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. - .1,4- VV.- .' Lle? .50X1-HUM. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy App- roved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 ? I CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1 COUNTRY Poland REPORT SUBJECT Research Concerned with Parasites of DATE DISTR. 2 Apr 63 Forest Insects NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1 -HUM DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 5 4 3 2 1 .4 an annual report (ten pages, English) of a Polish research project entitled, "Studies in the Development of t Improv Strains of Parasites of Forest Insects : which is being con- ducted at the College of Agriculture at Poznander the direction of Dr Alfred Szmidt. The period covered is 1 Jan - 31 Dec 62. CONFIDENTIAL 7 -50X1 -HUM C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1 -HUM I STATE I ARMY 'NAVY AIR I FBI INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD NO FOREIGN DISSEM DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, it may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly oarticipatina in the Production of National Intelliaence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall' not be -disseminated to organiza- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 !?)rthscrIpa- rr?,teles,4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 AeTicat ro Pozrlant aibrawakiego /59 Polaxa d Doc.ldr. Alfred Szxidt STUDDS IN T4L DEVELONT P UFROVED STRAINS OP PARASZTLS OF ?Oki.LST INSECTS E 21 - FS - 7 PG - re - 120 - 61. Reeort period: from tiQnuAry 1.1962 to December 310#96Z. CONFIDENTIAL ,50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 rs CONNOENTIAI: In the annual report Neol the general problems and the attemptg to receive improved otraina of various parasitie insects under- taken in past were diecuosed? Such possibilities are studied in the reported period in case at eaUltsEplus Lugelp2n912 Zett? and Rich&coug vIDegnauLatus Rets.9 two parasitic hymenopterans attuckind several forest insect peas? as regards,R0tuicipsnpig the Audite on tho level of biotic activity of saverel pure lines? that had bees collected in different areass have been completed These otudies showed that there is distinct differcatiatioh of biotic activity in different strains and that the most effective appeared to be the strains No: VI, IX, XI, and :Atheist premise strains Noe*: V and VII, It should be emphasised that ma/WU the fecundity of pure lines inbred for 10 to 14 gine:Oat/ono awe-woad very distnetly* The crossing of several pure 3tr411s at iqUgclpsnal2 was con- tinued? At) regatdo 20alkemulatug the otudies on longevity of the pure otreins aoro eoMpleted. in tbto reepeet the meet effective appeared tote 00 istninti No: IX und VIII? Until the preaent day trio numbers et temalos it thia paraoite tooted on biotic activity increased to VICO ond the Sonora nuebere et progeny ebtatned from thee remaloo increased to Mow , The general praotioal conclusion's ares felt is posolblo to at4310 any requiro4 Slumber it both studied species at poraeltoe at any date, 2, the rearjns of mps etralite inbred for a longtime le not ageteptablto 3* prefbably by trt3sine if linoe 1.41th the pesitiv eatares it w;uld bt pwasible im Pet0?v o ttrAni 1c31 feattatee for ciao SA bieleisie31 tontnl CONFMFNT1111 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 LI Det dOber 1?,1 .Intra.M.g.I.i.0 In the period from 3.111. to 3X11.1962 special interest was given to the R.rupipEnni2. The work on second species 124.112e- tneulatu2 was in beginning stage because the collecting of this parasite was possible in winter 1961-1962. Studiea made on pure lines of p4u2clpenBig in the reported pe- riod chewed that there is disiinct differentiation of biotic activity in different strains. It was found that the progeny of all crossed sthme of both parasites is fertile. The preliminary investigatio s on Dauecipenuie Showed that vitality of progeny of crossed limes tureased in Y1 and no. As regards