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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 50X1 -HUM #42 411? iiii>liP40 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: 31A-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK NSTYTUT BA DA N JADROWstCP. PQ?ISM ACADEMY OF SCIE NOES INSTITUTE Or NUCLEAR RESEAR::./1 PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTS OF SPORINGLY SOLUBLE COMPOUNDS MINED BY A VERY SLOW PRECIPIIIITION TEMNINE %.? Tacieust Adamoki / INARSAI, Ocsobor.1962 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy ivailable from The Polish Government Commissioner for Roe of Nuclear Rnergy TRB MICE OP SCIIITIPIC,T1CHNICIL AND MCONONICAL INFORMATION Palace of Culture and Science Warsaw, Poland Drukule i rosprowadsa Oirodek Informacji Naukowej, Tech nic sne i Ekonomicsnej Peimomocnika Rzadu do Spraw Syko- rmystania Rnergii Jiedrovej, Naresawa,Palacjultury i Rau - ki, 11 p., p. 1136. 101.696-73; Naklad700+7.0. urppis RC/344/59. Zeta. Jr 4/63 Oddano do druku 1.1.1963 r. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: ;IA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 POLISH ACADEMY OP SCIENCES INSTITUTE OP NUCLEAR RESEARCH PROPERTIES OP SEDIMENTS OF SPARINGLY SOLUBLE COMPOUNDS OBTAINED BY A VERY SLOW PRECIPITATION TECHNIQUE 0 WLASNOtCIACH ?SAWN ZWI4ZIO5W TRUDNO ROZPUSZCZALNYCH OTRZYMYWANYCH TECHNIKA BARDZO POWOLNEGO STRACANIA 0 CBONCTBAX OCAMOB TPYMQ PACTBOMIR COELIMEHR TIOMENECir =MCA ME& HAMMON CCUREHIA by Tadeusz Adamski Abstract A new technique of very slow precipitation of sparingly soluble salts has been described. With the aid of this method sediments of crys- tallites of barium chromate have been obtained. The different shapes of the crystallites ara supposed to be formed due to the presence of impurities of reagents, acting as specific crystallization centres. A number of characteristic features have been observed and described, e.g. effects which are supposed to be radiation effects provoqued by traces of radium in chromates. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Streszczenie Opisano now technikt bardzo powolnego strm- cania ?saddle soli trudno rozpuszczalnych..Spo- sobem tym otrzymeno osady krystalitow chromianu baru, ktorych rotne postaci przypisuje sie obec- noci zanieczyezczeli w roztworach reagent6w two- rzacych specyficzne oirodki krystalizacji. Zaobserwowano I cpisano szereg charakterys- tycznych zjawlsk, a efekty, ktore uwata sit za uszkodzenia rsdiacyjne, a tch wysttpoks- nie przypisuje sit dziakaniu gladSw radu obec- nego w chromianach. Coxeptamie Ontcamo Homo Texxxxy ogey, mettettso- ro ocattent ocattos Tpytmo pacTmopmmux cote. 3rtm cnocodom notygeEo ?mum xpmc- TMANTOB xpomaTa Oapmt. npetnotaraeTcs, qTo pasmie sum 3TMX MIACTaAANTOB comity Otarotapma apicyTcrimm pasmix nptmecell pe- axTxsom, teIcTsytxxx tax cnemutimvecxxe Immo- VIAXIMEMORHMe neHTpu. HaOtttatici, x onmcaHu xapatTepmcmtec- xxe swims a metty 3TBM sitopexTu, toTopue ctitTarTcx patmansommmx nospettemmix npm- CYTCTBIe toTopux npummumaeTcs XeMOTBNID cxeios pawl, nptcyTcsyttero B xpomaTax. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: 1A-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 ? Precipitation of sparingly soluble compounds is & frequent operation in the technology of uranium. Por instance, it Is employed with regard to sparingly soluble calcium, nrscocivv.er4 ammonium salts of polyuranyl acids, uranium dihydzwateraflAoride. uranium trioxide and tetroxide, and complaxes of'..ranixn with urea. Interesting is the very selective reaction o.f u.am14.1 tctre- . ride precipitation UO2(1103)2 ? H202 UC. riNC 4 3 which mak...s it possible tn prepare urani4a coopoucis .t 'tar, sig" purity for nuclear fuels. In t reaction. trt j.-an3-n totrotilP is obtained as a light-yellow sparingly soltib.e :71dim4r.t. though, it is amorphous, which does not premet! :Alps-11'10n Df impuritise. Another emagple of precipitation pro7esses i rifi- cation of the Neste 'eaters of urahium ore concentration. Tto. waters contain traces of uranium ani lerivative rsiieactiv?- e?c- manta, the latter being removed by coprecipitaties with azo-s.ory sparingly soluble salts. Precipitation of sparingly wol,bl com- pounds is a process frequently employed in cherical technology and iS also of fundamental importance in analytics. chemistry. The processes are usually very rapid and are as yet little knot% in spite of numerous studies. Pro a a list of the uses of these processes in only one taco- nology, vis., that of lintRiMIS, it may already be seen that they are extensively applicable. . The quest for means of obtaining uranium compounds of 7eri high purity with the aid of precipitation techniques has called attention to the fact that the parameter of time, which should be very important, is On the whole inadequately considered in work an precipitation. When the physics of these