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Al-DR 196?
MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence
Level of Military-Technical Propaganda
Among Missile Troops"
1. Enclosed is a verbatim translation of an article which
appeared in a Soviet Ministry of Defense publication called
Information Bulletin of the Missile Troops (Informatsionyy
Byulleten Raketnykh Vo sk . This publication is classified
TOP SECRET by the Soviets and was first issued in 1961. It is
intended for generals and officers of the Missile Troops.
2. In the interests of protecting our source, this material
should be handled on a need-to-know basis within your office.
Requests for.extra copies of this report or for utilization of
any part of this document in any other form should be addressed
to the originating office.
Richard Helms
Deputy Director (Plans)
-0 ;?3
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Original: The Director of Central Intelligence
cc: The Director of Intelligence and Research,
Department of State
The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
The Director for Intelligence,
The Joint Staff
The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence,
Department of the Army
The Director of Naval Intelligence
Department of the Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence
U. S. Air Force
The Director, National Security Agency
Director, Division of Intelligence
Atomic Energy Commission
National Indications Center
Chairman, Guided Missiles and Astronautics
Intelligence Committee
The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director for Intelligence
Assistant Director for National Estimates
Assistant Director for Current Intelligence
Assistant Director for Research and Reports
Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence
Director, National Photographic Interpretation Center
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of Milita "Improving the bevel
ry-Technical Propaganda Among Missile Troops"
DATE OF INFO: September 1961
CONTENT : Documentary
SOURCE : Reliable source (B)
Following is a verbatim translation of an article titled
"Improving the Level of Military-Technical Propaganda Among
Missile Troops", which appeared in the 1961 Second Issue of a
TOP SECRET Soviet publication titled Information Bulletin of the
Missile Troops (Informatsi eten Raket kh Yo k-). The
1961 Second issue was sent to press::?on 19 September 1 1.
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Improving the Level of Military-Technical Propaganda
Among Missile Troops
The Communist Party and the Soviet Government, guided by the
interests of ensuring the security of the Soviet State, are
indefatigably concerned that the missile troops be supplied with
first-class combat equipment and weapons so that at any moment
they would be capable of dealing a crushing blow against the enemy.
But to carry out this State task it is not enough to have first-
class equipment and formidable weapons. It is necessary to have
men who have studied this equipment and these weapons to perfection
and who know how to use them under the complex conditions of modern
Soviet military science, based on Marxist-Leninist doctrine,
proceeds from the axiom that victory in war is won, in the end,
by men armed with new combat equipment and weapons, who wield them
with mastery, and recognize the just goals of the struggle. This
basic proposition of Marxism-Leninism does not by any means imply
any underestimation of the role of equipment in warfare. A future
war which the imperialist powers will try to force upon humanity
will be a nuclear/missile war, with a high degree of automation,.
mechanization, and technical equipping of troops. It will require
the employment of the latest achievements in the fields of missile
construction, radio electronics, ballistics, aer
construction, etc, and the introduction of electronnicmcomputersrument
into the control of troops.
The Communist Party demands that soldiers not rest on their
laurels but take all steps to advance military science, constantly
improve their military and political knowledge, persistently master
new combat equipment, and raise the vigilance and combat readiness
of the troops. When carrying out these requirements, commanding
officers, political organs, and Party and Komsomol organizations
call on the personnel of the missile troops to strive for a
thorough knowledge of the equipment entrusted to their care and
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skilful use of it in combat; and they prepare conscientious, c:
educated, technically knowledgeable soldiers with boundless
loyalty to the Ccmmunist Party and the people.
The training and education of soldiers is conducted mainly
during normal instruction (planovoye zanyatiye) in combat and
political training. The commanding officers, together with
political workers and Party organizations, try to make sure that
instruction is done in an organized manner at a high ideological,
technical, and methodological level, and to make sure that the
officers, NCO's, and soldiers study thoroughly their equipment
and the combat capabilities of their weapons and equipment and
that they know their functional duties.
