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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? TRSIDS /2 DEMO/KM OP TSB NSA BLECTSIPIOATIOS AND SSW =MOB OP POUR =ISM OP 2SS SOVIS2 ONION by I, Se 011UPRAKOT SOBOOW, August 1963 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 The Soviet Union is making rapid advances in carrying out far reaching plans concerning the development of its power industry and the all-out electrification of all bran- ches in its national economy. The power industry in pre-revolutionary Russia was greatly undeveloped, its total installed capacity comprising one million Kw. and its generation about 2 billion Kwh an- nually. From the outstart the Soviet Government paid serious attention to this industry, maintaining that electrification is a vital factor in the reconstruction of the national eco- nomy and the corner srone in the industrial structure of the new social system. In 1920 on Lenin's initiative a plan was worked out on the electrification of Russia (this plan is called GOELRO in Russian for short). It was the first plan for the development of our national economy, calling for the construction of 30 power stations having a total installed capacity of 1 750 MW in the course of 10-15 years. This plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule. The following basic premises were set forth for the first time in the plan GOELRO: I. All-round development of the power industry in the different regions of the country is the base on which the plo- ductive forces of that region grow. 2. Local power resources have to be uncovered; local fuels and water potential have to be utilized as much as pos- sible in the power balance of the country through the cons- truction of large plants each servicing an entire district. 3. Modern tecnology must be introduced and power sys- tems developed utilizing steam power and hydroelectric sta- tions effeotively. These basic Lenin's theses have found further developm- ent in the decisions of the Central Committee of Communist Party and of the Soviet Government in working out the prog- ramm of country electrification for the next periods. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 The widespread construction of new thermal and hydro plants and trimamission lines has been started in all econom- ical regions. To the end of 1962 the installed capacity at power sta- tions in the USSR amounted to about 85 million Kw.A total of 369 billion kWh were generated in the country in 1962, of which 4 billion Kwh came from hydroelectric stations. The power production of the country at present surpasses that of 1913 by 190 times. The power consumption balance of 1961 could be broken in round figures, as follows; Industrial - 77%, agricultural- 3%, transport - Ok, domestic and public use - 14%. The rapid growth of power generation and of plant capac- ities of the Country for Years of Soviet Power has developed conditions to turn the beggar and miser Russia into a mighty Socialist State with well developed industry and agriculture. All the World could be oonvinced of that, at the time when soviet people became the First to start the Cosmic Era, put to oirle the first satellites, target the Pent on the Moon and constructed the first cosmic ship "Vostok I", by which the First cosmonavte, Hero of Soviet Union, Uri Gagarin accompILEhed his Legendary tour arond the globe. The first nuclear power plant was arrected in this count- ry and the first nuclear powered leehreaker "Lenin" was launched there too. The longest on the planet electrified rail-way embrassed 5500 kilometers from Moscow to Irkutsk. Electricity in our country had changed unrecognizably the appearance of Cities and Towns. It had deeply penetrated into life and oulture of soviet people. With power, light, electric utensiles, radio, television, etc. In spite of the enormous damage caused by World War II, the power industry grew by leaps and bounds. The average an- nual growth in power generation over the post-war period amounts to 12%. Only Twelve Thousand kw were put into operation in Our Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: .7,1A-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 catintry during the first two years of GOELRO 1,ragramm, 1921 & 1922. Twelve million Kw were switched on for the same first, two year of seven-Sear plan, 1959 and 1960. The rate of power growth had been rised thousand times. For the annual power generation the USSR has much over- passed many advanced capitalistic countries: England, France, Canada, Japan, Italy and others. By 1947 the Soviet Union beciametbs second telbeemddlhremoms ge_ neration of power, the USA being the only one ahead. The new CPSU program calls, That "The Plan of country electrification provides: the three times increase of electro- powering the labour ter the nearest ten year period i the widening of electroconsuminE industries on the basis of aheap electrical power; accomplishement of mass-electrifioation of city and town population mode of life. In the second_ decade the electrification over the country is to be basicaly_accomplished. The annual generation of electricity should reach to 900- 1000 billion kw by the end of first decade, and to 2700-3000 billion kw by the end of second. Jt will require hundredstbous- and kilometers of main and distributing transmission lines to be built in all parts of the country. Consolidated power System of the USSR will be created, being adequatly reserved by capacity, permiting energy exchange from East to Europenian part of country and interconnected with power systemes of other