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_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 1 ION REPORT .,.Thi motstial. contains infonnolien Secs. 713,end 794, the Iron *PUIsrritY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. MACE & 'DATE ACQ. USSR tiv=i9 of sh. bpienppe Lowe, Title . en person- le prohibited by. 10... 50X1-.HUM REPORT Precipitation of Zinc Oxide Aerosol in a DATE DISTR. Sound Field/Assessment of Soviet Paper by Dianov, Wrkulov and Niktte.nko. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 614,7,63 ? 2 THIS is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 12 page article in English entitled, "Precipitation of Zinc Oxide Aerosol in Sound Field, by D.B.Diturov, L.G.Merkulov, and. V./.Nikitenko of the leningrad Electrotechnical Institute immini V.I.Lenin (Uryanov), which appeared in the Akusticheskti Zburnal, VIII, No. 1, 1962, pages: 60-66, a paper submitted to the Eighth AM-Union Conference for the Uses of Ultrasound in Testing of .Materials, February 19602 _ UNCLASSIFIED 50X1-HUM 2. This important paper deals with the precipitation of an aerosol of zinc Oxide particles in an adjustable resonant volume (1.15 X 0.55 1 0.75 X 0.140 a) under static conditions. With a view to cover a vide frequency range (0.2 to 21 keps) at constant irradiated power, the authors use three different types of sound sources: Hartmann Whistle, Acoustic Siren Type UZG-14-A end an Electro. dynamic Generator. The sound sources irradiated. inside the processing chamber through a membrane. 3. An.tinode sound pressures up to 14.104 bar (1661Th) -were reached under resonant conditions. The zinc oxide particles size distribution patalced around 3.6 microns. Initial aerosol concentrations averaged 3-7 grs/m2. The coagulatior rate was followed by means of a nephelometer and. a technical discussion or this device is presented. Precipitation tine without sound. ranges 110.4140 tO 50 minutes. With sound for all frequencies tested, the Una is reduced. to approximately 33 seconds. TATE ? 1 ARMY 5 4 - -2 50X1-HUM 2 r ? I t4,41pe SD JS f7,41: CONTROLISI, NO DISSEM ABROAD DISSEM: The dienessination of this document is *Mod to civilian emplo?es and active duty military personnel within the intelligence component* the UWE member agencies,. and to those masbr dok at the member agenc who must act upon the information. Newever, unless specifically controlled accordance with paragraph I at pm lit it may be edeased to those component, of the departments and agencies at the:. S. Government db'scilirse, articlpating in the at National latelligenoe. zr SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS, It sh he ded ilet ismadearod to orgarolbeg--4?. Ions or personnel incJunq consultanie, and., a contractual relationship to the U.S. Govonsaiont maimed the wrkN penbisnisa at the originator. - _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 - 2 r 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM .132.e important conclusion of this work Wei that there is little difference in precipitation time over the whole' frattleneY range ?investigated' Thie the first isignificant work =Mitosis= at constant irradiated power for aexvsol coagulation ,studies. rims the scieutitia view point, it melma that hydrodynande forees,of the ()seen type predominate, in the Us frequency rangei over orthokinetic neehanisma.. This had already been forcested but not proven by pshenai-Severiin 1959. 5. .Frota the practical view point this Watt can be considered as a breakthrough since low frequency sound, sources wad be far more eca2amical to operate than any high frequency industrial siren. It opens the way to large scale aerosol agglomeration processes in industry. 001fT1OLIED IXESSEII 111211211CAMOAD L - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 PRECIPITATION OF ZINC OXIDE AEROSOL IN SOUND FIELD* by D. B. Dianov, L. G. Merkulov, and V. I. Nikitenk0 Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute V. I. Lenin (Ullyanov) Akusticheskii zhurnal, Vol. VIII, No. 1, 1962, pages: 60-66 The results of tiLe investigation of sound precipitation of polydispersed zinc oxide aerosol under static conditions within the 200-1,000 cycles frequency limit hsve been presented. The dependence of the precipitation time from the magnitude of the sound nressure inside the sound chamber has been shown. The precipitation time has been found not to be significantly influenced by the frequency of the sound. It is well known that strong sound and ultrasound