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r". im Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 f INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY . This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L COUNTRY Poland REPORT 50X1 SUBJECT Research Concerned with Alkaloids DATE DISTR. in Lupinus NO. PAGES C, REFERENCES \ DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 26 mar 63 50X1-HUM THIS IS INFVAI HATFD INHIRMATION 5 4 3 2 1 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 50X1-HUM GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 5 4 3 2 1 'STATE I ARMY I NAVY I Aly I FBI 1AEC CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. Howeve accordance with paragraph 8 of DC1D 1/7, it may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of 111. vsresellynIInvi Me.'" prl ...III IT CTI II I T WIT sr mccritntre zurrn rt-)MTR A rTni? It chrIll flnt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT Main College of Agriculture Department of Plant Physiology Warsaw9 Poland Name Of principal investigator: Prof .dr H.Birecka Project title: Metabolism of alkaloids in Lupinus and phy- iological role of these comm mil pounds Project numbers E21-CR-1 Grant number: PG-Po-130-61 Report period: from 1.11(.1961 to 31.X11.1962. FOR OFFLIAL 11S. D1V GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification ?c, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 fOR SUMMARY Duri g recent years lupin alkaloids - as well as alkaloids of other species - have been investigated very int neely. The results obtained yielded much valuable informations about their chemical structure, patterns of biosynthesis and metabolism, quantitative changes during plant growth etc. However up till now the phy iological role of these compounds in lupins /or the role of the processes leading to their synthesis or decom- position/ is unknown. Therefore further investigation in the field of: a/ identification of alkaloids occurring in plants often in traces, b/ their interconversions and metabolism in general and c/ their rate of biosynthesis during plant growth and the influence of different factors on this process can be of a great help. Th se, problems are important especially in the ease of lupinsx/ /fodder varieties/ because - among other things - the toxicity of various alkaloids is different /sparteinea. lupani- ne hydroxylupanine/. In the reported experiments: 1/ transformations of alkaloids characteristic .f bitter and fodder white lupin plants, 2/ iden- tification of'some alkaloids occurring in bitter plants and 3/ the role of aerial parts in the alkaloid synthesis during their greatest accumulation in the bitter plants were investi- gated. ad 1/ Enzymatic extracts from bitter as well as fodder plants of white lapin are able to transform sparteine, lupanine, hydro- xylupanine and angustifoline, i.e., alkaloids characteristic of the species investigated. The transformations are catalysed by dehydrogenases, present in extracts. The optima of temperature, pH, substrate concentration etc. for the activity of extracts from plants of both investigated varietiee are analogous. The products of transformations of investigated lkaloids were the same in extracts from fodder and bitter plants, i.e, dehydro forms of the incubated bases. These facts show, that the ex- tracted ctive enzymes from plants of both varieties are very similar. Some alkal ids which were not till now found in white lupin, like lupinine, 17-oxosparteine, 17-oxolupanine, did not undergo any changes in the extracts from plants of both varie- ties. x/ We are working mainly with white lapin because the variabi- lity of the populations investigated is not so great as in Lupinus luteus or angustifolius. Therefore - among other things - the differences in the plant weight, alkaloid con- tent between the replications are not very great. We have carried out Many experiments with Lupinus luteus, but because of great differences between the replications we could not draw any conclusions, statistically proved. Some other diffi- culties occur with Lupinus angustifolius. It seems to us that the new forms of L. luteus and angustifolius we have recently received are less variable. FOR mum. USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 - 2 -I In order to understand better the patterns of alkaloid interconversion in white lupin labelled iradiactivi( sparteine, lupanine and their dehydroforms obtained in vitro /thanks to transformations by enzymatic extracts/were introduced into plants of bitter and fodder varieties. It must be added that the alkaloid spectrum of the two varieties /at least at the in- vestigated stage of plant development/ differs somewhat from each other mainly in the fraction whichx9hromatographically behaves like a base called multiflorine ; this alkaloid occurs in relatively large amount in bitter plants, but it could not be found in the fodder ones. The detailed analysis of the investigated plants 2$ 24 and 96 hours after injection - in addition to the results obtained in experiments with enzymatic extracts - permit the assumption that the general pattern of alkaloid transformation in white lupin is as follows: , alkaloid ----; dehydroform ---3 another alkaloid 4 nonalkaloi.a compounds and the interconversion of the investigated alkaloids proceeds: sparteine 4 it x dehydrosparteine multiflorinex I /bitter variety/ i lupanine 4 1 dehydreolupanine 4 g(DICIhydroxylupanine .4 hydroxylupanine ester OH det ydrohydroxylupanine This scheme does not include all alkaloids present in whits lupin, alkaloids, which may play an important role in the inter- conversion processes. According to some hypothesis a reverse direction of intercon- version was postulated. One of the main argument of this hypothe- sis was the fact, that the occurence of sparteins in Inpinus album, /as well as in angustifolius/ wee not fully proved. ad 2/ Therefore we tried ta_vpamine the base occurring in vege- tative parts of white lupin'', which behaves chromatographiu cally like sparteine. It was proved by Infrared spectrometry ana- lyses that this base is identical with sparteine /not only in bitter but, also in, fodder white lupin plants/. Its occurrence in small amounts especially in bitter plants can be a result of a very high rate of transformation of this alkaloid. In addition x/ 0 xx/ it is possible that this is not the only way of multiflo- rine formatior 'in bitter plants/ xxx/ we could not find this base in seeds. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 [1111011. - 3 - we showed that s / another alkaloid, present in bitter white lupin is hydroxylupanine ester identical with hydroxylupanine ester occurring in fodder plantsto b/ hydroxylupanine in side shoots of bitter white lupin is identical with hydroxylupani- ne, isolated from seed f lapinus angustifolium /in our previous investigations we have proved that, 4ydroxylupanine in bitter white lupin seeds is identic 1 with the hydroxylu- panine from Loangustifolius/. How ver this hydroxylupanine seems to differ somewhat from the hydroxylupanine9 isolated from 'vegetatiVe organs of fodder plants f lupisus albus /investigations are going on/. In our previous as well as in the reported investigations we have based our conclusions on dat showing transformations of alkaloids introduced into plants. But these data could have been considered as n t.fully certain becauSe they reflected mainly changes of compounds introduc d and not exactly the, changes sf alkaloids re we tried to obtain some informations .about theiint rpenversion of investi- gated:alkaloids on :the basis 1/ of alkaloid content changes in plants during their, development and 2/ of the total and specific eotivity of,some alkaloids in plant exposed to la- belled /Ci4/CO20 The results obtained rather c nfitmed sur assumption that :the interconversion of investigated compoUnds pr eeeded fr*m lower to higher levels of oxidation. ad 3/ It as shown in our previous experiments that the greatest total alkaloid accumulation in bitter white lupin plants /similarly t fodder ones/ ocours during a relatively eh .rt time after the beginning of sid shoot flowering. According to the results of the reported investigations a/ t this time the side shoota are mainly responsible for the alka- loid synthesi /70-90% of the alkaloid increment/. b/ at the later stages of growth the total alkaloid content in plants does not undergo any marked changes. This i in all probabi- lity the result of inhibition of synthesis as well as of de- composition of the investigated c mpoaads. c/ the ageing process of leaves brings about a diminishing in the rate of alkaloid synthesis and d/ the pod .are t able to synthesia alkaloids the stem of the main shoot sho this capacity but to-a very small degree. These results draw our attention mainly to the side shoots of the investigated plante. The alkaloid precursors and pro- ducts f their metabolism will be investigated with special reference to these plant parts. The results obtained may be of s me importance especially for plant breeding works DETAILED REPORT I. Enzymatic transformation of lupin alkaloids /Lupinum albus/. Several years ago only two alkaloids characteristic in the bitter forms of lupinus albus'and angustif lius were known /identified/. 10e. lupanine and hydroxylupanine. During the last years great progress was mad in investiga- tions on the alkaloid content in the two species. In seeds cm) mom! [Mr nmt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A.021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 - 4 - of bitter white lupin - besides the two aforementioned bases angustifoline, multiflorine, albine, hydroxymultiflorine, dehydrohydroxymultiflorine were identified; the latter three alkaloids occur in seeds only in traces. At out laboratory s a/ in extracts from aerial parts of, bitter whita lupin multiflorine9 hydroxylupanine esterx/s sparteine' and an alkaloid, which in all probability is dehydrolupanine were identified; b/ in extracts from aerial parts of a fodder population of white lupin sparteine, lupa- nine, hydroxylupanine? hydroxylupanine ester, angustifoline were identified; the occurrence of three other alkaloids was established; the first one is probably dehydrolupanine, the second behaves chromatographically like multiflorine but differs from the latter in UV; the third one has a double bound Cue and can be reduced to sparteine, but it is not 4Nr... dehydrosparteine. According to the hypothesis of Shapf /1951/, Mothes /1955/, Hegnauer /1958/ the interconversion of lupin alkaloids proceeds from lower to higher levels of oxidation /e.g. lupanine hydroxylupanine Wiewi6rowski and Reifer /1961, 1962/ postu- lated a reverse direction in this interconverslon /angusti- foline...--u.hydroxylupanine...--u sparteine/. It must be stressed that the toxicity of various alkaloids is different /sparteine> lupanine;?. hydroxylupanine Up till now lupanine has been considered as the main /domi- nant quantitatively/ alkaloid in bitter as well as fodder white lupin. If the hydroxylupanine ester is taken into account the total amount of hydroxylupanine in plants may sometimes even be equal to the content of lupanine /the total content of alkaloids is till now the main criterion for t'sweetness"/. Our previous investigations on alkaloid metabolism in fodder and bitter forms of lupinus album indicated, that spar- teine /injected into the plants/ could be converted - among other alkaloids - to lupanine? and lupanine to hydroxylupanine. But 1/ the identification of these compounds was based only on paper chromatography results; 2/ the intermediary /dehydro/ products could not be isolated. The main aims of the reported investigations were a/ to obtain enzymatic extracts from bitter and sweet populations of white lupin, extracts which might be able to transform lupin alkaloids; b/ to isolate and identify the products of enzymatic transformation in vitro of some alkaloids characteristic of the investigated species, 3/ to investigate the patterns of transformation of sparteine and lupanine /and of the products of their transformation is vitro/ in plants of bitter and fodder white lupine, d/ to compare these two forms as regards the character of alkaloid interconversion in vitro and in vivo, x/ multiflorine called by us previously ax hydroxylupanine ester - called by us az or /oxylupanine ? /; xx/ previously identified only chromatographically. Sparteine and hydroxylupanine ester will be discussed latter. Declassified in -Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 or ;11,1 f0t r-g f.ji011, .1 E erimentai roeeduress A. Enzymatic extrects were btained fro er a par s o -4 weeks old plants of fodder /var. Przebedowska/ and bitter /var.Czeehnicka/ population of lupi- nus albus. Among viue applied moth ds of extract purific tion the method Of extraction of aceton po der with ph phate buffer followed by fractio ated protein sedimentati n with /NH4/004 was eh sen for further experiments. The extracts showed after dialysis the highest enzymatic activity - 3.6eaM of transformed sparteine per 1 mg of protein per h / xtract obtained in other ways - 0.13 - 0.22 uld per 1 mg of protein per hour/. The rate of transformation of lupanine abo t )0 and of hydroxylupanine about 60% higher. The re ult were the same for extracts from bitter as well as from fodder plants. The influe ce of temperature9 pH, of inhibitors and ctiva- torso of the concentrati n gf substrates wa investigated; temperature - from 0" to 60"C9 pH - fr m 5 t 99 the concen- ? tration /of pa tin, lupanine9 hydroxylupanine/ from 0.1 to 13 uM in 1 ml; inhibitors and activaters /sparteine or lupe- nine/schloridess NO, Ag+, Ca, Mg449 Me+p Co449 ZW140 Cur44o He+ and B; N F0 C Pp H202, N82A802, KN, NaN3_in nc. 10-5to lenfi. The influence of ATP, ADP and DPN w-s also invee stigated. Substratwfs sp rteiney 1upanine0 hydroxylup ine0 angusti- foline9 me1eiflorine0 17-oxosparteine0 17-oxc1upanine0 hydro- xylupanine enter nd lupinine. B. 1/ The transformation of sparoeine0 lueani e and hydroxylu- panine by un urified en z matic extract from bitter and fodder plants of rup nusib0 y roxy TiTifine was applied On lebelled form /r14/ after 16 hrs of iiicubaici with buffered extracts0 the so1ve-4t w a evaporated9 the renidue dieeolved in 75% ethanol and chromatographied /paper chromatographei with,n-b tanol s HCl* toluen. The paper was cut in stripe cof 2 to 4 mm in width, e1usted9 th radioactivity aed alkalvid content in each eluate as determined; 2/ unpus,,ified enzymatie extracta ere sbtained from aerial parts /5eg/ ofaPhaseolue velg rise Vicia faba0 Nico- tiana glauc g Zee may 0 Spic e oleraoe ad Lupinus lut us - their activity /sparteine as substrate/ w a comp red with the activity of an analogous extract obtained from plants of foddez. white lupin. C. Identification of produete of enzymatic transformation i vitro of some lupin alk loide. Spartein /300 mg/ was incubated with a purified enzym tie extract from bitter white lupin; the product f transf rmation after separ tion on a celulose column /cton i HC1/ wa investigated chromattgraphical1y9 in IR - spectrometer, crystallized as picrates /1/9 m.p0 determined; reduced with H2 /Pt02 in n HC1/. 10 mg of the base /picrates/ obtikd from sparteine incubated with an enzymatic extract from fodder white lupin was added to 10 mg of picrate and the depression of the m.p.? was investigated. To 1 mg of T-label- led product of enzym tic transformation of sparteine /in extract fran fodder plants/ 10 mg of unlabelled product9 obtained after incubation with an extract from bitter form9 was added. After crystallization /picratts/ the specific radioactiVity was deter- min d feryetalle ad solation/. ? FOR OFFICIAL USE CRY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 - 6 - A similar procedure was applied in the attempts of identifi- cation of products of enzymatic transformation in vitro of lu- panine /labelled with 014/, hydroxylupanine and angustifoline. Products of enzymatic transformations of lupanine, multiflorine, 17-oxosparteine, 17-oxolupanine and of hydroxylupanine ester were investigated only chromatographically and in UV. D. Biosynthesis of C14 and T-labelled lupin alkaloid0: 0.1 M water solution of 1-C14-cadaverine /total activity 1 mc/ was introduced to 10 plants of the bitter variety /0.5 ml per plant/ at the stage of bud formation. In the same way 5 mg of HJ-spar- teine /total activity 687.54uc/ was introduced to other 10 plants. After 10 days the alkaloids were extracted, purified, separated /column chromatography!, and sublimated or distilled in vacuo at 10-,T. Lupanine - twice crystallized from n-hexane; to 1 mg of C14- 1upanine 19 mg unlabelled lupanine was-added, twice crystallized, specific radioactivity determined. Hydroxylupanine fraction - in order to eliminate dehydrolupanine, this fraction was sublimated four times at 145?C and 10-'11 before sublimation 100/ug was reduced with H2 and the dehydrolu- panine content was determined /hydroxylupanine gives hydroxyspar- teine, dehydrolupanine sparteine/. Multiflorine fraction /which may contain dehydrosparteine/was distilled between 145 to 166'C 0 10-3T; the specific radioacti- vity of particular fractions /5'C differences in distillation temperature/ was determined. Angustifoline: twice distilled to 170?C at 10-3T. Hydroxylupanine ester - twice distilled to 165?C Sparteine - /only T-labelled/ - after elution from the celulose column - was dilutgd with 15 mg of unlabelled sparteine. After distillation at 98'C radioactivity determined. From T-sparteine after incubation with an enzymatic extract from fo44er plants T-dehydrosparteine was obtained. In the same way C'4-dehydrolu- panine was also prepared. 2 1r gas flow counter /frn the firm Frieseke and Hoepfner/ was used. Its efficiency for C14 was 35 and for T 2.2%. E. Transformation of sparteine and lupanine in vivo. 1/ Identification of dehydrosparteine and dehydrolupanine in plants after injection of sparteine and lupanine. a/ Dehydrosparteine. 50 plants of the fodder population received 15 mg of sparteine /per plant/ as sulphate After 14 days alkaloids were extracted. The fraction of Ri of dehydrosparteine was chromatographied /on celulos2 columd/ kth acetons in 1101; the alkaloid was distilled at 120'C and 10-3T and compared in IR spectrometer, chromatographically and chemi- cally with the product of enzymatic transfortation in vitro. A part of the fraction drosparteine /181/ and b/ 241. E9441141 troduce3 1no p an s killed /-60 C/ after 2 graphically separated. was crystallized as picrates with T-dehy- the specific activity was determined. . 2 mg of C14-labelled lupanine were in- of the fodder variety. The plants were hours. Alkaloids extracted, chromato- The fraction of Rf of dehydrolupanine Declassified in *Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 MAL "lia /the same Rf am the Rf of hydroxylupanine/ was eluted adio- * activity measured; reduction with H2/2n HC1 and Pt02/0 Pr ducts of the reduction - after addition of a small amount of unlabel- led sparteine - separated chromatographically and their radio- activity determined. ? 2/ Products of tranzformation of T-sparteine9 C14 lupanine and their dehydroforms in plants. Into 49 days old plants of the bitter and fodder population of Lupinus albus HJ-sparteine9 ? C14 lupanine and their labelled dehydroforms ob ined enzyme- tically in vitro 'were introduced. The amount of njected alka- loid varied between 0.1 to 0.5 mg per plant in the f.dder and 0.3 - 3 mg in the bitter variety. The plants were analyzed after 29 249 96 hrs. The alkaloids extracted 9 separated on paper9 eluted 9 radioactivity and con- tent determined. The fraction of Rf of dehydrosparteine./the same Rf as the Rf of multiflorine in bitter and ax in fodder var./ transferred into chloroform9 heated f?i? 3 min to bop? After evaporation of chliroform the alkaloids were sublimated to 14509 activity and quantity determined. The differences between the results before and after, eublimation indicate the amount and the activity of dehydrosparteine. The fractions of radioactive lupanine /T-Iabelled/ was investigated by means of isotope dilution with unlabelled lupanine. The fractions of Rf f dehydr lupantne from plants9 which were injected with C14- alkaloid as redueed with H2. F. 1/ Synthesis of 1-C1 '4 -eadaverine 1C14-eadaverite was obtained /at micro-scale/ as follows 14 NW 0114 H904 14 CH3ON I BaC 03 --a. KC N -ea.