processes is contemolated it should be noted that precipitation yields rather large inanti- ties of the solid phase within a relatively short time. It is poc- siblet for the solid phase to develop in either so ordered, crystal- line, or a chaotic, amorphous form. For the ordered form to develop, a amitahle period of time must be allowed. Furthermore, account Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 mast be taken of the fact that the developmeat 40 the solid phase is a process. in which suoceeeive smouats of the solid form first and foremost on the surfaces of the first-formed solidphase. Renee, the rate of precipitation should he adjusted according to the area of such surfaces, if new ones are not to develop epos- taneously. Purtkermore, ordinary coaditioas of precipitation make it impossible for an equilibrium between the developing solid phase and the liquid phase to become established, and also prevent an equilibriur in the solution itself in the oase of more complica- ted reactions. Local conditions of consentration and pR nay in eose cases cause several solid phases to separate. even though only one should exist under the given conditions. In earlier. Joint work sitk 'Aeons [i] on the precipitation of neutral calcium *roseate. this use found to be attended by separation of the sparingly so- luble arsenates GaAs04' Ca3(As04)2 end Ca3(As04)2 ? CatC111)2 ',hes precipitation was rapid, even though the reageots were added ic striebionetric proportions with reference to the tribasic arse- nate. the equally kmosu but little explored processes of copreci- piton** slight be explained siiilarly, it seems. assuming that foretell mebstaaces, either entraised aeohaolcally or adsorbed on earlier formed surfaces, become eovered by new lsyers of the sub- stance precipitated and trapped firmly as impurities. It appeared, therefore, that by widiag tho precipitant very slowly wider vigorous stirring, asd thereby siestas the formation of the solid phase, it should be possible to obtain purer and better orystallised compounds, which would filter and settle well. For the same reason the reagent should be added in a more diluted ? form in order to sloe its introduction even further and prevent localstraagsapersaturations. fasentially. precipitation is crys- tallizaiice and should also he assumed to involve conditions of metastable supersaturation (Viers's theory), which promote sore ordered deposition of the solid phase owing to some delay in its formation. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: ;IA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 A related subject has already bees studied by P.P. von Weimar* (2.3]. Re investigated precipitation of barium sulphate and the ammeter of the preolpitate in relation to the degree of the supersaturation of the solution. lbas very iighly diluted solutions of maphates and barium malts (0.00005 - 0.00017 11) are mired no precipitate is formed, even though the solution be- comes supersaturated for barium sulphate. With 0.0017 it solutions a precipitate is obtained within several seconds. When C.CC17.- - 0.75 11 solutions are used, the precipitates are composed eccordine to von Reims= of crystalline "sheletone'. whereas still hie:er concentrations afford amorphous precipitates. P.B.Fisnher iniels- tigntsd the effect of reagent concentration on the form of barium sulphate precipitm.tes and particle site. He found Ihat with very high dilution" of the reactants (0.0026 11) procipi:ates are ob- tained that pass through analytical filters (the particles are 4.3 microns in size), whereas more concentrated solutions (0.0261) yield crystallites 16 nicrons in diameter. Much h is devoted to methods of obtaining well-filtering precipitates of barium sul- phate (5- 10], a point important in analytical Pork. Put in analytic ohemistry "aphasia is on the rapidity of precipitation, which in effect, though, does not meet the requirements referred to before. Another group of analytical research is concerned with the technique of homogmaeous precipitation by precipitants produced "is Situ" [11 - 22]. In this work, too, time is not a matter of comes= end the reaction runs the full course within some scores of Plantes at the most. Recommended analytical procedures specify only the solution temperature ascessary for precipitation to be caused, e.g., by urea hydrolysis, and the actual reaction undoubtedly pro- ceeds within a time appreciably shorter than that needed to heat the solution to the required temperature. the kinetics of precipi- tate formation ems investigated oozy times and by various methods (8. 23 - 30). let in these oases precipitation also took place with the usual velocity. 