socialist states. As nuclear power pro- duction became cheaper the nuclear power plants are to be built, especially for regions laking of other recourses of power". In oonformity with deoisions of CPSU XXI Congress of 1959 the priority will be given to thermal power plants for the period of 1959-1965. The Hydrostations will produce only one fifth of total country poser generation. The same congresshad outlined the basic transformation ofucuntry fuel balance structure by means of wide use of more... economicalkind of fuels 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 natural gas, oil and cheap coals of open exploitations. Till 1965 and furtheron the increased firing of this kind of fuels on power stations is provided. In new CPSU programm has writ- ten down, that "In order to gain time the natural resourses available for prompt mastering and giving the most national- economic effect are to be utilized at first". Large steam power stations are erected in the USSR for the most part near sources of fuel and are linked to the load centers by means of highvoltage transmission lines. This en- ables local and Low-grade fuels, including cher coals mined in the open, to be utilised on a large scale. The consumption of cisal traneported over long distances was sharply curtailed. After having solved several oomlioated problems, Soviet engineers achieved the highly efficient combustion of brown coals, dust anthracite, peat, shales and .coal enriohment by- produots at the power stations of the oountry. Of late natural gas and fuel oil are being more and used at power stations. The fuel balance of power :stations in 1961 was broken down as follows: 65,5% ooal, 17% gas, 8,5% fuel oil, 9% peat and Males. Power production in the oountry developed making use of the latest advances in technology. The main progressive trend at steam power stations is the use of steam at higher and higher pressures and tempera- tures in units of very high rating. For example, prior to 1928 the equipment at the power. stations of the Soviet Union was rated for an initial steam pressure of 13 - 16 atm. abs. and temperature of 325 - 350?e. At present large units are instal- led for 130 - 170 atm. abs. and a superheat temperature of 565?C. Tens of turbine generators with these steam parameters having =tin:haat ZOO, 150 and 200 NW are already running in the power systems of the oountry. Steam generators and turbines are in the erooess of pro- duction at present for ooupling in "boiler-turbine" units hav- ing a capacity of 300 NW with the steam at 240 atm. abs., 580/565?C. Construction work has begun on super turbine genera, ter units, 500 to 800 NW and over. 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 The progress achieved in our power industry can also be gathered from the fact that the installed capacity at the majority of power stations, which have been built or are un- der construction during the past few years, amounts to hund- reds of MW with the capacity of some surpassing one million Kw. To name a few of them we phould mention the Cherepet, Yuzhno- Ural, ataro-Beshevsk, Tom-Usinsk, Lugansk, Prebaltio, Slavyanak, Schekin, Novooherkassk, Ali-aairamlinsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi, and many other stations. For instance, the Pre-Dnieper power plant capacity equals to 1200 MW, the Lugansk plant capacity - 1300 MW; these are the most powerfla thermal stations in Europe. In 196.7 the capacity of Pre-Dnieper plant will reach 2400 MW in 14 units of 100-150 and 300 MIL An important progressive trend in the power industry is the development of thermificatian making use of the joint pro- duction of electric power and heat at heat-and-power stations. Thermifioation results in large fuel savings (about 20%) as compared with the separats supply of consumers with electric power and heat. As a result, the thermifioation has been great- ly developed in the (pities and industrial oenters of the Soviet Union. Thermification plants up to 600 MW are being constructed. The construction of several large hydro-eleotric stations in the Soviet Union enabled us to utilize a great aeal of our water potential. About 19% of the total generation in the ooun- try in 1962 came from hydro-electric stations. The power systems in Kolsk, Georgia. and Armenia are almost enterely supplied by hydro-electric stations. The systems of Leningrad, Kuibishev, Volgograd, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan and elsewhere have a large percent of hydro-electric stations. Mydro-electric stations now result in substantial fuel savings, amounting to more than 35 million tons of coal annu- ally. Tens of billions of Kwh of cheap power have already been produced at the largest hydro-electzio stations in the world - the Lenin Volga Station developing 2 300 MW and the Party XXII CongresstVolga -river Hydro-station of 2 563 near the City of Volgograd. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: .7,1A-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 One Should bear in mind that the economic effect of hydro-electric stations iE not only obtained from the cheap power it produces, but also to a large degree from their uti- lisatiania solving important problems:connected with irri- gation, navigation, fisheries, flood control, etc. For- example, the hydro-alectric stations in Midle Asia alongside with po- wer generation are used for irrigating hundreds of thousands of hectares of dry and fallow lands. After the Volga and Dnie- per cascades of hydro-elecitrio stations will have been com- pletely constructed, the Volga and Dnieper rivers will turn into deep water-ways forming the arteries of the river navi- gation system in the European part of the Soviet Union. At. the same time a possibility arises for shorter water way communication from Baltic to Black Sea, eLiminating the long way around Europe through Giblartar. The enormous storage basins created at these hydro- electric stations unfold mahy prospects for carrying out extensive irrigation in the dry and prairie agricultural dis- tricts along the Volga and in the southern Ukraine. Steam and hydro-electric stations in the Soviet Union are interconnected in large power systems providing the bulk of the power (over 850 in the country. Power systems are being perpetually developed and consolidated, participating in more powerful pools. Today the three largest power pool systems - the Cen- tral, Southern and Ural systems -.have been interconnected, creating the Consolidated Power system of the European part of the Soviet Union. The main electrical tie lines forming this system run from the Volga Hydro-eleotric station to Moscow and to the Urals, and also from the Volgograd hydroelectric station to Moscow and are operating at 500 Ky. The majority of the transmission lines have two circuits running in pqrallel for up to I 000 km and transferring 750 and more NW per circuit. A d. c. transmission Line of 800 (+ 400) Kv is con- etructed in this system from the Volgograd hydro-electric 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? station to the Donbas, and can transmit in both directions 750-900 MW. This line, ereoted as an experimental-industrial set-up, is very important for designing perspective of extra 1 long-distance (2 000-3, 000 km) trans-Siberian lines transmitt- ing extra-large blooks of power (6 000- 7 000 MW) by d.o. at a voltage of I 400 (f 700) Kv. Sueh D.C. transmission lines are to be sceleton in es- tablishing the Consolidated Power System over the USSR. It should be noted, that for D.C. transition of large capacities of over one million KW and for distances over 1500 kilometers the capital investments and needs for line-sire and other. materials decrease as much as two lines of compared with A.C. transition. An experimental-industrial A.C. transmission line of 750 kilovolts will be put into operation from Konakovo to Moscow in 1965. The 750 Kv lines are to play an impOrtant step toward forming transsibirien power systemP and for into5mmgmaidxs___ of Xnazach SSR system with Consolidated power system of USSR Europenian part. The rapid growth of capacity at the power stations and system of the Soviet Union has always occurred hand in hand with deep-rooted qualitative transformations in power tech- nology. Automation and telemechanios have been developed exten- sively. It is sufficient to say that many Sears ago already all the large district hydro-eleotric stations in the Soviet Union were oompletely automatized. More than half of them (on the basis of capacity ) are controlled or supervised from dispatchers' offices by means of telemeohanical apparatus. There are hundreds of automatioally controlled and tele-supervised medium-sized unattended hydro-eleotrio stw. tiona (up to 100 MW capacity) in the oountry with their machine room kept under look and key. 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 The high extent of automation at hydro-electric stat- ions is characterized by the fact that large water-wheel units of 100 MW and over are automatically brought up to normal speed after the command for starting them up has been giveh; thereafter they are connected to the line by the method of self-synchronization, and full load is taken on in the short time of 50-60 seoonds. At several hydro-electric stations an automatic operator is used for regulating their operation according to a preset programm of active and reactive power. Water-wheel generators connected to long-distance trans- mission lines are provided with special quick-response auto- matic field regulators (so called "strong action" regulators) in order to increase the transfer capability of these lines. In the boiler rooms of steam power stations the process of fuel combustion is largely automatized using electronic regul- ators, as is the production of pulverized fuel and the water supply to boiler. Moreover, the operation of pump houses for the cooling water and tel oil, and also the fuelhandling are entirely automatic. Labourous processes are becoming mechanized more and more. For example, car dumpers are installed for unloading coal, which have a productivity of more than I 000 tons per hour. I0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? The following devices have found extensive use at power station and in networks: automatic reclosure of transmission lines with or without cheoking of synchrinous operation prior to reoloeure; automatic devices for connecting stand-by equip- ment; automatic devices for emergency load shedding in case of system frequenoy dropmbelow 49 ops; automats for quickly start- ing up stand - by water-wheel units at hydro-electric stations when the system frequency drops below 49.5 opts, etc. The seven-year plan for the development of the power in- dustry in the Soviet Union covering the years 1959-1965 calls for a considerable growth in the power base and for the oleo- trification of industry, transportation, agriculture and the household, Power generation over the seven-year period is to increase by 2.25 times comprising 520 billion II& by 1965,The capacity of turbine stations is to rise by 60 million Lw or by 2.2 times during this period and to amount to more than 113 million