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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 - ?) INFORMATION R PORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INT ?LICE AGENCY 50X1-HUM ? This material contains information affecting the National Defense. of, the:United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title . law. . 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner -to an unauthorized- person is prohibited by COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Poland Research Concerned Disease of Barley REPORT \ with DATELDISTR. \ \1\10. PAGES ? , REFERECES . . 9 Apr,63. \ \ THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 2 1 [STATE an annual report of a Polish research project entitled "Sources of Res4tance to Loose Smut in Barley and Identifying Genes for Resistance."\iThe project is being conducted at the Cereals Department, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute,I located in Cracow and is under the direction of Dr Tadeusz Roubenbauer. ' CONFIDENTIAyJ I ARMY I NAVY -end- C-0-N7F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L I AIR I FBI AEC 50X1-HUM 5, 4 3 2 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD ' Neilailigigigitt -? DISSEM: The dissemination of this document .is limited to .civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components ? of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, -it, may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the production. of National Intelligence. .IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to organiza- - .. . . . . .. . . .. ? ? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 CONFIDENTIAL and eddrese of renorting and Acci t1atio Institute, Caoop, IrOblewskieg; 5 , Name o prinalpal inve?stiga Ruebenbuez. 4. 5? jeet title: Finding ure s of in bo ac, e ct number: B-41-CR-18 and ident number: 6. D8ten of re.,earc To z 1 9 d Qovere8 b r port: From 1.i to 314111.1962, 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 ? , tegaidaiL The barley) races of this work to find, in various v ieties of spring CS costng tao resistance to 2 groups of physiologic SO smut in barley occuring in Poland. 52 various re ee i mb na-+4 -ons Were mode in order to Lirid linkages between morphological characters of plants end their resistance to loose smut Among these combinations the moat part was new, but some ot them were the replica ions ot those crosses of 1961, which yielded too little hybrid grain The plants of the V. generation were exactly the inheritance of morphologies barley varieties, which were used for or os For this purpose a thoroughly descriptio carried out and therefore the ooeurence of (Mowing strictly the lows of heredity ected to limes igs ranters of these s. hybrid material was me characters not observed. This hybrid materiel will be then investigated. Collaterally to the above mentioned work, the detailed doeoriptton of the barley varieties, obtained from the USA, was carried out. to examine aocurately the material, which will be u in order to determine the VI and VII l'nkaee groups. Since the obtained samples were very small his material was o'ly increased in 1962. d for crossing, During ties of lee the flowering s carried out, S smut ocourinA f barley the inICOtIOn of these resistance to both groups of races eland, is hitherto unknown. At the same time we are trying the simultaneous croSsing and infecting the plants. If the results of this procedure are positive, We shall be able to test the resistance of loose smut as early as in the F,4 generation. CON @bag Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 .? Zoiner /17/ Walpereil impossible e.hig etalne? Galatea d by Waii suscoptlb and n in. Jet CONFIDENPAL e trying to ?solve tbi pobIcm (lose smut in barley Ttit reitene, accordin be conditioned by one or two pairs of independent