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50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 .111. +ft. BERLIN, MAY 1953 ? NO 5 INFORMATION BULLETIN OF THE EUROPEAN WORKERS COMMITTEE AGAINST THE REMILITARISATION OF GERMANY FROM THE CONTENTS - 1. Comrade Fritz Thrun.liberated Page 1 2. European Workers Committee greets Inter- national Miners' Conference against the Schu- man Plan 1 3. From the Pravda-article on USA President Eisenhower's speech 2 4. News in brief 3 Comrade Fritz Thrun liberated! On April 1st, our comrade Fritz Thrun, President of the German and Vice-President of the European Wor- kers Committee against the Remilitarisation of Ger- many, was released from prison by the Adenauer government. Comrade Fritz Thrun had been illegaly imprisoned since Christmas 1952. He was accused of "High Treason". His "crime" was his courageous, determined struggle for peace. The arrest of this upright and popular working class leader aroused a violent storm of protest. Thanks to his activity as a member of the European Workers Committee, a large number of factories and workers from all European countries addressed letters and pro- test resolutions to the Bonn government. Workers in France, Italy, Finland, Holland, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria and the other countries of people's democracy and particularly West German workers persistently demanded the release of Fritz Thrun. Under pressure from this protest movement, the Supreme Federal Court was forced to issue an order for. his release. On his return to Hagen he was enthusiastically wel- comed by a large crowd of citizens and workers of the metallurgical works at Hagen-Haspe. 5600 of his workmates of the metallurgical work expressed their great joy at the return of Fritz Thrun by reelecting him a member of the shop stewards coun- cil with an majority. Fritz Thrun decla- red, that he was ready to continue his work as chairman of the shop stewards council immediately. The secretariate of the European Workers Committee addressed a message of greeting to Fritz .Thrun on the occasion of his release from prison. European Workers Committee greets International Miners Conference against the Schuman Plan The Secretariate of the European Workers Committee has addressed the following message of greeting to the International Miners Conference against the Schuman Plan, which met in Berlin from April 15th ?17th: "The Secretariate of the European Workers Com- mittee against the Remilitarisation of Germany would like to convey its fraternal greetings to the International Miners Conference against the Schuman Plan, wishing all success in its work. In the Situation created by the ratification of the war treaties of Bonn and Paris, this miners confe- rence will contribute to welding and reinforcing the unity of action among the entire working class of Europe. It is today more important than ever to overcome all obstacles of different religious and political views, in order to act jointly with regard to the preservation of peace and against the catastrohpic consequences of the Schuman Plan. Long live the unity of action among the working class. European Workers Committee against the Remilitarisation of Germany." The Conference was attended by an all-German dele- gation of West German, Saar miners and miners from the German Democratic Republic, including National Prize Laureate Adolf Hennecke. Of the capitalist countries of western Europe dele- gations from France, Belgium, Luxembourg ?and Sweden were present at this? conference. The Poeple's Democracies were represented by a delegation of Polish miners. Delegations from Italy and Holland were prevented from participating in the conference by provocative measures on the part of the governments of their countries. The aim of the conference was to intensify the struggle against the Schuman Plan, a plan of American war preparations in Europe in the sphere of economy and ? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R003400070006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R003400070006-7 to work out more detailed lines along which to carry on this struggle. The General Secretary of the International Union of Mining Workers in the W.F.T.U., Henri Turrel, stated in his report: "If we succeed in mobilising all miners for the struggle in defense of their claims and for exten- ding our activities to all sections of the population, drawing in the middle class and peasantry, then our common struggle will achieve positive results... Only by acting in this way, by taking the lead in this struggle, can we be certain of forcing the Schuman Plan adventurers on the retreat." From the Pravda-article on USA President Eisenhower's speech, On April 16th 1953 President Eisenhower spoke before a .meeting of the American Society of Newspaper editors on problems of the international situation. The "Pravda" published a leading article in its issue of April 24th 1953, commenting on this speech. In this article it was stated, that it was the Soviet people, who bore the main burden in the second world war of liber- ation from the fascist yoke. The Soviet Union con- stantly defends cause of peace among the nations, working now as before for the development of inter- national cooperation. The "Pravda" describes President Eisenhower's speech "as an answer to recently made declarations of the Soviet government on the possibi- lity of a peaceful solution of all international differ- ences". ? The "Pravda" goes on to show the contradiction between President Eisenhower's words, that "every one of these differences ? be they great or small ? can be solved peacefully, if only there is a will on all sides, to respect the rights of other countries" ? and other parts of his