3one author* recorded crystallites, their ehapes being interpreted variously and attributed either to the concentration or the p8 of the solutions (2, 5, 31 - 361. Much like in the case of crystallisation process'', considerable atten- ties is devoted in this field to crystallisation nuclei [37], ? S Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 lealiapromeip sad volt le IsCiirsil fiat Ifteiss as the klastlee if iiimtratattia (84. 30/ 31,0 40. bs latter ease that Ohm 1001112114011120 a?10.01. sue2dOmit, soiat, their it.. haviag hoes estimated Ia eaii if liam "tidies at 10'17 11. Closely amelated with the problem of the presdpltatlea of sparisay soluble Son- .d at the sans tine of the purity of the precipitates is the phaseisenea of oopreelpitatita, espoolally important in the porifleatien of rediesstive goatee. this is dealt by the school of Oblepla and in sany of the publications listed in the bibliegIvelth7 (47 72). ' the nee technique presently to be gionesdbed if very slew precipitation, whlith has been developed en the basis of the briefly surveyed *otiose on the-foreatioa or the solid phase la preolpita- tion:proeMea, 40100 to lend itself well for detailed studies on the averse of these proseeses sad obeervetion of sone previously haoen phstioaesis. Apparatus. the apparatus reproduced in rlg.1 represeate the lateit Melon,devaloped in the sours, of the stperlaints. the fon- dateatat olaamit- of the apparatus is the aim. *blob sesslit of 44.4040 1410, (1). 25-40 al tetestead 'soggily SOO es long, to tiSteiitipsst of t* is -meads! the sapillary (2) as an air heir. Ile thiblim7r ttbs (1). 4a10-va-aszoss, is freely esspeaded Alea-liktaziotatinue sir* lasian tufts (t). Vim the appasates is is Olosiatien, the stiffed through the Tillery (2) bubbles up tarot,* .eausing the liquid in the-apparatus to-oiroulato tavaliti ? uniform rate. the Mtge is suitably sloped to prevent sedlseetatian. The overflow (4) ?sables any mums& of. lbs solution to ciraisi-inso th? fraction eel/actor (5), which is controlled by a olOckwork so set as to cause the receiver vessel (6) to be Mugged hourly. the precipitant floes from the 1-litre naplette bottle-1M through the filter (10 and the ileitis' esp11121/7 (9) into the reasto01). The orifice of the capillary (9) is Immersed ? little-below the surface of the solution. the nieropipetto (10) "erre* for weteving the, flow of the reagent from the bottle (7). aore the'AppirAtus is rut in aperation, the reactor (1) 18 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 ?. - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 filled with a stook solution (se far a 5 11 solstioe of 12CrO4r was usual) AAA the air supply is turned en. Next. the *oaks (11) and (12) are opened to release the preeipitant fOOM the bottle . (7), the limiting capillary (9) being so chosen as to ensure the required flow rate at fully opened cocks. The flow rate can be &stored with the aid of the micropipette (10)g when the cock (11) is turned off the reagent continues to issue at the ease rat*, but only from the micropipette (10), and the flow velocity can be determined with the aid of a stop-watch. the reagent was usually a 0.05 percent solution of haC12 or B(NC)2, and the flow rate, 0.2 ml/min. An assembly of six such apparatuses is shown in Phot. 142.25. /n the first trials, carried out jointly with S.Rykoweti (71), an apparatus built somewhat differently but on the same principles was used. /n experimeots with bariun chromate used cs a node' substance for invef?Igating the pro in point, pre- ?ation with ? diluter' olution of barium chloride was found to yield solid. oapose f minute crystallites of the kind refer- red to by Iron Weinarn h_ "crystalline skeletons? (Pbots.1 and 2).. The crystallites had a stronglysdeveloped surface area owing to numerous dendritic ramifiettiones hence, this technique wee un- likely to 71eld solids of high purity. Basically, however, the work showed there was justification for the view that the solid phase can develop in this process in a more ordered manner. Owing to the general inportance of precipitation pro in the tech- nology of uranium and other elements: the process was investigated more closely with the aid of the new technique outlined before. After the precipitation technique had been Depraved, the crystal- lites were noted to have an unusually symmetrical shape (Phots. 3 - 16), which was well reproducible (Pbots. 