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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 USSR This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Atomi:4 Weapons and Actions under Conditions d-f..Tboir Etploym 11t, 195? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 27 Se ptemi er 1955 67 RD SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF'CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. SOURCE: A usually reliable source A+raissl of Content: Doczatexitary. 1. Attached. is a c'apy of a. trr ts7ation of a S r'viet Arm nati a.l, Atomic Weapons. and Actions under _ Condit.ions.o Their. Employment, < : published by the Military Printing Office, Ministry, of De ..0se of the USSR, and sent to press on 11 August 19514 It carried p x1 li atiox NO, ?14/`557 and censorship No. G-02037. This translations i- being c' isae'miiyated in. t1. interest..of speed and, al- though not contain . all the language refi ements of tyre original Russian text, closely follows the text.. Photostatic copies of the figure's to accompany the text of the translation will be disseminated as Cs 35586a as soon ":as -they can be .prdd.uced. ARM' V 9/55 N N N N N N N N N N N B/8-o2-o403 238.x+ r 238.22 223 -49 223.2 572.3 572.1 572.53 572.57 572.51 572.52 572.55 20AIR EVI 30 FBI AEC X JCS 2 ?SI E, x (Note: Washington distribution indicad by "X"; Field distribution by O N REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 4TOWC WFA NS P-crions under co ditiofS of their a Jo e!4 Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE USSR ATOMIC WEAPONS AND ACTIONS UNDER CONDITIONS OF THEIR EMPLOYMENT MILITARY PUBLICATION OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE -USSR MOSCOw.195k Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 jn the original Russian text of this document, page 2. was a blank page between.the.cover page and the Introduction) he original. document contains a total of 96 explanatory figures which are referred to throughout the text but which will be disseminated as soon as reproduction can be completed. Generally, parentheses in the following translation represent parentheses in the original text. -They are used to define by example the type of item referred to, or for transliterated Russian. terms. which were not translated because.,of obscurity of meaning.. Brackets appearing under a figure contain an explanation as to content of. the figure: Brackets are also used in cases where the translator felt it necessary to clarify the meaning of a term. In'other respects.., too, the format of the translation follows closely the format of the original Russian text, except for pagination; refrey_-certain technical terminology may not, entirely agree with U.S. terminology. It should be noted that the Soviet Army nomenclature as applied to tactical units. is peculiar in that a number of different terms. are used for 11unit", depending on the size and relative dependence of the unit. Two of the terms most frequently used in this text in connection with units are: Podrazdeleniye is used in the Soviet Army to refer to a sub-unit of a chart'. It is a unit which cannbt be fully identified numerically except by reference to a larger unit of which it is a component, e.g., battalions, companies, and platoons of a rifle regiment, etc: In this translation, the term podrazdeleniyehas been translated as a sub=unit, or small unit.. b. Ploshchadka as used in this,:'-document refers to a section, comprised of a small detachment with specialist personnel assigned for the pur- pose of servicing tactical as well as service units. Personnel. comprising the ploshchadka referred to herein would have had training in the effect of 'chemicals and atomic substances on personnel, animals., weapons, equip- .ment,and installations, and processing for decontamination as well.; The Table of Contents is given at the end of the translation, as it appears in the original Russian text Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Introduction The discovery of methods for the production, of atomic energy in our country is the greatest achievement of Soviet :science: The Soviet Govern- meant has a great interest. in seeing to it that atomic energy is directed toward an increase in the growth of productive forces, toward an increase of:'national wealth, and toward the further 'improvement of the material and cultural level of the worker's. The creation in the Soviet Union of the fir:st,industrial atomic power station in the' world is an indication of a. great victory for Soviet science and. technology, with respect to the peaceful utilization of atomic energy. Imperialist states sere in' atomic` energy nothing more than the means for aggression against other. nations, primarily the peoples of the Soviet Union. In recognition of this facts the Communist Party and the Soviet Government have taken steps to provide the Soviet Army with the weapons necessary for dealing an enemy a crushing blip.. Atomic weapon's are more powerful than ordinary weapons, but there are reliable means of defense against even atomic weapons.. The outcome of a war cannot be determined by atomic weapons along. The outcome of a war will, in the final analysis, be determined by people, strong in spirit, who are armed by superior technology and who have mastered its use.. *The troops of the Soviet Army are successfully learning to master the use of the war material entrusted to them, and they are becoming experts. in their field. The task now before us is to acquaint ourselves with the mili- tary-characteristics of atomic weapons and to, study their use. The successful combat training of the Soviet Army for atomic warfare re- quires the efforts not only of the officers but of the large body of sergeants. This manual is intended as an aid to sergeants. It contains more com pletedata .on atomic weapons and operations in atomic warfare than does the Handbook for Soldiers and Sergeants The first part of this manual deals with the structure of.matter and with atomic energy, a knowledge of'which it 'necessary for a proper understanding of the function of atomic weapons. It also includes a description of the de- structive-effects of atomic weapons.. Part II deals with specific measures for defense against atomic. weapons. Part III contains a description of- the peculiar.ities:~ of combat in atomic warfare, primarily for small units (podrazdeleniye). In addition,, it deals with action to be taken in, response to an atomic alert and also, during and after in case' of an atomic explosion. Part III also presents the additional duties of sergeants in atomic warfare: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 PART I Brief Data, din, Atomic Weapons I. 'THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER AND THE PHYSICAL-BASIS OF ATOMIC WEAPONS The Structure :of Matter All the objects that surround us are composed of extremely small part.i- Iles called atoms. An,atom is the smallest particle in a chemical element (of ordinary matter)? Each of the 100 chemical ;elements known to us (hydrogens- helium lithium, uranium, and others) is composed only of one type of atom. The types of atoms are differentiated by their dimensions, their weight, and their structure. For- a long time, scientists thought that the atom was indivisible:. The very word "atom" means "indivisible"' in Greek. However.,, later scientific de` velopment.s.revealed that the atom is a complex particle and is composed of a 'nucle'us, which is surrounded by electrons Figure I chemical elements, helium) /hows the structure of an atom of one .of the The nucleus of an. atom has a positive electric charge, while the electrons carry ne'gative charges The total of all the electrons of an atom is equal to the positive charge of the nucleus, and the entire atom is, therefore, electrically neutral: T}.ie atoms in various -elements have various numbers of electrons, from one (in the. hydrogen atom) to 100 (in the tsenturiya atom). The electrons, circling around the, nucleus, form an electronic shell around the atom. This shell is composed of one or more layersy which are at strictly determined distances' from the nucleus Each layer contains a .set number ,of electrons Figure 2 shows the structure of the atoms Of sodium and aluminim,., The electron shells of these atoms consist. of three layers- In the first layer of each atom there are two electrons, and in the second there are eight?. The third layer of the sodium atom contains one electronf whereas the ala- min'um atom has three electrons in this layer- The figure with the plus sign (+) indicates the size of the positive electric charge of the nucleus. of the atom. Figure 2 ftructure of the atoms of sodium and aluminum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 When two .atoms. interact (eg..,when. they collide.), one or more electrons in the outer layers of the electronic shell may be expelled-. If even one electron is expelled from the shell, the atom assumes a positive electric .charge, Such an atom is called a positive ibn:. The electrons that have been expelled then attach themselves to. other atoms: An. atom that has acquired an additional electron is called a nega- tive ion. (figure 3)* The process of ion formation is called ionization. Some- of the physical properties of matter are altered as a result of ionization. For instance, ionized air becomes a conductor of electricity.. In live organisms, ioniza- tion leads to disruption of the vital activity of the cells. F Normal and ionized atoms of the element.lithiumj a) A lithium atom in its normal state (the number of positive charges is equal to the number of negative charges),, b) A positive lithium ion, it has one positive charge more than it has negative charges (one' of the electrons has been expelled from the shell) c) A negative lithium ion; there' is one negative charge more than there are positive charges (acquisi- tive of one extra electron): The Structure of the Atomic Nucleus The' ;atomic nucleus occupies an insignificantly small part of an atom. If -one pictures an atom as a sphere 100 meters in diameter--t the nucleus will be the size of a pellet about one millimeter in diameter The nuclei of all atoms are composed of protons and neutrons. Figure 1 shows,, as an example, the structure of the lithium atom and its nucleus.. As can be seen in the drawing, the nucleus of the lithium atom is composed of three protons and four neutrons. Figure 4 Lithium at= 7 A proton is a particle with a positive electric charge.- The 'weight of a proton is about 2,00.0 times greater than that of an electron, but the size of its charge is equal to that. of an electron. A neutron is a particle with- out an electric charge.. The weight of a neutron is approximately equal to the weight of a proton. In comparing the weights of electrons with the weights of. protons and neutrons, it becomes evident that almost the entire matter is concentrated in the nucleus. The nuclei of the atoms of all chemical elements contain.:aa:.strictly determined number of protons, if the number of protons in the nucleus is altered, all of the chemical and physical properties of the atom are altered, i. e., the resulting atom becomes an atom of another chemical elemente In an atom that has not been ionized, the number of protons is exactly equal to the number of electrons (see figure 4), S :E-C-R-E,-T NOFORN/CQNTINUED CONTROL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Most chemical elements contain a mixture of atoms] which have the same number ofprotons in the nucleus but a diverse number of neutrons. Such diversitie's in the atoms of one. and. the same chemical element are called isotopes. For instance; the nuclei of most hydrogen atoms consist of one proton. However-y- there is a kind of hydrogen (it. is rarely encountered in nature) the atoms of which have nuclei with one proton and one neutron. This kind of hydrogen Is called deuterium.. The union of two. deuterium atoms with one oxygen atom produces heavy water. It is even possible to produce hydrogen with nuclei of atoms which have one proton and two neutrons Such hydrogen is called tritium. Thusg- hydrogen has three isotopes (figure 5): Deuterium and tritium ea;n be used as the charge for a hydrogen bomb. Some elements have a larger number of isotopes,; Uranium. for example, has eleven isotopes, two of them, Uranium 233 and Uranium 235,1- can be used as the charge for an atomic bomb All isotopes of 'a given element have the same chemical pr:operties,: but they differ in their weight. Since 'all protons have a positive electric charge (i.e., they have .similar charges ) and since objects with like charges, as is knowp:.?repel each other,. one would expect a nucleus with more than one proton to fly apart. However, this does not occuro On the contrary, the nuclei of atoms are usually very stable, and it is extremely difficult to.split them. The stability of nuclei is a result of the fact that, in addition to the electrical forces of repulsion among the prot_ons,. there is a strong cohesive force among all the particles. which make up the nucleus. These forces operate only within ex- tremely short distances. They are strong enough to. counteract the electrical forces of repulsion, Figure 5 CAtoms of hydrogen isotopes-.7 Nuclear stability varies from one chemical 'element to another. as well as in the isotopes of a single chemical element, The less stable nuclei of some chemical elements sometimes convert spontaneously into more stable nuclei of atoms of other chemical elements without outside influence. 3-. Radioactivity, Nuclear Reactions,, and Atomic Energy The conversion of less stable atomic nuclei into more stable nuclei is accompanied by an emission of radioactive radiation: Substances that are capable of radioactive radiation are called radio- active,, and the very phenomenon of radiation emission is called radioactivity. Radium, uranium, and thorium are natural radioactive elements, while the isotopes of carbon, sodium,, and phosphorus are artificially produced radio- active elements. 1 The figure 235 means that. there are 235 protons and..reutrons in the atomic nucleus of uranium (92 protons and 143 neutrons)> Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Natural radioactivity was first discovered in uranium salt in 1896; later it was discovered in radium. Artifically produced radioactivity was , there are several hundred artificially discovered in l9.y At present produced radioactive isotopes, but at that time only fifteen natural radio. :active elements were known. Atomic radiation is invisible It has a number of interesting and important characteristics. For example, atomic radiation is capable of producing ion.ization., The ionization Capabilities. of the atcimic radiation of some elements, such as radium, are very great.., This makes it possible to detect minute quantities :of radium: If a few milligrams of radium were distributed equally among all the inhabitants of the earth, it would still be possible to detect radium ine'ach person 'The radiation from radium produces various chs ges in the substances near it. For instance, optical glass assumes various colors, while the surface of a diamond is converted into graphite., Radium rays separate. wager into its component parts, hydrogen and oxygenx- Figure 6 /he division of the radiation. from radium into alpha, beta, and gamma rays,. Radium produces various kinds of radiation.. If a narrows beam of rays from radium. passes between the poles of a strong magnet, the' beam divides into three beams, one which goes to the left the second straight ahead., and the third to the 'right (figure 6),, Those rays that go straight ahead are named gamma rays.. The magnetic fi ld .does not influence them. Those rays that are sharply deflected by the, magnetic field. in the direction in which negatively charged particles are deflected are called beta rajs* 'Those rays that go in the .opposite direction are called alpha rays:? The disintegration of other radioactive substance does not necessarily produce all three types of ray: Nor let us examine the nature of' these raysi Alpha rays are a stream of positively charged particles. Each of these particles is. composed of two protons and two neutrons,. it is nothing other than the nucleus of the helium atom. The speed of alpha particles varies between 10?40 and 20~Q00 kilometers a second. At this speed, it would take less than one minute to reach the moon from .here.. While traveling, the alpha particles collide a great number of times with the atoms in the surrounding media, so that their speed is quickly reduced, Even in the air, the movement of alpha particles is reduced so rapidly that it is impossible for them to travel more, than nine centi- meters. At the end of its path', the alpha particle, having annexed. free electrons, is converted into helium,. 2. Alpha, beta; and gams are the first three letters -of the Greek alphabet (4, 8, r ). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 When alpha particle-9 are released, the nucleus of the atom is diininI' shed by two protons and two neutrons,, i.e., it becomes the nucleus of an atom of another chemical: element. For instance, when the radium atom releases alpha particle's; it is . eblivertedd into an atom of the gas radon (figure '7) Fig disintegration of the nucleus of a radium atom as a result of the release of an alpha particle (alpha disirateBration)j Beta rays are a stream of negatively charged particles, electrons, which are released by the nuclei of atoms when neutrons are changed into protons Lcic'. When the nucleus of an atom releases beta particles., the number of protons in the nucleus is increased, and the number of neutrons is reduced by one. As a result of this process, another chemical element is formed. For example, when the radioactive isotope of gold releases a beta particle, it is converted into mercury (figure 8):: Figure 8 /Disintegrationof the nucleus of a radioactive gold atom with the release of a beta particle (beta disintegration)j The .speed of beta particles varies greatly; some of them travel at almost the speed of light (300,000 kilometers per second). The fastest beta particles` do not travel farther than 1.5 kilometers through the air.: Gana rays,, like X-rays are electro-magnetic radiatiion. They travel at the speed of light. These three types of rays are absorbed in various ways by matter (air, earth,,. metal, wood, etc.). If the? lead box in which the radium is located is covered with an aluminum plate 02 millimeters thick, there will be no alpha particles in the issuing beam, because they will be completely held back by the aluminum sheet (figure 9),a Alpha particles are also. completely absorbed by clothing. In order to hold. back the beta rays, the box would have to be covered with a sheet of aluminum three millimeters thick: To achieve almost complete,absorption.of the gamma rays, one would need an aluminum layer 100 to 120 centimeters, thick:. Every radioactive substance (whether natural or artificially produced) disintegrates at a set speed: Some radioactive substances disintegrate very fast (in a split second), while others disintegrate very slowly ( in millions of years), The speed of radioactive disintegration cannot be increased or reduced by any meansz The energy imprisoned iii the nucleus is released during the disinte- gration of radioactive substances. 