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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES Declassified in Pa~~ anitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001~ 3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title lg, U.$.a. Recs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which is any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Information Bulletin No 2 of the CentraY Commission of Party Control ~ ~~ ~~ PLACE 8~ INFO. document entitled "Information Bulletin No. 2 of the Central Party Control Commission at the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers Party". The document bsars the Polish classification Confidentia and was given limited distribution among Party political wt~kers. The table of contents of this issue follows on next a e. Distribution of Attachments (2 copies of translation, 33 pages) ORRt Translation Copy No. 1 -Loan 2 weeks OCI: Translation Copy No. 1 -' STATp; Translation Copy No.2- Retention~-- STATED X ~ARMY~ X NAVY X ^~AIR/ ~ NSA \_/ X FBI Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 CENTRAL PARTY CONTROL COMMISSION AT THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE POLISH UNITED WORKERS PARTY. PZPR INFORMATION BULLETIN Persons Expelled or Struck Off from the Party During .the F:i~'sb~.;.Qxe,rter ~f 1960 Persons Expelled or Struck Off from the Party during the .~',~rst`_~(~~,rter of 1.960, According to Their Professional and Social status. I. From the Plenary Meetings of the Voivodship Party Control Commissions, IT:- Report on the Work of the Municipal and Powiat Party Control Commissions III. Some Resolutions .of the Party Control Commissions . IV. Concerning Some Resolutions of the Party Control Commissions, V. Cadre Policy, VI. OtS. the Expunction of Party Penalities , VII. A Reply by the Gdansk Voivodship Party Control Commission to the Note Published in the First Number of the Bulletin. VIII. On the Reports Made By the Voivodship Party Control Commissions at Meetings of the Executives of the Voivodship Committees. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 ~~. - 50X1-HUM .~ ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized~.Copy Approved for Release 2013__/03/25 CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Y1 ' `~ ?ite 3 CE^?TI2AI. F.i,RTY,CO,;;?;~i~t2pL CCF,"I..I~S,~iIOiv Al 5:,~: G~>''o_y,1R?~~L Cai~~'.S.`.~~1~F.C'.~ OF 1~Is ~I,ISii IIl~IT:~ _nDi?IC~L:i Plu~1Y ~~!Ot'7i~4ATI0Iv 33UT~LETLV Ivo. 2 JITI:;. CO1 i l~iTS I. Prop the Plenary Idcetings of the Voievodsh:ip Party Control Covs~ussions II. Report on the r7ork of the Isuucipal aid Po~dat Party Control Commissions III. Soma resclut'_ons of the i'arty Control Co~iasiona N, Concernin3 sortie resolutions of the ;?arty Control Commissions V. Cadre policy VI. On the expunction of Pcsty pcnalities VII. A reply by the GDA?Sii Voievodslvp Party Control Commission to the note ^ published in the first number of the Bulletin VIII. On the re-norts made by the Voievodship Party Control Cormniasions at meetings of the Executives of the VoievodslLip Committees. - Persona expelled or struck off from tl:c Party r'u^rin~ the 1st Quarter of 1960 Persons expelled or struck off from the Party during the 1st Quarter of 1960, according to their professional and social s?i.o.tus. I: I'ROlf+ ~iiI~ PlisiAtZX i7~TIIdGS O t^ivs VOL_VODSi,'Ifq ?,~~~RTY?CO'~:iTROL CGI~23"d~IOi~,,?S In ;::arch, there took place in all the Voievodslrips Plenary i+:eetings of fire Voievodsliip Pe:rty Control Commissions (e~i4~), crith a very varied agenda. `i'he discussions at the Plenary i:eetinga have shovm that the ''riCiF's ;>^re constentigr widening the range of prob].erns r~dv.c:3 they deol with in their daily ~-rork, are ir~~roving the ;nethoda of cducatior~.;.l and prophylactic vrorlc in the Party, and are posinC for themselves increaaingl~~a:,!bitious tasks, . 