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The Director of Central Intelligence Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION COPY NO. 9 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL STATUS OF PROJECTS as of ? October 12, 1953 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 WARNING THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U. S. C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 October 13, 1953 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION NAT LALQ,k_g_gcMay_S&SLQ... , a_TAL,,11,0,.?. Table of Contents , 010 1111. Page I. Completed Projects 1 1. Significant World Developments Affecting U. S. Security 1 2. Official Statements Regarding Nuclear Weapons 1 II. Projects Under Consideration by the ITSC 2 A, Items Scheduled on Agenda for the 166th Meeting on Tuesday, October 13, 1953 2 1. Significant World Developments Affecting U. S. Security 2 2. FY 1955 Budget Considerations 2 3. U. S. Objectives and Policies With Respect to Austria .., 4. United States Position With Respect 2 to Germany 2 B. Items Awaiting Subsequent NSC Consideration 4 1. Report by the President's-Committee on International Information Activities Dated June 30, 1953 (Except Chapter 7) 4 2. Mission of the United States Information Agency 4 3. Electro-Magnetic Communications 4 . A National Petroleum Program 5 5. Security of Strategically Important Industrial Operations in Foreign Countries 5 6. Coast Guard Operations Including Port Security 7. NSC 26 Series 8. United States Policies in the Far East 6 9. United States Objectives and Courses of Action With Respect to Formosa and The National Government of China 7 III. Current NSC Planning Board Projects 8 1. U. S. Courses of Action in the Event of a Breakdown of the Political Conference on Korea 8 5 6 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 4vr ockinti SECURITY INFORMATION Table of Contents (ContiAlled) igat 2. United States Policy Toward Communist China .?? 8 3. Review of Basic National Security Policy 8 4. Source of U. S. Aluminum Supply in Time of War ? 9 5. U. S. Economic Defense Policy Toward Hong Kong and Macao 9 6. United States Policy and Courses of Action to Counter Possible Soviet or Satellite Action Against Berlin 9 7. National Petroleum Program 10 8. Armaments and American Policy 10 9. United States Policy Toward the Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe 11 10. NSC 26 Series 11 11. U. S. Objectives and Courses of Action With Respect to Indonesia 11 12. United States Objectives and Courses of Action With Respect to Southeast Asia. 12 13. The Position of the United States With Respect to the Communist Threat To Italy 12 14. The Position of the United States With Respect to Yugoslavia 12 15. U. S. Policy Toward Trieste 13 16. Internal Security Aspects of Continental Defense 13 17. The Position of the United States With Respect to Iran 18. United States Policy Toward Finland 19. Review of United States Objectives Vis- a-Vis the USSR in the Event of War 14 20. United States Objectives and Policies With Respect to South Asia 14 21. United States Objectives and Policies With Respect to North Africa 15 22. United States Objectives and Courses of Action With Respect to Latin America 15 IV. Other Current Council Projects 16 1. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Remaining Under U. S. Jurisdiction 16 2. Organization of the Government With Respect to Internal Security and Continental Defense Functions 16 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - ii - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Table of ontents kaal on inued 3. Review of Existing Internal Security Laws 16 4. u. S. Position With Respect to the Regulation, Limitation and Balanced Reduction of Armed Forces and Armaments 17 5. Continental Defense ? 6. Near East Oil Situation lg 7. Effect on National Security Interests in Latin America of Possible Anti-Trust Proceedings 18 8. Analysis of Possible Courses of Action in Korea 18 USC STATUS OF PROJECTS - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 1. CO ETD P OJECTS (October 5, 9 3 Oc 1953) 1. SIGNIFICANT in_LLILD DEVELOPJEN_TS AFFEQ?TING USECJBITY Ref: Council ----NSC Action No. 924- 2. OFFICIAL_S,LATEM NT REGARpINCL NUCLEAR WEAPONS TR: Council - NSC ction No. 925; Memo, October 8, 1953 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 1 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION II. UNDERCONSIDERATIIBY A. SCHEDULED ON AGENDA,FQ11 THE 74th MEETING ON TUE D Y OCTOB4A 13 1 Agenda dated October 8, 1953) 1. 8IGITIPagAl2-11ELLidaMIEWL4OULLII-liggdaEn The subject is scheduled for discussion in the light of an oral briefing by the Director of Central Intelligence. 