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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 --I-NIORMAT ON REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 -HUM 1 This material contains information .affecting the National Defense of the. United States within the-- meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 798'and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any..manner..toai unauthorized persgn is prohibited by law: CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT The Institute of Water Econ. and:. HYdraulics of the Ads,demsy of Science of the Uzbek SSR/Irrigation and Development of Golodnaya Steppe DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ REPORT DATE DISTR. 111- Ma.r 63 NO. PAGES REFERENCES 1 1 50X1 -HUM riffis IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 4 3 . 2 ISTATE two pamphlets in English published in the Soviet Union. The firm, one, published in Tashkent by the Academy of Science, is entitled The Institute of Water Economy and 'Hydraulics of the Academy of Science of the Uzl;ck SSR." It covers the following problems that the Institute is solvin:: and the iv,nortant results achieved: Problem 1. Scientific Principles Under1yin7. the Complex Utilization of Water Resources in Uzbekistan Problem 2. Irrigation _and Reclamation Problem 3.. Study of the c.. Bed Courses, Water Intake Structures and Hydraulics St actures Problem 4. CalcuIdtIng Me es and Construction of the Hydraulic -Structures Problem 5. k hanizatic and Industrial Methods in Hydraulic Construction Problem 6. s dra 4achinery and A The second pamphlet is entitled Irrigati following subjects: - 4CIASSILelw in 1961 by the Ministry of Agriculture, eodngya S . It covers the Natural Conditions ok the GeloOpe Short Description of Irrigation De , Present EconoLly Construction, Project Planning an search Or- zations Engineering Scheme of Irrigati ,?, Irrigation and Drainage Network Communication Lines ? Proposed Agricultural Development I ARMY ' , 'NAVY ? CONFIDENTIAL50X1 -HUM I AIR ? I FBI IAEC GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 1 /- .... ? . ? . 5 4 3 2 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved fOr Release 2013/03/16 76,6,---Rb-Fi-Ao-roo246A-626-5?ocI2-3-666-94 Quantitieso1azi4gict rigris4tetion-coi C. CONTROLLED DIMON o?t Ci ONFiDB-NTI uricuszarrem -end- CONFIDENTIAL NO DIEM AEORAD - t -k. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 , no 50X1 -HUM NO FOREIGIV =BEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 # eb 50X1-HUM 1.)044 4( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: I CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 . ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 50X1 -HUM C,1tVa '14:111 Ltri?Ak rf".' V???? "et*, Nta7U.- 04A7k., -4.vmw 4.4 A.1 nti .,; ?1417',1154.14M6,W,.. gl1V^ lgtt rear. .:451R? A g4t A TiAni olt*, 4 t., #10, A.0.4 \ .13 ; ' Ott ttr- cist ?SR 47.,751.r, ,44g ktt. 4 ? '1,104 :;177 070 1,1A.1 , . 41:4 *O." V44,' ss ;11-M Or% FitAtVA. . AV ItIMW gl'a IA' M ' ttie nt- #4. THE INSTITUTE OF WATER ECONOMY AND HYDRAULICS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF THE UZBEK S SR ?VgiCilf -4fOtt'" Vrei' .1( L%Ir.z* WN.4. :4;CO ,ro,v *11-3-i;! traii ? 1M AO VA 0#?:q Xrh ggt Wat Vit.M: Ak ati giVett,:4 4.0 .M11: WS' VW 41-Wij awe 'MOE: .15,;FA ,cqigi'5 Me W4 Mlft gra 'aRrS?- 0.:16t . t 4c" ? tAt :74;* *1'2; 4 v1,-;$.,-1-Aor? cc. ;X; ;Zti-744: - . ,40 _ Ue ,'4Z1 Miff, 'All, '"'s? 444171',' PA. A4.1. k 71'4; 4.t.W f4-4' .4.6. at: WA ?;t1A N10.1 VA f-'45V KV TM ? , , r ' .15v r.44?41"; IIKWa v;i:W4 oviimpmir WJECRIP 4,0;:tr;i -74,2:a.": :4.,..7if? "41?i,:fx -? .At% a-T,11 - ? ihr.v rk ;45,x( Lr Mr.k. o ? AAA- .?4` 4 ttx.' 20.44?-?,1 ?- r.c04..e.:-1111:1L" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 . - ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF THE UzSSR . ? INSTITUTE OFWATER ECONOMY AND HYDRAULICS t ? A .E!. t - ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ? 4 ? e THE INSTITUTE OF WATER ECONOMY. , IAND HYDRAULICS OF THE. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF THE UZBEK SSR PUBLISHED BY THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF THE UzSSR TASHKENT.1961 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig. 1. The Institute of Water Economy and Hydraulics of the Academy of Science of the Uzbek SSR. The Institute was founded in 1925 under the name of the Central Asian Scientific Research Irrigation Institute to provi- de the irrigation engineering of Central Asia with tasks for the experimental part of the research work. The .scope of the scientific research work in water econo- my was greatly enlarged after the Academy of Science in Uzbekistan was established in 1943. . At present the work of the Institute involves all the problems dealing with the study and utilization of water resources, construction and maintenan- ce of water diversion works, hydraulic structures, irrigation and drainage systems. The Institute serves all the water organizations and at the same time carries out theoretical and experimental work in all branches of hydraulics and reclamatioh. The Institute is composed of the following departments and laboratories: l.-..Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, . 2. Department of Complex Problems and Water Power En-_ gine-ering, 3. Irrigation and- Reclamation Department, 4. River Beds Department, - 5. Laboratory of Intake -Structures, '2 , 6. Laboratory of Structure Hydraulics, 7. Experimental Wave Action Laboratory, 8. Soil Science and Soil Mechanics Laboratory? 9. Department of Hydraulic Structures and Seepage Flow,. 10. Laboratory of ,Building' Materials, .1.1. _Mecfianization . Department,. . . - . Laboratory 'of Prefabricated ? Reinfdrced. Concrete Struc- tures, ? 13; Laboratory of Hydraulic -Machinery,.? ? 14: Laboratoey of Water Gauge Sets. ? f. . ; Fig. 2. A Plan of the Institute: 1 ? main building; 2 ? the Lahoratory of ,Intake Structures; 3 ? Experimental Wave Ac- tlon Laboratory; 4? Labgratory of Building. Materials, ? Soil Mechanics, Analytical and others; 5? Experimental Mechanical Work-Shop of precision Instruments; 6 ? Laboratory Water, Gauge Sets ,? 