oscillations accelerate the coagulation process of aerosol particles and may substantially increase the efficiency of precipitation. In spite of the considerable number of narers devoted to the investigation of the accelerating influence of sound oscillations on the coagulation and precipitation of aerosols, there arestill not available at the present time reliable luantitative data about the dependence of these processes on various parameters (sound frequency, sound Pressure amplitude, particle concentration, tyne of aerosol, etc.). A clarification of these relationshins is of considerable practical interest since knowine all the relevant facts one could approach efficiently the problem of designing industrial devices for sound Precioitation of aerosols. *Parer submitted to the Eighth All-Union Conference for the Uses of Ultrasound in Testing of Materials, February 1960. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80?0646-A611400410001-8 fDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 We investigated the role of the frequency and sound pressure amplitude on the sound precipitation of zinc oxide aerosols (zinc white 14-1). Tests using ordinary and electron microscope showed that zinc oxides are polydisaersed aerosols consisting primarily of ' aggregates of primary particles. Linear dimensions (r) of p-rticles immediately after the formation of aerosol in the chamber.are logarithmically sufficiently approximated by the normal distribution ig (114, r ? Ig r)2 1 (r) dr v exp[ d igr with lv rm = 0.48 (rm = 3/(,), lg 9. 0.1g. Fi . 1 presents the curve rfo(r) as function of lg r. Experimental investigations of the nrecipitation under the influence of sound were nerformed usinv the laboratory apparatus indicated on Fig. 2 under static conditions. Zinc oxide was introduced into the upper part of the chamber 1 using a special atoms er. The working chamber constituted a resonant volume which could be varied by means of tie movable rear wall (11 max . 1,150 mm, 12 = 550 mm, 13 = 750 mm, h = 400 mm)., The walls were made of organic glass permitting a visual observation of nrocesses inside the chamber. We used for the sound source 3 a gas -flow generator (type Hartman) with a selection of resonators and lets designed for operation at frequencies between 5 and 21 kc, an acoustic siren UZG-4a, and for the low-frequency region a source of electrodynamic design. To eliminate the influence of inner air currents on the precipitation process of aerosols, the working volume of the chamber was separated from the s.ound source by a thin sound transmitting partition 4. The acoustical matching of the whole system was achieved by choosing the separation between the front wall of the chamber and the exit opening of the source. Because of such tuning re achieved effective magnitudes of antinode sound pressures up to 4.10' bar (166 db). The pressure ratio between the nodes and antinodes was about 10 on the average (at a 5 kc frequency). With an additional damping of the chamber wall it would decrease to some 3-4. The comnressor (ZIF-55) 5 nrovided compressed air for the vas -flow venerator and siren. Pressure and air consumption were measured by means of a manometer 6 and a flowmeter 7 respectively. amIN. 2 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T0024AAn914nnA1nnn1 0 --.mmig19111111 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 .- 0.- Fig. 'I a r, Preliminary acoustical measurements in the damned chamber sunnlied optimum oneratin7 conditions for the sound sources used and their acoustic?mechanical efficiency. .11 Fig. 2 a ? Cross?section across AA. 1 In Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A0214004100011-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 4S? r-- During the actual tests the amplitude of the sound pressure and the frequency were checked by means of a spherical barium-titanate micronhone* 8. The microphone output was amplified and then fed to a voltmeter, frequencymeter, and oscilloscope. Nonlinear distortions were estimated from the shape of the oscilloscope curve. The microphone could be moved along the vertical as well as along horizontal planes, and we were able in this manner to check the distribution of the sound field inside the chamber. Nephelometer aprsratus measured the coagulation speed in the precipitation of the aerosol. A light beam from the light source 9 traveled through a system of condenser lenses and landed on the nhotomultiplior 10, connected to a highly stabilized power