2. FY 1 B PG T CON ER TIONS Ref: Council - NSC lo No. 11 The subject is scheduled for consideration on the basis of a presentation by the Secretary of Defense on the military program, the Director of the Foreign Oper- ations Administration on the mutual security program, the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission on the atomic energy program and the Director, Bureau of the Budget, on the remainder of the Federal budget. 3. 12S, OBJBCT VES AND PO IES WITH RESPECT TO AUSTRIA Ref: Counci NC l6; Paragraph 7 of Progress Report dated July 23, 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 38/4, 38/6 and 63/1; Memo, October 12, 1953; NSC Action No. 885, Origin: The reference Progress Report stated (para- graph 7) that the Department of State considers that a new NSC paper on Austria should be initiated in view of changes in the Austrian situation and the full or near completion of certain actions covered in existing NSC papers on Austria. Accordingly, a new paper would soon be submitted to the Council. Current status: The draft statement of policy on the subject contained in NSC 164 is scheduled for consideration. 4. UNIT D STAT POSIT 0 WITH R SPECT 0 G MANY 1 Re : Council - NSC 1 0 1? NSC Act on Nos. and 919 Ori in: At its meeting on October 1 the Council reaffirmed the statement of policy on the subject in NSC 160/1, pending review by the Council in 30 days; NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION UNITpD S i S POS TIO\T TE ES C 0 GEWf1 ont,d) (b) requested the Director of FOA, in collaboration with State and Defense and the Bureau of the Budget, to prepare for Council information in 30 days a revised financial appendix on the subject; and (c) requested the Secretary of Defense to report for consideration at the Council meeting on October 13, 1953, as to the desirability of establishing a revised planning date for EDC ratification later than November 1, 1953, as a guide to the scheduling of production and delivery of equipment for the German military forces (NSC Action No. 919), Current Status: An oral report by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to (c) above is scheduled for consideration. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 3 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION B. IZEL:diaala_gZAUU1T 11Ag_cDqS11 I N 1, REPORT BY THE PRESIDENT'S COLEITTEE OH INTERNATIO.MAL ThD-TO, 1V5 (EgJEPT GLAPIIR 7) 1 : ounci c on .os. an & flew), July 20, 1953; Nemo for Al]. Holders of July 20 Memo, dated July 24, 1953; E.O. 10433; Memos, subject, "Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommen- dations of the Jackson Committee", October 1, and 6, 1953. Orin: The Council by reference memorandum of July 20 NSC Action Mo. 866) referred the recommendations contained in the Jackson report with the exception of recommendations Lo. 1 and 20 to the PSB for such implementation by the responsible departments and agencies as is deemed ap- propriate reporting back to the Council in 60 days on progress made in this regard. 2. A progress report by the 03B prepared pursuant to the above Council directive has been circulated for the information of the Council by the reference memo of October 1 and is tentatively scheduled for Council action on October 22. ON TA NAT 01\T AGE 1C Y Ref: counci NSC 1 Memo, July 20, ? 3 HSC Action No. Ur-d Origin: The Council on July 30 directed the Planning Board to prepare and submit a draft Directive, for Council approval, defining the purpose, responsibilities, and relationships of the United States Information Agency (reference memo of July 20 and NSC Action No. 666). Current Status: Awaiting consideration of a report by the NSC Planning Board (NSC 165) on the subject. Tentatively scheduled for October 22, 1953. 3. ELECTRO- 'IC COMM. CATIONS e oune ogress iepor dated September 30, 1953 by the Director of ODM on the subject; MSC Action Mos. 612 and 840; Memos, June 2, July 14, and October 9, 1953. Origin: By the Council action of July 11 on the subject transmitted by the reference memo of July 14 the Director Of ODM was designated as coordinating authority to prepare a progress report, in consultation with State, Defense, CIA and other interested agencies for submission to the Planning Board by October 1 as to the recommendations 1-.SC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 4 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION contained in paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 of the Council action and by January 1 as to the recommendation contained in paragraph 3. Current t tus: The reference progress report by