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Approved Foraplease 2004/Q IA-RDP80R01731QO03500200065-5 25 s Iq WWT satiesaI Concpt;,. ;;1c ih be rOirtdsf i d.tb Ial c*tespt r of tha not c i lines to abiolabely aabm ter 2 s ? e -reespenll r th t foile 3 major f etio e $ 2. to ;tw lMr 1 atde tni e' rst#~e1n , pli.s, s 1$taties A $190".00 ltd to rats ctly cruder tbt ee rol at the ret r e-neept of a'*? erftaff bte On*s*e daring vartii. 'll a or .zatt oa se &r a s'~.e} wartime c rganizatiea: ine t!re rat stett eor tbea plan, The drat abrity a tbs tr+' -: '.! zat4 n in ubtedl.T br ,It. the military ervisee . 4arr t'sta Usl at tl hay. *1o s of the p.y c*I Warrf a W e*i sat *ith th rt a Ue0shiF, I am pre ost,*4 an o rgami zal e s ALI unes as foiewa E ftr e :r,0.1l g* military operati one) . OSD & DOS review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2004,x.,0 sp.e:tS on d*pa*t emit, Ii*tudint. as nrtt r `A` me Wit, tt'eF these opeeratir ` (or, t. r d atsly subard .a t CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For Release 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731 W03500200065-5 Director and his Depu is Latrativi Office, headed Od er. It show 'be und to x that this oftl.ce is .in no sun office or a policy aakin office; It is po ly an acl dnastrtYtiv f operated for the Director by his Emscutive. This officer kvepn t records and files, a the clerical assistants, mom t; Miens are prasu'l,gated, etc. of the personnel and adsd.atraion head, the into1li;4? d last in the orb zatic* struatnre. in V general std',' operatiaag and training, head and the services, supp2 and 1,n4tics h- &A. Throe fear Heads, or Assistant Diroctors, or guts- start Miefa a 3t era care to call them are rf spo aaible, ca r field, for all the activities that are duped sunder his. For k3 00 room *l and Athdaistration. 31ziilarly, training at IsaMet r a function of ahti.nistratior&. The lsgal Adviser can tratnimr; Mien under P- a, Operations and Training. Scouring meant of mew pint is a supply fl ion, as. is the distrit utivt, of t. Those, activities can and should well be under Service, Sapply erica of persons needed to s the organisation 1. nie.vt :on> probl.sss could eenv a-rieutly be hitie a0 asicrtration.? $Pteial of4'1 see for .nter".de ttal oeor = : ior., tic, coordination arid auspliance, or any ether related znetir etrative finesse are not cemed essential is an o visualized. Onordination, offiee plarssin , etc., are to fvtiona of any capable staff. ,ch of the Meads of the major P4, Pi.2, P.3, and tic, should properly be qualified to run , oordination and collaboration pith, not only Otth r offic s and -? Approved For Release 2d l/0i/15 2CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved Fc Release 2004/01/ IA-RDP80RO174-1R003500200065-5 Director, but also !h external a etees as sight b a r#?-? teEsepted: to 00nelude that if the Director finds it atcese to t?a sxei'atie+e for i sr?.eltp ntal eo inatioa, be abou .d alsc tin ary to dineise aft other parent Isede. 1 eannot cee4miew. aespic , a legal So= el wl~o would edvi a, the Dire~ costae prebleaas wt~ first oaz*uItiaag the Any MW Advoe?ate, sate, Air Fortis: Jwige Advoeate, arid, pessf elyo, the Ostrral 4 Neese we can safsiy caonci*ie that say iaftVid*ILU "'`-P0144 for vin have the f'undament;ai principles of proper Ttsf' t 1y engrafted to the. An;r ass+*ptd*n that we eaa.ana ism of these persons rut Include t)* fact that the of wide staff experieakes i p.ybohggioal warfare organization in its Uvmr 'levels may toads up of Crating epestaliste, bet ttW. tsp strAare wert 41 aae?p -eel of resU grdsd and there ;hly trained staff Tads, eapable of coot `inaU ?_ the activities of a ]args argax l.t tidn with t associated a ?tt'4t'-s of otter .C .Uy large aargatlzstio e, To assume that these stay brit rust (JNDE R be. t ' . .ie* to ire d ha of their primo7 tia t c l! avow the effiss ey of the staff syst a OW to pl*esz a low ]Cal 141- att ability of t iso staff officers. They' st and they 411 cse?4 na*.t staff *ti vitieesy ilpeei.alL.eed functions, e. '., ree:rvittni, ? " .ngi sections, operating trader the 'ever-all .loses of e nsecsbip, eta., nay preperj~r be ee'ganiaed an epettal it ifs" dteet+cwrs, assistant directors, or whatever they pay, be teeter Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For Release 2004/01 /'I'an:. CI -RDP80R01731 RQ03500200065-5 Viral state level general staff ra l ct.2lttes at the se s