'T'his energy is called nuclear or atomic energy. It is carried into space by radioactive radiation. Fire9 Absorption of alpha, beta, and gam= rays by .aluminimrj t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -9- Natural radioactive disintegrat:on takes place gradually, and the amount of atomic energy released in a. given period of time is, therefore, comparatively small. For example, the amount of atomic energy released by one gram of radium in one hour is only enough to. heat 100 grams -ofwater 1.36 degrees (centigrade In 1939, a special type of nuclear conversion was discovered, the division of the nuclei of several heavy elements (uranium, plutonium). It was learned that, under bombardment by neutrons of .a certain speed, the atomic nuclei of heavy elements (uranium. plutonium) undergo a nuclear reaction: The nuclei of uranium andplutnnuim atoms split into fragments (splinters) which are radioactive nuclei of the atoms of Other, lighter ele- ments (figure 10). F.1gure.10 /Fission of a heavy nucleus;resultin in two smaller nuclei (fragments) The fission of an atomic nucleus may release an enormous amount of energy in a brief period of time. The fission of all the nuclei in one gram of uranium is accompanied by t}ie release of enough energy to heat 100 tons of water to the boiling point. The fission of each nucleus of a uranium or plutonium atom is accompanied by the release of two or three. neutrons, which, under certain conditions, can bring about the fission of the nuclei of other atoms. This leads to a self- generated (chain) nuclear reaction (figure ii). Figure l1 / he development of a, nuclear chain reaction, with two or three neutrons effecting the fission of succeeding nuclei.? The fission Of uranium or plutonium nuclei is now being used, for example, to produce energy for atomic-powered electric stations. A self-generated nuclear reaction may be of an explosive nature. Such a reaction is called an atomic explosion. In this case, an enormous amount of atomic energy is released in a very short period of time. For instance, the fission of all the atomic nuclei in one kilogram of 'uranium 235 releases, in a millionth of a secondt an amount of energy approximately equal to that produced by the explosion of 20,000 tons of TNT. Nuclear reaction of an explosive nature furnishes the source of energy for atomic bombs. II. TYPES OF ATOMIC WEAPONS Weapons with a destructive power based on the tilization-of atomic (intraruclear) energy are called at.oniic weapons,. There are two types of atomic weapons: Atomic weapons that produce explosions, and combat radioactive sub.stances(BRV .: boyevyye radioaktiv- nyye veshcheStva) 8 -E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 v v -10 The explosive type of atomic weapon is, based on the utilization of atomic energy,: instantaneously released by a chain nuclear reaction of an explosive nature. This type of weapon is intended for the annihilation of personnel, the destruction of fortifications, and the destruction or damag- ing of war material. The explosive atomic weapon is generally known in the form of the atom bomb. This type of weapon can also be ulitized in the form of artillery shells, torpedoes,4r'ockets, and guided missiles. The destructive effect of atomic bombs, torpedoes, missiles, etc., is the samea The only possible difference lies in the force of the explosion. Combat radioactive substance (BRV) is the name given to substances specially prepared for use in combat and containing radioactive atoms. The destructive effect of these :substances. is based on the harmful effect exer-. cised by radioactive radiation on live organisms. These substances can be used, attack against personnel, to contaminate an area, various ob= jects,,'and the airy 1. Explosive Atcmic, Weapons Structure of the Atomic Bomb The basic component parts of the atomic bomb' and of other explosive atomic weapons are the atomic charge,, the detonator, and the casing (the hull of the bommb) Uranium 235 or, plutonium 239 are used as charges in atomic bombs. It is.not possible to produce an atomic explosion with an arbitrary amount of uranium or plutonium, A certain minimum quantity of uranium or plutonium is needed to produce an explosion; this amount is called the critical mass. The magnitude of.the critical mass of' the charge depends on its (the charge) form, the material of the casing, and the construction of the atomic bomb. The' amount of the atomic charge, should not be equal to' or higher than the critical mass, because a chain nuclear reaction might occur (ie., an atomic explosion might take place) under the influence of chance neutrons, which are always present in the air.. For this reason, up to the time that. an atomic charge is used as. an explosive, it must be divided into several parts, each of which is smaller than the critical mass. The sketch of the structure of an atomic bomb (figure 12) shows the atomic charge divided into two parts. Figure 12 /D-iagram of atomic bomb with its charge divided into two parts. A shows the bomb before the explosion, B shows the two .atomic charges drawing together] In order to bring about an atomic explosion; the two sections of the charge. must be brought together rapidly. The completeness of the chain nuclear reaction and, consequently, the force of the explosion depend on the speed with which the two parts are brought together Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -11-- Figure 13 show's an atom bomb with its charge, divided into three parts.. In this bomb, the parts of the charge are united by the expl'os ion of the cumulative charges of conventional explosive material As they approach each other along the cylindrical channel from which the air has been expelled,, the moving parts of the atomic charge pick up source's of neutrons along their path., The sources of neutrons positively guarantee that the bomb will explode at a given moment, and they serve to increase the number of nuclei of atoms in the uranium (or plutonium) that will, fission. The :neutron deflector plays a large part in the development of a nuclear chain reaction. The deflector returns to the area of 'the nuclear reaction neutrons that escape the limits of the chaxgee The bomb casing hinders the dispersal of the atomic charge,, which makes possible a more complete nuclear reaction and,- consequently, increases the force of the atomic-explosion: The casing also deflects the neutrons into the area of the reaction. Figure 13 fiagram of an atom bomb with its charge divided into'three.sections. A shows the bomb before the explosion-., shows the bomb as the sections of atomic charge approach each -other.? The premature -d.ispersalof the atomic charge at the time of the explosion is also prevented by the pressure that results from the explosion of the con= ventional explosive material in the spherical layer: Despite the fact that the casing of atomic bomb is made of the. kind of material that will provide it, with adequate stabilityt'part of the. material of the atomic charge escapes the chain reaction and flies apart with the casing. Types of Atomic, Explosions An atomic explosion can take place in the air,: on the surface of the ground, or .below the surface of the ground (or 'water). We, therefore, distinguish between air, surfac.e,and. underground (or underwater) explosions An explosion in the air is one that takes place at a height of.several hundred meters above the ground-(or water). The point on the,ground above which the atomic ;explosion takes place is called the 'ep'icenter (figure 14) . Figure l4 Lipicenter of atomic explosion,] A surface explosion is one that takes place on the surface of the ground or just a little above the ground, An underground (underwater) explosion is an atomic explosion that occurs -under the ground (or water)-. e * r. tb_ -m, rn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 F.i 15 types of atomic explosions External App?earances. of. an Atomic Explos ion An atomic blast in the air produces a blinding flash (figure 16), which lights up the sky and the ground below for a distance of tens of kilometers.. 'The flash is followed by a ball of fire,. The ball of fire grows rapidly and cools; its light becomes less intense- and after a while it disappears.. Figure 16 The flash from an atomic blast in the air] The time lapse between the first appearance of the ball of fire and its extinction is only a few seconds Following the extinction Of the ball of firer there appears a swirling cloud that grows rapidly in size and climbs upward. It is followed, from the ground, by a column of dust; which gives the cloud from an atomic blast the shape of a mushroom (figure.17). The cloud attains a height of ten kilo- meters ;or more; In time, the cloud loses the mushroom shape and disperses. Figure 17 cThe mushroom-:shaped cloud of anatomic blast to the column of .dusty the blast also raises clouds of dust from the ground (figure 17), which remain in the air from ten to thirty minutes. When an atomic,explosion.,takes place on the surface of the earthy in- stead of a ball of fire, a.. fiery hemisphere is formed,* The cloud following a surface explosion also has the shape of a mushroom: The outward appearance of an underwater blast depends on the depth at which the. explosion takes place and on the depth of the water. If the explosion occurs not very far below the surface of the water, a column of water rises to a height of more than a kilometer from the surface. A cloud forms at the top of this column and grows rapidly, attaining a di- amet:er of several kilometers (figure 18). Several seconds after the the underwater explosion, the water begins to fall out of the column,: When this happens, a wave:. composed of small drops (spray) forms at the base :of the Column. An underwater explosion is also accompanied by the appearance -of ordinary waves on the surface of the water. Close to the site of the blast, these waves may attain a height of from 20 to 30 .meters. The waves become smaller in proportion to their distance from the explosion. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 If the underwater blast occurs in shallow watery the blast makes a large crater in the floor. In this case, a considerable amount of earth as well as water is lifted into the air., An atomic blast is accompanied by a very loud and piercing noise,. which scan be heard for tens of kilometers.. FigurO 18 /utwa:rd appearance of an underwater atomic explosion.7 Destructive Effect of an Atomic Blast Asa result of the release of an enormous amount of energy by the atomic explosion, the temperature in the center of the blast rises to millions of degrees It is this extremely high temperature that leads to the formation of the ball,of fire, which is the source of the strong flash of light (svetovoye izlucheniye). The heated gases that compose the ball of fire spread rapidly,. pushing away the. surrounding air and compressing it This is the cause of the shock wave. A blast. of an atomic bomb is accompanied by invisible radioactive rays, which are called penetrative radiation. In addition, in the area of the explosion and along the path traveled by the atomic cloud, there is a fall-out of radioactive substances that pro- duces radioactive contamination of the air and of the area In the area surrounding the site of the blast, contamination may also result from the, fact that,, under the action of the stream 'of .neutrons from the blast, some of the non-,radioactive:substances that compose the top layer of soil may become radioactive: The shock wave, the flash of light, penetrative radiation, and radio- active contamination of the area are the destructive factors of an atomic blast. Shock Wave The shock wave is the principal destructive force of an atomic blast. .It consists of highly compressed ai.r, which spreads out in all directions, at high speed, from the center of the blast: The compression is transferred rapidly from one layer of air to another:. When the shock wave reaches a given point in the.air, for instance Point A (figure 19), the temperature and the pressure at this point rise instantly, and the air begins to move in the: direction in which the shock 'gave is spread- ing, In the succeeding moments,.when the front of the shock wave (its front edge) passes this point,, its pressure there gradually subsides andeventually becomes equal to atomspheric pressure.. 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The pressure at the outer limits of. the shock wave drops rapidly and continuously, in proportion: to the distance from the center of the blast: The speed of the spread of the shock wave depends on the pressure at the front of the shock wave. Near the center of the blast, the spi.)ed at which the shock wave spreads is several times greater than the speed at which sound travels through the air;3 However, as the distance from the site of the blast increases, the, speed at which the wave spreads drops rapidly. The shock wave travels 1,000 meters in two seconds, 2,000 meters in five seconds, and 3,000 meters in eight seconds (figure 20). During this time, a person who had seen the flash.could seek cover, thus reducing the proba- bility of being struck by the shock wave and, perhaps, escaping it. alto- gether. Figure .9 iagram showing the action bf the shock,-wave of an atomic blast. A - The front of the shock wave has not reached point a; the pressure at this point is normal. B - The. front of the shock wave has reached point a; the pressure has risen sharply. C - The front of the shock wave has passed point a; a tree standing at this. point bends-in the direction in which the shock wave is spreading; the pressure at point a has dropped somewhat. D - The pressure at point a is normal.; the tree has straightened up. E - Point a is within the zone of rarefaction, where air pressure is below that, of the atmosphere; the air has started to move in the opposite- direction, and the tree bends with it. F .- The shock wave has passed point a; air pressure is normal:] The shock wave is capable of killing people and of destroying or damaging buildings, war material, and property. Destruction and damage may be brought about as either a direct or an indirect result of the action of the shock wave. Indirect action consists of destruction and damage caused by flying debris and fragments from buildings and by flying stones; clumps of earth, etc. Figure 20 peed of spread of the shock wave] oun -ravels' through the air at a rate of 340 'meters -per second. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 . -~5- The shock wave can also use destruction in enclosed premises, which it reaches through Cracks and other openings The degree of injury to pers and of damage to buildings and war material depends primarily on the aistante from the center of the blast; the greater the distance from the center of the blast, the less is the destructive effect of the shock wave. The extent of -injury to persons and of damage to military equipment also depends on their location when they are struck by the shock wave, on the type' of locality:, and.on the availability of shelter: The presen ce.of protective structures reduces the radius ,of the area of destruction by 150 to 300 percents The armor. on combat vehicles also reduces the radius of destruction. Ground features and rugged terrain lessen the destructive effects of the shock wave. In populated places, the shock wave' may cause conflagrations as the re- sult of damage to stoves and to power and gas lines, The fires, in turn, may cause injury to people and damage or destruction to military equipment and property. When an explosion takes place underground,- a shock wave is formed under-- ground; if it is underwater, the shock wave is formed in the water.. In these cases, part of the energy goes to form a shock wave in the air as Well. The Flash of Light The flash of light. brought about by an atomic blast lasts only several seconds. The injurious effect of the flash .decreases in proportion to the distance from the site of the explosion, as a consequence of the dispersal of energy over a larger area and of the absorption and diffusion of the light. The absorption of light is especially great in a fog, rainfall, or snowfall. The light rays do not pass through opaque material, Therefore,, any .shield (a wall, a closed building, armor;-; canvas, a dense forest)wj11 furnish shade and protection from the direct :effects of the light and prevent burns (figure 21). Figure 21 /The shade thrown by the hill., the ravine, the house, or the tree serve as protection from being burned by the flash of light In the case of underwater and underground explosions, the danger from the flash of light is negligible. In an atomic explosion that takes place on the surface, the effect of the light flash is less over long distances than it is in an.air explosion, because about half the energy from the light flash is.expended in the fusion of the earth near the :site of the explosion; Despite the shortness of its duration, the. light flash can cause burns on exposed portions of the bodies (face, neck,: hands) of unprotected persons. Sometimes it causes temporary blindness. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO1540R006700490006-5 The injurious effect, of the light flash to the eyes is considerably greater at night than it is in the daytime. The burns caused by the light flash from an atomic blast are in no way different from ordinary burns caused by fire 'or boiling water. There are first, second, and third degree burns;... In a first degree burn, the skin. is reddened and there is swelling: In a second degree burn, bliste'rs appear on the skin. A third degree burn is characterized by sores, The degree of the burn depends on the length of exposure to the flash and on the distance from the blast. Persons in an open area can be injured by the flash .of light, even if they are at a distance where the effects of penetrative 'radiation and-.of shock wave are slight., The degree of injury to an organism from the flash of light depends not only on the severity of the burns., but also on the'size of the area of exposed skin. Ordinary clothing provides considerable protection and may completely prevent burns. The color of the clothing, the thickness of the material, and its tight- ness have some influence on the severity of the` burns suffered on covered portions of the body. A person loosely fitting clothes of a light shade will receive fewer burns on the covered portions of his body than a person dressed in tightly fitting clothes of a dark color. Under the effect of the light flash, the' surfaces of various objects may become charred, or they may melt or burst into flames. The flash may set fire to uncovered war material, paint, canvas-, and tents; it may burn .or char uncovered wooden parts of weapons, military equipment, and buildings.. Close to the center of the blast, metal may become molten. The flash may cause fires in populated places, in forests, and in the steppes. Penetrative Radiation Penetrative radiation consists of a stream of gamma rays and neutrons, which are released by the atomic explosion. The primary source of gamma rays during an atomic explosion is the radio- active fragments produced by the fission of the nuclei of the uranium atoms., which are present in the area of the explosion and in the radioactive cloud. The effect of the gamma,rays decreases rapidly Faith time, In general, gamma rays are not active for more than ten or fifteen ,seconds. Gamma rays and neutrons are capable of penetrating materials of con- s iderabl:e thickness.. When a gamma ray passes through a substance, its force is diminished in proportion to the density of the material;. In the airy. ,for example, gamma rays travel many hundreds of meters, but they cannot move more than a few centimeters through lead, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 A stream of gamma rays is cut in half when it passes through a layer of earth 14- cm thick, a layer of wood 25 cm- thick, or a7 armor. plate 2.8 cm thick (figure 22) The source of :neutrons in an atomic explosion is the fissioned nuclei: During an ekplosion, the stream of neutrons is active for a fraction of a second and travels hundreds of meters through the air. A beam of neutrons is weakened when it passes through various substances in the same way that the gamma rays are weakened. The strength of a beam of neutrons is most effectively rediueed by substances containing light elements such as hydrogen, carbon, and others. The force of a neutron beam is ef- ficiently reduced by damp earth, wood, concrete, asphalt, and water. Non-radioactive substances in the earth (particularly in swampy, sandy, saline, or clayey ground)'bec'ome radioactive under the effect, of neutrons. This is also true of some metals. Such radioactive substances lose their radioactivity within.a few hours The' effect. of penetrative radiation, is negligible in the case of under- water and underground explosions This is because, in an underwater and 'underground explosion,. alpiost the entire stream of gamma rays and of neutrons is absorbed by the 'medium surro'unding the blast (water or earth) Penetrative radiation has an injurious effect on the organisms of humans and animalsa The radiation may produce a disorder known as radiation sick- Radiation sickness develops graduallya The course of the disease varies between.