7.? Laboratory of Prefabricated 'Structures; 8 ? Calibrating Station; 9? Laboratory "of Hydraulic Michinery; 10 ? Pumping Station; 11 ? Laboratory of River Beds: 12?Laboratory of Soil-Science, Seepage Flow and other depirtrnents;./3.? Building of the Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydromechanics now being designed; '14? Experimental Models. .1193 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ii ? PROBLEMS THE INSTITUTE IS SOLVING AND THE IMPORTANT RESULTS ACHIEVED ? Problem 1. Scientific principles underlying the complex utilization of .water resources in Uzbekistan ? The Department of Hydrology and Water Resources car- ries out research work on the problems of water resources and flow formation, it studies the river flow regimes, works out the methods for hydrological estimations and solves ques- tions of water balance of irrigated areas. On the basis of the studies of the Central Asian rivers -flow and observing their regime fluctuations the rules for flow control are derived and the main characteristics established. This brofight about the further development of methods for approximate determination of river flow characteristics for the -unexplored regions of Central Asia. The role of .various sources of river water supply is made clear 'and it was ascertained that it is not glacier, but snow that plays the leading part. The research work is going dn the problem of water los- ses. from the water table: "'?f reservoirs. on the territory of Uzbekistan. The 'estimation of the Sir-Darjra river water ba- lance is driwn up on the, section .jut above the Chardar Reservoir for further necessary 'construction of water - power ancOrrikation -works. WaterThoiVer cadastre? Of ? the rivers of Uzbekistan and sur- rounding ? regions is, being. completed. \Tlie.'Departmentiof,Complex Problems and Water PoI?; wet, Engineering workg on the questions of complex .utiliza.:h:41 tiory of-surfaCe and Underground water resources in :the riati-' onal `'economy of, Uzbekistan (in the for irrigatiOn needs, water supply and water power), bringing out the ba- sic points and methods for drawing up schemes for complex utilization of the Central Asian rivers and dealing also with control and Teaulation problems of river flow along with water power estimations. This Department derived , a method for "drawing up schemes - for the purpose of pump irrigationw .ith complex 'utilization -o water resOurces. In accordance with the newly obtained experimental data a plan-scheme for the development of irrigation along the- mean 'flow of the Amu-Darya river is in preparation; in the valleys of the Zeravshan and Kashka-Darya " rivers pumping irrigation and gravity flow irrigation zones are set 'up together with the techno-economical reasons and a plan-scheme for subdividing the territory into zones is worked out. - Problem 2. Irrigation and Reclamation The Department of Irrigation and Reclaination,works on the following general .problems: technique and machinery for ' irrigation of agricultural crops, control of canal silting and its overgrowing, reduction of the maintenance costs, on reclama- tion problems of saline soils by means of horizontal surface and underground drainage and vertical drills. Fig. 3. A field irrigated by long furrows. .:This.Department introduces: a method of estimating the elements for furrow irrigation, sprinkling of cotton plants, de- vIcOliir:Increasing the-labour efficiency ?.such .as pipes, si- phgniAiubber tubes), portable pipelines; methods for designing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig. 5.. Port-able ,Pipeline.. Fig. 6. Horizontal open drain. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 t! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 . . ? and practical execution of levelling as well, as extention of irrigated areas; the Department also worked out methods of estimattorr arid?;:cpnstruction 'oLyertical drainage; it derived a methodr _fo estim:ating the horizontal draipage by water balan- ce equalization and, construction' of temporary drains. Fig. 7. Vertical drainage pump. Problem 3. Study of the,River Bed Courses, Water Intake Structures and Hydraulics of Structures The Department of River Beds in engaged in studyirx the rivers of Central-Asia with the aim. of drawing up mO- Mods to regulate river beds, to estimate silting process and washing of upstreams and doWnstreams of headworks as well as to estimate the scouring of beds along the great length in. dams downstreams; in is occupied in compiling the methods for estimating the ice regime on river sections adjoining the headworks and determining the time of the reservoirs silting. Analyses of turbulent flow patterns carrying sediment are conducted. The River Bed Department carries out laboratory and field research work for a series of large hydraulic projects (Farhad, 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Kairak-Kum Dams on the Sir-Darya river, Kampir-Ravat and Cazalkent Dams). The methodical part of the main silting problems of the work is completed and-the- reason's for iapid silting (twice as much thas ha been' expected) ? of Farhad sand Kairak-Kum reservoirs were elucidated. It was determined that In estimating the ,silting prOdeis period one-should take in con- sideration also. the effect of wind wave action on the reser- voir banks and some other factor's. ? The Laboratory of Intake Structures is busy with me- thods of further improvement of intake structures on the Cent- ral Asian rivers with appliances controlling -.the entrance of sediments into the irrigation ana power .stationk canals. , The Laboratory together..with the designing. 'institutes has -completed the- scheme of 'an intake works. of Fergana type which permits the ?draw of ,water .for -the. canals-- with the least ; amount' of sediments. The operation of this type of intake Works based on the principle of utilization of a lateral flow circulation, possesses the following characteristics. The intake process takes place from a curved flow at a concavity of the river bank. Intake works dams consist of curvilinear approach channel gate dam, intake sill adjoining the dam at, the concave bank. In most cases the river head- works in Central Asia are built according to this type. The Laboratory of Intake Structures has worked out he theory and a calculation nlethod for silting]' basins, curvilinear sand traps, and silt-discharge canal capacity. In the Laboratory of Structure Hydraulics questions 'con- nected with energy , absorption - in the ?downstreams of head- works are studied, research work is carried out ' on .the ques- tion of disturbed and pulsating flow as well as; on methOds of the hydraulic modelling.. The elabontion of a method for the depth calculation of local scouring beyond the headworks which is of;great impor- tance for 'correct evaluation of ?possible scotiiing, as wellias tiesigning and calculation of tower and siphon 'spillways were accomplished by the Laboratory,. 