9 - 10), and to settle readily. The present report describes soise of the pheno- sena noted, an explanation of which will be given in subsequent communications. Barium chromate, which was used as a model substance for studying precipitation pro proved a very suitable material wise* it forme flat crystallites coavenisatly examined under , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 a microscope. Barium phosphate, Ba3(204)2, yields under the same conditions three-dimensional crystallites in the form of four rods starting from a single point towards the vertices of a regular tetrahedron. Barium carbonate and sulphate also yield three-iimensional crystallites difficult to examine under an ordinary microscope. The structure and symmetry of all ,:rystallite!. indicates that growth began invariably froi, a single central point. Usually there is a distinct central body, whicn is undoubtedly the crystal- lite nucleus (cf. Phote.11 - 16). If visible under the mi:ro- scope, the nuclei have dimensi^ns of t'a order of 0.1 - ':0 mic- ron, consequently also a mass of the order of 1C-12 tc 10-'5 g and less. These dimensions approach those of thenuclei.pustulated by other authors on the evidence of studies on the kinetics of precipitation processes. The extraordinarily regular shape of the cr:istallites proves that t-?e nuclei, too must be regular and sym- metrical in shape. In some cases there-is evidence of two-stage nucleation, with the symmetry of the largernucleus clearly dis- cernible (cf. Phots. 15 and 16). With a view to obtaining a con- firmation of the visual observations and tne view on the decisive role of nuclei in the growth cf crystallites, experiments on the following lines were made. Barium 7hr,mate was precipitated during 24-48 hours from a solution of potassium chromate according to the technique and in the apparat-is already described. The solid was filtered off, and precipitation was repeated. in this say a num- ber of fractions of the precipitate were obtained, which differed from each other distinctly in character. As a general statement we may say that the first-formed crystallites are invariably .much more diverse in form. The course of the phenomena observed during repeated precipitation from the same solution ccrroborate the surmise that crystallites form on nuclei, which consist of the natural impurities of potassium chromate. Identification of some of the nuclei will be dealt with further below. Another important observation concerns the stability of the crystallites. They are rather resistant to mechanical action, ani kept in a solution they undergo no recrystallization. Varioua 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 -2,1A-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 samples are kept in our laboratory since over four years, but no changes can be noted. The crystallites may be safely washed with pure water, dried, and stored. In this case too no changes can be noted, which shows that the crystal lattice 'produced is the most statics under the conditions described. While the present work was in progress, another was started, jointly with R.Przytycka, on co-precipitation of radium and barium chromates. With the same idea on the formation of the solid phase in mind, the technique described ia the present report was employed. In this case barium ohromate was obtained in the form of simple straight prisms [72]. Inside these crystals there developed two, sometimes four symmetrically arranged spots (Phot.17), considered first as gam bubbles, which eventually burst the crystal(cf.Phot. 18). Hence, barium chromate crystals probably form on nuclei provided by microcrystals of the less soluble radium chromate. In the course of radioactive fission, radium produces the so-called radiation lamag?, which gives rise to the observed "gas bubbles". In the earlier stages of the process, and probably also when the amount of radium is exceedingly minute, merely two dark dots are noted instead of the "bubbles". Owing to their characteristic appear- ance, this kind of barium chromate crystals are readily distin- guished from others and identified (Phots. 19, 22, 23). They are now the subject of detailed investigations. In the course of work on multiple precipitation of ordinary chemically pure potassium chromate, the removal of several frac- tions of crystallites was invariably followed by the appearance of the simple straight and characteristic prismatic crystals of the "radium" type, which showed evidence of similar radiation damage. This suggests strongly that the commercial "potassium chromate" reagent probably contains a minute amount of radium, possibly de- riving from the chromite ore. Por instance, industrial chromite ore (source uncertain) has been found to contain 0.0008 percent of uranium, consequently also a corresponding amount of radium. In some experiments foreign ions, such as Ag4 and Wo04;- were added. With Ag"-ions, characteristic shapes were obtainei 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 which indicated the formation of double crystallites (Phots.20 and 21); with molybdenum, crystallites of an altogether differ- ent shape were obtained (Phot.8). The poin %nether these shapes are characteristic for mdlybdenum or the impurities in its compounds will be the subject of further investigations. To microscopy, attention MRS attracted by the fact that crystellites similar in type are often found in clusters, even th,a1h the microscopic slide was prepared under conditions favour- in g uniform mixing of