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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 50X1-HUM CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET/CONTROL ? U. S. Hungary This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. OFFICIALS ONLY REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF ' PA0ES4 REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 50X1-HUM 16 August 1954 RD 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. One of the missions of the AVH (Allamvedeltni. Ha.t4/s6.g - State Security Authority) is to secure and control the borders of the Hungarian Peoples Republic against enemies of the State, employing passport control and all other measures that this duty implies, and to defend .the country against armed assault on the borders, The responsibility for this mission is exercised by Division IV(Foeosztaly) of the AVH, which is directly rsponsible for the organization and maintenance. of the Border Guards (Hatgroerseg), including the collection of tactical intell- igence relative to the completion of its assigned mission. The personnel 50X1-HUM strength of Division IV is estimated at 8,000 to 99000. (2) Although Major General Lis zl e PIFO S, Commanding General of the AVH and former Commander of Division IV continued nominally in command of Division IV even after he was elevated to' his present position following removal. of Gabor PITER, Lt, Col, Jt?nos SZALVA, previously PIFOS1 Chief of Staff s, assumed active command as a result of the'-personnel changes caused by the Janaary 1953 purge. In addition to a Commander, Division IV is provided with a Chief of Staff, a Soviet Adviser and AVH Interpreter, and presumably with a Secretariat, (3) 50X1-HUM ,SECRET/CONTROL ? U. So (Note: Washington Distribution Indicated by "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S.I OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM 3. Division IV is a military organization, patterned on the Hungarian Army'although totally independent of the Army, and thus has the usual pyramidal;-military' command structure common to all military services. Although the-lower grades of NCOts and enlisted-personnel are Army draftees who are assigned to.Division':tV at-induction, the officers and'higher grades of NCO's are career-AVH'men; (/+) The following sections (osztAly) are known to exist within the structure of Division IV, beside those elements of apurely military nature; this listing is Counter-intelligence Section - Military Operations Section c. Political Section, d,-.Personnel Section e. Registry Section. Tactical intelligence of the border-areas for the purpose of insuring their security against illegal entry or exit,: Direction of and planning border control and security, Political indoctrination and education of the officers and men, t" - Kadering0?and the handling of related per- sonnel matters, 'Maintenance of Division IV Agent and General Operational Registry, f. Supply Section Distribution of all materiel, supplies,.. and funds The :Counter-intelligence Section (Felderit8 Oszt9ly has the primary . duty of controlling the'illegal border crosser movement by anticipating that. movement through -the detection. of the channels used and the individuals involve'&jj* "(k5) Its activities are legally limited to the immediate-border areas, although it does-not-always-restrict its operations to.the border areas and thus frequently comes into conflict with Division VIII (Positive Intelligence'Operations) over operations.involving illegal border crosser entering Hungary from the West. This section has three sub-sections (alosztaly), and maintains CI detachments, numbering from five to twenty men dependent upon such factors as topography and incidence of illegal crossings, located within the installations of most of the Border Guard Troop Detachments. (6) Members'of the Counter-innte'lli- gence Section may??,rear civilian'clothes-or.Border Guard uniforms, although the former are usually preferred. The section is composed of the following sub- sections: a. 'Western Border Area Sub-section b. 'Southern Border Area Sub-section c. Adjacent "People's Democracies!' Sub=section SECRET/CONTROL'- U.' S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010013-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. I OFFICIALS ONLY -3- 5. The control of illegal border--crossing is accomplished through CI-Section 50X1-HUM recruitment-of informer nets (hiflok) composed of indigenous' residents on both sides of the border, to a depth of 10 to 15 kilometers. 6. Whenever an illegal border-crosser is apprehended by Division IV personnel, he is held by the CI Section and interrogated for about 2!, hours. The CI Section is not concerned with the potential espionage or sabotage aspects inherent either in the illegal crosser's trip or in the detection of border- area residents assisting illegal border-crossers, nor actually in their apprehension; these are the responsibilities of the Division I personnel in the local. Provincial Department. The CI Section interrogation is designed solely to enable the Border Guards to anticipate and thwart future illegal crossings through the same channels, and thus it is limited to determining such questions as the method,route,and place of crossing, assistance given to the illegal crosser, his purpose in crossing. Following the CI Section interrogation, the illegal border-crosser is handed over to the local Provincial Department, where he is interrogated by the Division VI (Investigation,'Irk- terrogation,, Arrest, and Prison Maintenance) personnel.,in Section 6'of'the Department, after which he will be turned over to personnel of Division'I or Division VIII for exploitation, or simply jailed by Division'VI as the case requires. 