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Declassified in Part - Sanitized CopY-Wp?rOV'easfor Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 STAT 1963 ? FEMATOMMill u REP-FARROW .0)0111 r'ape& ,elwalciA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 K c8edeatuo tutmatnezteti mcypitaAa AIM noaytteHaSi MailHoro KOMn.neicra wypHa.na ?IIPOBeTIEMbI rEMAT0,1101-141/1 H 11EPEJIHBAH1/151 KPOBH? rocy,aapeTHeHHoe 113,11,aTellbCTBO Medl,HU.HHCKOrf awreparypbt npocHT Bac cHoespemeHno oct)opmwrb nort- nHcKy Ha wropoe no.nyroate 1963 r. IloanHcHasi nmaTa Ha no.nyro,nme . py6. 80 Kon. FloanHcKa npHHHmaeTcH B nyHKTax noAnHcKH ?Coto3. netierrb*, notrrawrax, Kowropax H oT3,e.neHHHx cHH3H, o6w,ecTHemibuvin pacnpocTpaturreagmH negaTH Ha aaso- /lax H 4a6pHKax, waxTax, npombicoax H crpocmax, H Kan- xo3ax, B ytie6Hbix aarieemislx H ripeAdlemisix. PeaKu,HH }KypHaziow H H3,11,aTeJ1bCTB0 noLlf1HCKy Ha AcypHatua He npmmaioT. WYPHAJibl B PO3HINHY10 11M:0/1007 HE Ho( TsTlAIOT. MERFH3 1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A02500nn9nnni_1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 11PHMEHEHHE raYBOK0110 XOJ1OAA JIJIA AJIHTEJIbH0r0 KOHCEPBHPOBAHH51 KPOBH 3AMOPO>KEHHOM COCTOSIHHH 111)1.4, P Buttoepaa-OutoceAb, itouewr A. E. KuceAee, 4)? r. ruH36ype, 11. rbedopoea, a 1. KayxqucueuAu aeHTpal1bH0r0 OpAeHa JleHHHa HHCTHTyTa TeMaTOAMH H nepeaHsaHHH mporof (AIM --A0MeHT A. E. KmceJlee) Nimnicrepasa upaHooxpaHeHHH CCCP Pa3pa60TKa meTwzos coxpatienim KpOBH B 3amopoatelmom COCTOSHHH 3aimmaer B HaCTOHLUBB spemst uewrpa.nbHoe mecTo B npo6neme KoHcepam- poBaHmst KpOBH. MI-forme roAbi nanytielme >KHBbIX KJIeTOK, B HaCTHOCTH nocze 3amopaxittisatni51 H OTT3HBaHH51 C4HT3J10Cb He803. MO* Hu +a lobIllOe npaimitiecxoe anagetine Aamioro Bonpoca 3alunotiaeic9 TOM, LITO 6.naroaapn nonnomy noatnenino (Amelia semecTs npn Temne- paType HyJIA 803M6KHO AJIHTeabH0 (mnonie mecnnm H Awke r0.01) xpaiirrrb KJIeTKH Nu3Hecnoco6immti, tier? HeJlb3R II0J1r1HTb ripn no.nowti? Tezmibix remnepaTypax. It^ THI-HyTble B 3T011 oariaeni yenexii comairaT p(e centiac &Labium BOAM4),KHOCTH AAA snaturrenbnoro y,LI,JIHHeHHH Cp0K0B xpanemin 'spoon. WCT1111101LrleHO, HTO coaepinaulliecn (c rattuepHHom) B 3amopowerm0st Enute TegeHme MHOTHX MeCHHeil H ,tta>Ke HeCKOJIbKHX JIeT 3pHTp0IIHTb1 noene OT, raimaHHH B OCHOBHOM OCTAIOTCH nertospeKaelmboot H coxpatutior CBOH pinmozorwiecime CBOrICTBK [31, 11 Hatiane pa3pa6onot tip06.rieMbl, Korvia 3am0paNcHaaaH He6ciabunit, 061,emi. poBH, awropm npe4i,narann sTOT meTo,a, Aan ,a.nnTenbnoro xpane- HMI t attaapnibix 3pHTp0IDITOB, 1-teo6xo1Lnmuic AAA onpeaeaemisi pex rf; !In KpOBH [30, 44]. B pane pa6oT yX11.3bIB8J10Cts [31, 47], tITO 3T0T meTon, 1103BOJIHT ,V114TeJlb? HO COXpaHMTb Wins pe.aitux rloynil JJ,J151 nepeammtnim 60JIbHbIM HJIH sa6na- rospemenno 3ATOTSSANBATb renapiit1113Hposammo xpoB 6 AJISI 3KeTpaKop- nopanbtioro Kposootpainemisi. (..LosTaIOT Tamice, HTO meT0/1 ,tt/InTeabHoro xpaHeimm KpOBH npri OTpH11,a- TeJlblibiX Temneparypax npito6peTaer HciunotniTe.nblio Ba?KHoe 3Ha4elme AAR c03Aating 3anacoB KpOBH B OCO6bIX yCJI0BHAX [49, 50, 57]. MN outraem, HTO me104 kolicepnilpoBaHHH KpOBH B 3amopmkeHnom COCTOAHHH 38C/IpKH13/1eT unipoicoro tmeApeinin B npanniay plpein,aemict ciorw6m KpOSH. B nepsyto otiepea, 3T0 He06X0)3,11M0 AAA TOM, 4T06bI BC- HOJIb3OBATb AAA nepeamminig ocTatotilmecH nocae 33TOTOBKH cyxofi nJla3- MN cpoK xpaliernis KOTOpbIX ripii 4-6? orpammen Jilluib 3-4 Hellenamic He EcicinotuteTcH npti 3Tom coxpanerme xposx peAnnx rpynn H pe3ycoTpxuaTe.nbt4oii Kpoati. BnepHue o BO3MOAHOCTH 3aMopagoisan1iH H oTTanHamin spHTpoitHroH 6e3 NX 3Ha- LINTeAbH0r0 nollpolingHHH coo6wman M. H. tlenopoti H CmHT [29, 52]. 0 npHmemeHHH 913HTp0AHTOB ;log TpaHccpy3HA nocae xpaHeHHH 8 revel-me necHoamAx mecHnea npH ?20? yKaniBaer mit aBTop08 12, 3, 5-7, 21, 27, 28, 43, 44]; melons! TaioKC itamibie 0 3aM0paAHBaHHH mpoemix WieTOR 'Sea HX pa3pyweHHH B Te4CHHe Hecxonbloix 1.31, 47]. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Yenexam B o6aacTR moncepaHpoaamot xposH meToAom 3amopammsaHmn 3HamliTeAb- HO cnoco6cTaoaaaH AOcTOKeHHH coapemeHRoh 6HoaorHH a H3ymeHHH sonpocos ycT044H- B0CTA >104Bbix KAeTOK H ApyrHx 6Honorwiecanx 061eKTOB (BriA0Tb AO neAmx opra- HH3M0B) K B031Ie1cTBHm xclAoAa. 3101 Hown paaaea 6H0A0CHH Ha3aaH xpRo6HoaormeA. BbIJIO oTmegeno 6oabinoe pa3Hoo6pa30e peaxuHil KAeTOK H TmaHeil Ha BO31LeACTBHe xomula ? ycTaHosneHo,trro oTpHuaTeabHan TemnepaTypa 101A0Tb AO ?195? He BM3mBaeT npH onpe- AeneHHux ycaoaRax rH6eAH xneTox H TAaHert. HOcile CTOAb CHAbH0r0 oxnaKaeinin OHM ocTalc/cH WH3HecnOCO6HMMM, npummaaloT npH TpaucnaaRTauHR, Amor pocT a virTypaX THaHeil. Kpome Toro, 3Ha4HTeJlblibie ycnexn BOCTErHyrbt B OrtbiTax c nny6oatim ozaamche- HHeM H oHoirmeHHem nocne oTorpesamoi, uenux opraHH3moa AHBOTHMx. (210Aa oTuocaTcH onuTu c 3amopaximsaHHem Hacexomux H ApyrHx NKHBMX opraHH3mors npH TemnepaTypax no --190r 118, 22, 231 CmHT H coasTopu 06, 53] H 1957 r. noxamaH, 4TO x0MHKH, Jamo- pMeHHbie B TelieHHe naca Ao nocae o6orpeammn C 110MOMbio AHaTepmHH H Hcxyc- cTBeHHOr0 AuxaHHA c0KHBalOT H HOAH0CTWO soccTaHawHisamT CBOH (PyHKUIHH. rlpH 3T0M 6Uao OTMemeHO, 470 Bbl3KHBaJ114 TOZIA0 Te *HBO/NW, y moTopux npeapauteHHe 'BOAM ? xpRcTaaam abAa He npesbnnaao 509; OT o6wero HomplecTsa AKHAKOcTH h opraHH3me. KpOANKH H HexoTopue npHmaTu (galagb crasMcaudatos) He nepeHocHAH noAo6Horo 3amo- panthaamin: HecmoTpn Ha macTynasinve nenocpeAcTseHHo nocae oTorpesamin 90CCTaH0B- AeHHe cepAenHon AeHTeAbHOCTH H npoilmoabHux AsHmeHmilt, KKHBOTHMe BCKOpe nor-116MM. 310 nOKa3bIBaeT, tiTo cosmecTRmocTH NKH3HH opraHH3ma CO 3HatiliTeAbHbim ammeriammem BOAU AOCTHrHyTb Tpyiume, nem COXpaHHTE. K(H3HeCnoCO6HoCTE. H3OANpollamaWA 1(4eTOK ? TmaHeil B 3THX ycA0BHHX. YKa3aHHble poyabTaTu 3aCTaBKKH nepecmoTpeTb MHocHe rocnoAcTsolummme pamee ? Harnioft AHTepaType npeAcTssoeHRH 0 rpaHHuax NKH3HH H npo6Aeme aHa6mo3a, o Rpm- qHHaX noapewaannuero AeAcTsun ray6oxoro xoAoAa H Ha OcHOBe 3TOCO Haristu ymamm, opti KoTopmx mONKHO COXpaHHTb AKH3HeCnOCO6H0CTb 3aMOpoweHHibix )10111mx KAMM. flpeAoxpaHHTb 3pHTp0AHTM OT pavyintinin oxa3aaoch 1303moNtho MUM nom ps. cKpb1/HH nplimHH nospetKAMOILler0 Aet1c1aHn npouecca 3amopasonsaumn. aromy cnoca6. cTB0BaAA solorotnicaomble HccaeaorfaHHn 6H0XHMH4eCKHx H 6H04)H3WieCKI(x H3meHeHmi, npoNcx0AHKANx B baeTxax, H xapaivrepa xpHicTaAAH3auHH BoAbt B KpOBH, noAseprammuelca pawnigHoil cTeneHH ox.natuemoi [11, 24, 26, 35, 39, 42] BoabaiHHC1130 HOUleadia1e3e111 4To nospesueRge amponliToe nsaneTcn pe3y1bTaTom Asyx 4H96:4111eN06 map- MHp0BaHHH KpNcTaAJIaMH AbAH II sometIcTaRn rtinepxoHaeHrpttposahHamm coaelmraml pacTsopamH, o6pa3voluRmHen anyTpH H BH e KAeTKH H ocrahutekcH AKKAKOA Macey nimi HpespameHHH BoAbi B AeA, B 9THX yCAOBHHX 3pHTpoinfTW npuoinmaior nporpeccmamo o6e3acmusaTbcx HapnAy e yseaRgeHRem ocmoTHnecmoro rpaAHeHTa mexcay era intyrpem- Heft H HappmHo'H cpeAori. Jlosenox (36] Ha6a0JLaa AeHaTypaunm aHnonpoTeHHoeux Homnaexcos a nimacyT- CTIMH cHnepKoHilehTpmpoBaHHmX coaeaux pacTaopos. IDH ycTaHosHa T6JOKB, 4TO, apome rpy6ux nospescaenHil BO tpemn pocTs RpHcTaaJloB abAa, 3amopanmaaHHe Hapyinarg moaexyanpHue cBH3H BA(KimAx 1(AeTKax H npenoe scero--s mem6paHax. B cpene r 104(13- KOA HoHHOA cHA0A, noayqaxnueften B pe3yAbTaTe BO3paCTaHHH KOHIleHTpaHHH coAea. dam- 3b1Hatoultte KoMn0HeHTM itoCtIOAHnHAOB KAeT04H0A mem6paHu ocaa6eaaxa, 4TO reaer X yseaHtlemno ee npoHHuaemocTH H na6yxamno. IlpH nepexone Taxa! Kamm cuosa B (pH3HonoruttecHyto cpeAy gig OTTaHBaHHH HacTynaeT Hemeaaeinvai ee AH3Hc. B pa3pymetum ImeTOK moryT RrpaTb poab H ApyrHe cate He pacno3HaHHue COUTO' pu, kax, Hanpumep, noapemmeHHe 3113HMaTHMeCKHX H Apyria 6KTHBHUX cc-re aA(1000A RAMO. 1461, HO AomHHHOymmuen npHHHHoti nsAneTen npe3mepHoe maeneHHe soma a spa, uecce xpHcTaa.no06pa30aat4Hn. 31mcnepHmeliTanbHo ycTaHosaeHo [38, 65], 4TO KpacTaAA006- pa3osaHHe H, caeAosaTeabHo, noapemAakmuee AeficTsue oTmenaeTcn 60.1bIlle Beer? a3otte OT --3 Ao aqa o6flacTb TemnepaTyp Ha3aaHa nommy XpKTHmecK0A, HAH onacn06. 