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Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 ~. CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF SCa~~dT-F~C ~,PlD TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION PIENTALISTS IN POLAND Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 ? ,~ Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 TR,AININt3 OF DOCtDDUENT~I.ISTS IN POLkND , so=eassc+asama~sacge,=aomacrssaa??esewomooQs the eteff for the The extant methods and forma of training aetaork of; scientific and technical doc:uLlentation in Poland realized by th? Central Institute for Scientific and Teahni- oal Documentation, is marked by a number of positive achieve- nents. The preparation, hoeever~~etionz',aon the basis ~ uah sis of this training and the fo '~ further develops analysis, of adequate conclusions concerning would event of training of d?cum?ntellata at various levels, neaoesltate more profound studies by epeaieliats in the field of methods, theory and propagation of documentation. Thm necessity could also arise of undertaking studies oon- aers~iag tho d?mand for, and the level ofipersonnel for various ua~ita in the documentatad fortiaformetionf ounitsoin ind atrial tree of documentation e enterprises. Suoh a tang would but 0uceed the fram? of a ehaat report and oonaequently th? present work' gives only some ea? the ao~tual pro~esa of cr? tercel and remargs oi~racterizing ~ ou g of doou? ation during tho lmst tea years of the first gr p mentalists in Poland, initiated byltlns~t~tiepfor~Saieatifia documentation n?twork the Contra and Teahnioal Documentation. ~~ ~; The training of daoumentali?ta in Poland has several until riod lasted from 1950 gee. Ths first, lntroduatory, P? thm ver foundations of 195'4? This wa? th? period of building y Ohm doaumen?~_ation eervioeo The aim of tho training was ~%he preparation - in a ratherientifioiand Techalaa+l Dooueoentation ghe ffiain Institute for Sa (OIDY+IIT), a? yell ae of th? personnel for few ceatrea of saaen- tafio end teshniaal documentation; it was noceasary to aaqu? scat those per?ons with the role and tasks of tiIDNT and, abo? ve ell, to establish the fram?work ?fl',le Th?tpriogre~msntreof whioh hmd to be created on a larger sce ~o first courses for docum.entalists were p~pared acoordi- Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 '~ I i ngly, Their aim was to achieve "the aceieleratioa of the doc u- mentatioa work in all the spheres of edonomic life, giving t~Cnem a due course and securing a uniform character of work in all documentation centres"1), Documentation centres constituted namely the essence of tae documentation work. The docume:: ;.:;- tion centres were the links, which hadlnot only to facilitate the creative work in their proper field, but had also to play an essential role in the general technical documentation and information service, At this stage, at'tha very foundation of organization of tha documentation s?rvco manifests itself a system of decentrolization, which will ',last during the whole 10-year period of the work of documentation services, the role and the function of GIDNT (later of CIDMT) ooaeiating in co- ordination and indication of tie development trends of doc u- mentation works. The network of ecientifio and tecnni'cal documentation in Poland is deoentralized, i.e. the basic documente~ion activi- ties are performed by specialized branch centres, subjected only to Central Institute for Scientific and Technical Docu- mentation as to the general co-ordination and direction. The whole work of the scientifio and documentation network in Po- land is directed by the Central Institut? for Scientific and `technical Documentation, to which are subjected in essential aspect 80 branch centres of scientific ~aad technical documer~- tation. Branch contras help doc um?ntaton units in enterprises (their number is about 600). The training courses organized during the 1-st period (1950 -1954), otiving to their duration and program, had rather the character of conferences, Two courses organized in 1950 com- prised the following subjects: 1) The stenographed tezt of a lecture given by dir. blajewaki, director of the CiDNT, during tha first course for documen- talists in 1950. I Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 1. Scope and subject of scientific and technical documentation . .'~. . a. Principles end methods of work of scientlfio and technical documente- tion e ? a e o e o e o e e e s o? ? e ? ? e 3. Decimal olaasifiaation . .I~. . . 4. Independent branch classifications ? . 5. Principles of dissemination . . .'. . 6. hlultiplioation of documents . ~ . . . ~. Subject and aims of bibliography . . . 8. Kinds of bibliography . e . . 9. Scientific and technical bibliogre- p~Y . . . . e . . . .'ie . . 10. Librarianship . . e . i ? Theo staff of the Institute constituted the majority of lec- turers (bQr. Z.Ddajeaaki, mr. W.Beli~iaki, Mr. T.Zomoyski, BQr. J.Zboreztyn, Iur. J.StansllcY.i), other's sere not members of the staff of the Institute l~r? A.LYsekoaski, DHra. H.Hleb- Kosznriaka, bars. ZeKosaonogoca). ~I From an analysis of lsotures and ezercisee of these cour- ses it ie evident that a great etrees~,aas laid on prinaiplee end methods of scientific and technical documentetion,aezt on decimal alasaification, dissemination'and multiplication of documents. The result of these two courses sea the training of 118 persona corking in the t1I1lTTT as well as in branch cen- tres of scientific and technical documentation. This largely contributed to achieving uniformity of cork methods is ezie- ting flooumentetion centres. ~, It ie interesting to note that at the very beginning of tho development of the documentation 'service the necessity becomes apparent of acquiring practical knowledge of decimal olaasifioation. Between the first ands the second' courses a special training is the field of decimal classification was carried out, together with practical 'ezercises on clasaifica- tioa of scientific and technical periodicals and of books. The principle of general training Hof documentelists will be iaterlinked during the following yearn with specialized i I Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 t ~ traialag eafi sill get finally the form ol,a branch training. Two following traiains courses took pleoe during 1951. The first one, of on iatora4atise oharaoter for tho personnel of'~.,, OID1fTT, lastod three months ( from Januaryuntil 1Qarah). The lectures were given once a week. The aim of the oourae waa to acquaint the participants with the whole activity of the In- stitute. The program oonteined the following eubjeots: 1. Problems of the Institute (Mr. Z.Majewaki) - 3 hours 