50X1-HUM '` Declassified in Part; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 SECRET `~ The stile against, the sup~ression_of eri?ticism space vans devoted in the speeches made at the -;,denary ineetings3 ~anc~. in the extensive discussions to the problem of the s?txR.tiggle against the stifling of critici r9 and cliquishness, The existence ~rr~.s repo~~-".ed of the disturbing phenomenon of "silent meetings" in certain Party organizations, a-.zd it was pointed out that the most frernzent cause of the absence of dis~a.ssion and of activity was the coldness, tovrards, or even open persecution of, pErso~:.s rnaking critical remarkse %~ t the Plenum of the tiJROC2~k~~r HISP, members of the Cormmission qv.o ti:.zg numerous facts of persons being disr~.ssed for having inaulged in criticwsm, called for the necessity of a more eneretic defence of people by tae t~?ade unions quoting numerous e~;aumles of a. more effective and erlergefiic struggls than was the case hitherto against the persecution of persons ma.'?.cing critical remarks or calling attention to transgressions, it eras at the same tune st?^essed durii:g the discussions tr.:a.t the number of cases endinn with the exemplary punislunen~` of the sty ~f lers of cri'cicism ~r~as_ still too small. i~:~T.any suy~~ressors of cri~ti -- cis~n are still ~;et~tin? away unpunished , The struggle against cliayuishne s and favouritism, as pointed out by members of the Commission, is ve;^y c7.iffic:~t and rec1uires much effort and strength o~' character. Liberalism and tolerance o ~trans~.ressions Iviuch place iai the plenary discussions of the ~~ ~u~'s was taken up by the _oroblem of fighting against transgressions, vrastefuiness, and, especially, syriptoms of liberali sm and tolerance off' transgressions by some Party organiz;~- 'cionse T.he ~ ~~ffS1' in i~FL1~0? j carried out, with the help of the Supreme Chamber of Control (I?III) and the i.iili?tia (1~;i0~, an investigation of the situation in the I~iK'01 I:;:eat Production s;~orlcs, The necessity for an investigation was prompted. by the large number of rey~eatec7. 'thefts in the 'rdcrkso 1^he Prosecutor" s Office i~a,d in its hands 200 cases conecr,:~'.~:.i~ ?chefts of meat from the ~,7orks. The investigation revealed tizat in '-iio course ol? five (quarters, file loss of raw material for wort ariour~e~7. to~.zae,a_r~y~ tons of ham and 20 tons of shoulder and smoked ham. Pointing out the tolerant attitude towards these trans- . /gressions... SFCRFT 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 SECRET ~ _;_ gressions on the paxt of the a.c~cory su~~ervisors, ;Management, and Party arg~a~a.~a?-~ tions, it was established that instead of a condemnation. of tiie the :dominant attitude in the ':~orlcs was the necessity for defe.zdin, the o:.?fc;ndt:.^~~ ~, as being allegedly groundlessly prosecuted, the defence taping tl~ie form of interventions, petitions, submitting favourable to the Courts, a.~d requests for the release of arrested persons. I t is a fact that there 1zavK been transgressions in the ;~ijorl~s, that there have been cases of irifrinyeme.ztsof the financial discipline, ye'c there is no one guilty of co'rn~nitting these trans-? gressionsr Similar liberalism has af:ieeted o?~her or;;ailizations. At the Plenum, a testimonial was read out, ser_t to tine Court by the Povriat Committee in T~''~.i~?OFt and signed by the Secretary of the i'owi~.t Co~n~~~ittee; in connection aaith the sentencing of Dro P IOLA to '18 mon?tizs' imprisoxuneszt. This very favourable testimonial contains ?the statemente "Drm ~~IOL.-~. enjoys {great confidence among his patients, particularly among a larse section of the Party ak'civ v~l~clz tapes a.dra_~tage of his ~:~edical work", At tine Plenum of tl:i:; LUBLIPd `::i~i.t', a petition vra.s read out, sent by the Basic Party Orga~ziza'cio:.. (3?OP~ fr:am the of 'LO%:~ ~3ZO:r to tine Director of a prison, asking lam to release a bandit se~.tenced to 15 years' i11Lurisormient. Facts of similar l~.beralism and tolerance of transgressions, and lack of vigour in fighting `;;rams gressions in certain Party organizations, were also. reported at the plenary meetings of the OL~~Z'i'Y~, 3u~.T0~;iICE, and 73Tl;LYS'Ib:? ~~l~Ps. In connection vritl~ this, it vra.s pointed ou~c that there eras a need for widespread prophylactic anal educational vrork in the Basic Party Organizations, vrork During the past year, the Z~~1~I~.'s have accumulated a great fund of experience ilz educational work, The Con'crol Commissions do not colzfine themselves to work in disciplinary teams, but are seeking ever different methods of cozitact vrith Party organizations and Party members, There has been a considerable inerea~~e in the vaxiety of forms of vrorl; of 'the TJT~c the Party alctiv anc1 Party