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~y ,Declassified in Part 4 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 CENTRAL IN I N FO RMAT TEL.LIGENCE AGENCY ION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. 50X1-HUM Alternating Current Network Analyzer at the Polytechnic Institute in Wroclaw REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT- NO. REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) loriginal and a translation of an article written in Po ing the alternating current network analyzer which was constructed by he Labor for for Pr tot es of Electrical Measuring Devices in Warsaw. The article was published in the Polish technical monthly, Eneretyka No. 4/1952. ri STATE IARMY I INAVY I IAIR FBI AEC LA 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM OCD Ix (Nob: Washington Distribution indicobd? By "X"; Field Distribution by "#".) Form No. 51-61, January 1953 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 THt AL.TRNATING CURRENT NETWORK ANALYZER AT THE ELECTRIC 50X1-HUM POWER LABORATORY OF THE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE IN WROCLAW (POLAND) Introduction 1. The growing industrialization of Poland and the demand for electric energy connected with it have posed many difficult electric grid problems for Polish experts in this field. A q ick solution was required for these problems. ;Dr.)J.\~OZUCHOWSKI, a professor at the Poly- technic Institute Wroclaw, in attempting to find a solution, thought o constructing an alternating current network analyzer. In the autumn of 1949 the design and the construction of such an analyzer was ordered in the Laboratory for Prototypes of Electrical Measuring Devices (PPAE) in Warsaw. 2. In the spring of 1950, after numerous difficulties con- nected with organizing the construction of such large equipment and obtaining the necessary materials, con- struction of the analyzer started. Source designed the analyzer, and s ervised its construction with the assi ante of K.A LECKI in the mechanical assembly and ANULAGOWSKI in the electrical connecting. Most of the mponent parts were made in the PPAE. When the parts were completed the analyzer was assembled in three weeks and put into operation in February 1951. By February 1952 the analyzer had been working almost constantly for a year. Many measurements of the Polish electric power grid and the development of new grid conceptions had been made with the analyzer during this time. 3. The importance of a continuous supply of electric energy for factories and plants was clear to everyone since a break in supply could cause considerable loss to the national economy. The electrical engineers who were in charge of the electric power grid to ensure uninterrupted supply of electric energy to the cus- tomers had to know the exact conditions under which the power system operated. This was a simple problem at the time of open and small closed networks. The solu- tion of these problems was very simple mathematically. However, after the electrical grids were expanded and included numerous meshes and Junction points,.the, problem was difficult to solve mathematically because it required a solution using equations with many .unknown quantities. Moreover, the equations were different for each new condition of the network. The transient phenomena of electrical grids further compli- cated matters, because differential equations with the same number of unknown quantities had to be used instead of normal linear equations. ENCLOSURE A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 2- 4. These difficulties forced the scientists to find a new 50X1-HUM method to solve this problem. The method consisted of constructing a laboratory model of the analyzed electri- cal network in which all the electrical quantities would be replaced by corresponding scaled down quantities. The model should have a versatile set of operating conditions to accomplish many optional experiments such as overloads, short circuits, breaks in the supply of energy etc. and, in addition, would have many measuring points which would be easily accessible. The alternating current network analyzer was the resulting model. In addition to the problems mentioned above it was pos- sible to solve, with the analyzer, other problems which were connected with the electric power grid as transient phenomena, such as the influence of the particular loads on the network, the best locations of new power sources, etc. It was also possible to apply the analyzer to the solution of many problems not connected with electricity at all. 7. According to the calculations, the analyzer was to have as many as 600 junction points. This requirement caused many additional difficulties. In the first place, the proper operating voltage and frequency had to be.chosen to avoid the errors exceeding the assumed limits of the analyzer accuracy. (Errors can be caused by the residual resistance of the connecting wires and contacts, the residual capacitance of wiring, and also they can depend on the accuracy of the RCL model elements.) Institute in Wroclaw The Alternating Current Network Analyzer of theJP lytechnic The maximum accuracy of the AC network analyzer was about 2%. This was completely sufficient for the electric grid problems, since the data on loads, capacities, re- sistances, inductances, etc. of a real electric network were generally less accurate. 