Ratlygeonmlittve.,, in several experiments it was found that this parasite had natural and =nature% insect hosts . As a basis for studies en biotic astivity of this parasite the average quantitativerrelation between females and malest average fecundity of fenaleso length of deve- lopment of one generation 0 have been studied. x'Pocodj.Pe inee The several thousands cocoons of Digriesivp.1ttI PO and pupae of Panolis.flammea Schiff0 were collected in different areas as in the previous periods? The host-pupae were dissected in order to find the new pure strains of at, alAupauletufi because during hibernation /1961. .62 / .some studied pure strains of this parasite bedlam exterminated . Host - cocoons and host - pupae were segregated and then used for rearing of parasites e according to the sane melihods as in the 'past year. The same concerned the criterions and methods of rearing Do_Alacipetylls,,and at the studies et biotic activity of eeperate pure and creased ?trains or beth speciee of these parasitee. try e 3 e CONFiiibtAt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Lt.,..wa.L;Ls In the reported period the characterietice of ferestebiotepe were made in which the seperate pure strains of R.?1ketnijulatu and R.f.u2cipinEig were collected. These Characteristics made a cording to the rules applied in the forest studiee concerned following dat : type pf forest localietiess quality of soilsY" Of stands compositioneof etandss bottom etc0 as regards R.Euggpineig the studies on pure lines of this parasite have been eempleted. The biotic activity of sep rate pure strains is ehown in the Table 1. The number of spedi ens tested in each of 1.1 strains was: 1000 of females on lenge vitys 500 of females and 1500 of cocoons en average number of parasitized thinn-walled cocoons by 1 females 600 of females al 600 of thickewalled cocoons on percentage of parasitizations 50 of females on searching capacity and 500 of females on fecendit The promiSsing value of eaeh strain we characterised by a sum of /ioints of all five studied features /Table 1/. The lowest number of points was assigned for the life longevity of females /11 pointe for the first places 10 points for the seconds etc./ the highest number of points for the average fecundity of fema- les /15 points for the first places 14 for the seconds etce/. Such analysis of pronissing value showed that most valuable strains are: VI IX, XI and with low value areasVIIIs X9 VII? In the preliminary studies on pure lines of this para- site the decrease of activity of pure lines inbred for about 4e5 generations was not observed. Therefore now the comparing 0 the average fecundity of 200 females from the generation 1 t? 4 and of 209 females xre, the generations 10 to 14 showed that toe fecundity of pure lines inbred for along tine decreased very distinctly /Table 2/,' During the reported period the crossing of several per, strains of R.EugeppRis. was continued. The biotic activity of progeny received as results of croso-mating of various pure li- nes w s studied. For example until the present day the number oi females tested on longevity increased: strains I x III to 820, I x IX to 629v I x VI to 581v II x IX to 831 and strains III x to 809. CONEDENTlit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 - 014, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 _ Strain Nuber ?????? VI TV V v." T. VIII XI 4.4.4 ti B Average - 0 B lonavvity 0 o remAies 0 B 0 jia_dAya R tr-d 7-- -; a 7,59 a 6604 B 0 7917 6997 0 6,80 0 6949 0 6,73 0 8 6,42 6,46 6 6944 0 0 6 966 ?0 _ _ ????? Average number of p?Aratiltized thinn-wolled Co coons 1 fesale 41?44 :44.? ?444 44.4 ewe/ ; 920 1929 0936 1 ,16 1,07 1 ,28 1 ,06 9 ,18 19?