organizations, The OLSZTYA? j:?u~, after rMal~ng investigations, brought up many cases at plenary and executive meetings of the Com~ii ttee ; such as those at ::LTI,Z~~, 1?DZICa~x, CIZYCI~O, OLSZ1'Yi~, a~.zd ~~dEG013ZLt-r0. Itinerant /li~~... c~ru ~~r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 ~ SECRET ~ ~~' Is~~ sessions were also organized here, and cases under investigation by the Iu',I's vaere brought up at meetings of the Basic Party Organizations s such as those in the Forest Industry Regions at a village meeting9 at file POP meeting in the iilitia offioe at KZ`1'RZYi~T~ at the Voievodship xTational Council at OLSZTY'i?, and othersa Itinerant sessions are organized also bar many other KIc~Pso At BL~S~YSTOIL too9 frequent use is made of visi'cs by the disciplinary teams of the I~0_'s to the P owiat Committees or to the Basic Party Orgaizizationsy in Lulusual alzd particularly important cases Joint investigation of cases gives the Party organizations courage to indulge in criticism and to combat trans gressions0 The KOSZ.AL.u?~ :,~~{~ ha.s had good results from the practice of reporting the resolutions of the disc~_plinaxy teams at Basic Party Organization meetingse ~:.n. explanation of a deeisi.on made by the ~F~1~"iSP~ or an explanation to -i;he meeting of the' reasons vrhy a particular decision was takeny enlightens and educate-s Party membersp r~,irtherrnore, the submission of a resolution to the coiru~lents of Party members is a good method of testing its correctness At some plenary meetings of the Ifl~Ps ~ it was fou~id tila.t the number of initial cases (iee~ those vrhich rernzire a preliminary investibation9 in contrast to appeal cases examined by the Party levels (Pov~at and ;lard CorrIInittees}~ to the exclusion of Party organizations is still too largea Party levels take the place of Part, organizations, and sometimes examine casts independently v~ri.thou~t the participation of tie Party organizations4 The range of problems's_ is increasii~ It became appares~.t from the discussions at the plenary meetings that the Ifi~1's are not confining themselves to the examination of individual reports corning from PartJr members and non party people who, trusting i,n the Partyy turYt 'CO the Commi.ssionsd ;~~ith increasing frequency the individual repor'~s axx.;~ used by the Control C~mrnissions for ca.r~.ysng out a wider examination cf the causes of recurring phenome,ia~ and for taking an interest in a specified group showing unhealthy synctoms, The Commis4ion aa~~oiilted by the Secretariat of the Voievodship Comuzi.ttee at BIf~LYS`1'OI, the chairmanship of the Chairman of the i~~l'~ and ? the participation.,.' C ~ !'. D. L'.T 50X1-H U M Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 SECRET _,.. particiiaation of the Cha:i.r~lai~ of the i~,'iunicipal Party Control Commission (I~it~O?~ ~ co~ried otxt aa~ exarnination of the Par1,;~ worl~ in tl:e i,~:ilitia organsy in connectioiz v.~th 'raze distu~3..?ing reports of the infr.ngement of Party ethics by I.=ilitia funetiona~es. lire r~ ~?r_ination. er_?bra.ced the .~unici.pal i'_ilitia Cor.~.aand, the Voievodship Comr:~and, a:.zd son?e Conu:ian.dsp ]hx~in, the Coiltrol~ it eras established that during 159, 25.7 ;per ref '~11e,,,,,~otG1 nt~znber of -ilitia ------s-~---~--- - - - -_ er~o~e1,~.zad._-~cui,,ct~ on.s~ 1~,,~_6~er cent of this nw:~ber for __.._ - ~- and breaches of the peace. The Commission found that the extent of educational _.---_ ___ work ti-ra5 inadequate. The Commission criticised file s~'stei't2 of re~,rds. Ina :~.utnber of casesy i,-iilitia fu:~.ctionar~:e s ~rere given reFrards only a short tix~~:~ after they had beeia punished for dru~L~enness or breaches of the -~aeace? `ihe Commission also established cases of laves breaking by individual ftiu~.etioiZairesm Tn '1959 1~. parsons vrerc: unjustifiably put in sobering-~zp rooms 1'n the Corar_.issiont s report it is s'cated tl~~t sectioizal Tarty orga~.ziza.tions have shown a fairly considerable degree of 1_iberalisrn iii their reactions to the incorrect a,tt~_tude of Party members, Out of a total of 112 disciplinary penalties, only 1~t3 nFSes were eramitied ill Party or~;an3zat:ions, Tit the opix!ic.~ t------ -- -, - - -.