3oHoA. BpeMH HaxowheHrix 3amopaHmtaembix 3pHTp0AHTOB a 3TOA 30He B ompyimeama rHnepxoHueHTpRposaHHoro coneaoro pacTsopa BAKHet Ha Mx cTa6HAbHoub. -110,1e noxa3an, 'no npoxmIeHHe l(pHTHMeCKOA 3011M TemnepaTyp B TenenHe HeCK0Abalix MHAAN- cenlita He oxamlsaeT ry6HTeabHoro AencTam oly yAaaaaocb nOnyMHTE, M0p.O.Ti0cHmecKyiu coxpaHHocTb 315HTpoutiToa npR men 6bm1pom 3amopanonsaHHH KpOBH B ToHKOm cAum (Ha meTaamplecxoft. nnacTionce) npn flpH yAAHHeHHH aToro apemeHH, Hanpumep flpH ox.TaKileHHH 6oAbinoti maccu KpOBH B Tex we y=81001, 6e3 npHMeHeHHR 3111auTnbiX BeatecTa 60AbimillicTBO mwrpouRToa pa3pyWaeTca. 3HatieHHe apemeHH npeousannn 6 Kim- THmecK0A 30He B Taxoil cTeneng MO*110 OTHeCTH H K Op011eccam OTTaHBaHuri KpolisH. a/H 6Ho4M3HmecKHe Aawfue Aerau a ?may Aoma3aHHoro B Hacrocumee spew' nom- )Keinin, MTO CKOpOCTI, 3aMopaNKHHatitist H OTTaliBaHHH HrpaeT Behylitylo p0Ab a COXpaHe- HHH HeA0CTHocTH apHTpouniToe, sowlan 083a xoTopux B ocHoBliom Hax0AHTCH B CB0601- ROM cocT0HHHH H AerK0 nepexoAHT npH oXaancaemot B xpicTanau AbAa. YeTaHOBAeHO, MT0 MeaaeHHoe 3amopamhatu4e conpoacmAaeTcn 3Hapaueamod-HipHbim o6pa3oaaHmem xpynHux xpicTamaos Abaa, acTopue He 06413aTeAbH0 pa3puhaior KileTKK 6aaroAapn pactio,nowetHoo Rx B xariaaax meKtty xpHcTaAnamH cem ti)opmHpymmuero(n nbAa. WHaxo HacTynamme flpH rom AertiapaTaHHH 11 KoHnetrrpautiti coneh embHee pail)) - maim xaeTxy, mem BHeKAeTOMHMe KpHCT/IKAbh Bo3AeAcTilyfl heutecrhamtf, cliAbH0 C6631A- BaloammH BOAy, mONKHO nperorruaosam ee nepexoAy a xpReTanau AbAa HAN MeniaTb MX yaeduttieHnto a pa3Mepax. C Apyroft CTOp0Hbl, 6bicTpOe 3amopaNmaaHme Bertei K 06pa3o- Ba14m0 otietib me.niatx Hptictaa.rioh H H corposotKrlaeTCH 60Jibu1HM H3a,nevermeM BoAbl H3 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 ,pacTHopa K ero rHnepHoHneHrpanHeh. 1103TOMy yCHAHH HurrexmaTediefi H36e>Ham OH, Tops, nonpexcHafoutux apnTponwril npH aamopawHaaHHH, HanpameHm KaK Ha casubmaime cao6o2iHoil Hoabt 1o6aHaeHHem B KpOBb paammbix HeutecTn, nanpumep raHnewma, caxa- poa, KOAAOHAHMX BelgeCTB, 9THA0B0TO enHpra, Ta}( H Ha yBCAMMPHHe CKOpOCTH OVUM- aoHHA H OTTaHBaHHH. Ha ilcex npilileaeHubfx Bblffie TeopermecKilx npeanochmax H ?CHO- Hbl H HacToRuiee apemil painimbie FlOdr-IX041bI K pewenno npo6..nembi KoHcepilHpoilaHHil Kpoail nyTem 3amopaxon3aHtf5I. B CCCP 6b1JIH npe,anpininTbt TIOIlbITKH coxpansTb KpOBb npn oTpsna- '0.1bHbiX TemnepaTypax 6e3 KpHcTaxfoo6pa3oilaHHil ? B >K14,?1,KOM COCTOA- OH. flpe,a.noweHHbfe CflelthaJlbH0 31.011 ue.nH Koncepsnpylow,ne pac- .4opbi c orpawAafouoimil semecTsamn II03130j1AI0T xpannTb KPOBb npn ?mnepaTypax Ao ?8? H HeCKOJIbK0 I-n*1KHaamm. 13 ,aaMMix ye.TIORHAX ox.na:Kaa10111eii Cpeaori CTalloBliTcsi y:Ke He Autamtil a3or, a caoe- o6pa.tHas ra.40-)KHaKOCTI4a14 cmecb, tyro matotTcobtio yxy,atnaer yc.noBvistx Ten.rtoorsoaa. Tem He mettee ticno.rtb3oBatme amiKoro a3oTa ocTaercs4 noxa eaHlICTBeHHbiM ya0611b1M C1100060M 06eclietieHHR 6bicTp01-0 3aM0pRACHBEIHHS1 KpoaH. FlpH 3amopa)KHaatom Temo, HanpaBrieHHOe OT uenTpaabnoro C.11011 o6-beKTa (KpOBH), npeoarmeaaer TephiHtiecKoe conpoTHanentte cnettytouotx 'J.nemewroa: a) >K3f1LKoro C.11031 Kp0B13, 6) 3amopmennbtx caoea KpOBH. B) cTeHOK Koirrecotepa, r) ra3o-*HakocrHoii cmecti. no3Tomy tipm BbI6Ope onTHMaJibHor0 KOHTec114epa H3 4HC.I1a 11C11131TEABaeMblx pemasow,yto ponb isrpaeT onpe,neoenne KO3(mumenTa Temonepe.aaLtH (K). Pact-lei-Hoe Toro 1.1JaKTopi1 Mo)KHo t1o.ly4HTb, HC110.11b3yR 1.13? BeCTHOe ypaassensw Terwsonepenatas: 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 = ti,F?At 11) 1,1e Q Kornittecreo renila, nepeilanaestoro a e1it-L[111y apemeati; F at- aepxaocri. ren.rionepeilatim (Koropaa merit? onpeile.nfierca 3Kcnepametrrail14- 140); At pa311OCTb mewily remneparypoct KpOBH H ox.na)Kilatouieci epeilbi (KOTOpaSI H3BeCTHa). EIIIIHCTBeHHb1M CPaKT0p0M, BJIHRIOULHM aa BeJ11111HHS Q, C113.TI1eTCH Ko34nOititttei1r ren.ionepeilatia --K. K0.11PleCTBO rerma (Q), noililmatilero yilaileitato, mown? onpeilemirt. 113 ypatmemia: Q == (i1r; (p, Inv!? -4-- C0(t._,? t)1 1:2) rae G BCC Kpoilatioro oOpa.ttia (a Kr); CI - ren.memkt,crb ae3amopo:Ke1i Kpoaa (a KKail/Kr ?C); C2 ? reniloemhocrli tamopo)Keintoit Rponti KKaA/Kr cc); fi ? nepnottatia,abttam remneparypa Kportit; /2 remnepary pa ttattaila 3amep3ailast Kpoatt; Rollo-matt remneparypa 3amopowetmoii Kpoatt; Wu) ilbila H I KT 3amopwReittiort KpOBli (R Kr/Kr); R cKpbI ran remora J16/1006pa3013a111151 (B KKa.1/1ice C rJIa.Koj4 nosep? HOCTI310 npou,eHT BOCCTaHOBJIOHHbIX 9PHTpOLIHTOB 6bIJI IMMO B ripeJle,nax 60-78 it ,aamte 1114)Ke. 3Ta pa3HHUa a oangecrse BOCCTaHOBJICHHIAX "Jim TpOUHTOB aaxoHomepHo oTmeHanacb BO acex HaIIIHX onbrrax (pHr. 2) PHC. 2. 3Hatiemie pe6plict0il nosepx HOCTH KotiTeAHepa CEIPT:Ible ktly)KKH pe6p3cren noaepxworn. .lepotbie? rInaKell Ha OCH OPAHHaT - npotteirr norcraHos.1,... ?HICrPolAIITOR. H Mit a6caucc speMsl 31(cno3Hillx (II HACEIII ?.seepsHpylowNsi pac mopom M II, 14 HA (0151.e4l ? 200 14.1). B Ta6.n. 2 npear/aanenbi ailacTeJlbCTBylOW,He B I10.113.1 TeilliepOB C 60J1b11.11434 paCtleTHbIM 3Haget4nem OTH0111eHHA noaepxnorTH Ter Aoo/aoaa K oftemy 3am0paxothaemoii K poBrf , T. e. , tax KK H 1111\ ? 160abilieri CKOpOCTbk0 nponcxoaHT ornua Telma OT 3amopawHaaemoil xp()Hil npH6nmeHH1 meToaa x tanporam npatcritiot (oftembi xposH, ttpmellitemble B KJIHHHKe, nportota meroaa, yao6ctBa 3amopawitaaittist 14 xpatietittm) npoaeaemo Harielme aonpora 06 onTHmaabHoll aeoHHHHe no- nepegnoro regeHHH H paamepa HoHreffHepa. CpaaHeHme pamivnux cege- cnift npn itopme H et4KOCTH HoHTecniepa noxa3a.no, qv) aytime pe3yabTant noayHalown npH Cetlet41411 KoHreftHepa 2 mm, TaK KK R Hem 6bictpee npolicxonH/ Ten.nootaoa. TaK, B onbirax r !woman oAnoro i TOro >Ke ,a,oHopa B xowreiniepe eMK0CTb10 100 ma c nonepetaimm reHeimem 2 Ntm npoileHT aorrralloaaen- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 HbIX 3pHTp011111-0B paBHHIlest 87 94 B oHTeitHepe Taxort Ate eMKOCTM ceHeHHem 5 Mm BOCCTaHOBJ1eHHble 3pHTpOlatTbi COCTaBJIHJ14 J1 14 111b 62-87%. (a nepaom cayHae xpoab 3amep3a.aa 3a 25 cexyHA, HO aropoM?aa 45 cexyHA). OAHawo Ana CO3AaHHH y1o6Horo xoHTerittepa c 6cobtneA em- xoCrbtO (300-500 ma) norpe6oaa.nocb yBeJ1 1414HTb ceHeHHe woHTeAttepa An 15-20 MM, tITO ripHae.no K yae.rupteHrno TO.1111414Hbi 3amopaatHaaeMoro C.11051 H. cneAortaTenblio,K ymeHbwettino cxopocTH ox.aamureHHH. KpOBH, B pe- iyAbTaTe aToro npoueHT BOCCTaHOBJ1eHHbIX 3pHTp01414TOB tiaCTo cHtmaJtcsi. [103TOMy 6b1J1H flpHHHTbl mepbt no ycosepweHeraosamito TeXHHKH 3amo? pammaaHHH H OTTaHBallHH. K HHM OTHOCHTCH nomewHaaHHe xpoatt (nolo. HBHHe HJIH acTprixHaaHHe wowreftHepa) npH IlOrpy}KeHHH B 1130T 14 ()C0- 6eHHo B BOAAHDO 6atoo. TO ycxopHeT Ter1J100Taatly, TaK xax macca xpn- RH pa3AeliHeTCH BHyTpH KoHTeiiHepa Ha 60Jlee TOHKHe 11,11aCTb1, Hacaatt? aatowHecst rtpH 3amep3aHHH Ha npricTeHoHHble. 3TOT npHem npHae.n K He- Koropomy yartrueHtno pe3y,11bTaTOB, HO 6o.lee 3HatIHTeabHoe 13J1 1451HHe Ha COXpaHHOCTb K,IeTOK Him -tamopaa:HaaHHH TOJICTOr0 CJI0H KpOBH UKa3b1- saeT xapawrep u KOAHHeCTlio BellleCTB, 1106a13.1e111-1bIX B KpOBb ,!1J1 3a11ut4- Tb1 KiieTOK. caepx6bicTporo .tamopailuraaHHH 60.nbuutx o6?bemoa xpoati Mb! tiptimeHrum pairuttillue BapHaHTbi pacraopoa, pa3pa6oTaitHux Ha OCHOBe peuerrra pacraopa Ng 11, tarropbtfi 6b1.1 npea.noweH Hamti paHee A;n4 pac- 11131J1eHHH xpottH B Attp,xHil a3or (20). B ero cocraa BX0aHJI11 t1toxo3a (HoHeItHaH xoHueHTpautot 4%.), 0A1441 113 AttcaxapH,aoa ? taxapo3a, 103a (K011et1HBA KOHBRATpailliA 2%) 11.1111 MaHHHT, KOJI110141b1 (ricirmr.rno- KHH HH aJib6ymilii 1. tutTpaT HaTpHH (0,4%.) 116p0MHcibli1 HaTpHil (0,1% )? YcoaepweHcraortatote pacraopa 3aKJI 104a110Cb B yae.rameHHH xt3Httewrpa- mai yr.netto,Aos (pacTnop Ng 112). Iloabanetwoe coAepAaHtte CaXapOB r1110K03b1 H oco6eHito AHcaxapHAort (caxapo3a, inaltroaa), He Ilp0H14KaK)- 111HX B 3pHTpo 1 HTlil H C13513b1BaK)11111X Hotly B 9KcTpaileamo.1s1ptiom npocTpaHcTRe, lipensITCTByeT ee nepexttay B KpHCTaJ1J1b1 J1b1a. EIJIato4,apsi 3TOMy A06aBKH 60.41,111HX Koilitempaluifi caxapoa yLit.rn4Hat0T neptIoA B0:4- m0mmoro npe6butaHHH xetteTox ttenospeataetmbimrt 13 onacnoil TemnepaTyp- HOR 30He AO HeCKOJIbK1IX /1,ecHTK013 TO BrIeMs1 Kat( 6e3 caxapos ox.rtaxtrteltHe xpottH HST011 301-Ie ao.rutitto tiputicX0AliT6 H 3.0.7111 CeKylla JVISI riOJIrleHHH HHTaKT11 bIX imeTox. Mw Hcnbrramt Tame po.nb 11o6as.aeHitH a patTaopbt yaemitteHmbtx Konttewrpautal KOJIJIOHAHLTIX nperiapaToa --- HOJIHrJ110KHHa (mo.nexyaspnbirt sec 60 000--90 000), no.rniattintontippoottAotta (mo.neKyompabici Bee 15 000-25 000). 