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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 HUM '1NTELLOFAX 29 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Ilesmsat sosislop MANS OW/a et SP Iv at Mb Ilk Wilssiall. as SAW MO* at I* Inc The SECHET/CCNTROL - U.S. OFFICIAIS CCM NNW INFOOMINION GS SsAssomelossOssilor Ow Or Olsess. slain lbsasson- am M. et Ills SUL OM% as ? Issilsalsostlesssatssos men pubillIsil et Ilis IN Ausillast. COUNTRY SMICT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUINID Yugoslavia Economic and Social Information WORT DATE DISTIL No. OF PA011: IMMINENT mrenticas 26 February 1951 1 50X1-HUM ON ZOOM WAWAHON1 IN THIS MOW ANA INIFIN11114; TIN Anemia OP COMMIT IS IONOSIOM 50X1-HUM Attached is a ( report containing the follovting informatiok, on the province of Nova Gorica: 1. Prices of foods, !Niels and clothing; 2. Wages and salaries; 3. Medical conditions; 4. 'Cooperatives; ad.. ?., S. Unemployment aid.A4,14.1.414tee--to"-themp1oyed. Enclosures: 5 pages as listed above. Nik I \S? 0_114 0% -64/CCUTR0L - U.S. OFFICIALS CNLY STATE NAVY Im* I 1.i .L lac oria Aim maibismi all 4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/04 : CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 SECRET Security Information U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET SECRET CONTROI U. S. OFFICIALS ONI 50X1-HUM A) YUGOSLAV ECONOMIC INFORMATION Note: The information refers to the area of the province of NEW GORIZIA. a) Food Sep 52 For about a year all types of food himetbeim found on the (7 market. Grat ing cheese which was the only missing items recently i made its appearance in the shops. This was Italian Prices have .continued upward in relation to the purchasing power of wages and salaries even though some foods have lowered th price. PRICES The following prices are effective nag. -whole wheat bread - white bread -oil - butter - Italian paste - rice - sugar - coffee 38 -46 dinars per kg' 50X1-HUM 60 180 340 from 106 -115 360 150 1000 - 1900 ft ft tt II It ft " " It ft ft It liter kg II It It SECRET (7 OivrR 18?0 ? - table cheese 280 - 350 - grated cheese 148 n Dr, 4 WALS white wheat flour ?Ilfj, yr/6 -1 - ecnorT n nrrim Ai V Atli V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 11 It 50X1 -HUM ft U if if II II Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/04 : CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 ' SECRET CONTROI SECRET U S. OFFICIALS ONLY.5ecurity informatiot s, OFFICIALS OtiLY . -Whole wheat flour 38 dinars per kg -Dark wheat flour 33 " It It -wine 100 III ft if -milk 15- 20 It n It -eggs 8 - 10 111 II II - white bread _jail 60 dinars per kg is no longer produced because it is too high-priced b) Fuels FJ:4e-Wood is an inexpensive commodity for the worker In fact, workers purchase this item'eouponorsupplementary to their pay, which ia13,000 dinars for each child' depaRdetrb. With these coupons ilr=tis bought at from 500 to per cubic meter 600 dinars POUOMICOUMIIIMVE while it costs from 1800 to 2000 per cubic meter on the free market. c) Clothing A worker with his salary is hardly able to maks ends meet for the most elementqry existencejand clothing prices are too dear to satisfy his barest necessities. - mants suits from 3000 to 5000 dinars - men's shoes " 4000 to 4500 " - sandals 2400 " - towels 1000 - 1400 - 1600 dinars apiece; these have made their appearance in the shops only during the present year. Sep 52 Ages and_salarles ff?e-geittiftirrvi4i/ speem?iet gets 18 to 24 dinars per hour (150 dinars per day, approx.), plus 3000 dinars iikcet;Olt and ati6s for each dependent child. SECRET CON TROI U. L OFFICIALS ONLY -2- ornerT 1. nrrinlii Q 11111 V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 SECRET COMilleinREfolirmation SI OFFICIALS ONLY E. S. OFFICIALS ONLY If the worker absents himself from work even for 2 days without a justifiable motive, he loses the right of allowance for his dependent children. Therefore, hmaxamedda a specialized worker receives about 4,000 dinars per month, plus family allowances. Sep 52 e) Social conditions Medical aid Medical aid is the thorniest problem of the area. Only 2 municipal doctors are located in the entire province, and these reside in S. PISMO di GORIZIA and in SALCANO. Furthermore, consider that the area is mountwheous, despite the dedication of these doctors to their work, they are by far insufficient. Last July,/lhe doctor at S. PIETRO was replaced because he was