the crystals. The only possible interpreta- tion of this phenomenon was that the perticular nuclei, and sub- sequently the crystallites were formed on some basic binding si- milar nuclei. Investigations have so far shown that this base might he pro.fided by organi- substances (cellulose from filter paper ,r to products of zelluloee desctruction), the fibre pro- viding such a base tel rig invisible u.nier the microscope. In other caee thc base is provided by amorphous substances (e.g., hydro- xides). If th ;recipitate thus produced is not removed, the cryetallitee continue to grow, producing eventually what is known in analytical chemistry as "flakes" (see Phot.24). The investigations so far made have th shown tnat: (1) conei lerable slowing of precipitation makes it possible to obtain crystalline solids. (2) the decisive role is played by nu:lei, w,,i7h consist of foreign substances, (3) different nuclei are not invelved simultaneou.ily but in a certair order of succeesion, (4) the method employed in the present investigations makes it possible tc observe the process of nucleation and precipita- tion in stages, (5) the method employed enables the nuoi consequently disc, im- purities, to be eliminated 6radually, an,.1 (6) the method enables the nuclei, donsequently ate? traces of impurities to be iientified. The author is very much indebte4 to Kr Lech TROJANOWSKI for his patient aid. 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Ref?renc?? T.Adamski and ?Atucha. Sprawoziant Instyt.t, ??: ettn- nicznej ( Report cf the Insti tute Inc.ranit [2] E.P.v.ef-titarn. 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',25.11.1961) ? [67] Rudnev N.A., ar,c1 Malofeeva G.i LI, 453 (11-1961) [68] Seifert H., Cheo.Ing.Techn., ?210 (1961) [691 stepin B.D. and Pluschev V.E., 1.h.Neorg.Khim., LI, 462 (11-1961) [70] Weiss N.Y., Ming Gon Lai, Talanta, gb 72 (1961) [71] Adaoski T., Rykowski S., Polio,: Acad.Se., Inst.Nucl.Res., Rep. 91/TV (1959) [72] Adaoski T., Przytycka R.. Polinh Acad.Sc., Inst.Nucl.Res., . Rep. 266/IV (1961) [73] Adamaki T., Mature, 222, 524 6.5.1961) Rote: Photos Ro.4.7,8,9,11,14,1507 and 18 have been performed by the auth'?f, in the VB-Carl Zeiss- Jema /last Germany/ latatories by means of thekneh indebted to 1?.1.3-aar1 Zeiss for this kind assistance. 11 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Phot.l. Barium chromate obtained by conventional precipitation. Phot.2. Barium chromate obtained by very slow precipitation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Pt1OT.3. Maracteri'ltiz -t-ape cf Le Phot .4. Characterletic shape of the crystal. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Phot.5. Charaoteristio shape of the zrystsi. Phot.6. Tharatterlstio shape of the cryw:al. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Phot .7. Characteristic shape of the crystal. ki,',7,.--44 A Phot.8. characteristic shape of the crystal. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Pbot.9. The shapes are reproducible. Shot.10. The shapes are reproducible. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 ? 1 Phot.11. Crystallite with nucleus. Phot.12. Crystallite with nucleus. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Phot.13. Crystallite with nucleus. Ihot.14. Crystallite with nucleus. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 ? Phot.15. Crystallite with double nucleus. Pbot.16. Crystallite aith double aucleue. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 1111111-11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : Paw CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 rPrirr' r'71brIrT'7 , Phot .17. Narita ohromate crystal with radium nucleus. Note the "radia- tion damage" caused probably by radium. Motile. Marius chromate crystal with 'radium" nucleus. Not. the "radia- tion damage". Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Phot.19. Barium ohromate crystallites inter - spereed with "radium" crystallites. Phot.20. Nixed barium-silver pryttalite. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Phot.25. Apparatuses. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Pig. 1. Declassifiedin Part - Sanitized Copy A pproved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 .014 1 A I I. H 1 Mardi 2. I9E):1 ? 1 )1.1 ttl It I /111111.t CCM!. ? ..p.? h 1? 141,,?f It i onglotnerntt,. 1.?:? modern aspeet an ii.1,1\ Is. .1,ifs wheel li?ii lie nonvoting) of 11), t 1?41111,0 f???fiIOIII..I III 11.111,4 of abnormal .0 11.,14111.1?1 I 1?1111?11114?1/. Th.' hit ?????1 VI (Irk on t he S,rrifi 411.141.4 ele?nr1 that illS 111.1)0?11t is not af Ills is1. lIlt t Ilitt I,,nottera411/.40 ii, ?511.1. 1.robt41,1 f?inplareii li.111,4 The nim.i.rit k l'11\ 1?1141 It1114,INII (111..114 Of 6.1111,???( 14. gold ornitolon own', the locality of .s hi, vit boon rt?vonit.01. exhibit bet It 1?1111 11?11111. (magnetite brannerue ? sante conglomerate. ere.body densinst rui 'rat 1,?