-9 1 913 192:i MENIAL Tatatl, a = Parasiti.zation 0 of thick . waled 0 cocoene 9 41,69 45636 42,86 8 46,65 0 35,79 B 43,70 B 35-2, ft 28,45 4094 0 40,09 3 54911 0 0 ft/ 0 6 4 0 6 = = Seitrching capacity )6911 47,95 55,56 40,15 30,88 37,31 3102 39926 40,58 32985 63,42 = = 4 B 6 d 0 11 9 6.1a, 430 Aver..ig fecuPdity of fe-mitle _ 44903 45,05 32,77 39929 41 ,06 48,77 38 ?56 46,53 4709 44,29 40,75 7 B a 9 B U -3 = = = = = = = The prailittimr, value . of streina _ 44 47 39 44 30 48 26 30 30 50 .4.44 - CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 t Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 CRIMINAL. DM 4 0 6 0 a = )ivaglor 'et strain 4= M _lres=4i Generation -o I to 4 M mei em 11 115 80683 80571. 10005, 11'0268 9.592 1 0 644 13 050' e m oto m m? et* Table M m M0.00 M of 200 fo 'es _ = Genforatioa 4 .I0 t 5764. 6479 . 4616 64,7 ? ? 5621: 5569. ? 731-3 541 14 6 However be of =sufficient number of it is to earl;y to indicate crossing of which will /rime the st pro;sinent pregeRY9? As reprdeD 4tzta.iii,ut during the re of our investigations studi en lexagevit;y and ? 2. M ReMarko ' ,Dra, M ? c:D repetitions pure lines ored period tecumditY of - pure lines were made,. The 100Q of females tested Oh longevity i adh 44" the strain showed that there arc the distimet differences between the aversgo lengpvity of one female in.- por to pure lines,. / Table 3 / ? ces Number of atE41,11,. a B B B mM Mm m Mr ? DO ?M` Average iengevity of female 4-1* M M M ,sto ' CONhuitiaAL 8 0 e B c.c;? Table 3 M mM M M.M m m m Roma** M M M m m,m m Do M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 UNUULHIRL ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 , Until the present di4 the numbers of females tested ? on feeUdnidy and numbers o'.0! progeny obtained from' theSe femalee are shown in the. /Table 4/ Table 4. CO CC = lib 60 = is 4C,MSCP VC, IM, QZ = c* . . . . ... . . ... .... a e a 0 BsOark* Number Number 0 Number a s of strain of females 9 of progeny $ A tested a k R 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .fl. . . . . . . . 0 0 0 . o I 200 e t 11= a e II 200 P v 6 9 P III s 200 a 11.658 8 a IV ,9200 a 8.293 a a a a a VI 200 7.344 a a a a VIII 250 t /2.432 a a ft a IX o 250 . /1.888 a P 0 . . . . . . = __. . . . m .? .? . . . . . . .1. = Because of unsufficient nt,mber en femass tested on fecundity and other criterions t it ia difficult to say now which strains belong to the most offective ones. The preliminary investigations on crees..breeding of different strains of R..albLiannmlt2e showed that the progeny la fertile. Although the studies made up to day on p..f.tisciReenis.and 9,0.alboaau1atug are net complete it seems that some of results arC of? impottant value for development of improved strains of the parasites. It may be emphasized that the various strains from vari up arose differ significantly in biotic activity and only the offective ones can be recemnsnded for bieleglcal control. Besidesothe activity of pure lines inbred for more than 10 generations decreased very distinctly. Although the crossing of pure lines inbred for a long time showed that biotic activity of their progeny has increased, whether this phenemen will disappear after some generationso ? will be found in the fUtere iivesticatiens based on the compa- ring of activity of crossed lines and pure lines. CONFIDERIAL npriacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 ? Arnim - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Only by further seleztien and crossing of most positive limes it will be possible to obtain the improved strains . Some difficulties have been stated during the. studies @A RoaPaapn.H1?tns Namely during the hibernation of the larva/- stages iltf this parasite some of pure lines become exterminated. Therefore it is necessary to collect 00AZ new strains in the field and te begin the new investigations on them. The special experiments to expaain the conditions of hiber- natIol of R..albsaangl?t2smwere established. Another difficaty eur investigations is connected witb, the lack of sufficie t number of pupae and sees no. of 4ost insect whick didnot appear in as number in Poland duving reported peried. C ygcluSions- Bas d on the studies made on SOM4 p into on biology and eeelegy of R.J4s2i2elanjA,and R._alba mnlatt9e.the methods of mass reari g of those parasites were worked