3434JeKT OT /106aBJleHH51 yxa3atutbix KOJIJI014AHblx ripena- paToa, TaKaw OCHOBBBAbIll Ha cfl 3b1Bal-04 CB060AHoll 1301161, 110,11ytlat0T nyTem ymetibtueHIN Komp4ecraa o6pa3ylouleiicsi mactbi abAa, 110310My KOHLIeHTpaLON pacTaopeHHbtx HentecTa H MeauicAHHblx toriaatina\, pa3metuatoTcH ./pwrpoutrrbt, He Aocrttraer crenetteil, apeAtibix SACM(iNi HbL 143BeCTA0 TaKAKe, 4TO KOAAOHabl, ortaroaapH aacop6HHH Ha noaepxHo cTH KTieToB, 38tatilBarrr Aero noapeKaaeMyto mem6pany ittirpoutrrom 0/1HaK0 Nib! 1 10Ka ile OTMeT11.1 14 11X Aytmero 3allIHT110r0 aerICTBASI cpaaHeHloo c yr.nettoAamtl. Heo6xottitxto npuomwettlte ifcc.leaoaaapai n0A06Humit ReLllecTBaM14. HeAb:in Tatowe ocraattrb 6e3 attlimatuth Tpeni, BaHHH 6e3onacilucT11 BHt'11e1111H B opraHtt3m 3TUX Bb1c01:0M0.1eKyJI5lpHbi? aeutecTs, cmetnaHHux KpoBb10, HoClioJibKy MIN moryr Homn.neKcHpoaart, CII C npoTeHttamH nna3mbi. tt)113H0J1OriitieCtioe 3Ha4elitie 31Oi peaxurm Kom tmexcHpoaamt51 noa.newwr yroy6kriemtomy H3yHeuttio, H tiptimeHettHe KagecTBe Ao6aBox x 3amopaH(Haaemoil 1(pm:tit ewe He MONiCT pew) meHrtoaaHo ,11.1151 untpoxofi tottHltHecxnit npaxTHRH. TaxHm o6pa3om, aria KA11lilitleCKOr0 ripHmettentist Hatt6o.nee 11poRepell? HbIMH 14 6e3ape11abimil twenapaTamil noto ocratarcst caxapa. 34H4)ebtits- HOCTb 11o6artxtt -14 3astopaHotaaemyto KpOBb KaKaoro 113 npttmettstembix ca- xapos oTmeHaiacb H Ham% ,whira lit) Hatovinmw Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A0250000200011 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Hoxa3aTeni1 BOCCTaHOBJ1eHHH '..1pHTpOLUITOB nocae 3amopaHcHsaHH1 Cao 93-9501o) Ha6J110,aaJIHCb npH COHMeCTHOM npHmeHeHHH TJ110K03b1 H caxa- p03b1 HJ1H JlaKTO3b1 (pHc. 3). Kpome Toro, Ha HoccTaHomneHHe 3pHTpOLIHTOB OKa3b1BalOT BJ1HHHHe, C 0,11,H0c1 CTOHOHbi, oftem 3amopawHHaem0il KpOBH, C ,a,pyroci ? paanHtuae yCTOC1411BOCTH 3pHTp01.111TOB K B03,EleliCTB1110 xcooaa y pa3- Hb1X J3,0H0p0B. 3T0 BAHHHHe MOKHO HHBe.T1Hp0B5Tb ,L1,06aB- 4 KOi B paCTB0p, nommmo ca- xapoe, He6o11,1110r? KomiLie- CTBa nruntepHHa ? J1O6% (pacTaop N2 113). 3To ue.ne- coo6pa3llo ag.riaTb ripH 3amo- 80 paxilisaHHH 3pHTpOUHTHOil maccbi, ocTaiow,eilca Houle otae.rieHHa naaambi. Ha pHc. 4 11pHBOA1TCH pe3y1IbTaTb1 ?nu- c KpOBb10 H .3pwrpo1U4THoil maccoil gamoro H Toro we lim- n ZO Hopa, Ha ptic 5? pe3yabTaTbi 70 PBc. 3. 31-olio-Mc 3.06a Baum% yt-.1030,1ots. MHOTHX ofIbITOB HO 3amopa- /RHBaHHIO -JpirrpouHTHort mac- Cbl (Ha pacTsopax N.9 112 H Ha oca a6cocc ? o&bembi aposa (a t4.0; Ha oca (mo- tor ? npoaear BOCCTaHOBACHHH 1OHTOCHOITOH: 1? pacToop 113) OT pa3Hbzx aoHopos. ,LI,o- 11 trOOK033; 4 - pacrflop Kg I I, c maaToToa H PJ110KCOOnA. 6aaKa TaKoro He6onbuloro X11 I ii: 2-- pacTaop Ns IIt H 41EIKT0311: 3 ? pacraop 142 1 1 1 Ico,nHHecTsa r.nHuepHHa He Tpe6yeT noc.ne OTTaHBaHHH apwrpo- IIHTOB nocaeAyiow,eii AJIHTeabH0f1 06- foe pa60TKH AAA 113BJletleHHH rainiepHHa 143 x,neTox nocze yaa.rieHHH Ha)lcTog. 3'..-4.-----,L...0*?? Ha plicynxort BHAHO, 4TO OCHOBHafl 2 macca x,rieTox noc.ne cHepx6bicTporo 00 00 3am0paacHnaHHH H orraHaaHHH 3pH- 0--..zt.?, ...___ TpouHTHoil maccbi ocTaeTcH HenoEspe)K- aeHHoll. FlpH HamopasothaHHH u.e.lb- ,0 .3....) HOil xpoBH a Tex ;Kt. 6oribwitx ofte- Max Mbl no.nria.rm 11014111 aHa,norH4- 6.0 Hue AaHnble. B Tatl.i. 3 npHaoasTcH daaHHbie 50 . , 0 BOCCTaHoBJleHHH 4pHip0u,HT0B noc- 60-611 YO,V 20021 :le 3amopaNK11BaHH5l H oTTaHBaHHH pa3J1H4HbiX o6semoH 3pHTpou.HTHoi1 PHC, 4. 3HatieHtte Adiaaaemta k pc maccbi H ne.lbfroii xpoin4 c orpawnaio- Tsopy Na Ii1 He60./IMBHX (5-6"!n) kn. Lamm pacraopom N9 113. JIH4eCTH ratulepHua, floaytieHnbie HamH HoKaaaTe:in ha OCH a6cocc ? o&bearbt (a Ma): ma Ill II OPAHH8T ? npougaT BOCCTHHOBAPHHH 3PHTp4 , anccratioaneHHa 3pHTH011HT0B npH OTOS: / ? pacrsop He 112; 2 ? pacTeop cHepx6bicTpom 3aM0p3iKHBaHHH B N2 I I,; tipymmi --11)HTOOKHTHHR Haet a TO4KH -- KPOBb. KoHTeilHepe 6J1H3KH K ony6JnixosaH- 111AM ApyrHmH anTopamx (48, 56]. Tax Hat( B OTTaHHHOA KpOBlio(ibItIHO HmeeTcH npHmecb cao60nHor3 remonno6HHa H crpom, 14TO C.Ily)KHT npoTHsonoxa3aHHem AJIH nepenHaamis 60J1bHb1M, Mhl cHnTaem nolo Heuenecoo6pa3Hum non,aepraTb aamopa)KH- Hamm HeJlbHy10 RpoBb. nTlyillUe XpLIHHTb B aamopoweHHom COCTOHHHH .0.J114 npHmeHeHHH B KJ1HHHKe 3p14rp0uHTHyto maccy, B KOT0p04 HMeeTCH B TeX Ae oftemax altHoe 60.ribudee KoJ1H4eCTRO KneTOK, Tem cambim mewls? pa- 111401-lajnaHO yTHAH3HposaTb ocra1011.1HeCa Hoene aaroroaxia nnaambl 3pH- Tp011HTb1, 12 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP801-0074RAn9CnnrInOrlf1/-14 4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 M0140.1I0fHtleCKHe CBONCTBB, a amice 11:1H3HOJI0rH4eCIMI nantiouen. HOCTb 3pHTp0LIHTOB, noasepraawHxcH 3ahlOpa}KHBBHHIO H OTTaHBaHMO, man? H3M115110TCH, 3Kcneplimexranbnbie rpatic4y3H14 pa3mopcoKewmix 3pHTp0IIHTOB JIM xopowme fie3y.11bTaTbl. flepe4 nepe.romaimem motaKylo tfaCTI,, coilep- Aawyto rifneprowigecxmil pacr8op N2 113, He6o.rmanylo nplimecb c8060,4110- 700 90 80 70 60 .50 40 reigi ? tat Be LA ? 4041 6 ei,441 ? ?a JO-100 de 20020 700 Pic. 5. BOCCTIMOlalleHHe 3pliTp00HTOB tipu pa3ImIx 066040X virrpoullrBort maccw. Ha OCH a6CIVICC ? 061,e1461 (B Mn); Ha ?ea opmmar nponewr BOC. MUGS:1MM sparpottwroa: apymool ? pacraop ND 112; nieyro.ribrinaa? pacreop Xf1 113. ro remor.no6nHa H crpom, cimmaior. 21.7151 3roro 3pnrpounrnyto maccy npeaaapureabrio pa36amnstior cepHeti pacrsopoa (IMTpaT-JIBXT030-COAe- BblX) 11B3J1W4H0ii monitiecKort Kouweirrpaunn, oamoxparno neffrpt4thyrx- Ta6ailua 3 Soccralsomaemse apwrpouimroa (B nOCae 3amopammamin (cpcionte ;tamale 160 onlatOB) Cpeaa 06.behl (a Mn) 75-100 150-200 200-300 :4pwipt3l macca 91 88 86 lieAbHam KpOBb 93 92 87 ppm', Haricroil yaarisnor H 3aMewator (AO HOpMaJlbH0t0 remaroKpminoro 06-beMa) H300CMoTHileCRIIM caxapo3o-co.neabim pacraopom HJIH roMoao- riftwoil nna3moii. ElocJIe rakoff o6pa6orto4 3pHTp01111TbI CTBHOBSITCH OCMO- TI114eCKB CTB6HJIbHb1MH 3a.ns BBeJleHHH B xposeHocnoe pycao. ,E(.1H KJIHHH4eCK0r0 nplimeHemisi pa3pa6oran meroa HOLVOTOBKH 3pH- Tp01114TOB, 1103BOJIHIOLt1HA Ilp0H313041HTb 6bicrpo c c06.rn0aeHnem crepittmHo- CTH }IX o6pa6oriiy flH OTCyTCTBIIH annapara 1,o1 cppaifiwoiniposanHA Kpos14. 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B Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the Inter- 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 How); totuza JI. r. .1 a ri T a. FIPHMEHEHHE 1,130TOII0B B rEmATonoriv, I lepen. iNnTop OAHU 113 OCHOB011o.10?4:11HKOB npumeHentin 11:10TOrlo39 H 104,11- 111111C. B cHcremaru3HponaHnon, stonorpaOmecKoii (I)opMe 011 ti3Aaraei coppeMeHHbIC 13011pocbl HC110.1b.loBa11111 pa;IHOBKT1111HOX 1130To11013 AAR ue- Acci 1.1HartiOCTHKH pa3m1tinbix 60,1e3Heii Hp0BH H Hayinibix HccmeismaHliti rf pa.iHtAm npo6,1emal rema r0,10i-HH Ii nepe:n4HanHA Kpomi. Lcui pieen, 11To B AnTepaiypt: ;10 nacTomliero HpemenH mmediticb .1111111. oTae.ThHble ciaii,U, HoCHHIltelilible iicno.163o3aHmo H:10TOHOB B re- maTo.iorHH, TO ,J,aHHyto moHorpaciii-n0 ciwayeT npitinaib yanctiAbiloit Lio.ibwoes ec.114 lic oCnonnoc, 133111N1B1111e y:1c.leHO awropom 01113C8113110 WIC:1)111K HcIlo.rlh3oHanIu 11:30To11013 RAHHINecKnx yr.r10HHHx, 4r1)npHlLaeT pa6oTe ocooyto Ltennocm. liccNIOTpH Ha TO qT0 II 110 ita:48anno U no) coaeriKal4HK) Klimra OTpa- 4.;ier npilmenenue H3oronot3 H reMamlormis ona npeaciae.nmer HHTepec ;1.:N .apyrnx cnet.tHa.in,HorTeii meAtiutiutKoil Hay K, KaKi tianpumep, 6H0- xliN1H51, 4111,3140.101-131,1, 1-HC11),10rHH, HAHHHHa Bnytpetniux 6thrie3Hen H XH- I IISI. HmeeTcsi H 130,4 npumenentie 113,110ike1111b1X MeToAKK ?1,.t1H HccifeAosa- 11142 o6meillibtx npo1leeco8; MeX8muma ourkiBlivt Tpalicrkynifi tipertapaToB xpotm, hth3Hecnoc06H0tTH 11 iipomPepaniBila aKT111311OCT3i pa3,1114q31b1X K.rleT041161X kaTerop1i1! 