> HC N ---- K II NaC14N Br.CH2.0H2.0H2 CN NaBr C14NCH2.0H2.0H2.0N He 1 14_ III C4N.CH2.CH2.CH2 CN Tre- 0Le e, CH CH H H NH ? 42? 2? '2 2? 2 2 .Lvy4 NaC14N the obtained cadaverine was purified; crystallyzed; the m.p4 and activity determined. 2/ Preparation of H3 - sparteine. 25 mg, of unlali)elled sparteine /chloride/ reacted with 0.5 ml THO /with Adams red.catala at 100?C for 48 hrs. THO having been distilled9 1 ml H20 was added and afterwards distilled9 this procedure was repeated four timeS. The residue was dissolved ine 5 ml 0.5 n Na0H9 filtrated through glassefiber and heated at 95'C for /0 min. The solution was cooled to eC9 sparteine extracted with chlorofo-em9 which afterwards was distilled off? 5 ml 0.5 n HC1 was added and again heated. H3-sparteine was extracted with chloroform evaporated; 5 mi 0.5 n NaOH added and the described above procedure w-=o repeated five times9 the radioacti- vity of each chloroform extract having been determined. T-spar- teine was twice crystallized as-picrates9 afterwards converted into chlorides. TO, 0.5 ma of labelled sparteine 25 mg of unlabel- , led sparteine was added, crystallized and the radioactivity deter- mined. . FOR OFFICA USE DO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 - 8 - Results: I.Enzymatic transformations of alkaloids in vitro. The optimum temperature for the enzymatic activity of extracts from both investigated populations lies for sparteine beIween 30-450C, for lupanine and hydroXylupanine 25-400C. At 57'C the activity accounted only for 25% of its maximum. The optimum of pH ranges between 6.6 - 7.7 for the three inve- stigated substrates, the extracts from bitter plants reacted to the changes of pH similarly as the extracts from the fodder ones. Under optimal conditions of temperature and pH the in- fluence of alkaloid concentrations was investigated. The opti- mum of sparteine concentration was 2 - 4.5 of lupanine conc. 2 - 704 of hydroxylupanine conc. 3 - 8,11:M/m1 - in both kinds of enzymatic extracts. In further investigations /quantitative in character/ 31t0/m1 of particular alkaloids was used. Inhibitors and activatust Na+ and Ca++ - no influence on the ++ enzymatic actlyityA_Mgmtyg, end Zn4+-increased the activity about 20%; Co',CU", Ea"' Ag' in conc. 10-3U - inhibition about 40%, in conc. 10-2 - 100%. Versene had no influence, NaAs02 /10-3/ - did not cause any inhibition, 11202 at any con- centrations did not influence the activity of extracts. ATP at conc.2.10-4 to 3.10-3 M - increased the activity about 30%, but at 10-2M caged a marked inhibition. ADP . no influence; DPN at 2.5 . 10-111 increased the activity about 25% The addition of activators or inhibitors to extracts previously boiled did not cause any changes in the substrates applied. The results obtained with both kinds of extracts were the same. Table 1 and 2 represent the results obtained with purified and unpurified extracts from fodder and bitter white lupins: Table 1 )UM of the transformed substrate in 1 ml of enzymatic extracts per hour Extracts before from plants spar eine fodder 1 0.8 bitter 7 0.06 sic after dial sis upanine spar e ne upan ne 0.09 I 0.5 1.2 1.0 The unpurified extracts from bitter lupin showed a much lower activity than analogous extracts from fodder lupin. Dialysis of "bitter" extracts increased their activity to the level, observed in the "fodder" extracts. Table 2 The influence of juice from fresh bitter plants on the activity of extracts from fodder plants /substrate:sparteine/ ml of juice added activity of the extract/5/ after addition of fresh juice 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 100 100 100 85 80 70 fri boiled julce 100 100 90 82 68 50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 rim avliAll!, unLY - 9 - The activity of extracts from fodder plants was lowered not only by the fresh but also by the boiled juice obtained from bitter plants. The addition of a mixture of alkaloids /characteristic of the bitter population/ to the investigated extract did not have any influence on its activity. In the case of sparteine and lupanine the total amount of alkaloid introdaced the product of its transformation in unpUrified as well as in purified extracts was the same as ,the amount applied. However in the case of hydroxylupanine the total amount of both bases after 16 hrs of incubation with unpurified extracts.was about 50% lower than the amount applied /in purified exacts there was no difference/. Additional tests with C14-hydroxylupanine showed that about 50% of the radioactivity applied could' be found in compounds which did not react with Dragendorffs reagent. . The activity of extracts from fodder white lupin plant /100%/ was compared with the activity of extracts from other species /substrate: sparteine/: Nicotiana glauca 09 Zola mays - 0, Phaseolus'vulgaris - 15, Viola faba 200 Spinacea oleracea SO, Lupinus luteus /fodder/ - 60%. Fractionation of proteins of the extract from fodder whit lupin on hydroxylapatite column showed that only fractions elated with buffer solution from 0614 to 0.22 M are 'active. The maximum of activity was manifested by the fractio eluted with 0.16 M /11.5seM of transformed substrate per 1 mg of protein per hour/. The identification of product of alkaloid transformations in vitro gave the following results: 1/ sparteine - in extracts from both forms of hits lupin - yielded dehydrosparteine /the only product/, m.papicrates/ 204-206?C; this dehydrofor% however is not D5-dehydrosparteine /m40-picrates - 189 - 190C/. 2/ lupanins Yloslded /in both extracts/ dehydrolupanine /onlY/9 but it is not D"-dehydrolupanine or ,'ehydrolupanine found by Rink and SchAfer /1954/ in seeds of Luoinus perennis. 3/ hydroxylupanine - yielded dehydroxylupanine. 4/ angustifoline dehydroangustifoline. Lupinite, 17-oxosparteine0 17- xolupanine, hydroxylupanine ester and multiflorine /the latter investigated in extracts only from fodder plants/ - did not change during incubation with enzymatic extracts. II. Transformation of alkaloids in vivo. The degree of incorporation of C14-cadaverine into alkaloids in plants of bitter lupin after 10 days accounted only for 0.7%, while the incorporation of T-sparteine amounted to 50%. In both cases - all isolated alkaloids were radioactive, the distribution of the radioactivity between the investigated bases was similar, and the quantitative proportions betweem them were in -e-leral analogous to the proportions for radioactivity, except Lor the multiflorine0 whose participation in the total alkaloideoacti- vity was higher than i the total alkaloid content. These facts show - among other things - that T-sparteine after chemical re- moval of easily exchangeable hydrogen - can be used with good FOR OFFICIAL USE OM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 - 10 - results for labelling other lupin alkaloids in spite of the fact that hydrogen atoms bound with the sparteine skeleton are "attacked" by enzymes more easily than carbon in this skeleton. An intense transformation of sparteine into other alkaloids was found also in plants of the fodder variety. The isolated fraction, whose Rf value was the same as the Af of dehydrosparteine after distillation to 120'e yielded an oily substance. The chemical analysis, paper chromatogra- phy and IR spectrum showed that it was dehydrosparteine iden- tical with the dehydrosparteine obtained enzymatically in vitro. The fraction, in which besides hydroxylupanine dehydro- -xylupanine may also be present, was isolated from plants, which received 014-lupanine and two hours after injection were killed. Table 3 Radioactivity of the fraction investigates c p m Plants 1111?1????114101, e ore re uc on er re uc on rac ion 1 o y ro- rac on xylupanine and dehy- Rf of drolupanine sparteine = = rac ion RF hydroxy- =spa/stein% . 