dominant or recesalVe d that resistance of Vit depends on r it was domin zalpersil x Ito aditioned by lne to race mark?d tan E cross whet susceptible ore. oose rnut wo8 f variety Val ?dominant an ace .Vs. Domin y user* e to and ? Dominant bomomygon genes Un Dors X -173 -10-5-6-1, conditions the resistan 15-43 per cent, the same heterosygous ge es cause the greater resistance within the limits of 55-65 pecent. There are the possibility of linkage between genes which Ocoured In varieties Jet and Dora 1 belongs to the VI linkage group /7/. The esiatanoe of Jet variety to rac to Un6 /5,14/ r?by f Anoldium v Piety to and to race To by dominant ge over other dominant genes fop r nes- t real varie within the limit domina The real sive gene u I-, 16/ ond a tiono4 by sing used bY rocasbably Un7 nee to loos ibut have not yet been determined e.g. in Ogalitsu moot gene /16/, in Abyssinian verietY 2 dominant Va3ki variety - i dominant gene /5/. lcgicaZ characters are inheritedindependentI' from the to loess ?smut /10* 12/. cording to Shands /1,1 there ose smut on6 resistan e to rus rding to Vnvilow the reotsnoeto oppoy procedure Was as the lemma was incised oIoz no v4tb. a scalps . Through. thin issure the anthers s ion or slipped In /pa nation/. In many side splkeleta wore .emoved he awns were not in 2.--towed noD in many-rowed barleys in order not biologic balance of crossed plants. The crossed pinacinciakt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 rowed bnrle removed nelt to disturbe ,..-- . ...K.... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 ?, -pii?as were isolated with _the plants wexo infeeted -augh similar len= sue o forcrossing,. where the smut were put on of each variety were above plants, ntifi he thre bocau pratiica th OWST The de season box of f inves :,ted ted :vox' brush* info ted. to ?obtai the highest as which mcdo poib1the eXectIy tea* ationod method of infec deed, but very roliaolc* d by this method c t I during'the vegetative d out as follawag node le of rust occured apo dice not given* material was stria alcharacters before r to remove he not infected grain was samnLU her and when the heading this. problem isto b his means to' accelerate the UrSO4 obtitriea rpoults are des1- tnn ?ol the varl t enclosed' ce this ma corning the possibility c?t. 'he her' ty . of to this pthgc unt of biennial The rits co aad info the ausceptib h tani year on a 04 tal vi CONEMITIAL ? t1ti obtained from t SA 1 is well 14mown multaneous crossing the date concerning tea to loose ?smuts 3 Will have been 4;1. vela the fungus,? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613%07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 - 44.46 2 or ,out cross o yie1dd t iitti gai 2 2, to replicate ? The uneatisfac through late flow at 28oVI itordeum hex 27*VI n macula on ao This ince vertion0o will be imp oewingt?311... vide the be t 0100, descri On the be OX woo stated t inherited* Tha, phenomenon000ued na$ wbee the vriety OAC inatanteo, whereotot two ma aa/Wete -tailed for tit/ rpostik tie conditiOnoo ?such a p fl oe 962* ese o ally inherited with tbG VI arid VII linkage aro' u Li* COMPliffia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 ded t Declassified in Part - I. ThAltiVEJAVall'`' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Replicating to test the susceptibility to loose smut Of pare..p tal varieties) it which this charadter is hitherto unknown* Roplicationg the trial on possibility of simultansoUs crossi and infecting the barley plants* TheS0 replications arc nose; ? esurV with respect to the influence of climatic conditions on tbe infection results in partieular years) what was Observed- in our work on identification. of groups of physiologic races ct:loose smut? InvestigatiuS 'the susceptibility to loose Smut cm obtained on the USA* Info-et-lug with loose 'smut the plants of the 1 tLo f creases carriedtout in 1962* 1* 4: Li 3*, E. Inheritance of reaction to loose entrt and to stem rust in barley* Dies...Abstr. 