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Approved For Release 2004/94/1,,5 80R01731 R003500200017-8 I'.). -'Utlm TO PROM: Ralph Block 28 .lull 1948 The following ie pertt e t to cur 4oxiversatioL ttis I4,? _ka and is a personal, atateitent ~t t-4* tter isvolve4 L committee's point of view: S CC 304/1 - Psy4bolo?,ical warfare was dofinar< planned use, 4uria ? time of war or threat of aar , ,exclusive of armed aontl .ot, designed to iatluenee morale, or behavior of a givon forsig* group in susa to support the aooomplishnent of our Milit.atry or a tioac'xj 2. SMOG 304/1 - "There ;.8 need for the i bate ea . meat of a Caittee with full-time representation trc& ate goveriznental ugsuoies to serve as an agency ehsr preparation of payohclogionl warfare olicisa, plaana , studies for eaplaya ut La tit.* or war, or thr:*t of vu taa or,, vined by the President. w 3? SMOG 304/1 - Obarter warfare. The Subaommitta direotiyealN 1 be resapoasible for on of ra`Vional plat ion of ;lime for orderly and `f tins tra iticn of the aubaamm tteo a`rosA pe e+ status, etioti or staple aaentation o ' approy f and directives in the absence or a uatiotial warts tion for psyclLological warfare. 4? SWROO 304/1 (Charter) - The Subo ttre efla1,I aaInts 01050 liaison with the appropriate policy off toes 'ot tie rte 25X1 OSD & DOS revels'( esbFwpl@t> se 2004/01715 c :j2DP80RO1731 R003500200017-8 r ";r - it Approved For elease 2004/01/15 : f = 80RO173WO03500200017-I3 Am y, Nayy and Air Foroe! Depart enta, and wit 4i tathorimea st war. li tix agenoieu of othor dsp rtLents or the Cover--ma-It or tAt sty.!4-A ns_,L 5* 8ARACC 304/14 - The Joint Chisf m of Stacy rsoc, e m 8, the pertinent - COW' IUsi,r soemssn4stion of S1 c:C , ar :ed. On 7 mil, ut its meeeting 4ACC a aaa r> i # ii the views of the Toit-t i hi of s of Staff on S1 CC 4/6 e reap = in AC? 0 3 4/14 s grssd t rst ti Adi .4, .oVsele,ppenx. b. The $uboozimtttes . as had no official instruction, di.r t to mace say cheng,n in its I traotic us beyohc t n . The Sube andt t a?' a a*nta to rains epa ration , ....~ plans and imple m tin direct` ives relati to #h p yment or psyehological waders, etc.. wLish is Ott 1 dsfinerd the ltd use during time cf . war or threat ei:' war, AA .. _ ate-w 7. The written eutharity or the ubct l.tes has b a -, impaired at a period obviously close to poaasiblr xl t: u sj mwmh .:9 urW by the "Ount, of Ta tar inconclusive infam cation ~": t t ., ft- ing for sycuolo i43 w_-..- ~a~Ry"}~ri,er6w # i':4-1 t it r s t3nly one1 priusipui =ur . o u ZVOU itch 4 rosponsibility. In ordsr to make t!a ti i tif i evenme o ear,t mast be i;.eyeri into and Co di.nated with logistio ! and other plc ing of the 4#i .!ts..-y h t bli ' s a t 2h1s s aapeoal tr iif . .i. .. , 'ues vew o tttt .4 dot in theaters of operation by Theater xrders, with p+bli+' ~F'ref Lion to be transmitted through the Joint (hiete of Scat'. 3; ,s i eonoluaiyeneess in whioh this pl i ng n roots is #u to - Abe absence of clear and unmiatakLble instructie from the alt i ca t Ssaurity Council on is dC3 awadmexnt, in reset tc the plait for "white" props each wbich wa 90% or ?ayoholtgisai ae fast. operations in World War it and will be approzi"tely tb.i ate; is any `future war in our time. y 4CC 4.J6 noted that 4s sl-' aea, z trai:ni of psrsa axneli ruouro nt "d 4iutribution of ?iLia- usr. Pat, preparation and castrxll utio3 of psytibt lisj,.ioi 1 sax _ alb _rssea.reh in and develop t of new P ehIlog, 3l techniques, et,Jui :aOi t instruments. TA MO Wet can be ae uc aplishrd b r wayi a wund at break of war. Me r rsQu, oeire ul Inte ivv a by all the Departa;`tus !Qafne.. and auo,b action Lit* ar entire subject. - -- _ _ a 304/6 - In World far II tae: stfsstiveasss of Approved For Relea ,,200410 Ii155 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500200017-8 Approved For Release 2004/01/15,: Ci RDP80R0173WR003500200017 8 liens was advorsoly affected by: of txi.ined ,personnel; b. Lack of apprsciation of the ?ower, purpooe=c Uses of psychological warfare; 0 . isation:. Procedural delays ; Deficiencies of Integration and Boor _o . In the inoreasin tenalioit Of world eYvents Uie 3491 has been fading the aeoeossity of planning for any e , Its Charter provides that it will be responsible for Cho dination of ia;pl+lo*eatation in the a:bsenoe of a nactioAt organization for psycbologioa3. warfare. F mer*ora ty Subcommittee, attacked to S C 301/6, drew attention to used of planni "for i iate 04*10ymrat of oeyo of io i fare considering the probable short time to mobilize", has a direot restien to the OS suggested aaeitent whion attention to the danger to national aeotariti* is the a eaone planning of this kind. In the light of the forefoing, the Bubo itteer torn .+ lrs t has a specific and grc,te responsibility st it or .c assist it In carrying out thin responsibility it a considers, a not unreasonable request for official al rix_ c- its of its positions if no answer Is fortheoi from tar o a itt t" Security Council, the as bars of the Wbs by the, orders of the Joint Cbiets of, Staff, whio military advice they can obtain. The bomsitte. there are other informal suggestions of aathvds Ujit for p "whiter*o ps oholo?;iosl warfare, but doe eider that is respenai ility is affeoted until its 4tiuie instructions are ohanged, especially in view of tAe a rreiit i ternational situation. Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500200017-8