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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 buA1-HU CENTRAL INTELu CE AG-ENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States.iwithin the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unouthorizec person is prohibited by law. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Poland REPORT Research Concerned With Apple Disease DATE DISTR. - NO PAGES 1 REFERENCES 18 Mar 63 50X1-HUM THIS IS UINCV/AWATED INFORMATION 5 4 3 2 1 ISTATE report (31 pages, Eng_ ish) of a Polish research project entitled "Epiphytology of Apple Scab" /which was I:r:.gnducted at the Research Institutes of Ponology located in V Skierniewicej Research efforts were made in the following areas: (A) Ripening of the perfect stage of the fungus (13) Dissemination of ascospores and conidiospOres (C) Methods of determining the critical periods (D) Protective and eradicative effectiveness of different fungi- cides (E) Evaluation of different spraying programs to control apple scab OFFiCIAL USE ONLI7 I ARMY I NAVY - end - CONFIDENTIAL FBI GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification I I_ 50X1-HUN 5 4 3 2 1 INFORMATION REPpRT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD NO FOREIGN DISSEM DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DC1D 1/7, it may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the production of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to organiza- tions or personnel, including consultants, under a contractual relationship to the U.S. Government without the written permission of the originator. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80Tnn7asan9nprmn7rw-v-,4 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 1GROUP 1 Eclude I xd tram auteniatic downgrading ad declesstlicatisa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ? I 1.: ? RESEARCH INSTITUTE pr POMOLOGY Sktexniewine ? Poland nigniew Boxeoki, Ph.D. EP/P.HYTOLOGY OP APPLE SCAB 21?OR ? 8. PG ? Po ? 103 ? 60 1.1.1962 ? 31X11.1962 FOR OFFICIAL USE MY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Summary During the thirth year of atudies en epidemiology of apple sub, started in 1960, the following observatiqn3 were continued: 1/-en ripening of the perfeot stage of .the fUngUst 2/-on dissemination of asoospores and conidiospD.. 3/-et methods of determination of the oritioal peri. 4/-on proteotive and eradioative effeotivness of diffexn-; fuogioides, 5/-on evaluation of different spraying program to oontrol apple scab. The observation en ripening of peritheois, which were continued at six experimental stations l oonfixmed ti'.results mbtained in the previous seasons. The asoospores were ripe and ready for dissemination two to three weeks before the apple buds started to swell. The present studies also oonfirmeti the theory developed by Holz, namely that there is a relationship between the sum of average daily temperatures /oounted starting from January 1st/ on one hand and the date of ripening of the perfect stage of the fungus on the other. The asoospoxes were ready, for disse- minatimyhen the sum of the average daily temperatures /above 0"0/ reached about 150?C, In 1962 the Observation en dissemination of asoodperes were conducted at fire wxperimental stations; and those en dissemination of oonidia at one station. Due- t* favourable weather conditions dissemination of asoospo. res was very abundant. In the orchard at NOW& Wied on April 8.9 A.M. 92,000 of asoospoxes were found in' 1 oubio meter of air. Om that day, within few hours, in the whae oountry dlisseminated majority of the asoospores. The studies on dissemination of oonidia were preliminary ones. They showed that ?opiate can be dissemina- ted in small drops of water on short distanoes; practically within the limits of the tree crowns. Determination of the oritioal periods was the main ebjeotiVe in 1962. Three methods of determination cf the periods during which apple leaf surface remains wet) after rain, were being compared in field conditions. The first? method was based on records with the help of the apparatus constructed at the Research Institute of Pomology /AnnUal Report II/. The seoond method was based en records with the help of the Sohnells-Breuer apparatus. The thirth ene was based on the Smith s method /oritioal relative air humidity-90 per pent/. Since the first method was prooved earlier to be the most oorreot one, it was oonsidered as a standart. In comparison to that standart usefullness of the other two methods for forecasting of the critical periods was being compared. The readings obtained with the * VP? r-flfg !'SSZ, C, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 2 of help the two first methods were identioal in 96,5 per oen'l. The readings oltained with the help of the first apparatus and those annulated on the basis of Smith's Method did agree in 589 per. cent, The First method was found to be the beat adopted fox resecxoh work. The second method appeard to be very good fox the obserVatioos in forecasting stations. The Smith s method could be used fox an approximate determination of infection of apple trees by apple Boa. Out of five field experimentson apple scab control,. three experiments were devoted to evaluation of effeotivness of different fungioldes; two experiments were conduoted to . compare different spraying programs. The most effective fungicide in apple scab ?patrol was found to be 0.1 per cent Cyprex /Dodine/, Satisfactory results were also o!-tained when the following fungicides were applied: 0.2 per cent Captan, 0,15 per. cent Mexcutal, 1.5 per cent lime sulphur, 0.2 per cent DNEB. TM TD at the oonoentration 0.2 percent showed insufficient effeotivness. Applioation nf copper?oxychloride resulted in severe injUxies' of leaves and fruits. All the fungicides were applied at . the time of infection of apples by spores or immediately ' after infootion. Some fungicides were also tried as prote? ?tants. 'Different spraying programs of apples were studied in order to find out whether it is necessary to replace : spraying .program based on phenologioal dates by some more modern programs. Spraying prograr based oa pllenologioal dates was compared to three othen programs, namely: sohematio one; ? aonaxding to which apple trees were sprayed for the first ? time when in green bud stage, followed by 3 sprays at seven.. days interval and then followed by 3 sprays at twelve to fourteen days interval, The other two spraying programs , studied were based on forecasting of the oxitioal perinds. Is was found that spraying of apples according to the all four above mentioned programs seouxed sufficient pro6ection ' of the Collage and of fruit, Nevetheless the spraying prograpi based cn phenologioal dates was the poorest one. /I/. Dpteiljed ropot 1. Introduction . The aim of the studies involved is to ., WIEFOliaraireTriotixe method of apple scab control, This method should also permit apllioation of possibly small numbez of sprays, The studies are divided into thee parts. Part one involves epidemiology of apple scab in Poland; ' part two involvea field experiments on comparison of diffe? rent spray programs; pert three considers some technical problems releAd to forecasting of oxitioal periods by forecasting stations, ? The observations dh epidemiology of apple sub, oonduoNlt earalsr, showed that climatic conditions of FOR OffITAL USE Gni Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ???? Poland are.very favourable for the development of VentUria inaequalis. Previous observations showed that apple soab ovexwinters in Poland in perfeot stage; ripening of whioh depends on temperature and is typioal for he olimatlo Conditions of the Central Europe. This