speech. "Why did the President find it necessary to threat the world with an atomic war in a speech calling for peace?" asks the "Pravda". With regard to the Korea problem, the "Pravda" states, that the Soviet people have always supported such steps, aiming at the conc- lusion of a just armistice in Korea. On the German problem, the "Pravda" states, that the solution of this problem requires consideration of the vital interests of all Germany's neighbours, of the interests of securing peace in Europe and, above all, consideration of the national hopes of the German people. The article further states, that President Eisen- hower's speech contains no indication towards a solu- tion of this problem. He refrained from taking the Potsdam agreement of the four powers on the German problem into consideration. The "Pravda" states: "The point is, to conclude a peace treaty with Germany as quickly as possible, so as to give the German people the chance of uniting in one undivided state, taking their due place in the community of peace-loving nations, and creating the basis for a withdrawal of all troops of occupation from Germany, whose upkeep rests as an additional burden upon the shoulders of the German people." The "Pravda" continues to show, that the President's speech contains no mention of accepting China as a member of the United Nations, on its international rights there, or on its legal territorial claims. The "Pravda" regards this omission of dealing with inter- national problems of such great urgency to be a policy, dictated by the desire to turn back the wheel of history. Thereafter the article discusses the "Five Command- ments" formulated by Eisenhower, which, according to his own words, "characterise the attitude of the United States with regard to international affairs". In these "Commandments" it is stated, that "every country posesses the sacred right of creating a form of govern- ment and an economic system of its own choice". 2 This declaration, states the "Pravda", is not based on deeds, and that in fact the policy of the USA has so far taken very little heed of this kind of declaration with regard to the solution of many international problems. Concerning the peoples of eastern Europe, the "Pravda" states, that their forms of government had by no means been forced upon them from outside, as Eisenhower said. Facts have proved, that the peoples of eastern Europe have come to their present popular democratic forms of government only after a long and hard struggle for their rights. It is not to be expected of the Soviet Union, that she should ever intervene in favour of resurrecting the reactionary regimes of these countries, which were overthrown by the people. The "Pravda" also gives an answer to Eisenhower's words to the effect, that the Soviet Union should make use of its influence in the communist "world to hold up the liberation movements of the colonial and semi- colonial peoples in Asia against the century old yoke of capitalist slavery and oppression. It states: "It is difficult to expect a real understanding of international problems, as long as national liberation movements are regarded as a result of the influence of individual 'malevolent' persons." It points out the necessity of democratic cooperation between all countries, with boundless respect of the national sovereignity of each one of them, and without enforcing any kind of political conditions upon such countries, receiving economic aid. The "Pravda" article goes on to comment upon the International Subsidiary Fund suggested by President Eisenhower, stating, that USA "help" is decidedly being rejected by the peoples. It is stressed again and again, that the Soviet side is ready at all times to sup- port the peace calls contained in the President's speech. " It is, however, not easy to overlook the fact, that so far the course of USA foreign policy is far off from these peace calls." In support of this statement, the commentary to the President's speech made by USA Foreign Minister Dulles two days after the speech, is quoted. According to the views of leading Soviet states- men, proposals, sincerely aiming at peace can very well serve as a basis for improving the international situation. This does not, however, imply, that they were prepared to accept new variations of old methods as such proposals. After going into some detail in the question of cutting down armaments, which had been dealt with by Eisen- hower, revealing yet another contradiction between the words of the President and facts in USA policy, the "Pravda" continues: "It is generally known, that the Soviet Union has at all times expressed its willingness to discuss all international problems in a friendly athmosphere with the aim of finding a peaceful solution, on condition, of course, that proposals put foreward by any one of the discussion partners were in some way acceptable and did not contradict the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 ? , interests of the Soviet Union and the peace-loving peoples. In his speech the President of the USA for some reason thought it possible to bind his peace- proposals to a number of conditions which he makes to the Soviet Union, although he makes no mention of any kind of obligations on the part of the United States. This kind of porposal has already met with just resistance in different international circles." The " Pravda " points out, that leading Soviet statesmen make their call for a peaceful settlement of inter- national problems dependent upon no kind of conditions to the USA or to any other country joined to the Anglo-American block. The article concludes with the following words: "The policy pursued by the Soviet Union can not cont- radict the interests of the