-one individual and another and depends on the individual organism:. The severity of the radiation sickness depends for the most part.on the amount of radiation to which the organism was exposed. The amount of radia- tion is measured in.roentge'ns A dose of radiation of between 100 and 200 roentgens may cause only slight illness A dose of over 200 roentgens is more serious. In this case, the illness will be characterized by headache, a rise in temperature, and gastric disturbances. Figure 22 /Reduction of the dose of penetrative radiation by protective layers] The dose of radiation that a person may receive as the result of an atomic explosion depends primarily on his distance from the site of the blast;' it also depends on what protection he has.a There is a sharp decrease in the amount of radiation (gamma rays and neutrons) as the distance from the ex- plosion increases. Persons who are in a shelter at the time of the. explosion. will receive a smaller dose of radiation than persons who are out in the open and are at the same distance from the blast. Trenches, the roofs and 'walls of defensive c'onstruction,,as.well as armor of tanks and self-propelled artillery guns greatly reduce the :effect of.penetrative radiation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -18- Penetrative radiation has no harmful `effe.ct.on some`things5 including !combat 'equipment; Ho ever, the glass. of optical, instruments (binoculars, panoramic sights,., periscopes, et al,) tins dark when it is exposed to a considerable dose- of radiati'on.. Photographic material, such as film and paper, is damaged by the light if it is exposed to as small a dose as two or three roentgens. Radioactive Contamination of Ground and Air in an Atom c Explos ion The air and the terrain in the path of an atomic explosion and along the path of the atomic cloud, as well as equipment, personnel, and animals. not under shelter, may be contaminated by radioactive substances. The radioactive substances that contaminate the terrain following an atomic blast are composed of products of the fission of the nuclei of uranium (plutonium) atoms; of artificially produced radioactive substances formed at. the time of the explosion from non-radioactive substanced found in the composition of the bomb casing; of artificially produced radioactive substances from the soil and other mateials; and of parts of the atomic charge that escaped the reaction at the time of the explosion. The degree to which a locality is contaminated at the time of an atomic blast and the size of the contaminated area depend on the type of explosion (air, surface, underground), on the size of the charge in the bomb, and on meteorological conditions and the character of the terrain and soil. If the explosion takes place in the air, most of the radioactive products rise with the cloud, and the area is not badly contaminated. Near the epicenter of the explosion, contamination is the result primarily of radioactivity in the soil, which is produced by the action of the neutrons. Since the radioactive substances in the soil lose their radioactivity comparatively fast; serious contamination is present only for the first few hours after the blast. When-the atomic explosion takers place on the surface of the ground,, a large part of the radioactive products is mixed with the soil and scattered by the shock wave. Small particles of soil are carried up into the radio= active cloud by the rising air currents-. As the cloud.rises, some. of the radioactive products of the blast settle on the larger dust particles and dross and fall out .onto the ground near the site of the explosion; thus contributing to the radioactive contamination. in the area of the explosion. The fall-out of radioactive substances, together with particles of soil and dust, also continues along the path traveled by the cloud. This leads to the formation of a radioactive trail. Along most, of this trail, the contami nation is not severe; it is only at the points nearest the site of the blast that parts of the trail may be severely contaminated. Rain and snowfall contribute to the rapid fall-out of radioactive sub- stances from the cloud. It may happen that the area nearest to the point of the explosion will become much more acutely contaminated, while the contami- nation of the air is greatly reduced,, A heavy :snowfall following the explosion may bring about some decrease in the intensity of the radioactive radiation, if a. sufficiently protective layer of snow covers the radioactive substances that. have fallen on the area. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 .19- Radioactive. particles are more readily retained on rough or wet surfaces. Surfaces of objects turned toward. the direction of the blast become more .severely contaminated than surfaces which. are facing in the other direction. If a structure has cracks, doors, or other' openings in it? the surfaces of objects in the interior can become c.ontaminate:d* The direction and the force of the with have a considerable influence on the degree of contamination of various parts of a locality and of the .surfaces of -Objects therein: The contamination of the air is worse in areas where there is little vegetation. because of the dust that is blown ups When as atomic explosion occ'ur's underwater, a. large .stratocumulus cloud, which releases radioactive rain, is formed.. A large part of the radioactive substances that are formed in-an underwater blast is retained in the water, which brings about extreme contamination of the water, If an explosion takes place close to shore. the shore .. may become cbn- taminated by radioactive substances, as a result of both the radioactive rain and the radioactive water thrown onto the shore.. People and animals may receive injuries if radioactive substances come into contact with their skin or the mucous membrane of the -eyes,, nose, or, mouth within the organism', or if they are exposed to a beam of beta; particles or, particularly, gamma rays#. If radioactive particle's which have fallen onto the skin or'which have come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, noses or mouth are not removed in time., they may cause sores and inflamaation. When large doses of radiation are received or when radioactive substances have been. taken internally, radiation sickness may result. Radioactive subsstandes are not injurious to combat equipment ; However', in order to avoid injury to personnel by contact with contaminated equipment"... equipment must be freed from radioactive substances by mechanical means. Various chemicals can. be used for this purpose,. a weak solution of acids,: alkali,'alcohol, benzine, etc One of the peculiarities of radioactive substances is that they may be free of any particular odor, color, or other external characteristic that identifies many toxic substances used in .combat. Radioactive contamination. is revealed by special instruments called dosimeters (dozimetricheskiye pribory,). 'The degree of radioactive c'ontaxination 'of an area is characterized by the strength of the dosage of gamma and beta radiation :on the' surface .of the ground; it is measured in roentgens per hour. The' radioactive products of'9n atomic blast fall from the cloud over a large area. However,, the radioactive contamination of the larger part of most of this area does not present a serious hazard to ground forces. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 The length -of time during which it is safe for personnel to remain in a contaminated ar'e'a without injury to their health depends on the degree of radioactivity present. Tine radioactive contamination of as area diminishes continually, because the radioactive substances disintegrate, because these substances are blown away from the surface of the soil by the wind and washed away by the rain, and because they pet rate into the soil* Combat Radioactive Substances (BRV) Specially prepared radioactive substances, called combat radioactive substances (RRV)., can be used in liquid or powder form or as smoke for the purpose of contaminating the terrain, the air', water, produces weapons, war material, -etc. Radioactive substances may also be mixed with poisonous sub:stAnces The injurious?effect of combat radioactive substances does not differ fr= the injurious effect of the radioactive substances released from the blast of an atomic boinbe The contamination. of the terrain and of the air with radioactive sub- stances can be brought about by using guided missiles :(reaktivnyye snaryady), rockets, aerial bombs, artillery shells, and mines charged with these sub.- .stances.. I. GENERAL REMARKS The possibility o:f carrying out atomic strikes by the enemy makes it necessary to adopt special measures for the disruption. of an atomic attack and to organize antiatomic defense. The destruction of atomic weapons and the disruption of an atomic attack by the enemy are effected :according to plans worked out. by the supreme command, Aviation, artillery, and other means are brought into use for this purpose-. GJra of the principal: means used in atomi'c? attack is airplanes (atomic bomb carriers); therefore, the entire system of antiaircraft defense plays an at in warding off atomic strikes by the -enemy, important . A strict observance of camouflage, a skillful use of the cover of night for combat and marches;v and also skillful use of bad (flying) weather are important for azcceesful combat operations, in atomic warfare. Antiatomio defennse is one of the mast important, types, of combat pro`- tection of troops::. These defenses are organized and established by order of the senior officers, but every .commander must independently take all anti- atomic defense measures within his province, regardless of the situation. 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'The purpose of a `warning to the troops is to enable them to take steps in time to ward off, and defend themselves against, the destructive effects of atomic weapons. Personnel are warned by a predetermined signal tram mitted by radio and tale Shore and quickly passed on by aural.or visual .signals-. The purpose of the engineer preparation of the ground in antiatomic de- fense is. to reduce sharply, or, to eliminate completely,, the effect on persgneif, equipment, and, combat materiel of the destructive factors of an atomic ex- plosion, shock wave, penetrative radiation, light flash, and radioactive contatimination.- Radiation reconnaissance must reveal in time the presence of radioactive substances which have dropped on the area following an atomic explosion.or which have been employed directly by the enemy, determine the degree of radia- tion, mark off the contaminated areasy seek. out detours around those areas, and warn the troops promptly to take precautionary measures against radio- active substances. Dosimeters are used to protect personnel from exposure in excess of the safe dosage. The purpose of eradicating the consequences of an atomic attack is to restore rapidly combat preparedness of the troops. This .eradication includes such measures as life saving, extinguishing .of fires, reconstruction of ruined or damaged defense works and communication lines, medical treatment for men and animals, and decontamination of. clothing, equipment, weapons, combat materiel, and rations. II. DEFENSIVE WORKS In. atomic warfare, as in. conventional warfare' trenches .and communi- cation trenches are the basic part of engineer ground organization In an atomic attack by the enemy, they ensure significant reduction in. losses resulting from the shock wave, the light flash,- and penetrative radiation. Large numbers of recesses, slits, refuges, and overhead covers for the protection of personnel and equipment must be built in the trenches and communication trenches. 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Figure 23 shows a. section of trench ?e quipped for antiatomc defense. Figure 23 section of trench equipped for ' ntiatomi.c defenseJ Brush~aoad or cane mats 24), poles, boards, slabs, etc are widely used for the. revetment of slopes. The most stable .of these materials are mats made of brushwood. or caries If the revetment of the slopes _is. to be made of poles and boards, the distance between, the uprights is one meter; the length of the guy wires is two and a half to three meters. The uprights :should. be ten to tvelve centi- meters in diameter, and they must be driven at least fifty centimeters into the ground-. The anchor pickets for the guys must be made of poles six to eight centimeters in diameter,l and they must be driven in to a depth of at least fifty centimeters. Figure 24 'T. LT c'onstruction of revetments from brushwood or cane.? Cross bars made of two poles (skhvatks.)anc a beam (a piece of a '.pole);: placed in,such a manner' as to .push against the uprights, can'be used in place of guy wirers:. If the trench is .1.,8 meters deep or-amore, the: uprights of the revetment must be secured both with poles (~khvatkg)and with guy wires, especially if the trench has been dug in soft ground. If it is impossible to drive the stakes into the ground or if the ground is .soft$ the bottom ends of the uprights :are reinforced by horizontal distance bars If the revetments are made of inflammable material, they must be covered with earth or clay in order to protect them from fire; in winter, they can be painted with whitewash. If long sections of .the trench are revetted, fire- breaks, one to two meters -aide, must be made at intervals of 40 to 50 meters, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO1540R006700490006-5 v v X23_ Fight 25 Covere& section? of trench with covering and revetment J Logs with a ,4iameter of 16 to 20 centimeters are used to cover trenches. The 'ends' of the timbers are' not placed on. the ledgers, but, directly on the ground- The timbers must project at least fifty cent.imeters.. The revet ment of the covered sections of the trenches must leave a space from ten to fifteen centimeters wide at the top; In the absence of logs for the cover- ing, poles, boards, and brushwood fas..cines may be used.. A layer of earth 4G to 50 centimeters.deep is placed over the cover In order to render the -cover-more resistant to the shock wave wind to prevent it from standing out in the surroundings, it is made as level as possible with the ground. A section of trench with cover and revetment is shown in figure 2'5.. In the winter, it is advisable to build arched covers of snow or ice (figure 26 ) over the tre'nc'hes . F6 LArched trench cover made of fascines and snow 'The platforms for machine guns and grenade throwers (figure 27) are built as under ordinary cir'cumstan:ces.. Recesses:., covered with strong shields, must be built near these platforms. Observation.'pits (figure 28), unlike the usual type., are constructed with a covered entrance,'and the hole is, provided with a removable ,shield.. Blinds below the breastwork (figure 29) and recesses. (figure 30) are constructed. with flat or ribbed shields, ferroconcrete hoops, and what- ever materials are at hand... Accesses to the blinds, or recesses, are equip - PA with strong shields or doors. 'Trenches adjoining the blinds are covered for a distance of from four to six meters on both sides of the access to the entrance. No less than, eighty 'centimeters of earth must. cover the blinds and the recesses. Blinds below the breastwork are placed at a 90-degree angle. ti their entrance, or they are turned to face away from the axis of the entrance, so that persons will not be inured by wreckage from the protective doors or shields if,- the latter should bt damaged by the' shriek wave. Slit trenches are revetted.-,, and. they are usually covered, The entrances to slit trenches are covered with strong shields. Figure, -27- latrorm for machine gun, :or grenade thrower 'vith a niche .7 Figure 28 fbserverts foxhole? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Sub-breastwork b .ind:d F OU-re 0 ZOub-breastwork recess-7 Protective Works for Fire Wapons Protective works for fire weapons' (pits for machine gams, grenade` lainwhers, mortars, guns, tank pits) are usually open structures.. Shelters with strong. ly built entrances ar-e` erected to protect personnel and fire weapons in these works:. Trench side's, particularly in soft graund,, are face& with brushwood..,- poles, .etc. Machine guns pits are equipped with blinds for the' protection of the machine' gun crew'. Recesses:novered with strong e v`ers are built for machine guns and ammunition in the front slope of the pit.. In` pits with a broad field of fire, two r'e'cesses may be built, one for the ammunition and one for the machine gun Both recesses are covered with solidly made shields;. Gun pits may be- dug so that the field of fire is marrow; broad, ar circular., In pits for 57 :mm, 85=, and 100 mm gunsthere must be built a platform for firing, one or two blinds for the gun crew, a shelter for the guu ramps for dra ' the to the firing :area and for removing it from tggg gun its shelte'r',,. and recesses for the ammunition (figure 31). Pits for gun's of higher calibr-e are dunk farther into the gr;ound ( figure 32) The framework of blinds used to cover gun, crews is made of standard :shields,, logs, or materials at hand. Entrances to the blinds are equipped with doors': The` framework for gun covers is made of frares placed tightly against each otheer, and the entrance to the shelter is covered with a solidly built shield. In order to reduce the size of the shelter,, for the purpose of reducing the amount. of work and the amount of material used* gun shelters can-be built in such a manner that the front. part of the plate and barrel protrude beyond the shelter;. A trench is dug in the ramp for the spades, The shield that covers the entrance to the shelter is held up .against the framework of the shelter by a timber that ,is in turn, held "by metal lugs. In order to facili- tate the removal of the gun to the firing, space, tracks made of boards or logs are laid along the ramp. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO1540R006700490006-5 Mortar pits are sunk farther into the ground., The shelter for the mortar is built into the front slope of th pit. The entrance to the shelter` is c.ov red with a solid shield,. The blind for the crew and the recesses for the ammunition are built into the sides Of the trenches contiguous to the pit; The conmi=ication trenches are covered in sections 'near recesses and entrances to blinds, i r e 1 flit for 57 nun or 85 nun gun with shelter and blind] When tanks and. self-propelled arrt.illeryy mounts are in position, pits are dug for them with a firing platform, shelter for the tanks, and blinds for the crew (figure 33)= In intermediate position areas and in concentration areas,zhelte`rs are built for the tanks and blinds for the crews (figure 34). A blind furnishes better protection for the crewfrom.penetrative radiation than does tank armor.., A blind should have a cover made of logs, covered with a layer of earth at least one meter thick; the entrance to the blind is equipped with :a` solid protective door. Closed strueture:e for firing and observation provide better protection against atomic `weapons than do. 