6. 8. Secondly, considering the necessity of using a large number of model RCL elements, it was necessary to apply the separate RCL model elements instead of the decade units. Consequently, a great economy of material and space was obtained, since the RCL elements, which were in operation, did not take up space in the analyzer. In addition, they could be used for modeling another part of the network. After experimenting it was possible to model, because of the above-mentioned system, three. or four given networks simultaneously. The next very important point was the possibility of.measuring quickly comA1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 r_nvA 1 ii IR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 J4Urj4jjr,1 a I, ..3.. any necessary electrical quantity at any point of the model network; this had to be accomplished in a way which ensured no error. It was accomplished by the total automatization of the measurements. After slight training, it was quite easy to measure in about 40 seconds all the basic quantities such as active power, reactive power, current, the voltage and phase angle of the current, and the voltage. There were 1,841 measur- ing points in the analyzer. The time necessary to con- nect the measuring instruments to any point of the model network was no longer than four to five seconds. General Description 9. The analyzer consisted of two basic parts. The first part was a steel frame of 10.5 x 2.2 x 0.45 M. (32 ft. long, 6 ft. 9 in. high, and 18 in. deep). The frame was divided into 1,196 cells destined to place the "line" and "load" units. There were also 23 model generators placed in the frame. The other part was the measuring table. Its dimensions were 1.8 x 1.0 x 0.6 m. (6 ft. long, 40 in. high, 24 in. deep). The entire analyzer was placed-in a room 12 x 7.5 m. (40 ft. long and 25 ft. wide).-- ee Figure 1, Enclosure B_] The control devices and meters of the model generators were placed on the front of the analyzer frame. The cells of the "line" units and of the ;load" units were accessible from the back of the frame. 10. The three-phase grid at 110 kv line voltage with the maximum input power of 150 kva for each individual supplying point was considered the base for determining the electrical quantity scale of the analyzer, since such a grid had been the one mostly frequently analyzed (with the analyzer). After studying and calculations, the following scale was adopted: Values. in the Corresponding Values Real Grid in the Model Grid Rated voltage 110 kv 63.5 v Frequency 50 cps 500 cps Tension 1 kv 1 3v Current 1 a 0.2 ma Power 1 mva 0.23 va Resistance 1 ohm 5 ohms Impedance 1 ohm 5 ohms Reactive conductivity 1 mho 0.2 mhos Inductance 1 mh 0.5 mh Capacitance 1,000 mmf 20 mmf Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 50X1-HIJM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 11. Resistors, inductors, and capacitors were used as the line elements. These elements were placed in Bakelite boxes with plugs. Figure 3, Enclosure Bj To set a required model "line" unit of the individual RLC ele- ments it was necessary to put them into one of the special, small exchangeable "line" panels which had corresponding sockets built in. These sockets were connected in such a way that, after putting the RLC elements and short circuit bars into the panel, a four pole "pi"-network resulted. Input and output of this 'pi"-netz,uork was connected with the five-pin plug 'placed in one end of the anel. She circuit of the pi"-network ("line" unit is illustrated in Figure 5, Enclosure BJ The load elements were made similarly to the line elements ffigure 3, Enclosure B7 but to avoid mistakes, the Bakelite boxes were of a different color. To set a required load, the proper load ele- ments were put into the corresponding sockets of a "load" panel. +'igure 6, Enclosure Bj The analyzer had 598 cells for the "Line" units and 598 cells for the "load" units (junction points). These cells were numbered and had corresponding sockets connected with the measuring system. Each "load" cell had also a Bakelite strip with four binding posts representing a corresponding junction point. 12. When setting a model network it was first necessary to draw a plan of the electrical network to be measured marking the lines, the junction points, the loads, and the generators with the corresponding numbers of cells and model generators. Then the electrical quantities of the lines, loads, and other component parts of the real network would be determined on the model scale. After the above procedure it was possible to begin modeling. The first step was to place the correspond- ing RCL elements and "load" elements into the proper "line" and "load" panels. These "modeled" panels would be connected with the flexible insulated wires regarding the plane after pushing them into the corres- ponding cells which were marked with their proper numbers on the plan. Then all of the connected