Missile troops are instilled with knowledge and skills in
their specialty during instruction in special classes at technical
and launch sites, at comprehensive exercises, when on combat duty,
and at training-grounds, firing ranges, and depots (park). For
example, the engine specialists (dvigatelist) during norl in-
struction stpdy the construction of the engine system, the launching
engine system, the pneumatic-hydraulic system of the missile (izdeliye)
and $a function, the preparation of the engine system for launching
and igbition of the engines, and they learn how to eliminate faults
in the operation of the engine system. The electrical specialists
elektrosilovik) study the electrical equipment of the erector
ustanovshchik), the electrical equipment for checking and launching
proverochno-puskovcwe elektrooborudovaniye), the testing machine,
the electric generator, and electric conversion assembly.
Together with the normal instruction in combat and political
training, an important role in the struggle to master the new
equipment and to raise the level of training of military personnel
is played by military-technical propaganda organized by commanding
officers and political workers outside training hours. Its purpose
is to deepen the knowledge of soldiers, NCO's and officers, to
widen their technical outlook, to instil in them respect for missile
equipment, and to assist them to assimilate better the work principles
and the methods of storage, care, and operational use of the missile
and its component equipment with which they are armed.
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Military-technical propaganda should develop in the troops a
great interest in the achievements of Soviet science and technology
in the area of missile construction, radio electronics, and the
exploration of cosmic space. It should arouse in them a desire and
aspiration to perform their duties with zeal and to foster constant
readiness to hand a crushing repulse to the aggressors.
The directive of the Commander-in-Chief of Missile Troops On
military-technical propaganda is being carried out by commanding
officers, political workers, and Party and Komsomol organizations,
which are performing a great task in spreading military-technical
knowledge among the personnel and disseminating the experience
gained by outstanding soldiers (otlichnik) and qualified specialists
in the mastering of complex missile equipment and weapons.
The spreading of military-technical knowledge and of the
achievements of military science and technology among the personnel
of the Missile hoops is acquiring special significance. Success-
ful employment of nuclear/missile weapons depends on each man's
knowing the complex and varied equipment and on his skilful handling
of it, excellent training, and coordination of actions between
soldiers as well as between subunits. If even one of the crew
members does not carry out his duties at the proper time, the
launch of the missile will not take place, and therefore the assigned
task will not be accomplished.
This is why it is essential that the Missile Troops must be
trained to be technically educated, determined, and have initiative;
and to develop among them a sense of high personal responsibility
for the task entrusted to them, a feeling of collectivity, cooarad:*ly
mutual aid, faith in their weapons, and pride in being found trust-
worthy to serve in the issile droops.
Military-technical propaganda should be lively, flexible, varied,
and above all effective, interesting, and understandable for all
The success of technical propaganda depends on its high ideo-
logical and scientific content, clearness of purpose, and whether it
is constantly in touch with the reality of the subunits, units, and
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large units of the Missile Troops and with the tasks facing them
during various stages of their training. It is important that
the propaganda be continuous and be conducted in accordance with
a well thought out plan.
Experience Clearly confirms that in the leading units and
subunits of Missile hoops where the spreading of military-technical
knowledge and progressive methods of mastering equipment and waapons
is well organized, the skills of the personnel are higher, and
soldiers and NCO's use and take better care of the weapons and
equipment entrusted to them.
In large units where the commanding officers are Generals
P.T. Gubarev, M.G. Grigoryev, A.G. Zakharov, V.I. Voznyuk, and
officer K.F. Glushich, the spreading of military-technical knowledge
is completely subordinated to accomplishing training and military
tasks. The directive of the Lbmmaander-in-Chief of Missile Troops'
has been communicated to all co maending officers and political
workers, and the problems connected with carrying it out were
discussed at conferences of command personnel, at seminars of
secretaries of the primary Party and Komsomol organizations, at a
meeting of the agitprop collective, and with groups of speakers
under Party committees of the units.