'p its. Their value lies in. the fact that the covering lessens the effect of the shock wave and of penetrative` radiation and provides complete protection against the light flash. Closed structures may be equipped with ventilation and filter systems for protection-against radioactive aubstanees.. The most vulnerable places in closed. defensive field works are the entrances, gun ports, and ventilation ports.. All openings in defensive 'structures must be provided with doors,, shields, or other covers,,for pro tection from the effect of the cheek wave, The communication trench con- tiguous to the structure is covered with logs 16 to. 20 cm in diameter under a layer of earth 40 to 50 cm thick; the slope's of these sections of cOm- munication trenches are revetted:. The entrance to the structure is equipped with a protective door made of boards from five to seven, centimeters thick.. Figure .32 flit for 122 mm and 152 mm howitzers for firing from position of cover? flit with shelter for ,tedium'-.tanks and self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU), with blind for the crew 7 Ff,gure 34 fhelter for tank or self-propelled artillery mount (Sku) with blind for the cre j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -26.- Figure. _35:. fDTUgdUt of light construction; accomodates ten persons) [The following are the identifying parts to Figure 35 1 Apparatus to protect flue from shock "av'e 2... Sheet steels 2 mm thick:: 3 Shock absorption chamber (v.olnogas itelriaya kamera). 4 Hermetic valve: 5 Sand. 6.. Sand box (this is installed in cle:y) 7. Sheet steel, I mm think. 84 Hermetic partition. 9 Lininga two layers of heavy paper. 10. Segmented board. 11 Plank. 12: Heavy protective door:.. 13 Heavy l]4.a Stove.. '15 Not - leis than 150 cm. i6 Clay, 5 cm. 17 Hermetic partitions. 18. Air filter and ventil4tion. apparatus Fgure..36 shelter for portable communications apparatus, A - Recess B Sub-breastwork b- lind.J In closed structures for observation purposes, apertures and ports are equipped with doors or removable shields; periscopes are provided to ensure observation during atomic attack: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 7- 'The' entrance to. the structure is also equipped with a protective door,. Dugouts are the most ;satisfactory sheltera for persbnnei, since they provide protection from the effects of at oinic weapons, Each dugout is provided with at least two entrances one of which is kept for emergency use and is built to resemble a mine shaft. The main entrance is' equipped `with.or:e or two air locks tambur )' The outer door of the air locks is.a protective door, while the others are, protective and hermetical, Ihe. they are built in such a manner as to be airtight when closed. The construction. of the` air locks must be as solid as that of the framework of the shelter. In order to prevent the shock wave from penetrating into the dugout, airtight apertures are equipped with anti-explosive valves or with gravel shock absorbers (yolnogasiteli), which automatically close the aperture when the shock wave first hits,* In the absence? of such valves or shock absorbers, apertures for .smoke and other outlets are covered manually with hermetic .doors. Communications equipment (portable radio sets, telephones) is kept in blinds or special shelters (figure' 36). If time is lacking, slit trenches with recesses for personnel and material are built. Communications cables are laid at a depth of 20 to 25 cm. 3, Shelters for 'Transport E9, . uipment,, Eq 4pme'nt, Rations, and. Horses. Ditches figure 37) with ramps leading into them are built as shelters for automobiles and tractors,. they are dug in such ,a manner as to be one= half meter deeper than the height of the, Vehicle, In soft ground, these shelters are revetted. Blinds are built for the drivers near the automobiles and tractors. Fi .37 /-Shelter' for motor vehicles, - in flat ground; b - in inclined ground Technical equipment is placed,, in its packing, in. ditches up to 1..5 meters deep and 1.5 to 2 meters 'wide; the ditches are covered with a light covering or canvas Ammunition is placed in ravines, depressions, or specially dug shelters, at a distance from the storage places of other types of material. The ddis- tan ce`between the shelters must be greater than. under' ordinary conditions, and the quantity of ammunition in eachshelter mast be less Fuels and lubricants are kept in ditches, 'one to 1*5 meters deep and 1,.8 toy meters vide , with ramps leading into them (figure 38). Trench-like shelters can be built one meter deep; in this case; the barrels containing the fuels and lubricants are covered with a layer of earth five to ten cent i- meters deep. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 v -2$- It is advisable to bury large' containers of fuel at a depth of no less than one to 1.5 meters. In order to obtain fuel from, such largo tanks, it is necessary to build a shaft over the hatch of these tanks. Ater for fuels and lubricants j A dugout of light construction (figure 4+0) is built in the front slope Of trenches for the storage of rations and clothing. It is advisable. to store field rations and forage in ditchers, up to 1.5 meters deep, covered with flooring at the bottom and revetments at the side, Slit trenches .are provided with light covers or canvas.. If there' is a considerable amount .of ground water,. the rations are stored in bundles on planking laid Above ground (figure )). In populated areas, rations are stored in masonry buildings (warehouses, dwellings, cellars) Fi39 ftora:ge' of large fuel tankJ Horses are sheltered in ditches tip to two meters deep with ramps lead- ing dawn into themb Figur38 F figure 40. storage dugout for rations and clothing j sat ions Figure' 4.1 stored inbundlesJ k.Y. Camouflage of Defensive Works Camouflage assumes a role of particular importance under conditions in which atomic weapons ark- used, The existing,.standard camouflage covers ('tabelnyye maski )can be destroyed. by the shock wave, or they may be set on fire by the light flash. In order to. increase, the resistance of standard covers to the effects of the' shock wave of an atomic blast, the covers be reinforced with additional inner and outer braces: The bracesare, moue' effective if the cover is-attached to the ground. The camouflage coverts offer better resistance to the effects of the light. flash if they are made Of metal screens with metal filings woven into them or of weather proof ,(atmosferousrto rehivaya), paper or cloth, which have ~ ~i 1 ?; ? been made fireproof ogne'7ashchitnyy sostav) Standard camouflage equipment made of cotton mesh or cloth is made more resistant to the effects of the light flash if it is impregnated or painted in order to make it fire-resistants Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Camouf .age made of materials at. hand (mats made of =cane, brushwivod strawy etc, can be made more resistant to fire if it is soaked in or spread with watery clay. III,. BONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT:usED IN CHEMICAL WARFARE Personal protection equipment:used__in..chemical warfare is. used in Lng contamination. from radioactive , s bstantes e Personal protective equipment is used to from the.:effects of the light flash as well as from the effects of radioactive substances. Gas masks provide adequate protection against the entry of radioactive substances into the respiratory passages The rules for the use of the gas mask as protection against radioactive substances are the same as those used for protection against chemical agents "oyevyye otravlyayushcbiye veshchestva)i. The:protective cape is used to protect skin and, clothing from radioactive substances. The cape-matting '(nakidka-podstil)- is usedto protect clothing from contamination when passing through contaminated_ areas. The protective stockings are worn for also when entering a contaminated areal The protective gloves are worn. as protection for the hands, especially when handling contaminated weapons (equipment)while carrying out decontami- nation work, Figure 42 Matt in.g made from materials at hand: A from straw B - from brushwoog The protective, overalls or protective suit can be used whenever it is necessary to work in a contaminated area. In the absence of standard individual means of antia:tomic defense,, one makes use of materials at hand for protective covering against radioactive substances. Among the materials at hand.which may be used to protect the respiratory passages are towels, handker.shiefs, cotton-, or gauze. One must fold the towel, handkerchief, or gauze into several layers, wet it in. water, wear it as a. mask over the nose and mouth;. and breathe through it.a, Mats made from, materials on hand s` g,.,.straw on brushwood, can be used to protect clothing from contamination by radioactive.sub-stances (figure 42). They are used as bedding in a contaminated area and in passing through a contaminated area not more than 500 in deep:, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Shoes may be protected from radioactive substances by using sacking ('meshkovina), worn-out cotton protective wrapping ('nakidka (figure 43), or shoe wraps ('chuni)(figure 44). They are used in the same way as when passing through an area contaminated with -~chem3a1 agents. Figure 43 How to wrap legs with strips from. protective wrapping.7 Figure 144. LShoe wraps] Horses may be prote'cted from contamination by radioactive substances by use of gas masks and protective goggles designed for horses, as well as by the use of cloaks and leggings. 1. Organization of Radiological Reconnaissance Radiological reconnaissance is undertaken in order to make it possible to take prompt measures to protect personnel from contamination by radio- active substances. All units (chasti.) and small units ('podrazdeleniya), including those in the rear, are permanently, and in all circumstances, engaged in this recon- naissance. It is the responsibility of all commanders and leaders of .all grades up to and including company (battery) level, to organize radiological recon- naissance. Radiological reconnaissance is carried out by organic ,(shtatnyye') chemical small units; if there are no--such small units, it is carried out by sections, teams, or crews specially trained in chemical defense ;(khimizirovan- nyye) . Chemical and radiological reconnaissance are usually carried out together, but, depending on the circumstances, they may be performed separately. Radiological reconnaissance (like chemical reconnaissance) is performed by patrols, observation posts, and separate chemical and dosimeter specialists (khimiki-dozimetristy.). At the time. of reconnaissance, warning signs are used-to mark the limits of contaminated zones, detours around them, and routes through them (figure '45) An area is considered to be contaminated if the intcens'ity.of:radiation exceeds 0.1 roentgen per hour; it is considered severely contaminated if the intensity is' higher than 5 roentgens per hour; and it is considered dangerously contaminated if the radiation exceeds 100 roentgens per hour. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 The results of the reconnaissance are reported to the commanders of the small units or to the persons who organized the reconnaissance; these persons determine the necessary measures to be taken for protection againstcontamir nation from radioactive substances; 2_. Conduct of Radiological Reconnaissance Chemical Observation Posts For the purpose of carrying out radiological observation, chemical observation posts are set up in the area where their small units are sta- tioned.or in action. These. observation posts are equipped both with instru- ments for chemical reconnaissance and with dosimeters. A post is manned by two or three men, one of whom,..:is put in command.. Figure .45 Meaning of warning siikns placed in areas contaminated by radioactive'substancesj The chemical observation post conducts radiological reconnaissance with dosimeters at regular and irregular intervals. Periodic surveys are made of the assigned area within a radius. of 600 meter's.; The post also maintains un- interrupted observation of the direction of travel of the atomic cloud pro- duced by the blast. Irregular readings of the instruments are taken after an:-enern -:plaheshas flown past, after an air attack or an artillery barrage, during the laying of a smoke screen by the enemy, and when the atomic cloud is moving toward the location of the small unit. Radiological observation is. carried out on.the post by observers on a regular schedule. Surveys of the area, following an air or artillery attack, are per- formed by a non-scheduled ('svobodnyy),'6bsebrver. The observer in command ('starshiy nablyudatel) keeps under observation the direction of movement of the cloud produced by the atomic blast4 The observer in command enters all data On radiological observation of the post in the 'observation log (zhurnal nablyudeniya}'? An example of such entries is given blow. LOG OF CHEMICAL OBSERVATION POST NO. 5 Site of Time Area .of Subject .of When and observa- ~of cebservam. observation to whom tion (co- -observa tion reported Ordinates) tion Elevation 1200 100 meters Bombing near the Commanding "Kruglaya" this. side'- "Uzkaya" ravine,, officer, of Orient- Detection Of 2nd Rifle ation :: contamination of Company, Point No.2 ".Uzkaya"ravine and at. 12:15 "Zelenyy"shrubs d:is- covered. Intensity of radiation at 0.2 roentgen er hour' p . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -32- The observer in c'vmmand reports the detection of radioactive contami- nation to;his commanding officer, at whose order he gives the chemical alarm signal. When efennsive> in areas of concentration, after the occupation of the of the When on tdeparture d defensive iskhodnoye polozheniA, for the attack, and after the disposition ..{of troopsi) in place, the chemical observation posts. are set up in areas advantageous for observations which, as a rule,, are near theobser- vation posts of the c mnnanfor.s of small units During attack-and during troop movement, chemical observation posts are .moved along with the observation posts of the commanders; this ensures the detection of radioactive contamination and the measuring of the intensity of radiation along the line of march: The function of the chemical observation posts is the same during deployment as it is in defense: When troops are transported by train, the chemical observation posts are set up at the head of the echelon.U, In this case,, the observer takes a periodic reading of the dosimeter; if he detects radioactive contamination,.: he reports to the chief of the eaheelon.. Dosimeter Patrols Dosimeter patrpts are dispatched to survey the area of troop activity or adjacent areasy in 'rder to detect radioactive contamination, to make a recon- naissance of detected contaminated areas (determining the intensity. of,-radiation and marking the borders of the contaminated area), and to make a preliminary survey of the .s itee of the atomic blast. A patrol is composed of from three to five men, one of whom is in command. Radiological reconnaissance of roads' and lines of march may be carried out in a motor vehicle (armored ?carrier, tank) or on foot. While on the march, one of the dosimeter operators takes a reading at intervals of from.150 to 200 meters If radioactive contamination of the area is discovered; a brief halt is made. The men of the patrol put on individual :protective clothing and get out of the vehicle, At the order Of the patrol 'commander, they measure the intensity of the radiation and. mark off the outer limit of the contaminated. area of the road -(or line of march) which has a radiation in- tensity of 0.1 roentgen per hour. Warning signs are put up on the shoulders of the read at points where they can be seen most -easily.: The commander of the patrol reports any- detection of radioactive con- termination to his commanding officer, After marking off the outer limit of the contaminated zone, the patrol. again, gets into the vehicle (armored car, tank) and continues along the road through the are. of contaminations, measuring the intensity of radiation every 100 to 150 meters, This is done' by stopping the car and measuring the radia- tion from the &ar. The dosimeter is held in the hand at a height of one meter from the ground: When the patrol reaches an area in which the intensity of radiation is five roentgerApier hour, the 'men come to a halt and mark off the border of the zone of severe contamination. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 -33" The patrol makes a detour around any area with a radiation intensity of over 100-roentgens per hour, having first marked off its border with the required warning signs, Patrols are usually Sent. t in tanks for the reconnaissance of an area with a radiation intensity of over 100 roentgens per hour.. In passing through a contaminated area, a vehicle (armored carrier, tank) also becomes contaminated by..rradioactive substances It is?, therefore, im- possible to determine the rear boundary of a contaminated zone by taking measurements from the 'vehicle Having driven through a zone of severe con- tamination, it is necessary to measure the intensity of radiation at a dis- tance of ten to fifteen meters from the vehicle:. When the patrol has reached the rear boundary of the contaminated section of road. (line of march) with a radiation intensity of O..l roentgen per hour, the patrol marks it off; the patrol commander reports on this to the officer who sent out the patrol. Before setting out on reconnaissance for the purpose of detecting radio- active contamination. the patrol commander marks on a map or a sketch several routes to be followed which will provide coverage of the -entire area. Patrols in vehicles (armored carrier,, tank) follow these routes and... with roentgen meters? check for radioactive contamination. The 'procedure for reconnaissance in areas known to be contaminated is determined by combat conditions,, the. nature of the terrain, and-the presence of friendly troops in the area to be surveyed: When the area to be reconnoitered is occpied by troops,. the first place in which the patrols measure the intensity of radiation is the area where the troops are located, .. lb accomplish this) the ,patrol .proceeds: by .vehirle (armored carrier, tank), or on foot if the combat situation or the terrain does not permit the use of a motor vehicle, the patrol moves in the direction of the unit (small unit.) cbmmanderYs observation pointy measuring the in- tensity of radiation along the way (figure 46) The patrol commander receives orders from the unit (small unit) commander concerning the areas to be surveyed. The patrol commander may send instrument men there, or he and the entire patrol.,with an, armored carrier or tank,- may go to each of the areas in turn. When the survey has been completed, the patrol commander reports to, the commanding officer of the unit (small unit) on the intensity of radiation in the areas surveyed. Figure 46 foutes taken. by dosimeter patrol in surveying an. area occupied by troops] An area not occupied by troops may also be patrolled-either on foot or in a vehicle When a patrol detects a contaminated area, while surveying in a vehicle (armored carrier, ta'ok), it moves along its outer limit, indicating it with warning signs. If there is no lateral boundary to the contaminated area in the strip of land to be surveyed,- the patrol" cuts across the contaminated area,, measuring the intensity of radiation every 100 to 150 meters. When the trol reaches the rear boundary of the contaminated area, the men mark it. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 v When the patrol is on foot. it proceeds as.fllovs (figure l+7): Dosimeter operator Now Z_ goes across thy` contaminated zone., following the main direction to be taken by the patrols He measures the intensity of the radiation and marks the front and. rear boundaries of the contaminated area. Dosimeter operators -Now 2 and'No: 3 move out to the right and the left of the main direction.. They stay on the boundary line of the contaminated area and mark it off; if the lateral boundary of the contaminated area is not located within the zone assigned to the patrol for survey,$ dosimeter' operator No, 2 or-No* 3 (in the sketch it Is dosimeter oPerator No. 2) crosses the (contaminated) area. along the edge of the strip which is being surveyed and measures the intensity, of radiation; when he reaches the rear boundary of the contaminated areas he marks it, following the main direction taken by the patrol, The patrol commander follows behind dosimeter operator No. 1, directs the operations of the dosimeter operators, and takes control readings of the radiation intensity. At the assembly point, the dosimeter operators: report to the patrol commander on the results of the survey. When the, patrol proceeds on. foot and. under e`remy fire, the dosimeter operators go in pair's along the routes assigned to them, keepinglunder cover and moving ahead in short runs or, crawling from one cover to the next. When they have located the boundary of the contaminated area and determined the intensity of radiation in the area, they proceed to the assembly pointy where they report the results of the reconnaissance to the patrol commander* The` patrol commander accompanies one of the pair going in the main direction of the survey and directs the. operations -of the dosimeter operators, Figs, 47. f Diagram of operations of a dosimeter patrol when surveying a contaminated area not occupied by troops) When :seeking a safe saute through the portion. of the contaminated area assigned to him# the patrol commander designates several. routes at a distance of 200 to 300 meters apart, The patrol proceeds along each of these routes in turn in a vehicle (armored.carriery tank) and measures the radiation inten-- sit_y every 100 to 150 meters If it is impossible to take a vehicle (armored carrier,, tank) through the area,- the' patrol spreads"?ot along the front boundary of the contaminated area. and the dosimeter operators then cross the area on, foot keeping a distance of from 200 to 300 meters between one another (figure 48). At the assembly. point, the patrol commander records on a sketch intensity of radiation along the path taken by each operatorii He ascertains which is the most passable and the shortest and chooses the .safest. and most. convenient of them. Figure 48 /iagram of operations of .dosimeter patrol in search of safe route through contaminatedd, area. ] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -35- Radiation reconnaissance of large ar_e'as: and of long roads or lines of march can also be made by plane The intensity 'of radiation is measured inside the plane,. which flies at, a height of ko0 meters or less. Functions of a Dosimeter Operator Attached toa Reconnaissance Unit.,~ a Security Detachment, or Detachpontg,pf Traffic Control It is the task of dosimeter operators 'who are part of a reconnaissance or a security ('okhraneniye), small unit or of a detachment of' traffic control (otryad obespecheniya dvizheniya_7 to detect in time the presence of contaminated zones in the direction (in the area) In which the security or reconnaissance unit operates: The dosimeter operators must designate these zones and determine the intensity of radiation in them. They also seek safe routes through the contaminated zones and detect spots with a high de- gree of radiation. A dosimeter operator assigned to a reconnaissance or security small unit. or to a detachment of traffic control usually proceeds at the head of. ? the column of the small unit., near the commanding officer: He takes an. in- strument reading every 5a to 100 meterb* when on the march. When the dosimeter operator discovers radioactive contamination., he re- ports this to the commander of the small units: at whose order he then measures the radiation intensity and puts up warning signs.: When it is necessary to find a detours the dosimeter operator checks on the presence of radioactive contamination along the routes indicated by the unit commander. If the reconnaissance or se-curity small unit or the detachment of traffic control is motorized., the dosimeter operator determines the presence of radioactive contamination without. leaving the vehicle. If he discovers contamination, a short halt is made to enable him to determine the intensity of radiation and to put up a warning sign.. 3. Dosimeter 'Tnswe-ejIon Dosimeter control (d.ozimetricheskiy Xon e;) is one of the measures taken to protect troops- from, injury caused by radioactive substances. It is" subdivided into inspection..of radiatioh.exposure k(kontrol radioaktivriogo oblucheniya,7 and inspection of radioactive contamination ((kontrol radio-- aktivnogo zarazheniya). Inspection of radiation exposure consists of measuring the dosage re- ceived by personnel operating in a contaminated zone following an atomic ex- plosion, after the use of combat,.radioactixe.; substances, or while decon- taminating weapons,. equipment., or materiel. Inspection of radiation exposure .of troops operating in a contaminated area is subdivided into group inspection and individual inspection. Group inspection of exposure is performed by.dosimeter operators. The dosimeter operator sets up his instrument at the point in the unites location where the intensity of radiation is at the highest; he takes readings and makes periodic reports to the commanding officer on the dosage received by personnel, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -36- These same dosimeter operators have the task of ascertaining the inten- sity of radiation in areas of troop activity and of taking measures to protect them from radioactive sub.stancesa Small ionization chambers, fromthe sets for individual inspection, are used in individual inspection for exposure.. The data obtained in measuring the dosage of radiation is -entered in the 'exposure record, Inspection of radioactive contamination (kontrol radi,oakt.ivnogo zarazheniya) of personnel, animals a. weapons t- technical equipment, material and rations is performed when combat duties have been fulfilled and the troops have left the contaminated area, and also during the course of complete sanitary processing and decontamination. Dosimeter posts... through which the troops must pass.- are set up for the purpose ,of inspecting radioactive contamixation of troops upon their departure from a contaminated area. The dosimeter operators at these posts measure the degree of contamination from radioactive substances of all personnel,: weapons and equipment. If it is learned in. the course of the inspection that the'degree of con- hmination exceeds the safety norms, personnel are put through sanitary pro- cessing, and the animals receive treatment fr.oin a veterinarian.. Weapons, technical equipment, and rations are decontaminated, Dosimeter control during complete sanitary processing and decontami- nation is performed by dosimeter operators in inspection and clearing posts (kontrolno-raspredelitelnyye punkty) and by dosimeter operators at medical and decontamination sections, 4. Dosimeters (Dozimetriche'Skiye Pribory) The basic instruments used in radiological reconnaissance and in dosL- meter control are roentgen meters,rrentgenometry), radiometers (radiometry), and dosimeters (dozitietr..y ).. The roentgen meter is intended for use in measuring the intensity of radiation in contaminated areas. The basic parts of the roentgen meter are the ionization chamber:, a direct current amplifier? an electric meter (microampere meter), and batteries (istochniii pitaniya)o The operation of the roentgen meter is based on the following principle... When beta.and gamma rays enter the ionization chamber, an ionized current is produced in the chamber"gs circuit, this current is boosted and then measured by the mi;croampere..metbr. Figure 4+9 Roentgen meter DP 1-9 The reading of the microampere meter is in proportion to the strength of the current that is formed in the ionization chamber; it is, therefore, also proportional to the intensity of the radiation., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 The roentgen meter makes it possible to measure an intensity :of 'radia- tion of up to 107 roentgens per hour and to ascertain the boundaries of a contaminated zone and the portions ;of It that are severely and dangerously ,contaminated. During reconnaissance. of a contaminated locality,: the roentgen meter DP 1-A is worn against the chesty and the operato'r' watches the indicator con- tinuously (figure 50) The' carrying position f the roentgen meter is shown in fig8res 51 and 524 Figure 50 Position of the roentgen meter DP 1-A when in use? Figure .51 position of the roentgen meter for long-distance carrying] Figure 52 ffosition of the roentgen meter when being carried short distances] The radiometer is used to determine the degree of radioactive contami- nation on various surfaces, such as the surfaces of food, water, air, cloth- ing, and skim when the-Object.-or person has left the contaminated area. The contamination 'of various. obects is.. measured by the amount of decomposition (raspad) of radioactive substances which takes place in one minute within one square centimeter of surface. Figure 53 shows a radiometer of the type DP i1A'. This instrument makes it possible to measure the contamination of objects up to 600,000 decompositions per minute in ;one square centimeter. Figure 53 fadiometer DP 11-A7 The radiometer DP ll-A is used primarily to check contamination of persons, weapons, technical equipment, and supplies at decontamination stations (obmyvoebno-dezaktivat,sionnyye punkt~). -:It ?e.lso-enables tine to measure:.-small intensities of gamma radiation (up to 03 roentgens per hour), which makes it possible to use radiometer DP 11-A in radiation reconnaissance of an area by plane The fundamental parts of the' radiometer are: e>. meter, an electrical im- pulse amplifier,- an, impulse converter (preobrazovatel impulsov), an electric meter, and batteriesa The. radiometer works on the following principle. When the beta parti- cles and the gamma; rays act on the meters 'electrical impulses arise in the meters circuit.. They are first boosted and then transmitted to the im- pulse converter, where they are converted into direct current. The magni- tude of this current, proportional to the amount of beta particles and gamma rays acting on the meter, is measured by a microampere meter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Fidecih ?osition.of radiometer DP ll-A when in usel The two parts of radiometer DP 11-A -the sounding rod and the gauge panel- are connected by a flexible cable. The instrument is equipped with headphones for sound detection. When in uses the instrument box is worn on the chest) while the sounding rod is held in the hand (figure 51+)e For detection of contamination, the sounding rod is brought to a distance of one or two centimeters from the sur- face suspected of being contaminated, and: signals are listened for on the headphones* An uninterrupted crackling on the headphones means' that the surface is contaminated.. The degree of contamination of the .surface is re c ordded on a dial.. The dosimeter is' use& for measuring the total dosage of radiation re-7 ceived by personnel while in a contaminated area A dosimeter called a komplekt individualnogo kontrolya is used in in divid.ual inspection. It consists of 200 separate ionization ion chambers and of a charge-gauging panel(zaryadno-izmeriteln 'y pult) which measures electri- cal charges The ionization chambers are small and Brill fit in the pocket of a tunic. Each soldier and NCO is issued an ionization chamber of the type DP 21- A before 'entering a contaminated area or an area subject to atomic attack. Upon departure from the contaminated area.. the chamber is turned in in :order to measure the extent of the dosage with the aid of the charge-gauging panel. An ionization chamber and the .charge-gauging panel are shown in figure 55. ,Ionization chambers measure' dosages from zero to 50 roentgens: Figure 55. fSet DP 21- (A - Charge-gauging panel for measuring electrical charges. B Ionization chamber used in individual control of -ex- posure to radiation.) V. SANITARY (VETERINARY) PROCESSING AND DECONTAMINATION. 1> Organization of Sanitary (Veterinary) Processing and Decontamination Sanitary processing for troops (veterinary treatment for animals) and the decontamination of weapons, technical equipment,- clothingy and supplies have as their aim the prevention of injury to personnel from radioactive substances:,. The removal 'of radioactive substances from, the skin and the mucous membranes of the eyes,: nosey and mouth of people Is called sanitary proces- sing (sanitarnaya.obrabotka) and in case of animals - veterinary processing (vet-erinarnaya obr& otka). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -39- The removal of radioactive substances from weapons, combat materiel, equipment, defensive works,: the area, and also from water and food is called decontamination (dezaktivatsiya). Sanitary and veterinary processing, and also decontamination,are usually carried out only in. such cases in which the contamination exceeds the norms ,of safety Sometimes, when it is impossible to determine the actual degree of contamination, sanitary processing and decontamination are performed as a preventive measure v In such cases sanitary and veterinary processing, and also decontamination,are never carried out at the expense of the combat object ive:, Depending on tile.eombat situe.tion, sanitary and veterinary processing and. decontamination may be fulfilled either partially or completely, and the procedure is therefore divided into partial and complete processing Partial sanitary (veterinary) processing and also partial decontam.i- nation are conducted in the immediate contaminated area or near it.. In partial sanitary proces.sing,radioactive.substances are removed from the exposed parts of the body; in partial decontamination, from the whole area of the contaminated objects with which personnel :come into contact. First comes sanitary processing, followed by decontamination. After the decontam- t. ination , partial sanitary processing is repeated. Complete sanitary (veterinary) processing and complete decontamination are performed only in uncontaminated areas,'and, as a rule, either after the fulfillment of the combat mission or during a lull in the hostilities on order of the senior officer. In complete sanitary (veterinary) pr"ocessin.g,radioactive substances are removed from the entire body .of the person (animal). In complete decontamination, radioactive substances are removed from all surfaces of weapons, technical equipment,- clothing, supplies, and other -objects, Partial dismantling :of'weapons and technical equipment, for the purpose of removing radioactive substances from inaccessible place's, is permitted in complete decontamination Dosage inspection (dozimetricheskiy kontrol) to determine the degree of contamination of pers.onnelf:animals, clothing.,. weapons, technical equipment, and supplies is performed both before and after complete sanitary (veterinary) processing and complete decontamination.. Sanitary (vet:erinary) processing and decontamination, are considered com- pleted when all radioactive substances have been removed from the bodies of personnel_, animals, and from contaminated objects, or when the degree of con- tamination has dropped to a safe level. Decontamination stations are unit positions for the ex- ecution of complete sanitary processing of personnel, for veterinary proces- sing of animals, and for the decontamination of weapons, technical equip- ment, clothing,,- and supplies? The composition of these stations is as follows - A section (ploshchadka) for the' decontamination of weapons and techii- cal equipment. A section (ploshchadka) for the decontamination of clothing and equip- me'nt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO1540R006700490006-5 A. section (plosheha'dka) for sanitary processing. A section (ploshehadka) for veterinary processing (this section is set up when. theme are animals :3n.? need of processing) Units which must 'undergo complete sanitary processing and decontamina- ti6n concentrate in waiting .areas (rayony ozhidaniya) (figure 56), These wain g areas are in sheltered places at. a distance of fr-om-one-half to one kilometer from the -decontamination 1station (obmyvochno-dezaktivatsionnyy punkt): The units may perform partial sanitaryprocess ling and partial decontami- nation in the raaiting area, if this was not done earlier, From, the waiting area the turn, proceed to the inspection and clearing station (kontrolxio=-raspredelite:lnyy punkt)* At this station they undergo dosage inspection Depending on the results of the inspection, the units are sent to the decontamination st.tion (if the degree of contamina- tion exceeds the safe norms) or the assembly area (rayon sbora) (If '.the degree of less or within the allowable limit of the safe norms) Figure .56 Ziagram showing traits processing through the decontamination station] A unit which has been ordered to the decontamination station reports, together with weapons and technical. equipment,, to the contaminated half of the section for decontamination of weapons and technical equipment, where the unit personnel are assigned work positions, attire themselves, in pro- tective clothing, and proceed with the decontamination of their weapons and technical equipment, under the supervision of the decontamination special- ists (khim.iki-&ezaktivatory) in the sections., Having decontaminated their weapons and technical equipment,,. they pro- ceed to the deontaminatedhalf of the section for dosage inspection (dozimetricheskiy kontrol). If the contamination of weapons and technical equipment still exceeds the safe norms, decontamination must be repeated.. Following the decontamination of weapons and technical equipment, the unit personnel report to the section for the decontamination of clothing and -equipment,, where they remove their protective clothing and undergo dosage inspection and leave behind outer clothing and equipment to be de'contami- nated. (After decontamination, the clothing and equipment re subjected to dosage inspection and.are-taken by a special carrier (podnoschik) to the dressing room at the section for sanitary processing.) The decontamination of clothing and equipment is carried out by specially selected teams:. From the section. for the decontamination of clothing and equipment, the unit personnel proceed to the section for sanitary processing (to the dress- ing room of the unit): Upon completion of the sanitary?proce:ssing7 the unit personnel proceed to the decontaminated half of the section for the decontamination of weapons and technical equipment, where they clean and oil the decontaminated weapons and technical equipment and then report to the assembly area Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 if there is a large accumulation of weapons and technical equipment at the decontaminated hall of the section,,,, the cleaning and oiling may be done at the assembly area. If the contam:Lnat on of the` personnel is ten times greater than the per- missiblenorm, the men proceed immediately to the sanitary processing sectionif omitting the other sections. Sanitary Prpoessing', Procedure for Partial Sanitary Processing In partial sanitary processing the exposed parts of the body (face.,$ neck,.