'The main problems with which the Experimental W.ave Action Laboratory ,is concerned consist in actiVe and passive control measures for protecting the slotes ,of earth darns and reservOir embankments from ,wave action.,, The Laboratory Ohs to study wind ',and wave regimes of re?dvOiis,. fixing the wave. JOad' standards more, accurately. ThelLabofatOiy is also. bu- sy with the testing of large-scale diddels of vdriOUs'tYpeS of strerigtliefiiig 'int order td choose the beit soltitiOn and"finlly the Laboratory is engaged in making a detailed study of cal- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 culating methods. Visual observation is set on the experimen- tal sections of 'reservoirs. For example observaticins: o? con- ditions-of strengthening the Katta-Kurgan Dam 'slopes ..were concluded; and the 'values of wave height vs. wind' velocity were determined.,,, A labdratory with two wave-flumeS 16 in and 80. 'm long, respectively, will be .completed in 1961. The height of the waves in these 'flumes will reach 1,7 -m. Problem 4. Calculating Methods and Construction of the Hydraulic Structures The Department of Hydraulic Structures and the Labo- ratory'of Soil Science carry on research work on the structu- ral properties of loess soils used as., building material In the majority of earth structures in Central Asia. The .calcu- bating methods of designing arid erection of earth .hydraulic works are being studied. The Laboratory of Soil Sciencei,con.- ducted research work on structural properties of loess soils: . common), saline and loose settling soils. The. results of' these tests make it possible to apply soils containing 109o of salt for important earth constructions_ and in some cases it is even possible to apply tolls containing as much' as 15% -instead of the usual 3% of salt .fixed ,by State Standards. Methods for fixing 'the bed settling fo'r embankment and dam construction are also completed by the Laboratory and recommendations are given for foundation treatment in loose settlin.g soils. This helps to determine more accurately the necessary volume of supplementary work due to fofindation settlement and garantees to a greater degree the safety of the construction. The Laboratory has provided methods for design- ing, constructing and maintenance of canals .in highly loose settling soils. The Department of Hydraulic Structures studies questions of defofmatiOns of earth dams (among these are the dams-..con- structed by filling the -water- with soil), the consolidation process and stability of .canal -slopes in saturated loess soil are also studied; simplified methods of percolation calthlation in structures taking in account all volume seepage are. w,orked out (among these drops-chutes, water outlets,- aqueducts and cantilever spillways.) The Laboratory 'of Building Materialsis engaged in fin- ding .new as well as local m'aterials.for'water 'Works problems, choosinber 'right concrete proportions' and.testing.their properties for application in irriation cons tinction. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ii - ? eV Fig. '11. Cracks In settling loess soils as a result of; wetting. ? :120 1117,N1/M 0 3 7 E 11 ?=. 17 $0 19 21 ?3 25 27 29 rc; ks I. IL - I ? ii- 'S. ? 2 ? ?3 Fig. 12. Diagram of value variations of relative depth settiment In loesS soils. EVOr" The Laboratory is ,also 'busy with .studying'; of e'arthcan4.2 lining materials and coverings in ader to ,protect concrete,? from 'alka'Sioil: Technolo.gyor.preparatiod. and .1placirig. of cold mixed - *halt. materials was likewise com.pleted.General chat Tactei*its':Of plastic concrete ontaining fucfiltolketone:mo;. nome'r.,?-FX"4With required abrasion 'resistance were dbliffied 1, Fig. 13. Abrasion resistance of lining materials (kilograms per square meter .ppr hour) determined by a special device desi- gned in the Institute. - e: as a result of- ,research work. Properties Of reinforced gunite were studied_ so as to apply it as a lining material for pres- sure hydraulic structures, research work is going On making gunite more - plastic and ,using it as' anti-seepage canal' lining. Problem 5. Mechanization and industrial Methods in Hydraulic- Construction In the ,Mechanization Department for 'Water Works besi- de testing of irrigation machinery and improving their service and methods ,of advanced mechanized processing they design new machines for building, and maintenance services in irrigation systems. Field testing of a floating mower for cleaning canals from vegetation .designed by the Institute was, carried out and a special machine has been designed for cleaning laterals from vegetation and silt deposits. a For' horizontal underground drainage ? 2,5-3,5 m deep the Mechaniiation Department together' with Glavgolodnostepstroy (Hunger-Steppe Design Institute) constructed a drainlayer. This machine prepares trenches, lays drains -500- mm long and 15 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 covert- them with - grayel: The efflency:loft the t?nachine. attains 250 linear .meters, per shif. - ? . The. Laboratory ? of .prefabricateci:.Aeinforced Contrte- StruCtures is engaged in improying.Prefabricated concrete and, reinforced concrete structures and canal linings;'.besides,that it Is buSy in creating new thin7alled prefabricated structures. 'Fig. 15. Diagram of drainlayer operation. _ ..For manufacturing' Ii situ the prefabricated parts the Labo- ratory; ha_s. plan.ned e?cmimental stations with stand-basins. adjustable for Worli.irig in SOecific Climatic conditions of Cent- ral As1a. - The Laboratory discovered the possibility of reducing the thickness of reinforced concrete iinings from 12 cm to 6 cm, for Main canis and. in canals Where' water discharge runs from.0,2 to 26 cubic meters 'per second:The practice of using: prefabricated concrete linings 5-8 cm. thick rather than those of reinforced concrete thas.,..been proVe& to more econo- mical. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 t""' 4t. ? .44 *"? ? ? .1 t.111Z41. f 4.1t- ? f/f.? - 441?, 4-a? ? ' 40-41' ??':':tie'../44..e' ?.44. - ..,.; 3..... I ..-?er"""m''''.."*"..*'--, . .0 ??? ? , 'PP! ,, ? .0*. . ... 'el ? . 