\ ? 41.: ? 41?4.10% of ILIUM, that he mineral amanitiltio,zon Mn' ii hy itnitherinal .irlg in The ort hist., geelogii al 1.11(,,pti,mg on the history of attisisi.het, ha, c heen reviewed by A. 1'. Virtofzradov` itt his Vemiulsky Memorial Leet tire. in %shit+ ht. concludes that the prints-tat atmosphere of methane, hydrogen and eartsm dioxide (akin to the gases of meteorites and of tern-anal nicks of mantles origin sorb es kiniberlitem. carbonatites arid iiiii test lasted only a rebstively short tittle Probably it wee lost in the 1.000 million yea/1i of the Earth's history before the earlieet known roeks came Imo being. A. A Polkanov' has lately observed that even for these earliext Katereharvin rocks of 3.500 ntilliort HEWN ago. Lyelhs principle of actualisti illay not. and should not he ri?iceteit 1' It DI\ 11.4.0* 1)elisutrrietit of 0:eulogy. l'niversity of St ..1.11dreu s ' . 11111 K.S4 1151011i ' 11.6414?4411. V. V . Nno. and., SC file 411W.",. 64 na: 11.145 113Sn* 14 1316 (14651t Ainoar Afar M. 73. I 10431 1641 tr..t .1w.o. lie .4 (IWO). ? White, Y. ii. Server Ites..,64 aur, . aahlagton iIi 1961t ? *441tvoarv, V. i .44 koralPas. (OniareoltaLlar4al )11041e4,14 1641) 1 Vliagradnv. ? r EllawarAnAmera R.44400:46.4 i.a44/. 4414.1 N ?*1 use ? 1`.466auir, A 1.. I ar.adot CaakArannl**** I ? *Alma aaa Morrow 10411 4,* Tux origin of early Precambrian gold uraniutn or, deposits ham indeed been a cent mversial issue. Hut. he 1 stated euli: d tly in my book. I have become eonvinee that the feature. acquired by hydrothermal processes are doe to younger alterations. These deposits are placers iiriginally. The hydrothermal alterations have heist important in enriching the original placers. They may even be at t be origin of the money- value of a given depoeit, and consequently tarn as the roost import ant proems by an economic geologist. M. t ; . Ilt-ereN Minertilogieal-t;eological Instil e. I.?niversity of Utrecht ? CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Commination of Crystal Nucleation by a Precipitation Method Tneas are two way!, to precipitate sediments of slightly soluble salts, namely. by simple mixing of the reagents or by the homogeneous mothod, that is. by developing the reagent in situ and thus precipitating the insoluble salt homogeneouslv in the whole bulk ofthe solution. In both eamean0 special care is taken with regent to Illicleot ion the parameter of t 1101. The formation of ii sediment of an insoluble salt coin- imam two }Jame prOeemses. I be character of us hich is quite different : a clietineal proci?ss In, oly ing t he format out of a new compoimil of t he ions ex ee me in or introdueeil into the sollition. and a phy sical pr 'ii." of solid phase forma- tion. Different kinds it g.?iii?ral .1?41.11W. comprising extreme and intermisloite aro twtrig eXttinnled. The 11?1?1?'? ????? .14 11,1 :?1111?1?11111.1 1..n,,,4t in ? ??? . lit.141? ???..k1 !al ????????? ??? /0.1 ? i? ? ?? .141?1 I It'l ?it?It??111t1114; .111 .?_????itt ?tell??? 11.? ???? did t?? 1014 Milt,' /I, WI .111..1140.11s I it ,iI I 11.1.t us. Of 1??????1 is ? II I. ? ?I ,.I us! hat 11 .?1. 01 I t ,11?111110, The mini (Jul. 11, 1111? h11,% /Mite!, 55)!!. I ti??????li?)???11. IA to porborto Ilit? .110.111eHll 11.14 t 3??I1 ?(??? 1111 44.e0+.11 4 II) (4,i11?111 R ?A??ll 111.41.11r4.11 4111111 11114,1??? ttlIon? torin t sc.ht14,11I su..h iu b.11111... 11111111 rit?l1 11 Uhl 11 II, 11/40. ?? h?????/. -.1.t 5 44(i' N,,44 1,111 orts hale, 1,4 gill,' I fial (11 l'14114111/t4( on no,4,,, a? ***.o. It ;? sitmoo eL mass of only I ' or smalli r (21 .1 great. hitt limited. number ot cry stallite 4111.pon al** ?Naimoli. 'nu- +intim. depends t nucleus all 111111 it., .1 venire of cry stallizat ton. (3) The different shoiron ant ohtiiin4nt tumult tititantal 44111141 shows that pea the 141)44.1th. properties of the to if.'' aro re?gwinsibh, for th...shape and hot t he properties oft he nusiiiiin, for example. t el incentrat u. un. sorfacii tensein, 1,H. etc !Fig. It lig. 1 4(10 (4) While introducing small quantitien of foreign ions the basic precipitate tieing barium chromate) crystallites of quite different shape are obtained. Hemline of the lack of separating methods it could not be established until now whether they were other compounds or other crystal- line forms. (5) A fractional precipitation performed with the aid of the new method removes the existing nuclei. On further precipitation the number of crystallite forms diminishes. (6) In spite of their very delicate structure the crystal- litea are very stable. It has been stated that sediments do not change while in contact with the mother liquor for a period of even four years. showing that the solid phone has been formed under conditions enabling the building of an ideal crystal lattice, that is, ? lattice of lowest energy. (7) Obeervations have shown that nuclei formation proceeds possibly on amorphous matter of indefinite eomposition (hydroxides t. silica 7). I thank Mr. L. Trojanowski for assistance in perforiminz Os, experimental T. AtiAmsini I iepart 'mint of Chemical Technology. Institute of Nuclear Itemearelt. \ arsa . Adantaki, r anal It?konskt. It.. War4a4r. Rep %I ? 