oonolusion is being drawn basing on the agreement of our own observations, on the relationship between the sum of daily temperatures /0(AD? ted.trom January lst/and time of ripening of the perfeot stage of the fungus, with those mode by Holz /1939/. The observations on dissemination of asoespores, oonduoted in the first year of tbe studies, showed that number, of the ascospores found in air, during dissemination, was higher than ever noted in the literature Annual Report If; those findings were oonfirmed by the 1962 observations, when the number of the asooaporea found in 1 +cubic meter was sevex:l times higher than in has been reported in the literature. The epidemio of apple goal in 1962 in Poland Wats extxemolly severe. In the whole country yield of apples was destrcyed by apple soab in about 70 per went. There is no reoord of a similar infestation of apples by apple !malt in ohroniales' of the Polish plant pathology. Our observations made in 1962 are in full agreement with the oonolusions drawn by Preeoe /1961/. That Author) lasing on reoords oempiled for the period from /915 to 196C, showed that intensity of apple.sub infestation, in a given years depends primarllly on the amount of rain in April and in May. ? Seoond part of the present studies was devoted to evaluation of different sprayingprograme of apples. trigitally most of the attention was being paid to evaluation if dif? ferent fungioides applied before ex after expeoted infeotlon. It was found, in the first year of studies, that number of fungicides, known as typioally preteotive ones like DUB, Captan or lime sulphurs are very efieotive in apple soab oontrols when applied immediately after infection. It was also found that spraying program lased on phenlogioal dates and not related ,to development of the fungus 4o not seoure Aatisfaetory oontrol of apple soalt. More of the time was spent therefore on elaboration of a more modern spraying programs based on toreoesting of the oritioal periods. In the firth part ef the studies desoribed here, attentlen was being paid mainly to an aoourate determination of the period during which the aurfaoe ef apple leaf remains wet otter rain. CQntrazy to determination of temperature, determinations of wettness of leaves to field conditions, whioh was indispensable if the Mills table /1952/ had. to be used, was very diffioult. Number if a Very precise apparatus was being easily damaged 11 rain clod wind. An approximate method of determination of wettnesa ef leaf sumfaoe, based on oritioal relative humidity if air was often leading to FOROFFMALUSECNIT n.ri.ifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 .7 , ? erranous oonclusions /Report II/. In the preliminary stage of the studies the exitioal periods were being determinabd basing an rainfall and on air humidity; latex on a surfacte wettness reoorder was being construoted at the Institute. That apparatus is well adopted to work in field rod reocrOs of it are very preedse. Desoxiption of that apparatus was given in Report No II. In the literature are described ri.-xe simple surfaoe wettness recorders, /Soenen C.A. and Aerts 2.960/, ono of suoh surfaoe wettness reeorders, whioh in fact is a modified termohygrograph /Lemboke 1961/ was txlcd in ova studies. Comparison in field conditions of those two surfaoe wettness reoorders enabled us to determine their usefullness for the foxenaating stations, AD? Observe tiono on_ripe nag.21.14.291fett.ttaraLit Yentuxia inaemalis 20Eacvarimenta1_prooedures. Observations on ripening of gifThiaN Orappri?BITIV?bere oonduoted at six experimental. stations: Nowa Wie6, Swierklanieo, Sinoblka, -Skierniewioe Dabxowioe, and Brzezna. Geographioal looa/isation of those stations was given in Reports I and II. Sinoe the observa? tions at Brzesne had to be steped, because of spoilage of some weather recording.apparatus, results were obtained only, from the remaining five stations. The experimental prooedure used in those experiments: was desoribed in Report sa. I. It was not ()hanged in 1962. . Developmental stages of peritheola were being determined at 7 days interval, starting on January 1st. At (mob sampling . date 103'1eaves were being oolleoted in the oxoherd; then 10 leaves were being randomly Chosen and 10 pexitheoia in eaoh leaf were being cheoked. The total number of perithecia. cheeked on each sampling date was 100 for each of the five orchards. The following four developmental stages of perithe? cia were being distinguished: 1/?peritheoia without asoi, 2/? peritheoia with asoi just beginning to form, 3/?perithe?. ola with thebeginning of asoospores formation prooess, 4/?pexithecia with beginning of asoospores ripening. At the moment when 95 to 100 per. cent of peritheola wore found to ,be ripe, the sum of average daily temperatures above 0?C /starting from January 1st 1962/ was being calculated. Thds. was done to find out whether there is any relationship. between temperature end time of ripening of pexitheoie. 3. Results. As it is shown in Tables 1 and 2, time of YIFRIBE-15f peritheoia in 1962 was very closely depending ot, temperatures in January, February and March. Sinoe those months were cool, formation of asoi, as well as ripening of psoospoxes was delayed. The first asci were found on January 15th at Swierklanieo and. on January 22nd at the other - Ofil .1 USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 gsmaistnis stations. The first aSsospores were found on fiftvasp 12th at Swierklanieet on February 19th et Skier. 41$110$ and 1ino4ka and on February 26th et Deibrowice and Nbwa Wise. The first ripe asoosporesorempfound on Mbroh 5th at Nowa Wied and on March 12th otal stations In the first part of Naroh development of the fungus was very slow; an increase of temperature in April hastened ripening of the asoospores. On April 10th, at all stnztiona, the asoospores were ready for dissemination. On April 16th about 100 per sent of the perithecia was ripe at all stations, excert for Nowa fted where peritheoia ripened few days latex. Results of the observations on ripening of perithecia are giVen in table 2. Table 3 shows the relatict, ship between the sum of average daily temperatures ilbOlre 00C/ on one hand and the time of ripening of penit? sole on the other. In 1962, similarly like in 1961, the eVerage sum of daily temperatures needed for ripening of peritheoia was clos9 to 1,00C. It varied from 144,20C for Skierniewloe to 1582,C for Swiexklaniea. The differences in the total of average temperatures between stations were larger in 1962, than in 1961. This was probany oaused by prolonged develtpment of perithecia. It Is interesting to note that in 1961 peritheoia ripened after 62 to 72 days /Counting from January lst/, whsreesz;r in 1962 they ripened after 101 days, B. Observations on dissemination aeooskoalte4nd o2nidie of aule.12ab_ 2 Rx erimental_prooedures, Observation on dissemination asonpBM were Talirolid at five experimental stations: Deibrowioe, Now Wied, Sino41ca, Swierklanieo i Brzezna. The results obtained at Brzezna could not be taken under consideration, however, because the air suoking pump got .brooken. In 1962, similarly like in 1960 and 1961, Dhe dbservations were oonduated with the help of Hirst s apparatus. The apparatus was located in a block of apples of McIntosh variety 0.5 in above the ground level. In each case the size of the experimental orohard was above 10 hectare /about 23 acmes/. 