the Director of ODM and recommendations by the Planning Board with respect thereto (reference memo of October 9) are scheduled for Council Action on October 22, OCB comments on the recommendations in paragraph l-b(l) and (4) of the memo are to be submitted prior to the NSC meeting. F. A NAT ONiL P OL UM PROGAA4 Ref: CounciProgress Report dated October 1, 1953 by the Director of ODM on NSC 97/5 2Elala: The reference Progress Report has been circulated for the information of the Council. Current Status: Tentatively scheduled for October 29. (A further progress report is due from ODM January 1. See also same subject in Section III), 5. SECURYOF STRATEGI? IMPORT INDUSTAIAL OPERATIONS IN FORETS/N COUNTZIEd Ref: ouncil NSC 163; Progress Report dated June 8, 9 3 y the Under Secretary of State on ITSC 29; USC Action Nos. 837 and 844 Plan d, - Record of Meetings, August 20 and 31 and Septem er 9, 1953; Hemos, August 25, September 8 and 28, 1953. Origin; The Council on July 2 referred the reference Progress Report to the Planning Board for review and report (NSC Action No. 837). Current ?tatus: The draft statement of policy contained In NSC 03, prepared pursuant to the above Council action to supersede USC 29, is tentatively scheduled for Council consideration October 29. 6. gSAII_OABD OPERATIONS INCLUDING PORT SECURTT4 Ref: ouncil i;SC Action ho, 830, Memo, September 11, 953; liemos, June 23 and July 31, 1953, subject, "Port Security"; Nemo, August 31, 1953, subject, "Coast Guard Operations Affecting iational Security"; Progress Report dated March 3, 1952 by the Treasury Department and the Department of the Navy on the NSC 78 series; FSC 159. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 5 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION COAS G , I IF 0 IS C DN P _ T Contld) Origin: The Council on July 2 referred the letter of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury on the subject (reference memo of June 23) to the Continental Defense Committee of the Planning Board for consideration in connection with other continental defense problems, with particular ref- erence to the possibility of the Department of Defense taking responsibility for certain U. S. ports where U. S. military vessels are concentrated. The Council also noted that the Secretary of the Treasury is undertaking a review of Coast Guard Operations, in connection with which he will submit to the Council recommendations re- garding matters involving interdepartmental operations (NSC Action No. 830), Current Stat s: The recommendations of the NSC Planning Board on le subject contained in the reference memorandum of September 11 will be scheduled for consideration on the agenda of an early Council meeting. (At the request of Treasury and Budget, Council action has been tem- porarily deferred.) 7. hqp 26 Spas Ref: Council Progress Report dated August 7, 1953 ETTET-Acting Secretary of State Origin: The reference Progress Report has been circulated for theinformation of the Council. Current : To thee-Ung-Tit-The time in preparation (see the Council, be scheduled on the agenda of a Council that a revision of NSC 26, currently Section III below), is considered by TED S AT .S PO HE FAR Re : Counci NSC 1 Z and NSC Action Nos. 758 and 777-d(2); Memo, subject, "Cost Estimates of United States Policies in the Far East", April 21, 1953; Memo for All Holders of April 21 memo dated April 23, 1953; hem?, April 30, 1953; N1E-47 Origin: Draft statement of policy on the subject, prepared y the Planning Board, was submitted for Council considera- tion as NSC 148, together with a Far East Financial Summary and an annex constituting an NSC Staff study on Communist China. Current ,us: Awaiting further study by the Council of NSC 14 . NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INIF OREAT I ON \sr, 9. UNITED AT ES OUR S ES OILAC WI TI RESPIXT TOIORMO.PA AND TIT 1144TioyAL gOVERNgNT OE CHINA Ref: Council - NSC 146, 125 and 45/5; Annex to NSC 16; NSC Action Nos. 760 and 624; Memos, April b and 7, 1953; NIE-27/1; SE-29 Origin: The Council on April 2, 1952, directed the NSC Staff, after preliminary discussion by State, Defense and CIA, to prepare a report for Council consideration in the light of a review of NSC 48/5, insofar as it pertains to U. S. policy toward Formosa, the Chinese Nationalist Government, and other anti-Communist Chinese forces and in the light of views of the JCS, contained in NSC 128 (NSC Action ,ro. 624-b). Current c'taus: Awaiting further study by the Council on NSC 1 b as amended by the reference memo of April 6. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 7 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP 3ECRET SECURITY INF0R7IATI0N Nftwe' "Raw' III. cuRAgm psc PLAEN,ING QARD PAOJEcTS 1. U, S. NURSES OF ACTIUT IN TBE EVpiT 02 A ButipowN QF POLITICAL C CE Ref % Coupc4 NSC 1 1, paragraph 19; NSC Action Nos.777-d (2) and 833 awas_al. - Memo, October 51 1953; Record of Meeting, October 81 1953 DEIL.I.u; Paragraph 19 of NSC 154/11 approved by the President on July 3, directs that, in the light of the post-armistice situation, a fundamental review and reassessment of our basic policy toward Communist China, as well as our position with respect to Korea, should be undertaxen. CurreDt ?tatus: Awaiting preparation by the Defense Member of the NSC Planning Board of alternate paragraphs on the subject based on the October 8 discussion of the draft statement of policy prepared by State and transmitted by the reference memo of October 5. Scheduled for October 12. caupsa. NSC 1 11 paragraph 19; NBC Action Nos. 777-d (2) and 833 Agn. Bd. - Memos, October 5 and 6, 1953; Record of Meeting October 8, 1953 Origin Paragraph 19 of NSC 154/11 approved by the President on July 3, directs that, in the light of the post-armistice situation, a fundamental review and reassessment of our basic policy toward Communist China, as well as our position with respect to Korea, should be undertaken. Curre*ptatus: Awaiting further consideration of the draft report by State transmitted by the reference memos of October 5 and 6. Scheduled for October 12. 3, R V C T Ref % - NSC 1 886 and 926, Memo, July 221 1953 1?4p. pd. . Memos, EC and 3 1; NSC Action Nos. 853, 868, subject, ',Project Solarium", October 8 and 12, 1953 Origim The Council at its meeting on October 7, 1953 re- ferred NSC 162 to the NSC Planning Board to prepare for Council consideration a revised statement of basic national security policy, incorporating the agreed amendments to NSC 162, which with the addition of appropriate courses of action would supersede NSC 153/1. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 8 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP8OR01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION REVIEW OF BASIC NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY (Cont'd) Cur et Stgtus: Awaiting preparation by the Planning Board of a revised statement of basic nationalsecurity policy pursuant to NSC Action No. 926-c. A revision of NSC 162 incorporating amendments adopted by the NSC (reference memo of October 8) is scheduled for consideration on October 12. Ref: 2_aus...ta. . Memo, October 19 3 Origip: A letter from the ODM Member of the Planning Board and attached statement of policy alternatives on the subject were transmitted by the reference memo for consideration by the Planning Board. Current, ptgtus: Tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Planning Board on October 15. Ref: Counpil - NSC 1 2 and 22 1; NSC Action No. Plano Bd. - Memo, October 6, 1953 Origin: The Council on July 30 directed the Economic Defense Advisory Committee to review NSC 122/1 on the subject in the light of NSC 152/2, and to submit recommendations for any revision in NSC 122/1 required to make it conform to NSC 152/2 (NSC Action No. 864.k). =mot Status: Awaiting consideration by the Planning Board of recommendations on the subject, prepared by a special drafting group of the Economic Defense Advisory Committee after a review of NSC 122/1 pursuant to NSC Action No. 864.-b and transmitted by the reference memo of October 6. Scheduled for October 15. 6. IT ? S ITES POL C 11\9 C stJR ES ? CTI N Ta C IUNTER Poss43Ap soyIET gp WELLITE AcTI0N AGAINST BERLIN Ref: Council - Progress Report dated September 3.() 1953 by the Secretary of State on NSC 132/1; NSC Action No. 920 Origin. The Council at its meeting on October 1, 1953 noted the reference Progress Report and directed the NSC Planning Board to review the policy on the subject in NSC 132/1 in the light of the discussion at the meeting (NSC Action No. 920). Current Status: Awaiting review by the Planning Board pur- suant to NSC Action No. 920. Tentatively scheduled for October 19. NBC STATUS OF PROJECTS- 9 - TOP SECRET npriacsified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 7. 4ATION4 ToTlicupit PRWAAN Ref: C 'c NSC 97/5; Progress Report dated October 1, 19 3 by the Director of ODM on NSC 97/5 Plan. Bd. - Memos, October 1 and 9, 1953; Record of Meeting October 7, 1953 Origin: Paragraphs 10 and 11-1 of NSC 97/5 call respec- tively for a review by the Secretary of Defense not later than September 1 of the military requirements for aviation gasoline and a review by the Council not later than December 31 of the goal of a tanker reserve of 175 T-2 equivalents. Current Status: Draft amendments to NSC 97/5 and a Financial Appendix prepared by the alternate ODM member in the light of, the Planning Board discussion on October 7 have been transmitted by the reference memo of October 9 and are scheduled for consideration on October 19. (See also same subject in Section II-B above.) 