- 'hands) a`re' washed and the mouth is rinsed with clean (uncontaminated) water (figure 57). If there is a lack of water, the exposed parts of the body are wiped off with. a rag,- towel-1 orr handkerchief moistened with water, (figure 58) Ifith processing takes place in a contaminated area, they must not take off protective clothing. Therefore, radioactive substances are removed only from the unprotected parts of the body, and `(thi. is-418-dalily "dons .twice > Partial.sanitary processing is performed before and after decontamination of the position, weapons) technical equipment, and defenses b Figure' 57 cashing the exposed parts of the body with uncontaminated wat:erj .In such cases where personnel have been in a contaminated area without means of protection, the exposed parts of the body should be wa:she'd or wiped off; after which protective clothing is put:on and the position and-weapons are decontaminated,,, After then decontamination of the position and the weapons, it is again necessary to wash or wipe off the exposed parts of the body with damp rags. Water from a source located in a contaminated area may be used only after a decontamination inspection of the source and on the approval of the medical inspector If there is`no'water nearby or if the avialable water is not to be used., the exposed parts of the body are wiped off with rags dampened with water from a flask. Figure 58 /Wiping off exposed parts of the body) ,If there is no clean water, a wad may be dampened with the liquid that comes in the gas-casualty first-aid kit (figure 59) In an emergency; the 'expose'd parts of the body are wiped off with a dry wad. or cloth. In using the liquid from the gas,-casualty first-aid.kit, care must be taken in wiping the liquid from the face so that it does..not, drop into the eyes, mouth,. and nose.. -T- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Figure 59 Pr?ocedure for partial sanitary processing, 'with the use of liquid in the gas-casualty first-aid kitJ To clean parts which have been eontaminattd with radioact ive substances, the wiping is done in one direction only (.n back and forth); it follows as well to change the contaminated wad ,for.,: a clean oneo If the circumstances permit,, partial sanitary processing should be per- formed outside contaminated areas by the following procedure: Remove the protective cape* shake off the dust from the clothing,.and remove the protective stockings (In shaking off.dust,. it is necessary to take account of the direction of the wind, in order to avoid getting dust on oneself and others .) Remove the gas mask and protective gloves,. after this wash the hands,. and wash the exposed parts of the body two or three tames, paying, particular attention to ,clean ngof: the head and the removal of dirt from under the fingernails; if there is 'a lack of water; wipe off the exposed parts of the body two or three times with cloths' (towels, handkerchiefs, or other clean.. material) dampened with clean (uncontaminateed) water? - Blow the nose and -carefully wash with, uncontaminated water,. and rinse the mouth. In the case of wounds, burns, and other injuries, first aid is given, followed by partial sanitary proces.siig. Procedure for Complete Sanitary Processing Complete sanitary processing is done in the sanitary processing section of the decontamination station.; Figure 60 /Washing under .a sh'owe'r during complete sanitary processing procedure.? Sanitary processing may take place out of doors, under a roof,: or in tents. During cold weather, warm mud huts or heated tents are erected for complete sanitary processing. in the larger populated areas; complete sanitary processing can be performed in the public baths; The section for sanitary processing has a disrobing room., shower,: and dressing room. In the disrobing room, personnel turn in papers and valuables for safe- keeping.. After that they take ;off clothing and underwear and undergo dosage inspection, During the dosage inspection, each person has: pointed out to him the parts of the body to which he must pay particular attention during wash- ing. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 _)3- Ff61 lashing with water from pans In the disrobing room persons .with. skin; breaks (abr,sions. scratches) receive temporary bandages for the injured parts The shower section is set up with shower apparatus (figure 60). In the' shower section, personnel receive soap and bast rags and are assigned in pairs to showers The washing is supervised by a sanitation. instructor. Each man going thzough the sanitary processing washes his hands carefully with soap and removes the' dirt from unifier his. fingernails; he washes his head, face,-and neck once or twice, paying speci:al attention in the washing of the ears, areas covered by hair and also the washing of the eyes, and rinsing himself. Hot water should be used for washing. In such canes where the washing section is not adequately equipped with showers and for sanitary processing in small sub-sections not near a decontamination. station, the water can be heated in cooking pots, cans", metal barrels? or other metal containers. At least one bucket of water must be heated for each person.; In the absence of a shoraer, installation.. bu kets, pans, bowls, or other vessels are used for washing (figure 61) ; Two men may not use the same vessel at thee same time for washing. Regardless of the sectionrts equipment for sanitary processing, washing is done standing -up. Bathing under a shower re- quires ten minutes per person. while washing from a bowl takes fifteen to twenty minutes Figure -62 roc.edure for sanitary processing in the :summer- After departure from the, showers personnel, undergo dosage inspection. If the degree of contamination proves to be less than the permissible norm, personnel proceed to the dressing room. If it is higher,. they return to the showers fora second washing.. Fib fanitary processing of a 'rininded man In the dreading room, personnel put on their decontaminated clothing or exchange pool clothing,. uniftrm,. and equipment., Bandages that were placed on injuries before the men went to the showers are replaced by fresh ones, arid, if needed., other medical assistance is given Personnel go from the de contaminant ion station to the assembly area . In the suer, sanitary processing (partial or complete) may take place in a river, lake (figure 62) or other water resercli?.t with running water. Representatives of the chemical and medical service choose the location. for sanitary processing, The place for sanitary processing is set off for un- dressing; and designation is ode'-cf., a place for entry and exit from. the water and a : section for dressing. For the complete decontamination of clothing and equipment,: the place set up is near, the area .for undressing, taking into account the direction of the wind Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Sanitary prones;siig in a `rive or lake' is conducted, under' the` supeirvision of the sub-section commander;, A guard system for personnel,: supplies.# and combat equipment. is set-up. 'The wounded and si&. u itergo sanitary processing in aid stations. (medit.s inskiye punkty) and military hospitals (figure 63) 3= becontamiration. I?e contamiryat ion :of Small Arms (Carbines.), Rifles .$u bma .chic .e Guia's y Heavy and .Light Machine Guns) The decontamination of carbines`, rifles,, aui machine guns, and light or heavy machine guns is carried but by personnel to when the weapons are charged. In e'ompl-ete, or partial do.cantamiMtibn3 weapon is cleaned. the entire .surface of the In partial tarn tion,while protective clothing is worn, four to six wads made of rags (tow) are prepared,, The weapon is then placed in a vertical or, inclined. position, and is carefully wiped off with the rags or patch e,s which have been. thoroughly wet with water (g .s"oline, kerosene) 617 with the. gas=de?. ntamir ti i liquid; The gas-decontamination. liquid, from the individual gas-casualty first- aid kit is used: only with the permission of the platoon leader. The" ''teapon must be wiped.:off from top to bottom; a clean surface of rag is exposed "with each working stroke, when the cloth is ao:iled, it is dis- carded : The, wiping is repeated two or three times: An unclean rag must not be immersed in the liquid used in decontamination, Lands and grooves in the Vea.pon are wiped off with a damp cloth wrapped: around the sharp point of a wooden stick: Clean (uncontaminated) snow may be used. in the winter' for partial de- contamination of carbine's (rifles, submachine g =s, machine guns) Partial dectOnta' i;nation Of heavy machine guns or high :calibre machine guns is performed by a crew under the direction ,of the' unit commander following partial decontamination of the ,emplacement b Radioeetir snbstasrces are removed. from .a machine gun with rags or patches of cloth (tow) or with a br h 5uneh , tuft? (ki:sst) thoroughly wet with water or S t3 c No .. 2 (the can with the black top in the machine-gun-and mortar decontamin tion (degazatsionnyy) kit. Particular attention should be paid to those parts of the machine' gun which are handled during firing of the gun (figure 64+). Complete decontamination of small arms Is carried out at the decon- tamination stat ion y? in the same such order as for partial decontamination. One other method for cleaning the. Weapons' is,1tY at :in :which all :contaminated wea- pons are set up in aims racks (figtir'e. 65) or in specially designated. places and are, then sprayed by a hose with water from the portable` tank imed in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 .chemical decontamination (in the wintery the portable decontamination tank is filled' with asoline or -kerosene) 6. If there is a vehicular refueling station (ARS) -vtomobilnaya.razi vochnaya stantsiya or a pouter-drrven decontamination apparatus (ADM) -r;vtodega atsionnaya mashie at the c e' contamination center, the weapons are scrubbed under a stream of water,, with brushes which are in the equipment kit of the mobile decontamination -center. 'T he parts of the weapons coated with oil are wiped,off with gasoline or kerosene,:orif these are not available, with dry rags.. Figure. 64 '"The parts of a machine gun which must be decontaminated first] agum 65 f6omplete d e dnta iin:at.ion of .anal Used soiled materials (rags, patches,- cloths:); used in decontamination are put in a prepared ditch., ~..and,.after completion of decontamination, are covered with earth;,, If there is no water (gasoline or kerosene) for decontamination :of weapons-they are wiped off three or four times with dry clean rags or tow. For decontamination in an uncontaminated area, broom., small fagots of twigs, hay or grass may be used to brush off the weapons,. Following decontamination, the weapons are wiped dry with rags or tow. .Decontamination of Guns (Mortars) Partial .decontam.inatior of guns (mortars) may be performed by a crew (unit) right at the firing position (within the contaminated area) or after departure from the contaminated area. Assignment of duties among the members of the gun crew is accomplished before decontamination, Figure 66 arts of gun which must be decontaminated first.7 The crew, with the aid of broom. or twigs, brush off the guns and after rds with tow (rags or patches) or brush from the artillery chemical-deco-ntamina- tion kite, decontaminate the sight, the panoramic sight, the elevating and traversing mechanism, and also the breech block mechanism (figure 66); then they decontaminate the other parts of the guns The wads or irzsh are soaked in water (kerosene, gasoline) or with Solution No& 2 (the. can with the black top); In partial decontamination,, the panoramic sight is not removed from the In the partial decontamination of mortars., it is necessary to decontaminate the sighting mechanism, the levers of the elevating and traversing mechanism, the horizontal leveling mechanism, and the breech. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -24.6 _ I.1 Vii] 1: decontamination t of weapons. (mortsrs) s c rrie.d optL at;f the,. ontami- nation: center ,, Thec:ent2'er stLrf ace of:, the. :_.weaporila;s~~cax?ef illy::wash~dc offv under a afro g jet 'ialf< warter:.,f"rom :a powF r-~dr. srei~_ decpzita nation. apparatus (razl vochnoy stant:siy9. motopumpa), or it may be scrubbed with water and solution by means of a brush (figure 67). Before decontamination the optical device: and the en- trenching tools are removed from the gun. For convenience of work and better run-off of unclean water," the barrel is pointed upward. For the accomplish- .ment of decontamination the jet of water from the running jet and the falling spray should form an angle of 30 to 50 degrees with the washed surface. Figure 67 /Full decontamination of gun., using power-driven decontamination appartus (ADM). at decontamination center_7 The oiled parts of the gun are cleaned by hand (they are rubbed with rags soaked, in gasoline or kerosene),- the .gun being partially dismantled if n'e ces nary In order to prevent contaminated water from -entering the barrelf it is covered with a muzzle cap before full decontamination of the gun (.or mortar).. Decontamination of the prime mover, hand arms, optical devices, and ammuni- tion is accomplished at the same time or after the decontamination of the Sighting mechanisms and optical.devices(pa.noramic sights, range finders, telescopic sights, compasses telescopes. binoculars) are decontaminated at specially equipped stations (rabochiye mesta).at the section. First the dust is removed from the surface of the instruments; then the entire surface of the instruments and the glass of the lenses. and eyepiecesete carefully wiped three or four times with a Soft cloth dampened in alcohol. The instrument case and cover are thoroughly shaken out and wiped off inside and outside with a damp rag. Following decontamination, all instruments and, as well as their cases and covers, are wiped dry with a soft dry cloth and subjected to dosage inspection.- Decontaminstion of Ammunition Partial decontamination of ammunition at the ring position is performed simultaneously with the decontamination of the gun (mortar). The ammunition is wiped off with a rag soaked in kerosene. In full ' slecontsiniias.t:ion'= at a ,_' de aon- tamination center, the ammunition is wiped off with a rag (tow) soaked in gasoline (kerosene) or in water containing atolu'.ent, it is also sprayed with water from a fire hose or scrubbed with brushes. Following decontamination, the ammunition is wiped dry; if necessary, greased; and put away in dry packing. If the ammunition is in a hermetically sealed container,. the outside of the case is sprayed with watery or wiped off with a rag soaked in. water. Decontamination.of Tank ,Lelf-wPropelled.Artillery Mounts, Armored Carriers and Motor Vehicles Partial decontamination of tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts, armored carriers, and motor vehicles is performed, as a rule, afer depart- ure from the contaminated area. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -47- Tanks and self'-propelled artillery mounts are decontaminated by their crews, while armored carriers and motor vehiUles, by their drivers and those personnel single(i out for assistance., in partial decontamination of tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts#. armored carriers, end motor vehicles,, first of ally wipe off with a rag those parts on the turret and hull of the tank (self-propelled artillery mount) which are handled by the crew. After- which decontaminate In the tank (self-propelled artillery mount); The interior surface of the, gun compartment and of the driving compartment and also the weapon, equipment, instruments,and operating levers located in these compartments (figure 68), wiping them with rags soaked in Mater (diesel oil, gasoline-, kerosene) . - In a motor vehicle: The cabin inter'ior~ the steering wheel. the gear shifty and the seat.. Figwre 68 CThe parts of a tank which are subject to ' decontamination. f irst In the'tase of an armored carrier, wipe the interior of the body in the passenger comp artment.(desantnoye otdeleniye) and the armament. Prior to full dec:ontamfna.tion, ammunition and instruments are removed from tanks, self propelled artillery mounts,,: and armored carriers; and from the motor vehicles, freight which is found on the vehicle. The turret hatch and the driver's batch (lyuka mekbanika-voditelya) are tightly closed,. and -the escape hatch and the inspection hatches in the hull floor are opened. The" louvers are covered with canvass matting, or handy materials; the shits in the cover for the 'sight and the machine gun are closed with rags or with Wooden plugs. After this,th-e tank is sprayed with water from the vehicular refueling station.- (vehicular decontamination machine, water pump) In cold weather, the outer surface is rubbed down with diesel oil, kerosene, or gasoline-, The decontamination of a tank (figure. 69) is carried out from top to bottom wind from front to bank, When the outside has been decontaminated, the interior surfaces are carefully wiped with rags (toy) soaked in water or kerosene (gasoline, diesel oil).r Soiled rags are thrown out through the escape hatch. After cofplet.ion of the dept ntamination. the tank -.s ;wiped with dry rags ahd separate parts are greased. Figure 69 fC_omple`te decontamination of tank. at decontamination, center, using power-driven decontamination apparatus] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -]+8_ Tractors and specialized vehicles are decontaminated in a similar manner. Decontamination if Air planes,.. Partial; decontamination of planes is performed in place by iiping,'ith rags soaked in water (gasoline), the cabin interior surfaces, and the: instruments`, also' the propellers,: the cowling of the motors, and the cockpit enclosure. In partial decontamination., the armament :is:: not re- moved from the plane. Before full decontamination of the. airplane, the cockpit enclosure,. the cowls of the engines, the bomb-bay door'1 the hatches., and the louvers are tightly closed; the manifold,: rocket projector (raketnitsa), etc., are covered with rags or with plugs. Decontamination of the airplane begins with the processing of the exterior surfaces of the plane, starting, at the top).,, in order to insure a good run-off of decontaminated water, carrying with it the radioactive substances;., Decontamination of aommunicatinns Equipment On order Of the leader of the.communications sub-section, partial de- contamination of communications equipment is carried out in place,. by means of the exposed surfaces with damp rags or sweeping them off with , while: not inte'rfer.ingg- with commun.icat ions. brushes or, tufts Full decontamination is carried out on order of the unit commander b ing served. If became subjected tocontamination on the march, only the outer surfaces if the metal carrying cases and the carrying straps are decontaminated..: If the radio equipment became .subjected to contamination while in using position, then it is necessary to. decontaminate the instrument panel, the battery cable, the antenna, the counterweight (protivoves), the microtelephone, and the' external surfaces of the carrying cases. Following decontamination,. all parts' of the portable radio equipment, are wiped dry. Closed radio trucks are decontaminated in the same way as are other trucks. Attention is first given to decontamination of the exterior sur- faces.of the rear wall" of the body :.where: thex~entry4oor~,iS,_:iocated aaa?also to the' front?.Y?all :ofcthe:::bodycwhere.:,thee-aztitenna. s;mounte.d If .;a ecessary,_ the body in- terior .and the apparatus in it are wiped off with :damp rags The field. cable' is decontaminated by 'dragging it through a bath of de- contamination solution (water) obtained from the rp it r ozokerirovaniye 5rr Tibor: instrument or equipment, ozokerite ozo:cerite; a wax-like mineral used in making candle:s. etc J or through a layer of dry earth. The cable must be dried. off after passing th9r qgb. the bath. Field cables and pole wire equipment (shestovoye imushchestvo) already laid are. not given special treatment.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 v _19- Decontamination of Clothing,. Equipment, and Individual Protective Clothing Partial de'ccntamination of clothing, equipment, and igdivictaal_protective :clothing (individualnyye' sredstva protivokhimicheskoy zashchity) is performed by personnel in combat positions and usually follows the partial, decontamination of weapon's and war Materiel. It may be carried out either in a contaminated area or ;after departure from it, Figure 70 fne method of partial decontamination shaking out of outer clothing) Partial decontamination consists of shaking out or brushing off. radio- active dust. from the.outer clothing, equipment., and footwear (figures 70 and 7i)- 11 1, equipment and footwear are rubbed off with tufts of hay or grass. In warm' weather, the rinsing of clothing may be done in specially designated parts of a clean body of water (figure '72); In the winter, clothing, equipment, and footwear can be . decontaminated with clean (uncontaminated.) snow. F gwi. 71 method of partial decontamination - brushing. off equipment and clothingwith tufts of hay or grass" FiE 72 fecontamination.of clothing in body of water outside the contaminated area] Ifa protective cape was worn over the uniformonly the unprotected parts of, the uniform and equipment are shaken out and. swept off. Personnel must help one another in decontamination, at the same time avoiding the scattering of dust on each other. Complete deopont"ination of clothing, equipment, and the individual protective clothing is carried out at decontamination centers. .. EE F 73 feting artitiies of clothing in the process of full :decontamiinationj Clothing subject to decontamination. (tunics, trousers,, overcoats,< fur- lined overcoats) are hung on lines or cross beams and thoroughly beaten from ten to fifteen minutes (figure 73).o The felt and cord parts of horse equip-. .went receive, the same treatment.,. Grease spots on the clothing are rubbed with wads of t?ow soaked in gasoline. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 -50- Ins ete decbntami2afltzox the leather articles of the protective 'clothing are washed off with a washing solution composition or with water. Footwear and protective stockings (leather parts of horse equipment) for decontamination are hutg -on stakes and rubbed with rags soaked in water or they may be washed with the help of a brush and a washing solution. Equipment and gap masks are decontaminated, wiping them with rags soaked in water or in a. composition of 'washing solution Care must be taken that water does not get inside the gas . mask.. . Fire 74 fomple'te decontamination Of footgear and equipment Decontamination of Field Shelter, DitchesCommunications Trenches, and. Firing Positions In the decontamination of open ;defensive' works (field .shelter, ditches.. commtumicat.ions trenebep) without revetments, a layer of -earth up to three centimeters thick is removed from the berms,., sides, traverses,. and bottom. The earth may be removed from the parapet when the camouflage condition per- mits; if doing this is not possible.+ the surface of the parapet is brushed, off : In trenches.* the layer of earth is removed first from the berms and then from the nipper part of the revetment to the lower; The dislodged earth is' shoveled into buckets,. boxes, and sacks, and either is carried away to a distance of several tens of meters from the de- fensive works or is buried. Then,to d.econtamtiniate, a layer of earth three centimeters thick is removed from the bottom of the trench (field shelter, communication trench)* In the winter, defensive works are decontaminated by the removal of a layer of snow four to six centimeters thick; the snow must be removed in such a. way that it will not disturb the camouflage of the position (field shelter). In the absence of snow,: the surfaces of the defenses,-- trenches, communications trenches it be swept Field shelters, trenches, and communications trenches with revetments,. and covered entrances to buildings and to rooms. are decontaminated by wiping with wet brooms; brushesv or rags; each surface must be gone over twice. Dust and trash are collected in a bucket (sack,, box) and are carried away to specially designated places. A team consisting of two men is put in charge of the .decontamination of each.section of trench.- One of the men removes (or sweeps) the contaminated layer of earth from all surfaces subject to decontamination and shovels it into a sack (bucket or box'), while the tither carries away the contaminated. earth to a. refuse point' Each team is a:ssigned.a..section about ten to fifteen meters long. On ?completion of the work or while in the process of completion,, samples of the earth in the de'con_taminated sections are. taken, and the degree of radioactivity is measured in an uncontaminated area. This makes it possible to judge the effectiveness of the decontamination' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Camouflage requirements must be taken Into account in decontamination* During deecontamination, cei7.i:nge and walls of rooms are rubbed down with wet brooms and. the floors are washed; In rooms with asphalt Or cement floors and drains, the' ceilings. and walls are decontaminated b washing them down with a spray of water from. a fire y -extinguisher (brandspoyt) Wass and. f ,;oors spattered with grease must be thoroughly scrubbed with stiff 1;ir brushes (or with metal bristles) before being sprayed. 2e2tntami:nat ion of h#100 and Forage All types of rations and forage which have been contaminated with radio.; active substances higher than the ,safe. norm are subject to decontamination or disposal Portable supplies of rations contaminated by `radioactive substances in. excess of the safe norm are destroyed. An exception consists of canned goods sand other products in hermetically sealed containers After- decontami-nation of the containers., such products are fit for consumption._ Food supplies which have been kept are taken to uncontamina- te& areas to be decontaminated Food supplies and forage which aen not be decontsan.inated.are lot. issued as subsistencedi Before decontamination all food products and forage, undergo dosage inspection; in order to 'assort them .according to the degree of con- taminat ion. Depending on the. type of food supply (forage), its packing, and the degree at contaminat icon; the decontamination. is treated. in ono of the following ways : The food (forage) is removed from contaminated into a noncontaminated packing container. - The contaminated layer of food is disposed of, The contaminated foods are washed off with the spray of water from a fire' extinguisher (brandspoyt). The packing containers are washed'in warm or s' py water washing solutiCn,. and. wiped with a cloth: Loose food supplies and forage (grain, groats, flour)? bran, salt,. sugar) which come In. sacks are poured off into clean packing containers. The sacks are put on a wooden racks: with their sewn ends upward, and then are sprinkled with water (figure 75) The bags are then opened, and the upper edges are turned down (figure' 76) The contents are transferred to a clean sack with a scoop (small shovel ) Figure, 5 fdpraying sacks .of loose foodstuffs with the aid of a portable decontamination apparatus) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Figure .76 rTurning.down the upper edge of the sack) F 7 rIc`ontamination of barreiJ If the food item has both an inner and an outer wrapping,-the.outer wrapping is removed, and the inside wrapper is measured for radiation. If the inner wrapping also shows" contamination beyond the safe norm, the food is, transferred to an uncontaminated packing container. Care must be taken to prevent the clean container from coming into contact with the. contami:- . hated container. In the dece ntaminat ion off products (solid. fats, macaroni, f ish)corned b=eef) packed in boxes or casks, the packing containers are decon taminated.first. The packing containers >.re hosed down with water from a. fire extinguisher (branclspoyt) (figure 77) and scrubbed with. brushes (with rags). Containers,, boxes, and cats may also be decontaminated by being rubbed off two Or. three times with a rag (figure 78) soaked in water (soapy water, washing solution)Then the packing containers are inspected for radiation, and., if necessary, they are decontaminated once more. If, fol- lowing the second decontamination process the degree of contamination is still above the safe izorm, the contents are transferred to clean containers and subjected to dosage inspection. Solid fats (butter, kommbizhir) are. decontaminated (after' determination 1. I of the degree of their cant ion) by the removal of the contaminated outer layer, contiguous to the can," with a kiife, a thin steel wire, or a metal scraper. Fresh vegetables (pcatatoesj cabbage, carrots, beets) are decontaminated by frequent . washix gs in water. Cabbage is washed, after removal of all of the outer, contaminated leavers. Potatoes may undergo additional decontami- nation in the. potato cleaning M chine (kartofelechistka) .. F4.. 78 rDe dxitamination of canned goods) Fresh meat and fish is washed off with water (figure 79) the con- Laminated parts being cut :off if need be Contaminated field kitchens, thermos bottles, cooking utensils, and dishes, as well as bakery equipment and stock, are decontaminated by scrub- bang carefully in hot soapy water and drying with rags . F79 f5econtar;ination of meat) S :E-C- - . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 -53- De c~ntamiriat ion ;of Water Supply In, the decontamiiaatibb ;of wells and, springs that have been -contaminated by radioactive substane si the water is pumped out ;of the well several times. and the bottom is cleaned.. Each time, before the water is pumped out., the rim and the shaft are carefully gashed off,. in- the case of a spring, a layer of -earth five to ten centimeters thick is removed. :Before and after the decon ta'stination of a well ,or spring, the .degree, of contamination of the water and of the shaft walls is ascertained: At the same time the surrounding Area,, within a radius of fifteen to twenty meters, must Also be decontaminated The contaminated silt (.sand, gravel) taken from the well is buried at some dis- tance from the Yell; the eontauiinatet water is disposed of in a place from which it can not find its way back. into. the decontaminated well. The engineers decontaminate the 'water by filtering and distilling it. ? Decontamination Work All persons engaged in the decontamination of technical equipment, wea- pons, clothing,' and the area must wear protective clothing. The choice of clothing 'which 'fit be worn in a given instance is deter- mined by the officer in. -charge of the decontamination 'work. He takes into account. the type of project to be deconta -ainated, its degree .of contamination, the methods to be used in deconta3i nation, and the amount and type of pro- tective clothing available. Protective clothing is removed when it becomes damaged -or when the job is finished, and only with the perinis$ion of the officer in -.charge Reservoirs and ditchers leading into theem,are dug for the drainage of 'rater from the decontaminatitn sites. In the process of the work it is. necessary to make sure, that water reservoirs are not overflowed and that all wiping materials are buried in pits, When the decontamination process is finished, the reservoirs and pits are filled in. Precautions to be taken by personnel- - Spray and dust from contaminated objects must be kept off skin and clothing; Avoid contect between ccontaminated objects. and-exposed parts of the body and clothing; Do not sitstand... or' kneel, unless unavoidable,. 'Do not eat, drink, or smoke; Do not. throw away ctvntaminated itiaterial b' t. dispose of it only in specially dug pits; - Do not touch exposed parts of the bony -with contaminated hands (or protective gloves). ' 4. Veterinary Processing Partial veterinary proee:ssing may be performed. either In a contaminated -area or after departure from the area, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 In partial veterinary processing, first clean off, the contaminated dust with tufts of grass or hay, whiskbrooms, or brushes from the entire body of the animal and its equipme'nt. (figure 80') . The gas masks the goggles, -and',the areas near the mask and goggles are then wiped with a rag soaked In uncontami- nated water.., F:figure 8a frartial veterinary processing of a horsey in the contaminated area) When.animals are processed in a contami'nate'd area, their harnesses., saddles, packs, and protective outfits Are not removed. The mask and goggles andequipment may be removed if the area is not :contaminated. Following partial veterinary processing,- the~ equipment (harness,- saddle, pack) is decontaminated. During partial veterinary processing, care must be taken that dust fall- ing from the animal does not fall on personnel or other animals. Full veterinary processing is performed At the decontamination center, where there is a. section (ploshchadka) equipped for veterinary processing, or at a veterinary station (ploshebadka veterinarnoy obrabotki) which may have been set up near a veterinary hospital. A veterinary section consists of a decontaminated half and a contaminated half 'There are% rickets (for tying up the horses) and racks (for the decon- tamination of -equipment) in. the contaminated half of the section, Showers are also to be found here (in the absence of showers, the-animals are washed off with water from a. fire extinguisher (brandspoyt)). The site for the contaminated half of the section must be dry, and if possible sandy. To prevent the water from collecting in poolsy 'drainage ditches are dug. There is another picket line at, the decontaminated half 'of the section; here the processed horses acid other animals are dried Off and receive neces= sary medical treatment. :Mar, ver, on the decontaminated side of the section there are hangers and. racks on which decontaminated equipment may be hung to dry. Figure 81 full veterinary. processing of a horse at the veterinary section of.a decontamination center ? The procedure for complete veterinary processing is as follows: - The animal is tied on a short reign to a picket; - The animal is thoroughly vas1eci with water and green soap (figure 81); ordinary brushes or special. shover brushes (figure 82) may be used. Special care is given to the mane, the tail; the logs, and to those parts of the body with which the harness e's into contact; Figure 82 /Shower zs -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 v v 55- The an.imale eyes; nostrils:, and-mouth cavity Eire rinsed. -The horse is-then led to. the decontaminated half of the section,: where it undergoes' dosage inspectio`n;:` If the instrument reading shows that the con- tamination. on the aanimal remains above the safe :norms the horse is returned to the contaminated half for repeated process ing If the repeated procea'sing does not lead. to a loweting of contamination to the safe norm for such animals, the horse is placed under special veterinary observation. In warm weather, veterinary processing can be done by bathing and clean= ing the animals with brushes in a rive', lake., or other body of water. In cold weather- the animals are wiped dry after being washed, and then they are covered with horse blankets and 'walked? Wounded,: contused,..... and ailing horse's 'undergo full veterinary process- ing at a veterinary aid station "(peredovoy veterinarnyy punkt) or at a veterin- ary hospital. VI. OTHER MEASURES TO ERADICATE THE CONSEQUENCES OF ATOMIC ATTACK Among the possible consequences- of an atomic explosion on an. area are fires., destruction of buildings and defensive works, and rockslides (obstacles) on the roads There may be the wounded among the obstacles or in the damaged buildings. Emergency help and life saving Emergency-help and life-saving groups are -organized for the removal of debris blocking the egress of persons trapped in ruined buildings, for giving first aid to the wounded, and for the removal of injured personnel fom the contaminated area. 'This work .,is usually performed by special units (p?drazdeleniya) p0sed.of sappers, dosimeter :operators, and medical personnel. If the extent of the damage. is small and the number of wounded is not great, the emergency-help and life-saving members of the units carry out their work without outside help. First aid for the wounded. following an atomic attack: in. addition to wounds, abrasions, and contusions,, a person extricated from a landslide or ruined building may have fractures or internal injuries., which are not apparent from any break in the skin Such a victim must therefore be treated with special care 'hen first aid is administered:, If earth has fallen into the victim's mouth; eyes, or ears, it must be removed with a piece .of gauze ,or handkerchief burns and other surface wounds must be bandaged, even if they are dirty. In giving first ac to a comrade', one must wash (`wipe :off) the exposed parts of his body and put a .gas mask on 'him (figure 83). Curt irig gas mask 'on a wciunded man in. a contaminated area] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 U 1J If the IIbthes of the ? b nded msn :are: burning,, a_,:shelter.balf rape lashch-patatka) (bvercoat) must be (p thrown over him acid pressed down firmly against his body (figure 8 ). When the flszues have been extinguished, the burned clothing must b carefully removed:, Clothing that sticks to the body must not be torn off. Blist'ers' that have formed on the skin must not be of iied. As soon :as p ssiblo: the burned. surfaces of the .bod:y must be bandaged; the bandages in the first-aid packet may be used. for this. If the clothing heal, stuck to the body, the ba Sd :ge,. i i t .b . place. on top of it. The following rules must be o1 sertreri in giving first aid to the wounded: Do not touch a wound 'with Y hands and dt .not tagsh it with water, in order to prevent radioactive substances fro getting into . it. - Do not rerove foreign'bodies that have entered the wound (fragments., etc.) It is very important to know hoer to. apply bandage properly. A properly applied bandage provides necessary protection from radioactive substances Figure 84 ffutting out burning clothing with a shelter half cape (plashch-palatka)J The bandages in the individual first*jt.4- paeket'.:(individuaIiayy perevyazochnyy paket) are used. If the first-aid packet has been damaged, the bandages in it may not be used_ Severe bleeding, which produces 4 great danger to life, must be stopped as soon as possible, without waiting for the wounded roan to be removed from the contaminated area If the victim has open fractures -a tourniquet must not be applied. The wound must be bandaged If the victim is unconsciouss.,he must be placed on a stretcher in such, a position that his feet are higher than his head, and he must be carried out of the contaminated area. if the victim is not breathing, artificial respi- ration must be given. Putting out fires. Fires that .hinder the fiulf illment of the combat mission and fires that constitute a danger to personnel; ammunition, and fuel must be put out first Brush fires and, b eing r evetments., trenches, and ditches may be ex t nguished by beating the f`Ise's with `stet b-ravens ,or branehe.s Small segment's of the defers eve rarke (shields, doors, port covers) may be extinguished by throwing them down into the trench or pit and covering them with, earth. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 57o A fire. in a tank; a'elf-pr,,O"lied eartillery mount or in a. plane is put :out, with fire extinguishers. A gas mask must be worn when putting out a fire- ins ide 'a tank, or plane, A portable decant ninat.ionapparatus (rant"sevyy degazatsionnyy pribor), a pump (~notopo) f- or a fuel tank (, 'livoc}n~~ stantsiya) may all be 'avt` a used for extinguishing a fire.: Forest fires' may be centered in the tree tops: or near the gtound. If it is near the ground,, the fire can be put out by beating the flames with freshly cut branches from deciduous trees and by throwing earth on the flames:. If the wind, is strong and, the fire is spreading rapidly; fire breaks can be cut; they must be up to tour meters wide and. cleared. of bushes and vegetation, In fighting a fire centered in the tree tops, it is necessary to isolate' the burning sections of forest by cutting fire breaks in the path of the fire, the width of the fire break must be 1 1/2 to 2 .times as great as the height of the trees Reconstruction of defensive works and roads. The destroyed defensive works are reconstructed by trOaps with the help of engineer units Immediate. attention is given to the recrizstruction of giro emplacements and shelters for personnel; and afterward communications trenches, .shelters for equip- ment, etc,, are taken care 'of. The reconstruction of roads may include the decontamination of certain stretches, the arrangement of detours, and. the reconstruction of bridges and stream crossings PART.: III Peculiarities if Combat Operations in Atomic Warfare Basically, the operations of small units in at:cimicwarfare are governed by existing regulations,. However, the use of atomic. weapons with a large effective radius does introduce certain special characteristics to the organization and conduct of combat operations, 1. Offensive Combat Engineer equipment fnr defense against atomic attack in the departure area assumes a role. of special importance in offensive combat.; In addition to the defensive works that were `built during the defensive phase, it. Is necessary to construct shelters for combat technical personnel and equipment in the,departure area, Both support forces and attack forces may be assigned to the construction of these shelters. In the preparatory period before the attack, continuous observation and reconnaissance must, be maintained. for any indication that the enemy is pre- paring to break up our attack.