Lw. The total length of 35/110/150/220/330 and 00 ET transmission lines will increase during the 7-year period by 200,000 Km, i.e. by more than three times, and will amount to about 300,000 En in 1965. This means that during these seven years more capacity will be put into service that in the preceding 41 years of the Soviet State existence. A specific feature of this seven-year plan for the de- velopment of the power industry in the Soviet Union is that it calls for the ereotion of very large power stations.During this period steam power stations of up to I 200-I 400 NW are to be built. At these stations, which mostly are located in coal mining areas, turbine generators of 150, 200, 100 and more MW are to be installed in a blase': arrangement with a single boiler of adequate steal acapacitY. This enables power stations to be constructed less ex- pensively and more quickly with a smaller specific fuel eon- sumption and a cheaper power generation. Equipment rates for steam of 130-170 ata.abs. and 565?C and of 240 atm.abs and 5800C is used for the turbine and boiler units. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? A turbine unit will be put into service rated for steam of 300 atm. abs. and of superheat of 610?C. Bydro-electrio stations will continue to be erected alongside with the prevalent construction of steam power sta- tions in the current seven-year period. In the European part of the country this development is realised by nearly complete harnessing the water potential of the Volga, Kama, Dnieper, Dniester, Western Dwina, Woman and other rivers. For hmample, in the course of the seven- year period the Volgdgrad hydro-eleotric station is completed and the Saratov aydel on the Volga river is progressing torrent a finish. Oa the Kama rives, the Vetkinsk hydra-electric station is being completing, and works are getting under way at the Inshne4Dwas station. The water potential of the lower Dnieper will be cempletly harnessed when tee stations at Dnieperdser- Mak, Kamm and Kiev are put in to service. In 1960, with the eat of construction work at several hydra-electric developments in the Caucasus - in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia - the power system of these republics were interconnected into the Consolidated Transcaucasian Po- wer System. The maintendency of the seven-year for hydrodevelopment work, isthe marked intensification of construction work at power stations in the Eastern regions of the country, such as Siberia, Central Asia and Kasakhstan, where over 8016 of the Soviet Union's water potential is allocated. Factors such as rivers with bulky flows, narrow ospvtins and sound rook, embankments for high dams and favourable con- ditions for flow regulation enable very powerful and highly efficient hydro-elec trio stations to be constructed here. The Angara and Enisey givers are specially favourable in this respect. Oa the Angara revir, a cascade of hydro-electric star tions (Bratsk, Vstralim, Dogeohan) can be built baying a oapaoliy of Imre than 14 million 111 and an annual generation of about 70 billion Kft. In 1961 the second station in the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? ? Angara cascade was put into operation the first being the Irkutsk station. This exceptional large station at Bratsk has a design capacity of 4 500 NW. The dam of this station raises the water level in the river by about 100 meters form- ing an enourmous storage basin. Twelve units, each 225 RT,are already operated there. Still larger hydre-eleotric stations can be built on the Bulgier river, with total capacity amounting to 27000 NW and generation of mere than 130 billion KWh annually. One of them, the Krasnoyarsk station having a capacity of 5 000 - 6 000 NW it; being built. The first units of this station, rated at 500 NW each, will be put into operation in 1965. Construction of Sayan Bydrostation of 6000 NW Power is also started. ' The largest hydro-eleotrio stgion in the Seviet Union can be erected on the lower reaches Lena,, /River. This gigantic hydro-electric station is planed to have a oapaoity up to 20 000 NW with possible generation of about ZOO billion Kwh annually. The construction of great hydro-electric station on the abundant flow rivers of Siberia and of powerful thermal the,- mel plants utilizing the richest Siberian cheap coal depos- its, to be mined in the open, affords of great stimulus for oreating a consolidated powerful System in the central Siberia already in the present seven-year period. Transmission lines of 220, 330 and 500 Kv will interconnect the hydro-stations the /rtish, the Angara and the ?missy with thermal power sta- tions in the Kusbas, Irkutsk-Cheremkhov, Itatsk,Kansk-Achinsk and in other regions. In the future, plass are made for creating the Conso- lidated power pool system of ladle data on the basis of the Zurek hydro-electric station of 2 700 NW in Tadjikistan, Toktegul Hydro of. 2200 MN in Kirghizio and other hydro and steam power plants which are being conetucted in this seven- year period in Vsbekistan, Eirghizia and in southern Kazakhs- tan. 