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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 p -i;,.L.O AX' 29 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Ttdm Document contains infarmatlaa afieatins the Na- tlonai Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title Is. Sections 7 8 and 7M. of the U.S. Codo. as INFORMATION REPORT amended. Its `~"?''`?? ?"ed Dem n Is VM?ten`` to or rec eoelPt bT an vaauthodwd Eason Is prohibited by law. The reproduction of thus form is prohibited. SECRET/CE ; TRGL - U.S. CFI FICIALS CG LY COUNTRY Yugoslavia SUBJECT Veterinarian College at the University of Zagreb DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. RD REPORT 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 27 February 1953 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN TrIS REPORT ARE DEVINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL Of CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. Colic ;e at Za;-_reb University. is a report containing information on the location, organization., staff, curriculum, student associations, etc. of the Veterinan Enclosures: 10 pages as described above; 1 sketch State SECR.,T/CaITRf-L - U.S. O'FFIC'ALS Q1 LY ARMY I NAVY AIR FBI AEC iw?iee Dbhibwdea IdkeMd By "X"j Fleld DMMbwHw By "*N.) Form No. 51-61., January 19-T3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 SECRET Security lnformatior ATTACHMENTS: SECRET CONTROL U. S, OFFICIALS O A) POLITICAL INFORMATION Jun 52 University - veter-nary school of b) Location A St - 300 m S of the grade crossing - to the left ~e r- k e ea g from the .tdt in the old- k on SAVSKA St. The clinic is gourd 7~rns?-s~arS t cku..s4er~?,}icfbe . c)' ( 'of bldgs already gtniskmi before the war not yet completed. The plan of the various bldgs is shown on attachment /A ? Around the new university ,,1q are located wooden are barrgaks, and yet there/ample possibilities for enlargement. d) Dependency. From the Council on Education and_ ~Cuulture of the Croatian People's Republic of ZAGOR& - (SAVJET ZA NAVKU I KULTURU NRH ZABREB). Staff *i4 of-instructors .r competent and capable The university does not have MMrector at its but a Dean SECRET CO ROly t h e Council of tt~qf for 1 year. 1$. OFFICIALS 0 -l- . i HL' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 SECRET ~tion Security Inform The teaching staff is divided as follows: - instructors on the permanent staff U. S. OFFICIALS ONU -teachers on pso bation for vacant positions Bach instructor has one or more assistents? List of instructors. Dean in charge : - PID VARIKAK,TEODORO eol~ Instructor of h? tology - Botany: PP HORVAT. IVO - '7IC RKOHioloc Y: ., anatomy: Instructor SAKAR - will be repleed by PHD CILIGA TOMISLAO - e: (substituted in 1949 by W Gen) Rjosian lance g - Instructor CEKOF - German language: (from 1949) - the same. P* DJURIC - i:icrobiology: Instructor 1 LINAC SECRET COWf'9O1 U. S. OFFI IALS ONLY ccrRFT Us So OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET CONT4Or OFFICIALS ONL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 SECRET ,Security Inf r,,. us so 0 Parasitology: PHD BABIC IVO - former Minister Instructor IAIKACIC DAVOR - 4, Anatomick pathology: Instructor MARTINCIC MI0 - Physiolog tl patholo - Instructor KRVAVICA Pharmacology: Instructor DELAK - Ti, ,rn J, t 77 : Instructor SUTLIC - ;10 ONLY Bee and S%Ne,,i Pathology and Fish Pathology: P D TOMASEC - nnternal Pathology of Carnivorous Animals: Instructor TOI4ASEVIC Internal Pathology of Herbivorous Animals: Instructor SLEZIC - Physical therapy: Instructor RAPIC A Communist military training: First year: Captain PREDGROVIC~ lst class. Second year: Major POLJSAG Third year: A major SECIkT SECR~ C01` 1j,5. OFFICIA ON L' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 SECRET CONTR1 SECRET { secuurity Information f) xamination period. - 3 during the scholastic year and more specifically: - in October - in February - in July. Each school year is divided into two semesters. (dealt with more particularly in the following I ragraph). Courses can be: - Optional in the sense that the pertinent examination is sufficient aid may be given and passed before discussion of the thesis; - obligatory in the sense that the pertinent examination ix c must be taken: - either during the second session of the school year; -or during a specified semester. g) Course of S+udy Lst Year Botany Physics Chemistry Biology Anatomy (bi-annual) Military training Russian (substituted by German in 1949) All exams are obligatory and all must be passed (except Russian) to be admitted to the 2d yr. 2d Year: Anatomy (bi-annual) Histology Physiology Micro~logy Parasitology t CUP% MOL Sta OF f us S, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 SECRET SECRET CONTROL. Security Information III; uiai Military Training Al]. exams must be passed to be admitted to the 3d yr. with the following exceptions: -Microbiology, the exam of which can be taken in the 5th semester; -Parasitology, the exam of which can be taken in the 7th semester. 3d Year: Parasitology Anatomical pathology Physiological pathology Pharmacology Internal Propaedeutics Pathology on bees and Fish pathology Military training In order to be admitted to the 4th yr, the following exams must be passed: - Parasitology -Anatomical pathology - Physiological pathology - Military Training The other exams may be passed at any time before the doctorate thesis. 