0beerVations on dissemination of conidia were conducted at Dapxowioe. Those observations died not ()over the whole season of spores dissemination. This experiment was aimed to give a preliminary answer. to 'Ole question, to what distances 900idia can be: disseminated, Conidia were traped in Hirst s apparatus, whioh were located at three different plaaes: a?in the crown of apple tree) b?five Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 6 meters apart from the erown of apple tree, a?fiveteen meters apart from the crown of apple tree. It should be pointed out here, that the tree involved was not sprayed with any fungicides and that it was severly attpoked by apple scab. In order to trap larger numbers of oonidia; tLa slinking capacity of the pump was increased to 60 liters of air per minute. Sinoe conidia were often traped on the glasses in .drops of water it was diffioult to determine exaotly the time of dissemination. For that reason was calculated only the total number of conidia traped in 24hxs period, '21.Results, In 1962 the pattern of dissemination of the 'apple soarasoospares were very much alike at all the atations involved. This was in spite of a fast that those stations ate located in different parts of the country. Majority of ascospores had dissemiaated on April 27th from 8 to 11 A.M. At that time had disseminated 78 per cent, 65 per dent, 30 per oent, 30 per. ?ant of the total amount ? of aaeospotes at Nowa Wied, SinoZaka, Swierklaniea end D/f-r,?% wioe.respeotively. Dissemination of ascospores, whioh took plane on April 27th resulted in an extremally heavy 'epidemic, of apple scab observed in Poland in 1962. Explanation to that fact is not very difficult. Due to a cool and moist weather the asoospores were not rcady for dissemination in March, In the middle of April, wlvn peritheola were ripe, appeard a spell of a dry and very warm weather. During that period only very small numbers of lscospores were foreed by dewcto disseminate. On April 26 th started a period of rains, which lasted until June' 5th, Out of 41 days, in that period, 33 days were rainy. Pattern of dissemination of escospores at the stations inVolVvd are shown in Fig.', 2, 3 and 4. At DEll)rowice the latest heavy dissemination took place on May 13th; rains which oeculed on the following days vould not result in dissemination of ascospores because there were no more asoosporea in peritheoia. A detailed studies of perithecia under, the mioroseope showed, that contrary to the previous yeaxa, in 1962, at the end of dissemination period,peritheoia were containing only 108 per cent of asci with. 8 asoospores. At the end of dissemination period in 1960 and in 1961 peritheoia were aontaining about 12 per cent end about 10 per. cent of asoi respeot!vely. At Nowa Wieti dissemination of asoospores was lasting fox a longer: period of ttme. Very large numbers of nsoospores, found in air at that station, resulted not only rtom looal climatic conditions. It Was found that up therm ocoured relatively the laxgest numbers of pexitheoia on the previous years leaves; besides accumulation of the old leaves in that orchard was very large. A block in which the spore?trap was boated consisted of low?headed apple trees of McIntosh FOR OFFICIAL USE city Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ? - 7 - wariety. The oxowns of the trees were not pruned and there-, fore they were very dense. The trees were 16 years old and they were planted rather densly-6 i 6 in. That blook of apples formed a ITery favourable mioroolimatio oonditions to develtpment of apple 5003. In that orohard on April 27th at 8-9 A.M. 92.000 of asoospores were found in 1 ? meter of air. It was an explosion tips dissemination, ';ecrusee the number of asoospores in 1 oubio meter of air wes euc.1 42 at 7 A.M. and 480 asoospores in 1 oubio meter. of atx at 11 A.M.Dissemination of asoospores on April 27th was takicg plane in optimal humidity; at besides the might prooeeeirg that dissemination there was a heavy rain. Temperature on April 27th was 14.8?C. The pattern of asoospores dissemination at Sinc/kn were similar to those at Dtiblowioe. In Swierklonieo dis.A- mination of asoospores was lasting until the end of May. A positive effeot of light on dissemination of asoospores waa revealed in 1962. It was partioulary oleer at Deiblowice on April 26th to April 30th/V14505/, It is oommonly known that dissemination of asoospores starts within 13-30 minutes after the leaves get wet. Dissemination of asoospores oan be restrained either by low temperature or by look of a light. On the night between April 26th and April 27th leaves were remaining wet for five hours and only at 7.A.M. appeard the first lsooapores in air. The same phenomonon took plaoe on April 28th. Prom Pig., it is also ikmt olear that dissemination of asoospores is an . extremally dynamic prooess. Mass lissemination on April 27th oausedlthat on April 28th? 29th and 30th only a small numbers of asoospores were 000uring in air. Observations on dissemination of oonidia were oonduoted on thave different periods, namely: June lot to June 10th, June 26th to July 2nd and August 16th to August 26th. Results of those observations are presented in table 4. The largest numbers of oonidia were traped /with the help ? at Hirst s apparatus /in August, during the period of prolon- ged rains and heavy winds. Majority of oonidia were spreadine within the limits od tree orown; small numbers of oonidia were traped at the distance of 5 meters from the tree urown and only a sing 14 oonidia oould have been traped at the distanoe of 15 meters from the tree crown. .2.1_21210xvatiOns_Rn_methods_of.deter.min'atloti_of critical miods gljxperimental_pprodnglgetwi Observations on 000urrenoe Lf the orniiiiirp'Jrion were conduoted at four experimental stations: DEibrowice, Nowa nog, Sinavka and Swierklonieo. The aim of those experiments was evaluation of different fCR OffitTi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 beclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ? 8 ? methods.?of determination of a period during whioh leaf surface remains wet and determination of the periods .of apple leaf infaotion by apple scab. Three methoda of determination of a period during which leaf surfa5e remains wet were studied, namay: 1/?with the help of an electronic we ttnesa reoording apparatus,' desoribed in Rapt No II, 2/?with the help of 8olhnelle? Breuer apparatus /Report No II, Lambs:Ike 1961/, 3/?with the help of Smith s method, based on oriticsl. relative air humidity equal 90 per cent /Report No Smith 1961/. At ? each oat the above 1/16Dtioncd expeximantal station Was organi? sed a forecasting station. The forecasting atations possessed leaf surface wettness recorders; besides they possessed equipment fox recording weather ?auditions,. Critical periods were being determined according to the Mills table, .11assing on moords of the above listed tquipment. Since preliminary experiments showed that elec. tx-- DiO: wettness recorder gives the most correct readings, that moordez was considered as a standert. To inorease aeouratertsa on the roc:lords obtained two eleott.oni:. wetto2as recorders were placed in the Dabrowice orchard. Results. In 1962 the following numbers of critical ex on Vero found to take place at the stations involved: Dtibrowice 14, Nowa Wise 16, Sincaka 15 and Swierklanieo 13 Detailed data on .numbers and intensity of the eritical periods are presented in tables 5, 6,7 and 8. Majority of the oritinal periods otcoured in M.:1y. A detailed analysis of thf: data obtained showed that, out of total 58 critical periods observed, the electronic, wettness recorder and that of ?ohnelle?Breuer construction predicted the critical periods in 56 oassa identically and oormo.tly. With the help of the Smith a method the oritioal periods were predicted oorreetly only in 36 oases. In the remainpg 22 canes the moords obtaine4 with the help of the Smith a method did not agree with those obtained with the help of the standard wcttnesa recorder. Those differenoes were pertaining minly to a dopes of infection. Whey the temperature amplitude was not large then the Smith s method was giving correct resetlts4, Large daily temperature amplitude were resulting in changes of the relative humidity of air It what sulse quenttly was deomaiing acouratness of the Smith a methods. There: wee also periods of time, without any rain, during which the relative air b.umiqty equal 90 per cent /oritical acoordinif to the Smith a matb.od/ was persisting. Results of the observations on oritioal periods . were being used in field experiments on apple scab control. iZ9 trtri, v.."r 1i 4 4.A;.4 rIca-laccifirl in Part - Sanitized Coov Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ? 