Being responsible for the combat and political training of
their subordinates and for their education, discipline, and combat
readiness, the cosm~snders of these large units use all means and
methods to improve the spread of technical knowledge. In their
work they rely on political workers, chief engineers, staff officers,
and Party and Komsomol organizations, and together with them they
mobilize the entire personnel for a thorough study of the equipment,
set tasks for the spread of military-technical knowledge, are con-
cerned that it is planned, taking into consideration the conditions
in which the units are located, and organize checks to see that the
planned measures for military-technical propaganda have been fulfilled.
The experience in organizing military-technical propaganda in the
troop unit con?anded by officer Polovnikov, whose deputy commanding
officer for political affairs is officer Sotnikov, deserves attention.
The work in this unit began with a study of the directive of the
Commander-in-Chief of Missile Troops on military-technical propaganda
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with all the officer personnel. Its requirements were communicated
to all personnel. Valuable initiative was displayed by the Party
committee of the unit -- having studied the state of technical
propaganda thoroughly, and from all aspects, it held a meeting on
this subject, with the participation of the commanding officers of
the battalions, deputy commanding officers for political affairs
and special armament, engineers, and technicians. The Party
committee outlined several measures directed toward improving,'
technical propaganda. A cycle of lectures and talks on military-
technical subjects was prepared and confirmed. The military-technical
propaganda section is headed by a well-trained officer, Pletyago.
The measures for organizing propaganda in the unit were discussed
at special seminars of the commanding officers of subunits and
secretaries of Party and Komsomol organizations. At its own meeting
the Komsomol committee discussed the report of officer Durnev, the
secretary of the battdlion Komsomol organization, on "The Participation
of Komsomol Members in the Campaign to Improve Military-Technical
Knowledge". In the primary Komsomol organizations meetings were
actively conducted with the agenda: "Member of the Komsomol,, Master
Military-Technical Knowledge and Associated Specialties".
A feeling of pride for his military missile equipment are being developed specialty and reaped for
among military personnel by
commanding officers and political workers during planned instruction
in special training, during the conducting of comprehensive exercises,
and while they are on co*bat duty. It is just here that the soldiers
become convinced of the high combat qualities of the missile equip-
ment. Participating, for example, as members of a battalion in
comprehensive exercises in which a technical battery and a launching
battery, sections (otdeleniye), teams (raschet), and crews (ekipazh)
are cooperating, soldiers and NCQ's become convinced how
it is to be technica
accurate educated and know how to perform their duties
],y and quickly during the preparation and checking of a
missile for launching at the technical and launch sites.
In the large unit commanded by officer K.F.
part of the work of commanding Glushich, an important
Komsomol organizations is occupied byrtheppx political of instillin love
for and pride in their service in the Missile Troops. g
eetin of
personnel, reports, lectures, discussions, and KomsomolNy
outhgsev nings
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are held here. On the initiative of the commanding officer and the
political department, with the participation of the special armaments
service (sluzhba spetsialnogo vooruzheniya) trOrkers,an interesting
and informative youth evening was held on the subject: "Soldier, Be
Proud of Serving in the Missile Troops!" The plan for conducting the
evening was discussed in detail at a meeting of the Komsomol bureau.
The commanding officers of the subunits, and the Party and Komsomol
organizations participated in its preparation.
On the day before the evening, the following were carried out
among the troops: a discussion on development of missile equipment,
reading of popular literature, and articles about the missile specialists
(raketchik) in "Red Star". A paper on the role, place, and sig-
nificance of Missile troops in modern warfare was read by officer.,
Selskiy. Officers Chernysh, Gusev, Shitov, and othenaspoke of the high
combat qualities of the missile Mitt must be mastered by the soldiers.
The addresses by Rychkov, Karpov, and Gyrdymov, all outstanding
soldiers in military and political training, were full of interest.
They all spoke of the great honor they received in serving in the
missile troops, and they considered. that their task was to master
the combat equipment thoroughly. The evening proved to be a good
frum,-i for spreading progressive methods of training.
Love for missile equipment and the ,desire:., to know it thoroughly
are also instilled by commanding officers and political workers during
political instruction, where the soldiers learn of the great cap-
abilities of missile equipment and also about those who have created
Individual and group discussions on military-technical subjects
are widely practiced by agitators, NCO's and officers. An individual
discussion provides the opportunity to find out the reasons for the
lagging of a soldier, to point out his shortcomings, and to determine
the steps necessary to eliminate them and to help subordinates to
master thoroughly the 3q ipment entrusted to them.
often need such talks frame the--first days of their arrl at units.