the Director of the er antzatioa Should be pre rved. c+. . #t 0010ao1,1 s .A F. Chief, sby"giaa1 rI a. .es Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5 Approved For Ruse 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731ROW000200065-5 -S E C R E T COPY NO, SSE 6 25 February 1948 Pages 1 to 9, Incl. STATE-A& ,1Y-NAVY-AIR FORCE COuRDINATING SUACO11ilTTE F R P SAL ST~'D ES ff? ALU TIONS A PROVISIONAL NATION PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE URGANIZATI~ Note by the Secretary The enclosure, a memorandum b` the Navy Member, Statt Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Subcommittee for Spcoia? Studies and Evaluations, is circulated for consideration t: Subcommittee. MAX V. FRGKA' ' Secretary S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5' Approved For R*Apse 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R '500200065-5 S E C.R E T E.N CLOSURE 25 Februa~;~ A PROVISIONAL NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE ORGANIZAT'DN Memorandum by U.S. Navy Member PROBLEM 1. To outline a provisional national psychological t.arf~.?~ organization within the terms of reference of SWNCC '304/1; 3C4.';', and SWNCC 304/6 as approved. FACTS BEARING ON TIlE PROBLEM 2. SWNCC 304/1 as amended by SWNCC 304/2 contains the Charter for the Subcommittee. This Charter charges t'-1-e 5.b committee with the preparation of national plans and implmer.t ing directives for psychological Warfare as well as p ans for orderly and effective organizational transition from pea41tiL,,: to wartime status. 3. At present there iF no national organization or p-1 ns such organization from which to initiate the transition fyoum peacetime to wartime status as envisaged by the Charter. CONCLUSIONS 4, A national organization for conducting psycholo '_ca'. warfare should be provisionally outlined by the Subcommittee as a matter of first priority. Initially the organizatir -i s be outlined in a skeleton manner and submitted to SANACC or proval. As facts become available and guidance is receiv-1d from SANACC the skeleton organization should be amended ingly. '..'ul1 6. The national organization should utilize to the extent possible all agencies of the national government at assist in accomplishing the mission of the psychological warfare organization. Such utilization at all times to be 1'ased on SSE 6 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For Rele&MW 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R0l731R003; ,10200065-5 S E C RE T efficient operations and prevention of unnecessary di_ipli ata - within the national government. 7. As pc,licies are developed that will assist in t~-e f Wtq -- lishment of an efficient workable organization they show d submitted to SA NACC for approval in order that solution 1)f problem may be expedited. B. The decision as to whether the organization wil b? under the National Security Council or the reconstituted SWAP h Es been held in abeyance. It is assumed that all otudiii=s ;- consider an organization under the authority of the Nati-na-~ Security Council in order that the work of the Subco!niit -'ee may proceed. 9. A rough outline of the Command relationships ma' sidered to be:- NATIONAL SECURITY CENTL:1tkL INTEI,LTGEIVCF 1CENCY i TI0 SYCHO UG~G` ,L WA'FAF OIRGANIZ ION A,' Director:-- Director:- Deputy for Domestic Rely tic-Deputy for Foreign 0per 3'.ie RECOMMENDATIONS 10. It is recommended that the enclosure be accept,d i basis for discussion by the Subcommittee in order th,;-t a s-':? ;t'ri- ized national organization for conducting psychological i,earf : may be determined and submitted to the SANACC for approve+l 1 April 148. SSE 6 - - S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5 Approved For Ruse 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200065-5 S E C R E T 25 Fehruarti 19 ? 3 NATIONAL PSYC}ULOGICAL WARFARE ORC NIZATIUN National Agency D T : EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ~I POLICY ~(~ (} PLANS AND GENERAL ?ADMINISTPIATION LANGUAGE Il ,?_~EG'' " > DIRECTIVES COUNSEL I& PERSONNEL & AREA & COI 'I SPECIAL- ISTS SPEECH WRITING PICTURE SPEC A ~ MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA DIRECTOR MISSION: To support national policy with psycho1Qica warfare. Duties: 1. (See Appendix to Progress Report ;!?c. 18 Feb, 1948). 2. 