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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This material contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws. Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794. the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1-HUM SECRtt /CONTROL - U. S. DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Hungary OFFICIALS ONLY REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 9 .eptembe;r 1154, 8 RD .50M-HUM 50X1-HUM The office of Chief of Division.V (Foeoszt:.ly.).of the AVH (Allamv4delmi Hatosag - State Security Authority)-is filled by Col. Gyula KOCZINA.' (1) Division V is the personnel Division of the AVH, and as such is responsible for AVH personnel hiring, dismissal, transfers, kadering, disciplinary action,and arrests (AVH members only). (2) 2. Col. KOCZINA, who has close and friendly personal relations with Lt. Col. Vladimir FARKAS, Chief of Division VIII, and with Col. Gyula ZSIDI, chief 50X1-HUM of both Divisions III and VI, and whose political ties are tightly bound.to- Lt. Col. T tir4.r DEKAN. Ch1.Af of the Control. Staff Division V is provided with a Deputy Chief (believed presently. filled by an Acting Deputy, Lt. Col.. Arpad LALIK, Chief of Section 3 of Division V), a 'Soviet Advisor and AVH Interpreter (names unknown), and a Secretariat. (4) It is believed Division V is organized into eight sections (osztgly), four of which are known by their number designation, as noted below: (5) Section 1 The Kader Section, responsible for all AVH kadering. Section 2 - Responsible for hiring new AVH employees. Section 3 - Disciplinary (Fogyelmi)'Section. Section 4 Responsible for maintaining AVH personnel files. SECRET/CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY (NOTEt Washington distribution indicated by "X" Field distribution by "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010014-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sport Section - Provides opportunities for active sports partici- pation for AVH officers and administers the AVH sports program. Cultural Section - Responsible for raising and promoting the cultural level within the AVH. Propaganda Section - Responsible for disseminating Party literature to AVH personnel. Health Section - Responsible for directing'the AVH hospitals, infirma- ries and recreation areas. Division V/1, the Kader section, has a chief a deputy a Sotriet Ad i , , v ser and AVE Interpreter, a Party Secretary, and a Secretariat. Although-it is known, that this section is organized into sub-sections (aloszt$ly), the organizational breakdown is unknown. (6) 5. Routine kadering, conducted at regular intervals,is normally managed by a Division V/1 kadering officer, although special kadering sessions are held be- fore a'kadering committee under circumstances to be noted below. Routine kadering may range from a chance meeting in the halls and an informal conver- sation, to a formal, scheduled, protracted interrogation; the kadering officer may appear unexpectedly at the employee's office for a.kadering session lasting from five minutes to an hour, or he may call the employee into his own officer; for a kadering session if something significant in the employee's private or professional life has come to the attention of the kadering officer. Rank-and- file personnel undergo routine kadering on an average of twice a month, section chiefs perhaps not oftener than every three to four months, Division Chiefs even less frequently. Desk or sub-section (alosztgly) chiefs are kaderedby a Division V/1 kaderer of equal rank; section chief or.his deputy or by the Chief of Division V (a high-level kaderer may also be detailed from MD? national headquarters to assist if necessary); Division Chiefs, their deputies and the command structure of the AVH (including PIROS), however, only by the highest ranking members of the.MDP (Hungarian Workers' (Communist) Party) Kader Division in the national headquarters. 6. Prior.to employment, a potential AVH staff recruit is initially.kadered by a committee consisting of the chief of the section for which-he is being considered, the Division V/1 kadering officer assigned to that section, and a?lower-level kadere'r from MDP.national headquarters. But the normal composition of a kader committee for AVH personnel"is the individual's immediate superior, his AVH Communist Party Secretary, and the Division V/i kadering officer (except for the highest-ranking AVH officers, as previously noted) assigned to his section. A kader committee is called together for, reasons other than routine kadering. The individual Division V/1 kadering officer, who is responsible for arranging and executing both routine