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surge. IDSIML Ott Ettaktaltera 50)(1-HUM A . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 0 INFOR, ? 4: ) r ? ? 1? E C This material contains information affect' g e ational Defense of the United Stares within the meaning of the/Espionage Laws, title IS U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the. transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ USSR The Moscow City Sanitary - Epidemi- ological Station/Organization, Duties, Training REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 10 Dec 62 1 50X1-HUM the Moscow City Sanitary - Epidemiological Station, headed by Dr Mikhail S Sokolousky and located at 164 Prospect Mira, Moscow. Four pages are concerned with the organization, duties, training and scope of organization and responsibilities of the individual departments, in- cluding: General and Municipal Eygiene and Sanitation Industrial Hygiene and Sanitation Itmlene of Nutrition and Food Sanitation Hygiene of Children and Adolescents and School Sanitation Epidemiology and Microbiology Parasitolouy General Laboratories 50X1-HUM Organization - Methods Administrative - Economics - end 5 4 3 2 1 SNOOP 1 Eichuled from natomitie demotion's ad ? dulastilltafloo 5 4 3 2 1 , 50X1-HUM 'STATE I (ARMY 1 1 NAVY I I AIR 1 F8I I., I AEC 1- I INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD NO FOREIGN DISSEM DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components of the USW member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled In accordance with paragraph 8 of DC1D 1/7, It may be released to those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly participating in the production of National Intelligence. IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to organiza- tions or personnel, including consultants, under a contractual relationship to the U.S. Government without the written permission of the originator. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013107129: CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07129: CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 s - THE MOSCOW CITY SANITARY-EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STATION Head - Mikhail S.Sokolovsky, Honorary Doctor of HSFSR Address: - 164, Prospect Mira, Grafsky pereulok, 4/9, tel. U-7-3I-41. 50X1-HUM Specialists with univeraity eluration - physicians, ?herniate engineers, biologists eto. and :Addle sanitary staff are work- ing at the Moscow City Sanitary Epidemiological Station. Among them - I, percons with the degree of Master of Science and 4 Honorary Physicians of the Republic. The Moscow City Sanitary?Epidemiological Station consists of the following 9 departments: I) Department of General and Municipal Hygiene and Sanita- tion; 2) Department of Industrial Hygiene and Sanitation; 3) Department of Hygiene of Nutrition and Food Sanitation; 4) Department of Hygicne of Children and Adolescents and of School Sanitation; 5) Department of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 6) Departmtnt of Parasitology; 7) Gcntral Laboratoireo; 8) Organisational?Methodical Department and Administrative?Eoonomicci Dtpartment. Th. Sanitary?Epidemiologioal Council, tht Council of Sanitary Dootorlo Assistant and the Sanitnry?Technioal Council of Specialists work hand?in?hand with thc Chief Sanitary rip.r1 C7 LL ne.,-4eqifiAri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approvedmfnor Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Doctor. UP to 60-69% of the Npbers of the Sanitary? Epidemiological Council are doctors and masters of medical sciences. The Mosoow City Sanitary?Epidemiological Station is included in the System of the Moscow City Public Health De? partment and its Chief Sanitary Inspector is an assistant director or this Department. The work is being carried out undo t the methodical management of the Chief Sanitary?Epide? miological Control Board of the RSPSR Ministy of Public Health. The Moscow City Sanitary?Epidemdologioal Station di? rects the methodical work at the sanitary?epidemiological stations of the city districts, at the Subway and at the USSR Agricultural Exhibitions at the Moscow City Disinfection Sta.. tion and its inter?district disinfection branches, at the Moscow City Epidemiological Evacuation Centre for conveying infections patients (the Centre is attached to the Ambulance Service Station) and at the Moscow City House and the dis? trict Roust, of Sanitary Education. The methodical management of the snnitary?epidemiologioal work is also being carried out at the therapoutio?ptophylnotic institutions in Moscow. Through the district sanitary?epidemiological stations and the Soviet Rod Cross and Red Crescent Sooicty a mass sant-, tary?educc.tional work is being conducted and the measures are . In rry7J-7, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Page 3. taken for the maintenance or cleanliness and