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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 031/1 Two-positional Functional Frequency Device for Automatic Regulation I. A. MASLAROFF Introduction The complicated character of the technological processes has developed in parallel with other research methods of ascertaining ways of improving the qualities of the two-positional method for regulation. The simplicity of the device and the low price of the required elements have not detracted from its significance. From all published literature on this subject the extensive work of Campe Nemml is particularly noted. ? The author analyses the existing methods of reducing the fluctuations of the unit to be regulated: increasing the extent of current: the use of cut-off two-positional regulation: and the introduction of inverse connections on the first and second derivative, etc. This paper gives some results of the methods undertaken to improve the two-positional regulation by changing the frequency of the influenced impulses. The methods are mainly directed towards decreasing the fluctuations of the unit to be regulated. The Essence of Two-positional Functional Frequency Regulation The present survey refers to the monotonous varying processes of a unit with a comparatively small changing rate of regulation and the form of the equation to be used: dA C?dt=EQ (1) The principle of two-positional functional frequency regula- tion consists in the addition to the object of previously fixed identical portions of the utilized unit in the form of impulses. The frequency of these impulses depends on the difference ZIA between the given and actual value of the unit to be regulated. Initially the influence of the net delay in the system is neglected in the survey. Figure 1 shows the change of the unit to be regulated. During the time of impulses it is determined by: A --- A, (1 ? et IT)) and during the pauses, by: A = Ak e?t/T (t -= 0, A = AO. These two expressions are the integrals of (1) in the presence and absence of current. In such cases, at the end of the impulses and pauses, the unit to be regulated will be determined by: Al= Ay(1?e-t./T) A 2 =A tin- =Ay _e?ti/T)e?ti/T A3= Ay (1 ? e ti) +A2 e?ti/T=Ay(1?e?(0)e-rid-t1/r (2) By. 'using the method of full mathematical induction, we determine that the value of the unit to be regulated after n consecutive cycles (impulses and pauses) will be equal to: n ? E [tk+(n?a)ti]/T. A2?=A3,(1 _e_ti/T) E e k=a (3) a =1 and after n 1 serial impulses: 1t1+ [n?(a-1)ti]) A2 n+1= Ay(1?e-tilT) 1+ E e k=a (4) a=1 Eqns (3) and (4) show that by changing the duration of pauses one can effectively influence the unit to be regulated. In order to obtain the regulation we need the functional relation t = 99(4A), at which the time of the pause will increase with the decrease of the magnitude of the difference ZIA. Such a depend- ence may be realized simply by introducing the exponential block in the scheme of the regulator (Figure 2). . The equation, characterizing the work of this scheme is :- IulA(1?e-'17.1)=B The time constant of the exponential block of the scheme must be much smaller than the time constant of the object. Then at ZIA = const. the time of the pause is equal to: kdA t=T1 In kdA?B (5) Eqn (5) shows large values of the difference when the percentage change in the pause time is insignificant. At an established regime when there are small values of the difference between the given and actual values of the unit to be regulated, the time of the pause is determined only by the parameters of the object (T where the delay due to the regulator is slightly neglected in comparison with the common time of the pause. In such a case the time of the pause is determined taking into consideration that the consecutive fluctuations of the unit to be regulated at a determined regime are also equal: where Since 031/1 aA!=sA" (6) &4'=A2,1 ?A2,; &4"=A20+3?A21,+2 A20+3= Ay(' ?e-wT)+A2,7+2e- ti/T A201-2 =A20+1 e-tn+IIT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 031/2 the time of the pauses is equal to: tn+i= Tin A2n+1 A2 n+1? Ay(1?e-ti/T) By exerting an influence on the coefficient of amplification and the internal limit of putting in motion B of the scheme it is always possible to receive an equalization fo the maximal and given values for the unit to be regulated. Then eqn (7) is modified (7) as: A t?,i= T ln g (7a) Ay(1 The maximum value of the fluctuations of the unit to be regulated is given by: =LIA=--k-=Ag?A2?? =(Ay?A9)(1 ?e-t,/T)e-t,/T (8) Eqn (8) shows that by decreasing the duration of the impulse ti the fluctuations of the to unit be regulated may be most effec- tively reduced. The coefficient of amplification k may be deter- mined .at a previously chosen value B of the limit out of the duration of the impulse. Influence of the Net Delay on the Two-positional Functional Frequency Method for Regulation Usually, the effect of the delay which increases fluctuations of the unit to be regulated is shown in the systems of the type examined. In the following it is proved that the influence of the net delay upon the value of fluctuations may be substantially decreased using the functional frequency method for regulation. Actually Figure 3 shows that the additional increase of fluctua- tions Skit which follows from the delay of the system, is equal to: "At= 4 2n+2(1 r=" Ag(1?e'lf/T) (9) With the usual two-positional regulation, the delay increases the fluctuations of the unit to be regulated in the direction of its decrease, as well as in the direction of its increase. These addi- tional increases are of the same order. It follows that with functional two-positional regulation the fluctuation of the unit to be regulated increases in the direction of its decrease and because of this the received additional fluctuation is about twice lower. The total value of fluctuations is: Az A 3AA,=(Ay? Ag)(1 A0(1 ?e-`"/T) (10) If it is accepted that (SA = ?A,, then: Ay (1? e'IT) =1+ e-t,IT Ag (1 ?e-AtIT) From eqn (11) some conclusions can be drawn for deter- mining the parameters of the system to be regulated. It is evident that at considerable values of the time of delay A t it is apt to accept tiv> z1, i.e. to use strong impulses. However, at small values of At it is apt to accept A,, A?, i.e. the impulses will be comparatively weaker. From eqn (8) two fundamental parameters for the regulation may be determined?the internal limit for setting in motion B and the coefficient of the earlier amplification k. These para- meters may be easily changed into parameters to be regulated in large limits, depending on the requirements of the object to be regulated. Constructive Data of the Device for Functional Frequency Regulation The device uses a vacuum-tube scheme (Figure 4) consisting of a measuring part 1, amplifier 2 and an integral group 3, two channels for constant current amplifiers 4 and 4' and an executive trigger 5. It differs from Figure 2 by the use of a second channel for the constant current amplifier 4', which is included in a circulating chain of the integrating group and the base constant current amplifier 4. Its purpose is to accelerate the process for establishing the regime. When there are many large values of ZJA the output voltage of 4' passes through the logical scheme `IF'-6 and sets in motion the executive trigger. In this way the scheme works as an ordinary two-positional regulator. Placed in a regime, close to the one established, the output voltage of the second channel is not in position to set in motion the executive trigger, and the device works like a functional frequency regulator. In parallel with the passing of each impulse from the trigger exit 5 to the object 7 the signal for clearing the integrating chain is simultaneously passed through an internal link. Experimental Data Initially the device was constructed and tested for regulating the concentration of solutions. Conductive transformers linked by a bridge scheme with temperature compensation were used as a measuring device*. The excutive trigger exerts influence on an electromagnetic valve which adds a drop of concentrate to the solution at each impulse. The results obtained at the time of regulation were very good. The device is used to regulate temperature, and for this purpose the excutive trigger is replaced by a delay multivibrator. The time of the impulse may be regulated at will by changing the parameters of its device. Figure 5 shows the diagrams of temperature change of one and the same object, recorded with the help of an electronic potentiometer. It is seen that the quality of regulation with the functional frequency method is much better than that of the ordinary two-positional method. Conclusions 1. The two-positional functional frequency device for regulation allows the possibility of decreasing the fluctuations of the unit to be regulated, particularly those emerged out of the delay in the system. 2. By the character of its work, the device approaches the statistical regulators. 3. The devices for regulation can be realized by using practical simple means. 4. The test results prove the expedience of using this method for regulation in many cases. * Eng. D. Detcheva took part in the computing of the construction of the device. 031 /2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Nomenclature Coefficient of the generalized capacity of the object to be regulated The unit to be regulated Fixed value of the unit to be regulated Given value of the unit to be regulated Difference between the given and actual value of the unit regulated Generalized quantitative index of the process Variation of the unit to be regulated in the period of one impulse or pause Time Time of the impulse to be Ag A2n+1 42n43 ? 42n A2n+2 AA ttt t2. t, Figure 1 KAA /AA 0, and T = T (0, such that for all trajectories {x (t)}n with initial values satisfying {x (to)}o (n ? k)(H) t0 0 (11) then (10) holds. If the initial conditions were subjected to the following restrictions Ix (t0)}? e G? to > 0 (12) then the above-mentioned stability, asymptotic stability and equi-asymptotic stability are said to be stable, asymptotically stable and equi-asymptotically stable under condition (12) respectively. In the sequel, the function V (xi., t) is called the Liapu- nov function with respect to functions 0i, ..., Ok if V (xi, xo, t) 0 as {x}o e3?.--(n ? k) (13) and V is assumed to have continuous partial derivations. 103/1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 103/2 Definition 4. The function V (xi, ..., xn, t) is said to be positive (negative) semi-definite with respect to (2) if (a) (13) holds, (b) V 0 [V Olin '5'? (n ? k)(H). Definition 5. The function V (x1, ..., x,, t) is said to be positive (negative) definite with respect to (2) if (a) Definition 4 holds, (b) there is a positive function Wi (yi, y,c) such that, in (n ? k)(H), V (xi, x?, t)_Wi[cp (x 1, ...,x), ..., (xi, ...,x)] (14) {1/"(xi, xo, ? [01 (xi, ..., xo), cpic (x 1, ..., x?)]1 Definition 6. The function V is said to be uniformly small, if for any given e> 0, there is 6 (t)> 0 such that the conditions t> 0 and {x}? E. (n ? k) (6) imply V s. Definition 7. The function V (x1, xn, t) is said to have infinitely small upper bound with respect to (2) if there is a continuous function W2 (y1, yk) such that (a) W2 (OD 0) = 0, (b) in. (n ? k) (H), W2[01 (X13 ? ? ? 3 X n), ? ? ? 3 OK (X13 ? ? ? 3 X ...,Xn,t) (15) Definition 8. The function V (xi, ..., xo, t) is said to have the property A, if there are two positive continuous functions (S) and W2 (S) such that (a) W1(0)= Wa (0) = 0, Wi (00) = Wa(co)= + co (16) (0 W2 (11011 x) V (x x?, t) W100110 (17) Parallel to Definitons 1 and 3, one has the fundamental theorems shown in the following section. The Fundamental Theorems (A) For the system (1), if if there is a Liapunov function xn, t) such that (a) V satisfies Definiton 5 and it is positive definite with re- spectto (2), (b) V satisfies Definition 7, (c) the total derivative dV a V =--+ grad V ? X (18) dt 1.1 at is negative definite with respect to (2), then the system (1) satisfies Definiton 3. (B) If the system (1-) satisfies Definition 3, and the rank of matrix /41 0x1 ?' Oxo D (4)1, 4)) _ D(x1,...,x?) aOK a(bic \ax,'??" axn / is K, and the functions 0, (i = 1, ..., x) defined by (5) are uniformly bounded in (n ? k) (H), then there is -a function V (19) which satisfies all conditions in (A). The proof of this theorem is given in the Appendix. It is not difficult to prove the following corollaries. Corollary 1. If V satisfies Definitions 5 and 6, and d VIdt I w is negative semi-definite with respect to (2), then the system (1) satisfies Definition 1. Corollary 2. If V satisfies Definition 8, and dV/dt I is negative definite with respect to (2) then (9) holds for any to > 0 and any x? in the space. Let the set of position points at time of the motions which take on the initial positions in G? be written as G(0 . Corollary 3. If V satisfies (A), Corollary 1 or Corollary 2 in G(t) n (n ? k)(H), then the system (1) is stable, equi- asymptotically stable, or asymptotically stable in the .whole under condition (12) respectively. Corollary 4. If the system (1) satisfies Definition 3 under condition (12) and the rank of matrix (19) is K in the neigh- bourhood ?F (n ? k) n G(t) and 02: (i = 1, k) are uniformly bounded in G(t) n g?-? (n ? k)(H), then there is a function V which satisfies the conditions in Corollary 3. Example?Consider the system I. = ay. ? cx (bx2 + a y2) sin bx2 + ay2 1 57= ? bx ? ay (bx2 + a y2) sin bx2 + ay2 1 (20) (a ? b ? c >0) Obviously, if one takes 0 = bx2 + ay' then 0 = 111or (k = 1, 2, ...) are the invariant sets of (20), they are closed orbits. By means of the Liapunov functions V = (4) ? 11k7c)2 with respect to 0 ? 111(n, the following statements can be proved: (a) In the exterior of the ellipse 49 = 1/n, there is no closed orbit; (b) in the interior of the ellipse 4) = 1/7r, there are infinitely many closed orbits; (c) the closed orbit is asymptotically stable when K is even and it is unstable when K is odd; (d) the origin x y = 0 is a singular point of (20) and it is stable. In any of its neighbourhood, there are infinitely many closed orbits, and hence the origin is not asymptotically stable. In the regulating or the dynamic systems, it is often necessary to estimate the decaying time of perturbations for the standard working state. In this paper the problem of estimating the decaying time is considered. In the sequel it is assumed that system (1) is equi-asymptotically stable with respect to (2), and the following discussions are valid in certain attractive regions of ,F (n ? k). Let V be a Liapunov function of (1) which satisfies the conditions of the fundamental theorem (A). In the general case, there are two positive definite functions Wi (yr, ..., y,c) and W2 (.})L, ? ? 103/2 such that w2Di (X)3 ? ? ? 3 K (X)] V (Xi, W1 brk 1 (X) ? ? ? 3 K (x)] (21) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 103/3 Besides, it is assumed that there are two functions f1 (s) and f2 (s), such that in ?F (n ? k) (II) the inequalities dv A (v) f 2 (v) 1.1 hold. Furthermore, from (21) one has, in general, 1 . {x?} e {W2 Vol implies {x},, e {V Vol ' (22) (23) {x?} { V .8} implies {x}? e Wi el where Vc, and s are given position numbers. Denote f vo Ti=_ (A) v? T2 = f2(2) (24) Then, the following theorem estimates the decaying time. Theorem I. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (1) from an initial point in the region Wz [01 (x), ? ? K (X)] 17() to a point in the region Wi COI (x), ? ? ? K (x)] 8 satisfies the inequality (25) (26) T T2 (27) The decaying time T from an initial point in the region W2[4)l(x),...,4)K(x)]-Vo to a point in the region (26) satisfies T Let M2 (R) be the maximum value of W2 on the boundary 11 011. = R of (n ? k)(1?) (28) The above method is used to solve the following example. Example?Consider an autonomous system $=x? b2xy2 = y a2yx2 _ b2y2 and its unique closed orbit = a2x2 b2y2 1 = 0 (a> b) (33) (34) If one selects the Liapunov function with respect to to be _ (az x2 + b2y2_ 1)2 then it may be asserted that: (a) the system is asymptotically stable with respect to 49 = 0; (b) the decaying time T of the motion of the system from an initial point in the region I 4) I ctio to a point in the region I 4) I e satisfies T a2 log (1 -1-- e) 00/(1 -1- 00) s; (c) the decaying time T of the motion from an initial point in the region I 00 to a point in the region e satisfies T L.' log (1 + 8) 00/(1 4))e. (35) On the Estimation of Decaying Time for Linear System with Quasi-constant Coefficients In the study of a practical dynamic system, one usually takes the linear system with constant coefficients as its first approxima- tion. In general, the frequency method may be applied to estimate the time of transient process for the regulating system with constant coefficients. However, this method is only applic- able to the case of single output under specific initial conditions. (29) In addition, the method is not rigorous. This paper gives the formulae to estimate the decaying time in the general case, and the method is rigorous. A large amount of work9-12 is devoted to the estimation of decaying time for the asymptotically stable system = Psi x -1- ? ? ? PsNxN, S= 1, ..., (36) (30) where the coefficients pij are constants. There results may be summarized as the following. For any given positive definite and let mi(y) be the minimum value on the boundary 11011. =71 of (n ? k)(y). Again denoting ftni (y) fl 11 T2 = .1 ml (y) f2 (A) \ SM2 (R) ? 3"1 2 (R) c12 T1= the following theorem is obtained. Theorem 2. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (1) from an initial point in the region (n ? k)(R) to a point in the region"- (n ? k) (y) satisfies (27), and the decaying time T of the motion of the system (1) from an initial point in the region 11 (I) 11 R to a point in the region (n ? k)(y) satisfies (29), where T1, T2 are defined by (30). By taking (v)= ? av f2 (v)= ? f3v (x> fl) (31) one has 1 T1= ?log M2 (R) a mi (r) 1 M2(R) T2 = log 13 mi(r) (32) Particularly, when cki = x, i = 1, k < n one obtains the formulae to estimate the decaying time for partial coordinates, and when Oi = xi, i = 1, n, then one obtains the formulae to estimate the decaying time for total coordinates (9), . (10) and (11). quadratic form U=x'Ux (37) there is a positive definite quadratic form V=x17x (38) such that d V ? U (39) dt (36) If M1 and m1 are, respectively, the maximum and the minimum eigenvalues of the matrix V, and M and m are the maximum and the minimum eigenvalues of the matrix U, then the following results are obtained. 