out. Only the conditions GI positive hibernation of.Dg altoenktuLaIu2 are to be explained 0 The completed investigations on pure strains of R.tugclpInnig havo shown the distinct differentiation in activity various lines.The most effective lines of this parasite are strains NosolTI IX 0 XI and they may be recommended for use in bio- logical centre/ of sesaffkiemo Apart of that the studies on pure lines that inbreeding for about 4-6 generatie n did net cause any decrease of blotio activity.Howevor after 10-14 generations the activity of these lines p especially the fecundity of females 9 decreased very distinctly. The crtssing of several pure lines of both parasites we eentinued.Tho studies n pregeny of creas-mated strains of D.Jus2iReBnp ha a indicated that it is possible to increase the biotic?activity of parasite by this ethod.This last conclusion must bevhswevervverifiad by mdditional exporime to. ? eCKIIMMA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Declassified in Part'- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 PI 61.0*.P wor k =10 4r...1t=a ese,er etsl at. el! cewle ";f 1 Tho plan the next year of our investigations Acludes coL. tins and starting of the folloxwing problems : 1/ Completing of studies on biotic activity of pure lines of E._a1boann1att2s in order to find what strains arc moat effective. 2/ Completing of crossing of most active strains of fussil,?4nq. Starting to cress the most active straine or 4.2.alboannult4tRs_. It must be also cleared by laboratory rearing of few generations of paraeite whether sucl positive features will be inherited or tihall disappear am effect of heterozy0 3/ Obtaining in laboratory rearing of several theurends of p,rasitp,s that will be used for preliminary introduction and chr:eking of efficacy under natural conditionsc 4/Col1ecting of few thousands of host-pupae and host- cocoons fox further laboratory rearing of both parasites. ( CONFiDigiAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 ., V ' ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 . CONFIDENTIAL . BACH DF,. P. 44. DOUTTv a01,1 3. PLANDERSv.G.t. Liter tyro 4. GROPP.I. G.60 ? HOA;AUD4 - 195S. Se/ective brooding to improve adaptation of paresitic ineecta. Proo.e Tenth Intern. Congr. sitemol.f 4. - 1961. Phe dimensions 6r endemiers. Ann. eat.3oo, nner.'54, 1. ? 19. M34$ production of our-parasites genuF; trictokirps12. Calif. Asr.Exp. Sta., Hilgadres 4. thOdhe..0 - 1924. The cultivated Citrua Ant of S6uth China, Linen Agr. Rev-.1 2. L.O.,FICA-J4, W.F. - 0/1. The port tion into the United Statea of the parasite? ef the ,gipay moth and the brOwn tail zoth.Bull. U.S. Sur. lintomel.p 91. - 1957. twsj v bieaegicaeakon nietodie. Zaszcz. rest. et wriodit. i boleznit19 20. 1956. interesting e.:Ise of bielogical contrul of cogoi2loate& tua.,MooEktli, In jdpaA ,u Proc. Tenth latern. Consr Lntom., - 1948. iiielosj.czeokij miotod borby * wried- noel nasiekonymi aelchvzgiz.e Moakwat Leningrad, 1960. Isnienczyweat i sielekcjfel entono- f4sow. Z?O.:;urn. 39. lir, 5. .P$94.7. pro et of thil aox r4Atito of a parasit0 by &election,. Cor.4.d. 79A 3. 1959. TAktunomiozesk4$4n Itimioxicznakaja chavegtierletika widoV red4 triettqltdrAu,? Aygono2terd, Trigh2grumn.ltidtei. Niautzfi. trud7t U:N7.1:1724g.08' 0 ekrteazeOwanilVaefidn elpiatipaml 4 roZ- nych widow trichograSk. NfAuczn.4, trudy UN0i0I.Z. d, hijew. R.J. - 1924. The po.rasito of the wooly aphis Inc New. ZeAlend. Prognese of the work 4f distributing f.phelinut null during season seaon 1923-24: frrlitgrowo apiwarist tiep. - 1924. The influence en the Itelection on the pveferenuum of A. 00?actd / V,knerumeipeVas 20,,tt./ .$;161 itc e,A0oxii. TA-the blo/Ogi41 oalt0g4 ef Lim:Oat Priko, kitty , LAmdeRt tAr. b" %3?). 4?, TM1 11A7Pcts o 441tctAt1=0 ogi kte.n4.1441- w';iikc sift 114'46git 6. JAMINT0a4, 7,, aiisuiAasUp 80.1UBc0a,, 1A7. 9Q RU1C04, I.A. i0. SIMUONUSs 1 0 TIVIlaktit t 110,40 12. TIBLUtad, 13., TILLY...RD 14. oIL,;$81 4" 411 CONFakaitiAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000350001-9