struck by an extreme case of nervous exhaustion resulting from his constant enervating work carried on day and night. The doctor can make a house visit only at= 2 or 3 days after having received the call and most times only if the is request m repeated. The sick of the area are hospitalized in the hospital of VIPACCO by means of Red Cross ambulances from GORIZIA. Medical and health aid, including medicinals are completely free for MOM workers. Only persons having an annual income above 50,000 dinars have to pay for medical and health assistance. Bloat ordinary medicinals are available in the pharmacies; foreign ones are scarce and if sold are quite costly. SECRET CONTROL U. S. OFfICIALS Oaf ?3? SECRET U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/12/04 : CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 ? SECRET Security information $? (OWLS ONLY Sept 52 f) Miscellaneous M44C uooperativeproak after the socializatio emWr'.50 G01001 SECRET CON TRIThr. U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY the insufficient results given by 4arrsjegt.-' s 11 and middle-sized- tal'oc- Lasam.tiiie agricultural and work cooperatives, for more than 1 year the government authorized the members of the cooperatives and enterprises to become independent once again or to remain LAket The major part abandoned the cooperatives and work enterprises, in many cases going bankrupt. Such is the case for example of ZIDGRAD bldg enterprise which was active in the province of NOVA GORIZIA and of the workshops for the repailling of motor vehicles and agricultural tractors of RANZIANO and of VALVSLCIANA in the province of GORIZIA. The carpenters cooperative which ran a mechanized wood- working shop, aprung-np-a-tir-the, nationalization of the establishment and machinery of one ARCIANI Stanislav, a VALVOLCIANA, was disolved because the former =4-took back his workshop and machinery, working for himself. More than half of the 20 workers were discharged. The determination of the government to restore private initiative on behalf of the small firms is also due to the fact the nationalized cooperatives continued to present an ever increasing deficit and the government was no longer able to subsidize-t1S it did in the early days of their establishment. The failure of the major part of the cooperatives and labor mook enterprises is then due to the fact that the members have the right to take back their property, saakilaw machines and tools which were nationalized Isiraksf/?* the state ffiew*Ark-uv Mita CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY the establishment of ?4? 50X1 -HUM SECRET 14 s, OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04,: ulA-RDP80S01540R000400050004-4 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04: CIA-RDP80501540R000400050004-4 ? , ? SECRET CONTROL SECRET LS. OFFICIALS ONLY Security Information 11,12 OFFICIALS ONLY The former p1.00-4,64=k,-.2--vot-e-k----?(-4'(-- tite-pariliksistii_law.fersavidesi that work tools, etc., be resttatid to them in the condition they were in at the moment of the nationalization. The machines (for example, farm tractors, motor vehicles), because of the carelessness or inexperience of the personnel of the cooperative, were rendered almost useless, and the courts, to whalah the law admits recourse for damages ,are steeped in work to settle a great number of these controversies. Sep 52 Unemployment and subsidies to the unemployed The failure and dissolution of numerous farm cooperativest?nd labor enterprises caused an increase in unemployment in the area in question. The private enterprise which replaced the cooperatives and labor enterprises produce and work more with half the number z of workers. Subsidies are granted the unemployed amounting to 50 % of thei-099? ,h0.4r received fftufor a period of 3 months. Before this period elapses, the unemplropid receives from the Labor Office an invitation to transfer himself to the interior of YUGOSLAVIA, for the most part into an ingweble area such as BOSNIA and ERZEGOVINA, undetL; conditionsthat can- not be accepted a worker who must provide for his maintenance and that of his distant fpritly / with a small salary. Now he is no longer obliged to transfer tt:sKseic to 4011101010woriprdered by the authoritiese40,,44,-.., c-00-2-e-- -5? SECRET CONTRO U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET tiI 5, OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/04 :CIA-RDP80S01540R000400050004-4