2. The document, its scope and significance (DQr? Z.Dobrowolski) ? - 3 " 3. Prinaiplea of dissemination (BGr. J.Zbo',r- astyn) e e . e s e ?i - ,3 II Starting in 1952 CIDNT began to organise every year 2-or 3-week coarsen (with interruption of professional work) in or- der to train documentation staff, constantly increasing with the development of branch centres and doa~umentation units of enterprises. In connection with this new forme of training are being developed, the number of lecturers is increasing, the programs of lectures are more developing. Up to 1955 more than 4096 of participants constituted the workers of branch documentation centre 8, graduated from se- oon,dary sahoole. Others were mainly persona graduated from universities (philosophy faculty). Sinoe~~1955 the peroentage of persons, graduated from universities (~,techaical and oao- nomla faoultiea) is rapidly increasing. The principle gene- rally adopted was that 1n courses can participate only gre- duetoe from universities, mnd - in ezoeptional oases only - graduatos from seooadary schools (with several yoera of prec- tiao in documentation). The folloaing tetile contains stetie- tiael data concerning partioipante of ton a~uraes for docu- monteliate, organized every year: Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 4 ; ',46 ` mem ~~~m?m?m ? ~ n ~ 563 s 440 ~ 123 0 i Q!lOtHBl~1?Qi~f?A0 OY! ???71~t'a@~Hl~IDO7 9W? ~III~YI~~~~tlQC~40~LO~0~?SB~eTR/~ 00 1? evilent from thin table, about 22~ men and 78~ women finiaAmd the oourses. Out of the total nusalber - 563 persone- -about ~ were graduates frosa higher aohools in various ape- ~~.. .me~..? ~~we+.?~~~~~m~~??.~?~~..q No.of Date of the Number of person8 wc,o finished the the QA A ---s-.e-----? r- gs~~ ~ w- oaur?? e-eoeo-- -..e~s + ..e-- P - o _ Total i Woss-ea ~ Bdaa s ? ??s?maoo?e?~?osoo?~eosm oar s ooa~ s,o~eo'moo?a~ ~ as??:~ ow a 1 I. 2?. 5.1950 68 = 51 ~ 1? II. 14.11.1950 56 3 47 ~ 19 III. 21. 6:1952 ~ ~ X35 = 9 IV. 14,12,1953 70 i i59 ~ 11 ~. 2.11,1954 5? a ~,48 i 9 VI. 21.11.1955 82 ~ 68 ?e 14 VII. 5.11.1956 ?~ o I48 ~ 30 VIII. 10.10,1957 25 ~ ~16 : 9 Ia, 1.12.1958 37 ; ', 30 , ? Y. 16.11.1959 5 ~ 8 ..~ ?? .~,~om...~ oieli4loo. ~ A apeoial etres? mv~st bo laid on two ooure~ess (erith. interrup- tion of profee?loasl works the 7-th oourme for doaua-esltali?ta i$ 1956 end a similar oourse in 1957. The Institute (CIDNT) wishing to aop? with tho steadily in- aremeirag requir?mentss in thm field of proles?ionel preparmtion of the ssalontitic-teahnioal documentation sateYt ooasiderably eztended and deepened the program of the 7-th oourse (in 1956). Such new eubjacte were introduced ass g?neral principles of alss?sifioetion (3 hours), iadepenfl?nt class?ification (3 how~s), oub~oat olaseification (2 hours), new documentation problems (2 hourm). The lecturers pt~pssr+edv~eryde4ail~ ooetspaetu8ee at LaCturoa s-nd ezeroises. is regards organization,~,a stress w?8 laid not ao oa the formal aspect, but mainly on the eseeno?. Th? mane? gar of the oourso cared for giving the bourse the due aharea- ter in didactic respect. Owing to tlw foot that graduates from uaiverait$es with a long practise in d?cumentation servia0 cosutituted the majority of participant, ezsssainations were Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 more aevefe than in previous yedt'ao Thg',Pedultrs oi' the esemi- nations were eacflllont: 754 had pdaaed ,the esamiaetior~ with a very good, the others - with a good r?sult. This was the moat ouaae?aful aoura? in th? history o't CIDNT. During the next aoura? (in 1957) the' program sow the sea?, groat efforts were made towards its realizfltion, but the ro- sulta of the examinations +~ero aoll bolos the average level. From among 23 examined persons, 10 obta!lnod a very good '~re- sult, 9 o good result and 4 - e autti,oient one. The reason was tho level o! the partiaipentg of,the aourae. weir edu- oetlon wee sell below th? average domonatrated by the perai- penta in 1956? prom among .~5 pertioipenta there were only 4 graduates from universities, the othor?. w?r? graduates from aooondery eohoole sad had a mor? or le?'? long practise in do- oumsntetion aervio?. y'or these partioipante ~th~~~"Drogrem was too high end too exigent. `\``~, In 195 the program of the 9-th oourao for doaumenteliata wos established on a lower level, adapt~,ed to tho avorage lo- trol of pertioipentB end during the execainetion the following results were obtained: 22 had a very good results 15 a good revolt, them wee ao auttiolent or unauYc-t result. The dopendenoe of the awaulta of esa~ination on the level of the pro~am sad of the partiaij~ents during the oourse for dooumenteliata in 1959 was aie~tler. .pert from ooursea t or dooumeatalia$a, CIDddT organised el- ao ? number of oourafla of a opeolel oharaoter. Ia 1954 en one- -wsek doourasntetioa ob~so sea organiseQ for librarians o! h~g- her ?ohoola. The s~ of the oourae wa~~to aoquaiat the libre- rieaa with tlrs'methode oP doauneatetiea cork and with the use of deoimel olesaifioation when abatrao~ing eaientblio pa~pet;d (for the degreo of professor, dootor sad master). 35 persons (all graduates from universities) Prom'~the librori?a of uni- versitiea, of teahnicol, ?oonomio and ag~rioulturel oollegea took part in this course. In 1956, in aonneotion with the introduatloa of a nos w t- sork of aeg?a for ?ngino?rs ~8 teolaaiciena working in?molon- ' Approved For Release 2009/08/06 :CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 tifio and research institutes, four courses for complementary training of the staff of CIDNT and branch documentation cen- tres were organized (without interruption of professional work). Each course lasted 6 weeks (26hours of lectures and 21 hours of practical exercises). At the and of each course the participants had to pass a qualifying examination before a special commission. After passing the examination with sa- tisfeotory result, the persons examined acquired the qualifi- cations of technicians or laboratory worker, dependent on the possession of secondary education certificate. 193 persons finished the qualifying courses. l It is worth-while to mention here that because of starting in 1956 of four identical in program and level respect quali- fying courses for technicians and laboratory workers, the pro- gram of such courses acquired some uniformity. CIDNT also co-operates with the National Centre for trai- ning librarians by correspondence - in the field of training the staff for special libraries. This centre started in 1954 library courses on a medium level for librarians of special libraries in industrial enterprises - on the basis of a pro- gram prepared by CIDNT and by the Minis~try of Culture and Arts. The program of these courses comprises library and do- cumentation problems. The program of lectures is therefore divided into 2 partst the library and documentation ones. Ac- cording to this division, two categories of conspectuses were published, containing information necessary for the librarian of a special library and for the doc umen'talist in an indus- trial enterprise. The library part contains the following su- bjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 6. 