1 2 300 2 100 40 2 1 450 1 520 0 3 2 880 2 640 0 The results obtained after reduction with H2 /tab.3/ indicate that the product of lupanine transformation in vivo is dehydro- lupanine. This conclusion was confirmed by other analysis. Results obtained in the experiment with bitter lupin plants 2, 24 and 96 hours after injection of alkaloids: 1/ During the time under investigation the plants did not change their total radioactivity. A part of the activity could be found in nonalkaloid compounds. This part was always higher in plants, which received dehydroforms of the investigated bases /35 and 29% as compared to 11 and 12 per cent, after 96 hours/. 2/ All injected alkaloids almost immediately were transformed partially into other alkaloids. The degree of transformation of dehydroforms especially of dehydrolupanine was much higher as compared to the saturated bases. The rate of transformation was increasing during the time under investigation. After 96 hrs: a/ the injected sparteine was transformed into: dehydro- sparteine 12%, lupanine 9%, hydrolupanine + hydroxylupanine ester - 3% and multiflorine - 3%; b/ the injected dehydrospar- teine: lupanine - 17%, hydroxylupanine + its ester - 10%, multi- florine - 10%. 8S-:, 'the radioactivity applied could be found also in sparteine; c/ the ipjected lupanine: dehydrolgpanine 4%, hydroxylupanine + its ester - 18%cmultiflorine4 6%, sparteine did not show any radioactivltY; d/ dehydrolupanines hydroxylu- panine + its ester - 31%, multiflorine 10%; 10% of the radio- activity applied could be found in lupanine./About the same 4, -teevalueVwes obtained 2 bpp 'after injection/; no radiactive spar- . teine was found. In experiment with fodder lupin plants: 1/ the total radipctivity of plants during 96 lire did not change. The radioactivity found in non-alkaloid compound$: x/ not very well purified Declassified in 'Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 VU Lt Ulia ? after a/ sparteine 30%9 b/ dehydrosparteine - 44%9 c/ lupe- nine - 20%s d/ dehydrolupanine 38%. 2/ the transformations of injected alkaloids into other bases investigated after 96 hrss a/ sparteines dehydrosparteine 21%9 lupanine 2%9 hydroxylupanine + its ester - 1%. Rf value the same as the Rf of multiflorine 1%; b/ deLydfio- sparteines lupanine - 4%, hydroxylupanine + its ester - 3%9 ay - 0.3%. 7% c uld be found in sparteine /the same value was obtained 2 hrs after injection and did not change afterwards& c/ lupaninesdehydrolupanine - 8%9 hydroxylupanine +1t8 ester - 9%; y 0.3% /sparteine did not show any radiactivity/0 d/ deHydrolupanine hydroxylupanine + its ester - 37%; a, 14% 9% was found in lupanine. No radioactive sparteine was found DISCUSSION The results concerning the purified enzymatic extracts from bitter and fodder plants of Laoinus albus show that they are very similar in their reaction to changes in temperature, pH, the kind'of s bstratess their concentrations and to inhibitors and activators investigated. The similarity of these extracts was also revealed in the facts that their enzymatic activity led to the formation of only one products which did not undergo further transformation; this product was always a dehydrofor of the alkaloid applied. Thus it can be assumed that enzymes, which ceased these transformetiane, wer lehydrogena es of ana- logous characteristics in both investig ted for:se of white lupin. The investigated extracts from both: kinds of plants showed some differences in their activity depenAinie on the substrate used. But thi fact is n t yet proof that the extracts con- tained several dehydrogenases a It is keewns that same dehydro - geneses of a very little specificity oey show different activi- ' ty depending on the kind of the eubetsste applied. The enzyma- tic activity of extracts fror other spscies indicates s that de- hydrogenases, which have affinity to the investigated compeunds are rather widespread. The behaviour Ktf hydroxylupanine in un purified extracts indicate that this OR loid as compared to sparteine and lupanine is much more labile /this was confirmed In our other investigational. The results obtained in vivo show that the interconversion of alkaloids 'proceeds mainly from a lower to a higher level of oxidation. The facts of transf rmation of dehydrospartein into sparteine and of dehydr lupanine into lupanine shows that revers direction of interconversion is possible; these facts how ver may be an "artefact" resulting from the technique applied /injections ?translocation n one hand - localisation ortransformations in intact plants on the other hand/. , It is possible th t the low content of alkaloids in fodder white lupin results not only from a very low rate of synthesis from nonalkaloid precursors /this was established in our pre- vious works/ but also from the low rate of interconversion of the alkaloid themselveso It must be added that the transfor- mation of introduced alkaloids into nonalkaloid compounds in fodder plants was greater than in the bitter ones /but the difference in isotope dilution could also play a role in this phenoman n/. om?. UOr Aiis Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06 :_CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A02100001.0001-6 - 12 - The results obtained in vivo and in vitro permit the assumption that the general pattern of alkaloid transforma- tion in white lupin is as follows: alkaloid /introduced/ dehydroform -.N. another alkaloid nonalkaloid compounds The interconversion of the investigated alkaloids: sparteine dehydrosparteine multiflorine /bitter variety/ lupanine dehydrolupanine hydroxyl upanine hydroxylupanine ester dehydrohydroxylupanine CONCLUSIONS 1/ Enzymatic extracts from bitter as well as fodder popu- lations of white lupin are able to transform sparteine, lupa- nine, hydroxylupanine and angustifoline i.e. alkaloids charac- teristic of the species investigated. The transformations are catalyzed by dehydrogenases present in the extracts. The best method of enzymatic extract preparation was protein sedimen- tation from aceton powder with /NH4/2SO4 /33-66% of satura- tion/. 