'Theorem 3. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (36) from an initial point in 103/3 E x s2 = R2 S = 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 103/4 to a point in the region L Xs r2 S=1 satisfies the inequalities M R2 M1 MiR2 log 1 < T < log (40) 1V12 mi r2 ? a.12 Mir2 In practice, it is of interest to select a suitable Liapunov function V, such that for the given system (36) the range defined by (40) is as accurate as it can be. It is very difficult to answer the above question in the general case. But if the system (36) is normal and the elementary divisors of the coefficient matrix P are all simple, it may be proved that when = E xs2 s=1 the equalities in (40) may be realized (i.e. the estimation is accurate). Let the normal transformation be y = Cx (41) where C is a matrix with real coefficients, and the system (36) is reduced to the normal system where J= ? al 0 ?ex ? /31 ?(01 col? fli V = x'C'cx ? (DI col? flu (42) (43) (44) may be taken as a Liapunov function of the means of (42) the following results may be pro Theorem 4. The 'decaying time T of the system (36), from an initial point in the (n ? ellipsoid V = Vo to a point in the ellipsoid V = system (36). By ved. motion of the 1)-dimensional e, satisfies 1 Vo 1 ?2u log? 2 8 log -V--? ? (45) where u = max (ai,13;), v = min (ai, fl,). It is easy to select the initial points such that the equalities in (45) hold (i.e. this estimation is accurate). In the following, the general formulae to estimate the decaying time is given. All roots of the characteristic equation D (2) = det (R ? 21) = 0 are assumed to have negative real parts. Let 2, ..., Ai be negative real roots, written as Ai = ? ai (i = 1, ..., 1), and let NA, ? ? ?3 An be the remaining roots, written as 138+ cosi (S = I. ....n ? 112 = k), and the order of the corresponding elementary divisors be n1..... nh. It is known that there is a non-singular linear transformation y = Cx to reduce the system (36) to the normal form (42), in which J= \O ?ai 0 ?1 0 ... 0 ai 1 ... 0 M1=\ \ N NK If one writes the mi x mi matrix 1 ? fli? coi 1 0 ... 0 coi? I3i 0 1 ... 0 (46) 0 /3, ? 0 0 ... co, ? fli/ (47) . 1 1 1 frxi 2 ai 4 4 ??? 2 cci ai 2 ai2 ? ? ? 1 [1 + 1 1 1 \1 \zi 4 ? ? ? as acmui), this is constructed according to the following rule: (a) when s = a, a(mi) is equal to (1/(x) (1 + a(mi) a), and let (48) ,Oni) 1 ? W11 = (b) when s> as(7,. = 1 2 ai s-107,1, (c) as(Ti) = Thus the matrix is completely defined through the eigen- values ? ai and the order of its elementary divisor. The maxi- mum eigenvalve of the matrix a(mi) is assumed to be vi 1 when mi =1, vi=1 al 1 when mi = 2, vi= ? 1 [ iai ?+1 i4 4.. 1 (49) oci 4 4 4 Following the method of construction of the matrix a(mi), the 2 /4 x 2 ni matrix d2 74 may be constructed in the following manner 103/4 (a) (b) ni) ni) 2i-1,2 j?"2i,2j-1=?, 1, j=1,?..,ni A(2 ni) 4(2 ni) ??(ni) ? ? 21-1,2 j-1?"21-1,2 i-1=Gtij l,3? ,...,fl (c) to replace ai by in the matrix PO. For example ni = 2, one has a(4) = ?, " (2) 0 v 12 0. (2) " l 0 12 ,,(2) 0 al 0?(2) ) "21 "22 \O ?(2) "21 0 "22 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Obviously, the formula for the maximum eigenvalue of c/(2fli) is the same as that of a(mi) in wich ai are replaced by j9. Consider the Liapunov function for system (36) to be V =x'C'ACx (50) satisfies to a point in the sphere where C is the normal transformation matrix, and I a(m1) A= a(') 0 d2" d (2 ' It is not difficult to prove that V satisfies d V dt 2 2.1 V (51) (52) where v is the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix A, and it can be calculated by the aforesaid method. When mi = 1 or rni = 2 it can be calculated through (49). If the maximum and the minimum eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix C'AC are assumed to be M and m respectively, then the following theorem is obtained. Theorem 5. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (36) from an initial point in the (N-1)-dimensional ellipsoid ? V = Vo to a point in the (N-1)-dimensional ellipsoid V = e satisfies The decaying time T of the motion of the system (36) from an initial point in the sphere to a point in the sphere s= 1 satisfies 2 xR2s = 2 2 = r2 MR2 T_vlog 2 mr Moreover, the system i=px+X(x,t) (53) is considered, where X is a vector function which contains the non-linear terms and the unknown components. If one constructs a Liapunov's function (50) of its principal linear system (54) and if one assumes X to satisfy the inequality Igrad V ? XI < bx'C'Cx, (b < 2) (55) then the following results are obtained. Theorem 6. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (53) from an initial point in the sphere Exs2=R2 s=i 103 / 5 Exs2= r2 s = 1 v MR2 T < (56) ?2(1 ? b/2) log mr2 As an application of this theorem, an example of a forced oscillation is considered. Example?Consider the system = Pu + sU (u, F (57) where p, is assumed to have all its eigenvalues with negative real parts, 8 is a small parameter, U is continuously differentiable and (t) is the forcing term with period T. Let the system (56) have a periodic solution us= us? (t), us? (0=4 (t +7') (s = 1, ..., N) (58) and let the linear transformation y = Cu (59) transform the system ? = pu into its normal form .P= J./1 - (60) By means of the transformation (59) the system (56) was reduced to a system 3)=Jy+BY(y)+0(t) (61) where 0 (t) = CF (t) has the same period as F (t).- Under this transformation, the periodic solution (58) is reduced to COS 14 (t) a =1 (62) Consider the perturbations x, = ys ? y (t) then x satisfies Sc=Jx+sq(t)x+sX(x,t) (6) where q (t) is a periodic matrix with period T, and it may be evaluated through Y (t) ancLy?, (t). If one takes = x, then = u ? u? (t) is the perturbation vector in u space. By means of the above method the matrix A is constructed, with its maximum eigenvalue v, and the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the matrix C' AC are M and m respect- ively. The following results are obtained. Theorem 7. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (57) from an initial point in the R neighbourhood of the periodic solution (58) to a point in the r neighbourhood of the periodic solution (58) satisfies T< MR2 log (64) mr 2[1 (b+8)E1 2 where the term X in (62) satisfies !grad V ? Xi < bx'x (b < 2 = x'Ax) (65) and C is the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix q (t) [q (t)] when t a [0, T]. By the above-mentioned r neighbourhood of ?103/5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 103 / 6 the periodic solution (58), is meant the set of points which satisfies the inequality E [us?us(t o )]2 2 s= 1 On the Estimation of Decaying Time for Quasi reducible Linear System In the study of the dynamic systems, one may sometimes fail to approximate it by a linear system with constant coefficients. In this case one may take a reducible system as its approxima- tions, and construct the corresponding Liapunov function and estimate the decaying time. Consider the non-linear system Sc=p(t)x+X(x,t) Let the linear approximation system g=p(Ox (66) (67) be a reducible system. Assuming the characteristic number to be all positive, there is a Liapunov transformation y=C(t)x (68) which transforms the system (67) into its real normal form = (69) By means of the method mentioned in the previous section, V = x'c'ACx (70) is taken as a Liapunov's function for the system (67). Since (68) is the Liapunov's transformation when t > to, the maximum and minimum eigenvalues Mand m cannot equal zero. Obviously, the maximum eigenvalue v of A can be calculated through the characteristic numbers of (67) by the same method. Parallel to Theorem 2 the following results may be obtained. Theorem 8. The decaying time T of the motion of the system (67) from an initial point in the sphere to a point in the sphere satisfies to a point in the sphere E xs2 = r2 s=1 satisfies T< MR2 (73) ? 2 (1 ? b 12) log mr2 (b 0 the region H > 11 45 II, > 77 is considered. From the conditions mentioned in the theorem, the function V takes on maximum M> 0 and minimum m >0 and the nega- tive definite function d Vldt 11.1, with respect to (2), takes on maximum ? cc 0, 0(k)= E p4-1 ?=, P=C(1? zv)2 (C C? P P 6v) v v N Zy=ePvT , 5E p=1p,+p? (25) The value of 0(0) is calculated separately from C2 iT3 N cv Npv 0(0)-6 CP ?2c _ iT E ?2 E , v = Pv v=1 zv (27) The further procedure of calculation remains the same, ex- cept that for 0 we substitute everywhere c=c2iT3 (28) and instead of coefficients Ai (i = 0, 1, n) we use everywhere the coefficients Ai (i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N). Their relationship can be seen from the arrangement of the denominator of the pulse- transfer function G (z) A (z)= Ao+ A iz- + Az-n = (1 ? z- 1)(A-0+ A 1 + Apiz-N), N =n? 1 (29) This arrahgement is made possible just beCause one pole of the transfer function S(p) equals zero. The last difference in comparison with case (a) lies in the determination of the numerical values of 2 and K which are used in the determination of the matrices pertaining to the weighting function qct) = 1 (t ? T). They are calculated from the formulas = ??+c c I T2?o(o)? E ? ov 2 C_IT 6) N C (1- - ) S = E it p=1 Pv+PIL NCy K =-2-PC0C_iT2?C_IT ?(1?zr) v=i Pv v=1 Pv (30) Example In order to illustrate the method of calculation described generally in the preceding section, the calculation of a concrete case is given below. The transfer function of the plant is 6p+4.5 S(P)=(p+ 2)(p+ 1)(P+") All poles of this transfer function are different from zero, the problem discussed is thus of the type of Case (a). The unit-step function response of the system is s(t)= .T-1 {S()} = C0 + C1 e+ C2 eP2t + C3eP3t P1= ?2; P2= ?1; p3 = ?0.5; C0=4.5; CI =.2.5; C2= ?3; The continuously acting member of the system has a pulse- transfer function G (z)=_B (z) 1.309 z- ?0-092'Z-2 + 0.248 Z73 (26) A (Z)= 1 ?1110 Z-1 +0'355 Z-2-0.030 2-3 122/3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 122/4 Let the calculation of the coefficients of polynomial D(z) for its selected degree L = 1, 2, 3 be presented. By solving eqns (14) and (13) we obtain (51 = 49375; P1 = -0.6875 ; p2= 3.5 ; (53= -20 P3=16 In order to obtain the system of equations for the coefficients bi pertaining to the weighting? funtion q (t) = 1 (t - T) it will suffice, in accordance with relation (21), to add to each element of matrices [Krs] and [R,t,] respectively the following quantities A K = - 0.4548 and A R = - 0-0646 k 0(k) = 0 = 18.813 1 10-899 2 6-347 3 3.743 4 2.229 5 1.337 6 0.805 obtained by the numerical solution of eqns (22) and (23). In this way one obtains Table 2 contains the calculation of the elements of the second row (r = 2) of matrices K? and R,.0. Table 2 k 21,k 2U(. R2k K2k -3 2.406 -2 4.118 -1 .7.156 0 12.465 5.913 -0694 1 . 20.250 8.833 0-937 ? 1.630 2 281035 9.771 2-567 3.260 3 33.344 9.045 4 36-382 8.720 5 '38.094 8.710 The first column in Table 2 has been compiled according to eqns (15), the second and third have been calculated schemati- cally according to Table /. The fourth column containing ele- ments K2k has been obtained by means of relation (19). The elements of the remaining two rows of matrices [K?] and [Rro] are calculated in a similar way. As [K?] is a symmetri- cal matrix, it is sufficient to calculate only its elements lying to the left of the main diagonal and those on the diagonal itself. The correctness of the calculation is checked by substituting into relation (20) which is the means of checking almost all numerical operations represented in Table 2 including the compilation of the first column 'Pk. By this method it has been possible to obtain a system of linear equations for the sought after coefficients pertaining to the weighting function q(t) = 1: -6o 151 "2 :03 3 0.611 0-186 0.120 0.084 2 0.631 0.170 0.199 1 0.642 0.358 The pulse-transfer function of the continuously acting mem- ber of the system G (z) = B (z)IA (z) and the polynomial D (z), the coefficients of which have just been calculated, determine completely the necessary transfer function (9) of the computer. The respective curves of the controlled variable x following the unit-step change of input signal w are represented in Figure 3 for She weighting function q (t) = 1, and in Figure 4 for the function q (t) = 1 (t - T). It can be seen from Figures 3 and 4 that, compared with the minimum number of steps (L = 0), a considerable improvement has been attained, especially in the case where in the minimaliza- tion of the integral of squared error the errors have been con- sidered as occurring only after the first sampling period. Derivations and Proofs First of all it will be proved that the above stated results hold for the case where all the poles of transfer function S (p) are different from. zero. The sequence of the increments of the variable e2* (t) Ae2 [i]= e (iT)- e2* (iT -T) has, according to eqns (5) and (6), the z-transform of (31) L Ae2 [i] =B (1) sE0 DA, (32) where Ak = 0 for k < 0 and k > n; A e2[i] =0 for i > n +L. Eqn (32) contains all the L + 1 coefficients of polynomial D (z); however, only L of them can be selected, as it is necessary to fulfil condition (8) that is D (1) = I. For the purpose of fulfilling this condition let coefficient Do be detached 1.630 13.27 D1 0.380 -1)E2 (Z)A(z) {Ae2 [i]} = (1 - z(Z) = [1.697 1.630 3.260 2.890 D2 = 0.694 Bla)D 1.327 2-890 4.217 D3 0.704 From this z-transform it follows obiously As the elements of matrices [K?] and [...Pro] are independent of the chosen degree L of polynomial D(z) the mere reduction of the respective matrices will suffice to meest the case of L = 1, 2. By the solution of the above system of equations coefficients Di are obtained for i 0, while the coefficient Do follows from condition (8) Do =1- E D; In this way the following results have been obtained L D0 D2 D3 ? 3 0.758 0.046 0.140 0.057 2 0.768 0.038 0.194 1 0.776 0.224 D = 1- E D, s=1 and eliminated from eqn (32) 122/4 (33) L Ae2 [i] =B (1) LEI Ds(Ai_s-A1)? (34) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 122/5 Now, the time curve of the manipulated variable y (t) is dis- solved into the sum of unit-step functions n+L y (t)= E Ae2 [i] 1 (t ? iT) i=o and the curve of the controlled varaible x (t) can then be repre- sented by the superposition of the unit-step responses n+L X(t)= E Ae2 [i] s (t? iT) (35) o Then for error e, (t) it holds that n+L (t) =1? x(t)=1? E Ae2 [i] s (t? iT) 1=-0 where n+L = Ae2 [i] s (t ? iT) i=o s(t ? iT)=s(co)? s(t? iT) t>iT,-s(t? iT)= ? En CseiT) v=1 t n and i < 0, it follows 122/5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13 : CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 122 / 6 Krs= E E Ai) cri +s, 1=0 1=0 n 0 - E E a if 1=0 1=0 According to (45) the second term equals Rro, and let the first be denoted Rrs=E Ai ECTi+s,j(48) = o = o In this way relation (19) has been obtained Krs=Rrs-Rr0 (49) As the term Rro represents a special case of R? with s = 0, it will suffice further to seek only the numerical solution of (48) for R?. Let it be written in the following form If we denote 'Rrs= E Ai E Aj(cri+s, j+r- ai+s, 1=0 j=0 rUi+s= E Aj(6i+s, j+r-6i+s, j=0 we obtain relation (18) (50) Rrs= E AirUi s (51) = o All values of rU required for the calculation of the rth row of matrices [1c0 and [Rm] can be obtained as the product of the rectangular matrix Eqn (52) and of the column matrix [A1]=[A0, A1, ..., A?] U] = [a] [A1] It will be proved that in the case of weighting function q (t) = 1 matrix [a] has all its elements lying on the lines parallel to the main diagonal of the same value. For the mth element of the kth parallel above main diagonal it holds n Cy m,k+r+m- 0".?n,k+m=CM-PC0 E D -0(k+r) v=i v -[cm +Cov E -0 (0] = 0 (k)- 0 (k + r) v=i " C As this relation is independent of m, a 1 elements lying on this parallel are equal, and they may be denoted by the same symbol (53) r rk= ? (0- 61(k Similarly it holds for the elements on the kth parallel below the main diagonal rrk=6k+m,r+m-6k+m,rn=C min (k, r)+ 0 (k)- 0 (Ir lc() For the main diagonal k = 0. Due to this property of matrix [a] it is possible to arrange the numerical solution of matrix product (51) into a scheme shown in Table I (a) which can be easily found by comparing both methods of calculation. It remains yet to prove the validity of formulas (21), (22), and (23) by which the former results are to be corrected, if errors are being considered only after the first sampling period. By substituting into matrix (50) for ai; (46) the terms a (47) calcul- ated for the weighting function q (t) = 1 (t - T), it can be seen that only the first column has been altered. Obviously it holds that r (71c=r k+(erk,r- Ck, r- k, 0 4- ak, 0) A0 (54) When calculating the term in the parentheses, it is necessary to differentiate two cases: k > 0 and k = 0. By substituting relations (46) and (47), we obtain in the first case the relation vn Cy ? k>0,14?.- al" k, r eric, 0+6k, 0= ,-.1) --D zv)=x v=1 Uv which is independent of k. Similarly for k = 0 a 0, r 60, r 60, 0+0, 0 n C n C = -CoE - zo+ E cvz,j,+ co E v -fro)=K0 v=i v v=i v=1 Pv With this denotation the relation (54) may be rewritten in the form k> 0, k = 0, k=rUk+KA0 r 6.0=rUO+K0A0 (55) For the verification of formulas (21) and (22) it will suffice to execute operations (51) and (49) with the relations (55), and to denote lc, - k = 2. The checking formula (20) can be be verified by substituting relations (44) and (45) and by using the relation that follows from eqn (46). In Case (b), with the transfer function S (p) having one zero pole, the continuously acting member of the system is astatic [s (co) = co], and integrals (42) are not converging. It is possible to by-pass this difficulty, if the curve of the controlled variable is not represented as the superposition of unit-step responses, but as the superpostion of responses to rectangular pulses. Otherwise the procedure of derivation is the same as in Case (a). Eqn (52): [0-]= a 0 ,r 60,0; 61,r 61,0; 62,r '2,0; _an+L, r- 0; 60,1+r -60,1; 61, r 61, 1; 62,1+r Ta2,1; an+L, 1+r-6n+L,I; 60,2+r 60, 2; ? ? ? 60, n+r 61,2+r 61, 2; ??? 61, n+r 62,2+r 2; ? ? ? 