematic independent work. Four to five days are allocated for refresher courses in training methods before the beginning of the training period for the following: with commanding officers of battalions (divizion) (battalions ((batalon)) groups) under the direction of large unit commanding officers; -- with commanding officers of batteries (companies, teams ((komanda)) under the direction of unit commanding officers. Deputy commanding officers and chiefs of staff must participate in the refresher courses along with the com- manding officers. It is advisable to have one two-day refresher course of special training for chiefs of services in each training period. In organizational instructions, three days a month are provided for the command training of officers during the training period. An approximate allocation of training time in the basic disciplines for command training for officers is given in an appendix to the organizational instructions on combat training of Missile Troops. The proposed allocation is the minimum and may be increased, depending on the specific conditions of the unit. It is advisable to conduct the drills in training groups formed on a unit level. The following groups may be recommended for command training of officers of a medium- range missile regiment: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM regimental commanding officer's group: deputy regimental command ng officers; battalion commanding officers; deputy battalion commanding officers for political matters; and the secretary of the regimental Party organization; -- chief of staff's group: deputies and assistants of the chie of staff ; chiefs o services of regimental staff; and chiefs of staff of battalions and their assistants; the chief engineer's group: officers of the missile armament service; deputy commanding officers of battalions for missile armament; and heads of the checking and measuring point (kontrolno-izmeritelnyy punkt), of the missile armament workshop, of the inspection and maintenance vehicle station (!CRAB), of the missile armament specialist training section, and of special fuel rdepo; the group of the chief of the technical s rvice;, the assistant chief of the technical sere ce; senior moor technicians of battalions; the chief of the motor and tractor repair workshop;the.:Chiefs of transportation sections of the transportation battalion; the commanding officer of the motor transport platoon;and the chief of the scaffolding section; -- the group of the deput commanding officer for supply: the chiefs of clothing and ration supply, of fuel oil and lubricants supply, and of financial allowances; -- the regimental doctor's group: the chief of the medical post; the chief of the medic-al stores (apteka); and other medical personnel; -- the group of the chief of the data computing section (OPD): geo etic engineers; chiefs of data computing sections and engineer-computers of battalions; and the chief of the mobile air weather station (PAMS); -- the group of the chief of communications: the assistant chief of radio communications; the chiefs of battalion communications; the battery communications commanding officer and his deputy; platoon commanding officers; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 -- the group of the chief of the section operating stationary installations: chiefs and technicians o sections operating installations of the complexes; the commanding officer of the engineer platoon; -- the battalion commanding officer's group: battery commanding officers and their deputies for missile armament; -- groups of officers of launch and technical batteries, according to specialist duties: launch personnel startovi ), propulsion personnel dvigate ist), electric firing personnel (elektroognevik) and fueling personnel (zapravchik). These groups may be formed at either the regimental or battalion level. As leaders of these groups it is necessary to appoint battery commanding officers who have good training in one of these specializations. In units where the officers possess a sufficiently high level of training in specialist duties, a study of the prescribed armament in the specialties of the engine and electric firing sections may be recommended. Drills in combined-arms subjects for battery officers is conducted by the commanding officers of the appropriate batteries. In regiments armed with intercontinental missiles it is advisable to form command training groups on the same principle, depending on the T/O structure, the tasks facing the regiment, and the specific conditions of its location. In launch battalions of such regiments, for the instruction of officers in special training, the formation of the fol- lowing groups may be recommended: launch personnel, pro- pulsion personnel, electricians for self-contained equipment (elektrik-avtonomshchik), all-round electricians (elektrik- kompleksnik), radiotelemetrists, specialists for the nitrogen supply points (azotdobyvayushchaya stantsiya), and fueling personnel. In newly formed units, before the receipt of the organic (transitional) equipment, additional drills in technical training must be organized for officers of subunits to the extent of four hours a day (of which two hours are to be allocated to individual study). The programs of additional drills are worked out by staffs of formations (individual large units), depending on the degree of training of the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM officers. Apart from drills on technical documentation and their regular duties, it is advisable to-plan instruction in the fundamentals of electrical engineering, thermodynamics, and mechaxiics to the level of secondary technical schools and to use their textbooks for officers lacking technical education. It is advisable to use officers who have taken advanced courses at military educational institutions as instructors. On special training exercises, conditions should approximate combat ones, and various problems should be put to the trainees, which would require them to make decisions to eliminate various defects. This allows officers to master their own duties better, while working at the launch site or the maintenance position. It is desirable that during drills the leader should not only listen to the students' decision on particular faults but also to their opinion of the causes, and the measures needed to prevent these faults from arising. 