8. AANAPETTS Ret: C and P1 MjD ANETIWADUPLTSY lc NSC 151, NSC Action Nos. 725, 799, 869, 895 912; Memo, July 28, 1953 d. - Memo for Senior NSC Staff, February 4, Record of Meeting, May 6, 1953 =Lax The NSC, on February 25, 1953, after discussing recommendations of the Department of State Panel of Con- sultants on Disarmament contained in their report on the subject (reference memo of February 4), referred the report to the Senior NSC Staff, directing it, with the assistance of Dr. Vannevar Bush, to report back to the Council on possible means of carrying out the recommendations (NSC Action No. 725). CurTellt Status: Awaiting; (a) further report by PSB pur- suant to NSC Action No. 869-b on progress made in the development and implementation of the program for inform- ing the American people, and (b) preparation of a report by the Ad Hoc Committee with respect to recommendations 2 - 5 of the Department of State Panel of Consultants. Tentatively scheduled for October 21. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 10 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 9. Ref; - NSC 58/2; NIE-87 ,Plan. Bd. - Memo for Senior NSC Staff, March 3, 1953 Memos, May 18, July 28 and August 17, 1953 Record of Senior Staff Meeting, January 29, 1953 Record of Meetings of Planning Board, April 24, May 20 and August 241 1953 OrApj.n The Senior Staff agreed on January 29 to prepare recommendations for Council consideration on several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question. cdeljtau.; Awaiting a revision by State of the draft statement of policy of August 17 in the light of the Planning Board discussion on August 24. Tentatively scheduled for October 21. 10. 1\ISC_2 SATES Ref. Cqmpcil NSC Action No. 753; Progress Report dated March 9, 1953, by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 26 Series, Progress Report dated August 7, 1953 by the Acting Secretary of State on the NSC 26 Series Orif4ig; The Council on March 25 noted the reference Progress Report on the subject and that the Department of State is preparing a proposed revision of this policy for Council consideration (NSC Action No. 753). aujmuktatua: Awaiting revision by State of NSC 26 in the light of the reference progress report of August 7 (see also Section II-B above). Tentatively scheduled for October 22. 11. tJ0 ? OBJE I5 ?UR 0 OWT E TT ? Coll/1911 - NSC 124/2; NSC Action Nos. 872 and 903; Memo, September 3, 1953 enclosing a Progress Report, dated August 27, 1953, by the Secretary of State and the Acting Secretary of Defense on the subject, 5E-51 Pap. Bd. - Record of Meetings, August 10 and 20, 1953 Druzja: The Council on August 6 directed the NSC Planning Board to study and prepare recommendations with respect to the developments in Indonesia (NSC Action No. 872-b). 2,ursaatitga: Awaiting preparation by State of a draft report for Planning Board consideration. Tentatively scheduled for October 22.(See also related project below.) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 11 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 12. ;0 SOUTHEL Ref; 4, 124/2 Progress Report dated August 5, 19 3 by the Acting Secretary of State and the Acting Secretary of Defense on NSC 124/2 NSC Action No. 904 DEllin The Council on September 9 noted the reference Progress Report on the subject by the Acting Secretary of State and the Acting Secretary of Defense, and referred it to the Planning Board for consideration of the changes in policies proposed therein (NSC Action No. 904). Cpypept Status; Awaiting consideration by the Planning Board. Tentatively scheduled for October 22. (See also related project above.) Ref; gwici Progress Report dated May 20, 1953 by the Acting Secretary of State on NSC 67/3 OrAgip The reference Progress Report on the subject ad- vised that the Department of State Considers that NSC 67/3 has, in some respects, been overtaken by events, and that a new draft is under preparation for submission for the consideration of the Council, which will reflect con- clusions drawn from the outcome of the Italian national elections held on June 7, 1953. Current Status; Awaiting preparation of a draft report by State. Tentatively scheduled for October 26. 