62, n+r an+L, 2+r- 6n+L, 2; ? ? ? 17n+ +r-6n+L,n_ -61,n 2,n (52) 122/6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 References 1 RAGAZZINI, J. R. and FRANKLIN, G. F. Systems. 1958. New York; McGraw-Hill 2 JURY, E. I. Sampled-data Control Systems. Wiley 122/7 Sampled-data Control 3 Tou, J. T. Digital and Sampled-data Control Systems. 1959. New York; McGraw-Hill 1958. New York; 4 STREJC, V. Ensuring reliability in complex automation by auto- matic digital computers. Automatisace. V (1962) 5 Figure I x(t) lig MEE= =MI w t) (a) Figure 2 15 ? 1?0 0-5 sec Figure 3 3 t Figure 4 4 5 6 sec (b) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 127/1 The Dynamic Properties of Rectification Stations with Plate Columns J. ZAVORKA The control of rectification stations, as carried out at the present time, is confined only to some control loops which are designed without any thorough theoretical consideration. As far as individual control diagrams are concerned, quite a number of them have been designed; for instance, see Anizinovl. The advantages and shortcomings of various connection schemes have been published by the respective authors, however, and the evaluation is mainly based on technical sense and experimental results. Information on the general operational analysis of rectification columns has been appearing only recently2, 3, 5, 7, 11. In most of these papers the pressure and hold-up of the plate have been considered as constant quantities. Due to this, the validity of results is limited to cases with slow changes in the input quantities; for instance, changes in feed composition or changes occurring during the starting of the column. For rapidly changing input variables, for instance pressure, the results are erroneous. In view of these facts, an operational analysis was worked out by Voetter and Houtappell3 where the pressure and hold-up of the plate were considered as variables. Starting from linearized equations the authors demonstrated that, nevertheless, the results hold for a rather wide range of input quantities. The same authors extended their study to ternary mixtures, and used digital computers for the calculation of dynamic properties. It has been found that the solutions of these problems are exceedingly time consuming with regard to the computer, and Rose and Williams5, 19, 11, attempted the modelling of the system on an analogue computer. However, these authors designed the model of the dynamics of the vapour phase as single-capacity members connected in series which does not correspond with reality. This deficiency has been eliminated by the work of Rijnsdorp and Maarleveld9, who succeeded in modelling a 32-plate column on an analogue com- puter built from passive elements especially for this purpose. The Bode frequency characteristics are the result of this work. As an example, one of these characteristics is shown in Figure 1. Obviously it cannot be evaluated, as the curve has no distinct straight sections to permit the determination of the respective intersects. Apart from this, it is not possible to agree with the assumption made by the authors in the equations describing the system, namely that the heat of evaporation is merely a function of pressure and independent of the composition of the mixture. The aim of the present paper is to derive generally valid relationships for the computation of transfer functions for the individual input and output variables of the whole rectification station, to create in this way the possibility of comparing and assessing the advantages and shortcomings of various control diagrams, and to obtain the data necessary for the synthesis of control loops and for the complex automation of rectification stations. The task has been limited to rectification stations with plate columns for the separation of binary mixtures. The purpose of the work is to determine the transfer func- tions of the system, which in turn determine the relationship between the input variables (N: the flow rate of the feed; XN: the composition of the feed; Pk: the pressure in the condenser; : the flow rate of the heating steam) and the output variables (A: the flow rate of the product; XA: the composition of the product; B: the flow rate of the residue; XB: the composition of the residue; Po: pressure at the first plate of the column) and possibly between the concentration at some other plates. The diagram of a rectification station with a plate column for the continuous separation of binary mixtures is shown in Figure 2. For the investigation of dynamic properties let the rectifying station be divided into three sections shown by the dash line in the illustration. The first to be investigated is the independent rectifying column, the second section consists of the bottom of the column with the still, while the third section contains the top of the column, the condenser, the cooler and the condensate tank. The rectifying column consists of plates that are to be considered as separate units with regard to function and con- struction. The diagram of a plate is shown in Figure 3. It can be seen that the plate may be acted upon by the following nine input variables: The feed flow rate Xis; The feed composition The enthalpy of the feed The flow rate of vapour from the plate below The concentration of this vapour Yn-1 The enthalpy of this vapour L?+? The reflux from the plate above .X.n+1 The composition of this reflux H1 n+1 The enthalpy of this reflux By these variables changes are produced in nine output variables: 12711 The liquid hold-up of the plate The vapour hold-up of the plate The pressure on the plate The flow rate of vapour streaming from the plate The reflux from the plate The enthalpy of vapour streaming from the plate The enthalpy of the reflux from the plate The composition of vapour The composition of the reflux Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 127/2 The plate is described thus by a system of nine simultaneous equations which are now derived. First, the material balance of the plate is set up. d1111, dM?, ? dr+ dr Ln + 1? Ln+ N (1) " ? By multiplying the individual terms by the corresponding con- centrations the total material balance equation is transformed into the material balance of the more volatile component: d(Mi? X?) d 4. (M., . ? Y.) dr dr =L?,4.1X?_F 1? L,n? X,,+17?_i? Y,,_ V?Y?+ N ? X N (2) In accordance with the material balance equation it is possible to write the heat balance equation as follows: d (M,, ? ? H,,?) +d(M?,?H?,?) v, .dP? dr dr dr II.,n- 1 N HN (3) The last term on the left-hand side of the equation (which re- presents the consideration given to the difference between the enthalpy of the vapour phase and its internal energy for which the equation holds) is neglected later with regard to the pressure changes being of the order of millimetres of water gauge. The vapour flow rate depends on the square root of the pres- sure differential on two adjacent plates and on the density of the vapour. In view of the fact that the difference in pressure on two adjacent plates fluctuates within the range of 25-50 mm w.g., the influence of density may be neglected. The relationship be- tween flow rate and pressure is then described by the equation 17.2 = ko (P.? P.+ 1) (4) The following relationship should be further investigated,. = M n(L By the application of relation Si =10 1 773 p ? y one obtains M 10 Si (10-5 ? pL ,'= 1. 773 p ? yi) + K (5) Now consider the relationship between the concentration of the more volatile component in the vapours and the concentration of the more volatile component in the liquid during the state of equilibrium of both phases at the boiling point temperature of the binary mixture. Y.= Yn(X (6) The description of this relationship was attempted by a number of equations (Wohl, Scatchard-Hammer, Van Laar, Margules, symmetric4). However, they all contain constants that can be determined only experimentally. Due to this, and also due to their complexity, none of these equations has been accepted in practice. The effect of the composition of the liquid upon the composition of the vapours (established experimentally) is nor- mally represented by the X-Y equilibrium diagram. This method of representation has been accepted for the following sections of this paper. The remaining three equations are written in the form of general relations: M y,rs= M y, n(P 111,,,-= H1,,, (Pn, X,,) H y, n= v, n(19 n, (7) (8) (9) The system of the above-stated nine simultaneous equations describes one plate of the rectifying column. As interest here is only in the non-steady states of pressure, composition of the liquid phase and flow rate of the liquid phase, all other variables will be eliminated. The transfer functions of pressure, composi- tion of the liquid phase and flow rate for one plate are obtained by the linearization of the equations or possibly by their trans- formation into differential equations, followed by the LW trans- formation and the arrangement of the equations. These transfer functions are used for drawing the partial block diagrams of one plate for the dynamic behaviour of the three variables. The block diagrams are shown in Figure 4. The overall block diagram of one plate is obtained by the interconnection of all three partial diagrams. The complete block diagram of the whole rectifying column is obtained by the interconnection of the block dia- grams of the individual plates as shown in Figure 5. For the sake of clarity the multiplication constants are not shown in Figure 5. Now, it remains to conclude the block diagram of the column by the connections of the condenser and of the still. The block diagram of the bottom section of the column (the first plate and still), and the block diagram of the top section of the column (the highest plate, condenser, cooler of the conden- sate, condensate tank and the piping) have been derived by a similar method as used for the derivation of the block diagram of the column proper. For the sake of brevity the respective procedures are omitted, and only their results are given in Figures 6 and 7. The complete block 'diagrams of all sections of the rectifying station have been obtained so far. The description may serve as the source of some data for the modelling of the system. Owing to the high complexity of the diagram, a large number of inte- grating units will be required for the modelling and, therefore, it should be possible to model only the simplest stations with a small number of plates. For this reason the results of the preced- ing chapters have been subjected to a further theoretical analysis. The analysis follows the aim of simplifying the block diagram of the column proper so that it is suited for modelling, or so that it is possible to compute the transfer functions of the system. First of all it was necessary to determine the zones within which the values of individual design, physico-chemical and, operational parameters can vary. Further the relations were to be stated that were required for the numerical solution of various terms occur- ring in the formulae for the time and multiplying constants. A quantitative analysis of the time and multiplying constants was made on the basis of these values and relations. The results obtained were used for certain simplifications of the formulae. Further, it appears that the dynamics of pressure and composi- tion in the whole column are represented by block diagrams of the same structure (Figure 8). The diagram is formed by single- capacity members connected in series with feedbacks by-passing two members that follow behind. The output signals of this 127/2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 127/3 chain are formed by the algebraic sum of the signals of three ad- jacent members and they link together the diagram of pressure and the diagram of composition. The general analysis of this block diagram was made; a matrix calculation was used for deriving the matrices of the transfer functions of this block diagram as the functions of the number of the chain members (or of the member of the plates of the column). A further analysis was used for establishing the conditions at which the static value of the output signals of the above chain is equal to zerci (the conditions are related to the magnitude of the multiplying constants), and the conditions at which it is possible also to neglect the dynamic value of the out- put signals (the conditions are related to the number of plates). It was proved by a further general procedure that the above- stated conditions are fulfilled by each column. Assume for an instant that, during the investigation of the dynamic properties of the distilling column, there is no interest in the non-steady states of pressure. Under this assumption, and owing to the former conclusions, it is possible to interrupt in the block dia- gram the connections of the pressure changes between the indi- vidual plates. This can be done because any disturbance entering any plate lying below or above the plate under investigation can influence neither the flow rate, nor the pressure, but only the pressure values at different points of the block diagram, or of the column, and these values are of no interest for the time being. Now consider composition in the same way?supposing that one is not interested in the non-steady states of composition. Similarly, as in the case of pressures, the connections between individual plates may be interrupted. The block diagram is then transformed into the form shown in Figure 9. The values cp, and cpx are the sums of the input signals of the individual nodes of the block diagrams of the dynamics of pressure and composi- tion respectively. Now the non-steady states of pressure and composition, that were formerly excluded from discussion, are considered. The partial block diagrams of pressure and composi- tion respectively are easily attached to the diagram in Figure 9 by introducing the signals Tv and cpx into the individual nodes of the block diagrams of pressure and composition respectively. The result is shown in Figure 10. The section of the block dia- gram bordered by the dot-and-dash lines corresponds with one plate of the rectifying column. By the solution of the system of equations written for all three nodes of the block diagram of one plate (naturally after the introduction of all multiplying con- stants) the transfer functions of all output variables of the plate are obtained. Finally, in the application of the transfer functions, it is possible to re-draw the block diagram shown in Figure 6 into the final form according to Figure 11. This block diagram holds for a general column with any arbitrary parameters with regard to design, physico-chemical conditions and operation. The block diagram shown in Figure 11 together with the per- taining transfer functions and formulae for various constants. and transfer functions, is the final product of the theoretical part of the work. These results make possible the computation of the transfer functions of a general rectifying station. During the solution of concrete problems a number of possible simpli- fications appeared that followed from the numerical evaluation of individual constants and plate transfer functions. It is not possible to prove the general validity of these simplifications. However, it may be assumed that they will be identical in most cases. Further work16 contains the practical computation of several transfer functions and step response curves of a concrete rectify- ing station on the basis of the results obtained from a general analysis. The necessary measurements were also made on this station in operation. After a comparison, the results of the com- putation were in very good agreement with the results of the measurements. Nomenclature A cn HN H,? H? H02 4+1 Mk 01 PI Po 91 Q2 Qi bl SiSI Tssa U01 UO2 V V* V00 X XA X Ao X Ai X_42 127/3 Flow rate of the product (mol /sec) Flow rate of the residue (mol /sec) Multiplying constants Specific heat of heating wall (kcal /kg ?C) Reflux ratio Mass of the heating wall (kg) Flow rate of the heating steam (kg/sec) Enthalpy of the liquid (kcal/mol) Enthalpy of the feed (kcal/mol) Enthalpy of the vapour (kcal / mol) Enthalpy of the heating steam (kcal/mol) Enthalpy of the condensate from the still (kcal /mol) Number of plates Constants Subscript of condenser Reflux (mol /sec) Reflux to the top (mol /sec) Molar hold-up of the condenser (mol) Liquid hold-up of the plate (mol) Vapour hold-up of the plate (mol) Feed flow rate (mol /sec) Subscript of feed plate Ordinal number of plate Transfer function of the still Pressure (atm) Pressure in the heating system of the still (atm) Pressure in the condenser (atm) Heat flow to the heating wall (kcal /sec) Heat flow from wall to substance (kcal /sec) Elementary transfer function of the still Latent heat (kcal/mol) . Surface area of liquid hold-up (dm') Heating wall area on steam side (m2) Heating wall area on liquid side (m2) Height of liquid level on plate above the vapour nozzle of the bubble-cap (dm) Mean temperature of heating wall (?C) Mean tempetature of heating wall on the steam side (?C) Temperature of heating wall on the side of the heated substache (?C) Free energy (kcal) Free energy of the heating steam entering the still (kcal) Free energy of condensate leaving the still (kcal) Flow rate of vapour through column (mol/sec) Volume (1) Steam volume in the still heating system (1) Concentration of the more volatile component in the liquid (mol %) Concentration of the more volatile component in the product (mol %) Concentration of the more volatile condensate component after the condenser (mol %) Concentration of the more volatile product component in the cooler of condensate (mol %) Concentration of the more volatile component in the reflux (mol %) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 127/4 XB Concentration of the more volatile component in the residue (mol %) XN Concentration of the more volatile component in the liquid on the feed plate (mol %) ? Concentration of the more volatile component in the vapour (mol %) Concentration of the more volatile component in the vapour on the feed plate (mol %) Heat transfer coefficient steam-heating wall (kcal/m2h?C) Heat transfer coefficient heating wall-liquid (kcal/m2h?C) Specific gravity of liquid (kg/1) Specific gravity of vapour (kg/1) Elementary transfer function of the flow rate .of the liquid phase ? Molecular weight (P) Elementary transfer function of concentration molar volume (de/mol) H (P) Elementary transfer function of pressure Circumference of down-take pipe (dm) T Time (sec) Td Transport lag (sec) ? Time constant of the elementary transfer function of the flow rate of the liquid phase (sec) Tp Time constant of the elementary transfer function of pressure (sec) Derivative time constant of the pressure-concentration link (sec) Tif Time constant of the elementary transfer function of the still (sec) Time constant of the transfer function of the condensate (sec) Derivative time constant of the transfer function of the con- denser (sec) Time constant of the elementary transfer function of the con- centration (sec) Txp Derivative time constant of the concentration?pressure link (sec) Time constant of the condensate tank (sec) YN Tpx Tic Tk3 ? TX 10 1.0 0.1 0? -90? -180? -270? References 1 ANIZINOV, J. V. Avtomatieeskoje regulirovanie proces rektifikacii. 