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z A 0.i 11115/1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 , FORMATI,ON REPORT INFO MATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Ti 18, U.S.O. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by l. SECRET COUNTRY East Germany ? SUBJECT Temporary Technical Requirements for a Pulse-Spectrum Analyzer Designed by the Koepenick Radio Plant DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS REPORT ? DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES 8 REFERENCES RD JUL.1962 UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE STATE I Al ARMYf #X I NAVY I AC I AIR I #X I NSA (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) x I 50X1-HUM ,tglettit trail adr3tik. ovegradirZ WImittcgtle 50X1-HUM I I DIA X .1 K / /9. --X 50X1-HUM MATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT ???.... ? ?1?1 4.0 ??? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 , 50X1-HUM .4$ COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED S-E-C-R-E-T REPORT East Germany DATE DISTR. 13. JUN 62 Temporary Technical Requirements for a NO. OF PAGES 7 Pulse-Spectrum Analyzer Designed by the Koepenick Radio Plant REFERENCES: THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM S-E-9-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 S-E-C-R?E-T 50X1-HUM Introduction. At the request of the Dresden Aircraft Plant (Plant 803) in 1958* a study was Prepared at the-Koepenick Radio Plant'(VEB Funkwerk Koepenick) on -a OalseapeCtrum analyzer the latter was designing for Plant 803 The stud" was-iiritten by IngWalt?Rasae, a-metber of the Keepeniok plant' Radar 50X1-HUM DeVeiocment DecartMent The following is a translation I. Preliminary PI-Ilse-Spectrum Analyzer 50X1-HUM Technical Requirements. 106 cps 1.1 Frequency range 10,000 range - 1.2 Pulse duration . 10-6 to 2106 secchda 173 Pulse sequence 500 - 3000 cps -1.4 Intermediate-frequency input Retterhan 1 10-3 vats rela? sensitivity tive to a6 pulse duration of - 0.1 10 seconds for 50-mull- '1 62 megacycles meter amplitudes 175 Intermediate-frequency band width 50 103 cps 1.6 Allowable interference voltage for the = 1 percent (intermediate-frequency) signal 1,7 Frequency for the X-deflection (fre- 20 to 51 Cps Continually ad? quency of the saw-tooth voltage for the carcinotron) justable 1.8 Allowable amplitude change with fre- quencY Change . 3 percent 1.9 Amplitude for the saw-toothed voltage a) Frequency modulation of the carcinotron: 0 to 200 volts constantly adjustable b) X-deflection on the fluorescent screen: 1.5 x screen diameter de7 flection symmetrical to the center of the screen 1.91 Linearity of the voltage ih 1,;9a 1.92 Pulsation factor of the voltage in 1.9a $-E-c-R-E-T percent -S/!- 1 . 10-3 volts 1,1) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM II. Other Requirements. 2.1 The deflection frequency must be able to be synchronized with the re- spective pulse frequency. 2.2 In order to produce the zero-line, the X-signal must become zero for every 2.), 4.), 6.), etc. deflection, i.e., the intermediate-frequency input must be short-circuited by a Switch (flip-flop). 2,3 The size of the spectrum (Maximum amplitude) 100 millimeters 2:4 Linear range of adjustment of the inter- 20 : 1 mediate-frequency dhannel 2.5 Maximum input amplitude of the intermedi- 20 millivolts ate-frequency channel 2.6 Net voltage 2.7 Operating conditions Pulse-Spectrum Analyzer (Extracted from 1552) 415 V 220V - 50 cps -30 V Operated in the laboratory for 8 hOurs without inter- ruption. 1.1 A high-frequency pulse-spectrum analyzer, that automatically' resolves a Fourier analysis, Is represented electronically. The required measur- ing marks for the analysis of the spectrum are gated into the electronic image. The size may be read directly from calibrated scales 1.2 Pulse-Spectrum Analyzer 1.3 In order to be able to determine the power losses that result as an echo in radar instruments which the high-frequency pulse generator emits, a spectrum analysis is to be made, because all the weil-known Tech, output meters integrate, i.e., they do not give any information as to Clbject, the distribution of the high-frequency spectrum. The analyzer is to allow spectrums to,bg analyzed agcording to Fourier with an impulse duration from 0,1 . 10 to 2 ;10 seconds in con- nection with a pulse-recurrence frequency of 500 to 3000 cps. It will be possible to investigate spectra from 1 to 100 miliiwatts. 1,4 Maximum-frequency superheterodyne receiver, the oscillator of which will be frequency modulated over 4 range from +40 to 60 megacycles, Methods in connection with which the frequency fluctuation can be continuously of Solu- changed from zero up to the maximum value mentioned. The receiver, tion therefore, scans a frequency range up to the maximum frehuency fluctu- ation in Which the pulse Spectrum that is to be investighted is situ- ated. The carrier frequency of the oscillator and, therewith, the receiver may be changed over a wide range. In'order to produce a line spectrum which corresponds to the envelop- ing spectrumhpattern, a small frequency sector is selected'foreach individual sweep of the pulp spectrum. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80100246A026801770001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 4 S-E-C-R-E-T -4- 50X1 -HUM Small intermediate-frequency selectivity-curve by converting to a second intermediate frequency of lower nominal frequency with which a band width from 50 kilocycles or less can be obtained. The scanned small frequency-range is rectified and amplified and conducted to the J-scoOd. The time axis (X-axis of the oscillograph) was modulated synchronously with the frequency modulation of the scanning generator, so that a steady image of the spectrum resulted. By using :a magnetic-T in the high-frequency section of the analyzer, a cavity frequency meter will produce a pulse bypassing through the resonance frequency, which is conducted. to the tubes of the ?Ballo. graph after rectification and amplifiCation of the Z-axis. In this way, of course, a bright or dark mark is produced on the fluoreiitent screen after the polarity is selected, which corresponds, to the posi- tion of the instantaneous frequency that passes through. By detuning the frequency meter, it is possible to determine the frequency by an arbitrary point on the screen of the oscillograph. 50X1 -HUM Subject: Preliminary Technical Requirements for a Pulse-Spectrum Analyzer of the Institute of Electrotechnology, Main Department High-Fre- quency In recalculating the data presented for the projected pulse-spectrum analyzeri it is shown that we must ask for some changes in the data in order to make the instrument usable for our purpodet. Basically they are the dame requirements which you too have made on the measuring instrument, 15661003e the wavelength and the pulse width are the same as With us. In the following the individual data in regard to the pulse-spectrum-analyzer are taken into considerationi 1. Intermediate Frequency. The value of the intermediate frequency is not indicated in your technical Speeifiettione.r In Order to avoid overlapping the two pulse spectra by a frequeney Of f _ ZP, the intermediate frequencied sign -- must be expressed as Equation lt 2 F rt VI if the shorter impulte(slfltoebeninvettigittedAd detignated with lc.,4 provided we take it as a basis that in the OUtOlit in 14 the secondary radii-Wean 1.4-0 percent Of the output in the primary rediati*Of the spectrum and eentributea a small important contribution to the aMplitUde of the speCtruM0 In order to make the Spectrum of the 0.1 midrOseeendlOng OU1Sei visible, the intermediate frequency must, therefore, be at least 40 megtoyelea. 840.4.R-E-T 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T -5- 50X1 -HUM 3.- The Rewired Sensitivity of the Input. The sensitivity of the inter- mediate4requeney'amplifier, which was given by you as 4:1 millivolt is not - adequate In our opinion. If one istumes that the proportionality between in- termediate frequency and the signal amplitude should be guaranteed, then the following relationship should exist: Oscillator voltage = 10 x signal voltage or Oscillator output . 100 x signal output. 1 For an optimum degree of mixing action from the 1 N 23 B mixing detectors or similar cry:eels, the oscillator output must amount to 1 millivolt. ' For this reason the signal output may be a maximum or 10 microwatts. With a degree Of mixingaction of from 10 to 25 percent (mixing damping from 10 to 6 decibel), an output of only about 1 microwatt reaches the receiver input. With an aisumed mixing crystal resistance of 300 ohms, an interMediatefrequeney volalp of Equation 2: U Zf Krist =1103OO .?17.3 millivolts, is, therefore, in the crystal. By using a small-band intermediate-frequency amplifier, the portion of the transmitted impulse voltage is/proportional to , Equation 3: - st ? 2 In which "C" .2 impulse length (a) and Li f is the band width Of the intermediate- frequency amplifier (cps). If this factor is taken into. coirideration the 4V' intermediate-frequency amplifier sensitivity must, therefore, amount to :1 .. .--67--' . Equation 4: U_m. ng .0Zf . 17.3?10-3 .3.0110.50 10P 130 microvolts.. , i , In order to have a reserve, the input sensitivity must amount to about 50 micro- volts. The addustment of the intermediate-frequency amplifier sensitivity Should be between 20 and 100-fold in order to be adjusted to the optimum interfereneo interval. - 4. Time-Base Frequency. Designing the equipment with a time-base fre.: quency of from 20 to 51 cps is not auffieient. The 504kilooyele-wide filter of thea intermediate-frequency amplifier must pass through a.wide frequency band.. Since each bend width has a'transient period that is characteristic only for It, the sweep time through the frequency range must not be too great, i.e., the, Saw.. tooth time-base frequency for time defleetion and the synchronous wobbling of the reflectors must not exceed a definite value in meegacycleSper second, do that one of the real voltages present gives s. proportional indication - The transient period for -i? filter is defined as Equation 5: 't S E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 50X1-HUM S-E-C7R-E-T -6- ? and for the 50-ki1ocyc1e.4ide filter used, it therefore amounts to Equation 6:9 1: 0.010.10-3s . 