4th year internal pathology Genetics (STOCARSTVO) Physical therapy X Ray therapy Gynecology (PORODIL3TVO) Attendance is required for all subjects which is checked from time to time by rollcall h) Program developed during Military Training lessofs. Even though the military training courses are obligatory, they are taken with very little interest. SECRET CO TROT ?F~CIAI.s ~Rt I.,Y St U, S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 ~CilJlir+i VV1\ ia~v+' SEC ET U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Security Information U, So UFFMAL OL I There were 2-hout lessons every 2 weeks. Within the military trainigg was a part which more properly speaking could be called :iilitary History with exams on the last 2 World wars. It is understandable that veterinary students (most of them sons of farmers) are not a aabgpW that can follow with interest lessons of this type. Note-taking was prohibited during these lessons. .;ynopsjywere not drawn up. At the university library there were available to the students books on military history and regulations of the I`izgaalav AUmmd Forces that could be consulted. Said books and regulations can be taken home,with the smo _ ?trr"iss'eh of the instructor, for study purposes. The books in question were not sold in the book store and were hot found on the open market. lst Year: -1 Hauser rifle and Soviet PPSh submachinegun (practice weapons). Concepts of ballistics. World ',1ar II with particular regard to Yugoslavia. Partisan Army. -2,d Year. Reading of Topographic map: - conventional signs for reporting on maps relative to tactical situations. The examination consisted in the interpretation of a tactical situation designated on the blackboard. i) Number of students. -800 students d dad by th- P--S-~r ^'r~ ? About 3 % of the se were women. 1) Description of the university. SECRET CONTROE U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY -6- c~r.~~T U. ~. UMUTA Unl i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 ArnRr't SECRET CONTROL ' Security !nf_-r~nakiE,-i >a. urr OF AQ. L Nl FUM (see attachment #1) . NOTE : The following Arabic numbers correspond to those on the sketch of attachment #1 connected to eachother by e~c^ n~ G?rr^?n~?cLu an enclosis~4_ 1-1, an-area of 250 x 200 M. 1. -story bldg (including the ground floor) Roof of corrugated sheets of eternit. Plastered walls of dirty yellow color. Dimensions: 70 x 20 m Located here are: -Offices of the Dean -Secretary's office and all other offices -Library -Auditorium This is characterized by large gates at the top of 4 steps and flanked by 2 columns. 2. ) jus t Bldgs adds like the one described in number 1. 3. ) Located here are: - Study halls 4. ) - miscellaneous laboratories. Bldgs just like the one described in #1 5. )) eind completed. ',lolls and roof are finished. They still lack the interior equipment and finishing. They are to be completed in 1952. 'Jill be used for study halls and laboratories. 6. An ampitheater for anatomy courses still unfinished. Dirnaisionst not 'mown. SECRET CONTROl M. Zxlar ro'ects. U. S. OFFICIALS Old -7- SECRET U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 SLURET CONTROL SEC ET U..S , V Security lnfnrmai(;tt U. So~; f I6~~t New buildings are to be built to house under one roof the Clinic ~.;hich is now located on ffift Savska Street. n. Government aid = A student taay have up to 1500 dinars subsidy per month. to the Council on Education and Culture presenting the following documents: 50X1-HUM - statement of income - family financial %tatus..' - re istration in the University Youth Organization. Up to 1951, subsidy was easy to obtain. After that date, students had to renew their requests and the subsidies were granted to fewer students. The students were able to use the various mess-halls located at the state-operated restaurants of Zagreb at the rate cf nthly. 2700 dinars m o T"e food, ? ~nn scarce and poor, was improved greatly in the last months of 1951 and in 1952. o. Political tendencies of the staff and students. The teaching staff was generally in support of the present regime. 50X1-HUM teachers never discussed politics with students. There was much distrust among the students and they did not ex ress opinions on poli.t.ical questions, especially since a student was expelled for having, openly criticized the ,.cork of the Government. In general, however, the major part of the50X1-HUM students are against the preseritt~f' Yugoslavia. ~r..VV -~, a- U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY !bM SECRET U, S, UFFIGtAES U L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 of 44 ro-+.'rc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 SECRET CONTROL SECRET U .S. OFFICIALS ON ~ecurity Information FICIALS HO there is no truth in statements to the 50X1-HUM effect that in other schools the same think is happening , inasmnich as Jdanmxim it is to be noted that in the veterinary school almost all students come from the country and are sons of peasants or landowners whose l a n d has been mmukif confiscated. W this is the category which today in Yugoslavia yhlo is not only Gaorse off than all others but leads a more miserable life than before while the workin, classes have obtained great advantages much pay is still insufficient. a dtter off than before, even if the p, of students University Youth Organization initials : S .S .J . ( SAVJET STUDENATA JUGOSLA''JIJE) . Exists $ide by side with the University organization itself, and it is h~.avily supported by the government. It has a purely Communist character, veiled with a mask of nationalism. From 1951, registration was no longer compulsory, but the majority following advantages: registered because it had the trip yearly (92% discount ram on railroad fares) - free medical aids -the possibility of obtaining a room at reduced prices(400 diners pejmonth in new houses for students recently built in ZAGREB. - favors studies because one who is `'ot a member is looked at unfavorably. - membership is a necessary condition for receiving governmental subsidies Membership costs 10 dinars per month. SECRET CONTROL SECRET ~f ? OFFICIALS 01I ALS ONLY .... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO 1540 R000400050008-0 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 Activity of the SECRET Security Information Organization U, S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET CONTROL 50X1-HUM Lectures and meetings of political character Forwards proposals of expulsion University ATTACHMENT UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, VETLRDIARY SCHOOL 1) Dean's office, offices of the secretary, library, auditorium 2) 3) Study halls and laboratories 4) 5) Bldgsin the course of completion 6) Amphitheatre for study of anatomy SECRET CONTROL 50X1-HUM . OFFICIALS 0 OFFICIALS ONLY to the Office of the Dean of the SECRET O, S, OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 OFFICIkld fik L i A ACHM NT NO. 1 - YI IYZRSITT OF ;AGRn - UTERI CULLE $EECURITY IWORtAmoo SECRET CONTRU} OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80SO154OR000400050008-0