and special kadering sessions with the personnel of the AVH section assigned to him without any direction from Division V/1, is solely responsible for calling a kader committee. meeting if a given situation demands it. .SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010014-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 7. The kader committee, in addition to handling special security".or" related problems arising in an employee's life, must pass on any personnel action contemplated for a given employee; without committee approval no-change in status may take place. (7) The kader committee thus initiates and recommends transfers, promotions, training, awards, and other personnel action. Its decisions are rarely vetoed by the higher, approving authority ofeither Division V or of the employee's own Division., to both of whidh.such-recommendations are forwarded. The kadering committee represents the three most authoritative as well as officially acceptable points of view; that of Division V on personnel action, that of the employee's own Division on professional ability, and that of the AVH Party Secretary on political behaviorand'ideological-orientation. The division of authority within the kadering committee is not-so clearly defined as this in practice, however, due to the impossibility-of differentiating within the Communist definition between an employee's personal, professional, and political life. The individual members of the kader committee may veto the recommendations of one another on matters within their own province (the Party Secretary may veto on political grounds a promotion, an award, or special training suggested for an employee of high professional qualifications by his superior, or, a superior or kadering officer may veto on professional grounds a promotion, award, or special training suggestion by a Party Secretary for a politically deserving individual) and the other members would inevitably be constrained to acquiesce. In practice the members of the committee seldom surprise each other with insoluble proposals, however, avoiding conflicts'by maintaining close and constant contact with each other, whereby differences of opinion are generally straightened out before they become problems. In matters of routine transfers it should be noted, however,, only the kadering officer and the employee's superior are vested with any authority; the Party Secretary is not authorized in such cases to interject opposition to the views of the other members. 8. Division V/2, which is responsible for the hiring of AVH personnel, and which is informed on-the general type of individual needed by the AVH, investigates, examines, and, tentatively recruits the candidates for the available jobs. Division V/2 has its own machinery for performing security checks on a.prospective employee, although it may request Division 1/3 (Internal CE/CI section. of Division I) to-under- take a difficult investigation, but in such cases Division I/3' will not-be informed that the subject is being considered for employment, Division-V/2 does not, however, place the new recruit, but rather sends hii to Division V/1, for either assignment to the appropriate Division and section, or for dismissal by Division V/1 as unsuited for the job. Division V/2 has a chief, a deputy, a Party Secretary, and a Secretariat; it is believed that no Soviet Adviser or AVH.-Interpreter are assigned. The organizational breakdown of Division V/2 is unknown. 9. Division V/3, the disciplinary or fogyelmi section for.all AVH personnel, is provided with a chief (Lt. Col. Arpad LALIK, also. believed to be acting.deputy for Division V), a deputy chief, a Soviet Adviser and AVH Interpreter, a Party Secretary, and a Secretariat. The organizational brea11mown is unknown. Division V/3 undertakes disciplinary action on the basis of reports received from Division .V/1, which reports reflect notification of misdemeanors or crimes reported on an employee by his section or Division Chief to Division V/1. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. -4- 10. The mildest form of punishment in the AVH is an oral rebuke, which can be adminis- tered either by the responsible section chief or by Division V/3, and which is also not recorded in the individual's personnel file. Written reprimends from either are, on the other hand, recorded in the personnel files. Minor infractions such as leaving open a safe,drunkenn.ess,or fighting, which are first offenses, may be punished by the individual's section chief in AVH Headquarters, or by the Provincial Department Chief in the provinces. Section or Provincial Department Chiefs can issue jail sentences to AVH personnel under their command up to 21 days; Division V/3 must be informed of the offense and the punishment in such cases, so that they may be recorded in the person's personnel file. Jail sentences imposed by Division V/3 range from one to thirty days, and may be followed by dismissal if the seriousness of the offense warrants it. (8) Division V/3 does not levy fines, although salaries are withheld during the period the employee is in jail. Division V/3 is not empowered to authorize demotions in rank or position; this action can only be ordered by the Commanding General of the AVH. Very serious crimes, such as the misappropriation of large sums of money, are turned over to the military court, and high-level conspiracies, such as that (by Communist definition) leading to the Gabor PETER purge, are handled by committees of the ranking AVH officers, not by Division V/3. (9) 11. Division V/4 is responsible for maintaining the personnel files or registry of AVH staff employees. Its organization is unknown. 12. The Sport Section of Division V (designation unknown), which directs the Munkdra Harcra Kgsz (Ready to Work and Fight Movement), is responsible for providing AVH staff officers with opportunities for athletic participation, and for administering the AVH athletic program of competitive teams. Sports officers are assigned to the various Divisions of the AVH by this section, and within the Sport Section are sub- sections for soccer, boxing, gymnastics, rowing, shooting, and participation in motorcycle and automible racing and similar competitions. The entire AVH sports organization is entitled "Bastya" (Basti n), and each team participating on behlaf of the AVH is termed a Bastya Team. Organization unknown. 50X1-HUM 13. The Cultural Section of Division V (designation unknown), which is responsible for raising and promoting the cultural level of the AVH personnel, specializes in organizing presentations of Soviet Russian music, singing,and dancing, in arranging "cultural" lectures, and in presenting AVH concerts, lecturesgand similar cultural efforts with AVH personnel filling the active roles. There are about sixty persons in this section whose only job is to represent the AVH at the various State organized cultural events. Organization unknown. 14. The Propaganda Section of Division V (designation unknown) is responsible for disseminating Communist literature among the AVH staff personnel. Organi- 50X1-HUM zation unknown. 15. The Health Section of Division V (designation unknown) is responsible for the direction of the AVH hospitals, infirmaries,and recreation areas. The main AVH hospital is the Otto Korvin Hospital, formerly the Fasor Sanitorium, located in Budapest VII at Gorkij Fasor ut, formerly Vilma Kirtlynoe-ut, 11/2. The SECRET/CONTROL - U. S.I (OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 outpatient clinic is located on the corner of Voeroesmarty and Aradi ut, Budapest VI. The Health Section has its administrative offices in this latter building. There is also a small clinic in the AVH headquarters build- ing. AVH personnel working in the provinces (komitaet, formerly megye) are, attended by the civil police physicians, but if hospitalization is necessary, the patient is placed in the Otto Korvin Hospital in Budapest. The following are the AVH recreation areas under the supervision of Division V, to which ,AVH employees may go for vacation or for health reasons: Siofok Felsoegoed Balatonlelle Heviz Dobogokoe Matrs.foered SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY -5- Organization of this section is unknown. _ (Comment: KOCZINA's predecessor was . o Dezsoe LAKATOS, who was relieved of office about the time of the January 1953 purge. (2) Comment: Kadering is the professional and political assessment and 50X1-HUM con ro of all AVH assignments. adering consists of a friendly interrogation, undergone every member of the AVH at regular intervals (as well as special sessions as required) before any status change can be effected, from General PIROS on down. The lower the level of the employee, the more often he is subjected to routine kadering. Division V's primary concern in kadering is in professional ability and qualification, and in the individual's private life as it reflects on his professional activities; ideological kadering is normally. accomplished by the responsible AVH Party Secretaries. However, it is often difficult to separate 50X1-HUM and exactly define the authority of the Party and that of Division V in kader processing, and in personnel action growing out of kaderin . (3) Comment: This group, led by DEKAN, represents what is known as the Ceanmunist Party clique within the AVH, and is the most power- ful of the internal influences euidinL7 the daat;rrr tf +e him a 50X1-HUM (4) (5) Comment: The Party Secretaries are assigned to the Sections in Division V, not at the Division level, as source has pointed out is the case in Division I, and he believes in all Divisions except for Division VIII. Comment: Health, Culture , S ort and Pr aganda are 50X1-HUM each functions performed by separate sections. furthermore, there are in all Likelihood two additional sections hat, novea o an e personnel matters for each of the "military" Divisions (IV-Border Guards, and IX-BKA or AVH armed 50X1-HUM units), if Division V is at all responsible for them, due specialized nature. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 -6- (6) (7) to the staffs would not warrant ineln4time,?because the number of persons assigned of the Divisions of the AVH (exclusive of the M that is.. a ilitary Divisions,iIV and IX,h whose "political officers" are directly responsible to the Chief of Division V and not to any Division V/1 sub-section), and one for the nineteen Provincial Departments. If this is correct, Division V/1 would comprise approximately nine sub-sections (one for each of the seven appropriate Divisions, one for Unit Kadering). nsible for Provincial' Department 50X1-HUM the AVH staffs (see CSD&-K-13735) are also Kadered individuals assigned by Division V/l, but there are no corres- ponding staff sub-sections (as there are Division sub-sections) in the Division V/1 organization; staff Kaderers are selected at random from V/1 sub-sections 50X1 -HU M which are the least busy at an SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. corresponding to the organiza ion of 4-U AV/~ 1~ organizes into sub-sections 50X1-H U M ee om to roam through the offices of the Division for which he is responsible, however, and the Kadering officers spend much of their time at this activity. vision v building on Jaszai?Mari Ter at Szemelynoek utca 25 or 26, opposite the AVH headquarters. building, A Kadering officer has complete -P, d The offices of Division V 1 personnel responsible for 111,117 ea qua ers Kadering are located in the D' b. Kadering officers are, of course, known as such to the other employees. The personnel of Division V/l's Instruktor Sub-section, responsible for Provincial Department (as opposed to the headquarters Division) Kadering are, on the other hand, 'integrated into given Provincial Departments, where they overtly maintain Division V/1 offices. The headquarters, Division V/l, Instruktor Sub-section is thus manned by a skeleton force, supporting their field representatives. In theory the latter report to 'division V/1 through the Provincial Department chief; in practice they frequently circumvent him, especially if there is any question of Division Vas power or authority involved in any given instance. Comment: AVH kadering a 50X1-HUM as ? e Personnel Section or Div ppears ision also lhasoant"Otdel~Kadrov"e inasmuch 50X1-HUM apparently similar to Division VI, (9) omment: Most offenses in the AVH are moral misbehavior; drunkenness, fighting, adultery, consorting with prostitutes, homosexuality,and stealing, Theft is one of the most common crimes at every level of the AVH. Theft includes misappropriation of funds, and seizing for personal use impounded possessions (furniture, clothing, cameras,and similar personal items) of persons SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S.I (OFFICIALS ONLY arrested or deported by the AVH. If an AVH employee is charged with one of the other possible offenses, it is almost certain that a charge of theft of im- pounded personal effects can be added to the original charge. Next in fre- quency to moral crimes, are offenses connected with the proper execution of official duties; security violationssAWOL, dereliction of duty, failure to follow AVH operational procedures. Political transgressions, such as Arrow 50X1-HUM Cross membership on the part of an AVH employee, record of which should be subsequently discovered, are also within the purview of Division V/3. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S.I (OFFICIALS ONLY t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03107: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 D.IVISION V - SOVIET ADVISOR. INTERPRETER SOVIET ADVISOR INTERPRETER SECTION 'l "KADER" COMMAND LINE SOVIET ADVISOR SECTION 2 HIRING SOVIET ADVISOR INTERPRETER SECTION 3 DISCIPLINARY ECRETARIAT? SECRETARIAT Chief: KOCZINA, Gyula,. Col. SECTION 4 PERSONNEL FILES SECRETARIAT SPORT SECTION .CULTURAL .SECTION PROPAGANDA. SECTION SECRETARIAT HEALTH SECTION 50X1-HUM [ 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03107: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010014-7 DEPUTY CHIEF LALIK, Arpad Lt Co