The complicated equipment creates such a strong impression on the
young soldiers that some of them become overawed at first and doubt
that it is possible to master it.
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A well-tried form of spreading military-technical knowledge
1,02 the group discussions. As a rule, group discussions are
planned beforehand and are conducted outside of training hours
and also during intervals at comprehensive exercises, on the
ranges, and at training grounds.
Lectures and papers on the problems of developing equipment
and weapons are read in units and subunits. They help the service-
men to broaden their technical outlook, and to enrich themselves
with progressive methods of using machines, mechanisms, and
instruments, and they foster appreciation for missile equipment
in them. The subject matter on which lectures and papers are read
in units and subunits by commanding officers, engineers, technicians,
and political workers is varied. Thus, in the units coe?ended by the
officers Hero of the Soviet Union Hazarov, Kozmin, and Shabanov,
lectures have been given recently on the following subjects:
-- Missile Troops -- the basis of the combat might of the Soviet
armed forces;
-- history of the development of missile equipment;
-- achievements of the USSR in opening up the cosmos and their
military significance;
-- control and guidance systems of missiles;
-- computing machines used in missile technb ogy;
-- radio communications and the future prospects for its
-- 8betttre role of man azid equipment in modern warfare;
-- avoidance of engine breakdowns -- an essential condition
for prolonging periods between repairs;
-- military use of television;
-- atomic engines and their use;
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-- launching artificial earth satellites is a huge victory
of Soviet science and technology;
-- the significance of the achievements of Soviet science
in strengthening the military might of the Soviet Union.
The reading of lectures and papers is organized to take into
consideration the geniral level of education separately for officers..
NCO's and soldiers, according to their specialties.
Together with discussions, papers, and lectures, an important
role is played by question and answer evenings on equipment. In
the unit where the commanding officer is officer Polovnikov, an
interesting question and answer evening was held on the subject of
the special features of the functions of the power-supply sets at
the launch site. Soldiers.. NCO's, and officers were given authorita-
tive answers to the 40 questions that were asked. Quiz games known
as "Think and Answer" are held in sections and teams.
The Lenin Room councils are doing much work in military-technical
propaganda. Thus, in the units where the commanding officers are
officers Polovnikov, Nazarav, and Kozmin, each Lenin Room has a place
devoted to "To assist-those studying missile equipmentry. Here is
found popular literature which can be read by soldiers and officers,
bothcindividually and collectively. The Lenin Rooms regularly issue
technical bulletins compiled under the direction of engineers and
The technical study groups created in each battalion to study
electrical engineering, radio engineering, liquid fuel eket,.Ongix;es,
control systems, and testing and launching equipment are very popular
with the soldiers. In the units where the commanding officers are
officers Nazarov, Polovnikov, and Fridman, the work of the study
groups is planned, a program and a schedule of studies are compiled,
and the days and hours for the work of the groups are determined.
They are directed by highly qualified officers. Commanding officers,
engineers, and technicians a11e called upon to conduct the instruction.
The soldiers attend these study groups with great interest and
show a to broaden their technical outlook and to deepen the
knowledge acquired during the normal instruction in their specialty.
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The study group on electrical engineering directed by officer
Baklanov arranges its work in an instructive manner. His program
is planned to last 50 hours and includes such sections as "The
Atom and Its Structure", "Conductors of Electricity of the lst and
2nd,Category,.Dielectrics, and Semiconductors", questions of the
theory of direct and alternating currents, and basic laws of elec-
trical engineering and of the construction and operating principles
of electrical measuring devices, rheostats and potentiometers,
transformers, rectifiers, electric convertors, generators and motors,
electro-magnetic amplifiers, various types of relays, etc. Studies
take place regularly, once a week. The attendance at the study group
is good. Soldiers and N60's exhibit inquisitiveness and get to know
the physical phenomena and processes on which the work of the check-
ing out and starting of electrical equipment is based. During the
inspection of the unit by the commission of the Commander-in-Chief
of Missile Troops, the students of this study group showed a good
and sound knowledge of their specialties.