generators would be set approximately according to the plan. At this point test measuring could start during which generators and autotransformers would be adjusted several times to obtain the given power value of each generator. The Model Network Elements of the Analyzer 13. The model network elements include the following: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8[a^.T, ,Tr- A A I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Resistors Inductors of X/R =5 Inductors of X/R =30 to 50 Capacitors Autotransformers Compensators Actual loads Inductive loads a. The resistors were manufactured in units of .5, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 20, 40, 70 ohms. The system of 1, 2, 14, 7, was applied because only this system allowed the composing of each whole number from 1 to 10 (and even to 11) using only two units. It was possible to obtain any quantity between 1 and 110 ohms with an accuracy of 1 ohm using only 4 of these elements. In many cases the accuracy could be increased by adding a .5 ohm element. The elements were made with an accuracy of resistance of'=.5%. The resis- tors were wound of constantan wire by a method which ensured neglegible inductance. The maximum working current for an element was .3 A. b. The inductors were made in the same way as the resistors. They were made in 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, .70, 100 and 200 ohms units (at f =500 cps.) as copper wire coils with iron dust cores. The accuracy of inductance was1 l%. The inductance 'varied with the current about 1% at maximum current. These induc- tors were of Q ;5 which was considered.a small geometric size of these elements. In cases needing better Q, the elements described below were used. c. The inductors of Q = 30 to 50 Figure 7, Enclosure 7 were used to model the equivalent transformers and generators of the real grids. These elements were made in values from 2 to 200 ohms. Between 2 and 20 ohms they were made in steps of 2 ohms; between 20 and 200 ohms the steps were 20 ohms. This system allowed the composing of any reactance between 2 and 220 ohms only of two elements with an accuracy of 2 ohms. These elements were made as tA'roidal coils on the.iron dust cores. The accuracy of induc- tance waste' 1%. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 ? ? 65n /S:s'a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 . ... d ue+O ~ , ' d f I L 50X1-HUM d?, The capacitors were in values of .5, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 40 ohms : They were made of silvered and molded Bakelite mica condensers. The accuracy of capacitance wa s -r 11%6. e. The following data pertains to the regulated auto- transformers: Maximum load ............ 15 va which corresponded to 220 mva in the real 110 kv grid Range of regulation ..... *-20% to -30% in steps of 1% No-load loss ............ about .4% Maximum efficiency ......about 99.3% The autotransformers could be used to match the rated voltages for the loads or as the,grid inter- mediate transformers. f. The compensators were made of styroflex and of mica condensers in values corresponding 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 20 and 30 mvAr at 110 kv. g. The active loads elements (pure resistance) were made in number of -600 units in 'values corresponding at 110 kv to the power between 1 and 10 mw in steps of 10 mw. h. The inductive loads elements were made at X/R= 5_ (cos= about .2) in the same 'values as the active elements, but the upper limit was increased to 100 mvAr. The elements described in Subparagraphs g. and h. were placed in the Bakelite boxes as were .the line elements, but the boxes were of another color to distinguish one from the other. The Generators i4. Each of the 23 model generators could replace a ,real generator or power plant of the maximum power 150 DIVA at the rated voltage 110 kv. This power corresponded to 10 va at 63.5 v rated voltage in the analyzer. The generators worked in the circuit of two coupled phase shifters Figure 8, Enclosure B. connected as illus- trated /Figure 9, Enclosure B. The rotation of the coupled rotors gave continuous voltage control between 20 and 90 v. The adjustment of the phase angle was contvolled by the dial placed on-the front panel of the C ON Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 # vs i V i fi i# w.. 490%16 -7- 50X1-HUM generator. Figure 10, Enclosure B_] The accuracy of the adjustment was about t20 minutes. The voltage was controled with an accuracy of * 3`' by the copper oxide rectifier voltmeter also placed on the front panel of the generator. It was necessary to connect each genera- tor to the main measuring system to get a better accuracy of the voltage. The course control of the generator current was accomplished by the copper oxide rectifier ammeter which could be connected temporarily by a push- button switch. A short circuit was normally placed on each ammeter to avoid the undesired voltage drop. The inductance of the generating system was compensated with a corresponding condenser C. It was made to avoid the phase shift at the active load. The generators were supplied from the common line 3 x 40 v - 500 cps. The Measuring System 15. The analyzer was one of the largest AC analyzers in the world. As mentioned above, so great a number of measur- ing points made it necessary to design a system which allowed the measuring system to be quickly connected to any measuring point of the analyzer. At the same time it was essential that this problem be accomplished with regard to the low capacitance and low resistance of the connecting wires and elements. 