9 ? D. Prelimioarl observations on inorease of the leaf -- in aie aa related to ina21122aLtall.goop In the Deibrowice experimental orchard preliminary observation were conduoted on inerease of leaf area in apple. Those observations were carried out on ?hook trees located in expeximents on effeotiVness of different fUngt?. ()ides and on different spraying programs. The observation on inorease of leaf area were ?conduoted on eight trees. On each of those trees one three years old branch, possessing also two?and one year old wood and spurs, was choosen. The observations were started at the biginning of 'buds development, namely on April 26th and were oontinued until July 23th. At 7 days interval leaf area' of ell leaves was measured. This was being done by measuring the lenght end the wideness /in the widest polo/ of the leaf blades. Leaf area was caloulated by multiplying lenght x wideness and then by a faotor 0.68. Thelealues (Attained for the single leaves on a branch were then summarised t'! get a total leaf area. This was being done for eaoh of eight-branohes. Those preliminary observation were expected to demonstrate some weak points of the proteotive methods of apple scab control. Namely, they were expected to show that' there is a need of almost oontinuus supplement of a fungifq.? de to protect rapidly growning leaf surfaoe. ? Results of the observations are presented in Fig.. The rate of increase of leaf area was depending to a great extent on temperature. Befota the i'loom time leaf area inoreaoed within a week three times. At that time tempera? ture was rather low. Determinations of leaf infection by . ? apple soeb showed that starting from May 17th the area of leaves covered by the spots of epple scab was inozeasing' rapidly until the end of June, In the second part of sum. ? ? mar there Were no larger changes in a degree of leaf ??? infeotiony except that the sevarly infeoted leaves were tail's. shaded, Preliminary Observations on a relation Iretweep the number of ascospores in an inoculum on one hand and ' subsequent degree od leaf infection on the otherr. failed* This was due to a very severe natural inteotion with apple saab Observed in 1962 on all trees involved in that expeximenti E. Effeotivniss of______ different funglIalm.aulied 12.1h1.211112212.mes of the trees and amoordigg to the oxitital. .21Ziode Everimentql.32rooedures. These experiments were startee, FR crieL USE Clia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 in 1961 at the Sinoleka Experimeotal Station. Experiment:411 ptooedure of those experiments was dasoribed in Rexport NopII. In the first experiment six fungicides /table 9/ ' were being applied as proteotants and in the seoond experi- ment the same fungicides were being applied as eradioants to oontrol apple scab, Those two experiments were oonduot.c. in two different apple blooks, When used as protootants ti.oe fungicides were applied aocOrding to the phenologioal program/fixst sign of green tissue, early pink bud, pr bloom, period of blooms. petal fall and five ?over sprayinrs/. The fungicides used as exadioacts were applied within 24-36' hrs after the determined oritioal period, on April 28th, May 10th, 16th, 2.3th and 27t11 and July 21st and 26th. In the first experiment the fungicides were applied 10 times and in the second experiment 9 times. It shlad be pointed out. here, that the definition of proteotive and eradioative method Gf apple soab 000trol, applies to to the method of aplioation of fungioides and not neoessaxly to the mode of their. action on the fungus, Number of exadimative sprays were also noting as pr&beotants it in a Short time after applioation of it suomessive infection coo:Ilea. Basides the eove.mentioned experiment, oonduoted at Sino/eka, in 1962, a new experiment on exadioative effeotivness of different fucgioides was started at wioe. In that experiment the following fungicides were belay compared: 0.1 per cent Cyprex /, 602 per ?Got 0aptan, 0.2 per oent DNRB, 1,5 per cent lime sulphur and 0,15 pox cent Mexoutal. The experiment waa itonduoted on 12-years 0.4 apple trees of McIntosh variety end it was layed down 0i:wording to the randomized blocks method. A plot oonsisted of one tree, which was isolated by quared trees. There were four replications in the experiment All the fungicides studied were applied eight times. ? In the experiments on affeotivness of diffexont fungioides the following data were oolleoted: 1rNutber of infected leaves in per cent 2rLeaf area ocvered by spots of apple aoab in per can .31-Num1er of infected fruits in per cent 4-Area of fruits 'covered by spots of apple Raab in per cent 5:-Total yield 61-Number of a first grade fruit in pox sent 7-Injuries of leaves and fruits caused by the fungicides ' To determine infeotflon of foliage 200 leaves were examined; determination of fruit infection was based on examination FO n OFFICIAL lisE otM iTh,-..-.1.-,c?c?ifinr4 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 tgle wit,f -? of a sample consisting c)f 100 fruits. 3.,.Rasults& Results of theabove described experiments are tblcs 940 end 110 In the experiment cn protective erplication of fungioides Mble 9/ the best results gaVe Captan, It should be pointed out here that the data on yield in this experiment possess only a very limited value) because the trees were yielding very unevenl? The dote on a degree infeotion of foliage sad fruit are the most representive ones. Good results produced applioatiza of the f-.'llowing fungicides: DNB and Mercutal0 Mercury ocntaining Meroutal howeverl, was applied only to the. pet-1 fall stage; later it was replaced by 002 per oent THTD0 It was probably the reason: why in that treatment a large increase of infection was observed in the second part c..Z summer&TMTD was less effeotive than min or Meroutal& IAme sulphur very effectively controled scab, but at the same ;1.1me it oaused ohlorosis of leaf margines, incomplete deve? Mpment of the leaves and depression of growth of the sh:tze Moreover applioation of lime sulphur resulted in lower yiele,s? and in poor oolor of fruit, Application of copper arlubloals:e resulted in a very severe injuries of foliage an of frit. Lenve&on.the trees sprayed with that fungicide possessed xumerous ema1. neortio sp,:ts; besides the lower side of :he leaf blades was ylel-ming?brown in color) what was .due i;o dying cut of ;he hairs ,v The severly injuried leaves were, eing sheded abundantly, Up to the end of July the treeS .,prayed with oppe7r. lost about 70 per cent of their. leaves, Fruits cn those trees were strongly =meted and deomed0 Beverly injuxied fruits were droping prematurely. This was the main fause of decreased yield in that treatment. Fruits whioh remained on the trees Until harvest time. were 11-A or .very litUe inSuried by copper. oxichloriderthezefoe 8317 per. cent ::f them were eValueted as grader?I,Because # 't premature she ding cf leaves it was very difficult to determine deztee of tnfec;ttln of foliage on the trees spraled with copper exiohride, For