91 4 (11?61t, Aolantaki. T., Nonorf. 144 ;..14 tl n61). ? Adantaki 1 ant Pun wax. It.. N'ad InAi. II otw.... ner. No 1:444 (1541411. 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 N. 45, NI:it-tit 9. 1940 N ikTURE tra? 4 r F I. I. lim.144144444 idrert on tiN4 444 pen. se of thw. ets411441. Open Hu*. l'14,444441ty ,41 nallve 147i A eknort Mirk*, visoottitY of the 4410.14.- ,1/44141,41 UN A hatt-50e4 dries. breaking of the h)droiteo 4141) 14.4. molt 1),4TA In 001 M itldluta eitioride 10 /2 IS dose rab? : 3.150 r We also determined the amount. of open hydrogen bomb; in the native irradiated DNA aceording to a method described in an earlier article'. The viscosity of the native DNA and the hydrogen bon( Is between the t wo strands have nearly the .an radiosensitivity; the Le,, in about 30,000 r. After severs- tem of the strands. however,. the 'viiicoeity drops to MI per (4.1It after 500 r. The, doer effect curve tiepins to hAve. two eorriponents: one with D1,. of 700 r., the other with 1),, of 1.500 r. The two components of this mires toss ho discussed in a similar way NA Latarjet elnif ? dad when eonsidering the inactivation of the transformirut factor in the DNA, where the f)?-valitee of the two components also have a ratio of 1 : 4 (1.000 and 4.000 kr.). The breaks of the single strands are permanent in native liNA over a longer period If the DNA is denatured only :4 ti after irradiation id Mist r . the votectrot of the isms* strands decreases to to per rent of the control tostend at 50 per rent. This meson that then. is a small 'after effect of the irradiation. If DNA in first denatured and then irradiated, the loos of viscosity Is very small. After 1.000 r., tie change of the viscosity was observed. The Nallle effect has hewn de- scribed by Memoir ts/.' after irradiation of DNA with ultra-violet light. The high sensitivity of the single nucleotide chain in 11/1114V0 1)NA might be explained by the fact that the target volume in the stiff double helix is larger than the target in the eoiled single-stranded DNA. tiAttEN Radiologist-hes Institut der l?tiivi,raitiit. Fo?ilairg un lirettwito. Prac44,144. A. it. .helw IS. 10010) 11?V0ItriPf, P set Stn4A.t A.. N44445 ?jo4433. FourtA t. Ilr.rrile. 9/4 Huller. J. A V.. /44/../ /1,4 4 211111*:011. MAreittir..1 . Enti44,..1 .4,4411,1114 /mil 4'. /4.44r. / ? A 4/. Arad. , II. 481 11440144 ' Env. E it. M. N111111.1, N. ?. .444.1 144044,-. ./ A ter,, 'Arm . 14. 1724 4141:424 ' Itattre. I `..totre. 1114. 1 ? 1.40.404.1 It . I .4.144,44441?1'44 144e II. 404,1 It, I,. /441. N. 1004 Beg 11 417 '11arrutur. .f.. '1 lid/ NAM, SI F Slat Fi...a? I. 114.rn? I. 4404,444. E.. 1.41144?. I. , I A .I1 I. ./ p I yood ,74.11,1? I II II 1117014, RADIATION CHEMISTRY Possible Radiation Damase Effects in Barium Chromate Crystals Bum m (411,,111101. 1.11b11111.41 the 1110110d (.1altOrtill,41 III our loltorittor:., forms crystallites the shape of IS Itteh leponits on this kind id nucleus on whieh the crystallite lits been finmed. Under special ermilitions. for eX111111ple. Is fraetionid precipitation using the satin method or by preeipitation bona dilute solutes's. reagent grade potas? to 111,11 cob. 1005 rust. 400 rust. sewn chromate produces ardimenta of prismatic-ehaped barium chromate crystallites having a rhombic cress- beet ion. Very afire it hoe been observed that two elliptisal 'gas bubbles* inside the prisms were formed. Crystallites of smaller size show two 'funnels!' on the ends. instead of the 'bubbles', while others show only two or four dark point. (Figs. I and 2). A similar feature was observed by us earlier, while precipitating barium chromate (rota solu- tions oonteining uranium and radium. Observations tiercribed elsewherro-* show that crystallites are formed on nuclei consisting of foreign substances. It is supposed that, in the Oa*, rot-embed here, barium chromiste crystal- lizes on isomorpholim radium ehromate nuclei, truces of radium coming from lira and thorium always present in chromite ores. llie radioactive of isolate causes strong radia lion offeets sinitiJar to those iiimeriboil, for example. by Yoshida. and Vineywrit'. The great energy of the dismay us also the eimcont rat ion oft he sourer.- -that is. the crystal niieleos prisbireol Offee4.41 sufficient ly strung as to bii ii.. I,).' microseopical obeervation. Also it has been shown hr its (by slightly levering the tube of the mime. seols-) that the er manioc substanee in the vicinity of the 'nubble' is of greater optical density and acts OH a 1.44g1lialf 1414141411 14.t1/4. 