11,J11 tmenti thiliKulioula.ribuoro cocTosiiiNH remo- 11033a npH pammnux 3a60mesann1x, onpeaulem0 ofteMa uHpKyotipym- tileil KpoBH. H3menemni cocyanctoil npontrinat,MocTH H UeHa KtitirH 24 K. 113RATEnbr1140 KHHITI HE 14131(AAAAET ME:1,1?113 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 30 Kon. 70708 Howse. muuza ,11. 1-1. Lllenyio. BOIIPOCIDI ,1/1AJ1EKTH4ECK0r0 MATEPI4A- ?TIH3MAH ME/1111114H.k. B pa6ore ocaemakyrcH oTole.nbribre npoonembi TeopeTmeocoll H npas- TntiecKoil Me,3.1111HHIll B cHere Hap-moil meToao.noritH AnaneKTntiecKoro Ma TepHarniama: mapmcmcrcKaH CP14.11000CP1451 H meatiumia, 04.noco4,ocHe son- p0Cbl TeopHH, ruaroaorHH H ,amarHoaa (o coapemeHHtAx ieopHstx naToaornn; ifyacTHeHHaH cTopoHa npouecca I103HaHHA B AmarnocTme anamne3 fl " nepaHvHoe o6caeudHaume, a6cTpaHTHoe? mbuuneHHe B npouecce AHHTHOCTil- NH, p011b npaHTHKH B Hpouecce n03HaHH1 60J1e3HH). KHHra paccturraHa Ha npaKTHHecmix .upageff, acrutpaHTos H " Harp 1461X pa6oTHHKoH 14 mwHer 61;1Tb HCET0J11330BaHa KaK ytte6man maTepi11104,..d' Him ripoBeduefilTh 3aHHTHii 110 anazeKTHHecHomy marepnann3my: H3AATE.11bCTB? KI-FHIN HE BbICE.I.TIAET ; gena 76 K. ASEATH.3 f nprdassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Smati (Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfomiim) Vol. 5, (entire issue pp. 3-16) 1963 [Inside cover is a notice to subscribers about subscriptions] USE_OF DEEP-FREEZING FOR THE PROLONGED PRESERVATION OF BLOOD IN THE FROZEN STATE By: Prof. F. R. Viograd-Finke, Assoc. Prof., A. E. Kiselev, F. G. Ginsburg, L. I. Federova, E. I. Kaukhchishvili Institute of Hematolvgy and Blood Transfusion of the Order of Lenin (Director, Assoc. Prof. A. E. Kiselev), Ministry of Health of the USSR STAT At the present time the development of methods for preserving blood in the Pprzen state occupies a central place in the field of blood conservation. For many years living cells, erythrocytes in part- icular, could not be maintained following freezing and thawing. The great practical importance of this problem lies in the fact that owing to the complete suppression of metabolism at subeero temperatures it is possible to keep the cell viable for long periods (many months and even years). This cannot be accomplished at positive temper- atures. The advances made in this field open up, even now, great possibilities for a significant extension of the period over which blood can be pre- served. It has been established that erythrocytes that were kept (in glycerol) in the frozen state for a period of many months and even several years, after thawing remain basically intact and retain their physiological properties [31,47]. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -2- When work on this problem was begun small quantities of blood were frozen, and the authors proposed this method for the prolonged storage of standard erythrocytes necessary for determining rare blood groups[30,44]. In a number of papers it was pointed out 01,47] that this method makes it possible to preserve blood of rare groups for long periods for transfusion or for preparing heparinized blood in advance for extra-corporeal circulation. It is also thouiht that prolonged preservation of blood at sub-zero temperatures becomes of very great iOportance in creating blood re- serves in special conditions [49150157)6 We believe that the preservation of blood in a frozen state should gain wide use in the practical work of blood service institutions. In the first place, this is necessary for use in transfusions of erythrocytes remaining after the preparation of dry plasma, the period of storage of which at 4-6? is limited only to 3-4 weeks. Under these circumstances it was possible to preserve blood of rare groups and Ah-negative blood. I. I. Fedorov and Smith L29,521 were the first to report that it is possible to freeze and thaw erythrocytes without considerable im- pairment to them. Several authors have reported the use of erythro- cytes for transfusion after storage of several months at -10, -200 L2,315-7,21,27,28,431441; there are also data on the freezing of blood cells without damage to them for periods of soTeral years [31,47]. Advances in the field of blood preservation by freezing have sub- stantially aided modern biology in the study of the stability of living cells and other biological objects (up to the level of entire organisms) to the action of cold. This new branch of biology is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000o7non1_i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -3- called cryobiology. Cella and tissue. have been found to exhibit a great variety of reactions to the action of cold and it was found that negative temperatures as low as -105o do not bring about death of cells and tissues under certain conditions. Following such a high degree of cooling they remain viable, they 'take" in transplants, and exhibit growth in tissue cultures. In addition, significant advances have been made in tests with deep freezing and revival following warming of entire animal organisms. These experiments include the freezing of insects end other living organisms at temperatures down to -1900 [18,22,23]. In 1957 Smith and associates [46,53J showed that hamsters frozen for an hour at .50, survive following warming by means of dia- thermy and artificial respiration and they completely regain their function. In connection with this it was noted that only those animals survive in which the conversion of water to ice crystals did not exceed 50% of the total amount of fluid in the organism. Rabbits and certain primates (salago crassicaudatus) did not endure such freezing: in spite of the restoration of cardic activity and voluntary movements immed- iately following warming, the animals died soon thereafter. This in- dicates that it is more difficult to reach compatibility of the life of an organism with a considerable degree of freezing of water, than to preserve the viability of isolated cella and tissues under these conditions. These results necessitated the review of many previously dominant concepts in the scientific literature on the boundaries of life and the problem of amabiosis, the causes of the damaging action of deep freezing, and on the basis of this it befase necessary to study the conditions under which it is possible to maintain the viability of frozen live cells. --- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 It was was found possible to protect erythrocytes from destruction only after studying the causes of the injurious action of the freezing process. In this respect there were numerous investigations of the biochemical and biophysical changes occurring in cells and the nature of the crystallization of water in blood subjected to various degrees of cooling L11 24,26,35,39,42). The majority of investigators believe that the damage to erythrocytes is the result of two phenomena: the trauma by ice crystals and the effect of hypentoncentrated salt solutions formed intra-cellularly and extra-cellularly in the remain- ing living substance upon conversion of water to ice. Under these conditions erythrocytes undergo progressive dehydration along with an increase in the osmotic gradient between their internal medium and their external medium. Lovelock L.36.) observed the denaturation of lipoprotein complexes in the presence of hyper-concentrated salt solutions. Be also found that in addition to gross damage during the period of growth of ice crystals, freezing also destroys the molecular bonds in the living cella and most of all in membranes. In a medium with a high ionic strength obtained by increasing the salt Concentration, the binding components of the phospholipids of the cell membrane are weakened which results in increased permeability and swelling. Upon transfer of such a cell back into a physiological medium, a slow lysis sets in upon thawing. Other not yet known factors may also play a role la the destruction of cells, such as the damage to enzymatic and other active systems of living cells Lited , but the dominant reason is the extreme extraction of water during the process of crystal formations It has been estab- lished