- of the Coilrnission, 19 cases conccrninu ser~ ous inf'r:i.ngements of d:_scipline or- of the la~~r ~i~ere iticorrectl;~ overlooked by tine Party organizations, Tile Party _ ~~.'i;ionsare n.ot ac'.oc!uatoly coy?bating the sy.~mtioms of clericalism ar?oizo 1~~:i1~_tia fl~nctioi~.aa~ies. `:i`he c~olitical situation. This is undoubtedly due to the insufficient knovaledge of the situation ixi the field, inadequate contacts with the Basic Party Organization, ands to a large degree, to waiting for letters or anony- mous communications from the field, Conversations held iii 10 local i~iL~s in the Voievodship of i{A.TO',uZVE have shown that none of the 5e Commissions had any specified plan of action. ly, in the VoiPVOdship of P07~;l~t~i, out of ~ iu~Ps controlled tF have been working without any plans, even though they dealt veith a variety of subjects, and. izave carried out their tasks quite Drell, The help given by ?che ~`:tc?~'s to the local I~[~~'s is still inadequate and in- sufficient. I,:ore current interest should be shovm in the activities of the local I~~E's, and the problems encountered by them. The help of the Z-;1~~'s should be increased through frequent meetings and consu]fa.tions, and through the sharing of experiences of those HIff's which are working well. The present tasks and difficulties call for the increase in this assis+,anc~, and for includ'~y~.g in i?;~ all the members of the ;1f~LP and the leadership of the Pa~^ty 1Pvels, IIIo SOi! ~ R ~SOLIJTIOV ~ CAP TIC PARTY CONTROL COP'ir:ZSSIONS r or ~. considerable time, the CI~f~, when studying the reso3~t:.ons of ~:l..a `iJl~s, and its oven, submit'ced to it on appez 1,~. has been noting ?the unhea~;;hy phenomenon of an increase in the stifling by the most perfidious means, of all critical., .. ~~~`~'! E1 ' ~' 50X1-HUM sass Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 ~"I SECREPI? ~-~, critical voices raised by honest Party members, worlters, salaria~~, aazd non- party people. This criticise, as shov~.1 by a number of elcarir~~les, chiefly con-- cLrned the combatin; of economic harmfulness, clia~uishr~.ess, etc. the sensible and correct line laid down by the Party and followed by the community is, hovrever, being hindered by the activities of various cliques and tors, vnc~ v~ish to obtain material gain vTi.tizin the shortest possible time, and v~.~th the minimum c.f personal effort. Phis disease, since one can~.ot call it anything else, has affected a past of the directing personnel, such as directors, heads, and eveYl responsible Party officials, vrho, in their fi~u'c agains ~ critics, l~mve even e~zgaged the authority of Party levels. Under present conditions, vrhen the efforts of the vrhole Party and nation are aiming at bringing order into our economy and making it viable and profitable, it is essential to intensify the uncompromising struggle against all those who want to hinder it, who stifle critical voices, and who persecute iiany boxiest Party members and noii parry people. It is aiz essential condition that Party levels, and basic Party Grganizations, should. tape up the dEfonce of these persons, vr'no, regardless of consequences an3 of the possibility that they may tomorrow find themselves out of vrorlc, denounce idlers, time-sarvers, and stealers of the common wealth. examples of this are numerous. Thus: In the Fireproof xrlaterials Factory at CilRZAl~tO';d (Voievodship of I~:KOVir), Comrade ):~0?~V~KT, a Party member since 1953, was elected as ~~irst secretary of the ;~orl:s Committee of the Pte. The Povriat Corrnnittee of the ..~ZPi'~ at Cr~tZ~'.i~TOZ~f had a good opinion of him. ;-ie wa.s regaxded as a good secretary, and a seli'- sac~^ificing activist, but no deeper interest was taken in him, he was trusted, and even defended vrhel ?the '.t~uyt 3.n ~::~~~;.i~o'v decided to expel him from the Party. Ye~c, Se ;x~ets.ry ~+~JA,:~~I2t a Party Control Commission eanno'c .na]ce any decisions about removal from vaork, or 'crarisferrin~ to othor employment, %he reason be in that ,natters are decided ~y ;;.'.ie "i-anageirent or the ''+forkers ~!lutonornous Council i.n the factory vrhere the Comrade eoncx;rned is cr.~nloyed. The KKP may only crake a recommendation (supported by facts and ar-buments~ to the Party level to cause the dismissal of the Party member from employment, The question of the foi~!?