4, ?..., , "?.... .. I . ? ., / ge? 4I, ,...,,, '..Ve ? ....': . Cr!: .44.T4% ..'", ... . I tr ie ,,......- : N ......... . .. .. ?: _ I. .t. - i , ..,, ... .:- . . -... :1/44., .., , , , 3., ?-???..: k.... A - :1* '? i ? - . , Fig. 16. Experimental station with stand-basins for manufacturing the prefabricated parts of the structures in situ. ? Fig. 17. Placing prefabricated concrete llning:on:the-main..canal during operation. per1904 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig. 18. Reinforced cement flume 9,nt long with the capacity of 0,5 cubic meter per second. Fig. 19. Prefabricated reinforced cement gate-regulator with 3,4 m'span for the capacity of 0,8 cubic meter per second. New reinforced cement slabs 2 cm thick were recommended for lining ditches in small farming network. The Laboratory worked out a scheme and a technology of producing the reinforced cement flumes of parabolic shape which are twice as economical as reinforced concrete. The dimensions of a flume are: 6 to 9 m long, 60 cm high and 80 cm ,wide in its upper part, its capacity being 0,5 Cubic Meter per se- cond. For - minor- networks the Laboratory has 'worked out prefa- bricated hydraulic structures of an economical shape. They -consist of ribbed slabs and panels- which are prepared as flat reinforced cement details receiving prefabricated ironconcrete ribbs. Problem 6. Hydraulic -Machinery and Apparatus . The Laboratory of Hydraulic Machinery_ studies 'serving -conditions of water-hoisting machines for water economy of ' the Republic and questions of their rational utilization. Propeller pumps, of small capacity foi-, pumping irrigation of Horezm -and Kara-Kalpakia regions, shaft pumps for vertical -drainage and for utilization of ground waters for irrigation pur- poses as well as cord and band pumps for pasture watering were created by the Laboratory. _ This Laboratory is also busy with methods of choosing pumps for zonal pumping irrigation and- for vertical, drainage; estimation of hydraulic ram effect in pressure pipelines, theory of operation process in the cord and band :water loiSting de- vices as well as the theory of vacuumless charging of propel- ler pumps. The problems of the Laboratory of Water Gauging Devi- tes consist in creating of new types of water gauge sets (tu- bular and, surface gauge), automatic aparatus for recording and controlling irrigation ? water (hydrometers,- distant trans- mitters, discharge indicators, discharge recorders, flow meters, ,zrid.making use of the advantages Of ,automatie* and tele- mechanic inventions to solve these problems. Besides ;that the Laboratory calibrates, water :ga0Ing devi- ces for, all- irrigation systems of Uzbekistan. - , ? ? Among the recommended types ere' :the following water gauges and automatic equipment des.igned. by the Laboratory itself: an open 'gate - regulator for collectilig -farm. alloCation water where the wafer discharge "caplicity' reaches 2,5' cubic meters per second;- tubular -water-gauge whose -discharge-water capacity reaches 1,5 cubic meters per second;- surface water gauge-regulator to be applied in the farming whose water ca- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig. 20. Shaft propeller pump 13r1,8 for:vertical drainage and utIlliatibry of underground water for Irrigation. purposes.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 . ?iuii Fig. 22. Cord wate`r-hoisting7device SCD for hoisting water from drills of. small diameter pastures. Its capacity_ being 1,5=2,5 litres Per. - '? second; the height of hoisting-30 m. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 arrimizzinszmililis , .04(''/'ufT///"WI4 I if; / .c. 4nentla jart e , i -7: _ MPRfflualgrixii a., `i A 124= 2 fet r 4 sei i r 0 1 ej24121?0* F=11 mem r I 74 3 22 22 55 4 1 15 1 -4I?Qn:?(f? . ? 0 . _ Fig. 24. Level?discharge recorder. Fig. 25. Water gauge attached td Oen regulator. Fig. 27., Diagram of the dynamic discharge recorder. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 11( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ? ? pacity runs to 250 litres per. *second; dynamic discharge indica- tor which operates on water level difference, indicating dischar- ge capacity ?per second; dynamic aid rotary 'flow recorders indicating the supply. of water during a' definite period. Gates that are used for upstream sections such as those of Finke and Neyrpik type are being studied. , Over 10000 water gauging devices constructed by the Insti- tute are in opeiation on the irrigation systems of the Central Asian Republics. * 'While caging out scientific research work the Institute of Water Economy arid Hydraulics is,.engaged .at the same time in summarizing .and propagating advanced experience, gathered at home and abroad, with the use of technic achievements in water economy, ?.introduces them into service and is busy In educating scientific workers. The Institute takes an active 'part in scientific congresses and conferences on hydraulic engineering and reclamation prob- lems. The scientific ?actiievements of the Institute are published as books, proceedings and -special editions .by the' Institute or in journals of the Uzbek Academy of Science: ?143BeCTITSI" II Jloxjmaiu AH Y3CCP and other scientific Journals which i deal with hydraulic engineering such as ?FHApoTexima ii me.rmo- palm", ?FitnpoTeximgeeKoe crpOliTe.11bCTBO? etc. ' 'L. Chief editor corr. member of the Academy of Science of the UzSSR R. A. ALIMOV Ha anAutIcxom Ram ilHeTHTyT BOAHLIX npoftem H 114,4p0TeXHHHH Attmemnu itayK Y36eRcKoA CCP Edited by A. V. Baklilzky Technical Editor H. U. Karabajeva C.ItaHo B Ha6op 20/VII-61r. Iloanncafto IC negaTH 29/VII-61 r. Bymari 60X921/16 = 1,0 6yAr. a. 2,0 neg. a. Haa.a. 2,0 1/13a. M 313/61 THpaw 600 BecnaaTHo THITOrpatillfg 143/1aTellbCTBa Y3CCP, Tawiceirr, XopeamcBan, 9. 3aBaa 793 Aapec 1/13,aaTeabcnia: YJI. Kyil6mweBa, 15. 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 tc 4:1 t _e MINISTRY OF- AGRIquLTuRE, USSR ? _ T)ie USSR National Codtte on IrrigeitiOn itri(Diqiinage e7? ?;- - ? , , ? , el:- -"- "c? ,. 4 ? c ' IRRIGATION AND ./.. DEvEIpPMENT ? ' OP ,GOI;ODNAYA STEPPE .