supply 11. The output sippal,of the nhotomultiplier proceeded to the compensating circuit 12 nnd then to the stretched wire oscillograph 13 and micros-. Using the readings of these instruments one could follow the variations of the light beam intensity and, consenuently, the variations in concentration of the aerosol inside the chamber. To eliminate the influences of wall dust deposits on readings of the nephelometer the chamber had opening along the light beam path covered with detachable optical glass covers 15. The glasses were changed after every test and their dust contamination, which was much lower than that of the walls, was taken into account during the final evaluation of results. "Nt, ZZOZO!"4111k,,,L; 4 Fig. 3 *The micronhone was calibrated at the All-Union Scientific {...Research Institute for Z!:etrology D. I. liendeleyev. 4 w.1?110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T0074RAne1 annA maral o h., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 r-- As long as the aerosol precipitation proceeded at low speed (low sound pressures) the nenheloTram was obtained using the micrometer and stop watch. Fast processes were registered on the oscillograph plates. Fig. 3 shows a nephelometer recording plate (sound pressure 20.103 bar, f = 5 kc;-time marks are every 15 sec; sound was turned on at the double mark). Let us investigate basic relationships connecting the nenhelometer readings with the characteristics of the aerosol being precipitated. The photomultiplier current I is connected at every instant to the intensity of the light beam by an approximately linear relationship I,* = kT. The attenuation of light inside the volume occuPied by aerosol is due to scPttering on particles and for 77> di (AL- wavelength of light) is proportional to nr2, where n is the particle number density. The photomultinlier current is then expressed at the initial instant and at time t by the two expressions 1 ,c,?'rv.lNI ( 101,n4,r?-), 1,1,, p blot 1-r;'2) Eliminatin7 exp (?b12) from the above eauations one gets . 1,10)"1 1, ) It = ( (2) The quantity0( (t) determines the time variation of the Photocurrent as function of the particle number density and the average radius seuared. The lntt:ir is a fuction of time because of the co:Tulation and nreciaitation processes. Since one lacks the exact knowledge of the coagulation nrocess, one can theoretically take account only of the (stockesean) nrJcinitation and we c.:lculated (t) for this sirlest case. Takin the element of volume at a distance h from the too nart of .L1,3 chamber one may write f(rt) ifo (r) for r 4 rt 0 for r ?* rt OWN. ???????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 ii pr4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 (4?. r__ Here Jo (r) is fixed by equation (1) while rt 117.17?)./2!7-ft9i corresnonds to the stockeSeen radius of those particles which in the instant t reached the level h end crossed the beam (iv - air viscosity, 3 - particle density, g - acceleration of gravity). "Note that the annarent density of particle clusters (entering the exnression for rt) may be significantly lower than the true 5.5 g/cm3 density of zinc oxide and anrroach the npoured on" density of 0.5 g/cm3. :Zunntities entering the exnonent of equation (2) are determined from the following exrrossionst ri S ?2/(r)dr S r'/0(r)dr 1.2 0 0 -- co. Pi (?) dr 5 /o(r)dr Using these relations we get ?2- nir nor2 (3) ( 4) ,In cese of the logarithmically normal low of narticle dimension distribution obtain after intecTrotion of (4) 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 arida - 4. ? C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 (t) I+ Erf (x). where (5) 1 ExPression (5) fixes the nhotocurrent in case of a spontaneous (purely stockseen) Precipitation as function of time, of the parameters of the aerosol, and the height of the nenhelometer liJit beam. We used a compensatin7 circuit for the nenhelometer to increase the precision of reedings and for convenience. Here, at any moment the measured current is obtained from the difference of the compensatinp current Ik nnd the photomultiplier current It = Ik 'If 1t4 = Ii. Ioo denotes the current for a zero concentration of the aerosol nnd I = Ik ? I. is the current at time t = 0 when the concentration is the 1!.rt, one obtains easily from (2) r Er/(x) - 2 ? d , igrc-1grm--1,64eci V11g (6) In the circuit used Ik = 500)An, I',02= ?95,444. Values of It'l for various berj_nninr concentration were determined from the calibration curve on Fir. 4. The latter was obtained by weighing a zinc vapor receiver after accePting samples of air from the chamber. The stability of calibration of the entire nenhelometric device was checked again nrior to every particular test usinc: standard optical filters.. For the nuantitative examination of sound coagulation of aerosols it is desirable to have a best possible uniform distribution of the sound field in the working chamber. It is not possible to reduce the dimensions of the chamber since it reduces the precision of the nerhelometer (one reduces the "basen of the lirht beam). One obtains a sufficiently uniform sound field When X ?. 