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Publication Date: 
May 12, 1954
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005300020004-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT a y whe reproduction of this form is prohibited. i tlonal Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18. Sections 703 and 794, of the U.B. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of Its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited bl T SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE' ACQUIRED 'East Germany Administration and Personnel' of Wismut A.G., Objeet~6 REPORT DATE DISTR. NO., OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES ,,50X1-HUM 12 .May 1951+ 2 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. fFOR KEY SEE QEVCOee1 50X1-HUM' 1., ?$clach_ t 209 The German staff at Schacht 209, Raerenhecke, in.January 1951}, was increased by approximately 150 workers who were transferred from another pit. 'it is .believed by meahp ,,s of the German staff, however, that this pit will be exhauAted'1n about ,one year from now at the present rate of exploitation. 2. gchacht?l9 27he staff ,at Schacht 196, . Niederpebel, in January 1951I. was increased by about ~0 worhers who were transferred from another pit It is geneally believed that this pit will continue to opdrate' for 1 ., a onger period than Schacht 209. Schacht 0-69 50X1-HUM 'dais pit has had its German staff reduced during January. The. strength which was, 900previously about 1,750,, had, by the end of the month, been reduced to slightly over , ,and it was, planned, to redude it by ,another. 100 shortly afterwards The workers ?gave not been dismissed from Wisest: A.,G,, but 'transferred to ,other Objects, ' i a,,. the complete deep mining team from Schacht 269 has been transferred to Auexrba,ch~j The Russian authorities have ordered that there will be to more mining, at least' temporarily, of radioactive coal, Thus, the plan for January 1954 consists of 500 meters extension of workings and production of 14,000 tons or ore,,' but no radioactive.. coal. Work on the reduction to Ash of the material already on -the s Icontinue ;but no newBIM heaps we to be built in the area. This decision is believed to 'have been made at the request of East German medical .authorities because there have been widespread complaints that the air in the neighborhood was being fouled.'. by' the noxious gasps from the slag heaps. The Russians are thought to tame agreed not! to build any more Mops, within a radius of 5 lne. from the inhabited area of Praital, S RL' /COX OL U. S. OFFICTIALS ONLY (Notes lye Inpton DI trib~tlon Indleatod By ")", Flold D1itrl6fon By "#",) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005300020004-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005300020004-3 ouA?i -hUIVI SECRET/.CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 6. Russ.ian.Personalities inOb:ect 96 Chief of Production Department:. Vladimir (Deputy Chief of Production Department: Faistov c. Chief of Personnel Department: Adamenko (Deputy Chief of Personnel Department: Capt. Fimenko In charge of Political Affairs: Lt Col (name unknown) DeputyMajor Izheev g. Assistant,.- Senior Lt. Sheshov h Chief of Security DeRartmehtjin charge of passes); Major 'Maslov i. Chief of Schacht 3: Palunin J. Senior Surveyor: Khlestakov k. Chief of Explosives Depart nt: Rudney 1.1 Technical Safety Officer: Lopatin m, I Chief Rescue ,Service: Alekseyev n. Chief of OTK in Schacht 269: Kolobov 0. Geologist in Schacht 269. Karanizov Chief .Official,~ReapoztS,ible: "far. Sla . p.?cif Schacht 269: Tugai SECRET CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/07: CIA-RDP80SO154OR005300020004-3