2. Planning Combat Training in Staffs of Formations, Large Units, Units and Subunits The planning of combat and political training must be conducted in,accordance with the tasks, time available, and the sequence of training for enlisted men and NCOs and for subunits and units, and it'also depends on the degree of training of the personnel, . special` features of their location, climate, and other local conditions. After the organizational instructions for the training year have'been:received, instructions for large. unit commanding officers are worked out in the headquarters of the formation on combat training for tie ra ning period. ese make specific the organizational instructions according to'thp degree of combat readiness attained by the units and large units of the formation. Accompanying these instructions are the following: a calendar plan of the main arrangements for combat and political training; an extract from the plan of combat launchings by units and subunits on ranges; -- a list of the subjects of staff and command-staff exercises for large units; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM -- a plan of supervision and assistance for large units In addition, a plan is worked out at formation staff for advanced training for officers of large units and for the formation directorate, and a plan and program of command training for officers of the formation directorate. The planning of combat and political training for the training period is done in large unit "staff. The large unit commanding officer gives his subordinate units instructions on organizing combat and political training. The large unit staff works out the following: -- the calendar plan of the main arrangements for combat and political training of the large unit; -- the plan of command training for officers of the large unit, containing a list of the groups for command training and their complement, and a calculation of the hours and the subjects planned for their instruction; -- the plan of training for the large unit staff and for the staffs of regiments and battalions; a list of battery, battalion and regimental special- tactical exercises, with an indication of the men and equipment involved, and their duration; -- charts for using training facilities (obekt) of the large units; -- the plan of supervision and assistance for units of the large unit; -- the plan of inspections of subunits which the units must'conduct. . plan. The following arrangements are contained in the calendar Officer training. Command refresher courses: commanding officers of units and battalions, commanding officers of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM batteries (on a regimental level), section and crew chiefs; commanding officers of platoons, section technicians (on a battalion level), officers of the large unit headquarters, and staffs of units and battalions. Special refresher courses are organized for the groups of the following: the chief engineer of the large unit, the deputy commanding officer for technical matters, the commanding officer of the rear, the large unit engineer, the chief of the chemical service, the chief of geodetic preparation and data computing, the communications chief, and the large unit doctor. Additional instruction on special training for officers coming from other arms of troops. Demonstration and methods of instruction exercises on special training, and on organizing and running the maintenance day. Lectures on operational-tactical and technical problems, and studying foreign armies. Technical training and other ?? :dri.l-Xs with. ~6f fic:ers. Marxist-Leninist training. The collection of tests from officers on knowledge of special equipment and combined-arms regula?ibnsrr.' The collection of records from commanding officers of units, battalions and staff officers on the preparation of data, instructions (direction) on planning and evaluating the results of launching missiles and on special training. Staff training. Regimental command-staff exercises. Staff tra ning. Participation in operational exercises. Training of NCOs. Command exercises. Demonstration and methods 6T-ins ruction exercises. Drill exercises. Training soldiers.-,and subunits. The training of young soldiers and second and third year soldiers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM Improving individual combined-arms training. Training technical and launch batteries, technical- repair base (RTB) assembly teamsiand transportation batteries to prepare the missiles for launching from various degrees of readiness. Comprehensive exercises. Tactical-drill exercises and tactical-special training for batteries. Training in railway loading (unloading) of equipment and entraining and detraining of personnel. Political instructions. Instruction in physical training. Drill inspections of batteries, battalions, and regiments. General battalion and general regimental evening roll calls. Inspections for the best platoon(battery)in a battalion, regiment, and large unit, in drill and rendering of marching songs; for the best training equipment. Maintenance days. Party-political work and mass-cultural work. Party and Komsomol conferences. Meetings o Party and Komsomol active members. Study groups of political workers, secretaries of Party and Komsomol organizations in units, leaders of Marxist-Leninist training groups for officers. Conferences of the leaders of political instruction groups. Inspections of amateur art activities. Mass sports activity. Mass competitions in military applied-sports and attaining norms for a GTO grade 2 badge. Competitions for a challenge cup for physical training anda ports in the unit (garrison); winter (summer) athletic games. Team and mixed individual and team competitions between platoons k.sections) in units for all-roynd'ability, rifle firing, etc. Participation in district, regional, and area sports competitions. Competitive inspections of sports work within units. In a regiment (RTB independent battalion), the planning of tom at an po litical training is done by months for the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM training period. An order for the training period is worked out on the organization of combat and political training, which must contain the following: brief results of combat and political training for the preceding training period (training year); main shortcomings in combat and political training; a unit's main task in the training period, and the tasks of subunits. ~- the tasks of tactical-special training (a number of tactical-special and tactical-drill exercises, their duration, times of conducting them, subjects, and main problems); the tasks of special