that reason those results have -,nly a ltmited.meaninT? Applioation of DIM resulted in only very moderate . r,7.sectting of fruits. In the experiment on exadicative effeotivness of fzingioides on apple scab /Tale 10/ the best results gave Meroutal0 Captan, DM and lime sulphur were fairly effedtivc;' ite least effective was TMD, Copper oxiohloxide resulted) similarly like in the above described experiment, in severe injuries of foliage and fruit, Quite AOYere iajuxies of foliage 000Nrsd also on the trees sprayed with lime sulphur and light injuries of fruit were found on the trees sprayee with DITRIS.0' .The atm tf the experiment conducted at Daibrowice FOR OFFICIAL USE CHU in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ?12 ? was to oempare effeotivness ef the fongioide Cyprex /thet fungioide wos never before studied in Poland/ with the effectivness, in apple soab control, of the meet imptatant in this oountry fungicides, Results of that experiment ore presented in Table 11. Ls it onn be seen from this table, Cyprex was prcoved to be the most effective fungicid0; it slightly surpassed Captan or Meroutal and definitely:so DNRB or lime sulphur. Cyprex, Meroutal and Coptan dia rjt (muse injury on foliage ox fruit apples, whereas applior!ti::r of lime sulphur or DNRB resulted in injuries, similarly like it Was desoxibed above, for the experiments oonduoted at Sino/cka. Partioularly interesting results were Ootoined for Meroutal; the trees sprayed with that fungicide Showed substantial inorease in foliage infeation by apple scpb in the second part of summer. This can be shrtlived efteotivness of mercury oontaining fungicides.. Pajeximes000rnari .9.?11ZIRL.A.P.I2L.P..reZrams 2. Ex2erimental.p.rooedures1 Experiments on oompartsan of ZITTerenT spray pxgrams were conducted at twe stations: Dgbrowice and Swierklanieo. In Deibrowtoe this experiment waa omnduoted on twelve years old apple trees of McIntosh variety, It was arranged acoording to the randomised blocks methods with four replioatiens. In Swierklanieo the experi? ment was conduoted on fiveteen years old apple trees of Sizse, Tillisoh variety. It was also layed down according t* the randomized blcks methods, but with six re)licatiens. In each of those two experiments six following treatments wore involved:' 1?Spry program based on phenophases of the trees /first green tissue, early pink bud, period of bloom, petal fall and three oover sprays/. 2?Sohematio spray program /three application of fungioides nt 7 days interval, followed by four sprays at 12-14 days interval. The first spray was applied at the stage lf first green tissue/, 3? Protective spray program. The number tef sprays was not decided a priori; sprays were applied just before the expeoted critical periods. 4?Eradioative spray program. $preys vivre applied immediately after the determined critiaal period; except that protective nativity of the fungicides lasting for 7 days after appliontion was also considered. 5?Mixad7 pro4eotiVe and exadioatives spray: program. A000rding to that program trees were supposed to be sprayed immediately before infeation; bUt if it oould not have 'Leen ? done then, the zx trees were sprayel after infection. 6-!Check treatment-trees were, not sprayed at all. The aim of those experiments was: ab.te oempara effeotiviless of chemical oontrol of apple scab applied according to a FOR OFFICIAL USE CM neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 different spxey pxnerams, b/-to evaluate adaptatif,n, fr laxaltioe, of these different spray programs. In all 6f the aboYe mentioned programs the same fungicides were being used. Namely fox the early sprays, until the and of period, a mixture of 0,2 per oent DNBB with 0,1 per cent, Mezoutal was bezing used. For all the following sprays wcs applied exolusively 0.2 per cent DM. In this experiment similar data were collected as it was desoribed above, for the experiment oonducted at Sinebeca. In 8wierklanieo,'however, the trees were not blooming /year off/; therefore at that station only infe.,?1;1_, of foliage by apple soab could. have been determined. Results of the experiments on comparison of 4 eretT-spray programs are summarized in Tables 12 end 13,, In Detbrowioe orchard all the spray programs studied pxodtv- oed satisfactory results. The lightest infection of folia- ge and fruits was observed, when the trees were sprayed according to the schematic program, The most severe infection of foliage and fruits was on the trees sprayed acoording to the program based on phenophases of the trees. From .the Point of view of praatioe, the moat difficult was the prebeotive program. In the Swierklanieo orchard the best results gave exadioative spray program; the worst results were oltainci when it was tried to spray the trees just before infeeti'Tr. The mixed: proteotive-eradioativeprogram was also satizi- factory, 4,Discussion. The results of studies on ripening of poxitnid IMETala-inaequalia obtained in 1962 axe in agreemerat with those obtained in 1960 and 1961. They also agree with . the results obtained by Holz/1939/. Egzistanoe of a xelatita- ship between temperature and time of ripening of peritheoia appears to be sufficiently prooved. It is doubtful however, , whether studying of this relationship has any larger Value fox praatioal control of apple soalii It is particularly oleax when one refill:ors that pertitheoia ripen 2-3 weeks before the buds start to show any men tissue. These fir- dings seem contradict the Friedrich s opinion /1952/, who proposed the first spring spray of apple trees when the asoospores are ready fox dissemination. The observations on dissemination of asoespores showed that in favourable conditions the number of dissemina- ted asoospoxes can be several times largex, than it was reported in the literature. The most important faotors,- whioh enabled in 1962 such a mass dissemination oar asoespo-1 res were: rain, which moistened leaves, with fully ripe perithecia in them, on one hand and the temperature, optimal . for dissemination on the other. A gieat value cf Hirst a apparatus fot the studies on epidemiology of apple scab was prooYed at.all stations involved. FOR OFFICIAL USE CULT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 1107' ?14? Studies on spreadinc of oonidia indieate, that conidiix oan hardly be disseminated to any larger distanoe. Field experiments on of periods dtai9g whioh leaves remain wet; after rain, showed that the Smith s method based on determination of 4 relative air humidity is only an approximate one. In majority of oases this methoL was giving correct indications; nevertheless it is not sufficiently accurate for the purposes of foreoasting sta? tions. The ? Sohnelle?Breuer aurfaoe wettness recorder was found to the best adopted for forecasting stations. It is very simple in Oonstruotion and very easy in operation; it also determines very accurately periods during?whioh lepf surface remain wet after rain. The electronic surface wettness recorder. nonstruoted at the Institute was fon2d be very well adopted to research work, Comparison og the course of critical periods in 19.62.; with that in the previous years indicates on a number of weak points of the spray programs, which are not based on observations of development of the pathogen. In 1962 the exadioative sprays applied during infeotion or immediately after infection were playing a partioulerly important x...A.c in apple soab (control. ? The field experiments oonduoted in 1962 showed thp.t number of typically proteotive fungicides, kike lime sulI)Lny,, Captan or DNRB, when applied immediately after infection, give satisfactory results in 414 le soal control. This finding confirms the resUlts obtained in 1961 /Report No.ilk but