- i .11diaow, 1961 , ' _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, USSR The USSR National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, IRRIGATION AND DEVELOPMENT. OF GOLODNAYA STEPPE Moscow, 1961 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 The report is compiled by engineer Girshkan S.A., by-the materials of, the Institute "Sredazgiprovodkhlo- pok". and Glavgolodnostepstroi - ? Irrigation and deVeloPlilint of the Golodnaya Steppe Megan 90 years ago and the irrigated area in 1917 was 34 thous.ha. During the first ten years of the Socialist Development' Programme,.V.I. Lenin paid considerable attention to the ir- rigation in the Southeth?republica, to utilize the rich natu- ral resources of the Golodnaya Steppe and its advantageous proximity to neighbouring industrial dentres,power and water resourbee and favourable topographical conditions,to develop this area into dhe of the main locations for .cotton growing in the Soviet Union, although faced with rather difficult so- il and land reclamation problems. Since 1917, hndet,the Soviet Regime the irrigated area in the Golodnaya Si.eppe has been: eteadily-increasing and now amounts tbs250 thbus.ha. Development of industry in our country has been stepped up and 'provided civil engineering projects with various types of powerful machinery for speedier fulfilment of the develop- ment programme in this area. The general practice for deveLp- ment of virginaands is by state farms. Complex mechanization too has been introduced into the realisation of the Soviet Agricultural Piograme.The Government expects in the nearest future a threw-fold increase in the acreage irrigated .here, -by their decision to exploit the above facilities for the in- tensified development and irrigation of the Golodnaya Steppe. Natur-al Conditions The Golodnaya Ste-pp& is-the hamt given to the vast plain in the Iditer sebilon of the middle-ieadhes of the Syr-Darya River and bbtderedon the nbith-:east and eaat by the Syr-Darya River, on the hbtih7liteWandst by the sandy desert Kara-Kum 5.21 and 'on the ebuth bYtthe foothill:a-of the Turkestan ridge.With- theie liMitSsthe feta-I arediofthe.GolOdnaya'Steppe over 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 _ 4 _ The-mean'annual temperature inthis vast area is 140C; the sum total of temperatures .for the frostless Period is 4,700?C; number of -days with average daily temperatures above 14?Cl'exeeeds 200".!The'ennual precipitation is about 250 mm,its distribution through the seasons being typical of that for se- mideserts of Middle Asia. Evaporation is 1.,200 to 1,700 mm. The plain has a flat gradient from south-east to north- west, the, gradient being 0.0002 to 0.0005.In the south nearing the 'foothills the gradient is 0..003 to 0.005. ? ' The Golodnaya Steppe soil . strata were formed under the effect of 'waste from "Says" of the Turkestan ridge, sand and pebble deposits of the Chatkal ridge rivers (Chirchik & Angren) to say 'nothing of silt run-off 'of the Syr-Darya which is the main water-artery. ' -Surface horizons are-mainly composed of loam, banded in the southern part with pebble and rubble,in the central part with clay and sand,,and in, the northern, eastern and south- western parts with loam and sandy loam overlying old debris of the Syr-Darya. The occurrence and mineielization of ground water requir- ing land reclamation are determined with the whole complex of geomorphological and hydrogeological conditions. The Southern part occupied with grey soils (sierozem) is characterized-by natural drainage and stability of groundwater. It does not need special'reclama- .., tion arrangements ? Fa r t'h e r to 'the n.orth gradients be- come gradually gentler. Underlying soils here consist of-fine earth depobits, drainage conditions Are not quitefavourable. Ground water does no occur deep below the surface though wa- ter table is quite stable-. Ground wateris consumed only for transpiration and evaporation accelerating the process of selinization. Such 'conditions make- 'it necessary toIviesh alka- li soils in collectingdrainage-network. - Still farther-tO the north, in! t h e c e ii t r a 1 p a r t. of the Goilodnaye Steppe, inflow of ground water is ? ? 5 ? low,water table is. 5-10 m or even 20 m below the surfaceHere it is very important'to_prevent recharging ground water in the future.'periodof operation.Therefore collectingdrainage net- works as 'wellas.permanent.peepage contral-in ognalsate-requi- red. The ! _ n t h- e r n a n-d t h e a.s te r n parts within the limits of alluvial deposit& of the Syr- Darya River are similar in soil structure to the former parts, The water table is however 1.5- to 2.0 m below the surface. Along with-reconstruction of the irrigation network, a new collecting-drainage network will also be required.Inyestiga- tions indicate that conditions in this region are favourable for vertical drainage.. The above may be generalized as follows. -450 thoUs.ha of the total area -of the Golodnaya Steppe are referred -Co as the 1-st category, the type of lands suitable for development, either not needing any reclamation at the first stage -of development or requiring only arrange- ment of collectors, in some places widely spaced. 375 thous.ha referred to a?he 2-nd category are less suitable for development. These lands require either rarified collecting-drainage networks or a dense network, of colleators.- -The rest of the lands (about 200 thous.ha)13elong to the category of lands' suitablefor development only after. leach- ing with suitable drainage-collecting networks-. The-portion of the Golodnaya Steppe now under irrigated farming does not exceed 30,, per cent, the remaining lande ing-occupied'with pastures-or dry cropp. ' ShOrt Description of Irrigation-Development -n _ --:, "; ? - y u. ?S.,z 1, , . e ? , : . . ? . . , The; first.,qt,tempts to .irrigate ,the .Gq1p4naya Steppe were . _ _ 2 . .. made in the seventiepeo.;Ahp ,last _pe,.../yyt.,, . :In 1908. he Iiii,iated area of -011,p, Gpl.pAgeye Steppe Was 10 thous.ha te-nd; in. 1911i7t was .34 thous._ha.Bat rep pus 4and -....1-i--t-7 - - utilization and unpractical water use ceased rising of the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ? water table and salinization of arable lands at the earliest' stages of irrigation development.' ? ? - .? During the- infancy of the Soviet Republic the irrigation of the Golodnaya- Steipe was evaluated as being very important for the national economy of the country. The decree _ of. the Council of People's Commissars signed by V.I.Lenin on May 17, 1918, provided irrigation of the Golodnaya Steppe for an area of about 500 thous.ha to supply the textile industry with cotton. ? By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the cultiva- ted area of the Golodnaya Steppe had reached' 90 thous.ha. -; During the War. a collecting-drainage network. was const- ,- - mated in the Golodnaya Steppe. This construction and general regulation of water utilization resulted in improving rec- lamation conditions of the' Golddnaya, Steppe. Up .the - last period-collectors and drains in the Golodnaya Steppe were open, and waste water entered them together with ground water. - If collectors were not available waste water would recharge gro- und water and raise the water table. The length of drainage canals in 1958 was as much as 13 m per ha .and :therefore the water' table was _lowered. by 0.3 m as compared to the 1952 laVel while the drainage from all the irrigated lands of the Uzbek SSR ?