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 During t)2 1s period,' the location the Btrbngest centers 'of defense, which will be. the subject of atomic attack, arid the location of the front lines must be ascertained Troops ,re under the greatest.thr t 'of an enemy attack with atomic weapons when they are in the jump-off position. Camouflage is,'_therefore, of :extreme importance at this time:. Any weakness in the camouflage may re= veal to the enemy our preparations for attack and make it easier for him to carry an atomic attack against our troop concntratidns.a An atomic, .attack may be fol1 wed by an. attack. with infantry and tanks aimed at breaking up our attack;.- For this reason, when small units are in the jump-off position everything must be held in readiness for the repulsion Of an enemy attack with infantry :and tanks. An attack following an atomic blow must be carried out swiftly, and. it requires a strong fighting spirit on the part of the troops. Reasoned initi- ative and determination must be displayed 'by doigmanders and leaders of all grradest including aquad leads (gun, tank) It must always be remembered that swift attack and relentless pursuit of the enemy are the best guarantee that he will be unable to make 'effective use of his atomic weapons. The maintenance of uninterrupted close contact in combat with the enemy is a necessary requirement for attack. under atomic warfare conditions. Individual fire weapon., (machine guns, anti tank guns, defiladed tanks, et al.) will remain intact when the ene yxs defenses. have been subjected to atomic attack; Small attacking units must thrust through the' gaps, attack the flanks and rear of the s'ur`viving centers 'Of enemy resistance, and des- troy them with the help of neighboring small units. Areas of radioactive contamination with a. low level of radioactivity must be negotiated with :a rapid forward thrust When possible, seriously contaminated areas should be Avoided., In order to avoid a mix-up among the units, orders and instructions for by.p"ing a contaminated stretch are issued by the senior commander (vyshest:oyashehy nschalriik) present: An enemy attack with atomic weapons during the course of our: attack may not serve' as grounds for cessation of combat; When a. unit has been subjected to the effects of an atomic explosion, order must be restored rapidly, and the troops must proceed with determination to the fulfillment of the combat misaIOnr Small units in rear echelons must be prepared at all times to replace units in the assault .echelon tbat have suffered severe losses as the result of atomic attack, and they must proceed swiftly to exploit their success un- til the fulfillment ..of the combat mission. 2. Defen.sive..Combat. An additional requirement for defenses in atomic warfare is that they must 'also be antiatom:ic defenses. Organization of the, ground. by engineer -work must provide, protection for personnel,::equipment,;and;weapons not only fa-cm artillery shells and conven- tional bombs but also from atomic weapons:: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 The use of atomic 'weapons by defensive troops increases the effective- enemy attack,. Hess. Of the defense, beaause it facilitates the repulsion of' an An atomic blow may bt. against attacking `enemy forces either at the jump- off position or in batt1e.W. The role of ll units assumes a greatly increased importance in defensive combat. Following anatomic attack by the: enemy, these units mist be able to continue fighting without being In communication with: adjacent. units or higher coed. Each squad x: tank, or gun 'eret t fully fulfill its combat mission. T1 succes's of the. counterattack organized by higher command and the annihila- tion of enemy forces will depend on the- stamina of these small units, Sub-units that have not been subjected to atomic attack must render assistaned to. adjacent nits which have fallen under atomic attack,- either with supporting fire or` if necessary, by 6 unterattack, Trcap vebients and Dis os tLM 'oaf elrtecT,~rod s During troop move bents, the trppps are in the greatest danger of atomic attack when they. are in narrow pazses, on b idge$ at loading and unloading, points, passing through thickly populated a :"eas at railroad junctions; and when they are crowded together at halts, rest areas;, or areas of concentra- For this. reason, ev rything possibly is done to. prevent the concentration of troops during troop movements at points'soloject to atomic attack. Of great importance are the following; Dispersion of troops in narrow ,passes,. at halts, in waiting areas, and at assembly -points,, utilization of existing natural cover and camouflage; striot. observat$.on of camouflage measuaes .skillful choice of march routes As a rule, troops march only at. night . Strict camouflage discipline is ,enforced on the march an? during halts,ii Radioactivity reconnaissance by troops is performed systematically along all march routes 4 'The places chosan for halts and rests must provide cover for the troops. Natural Over is utilized in areas where troops are disposed for a halt;. the simplest kind ,of shelters (.slit trenches) are constructed and, if time permits,... are improved Reserves of other decontamination materials are kept in each car of the troop gain (voinskir eshelon), for use in partial sanitary pro- cessing and decontamination. If the. troops, are bang trainp rtea by rail., the troop trains (voinskby_e eshelony) elo not stop at contaminated stations. Personnel must protect them .selves, in such a case, against radioactive contamination, i.e., put on gas masks; close the 'w ad.ovb doors, and 4: Action in case: of Atomic Ale _._ The atomic alert is given by the aircraft warning service (VNos) when there is immediate danger Of atomic attack. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 -T The ,signAl: for the atomic alert is. `e;stablished by the senior officer in the eomman (starshiy nacha;lnik)= The' signal may be visual or oral., it must be known' t;m all persozsnel. bf the wn t ; i'be signal must be brought to the attention of all pexsrnnela All commanders,: including squad leaders (g i tank) must take certain that their personnel have received the signal. under any combat situation, when the sigr i. for as atomic alert is givens protective clothing must be held. in readiness (nagotove ).. Action to be taken. by personnel when the sill for an atomic alert is given is aetermined by the small. unit commander and, will depend on the ;stoat i If the unit is not engaged in combat at the time the alert is soundedp all personnel must take measures to protect themselves from injury. Weapons,, tanks, self p'r:opelled artillery mounts, and motor vehicles are placed under cover. Covers are put on the guns (e:ither stand$xd gun c'overs or improvised ones) When the alert is sounded, personxel take to .overhead cover, recesses, or ,shelters.-, In order to; prevent fires,, the fires in the stoves in shelters (dugouts) must be put out.,: kerosene lamps must be extinguished, aiid flues and air vents must be covered. The doors to the shelter must be tightly closed: When the signal for an atomic -alert is given, if there are no prepared shelters, personnel must make use of natural shelter and available objects,. A halt is not called if the signal for an atomic alert is given when troops are on- a march. Gas masks, and shelter half capes are put on, Drivers stay in their places in the columns Obs`e'rvers watch the.vehicles, ahead and watch for signals from the unit commanders When the :signal for anatomic alert is given, all ports in tanks and self-propelled artillery mounts are closed, In a troop trains all windows and doors are closed when the signal for an atomic alert is given.. Protective clothing is held in readiness. 5 Action During and After an .Atomic Blast During an atomic explosion, regardless of other circumstances, all personnel must take measures for protection from the destructive effects of the atomic blast. The duration of this period is usually a few minutes. Only a few seconds intervene between the flash of the atomic blast and the arrival of the shock wave (the time depends on the distance from the site of the explosion) HHVever, the interval is long erg ugh to permit one to take cover a few steps away. When the flash is seen, personnel must immedi- ately take cover in a prepared shelter (overhead cover recess) or in a natural shelter, such as a pit, a ditch (figure 85), a shell hole (figure 86), or "behind a hill (figure 87), stone wall (figure 88), embankment,.,etc< Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 If there, is no shelter nearby, it is necessary to lie. prone on the. ground with the facie,; down. The bands mast b ;kept under the body. This position sill minimize the effect of the shock Wave and. protect the exposed pants of the body from being burned by the flash;; _ The dyes must be kept closed? 'This prevents temporary blindness. The best position fora person in an a pc sed place i 3 ig an atomic explosion is shown in figure' 89. Figure 85? position of man in ditch during atomic explosion] The ;game action Is tak is :Wan open trench -Or ;ditch, It provides. pica= tecti?)n from the shtick wave tilt rddiation F 86 ff-ositio-h bf person in a shell hole during an atomic explosion] Fig $7 ff ds it ion of a person behind a hill during at atomic 'expios ion] Personnel inside a tank must close the ports and louvers when they see the flesh from an atcpmi:c blast One can take cover behind a tank or a solf-propelled artillery amount When the flash is ;seen (figure 9.0) Following the explosion protective clothing must. 'be put on, in case the area should be contaminated.. Usually an enemy attack may be.expected following an atomic explosion. Therefore; immediately af ter the~explosion, preparations to repulse attacks must be made and continuous observation maintained. for signs of the euemy~ Fi 8 /Position of person behind shine wall: during atomic explosion] IFU#e~ 89. fe st advantageous position in open 'terrain during an atomic 'Oxplosion 90 CTaking 'cover behind a tank during an atom -0 explosion Procedure in Ct ntamnated. Areas In many cases, the situation will demand that combat operations be carried out in an, area. ccontamnat'ed with radioactive substance's For the prevention of injury from radioactive substance:s.,the following rules must be observed* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 S -E - -T In crossing a contaminated area,. protective clothing; shelter half cape, cotton overalls, ~=etc , , must b?e worn.. Personnel in motor vehicles must close the windows and louvers and protect the weapons from dust (figures 91 and 92) In passing thiiough a contaminated area in a tank or self-propelled artillery mount (figure 93), all ports must be closed; the ventilator in the gun compartment must be turned off; and, if possible, the louvers should be closed. In crossing a contaminated stretch ;of area on foot (figure 914 )., move quic'kly. If the movement is. being made under enemy fire, personnel' must cover the ground in shortdashes, and when dropping to. the ground keep under them their cape-bedcloths (nakidka-podstil), ,shelter half cape, or some improvised means of protection (figure 95) When entrenching in a contaminated area.,, the top layer of earth must be removed and carefully dumped on a downwindaide,being careful not to get dust on oneself or a comrade; when the pit has been dug, a breastwork of uncontaminated earth is built (figure 96)4 One should not lie down or sit down in.a contaminated -area`-or handle exposed objects,. unless it is absolutely unavoidable. One should not drink, smoke, or eat, because, in this.w,ay,- radioactive substances might enter the body.. Figur 91. Traversing a contaminated area in an armored carrier. F igure 92 fTraver.sing a contaminated area in a truck) Figure. 93. /Traversing a contaminated area :on a tank,? Figure , 94+. /T ravers'ing contaminated area on foot) Figure. 95 /ra:versing contaminated area under enemy fire) Figure .96 entrenching in contaminated area,,,, using bedcloth (podstil) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 \:! I v -63. Duties of NC:O's:, When Atomic. Weapons. are Employed in Combat General. Duties In combat under atomic warfare conditions).- a sergeant must give special attention to the maintenance of high morale and political enthusiasm among his men and of the maintenance of combat preparedness. In offensive combat, the unit commander must maintain.among his men an offensive .spirit and a de- termination to destroy the enemy,. but in defensive combat. he must secure stamina and doggedness. An NCO must: Know the combat characteristio.s of atomic weapons and the conduct of combat operations in atomic warfare. - Know how to lead the-men of his unit in a contaminated area. - Know the methods and means for defense against the destructive effects of atomic weapons. - Be skillful in organizing the construction of defensive works. and in making use during combat of natural protection. offered by the terrain. Check frequently on the combat readiness of the protective equipment. - Always protect the weapons and equipment in his unit and the portable food supplies and water from contamination by radioactive substances. Be thoroughly acquainted in-and instruct his men in the .signals for atomic and chemical alerts and the procedure to be followed when the signals are given. Be able to organize teams for giving assistance to the founded, for fire fighting,., for reconstruction of defensive works, and for partial sanitary (veterinary) processing and decontamination. Continue to widen his knowledge and-experience in an_tlatomic defense and to broaden the knowledge and experience :of his men. Squad leaders (gun, tank) and their assistants must: - See that their subordinates observe the rules governing actions in an area contaminated with radioactive substances; - Maintain a supply of materials for use in partial sanitary processing of personnels partial veterinary processing of animals, and partial decontami- nation of weapons and equipment. - Take measures to prevent firers in trucks and tractors, which could re= sult from the light flash; check on the presence and condition of fire ex tinguishers...and, see to it that no inflammable materials (greasy rags, rags soaked in gasoline, etc.) are kept inside the trucks; see to the removal of dry branches, brushwood, boards, and hay from the neighborhood of the unit position, when the unit is situated in a forest or a populated area. S-E-C R-E-T NOFORN/CONTINUED CONTROL/-R9"==:A...=-- Tn' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 - Arrange for the proper storage of ammunition (shells, mines) at firing positions.. - Execute the platoon isader's orders in the performance of sanitary processing and decontamination. The first sergeant (starshina) in a company (battery) must: Provide' his sub-unit in good time with the materials used in sanitary (veter'inary) proce's.sing and decontamination. - Check on the proper storage of the emergency rations (NZ.) in his charge, to protect them from, radioactive contamination. - Organize, on order of the company (battery) commande.r,the sanitary processing and decontamination work for the company (battery), - See that company supplies (spare underclothing,- footwear) are properly stored for protection from radioactive coritamination,. Organize the digging of ditches for trucks (prime movers), and take measures to protect the trucks from theeffects of the flash. - Keep a record of the personnel s exposure to radiation. The company (battery) instructor in sanitation must: Know the injurious effects of atomic weapons. Be able to give first aid to the wounded in' a contaminated area. - Be able to organize teams of stretcher bearers among unit personnel for the purpose of searching for and assembling the wounded and carrying them out of the zone of the atomic blast. - See to it that personnel are always supplied with individual first" aid packets,and gas-casualty first.-aid kits.. - Insure timely training of unit personnel with first-aid packets. - Enforce the observance 'of safety regulations pertaining to the use of food:and water in combat. operations in atomic warfare - Know how to take a sampling Of food or water for determination of its radioactive contamination. - Enforce the observance of safety regulations in sanitary processing and decontamination.. Instruct the personnel of the. sub~unit in. the methods of self-help and mutual assistance under atomic attack and in carrying out the safety regula- tions governing conduct in a contaminated area. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Introciuct iron CONTENTS Page 3 PART I Brief, Data. Cn Atc nic. Weapons: I. THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER AND THE PHYSICAL BASIS OF ATOMIC WEAPONS 4 1. The Structuire of Matter The Structure Of the Atomic Nucleus 5 3 Radioactivity; Nuclear Reaction, and Atomic.Ene'rgy 6 II. TYPES OF ATOMIC WEAPONS 9 1. Explosive_ Atomic. Weapons. 10 Construction -of the Atomic. Bomb Types :of ,Atomic Explosions 11 External Characteristics of an Atomic Explosion 12 Destructive Effects of an Atomic Blast 13 The Shock Wave The Light Flash Penetrative Radiation Radioactive Contamination of Ground and Air in an Atomic Explosion 2. Combat Radioactive Substances (BRV) Measures for Anti-Atomic Defense. I. GENERAL REMARKS II. DEFENSIVE WORKS I Fire Trenches and Communication Trenches 2, Protective Works for Fire Weapons Shelters for Transport Equipment, Supplies, Rations,. and Horses 4A Camouflage of Defensive Works 15 16 18 20 27 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R006700490006-5 J =66 Page. III. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 'USED IN CHEMICAL WARFARE 29 IV. RADIOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 1. Organization of Radiological Reconnaissance 30 2. Conduct of Reconnaissance Chemical Observation Posts Radiation Patrols 31 Functions of a.Dosimeter Operator Attached to a Re' sance Unit., a Security Detachment or Detachments for Traffic Security 3. Dosage Inspection 35 4: Dosimeters 36 V. SANITARY (VETERINARY) PROCESSING AND DECONTAMINATION 38 1, Organization for Sanitary (Veterinary) Processing and Decottaminatidn Sanitary Processing Partial .Sanitary Processing Complete Sanitary Processing 42 3. Decontamination Decontamination of Small Arms (Carbines, Rifles'., Guns, Heavy and Light Machine Guns) 44 Decontamination of Guns and Mortars 45 Decontamination of Ammunition. Decontamination of Tanks, Self-Propelled Artillery Mounts,. Armored Carriers.: and Trucks 46 Decontamination of Airp]anes. Decontamination of Communications Equipment Decontamination of Clothing,,. Bqjtxipment, and Protective 48 Clothing Decontamination of Field Shelters- Ditches, Communications 4+9 Trenches, and Firing Positionri s 50 Decontaminations of Rations and Forage 51 Decontamination of Water Supply 53 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5 Page Safety Measures in Decontamination Work 53 )4 Veterinary Frocess-ing VI,,. OTHER MEASURES TO ERADICATE THE'CONSEQNCES OF ATOMIC.ATTACK 55 PART III Peculiarities .o '.Combat Operations in .Atomic Warfare. 1;, Offensive Combat 2. Defensive Combat 3. Troop Movements and, Disposition of Halted Troops 4, Action in Case of Atomic Alert 5.. Action During and After an Atomic Blast Procedure in Cpntaminated.Area 7. Duties of NCOts When Atomic Weapons are- Employed in Combat General Duties 57. 58 59 6o 63 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006700490006-5