16. The "calling" system of the measuring points was accom- plished by telephone type relays. Siemens type, double contact "flat" relays were used to ensure good results. A special "cascade" connecting system of relays was used to decrease the residual capacitance of the "hang- ing" contact springs. This system gave in the poorest instance only 26 parallel connected contact springs which gave about 260 mmf residual ground capacitance, since a single contact spring had only 10 mmf ground capacitance. To the contact sprin~ capacitance add the capacitance of the sockets in the line" and "load" units, the capacitance of the measuring current and voltage transformers, the capacitance of the wiring and the coaxial cable which connects the measuring table with the analyzer frame. Considering this, the sockets in the "line" and "load" panels were made of very low capacitance; this was obtained by partial air insulation. The measuring transformers also had a very low capaci- tance between the windings and against the ground. All wiring was arranged in a special way to ensure the mini- mum capacitance. As a result the total residual capacitance was only 1,700 mmf for the most remote measuring point which gave the loss of power only 20 mvAr (corresponding about .3 mvAr at 110 kv).. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 CONFIDENTIAL -8- 17. The residual resistance was. also 'very small. -Its value was about .8 ohms for the most remote measuring point. It gave a 20 mw loss of power (corresponding .3 mw at 110 kv) at maximum current 160_.mA. These residual values were neglegible in the measurements because they were below the accuracy of the real electric grids. 18. The following points of the analizing network were. accessible to measurement: a. The left side of the "pi"-network......... 598 points (current measuring) b. The right side of the "pi"-network........ 598 points (current measuring). c. The junction point .......................... '--',98 points (voltage measuring) - d. The ground potential ...................... 1 point (voltage measuring) e. The generators: voltage measuring ........ 23 points current measuring.... . 2 points Total..184l points 19. Each of these points was served by a relay (so-called "unit" relay). The relays which connected the voltage points had only to connect the required model network point to the measuring system. The relays serving the current measuring points had to break the circuit being measured and to connect the current measuring system across the broken terminals. The relays were divided into three groups each of 600 units. Two groups were "current" groups; one was the "voltage" group. All of the relays were mounted in the 23 steel racks which were placed behind the generators on the back of the analyzer frame. The relay racks without cover are visible in the upper part of Figure 2, Enclosure B_] The Measuring Table 20. The measuring table figure 11, Enclosure B_] of 1.8 x 1.0 x o.6 m. (6 ft. long, 40 in. high and 24 in. deep), was the brain of the analyzer. It included the follow- ing parts figure 12, Enclosure B.: a. The measuring system which consisted of*.' CONH ' JTLL1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 =9- 50X1-HUM (1) Three electrodynomometers which measured the voltage, the current, and the power. .(2) The voltage and the current amplifiers. (3) The DC power supplies for the amplifiers. (4) The constant voltage transformers. (5)The calibrating circuit. (6) The cathode ray tube with the corresponding amplifier and the phase shifter to measure the current and the voltage phase angle. (7) The voltage measuring transformer and the voltage divider. b. The calling and signaling system with the rectifiers giving 24 v DC to supply the relay circuits and the 24 v transformer to supply the signal lamps. 21. The electrodynomometers were in a horizontal position under a glass plate in the middle front of;the table. Their scales were lighted. The operating panel was placed a little above. The push buttons operating the analyzer were placed on it. The light control signaling plates were above and on both. sides of the operating panel. The cathode ray tube with the phase shifter for -measuring the phase shift was on the right side of the measuring table. The Measuring System 22. The analyzer measuring system was designed to measure the following quantities: a. The current in both branches of each "pi"-network and in each generator b. The voltage between each junction point and the ground, or between each generator and the ground c. The voltage between any two junction points, genera- tors, or generator and junction point d. Active or reactive power. as the result of any combi- nation of the above mentioned voltages