14. T Ref% Coungil NSC 1 2 and 1 P;an.j3d. - Record of Meeting of Senior Staff, January 29, 1953 Ori44t The Senior Staff on January ,29 agreed to prepare recommendations for Council considetation-on several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question. Cuuen;i: Status. Awaiting preparation of a draft-report by State. Tentatively scheduled for October 26. WI S TO UGOS V NBC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 12 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP8OR01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 15. 1._?.4?...,W1- T1.11.CU.Igj3L,,12_1,E.Z?_E Ori4n; Mr. Cutler on September 14 called the Planning Board's attention to the new project being initiated on this subject. CurreaLnatia; Awaiting a report from State. Tentatively scheduled for Planning Board consideration on October 26. (See also related projects just above.) 16. paw Alt SECITRJTISPECTS pp ColoWpT,AL DEF4SE Ref % gam= NSC 159/1 and. 159/45 NSC Action No. 915-c and e Origim NSC 159/45 approved by the President on September 255 provides; (a) (para. 20-b (3)), that action on Recommendation 8 of NSC 159/15 should be deferred pending report to the Council on the results of a 30-day check of actual entry of unaccompanied Soviet bloc diplomatic baggage and shipments; (b) (para. 20-b (4))5 that pending the results of this check, Recommendation 9 of 159/1 should be confined to accompanied baggage and effects; (c) (para. 20-e)), that the elements in the program or countermeasures relating to more effective prevention of illegal arrivals of persons and more effective control of smuggling require further consideration by the Planning Board before action is recommended to the Council. Cuprgnt StAus; Awaiting (a) report from Treasury and Justice on the results of the 30-day check referred to above, (b) further consideration by the Planning Board of the recommendations referred to in (c) above. Tentatively scheduled for October 28. (See also related projects in Section IV below.) 17. THE POSIT Ref; guaga_ NSC 13 21aDa_aft. Memo2 July 305 August 6 'E STA S WT ES T 1; NSC Action No. ;91 August 35 1953; Record of Meetings, and August 245 1953 Origip; The Planning Board on July 30 discussed U. S. policy toward Iran in the light of recent developments and estimates of the situation and agreed to consider at an early meeting the desirability of a basic review and revision of U. S. policy toward Iran. gliarmultiLtw Further consideration by the Planning Board is tentatively scheduled for October 29. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 13 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP8OR01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 18. UNITED STATES POLICY TOWARD FINLAND Ref: Council - NBC 121; Progress Report dated August 251 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 121; NSC Action No. 905 gi.p..11-1: The Council on September 9 noted the reference Progress Report by the Under Secretary of State on the subject and agreed that the FOA should prepare, for Planning Board consideration, proposed changes in U. 3. policy toward Finland, as contained in ITST 121, designed to lessen Finland's economic dependence on the Joviet bloc (TC Action Fo. 905). gurgent Stu: Awaiting proposed changes by FOA in U. S. policy toward Finland. Tentatively scheduled for Planning Board consideration October 29. 19. REVIEW OF UNITED STATES OBJECTIVES VIS-A-VIS TEL USSR IN THE Evr1T OF WAR Ref: gogncil - MC 153/1 and 20/4; NBC Action No. 811 ElLat_Dsi. - Record of Meetings, May 29, June 29, July 6 and 13, 1953; JCS Draft "U. S. Objectives In the event of General War," dated June 26, 1953 =girl: The Planning Board on May 29 agreed that the verbatim inclusion in MC 153 for Council consideration of the paragraphs of FSC 20/4 relating to United States objectives vis-a-vis the USSR in the event of war (paras. 22 and 23 - see Annex in MC 153/1), should be regarded as a temporary response to 113C 79 pending Planning Board review of these paragraphs. Current Sta,tus: Awaiting consolidation by the Board Assistants of the various drafts before the Planning Board on the basis of Mr. Cutler's draft of July 7. 