1957. Moscow; Gostoptechizdat ? ARMSTRONG, W. D., and WILKINSON, W. L. Trans. Instn. chem. Engrs, Lond. 35 (1957), 352 3 DAVIDSON, J. F. Trans. Instn. chem. Engrs, Lond. 34 (1956), 44 ? HALA, E., PICK, J., FRIED, V., and Vittivi, 0. Rovnovaha kapalina- para. 1955. Prague; NCSAV 5 HARNETT, R. T., ROSE, A., and WILLIAMS, T. J. Chem. 48 (1956), 1008 6 JACKSON, F. R., and FIGFORD, R. L. (1956), 1020 7 KIRSCHBAUM, E. Destilier- itnd Rektifiziertechnik. 1950 8 MARSHALL, W. R., and FIGFORD, R. L. The Applications of Differential Equations to Chemical Engineering. 1947. University Delaware 9 RIJNSDORP, J. E., and MAARLEVELD, A. Use of electrical analogues in. the study of the dynamic behaviour and control of distillation columns. J. Symp. Instrument Comp. Proc. Develop. Plant Design. London 11-13 (1959) 10 ROSE, A., JOHNSON, C. L., and Chem. 48 (1956),.1173 11 ROSE, A., and WILLIAMS, T. J. .2284 12 ROSENBROCK, H. H. Trans. Instn. chem. Engrs, Lond. 35 (1957) 347 13 VOETTER, H. Plant and Process Dynamic Characteristic. 1957. London; Butterworths 14 YU-CHIN-CHU, BRENNECKE, R. J., GETTY, R. J. and RAJINDRA, P. Destillation Equilibrium Data. 1950. New York; liii 15 ZAVORKA, J. Obecn3'T analytick3i rozbor dynamickY7ch vlastnosti rektifikaCnich stanic s patrovrni kolonami pro deleni binarnich smesi. OTIA tSAV 68 (September 1960) 16 ZAVORKA, J. Wpoe et nekterYch pfenosu kolony 31 (provoz 03) ye Stalinov3'Tch zavodech, e srovnani s vysledky meteni. OTIA CSAV, 86 (September 1961) Industr. Engng. Industr. Engng. Chem. 48 WILLIAMS, T. J. Industr. Engng. Industr. Engng. Chem. 47 (1955), 100 40 lo-3 10 4 1 1 TT, 11 1 11hTt I 1 11 1 1 11 Figure 1 127/4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Condenser Figure 2 1,n.1 Pn Vn M v,n Yn Fiv,n V Figure 3 Zn n.2 A (P) Figure 4 A (p) irovri(p) okr-;0144 (P TI (p) Pi 441iff M (p) (p) (P) Figure 5 127/5 127/5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 127/6 ? Figure 6 Vn-1 4 1 1 1 /9 4/ I\ / I \ // I\ / \ / 1 / i , . \ / // Yn-2 \Yn // Yn-1 (11)\ \ Yn?1 N / \ / / Yn-1 1 \ / Yn I \ // \... // 1 \ / I \ ,/ \ I /' \ 1/ 7in gn.1 I ? '4,11 Vna2 Yn?2 Yn.1 ,? I \ // ,n?21 \ I \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 127/7 'ex,n+1 cPpp I Pn,n (P) Tx,n x5T,,,n(p) '-,,__---- Figure 9 XN A(p) 2n42 -4---Yr216 ( P r cfx,n+1 E- - Figure 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 . 190/1 Some Recent Results in the Computer Control of Energy Systems T. Vi&MOS, S. BENEDIKT and M. UZSOKI The results of automation in the Hungarian energy system were reported in ealier papersi, 2 .The most important equip- ment realized is an automatic economic load dispatcher, based on new principles, calculating the effect of the network losses (differing from the usual solutions) from the actual network configuration. The special analogue computer of Figures / and 2 calculates the matrix B using the well-known formulag, 4 P, = P B P, according to the scheme of Figure 3. The poten- tiometers kg in section G of the figure have the values = -JT). Ui characterizing the generators, where QiIPi is the active and reactive power rate, Ui the generator terminal voltage, while k= Ii 111 E r=1 in section L characterizes the proportions of the loads on the total loss, where In is the load current at the ith node; /i, is the power station current at the ith node; and N is the direct current model of the actual network. By a more detailed analysis it may be proved5 that if the voltages corresponding to the generator powers Pig (without the network losses and formed similarly to the previous analogue computer solutions) are the driving voltages of the scheme's input, the voltages iBik Pk, being proportional to the network incremental losses, are obtained at the output, which provide with a suitable feedback the optimum load distribution consider- ing the network losses. The papers quoted prove that accuracy of the method (considering the neglections) exceeds the practi- cally reasonable limits. The analogue single-purpose machine for such a solution, installed in the system control, takes into account, as compared with the former solutions, the active-reactive power proportions of the generator bus-bars, as well as variations in the load proportions. With the part simulating the actual network (matrix N), one obtains an adaptive system, resetting the economic load distribu- tion by switching the elements of network H (that is, the actual lines, by hand, or automatically with remote control). The experiences with the automatic load dispatcher have shown that the methods developed up to now for evaluating the economy (the incremental heat rate curves, plotted on statistical bases) are not satisfactory. In connection with this, the following problems have arisen: (a) Continuous evaluation of the economy characteristics (efficiency, increment costs). (b) Determination of the estimation periods for the data processing and economic load distribution, permitting filtering of the measurement uncertainties and other short cycle, transitory disturbances, but giving information about the effect of the system variations (e. g. fluctuations in connection with the frequency and power control). (c) Measurement accuracy corresponding to better calcu- lating and data processing possibilities and improvement of the sensing elements. (d) Calculation of the transient phenomena effect (e.g. un- load, increase in load) in the automatic load distribution system. (e) Problems of availability, probability of breakdown, objective judgement of the operation during partial disturb- ances, or unfavourable service conditions for an automatic dispatcher. (f) The complex logical decision problems of the automatic energy system dispatcher control for searching the most favourable network cennction manipulations. Among the above problems (a) is generally solved, and a great number of power system data processers are operating. It is worth mentioning, that as regards development, these problems are not resolved. The endeavour for a practically pprfect service safety, the complications of practice in connection with the electromechanical output equipment, the reasonable combination of the analogue and digital elements, and the development of a more reliable and cheaper annunciator system, rendering the whole apparatus less expensive, justify numerous new solutions. Problem (b) must be regarded as the most open one. The digital instruments have generally a class accuracy of 0.1 per cent, while the digital computing technique is practically of absolute accuracy. At the same time the power system measuring and control instruments are of class 1-2 per cent, but in practice instruments and sensing devices for a higher accuracy can be reproduced, but these are accuracy limits under service con- ditions. Determination of the most important quantities, such as fluid and solid material flows, heat content, ash content, etc., leads to the greatest number of uncertainties, and here the measurement accuracy is 2-5 per cent. The error is increasal with the data calculated from such uncertainly measured values, e.g. with the quotient formation necessary for the efficiency. This is the pivotal question and basic contradiction of the whole energetical optimization. We want to attain prospective efficiency improvements of 0.5-1 per cent, the sum of which may be in one country in an integrated average many millions, perhaps many tens of millions, of dollars per year, based on a measurement uncertainty of 1-5 per cent. Up to now attention has been concentrated on the prob- lem that has not yet been completely solved, i.e. continuous 190/1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 190/2 and more accurate control of the coal heat content value, this being all the more justified in Hungary as the fuel quality varies considerably, and most of the power stations are thermal ones working with coal. Based on some former results 6-8, 11, a definite improvement has been attained in the field of coal analysis by radioisotopes', 1". We have succeeded in deriving a method permitting the continuous control of the heat content of the coal, at least within the accuracy of the laboratory calometric method, which is unacceptable from the statistical sampling point of view. The main experiences were as follows: (a) In the case of thorough sample preparation a correlation of better than 0-9 may be reached with laboratory calorimetric control, which covers the uncertainty range of the laboratory method measurement accuracy. (b) With mechanical sample preparation, the measurement accuracy is much influenced. (c) In the case of considerably varying coal composition, a multi-ray method of different discrete energies can be advised, combined with a suitable, simple computer. Generally it may be concluded that the next most important step in process automatization will not so much concern the automatic system itself, but rather the development of the quality analysing and quantity measuring devices and sensing elements. In designing the process optimization a very important and insufficiently considered viewpoint is the determination of the estimation period of the characteristic to be optimalized. This view is especially clear when optimizing the efficiency, as efficiency samples taken for too short a time may lead, for example, to an efficiency value exceeding one after a former storage period, while sampling periods which are too long eli- minate the possibilities of estimation of system variations that may be important for optimization. Determination of the ideal sampling period is complicated by the fact that in a boiler the transit and storage time constants of the single energy quantities are extremely different, changing even during the operation. The ideal accurate evaluation of the efficiency could be accepted only for a complete start-operation-stop period. The criterion of duration regarding the estimation period xis that the deviation between the efficiency calculated from the efficiency taken for the total operation time and from that taken for the partial times should not exceed the error e, caused by the measurement inaccuracy, i.e. xou, dt 1 n 1 n = n Erli?8= E n ti-1- xoutdt +8 n= xi,, dt x,,,dt where xi,, = power quantity supplied during the measurement; )(out = power quantity taken out during the measurement; tb = initial time of measurement; t = final time of measure- ment; 17 = process efficiency; ni = efficiency of the ith partial time, and n = number of samples taken during the whole process. The estimation period must be chosen as the shortest one meeting this accuracy criterion. There may be several practical solutions among which the most simple is the working with a time x fixed by experience on the basis of the above criterion. With the boilers used in Hungary there is an interval of 10-15 min, taking values into consideration only if deviation between the output and input energy levels is less than 3-5 per. cent from the beginning to the end of the estimation. The greater variations are, in any case, to be processed separately. The other system adjusts adaptively the evaluation interval on the basis of the auto and cross correla- tions of the output and input energy characteristic. The numeri- cal results show also, in an apparently entirely identical mode of operation and circumstances, efficiency changes of 2-6 per cent. This is partly due to the considerable variations in the fuel quality. A test made in Czechoslovakian shows variations of -I- 10 per cent for coal quality fluctuations within a very short time. The experiences in Hungary gave similar, or even worse, results, and coal quality fluctuates sometimes by minutes. The effect of the system power and frequency control on the change of efficiency is also most interesting, the load fluctuations having relatively rapid frequencies resulted in an efficiency deterioration of 2-3 per cent in some cases, against the same level steady state operation. The experience in Czechoslovakia justifies the introduction of a corrective control working on the basis of quick coal analysis, while that in Hungary demonstrates the necessity of sensing the effect of the relatively faster changes upon the efficiency. From the foregoing it follows that the former view of the static load distribution is not satisfactory for calculating the economic load distribution, and the costs of the necessary alterations (heating, unload, switchover, etc.) must be con- sidered. The problem is clarified by the following example. A power station is operating with four identical boilers, each being loaded to 90 per cent. If the demand increases so that loading of the boilers is to be raised to 100 per cent, the alternative may be considered, i.e. starting a fifth boiler of similar capacity, as a consequence of which the single boilers may operate with 80 per cent load, generally the optimum efficiency level. In this case the expenses of the transients (start, possible later stop, loss of life due to manifold start and stop) must be compared with the savings of the more economical steady-state operation for the expected interval. These circumstances are taken into account already, though in a more simple way, in the present load distribution practice. The former static load distribution methods are to be gen- eralized to an optimum energetical programming, taking into consideration also the presumable changes. These methods start, as a rule, from Lagrange's method of constrained extrema and are calculated on the basis of the equal incremental costs. The generalized task is the typical case of the multi-step decision problem. On the basis of the power demand given, the system must be programmed in an optimal way, considering afterwards the transition to the power demand expected for subsequent periods and the optimal mode of operation on the new levels. Considering the calculating difficulties and practical demands, the programme was realized for two steps, consequently, besides the system performance level given, the search for the optimum is realized for the next two levels. Consideration of the second change provides information about the first alteration being justified. (In our example the heating up of the new boiler is made reasonable by the time elapsing until the next change and by the direction of the next variation.) 190/2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 190/3 The optimum energetical programming must calculate the availability of the system and its units also, and therefore the probability factors must be considered not only when estimating the power demand, but also when calculating the available power system capacities and network interconnections. In the period to be planned, the system service conditions are charac- terized by the prospective capacity distributions of the individual units (power stations, machine units, etc.), that is, the probabili- ties of the available capacities as a function of time, and further, the probability cost values relative to these. These cost values are probability variables not only in the sense that they belong to probable power values, but they are also' in themselves only probable values, e. g. the efficiency of the condensation machines is considerably dependent on the cooling water temperature, and consequently on the probable factors of the weather. The third important characteristic, from the optimization point of view, as mentioned earlier, is the excess cost of the transient states, this corresponding not to the expenses integral taken along the static time diagram of the given capacities, but gene- rally exceeding it. Consequently, for the predictive characterization of the availability, the following are needed. (1) Probability distribution of the capacities depending on the time and direction of tran- sients, (2) the probability cost distributions belonging to these values, and (3) the time integrals of the expense distributions along time tables to be considered. That is, the availability A is a set: A = {pi =fi (P, t); 1)2= f (K , , ; p3 = f 3 (P , K , K dt)} where pi, p2, 1,3 are the probabilities discussed above. Accordingly, the availability A at instant t is the set of the possible power capacity values P, where to each value P belongs a value K (the costs of the service in steady state conditions) and to each curve Pi = F (t) belongs an integral cost curve S K dt. The task of optimization is as follows. The lines of constraint of the possible power capacities Pi = P (t) are given, that is, the boundary surfaces of a solution space of dimension n, the lower and upper power limits belonging to the individual units and changing in time. Given the probable system power E (t) = P1 (1). The trajectory of the vector P of n dimensions is to be determined (the vector characterizing the power output condition of the system units), the vector being, under the above conditions, .11 E Ki [P opt ( t)] dt t=i to that is, providing the minimum of the cost integral taken along the trajectory. The line integral taken along the trajectory in the coordinate space P forms no conservative space, as the line integral is not independent of the path and the integrals taken along the closed curves (the cost of returning to the same power distribution) is not zero. The probability influence of the availability and of the costs have been derived according to the following considerations: (a) One