healthy workina and living conditions. The Moscow City Saniraty?EpidemiologicA. Station is in charge of all the problems concerning the preventive and the currant sanitary supervision, organizeaand controls the anti? infestations and occupational diseases, takes part in periodic examinatiow of chronic patients and of the healthy popula? tion of Moscow. Thu Eihsnoti: City :.3anita7:y?Zpidemie1ogical Station together with 4*c ii trAtt:,ri epic li317)gical stations carries out thc: 17lat07v traintnatins of the air, water, soil, ftou s+.121 h.:,,h.31d utensils etc. Materials of the sanitaTy erv;iionu a-.:e studied and generalizes. On thcir bcic th. I ilovi.rg d-z.num.:nts are worked out for the city: a o.c.L;% 3.1rn of ::an:Lty?health and antiepidemieal measures, tLL pr_jeets of 7omlo7sory sanitary regulations, the ducisioaL. of the iThLeow SoyfLet of Working People's Deputeez, the orders of the Lioscn Public Health Department, the dcciianct of the Chief Sanary Inspoctir and ether documents. Aside fr,:1 Cc..2 above, a wide and diverse scientific?prac? tical w3rk is eiie earriLd _ut with the consulting aid. and collaboration of the ivbscow inotituteo and chairs of hygiene r.nd epidcmiolgy. 12 scienttfic conferences were held in 1957- 1958 at rinich 85 papers were presented. Scientific?practical work with the participation of 400 specialists is being con? De-classified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 assified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-R0P80T00246A019000180001-1 Pagd 4 ducted on 84 subjects (according to the information received by October lot, 1958). The Mosoow City Sanitary?Epidemiological Station is a training?practical and instructive mothodical centre of?the Moscow?Sanitary service, where theoretical studios and prao.; tical instruction of medical school pupils, medical students sanitary inspectors and public health oficors (who arc advaqws. ing that:: valification at the Central Post?Graduate Medical Institute) lz being carried out. ,20 interns are taking their 2?year eourse of training at. the MOSC3W City Sanitary?Epidemiological Station, hundreds a medical opesialisto and assistant?sanitary inspectors of Mos? cow and other t-dwns of the Soviet Union aro studying at the courses, seminars; working places and lecture bureaux. About 2000 specialists were trained in 1957-1956, Idtraining?prto, tical laboratories and 8 instructive?domonstrntional rooms are used for this purpose.Therearo a medical library, reading room, lecture halls and class rooms. All the work is carried out in close contact with the Moscow City Societies of Hygienists and epidemiologists. About 60% of the members of these societies are the workers of the Moscow sanitary epidemiological stations. The Moscow City Sanitary?Epidemiologionl Station publi? shes a Bulletin of information concerning its work every 3-4 months. ?" \ ? , ,??kC t. ? A nnmved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 171 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Department ot_General c_14 Municinal RIRiene and Sanitation .age This department consists of 5 seCtionst /) Hygiene of Planning and Construction; 2) Sanitary Pro.'1 taction of Atmospheric Air; 3) Municipal Sanitati:n; 4) Housing Sanitation; 5) Hospital Sanitation and one Laboratory. Tho department carries out work on the preventive sani- tary,supnrvisi.n in the field f planning and building of the city, sanitations the standard designs, the designing of the prophylactic-therapeutic institutions and of the public buildings, designing, building and puting into operation of oonstructiops for the purification of the atmospheric air and sewage. Measures are being carried out on prevention of oonta- nination of the open water reservoirs. The current and the preventive sanitary supervision is conducted in the zones of sanitary protection of the public water supply and at the waterworks. ,The section of sanitary prctecti.Jn of the atmospheric air studies by means uf 1::.boratory analyses the general . pollution of the atmospheric air. The samples of air arc. taken at the stationary places. The polluti.on of the atmospheric air around the industrial i.stablichmunto is als3 studied for the duterminati:n of the neoessary protective till0 and the measures to be carried out in these establishments. The department. pays much attention to the problems of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29: CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 nassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Fag.: 6 supplying with gas of induntrial establishments and houses. The section coOductes a current sanitary supervision of the observation? of the sanitary r6gime at the univ.rcities hotels, entertainment places, bath houses, 3flindrics, barber shops and at other municipal objectives. In carrying out the current cantrol Jn the observance of the sanitary regime at the thcrapoutic?prophylactic institu? tions tbs. section of hospital pays special attention to the presence of infactione uccuring in hospitals and their causes and controls thL working conditions at the therapeutic instituti.ns which employ radioactive inotores for treatment. The section of housing sanitation studies the living conditions of the population in the new and 31d houses. Special attention.18 paid to the presence of domestic noises, the measures for eradication of which are immediately taken. The laboratory of the department performs all types of analyses of the air (of the atmospheric air and of the air in the houses and municipal buildings), of the drinking water and sewage and of th,.. 