7. 8. The library and reading in Peoples Poland. Acquisition of books. Recording collections of books. Library catalogues, part I and II. Division and consequence of book collections. Means of access to books. Library quarters and equipment of a library, Organization of a library. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 . - 8 ' 9. Information concerning the book and other library materials. 10. Co-operation between the librarian and'tbe reader. The documentation part comprises the following subjects and lecturers. The subjects from technology and scientific documentation will be dealt with when we come to individlual chapters of con- spectuses. nation 1. Role of tea ical a;reee in economic liteof building socialism (Ur. Telechun) - 1114? c z~ I. gio*&Rg_ t~O~Ql_?COAOCI~~ 1. Planned economy and national economic plans. 2. Planned economy in Soviet Union. 3. Planned economy in Peoples Poland. 4. Teaks and features of national economic plans. 5. Kinds of national economic plans. 6. The Five year Plan and conditions of its realization. c is l r r ss s h e em?nt of_reali~ation_of--n~~ tai onel_economic _plsnas 1. Definition of technical progress. 2. Clain trends of technical progress in tae Five year plan. 3. Role of scientific research in technical progress. 4. Elements hampering the development of technical pro- gress. y. Role of technical progress in realization of natio- nal economic plans. III. D~rect~yes_coacerai~g_e_dsyolopment_of_te_~oligh eco: . nomy_in_~4~a14d8a ', 1. Economic policy in 1956-1958. 2. u1ain trends of industrial development in 1959 - 1965. 3. Investments in 1961-1965 and their efficiency. 4. Rising of the standard of life' in 1961 - 1965. in 961c1965. 7. cPrincial oncerning the industrial devdlopment of Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 ment_of_~gchnio4l_pro$rgss, 1. Necessity of a special information service' for technology. Organization and activity of scientific and tech- nical documentation network in roland. 3. Documentation activitiesz a) Preparation of documents. b) Provision of documentational information. 4. Special libraries in industrial enterprises. 5. Influence of scientific and technical documenta- tion and of technical libraries on the accelera- tion of technical progress. ~uestions for repeating the subject of the lecture. Bibliography (literature). Document and dgcumemtatiQn (Mr. Majewaki) - 24 pages. Contents: Docucent and its forms. I. Concept of a document. II. Document and its history. III. Kinds and forms of a document. IV. Original, secondary and derivative documents. V. Copyright. Scientific and technical documentation. 1. Scientific and technical documentation. Technical documentation. II. Elements of scientific and technical documentation. III. Scientific and technical documentation versus ape- cidl libraries and bibliography.! IV. Aims and tasks of scientific and technical documen- V. Charactoristical features of Polish scientific and technical documentation. Questions for repeating the subject of the lecture. Bibliography (literature). Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 3. 69isntitio and toc kcal documents t o n A rk in Rol4a4 and abroad. (Mr. 2,Maj ewski) - 27 poises. I. Introduction anizo 1. Centralized and decentralized-ore tion of scientific dooumen"tation. 2. Concept of the network Administrative and func- tional dependence. II. Organization of scientific and, technical documenta- tion network in Poland, 1. Central Institute fo Soieatitio and Technical Documentation (CIDNTi , 2, Branch centres of scientific and technical docu- mentation, 3. Dooumentation centres in enterprises, 4. General scheme of Polish scientific and teohni- oal documentation network. a) sphere of activities of !CIDNT, b) sphere of work of branch centres scientific and technical documentation, 0) sphere of work of documentation centres in enterprises. 5. Scientific and technical documentation network and special libraries network. III. Organization of scientific and technical Informs- tion abroad. 1. Soviet Union. 2. People's democracy countries. Capitalistic countries. IV. Conclusion. Questions for repeating the subject of the lectures. Bibliography (literature). Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 ? 11 - 4. Joientlfic a--id technical doc umentation unit in an anternri- se. (Mr. Mikolajski) - 36 pages. 1. Role of a documentation unit in an enterprise. II. Elements of a documentation unit in an enterprise: 1. Staff. 2. Financial means. 3. Premises. 4. Equipment. lip. Tasks of a documentation unit in an enterprise. IV. Information and documentation activities of a documen- tation unit in an enterprise. 1. General principles. 2. Collection of materials for information purposes. 3. Preparation of documentationa1 information. 4. Dissemination of documentationel information. V. Other works of a documentation unit of firm. 1. Collection of information materials: 1. General principles. 2. Searching and systematic collection of materials. 3. Immediate search of documentational informational. 4. Means and sources of obtaining auxiliary informa- tion. 1. General principles. 2. Bibliographic and documentation lists. 3. Formulation of requirements by the recipient (user). 4. Lists of results of search.) Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 III. Dissemination. IV. Information materials. V. Methods Methods of information work. 1. General indications. 2..Reference file. a) Problem card. b) Recipient (user) card. 3. Documentation file. 4. Subject index of decimal classification. 5. Collections of outs from daily and professional press. 6. Collection of legal regulations. 7. 0olleotions of patent deaorliptions and Stan- dards, 8. Books of reference. 1. General principles. 2. Links with the main branch library, CUNT and the central administration library. 3. Reporting and control. 5. Dxu nte (Sirs. S.Osm61aka) - 60 pages. Introduction I. Definition of a documentation II. Documentation description. 1. Auxiliary information. 2. Essential bibliographic deoription of a docu- ment. a) Independent documents b) Non-independent documents. 3. Analysis of a document. 4. Specification number of a documentation 'card. 5. Bibliographic note. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 III. Documentational description of special doouments. 1. Patent descriptions. 2. improvements done by the staff. 3. Standards. 4. Commercial catalogues. 5. Reviews. 6, Fragments. 7. Translations. a) Independent translations (in publishing respeotl. b) Non-independent translations (in publishing res- pect). 8. Scientific reports of universities. IV. Documentation decription of audio-victual documents. V. Transcriptions of foreign alphabets. i VI. Arrangement and using of documentation file. 1. Systematizing cards according to ~D.C. notations. 2. Other systems of documentation files. 3. Searching material in documentation file. 4. Mechanization of searching in a documentation file. VII. Abbreviations and sips used in documentation cards. 1. Scientific and research institutes. 2. Higher schools. 3. Titles of periodicals. 4. Various abbreviations and signs a) Year of publication of the document b) Language of the document a) Names of countries d) Publishing houses a) Names of months f) Indication concerning possession of document g) Degree of difficulty of document h) Other abbreviations. Questions for repeating the subject of the lectures. Written exercises. Bibliography (literature). Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP8OTOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 6, 92oument reproduction (Mr. D.Mendrzyoki) - 36 pages. Contents: I. Reproduction and multiplication as means of dissemi- nation and of protection of doc uments. II. Document reproduction and multiplication 1. Photographic materials and their use. 2. Laboratory finish of photocopies and microfilms. 3. Contact copying equipment. 4. Optical copying equipment. 3. Equipment for enlarging. 6. Reproduction equipment. 7. tiicrofilm. 8. Offset multiplication. 9. Microprint. 111. Various reproduction and multiplication techniques from the point of view of economy of production and exploitation. I Questions for repeating the subject of the lectures. Bibliography (literature). 7. S1# tifio and teohni l it ormation- its forma and Ain-- semination. (Mr, T.Pionkowski) - 104 pages. 1. Aims and tanks of scientific and technical informa- tion service. 1. Aims. 2, Tasks. II. Professional training of personnel for scientific and technical information services. 1. Qualifications of an eagineeriof scientific, and technical information. 2. Qualifications of a technician of soientifio- III. Sources of information and meanslof using them. A. Sources of information in documentation unit of enterprise. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 1. Documentation file. 2. Collection of doc unentation`reviews, 3. Collection of standards specifications. 4. Collection of literature pertaining to patents. 5. File of subject documentation lists. 6. Special retrospective bibliographies. 7. Library catalogues. 8. Publishers' catalogues. 9. Colleotions of advertising publications. 10. Won-abstracted literature. B. Sources of information in documentation centres of s higher level. IV. Subject documentational information types and means of preparation. 1. Individual information. 2. Continuous 3. Reports. 4. Means of preparation V. Dissemination of documentational information. 1. Forms of documentational information in the CIDNT. 2. Forms of documontational information in a branch centre of scientific and technical documentation. 3. Forms of documentational information in a documen- tation centre of an enterprise., VI. Acquirement of photocopies and translations. 1. Information concerning location-of documents, 2. Acquirement of photocopies and microfilms. 3. Acquirement of translations. VII. Propagation and popularization of scientific and tech- nioal documentation. 1, Aims and tasks of propagation of'scientific and technical documentation, 2. means of propagation. 3. Propagation and popularization activities. %uoetions for repeating the contents of the lectures. Bibliography (literature). Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 CIDNT participated in organizationlof courses as well as in realization of the programof courseson library science by correspondence. Representatives of CIDNT had lectures and took part in final examinations as membrea of the Examination Com- mission. The greatest, however, achievement of the Institute in the field of training the personnel for special libraries was its activity in the field of professional advice during preparation and approval of the oonsptctuses; it should be he- re pointed out that the conspectuses concerning documentation and in some part algo librarianship were prepared in the In- stitute. About 1500 persons finished the courses of librarian- ship by correspondence. It is convenient to state that the lack of a satisfactory concept of training special librarians gives in consequence a non-uniform plan of training, which does not take in conside- ration various forms of training and the needs of special li- braries in industrial enterprises. Up State Saktool for Scientif .o and Tachn, ,1 Aocumentatinn. The random 2- and )-week courses, organized each year by =MT and for persons actually employed in scientific-technical do- cumentation network gave the possibility to study only the ge- neral problems of documentation and technical librarianship, and did not secure a regular, systematic inflow of new person- nel. Taking in consideration the above needs concerning the policy of documentation sevice staff,ion the initiative of CIM in 1958-1959 was organized the State School for Scientific and Technical Documentation. The school has a statute designating its name, the actual organization and the development trends for the future. The statute designates the rights and obligations of the director, of teachers and of students and regulates economic questions. According to the statute, the State School for Scientific and Technical Documentation is a school for the youth and co- mes under the Ministry of Education as an independent a49sini- strative unit, having the character ofia scientific institution. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO1 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 A decision of the Minister of Bduoationis necessary for opening, transformation or liquidation of the school. The di- strict school supervisor designates the director of the school. The director manages and represents the school and is respon- sible to appropriate authorities for the scientific and edu- cational level as also for the economic situation of the echooli he also oo-operates with the Central Institute for Soienti- fio and Technical. Docuauentation - tutelary' institution of the school. The Pedagogic Council, whose taska,'are designated by special regulations, is a consultative body of the school's di rector. Lecturers on different subjects are responsible for tSe realization of the program and the results of teaobing. !tare exists in the school a Tutelary Committee, consisting of representatives of the economic life, of the Central In- stitute for Scientific and Technical Doouontation, of the Scientific Council of the CIDNT and of the 8ohool. The task of the school is the preparation of graduates teem technical and general secondary schools for professio- sI work, as assistants in documentation services. The tea- enlag extends over two years, each year being divided . Into euMr and summer terms. The teaching has 'the form of leotu- sea, exercises and practical work in laboratories, .according to Obe program approved by the Ministry of Education. The ewrrioulum of the school comprises professional, auxiliary and pnoral subjects. To the group of professional subjects belongs 1. Scientific and technical documentation 2. Librarianship 3. Information concerning books and periodicals ?. Bibliography 5. Selected problems from technology 6. Industrial enterprise economy 7. Political econou' 8. $conomio geography 9. selected problems of law Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 106 Routine office work, with oorroepondence 11. Typing. ~ Jeote aret 1. Concept, aims and functions of scientific and technical documentation. 2. The document, its kinds and forms. 3. Sources and tools of scientific and technical dooumbnta- tion. 49 Organization of scientific and technical documentation in 'Poland. I ,. Organization and activity in the field of scientific and technical documentation abroad. 6. 0o-operation with foreign countries. 7. Organization of documentational collections. 8. The principles and methods of preparing abstracts. 9. Dooumentational description of special written and audio- visual documents. I 10. Scientific and technical documentation as an element of technical progress. 11. History of bibliography of Polish technical literature. 12. New trends and tendencies in scientific and technical do- cumentation. 13. Oopyright, patent law. 14. Financial and administrative problems In documentation work. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 15. Concept of classification and systematization. 17. Order of classes. i 18. Alphabetic and systematic classification in 19. Systematic classification. 20. Individual systematics of dooumen ts;. 21. Special olassifiostions - independent of universally used systems. a2. Olassifioation systems used in individual oentrea of do- oumentation. Decimal olassifioation-general ohareoter. 24. Detailed characteristic of the system. 25. Groups 1, 2, 3. AS. Groups 5, 6, 7. 0. Groups By 9, 0. 1$. Auxiliary notations. 29. Classification tables. Teohni%ue of classification. Da. Concept, kinds and aims of scientific and technical in- formation. Porms of scientific and technical information. 35. Sources and tools of scientific and technical informa- tion. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 36. Thematic information, forms and means of preparation. 37, Dissemination of scientific and technical informa- tion. 38. Providing photo-reproductions and' translations of do- cuments. 39. Propagation and popularization of scientific end tacb. nical documentation. 40. Propagation and popularization of'new technology and the propagation of scientific ands technical dooumen- tation. 41. Pormo of propagation. 42. Organization and means of propagaltion of scientific and technical documentation multiplication of docu- ments.. 43. Review and development of multiplication methods. 44. Duplication by means of alcohol.' 45. Reproduction by means of albumen Protein multigraphers. 46. Offset office machines. 48. Work organization. 49. Blueprints. 50. Photocopies. 51. Microfilms. 52. Kinds of equipment for 53. Printing. microfilm documentation. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 55. Mechanization of documentation work. 56. General problems in mechanisation., 57. General principles of mechanization and automation of do- oumentation work. 58. Documentation files end-meohaniosof selection. 59. Various card indioesf kinds and possibilities of errors. 60. Devicea and machines for mechanisation of files . 61. Choice of a system of classification, appropriate for me- ohaniaation systems in various asotionse 62. Application of mechanization in various seotioas. 1. General knowledge on librarianship. 2. Libraries and reading in Polish People's Rspublic,atten- tion to special librarian. 3. Organization of a library, its equipment. o. Acquisition. 5. Recording book coleotion. 6. Library catalogues. 7. Preparation of a library eatalogus 8. Classification and subject catalogues. 9. Arrangement and conservation of library collections. 10. Oiroulation. 11. Information service in a teorinioal library. 12. Readership. 13. Planning, reporting. sssw~ Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP8OTOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 I?a~or~tion oaf bQOlu~_nnd-oo~od~o~sls 1. General information. Era of the written book. 2. Role played by books in the period of community. The book in the period of slavery. 3? Writing material and instruments. Greatior., and devebpment of the alphabet. 4. Scrolls. Collections of books in antiq,.ity. The book in feudal era. 5. Writing materials. Creation and development of first ty- pe faces. 6. Manuscript book, its contents, production and functions. Mediaeval libraries. 7. Visit to a library (manuscript book). Era of printed book. 8. Invention of printing. Pirst printed books and *Or struc- ture (inounabula). 9. main centres of typography in 15-thi century. 10. Influence of the Renaissance and of'the Refgrmation on the contents, production and circulation of it book. Ty- pography in the 164th century. 11. Booktrads and libraries in the 16-th century. the book in feudal era and creation of capitalism. 12. Production of printed works, books and libraries in 17- th century. 13. Printing, dissemination of the baek;end libraries in the period in Enlightenment. 14. Visit to a library (printed book). The book in the period of capitalism * 15. Creation and development of industrial production of books, 16. Publishing activities, booktrade and libraries in the first half of the 19mth century. 17. The book in the period of imperialism. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 18. The book in Soviet Union and in People's Democracy ooun- 19. The book in Polish People's Republic.' Preparation of the modern book. 20. Paper-main raw material for the production of,a book. 21. Publishing office. 22. Printing house. i3. Visit to sectional printing house. ea. Technique of hand-setting, of making up, and of correction. 