training for launch and technical batteries, transportation batteries and RTB assembly teams (the amount and method of conducting comprehensive training are indicate#); -- the tasks of special training for combat support subunits,(communications, data computing sections (OPD), mobile air weather station (PAMS) and RMSif-1, chemical defense, geodetic and technical troops); the tasks the tasks the tasks of training drivers and of drill training; of physical training; driver-mechanics; the tasks of rifle firing training; --. the tasks of command training (what refresher courses are being conducted, when they are being conducted, and the subjects of command-staff exercises and staff training); :.: the tasks of military-science work, efficiency and invention work, and improving training equipment; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 QUA the tasks of maintenance, storage, care, and operation of special equipment; --, the times for summing up the results of socialist competition. Accompanying the order on combat-and political training are the following: the calendar plan of the main arrangements for the combat and political training of a unit; the calendar plan is compiled for the training period by days, all arrangements are divided into two sections; the first-arrangements of the large unit (from the plan of the main arrangements of the large unit and the second-arrangements of the unit. Besides the designation of the arrangements, those carrying them out are given in the plan and, in the monthly plans, the times of these arrangements also; the plans of command training for officers and NCOs of the unit (they contain a calculation of the hours and subjects for instruction, and also the composition of command training groups); a list, subject matter, and calendar dates for conducting battery, battalion, and regimental tactical- special exercises and tactical drill training conducted as preparation for tactical-special exercises, staff and command-staff training; the subject plan of combat and political training for subunits; -- a calculation of the expenditure of the technical resources of special equipment assemblies (compiled in accordance with expenditure norms for technical resources which are given in organizational instructions on combat training) and motor transportation potential of motor and tractor equipment; -- a schedule for conducting comprehensive exercises with subunits. In addition to the documents enumerated above, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 i i :w/\ i -"UM following are compiled monthly in large unit and unit staffs: a detailed calendar plan of the main arrangements for combat and political training; work plans of the commanding officer, his deputies, chiefs of services, and staff officers in units and subunits (designation of arrangements, times of implementation, and those who are to execute them); schedules of training with officers and NCOs; schedules for the use of training facilities of combat training launch sites, the motor and tractor parks (avtot- raktorodrom),, rifle ranges, and others; a plan of supervision and assistance for subunits. A special plan of combat and political training must be worked out for the period subunits go away for combat launchings. The plan provides for tactical-special training, comprehensive exercises, combat launchings, and other problems of combat training which cannot be worked out with the training equipment available at their permanent locations. Tactical-drill training with subunits and also instruction on firing, drill, physical training, and other subjects must precede the exercises and combat launchings. In a battalion the planning of combat and political training is done for a weeks. The calendar plan for combat and political training is the main planning document. The calendar plan includes the following: a list of the main arrangements on combat and political training for the battalion; demonstration and methods of instruction training for officers and NCOs of the battalion and the times for conducting them; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 QUA tactical-special training and tactical-drill exercises for batteries and the battalion and the times for conducting them. In addition, at the battalion staff the following are compiled: a schedule of command instruction - methods and demonstration training for NCOs; -- a subject plan of combat and political training containing a calculation of the hours and a list of the training subjects for soldiers and subunits for each webk; a diagram for the use of combat training launch sites, military camps, classrooms, and other battalion and regimental training ,facilities; -r a plan of supervision and assistance for the battalion subunits. In a battery combat and political training are planned by the week. The main planning document in a battery is the battery schedule of training for enlisted men and NCOsA which includes the following: command instruction- methods, and demonstration training for NCOslconducted both in specially allocated time and on the days when NCOs are not called upon to conduct training with the enlisted men; instruction in all training subjects with enlisted men and subunits of the battery; arrangements for political- educational work and mass sports activity. It is advisable to plan motor vehicle driving by the battery drivers not by the week but by the month. When planning combat training, it is necessary to have a sequence in working through the program so that work on the appropriate subjects should be completed by the subunits before the start of battery (battalion, regimental) tactical- special training and comprehensive exercises. It is necessary to make use of the time spent by subunits at the complex (when doing combat duty), mainly to conduct Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 50X1-HUM special training and comprehensive exercises. This may be achieved by curtailing the training time of subunits located in the main camp and detailing them in turn to do guard duties on the sites for a period of 5 to 7 days. In this case, an opportunity will be presented to the duty subunits to carry out to the full their combat duty and to engage profitably in combat training. The planning of combat and political training must be concluded: -- in a large unit, by not later than three weeks before the beginning of the training period; in a regiment, by two weeks before the beginning of the training period; -- in a battalion, not later than the 25th of the current month; -- in a battery, not later than Friday of the current 3. Recording Combat and Political Training in a Unit and in Subunits Combat and political training of the personnel of units and subunits is recorded in class (group) journals which are kept in training groups or subunits, units and large units. An evaluation of how far the material studied has been assimilated is made by the leader during the drills (exercises) and is shown in the journal. A record of comprehensive exercises, tactical-special exercises, staff, and command-staff instruction, combat launchings, and other arrangements is kept at unit head- quarters for each subunit. A standardized documentation for recording combat and political training has been worked out and issued by the Directorate for Combat Training of Missile Troops. Record journals are used to record combat and political training in units and subunits. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 50X1-HUM In a regiment (RTB, independent battalion)there are the following: the record journal for the main combat training arrangements which contains combat launchings and comprehensive exercises of the subunits, tactical-special training, staff and command-staff training, drill reviews, results of rifle firing, outstanding soldiers in combat and political training, qualified specialists, and rated sportsmen; -- the record journal for command training of the officers of the regimental directorate(individual tasks for officers are also entered in the journal); - record journals of command training for officers, NCOs, and first sergeants, organized on a regimental level. In a battalion there are the following: -r a record journal of the combat training of the subunits, containing a record of command training for NCOs of the battalion groups, of training subjects worked through by the subunits, results of rifle firing, out- standing soldiers in combat and political training and outstanding subunits, qualified specialists, GTO badge holders, and rated sportsmen; a record journal of command training and individual tasks for officers of the battalion commanding officer's group; a record journal of combat launchings and comprehensive exercises for each battery. In a battery there are the following: a record journal of training containing the command training for NCOs, training subjects worked through by subunits, results of firing hand arms, outstanding soldiers in combat and political training, qualified specialists, GTO badge holders, and rated sportsmen; a record journal of command training and individual tasks for officers of the battery commanding officer's group. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246A029500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 5UX1-HUM In a section (crew, platoon) a record journal is kept of the combat training of sergeants and the soldiers of a section (crew, platoon). A record of political studies is kept in separate journals by study groups. In formations it is advisable to keep a record of combat and political training in the journals indicated above (a record journal of the main arrangements for a formation, record journals by command training groups, etc.). 4. Control of the Course of Combat and Political Training The Commander-in-Chief of Missile Troops is paying great attention to establishing an effective daily supervision by commanding officers and staffs over planning and executing combat training programs by all units and subunits of the Missile Troops, to organizing an efficient use of service time by officers, and to improving daily the quality of combat training and operational efficiency in work. Supervision of the course of combat and political training must be effected with the aim of immediately eliminating weaknesses that are exposed and further improving the quality of the training and education of personnel. Staffs should give greater attention to the systematic supervision of subunits and units on combat duty and to assisting in organizing combat training and creating training material in subordinate units and subunits. To increase the responsibility of officers for the quality of the training of their subordinate units and also to check how far the combat training tasks have been carried out, test drills and exercises both on the whole content of the program and on individual problems of training subjects should be held periodically during the planned training and also out of reserve time (in the winter training period - 14 hours, and in the summer period - 35 hours). Test drills for a platoon (section) must be conducted by the battery commanding officer, for a battery by the battalion commanding officer, and for a battalion by the regimental commanding officer. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO29500770001-0 50X1-HUM To check the practical skills that have been acquired in work, and the extent to which the material has been assimilated, leaders of drills should set test questions and give marks. It is advisable to put into practice a regular summing up of combat and.political training: in a battery - weekly; in a battalion - at the end of etch month; and in a regiment - at the end of the training period, using the data received to sum up the socialist obligations that have been undertaken and to check the quality of training of outstanding soldiers and qualified specialists. At least once during the training period the staff of a unit must conduct a check on the pro- gress of combat and political training in each battalion. When supervising comprehensive drills and instruction in spec- ial training it is necessary to pay attention to correctness in expending and recording the resources of special equip- ment assemblies. When conducting comprehensive drills, tactical-special training, learning about explosive and toxic substances, when servicing equipment, and when preparing for and carrying out combat launching of missiles, special attention must be given to safety measures, and the careful fulfilment of the requirements of regulations, direction of services,, instructions, technological schedules of work, launching courses, and the driving course (kurs vozhdeniya). Practicality and clarity of purpose in organizing combat training, successful and well-timed planning, and daily supervision and assistance for subunits by staffs will exert a positive influence on the progress and quality of combat training and on fulfilling the tasks that have been given to the Missile Troops. 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