2/ The highest enzymatic activity in purified extracts from fodder plants was found in the protein fraction, eluted from a hydroxylapatite column with 0.16 - 0.18 M phosphate buffer. The amount of this fraction accounted for less than 3% of the total protein content in the extracts investigated. 3/ The optima of temperature, pH and of substrate concen- tration /sparteine, lupanine and hydroxylupanine/ for extracts from plants of both investigated varieties are analogous. 4/ Sparteine, lupanine? hydroxylupanine and angustifoline were transformed by purified enzymatic extracts - from bitter as well as fodder plants - into their dehydroforms. In unpurified extracts hydroxylupanine only underwent trans- formations 91so to other compounds, which do not react With Dragendorff's reagent. 5/ Sparteine and lupanine after injection into plants of bitter and fodder lupinus albus are transformed into other alkaloids: sparteine is transformed mainly into dehydrospartei- ne, lupanine and hydroxylupanine; lupanine : into dehydrolupa- nine and hydroxylupanine; dehydrosparteine and dohydrolupanine after injection show w similar pattern of transformation, but they can be partially converted also into sparteine and lupa- nine respectively. Lupanine and dehydrolupanine were not trans- formed in any case into sparteine. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 t.; t FOR MAL USE MY 6/ One of the products of sparteine and dehydrosparteine transformation - after injection into bitter plants - is also multiflorine. 7/ The character and the rate of transformations of spartei- ne, lupanine and their dehydroforms indicate, that the inter- conversion of these alkaloids in plants of bitter as well as fodder white lupin proceeds mainly from lower to higher le- vels of oxidation. On the basis of the results obtained in the described expe- riments it seems worthwhile to continue investigations 1/ on the dehydrogenases from,bitter and fodder plants, 2/ on trans- formations of other alkaloids /besides sparteine and lupanine/ characteristic of the species investigated, 3/ on the alkaloid a, in fodder lupin. /We must interrupt the investigations men- tTioned in p.1 for 8-10 months, because Mr Nalborezyk went abroad/. .II.. The synthesisof alkaloidsA.n bitter white lupine. .Our previous investigations /195859/ on bitter white lupine. ./var.Czechnickaishowed, that the greatest increase of the alka- , bid in plants occurred during a. relatively short time, in the period of. side shoot flowering and pod formation on the main shoot. During the subsequent period of growth the. alkaloid con- tent did not change. Very similar facts were observed in the fodder variety /Pretbedowski/. The aims of the reported investigations were: a/ to determine the role of partinuTar aerial parts in the bio- synthesis of alkaloids at the time of the-greateet alkaloid in- crement. /the insignificant role of roots in this pease was Shown in our earlier investigations/r. b/ to identify two alkaloids whose chromategraphie behaviour MEW similar to 1/ sparteine, 2/ oxolupazine-/ealled previously by us az or /oxylupanine Cl to examine the total and specific radioactivity of particu- lar alkaloids in order to undeetand tbeir interconversion better. In.1960 pot experiments were carried out: on the 54th day of growth /beginning of side shoot flowering/ following treat- ments were applied: 1/ control; 2/ 5 upper leaves removed;. 3/ side shoot ? leaves removed; 4/ pods from the main shoot re- moved. On the same day a part of the plants investigated /from treat,10 3 and 4/ were exposed to C1402 for one and two weeks in aslexiglass chamber /750 1 vol./. The plants in the green- house were harvested several times at weekly intervals. Aeeor-. ding to the results obtained the contributions of side shoots to the accumulation of alkaloids amounted to 57-70%. The redia- ctivity of lupanine accounted for about 80% of. the total alka- loid activity. But in this experiment the removal of particular _plant starts brought about a reaction of the remaining vegeta- tiVe organs, consisting in a more intense growth and in a grea- ter rate of alkaloid synthesis. The greatest alkaloid accumula- tion, in control plants was observed not between. 56 and 70 days of growth /as in the experiment 1958/ but 10-14 days later. Therefore in experiments 1961 and 1962 the technique was changed. Experimental procedure! 1/ experiments 1961 seeds o bitter white lupin were pots'on april 24. On the 62n day of growth the plants were divided into several eroups. In the FOR CMCIAL USE n'ILY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 first group some plants'were deprived of 1/ side shoots or 2/ p ds. They were harvested together with controls after 7 days. On the day of the harvest the eame treatments were applied in the second group. The next harvest was compl ted also after 7 days. On the 76th day of plant growth the expe- riment was repeated in the same way. The last harvest as completed at full maturity. On the 66th and 75th day of growth analogous treatments were applied and the plants were exposed to C14020 After 24 hrs they were killed /-600C and analysed. In the first experiment with labelled carbon ex- cised stem and pods were also investigated. 2/ experiment 19628 bitter white lupin was sown on February 23. On the 63rd day of growth plants were exposed to C1402 for 3 hrs; than a part of them was harvested; from the re- maining plants pods and stems were cut off and exposed to 01402 for 21 hrs. In the plants harvested in the greenhouse total alkaloid content only was determined. Alkaloids extracted from th radioactive plants were separated on a celulose columntin- butano18 0.In Hal/ and distilled /oresublimated/ at 104".5T; total and specific radioactivity was determined? From sid shoots of lupin investigated in 1960 alkaloids were extracted and separated on a celulose column. Fractions corresponding chromatographically to sparteine hydroxylupanine and 17-oxolupanine were isolated s purified s distilled in vacuo and analysed in IR-spectrometer. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION I. Identification of three alkaloid fractions a/ The amcunt of the fraction whose Rf value was similar to the Rf of sparteine accounted for only about 0.5% of the total content in the investigated side shoots; after distillation at 90-950C it yielded an oily substances whose IR absorption spec- trum was identical with the IR spectrum of sparteine prod, aEFARM and with the IR-spectrum of this bases published by Leonard and Beyler /1950/. b/ The alkaloid fractiqns whose Rf value was similar to the Rf of hydrexylupaninex/ was sublimated at 130-140?O. Its IR- tti spectrum showed the same maxima of absorption /-0H at 3500 cm 9 -a00 group in lactamat 1630 amtl/ and the same vibrations in the "finger print" region as hydroxylupanine isolated from seed, of bitter lueinus angustifolius /the hydroxylupanine fr4m the fodder variety differs somewhat in the"finger printn/t c/ The IR absorption -spectrum of the purified alkaloid fraction whose Rf ws similar to the Rf of 17-oxolupanines, was analogous to the IR spectrum of an alkaloid isolated from vegetative organ of fodder plants of lupinus albus and identified as hy- droxylupanine, ester. The investigated fraction after hydroly- sis in Hal yielded hydroxylupanine, x/ This fraction contains - in very small amounts - a base which in all probability is dehydrolupanines but the puri- fication procedure applied causes its decomposition. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 : - 15 - II. According to the results presented in tab.40 the alka- loid increment during the first week amounted to 37% of the content, found on the 62na day of plant growth. During the subsequent period /till full maturity/ there were no signifi- cant changes in the total content of the investigated bases. After the first week of investigation the reaction of the plants to pod removal can be clearly seen /a more intense growth of side shoots!. But the same treatment applied a week later did not cause any marked changes 4 The removal of side shoots in the first period brought about a very small alkaloid increment whereas the removal of pods had no influence on the total increase of these compounds. The results of the first experiment with 01402 /table 5/ show that g 1/ the contribution of side shoots to the total carbon assimilated was about 70%, 2/ the plants deprived of pods were less radioactive than the controls /the same pheno- menon was observed in the experiment 1960 and in an additional experiment in 1962; the diffgrenee - in comparison with the control - in the amount of C1-4 translocated to the roots could not havel-been considered as the main cause of the difference in the total radioactivity of the aerial parts!; 3/ the amount of CO2 assimilated only by pods accounted for 1.5% and assimi- lated by the stem - 0.3% of the total. Similar results concerning the side shoot contribution to the total CO2 assimilation were obtained in the experiment . carried out one week later /tab.6/. However it must be added, that the rate of photosynthesis was less /002 eontent and activity, conditions of temperature and light were very similar in both experiments/. The total alkaloid activity amounted in the first experiment to about 0.29%, in the second one to about c'e03 per cent of the total plant activity. If the difference in the rate of ph tosyn- thesis is taken into account, thus the Alkaloid synthesis in the second experiment can be considered as very low, less than 10% of the synthesis rate found one week earlier? The side shoots were the main organs, in which alkaloid syn- thesis occurred during the period under investigation; in the first week their contribution to the C14 alkaloid accumulation was about 90%. Although the total alkaloid activity in plants deprived of pods was less than in the controls, but it amounted also to about 0.30 per cent of the total plant activity. According to the results obtained in the experiment 1962 /table 7/ it may be Concluded that g 1/ pods are not able to synthesize alkaloids /from nonalkaloid compounds/at least.ct the investi- gated stage of their development, 2/ the stem ofvhain shoot show this capacity, but the participation of alkaloids - formed after 21 hrs - in the total stem activity /about 0.03 per cent/ is very low in comparison with their participation in stems of intacts plants /tables 2 and 3/. Therefore it can be assumed that in the latter the most part of Cl4alkaloid found in Otems resulted from translocation from other organs, mainly frioin the side shoots. The alkaloid content in pitticular plant parts, of 0 and 69 days old.plants /table If and the'lletribution oi alkaloid activity among these parts /table 3/ acv, ,L,ett the riew formed rn1 pin lUil? dr 4 Fat& Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000-010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 alkaloids /at least those derived from the products of current phetosynthesis/ had been translocated during 24 lire fran side shoots and leaves of the main shoot at a greater rate than the alkaloids earlier accumulated in these plant organs. The radioactivity of side shoot alkaloids in particular in plants deprived of pods can give seme informatiOns about the relationships between the alkaloids investigated 1/ the specific /per mg/ activity of lupanine was 3-5 times higher than that of hydroxylupanine /whose content accounted only for 1/3 of the lupanine content/ and multiflorine. In parts that show a mall capacity of alkaloiel,synthesis, e.g0 leaves of the main shoot or in parts whose 0'4 alkaloids derived mainly from other organs e.g0 the stem the specific activity of the hydroxylupanine ester /which included also the activi- ty of the bound organic acid/ was very high and sometimes - even greater than the specific activity of lupanine. It is possible that a part of hydroxylupanine was bound in the stem with an organic acid of a relatively high radio-. activity. The results concerning lunanine and hydroxylupanine /con- tent and activity/ indicate that the interconversion of these two alkaloids,- under conditions, where no injection of an alkaloid takes place - would proceed from the lower to the higher level of oxidation. The reverse 'direction would have been probable only in the cas when the rats of'Cl4 -hydroxy- lupanine transformation into lupanine had been so high that the specific activity of hydrexylupanine in,the side shOots oculd not have been signifioant0 It is difficult to accept this possibility, when the quantitative relationships between the two alkaloids /not only in this experiment but also in ee,x previous investigations/ are borne in mind. CONCLUSIONS /ineluding the results of the first experiment/0 1/ The greatest alkaloid ccumulation in titter white lupin occurs during two to four weeks after the beginning of side shoot flowering /this feet confirms our previously obtained results/. 2/ At this time the side shoots are mainly responsible' for the alkaloid synthesis. At the first stage of accumulation their contribution accounted for 70 and in the later period for about 90 per cent of the alkaloid increment. 3/ At the late stages of growth the total alkaloid content in plants does not underg any marked changes. This is in a/1 probability the result of inhibition of synthesis as well as of decomposition of these compounds. 