(about 180 thous.ha) increased for that period from 228 to 484 mill oCUsto Water supply per_ ha decreased during the same period from 13.4., thoits cu.m to 12.4 thous .cu.m In large farts (Malek, Pakhta-Area) :operation experiments to improve irrigation practices have been broadly developed. In Pakhta-Aral sprinkler irrigation 'of over 2,000 ha of lands under rotational cotton has. been commended. Present Economy In 1960 the irrigated area of thii eroladnaya Steppe was ? 256 thous.ha, 60 per cent of 'which- 'tab under cdttn. Irrigated lands are distributed among 22 statiV.taress anit.53- collective farms. Benefits derived from these " feria equal 0.3ill.;rdublas - ? - ? per! year,: about t 85o peri cent-df.-1 the, income z being,: from , -cotton growing. Cropped' area per one agriculturalt worker= is- 2 to 3.6; ha- -in- the Uzbek SSRt and;.; 2'; 6nto 57.1 ha in, :the:: Kimakh SSR; In 1959 cotton' yielda:t am-min-telt centners-,P,r,_ ha ,r in- the ? Uzbek SSR' and' 26;4 centners per:, ha. im the- Kazakh SSR,i.e.high- er than the meair figures:, for' the. two, republics. The industry_ df the Golodnaya- Steppe: is mainly composed of ginneries. - The population of the Golodnaya Steppe is 461.7 which 326:9 ':thoulie is rural. ? The Kirov canal taking water.,.from the downstream, of the Farkha& hydropoiver!?piant. is the maincline2'' of. the existing. ir- rigation scheme:- }Lore _than, 200 thous:hC are now irrigated ? by - this, canaf which is designed for 230. cw.m,!per sec .at the head. Water, flows; through the canal _during; 10..5 - 11 months as- -it is re'quired beyond ..the cultivatiOn season to, meet domestic and industrial.- needs': -- - The next in size to the Kirov the Bayaut Canal, 14.5 km long, with At design discharge at ...the head 50 cu..m per sec. At irrigates about 50 thous_.ha: With water di- verted from the upstream of the Farkhad,,power plant.. The Begovat Canal, small izI size, takes water .directly from the tailrace. of the Farkhad power plant and commands on-.? ly about 5 thous.ha. - Reclamation conditions of the irrigated area of the Golodnaya Steppe are mow not quite satisfactory, considerable..aa- linization of some soils and high water table being observed there.. . ? Thus, the experience of past years should be taken into . thous.of consideration in planning and designing future irrigation de- velopment. The problem of irrigation and development of the :?_ Golodnaya Steppe is to be'iolired-by-0.--1arge construction or- ganization with application, of4ndustrial methods_ of construe- tionj Mul ti4Urpiose,; irrigat ion., and land ?deTelopment. ? Ther.doOtri,ift tog,. economic, deveippments, now carried out in; t'Are-,01i-epub,11..9,13 zbek,Kazakh and, T adjik) just interest- _ ., ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 8 ed in the Golodnaya Steppe irrigation are for the first time arranged in the Soviet Union on' such a large Stale. The re- alization of the project of the Golodnaya Steppe irrigation is.lof great significance for, national economy. Construction, ProJect Planning and Research Organizations ? To implement all construction works pertaining to irri- gation and development of new lands within the boundaries of the three republics and organizing state farms on newly ir- rigated lands a Central Board for hydraulic construction and development of the Golodnaya Steppe was formed known as"Glav- .golodnostepstroi". The general designing institute responsible for hydrau- lic construction and development of the Golodnaya Steppe is the Institute "Sredazgiprovddhlopoku. The projects for agri- cultural,,Toad and power development were worked out by spe- cial project planning organizations. In the Golodnaya Steppe scientific research work is in prdiress to.,examine new irrigation practices,various methods of seepage control, new designs of hydraulic structures,etc. These ;research studies are effected by the Academy of Scien- ces of the Uzbek SSR (the Institute of Water Problems and Hydrotechnics), the All-Union Institute of Nydrotechnics and Amelioration named after A.N.Kostyakov (VNIIGiM),the Academy of Sciences of the Tadjik SSR (the Institute of Water Prob- lems), Giprovodhoz and other scientific and projecting Orga- nizations. ? Engineering Scheme of Irrigation ' .The scheme, of the Golodnaya Steppe irrigation is short- ly described below. The headwqrks comprise the dam On the Syr-Darya River with the derivation,canskon the, left bank of' the river, and the right, bank oanalt,,tommanding ? ? ;7. 50-tholiii.ha,i0heDafferiie.Steppe;, Theciticharge-capacity of , the derivation-Canal'iSq500'cu.m:lier'ieW.i. dg''the14-thieetr'the7deriVition7dinal:ielhYdropower plant ie.erecteci. AbOUV)boteper'secV"of'iiter-isrdiverted from the upstream of the power plant through a regulator, into the Southern:Golodnaia4'Stettiecanar. The:-.Southern-canal commanding virgin lands of the-GOIOdneya,Steppe%will irrigate .354. thous.hal 290 thime:ha of'this,teing new virgin-lands. (The boundary be- tween virgin lands'and. existing irrigation area of the Golod- naya'St4perUns'alongitheeCefitral collector). The'derivatitn:canal ofthe'Farkhad power plant is equip- ped viith!alregulator-toAeliver per sec.of water intothe),Iirolecenal Tbe. canakcommands,276:thoue.ha of the developed zone of the' Golodnaya Steppe including,73-thous.ha of-thwintrement4of'new-lands: 32-div.mpersec, of-water-orthe.derivation canal, of the- Parkhact power plant will be lifted, to a- height of 170 m rigate thoud:he'of virgin lands in the Tadjik part of, the Golodnaya Steppe.. The Sciuthern.Golodnaya Steppe canal' flows from east to weit, thegreaier;partof it being cut partially below and par- tieny: abbve=iiide. Th Southern canal includes 14.5 km of the Bayaut Canal alreadrunder operation which-was subsevently widened: The;.14rigthof the: Southern canal is 126 km. it runs -through dusty iypseous sandy loam and' loam. Water 'table along the canal routeisi2-6'm below the. surface. Atithe:63-rd km the Central branch 'bifurcates from the Southern canal:It is .20 km long, delivers-water- Into the Right and Left minors and' is also used-nee:flood' escape (the Southern canal- Central collector) itifh"dedigned,dischargeiot 160 cli.m per sec., The' gradirentstt:the.Oanal kre,0.000054frOm 0 to the 63-rd O'.00006. from 63-rd -km to 74.