11, 12, 13, i.e., if there are many wuve lenrths fitted into the length, width, and height of the chamber, or when A) 12, 15, i.e., When the working conditions approach the plane wave situation. With the values of L11, le, and 13 g-iven above the first case is realized for f :',0). 5 kc i 7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246An21Anna1nnn1_sz Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 r- and the second for f 200 cycles (i)k 1.7 m). mfg 0 --T - 4 g ef? (.1) ? Fig. 4 a - ; b - g/m3 "MAO 0 200 , 20 170 mei Fig.. 5 a _pa; b - min Let us look at the results. Fig. 5 presents the nerhelometer current as function of the time for the snontaneous nrocoss. Precinitation time (un to a concentration of 0.6 g/m3) is quite appreciable, of the order of 140-50 min. This is compared on the same granh with the dotted theoretical curve calculated using Equation (6). The initial aerosol concentration was taken as of . 77/m5 (1,1 . 280)ka), particle density as jp . 1 g/cm5, while the values for rm and 0? were taken from the distribution function (Fig. 1). The comparison of the theoretical and experimental curvs on Fig. 5 indicates that the convection air currents play an important role and significantly retard the precinit,Aion of aerosols. The observed curve fluctuations should be likewise a consequence of the air currents. The aerosol precipitation is accelerated under the influence of sound oscillations. Fig. 6 shows the precipitation curves taken at e 5 kc frequency and different sound nressures (1 - n .. 0; 2 - 2.105 bar; 3 - 5.5.103 bar; 4 - 11.2.103 bar; 5 - 15.103 bar; 6 - 25.105 bar; 7 - 2-r.5.103 bar; 5 - 54.103 bar). At low pressures Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 a r-- 1 the rreeiritstion is qualitatively close to the spontaneous process. The decrease in tine of nephelometer current is relatively slow, particularly during the starting interval, and one explains this behavior by n weak coneulation of the aerosol and slow nrociritation of those 'articles which are located above the nenhelometer beam. At larger sound rressures the trensnerency of aerosols increases ranidly on the account of fest growth in rerticle size and the subsequent erecinitation. A visual observation of the aerosol precipitation nrocess uncovered the following neculiaritiee. With undamped chaeber walls one sees a violent eroduction of vortices and a noticeable nroduction of sizeable nerticle eeereeates. The aerosol precieitation occurs almost uniformly across the whole surface wi-"ji the earticles collecting at the velocity nodes at the floor of the cheeber. A nertiel damning of the wells sharnly reduces the vortices which, however, does not reduce significantly the erecipitetion seeed as reeietered on the neuhelometer (keeing the n-values the sane). A diseleceeent of the neuhelometer beam alone the horieontel does not nrectically influence the course of the cruvee. The relotionshie between tee ceroeol ereci,itntien tie? tc es function of e for f = 5 1:c is -resented on Fie. 7. i.t.h n = 34-102 bar one finds tc f:t1 55 sec, i.e., elmet to orders of leenitude seller than the time for the spontaneous erocess. It is intereetine to note that et 7 elven freeeency 3n tee case of lamer soend ereseures (n 3), 104 bar) one finds a close '-'reement with the exeression tcp2 = coast. The latter indicates a very strong influence of sound ores sure on the nrecieieetion speed. We investieeted the freeuence deeeedence of the nrecieitetion speed in a wide renee from 200 to 21,000 cesec. eie, e shows the freeuency derendence at e,conetent a . 5,500 Per and an aerosol concentration of ^d 5 T/m2. 2he ordinate indicates the veratice of the nenh'doeeter current nor unit tine. &3 obeerved a weak frequency effect and en insienificent rise of curves in the low frequency region even at hieher sound fre.uencies. Althoueh, eenerelly, we did not find any erecticel frexaAncy dereneence on the relydieeersed aerosol under consieeration, the ehinly diseereed fraction (r 4: 1 iik.