1/144444 01)/4/4r4-tationm tit very well to t he feat 11054 of vacancies and interstitial formation as postii? lutist for rnAboartivity effects in crystal lattiten. The 'funnels' already onsitioried have been observed on very small objects 5 7? long. This fact omens to be in aceord? onee with a ? ler eirect described for iirsttitim metal by Rogers and Ailsins'. ?-r? - r.(WIV Aooroved for Release 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3 - _ 11106 N A T (1 R III WHIN. 0141.e4' II 101111I0.4 010 ks radinteiti dlatilrato effects hake treee lIbtalle`fl. When, no further charigrv emelt' be det.s telt In other coals, en-stolid...A of exactly Oa. smile shape slim% eil in efforts of thin DILITOfetleeti. aPi sueli, VAIl be asirilsat If. he different SIZAMI of radium chromate nuclei. or to difh.root radIuM Mot opeol preaent , 1 hat el, radium 224 - 3 64 1. 4. rrviiion-226 tb= 1620 y.) and radium 22., (le - 7 y . I. strorigeat damage IN exported ie radium-224. Many (Aber ofteerx alums itarolo an. in HIll 141.1.11ralinf.4, e, ii Ii t lin imorpretation of facts here. I. .tPAN1,41(1 1, ['WO I Department. of Chemical l'eclinolow-. Institute of Nuclear Research. Warsaw. ' Adaniekl. Nolan, 1.11, 524 (1960. ? 44?Niskl, T., Nature. 117, $94 (1963i. AddinNia. T., Nati Res. Inst. Warsaw, Rep.."', 762 4. Adakl. T., Arid Przytyok.a. R.. Ilocznilti ('k /POI (Warm., 1111 541 (law) (In French). Ecelokila.c.. j. PArg . See., Japan. 1.11. 41 (14011. ? 1latintrd. O. H., bile . Paea4. Sae.. SE, 7 (1961). ' Rosecii.41. aai Adimi. .1.. J. Nod. Mal.. S. CERAMICS A Simple Flame Fusion Apparatus Tar need for large single eryntaiu of refractory oxides has been ever increasing in recent years in many innilan? ere further technological advances are being hampered by the lack of materials of suitable punt. and perfection. (Mn of the major Notarise of containuots ion of nutterials prepared at lugh temperature is the coessatrier in ',ha+ th., nattered is heated. The flame fusiot, technique is orss high-temperatuns crystal growth method Prim+ over- aucare the tamtearter lirolArion iso the ranterent wirier seven tigation acts as its own *import I rat her eweissilos. review of the advantage*. anei fLittne fusion furnaces is given l, Popos'us. a tia.iik by Shubnikov and Sheftal. This communication &writes a simple portable flame fusion apparatus which can he constructed in most laboratories with readily available materials. The apparatus consists of three major components: (I ) the feed hopper and burner assembly; (2) lowering mechanism: (3) tbe gas system. The usual feed hopper amembly consists; of an outer and inner hopper. The inner hopper is fitted with a tine mesh sieve which is vibrated by a tapper mechanism for control of feed flow. A new design of a one?botiper feed assembly has been incorporated into a dame fusion apparatus. In this version continuous and uninterrupted food rates are acconiplishedt. The hop,s'r is designed such that conniben?ially available Iiiirtii.r assemblios can he oars( ruid interchatigesi ad!) elk-4e. The pet-le/dal on a hi-li the rystal a growii intuit Ise Invensl at tt, rate equal to the grewth rate of t le- crystal In addition the rate of lia?ering mine he %iir/ablo to coincide with slots- or rapid (.1". growth It is ver:. important that the lowering mechanism transiec as little vibration as porsohlo to the growing erystal. .? compact and x?ersatili, lowering mechanism ma./ designed to elimi- nate the difticull ion usual h encountensl. A variable-no-led il.c. motor and it gear train system permit the growing bold., to he Inwered in the contin range from zero to 4 in. per h. 'Flue I. airing illerflailiS/11 is equipped with allinileporideritl NO tn rile rotation mechanism which can rotate tint!) e. tIii'lui,,> tO MO c.p.m. by suitable elmie., of gears and tniaiirii. The bonging for the lowering new/Innis/1i is shrwk mounted arnf can be positioned by 1110411K 01 IS t WO-4111111.11si,mal slide rt 'at. A schematic lutsgrann of' !fie and rotation niechanirun is shown in Fa, I - Cmrtiti7incl March 9, 1963 yo, 91 HouDER FOR . .I- REFRACTORY MATEPIA1 ENTERING ruakacr 31 "1 f 1.1 I (2) ROTATION GEAR 80X 7' 0 PINION ROO I _1 _ - ? _ TEFLCSI ROD Vitab Mat ?DRWRVIZE GEAR BOX 1 11.L Lowering arallarillm 717., I *%-? CEINAINIC CASTS% - ?Oa suaNens IN TOP VIEW 2 CaKtis ciF 5 0 SECTION 4-.4 Pb.! AsuieitlIng turns.. A refractory furnace muffin with tongue and groove joints was eastfront 33 HD alundkun (Norton Refract Worcester. Masa.) to contain the heat source. An &distort tion of this muftis has been designed as an annealing furn- ace to reduce the strains in growing honk* by in situ annealing. Thin furnace consists of two rows of five burners each Using oxy.hydrogen gas. The burners arc positioned and the manifold east in a refractory muffle as shown in Fig. 2. (-A-my Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023700140001-3