peace-loving nations. It fully accords with the interests of all states, who are ready to contribute to the development of international cooperation, regardless of their social systems. This policy of the USSR is at the same time an expression of the sincere desire of our people for. srengthening world peace." This leading article in the "Pravda" has met with a wide response among world public opinion. All peace- loving peoples regard this article as a new proof of the consistent rieace-policy of the Soviet Union and of its readiness for making use of every chance of preserving world peace. NEWS IN BRIEF West Germany and West Berlin The bourgeois paper "Fuldaer Volkszeitung" in its leading article of May 2nd settles accounts with all those elements, wishing to undermine all ways of reaching an agreement between east and west, out of greed for higher profits. Recalling events at western stock exchanges following the first Soviet peace moves after the first world war, the paper states: "We should like to remind of the fact, that this happened merely as a precaution against the "danger" the possibility of serious peace talks between east and west in the near future. What would happen, if peace was in fact one day to "break out", and if all nations were united in a common desire, never more to fight each other? The mere indication of such a possibility makes certain people tremble! Financial losses for a certain category of people would indeed be enormous. The "New York Herald Tribune", one of the most representative American newspapers, recently declared quite openly, that any possible "outbreak of peace would create a serious situation for American economy". The paper points out the difference between those fearing war and those fearing peace. "The fear of war is alive among the masses of the people in all parts of the globe, they know from experience, that war would only bring them blood and tears, death and disaster. The fear of peace, on the other side, is only awake among a small clique, but . . . since this clique is in posession of huge material means and power, its influence is many thousandfold greater than what one might expect of a small number of people. That is all the more so, since they again and again succeed in finding fools, who are willing to let themselves be harnessed to their propaganda machine." The paper goes on to warn: "History proves beyond doubt, that so far every armament has led to war." It comes to the conclusion, that Adenauer, too, is going the same way. Whether he will succeed, depends, according to the "Fuldaer Zeitung" upon whether the West German population will continue to look on in silence, how Adenauer "steers the stormbeaten vessel of state". The number of bancrupts has risen even higher in West Berlin, owing to Reuter's "Front Line City" policy. In the course of April 13 bancrupts and 7 court proceedings were registered. The West German railway intends to dismiss 45.000 workers within the next 3 years, thus "saving plan situations". This was made known by the right-wing socialist chairman of the West German Railway Work- ers Union, Hans Jahn, in West Berlin. By these mass dismissals the West German railway administration intends to save an annual expenditure of round 200 million marks, which Adenauer needs for addit- ional rearmaments measures. "According to calculations made by the Federal Office of Statistics the necessary expenses of a working class family of four, which were estimated at 367,87 marks in August 1952, can not be covered", states the christian monthly "Befreiung", commenting on the living condit- ions of West German workers. The average income of wage-and salary earners amounted ? again according to official figures quoted by Bonn, to 294 marks. Dr. Fritz Gajewski, director of the IG-Farben trust in Leverkusen has been awarded the "High Service Cross" by the Adenauer government, according to a statement in the "Bonner Bundes Anzeiger". Gajewski is the former General Director of the AGFA and former member of the "Council of the Gods" of the IG Farben trust. He is one of the 24 directors accused of war crimes and of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg IG-Farben trial. The August-Thy'ssen works, which have been formally re-founded, have been rebuilt with the tax payments of West German workers. The Thyssen works, which are now to be drawn into West German armaments production. They have been granted credits by the Bonn government and the provincial government of North-Rhine Westphalia for extending their armaments production capacity. This was made known by the chairman of the supervisory council, the Nazi banker and intimate friend of Adenauer, Robert Pferdmenges, in a speech at the foundation conference. Pferdmenges added, that the works were again in posession of their old shares in the cokery, and that coke would be delivered regularly according ta a 30 years agreement with the Hamborn Bergbau AG. Every West German man, woman and child is obliged to pay 260 marks for the financial year 1953/54 as an armaments contribution, even according to official figures published by the Bonn institute of "Finances and Taxes". Thus every West German family is on the average burdened with payments of over 1000 marks, which the Adenauer govern- ment spends on rearmaments. According to the calculations of the Bonn institute, armaments costs in irtr-94' STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 " West Germany have risen from 83 marks in the financ- ial year 1949/50 ? the official beginning of rearmament ? to 260 marks per head in 1953/54 ? that is more than threefold. According to these calculations, West German tax payers have to pay the highest armaments costs besides Britain and France. Officials