and currents Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 buA,rr -10- 50X1-HUM e. The phase shift of any current or voltage in respect to the basic voltage which has no phase shift in comparison to the generator voltage set on 00 of the phase angle. f. Impedance indirectly according to the following formula: Z=R+ jX active power. reactive power -t j I I 1 12 __ 23. The electrodynomometers which were used on the measuring table were of the astatic type with an accuracy of Z .5% for the voltage and the current measuring. The power measuring accuracy of the meter wart .2%. All of these meters gave the full scale at a current of 20 mA. The moving and the standing coil of the ammeter were connected in series. The coils in the voltmeter were connected in series with the voltmeter, and its standing coil connected in series with the ammeter. The meters, of course, could not be directly connected to the model net- work since their considerable consumption of power would have resulted in completely false measuring. The values of the power appearing in the model network were considered extremely low. 24. To avoid having the meters influence the model network, two measuring amplifiers were applied. One was used in the current measuring system, the other in the voltage measuring system. The current amplifier was a three- stage amplifier with which was used a special kind of negative feedback. Because of that the phase shift between the input voltage coming from the current shunt and the output current was within 10" which was addition- ally compensated. Also the amplification was almost independent on the variation of the AC main voltage and the characteristics of the tubes used in the amplifier. The amplifier gave the full scale of the meters at 50 my input voltage. The input voltage came from the symetri- cal current measuring transformer with the ratio of 1:5. The transformer winding of a smaller number of turns was connected across the variable shunt selected by the range relays. There were 9 full scale ranges: 1,000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 5 and 2 ma. The voltage drop on the shunt for each range was 10 my at the full load. 25. The other amplifier was similarly constructed and was designed. to work in the voltage measuring system. The full scale was'obtained at the .5 v input voltage directly impressed to the grid of the first amplifier tube. Because the input voltage came through the sym- metrical voltage measuring transformer with the ratio of 10:1, the full scale of the meter was obtained at the lowest input voltage of 5. v.. .._Between the transformer Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 and the first amplifier tube the voltage divider was placed; it had five selected full scale ranges: 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 v. The input impedance of the voltage measuring system was 2 m constant for each range. Between the input stage and two following stages of the voltage amplifier, a resonance circuit tuned for 500 cps was placed. It was designed to obtain the 90? phase shift at reactive power measuring. he general circuit of the analyzer measuring system is illustrated in Fibure 13, Enclosure B,7 Each of the amplifiers had its individual power supply and a constant voltage trans- former. 26. The maximum total error of the measuring system did not exceed t' 11,% 27. The measuring system could be calibrated at any time by the 500 cps calibrating voltage which was impressed through the corresponding voltage divider to the input circuit of both amplifiers at the time of calibrating. The calibrating voltage came from a bridge circuit formed of two constant resistors and two thermistors. The bridge was arranged in such a way that the input voltage variation of! 20% caused only1.5/5) 'variation of the input 'voltage. 28. A cathode ray tube with the corresponding one-stage amplifier with gain control and an inductive phase shifter with the 3600 scale were used to measure the phase shift. The accuracy of the phase shift measuring was better than' 20' . 29. After one year's experience the total error of the analyzer did not exceed' 20. Thus, the accuracy of this analyzer is not less than the accuracy of the known analyzers of other countries. The Calling and Siznaling System 30. The whole operation of connecting the measuring system was accomplished by push-button switches mounted on the operating panel which was placed horizontally on the .top part of the measuring table. Calling the required measuring point was accomplished in the following way:,, after setting the analyzer to work, one of three group" push buttons was pressed. The push buttons were.marked: CURRENT A (which served 598 current measuring points of the left branches in the line S?pi"-networks), CURRENT B - GENERATORS (which served 598 current points of the. right branches in the line "pi"-networks and 23 current Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040013-8 ~ ~ W 116 2- measuring points of the generators), and VOLTAGE (which served 599 voltage measuring points - junction points - and 23 generator voltage measuring points). Then one of the required points in the chosen group was called by pushing the corresponding three push buttons from the ten "calling" push buttons marked with the figures 0 to 9. After a current point was called, it was possible to switch the "calling" push buttons to the 'voltage group, and to call a voltage point by pressing the VOLTAGE "group" push button which did not cancel the previously called current point. It was necessary to connect two points of the model network system for measuring voltage. One of these points could be the ground potential. Six push buttons from the "calling" buttons had to be pushed, one after another, to accomplish the measurement. The first three connected the first voltage point and the following three connected the next point. 