-th.,km-and 0.00007 farther to the-'end; Tifi:Isitf6&14 poIyional:with 8lopes.41-1-and . 3:1 in-the'dainstreiiPiiiilihr,2)*Ilin7-4pe_upstream:Eottom width i4F-nOt,miireithanI8rithedepthis-*koximately.715,.m. As the-;;Ssiutherivcanal-runetAhroughthezonewhere,:the water 'table 4 ?4--? ? ,?,..???,..????;:.; ? ..:????'1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ?10 ? is rather high, no provision is map for waterproof lining.At some reaches the slopes are planned-to be Strengthened with fast-sprouting tree planting (willow) to cOntrol wave action. - The Central branch is proposed to be linedwith concrete t-. from its beginning to the.10-! . - , - The Kairak-Kum reservoir (5.5 full .capacity, ? 2.5 useful capacity) *stream of the Golodnaya Step- pe and thelChardara reservoir (5.7 full capacity, 4.7 useful capacity) downstream ofthe Golodnaya Steppe provide the Golodnaya Steipe irrigation system . with 6* of water per year which is enough to irrigate - 669 thous.ha. . . When development of. the total area is accomplished drai- nage water removed from the territory of the Golodnaya Steppe will amount to 70 cu.m per:Cee. Water will.floW -into the Arms- Say depression and the Syr-Darya. The discharge of the lar- gest Central collector to Arna-Say will be 40 cn.m per sec. Irrigation and Drainage Network , - Irrigation and reclamation of the Golodnaya Steppe are planned with due consideration for the f011owing:1)to increase efficiency of the systeM, thus 'raising irrigation capacity of the water taken for irrigation, and-to lower the amount ofwa- ter losses for preventing the danger of salinizationi,2)to dec- rease :total water consumption; 3) to provide washing-out sali- ne lands before and in the process of development and to lower water table; 4) to lower labour requirements for irrigation in every way possible; 5) to increase land;utiiiiatiOn factor,i.e. to decrease the area under laterals, drains and "irrigation ? ' Canals' on newly irrigated areas and partially On. old lands are. 'designed- and 'conitructio'Ciii flUsies,with concrete li- ning or With Screena Of.waterproofteriali(including-plis- tic materials Or cothimoted soil), in Comefcasei- iriiiiiion canals run in tubei,for example the canal in Ee Farkhae4ta- . te farm and many others. ? ? ? Not less then-15.par Cent'br the-GbiodniYi Steppe will be irrigated by sprinkling., - Lind ii*eiiing,ialiroibied effected everywhere. tj t ?!, ' Broad deVelfdfient Of tree' iiiinfifiOns ii-planned"to low- . _ - er water cOnSi4tion and harifal ifiedt Of itiong Windt; and being iipertintiOr . Buried drains and notwbik Of O??Or?re arranged on the lands needing reolaitation. The density Of the redlimation network is determined with Uteri-able a. Wellae'with the ektent and type of ia- TO ioier the cost "ilreat aCcuraey we's nedeisary inin'rdeteriihing the density Of the drainage network and the OdIi 6i Of cutting the nbiork. the ioibtobrdynaky itatien in 'the--aledniya Steppe durihOie*eral decides re- sulted in ioalUable eierience 'of irrigation agridUltUral ma- nageMent Under him soil and canditiOns.The re- Cults Of.obiervations are takish into consideration' when de- alining 'th ?? of the tOlddneya Sfel)ise irrigation and deiefOOM"enti. tommuntdation Lines Main iinee of the Golodnaya' Steppe under operation be- fire,1956 11401416d the railway section from the S'--:Deitya 'station to the Ursitye*Ckaya oifition with a branch to. the state farm O'f.Fikhta-Aral and the highway ( the Uzb?High Road) 'from, Chinas to Dsjizak with the brand'," to Ura-Tjube and 'to the Fergana _ At PiseSent the railway i-601.(oh f?6iii the Syr-Darya tion,to the pp..*),Itkta-4p#!...,121 19.5 o.f, new route) ft iSdOMiiie:ted,:Whilk,the4Onatrudt4*rbOh-eraAwayirbmlietty- Sayto Chardara is nea ngcompietion. *;i4e p;.7tin laye.(with acdess are'tO roa 70.5 1-0*tht wh c e-dby Access "tb Vi?eas-. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 7-- 12 ? High.voltage transmission lintp,1,200,km long are now under construction. Power network will,cover all yardso.set- tlements, industrial and operation-points-over the whole ter- ritory of the Golodnaya Steppe. Main telephone communication lines connecting all yards, field camps and industrial-operation .points, to say nothing of settlements, will be as long as 1,100 km. Main as pipeline from Bukhara to Tashkent has already Crossed the Golodnaya Steppe making real the gasification of settlements.of the Golodnaya Steppe. It will require 412 km Of 'gas piping. The length of watei-kupply piping will be 531 km making it possible to provide the needs of the Golodnaya Steppe p9- pulation for drinking water. Underground water will be the main source of Proposed Agricultural Development A , The main agricultural crop in the Golodnaya Steppe is witton..This was_characteristic-cf,the period' this great irrigation development and will be the same on attain- ing the proposed development.The percentage of the state farm sector considerably increases.. This is because of the fact that allvirgin soils will be developed by state, farms, the latter making up 81 per cent of irrigated areas. Forty tow state farms will be added to22 existing ones including 34 cotton state 'farms and.5.state farms responsible for ar- ranging orchards and vineyards. Arranging cotton state Parma in respect of irrigating and developing the Golodnaya Steppe in, given special atten- tion. . 'A..state.faim colleting 8.140,thoug4ha will have a_centre. The latter- will be a large 'well-planned settlement with in- dustrial and cultural enterprises.,Tht,:houses itre two.etorey- ed, the flats are planned on both floors. All the houses are provided With-central heating, water, gas_andjiewerage. The 13 ? centre of the state farm will be supplied with electricity, radio and telephone-facilities. also made for aforestation'Of the,entire'territory.of the Centre, 30 sq. m per a person. Each family is given a plot of 200 sq.m with.