14.PUb1* No 8i09,899. 19-$44v, 2* Andr,ws a. B?e :Inheritance of reaction to .7.00sc smut U.tuds and to atom ruCti Pogromitis tit.o1 in barley* Caned.J.agrico Sol* 36* 3,6* 1956* Bumann E* Vauk,aQ infekcyjnyeb ehorob oh rodlin* PR Ilarszena 19,9* 4* nturn W. , ResistennsUchtung* nand.d.Pflancht*,B*II)336 1936* NoSnek C.14'4, Inheritance of resistance in bazloy to plvsioloo, gic races of U*nuda. Phytopat* 0.36901933* 6; Itflg&OU J40? B* The? inheritance of resistance to Uonuda PtWtopst* 3244,1.1942* *olio It. Influence of maternal tiesue on loose smut infeowt tion of hlbrid borleg knrtels and izeheritance of Dorsett S. loose smut recistance*Diso*Abstr*I.5*Ijubl*Ao 1&62O. i96. 0* Rchalir E. 14; Arny:D*C*. Shanda H* L. Moreau P. StUdies on the inheritor= of loose smut, n0144*, one's 011 0ring-barley*. Phytopat*42.30709,2. Les chanpignons* Encycl?nYcologique* T*22.-23. Parte 195e. . low Roemer To Fucks W.I. Die achtUng resistenter E93.0n der Xul Isenbook ?pilonnen* Berlin 49384 Rudorf W. hre Orutillagen.Und Methadon* Zeita*Pflaiich* 250904190* la* Scholler c* kti* Inherits-nee of restaionoo to to mmu, in borleY* Plat-113st* 39* 959* 1949* 13* Sbunds R*0* ?An- anterok4 linkage of resistance' to loose a0ut and stele ruat tn ber1e3i J*Amor*Soc*Agren xis690*4946* Amseitiruraill Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved 14 opad W. p*. 1=01 I,* 5* uwiZow 16* Zelden U* Ettit for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Inherttanoe of realatonee to U* nud6 In barley* Canad?j?Boto 306525* 195Z Uozenie Db immunitie?Ao rast nij k infek onn= vabaewanijam? Teor.0 Ta*Sel*Rast* 1. 19,354 Thc Inheritance ? 5jraoe 1, in bar.L. ?No -i1.)26.19. DasVrhiten Yer iedener arennuns hitachtlich der Ira 1.1?1114(1 eit?Plivileh. 17 oe to uda a bstr* PUbl* 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 S'e;a1 tbes...... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 101111ber l"*44.*04844614b - - is 7 stmatloa at the arvszas aci-claa oat 34 1961 4. 0 6. 7.. CUC 2i 0A0 21 CAC 21 1 3.1 Ski 112.* 40 11 x I 3$ OLIO** 172.9 0 24 x 1 140 Atlas 13140 044 Xi x 13.3 lima 10340 fro* I s. Usaebarla I 0B 2i z3.3 1110oat****r1l 1 1 algrum? 1 12 1 *AC 21 X 14eativ. f*rstla 1 Idiatiebea sigma I ealperall x 1 iwi arisbs Ii 1490 Wolpirrail x 1.1 61e 3 i 1 iarlaberg 11 x 1 Violaerosa barley! 1 frau Persival 1 9b 1 Lailabars x 14 1 Inca barlay front 1 kersival 1 tarlabers II x 1 It.sativ. saarcm lapis *UM* Seto 1 **riche x 1 I1,disttaC 1 lapis R34rol0 1 3.2 1 167.0 1 13.2 1 140.2 1 1 3.2'! 0**4 t I 3.2 1 ttoadpg 1 1 3.2 1 I I ) I- rlabarg II x ativ.turestas UAW* Maras Pm At lieelf*it? 1111 125.0 I *9'0 1 440 1 L67.0 1 18i.3 1 1 titl a 1.11o, 1 a 1 I white 1 a 174110W I blsek 1 a ver rcu 1 cabi ttg.3 1 I 1 1-1 0.0 2/4* it4b 1 zusirow /* sids spike- out* lair went divolopeil 3.4 2.r0v 1 row I 1 x 2-row i 4.3 1 r 1 /x .e-res 30 las Dir 1 /x re 4.0 1 4-res Igular 4w) 14-row ? 1 rough! 3.7 1 2-r01 ? temOathl 1*9 t a I s, a 1 1 $blst a 16 I 1 realig* aaby eotb 1 b a 4110 260 1 ilajakix 111041*161****14 tObadose x 4**aatlissaralm. AtOb .40 1 Atlas x 1 OAC 21 tOpla* 11i0sotwfUT*?41.5t.11101.* 30* 114011Ws 404, from t Iftsabaria x riosstis. 1E0k*Jr riijLa1, X 1 i0 I Seemerkss 1. Tbe skaret*rui re* aro Aw Tbe *horse ru mar J. the tufietias wit* ;ashy I b 1 4 wO 1 4.1A 3.9$ 401 1 4.4 1 4.1 fair elle, (black 1 stout I brit. 1 tle /x brit- 1 tle /ar Iv.brit- itle fir I stout 111 I nuts** %%bit* 1 stout 1 fair brit- Itle /x !bleak I viela*****/ 1 blsel 1 O 'Isoae loos* 1 MUMS 1 loess *oar reataam Igular 1 Malta Leese tout 1 stew 0 niubtir of ? t 0011A** imalst a with rust eaeux*4 sporadically, 're CONMENTIAL , 6ava tk.t late at. t give* . 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 ? 