~.ulation of a resolution is not u.nittiportant, since it often conceals unjust and undemoerai;ie ttic;tliods of soli on. Tt happe;ns tre. t a HIST' not only passes a resolution, but demands its 9anplementation, disregarding the opinion of the managemezc~ which is often faced vrith a fait aecottxpli. This undermines its authority, and it infringes the principle of one person managamenv; the observance of vlnich is of great importance to the Warty, It may after all happen that ti1c: ,naizagement of a factory may haves a somewhat differing opinion from tYiat of the disciplinary lean about the usefulness of the ~;=van Comrac:~e for thy: factory, or about lv.s ,professional quali~'icationse Such views must be taken into account; par?ticiilarly as the resolution of a disciplinary team is not altivays co.~-rec%, ancl. -~:~:re arc frequent cases vrhen :: decision to re- r_iovc someone frcn e.:rploynelz-c is rl.ade for the reason that some Comrades from the I~ '.lave i..:~oorrec'cly considered tik:~t a :~~'arty penalty must be accompanied by a removal from employment Of course a disciplinary team should :Hake a recotturiendat~ion for the x~;.noval from employment of someone who 'r1a.d been committing transgressions, wastage, C~('r~,~ ~~ /thef'cs,+"50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 . ~ ? ~-' SECRET ~-~~ thefts, or had been harming the factoz?y i1 somo other way. On the other hand there appears to be doubtful validity in the do cisi on of the KKE' in the Pot~riat of Y0~?I.t~?, wha.vh docided to remove from employment Comrade Boloslavr ;:CJCII~ for found himself another family (sic), `Ihe Disciplinary Team of the CI~~' decided not to alter the decision of the 'd~~E', dismissing Comrade at'CJCII% from the Party9 on account of the atiaosbhere why ch drew up round t~is affair ix~. the 7.ittle town, but it did not consider it jus-cifiable for the disciplinary team to have decided to remove hiin from r~.s poat as chief accountant of the Powiat Consumer. Cooperatives 1~articularly as he was regarded as a goad workero ~i~'hen ~mrslting recommendations fo: ~ removal from ezrploymen~~., the I~~'s must be reasonable and objective. This will prevent the km's fxom making unjust and haxmf'u'. decisions, V. CtiDRT~ POLICY . The KK]:'s in the L'oievodships of VJARSA?~~ and LU-l3L:ts~T have lately carried out a control of the state of cadres and cadre administration in individual insti~cutioiZc and f irm:~. The results of the control were discuss~,d at meetings of thy. ~~xe:cutives of the Voievodship Committees, The results vrere also brou;;lit vo the notice of atl the Party Powiat Committees of these Voievodslv.pso The control revealed serious shortcomings in the cadre policy of the iri-? dividual institutions in both Voievodshipsm The I~i~ of the ;~dl~::i1t;7 Voievodship has statca: "Although a considerable improvement has been noticed in the sphere of cadre policy, 1_evertheless there are still many shortcomings in it"r Cases are fairly common vrhere the levels accept worlcers fc.r responsible posts _._erely on the basis of a written application. They only rarely show an interest in the vrorkerts record in his previous position, There are frequent cas:-a vrherE leading positions are filled with persons"who had been pura.shed by couxt5 of 1a~rr for economic trarsgrassions. Thin, ia. the of PRUSZr~Cr, tY;~e Povuiat Local Industry Administration engaged in 19J3-59 fifteen worlters to fill leading positions, without tak'azg arly interest in how the;Y~ had behaved in their previous jobso In the sane Powiat, the: 1~ra1 Co-ope;ra';ive at BLOyIB engaged 11 vrorl.ers without obtaining testimonials from t'_zo previous /place,., 50X1-HUM sera Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP80T00246A028600470001-3 ~- SECRET `~` - 13 place of employment. Orle a the nevrly-er_ga.;ec~ workers in fact dc;frauded iris previous employers of g0 tliousa=id zl, There leave been frequen'c cases vrnere individual institutions have issued testimonials which did riot correspond to the real faetN, Thus, the lea-c Products Factory at KAF~CL.~d issued a testirrionial on the Deputy reehnical Director, a:n. which they stayed that he was ahigh-grade vrorlcer, that he had t:~e ~ocialis;; attitude to vrork, and that he had been discharged on the grounds of.redundancy~ Sn fact, this ~:~orker was dismissed for leaving exposed the factory to financial loss. The Village i\