20. UNITED STATES OBJLCTIVIS AND POLICIES WITH RESPECT TO SOUTH ASIA Ref: Council - NBC 98/1 Plan. Dd. - memos, June 9 and August 13, 1953; Record of Senior Staff meeting, January 29, 1953; Record of Planning Board meetings, June 22 and August 19, 1953 Origin: The Senior Staff at its meeting on January 29 agreed to prepare recommendations for Council consJAera- tion -n several urgent and immediate policy quescions including this policy question. NBC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 14 TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 21. CuAirents: Awaiting revision by State of the draft statement of policy on the subject dated August 13 on the basis of the Planning Board's discussion on August 19 and completion by State of a staff study responsive to the questions of the Board members. A II "II laTH 4LAIQA Ref: 13,1/1, Bd. - Memos for Senior Staff, March 4 and 16, 1953; Memo, August 18, 1953; Record of Meetings of Planning Board, May 11 and August 20, 1953; N1E-69 and supplement. Origin: Draft statement of policy and staff study prepared by State were transmitted by reference memo of March 4 for consideration by the Senior Staff, CaugalatlIkl: Awaiting consideration by the Planning Board on the draft statement of policy of August 18. 22. auja.alark_sursaza,Lausauzz_pLAguaua YS PEC T Ref: CourW4IgH44145I; Annex to MSC 144 QUEla: NSC 144/1, approved by the President on March 18, stated (para. 3) that its limited purpose was to define our objectives and courses of action concerning important problems common to the area; policies toward specific country situations, such as those in Argentina and Guatemala, were left for subsequent papers. Current Status: Awaiting a draft report from State based upon its review of United states policy toward3IAtin America, includinc United States policy towards specific countries in Latin America. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 15 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 1. CIVIL U. S. Ref: 2. IV. OTHER CURRENT COUNCIL PROJECTS REMAINING UNDER , subject, "The August 7, 1953; ADMINISTRATION OF THE RYUKYU ISLANDS, JURJSDICTION Council - no, August 7, 1953; Memos Japanese Treaty Islands", June 15 and PSC 125/5, para. 4 Origip: The Council on June 25 in connection with its action on "The Japanese Treaty Islands" (see NSC Action No. 824, para. 4 of NSC 125/6 and reference memo of August 7) agreed that the Secretary of Defense, in collaboration with the Department of State, the Bureau of the Budget, and other interested agencies, should recommend for Council considera- tion a policy on the civil administration of those Ryukyu Islands remaining under U. S. jurisdiction, which would reduce U. S. responsibility for such civil administration as rapidly as compatible with U. S. military requirements. Current patus: Awaiting report by the Secretary of Defense. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration November 5. NT HR PEC TO BA SEqURITY Apo poNTI 1\q4kgpiENs FUNCTIM Ref: Co ci NSC 159 and 159/4, -para. 14; NSC Action No. 73-d The Council on August 6, 1953 (NBC Action No. 73-d) noted that the President requested Mr. Flemming to establish a special task force to study and make recommenda- tions on improving the organization of government with res- pect to internal security functions and with respect to the continental defense functions covered in Part VI of NSC 159. Current Status: Awaiting recommendations from Mr. Flemming. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration November 5. (See also related projects below and in Section III above.) 3. w F EX GI ERt. ECT WS Ref % Cquncil NSC Action No. 910-b 040.:111: The Council on September 17 agreed that the Depart- ment of Justice, with the assistance of the IIC and the IC'S, should review existing internal security laws in their en- tirety with a view to submitting for Council consideration constructive proposals regarding possible legislation which might be introduced at the next session of Congress (NSC Action No. 910-b). Current St;atus: Awaiting report by Justice. Tentatively scheduled for November 5. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 16 - mem CUtrinrim Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION wore Nor, E 0 T E TO L IT TI REDUC ? I F S D iIMA NTS Ref: Council - NSC 112 and 1 2 1; Progress Report dated January 19, 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 112; Memos, "Formulation of a United States Position with Respect to Regulation, Limitation and Balanced Reduction of Armed Forces and Armaments", February 17 and June 3, 1953; NBC Action Nos. 717-b, 899 and 909 Orig,,i.n; At its meeting on September 9 1953, the Council i adopted the recommendations contained n paragraphs7-b and 8 of NSC 112/1 and agreed to recommend to the President that the Secretaries of State and Defense and the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission be appointed a special committee to review, as a matter of urgency, the current policy contained in NSC 112, with particular reference to the international control of atomic energy, and to report back to the Council their findings and recommendations. (NSC Action No. 899) Current Stp.tus: Awaiting report by the special committee. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration on November 12. CONTIFENTAI, pEFUSE Ref: Coupcil NSC 159/3; 159/4; NSC Action No. 915 The President on September 25, 1953 approved NSC 159/1+as a guide to the respective departments and agencies in implementing their programs during FY 1954 and in developing their programs for future years, subject to (1) Before November 15, a more precise definition by the Department of Defense of certain programs and their phasing, and the indentification of the portion of Defense Department effort and costs related to such defined programs, and (2) Before December 1, determination by the Council of the manner of financing the recommended integrated programs for 4 and future years, in proper continental defense in FY 195 relation to the over-all budget and taking into account FY 1955 budget submission by the departments and agencies; and noted that the Director of Central Intelligence will submit recommendations to the Council regarding the im- plementation of paragraph 11 of NSC 159/3 on "Improved Intelligence" at the time that the Council considers the report by the Department of Defense submitted pursuant to (1) above. Currept 8t2tus: Awaiting: (a) Report before November 15 from the Department of Defense pursuant to (1) above, (b) recommendations from the Director of Central Intelligence NBC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 17 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Wi lugilW1.1..1 Now" Nrsole" SECURITY INFORMATION CONT,INUTA,L DEFEN?k (Canted) regarding the implementation of paragraph 11 of NSC 159/3 and (c) a determination by the Council before December I pursuant to (2) above. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration December 3. (See also related projects above and in Section III.) 6. MAR EAST cal, SITUAUON Ref: Council NSC Action Nos. 875 and 891 Plan,. Bd. - Record of Meetings, August 19 and 24 Origin: The Council on August 6 noted the President's re- quest that the Attorney General, with the assistance of other appropriate departments and agencies, seek to develop a solution which would protect the interests of the free world in the Near East as a vital source of petroleum supplies (NSC Action No. 875-b). C rre t Status: Awaiting report by the Attorney General. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration January 11 1954. 7. EFFECT ON NATTOF4 4CVRITY INTERESTS IN LATI AMERICA OF PosIE ANTI-TRUST PROCEEDINGS Ref: Council - Memo, June 1, 1953; NSC Action No 805 giazja; A report by the NSC Planning Board on the subject (reference memo for June 1) was considered by the Council on June 4, 1953 and it was agreed that in view of the adverse effects and national security interests in Latin America of the proposed anti-trust proceedings: (a) The proposed anti-trust proceedings should be postponed, without prejudice to the Government for one year, and (b) The Attorney General should be directed to negotiate with the company, as a matter of urgency, for the elimination of practices deemed to be inconsistent with U. S. anti-trust laws, reporting back to the NSC on the results of the negotiations (NSC Action No. 805). Current Stattls: Awaiting report by the Attorney General. Tentatively scheduled for June 1954. 8. ANATiLus op PogsiBbE cglisEs OF ACTION IN UREA Ref: Council NSC' 147i NSC Action Nos. 759,777-e, 782, 787 and'791+; Memo, "Future Courses of Action in Connection with the Situation in Korea", March 30, 1953; NIE-80; SE-+1 Origin: A report on the subject prepared by the NSC Plan- ning Board in the light of the estimate of the JCS trans- mitted by the reference memo of March 30, was submitted as NBC 147 for the consideration of the Council. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 18 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TUP bbettba SECURTE INFORMATION Nor, A Y F E SF TI I ORE.,td Current Status: A political annex setting forth the foreign policy implications of the course of action selected by the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been prepared byState pursuant to NBC Action No. 794-b. Further consideration of the subject by the Council has been deferred in view of the Korean Armistice. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 19 - TOP SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/18: CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 De classified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003800040007-4 SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE: NSC - DATE OF DocumENTStatus of Projects 50X1 COPY NUMBER (S) :IC) 10, 26 NUMBER OF PAGES: 22t DOCUMENT NO. 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