determines for all equipments the operation time permitted on an experimental base, that may be considered?if there is no special fault indication?as a time of practically perfect safety. During this time the service costs of operating the apparatus in steady-state conditions correspond to the value calculated in general till now. (b) At the beginning of operation (primary disorders) and over the service time permitted, the probability of outage is greater. Here a penalty tariff is stated, depending on the time and calculating from the former outfall statistics and from the probable economic consequences of the outfall. (c) Similar penalty tariff is stipulated in case of some error signals (fault indications). (d) For all important units the transient costs (the expenses of the transient conditions) obtained by experience or calculation are stored, adding to this in some cases the penalty tariff cal- culated from the disturbance danger relative to the transition. The above data can be elaborated by the individual power station data processers with a relatively small storage and time requisition to data necessary for the load distribution. These are the curves corresponding to the classical increment cost curves, corrected by the penalty tariffs considering the avail- ability, the possible time functions of the transients and the integral cost curves of the transient conditions. For power stations a relatively slow processing of about 10-20,000 data is needed and the communication of about 300-400 data with the central load dispatcher, as a result of the above calculation. The latter must be dispatched only in case of and to the degree of change. The knowledge of these 300-400 data per power station accomplishes the two-step optimalizing programme mentioned earlier. In this manner, with the aid of suitable power station data processers, by the otherwise available telemetering channels and by a central, medium size computer, energetical automatic optimization may be realized, which takes into account the economic consequences of the power system transient conditions and of its availability, and also the changes in production costs and efficiencies during operation. The optimum system control referring to the whole power system does not make superfluous the optimization of the indivi- dual control circuits, which may be considered partly to be autonomous. Reference is made here, for example, to the control of coal pulverizers, which may be controlled directly by a continuous analyser of ash, assuring the given fuel quantity as a primary condition. As against the non-interacting control systems suggested recently by many authors, installing fixed matrix connections into the control circuits considered previ- ously autonomous, we think to be rather practicable such semi- autonomous adaptive circuits, as the rigid functional connec- tions give suitable results only under perfectly steady-state conditions (e.g. time constants), this condition being chiefly realized with boilers. In the course of the dispatcher control automization, the question arose to what extent the dispatcher work may be mechanized in addition to chart preparation and beyond the tasks of the continuous economic load distribution. This idea is supported by the fact that the switching, manipulating and failure suppression activity of the dispatcher control is motivated by subjective factors; extremely hazardous decisions must be made in a short time, and the presence of mind, momentary mood and luck of the dispatcher influence considerably his activity in this field. Mechanization of the task is complicated by the fact that the methods of judgement of the situations were partly subjective ones, based on the experiences and intuitive improvization capabilities of the dispatcher, as there is no possibility for accurate analysis in the case of rapid decisions. 190/3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 190/4 Accordingly, mechanization of the dispatcher control permits- the application in practice of cybernetics in a narrow sense, and the adoption of recognition and heuristic search. In the course of elaborating the problem the method of approximating the tasks step by step has been chosen, selecting a single logical task of the dispatcher control. It is seen, taking into account the present machine capacities, that the question arises as to how this task can be elaborated and, after solving this, the kind of further tasks that remain for the dispatcher to solve. By this one can remove from the total dispatcher's activity the parts having not been exactly formulated up to now and examine their weight in the total work and how to handle them. In any case, as more tasks -are mechanized and separated from the dispatcher's control, the more time and possibility remain for accomplishing the part demanding the most complicated intellectual activity. As a first task, estimation of the possible circuit diagram was examined from the overloading point of view. Similar calcula- tions (load flow programmes in the network) have been made regularly for more than a decade on digital machines, but this was the first digital computer application in the power systems. At the same time the method S complying with computer re- quirements are not fully practicable for automatic control purposes, due to their other demands. Here the analogy of differences between the measuring instruments and the sensing elements of automatic control must be referred to. In sensing systems, however, detecting identical quantities using identical physical principles as measuring instruments the difference in their field of application, demands different approaches. For automatic control we have confined ourselves to a load flow computing method of an accuracy of 5-8 per cent, but being most rapid, providing the results for a 40 node network on a medium size machine in less than 1 sec. The storage capacity demanded is about 1,000 words over the programme. Otherwise the method was a generalization of the well-known method of current distribution factors and imaginary loads, reducing the evaluation of a network of n nodes to the solution of a complex, linear equation system of about i unknowns, if the calculated network differs from a basic configuration with i lines. The next step was the determination of the optimum connec- tion configuration of the connection manipulations (main- tenance, disturbance) tested from a safety point of view. When elaborating the programme, the theory of games has been adopted, interpreting the dispatcher's work as a two-step game of two persons, a game against nature. The pure strategies of one of the players, i.e. the dispatcher, are the available connec- tion manipulations, while those of the other player, that is, the nature, are the disturbances imaginable in the system. The game is two-stepped, first a favourable main network connection diagram is selected by the dispatcher, not knowing yet what kind of disturbances may arise during the validity of this circuit diagram. After this the nature 'moves', a possible disturbance ensues, and as a last step, a changeover strategy is chosen by the dispatcher which reduces the power limitation produced by the disturbance to the minimum. To adopt the minimax principle, a suitable pay-off criterion had to be found by which the elements of the game matrix may be filled and the optimal strategy may be evaluated. This criterion is established on the basis of the damage caused by the possible power outage and the weight functions formed by the outage probability. On the basis of several considerations, the outage probability p is not directly applied for weighting, but this is done, however, with the relation 1 k=f(pi)=1_ in pi so the criterion of the optimal game is: min max III; IC-" 1 1-1n pj where Wi; is the power outage caused by the ith dispatcher's strategy and the jth disturbance possibility (kWh), Ic; is the specific damage due to the above disturbance (S/kWh), and p; is the probability of the jth disturbance. The machine time for analysing a complete situation in the case of a medium size machine and of a starting position deviating not from the normal one but at most with the state of the four lines is about 4-5 min for a 40 node network, its storage demand being without programme about 800-1,000 words. The availability of the network, and that of the power stations, may be considered along similar lines making use of the suggestions mentioned earlier, thus extending further the possibility of the objective evaluation of the network configura- tion. The programme evaluating the manipulations may include the data referring also to the stability. As examination of the stability conditions of a single situation demands considerable time even by a computer, the application of the pre-calcu- lated, stored stability data, as well as the continuous proce- ssing of the data of the stability reserve indicators, are referred to here. Control of the dispatcher by computers would not make superfluous the application of less complicated network auto- matics, such as protections, overswitch and backswitch auto- matics, etc. It must be emphasized that in the field of the present sum- marizing report on the authors' developments and ideas, these are up to now mainly theoretical achievements calculated for a mathematical model, prepared for simulation on a digital com- puter. Their expediency and adaptability must be decided, how- eyer, by practice, for many technological and other realization difficulties must be overcome. References Uzsom, M. and VAMOS, T. Some questions regarding control of power systems. Automatic and Remote Control. 1961. London; Butterworths 2 VAMOS, T., Uzsom, M. and BOROVSZKY, L. Novilj, nyeposz- redsztvennyj, masinniij szposzob ekonomicsnova raszpregyeljenyija nagruzki mezsdu elektrosztancijami i nyeszkoljko voproszov szvjazanntich sz optimizaciej enyergoszisztyem. Symposium, of Automation of Large Energetical Units. 1961; Prague. 3 KRON, G. Tensorial analysis of integrated transmission systems. The six basic reference frames 1. Trans. Amer. Inst. elect. Engrv, 70 Pt 11. (1951) 1239 4 KIRCHMAYER, L. K. Economic Operation of Power Systems. 1958. New York; Wiley 5 UZSOKI, M. Uj, &pi modszer a gazdasagos teherelosztas szami- tasara. Colloquium of Automatic Control. 1962. Budapest 6 NAUMOV, A. A. 0 primenyenyii obratnovo rasszejannovo ?iz- lucsenyija dija avtomaticseszkovo kontrolja szosztava szlozsntich szred. Avtornaticseszkoje upravlenyije, pp. 152-159. 1959. Moscow; lzdatyelsztvo Acad. Nauk SSSR 190/4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 7 PIVOVAROV, L. L. 0 primenyenyii javlenyija.pogloscenyija y--iz- lucsevyija dlja avtomaticsdszkovo kontrolja szosztava mnogo- komponentniich szred. 8 DIJKSTRA, H. and STESWERDA, B. S. Apparatus for continuous determination of .the ash content of coal. Int. Coal Prep.`Conl, 1958; Liege 9 BISZTRAY-BALKU, S., Dr. LtvAt, A., ,KAKAS, J., NAGY, M. and VARGA, K. Szenek filtdertekonek meghatarozasa radiologiai mod- szerrel.' Energia ?Atomtechnika, 6 (1960) 472 190/5 1? 'BISZTRAY-BALKU, S., KAKAS; J., NAGY, M., VARGA, K. and LtvAi, A. Die Bestimmung des HeiZwerts von Kohlen durch radioaktive Strahlung. Isotopentechnik, Nr. 5-6(1960-61) " BELUGOU, P and CONJEANUD, P. The determination of the ash content of coals by means of x-rays. 1st Int. Coal Prep, Conf, 1950. Patis 12 BLER, J. Trebovanyija k regulirovanyiju energeticseszkiehblokov sz tocski zrenyija upravlenyija energeticseszkoj szisztyemii. Sympo- sium of Automation of Large Energetical Units. 1961. Prague Figure 1 , Figure 2 1 Al Figitre 3 190/5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 195/1 The Problems, Operation and Calculation of a New Component to be Applied in Certain Control Circuits o. BENEDIKT Introduction The object of the paper is to describe the physical operation of a new component for the stabilization of oscillatory processes arising in certain control circuits, as well as to give account of a new practical method for calculating the parameters of this component. The component inspires a lively scientific interest, not merely because it can stabilize most effectively an otherwise entirely unstable control circuit in certain cases, but also from a theoretical respect, since there is no need to connect it to the external circuit of the machine. Moreover, without increasing the size of the machine to be stabilized, an effect is realized which up to now could be attained only by a relatively large set con- sisting of auxiliary devices, with an increase in machine size. The circuits to be stabilized by the component in question are control circuits, in which the newly developed electrical amplifier `autodyne' is applied to maintain the load current at a constant value (e.g. for the automatic charging of accumulator batteries, for automatic welding, for supplying motors in series, etc.). In his paper 'The New Electrical Amplifier', presented at the 1st IFAC Congress the author gave a general report on the theoretical bases, the main application field and control circuit connections of the autodyne, mentioning the autodyne for the above purpose only in short. Csaki, Fekete and Borka, however, referred to the experimental test of another kind of autodyne, namely an autodyne maintaining the output voltage constant. The following shows in detail the characteristics of the transient phenomena in the autodyne maintaining the load current, as the task and problems of the new stabilizing com- ponent of the control circuit of this machine may be understood only in this relation. Comparison of the Stability Criteria of the Autodynes Controlling Voltage and Current The operation of all autodynes working as amplifiers is based, independently of their concrete connection, upon the physical phenomenon that the spatial fundamental harmonic res of the main flux of a converter (Figure I) may theoretically take up any spatial position (in a different state of equilibrium) with a suitable arrangement of the split poles and a synchronous speed no of the rotor. At the same time, this flux is produced by a magnetizing excitation, the direction of which is set auto- matically to the flux direction. (Regarding the problems dealt with below, this magnetizing excitation is of no practical importance and therefore is not shown in the figures.) In con- sequence, with the appearance of a small positive, or negative excitation of + rl A W' in the control winding Wy, the control torque A M produced by this excitation and the main flux, and also the small rotor lag or lead caused by the main flux, the same time, the internal phase voltage , rea, (Tbeiinresg. At U change considerably the spatial position of the _ flux equilibrium with the terminal voltage vector Enna, can be displaced between the limits of 16 = 0 and # = 1800, while the output voltage U is varying continuously between the limits Uniax. If the output voltage U of the amplifier realized, or another control circuit parameter depending on U, is fed back negatively, then the parameter may be maintained automatically at a constant value. For example in Figure 1 an autodyne is shown stabilizing the output voltage U to the value of the con- trol voltage Uy. In the publications of the USSR Academy of Sciences Technical Section, Energetics and Automatics, No. 2., 1962, the author examined the transient phenomenon taking place in the autodyne controlling voltage (Figure 1), using a different simplifying supposition and neglecting the relatively small rotor resistances. The characteristic equation of the control circuit, using the operator calculus, yields A' + pB' +p2C' +p3D'=0 As a stability criterion, the following relation is obtained: (1) > WC4 (C C2n0+ xo) Wy? C4 ' C6 0X a ? ry? Ci. C2 (2) 2, +a?ry?Ct ? C2 The quantities A', B', C', D', C1, C2, C4 and C6 are constants depending on the machine dimensions. The physical meaning of these two formulas may be illustrated briefly as follows. Suppose the synchronous speed no of the rotor is decreased to a value n hardly deviating from no (Figure 2), as a consequence of which the vectors & rex and El ?a rotate by a small angle ZI ,63 anticlockwise. Meanwhile U is increased by U, and a control current A 1y arises, producing an excitation ZI A W' downwards. The resulting accelerating torque Z1 M is greatest when the vectorsand Ara, reach their dotted the central upper limit position. At position of the two vectors ck shown by the full line ZI # = 0. Evidently, ZI A W' causes the vectors to oscillate freely around their central position, and such oscillations would appear if the values B' and D' in eqn (1) were equal to zero. Nevertheless, in addition to the voltage A U, the control winding is effected also by the voltage induced by the increment of the direct axis component ZI of the flux AILes (resulting from the rotation of &res), which lags the incrementrirA 01' by 90?. The additional control current being formed evidently establishes 195/1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 195/2 an excitation upwards when i res has returned to its central position, thus the excitation has a damping effect. This effect is represented in eqn (1) by the damping term p B'. The unit of the stabilizing flux LI C' corresponds to the left-hand side of eqn (2) (the right-hand side is, for the time being, zero). The voltages induced in the control winding by the fluxes proportional to the current LI I must now be considered. The excitation d A W' produced by 4 4? being proportional to it and arising?in the rotor winding, is short-circuited by the a. c. network, since according to the converter theory, all excitation arising in addition to the magnetizing excitation is cancelled out almost completely as a consequence of the com- pensating current LI 4'. Nevertheless, because of the leakage reactance x4, of the phase winding, the excitation of the current is smaller by few per cent than LI A W', and consequently a small flux difference LI Ox appears. As this, compared with the flux LI is of opposite direction, it induces a current in the control winding, which reduces the damping effect of the current induced by the flux LI 4j.'