cont?ary to the oonolusilns drawn by Hadorn /19,7/ and at least partially contrary to the opinion mxpxxxxxvnx expressed by Roosje /1939/..This last author states that . theoretioaly Captor), TMTD and DNRB can control apple scab within a short period after infeotion; nevertheless in praotioe..that period is to short in order to reotmende the above listed fungicides as exadioants, Field experiments on comparison of different spray programs showed, once more; that spray program based or phenophases of the trees does not insure the most effective protection of apple against apple soab.It is so, because pattern of apple development and those of fungus development are not related in such a manner which could enable detexr,i? nation of spray dates- according to the phenophases of t'ce tree. When at spring time the weather is cool and wet the: apple tree developes very.slowly and possibility of infeotion, of it by apple scab inoreases; oontrail when at spring time the weather is warm'and dry then phenophases of the tree ? follow guiokly one each other and there is no need to spry orchard against apple scab, ,54 9011010121a_ 1/?The results On ripening of perithecia, presented Ok Og011. 'LI mu Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 1 '4 in this Report; axe ia full agreement with th/se obtained in,ADdff'dthe2-bratxim. cl? Centro], Burope. Thine reaulte _,Ductutess only a limited value for forecasting,stationa4 the ? argaal,ae,a2ple .scab control. 21:? Results cf the-obeervations on disseminotico of asoospores indioate on a large caluz?ot this method f.7*x theoretioal and for practical purposes 3/?Comparison of a work and of the records done by different leaf surface wettness recorders permitted to evaluate their value forl a?soientifio control of apple soab; o?approxlmate determination cf ori? - tioal peripds, ? 4/?The re9u1ts obtained up to date indicate on a. need of further researoh work on comparison of effecti? vness, in apple scab oontrol, s.f lifterent fungicides ' applied as exadicans7 they also indicate that spray pro? grams based on phenopflases of apple tree should be replcoed by spray programs based on forecasting of critical periods. 6. Plan of work for 196.3 . In 1963 studies will be oenti?' Far oirZETFgart'iYtr3IT rasoospcxes and conidia. Besides. .' field experiments also the laboratory studies. will be started on the effect. of temperature, humidity and light en dissemination of asoc spores. Llso the observations on distances of spreading . of conidia will 176 coottnued in 1963; they will be *3ubstaini:143:34 broadened by use of modified spore?trap. Experiments on determinatl.on of critical peried.n will be extended 1.:y o'servations ..11 the effect of micro? climatic oondiUow3 on J.nfeotion (,f apple foliage by apple scab. Similarly like in the previous years, also in 1960) the field experiments will be devoted primaxilly to evalu- ation of protective and exadioatitoe effeotivness of fungi? cides. Moreover field studies will be continued on comparison of different spray progunms. In :'63 will be renovated stftdies en finding out the relati,aship between the number of asoospores on ,leaves and a degree cf their infection by apple soeb. - /Doc;Dr Z.Boreakii FOR OMNI. USE Ma Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Literature References ea* ???? ? 111... ???? ---..????? ? ?? ????? ?? ????? ? ????? ^ - la Boreoki Z? 1961, Epiphytology of I/E21.CR-8, FG..Po.-103.60/. 2. Boreoki Z., 19611 Epiphytology of II/E21-019.8? PG-Po-103-60/. 3. Friedrioh G., 1952, Molex die Mbgliohkeitem einer Prognol:e von Krankheitem umd Sohgdlinge im Obstbau, Pflanzen- sehutztagung in Berlin, 12.14 Marz 1952, s. 20. 4. Hadorn V41 1957, Die Shorfkaskaden von 1956, Sohweizeon Zeitsohrift fiir.Obst- und Weinbau, Nr 2, 1957, 5. Holz We, 1939, Die Bedeutung der Bebaohtung des Askosporen- fluges von Fusicladium dendritioum fur die Terminawahl bei den Vorbluhenspritzungen, Verlaufige Mitteilung, Naohr Bl, dtsh. Pfl. Sohtz. Dienst, 19. 6. LeMboke G., 1961, Zum Problem der Fusioladium.sprttzungen unter besonderer Beruoksiohtigung dee Blattbefeuohttungs- daVI.sohreibers, Aus der Biologisohen Zentral Anstalt ? .Berlin der Deutsh. kad. landwirt. Potsdam, 8.127-134, 7. Mills W.D. and La Plante 11.11*, 1951, Diseases and Inseots in the Orchard, Cornell Ext. Bull. 711, pp.21-27. apple soab, Annual Report apple soab, Annual Report 8.Preeoe T.F., 1961, Spring rainfall and apple soab in England 1915.1560. Plant Pathology ICI 2. 9. Rooaje GS,, 1959, Een sohakel tussen laboratorium toetsing en veldtoetsing von fungioiden tegen aPPelsoburf /Ventu- ria inaequalis6 Lledelingen van de Landbouwhogesohol:), en de opzoekingsstatinns van de staat de Gent, Dl XXIX, No 3-4, pp. 628.336, 10. Smith L.P.7?1961, The duration of surface wetness /aocording, to Plant Pathology V.10, 2, pp,43-51/. 11. Soenen C.A., and Aerts B. 1960, Enregistrement d la prriode d'humeotation du feuillage du Pommier, Agri:ulture Louvain, Ser. 2, 8, 3 pp. 421-434. fridR OFFICIAL USE I neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A02080007000.1-3 ? able I. , Wewther monditions at nierniewice during the period January 1962 - December 1962 11 0 months Temperature of air in C''' Rainfall H u - ... u u t Mean Deva- Maxima I Minimai mm ! De ve t :Icon 11 st tion f 'index 0 ? D I I H 0 ; 1 0 I 1 i riu per till u i ;Gent 0 A Il , 0 it U.r ; H H anuary 0108 J +1180 2 3 2, 7-2, 4 II ! 1.9$.3 i 919 I 4 P f 1 n N February -2,9 - 07,37 075 ???5,0 ? 23,5 ; ].01,6 0 P I : 0 " Itterctb. h -.1,4 - 2,88 1)7 -475 ? 49,9 219,3a H II i H 'au Aril 10,6 + 3,52 15,6 6,0 I r 3573 i 95:7 0 0 0 I ft : May 1110 - 2,45 15,0 7,0 1 ) 166,2. '3864 n s t t 0 I I ft 140 57)0 88)7 - 1,99 19,4 10,2 1 a P : 1 1 . u i i J 16:3 - 2,23 21,5 11:3 t 23,2 ! 29,0 n . 0 t 1 II i 1 0 ; , 1 n Auz 51,2 717 ust 16,7 ... 0,84 22:3 12,5 ; 1 ti I 1 If i u Sertember 12,1 --1,50 Z7:5 8,0 t 60,1 1 133,4 11; . H I f u Oc toter 8:1 1 .- 0:10 13,0 4,1 t 10,4 1 32,6 n I t ! ti o 1 Nember 4:1 . 0,90 . 5,8 2,3 I 32,5 I 96,3 n I 1 0 111 December .41.3. si? 3,43 ... 1,7 , ....6, 8 i 14,4 1 56,2 1 . t i 1 0 ' f i mm=====ms==== ===umrs=1====ntsc=a=4=m======*104=Imuum=a====qm=== ?rq' t??titj.ot., 1/4'4'4? r\,,,-.1,ecifiar4 in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Ripening of the pert Jecis of, Venturia inaequaLiA fungus in different avian of Poland during 1962 wammlant*autoulguy==%===,===au======1.====ux===u======w=====.: IIii "Data of. I .Number of the ripe perithcoia in % at t ? if 11 i u observation 1,------------ ..? ... ,??? p.................. ..... ........A u ; Nowa I twier- Sinobtka Skier? 1 Depro? 11 u u1 Uteri ! klaniea niewlas 1 wlae T 0 1 !T 0 I II 11 2641 ? '' 0 i 0 1 0 o P 1, H 1' 11 11 5.III2 ) I 0 i 0 0 0 I 11 I I u il i p 11 .11 12.I/r 3 I , 4 1 8 9 I 4 A 1 Ii 1 11 19.1/1 3 4 36 2 0 u 11 I i 1 i 0 0 I 26.111 3 19 1 49 1 12 / 10 u 3 11 i I 1 N 68 1 73 26 / 1 18 u u 2.IV 38 I 11 II 110 I I- 9.IV 75 92 r 7, 93 ? 91 o I 4 II 16.v. I 86 I ! 100 100 1 /00 i 100 u ) u 100 /00 0 24.IV 97 i 100 100 I it o u (I 4 r 30?IV 99 1 r r i . u 0 11 1 ?I1 i0 i ? 100 . " . . u 0 7.V. 0 *===u=aiumwomu =======w1x=elmmummi. Table..2 Relation between the total of dayly temperatures since let January and the date of perithecia ripening If 0 Experimental Total of dayly ' 1 Number of.days since 1/ temperatures since ; let January to u o I. .0 n atation !___ let Januarz to: ? I ? 0 II r WO 10 10 alle 11. !I ? . 11 II I The date of perithecia ripening u tv..,..,==w,..r.manor=x-t======z-..mtelnutrmr.=====,====tamtukut.==..r.=:.%-.=ut-..=,....