-) did ereciritete at low frequencies eienificently slower than at hieher frequencies. From this eoint cf view it !13, seem erobeble that a wide distribution of nerticle sizes leads to e certain smoothine out of the froluency denondence of the -recinitation nosed. Our results are of ie]ediete -recticel interest. A sufficiently hieh nreciritetion sreed ?et low fre-uencies lediceLee the way in which to increase the econoeic officience oe the ecaustic eethod of eerosol oaeuleticn by desiening low fre-ueecy eevicec eite hi ii lecheeicel Lc 9 flclassified in Part' - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A0214004'1000-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 efficiency. The use of frequencies in the hundred cycle ranfe may prove to be quite efficient. , Ficr. 6 Fi 7 At the nrepent time we do not possess a definitive theory exnleining the acouAicel coaculation of aerosols. In view of this, our exteriment71 rosults .e of particular interest. The hip-h treciitstion steed at low frequencies compel us to conclude thnt the collsticn mechanism cannot be exnl.Aned by Kinc- forces /2/. As is well known, these lt.tter forces vury inversly with the wave. lerrth (of the atandinr wave). Elerientary estim9tes indicate that at fre-;uencies of the order of 8 few hundreds cycles per second the King forces are too weal: to cause a si-nificnnt E:nnroech of zinc oxide aerosol particles. The relFitively uniform rrecinitation of aerosol inside the entire volume of the chamber indicates also that there is t...only a smell effect due- to the rediation nressure. 10 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A02140041 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 etS -if MO CON 425 mov(4) Fig., 8 a imelsoc; b - kc/sec 1 Particle motions under the influence of stronc. sound oscillations corresrond to the Reynolds numbers of Re ', 1 and one elust treat them considering the Oauen attractive forces. In this case the effective coagulaticn TocaniL.-1 ,nev be Q11_0 to the hydrodynamic interaction, as was shown by Pshehai-Severin /3/. Under the Oseen conditions the hydrodynamic interaction is much stroneer than durine the notential flow. In perticular,the R dependence cf the forces becomes R-1 instead of R-4. Pshenai-Severin estimated the time of approach of two particles of equal radius r = 1-1514-and SP = 1 p:/cm3, p = 16.103 to 40.103 bar with f = 100-15,000 c/s, which numbers are close to the conditions durine our exreriments. At highest values of a the time of a-orosch may reach fraction of a second. This is a fully acceptable value for the qualitative explanation of the fast precipitation of zinc oxide aerosols which we observed at hih sound pressures. One should emphasize, howevel., that in the case of small interparticle distance these calculations cannot be accented. Hydrodyn3mic forces in the Oseen annrcximation as well as the orthokinetic'nechanism /4/ should lead to the observed mexims in the frequency denendence of the ' coegulation sneed. The ontinum values of f in both cases, as fixed by the size of the coagulating particles and their order of maenitude, are not very different. Hydrodynamic forces for r Po 2/particles give for our case an folot f.ko 5.105 c/s end for r 040 6/0.. an font ^40 5.102 c/s. It is suite natural that the nolydispersed charcter of aerosols leads to a smoothing out of the frequency derendence. One must regret that both the orthokinetic and 1.- 2 I ?????? 11 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A0714nn41 nnni F7rairtt;,h,:.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8 r-- and hydrodynamic coagulation mechanisms -Ire not nresently developed for the case of nolydisnersed aerosols. This fact does not permit n qualitative comperison with exr'erimental results. Entered November 15, 1960 Biblio7ra'hy 1. N. A. Fuks, Aerosol Mechnics, Moscow, AS USSR, 1955. 2. L. King, "Cn the Acoustic Radiation Pressure on Snheres," Proc. Rov. Soc., 1934, A 147, 212-240. 3. S. V. Pshenai-severin,"The Arprosch of Aerosol Particles in Sound Field Under the Influence of Hydrodynsmic Oseen Forces", Dokl. AS USSR, 1979, 122, 775-77i. 4. O. Brandt, H. Freund, r-rld E. Hiedemann, "Zur Theorie der skustischen Koa7u1rtion," Kolloid. Z., r7)6, 77, 1, 103. _ ? 4 ? 12 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021400410001-8