ex2erimentally L38,55J that crystallization and, consequently, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -5- its hareul action is observed most of all in the -3 -40? sone. For this reason this temperature range is called critical or danger- ous. The period during which the burzen erythrocytes are in this zone in an environment of hyper-concentrated salt solution affects their stability. Luyet [38] showed that when the critical temperature zone is passed over in a period of several milliseconds no lethal effect is found: he succeeded in preserving the morphology of erythro- cytes by very rapid freezing of blood in a thin layer (on a metal plate) at -196?. When this period becomes longer, for example, when cooling a large amount of blood under the same conditions, without using pro- tective substances the majority of erythrocytes are destroyed. The period that the cell spends in the critical zone is el:Rally important during the thawing of the blood. These biophysical data served as the basis of the now-proven position that the rates of freezing and thawing play an important role in pre- serving the integrity of erythrocytes, the water phase of which is present primarily in the free state and is readily transformed to ice crystals upon cooling. It was found that slow freezing is accompanied by extra-cellular forma- tion of large ice crystals which do not necessarily rupture the cella owing to their position in the canals between the crystalline lattice of the forming ice. But the resulting dehydration and concentration of salts have a more powerful destructive effect on the cell than the extracellular crystals. By using substances that strongly bind water it is possible to prevent its transformation into ice crystals or to interfere Kith their growth in size. On the other hand, rapid freezing leads to the formation of very fine crystals and is not accompanied by a large extraction of water from the solution and does not render it hyper-concentrated. Therefore,in trying to avoid factors that result in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -6- damage the investigators directed their efforts toward both binding the free water by adding various substances to the blood, such as glycerol, sugars, colloidal substances and ethyl alcohol, as well as toward increasing the rate of cooling and thawing. The various modern approaches to the solution of the problem of pro- longed preservation of blood by freezing have also been based on the above theoretical premises. In the USSR attempts have been made to preserve blood at negative temperatures without the The preserving solutions for this purpose make it formation of crystals - in with protecting substances possible to preserve blood -80? and somewhat lower in the liquid state without the liquid state. proposed especially at temperatures of hemolysis, so that it remains suitable for transfusion on the average for 100 days C1,3, 4,7,9,21J. However, it was not possible to preserve blood in the liquid phase without heaolysis for longer periods. Preservation of blood for many months or even years necessitates complete suppression of metabolism in the cells and cooling to a complete solidification. At the present time two concepts are Ling widely uSed in the solution of the problem of the storage of blood in the solid frozen state. One of these is the preservation of erythrocytes with high concentrations of glycerol (up to 50%) at moderately low temperatures C-80?, -120?j. This so-called slow freezing, developed about ten years ago, has been subjected to discussed in with the use detailed experimental studies and it has been widely the literature 01,43,45147.51,57]. Clinical experience of such blood is accumulating. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -6- In recent years [32,37] they began to study the use of dimethylsul- foxide which is similar to glycerol in terms of the mechanism of its protective action. The protective action of glycerol on the cell lies in preventing the formation of large ice crystals outside or within the cells owing to its especially strong ability to bind free water and to penetrate into erythrocytes. In this manner, glyerol lowers the degree of hyper-concentration of salts and makes it possible to extend the period that erythrocytes can exist in the dangerous temperature zone without damage to them. Therefore, the cells can be frosom slowly in the presence of glycerol. Thus a flask or plastic bag with 500 ml. of a mixture of erythrocytes and glycerol placed in a refriger- ator reaches this temperature (-80?) only after seven 4ours [31]4 This method makes it possible to preserve the frozen erythrocytes for many months with insignificant (from 2 to 10%) damage to them following thawing. However, this method is not yet readily accessible for clinical use due to theouftersome nature of the extraction of high concentrations of glycerol causing sharply expressed hypertonia in the cells and due to the need for special apparatus [45]. For the treatment under sterile conditions of glycerolized blood with several solutions of successively decreasing concentrations of glycerol anu salts there have been build in the U.S.A. costly and very ineffic- ient fractionators, the so-called Cohn centrifuges [31,33], Even with these fractionators the washing out of glycerol takes a great deal of time. The defrosted erythrocytes cannot be transfused without washing out the glycerol, because upon transferring them into the isotonic medium of the blood stream they are rapidly destroyed. During the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -4- washing out procedure an additional 1088 of a certain portion of the erythrocytes occurs aa a result of their lysis. According to recent data [57] the loss of erythrocytes following their storage with glycerol and washing amounts on the average to about 20%. The otter concept is the super-highspeed cooling(requiring not more than several minutes) to ultra-low temperatures without using glycerol. At this rate of cooling the time spent by blood in the unfavorable critical temperature zone is greatly reduced, i.e., conditions are created under which the period of transition of the erythrocytes through the dangerous temperature zone will be less than that necessary for damage to occur to the cells in this zone. This method is more prom- ising and it does not require the lengthy treatment of blood after thawing, since in the protective solutions that are also required in this method one can do without glycerol. This method directed at obtaining crystal-free freezing as a result of high rates of cooling has been used as the basis of the method of preserving blood at negative temperatures worked out recently at the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Rapid freezing of blood is favored by a number of American authors E4o,41,48 49,55,58J. These authors, as well as the authors of this paper, used high concentrations of carbohydrates and colloids in the protective solutions. Working along the line of replaiing in these solutions glycerol whieh is impractical to Use, by other water-binding substances, we have been using the above substancts right from the start of the studies on the freezing of blood [6/8. 