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? Problem of =slew power industry deserves special att- ention. The first nuclear power station in the world of 5 NW was put in service in the Soviet Union on June 27, 1954,while in 1959 the first 100 ME unit was put into operation at large power station running on nuclear fuel. Two more power stations are nearing completion, with their total capacity of about I 000 U. It is to be noted that there will not be many nuclear power stations built in the Siviet Union during the ourrert seven-year period, since nuclear fuel is rather expensive as oared with other kinds of fuel and water potential. The matter is that the Soviet Union has the most abun- dant natural resources for production of cheap power. The enormous water potential of the USSR, amounting to 1,100 bill- ion fth annually, less than 70 of what, is utilised iv greater than that of the USA, Canada, England, France, Italy, German,' and Japan taken together. On the basis of far from complete data of our ?rani.- fuel deposits (coal, gas, oil and others) the Soviet Union has no equal in the world. The introduction of modern techology, the meohanisation and automation of processes at power stationvand in networks will be continued during the current seven-year period on a full-fledged scale. Eleotronlo computers are being used more and more along- side with telemechanical and radio-relay equipment for super- vising and regulating the operation of power systems. About 13 billion rublesI) will be invested for the devei - opment of the power industry in the Soviet Union during the period 1959-1965, of which approximately 250 is designated for the oonstruotien of networks. As was already mentioned, in the current seven-year pe- riod priority is given to the construction of large steam po- wer condensing stations of 1200-2400 NW with 200-300 1111 units. The cost per kilowatt installed at these stations amounts to 50-65 rubles, depending on the capacity of the station and tbe kind of fuel (coal, gas, fuel oil). The prime cost per kilo- watt-hour generated at these stations varies from 0.12 to nekocri depending on the prise of the fuel used. et ruble equals 1.11 American dollar; one kopek equals 1.11 cent. 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? At large up-4o-date hydro-electric stations of 2000 to 6000 MW,the cost per kilowatt installed ranges from 7, to 290 rubles and up.depending an the sine and type of the stir tioa and on the other functions theavelopment serves. Taut- specific costs correspond to utilization factor of the ins- talled capacity to at least of 4000 hours per annum. The prime cost per kilowatt-hour generated at large hydro-electric station varies from 0.02, to 0.09 kopeks ,i.e. it will be 4 to 6 times cheaper than the power obtained from large steam power stations. The new program of CPS, says that"Tremendous scale of capital eenstruotion requires speedy development and Techni- cal refining of building industry, considerable expansion of production volume, improvement in quality and reduction in cost of construction works by consistent industrialisation of than and introduction of prefabricated members". Proceeding from these instructions implementation of vast program of power development implies typification of designs of power plants and electrical networks, vast appli- cation of unified prefabricated reinforced concrete structures both for construction of thermal and hydro-power stations and for substations and tranamission lines of any voltage. Reinforced concrete members are now fabricates at plaits ana casting grounds of building indtstry. Sites of power plants and substations are turned into assemhly grounds with high4 developed mechanization of work execution. For mass concrete construction nowadays a method of continuous concreting is applied. This method giving a con - siderable gain in time mechanizing manual Jobs, outs down costs and increases quality of work. If Dnieper hydro-elect- rio station was constructed by efforts of the whole country and with help of amerfoao specialists and in took seven- years to complete the stationothe total power of electric stations to be commissioned during the current seven years shall be equal to that of 100 Dnieper stations. IS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? To ensure the level of power development set by XXII Party Congress for 1980, during the forthcoming years we are to put into operation, on an average, power equal to that of Dnieper station for 7 Ws but not for 7 years, as it was before. Such a breaks through in the rate of power development can be brought about only basing upon highly organised building industry with mass production of future power gene- rating schema. Soviet sewer specialists have pledged to out terms of oemmissioning thermal stations down to 3-4 years and of lea. ge hydro-pewer plants down to 4-3 years. Sucoessfak implementation of the tremendous program Of peeez, development during the current seven years, till 1943, has doeisive lagertance for our country. It will serve as a fast footing for carrying out the 20 years-long-term plan and for realisation of elk-round electrification of the USSR. Looking. into the future development of the national eeemsey of the country, the design institutes of The State Committelfor Power and Electrification of the OMR together with ether industry-wide bureaus and in accord with Nielson of the CPSU XXII Congress have made their first drafts of the perspective plan On the development of the Soviet power industry for the ooming 20 years-till to 1980. According to the figures of Xxli Congress of CPS'S the annual energy production is to be increased 9-10 tines, to 2 700 - 3000 billion Ken by 1980, what oorrespond to 540-600 million EN of installed capacity. About 206 of the .power generation will to come from hydro-electric stations, as at the present time level. The speelfic weight of nuclear power stations will in- crease in the power generation balance of thermal plants bo- gs/ming with the second half of this period. The amount of unclear power generation