= 0 o LI 1 10 ; 11 if Nowa Wiei 1484C 1 101 II i 1 /I 0 gwiseklan 138,9?C 98' ieo I I n 0 Io ) u u SinoZeka 133,6?C r 101 0 It u It 1 II It 149.,2?C ) u 0 Skierniewide 1 i 96 0 ) 11 11 13613?C u Deibrowice I I 100 g u u 11 11 U 111=Uv=mmist==410===mmt ==0======1,========**46144114===Zftm=ft*fttlismerv==z-==-J1 ? FOROMCILUSEOM nne-ImccifiPrl in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Teble_4 Observation results on the souidia spreading at DeOrowioe in 1962 w=======t== awatitaimumw====u====uvmun==ft= wat*tme== immusscurft==-======== H 1 Number of oosidia traped illeinfaa: Average Wind 1 /I 11 II Time 1 during 24 hoursmeters/ i in mm daily / II 0 II .?47 II fi . 11 U in the , 5 metersi 15 mete-1 tempera- II n crown 1 beyond ire bey-I tura If U f of tree 1 the fond the 1 Is II II 1 1 11 1 1 crown ; frown ; n 11 ' ? L ti lir...====umsesamht====mumFsmulmso=1:4ftu==ftuauu===umismimm==y=====.1======. H 1 1 1 4 I II 11 1 1 II 11 1 .V14.62 820 1 24 I 0 t 1.4 9.1 ' ' 5..0 . n u I r . 11 /1 2 " 23 1 0 ? 1 0 1 1.1 4 1 8.9 - ? ti 1 II II 1 1 .3,0 I 94 II 0 3. 1, 379 1 11 1 0 ? 3 , 3 u rr t i .. : 11 11 44 0 '60 1 2 1 0 1::0 0 8.4 .? 4.3 it it I. .? 11 11 1 / 11 II 5. n 480 i i 4 I 0 8.3 3.0 n un0u 6. f 31 1 0 0!$ 8.8.: :. 6.3 7 1 28 0 0 110. 6.7 Iu1aut1 11 II 1 1 1 11 3 8 it 0 I 0 1 0 13.5 . ' 2.7 u II 1 0 16.1 . it 1 n 9 II .0 f 0 i 0 , 1 3.3 ." 1 li 1 i ..1 ? .., 11 11 111C 11 a I 1 1 0 i 14.3 ? ; ? 1.7 it 1 1 -.1 II III II 11 1 i II 11? 3260'1052 1 U0 3 0 0.9 17.5 I ? 3.0 1 6 1 0 t 6 1 ? . 13.8 ' 1 5.0 11. 11 II 1 1 ,I. i ,s3 tr 1 780 I 0.9 10,2 i 10 1 1 5.0 u A 1 i i . i 0 1 1.220 1 39 / ,3 9.3 i 121:5 7 i. 6.0 1 1 11 i 1 U. !I i I 1 11 1: 30 11 1 96 1 5 0 0.0 1 I 4.0 II f! 1 $ : i 11 ii 1.V11,62 14 t 1 1 I 0 1 i 12,1 1 1 300 tt U ff s z 1 u a 2' 11.1 ft i 7, / 1 i 0 2.7 ; 1 2.3 n i /./ I I 1 1 0. 'I / i H. ii i I II " 0 0 18, 2.0 0 160/111062 i 0 i t i it IS 1 I 1 11 1117. it I . 41 1 t 410 II 1 2.500 2 t 1 17.1 18.3 3 4 it: 11 I 1 1 t u 1 720 1 9 r 1 I 1.9 18.4 v 2.711 4 4119 0 I 3,4700 I 76 s 2 4 2.0 i 15.9 i 5.0 11 ;i 1 I i 1 n i I t 1 II 1 20 u 1 1.200 1 26 i 0 0.0 1 12.7 5.0 II. II 1 1 1 II I ?a 1 11 1 64- I 0 ! 0 i 13.1 t 1.3 it t 1 r 1 f I 11 1 / u 1 940 1 4 1 I 4 3.0 14.3 '.2.) I II t I I u a.1,-) n I 320 0 1 0 0.0 1 14.8 ? 5. C II ? 0 V ...-----=mwmitusommusivitm =*======= =====mum ftlemaxmlesc4mum=ww=au u========* RR OFFICIAL IISE Ztal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Tabl Critical periods observed at DqbrowIce orchard in 1962 : 1I 27.IV u u 2 1 7.V If f O r H 3 1 0 8r9.V 1 n 1 IS 4 r 137-174V it 1 41 5 1 20:-.214V II j ft $ 0 6 1 241--25.V U f U 71 26.,-.2747" u f ^ t n 8 1 287.28,V u 1 II 9 1 4-6.VI it i it f O10 1 24,,VI If $ X i ? ? 1 a 12 I 6.7m1 . oil 15-16.v111 A n n _ I n -In n u 1 , 11:14 I at =...= 17-18 ,VIII Average temperature = = 12.0 12.0 1445 10.2 96 1.1.0 9.4 13.5 645 14.0 12.0 194 16.4 16.4 Conformity of readings = = = _= 41 I Period of wettness of leaf surfaee It It I and intensity of infection .L..-...--.M..??????,....e.....somwt?owa..o.ea......r?Sv....eo.a..I.+?Ia I 0 i Electronic I Schnelle- ? Smith' a 8 t 1-2-3 =_=r ..... 4_._.....44=====.1,====__p===,.......?, 1 ap::::::mus 4 Breuer- I_ 1 apparatus 1 2_ u n li It method 0 27-3. 17-27-3 1' 15.07-M 23.07-11 15.0741 1400-11 18.07-M 1114484:074i?74%.41 it II II IIII II 0 0 1.rat'.3 5239:e07.11 54.0741 5217 :00741 u 0 0 It 1r2r3 .25.01-11 n n 11-27-3 17.07-M 18.0711 19.07411 II 0 II 17?27"3 36.40reIt Ir27,3 16.0741 36.0141 34.071I - II 15.0144 14.041 It 9 17-42.-t3 ?36.0-44 36.0.M 0 11 1-2 26.00-441 11.0-L 10.0-14 4 144.0-M 4 IIIt 9 .?, ? 4 17-2-.3 12a0-1, 11.0-I, 0 n , 3.3.0-1 0 a 0 1-20 12.0-41! 1 11.0-M 16.0-H a 3. I , a II 1-2. 9.0-1, I 10.0-1, It 3, t 14.0-41 n U 1-2 20.0-F II ,...2 1400-M 15.0-M I II It Intensity of inf_!:tion: ConfLrmit: of 1.i;L:ags: - Ii-modeTt; three readinJ,'s conform 1-2 -? readings 1 and 2 (rotifer% reatitinz Arisrattrozat 3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Table 6._ e=:=9P /2= = 4 n DO Data 11 I I 114==o6 =rasp tx=tc=Ulgs.==. 1 I - ) Critiaal oserved et Kowa i'ie 6 Orchard in 1962 . 2-27,IT 7-84" 1 3 8-9J ; n 13A-16J # 6 4 ?241.25,Y 11 I 0 7 1 254-26,V # 81 3os-ta.v P- 91 41-6,VI 0_01 11-12.VI 1I I 24-V1 1 12.! ; 14 1 22-23.'711 . I15 4-5,VIII 24.V111 1 14,3 =?- Ittensity of infection: Conformity of readings: e9-30.VI 3.VII -- Aeraga :conformity t.mperature of roadings ?-=====-7--Irl,==pc=p===-1= 10., i 1*-2 ' 1 .3 t 11.7 t 1eZ-3 8,4 8.8 10.1 1 1$24.3 10,9 I It-2-3 9,6 7.3 1 11-0-3 1 10,1 s 1-2 '3 17.1 1-2 . '3' Dc.4 1. 3142-3 942 1-2 .3. , 19.641 1505 1-2 134,0-M '3 . ===...?========,...====ft=?WWC...?...= = 911014..,ftmet==.===y Period of wettness of loaf surf000 ? 0 .? and intensitz.of infeotior. u . .......... --- ---__--_--...................--_-_-.....--11. Bleotronis: Schnell? -Breuee 1 Smites r ? u apparatus 0 apparatus method i? . 1 I 2 3 1 ? 15.0=41 62.04-H 11.044 20.0=-M 36.0g-H 18064/ 42,01-H 18.0-41 12.0-M 4810-H 30.0-E 213,0-2 3410.0-11 26.0-2 1740-411 1 1 s .1.6.0:-M 1 66.0-E t 67.0,-H i 36.0,-H 1 s 33.04( t 19.014 ; 15.--,044 1 34,0,4H 1 1 36.0A-H 18,0441 1 16.041, 40.04-H 3a.0s-H 20.041 15.0-11 44.01-H ? 39.041 28.0-H 24.0-M ? 20,0LE 19.5141 1240-M , 1.2 20.0-H 21,0-H 16 0-M 3 a. if II 11 It 0 0 1: 1; Is It 11 fl ft : 117-moderate; H-heavy all thr2c .r-:1..:12gs 1 and 2 nonform. 7Teadtag.3-mno=ffIrm- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 =----=- = it I 9 I ' n - $ nao 4 Date H 1 U I n I H I U I w=u=p-==, Critical periods observed at SinolOta orchard in 1962 9 = _ t,Period of wettneas of leaf surfac Average ;Conformity Landinten8ity of infection ? temparature, of readings; Electronic I ;apparatus 1 1 0 u .1 1 26r27.IV 11.3 12r3 t 1 17.0rM 1 i 14 2 89 ,2 15.0r11 0 i / 1r2..43 1 A i -.V. . n I r st 1 0 , 2 12 V . 9 s 3 1 ' . - s s 14,0-M 4 lOrll 164;41 . : : II 1 I 1 i _ 1 a . i /7.2-3 : u 10.8 , 11 5 1 13-14,V 10,2 ! 1-2. 1 ^ ! 3840-K n I # I i . 3, I II I I u 6 : 147-16.T I 9.0 ' 1 1r2-t3 Is 1130:Z t; 11 s t s . 1 s 7 1 21w2.2.V 9.8 ) 1,3 i 1 X i i i ^ i i i 23,0-ill is V j 24-25a 1 9.9 , i 1-2 n 1 i I t , 3 i tt , n 92.5.26.y. i 11.2 1 12 s 17.0-4 1 A i I i s I , ; ? 3, it It st 10 1 4-.6rVI 7:0 1,44-3 4 t 47.0ril I i I 7 24.VI : 15.1 Ai-era 1 I0.04 1 1 1 i 10,0 I 17.2,3 1 t s 12 i 2900.'1 : 1 38.0rE 1 1 i 1 I 2 13 / 23.44.v111 16.0 i 1,....e i 15.5711 ile I / j,3' 1 I b 1 ' 14 I 5,.VIII 1 18.2 Ilr2-3 : Is 14.0,4.4s I 14.0r 15 ' 16-17.VIIII 16.6 1,..72-3 26.0-H 1 .16. . L k ,..? Intensity of infection; 1-light Conformity of readings: 1'.2-3 4 3me. Sahnelle-Breuerl apparatus 1 2 1 = v , 16,0rM I 14*OrM 14.0-11 Smith's method 44.0rH 15.0,L 22.0,M 40.0,4! 10.0rL 36,074! 16.0,U ===2=p-4=.== 16,57-M 15.5741 16,0rM 21.0-41 .44.0rH 1840,M 36.0-H 24.0,E 46.0741 11?OrI 360741 19,Q-'E 13 #01-11 3-8.0-H :_.-moderate, 11-11ea-v7 all three readings conform readings, 1 and 2 cOnformvreading.) uneonform Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Table 8 Critioal period otserved a' 1]...L3rkleniec orohard in 1962 Tr...i............... - ..=. ======*=====. * 1 Period of wettness of leaf surface II V 1 I Conformity m NEW I Date k r I Average 4 I and intensitx_g_infection _ ____ V 1 i ^ 4 Itemperature o eadings t f r ? 1 : 1 1 Electronic f Schnelle -Breuer' Smith"s 11: s I ; 4 t ) $ apparatus 1 apparatus I method 0 ) I 1N i ) f i ....==Wit'=UikW==..=..=..W==qU.....-r....r.....=..==,==t== C=p===34======= /======= ==*===p =C=1:111 1 $ t 1.5.5rM s , 16.0rM u i a $ 8r9.V I 1 2545-SE t 24.0re :34:Zrr: 1 1 27.IT 1 4 14.1 /r2) 1 16.O-'M t 0 ......: 15,6 1r2r.3 1 1 i : ? t t 47.5rH t s s -....t-z cr, A 1 3 1 3.21-14.9 s t t t 12.1 1 i 1:4-3 I t ; 48.5r0 t t t 1 1 23,541 s a n P ...-el if 4 s .20-220X 1 9.8 1-2 28.0-41 t 0 --fa s 4 1 .3 ! 31.0-4H f. t. 0 , t I s t I 21.0-41 s ft 1 . I i I - . a 1--- ".? 7.: C i g , g g g g 2 1 . 3, i r . 4 r I 224;701-H4 1 1 I u 11 3 - : ? 5 ; 25-26.V i 1 10,3 t 1.2 1 23.5-11 4 C" a 6 : ! 