6, SSE 6 - 3 Er.cie sa:,e S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For Rele&yit' 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003W0200065-5 S E C R E T POLICY AND PLANNING POARD MISSION: To advise the Director on matters of board cerning psychological warfare. Duties: To develop policy for: a. Overall agency program planning. b. MEEBERSHIP Chairman: Director of Agency Members: The following or their reprecenta ive JOINT CHIEFS uF STAFF SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF NATIONAL SF .t"F, SECRETARY OF ARMY SECRETARY OF NAVY SECRETARY OF AIR FORCE" DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLI G~1 CF Lk. PRE DE _ T INDIVIDUALS PESIGNA'TED Ply AND NATIONAL SECURITY CC~LTNO::L Advisers: Individual advisers, technical a 'ic?r experts, and persons of similar si.ats, consistent with security require.m --?nts. Secretary: ExeQUtive Director of Agency SSE 6 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5 Approved For ReleW 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R003W0200065-5 S E C R E T SPEECH MEDIA Asst. Dir. ADi:INISTRATIVE SUPPLY & PLANS FINANCE INTELLIGENCE ?RAI* ? TRANSPORT Area & La.- guage. Dialect Ex- perts. VOICE OF OFFICIAL MUSIC LOUD- TELEPHONE ISC ':..: AMERICA SPEECHES SPEAKERS TRANS-- "NEC!; MISSIONS ASbISTANT DIRECTOR: MISSION: Duties: b. S E C RE T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5 Approved For Remise 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R 00200065-5 S E C R E T WRITINgI MEDIA Asst. Dir. :- ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLY PLANS FINANCE INTELLIGENCE T.INI & TRANS- Area & Lan- PORT guage. Translation Experts LEAFLETS PAMPHLETS WALL STICKERS NE[ITSPAPETLS MAGAZINES BOOKS SHEET S ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: MISSION: Duties: b. SSE 6 -- F'> - S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For Remorse 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731ROW00200065-5 S E C R E T PICTURE :MEDI Asst. Dir. ?- -I--- ADr INI,STRATIVE SUPPLY & PLANS I FINANCE INTELLIGENCE' TRA NINr- TRANS- Area Experts PORT POSTERS STILL PICTURES MOVIES MISCELLANEOUS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: MISSION: Duties: SSE 6 Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For Rase 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731FW3500200065-5 S E C R E T SPECIAL MEDIA Asst. Dir. AD -INISTRATIVE SUPPLY & PLANS FINANCE INTELLIGENCE 1P.'-N" TRANSPORT SPECIAL RUMORS 'PENCILS' B1.-ALL 'NEEDLES' 'SNEEDS WEAPONS INCENDIARIES ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: ?iISSION : Duties: SSE 6 PEF,~ 'TL ' 1' 1~SSIG.:.:~D .ENT. GE2.CL-"3 S - S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500200065-5 Approved For RdWse 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731ROINS00200065-5 S E C R E T DIRECTOR ' S EXECUTIVE STAFF PLANS AND DIRECTIVES Executive: Mission: Internal planning and coordinating. Duties,. GENERAL COUNSEL Executive: Mission: Legal Duties: AC..ini = tra I A.w COmmere ial I . Interne ti o-r ?- lt,w Admiralty luw ADMINISTRATIUN & PERSONNEL Executive: Mission: Duties; Pe: -sonnel matter: Records & Files Telephone etc. Services Secretariat Supply Transport Finances Budget INSPECTION & SECURITY Executive: Duties: Security Control Censorship Liaison with FBI Inspections Personnel Security S E C R E T INTELLIGENCE Executive: Duties: Liaison t, tth ':- Lan?uage Trari,slat1 on Inturprej atic=Q017 R003F.20r065-5 GOIATItiG' T The er o]o`sure , a Tier gr~hndu by the Navy Marl ~~er, St and Evaluations, is crcula.ed for the consideraa,ti~n of Subcorli..itte'e. Approved F 0651L5I' Navy-Air Force Cooroiriatingr Subcorir_:ittee ,D r 6 ec .a S E C p o d For Relea a 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80RO1731 RO03VO200065-5 E C L O U R E B 1. To determine the mission and duties of the Polio y a_ Planning Board of a National. Organization for psycnc1ogi{ a warfare , F C, S BE Ih;G ON 'IHE jROBL:VLj 2. By informal action on 8 January 1948 the S ZACC ,pp: SWNCC 304/6 after mending. 3. Parao aph 5 of the Enclosure to SWiNCC 304/ (4) to be the Chairman of a policy and pl.nnin bo. The organization should be directed by a Directorr' "the Director: which eil.1 include representation frost the Joint Cri ,fs Staff, and representatives of the Departments Qf Sou. e, Array, Navy, Air Force and Central Intelligence AEenc , whose qualifications and official position warrant ~:ei? participation both as individuals and as repreee;ntat_ve:~ of their respective organizations; and representative from such other overnmont agencies whose part cipa !