'water in reserv:irs. All these analyses are performed in thy number rk.quired f:r the york of the sanitary inspectors. Dep.l.rtmcnt of Industrial Hygicnc and 2ianitation This department has a laboratory, which includes the following sections: I) of examination of the air in -industrial establishments; 2) of industrial ventilation; 3) of hygiene of industrial illumthati.on; 4) of industrial physiology; 5) of _Annmveo fors'Reelease 2013/07'129 : -C;A-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 ;lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 ?tiger sanitary dosimetryl 6) of industrial toxicology and 7) of .occupational pathology with facilities for the X-ray and bio-medic examinations. The department is engaged in the following work: It carries out the preventive sanitary supervision in the building and reconstruction of industrial establishmonts and of its elements, as well as during the introduction of the now technicnos and technology into industry and in employ- ment of the new substances (chemical and radioaotive). It oone';cts hygienic investigations in industrial condi- tions of air ponut!.on with vapor, gases and dust, as well as of the notethiologioal conditions, the loudness of noise and its speotrui, or the degree of ionizing radiation and of eleot. romagnetio fiedis. It studios the illumination of the working places, the offioany Of the ventilating installations etc. It studies the incidonoe and prophylaxis of occupational diseases among workers and is engaged in statistical analysis of the incidence of diseases (whioh cause a temporary less of the working cap city) and of the industrial traumatism. It organises .health measures for their prophylaxis. It controls the observance of the sanitary laws on indu- strial hygiene and labour protection in industrial workers, especially in adolescents and women. It carries out investigations of physiological reactions Ooouring in workers in industrial confitions. This is dopo for the hygionio assesanont of the forms of labour organisation and for the introduction of mochanizatirdn in the tico-consuming iitrzsaitt - - r,nw Annroved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 las4ledulPart-SanitizedCopyAppmvedforRelease2013/07/291CIA-RDPSOT002470190001800011 works. Page g It oonduotS investigations of toxic substances (which are being introduced into induntry) for development of measures providing the hygienic conditions in working with the now substancos. In periodical medical exuminations of people working with harmful substances it provides the oonsultative and the the laboratory-diagnootio aid to the terapeutic.prophylaoti0 institutions which servo the we:ricers of industrial establishments. The ouarstity of toxic subatances in the bio-medio, examination of the'rod and the white blood, the respitatory function of the lungs, electrocardiography, roentgenography of the chest and other .examinations aro also conducted. Dnartment of Sygier2 e Nutrition and rood Sanitatient The department includes a laboratory for examination of food stuffs. In the field of preventive sanitary control this depart- ment carries out: a) sanitary oxamination by experts of designs for new construoti)ns, as well as of the plans for the moon- struotion of the existing large food industrial establishments and b) the spot chieck during the prsoeso A"' building and when putting the food industrial establishments into operation; c) examination of the new typed of food stuffs produced in Moscow. ft o;129 ? Annrnved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDPSOT00246A019000180001-1 gled in Pad - sanitized Copy Appmved for Release 2013107129 cueirRopso-r00246A0117 rh fill,wine is L1/2no by thi CLpcztment in the field of current sanitary control; a spot check of the objectives as a spioial task or during the planned work; it aloo directs the current sanitary control conducted by the district sanitary? epidemiological statins, -Ole of the leading forms of the current sanitary control is the working out of plans?tasks on the sanitation measures Presented to aeon/m.1(ml organizations at the end of the year to be fulfilled tho next year. The sanitary?ohomical examinations of food stuffs are oar. \ riod out directly by the laboratory