4* 9. 1 10* I 13. I 14. 1 13* 1 16. 17. le. 20.-i i 24. 1 29 4 1)2* 3* 350 360 371. 2.? 990 40* 21 OAC Si 0 rx 16 64 40 99 III 16 Moo-Grit 40 10Z es Uwe cam 6-? o 166 12 Meek bawls,' from Perelvel 16 ISsecrithen 71 thioschawaki 40 tOlad:ss 99 titles 6 110baxesticeen altum mons 16 Tromerithos if tilitochowski 7 lAmerleas Swam No? 166 set*fureatum diet. then 0 9 nous 1034, from Monehuria Unadies titles 46 ISsecri hem 7 thosvisou &meow No 466 12 Meek burls/ from Permian ISmerithes 40 MU** 99 titles 74 i01 79 43 89 6),1 ei4 17 7- 170 1,23 t34 245 141 1 99 74 63 51 9, 30 ?0- $ 0 * 69 * 60. 61* 62. Brovornyi X 614. 64 21 0i0-21 ? 69 Abed Mole I .3, 66* 69* 754 67 II 514xam 1034, free 40 *Ladies 4 140i Almeria* eigmese 1 I 9 tallest* 6...ees 7 tin/alma 6.0rem De 166 11 Mama 10349 from Memburlet 16 McDevitt** 71 tnechowski St titles 4 ta?triflareatum 10 MAU* 6.1row 6 1110basestleben e4bom 44 151grom 40,41 16 t2seerithen *1 from Menehuriat 40 -101adyes 99 titles 33 71 ChIashowski 38 7$ lam 42 )6 Marleberg II Si 74 tEbre ? 1 44, 36 iKi&r1Dbsr1 II 1 68 74 tare 1 122 36 1 &ixisb.r II 1 129 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 Variety !red or 1 naked igrain eolour 1 of 1 lemma I 7 4 B 1?Ail CONFIDErr'' arouguimuumumumumannsumuukautuniauuiuutiuutuusaumus type of 1 oft reithill book 1 lel- sid* Jof number 1 spike 1"raehis I tVW of (colour t trittlei and row 1 1 or leolour Stout lot awn lawn trough I or lamooth 1 1 ?roJect number &-.1*CR (Mildew 1 1 C21 Walpersii larlsberg 4. 1 Donna 's a 6 7.1 01aoss 16 1 Atlas 9. 1 Oran= ? taiosativum maerolepis nigrum 11?111.sitieum fUreatum diatiehon Inigrum. 12?THAllatiehonmnerelepts nigrum 13.11111grum OA, from Manoherla 191401c barloi fr0e Peraiona naknOt white oovor.lyellow loover.lyellow 1 looverOyellem tusked lye how leoverelyellem 1 loover.lyellow 1 Isommetyellow t loover.11alaok 'sever.' ashy 1 leaver. (black 1 wirer. this ok 'black a a a a a a otht 'smooth' 1 and 1 trough 1 !smooth! trough 1 !smooth' trough 1 !rough 1 i CD. e white LCha lyellee a how ? 'yellow * liollem tyellaw llstioh4ellem 1yellom ieh? !black IswOotltI trough i rough !poll stout 1 u 1 I * Yellow I. 'yellow 1 atongt moderate ? 1 non*-1 ? 1strong 1 1 "yellow 1 1 ashy open ashy 'hoods 1 ashr white 1 ashy 1hritt 1 blook 1 It tiohlbladk 1 ? Iblaok i;uat open 1 ? lute 1 open 111 1 Is N1 1smooth tmoderato trough 1 vor1t - strong 1 * 'strong 1 ^ tatrong 1 1 1 strong' rough 1 Win 1 dorate 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 O 1 1 0 1 2 1 N1 0 I i 1 ? 1 0 i 1 t 1 0 1 I fl 1 0 1. O 1 ? * 1 0 1 3 1 I' 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 .* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5 shit je?3/42i.Cit...16 bUrifiLikalt MIA hologleal daseriptiou or .she If 'Aeration a the (lioness carried out in \1961 at= -_===s; ascaassmatirmagims x2solusisue* open white slinging I 1 408 1' 6 white open 1 419 1 7 18110! oliagiag whit* elingiAlt 1 1 116 1. 10 7 dark /*net *91 8 Open /bite open 1 9)1 4 is opeal I 13 1 1 110 1 12 stab,y ash7 n1 :e oranges liens, 1 ? with sage shad* I ow 1 s matt 4 follow I? 111110, 1 Adz 1 UN) 1 15 liellow 1 90 1.10 1/e11ew 95 1 ASV clinging, * 1 911 6 17.11wor long Lula waltz hoods ashy *pent rough 1 9) 1 white hoods I 1 107 1 8 p. 1.110w with n lozenge, shade ashy op. lys SO' slinging 11 !pillow .ong *sky Mode 1 47110 IjeU.w misty open! rows 1 106 6 *azksUow amok op* ? 1 00 liollow fait a*, 01140.#411 921 4 :follow lay hoods' ? 4 ieUow white clinging Ines& 1 99 1 6 4e3..uv ashy hoods trifuxeste 179 110Ie11e,. lair sob, simile hoods ? 1.99 1, W hoods I stout -`1 101N 1 2 if 1 strong if N 'moderate Orate t if Ti strong t if MI6 strong if Inederato COFIDENTIAL 1ii 0 if 0 I 0 1 0 0 1 taist terod 1 2 0 ot a if 0 0 0 0 0 ? neat tired if it if if 0 1 broad 1 normal ? 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021200280001-5