Technical conferences have great significance in the spread of
technical knowledge in units. They promote the development among
the servicemen of,high technical education and accustom them to be
technically minded, to locate and eliminate quickly faults arising
during the preparation, checkout, and launching of missiles, to take
good care of equipment and combat equipment, and to observe all
safety rules strictly.
The preparation and conducting of conferences require a great
deal of attention from the commanding officers, political workers,
and Party organizations. Experience has shown that it is most ad-
visable to conduct them at unit level. The subjects for the con-
ferences are determined taking into consideration the tasks which
the personnel are performing. Most frequently they are held to
generalize and put into practice the latest experience acquired
during training or to solve some technical problem. The subject and
time of the conference 'e planned beforehand to permit thorough.::
preparation for it. Usually the planning, preparation, and manage-
ment of the conference are conducted by the commanding officers,
together with their deputies, the chief engineer, staff officers,
political workers, and the Party committee of the unit. Jointly
they discuss the subjects to be dealt with at the conference,
determine the time and the place for having the conference, what vis-
ual aids will be required and who is to prepare them, etc.
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As an example, it is possible to refer to the plans for tech-
nical conferences which were held in the unit commanded by officer
Teodorovich on the following subjects: "Ways of Reducing Time Spent
on Comprehensive Checkouts of the Missile" and " Rolztine Main
,tenance k on Jt4J,1J4t68Jle and Ensuring Safety Measures". The
plans showed the subjects of the conferences., the titles of lectures
and the names of the lecturers, the starting time and the order of
work at the conferences, the periods for preparatory measures, and
the people responsible for carrying them out. Considerable organiza-
tional and propaganda work occurred before the conferencest, -- a
commission to prepare the conferences was organized; the goals and
the purposes of the conferences were discussed with the officers of
the subunits; stands, sketches, diagrams, and other visual aids were
prepared; lecturers were confirmed and then the theses of their
lectures were discussed; and the hall was prepared by efforts of the
aJtlikj : members. The conferences were held in an organized manner and
were very useful.
The conclusions drawn from these conferences by the lecturers
and by the officers having various specialties who spoke, showed
that it is possible to speed up considerably the technological
schedule, improve the methods for carrying out comprehensive#tasks
and reduce the time for preparing missiles.
A big role in spreading technical knowledge is played by unit
libraries and clubs, and also radio, movies, film strip projectors
(filmoskop), epidiascopes, and tape recorders available at units.
The success of a club's activities depends on how commanding
officers and political workers direct them. Personnel working in
clubs and libraries participate in the preparation of qualified
reports, lectures, and radio broadcasts on various military-technical
subjects, and also in the preparation and conduct of technical con-
ferences, meetings with outstanding soldiers, and many other measures
which promote the spread of military-technical knowledge.
Depending on the subject studied in accordance with the plan of
combat training, unit clubs and libraries take part in the preparation
of visual aids, book displays, posters, scrapbooks (album), and stands
for technical conferences, technical evenings, etc. In addition,
library and club workers provide radio news broadcasts and newsreels
and show military-training films.
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Commanding officers and political workers take care that
the clubs skilfully spread military-technical knowledge on the
radio, ensure a high ideological level in the radio news that
is put out and the broadcasts on military equipment, and super-
vise the quality of talks broadcast by outstanding soldiers and
qualified specialists on their experiences in mastering military
Technical means of propaganda should be used more widely
and diversely, taking into consideration the actual circumstances
in which the personnel of the unit find themselves. It should
not, however, be carried to the extreme and used to replace the
live speech of an agitator, lecturer, outstanding trainee, or a
qualified specialist.
Commanders, political workers, Party and Komsomol organizations,
as a rule, also call upon the library to play a part in military-
technical propaganda, getting it to introduce systematically new
military-technical literature to the soldiers and to satisfy
quickly their inquiries in this field.