13.9 ; 11-2-3 / 22.5rH 4 i 22,0FH ? rvl ? t 17r28.1r i1 12 36.41 4 1 1 27.0.4 s n : I -6 t 1 0- t 34.5 I -M 1 t c, : 7 1 1.-2on , 6.3 t ...-.0 . 3 $ I z ....... n i I 3:-.2 1 30.0-M v 29 1 it 0 22., -I. t ? 1 ; :0-11 , s 0 8 1 4....5.PI ; 7.4 7 1 1 1 0 ::? 9 i! 29.VI !4i 11.3 1:-3 1 14.54 ! _ - , s 1.074 10 6.1.VII. 12.9 14 18.0-M . 17.04! I2240.H . ussus -_, a 3 f Ii s r I $ i a :Li 1 23:VII 1 18.4 s 1/4 i 11.0-M t 12.0-U I s s II 1 t t , 3 ? I , a s 1 1501111 . - . s t 193 I 12 i 14041 t . 1.3.,-41 10.0-1, tit $ t t s i I s a 1112 t t * t 1 1 ? 3 r . 4 1 . i r t 14 so 1 li al 1 18./II J. 17.1 . # 14 .1, 19.0-H ; s 18.0-H t 130.4 Intensity of infection: 1.-light p M.-moderate, H-heavy CoEformity of readings: 1:.2-3 i??? all three readin::.s conform Xitadia4sI 812 2 rnconfo7711 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Table 9 ENTertments results on apple scab aontrol at Sino/cks /Fungicides applied as a proteotant/ = a k Percentage of areas clover 0 Fungicides I If k............)1X. soak on: X N I i leaves ' fnitl O I 7?VI X 10==============u====== Of Captan 0 1.595 lime sulphur 0,15% Merautal 0 a ? y 2% DNRB 0 0 11 0. O 0,2% TMTD 0,1% Copper oxyuhloride Chezk-no spray The lowest si- gnifioant diffe- s relive for t=0,05 r" ed ;Peroentage of infested leaves fruits r , I Yield 1 Persottageg r 1 from oner of first 0 1 tree !grade 0 II in kg r fruit 0 I 9.VII 4.X %XII 4.X 1 L , . , . 1.====.===,........ ....... f ? 1 r =-=w====t=tmulp=u=up=========mi 1 I 0,27 1 I 1 0,32 ' 1 ; 0,10 1 1 f i 1 0:28 fI 1 I 1 i I 0,32 / r 1 t 1 0: 09 J I I ; 1 I 21,47 1 1 2,78 1 4,82 4,64 6,69 15,77 5,03 51,80 :1 1 1,03 0,97 2,78 2,64 4,60 1,04 ; 1 28,75 22,63 I r 1 11 34,12 34 32 1 / r t t t 1 ; i 41,50 43,37 77,00 29,87, 98,25 54,80 38,90 59,27 36,98 t 0,75 6,36 I 1,45 1 21,80 31.05 19,37 83,72 35,57 I 88,17 61,10 877,85 41,47 1 69,17 31,17 52,02 13,27 4 83,17 opoo f 1 ? 1 1 . ? 1 12,36 0 = WW=U1==== ========4=== Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001,-3 Table 10 Experiments results on apple soab *antral at Sinolgka Aunginidea applied es a eradicant/ = =====U====== *Percentage of areas covered It Fungicides r ' az scab on: leaves fruits ????????????11.04... U a 1 7.71 I 11:711 4.X Ift===u===============4===ecrtm==4========= it n 0,2% Captan 1 0,16 I n 1 01 63 ========= X 6 t a It 1:5% Lime sulphur 1 0,01 t 4,70 n 1 I u u 0,/5% Meroutal 1 0,29 f 2,38 I 0 1 I 0 n 0,2% DNRB i 0,26 / 2,71 tt 0,2% TMTD 1 0,40 I 7,34 m m tt 1 t n s m 0,1% Copper I 1 II i n oxichloride 0/01I V ?1 V t '' Check-m-spray . 22,31 1 45/56 m nal.s?oramms?Es...Nao.nirarmroraraorraW...r.ew..p..r .................*** 0 ft 1 1 1,04 J 1,39 1/75 1/55 4,28 4,76 6,16 .The lowest si-' g gnificant diffe- 0,30 3,11 1111 rence for t=0,05 ===.====f=======..======.=mum Percentage of Arield - tercentage III infected ; 'from obsfof first ; leaves .1 fruits1 t16 e V igrade u 1 lin kg 'fruit u 9.711 1 1 4.X r 1 u u . t . 0 s s u 26,50 41,20 t 1 31,25 I t u 1 9,50 s 1 ::::: : 38,64 7/35 44,75 1 t a * 1 49/37 70,04 78/67 n 0 1 t a s I u 51,50 71,13 1 19,92 1 50,30 1 I V7.) 70)00 87:06 t s 9,22 1 t 40,52 27?62 29,63 5,22 1 35,50 0 ft -"rst 1 99,00 . 0,00 I AIM I D ? e- h. I . IR - _ ,,,...... , 18,00 25,74 1 . I 32,31 u 0 a I I n 2,09 = Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 able 11 Experiment results on apple scab aontrol at Nbrowioe /Fungicides applied as a eradicant/ Xftrz========wmvxmlimm=== X X Fungicides - If ? 1 of 0,1% -Cyprer u 0,15% Merautal 0,2% Captan 0,2% DNRB II 1,5% Lime sulphur Cheak no spray = areas covers scab on: dby leans fruits leaves fruits in kg u ; ? . 5.X ign 14 VI 16.V1I I 10.VIII 4X Is 0 0 II 11 II I .1. ==.___=ftnp Percent9ge of 1Yield Percents -0 0 8 : . infected : ;from one ge of tree Ifirst 1 0:69 079 0:22 1:66 0,49 1,76 0,63 3,05 i 0,95. 3,69 114:99 33:77 AA. The lowest signi- ficant difference 1 0:15 - 1 fbr t0.05 1,76 3:12 1,42 4:12 4:03. ' 33,9 0:31 0233 0247 1207 0267 118:91 ; 15:50 20:00 28,50 = 4,92 70 93 1 96:55 9102 903.0 9 0,71 I 68? 85 I 0 00 / 2.4 22121 1 16269 70,07 ; 7202 58)92 4,06 0 35162 0 ! 0 0 1 37 12 0 9 o i 98 50 . .: 1 2 i .1 ? ,v ,................................................... ..) 1 i i 1 I 1279 i 2:68 1 2,08 - 4 ! 0 1.! ?L?===?=-:===========ft=== 21)88 118:91 1'00,00 7,78 in Dmr+ - Caniti7Ari CODV Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 17, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 f ? Table 12 Experiments results oii comparison of different spray -=- -======= 0 ft Spray program V II ==. ==== === Schematic/ program O Bradicative program UTtoteotive program programs at Ditbrowice ===== Percentage of areas aovero by scab on ??????????????????? II a? U : ? j from on.el ge of d I Percentage infected tree = fruits t 'first: a ??????????????filmf?mtsfo? leaves fruits I in kg grade --------r ==t=? U U 1 !fruit u 0 n i 6.VI I 2301'11 ...1..............._4=.___=__."__== . -. t r tw= t 1. u n 1 1 1 1 1 . It 01008 ; # 0117 I I 0 1 , 70 I 6;50 1 9;73 j 52;44 92 11 u 1 i n n I 1 1 0,013 f 0159 ! 0 I 142 i 13)00 1 33;40 I 56;90 90;12 u 1 t n I 0 066 I t 7 2 0;73 i 2 0;82 14;25 i i 29;11 1 35;56 93,53 u 0 I I I I 0 I i I 1,14 1 0;91 15;25 Ii 3368 I 51;450 I 2 I I 94 7 20 u II I I I I II II I I I 0 I 2.8793 1 57, 69 91,07 0 1 1;54 2 1;10 I, 20;87 I I i ff. 1- I 11 8.390 I 20.97 i. 26 .7 .70 i 735 1100.00 i 3.31u I 1 I 0.00 .0 0 -7 + L I- I .......11 I 0.159 I I I I It I , I 1 0 8220 i 21,81 ' I 32;51 Il 3.81 I I n 1 n 2 1 1 1. a i 0 = 1 = Bradie.prot.program j 0;021 0 ? Phenologiaal program 0;338 0 n check?no?spray 5.1111.WW. . ormommorpbawfmtAftftEml? The lowest signi? n ? ficant difference um for- t=0.05 = == 0;83 1 0;78 =...===== npriacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 ffu-n. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 , Tabgts 13 ? Experiments results on comparison of diftferent spray programs at gwierklanies -.:======umumumustuouttr ,Spray program f W ifirce msImmum.0 0 11 11 11 ,? ;I it ft 11 Soliematio program Eyiadimating program Piotective prograM Exidicoprot.program I Ph:nologioal progra4 - ?spray T'e lowest signi- -.,.ant differenae r t=0.03 t==========WWWWWWWWW ======cOmmessoommtsummUiromenWUNIonamftwoosc====.160 Percentage of areas covered r Percentage0, b seab on learns01.1.00_of infeutedg. 041??? 11 A ? 11 11 fl 11 11 B It a li o 11 11 11 11 A It 11 11. Ii .0 7.VI 1====== 01249 0)234 0,751 0,087 0,19.3 12.110 22aI Ion == 6.71 2)98 17,0 4,15 5,71 37)43 10000. 7.V71 unietwe..= =a= 7.82 2,58 13,64 4,15 707 29,16. 'eaves. 7sVII 46.83 24,67 .74,67 32.,50 5808 97,33 ? 0.386 =====u=not 4.60 swimammummagmultuvumwmuliw4uwwmw.........Ap 4.13 17,29 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 FLi. Dty,ont,tation 01 9/4 Ica ascortis - Dclbtowict, 1962. Zoo Lb . 29.c - rttlfsitgipal. IS 26 temp...twat_ ZZ - w ? ? 14 - E ? _ z A I I I! III III1 LLLH Lailliill111111111111 tl 45 20 1 40 10 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 400 . 30?C r17:10.1,10.? tu.Tevar.?,.. 22 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .A401 11111111111111111111H111111111 10 31 NntItat1on c4 ofpte sea asccfcto - S'inctO?ct,- 1962 , 11 of cuto.rot. ? temregat....n.c. 24 18 Artd. titat't mitt! icititilllitt11111LI 1 24 , f17* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 1111111111111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 p":.vms cdv m-ta CiT7Z, 1616.. L to .1?.7C. 61.5rlti. rittifiteltiO. ? f 6. we 4 .44 wt. ?fee, tte.,s anicl leaf .intfediost bijapk .scab int '196 cit D4towice. tempetatukc., _ _ _ . -.Leal 4 le.:4011.V.A., 21 26 2 10 17 24 3,1 7 PI 20 27 6 15 23 Moy une )uly 4- 2 SOO Cw?vt 20? 400 T..= /8 ? 16 ? ?300 12 ,o- 2.0 8 ? _ 6 ? ? 100 ? ? 2 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020800070001-3 >aft irat C:20 44.4 C45) st:3 emooni C,3