of the American Marshall-Plan administration, sent to western Europe and West Germany by the Eisenhower government in order to controll the stand of war preparations are "advising" the Bonn govern- ment increasingly to draw in West German shipbuild- ing industries on rearmaments production. According to their calculations, West Germany "had the greatest possibilities of all European countries for making the largest contribution" to rearmament, since the recon- struction of West German armaments production was "by far the most advanced in comparison with that of all other western European countries". In order to guarantee the payment of war materials provided by American sources for the West German mercenary army, the Adenauer government is to take on according credit obligation. Eversince April 25th 1953 14 000 dockers have been on strike in Bremen and Bremerhaven in defense of their just claims. Social democrats, communists, christ- ians and unorganised workers have joined hands, irrespective of their different views, in order to fight for a wage rise of 8 pfennigs per hour. Together with employers, rightwing trade union leaders are making every effort to smash the united fighting front of the workers. In their so-called strike reports they slander the communists, they sabotage strike meetings, serving the reinforcement of the fighting front, and try to split organised and unorganised workers, by refusing all financial aid and even solidarity to the latter. Right-wing social democrat ? and trade union leaders are violating the principles of trade union democracy by ressorting to dictatorial measures, in fear of their treacherous conduct coming to light. They propose measures to progressive trade union leaders, elected by the workers, by which they try to force them to betray their political conviction under threat of releaving them of their posts. Only very few of these trade union leaders however, have given way under the pressure of these undemocratic, unconstitutional measures taken by right-wing leaders. "All dismissed dockers must be reinstalled and all repressive measures are to cease." This is the most recent claim voiced by the 14 000 dockers on strike. In unbroken fighting spirit pickets continued patrolling outside the dockyards on the 18th day of the strike. In many places the dockworkers have reinforced their picket lines. The solidarity movement growing with every day has firmly convinced unorganised dockers of Bremen, Bremerhaven and Vegesack, that the solidarity of the workers throughout Germany and the international fraternity of all workers will help them to continue their. strike until its victorious end. The number of enterprises, where strikes have been taking place has risen by 35% last year, compared with the year before. This was stated by the Bonn office of statistics in the journal "Wirtschaft und Statistik" recently According to calculations made by this office, strikes took place in 2522 factories in the course of 1952, while in 1951 the number of enterprises affected by strikes is estimated at 1878. In the time 4 passed since 1949, the number of strike affected enter- prises has almost trebbled. At a meeting of provincial leaders organised by the "Stahlhelm" organisation in Bonn, the former Nazi Generalfleldmarshal Kesselring took over the active leadership of this fascist soldiers league. The presidency over the "Stahlhelm" had already been offered to Kesselring earlier, during his imprisonment at Werl. Kesselring, who had commanded a troop detachment in Italy at the end of the last war has been- proved guilty beyond doubt of the slaughter of more than 1500 civilians. He had issued the command in Italy, to shoot ten Italians for each German soldier killed by members of the Italian army of liberation. For this crime he was condemned to death by shooting by a British military court in Venice, in 1947. Two weeks after it had been pronounced, this verdict was reduced to life imprisonment. Eversince 1947 Kesselring has been imprisoned at Werl, from where he was released "On Parole" recently. In order to establish yet closer contact to all former Nazi-Generals in the Bonn government, the Head Quarters of the "Stahlhelm" is to be moved from Cologne to Bonn at the beginning of June. Former Nazi Generalfieldmarshal Kesselring declared at an internal meeting, that the young generation should "once again be educated to military thinking". By "military thinking" the war crininal Kesselring presu- mably meant the murder of 1500 civilians, which he had committed during the Nazi occupation of Italy. Former Generalfieldmarshal Erich von Mannstein, who is guilty of the murder of a large number Of Soviet citizens by German soldiers, for which crime he had been condemned to 18 years of imprisonment, has been set free. At a special conference, convoqued on? the initiative of the council of the German Gathering, the "German League for Unity, Peace and Freedom" was founded. Ex-Chancellor Dr. Je:eph Wirth, Freiburg, and ex-Lord Mayor of Munich-Gladbach, Wilhelm Elfes were elected chairmen of the parties. In a proclamation to the West German people, the "German League for Unity, Peace and Freedom" declares the f9llowing to be its aims: "The German League for Unity, Peace and Freedom faces the people as a powerful gathering of all Germans, regardless of their social origine, their profession, beliefs or political views, who are willing to make an end to the shameful rule of the Adenauer government, which subordinates 'German interests to American power politics, and to replace this regime by a strong governing body of responsible, nationally- minded Germans." The League intends to take an active part in the coming elections to Federal Parli- ament, putting up its