10,12,14]. Onr+ - Caniti7Ad Cony Approved for Release 2014/04/28 CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -8- We are presenting below our experience in connection with the use of deep-freezing in the ultra-highspeed freezing of blood, its long-term storage and subsequent clinical use. We have worked on the problem of rapid freezing of such quantities of blood that are practically applicable to blood transfusion (250-500 $1.). The possibility of preserving erythrocytes in an intact condition, after rapid freezing in liquid was noted by other nitrogen of minute quantities of blood (around 0.2 ml.), by Luyet as early as 1949 [38]. Later it was confirmed authors spraying of blood [25J, and also in studies in connection with the into liquid nitrogen L12,19,40,41]. However, in connection with Obtaining undamaged erythrocytes with rapid freezing of large volumes of blood required in transfusion, it was necessary to search for other conditions for achieving rapid cooling. Simul- taneously it was necessary to develop more effective solutions for protecting the frozen cells from destruction. It would be undoubtedly efficient to achieve such a rapid cooling of blood which completely excludes the formation of crystals and results in glassy solidification, i.e., vitrification [16,17,34]. It is thought theoretically possible to achieve vitrification by spraying very small blood droplets directly into liquid nitrogen (at -1960) since the result is instantaneous cooling (up to 100 per second). It is also thought that by storing the vitrified blood at the sane temperature it is possible to preserve it without recrystallization for an indefinitely long period, i.e., without damage to the cells a (rapid thawing is again/necessary condition). The experiments we carried out in this direction [12,20] showed that the spraying of blood directly into liquid nitrogen can serve as one of the ways of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -9- vitrifying large amounts of blood. However, such an open freezing and thawing (by immersion of blood granules into a warm physiological ? solution) does not guarantee the sterility of the blood destined for transfusion purposes. Therefore, the problem was to work out a method of super-highspeed freezing of blood placed in a closed vessel. The latter must maintain the sterility of the blood upon contact of the container with the cooling and the regenerating media. Going to the closed method of freezing in a container posed new prob- lems, the major one being the creation of conditions for the rapid elimination of heat from the container containing the blood. The difficulty lay in the fact that the cooling of large amounts of blood proceeds at a much slower rate than the cooling of blood droplets. In working out a method of super-highspeed freezing of blood placed in the container, we took into account the following factors affecting the rate of elimination of heat: 1) material of which the container is made, 2) boiling point and other properties of the cooling medium, 3) geometric shape of the container and thickness of the water layer (these factors were related to the ratio of the external surface of the con- tainer to the volume of blood), 4) the properties of substances used in the protective solutions, 5) the varying stability of blood to the action of low temperatures. The first four conditions are constant, but the last one does, as a rule, depend on the peculiar properties of the blood of the donor. This frequently explains the variatins in the results obtained fol.,owing recovery of frozen blood, as noted hy many authors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -10- After testing various materials we selected alutinum, and made aluminum uontainers of different capacities keeping in mind the important* of geometric parameters that promote the elimination of heat. In testing these containers we judged the advantages offered by then through the degree of recovery of erythrocytes subjected to freezing in them, using as a criterion for this the extent of hemolysis deter- mined in a definite sample of thawed and centrifuged blood. The freez- ing was brought about by immersing the container with the blood, mixed half and half with the protective solution, liquid nitrogen. Solidi- fication of the blood was completed in 1-3 minutes, depending on the volume of blood and the shape of the container. In thawing, the con- tainer was rapi-lly transferred to a water bath at 43-45?. The period of thawing of the blood corresponded approximately to the period of freezing. The following is a discussion of the mechanism of elimination of heat with rapid freezing of the blood in conjunction with different com- ponents added and the selection of the container. At the moment of immersion of the container in liquid nitrogen, inten- sive eliminAtion of heat is taking place from the surface of the con- tainer containing the blood and there Wale a warming up of the ad- jacent layers of nitrogen, as a result of which nitrogen begins to undergo violent boiling. Observations indicate that bubbles of nitrogen gas arising on the walla of the container rapidly increase in volume, break away and float to the surface of the liquid nitrogenp new particles of liquid nitrogen occupy the place freed in this manner and come into contact with the container. This process is repeated until the temperatures of the nitrogen an the container areekaalized. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -11- At this time the process of elimination of heat is completed thereby servin as an indication of the completion of the process of freezing. Under these conditions the cooling medium is not liquid nitrogen any more but a peculiar gas-liquid mixture which considerably impairs the conditions of the elimination of heat. Nevertheless, the use of liquid nitrogen remains the single convenient method of achieving 'lipid freez- ing of blood. During freezing, the heat directed from the central layer of the ob- ject (blood) overcomes the thermal resistance of the following elements: a) a layer of liquid blood, b) frozen layers of blood, c) walls of the container, d) gas-liquid mixture. Therefore, in selecting the optimal container from a number of containers tested an important role is played by the determination of the coefficient of heat transfer (K). The numerical significance of this factor may be demonstrated by using the well-known heat transfer equation Q, = K.F. 4t (1) where Q amount of heat transferred per unit time; r . surface of heat transfer (readily determined in experiments); At - difference bbbleeen the temperature of blood and the coolih2; medium (a known quantity). The only factor that affects the value of (4, is the coefficient of heat trans- fer, K. The amount of heat (Q) that is to be removed can be determined from the equation = G[C ?(t -) + n (2) 2 t3 where 0 - weight of blood sample (in kg.); C1 - specific heat of non- frozen blood (in kcal/kg ?C); c2 - specific heat in frozen blood (in kcal/kg. C); t1 - initial temperature of blood; t2 - temperature at the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -12- beginning of freezing of blood; t3 - final temperature of frozen blood; VILo- weight of ice in a kilogram of frozen water (in kg/kg); R - latent heat of ice formation (in kcal/kg.). By substituting the value obtained for from equation (2) and all the remaining terms into equation (1), one can determine K, i.e., the the overall coefficient of heat transfer (kcal/M2 co per hour). However, in selecting the shape of the container not only the deter- mination of the overall coefficient of heat transfer is important, but heat also that of the value of the coefficient ofkimmisaion (a2) from the wall of the container to the liquid nitrogen (since the intensity of movement of the nitrogen gas-liquid mixture depends on the shape of the container). This coefficient can be determined using the value of K calculated above from the following formula (in the case of a flat-walled container) 1 (3) 1 1 - 1 )2 A a 1 1\2 .11?1=1010.? 