In the large unit where the commanding officer is General
M.G. Grigoryev, a good beginning has been made towards creating
technical libraries on such subjects as radio engineering, radio
electronics, physics, chemistry, high speed aerodynamics, A*Iftket
engines, etc. At the present time, there are 7004to 800 books in
the units. Of course, this is not much, but with each year there
will be more literature. The libraries periodically compile
bibliography cards listing technical literature on individual
subjects, and broadcast, through the rediffusion radio station,
short notes on new technological books.
The military-scientific societies (voyenno-nauchnoye obshchestvo)
organized in the large units play an important role in working out
problems connected with the combat use of Missile Troops, problems
of development and improvement of missile equipment, and generalizing
positive experience about its combat use, its maintenance, and
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The military-scientific society organized in the large
unit coaamnded by General M.G. Grigoryev plans, organizes, and
supervises all scientific work, and also renders assistance to
units in matters of military-technical propaganda. For 1960-61,
a long-term plan for military studies was drawn up, the subjects
of which were directed toward;, the further raising of combat
readiness. The plan included subjects dealing with reducing the
total time required to prepare a missile for launching, the
organization of combat duty, working out the proposed Firing
Reg.ulations (K-ostavleniye po ognevoy sluzhbe) for troop units,
ensuring work secrecy during the preparation of the missile for
launching, and other pressing problems. On the whole, this
long-term plan was fulfilled.
Firing Regulations have been compiled by the efforts of the
engineer ..~ga.y, J. personnel of the special armaments service
under the technical direction of officers Khanin, Timoshenko, and
Baykov. The Regulations have been confirmed and will be g;,fgbod
training aid for the personnel of the combat crews of the large unit.
Wide use has been made of scientific-technical conferences. On
the basis of a decision by the active Rsaty members in the large unit
where the commanding officer is General A.G. Zakharov, a scientific-
technical conference was prepared and held at which 16 scientific
papers were read and discussed. The conference was addressed by
well-prepared officers, Gorin, IK'almykov, Kraskin, Mironav, Lyutov,
and others. In thlir papers they raised problems about improving
the technical characteristics of the systems, assemblies, and devices
in use, and problems connected with the reduction of the time
required for technological preparation of the missile at the tech-
nical and launch sites.
There were 420 engineers who participated in the work of the
conference, including 43 from the General Staff, kdof, Directorate of
Missile Troops (GURVO - Qlavnoye upravleniye raketnykh voysk), the
Engineer-Artillery Academy i/h Dzerzhinskiy, and other organizations.
All the papers were approved and it was recommended that the majority
be put into practice in industry and among:Lthe troops and for pub-
lication in the printed works of the large unit and the Information
Bulletin of the Missile Troops.
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Of no less importance in the training of technically educated,
qualified, military specialists is the part played by improvement
and inventive work. The creative initiative of improvers assists
the commending officers and the political workers to enlist the
efforts of their subordinates to improve the quality of missile,
ground and check-out launching equipment, to creattas educational
material base, and to raise their level of technical education.
Impsrgvenent:iand inventi? work among Missile hoops has become
much more active since the resolution of the July 1960 Plenum of
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
As is well known, it underlined the need to strive for technical
progress, for the introduction of the newest equipment on a wide
scale in all branches of the national economy, and also stressed
the importance of the experience of innovators. Commanding officers,
political workers, Party and Komsomol organizations of the units
urge the soldier-improvers and inventors to carry out new creative
research, generally encourage their initiative in every way, and
take care to create the conditions necessary for their fruitful work.
The Party committee of the c wed; ;: whose secretary is
officer Petrushenko renders daily assistance to improvers and inventors.
As a result of this, the activity of improvers has increased sharply.
During the first quarter of 1961, 260 suggested improvements were
submitted. Some of these are of great importance in raising the
combat readiness of the Missile Troops.
A great deal of attention is being paid to improvement and in.
ventiVe, work in the formations where the commanding officers are
Generals M.G. Grigoryev, P.T. Guborev, and A.G. Zakharov. In
January 1961, a meeting of the