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Erklarung zu dem Algendiagramme. L gende; Ir 'Cyanophyceae
tales, 3Desmidiaeeae,4~Chrysomou3 inae=Bacillarieles
Nomenclatur der Perioden: PbsPrebo eal, B3Borea1,AtaAt1antisch, Saimers
Subatlantische, Sa2zzweite Subatla tische,Nbl=erste Neoboreale, Nb2?
zweite Neoboreale,R'Rezent.
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migration of radioactive phosphorus by manure in the circulated
and the stagnant water
W.1.6hadiu, N.C.OheretskovskajjL and A.Th.Aliaov
Zoological Institute of the Academy of Seiences,Leningrad
The experiments have being carried out in four aquariums of
r'ranzev with the circulated and the stagnant water: in two aqua-
riums the water circulated '/ houcra per day with the current speed
1-9 cm/sec, in two others the water was stagnant. The light - 10
luainiscent lamps above every pair of aquariums 7 hours per day.
The water is taken from the Neva river, there is a washing sand
at the uottom of aquariums. The experiment lasted 3.5 months.
All the aquariums have been filled with organic manure from
Ohlorella, Elodea and molluscs. Two aquariums ( with circulated
and stagnant water) have been filled besides organic manure with
mineral manure (K,va,1'9f1) by norms for piscicultural ponds.
't'here is a radio-active phosphorus in all the aquariums and
curing the experiment radiometrical investigations.have being
carried out at the distribution of phosphorus between water, gro-
und, plancton, Ceratophyllua, fillamentous algae, molluscs and
The development of life in aquariums went in different ways.
t'he maximum aaont of fillaaentous algae (over 160 g per 100 1 wa-
ter) and minimum amount of Daphnia ( 36 ag/I00 1) have been re -
ceived in the aquarium with complexe manure and circulated water.
The a;Auarium with the same manure but with the stagnant water had
tillaaentous algae 2..~ times less than the aquarium with circulated
water, as far as baphnia is concerned its amount has increased in
four times. YillaAentous algae didntt almost develop in the aqu4-
rium without mineral manure and with the circulated water, but
Daphnia reached their maximum (26.134 g/IO0 1). The aquarium di Fred
from the previous one by the absence of current had amount of
Daphnia almost the same (25.4 g/IO0 1), there was a little amount
of algae there.
Biomass of Oeratophyllua and molluscs in all aquariums was
equal. kadiactive phosphorus was being distributed in accordance
with the bioa~ss and the quantity of the sand. STAT
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Migration des radioaktiven Phosphors bei der Duaguag in zirkuliereadet
and Stehwasser.
W.I.Shadin, N.G.Oserezkowekaja und A.F.Alimow
Zoologisches Institut der Akademie der Wiseenechaften der UdSSR, Lesiagri
Die Versuche warden in 4 Aquarian des Franzew's Systems mit zirkulieas
rendem and unbeweglichem /Step/ Wasser durchgefuhrt: in zwei Aquariea
zirkulierte das Wasser je 7 Standen pro Tag uad Naoht wit eiaer Gesohwis"
digkeit von 7-9 cm/sec, in den zwei aaderea war das Nasser uxboweglich.
Beleuchtuag - j e 10 Lumiaeezemzlampen fiber jeden Aquarien-Paar j e 7 Stun
den pro Tag and Nacht. Wasser - aus Newa-Flues, am Bodes durohsp'tilter
Sand. Versuchadauer - 3,5 donate. In alien Aquariea war organiaeher
Duager in Gestalt von C hlorellea, Elodees and Mollusken beigesetzt.
In zwei Aquarien /mit zirkultereadem and unbewegliehem Wasser/ wurde
ausserdem noch Minerald'uager / Ca, K, _', N/aach den fir Fisehteiehe
angenommenen Norman, zugegeben.
In alle Aquarien wurde radioaktiver Phosphor zugesetzt and is Ver-
lauf des ganzen Versuches warden radiometrische BeobaehtuAgen fiber die
Verteilung des Phosphors zwiechen Wasser, Grand, Plankton, Cergtophyllum
fadenartigen Algen, Mollusken and Daphnien.vorgeaommen.