-a house. In addition,to thit each family is also given a plot beyond the central territory of the state farm 550 sq.m in. area to grow truck crops, fruit trees and floWers. Cotton yielding capacity is designed to be 25 -centners per hectare at the beginning and 35 centnere.per hectare for the future.. High level of complex mechanization of cperationproceases helps to increase the labour productivity in sOcialist agri- culture, resulting in the increase of hectarage cultivated by one worker; i.e. p ha for cotton. and 18 ha for alfilfa.. As many ais 392.7'thous.ta of-the new area, or 92 percent will be Own, including 252.7 thous.ha, which will be under cotton. _ - _ In 1959, 307 thous.tons of raw cotton was harvested from the irrigatedlared8"of.the Golodnaya Steppe. As .a result of irrigating-and'developing the entire Golodnaya Steppe, yield of,ralkdOttein Over the territory Cf46691hous.ta be 1,300 thous:tons.' _Quantities Plant and-Equipment the will Volume of earthwork when constructing draina- ge and roadmetworke2,.-as well as levelling of irrigable areas will amount to 568 mill.cuon. including 201.mill.quou: while VOlUMe..6f,concrete.and reinforced.c.oncrete, ? work Will be 2.-1'mill.cum,Ancluding mill:cu.p,of_prefabrica- ted reinforced Concrete. -InAstate:firdsliiiikAnduetrial:yardsthere willIbe 1.45 pUblic,,_and other taCilitiiiiyandf,841'44.m%tdf-plantsfaCtOri'es, workshops This 2griat 'volume of 'work 'became reality, aa a reliable source of bizilding"matriala and elements has been established., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 ? 14? Given below are thO -largest minnfacturers: - Plants producing reinforded concrete articles in Owns of Begovat, Yangi-Yer aneChiniz,-their total output in 260 of articles per year. In addition to this 40 thous. cu.m of concrete and reinforced concrete articles are manu- factured on yards. ? ? - Plants manufacturing construction ,Materials such asisd antimony-concrete and precast silicate-calcite walls. - Brick factories in towns of Begovat and Khavast. - Plants producing drainage pipe's in the town of Khavast. - Asphalt concrete plant in the towns of' Yangi-Yer and 4etty-Say. . In conformity with the above volumes of work the follow- ing number of machines will be required for,constructionl excavators - 750 scrapers. - 1;000 .bulldozers - 1,050 levellers,long wheel base - 150 tractors, heavy - 1,450L. dump trucks, " 1,99,Q:: 'trucks with-fianks .7 1,200 mobile electric plants - 200 Most of this machinery is already in Commission. Construction Cost 'The total construction cost will amount to 1,067 ubles. Hydraulic development, requires 392 mill.roubles, agri- cultural development 528 mill.roubles, 106 mill.rosbles for construction of outer communication lines and 47 mill.troubles .for construction Of industrial4nterprises. Moreover, the state farms will be given 130 mill.roubles for agrioultural development other than any kind of Construc- tion, namely purchasing agricultural machinery and iteiaike. Thus, the total cost of all 'kinds of constrnction taking into account t1111 expenEes for irrigating and.devilOping the areas of the Golodnaya Steppe over the territori-of Vacua. ha together with the new land e will make-up'1:2-bithiouisles. t , ? ?;-% ,icfp4 tto (71c--. YrN.' 1. 7: '1 -,r qs? 5.k180I 1 w-ss Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2' 2 013/03/19 : CIA-RDP80T00246A-02050023000118 4 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig,2 -Head regulator of derivation canal of Farkhad hydropower plant, 500 m3/sec. in discharge .10101681:f Fig.3 Derivation canal of Farkhad. hydropower plant, 500 m3/sec. in discharge Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig.4 Farkhad hydropower plant Fig.5 Reservoir at Farkhad hydropower plant; Southern Golodnaya Steppe canal to the left Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 FigEZErt.BEEEE3 1 .1 1 N".).70.4763.LWA Fig.6 Southern Golodnaya steppe canal Fig.7 Barrage across Southern Golodnaya Steppe canal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig.9 Outlet from R.C. flume to irrigation pipeline Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 .? ea, ...rte.., maig T. tt 1..3. ? Y'L.,1?. ? * ? ',3311;114P- .1747:7 41C2 g=i3EZ; imzi -6,u4'.7?? "7-1 MX) r?g a I 3 11, aitAl 1.4:_,.."???? ?> I i="77.1 kV;?I ,iLej P'? 14,;131 & _ i'? Is. ? 2.1t..417 "--:???? ? r ? ? . ? ? - " ? ep?,. t'VrrN! L,tpkti fki A 0..csi .."1"lk" ? wz,cII etz, 4?44'4%- ',.?4?44.6..el`???441?? Pideat, Fig.11 View of precast concrete plant for irrigation works Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Fig.14 Sprinkler DDA-100M I - ?-? ------- ? Fig.15 Test plot of vertical drainage on ? Shuruziak depression within the existing irrigated area Drainage combine Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 .1' nI1113050.11X03 ? r 3ax.934. T!ip:200. ? .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized -Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 GENERAL PLAN OF A STANDARD STATE FARM YARD :$4 141?' 7771 I ? COMMUNITY CENTER 1,-77 'NS -110Tlyld fists 76-111 Cultural, recreetional and shopping facilities INDUSTRIAL CEN E us-us Sh,s fer agricultural machinery SierthiUM' 11$-ill liet1111/313 1111C /101113 ettieel , " . Sarni and suemeliory faeilitnes tattle farms c?- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 SCHEME OF LAND IRRIGATION IN GOLODN.AVA ST E PP E (Uzbek SSR, Xcizalch SSR and Tadjik SSR) Classification of Golodnava STeppe Lands Reclamation requirements Initial development requires el/her no reclamation or rarified ne/work of collectors. Requires rarified colleclini and drain* nelwork or dense network " of cotteclors Requires leach iris Wilt, dense drainage and colleclinif nelwork. ? Xairatc-.7Cum reservoir- ' Leninaba t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 SCHEME OF LAND IRRIGATION IN. GOLODNAYA STEPPE ( Uzbek SSR, Jiazalch SSR and ' Tadjik SSR) Classification or Golodnava STOPPO Lands Initial development requires either no reclamation or rarified network of collectors. Requires rarified collectini and ? drainage he/work or dense net work of eotteetors Requires leuehig with dense drainage and colleting network. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8 . 06 els)e44 4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP80T00246A020500230001-8