2 where a1 - coefficient of heat transfer from liquid to frozen dbod; 1 - total thickness of frozen layers (measured from the center of the cross section of the container to the periphery); Ni - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the frozen layers of blood; s)2- wall thick- ness of container; ,>\2 - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the container; a - coefficient of heat emission from the wall of the container to the liquid nitrogen. From here 21_ +6'2 1 Ni -Ai 1 a2 1 1 --- or .L A2 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Therefore, -13- m2 ms 1 1 2,2 1 7 o1 12 :\2 kcal/m20C per hour [4i. From the values obtained for K or m2 for the containers tested, we chose those that provided the highest values for these coefficients. From the containers selected in this manner the best results in the recovery of erythrocytes following freezing and thawing were obtained with containers with a built-up surface in which the ratio of surfaces of elimination of heat to the volume of frozen blood ( -) was the highest. These may be cylindrical, V tubular, or flat rectangular vessels (Fig. 1). In numerous experiments we established that rapid freezing of blood in containers with a built-up surface was always accompanied by a considerably better recovery of erythrocytes after thawing than freez- ing in smooth containers (Tables 1 and 2) Figure 1 - Aluminum blood-c - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 It is is seen from Table 1 that in the majority of cases in freezing small amounts of blood (up to 40 ml.) in containers with a built- up surface (we used cotrugated surfaces in our studies), independent of the shape of the container, its cross section, and the volume of blood, the percentage recovery of erythrocytes was high (from 90 to 95% after thawing blood in solutions No. 112 and 113. In the same Table 1 INFLUENCE OF THE SURFACE ON THE RECOVERY OF ERTTHROCYTES (in %) FOLLOWING FREEZING !Volume of blood So,ution no. 111 !Solution No. 112 Container frozen (in al. ) Auilt-upt Smooth Buillt-up'Smooth .Built-up Solution No. 11, Surface moth Circular ! container 30 88 1 65 90 70 92 81 " 30 84 65 91 68 92 76 30 82 70 90 8, 30 81 62 93 72 Tube 15 ,94 81 93 53 93 78 11 15 88 77 95 60 92 78 11 15 93 70 95 62 4o 91 45 87 35 92 40 90 1 40 11 40 11 11 r1 containers with smooth surfaces the percentage recovery of erythrocytes was most frequently 60-78% and even lower. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -15- Table 2 MEGENERATION OF ERYTHROCYTES FROZEN IN CONTAINERS WITH A BUILT-UP SURFACE AT DIFFERENT VALUES OF THE S RATIO V Container Shape Gage size (in mm.) (thickness) of frozen la er Volume in ml. 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 30 30 30 30 Corrugated tube It Circular corrugated cylinder ft 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Calculat- ed value of .S V iRegeneration of erythro- icytes (in 34) Soluti n Number i 111 12 4.2 92 92.5 4.2 94 92.5 4.2 93 92.5 2.8 91 94 2.8 90 91 2.8 86 93 2.8 87 90 2.6 93 91 2.6 92 88 2.6 88 88 2.6 84 88 This difference in the amount of regenerated erythrocytes was regularly observed in all our tests (Fig. 2). Figure 2. Importance of corrugated surface of container. Hollow circles - corrugated surface; dark circles smooth. Ordinates: per cent recovery of erythrocytes; abscissas - period of exposure (in hours) to preserving solution No. 112 and 113 (Volume 150-200 ml.). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -16- In Table 2 there are presented data that favor containers with a large calculated value of the ratio of the surface of elimination of heat to the volume of frozen blood, Joe*, S since the elimination V of heat from the frozen blood proceeds at a greater sate in them. In order to adapt the method to the requirements of practice (blood volumes used in clinical work, simplicity, convenience of freezing and storage) we made a study of the optimal value of the cross section and size of the container. A comparison of various cross sections with the same form and capacity Of the container showed the best results are obtained in a container of 2 etm cross section, since it provides for a faster elimination of heat. Thus in experiments using blood from the same donor in a 100 ml0 container with a 2 mm. cross section the percent recovery of erythro- cytes was 87-94. In a container of the same capacity with a 5 mm. cross section only 62-87% of the erythrocytes were recovered (in the first case blood froze in 25 seconds, in the second in 45 seconds)* However, in order to make a convenient container with a large capacity (300-500 ml.) it was necessary to increase the cross section of the container tO 15..20 mm. which resulted in an increase in the thickness of the layer to be frozen and consequently in a decrease in the rate of cooling of the blood. This frequently resulted in a reduction of the percent recovery of erythrocytes. Therefore, measures were taken to improve the technique of freezing and thawing. These included the stirring of the blood tswinging or Shaking of the container) upon immersion in the nitrogen and especially in the water bath. This Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28 : CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in. Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -17- speeds up the emission of heat since the blood is divided inside the wontainer into thinner films stratified onto the layers near the wall during freezing. This measure did result in a certain improvement but a more significant influence is exerted on the preservation of cells in the case of freezing a thick layer of blood by the nature and amount of substances added to the blood for protecting the cells. For the super-highspeed freezing of large volumes of blood we used various versions of solutions worked out on the basis of the composi- tion of solution No. il which we proposed earlier for spraying olood into liquid nitrogen L20_1. This solution included glucose (final concentration 4%), one of the disaccharides-P.Sucrose, lactose (final concentration 2%), or mannitollcolloids (dextran or albumin), sodium citrate (0.4%), and sodium bromide (0.1%). The improvement of the solution involved an increase in the concentration of the carbo- hydrates (solution No. 141). A higher content of sugars, glucose and especially disaccharides Xsucrose, lactose), not permeating the erythrocytes and binding water in the extra-cellular space, preventS the transformation of water to ice cpystals. Accordingly, the addi- tion of large concentrations of sugars extends the period, that the cells may spend in the dangerous temperature zone without injury, to several tens of seconds, at the same time that without sugars the cooling of blood in this zone must occur in a fraction of a second in order to obtain intact cells. We also studied the effect of the addition to the solution of in- creased concentrations of colloidal preparations - dextran (molecular weight 60,000-90,000), polyvinylpyrrolidone (molecular weight 15,000- 25,000). The effect of the addition of these colloidal preparations, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -18- also based on bindin,-; free water, is the result of reducing the amount o'f ice formed, therefore the concentration of the dis- solved substances in the tiny channels between the ice crystals where the erythrocytes are located does not reach levels that are harmful to the membrane. It is also known that colloids, due to adsorption on the surface of the cells, protect the readily permeable membrane of the erythrocytes* However, we have not yet established whether their protective action is better than that of the carbohydrates. It is necessary to con- tinue the investigations using similar substances, One should also make mention of the requirment that the introduction into the organ- ism of these high molecular weight subStances mixed with blood had to be harmless, inasmuch as they may form complexes with plasma proteins. The physiological significance of the complex formation is the subject of detailed study, and their Use as an additive to frozen blood cannot as yet be recommended for large-scale clinical practice. Therefore sugars still remain the most proven and harmlesOrepara- tions for clinical use. The effectiveness of the addition to frozen blood of each of the sugars used has been invariably observed in our experiments, but the optimal indices of recovery of erythrocytes following freezing (up to 93-95%) were obtained by combined use of glucose and sucrose or lactose (Fig. 3). In addition, the regeneration of erythrocytes is influenced on the one hand by the volume of frozen blood, and on tha other by the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 SD 70 -19- r. ...... ais *rata ?.??? %ftft"..........."'"