31. All operations were controlled by lights on the glass plates placed on both sides of the measuring table. The connection of the measuring system to one of the groups of the measuring points was signaled first. Next came the lighted figures controling the ordinal number of the called point. At last the control lamp lights signaled that the corresponding "unit" relay acted. This relay connected the measuring point directly to the measuring system. In addition, there were the lighted control signs indicating whether or not a generator or junction point was measured and other signs which gave the direc- tion of the current and the voltage. 32. The entire calling system based on relays was so designed that there was no possibility of connecting, for example, two current points simultaneously. To call another measuring point it was necessary to press only the proper "group" push button. This operation canceled the last connection and prepared the calling and the measuring systems to call a new point. 33. After a required point was called, the meters had to be set for the proper range. This.was accomplished by pushing one of the nine "rane" push buttons for the ammeter and one of the five range" push buttons for the voltmeter. The change of ranges was signaled on the lighting plate placed above the calling panel. The lighted signs gave, each time, the number of the milli- amperes, volts, watts or VArs (reactive power units) per one grade of the instrument scales. This helped the analyzer operator, because, after several hours of measur- ing, he was tired and could easily make a mistake by taking the improper range. Canceling a connection with a CONMENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80S01540R005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 JAL .-13- measuring automatically sets the instruments in the least.sensitive range to avoid possible damage in the event of a new connection. 34. Besides the devices, mentioned above, there were additional push buttons on the measuring table with which to change the current direction, to set the power meter from active to reactive power measuring, and to connect the measured voltage or current to the phase shift meter. There was also a .special push button for giving the calibrating voltage for the calibration of the instruments. After pressing that push button all of the instruments gave full scale. The special potentiometers, tuned by a screw driver, permit correction of eventual differ- ences. The potentiometers were placed under the operating panel. 35. The details described above show that the analyzer was designed with particular regard to obtaining the greatest automatization and accuracy in measur- ing. It was made in a way to allow the operator to give his complete attention to reading the instru- ments. The Power Supply 36. The power supply consisted of a 500 va,three-phase generator working at the frequency 500 cps. The rated voltage of the generator was 3 x 140 v. After the generator was placed the three-phase low pass filter cutting the harmonics until .8;0. Then the voltage was reduced by the corresponding transformers to 3 x 40 v. This voltage fed the common three- phase line supplying the model generators. This supply was provisory, because in the Laboratory of Electric Prototype Devices in Warsaw a special 500 cps. three-phase power generator of 10 kva was in the last stage of construction. This generator was to have the electronic stabilization of?the voltage and the frequency with an accuracy of .l 0 of both. The generator would be driven from a special direct current motor which was being constructed in the same laboratory. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 b'u1J LL's 6f~. Descriptions of illustrations in the enclosed Polish text_ 50X1-HUM Figure .1: General view of the alternating current network analyzer. Figure 2: Rear view of the alternating current network analyzer. Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: The model network elements. The line panel with model p network. The circuit of p network. The load panel. Inductors with high Q. The coupled generators face shifters. The circuit of model generator. The front plate of the model generator. The measuring table. Rear view of the measuring table. General circuit of measuring system. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/22 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR005600040013-8 . r 34.. xLSt;_.