will be determined by comparing the technioal and economic characteristics of stations consuming osalo Eas and fuel oil with those working on nuclear fuel. I6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 ? In the coming 20 year period it is planned to greatly increase OA consumption of electric power in industry and even more so in agriculture, transportation and for domestic and public needs of the population. To achieve these ends in electrification of the country it is necessary, along with speedy construction of power plants, to carry on with heightened speed and on a wide soale construction, of power systems all over the developed territo- ry of the USSR (totalling 7 million km. 2) If in 1960 the length of electric power systems inclusi- ve of 0.4 KW, in our country totaled about one million of kilometres to bring into effect a complete electrification of the country the length of electric power systems is to be increased ten times as great by 1900. Speaking about importance of the long term plan for electrification of the country N.S. Khrusohev said ? The main eoonomio task of the Party and the Soviet people is to create the material and teohnical basis of oommunism within two decades. This means complete elactrification of the country and perfection on this basis of the teohniques, technologies, and organisation of social production in all the fields of the national economy; comprehensive mechanisation of produotion operations and a growing degree of their automation. As a result, the USSR will possess productive foroes of unparalelled might; it will surpass the technical level of the most developed countries and occupy first place in the world in per capita production. In this conjuotion we should tenon some scientific prob- lems relating to power engineering, settlement of which may result in considerable speeding-up and reduction in cost of power plant oonstruction and simplification of technology of power generation. Development of an economic qualitatively new small sized boiler unit for a block of about I million capacity, applicat- ion of direct current for transmitting big power over super range distances, rank among the vital scientific problems. 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Highly actual sientific problemes are also industrial use of magnetic hydrodynamic and thermoelectric effect for direct generation of electric powet from heat and atomic en- ergy, omitting the complicated and out of date method of con- verting thermal and atomic energy firstly into steam and then through meohanioal rotation into electric power. A problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction able to provide unlimited source of electric power is of particular interest. Problems of using wind energy, sun energy and geodetic thermal energptide energy for generating electrie power present some intoreat. However all these new resources of electric power will be of relatively small Oportance as cam- paratiwith the conventional sources in the future. Power step- tions running on these sorts of energy will have relatively high value of capital Investments per RWatt of installed Ca- pacity. The possibily of setting up a power pool systeaon the state's scale is a great advantage of socialist organization and form of public production. Development and pooling of power systens setting up in oonformitt with deoisions of XXII Party Congress, of a power pool system will enable us to put rapidly into operation new large thermal and hydro-eleotrio stations, preelde with electric power briskly growing demands of the national eco - nomy, increase reliability of power supply for consumers as well as increase economy of power system operation by harmo- niums combination of operation of thermal and hydro-eleotrio stations. As said above the pooling together of the Ural,Central and, South power systems by 500 Iv transmission lines has resulted in setting up the power pool system of Europe part of the USSR. This power system has unired 30 local power sysu toms with power output coming up to half the total output of USSR.. IS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 Later the power pool system of the Europe part of the USSR will be coupled to the power pool systems of 4 republic' i.e. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bellorussia, Leningrad power system and Karelia system. On the South it will be cou- pled to Caucasus system. During 1970-I97, the power pool system of the Europe part is to be connected by transmission lines of direct and alternative current to the power systems of Central Siberia and North Kazakhstan thus forming the power pool system of the USSR. Then power systems of Central Asia Far East and South Yakutia are to join it. And 4emewhere after 1980 the power pool of the USSR is to take power from. Lower Lena hydropower station, the biggest power station in the USSR. In not dis- tant future the power pool system 1111 be oonneoted with per systems of other countries. The power pool systems of the USSR is being set up as the moat powerfurgiggest with respect to an area to be cove- red by it, and the most advanced one from the point of outfit. This giant system will generate and distribute over 3,000 billions of kwhi In the conolusion we should stress that the main problem to be solved by our people in the field of power engineering during the coming 20 years is to carry out behests of Lenin about a complete electrification of the Country. raydroprojeotn Ord.64 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/17: ? CIA-RDP80T00246A025500210001-5 STAT STAT