Das Leben in den Aquarien entwickelte etch auf verslliedese Art. Im
Aquarium mit KomplexdU*ger and zirkulierendem Wasser wards die grdaete
Zahl der fadenartigen Algen /fiber 160 gr pro 100 L Wasser/ and sine
erh n.
minimale Menge von Daphnien Im Aquarium mit gleichem Dunger, aber mit
atabilem Wasser wares die fadenartigen Algen um 2,3 Mal weniger, die
Daphnien daftir 4 Mal mehr. Im Aquarium ohne Mineraldunger and mit zir-
kulierendem Wasser entwickelten etch die fadeaartigen Alges fast gar
nicht and die Daphnien erreichten ihr Maximum / 26,84 gr pro 100 L Was-
ser/. Im Aquarium, das etch vom vorigen durch das Fehlen des Stromee
untereoheid.et, gab as fast genau so viel Daphnien / 25,4 gr pro L00 L
Wasser,(, Algen waren in eiaer geringeren Aazahl vorhanden. Die Biomaeee
der Cer&tophyllum and der Mollusken war is alien Aquarien die gleiche.
Der radioaxtiver ehosphor verteilte Bich entspreehend der Grosse
der Biomas:;e and aer Men6e des Sandeb.
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Le role des plantea--a.uatiques-euperrieures dans lea cycles
trophiques des baBSins d'eau douse"
Professeur dr. N.S.Gajevakaja /Moscou/
La question du role des plantee aquatiques sup6rieures dame 1 all.
mentation des animaux aquatiques eat encore a debattre.Un brof aper-
pu eat present6 sur la productivit6 des especea masaives des macro-
phytes et le role jou,6 par quelques 250 espegsdee planter sup6rieurei
aquatiques dame 1 alimentation de a peu pres de 500 especes d"an ux
aquatiques.Dens le rapport sont utilis6ee lee donn6es de la littera-
ture ainsi que lee donn6es de la ebaire de hydrobiologie a 1'Institut
de Pisciculture de 1'URSS.
On peut designer en consequence deux grouper do plantes:I* seller
qui sont largement consumdes par des animaux aquatiqes et 2. lea
plantea dont lea animeux aquatiques no font pas grand usage.Il y a A
entre ces deux groupea quelquea eapeces des plantes mediateurs.
Dana le rapport sont esamin6s lea facteurs qui d6terininent 1 uti.
lisation /intensive ou faible/ de differentes eapeces des plantes.La
caracteristique de la composition syat6matique des amimaux - consom-
mateurs de plantes::aup6rieures aquatiques eat preeent6e.On prete at-
tention particuliere a la question la plus diseutable telle que 1in
tensit6 de 1 1 utilisation de la v6g6tation dure dams lea chainons he-
terotrophea. Lattention set pret6e de merge a un groupe de poissona
- consommateura de plantes.Le nombre d eapeces danSce groupe n eat
pas grand,mais it a de bonnes perspectives dans 1'6oonomie poisson-
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"The role of the high aquatic plants in the trophic cycles of
the fresh-water basins".
Professor Dr. N.S.Gajevskaja. / Moscow /
The importanase of high aquatic plants in the aquatic animals ali-
mentation is still to be discussed. A brief note concerning the
productivity of the nassiv species of macrophyts is presented as
well as the deliberation about the role which is played by some 250
species of the high aquatic plants in the alimentation of about 500
species of aquatic animals. All data are based on the review of lit-
terature and the results obtained by the laboratory of chair of hyd-
robiology in the Institute of the Fisheries. Consequently two grops
can be designated:I.the plants which are widely and intensively used
by aquatic animals and 2. the plants which are not. There are some me-
diate species of plants which link one above mentioned groups with
Factors conditioning the intense or the negligible utilization of
some kinds of plants are examined and the characteristic of the syste-
matic composition of animals-consumers of the high aquatic plants is
presented.Much attention is given to the most discutable problem con-
cerning the intensity of utilization of the coarse vegetation in hete-
rotrophic links. The attention is given too to a group of fish consum-
ing the plants. There are not many species in this group, nevertheless
it has very good prospects in the whole fish economy.
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' Ecology of the phyto lie C2adocera in connection with estimation o
the inshore zone in the life of the Volga Waler Reservoirs
Ecology of Chydoridae, Macrothricidae, Sididae inhabiting the
Ivankovo, Uglich, Rybinsk, Kuybyshev, and Volgograd Reservoirs has
been studied. 696 quantitative samples of the inshore fauna on 185
stations i3 taken in tie inshore zone less than I a deep.
34 species of Chydoridae, 10 species of Macrothricidae, and 4
species of Sididae wade found in the investigated water reservoirs.
Most species revealed no limited geographical distribution.