15. Machine-set. Stereotypes. 26. Print and printing machines. 27. Hook-binding. 28. Engraving processes. 29. Visit to a reproduction establishement. 30. Control of the technical quality of books. Characteristic and composition of oontentd of newspapers and periodicals. 31. General characteristic of newspapers and periodicals. 32. Journal, weeklies, fortnightlies. 33. Monthly and bi-monthly periodicals. 34. Quarterlies and annuals. Characterization of standards, patent-descriptions, catalo- gues, price-lists, photocopies and microfilms. 35. Standard specifications. 36. Patent descriptions. 37. Catalogues, industrial and commercial price-lists. 38. Photocopies and microfilms. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 1. Cenral information. 2. first stage of bibliography before the indention of prin- ting. 3. Development of bibliography and its aims after the invan- tation of printing. II. Binds of bibliography.) 1. Sphere of activity and extent of bibliography. 2. Division of bibliography taking in consideration its ephs- re of activity and extent. 3. Division of bibliography taking in consideration the me- thod of elaboration. 4. Bibliographies ok bibliography. III. Systems and forma of bibliography. IT, Review of bibliographies in Poland and abroad. 1. Bibliography in Poland in the 17-th 'land 18-tb centuries. 2. Bibliography in Poland in the 19-th end 20-th centuries up to. 1939. 3. Special retrospective bibliographies. 4. Current bibliographies. 5. Reoommanding bibliographies. 6. Organization of bibliography after the second world war. 7. Bibliography in the Soviet Union. 8. Current and general bibliographies in other countries. V. Technical bibliography in Poland. 1. Development of bibliography from 19-th century up:to the second world war. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 2. Bibliography of various branches of technology, industry and handicraft. 3. Bibliography after the second world wars retrospective bibliography, current bibliographic re- views. Vi. Methods of elaborating bibliographies. 1. Bibliographic unit. 2. Difference between a catalogue description and a biblio- graphic description. 5. Kinds of bibliographic deecriptions.i e. Analysis of prints described. 5. Preparation of bibliographic lists. 6. Methods of preparing lists of recommended publications. VII. Utilization of bibliographies. 1. Utilization of bibliographies by a documentalist. 2. Utilization of bibliographies by a librarian. 3. Utilization of bibliographies by a user. Sejected ohnolgai grgbleaA. 1. Concept of technology and impulses towards its development. 2. Development of, technology in prehistoric times, in antiqui- ty and in mediaeval times. 3. Development of technology since Rona lisaonoe until the Indu- strial Revolution. 3. Nuclear technology. 6. Engineering science in the 20?th century. 7. Development of teletso nica. S. Electronics. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 9. Automation. 10. Aeronautics. 11. Astronautio's and jet engine, 12. Synthetic substances. 13. Actual problems of development of technology in Poland. Economics f euta issea 1. General Information: Turnover of goods. Concept and aims of socialist commerce. Home and ,foreign trade. Co-ope - rative and private commerce. Administrative authorities in commerce. Principle of division into separate lines of business. Main organiza- tions of wholesale and retail commerce in Poland. Ill. Organization and technique of retail trade. IV. Auxiliary production and services. P. Economics of a commercial enterprise. Political economy of socialism Ego 9. 922&nDbLy 1. Introduction: a) economic geography as - a science, b) geographic environment. World populations analysis of statistics and of maps. 3. Plant raw materiel in world economy. 4. Animal raw material in world economy, 5. Forests in world economy. 6. Mining (analysis of maps and of atatistiod). Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 7. Industry (analysis of maps, interdependence of phenomena: density of population, energy resources, development of industry). 8. Coaasunioation and transport (analysis of maps, interdepon- donce of phenomena, development of industry and oommunica- tion network density) 9. Nord commerce: ..) analysis of statistics, press reports b! exchange of services and capitals > social income. 1. Concept of state and law. 2. General concept of law. 3. oources of law. H. Civil law. ?. General part of civil law. 5. Law of estate. 6. Lew of contracts (of obligations). 7. Suooessorial law. 8. Law of family. C. Selected topics of industrial law. D. Selected topics of commercial law. 10. Ceasercial companies. 11. Bill of exchange. 11. Cheque. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 S. Law of labour. 13. Labour contract. P. Civil procedure. 14. Procedure of courts and arbitration organisetion. 15. Administrative act, penal-administrative law. H. Financial law. 16. Concept of world's finances. J. Panel law. 17. Penal (substantive) law.. 18. Penal procedure. ?Routine,,s~tfi a work gbh cQ=As iondanoe 1. Concept and tasks of an office. 2. Organization of. office work: planning of work, labour di- vision, co-ordination of work, supervision and control, reporting, barmonograms of office work. 3. Office rooms and their equipments division and equipment of the office, files, typewriters, auxiliary apparatus and materials, communication and signal installations in the office. 4. Circulation of and attention to current documents in the offioet-reception of documents, correspondence, dispatch of correspondence, schemes for of eiroulation correspon- dence. 5. General knowledge on letterss i exterior aspect of a letter, interior structure of a let- ter. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP8OTOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 29 6. 0orrespondence concerning goods turn-over.. 7..Oorrespondenoo concerning tramps" and insurance of goods. 6. Pinaacial correspondence. 9. Oorrespondence of institutions with waits on higher level. 10. Correspondence concerning organisational,quistiona. 110 13inutes, reports, memoranda. 12. Oorreepondenoe concerning personnel.. 13. authorizations, powers of attorney, documents concerning eesession and receipt. 14. Olassifioation and storage of correspondence. ? the group of auxiliary subjects, the knowledge-Of which is necessary for scientific and technical dooumentation auxi- liar7 staff, belongs Deepening and extension of knowledge gained by students in seocadary schools to a degree sufficient for active knowledge of was language in order to facilitate to graduates from the school the execution of professional work. 1. Trees in speaking, reading and writings a) Increasing the vocabulary (1000 new words, mainly from eaohaical and general economic terminology)+ b) Trsnalation of teohnicel texts from Russian Into Polish, and from Polish into Russian (from material under study)i e) Aequiring practice in using a dictionary of 2 languages; d) CmaveresLion on professional subjects; questions and an- ewsra; long, independent discussions of students. 