10 microseconds. 2.50.103 The duration of the filter must amount to at least 20-r for a sufficient indina. tion (according to data by Kuepfmueller in System Theory of Electrical Communica- tion transmission) i.e., 20T . 200 microseconds0 the range of frequencies the filter must go through differs for various pulse lengths. The greatest area to pass through belongs to the Shortest pulse, the spectrum of which is still to be determined. In our case, the 0..1 microsecond long pulse amounts to about 60 megacycles, which is the extent of frequency range required for a good analysis of the frequency spectrum. The time required to sweep 60 megacycles must, therefore, at least amount to 6 .LIEL-linkUL ? Equation 7: - ? - 200 microseconds . 240 milliseconds. 0.05.10 cycles This corresponds to a deflection frequency of at least Equation 8; . 4 kilocycles. 240?10-3 As the upper limit of the adjustable frequency for broader pulses with a narrower spectrum, 25 cps was proposed, because this produces a flicket-free 'picture and the spectrum can be analyzed by increasing the time-base frequency by decreasing the number of lines in the spectrum (see also Chapter 5).'. the synchronization of the deflection frequency with the impulse frequency is of no consequence for the analysis of the impulse spectra in that it only causes the linei in the spec- trum to stop. 5. Oscillator. The oscillator wobbling of +40 to 60 megacycles, which you anticipated, should in your instrument be dealt with by a carcinotron. It would be desirable to use one of them!becaUse then it would be possible to detune the frequency even more. If, however, we take into consideration that a tube such as this is not available in East Germany at the time nor in the year to come - we were, therefore, informed as. to imports a reflex klystron adequately fills the requirements after .scanning a range from .?30 to 45 megacycles. In an extreme case it is necessary only to sweep 60 megacycles for the broadest spectrum, i.e., one 0.1 microsecond impulse with two secondary radiations at a time to the tight and to the left of the primary radiation. A 723 A/B reflex klystron for the fre- quency of 9375 megaoyOles is; however., manufactured in East Germany. 6. 4trlit1.0142.1p0-_. In our opinion, the flip-flop circuit which you have provided fOr alternately opening and closing the receiver input by sweeping the zero-line is unnecessary. In chapter y it was calculated that the base-time frequency had to amount to from 4 to 25 cps. A Af . 50-kilocycle-wide filter, therefore, continues through in beat from, for example, fl . 4 Os, i.e., all 101 a 250 Osec in an extreme case a frequency range from 60 megacyclets This means that it passes through 240 kilocycles per Mee with an impulse sequence of 1'1 . 100008 in S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9 -7- 50X1-HUM connection with impulsing, i.e., an impulsing every 1 msec still gives enough time in which the filter that is integrated in excess of 50 kilocycles does not receive a voltage. In :Equation 240 kilocycles - 50 kilocycles . 0.79 . 79 percent 9: 240 kilocycles of the time the zero line is already recorded. Lines then appear as deflections in the vertical 1 f = 1 . 1000 . 250. In connection with higher time-base 7 T frequencies the dead-time ratio is still more important. With a base-time fre- quency of approximately f2 . 25 cps the frequency range of 60 Mc is swept in 1 40 msee,?i.e., the speed amounts to 1.5 MoleMsec. This means that in 1500 kilocycles - 50 kilocycles Equation 10: . 0.972. 97 percent 1500 kilocycles of the time the zerd:line is recorded. Deflections in the vertical then appear as 1 . f . 1000 . 40 lines, which is already meager for analyzing an impulse f6 spectrum. For this reason the base-time frequency must not exceed 25 cps. 7. Pre-Damping at the High-Frequency-Input. The signal energy on the mixing crystal should not be any greater than 10 microwatts,'based on an out- put proportional recording on the picture screen according to point 2. By tire damping the high-frequency power in order to decrease any transmitter poWer that is greater than 10 microwatts, a variable and a fixed calibrated Attenuation line and a directional integrator are Provided so that a maximum of 200 ki10.: watts transmitter output can be damped to 2 microwatts by a total of at least 110 decibels.-. 50X1-HUM S-E- -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A026801770001-9