4/ The ageing process of leaves on the main as well as on the side shots brings about a diminishing in the rate of alka- laid synthesis. 5/ The pods were not able to syntheze alkaloids, the stem of the main shoot showed this capacity but to a very mall degree. 6/ At the early stage of pod development the translocation f new formed alkaloids from leaves of the main shoot as well as from side shoots is greater than the translocation of alka- loids earlier accumulated? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 FOR OFF 0111110E W111 7/ On the basis of the infra red spectra of investigated alkaloids a/ the occurrence of sparteine in side shoots /in very small amount/ could be established, b/ the alkaloid of the Rf value similar to the Rf value of 17-oxolupanine was identified as an ester of,hydroxylupanine and an organic acid, Cl the hydroxylupanine occurring in the side shoots was shown tn be identical with the hydroxylupanine from seeds of Lupi flue angustifollus;' The interconversion between lupanine and hydroxylupanite seems to proceed from the lower to the higher level of oxi- dation. ? It seems worthwhile to repeat the experiment with older bitter lupin plants,, when the total'alkalgid content does not change, and to examine the rate of C04fincorporation int alkaloids /an analogous course of alkaloid accumulation - but different as regards the total amounts - was observed previously in fodder white lupin/. III. The described experiments drew our attenticm mainly to the side shoots of the investigated plants. That s why in the experiments with bitter and fodder homozygotes of lupinus at the beginning of side shoots flowering the pods were re- moved from the main shoots and the plants were allowed to grow for another week in the greenhouse. Afterwards they were put into a plexiglass chamber and exposed to C0402 for 4 hours. A part of them was killed /-600C/ impediately and the remaining plants were exposed for 20 he to 2 71'n they were killed and have been analysized. We are now determinie6 "(le alkaloid and amino-anid content as well as their specific activy. We pay great attention to arginine. IV. The plants /bitter and fodder homeeygotes/ grown in the greenhouse were harvested several time- during the vegetation periodp till full maturitye The weaV-)-r conditions were unu- sual this year and perhaps this is tA- maiel,reason why a very' early fall of leaves from the thajn as -Nell as from the side shoots was observed? We are net contee with the size and number of seeds we have obtained /the" are to be investigated next year/. The harvested plants are analysed /alkaloids and nitrogen/. ? Arnrimncv Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONV RESULTS The dry weight and alkaloid content /per plant/ Table 4 f Plant- parts Ae of plants /das/ 62 ,,,- 76 , ,- Con trol don t pkarits depriVed: , 'lents deprived con 1 sIde 1 I - trol, shoot34 pods trol 1 si e 4 shoots .pods dry .weight - g dern. per slant !main I shoot !side shoots podsx/ total 3.01 1.62 0.66 3.06 3.08 1,70L 1.62 ' 1.12 3,03 2.28 - 3617 1.80 -.i.96 2.86 - 2400 3.16 1.85 5.29 6.38, 4.20 j content- m.:, 5.31 r slant 6.93 - _ /4.86 - - - 5.01 main shoot side , shoots ipods !total L 10.3 18.1 7.6 11.3 10.4 . 14.3 - 2347 111.6 f, 11.2 32.9 - 1.4 10.9 -30.0 ,29.3 6.6 12.3 14..2 36.0 49,3 i 22.0? 11JL 44.1 152.3 3569 4 , 26.5 x/ of the main shoots xxi the total dry weight at the stage of full maturity was 7.46 g per plant. t! U, rto.ow' nITT. VV., 1 0,1 0 ? neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Treatment plant parts alkaloid content mg Radioactivity ' of 69 day,psid plants and a 24 hr elrposure to 0'02 /per plant/ )- m91--Le 5 Alkricid xx4.t1z:1_ t-6,1 plant -77.-PcJ7c_a6TTivi-17 ac'-ivity la hl rf -hl ],a 10-c m ostei Control main shoot leaves 2.2 stem ; 8.6 sids soot d 15.4 ,pods 21.6 total Side sho'',1- Main sloot removed leaves' stem Dods -TbdS remOvc(;'. Main , Main I Pods 47.8 Eb5 499 1442 226'7 Vu 44C (7,07 .56 66 125 165 Anq 625 116 15u 4873 2.0 746 8.2 251 20.3 5_58 93 62 19 90 63 19 121? 405 10 otrls after_ tota mr I -hi ester 250 8.4 71 18 446 2136 529 .575 223 .6282 179 10d 79 17')6 -1(4/ 572 10288 1316 1093 294 219 total :0.) 115.5 maim shoot, leaves r 2.1 stem , 9.0 side shoo L,4 18,0 total stem excised stem /on rcets/ ecised 758 787 2125 3670 15 12 72 180 238 (2.53 229 21 246 4.? 1075f,_ 508 72 136 73 boo' 181 174, 30 227 yu 526 598 196 total aihrloiet activity or totea ninnt nctiv 203 0.03 3616 u.v2 7167 0,50 :508i 0.16 390 91 256 14v 494, 228 243 626 1()Y6 165 6762 8081 69 '43 662 1074 26 393 446 365 64 107U -93 X/ In all experiments total plant radic activity vas determined /mica window9 1.1 mg/cm 0 5 Luc,/ tht alkaloid activiy in a Friesecke und npiner/ whose efiicieny was 3 L,Imes hihei bias were divided by 0. 14Ut? 0.29 25V 810 46 0,t43 U.2 0.u8 150 0.10 402 2882. 3266 u.y5 0.37 0.79 0.31 a G,:iger-Liller coater 221 ;Sas-ziow count1,4._/:/ he data ot'uaincd Jur alLa- la - lc anin.?9 hi - hydrc:cylanine, mi hl -ester-hydroxyl-epanine ester /his fJac-wier ooe.atailis a minimal amount of an alkaloid or a similar Ri/5 the base -ay- whin cr in laces was net aken intu.account anGustiioline -found in ielatively verw small amount could no have been separated from Lupanine therefore its specific radio- activity was net deuermined. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 01-1 VS " Radioactivity of 74 days old plants and of their alkaloids after 24 hrs exposure to C1402 /perplant/ Table 6 - plant itotal total alkaloid acti ,. :alkaloid. an parts plant L...___?11I?SLILII__ content : activityl. io3c pm i sPepific total 1 A ' alkaloid activity % of the total plani activity Control main Ishoot Ileaves 0696 453 j stem ?9.03 197 side 1 shoots 14.37 697 pods 1179 total 52.86 2526 Side main shoots shoot removed leaves 0.85 stem 8.98 pods 27.73 total 37.56 148 1 142 0.03 46 i. 415 0621 26 .374 0.05 8 228. 0.02 1159 0.04 392 152 137 0.03 62 9 81 0%313 '375 , 2 55 0.01 829 j 273- 0003 Pods main removed stem leaves stem side shoots 0.90 13.20 12.63 total ? ? = 26.73 [GI 729 543 882 2154 202 :182 53 1 700 35 F 442 1324 0.03 0.13 , 0.05 0.06 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06 : CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6 "It FOR CFR AL USE ONLY Radioactivity of alkaloids in the stem and pods of the main shoot /per plant/ Table 7' Time of plant fresh weight alkaloid , plant alkalo?id a ctiy* :harvesting parts g content mg activity ,:103 c pm ,71E--2-2-41------ specific! total ; After main 3 hrs. exposure to C1402 shoot ' leaves + i side . shoots - 10.18 1320 stem 4675 2693 282 9 26 : pods 1-0.65 11.78 183 0 0 total ' 25.58 1785 ? , After subsequent excised 21 hrs exposure stem 4.89 2-.88 263 40 115 ' to C12?2 pods 11.10 12.49 192 0 0 = = FOR CF ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A021000010001-6