2. Seleeted topics of grammer and spelling 3. Reeollection and consolidation (by means of exercises) me- inly those questions in which atudontz show a lack of know- Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 i;nglish and German languages 1. Teaching from the beginning according to secondary school program. 2. Stress laid on technical and general economic vocabulary, especially during higher terms. 3. Acquiring such knowledge of the written and spoken lan- guage as to be able to read and to understand the texts. The physical training including sport and games was in- troduced into the curriculum of the school. The plan of edu- cation in the school Is the following: . o? .sea .amsasaaaaoao.o T a.aaaasaamsooasas.g r N mb d f psaaao i I e u o perio s Total r r per week in terms of No ~ Subjects of lectures ~ lectu-i r I'I~ II III IV I roars i aa. aoas...a.sasses..a.aosast eaaii.~. a~a o'se~a Mosel r 1 1 1 A. Profes ~ional , 1. Scientific and technical documentation . . . . . $ 51: 5 6 = 6 22 12. Librarianship . . . . . . 31i 3 3 i 3 12 3. Book and periodical i ? science . . . . . . . . r 2'i 2 4. Bibliography 2 2 -.~ - I 4 1 5.i 1 Selected problems from e I technology . . . . . . 4~ 4 It 4 4 , 16 6. Industrial enterprise eco- nomy - e 3 3 6 7. Political economy . . . r 21; 2 2 2 = 8 8. Economic geography 2 e - g 4 ? 9.1 Selected problems of law. - - It 2 2 4 Flo. r Routine office work, with a correspondence e 2 1 2 - - a 4 1. s Typing . . . . . . . . a o oo . li ~ ~ 4 . L araa ~N.aasoo a a aaaaersaa LTotal A: $ ~a samo~ 2211 22 22 22 r osap + 88 o awsaoaosaaoosaeasaea.mesas..i ~aadaoaa aka .a.deaeoi rr..a~) Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 aoa oaaaaaoase"aeeaoe ?saaaaaseaea?asea eeeeeq Number of periods Total per wanly 4 n ter m of I + II VIII 1V eoeawe6aaoaeaeaeeoaeaaesaa~saa ea?alaoesai am a. Auxili ark Russian language English language German language 1 1 I 2 2 2 6 6 6 I 6 6 6 seasaoeaamsaaasmssaoemaBO~aen >mpae~a~rwaaaa~ose Issues asseaeaaoaaaaoaaaaaaaasaa~or~raa~ras~a~raaoaa~aea~~aaaa? 4eaaeral education d + ' 15. Physical training Q 2 1 8 tI ; 1 sasasaeaoeseaaoososmaaaaa~esae~loroo...... lsaa "sae 0 1 1 1 A + B + c w 38 i 38' 38 38 152 To enter the school (first year) the candidate must have completed certificated technical or general education. In the case of a higher number of candidates than the number of va- cancies, the admission is based on the results of examina- tions: from mathematics, physics or chemistry and a foreign language on secondary schools program basic; candidates with a 10-month professional practice have priority. The students are obliged to attend all lectures, exercices and practical works in the school; they are also obliged to have every year four weeks of practical, professional work in the field of documentation and librarianship; this practice is based on a program (approved by the ini'latry of Education) in branch centres and in documentation units of enterprises, as well as in technical libraries. The aim of the practice is the consolidation of theoretical knowledge 'acquired in the school and deepening of its practical application is the field Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 of documentation and librarianship to which students are to a certain degree prepared owing to exercises at school. Each student has a note-book oont'aining a list of obliga- tory subjects, laboratory exercises and practical work and indicating the results obtained at examinations. The evalu- ation of student?s work is based on results of examinations held at the end of every term and on, the opinion on his prac- tical work. Good results of examinations and of the professio- nal practice are necessary for the student to pass on to a higher course. Studies at the schoollare rounded off by a fi- nal diploma examination to which are'eooepted only those stu- dents who had good marks at the and of the second year of edu- cation (all subjects, exercises, laboratory work and profes- sional practice). After a satisfactory final examination, stu- dents obtain the diploma certificating their termination of studies in the State School for Scientific and Technical Do- oumentation and granting them the title of documentalist-tech- .nioian. Graduates of the School, as diplomaod documentaliste technicians, have the possiblity to work in scientific and technical documentation service, in branch contras, as well as in documentation units of ent.repriisee. ,The program of the State School for Scientific and Techni- cal Documentation has librarianship as the second prcfeseio- hal subject; special stress is laid on problems concerning special libraries, the library organization, the technique of library work and their close co-operation with scientific and technical documentation. Consequently graduates of the school independently from the possiblities of working in documenta- tion network will be welcomed in library service and eepe- cially in special libraries, which lack of staff prepared for professional work in libraries of this type. Only 20% of li- braries have a staff trained in courses by correspondwoe which are the only form of training comprising to a certain degree, special library problems. The other schools and library co- urses do not conabder in their programs the problems of spe- cial libraries and give to their graduates a limited knowled- ge, sufficient for the special library, service. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A011200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 The State School for Scientific and Technical Doc nmentation, as is said above, has been created owing to the initiative of CIDNT, which is also a tutelary institution of the School. Be- ing a member of the Tutelary Committee, the Institute supervi- ses its righ. professional trend. The Institute, with the co- -operation of the School, elaborated a plan of education, the statute of the School, and a program for basic professional su- bjects, namely: the program of scientific and technical docu- mentation, librarianship, selected problems from technology and bibliography. The above subjects and information on books and periodicals, which constitute 50% of professional subjects and 30% of the whole plan-of education, are taught by professional- ly qualified lecturers of the Institute. Besides, the Institu- te elaborated for students of the School aprogram of professio- nal practical work in the best branch centres of documentation and in technical libraries. The creation, owing to the initiative.of CIDNT, of a school for scientific and technical documentation with a 2-year pro- gram, is a bold action in the field of training, is an expres- sion of documentation service policy, aiming to secure a sys- tematic and regular afflux of young workers. The first doc umen- talists teohnicians,who finished the school in 1960,-rill in- crease the documentation staff. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 'Itieloaure I ! Aarsaw 25.11.1958 Time - table of lectures and practical exercises from 1.12 to 13.12.1958 of the 9-th course for doc umentalieta Title T L,a to ho urs of lectures and exOrci- ; Lecturer sea =mom -.L2 i .iaday and tasks. - lecture) ( ~ 1 80 $5 0 -10 _ r- r r or_ r r r _r .. r r _r e r r r_ r r Document and its kinds. _r r r r_ r__ r ro Prof. Copyright. Z Jtla j ewaki (lec ture 1100-1147 Tasks of documentation Mr. In socialism. S.Telsobun, (lecture) eng. -12 - Scientific-techaical do- Mr oumentation network in P l d S.Teleohun, o an . Ong. (lecture) 13a 13 ---------------------- ------------- scientific and technical S.Telechun, doc umentItion. ng. (lecture) os..e~aewoa.aios~.?s?e ?so.ios 2.1~ a--- 9" Information on books. Mr. Ttiee- (lecture) E.Kosauth fly r .n t n 5 r a t~__.a _._....a ._ r-L-a _ _t ,>.~ r - e lacrari R.t~ rzetasao- (leoture wakl r r r r__ . -~r r~/r it -11 7 rrr-rrr-~r- -rarrrr-:--r?- Sources and tools of ?-e---rrrrrr- lar fis and technical eoienti an .Teleohunt S documentation . sag. ('lector?) ~ j rr r_ rs - 12 - 12 ------------------------- Organization and forms Prof. 0 of documentation aci t'ti- S Z.lGa eweki ties abroad. (lecture) -------------------- ----------- " 13 -13 Technique of documen+e J ura. 4 0 I .w tion description. (lecture) o.?vi..?w??.oe.cs?.a??o?.o.o S.Osm6lska S 8 m.~.e. Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 smssar asom?omo? smsse?sans?rs?s??aamssssosm mmsssesa{,sass Title a Date ? hours ? of lectures and exerci- B Lecturer 3 3 e sea ?Q 0 ?ssas~mms?s?oay~ am mamammasammsmo??os+os?sneAMssassmamaas04 3.12. 3 8?O- 94 Librarianship. Technical Prof. N Wedne-3 =libraries. R.Przelas- e edayI- (Lecture)------ --------- ------------ 1000-11 Bibliography. TMr. 3 ?(lecture) I Yt.Dembolvaki r----- ------- 5-,~---------------------- ---- -:------- -" 1200-13 Technique of document;- iturs i a tion.description. no S.Osmdlska n ON e (lecture) i @~?~~??CIO?A?~?1s??stems=mnMMOM , =now 0MOa.L. YOm?srmasOm d 4.12 j 800- 945 fl, (end) fiir. am Iny- e {lecture) ii.Derabowski -- - -oo--- _.e~---------------- - ------------J 10 -11 1 Decimal classification. S Mrs. (lecture) ? S.Oam6lska a - ----~ ------------- 12 ~~-1345 ? Librarianship. Technical Prof. a libraries (continued). i R.Przelas- a (lecture) kowaki ~sss?v 4 m?Qa?cmos~os~?sssssmsm?mmefmm~ssm?s?ms?eessas?ssmsmss1 35.12 800- 845 a Documentation reviews. a krs. Friday 3 (lecture) el Z. Pul j ano- 11 I wake ------------ 9 -- ?0-105 i Decimal classification-------------------------- Mrs. a oontinued). S.Oemdlska lecture) - ------------- 1 I Librarianship.Technical j Prof. i - -- libraries(end). R.Przelea- F lecture) ------ kowski I 3 1300-13 Technique of documents- TMrs. tion description (conti- S.Osm6lska e s nued). ?oa ? (lecture) 3 smsas???sasmsssmasmcsassm?sseB iosc+osvs~4ssacts= sssss4 6.12 : 800- 945 a Technique od document $- U bars. ?Satur- a' Lion description (end) 3 S.~Osir,dlska Oday &------ -- -- I(lecture)------- ----------- 10 -11 Mechanization of documen- S Gar. y tation work. i m A1.Tiikol3j- i ----- ------- 1300-1345 S Location of equipment-in u Mr. ------ t a a documentation (centre. ?M.Mikolaj - r n ? 3 ski, eng. e ? ?QO?s???ss~Cbaszaa ? ???mm??aQ Cammamon===manna woo" Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP8OTOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO11200010001-5 wsoss.4wosos.nsso eeses.soses?sso?ss.a0awoo osssadwaAsa.lD eessos s.o.os.eom Title Date hours of lectures and exerci- 1 Lecturer 18.12 1 800- 945 Scientific and technical Mr. Imonday information. T.Plonkowski, ^ (lecture) Ong oc_ 1--1 p+- ~-t-i--- ---i-------------- 10 plioation and repro- i Prof f . a duction of documentation. ^ Z.Majewski 9 0 0 - (lecture)----------- ^ o 12 1345 $Ezercises from do.umenta-e Mrs. ^ ition description. ^ A_0sm61ska M s.....j .ese.seose se.see.sseesess...eeei~s ~sieeseo..l... i o0 45 19.1, 8 - 9 Scientific and technical a Mr. ^Tues- (lectureoa-(continued!1, ^ T.Pionkowski, ? y ^ a .: eng. 4--cc---4> --- v^-------------- 10 -11 Decimal cl ssification ^ Jars. oontinued). S.Osi6leke lecture) ^ -M---- 4tllr. t2??_13 ^ Propagation of documen- t ^ tation. R.Pa6 s.sesiseas.sss saeoosseposeso.esee~se.Nlasas?saae~sssss :0.12 1 800 945 Decimal classification. Mrs. ^IYedne- I ?e S.Osm6lske achy s ----?- o ^ 10 -11 =Exercises from claasif I~-------------- Mrs. oc---4 i- i -------L--- cation.-------------- --^ - ----------- ---- - 4 14qtion and re-' Prof 1 1200_135 Z., 11.12 ^ 8?0_ 945 Subject classification,. Dr. Tours- _ J.Kossonoga day ^ ? o roduction of documents. I Z.Maj ewaki lecture) sossosss -~---- -lA?Oe11 5 - --~----------J ;;;;claen from c1nnnif Mrs " cation. i H.Wolter ---$s ------------- ------- -------------- 12oo -13 Decimal classification- -1 - i (continued) e S.0sm6laka I (lecture) %a was== s.oseesesoesoe.os,seeseo"sassewsssssswo ~~~ Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP8OTOO246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 --n---- -?00----- ----------------- -------- ------------- ? 13 -1345 ? Exercises from document ? Mr. ? ? multiplication. j J.Stadkieaiczi ~- -- " ---- ---- ---------------------?- -- ~. ------------- M a 14 - ? Exercises from c u m ument ! Mr. ? ? multiplication. S.Cybulski ? `.ssts aessemasta pewassesssssssstvitoaoas ta assasesssssst ~oasssaapYlcssastsstsis~tsstaossssosswesosoas?at~tottsstsststt^ iQ ~^ Title Date hours of lectures and exerci- Lecturer ses stssssa~sststmssst~tseossssssesssssosssestsss tssmsstassass 12.12 8?O- 945 Scientific and technical Mr. M 17riday 8 information (end). S T.Pionkowski,I e a lecture eng. ? 9---? ' -- ------------------------- ----------- 010 ii -- - ? oo_ ~5 ; Subject classification Dr. I ? ? end) ? J.Koasonoga I ? ? ~lecturs) S ? s r--?-----i0----------------- --------- .1-------------- ?1200 -1245 Deoimal classification Mrs. ~end) lecture) .em6leke ? A 13.12 ^^^as 900_13?? EIAMINATI0NS I ? Satur- on ; day a ? ttsass sateesaesessetsstosuses~ssttstss~tstttasstssss~ Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO11200010001-5