. At the right-hand side of eqn (2) the second term, proportional to x4? corresponds to the flux 4 Ox. In addition to this, the leakage flux LI C. must also be con- sidered. This is caused by the current LI 4, which passes through the control winding. To this corresponds the first term, propor- tional to the leakage factor A5, at the right-hand side of eqn (2), which proves that the stability degree is now even lower. The effect of fluxes LI 4 and LI OA is represented in eqn (1) by the term D' p3. The right-hand side of eqn (2) is proportional to the expres- sion Wvla ? rv; where W is the number of turns of the control winding, a is the number of parallel branches of the control winding, and rv is the resistance of this circuit. This expression is obviously proportional to the cross section of one turn of the control winding. The greater this is the greater is the increment of the current LI 4 corresponding to the angle LI e8, as well as the value of LI A W', and, evidently, the steady-state control accuracy, also. On the other hand, the value CI Ow + LI OA is increasing together with LI 4. However, owing to the fact that at a given value of LI /3, LI 4?,' remains constant, it may be con- cluded physically?as shown mathematically by eqn (2)?that as the cross section increases, the stability is reduced. If the sum LI ckx ? LI 01 were equal to LI 4),', then obviously no voltage would be induced in the control winding and free oscillations would again arise, while the two sides of eqn (2) would be equal. In practice this never occurs, as a satisfactory control accur- acy may be realized by small values of Wv/a ? rv, at which the stability limit is very great. The case is quite different with an autodyne used for control- ling the load current to a constant value, e.g. in spite of the variation in the internal voltage EA of an accumulator (Figure 3). To demonstrate this question theoretically in a more simple way, compare Figure 3 with Figure 1. At first sight the difference is great. Actually, to the winding W' (working in this case instead of WO the loading current I is fed back, not the voltage U. Further, in this winding, not two voltages (U and Uv), but two excitations are compared, that is, the excitation I W' with the excitation i, Wv of the continuously controllable regulating current iv. Consequently, instead of the law U = U5 the law I = i, W,/W' is valid here. However, examining the problem of the transient phenomena, an important analogy of principle may be observed between the two connections at once, as in this question the magnitude of the current iv is practically of no importance and it may be made equal to zero. In this case, however, the connection of Figure 3 does not differ in any respect from that of Figure I, as EA may be regarded as the given control voltage, while the control winding is connected to EA and to the voltage U. In consequence the factors illustrated in Figure 2, affecting the stability, may be distinguished also in the autodyne shown in Figure 3 and if = 4 4 + LI OA, free oscillations also arise here. Moreover, it may be seen that in this case the presence of winding. Wv may not practically cause any deviation either, as the fluxes mentioned pass also through this winding and so to the latter, and if the fluxes balance each other mutually, no voltage is induced. Accordingly under the same conditions as have produced eqn (2), a stability criterion corresponding theoretically to eqn (2) must also be obtained. From this, however, follows the interesting fact mentioned below. While, in the case of Figure 2, the control winding forms a shunt winding, and consequently the cross section of its turns is very small; with an autodyne maintaining its load current at a constant value, the cross section is very large, because the W' is series connected. This means, however, that the right-hand side of eqn (2) is, in this case, incomparably greater, i.e., there is an actual danger of oscillations arising. This has in fact occurred in practice at an early stage in the development of the autodynes. It is to be considered that (compared with Figure 2) in the case of Figure 3 the resistance of the rotor may not be neglected with respect to the actually small resistance of winding W'. As the current LI I must now overcome the resistance of winding W', in addition to series-connected resistance R, the effect of Wvla ? rv will be somewhat smaller. It is clear, however, that if this tefrn is replaced by W'/L' R, being physically analogous, the latter will still be incomparably greater, than W5/? rv in the case of the autodyne controlling its output voltage to a constant value. So it is proved that the autodyne shown in Figure 3 can perform its task only if provision is made for its stability by some supplementary means. Problems Concerning the Development of a Suitable Stabilizing Device and the Way Leading to the Solution The auxiliary devices for stabilizing circuits, in which the loading current is to be maintained at a constant value, are theoretically known.. This is obtained as follows (Figure 4). Assume the autodyne operates just at the limit of lability, as a consequence of which sinusoidal currents LI I are super- posed on the current I. These would induce sinusoidal voltages in the transformer T, the primary coil of which is series connected with the load circuit. If the capacity of this voltage is increased by the amplifier A and the stabilizing winding W, is joined to windings WI, and W' of Figure 3, with a suitable connection there arises in W' an excitation leading in time with regard to the excitation LI I W' and proportional to it. In this way effect of fluxes LI Ox + LI 4 could be theoretically reduced by well-known means. Nevertheless, this arrangement has several great disadvant- ages. The additional winding increases the machine dimensions. Further, through the application of auxiliary devices, the service safety is reduced. It must also be taken into account that the dimensions of the transformer T are considerably increased, because its primary coil must be dimensioned for the total 195/2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: ClA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 load current I and saturation of the iron core of the transformer by the load current I must be avoided. The other stabilizing devices of the classical control technique to be adopted here have similar disadvantages. Accordingly, it has become essential to seek a novel device for additional stabilization, permitting elimination of the disadvantages mentioned above. Actually, it has been proved that the physical processes corresponding to Figure 4 may be realized without the applica- tion of a transformer or amplifier, while the required additional winding may be placed in the machine in a way which does not reduce the useful winding area. This problem is to be solved step by step as follows. (1) In order to spare the primary coil and flux of the transformer T, instead of this flux another existing flux, already in the autodyne and being proportional to the current zI I, is applied to produce a current in the winding to be placed in the autodyne, playing the role of the secondary coil. This current must lag behind zI I. (2) To amplify the effect of this current, a generated voltage proportional to it is established in the autodyne. (3) To eliminate also winding Wc, this generated voltage is established in the winding W' itself, that is, between the main brushes. Meanwhile, two difficult problems arise. First, (3) obviously necessitates that the winding sought should operate in the direct axis of the autodyne. But then it is inductively coupled with the winding -Yr, which eliminates the effect wanted, i.e. only a single suitable additional generated voltage should affect this winding. On the other hand, the following problem arises. If the new winding is placed in the direct axis, then the fluxes LI 0, 4 OA, being proportional to current LI I?, will pass through it, and,also the flux LI0,'. It is already known, that free oscillations arise, when the sum of these fluxes is zero, in which case no current is induced in the winding, and therefore the desired effect does not arise at the occurrence of the free oscillations. From this it follows that the tested winding should fulfil the following, apparently con- tradictory conditions: on the one hand, the magnetic effect of the current arising in it should fall into the direct axis of the machine, but, on the other hand, the direct axis flux LI 0.1' should not be enclosed by the winding, consequently, the flux enclosed by it and being proportional to the current I must not exercise any effect in the direction of the direct axis. This problem may be solved by a special shape of the tested winding and also by the winding having a particular physical function. Physical Operation and Method of Calculation of the Stabilizing Winding In view of the fact that the autodynes as Figures 1 and 3 have a practically analogous behaviour regarding the transient phenomena, the following consideration should be valid also in the case shown in Figure 1. Therefore, instead of LI land W', the physically similar symbols 4 4 and Wy shall be applied. The stabilizing winding, as shown in Figure 5, has the shape of a figure eight and is placed, according to Figure 6, to the pole shoes of the half-pole I and II belonging to the pole pitch. Thus the condition that they should not be inductively coupled with the winding Wy, is fulfilled. The condition, that the flux, proportional to the current LI 4 and enclosed by the winding, 195/3 does not exert any effect in the direct axis of the machine, may be fulfilled on the basis of the following consideration. As is known, the compensation current /1 /1', corresponding to the excitation 4 4 W5, is proportional to the current LI 4. In the airgaps below the half-poles the induction of the flux produced by A corresponds evidently, within a pole pitch 25, to the ordinates of curve 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 in Figure 7. If, everywhere, constant inductions of the flux of the same magnitude are represented with the aid of line 1-11-12-13-5- 6-14-15-16-10, it becomes apparent that the area 12-3-4-13-12 is equal to the difference of areas 2-11-17-2 and 17-3-12-17. As a result of this, the part of the area 3-4-13-12-3 of the flux proportional to LI 4, as shown in Figure 5, enters the half-pole through one half of the stabilizing winding and leaves on the side of its other half, that is, it is twofold inductively coupled with this coil. Obviously, the situation is just the same in the other half-poles. If the total flux being established is denoted by LI 08 and the ordinates of curves 2-4, 7-9 by LI B (x), then, adopting the above symbols x (I + a) ? A 08=K 21f (x)dx C,2 .m; (3) X = 4 = (1+ 4 ? MI and / AB (x)dx = C5 2 x=.32-(1 -a) 4 (4). where 1 is the active length, C5 LI 4' is the flux produced by ZI /1', and K is the factor considering the saturation. (The cause of C5 being constant in spite of the saturation is explained in the paper mentioned previously.) It follows from eqn (3) and (4) that Tr ? OC 1 - COS -- 4 C8L1F, - (5) A08 7r-oc 2 sin 4 On the other hand = K, ? yWy (6) where, as is known, K, is a constant depending on x The flux LI 08 induces a current of AI8= 1 c1408 (7) r 8 d t in the stabilizing winding, where r8 is the resistance of the winding. For the sake of simplicity, the inducing effect of the stray magnetic field of the winding is neglected here. As shown by theory and practice, this is permissible, because the frequency of the free oscillations is insignificant. Thus, up to now the secondary coil of the transformer T has been replaced by a winding corresponding to Figure 5, while the transformer primary coil and its iron core become 195/3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 195/4 superfluous. The production of the generated voltage mentioned in (3) between the main brushes of the rotor, will be attempted with the aid of current A /8. At first sight this seems to be impossible. Namely, the excitation A 0, produced by current A /8 is obviously 0,=4/8 (8) that is, of the same magnitude but of opposite direction in the two half-parts of the figure-of-eight winding. Thus, the excita- tion is divided on one pole pitch according to the line 15-1-2-3- 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-17 of Figure 8. As the induction LI Bg established by A 0, is distributed practically in a similar way, and as a result of this the total flux arising on one pole pitch yields =r,? zIckg=fx 409c1x=0 x=0 (9) it may be concluded that the flux produced by the current 4 /8 of the winding cannot produce the generated voltage required in the d. c. winding of the rotor. The problem can be solved if it is considered that the excita- tion zI 0, must have a positive fundamental harmonic in the case of the distribution in Figure 8, because the positive areas 4-5-6-7 and 8-9-10-11 are closer to the central line than the negative areas 1-2-3-4 and 11-12-13-14. The harmonic analysis proves that the amplitude value of the fundamental harmonic is 8 n?a 0,, = eg 7c.\ /2(1 cos) (10) 2 Accordingly, this excitation has an inducing effect on the phase winding of the rotor and consequently is practically eliminated by a compensating current A /?, because 4 i is proportional to the excitation, A 09? having produced it, i. e. 21/91 = K24 0,, (11) where K2 is another constant depending on the value of xd,. The induction produced by the excitation of sinusoidal distribution of this current A 4, is evidently distributed in the same way as the induction produced by the excitation of the current A Jr', but in the opposite direction. Consequently, the integral of this induction taken within the section -r? establishes the flux formed by the current A 4,, which ?produces the generated voltage wanted between the main brushes, the latter operating opposite to the voltage induced by AOx and A OA in W,. Considering the fact that this voltage is proportional to 4 4,, as well as eqn (6), (5), (7), (8), (10) and (11), the generated voltage may be made equal to K8 ' zlIy(p) where K8 is constant. On the other hand, the voltage produced by the fluxes A Ox and AI OA is obtained as p D ? A Iy(p), where D is constant. Performing the substitution K'8 =K8 (C1 ? no ? C2 + .X0) 0 ? co pit where co is the angular frequency of the rotor, 0 is the moment of inertia of the rotor, and p, is the number of pairs of poles, the characteristic equaton is, after all (12) A' - F p/3' + p2 ? + p3 ? (EY ? 0 (13) r8 The stability criterion: 1 >2 5 1 2 0 + a ? r W [ C4.(Cn) C CiC2 C4C61 Kf8' Ci C2 r8 where K"8 is a constant, in which W, does not figure. It is recog- nized that the stabilizing winding is actually in possession of the effect demanded, as for instance the term comprising p3, reducing the stability and, in an analogous way, the right-hand side of eqn (14) may be decreased most effectively, if the cross section of the winding, i.e. 1/r8, is suitably inEreased. With extremely high values of Wy the first term of the right-hand side is increased and there is no place in the machine for giving a cross section so large to the stabilizing winding that would suffice for a sensible decrease of the first term. Therefore, in the cases illustrated in Figure I, that is, in the autodyne controlling the voltage to a constant value, this winding has not been applied. Nevertheless, in the cases of Figure 3, where the value W' taking the place of Wy, is small, calculation shows that the right- hand side of eqn (14) will be zero with such small cross sections, which (with the stabilizing winding set on the pole shoes) has practically no effect upon the machine dimensions. The autodyne of serial production, provided with such a winding and maintaining the load current at a constant value, would operate without the above- mentioned winding far within the unstable range and prove itself entirely stable in practice. (14) 195/4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 195/5 Figure I. Figure 2. 195!5 lp wp wc Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 195/6 15 pH 5 4 Tp -2- Figure 6. 13 14 Tp Figure 7. 9 AOg'i 118 I * 2 11 12 --aeg 14 13 Figure 8. 195/6 . 17 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 283/1 Optimalization of Non-linear Random Control Processes R. KULIKOWSKI* p Introduction In the theory of optimum control systems it is usually as- sumed that the plant differential or operator equations are completely known to the controller. In such cases, through the application of known optimalization techniques, the optimum control signal can be derived by an analogue or digital computer and applied to the plant during any time interval. However, there are known systems such as chemical plants and aircraft whose differential equations are not known completely to the controller because of environmental changes, ageing, etc. In many systems of this kind the best that can be accomplished is to construct a multistage optimalizing process which converges to the optimum control. All the necessary information for the construction of such a process can be obtained by observing outputs of the plant at every stage for known inputs. Applying this approach to non-linear, zero-memory plants, the gradient of the performance measure can be determined and known iteration methods, based on the gradient concept (such as steepest descent, non-linear programming, contracting iterations, Newton method, etc.) can be appliedl. If it is desired to extend these methods for the case of non- linear and random plants having memory (i.e., possessing inertial elements), with the object of obtaining a stable opti- malizing process, one should first define and determine ex- perimentally the generalized gradient of the performance measure and then construct the convergent iteration process. It will be shown that these problems can be solved successfully, at least in the case of certain classes of non-linear, inertial, random plants, by using some concepts of non-linear and probabilistic functional analysis. However, since the writer realizes that one of the main purposes of a short technical paper is to present the arguments and results in a form which is understandable for the majority of engineers, an attempt has been made to avoid abstract formulations. The more delicate, formal questions are therefore explained in Remarks I, II, III which can be omitted during the first reading. Assumptions (1) It will be assumed that the controller generates signals x (t) which may be subject to certain constraints, such as volume or energy constraints, i. e. SoIX (t)IP dt -,L=const. where p= 1,2 or amplitude constraints, i.e. max Ix (01 M = const. etc. (I) (2) * This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSFG-14514. The controller can observe the output y (t) of the plant for every x (t) applied to the input by the feedback loop (see Figure 1). (2) We shall also assume that the form of the output-input relation of the controlled system can be described with sufficient accuracy by a non-linear, twice differentiable, integral operator. This operator for example, may be of the polynomial type: y = A (x)= A0 (t) m +E i = 1 fT 0 ki (t ; fT 0 dTi (3) where the kernels k, and the function Ao (t) are generally un- known to the controller. The differential dA (x, h) of the operator A (x), which is an extension of the usual concept of the differential of a function, can be defined as . 