own candidates, declaring: "The German League goes forward to take part in the elections for the new Federal Parliament, in order to conduct a truly German policy for unity and peace, according to the wishes of the people." Finland In the time from May 10th-17th a Peaceweek is to be held in all parts of Finland. The Finish Peace Committee has called upon the population to join hands in the common struggle for peace. In this appeal, it is stressed that the conclusion of a peace Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 & treaty between the Big Five corresponds to the inter- ests of the Finish people, since it would ban the danger of war and instead open wide perspectives for the, development of economic relations. Spain The government of the USA and Franco Spain have reached an agreement on the conditions under which Franco would be willing to allow the creation of military srongholds for USA air-and sea forces, according to a report of the Madrid correspondent of the "Sunday Times". After much bargaining, Franco has been promised 225 million dollar, ? twice the sum first offered by Truman. This agreement is to remain in force over a period of five years. The USA are to receive airfields in the district around Madrid, Sevilla and Burgos, as well as maritime strongholds in the north, near la Coruna and near Cadiz and Cartagena in the south and south-east of the country on the basis of this agreement. France Means originally allocated to the state domestic budget for the current year have subsequently been cut by more than onehundred milliard francs by the Mayer government. The main burden of these drastic cuts rests upon the shoulders of French workers, since restrictions etc. are to be accomplished by means of cancelling government subventions. Furthermore an increase of railways tarifs by 25%, as well as other Indirect taxes are planned. The total deficit in the budget for the year 1953 amounts to round 800 milliard francs. The bitter earnest of the financial crisis in France ? a result of the North-Atlantic-Pact policy pursued by reactionary ruling circles is expressed, among other things, by the fact, that the currency of banknotes had reached the record figure of 2 137 283 million franc by the end of April. At a banquet of employers Prime Minister Mayer was obliged to admit, that: "the present development is painful", since it- led to the rise of unemployment and a reduction of the purchasing power of the workers. A national conference for negotiations and peace has been convoqued by the peace movement to take place in Paris from June 27th-28th. In the appeal launched by the permanent committee of the peace movement it is stated, that the conclusion of a peace treaty among the Big Five would lead to relieve international tension, creating improved living conditions for French working men and women. France it continues, is interested to end the hopeless war it nas been waging for the last six years in Indo China, by taking up negotiations. France, whose rulers are willing to accept the revival of German militarism, must insist upon negotiations for the peaceful solution of the German problem. The permanent committee calls upon all Frenchmen to make every effort of forcing the government to give a positive answer to the message of the People's Congress for Peace, taking up negotiations for the security of France and of world peace. The participants of the Congres held by the Paris organisation of former prisoners of war, numbering over 54 000 members, have declared themselves against the war treaties of Bohn and Paris in a resolution. e These former prisoners of war pledged themselves to stand in the front ranks of those, fighting for the preservation of peace. On April 15th the workers of the Reynault works in Paris went on strike. The unity of action between the trade union organisations of the C.G.T., the catholic organisations and the "Force Ouvriere" gave this strike the character of a real mass action. The workers and employees of the Paris underground and bus services went on a 24 hour strike on May 12th. The workers and employees of the Paris transport services have been staging strikes periodically for more than three months now, in order to put a stress on their wage-and salary claims. After a strike in 1951, the city transport cooperation had agreed to raise wages, without having kept their word. In all French mediterranean ports trade vessels lay still on May 5th, which are not being attended to in conse- quence of the strike of officers in the merchant navy, who have been joined by the sailors in most ports. The strikers also enjoy wide spread solidarity among the dockworkers. Tramway workers in Marseille staged their eighth. Sunday strike for higher wages on May 10th. Tramway workers of the city of Rennes, department Ille-et- Villaine also stopped work for 24 hours on May 10th. This was their fourth Sunday strike for higher wages. Belgium "Europe has no desire of becoming a second Korea. Europe is opposed to the remilitarisation of Germany, because this means one step nearer to war". This was stated in a manifesto, issued by the Belgian Committee for the peaceful solution of the German problem. The large number of personalities, who have already declared themselves in favour of this manifesto by giving their signatures, include Baron Allard, the Prasident of the Students union of the Free University, Brussels, Barse, deputy Isabelle Blume and the director of the Royal Library, Verlant. In this manifesto the war treaties of Bonn and Paris are sharply condemned. It states: "The German problem can only be solved by a conference of the Big Four, which will reestablish German unity and draw up a peace treaty, in order to prevent the rebirth of militarism." At a mass rally in memory of the 13th aniversary of the occupation of Belgium by Hitler's troops, the population of Brussles protested against the remili- tarisation of West Germany and the revival of a revengeful German army. Demonstrators carried a great number of slogans such as: "Peace is our hope", "We shall not tolerate the rearmament of our hench- men of yesterday, ? we are against the establishment of a European army" and "We demand that the deputies and members of the Senate refuse to ratify the E.D.C.