_on may be found to be appropriate." CQP~CI~,USO~t6 4. In orderto enable the Director to establish brow and make plans concerning psichological warfare the advic : ar(. 1 assistance of the policy and Planning Board should ice; ebt_inec_ from the -'highest calibre officials practicable. 5. The mo of the Policy and Planning Beard, wit the Director, NSIA, as chairman, should consist of tt:e -L)," or_ ins; or t Heir repre senative s : a. the Joint Chiefs of Staff Secretary of State c. Secretary of National Defense 21? Secretary of Arrr.y e. Secretary of Nay y Secretary of Air Force Director Qentral. Intelligence Agency h? In addition, such additional members wh m t--I Presi.ent and National Seo rit ~ Council ma; e, SSE Enc~osu p e~ e~i l~ceAr~ Approved For Release 2wf4/trrr i ?: -Rk ,P80R01731 R00350020O065-5 Approved For ReleciaO2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003 ,0200065-5 S E C B, E T 6. The members of the Policy and Planning Board wol ld attend meetings with as many advisers, technical adviser experts and persons of similar status, consistent wa_tn sF?- curity requirements, as may be required by each member. RE COIF? FyTDt^I.4N '7. It is recormmended that tho nl ssion and duty c s '31.'' Policy and Planning Board be: MISSION; To advise the Director on matters pf bp( -ad policy concerning Psychological 'sari are, . Duties: o develop policy for; a, overall agency program plannin . C, -- SSE 4 EnC~ ure C tET Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00350020b065-5 Approved For ReleV,ye 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R00,10200065-50 S E C R E T COPY I1C. SSE 3 25 February 1948 pages 1 - 10, incl. STATE- ~i -~t~IVY- R ORCE COCRDINA ING, SUBCOMMITTEE 0 ' SP ' I STUDIES AND EVkLUATIQN5 RULE OF PRO c F,DURE FQR SANr C. UBCOMMITTEE 0' SP STUDIES A' d UATIONS Note by the Secretary The enclosure, a memorandum by the Navy Member, Stag -Ar._.- Navy-Air Force Coordinating Subcommittee on Special Studi s ax_c Evaluations, is circulated for consideration of the Subcor..,nitp MAX V. BROKAW, Secretary SSE 3 a , C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5! Approved For RJ6*se 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R600200065-5 S E C R E T E N C L P S U R E RULED. OF-PROCEDU FOR_ S iNAC SUBaOMNiITTEE N-- SPYM~L I A T Memorandum by the Navy Member THE PROBLFZ 1. To establish Rules of Procedure for the SANAC Sub,-om-- mittee on Special Studies and Evaluations. FATS BEARING ON THE P1LOBLF Z 2. At its 56th Meeting on 29 April 1947, the SANACC :p-or . SWNCC 304/1, as amended by SWNCC 304/2. 3. SWNCC 304/1, as amended by SWNCC 304/2, contains he charter for the SANAC Subcommittee on Special Studies and Evaluations. 4. The Charter, under the title "Procedure", states, "The Subcommittee on Psychological Warfare shall establish it, own method. of procedure". 5. No rules of procedure are in effect for guidance )f CONCLUSIONS 6. The adoption of Rules of Procedure should materialy assist the work of the Subcommittee and possibly expedite she resolution of some problems. RECOMMENDATION 7. It is recommended: a. That the Appendix, "Rules of Procedure for tht SA:- Subcommittee on Special Studies and Evaluationso, be use as a basis for ctscussion in resolving this protlem. b. That a copy of the Rules of Procedure as fina$.ly amended and approved by the Subcommittee be forwarded to the SANACC for information. SSE - 1 - Fncl: Fncl~)U -ire Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5' Approved For ReleW 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R00W0200065-5 S E C R E T _]?PENDI I - MEETINGS 1 Rule The subcommittee may discuss any question or any mat*; within the scope of the present charter (SWNCC 304/1 and 50 Appendix "A") Rule 2 The subcommittee shall hold regular weekly meetings_cnd_ in special meetings as occasion may require. Special meetim---~s be convoked by the chairman at the request of a majaxity -,f Members of the subcommittee. Meetings shall be held at the State Department unle vened elsewhere in pursuance of a decision of the 34TACC the request of a majority of the members of the subcpmmit-:ee. Rule 4 The subcommittee may decide at any meeting to adjour;: temporarily and resume its meeting at a later date. 11ule, 5 The Secretary shall notify the Members of the s9bcoi ittc 3 at least two days in advance of the opening of a regular r:eeti- Rule 6 The Secretary shall