1 dA (x, h)= hrn? {A [x (t)+ yh (t)] ? A Ex (t)]} Y dy ?d A [x (t) + yh (t)] y=0 (4) where h (t) is an arbitrary function subject to the same constraints as x (t). We assume also that it is possible to determine the approximate value of (4) experimentally by observing the outputs of the plant for x (t) and .x (t) yh (t) and computing3 1- {A Ex (t)+ yh (t)] ? A Ex (t)]} dA (x, h) (5) where y is a sufficiently small number. (3) It is assumed that a performance measure F (x) is given IT F (x)= I G [x, y, yd] dt (6) Jo where G [x, y, yd] is a known, twice differentiable function of the arguments x, y. As an example, consider a chemical plant (for instance, a reactor, distillation column, etc.) described by the positive operator A (x) [which is non-negative for any x (t)]. The amount of steam, fuel or electrical energy delivered to the plant within the time interval [0, T] will be equal to S I x (t) I dt, where p 1 or 2. The output product obtained in time T from the plant will be A (x) dt. Then as the cost of running the plant in the time T, we can take the performance expression 283/1 In (X) = (t)IP dt .1 A (x) dt (7) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 283/2 where 21, 22 = positive coefficients which express the cost in the accepted currency. As the next example consideration can be given to an autopilot-controller, which minimizes the integral error between the desired yd (t) and the actual y = A (x) path angle of an aircraft: F (x) = w (t) 1Yd (t)? A (x)IP dt (8) + T where w (t) --=? the given weighting function and x (t) is subject to the amplitude or integral constraints (2) or (1). In the case where we want to minimize the final deflection E (T) = yd (T)? y (T) and its derivatives s(1) (t)i t = T, F (x)= E i= o the weighting function d' de t = T i.e., when (9) W (0= E 1)i 6(i) (T ? t) and p1 i= o should be substituted into (8). The problem becomes more complicated when one wants to minimize the time T subject to the constraints s(i) (T) = 0, and (1) or (2). (4) In the general case A (x) may be a random operator, i.e., for the same x (t) it may be the case that y (t) = A (x) is a random function. Therefore, in the performance measures (7), (8), (9) the expected values will be assumed, i.e. E IA (x)} instead of A (x). In many cases yet (t) is not known a priori and the transient term Ao (t) caused by the non-zero initial conditions of A (x) is not known as well. Therefore in the case of (8), (9) it will be assumed that the function yd (t) ? Ao (t) can be predicted so that it will be known, at least approximately, in the interval [0, Ti and A (x) will not depend on the initial conditions. In the case of (7) the output y (t) is the sum of the processes due to x (t) acting within [0, T] and x (t) acting in the past, and this last term contributes to the output. Now the goal can be formulated, and it is necessary to find a control signal x (t) which will minimize the performance measure F (x). In order to solve this problem one has to de- termine the conditions of optimality and construct the opti- malizing process which will converge to the best x (t). Remark I. Speaking more precisely, one wants to minimize the twice-weakly differentiable functional F (x), determined on the open or closed sphere of LP [0, T] space 11X11= {foix(01,dt}"P,R, The norm 114 in the space Loo should be defined as the so-called 'essential maximum' or 114= inf { sup IX (t)1} , mes E= 0 E which is, roughly, equivalent to (2). The functional (9) should be regarded as the so-called Schwartz distribution or generalized function. The c5(i) (t) functions can then be defined as the limits. of weakly converging linear functionals. The concept of a random operator is based on the notion of the so-called generalized random variable2. Usually, in control theory, random phenomena are described by random numbers or stochastic processes, which are, roughly, random numbers for any fixed time moments. It is known that the random numbers can be defined in the axiomatic way as the mapping of the space of events into the space of real numbers. It is possible to extend the notion? of random numbers to the generalized random variable, which is a Borel measurable mapping of the space of events into some topological or metric space (in our case only, a sphere of LP [0, T] space). More precisely2, let (Q, S) be a measurable space and X a non-empty metric space with the a-algebra Z of all Borel subsets of the space X. Then the mapping V of the space D into X is called a generalized random variable if the inverse image under the mapping V of each Borel set B belongs to the a-algebra S, or in symbols, if {[co: V(co) a B] : B e Z} c S. The random operator, which can be denoted by A (co, x), a) a Q, can be defined as the operator which for every fixed x is a generalized random variable. The expected value of A (co, x) can be defined as the Bochner integral over the space Q: E {A (x)} A =f A (co, x) dit (co) where y is the probability measure, i.e. a non-negative, count- able, additive, real set function with the property pc (Q) = 1. It is assumed that E {A} exists and the expectation sign will be treated as a linear operator acting from the random variable space into the output signal space Y. Conditions of Optimality When x (t) is optimum, any variation yh (t) of x (t) should not decrease F (x). For example, taking G [x, y, yd] = Ax2 (t) ? g [y, yd] one can express this condition in the form: dF (x, h)= d?yF [x =2AS x(t)h(t)dt?fT d ?dg[y,y ?dA[x+yh]dt 0 dy dy = 22 x (t) h (t) dt ? 1 g' [y, yd] dA (x, h)dt =0 (10) .10 . assum ng that the second differential d2/dy2 F [x yh]ly= 0 is positive for all h (t). It is more convenient to formulate this condition in a form which does not depend upon the arbitrary function h (t). If an example is taken of the operator A (x)= f ki(t? k2(x ? 1) x(T 1) ri] dt (11) which has the following differential 1? dA (x, h)=n f ki(t?)[I k2(t_ti)x(rodt, 1 IT k 2 (-c ? h 1) r 283/2 (12) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 one can substitute (12) into (10) and by interchanging the integration order there is obtained dF (x, h)= h (t)dt {2 Ax (t)? dA* (x, g')} =0 where I Eqn ( 13) Then it can be observed that dF (x, h) = 0 for every h (t) if f (x)= 2 Ax (t)? dA* (x, g') = 0 (14) The operator f (x) will be called the gradient of F (x), [ f (x) = grad F (x)] because it can be regarded as a generaliza- tion of the notion of gradient as commonly thought of in analytic geometry. When the gradient f (x) of F (x) in the neighbourhood of a certain x (t) = xo (t) is known, it is possible to express the decrease of F (x) along the trajectory x0 (t) + cc [x (t) x, (t)] (where cc is changing from cc = 0 up to a = 1) by the mean value f(xo, x)= f. daf {xo (t) + a [x (t)? x (t)]} . of the gradient along this trajectory. Indeed, one obtains see Remark II) the following inequality: IF (x 0) ? F (x)1 re/ jf T 1.1/P .4fT If(X0,x)Ig dt Ixo (t)?x (t)1P dt (15) o which becomes an equality when the two arguments (x0, x) and x0 (t) ? x (t) are adjuncts, i.e. Ixo x (t)IP = const.lAxo, x)1g , p-1 + q- 1 =1 Then from (15) it follows that the best change or variation of the control signal should be subordinate to the mean gradient of performance measure. Remark II. It is assumed that the weak differential dF (x, h) of F (x) is a linear functional with respect to h and therefore it can be written in the scalar product form dF (x, h) = [ f (x), h], where h, x e LP [0, T], f (x) e L [0, T]. To prove inequality (15) let us observe that for every number e [0, 1] we have ?da F [x0+ a (x ? x0)]= dF [xo + a (x ? x0), x ? xo] = { f [xo + (x ? x0)], x ? xol Integrating this relation we obtain: F (x)? F (x0) =f {da f Ex + (x ? x0)], (xo ? x)} o Applying the Holder inequality, the 'maximum principle' is expressed by formula (15). The necessary condition for a minimum of F (x) can be 283/3 written in the form grad F (x) = 0, where 1101I = 0,4 and for the sufficient condition the following formula is obtained. , d2F (x, h,h) (111111)11h11 where y (z) is a non-negative function having the property lim y (z) = oo . In the case of conditional minimums it must be assumed that the functionals are strongly differentiable or, what is equivalent, that the weak differentials are continuous with respect to x4. When, for instance, it is required to minimize a certain F1 (x) subject to the condition F2 (x) = c = const., then, for the necessary condition, the following equation is obtained'. grad F1 (x)= A grad F2 (x) where A is a number and, in addition, at point x one has igrad F2 WI >0. In the case when the time T should be minimized subject to the constraints s() (T) = 0, i = 0, 1, n, in a closed sphere of D [0, T] space 114 R, the problem can be solved in two independent steps: (1) Fix T and solve the conditional optimalization problem in an open sphere of LP [0, T], by minimizing the functional F(x) = E (T), where Ai = constant multipliers i=o determined by the constraints: e(i) (T) = 0. (2) Assuming that the norm of the solution of (1) depends monotonically on T, the minimum T which satisfies the condition iixii R is found. Optimalizing Processes When A (x) is unknown one cannot solve equation (14) and find the best x (t) in the first interval [0, T]. But it is sometimes possible to construct an optimalizing process x? (t), n = 0, 1, 2, ... in the consecutive intervals [nT, (n + 1) T], which con- verges to the best control signal. Consider, for example, the problem of minimizing (8) which is equivalent to the solution of the equation ye (t) ? A (x) = 0, or the equivalent equation x = x +K [ye (t)? A (x)] = T (x) (16) where K is a number. This equation can be solved by the iteration xn +1(0 = T [x], n=0, 1, ... (17) where x0 (t) is an arbitrary function, provided the process converges, i.e. the integral distance between x?.? 1 and xn is smaller than the distance between xi,, and x_1 }1/P ff kn+i ? Xn(t)1P dt 0 r 7' =1 j 01T (X0? 7' (Xn_i)IP dt}lIP - m> 0. The consideration of normalized Krasovskii evaluation and normalized transfer functions F (p) does not affect the generality of the assumptions. It has been shown', 4, 5 that the Markov stability criterion enables a solution of the inverse stability problem of linear systems to be obtained. The generalized notion of determinant indices of stability margin has also been introduced', 4, 5; the? indices will be denoted by SMI (Stability Margin Indices). (1) (2) 287/1 . The determination of the values of the coefficients of the characteristic equation corresponding to arbitrary values of the SMI is obtained according to the developed method" by inter- mediate determination of the Markov parameters. To omit the intermediate stage (the determination and calculation of Markov parameters), which is specially convenient in the case of syn- thesis of linear systems based on the qualitative Krasovskii's integral criterion, a new method has been developed for establish- ing characteristic equations, corresponding to any prescribed conditions concerning the SM/6, 7. It presents a new and independent solution of the inverse stability problem. 2. Expansion of the Coefficients of the Characteristic Equation in Terms of SMI The new solution . of the inverse stability problem consists in expansion of the coefficients of the characteristic equation in terms of determinant indices of stability margin and, in par- ticular cases, in terms of the Hurwitz or Markov determinants or Routh parameters. As an example of the expansion of the coefficients of the normalized characteristic equation in terms of Hurwitz determinants, mention should be made of Table 2, Reference 1. To generalize the results obtained there to the case of any degree 'n' write the characteristic equation An (p) = 0 in the following form7: An(p)= pn+ a 1,. pn- a2, on- 2 ak,npn-k + an, n (3) By considering the sequence of Routh's matrices correspond- ing to successive values of the degree n and the equivalent sequence of Hurwitz matrices, it can be shown that the coefficients ak (k = 1, 2, ..., n) of the characteristic polynomial (3) can be expressed in a unique form in terms of Hurwitz determinants7. In particular, the following expansions of the coefficients ak,n are obtained in terms of Hurwitz determinants A 287/1 A ; A2 n-2 A, _ E Ai+ 2 A21- 1 (4) (5) a n=?+ Al 1=1 Ai A3 At nV Ai Ai+1 --2 Ai+ 2 a3 =-A-- L A n 1-11 LIO A2k-1+ A 2k A 1-11-1-1 k-1 A -21-1 a2k-1,2k= A 2k-2A Ll2k- E i=1 A2i-2 A2i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 287/2 A2k _LA2k+1(AO k-1 2i A2 a2k, 2k+1 = A m A A E A L12k-1 1-12k i=1 ?-'21-1 2i+1 an,? An _ Table 1 has been prepared on the basis of eqns (4)-(7). In the general case the expansion of the coefficients in terms of Hurwitz determinants is expressed by the following algorithm7: ak, n= n-i+ AA Lik - 2, n- 2 (8) _2n _1 where a18 1 in the case of i = 0 and 0 < s < n a6,2,-7.- 1 in the case of? a = 0, ? 1, ? 2, ... (4,8 0 in the case of i < 0 or I> s The expressions for the expansion of the coefficients ak,? can be most easily obtained by means of the recurrence equations (6) (7) Ak_ 3 A, A Ak(p)= pAk -1 + 1 Pik - 2 1.( 1-') (9) where Ak (p) is a polynomial of degree k and Ai 1 for 1 = 0, ? 1, ? 2, ... The recurrence equation (9) holds for 1 < k < n (Reference 7). In particular, in the case of k = 1, 2 one obtains A0 (p)= A-1(p)E..- 1. Analogous expressions may be derived for the remaining forms of the SM/7. Equations (4)-(9) enable the inverse stability problem of linear systems to be easily solved. The selection of appropriate values of the SMI should be done on the basis of a suitable qualitative criterion of transient responses. 3. The Transformed Krasovskii Integral Criterion As an estimation of quality of transient responses assume the Krasovskii integral criterion J(m). It has been shown', 5, 8 that as a result of a suitable transformation the integral square estimation J(0) can be expressed in a simple manner in terms of the indices of stability margin. The transformed evaluation ./n(3) takes, when Hurwitz determinants are used, the form -0) 1 a2 k - 1 ao A2A2 J 2k= 2 + + + + a2k a1 1A3 A3A5 A2k-3 A2k- 1 1 a2k- 1 AO k 112(i- 1) 212(i- 1) +A + E 2 a2, i=2 "21-3 A21-1 7(0) '2k+1 (10) 1 a2k AIA, 4343 A5A5 = + + A042 A2A4 A4A, Ll + ... + A, + 2 a2k+1 2k-2 A2k A 1 ( k a2 k + E L12. i- 1 A2 1-1 L' a2k+1 i=1 A21-2 A21 In order to obtain a complete transformation of the evaluation 4,(?) make use of the relations (5)-(7) and express the ratios an ? 1/an fo the coefficients of the characteristic equation An(p) in terms of Hurwitz determinants. It is found that a2 k- 1 = A21-1. A2i-1 a2k 1=1 A21-2 2i a2k ,k 2i A2i = a2k+1 A1 1=1 A21-1 2i+1 (12) Observe that the evaluations (10) and (11) have different forms in case of even (n = 2 k) and odd (n = 2 k + 1) degrees n of the characteristic equation. Substituting in (10) the expression (12) and in (11) the expression (13) and performing an appro- priate change of summation indices one obtains a single general expression j(0) where A, E--_- 1 is arbitrarily assumed. The expression (14) is the transformed Krasovskii evaluation expressed exclusively in terms of indices of stability margin*. It holds for both even and odd degrees; that is, for any degree n of the characteristic equation. The above transformation of the Krasovskii evaluation may be considered as a transition from one set of independent variables to another. The independent variables of the first set are the coefficients of transfer function; those of the other, the SMI. Further investigations show that this transformation is of essential importance chiefly because the SMI furnish much more necessary information on the control system than the transfer function coefficients. It is also of importance that the new expressions of the integral square estimation take a much simpler analytical form, which is essential for the synthesis of control systems. To generalize the results obtained to systems of the non-zero class (m 0; n> in> 0) consider some of the relations between the Krasovskii determinants and the SMI. (14) 4. Expansion of the Krasovskii Determinants in Terms of SM/ In the general case the normalized t integral square estima- tion takes the form 17" A(?7) .7,1")= E B?? A -1 bmi _ a = 0 Lin where xT)a,=bm2_,, ?2 b?,?+ibm-a- + 2 b.-.+2b.-.-2 + + 2 ( ?1r -"b?,bm- 2. (15) (16) for a = 0, 1, 2, ..., m and b. 1; bk 0 (k m). The expression of the normalized evaluation (15) in terms of SMI requires, above all, the expansion of the Krasovskii determinants A(n),,,,_?/A? in terms of SM/7, 8. The elements of these determinants are exclusively the coefficients of the charac- teristic equation, therefore the unique expansion A(n),?_,,/A? in terms of SMI may be done on the basis of eqns (4)-(9). As an example a few of the relations obtained are quoted: * Other forms of the transformed Krasovskii evaluation may be found in Reference 7. t The normalized evaluation .in(m) corresponds to the normalized transfer function (f) p, for which one has .20 = an = b. 1. 287/2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Table I. Expansion of the coefficients of the characteristic equation in terms of indices of stability margin of the group H (the general case) Coefficients of the characteristic equation ? a, a,. a2 a, a4 . a, . a, 1 1 A1 a, = 67) - . 2 1 A1. a1=--3 A2 a , = 6,1 3 1 A, a, = A0 A2 A0A3 A, as= -3,7 a2 - Ai + AA 2 4 1 A, a,== A. A2 A0A3 A?A? A, A, A,A, A, = a ? 