?"".?ft.oft ammo. ? "'Nor 10 JO Pilc. 3. 3Hil4CNtIC ,106118/1eHHIll STACNOAOH, 11a ocif a6ctoicc o6berbi Npoan (2 Ma); Ha 001 094w- war npoupoor DOCCTINpeNeHNIII PN?poUJIToa I ? p lICTIDOp Ii: I - pacrftop .141 II, N 1incro31; -- paorsop. .1* H r.mmoF I pactnop Ng I I, C :I/SATO:ion N MAMMA . Figure 3 - Importance of adding carbohydrates Abscissas p volume of blood (in ml.); ordinates - per cent recovery of erythrocytes; 1 - solution No. 112; 2 - solution No. 111 and lactose; 3 - solution No. 111 and glucose; 4 - solution No. 112 with lactose and glucose. difference in the stability of the erythrocytes to the action of cold in different donors. This influence could be equalized by the addition to the solution, outside of sugars, of a small amount of glycerol, up to 6% (solution No. 11). This can beat be done upon freezing the erythrocytes remaining after separation of the plasma. In Figure 4 there are shown the results of an experiment using the blood and erythrocytes of the same donor, and in Figure 5 the results of many tests of freezing the erythrocytes (in solutions No0112 Th and 113) of various donors. e addition of such a small amount of glycerol does not necessitate, after thawing of the erythrocytes, subsequent lengthy treatment in order to remove glycerol from the cells after removal of the sample (?). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 90 80 70 60 50 -20- 30-60 f10-%.:0 2001.50 Pitc. 4. 3liagefine ao5a?Aeliti? pac? 112 HCOOALIHNX (5-6" 0 .11HtleCTB rnimepulia, lia oca a6cu.14cc - 061,eubt lo 114 ig%11 OpAilHaT - flpOUCHT SOCCTil NORM eti ViniTOO- LUITOR: I pacnop N? II g; 2 -- paciaop Nit Kppaam TWO KR kpoeb. Figure 4 - Importance of addition to solution No. 112 of small amounts (5-.6%) of glzfcerol. Abscissas - volumes (in ml.); ordinates - per cent recovery of erythrocytes; 1 - solution No. 112; 2 - solution No. 113; circles - erythrocytes; dots - blood. Fi;ure 5 ? KV N 41 ? tat a ? iA ff ., At. t Ami A IV . 4e 6 1 ?A we A A ? 4. 10 6 0 60 e 4C0 40 ? JI J0-100 110 100 .1100 PHC. 5. BOCCTIMOBACHHC 4pirrpouirrom rIpli pa:3?6i oli-bema 9pmrponwritoli macclil Ha OCR 66c11.acc ? 061.emai (a am); NA tyck twimiar ni))tteaT Hoc CiMMOMACHNI iptITpORMTOB; IMOKKU pmeranp 112: rpcyrnmemmam p8CTROp M Rotovery of erythrocyteg using different volumes of erythrocytest Abscissas - volume (in ml.); ordinates - per cent recovery of erythrocytes; circles - solution No. 112; - solution No. 11 3' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 These figures iniicate that following ultra-highspeed freezing and taawing of erythrocytes, the main portion of the cells remains unharmed* Nearly analogous data were obtained by freezing whole blood in the same large volumes* In Table 3 there are given data on the recovery of erythrocytes follow- ing freezing and thawing of different volumes of erythrocytes and whole blood with protecting solution No* 113. The indices of recovery of erythrocytes we obtained with super-high- speed freezing in a container are close to those published by other authors L48, 56]. Since in defrosted blood there is usually a mixture of free hemo- globin and stroma which is a contraindication for transfusion, we believe that for the time being it is not advisable to subject whole blood to treeing. It is better to store erythrocytes in the frozen state for clinical use which contains twice the number of cells in the same volume, whereby it is possible to use erythrocytes left over after the preparation of plasma. The morpholo&ical properties and the physiological integrity of eryth- rocytes subjected to freezing and thawing underwent little change. Experimental transfusions of defrosted erythrocytes gave good results* Before transfusion of the liquid portion containing hypertonic solu- tion No. 1130 the small impurity of free hemoglobin and stroma are removed* For this reason the erythrocytes are previously diluted with a series of solutions (citrate-lactose-salt) of different osmotic concentrations, they are centrifuged once, the sample CO is removed and replaced (to the normal hematocrit volume) by an iso-osmotic Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -22- ? sucrose-salt solution or by homologous plasma. After such treatment erythrocytes become osmotically stable for introduction into the blood stream. Table 3 RECOVERY OF ERYTHROCYTES (IN PER CENT) AFTER FREEZING (AVERA3E OF 160 EXPERIMENTS) Medium Volume in 11* 75-100 150-200 200-500 Erythrocytes 91 88 86 Whole blood 93 92 87 For clinical use we worked out a method of preparing erythrocytes that makes their rapid and sferiletreatment possible without the need for a bloodi.fractionating apparatus, For this purpose we use double plastic bags, from which, after centrifuging, it is possible to aseptically separate the sample (2) by the closed method and to add the plasma-replacing solution. In this ssi,Adon the erythrocyte. suspension can be stored for several days in a state suitable for transfusion at 4-6?. In Figure 6 there is shown the scheme of the aseptic preparation for transfusion of defrosted erythrocytes, showing the sequence of the various stages. This material presented in this paper indicates that it is possible to solve the practical problem of the super-highspeed freezini; of large volumes of erythrocytes and blood for prolonged storage. To achieve this we built several aluminum containers having optimal geometric parameters, in which, when immersed in nitrogen blood freezes in 1-2 minutes. We also developed special protective solu- tions for whole blood as well as for erythrocytes. Securing the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -23- 4??????????..... ? Pm. 6. Cxema acer1Tpiecao4 noararoexm pa3mopomiemmoit xposm, I 34xpbtrwil nepesox paaropomexmon x3secx MI KOHTelHepli I riaactiorrino 14e I/ nocaexosareaxxoe tiodasnetiXe K vpWrpoiorritoll Xxiecit las6ismin- 11U4x pactimpbet /// nepesox laxprovid cnocotiosi XxAttcli P esoftArMill Me - Mix tiorAP xewrpmbyruposiumst IV ? Ao6asnemite x spierpoluitaii ItAi1li0311111V pacreopm: I- - kox-reiixep c xpossio; 2 ? c xposhio; 3? ayeme metaxa, upeAwrimaxemxhie Ann 3axpk1rofo otimtexxx mlitXXOCTII 0? SpirrObsurror neitipti.yrupunaxxx; 4 36a6notio1llie pactaopkit 6 -- 11/1$31110Salie1114110- mmil paCTgoll. Figure 6 - Scheme of asceptic prepar ition of defrosted blood* closed transfer of defrosted suspension from container to plastic bags; II - successive addition to the erytnrocyte.suspension of diluting solutions; III - closed transfer of saLaple (7) to the free bag after Centrifuging; IV- addition to the erythrocytes of plasma-replacin solution: 1 - contaiaer with blood; 2 - bag wit'A blood; 3 - empty bags for closed separa- tion of liqui frn: erythrocytes after centrifuging; 4 - diluting solution; 5 - plasms-replacing solution* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/28: CIA-RDP80T00246A025000020001-1 -24. sterility and the physiological competancy makes these suitable for clinical use. In this paper we have not discussed the practical realization of prolonged storage of frozen blood and the clinical use of this blood. These problems are the subject of separate reports. We wish to note only that the successful conducting of processes or rapid freezing solves only half of the problem facing us. In order to avoid damage to the cells during prolonged storage as a result of possible re- crystallization, it is also necessary to store frozen erythrocytes at ultra-10w temperatures. We observed that the storage of blood at temperatures near -1960 (in liquid nitrogen) involves almost no furtder harm to erythrocytes. This is also indicated by theoretical considerations. At the present time it is necessary to solve the technical problems related to building special equipment for the prolonged storage of blood in the frozen state at ultrairlow temperatures. REFERENCES 10 A. D. Belyakov, Reports to the Thirtietn Plenum of the Scientific Council of the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, M., 1955, p. 4. 2. A. D. 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