The distribution in a water reservoir $ determined by the sub-
strate. Inshore vegetation harbo4much more abundant fauna than that
under any other conditions. Chydoridae and Sididae constitute~aa essen4
tial part of phytophylio fauna. Macrothrioidae are not abundant.
The species composition of inshore Cladocera iss very different
in vegetated and in noi-vegetated places. Regular phytopylic species
wpn: Acro erus harae, Alona affinis, A.costata, A.guttata, Alonopsis
elogata, Camptocercus recttrostris, Chydorus globosus, CS.Qhaericus,,...
aurycercus lamellatus, Graittoleberis testudinaria, Monospilus dispar,
1eracantha truncata, Pleuroaus aduncus, Sida crystallina. No definite
differences were observed in Chydoridae species distribution in the
beds of various inshore plants.
Regular species of not-vegetated places are: Alona affinis,
A.quadrangularis, Alonopsis elongata, Chydorus gibbus, fgr.sphhaericue,
Monospilus r, Rhynchotalona rro-ostrata?
Phytophylic Chydoridae appeardin May but their biomass increasd
in the middle of June reaching about 3 gm per unified a (I m3 + I m2
of the bottom). The increase of the biomass tt9w place long after
the increase of the water temperature and coin# de~ with the develorSTAT
meat of the inshore vegetation. The high biomass persists & October
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6ippial females and males occ eginning with the and of Auguet-.~
(Rybinsk Reservoir)
In this connection life cycles of some Chydoridae were studied
experimentally. kei/ rather long life duration and much more nume-
rous instars were revealed than by.size group analysis.
In the years with high water level (Rybinsk Reservoir) the deve
lopment of inshore Cladocera follos the usual pattern. In occasio-
nal years with low water level the inshore vegetation and phytophy-
lie Cladocera do not develop. Chydoridae allied with bare grounds de-
velop?~nstead, gradually reaching the biomass about I gm per I uni-
fied m to the end of summer.
Chydoridae populating inshore vegetation and not vegetated places ek
-ed on detritus. Clones of 11 cerous lamellatus and Chydorus aphasri
cus failed to grow and multiply when fed on Chlorella. C iydoridae
prosper in the vegetation apparently due to?the abundant freshly
died-off material and bacteria.
The abundance of phytophylic Cladocera in the beds of inshore
plants increase with the increase of the age of a water reservoir
and consequent development of the vegetation.
Thus it may be pointed out that the inshore vegetation determi-
ne: I. The abundant development of the fauna including Chydoridae
and 8ididae. 2. The distribution of the inshore Cladocera in the in-
shore zone. 3. The seasonal distribution of the inshore Cladocera.
4. The development of the fauna in the years. with high and low water
level. 5. The formation of the fauna of inshore Cladocera on the
background of the inshore vegetation development with aging of a
water reservoir.
not contri-
The peculiarities of water reservoirs, however, d6
bute to the abundant development of the inshore vegetation, thus/47'
limiting the food resources for fishes in this-type of water bodies.
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Okologie der phytophilen Cladoceren in Verbindung mit der Bedeutung-
der litoralen Zone im Leben der Wolgastauseen
Des bearbeitete Material besteht aus 696 quantitativen Froben
der litoralen Fauna, gesammelten in alien Stauseen der Wolga von
Iwanjkowo Stausee bie Delta in der Uferzone auf den Tiefen bie I m.
Be warden auoh experimentale Angaben auegeniitzt.
Der moisten Chydoriden-Arten ist eine begrAnzte geographisohe
Verbreitung nicht eigen. In der Zone der htiheren Wasserpflansen ent-
wickelt sich vine weit reichende Chydoriden-Fauna, ale unter belie-
bigen anderen Bedingungen. Chydoriden and Sididen bilden einen wese-
ntlichen Teil der phytophilen Fauna.
Phytophile Chydoriden erecheinen in Mai, ihre Biomasee steigt
aber be*riiohtlich nur in der Mitts Juli, indem eie oat 3 g auf ver-
einigtes Meter (I m3 + I m2 Bodenoberflache) erreicht. Die Steigermg
der Biomasse erfolgt vial spAter ale die der Temperatur, fdllt nit
der Entwicklung der htheren Pflansen zusaarmen and ist durch eie.
offensichtlich bedingt. Ausser der Pflanzenzone wird so sine Biocas-
sensteigerung nie beobachtet.
Chydoridae ernahren sich in der Pflanzenzone and auseer ihr
von Detritus.