4 Aa a2 = Ai. + Ai A2 ? A2 A3 a3 =zi2 + Ao z12 A 3 5 1 A, al =-a-0- A2 A,A, A3 a, = (A,A, A2A5 A4 a, = A3 A, A0 A2 A2 A, a, = A4 a2 - A1 + Ai A2 Al A4 A2 A5A, + + A2 A3 A3 A4 + Ao ,a,,,6,3 H._ A3A, ? + A4 Ai Ai 6'3 ) 6 1 A, al = ,3 A2 AO A3 Ao a - ?,,, 3 - "2 A1 / AiA4 AA A3As) A4 (24 - A3 A5 ( AO A2 A2 ) A5 a = 5 A4 A A3A3 65 a6= A6 5 a2 - A). + AlA2 Ai Ai A2 A, A3 A6 + _ + A A +A A A2 A3 -3 -4 -4 -5 , + ? + AAA A A A A i -3 -1 -4 -5 / 4_ + A, \ Ai Ai AS I A5 ( Al A2A2 A0A3A3 \ (AlAi + + A A A2 A2 A4 0 ) + + + A, \ 6.2 6/16,4 Al A2A4 i Notes: (1) In the case of normalized characteristic equation one should substitute a == 1. n (2) n is the degree of the characteristic equation. (3) A0 -= 1 (assumed arbitrarily). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 287/4 vn Ai-I. At-I An ? Ai_ 2 Ai A(nri') An _ 2 A? An A(n)A m - 2 n ? 3 An An_ ALT) 3 An- 4 An ? 3 An- 3 An An _ 2 An_ 2 An _1 The determination of the values of the coefficients of the (17) optimum polynomial /3 (p)opt reduces to that of the extremum (minimum) value of a function of many independent variables. To do this one must equal to zero the partial derivatives of the (18) evaluation .77,(m) with respect to the coefficients of the poly- nomial 11(p). One has aj(m) a:/;,m) ai(:n) Om) (19) ?0; =u; ... ? ? 0; ... ; ?0 (22) b 0 Obi a b k abm- I Solving successively for each m the system of m equations (20) ofn(m)/abk 0 (k = 0, 1, 2, ..., m ? 1) the values of the coefficients of the polynomial B (p)opt will be obtained, i.e., the optimum in the sense of SMI. Thus, for instance, in the case of m = 3 one has: The expansions of the remaining expressions of the form A An can be represented in a similar manner. Consider the sequence {.64,71 An of these expressions: At(nn) Ann) AO) AO) An An An " ; An (21) It can be shown that the structure of the equation obtained for the expansion of each particular expression A(n) m , An in terms of the SM/ is independent of the degrees a and m of the transfer function polynomials and depends only the ordinal number cc in the sequence t An This property is very useful for the generalization of the con- sidered problem for the case of m> 0. 5. The Optimum Integral Estimation in(m) in the Sense of SMI The value of the evaluation (15) depends on the distribution of poles and zeros of the transfer function (2). Assume that in the general case the distribution of the zeros is independent of that of the poles. Then, the coefficients ./3(m),c, are also inde- pendent of the coefficients of the characteristic equation and cannot, in general, be expressed in terms of SMI. For any assigned distribution of transfer function poles there exists only one distribution of zeros of the polynomial B (p) in the numer- ator of the transfer function, which, for the given assumptions, corresponds to the minimum value of the evaluation J,(m). Such a distribution of zeros will be called, in what follows, optimum in relation to the SMI. The determination of the cor- responding optimum polynomial B (p) = B (P)opt will be called the optimization of the integral square estimation j(m) in the sense of SM/7. A An -2 A,,_1 An_ 3 An_b3 = 1 (23) b _ , b b? = AAA_n-4' An-3 2 n ?2 An -4 n-2 Table 2 contains expressions for the coefficients of optimum polynomials B. (p)opt, obtained as a result of solution of the set of eqns (22) for a few successive values of the degree in of the polynomial 11(p). The integral evaluation in(m), that satisfies the set of con- ditions (22), will be called optimum in the sense of stability margin and denoted by in(n,')opt. Optimum evaluations in the sense of SMI, have a number of valuable properties. Some of then-i will be considered below. Of particular importance is the fact that for full analytical description of the evaluation J(m)0pt the SM/ are required only. 6. The Two Equivalent Forms of the Integral Evaluation 4,(m) In the general case the integral evaluation in(rn) does not satisfy the optimum conditions (22), and therefore it cannot be expressed in terms of the SM/ only. This follows directly from the assumption, that the coefficients of the polynomial .11 (p) are independent of the coefficients of the characteristic equation A (p). In this connection try to separate in the integral evalua- tion in(m) a component depending exclusively on the SMI from another component in which the influence of the polynomial 11(p) is taken into account. The introduction of the SMI and the notion of optimum conditions in the sense of SMI enables two new equivalent forms of the integral evaluation ..17,(m) to be established, that is: j(m)j(0)+M(m) and J(m)=J(:n.)+Am(,-) (24) (25) A detailed analysis of expressions (24) and (25) will be shown later. Now one is satisfied with the statement that for the determination of the first components, that is ./n(?) and J7i(m)0pt, only SMI are needed. To find the remaining components, that is Mn(m) and AMn(m), the knowledge of the polynomial B (p) is also needed. In particular, the component Mn(m) expresses the increase of the evaluation J12(m) due to the fact that the polynomial increase B(p) = (p) ? Lim has been taken into consideration, and the component AM(m) is the increase due to the introduction of the polynomial AB (p) = B (p) ? 11 (P)opt in the numerator of the transfer function F (p). For further investigation form (25) will be of particular use. 287/4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Table 2. 287 / 5 Coefficients bi (i 0, 1, 2, ..., in) of the polynomials B(p) = B(p)0t, satisfying the optimum conditions in the sense of the indices of stability margin(qi? Coefficients of the polynomial B(p) = b0 pm b1pm-1 bni_,p bm= B(p)0 in b, b2 b, b, ?b5 1 qn_2 2 qn_ 3 qn-2 1 ? ? 3 qn-4 qn-3 , qn-4 1 q -I- n-2 qn-3 q_5 q_4 qn-5 .4_ ' qn-5 ' qn-2 , qn-4 1 _L., q_3 , , , Nn- 4 q --r- n-2 qn-3 5 qn-5 qn-5 qn-6 + qn- 6 qn-2 + 6/12-6 qn-3 ? qn-5 q n-5 qn-2 qn-4 qn-6 1 qn-1 + qn-3 qn -4 qn-5 qn-3 + , N n- 3 + , ' N n-4 qn-2 + ,, ? Vn-3 q_5 Notes: (1) n is the degree of the characteristic equation A (p) = 0 (2) m is the degree of the polynomial B(p); 0 m < n (3) B(p) is the polynomial in the numerator of the normalized A (p) t transfer function P(p) ? B (p) 7. The Primary Spectrum of the Integral Evaluation in") Under the term of primary spectrum of the integral evalua- tion in(m) one will understand the expression Ru=1??(r1,r2,r3,???,r) (26) The elements of the spectrum Kr, are r1, r2, rn. They are related to the SMI by the formulae 9i-2 Ai- l? Ai-1 I Ti? = ? (i =1,2, ..., n) (27) qi-1 S7 where qi are the Routh parameters, Ai the Hurwitz determinants, and Si* the Markov determinants (Ai = a1i ? Si*). Example: Ao A A A2A2 An_i - _I ? r = = 406.2' 3 A/A3 _ '2 ? An Knowing the values of the elements r1, r2, rn the values of the corresponding indices of stability margin can easily be determined: Routh parameters q, =rir2,???,rk= fl ri (k= 1,2, ..., n) (28) 9k-1 i= 1 Hurwitz determinants Ak k 1. k k-1 k- 2 ?= rir2 r3 , ? ? ? , rk= II? r:i- i - for k= 1, 2, .., n (29) Ak a = 1 Markov determinants Si*; (Si* 1) 11 k - 2 rk _ ra k+ for k= 2, 3, ..., n = rz r3 , ? ? ? , ? Sk a= 2 The primary spectrum R? determines uniquely the first components of the forms (24) and (25) of the integral evaluation L(m). In particular, by virtue of eqns (14) and (27), one can write at once r? (31) ? It can also be shown7 that when the optimum conditions (22) are satisfied, the expression of the evaluation .in(m)opt. takes the following exceptionally simple form 1 n-m (32) where 0 < m < n. From (32) it follows that evaluation .?(m)op/ depends only on the first n ? in elements of the spectrum Rn and is invariant in relation to the remaining ones. Thus, the elements r1, r2, r?_?, will be called weight (influence) elements and the remaining ones, that is r?_(,,,), independent or free ones*. Observe that although the independent elements of the spectrum Rn show no influence on the value of the evaluation iii"opt, (30) * in the case of normalized transfer function the condition fl III r 1 should be satisfied. i-1 287/5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 287 /6 they influence the character of the transient response. This is a separate problem and is not dealt with in this paper. On the basis of eqns (27)-(30) the stability of a control system can easily be analysed. From this analysis it follows that if a control system is stable, all the elements of the spectrum are positive. If, in addition, the system is physically real, these elements are bounded. The spectrum Rn, of which all the elements are different from zero and positive will be called 'essentially positive'. Another interesting property of the spectrum Rn is now shown. It is known that the stability margin of the system is greater for greater values of SMI3.4, Hurwitz determinants, for instance. This means that the stability margin is greater for smaller values of elements of the spectrum R. On the basis of the above results and considerations the following cardinal properties of the spectrum Rn can be for- mulated: Property I: In order that a linear control system with the characteristic equation A (p) _ pn = 0 is stable and physically real it is necessary and sufficient that the primary spectrum Rn= Rn (r1, r2, ..,rn) of the evaluation fn(m) of this system is essentially positive and bounded, that is 0 < ri < oo for i = 1, 2, ..., n. Property II: The primary spectrum it, characterizes the transient performance in a linear control system of the order n and class m, because the sum of its weight elements ri (1 = 1, 2. ..., n ? m) determines the value of the evaluation in("opt satisfying the optimum conditions in the sense of stability margin (SMI), that is ) 1 "v7 r for m = 0, 1, 2, ..., n ? 1. 8. The Secondary Spectrum of the Integral Evaluation in(m) The components M(m) and AM(m) in expressions (24) and (25) for the evaluations j(m) depend in the general case on the spectrum Rn and the polynomial n(p) = b0 pm ? b, pm-1 . . . bm-ip bm or the equivalent polynomial C(p) where C(p)=c?,pm +cm_ipm-i+ +cip+co-B(p);(co=b,n=1) (33) The task now is to find a set of m parameters such that their structure contains as much information as possible on the transient performance in a control system and would enable the determination, in a unique form, of the values of the coeffi- cients c? = bm_a, and the easy computation of the component Mn(m) or 1M(m) of in(m). To this aim consider the partial derivatives a./Witn) w.= ac,^ ac a- -i One has, in the case of odd i: E rm+11 L 2 J A(n) wi = 1 + E . ? i=1 An E pn+11 L 2 J \(i+/+1) W2i+1= E i=1 A? and for i = 1,2, ..., m (34) (35) where 1 < < E [m-1/2]. One finds, for even i: A(n) L 2 J Erml A?,("1 +0 w21= (-1)I E ( 1)(1"? i =1 C2 i for 1 < / < k = E [m12]. The expressions (35) constitute a set of equations for the odd coefficients ea, of the polynomial (33) and the expressions (36) are a set of equations for even coefficients cH of that polynomial. The principal determinants of these systems will be denoted by W?,(1) and Wm(2) respectively, where (36) w(2)= or Ow, awl aci ac3 Ow, aw3 0c1 003 314'2 a w2 ac2 ac4 a w4 a w4 ac2 ac4 ? .= W11 W13 W31 W33 W35 ??? W51 W53 W55 ??? W22 W24 W26 ??? W42 W44 W46 ??? W62 W64 W66 ??? w(1)=a (W1, W39???/ W2k-13???) 1 a(c1,c3,???,c2k-1,???) qn-2qn-3, ? ? ?, qn?k k= 2 E [1 + 2 w(2) =0 (w2, W45???, W2k, ???) = 1 ? qn-2qn? ...,q_1 1=2E [2 + 2 (37) (38) (39) From eqns (37)-(39) it fol ows that the determinants Wm(1) and Wm(2) are the Jacobians of the transformation. The elements TV"; of these Jacobians are Krasovskii determinants A (n) with appropriate signs and _Om a2M,(,m w ) (1, j=1,2,3, m) (40) 0c1 = Oci0ci Assume that the system is stable and its spectrum R? is in- variable (constant); then, assume also that the Jacobians Wm11) and Wn,(2) have, in agreement with (39), constant values different from zero and positive. From the analysis it followsu that in this case all the necessary and sufficient conditions are satisfied for the transformation considered to be homeomorphic. It follows that the representation of the set of parameters wi (i =1, 2, ..., m) in an m-dimensional space L(m) on the set of para- meters ci (i =1, 2, ..., m) in an m-dimensional space D("') is one-to-one, and that the homeomorphic representation of a space region is a space region and the representation of an arc 287/6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 is an arc. The set of the parameters wi (i = 1, 2, ..., m) will be called the secondary spectrum of the integral evaluation J0(m) and denoted by Wm = Wm (WI, W2 t ? ? ? Wm) (41) If the values of the elements iv, of the spectrum wm, are known, it is easy to calculate all the coefficients cc, of the polynomial (33). To do this it suffices to solve in relation to cc, the matrix equations*: II kv,;z1)11 = 11 v,V)II and C;n2)II = V,2)II (42) The spectrum wni is called positive, zero or negative if all its elements wi (i = 1, 2, ..., m) are, respectively, positive or zero or negative. A spectrum Wm may also be of a mixed type. In particular, from the solution of eqns (42) it follows that if the spectrum Wm is zero, the set of eqns (22) is satisfied. This impotant feature of the spectrum win concerning the optimum evaluation j(m) in the sense of SMI can be expressed in the form of the following. Property of the spectrum wm: In order that the Krasovskii integral evaluation J(m) .should satisfy the optimum conditions in the sense of stability margin (SMI) it is necessary and suffi- cient, that its secondary spectrum wn, is zero; that is, Nit 0 = 1, 2, ..., m). Now pass to another form of the spectrum Wm connected with the increment AM(m) of the evaluation ./n(m). For this purpose the coefficients of the polynomial C(p) should first be represented in the form Ci = Ci opt + hi (i=1, 2, ? in) (43) where ci opt satisfy the optimum conditions in the sense of SMI and expand Mn(m) in Taylor's series for functions of more than one independent variable Mr) (C1 opt + /11, C2 opt + h25 ? ? ?1 Cm opt ? hm) (n) dM(m) d2M(nm) = Mn opt + 1 !n + 21 ? ? ? ? + (k-1)! k (44) In the general case the derivatives dvM?(m) and the rest Rk of the expansion (44) are a moo a c aMm) y (45) 112+--ivim) h2 + ... ? ,.,C ' h,,, ( "1 u(-2. ? m and dkM(m) Rk? k! (46) where the derivatives &M0(m) for v < k should be determined at the point Q0= pt Q opt (Ci opt, C2 opt, ? ? ? Cm opt) and the rest Rk at an intermediate point (C10pt + f9h1, c20 pt ? h2, ..., cmopt + Ohm), where ,0 < < 1. One obtains amon)in dM n (?m)= E h?= E w?h? (47) i=1 aci (m 2 rn m Rk= R2 = am(m) ? E h) ? E w0 ??+ E wi?hih ? 2 i ?I 2 " =1, j= 2 * The solution of eqn (42) are given in Table. where a2m(m) = aciac The expansion of the function Mn(m) in Taylor's series, taking into account eqns (47) and (48), will now be written 287/7 or Onin) =IV/Mt + dM;Im) +R2 AM,m) = Mr) ? M,M2pt = R2 In agreement with the optimum theorem of the evaluation fn(m) the point Q opt (ctopt, c2 opt, ..., cm opt) corresponds to a zero spectrum Wm. In other words the derivative (47) is at this point equal to zero, i.e. (49) dM;r)(Qopt)= 0 (50) It can easily be shown that the second partial derivatives wi; do not depend on the choice of the intermediate point. There- fore the expression of the component 1M(m) of the evaluation J(m) takes the following very simple form 1 in 2 i=1 " i= 1, j=2 (i 1, S-2 is defined by eqn (4). If r = 1, S-2 th is t if co is h=1 , h=1 u, *, ?,:lf and is 7 if w is T or I ; in (13), zi; will be sub- stituted by La (xp) and therefore by zfl or .Tp. II. Between the expressions, a relation of equivalence = may take place, satisfying the following conditions if di= cld,=12 Cosi,=0g, Evidently, u, satisfy condition II. then 304/1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80T00246A023400480001-9 304/2 II. The application of Quine's method is based on the formulae Therefore x u =1 , I X = X z0z1 Zr L.) fozt Zr L.) t1 L.) L.) ts =(z0 Li 20) zi Zr L.) ti L.) ... L.) ts = 1 zi u ti u u =z1 Zr Uts ts (14) (15) In order to apply this method, the terms z?, 20 Zr must be brought to be neighbours and the variables must be arranged in a definite order. Therefore, it will be assumed that. III. Q and 0 are commutative; that is to say if 7r is a per- mutation of the indexes 1, ..., r, then 2,? (1)0 OZR 09= Z10 ... OZ,. cozi, = zico . . . coz,. This property allows the expression to take the form (16) (zoOziO 04)co(20(9z10 Oz,.)cotico ... cots The commutativity is valid for all the operations given as examples: Li, T,I, +, . Yet, in order to make the sim- plification, it is not necessary that all the steps in eqn (15) could be made. It is sufficient that IV. The following equality be true (zoOziO Oz,.) co (200z10 Oz,.)cotico ... cots (z10 Oz,.)0.)tico ... cots (17) It is important to emphasize that for all the pairs of opera- tions co, 0, from eqns (6), (7) and (9), eqn (14) remains true. That is so much more remarkable, since the various steps made in eqn (15), such as the associativity of L.), the distributivity of with regard to L.), etc. are not valid for some of these pairs (I?X) of co, 0 operations. III. This first stage of simplification is valid for: (a) the dipoles H with contacts, as well in the normally disjunctive form (co = U, 0 = .) as in the normally conjunctive form (co = = u); (b) the diode circuits, in the same cases; (c) the triode circuits, of the two following forms co= u, O=T (form III) co=T, O=T (form VIII) (d) the transistor circuits of the eight forms 1?VIII; (e) the transistor circuits of the form IX, X; (f) the cryotron circuits of the following forms co =1, 0= 1 (form VII) = T, O==T (form VIII) IV. In the classical case, the following simplification is made xyz U XyZ U xyz U Xyf xyz U XZ U xyz L.) xyz U xyz L)xyf =(x U x)yz u (y y)xz L.)(z U f)xy = yz XZ u xy (18) by virtue of the idempotence law Z=Z -(19) To indulge in this type of computation, it is necessary to assume that V. The following equality is true dowslowdico ?? ? cod, ?docodico ??? cod, This property is valid for the operations L.), T, I, but it is not valid for + and 1Z- . V. It is known that in the classical case, there can be the following type of simplification xy L.) j7z U xz=xyU yz U xyz L.) xyz =(xy L.) xy.z) U (yz U xyz) = xy U yz (21) The problems arising from this type of simplication con- stitute the originality of Quine's method. A start is made with an expression such as eqn (13) where the za have been replaced by La (xp) as in the expressions provided by eqn (4). An expression of the form