7. The Military Operations Section (Hadmueveleti Osztaly) is responsible for planning and.dire cig the control and security of the Hunga?ian borders. Included in the execution of this mission is the assignment of additional' Border Guard troops to those 'areas where-an increase in illegal border cross- ing or other illegal activity in border areas required them, and the laying and maintenance of physic 1 border obstacles such as barbed wire, flares, mines, and' plowed strips. 50X1-HUM 8. The Political;.Sectionais responsible for the indoctrination and education of the officers and men'of the Border Guard, and is presumed not to differ radically,, if at all, from the organization of similar units throughout the rest of the,military services. 9.' The Personnel Section4 is= primarily responsible for el ca4erineDivision IV personnel, and also for related personnel matters. (10) The members of this section are Division IV personnel, rather than Division V personnel, although this section is under the direction of Division V. 1G. The Registry Section and its organization are completely unknown, beyond the SECRET/CONTROL,- U.,S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM fact that it exists, and that in a manner... similar to Division.VIII, Division IV th intains its own.Reg stry distinct from the AVH Registry, Division III/3. I The Supply Section (Gazdasagi) performs the quartermaster function for..n Ls but also has the added responsibility of handling Division IV finances. The Supply Section has,a Procurement and Liaison Team assigned?to Division VII (Supply, Administrative Suppori, Hoiising)'from which the Te'am'obtains the neces?ary materiel, supplies9and f`uids,,for the distribution of which this section is responsible. 12. Until-approximately 1948, the Hungarian borders were manned by police known as the Border:Police (Hater Rendoerseg), who wore the same uniform as the.civil police. The 1948 reorganization of the then AVO, resulting in many changes including one involving the change in title. to AVH, led. to the formation-of the AVH'Border Guards in late 1948,or early 1949, presumably'by absorbing the majority of the former Border-Police. During the transformation period; which lasted until the fall of 1949,'the Border Guards were titled the Bader 'Rivet.. and Air Patrol '(literally Surveillance) (Hater Folyam -s.Legi Rendeszetj.-'The' ~~. brown uniform was adopted in the summer or fall of 1949,'and Division IV':of-the AVH was then established in its present form in the fall o?.1949.' Its full official title as bean since then the State Security (Defense) Border Guard High Command (Allamvedelmi Hataroers(g Foeparancsnoksig). 13. The exact Border Guard troop disposition is'unknown, although by the nature of their function they are necessarily stationed in'the border areas.; The 50X1-HUM following is a list of the locations where elements of the Border Guard are known to be established, and where possible the subordinate units are-given an effort has also been made to indicate the size.of the unit where possible: Szeged Szoereg KuebekhAza Gyala (on the Belgradi Mue ut, close to'the border) 'Morahalom Varostanya (about 2 km. outside of the town in Bokortanya) Kelebia (about 200 meters from the railroad station) Szombathely Pornoapati (on the main road in a two-story building) there are ''.50X1-HUM two battalions stationed at Szeged. The Szeged Border "Gus.r'd '.Barracks are located on Nagykoerut'between Kalvaria ut and Szentharomsag'ut, in.the'former'"Hiradoi" Barracks. Each 'of the subordinate detach- ments has"a strength'of"at least"" one platoon '(36 'men) ; -'some ' of them may be of greater strength. 50X1-HUM there'a~re two battalions stationed at Szombathely, located in'three'to four-story.. buildings next torthe-hospitale su etac en strength is one 50X1-HUM "' tie. ? .-brie. known SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. -5- Kiskunhalas So r - . Iubertus Csorna Vamosmikola - Kiskunhalas is a regional-'or Apntinnpl quarters, and there-is a regiment stationed there. - Sopron probably (sic) has"at least a battalion, which is housed'in five or six three-story buildings. - Csorna has a unit of unknown strength; it may be (sic)" a_bat talion. The quarters are outside of the town on the road to; Sopron in a three-story building.' - Szob has a unit of unknown strength; it may be (sic) a battalion, 'It is stationed in a former school on the main street of the town. Vamosmikola has a unit of unknown strength, which is quartered in an old castle. P4cs - no details known Zalaegerszeg - no details.known Gyoer - no details known Balassgyarmat. - no details known .The exact limits of the border zones is unknown, but they are estimated at approximately 15 kilometers along both the Austrian and Yugoslav borders. The southern, Yugoslav border is more strongly guarded than is the western, Austrian border. The greatest concentration. of guard troops is between'Baja'and'Szeged, where there are no-river or,other natural obstacles. On the western-border, there is a known border-zone pass (hattrsav igazolvany) check point on the rail line north-west from Gyoer to Hegyeshalom, probably east of Mosonmagyaroir&r, and another between Kapuvdr and Feroes.zentmiklos on the highway and rail line leading west from Gyoer to. Sopron. On the southernbordet, there is a 50X1-HUM known road barrier and check point on the highway leading due south froth Baja toward Nagybaracska, two-thirds km. south of Baja, and there is ariother-oh the Baja to Szeged highway just west of Csalvoly; still another is known between Tompa and Kiskunhalas on the north-south highway lying about halfway 'between Baja and Szeged.' The Czech border is lightly guarded. Only if'a?person appears to be heading directly for the border is he likely to be challenged for a document check by these guards. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 ? SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM 15. Border-zone passes are issued by the local police upon personal application; the AVH has'no part in it, although Division IV is solely responsible for- the documentation control throughout the border zones. A temporary border one pass is issued by the police in the inland city of origin for the border--zone-city of destination explicitly, = The temporary pass is honored by-the border- 50X1-HUM zone authorities inasmuch as possession of it is a"guarantee attesting'to the' political reliability.of .the bearer by his. local police.- Ordinarily -any 'business; family, or personal reason is sufficient justification, s61 o as the 'regiiestor does not belong to a politically unreliable classification, (14) Permanent border-zone residence is acquired through personal application' to' the local police ofTthe border city involved, on the authority of a temporary border pass issued by,the-police of the,inland.city of origin (who, as noted, necessarrily'have passed-on the individual's reliability in, order to have issued the , pass, and to some degree on the justification for the change of residence). Sufficient jus- tification must: also be presented to the border-zone city police at'the time-of application; a particularly valid reason would be new employment which was to the advantage of the government, especially from the national security point of view. (15) Such a justification as the requester's desire to move near his family might or, might:;not be favorably accepted, depending on many factors including the. family's reliability, family conditions, and similar issues. Although acceptable justification is variable in each individual case, persons with the-,stigma of having been Kulaks, former SS and army officers, or "reactionaries"; all of whom have been vigorously removed as permanent residents to inland sites. would naturally: never be able to provide justification which would be acceptable even to.permit them to obtain a temporary pass. (2) Comment;:, estimated 20.,'000in;`addition'to the,8,000to 9,000 assigned to the Border Guards, there1 arre_approximately.;6,000 engaged -in'intelligence collection and support (Division VIII,III, VII and-Unit'X/3, presumably), and about 5,000 in internal security ,(Divisions I, II, V, VI, IX and X,. presumably). (3) Comment: it is likely a Soviet Adviser is assigned to the various lower 50X1-HUM epic eeoons.of Division IV, especially to the Counter-intelligence*Section; this is, however, an assumption, not substantiated by specific knowledge. ('4) Comment: An AVH officer sits on the induction board, which each fall, . 50X1-HUM urging the draft period .of two to three weeks, determines each 'inductee'sfiiture assignment as to branch of service. It is at this time that the newIenlisted ._ personnel for the Military Divisions IV and IX are chosen. The exact-procedure which determines that a specific inductee is to be assigned to Division IV is. unknown, but. the major criterion in selecting a draftee for service in-the Border Guards is believed to be his political reliability and background. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY ovepall,AVH strength ,at about Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 SECRET/CONTROL -.U. S. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM (5) Comment: The internal secus^#.ty' ,o f. Division IV; howev&?9 is" the 50X1-HUM responsibility of. Division II (Military Counter-'int elligence).' (6) Comment: The following CI Detachments are kn own 50X1-HUM Csorna Sopron Szob Szombathely Comment: The Border Guard command lines are totally independei'it*of-all 50X1 -HUM .other AVH channels. The troop detachments., and all specialized personnel of Division IV attached to these detachments, are physically separate from the Pr;ovincial Departments, maintaining their own offices and quarters. "They also only report to and receive orders from their own Headquarters Division, and are in no way subject to the command of the Provincial Department chiefs, Close liaison'is normally maintained between the two., however., 50X1-HUM {10) 'Co mmente a sOnnel Section la must exist ere,-an in` the ,othy Military Divisions of the AVH, since aderinf is an essential for all other AVH career personnel. The presence of a special section to handle Division V matters would be justified on the grounds of the size of the Mili- tart' Divisions, and their somewhat different functional nature. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S.' OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005900010013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010013-8 SECRET/CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY (14) Comment: If business is given, the applicant would have a statement from his employer indicating his destination and duration of stay. In the case of frequent travellers, the applicant may have a more or less permanent statement from his employer; truck drivers have trip tickets issued by their dispatchers. It is unknown whether these trip tickets are revalidated or re- issued for each trip, (15) Comment: The documentation procedures for a change of residence ir- vo wing a move into a border zone appear to be normal in all other respects,- 50X1-HUM SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80S01540R005900010013-8