Die litoralen Aaseerpflanzen bedingen: I. Verteilung der lito-
ralen Cladocera in Stauseen, ihr Reichtum in der Uferzone and Cha-
racter ihrer Saisonverdnderangen. 2. GrOesere Entwicklung der Clado-
cerenfauna in den Jahren mit normalem (hohea) Waeserniveau, gebunden
sit der etarken Bntwicklung der Wasserpflazen. 3. Die Formierung der
litoralen Cladocerenfauna in neuen Stauseen, the von der Formierung
deren Waeserpflansenzone abhangt.
Vberhaupt ist aber die Entwicklung der Wasserpflanzen in den
Stauseen wegen ihrer allgemeinen Besonderheiten verhRltniesaseig
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A. -- , I I .
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M.Kozhov STAT
From October to May, in conditions of low temperature Pthe requi-
rements of the pelagic fish and crustaceens for food are very low. In
this period no regular diurnal vertical migrations are observed, or
they are very poorly pronounced.
The_feedir;g activity and intensity of migrations increase sharply
in July-September up to 80 per cent of all crustaceans accumulate in
the 0-5 metres layer in the dark period of the day. Accumulations of
pelagic fish in the upper layer are observed in the evening.
search c ustaceanzr~`fhe fish use eyesight? J`'Vhe1 darkest period of the day
-tJ 4 daytime their feeding and movement activity decreases abruptly.
The diurnal rhythms in the behaviour of the crustaceans and the
fish feeding on them are clear of ann ~adaptive nature. The upper bright
ly line presents !or the crustaceans )a feeding ground rich in live
alga But~~ daytime they are threatened with complete destruction
there.This contradiction is resolved through the development of the
instinctk vertical mk,igrationsj they visit the feeding ground only
in the dark period of the day. The rhythm of the feeding and movement
activity of the fish is developed as?`adaptation in inter-connection with
the rhythm of migrations of fodder zooplankton.
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%V?n Oktober bin Mai geht der Nahrungsbedarf der Fische and Kreb-
sen im Zusammenhang mit der niedrigen Temperatur einschneidend zurtick.
Regeii"echte Tages-Vertikaiwanderungen wurden nicht beobachtet oder
sie Behr abgeschwacht sine.
In sommer nimmt die Nahrungsaktivitat Bowie die Intensitat der
vVanderungen bei Krebsen and Fischen rapid zu.Wahrend dieser Zeit sam-
meln sich bis zu 80 Prozent aller Krebse in den Abendstunden in der
Oberschicht 0 bis 5 m an. Fischen lassen sich in der oberen 'asser-
schicht abends and in der ersten Nachthdlfte feststellen.Bei der Suche
nach Krebsen machen sie von ihrem Sehvermogen Gebrauch.In der dunkelf,
sten Tagwszeit and tagsUber gent die Nahrungs- and Bewegungsaktivitat
der Fischer einschneidend zurUck.
Der Tagesrhytmus im Benehmen der Krebse and Fische,denen these
Krebse als Futter dienen,hangt offenbar mit ihrer Anpassungsfahigkeit
zusammen.F-Ur Krebse ist die obere hell Beleuchtete Zone eine an leben-
digen Algen reich Weide. TagsUber droht dort aber den Krebsen voll -
standige Vernichtung. Dieser Widerspruch findet seine Losung im In-
stinkt der Vertikalwanderung : die Vleide wird nur in der dunklen Ta-
geszeit aufgesucht. Der_Rhytmus der Nahrungs- and Bewegungsaktivitat
wird bei Fischen in Anpassung an die wechselnden Lebensbedingungen im
Zusammenhang mit dam Migrationsrhytmus des Zooplanktons ausgearbeitet,
der ihnen als Futter dient.
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Iierobiology of detritus of lakes
A.G. Rodin
-Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Leningrad. USSR.
The research of detritus in 7 lakes of Prilad?sh,3e was being
carried out during two years. It was made microscopical study on
detritus in ultra-Violet rays as well as in the usual light; the
total number of microbes, the presence of various physiological
groups were being determined.
Luminescence aieresoopy has shown that detritus of these lakes
is plaaktogenoius and algogenus in general, that it consists if
a great variety of microscopical biotopes for bacteria, bietopes
differ in their etrueture and chemical characters.
Microscopy in ultra-violet rays allowed an to sake it clear
the sines of bacteria accumulations on particles of detritus, their
distribstion,the development of populations of separate species
having great sizes, the a