-agreement!" The demonstation was follo- wed by a mass rally, where the member of the Belgian Peace Council, Allard, adressed the population. He called all demonstrators to continue and reinforce the struggle for a policy of peace and against the present policy of war. Amidst loud applause telegrammes of greeting by the organisations of former French and Dutch inmates of concentrations camps were read out. "We, former soldiers, prisoners and invalids of two wars, political exiles, widows and orphans, flgthers 5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 *: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80501540R003400070006-7 of the resistance movement, swear to put up joint resistance against the new danger threatening our lives," with these words participants of the demon- stration swore to fight, in order that "never again shall there be another Wehrmacht, which has twice occu- pied our' country. Never again shall German militarism be allowed to threat peace. We swear to defend the security and independence of Belgium. We defend peace, our lives, our towns and villages, the bread of the workers and the future of our children." Greece Rice prices have risen by 51% in monarcho-fascist Greece in the time from April 9th ? May 6th this year. At the same time wheat prices have risen by 25%, those for Maize by 40%, for coffee by 21%, for soap by 19%, for paraffin by 28%, for cotton by 25% and for leather by 51%. Italy During the first quarter of this year Italian import traffic has risen by 4,5% compared to the same period last year, while exports have fallen by 9,9%. Thus the deficit in Italian foreign trade rose to a total cf 169,Wastilliard lire, that is 30% higher than during the firstgbarter of last year. The export of textile goods expcnenced a particular decline. ? ?ar (10 GreatCBritain TheZational Society of Peace in Great Britain has appgaTed to the British government to shun no effort in order to bring about an armistice in Korea. The PeaeemSociety is -a pacifist organisation, headed by Lordahn Boyd-Orr. In taik? appeal they call for the end of rearmament in West Germany and for a careful examination of the Soviet proposals for a peaceful solution of the German problem. The aim of western policy should directed point towards removing all obstacles in the way of concluding a peace treaty with Germany. Austria In western Austria a new aggressive army is being established under the protection of the occupation authorities, according to reports of the democratic Austrian press. At present police and military units count 32 000 men, compared with 18 000 in 1938. Troops are being trained in special training courses in the use of tanks, arm- oured cars, heavy machine guns and wireless sets. The democratic press further reports new large scale dismissals in Austrian factories as a consequence of the catastrophic policy pursued by the government. Thus on the eve of Mayday 22 workers were sacked from the Vienna woodworks. More than half of the workers from the Vienna woodworks. More than half of the workers and employees of the Vienna factory "Graz- Pauker " about 60% of the workers at the heavy engineering works "Eisert" in Heidenreichstein, as well- as part of the workers of the firm " Boblin" at Gmiind lost their places of work. The average earnings of Austrian workers and employ- ees is far below the established minimum, according to official figures published by the right-wing leader- ship of the socialist party of Austria, in their journal "Wirtschaftswoche". While for covering the normal costs of living of a family of three a minimum of 1600 shillings per month are needed with the present price situation, average earnings of workers employed in industry do not surpass 1200 shillings. Agricultural and wood workers on' the average only earn 960 shillings. The "Wirt- schaftswoche" is forded to admit, that "prices at present existing in Austria by no means coincide with the income of the broad sections of the population." According to reports and statistics of the institute for econothic reasearch, real wages of workers and employ- ees in 1952 have fallen by 14,5% in comparisson to last year. From reports in the "Presse", ? organ of Austrian trading and industrial circles, it is evident, that the Raab government is already 'planning new increases of food prices. The decline in purchasing power necessarily leads to a parallel decline in consumma- tion and goods traffic. Thus, according to the Vienna newspaper "Wiener Borsenkurier", the sale of food- stuffs and textiles fell last year by ? and 15% respec- tively. The recent rise in milk retail prices, which was favoured by the government, brought about a further decline in the consummation of milk and dairy products, which found its expression in a decre- ase of 12-14% in the sale of butter during the last few months. The result of this steady worsening living standard is confirmed in reports of the World Health Organisation, the Food and Agricultural organisation in ? UNO, according to which as early as 1951 50% of all Austrian children of school age were undernourished and in a bad state of health. - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/13: CIA-RDP80S01540R003400070006-7