of the department. Other laboratories of the sanitary?epidemiological stations. such as the sanitary?bacteriological, the laboratory of sanitary holminthology, attached tJ the minicipal department, (Ito. are also participating in the work of the department. Laboratory examinations of food stuffe arc carried out: a) for prophyla'otla oanitary control in introducing new products; b) for sanitary ? oxamination; c) in arbitration; d) in investigation of amen.. tsry diseases and of intestinal infections; e) in accordance with the thematic plan of the work of this department. Dopartment of Hygicne of Children and Adolesoonts and Coholl Sanitation. This department includes a :whoa hygienic laboratory. The main aims of the department are the improvement of physical dovelopmont and or condition of health in ohildrsn and "adoles? . -A Mr Release 2013107/29 CIA-R0P801"00246A019000180001-1 classified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP60T00246A019000160001-1 cent o, az:. the r.."6A , ,te of diseases and ol infectious r13e7.:;Lr r. thc: Uni]ur the control of the department arc: n) the institutinIE ft:r children of nursery. pre?school and soh J1 asc; b) thc institutibns for adolescents; c) all tho c:notructi.ns 1.% iotemied for physical culture. Tho department carries out the I:Alt:iv/int, wDrk: It studies the date on the incidence of CAscasts in children and adolescents according to age and in various types of institutions and Cevelops measures.of proventiAs and eradication of causes of these diseases. It controls the antiepidomical and sanitation measures in child and adolescent institutions, It studies the date oharacterizing the condition of health and physical development in children and adolescents; it takes measures for improvement of their health and physical development by bettering the hycionic conditions in their bringing up teaching. It organizoo the prophylactio?sapitary control of designing, location .and erection of institutions for children and adolesoents, as well as of prenisos intended for physical culture. It controls the observance of the sanitary?hycienic stan? dards and rugulati;no in the manufacturing of school desks, furniture for children, study aidsi toys, books, okothing and elves for children. cnt-Ixe Aooroved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP60T00246A019000160001-1 ;lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246A019000130001-1 .?t Page II The school?hygienic laboratory conducts investigations connected with the examination of toys, furniture, clothing, Other laboratories of the sanitary?epidemiological station are also widely participating in the work of the department. Department of Epidemiolssy and Microbiology. There arc 4 sections in this department: I) of intestinal infections, 2) of droplet infeethns, 3) of viral infections and 4) ofrare infections. The following work is performed by this department: The statistical study of the incidence of various diseases with a daily epidemiological analysis: workinp out of plans of prophylactic measures; practical aid to the districts in the study and eradi? cation of infectious diseases (especially in difficult oases); development of the new methods oflaboratory and epidemio? logioal investigations and their introduction into practice; continuous control of the quality of the prophylactic measures. The main aim in the work of this department is the further decrease of the incidanco of infectious diseases. The laboratory of intestinal infections, the city centres of examination for detection of carriers of the pathogenic microbes of intestinal group and the city ()entre for the treatment of intestinal infections are included in the section of intestinal infections. qn ;IV . se 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000130001-1 r "nu Anoroved for Re lea lassified in Part- sanitized CopyApprovedfor Release201-.5e0//2v CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 ?7*--f, 4 x- Pago 12 A group consisting of physieoians?opidemiologists and thoit asistants and a laboratory of droplet infections is included into the soction of droplet infections. The main aiu of the section is the work of the sytematio and stable! decrease of droplet infections in children and eradication of diphtheria. A groups of epidemiologists and a virological laboratory are included into the section of viral diseases. The main aim of the section are: the dicrassc of the incidenoe of viral in.. factions; the stitdy of the etiology of the focal diseases; the sohltion of yttricvls problems in the epidemiology of spe- cific prophylacCa m%1::surcs against viral diseases with con- sideration to thcur efficacy. A cr)up o er;:clenjolosists and a laboratory is included ? into thc section of ran. infections. The main aim of the see? tiun is the study of ra:oe dircascs and the organization of measures to pr,r,ent their s:dread. .Payo3itoiciel Department There are ; ?icionc ThIh_a department: epidemiological, helminthcloc,:et,1 nnC crthomniocioal. The labor.lcov of the 22a.masitologioal section carries out the clinical, sanitary?holninthological aryl enthomologioal examina4.10.:Io. The department conducts the organizatimal?methodical sork on the prophylaxis of malaria, helminthiasoal intestinal protozoa; tick?borne enoephalitist exteraination of blood IN ri :------Annrm;ed for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246S129.22.?L184001-1 _ ., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Paist 13 suokung Arthropodes and flies; the therapoutic?consulting work on parasitic disnaseej the preparation of personnel for the work in the hold of medical parasitology; it also participates in the work on tho prophylaxis and stntrol of dysentery. Laboratories of the Moscow City Sanitary Epidemiolot:ical Station, The sanitary?laboratory control is carried out by labo? ratory sections which are included in the corresponding departments. Apart from these, there is a department of general laboratories included in the system of the Moscow City Sanitary Epidemiological Station which servos all departments of the Moscow City Sanitary?EpidemiJlogioal Station. This department of general laboratories includes the following laboratories: I) Sanitary Bacteriological, 2) Phisi.? co?Chemical, 3) Acoustic and 4) Radiological. Tho sanitary?tactoriological laboratory carries out the sanitary?bacteriological examinations of water, air, soil and food stuffs, of surgical material and washings obtained fr;m different objects?equipiont, furniture and the hands of poreonnal. The physic?ohemloal laboratory performs analysds of water and air, as well as the spectral analyses of tho . carcinogenic substances found in external environment. e"..1 Piriari:eqifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 ed in Pad - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 ;lasSifi ! Page 14. The acoustic laboratory invotigates the sound waves of the noise and vibrations on industrial ninucipal and nutri- tional anbablichamnts; conducts planned investigations of the street noisas and the noisae in thc blocks with varoius buildings; attempts to detect the sourer) of noiaae in the living and municipal buildinga. At present the radiological laboratory serves as an inatruotive-practical centre for thc specialists training at tho district laboratories. Thu main aim.; la the - practical work of the radiological 1...boratory consist of: a) control of the decree of radiocapacity of extarnal anvironm, ment (air, water, sill, food stuffs, etc.); b) registration of nll establishments institutions orililoying ionizing radiation; o) control of thu 1.,r32cr c:llecti)n and ctcrace of radioactive waste and :4' tendorini; it harmless; control of the ?Money of the purifying constructions. Organizational-Methodical Department. ? Lt-tr-port ? )4r1.5':,. , /4, '14 / There are 4 sections in this deparipenti 1) for the work with the personnel, 2) of sanitary statistics, 3) of soientifio Ilractioal nod instructivo.methodicrl work, 4) orgnnizational-mass work. 7 :Thysioinns and 4 nsoistant snnitary -2hysicians are working in thir de-2,nrtmont. The following is the work performed by this department: development of methodical problems for the work of the dee. ? Annroved for Release 2013/07/29 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 , *4, ' Page 13 Partnents of the Moscow City and the district sanitary- epidemiological stations; control of planning and of accounting of the departments of the M)303W City and district sanit:Lry0e:l.doni3locioa1 sta. ticks; ceheluaic,nc of' the reports am'., an: control of their fulfillmcht; Workinc out of summarized compllea ?17,ns and ro;orts on Oat,' sanitary organization and of report? far the hi:her orcani- sationd; Tho study of the demographic indices and those of the Incidence of infactions and oocupational diocasus; Annlysis of tho activity of the Moscow sanitary orcani- nation by the sanitary-hnianic indloas; publiehinc of tho infarnation bulletin; Orcabizction of trtillinc, additkonal trnininc and of Sm- pravotiont at' qullificationr of the sanitary-epidemiological pers.. tonne' (courses, w,rhinf.; la..cost seminars, lectures cycle's eto?)4 The general management of the scientifio-praotioal work AB4 the / organization of soientifio-practioal ponforencos; Preparation of inatructive-nothudical materials ands-of fria . /*?.?e, the summaries of praotioal works for publishing; es ' Hanorsement of thu work with the nest active sanitary warkera and of their oonferonoes. Admlnt..mtivc-Eo:L'amical Denartmont ? 50X1-HUNA Thc atufi of thc.t adniLictrativo-coonomioal department DIA112-? tains the prenioes the Snnitary-Bpldemiolo:roal starione La the utleeSsect:: rc,ndition and rreviden magenta and wouiTnant for ell departments. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/29 CIA-RDP80T00246A019000180001-1 I. ?