notify the Members of the subcom ittL at least eight hours in advance of the opening of a specie L m: ing convoked at the request of a majority of the Members c f t-.: subcommittee. SSE 3 _ 2 -- S E C R E T L?ppe} dix Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R0035002010065-5 Approved For Rase 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731 R500200065-5 S E C R E T II - AGENDA The provisional agenda for a regular meeting shall be. Jraw = up by the Secretary. Rule 8 corn- The provisional agenda for a regular meeting shall be, municated to the Members of the subcommittee- at least two aye before the opening of the meeting. The provisional agenda of special meeting, summoned at the request of a majority of the Members, shall be communicated at least eight hours before the opening of the meeting. Ru e 9 The provisional agenda of a regular meeting shall ind- ude a. Adoption of the agenda. b. Approval of the summary record of the previous meeting. c. All items proposed by BANACC for consideration of subcommittee. d. All Items proposed by any Member of the subco-S - i t e. All items which the Chairman deems it necessar";, tc put before the subcommittee. Rule 10 During any regular meeting of the subcommittee items gay be revised, and may be added to or deleted from the agenda by majority of the members present and voting. Rule 11 When a special meeting is called, the agenda for the ' :eet shall be confined to the items communicated by the CHairma--i tc i the Members of t'l e subcommittee, unless the subcommittee, T by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, de6tde to include additional items. SSE 3 - 3 - S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5 Approved For R ase 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80RO1731RW500200065-5 S E C R E T III - MEMBERS Rule 12 as Chairman; b. One official of The subcommittee shall consist of: a. One official of the State Department, who will act c* a. e. the Central Intelligence Agencj ; One officer of the Department of Army; One officer of the Department of Navy; One officer of the Department of Air Force; f. Alternate members to be designated for each or the foregoing members; A permanent secretary to be provided from the [ANA Secretariat; and h. As many advisers, technical advisers, experts Z;.nd persons of similar status as may be required by the subcommittee. Rule 13 An alternate Member shall act for the regular Member T.por designation by his respective department to do so when the regular member is absent. IV - CHAIRMAN Rule 14 The Chairman of the subcommittee shall be the of'ficia- wL_ represents the State Department at meetings of the su'bcomm"ttt : Rule 1 5 If the Chairman finds it necessary to be absent durinha. have the unanimous agreement of the members present and vo-yin?.. Where unanimity cannot be achieved, a full report containing t h majority opinion and the minority opinion or opinions shat;. be communicated to the SANACC without delay for decision or 11idt.n-? Rule 39 Decisions of the subcommittee on questions other than thc;: provided for in Rule 38, including the determination of ad.itic - A' categories of questions to be decided by unanimity, shad e at5: _ by a majority of the members present and voting. Rule 40 The subcommittee shall normally vote by show of Lando or standing, but any member in plenary meetings of the subcorn-'AttE may request a roll-call which shall then be taken in the a_ phs- betical order of the names of the members. SSE 3 -? 9 - S E 0 R E T 4-APpen;"'.1X Approved For Release 2004/01/15 CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5 Approved For Rse 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP80R01731R$500200065-5 S E C R E T Rule 41 If a vote is ejually divided on a matter, a second vol be taken at the next meeting; this meeting shall be held nc rm within 48 hours of the first vote. If the second vote als' results-in equality, the proposal shall be regarded at rej cte . IX - AMENDMENTS Rule 42 These Rules of procedure may be amended by a decision of subcommittee taken by a majority of the members present an: voting. X -- COVFF NAME Rule 43 In accordance with the subcommittee decision of 5 Jun the SANAC Subcommittee on Psychological Warfare shall be k owwr Y- the cover name of "SANAC Subcommittee on Special Stud Les .:.d Evaluations'". SSE 3 - 10 - Apio- n~diy S F C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200065-5'